Setting up a DDNS account for IP Cameras

Setting up a DDNS account for IP Cameras
Introduction: In this guide we will take you through the proper steps to setup a DDNS account
and then take you through implementing the account to the IP Camera.
Step 1: First we will need to open the browser and type into
the navigation bar, then press enter.
This will bring you to NOIP's account creation screen. Once you are here you will need to fill out the
necessary fields: Username, Password (twice), Email, Hostname. After you have the fields filled in click
the Sign Up button at the bottom of the page. An Email will be sent to your email address confirming
your account setup.
Step 2: After you receive the confirmation email you will get a link to activate the account.
After you bring up the webpage confirming the account creation you can go to the next step.
Step 3: Now that you have an account created lets use this information and apply it to an IP cameras
settings. First access your IP cameras user interface by typing in the IP in your browsers navigation bar.
Once you are at the login page login with your username and password. Next, click the "Set" or "Setup"
tab in the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 4: Now select Network from the menu on the left, you will see some options drop down. You
should see the DDNS option, click that to bring up the DDNS settings.
Step 5: Next, select the dropdown list and select the NO-IP DDNS option.
Step 6: Now there will be a few editable fields you will need to fill in, each field is explained below:
Server IP: This should automatically be filled in with
Port: This is the port used to communicate between the IP camera and the DDNS servers. This is almost
always port 80.
Domain Name: This is going to be the hostname that you chose when setting up your NO-IP account.
For example:
Username: The username should be the email address you used when you setup your NO-IP account.
Password: This will be the password you used when you setup your NO-IP account.
Update Period: The update period is how often the IP camera will report the IP to the DDNS servers.
This is set in minutes.
Step 7: Lastly, you will want to make sure the checkbox next to Server Type is checked. This enables the
DDNS settings on the IP camera. Now that you have created a No-IP account and input the account
information into your IP cameras settings you're good to go!
Step 8: In this step we are going to show you how to input your username into internet
explorer. Now, go ahead and pull up internet explorer. In the address bar you will want to
make sure you first type http:// then your hostname. So, for example I would type After you have your
hostname correctly typed into the URL area
press enter to access your DVRs Web Service
Note: Only when accessing your
hostname through a browser such as
IE do you need to input "http://".
When you input your hostname in
applications such as PSS,
gDMSS/iDMSS you do not need to
input http://. Just the actual
How to enter your DDNS url into PSS and gDMSS/iDMSS
Introduction: This part of the guide will show you how to input your new information into PSS
and the cell phone app gDMSS/iDMSS.
Step 1: When adding a new device in the device manage screen you will want to fill in the title,
description, then when you get to the IP field you will input your NO-IP hostname instead of the
IP address of your DVR. (Example: My hostname is Therefore I would input into the IP field. Fill in the rest of the information as you normally would.
Step 1: When adding a device on gDMSS/iDMSS instead of putting in an IP address under the
Address field you will want to input your No-IP hostname. For example I would input only: into the address field in the application.
(See Screenshot Below)
©EYEsurv 2012