WATER SA ISSN 0378-4738 VOLUME 32 2006 CONTENTS AND AUTHOR INDEX Supplement to Water SA Vol. 33 No. 1 (1) REFEREES Herewith a list of referees who adjudicated the papers which appeared in the four issues published in 2006. Also included are the names of referees who reviewed papers during 2006 and found them to be unsuitable for publication. We would like to thank them all most sincerely for their willingness and for the time and effort expended in reviewing these papers in the interest of Water SA. Without their valued input the journal cannot exist. (The number in brackets after the name indicates the number of papers which were adjudicated by a particular referee). Mr WV Alexander Prof MG Alexander Prof WJR Alexander Dr N Anneck-Hahn (2) Prof N Armitage (3) Dr P Ashton Dr HJ Atagana Prof G Basson Prof G Bate Dr D Beukes (2) Prof GE Blight (2) Dr M Bloom (2) Mr FS Botha Prof J Botha Prof A Botha-Oberholster Prof C Bott Prof H Bouwman Mr E Braune Prof T Britz Prof CA Buckley Dr A Burger (2) Ms C Burgers Prof S Burton Prof IF Capela Dr A Caravelli Dr L Cavé Dr AD Ceronio Dr XJ Chen Dr L Chevallier Prof TE Cloete Prof AH Cloot Prof PP Coetzee (2) Dr B Cohen (2) Mr C Crawford Mr C Crosby Prof AM Crouch Dr A Dalvie Dr R Daneel Dr GH de Villiers (3) Dr I Dennis Ms S Dittke Dr L Dollar Dr TG Downing Dr GH du Plessis (2) Prof CC du Preez Prof HH du Preez Dr C Ehlers Dr M Ehlers Prof G Ekama Dr E Ficara Mr H Foden Ms S Freeze Dr E Friedrich Mr JFC Friend Prof A Görgens Prof WOK Grabow Prof JU Grobbelaar Dr E Guibal Prof R Gulati Prof J Haarhoff Dr WR Harding Prof W Harper Prof RC Hart Dr RG Heath Mr P Herbst Dr I Hodgson Dr JE Hoffman Prof D Hughes Mr CH Hunter Prof AA Ilemobade Mr B Jackson Prof C James Prof GPW Jewitt (2) Dr JP Jia Mr D Jones Dr AA Jordanova (2) Prof N Jovanovic (3) Dr P Kempster Dr CJ Kleynhans (2) Dr N Kleynhans Dr E Klopper Dr T Kowalkowski Dr AC Kruger Dr A Kunamneni Prof T Ledger Dr R Lidén Mr A Liénard Dr H MacKay Ms T Magagula Dr H Malan Prof BE Marshall (2) Prof TS McCarthy Mr M McCartney Mr PG Meiring Dr R Meissner (2) Dr D Merrey Prof B Moss Dr R Mottram Prof SR Moyo Prof MJ Mphahlele Dr EE Müller Dr S Murialdo Prof NY Muyima Mr G Mwiinga Dr P Myburgh Mr R Nakhwa Prof J Ndiritu Mr C Nengovhela Prof R Nerenberg Dr S Oelofse Dr G Offringa Prof J Olivier Prof G Pegram Prof R Perissinotto Ms M Perry Dr K Pietersen (3) (2) Prof GF Pinder Dr AR Pitman (2) Dr WV Pitman (2) Prof JH Potgieter Dr K Prasad Prof P Praus Prof WA Pretorius (2) Mr N Rabie Mr B Rademeyer Dr H Rautenbach Prof H Rohwer Dr D Rollin Prof P Rose Mr W Rössle Mr D Salmon Mr K Sami Prof JJ Schoeman (2) Prof CF Schutte Prof MT Seaman Dr O Shipin Dr V Smakhtin Prof TJ Stewart (2) Dr JM Steyn Prof J-M Sun Mr H Sussens Ms A Swanepoel Prof AE Taigbenu Dr PD Tanner Dr J Taylor Dr J Temprano Prof J Theron Ms C Thirion Mr P Thompson Prof G Tivchev Dr C Trois Dr M Tsubo Dr H Tutu Prof W van Averbeke Ms L van Baalen Ms I van der Stoep Dr SWH van Hulle (2) Dr C van Huyssteen Prof GJ van Tonder Prof J van Vuren Mr E van Zyl Mr B van Zyl Prof JE van Zyl Dr H von Blottnitz Dr D Walmsley Dr H Wiechers Dr E Wolski Dr A Wood Dr C Woolard Dr YE Woyessa Prof Y Xu Dr U Yetis Prof HL Zietsman Vol. 32 • No. 1 • January 2006 A generalised groundwater flow equation using the concept of non-integer order derivatives A Cloot and JF Botha ......................................................................................................................................................................1 Management of a Karoo fractured-rock aquifer system – Kalkveld Water W User Association (WUA) BH Usher, JA Pretorius and GJ van Tonder Tonder ....................................................................................................................................9 Prediction of the environmental impact and sustainability of large-scale irrigation with gypsiferous mine-water on groundwater resources JG Annandale, NZ Jovanovic, FDI Hodgson, BH Usher, ME Aken, AM van der Westhuizen, KL Bristow and JM Steyn.................................................................................................................................................................................21 Comparison between the United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and the two models commonly used for estimating rainfall-runoff in south-eastern Botswana Rejoice Tsheko ..............................................................................................................................................................................29 Calibration of a frequency-domain reflectometer for determining soil-water content in a clay loam soil G Lukanu and MJ Savage .............................................................................................................................................................37 Investigation of 207 nm UV radiation for degradation of organic dye in water Xiangfen Feng, Shaolong Zhu and Huiqi Hou .............................................................................................................................43 Investigation on the sorption of aluminium in drinking water by low-cost adsorbents Tony Sarvinder Singh, Bhavik Parikh and KK Pant .....................................................................................................................49 Stormwater quality calibration by SWMM: A case study in Northern Spain Javier Temprano, Óscar Arango, Juan Cagiao, Joaquín Suárez and Iñaki Tejero .........................................................................55 Genotyping of F-RNA coliphages isolated from wastewater and river water samples A Sundram, N Jumanlal and MM Ehlers ......................................................................................................................................65 Response of micro-algae in the Kromme Estuary to managed freshwater inputs Snow GC and Adams JB ...............................................................................................................................................................71 Phytoplankton dynamics and periodicity in two cascading warm-water reservoirs from 1989 to 1997 – taxonomic and functional (C-S-R) patterns, and determining factors RC Hart .........................................................................................................................................................................................81 Effect of pH and inoculum size on pentachlorophenol degradation by Pseudomonas sp. Erika Alejandra Wolski, Silvia Elena Murialdo and Jorge Froilán Gonzalez ...............................................................................93 Qualitative monitoring of a treated wastewater reuse extensive distribution system: COD, TSS, EC and pH T Manios, E Gaki, S Banou, D Ntigakis and A Andreadakis ........................................................................................................99 Verification of Wegelin’s design criteria for horizontal flow roughing filters (HRFs) with alternative filter material GM Ochieng and FAO Otieno.....................................................................................................................................................105 Short communication Stability and phase separation behaviour of systems of particles in a medium with added polymer Habauka M Kwaambwa .............................................................................................................................................................. 111 Technical note Biological treatment of industrial wastewater containing formaldehyde and formic acid M Eiroa, A Vilar, C Kennes and MC Veiga ................................................................................................................................115 (3) Vol. 32 • No. 2 • April 2006 Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA): A tool to support sustainable management of groundwater resources in South Africa Kevin Pietersen......................................................................................................................................................................... 119 The feasibility of a permeable reactive barrier to treat acidic sulphate- and nitrate-contaminated groundwater Sarah JW Skinner and C Frederik Schutte .............................................................................................................................. 129 Estimation of storm runoff loads based on rainfall-related variables and power law models – Case study in Alexandra Yaw Owusu-Asante and David Stephenson .............................................................................................................................137 Investigating the spatial scaling effect of the non-linear hydrological response to precipitation forcing in a physically based land surface model K Lee and NS Oh .......................................................................................................................................................................145 Field, laboratory and estimated soil-water content limits Mussie F Gebregiorgis and Michael J Savage ..........................................................................................................................155 T rational formula from the runhydrograph The Mohamed Parak and Geoffrey GS Pegram ..............................................................................................................................163 In support of water-resource planning – highlighting key management issues using DRIFT: A case study C Brown, C Pemberton, A Birkhead, A Bok, C Boucher, E Dollar, W Harding, W Kamish, J King, B Paxton and S Ractliffe ...........................................................................................................................................................181 Membrane bioreactor biomass characteristics and microbial yield at very low mean cell residence time WF Harper (Jr), M Bernhardt and C Newfield ........................................................................................................................ 193 The kinetics of crossflow dynamic membrane bioreactor Fang Li, Jihua Chen and Chunhua Deng ................................................................................................................................ 199 Preparation and application of nano-TiO2 catalyst in dye electrochemical treatment Yangming Lei, Zhemin Shen, Xuejun Chen, Jinpin Jia and Wenhua Wang .......................................................................... 205 Deposition of sediment from suspension in emergent vegetation RG Sharpe and CS James ..........................................................................................................................................................211 Regional based estimates of water use for commercial sugar-cane in South Africa CN Bezuidenhout, NL Lecler, C Gers and PWL Lyne ............................................................................................................219 Up-scaling of rain-water harvesting for crop production in the communal lands of the Modder River basin in South Africa: Comparing upstream and downstream scenarios YE Woyessa, E Pretorius, M Hensley, LD van Rensburg and PS van Heerden ..................................................................... 223 Water supply system decision making using multicriteria analysis Danielle C Morais and Adiel T Almeida ................................................................................................................................. 229 The effect of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate derived anolytes, and anolyte-catholyte combination on biofilms MS Thantsha and TE Cloete .................................................................................................................................................... 237 The potential for reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated phenol in a sulphidogenic environment in in situ enhanced biodegradation George A Ehlers and Peter D Rose .......................................................................................................................................... 243 Environmental life cycle assessment of water supply in South Africa: The Rosslyn industrial area as a case study Landu Landu and Alan C Brent ............................................................................................................................................... 249 Modelling and simulation of a nitrification biofilter for drinking water purification Stijn WH van Hulle, Jonathan Verstraete, Joel Hogie, Pascal Dejans and Ann Dumoulin ................................................... 257 Technical note An investigation of the franchising option for water services operation in South Africa Kevin Wall ................................................................................................................................................................................ 265 (4) Vol. 32 • No. 3 • July 2006 Mass balance-based plant-wide wastewater treatment plant models – Part 1: Biodegradability of wastewater organics under anaerobic conditions MC Wentzel, GA Ekama and SW Sötemann ............................................................................................................................................... 269 Part 2: Tracking the influent inorganic suspended solids GA Ekama, MC Wentzel and SW Sötemann ............................................................................................................................................... 277 Part 3: Biodegradability of activated sludge organics under anaerobic conditions GA Ekama, SW Sötemann and MC Wentzel ............................................................................................................................................... 287 Part 4: Aerobic digestion of primary and waste activated sludges SW Sötemann, MC Wentzel and GA Ekama ............................................................................................................................................... 297 Long-term emissions from mechanically biologically treated waste: Influence on leachate quality Mark Griffith and Cristina Trois .......................................................................................................................................................................... 307 Effect of solids retention time on Microthrix parvicella growth C Noutsopoulos, D Mamais and A Andreadakis.................................................................................................................................................. 315 The interesting cross-paths of HIV/AIDS and water in Southern Africa with special reference to South Africa CL Obi, B Onabolu, MNB Momba, JO Igumbor, J Ramalivahna, PO Bessong, EJ van Rensburg, M Lukoto, E Green and TB Mulaudzi .... 323 Developing a yeast-based assay protocol to monitor total oestrogenic activity induced by 17β-oestradiol in activated sludge supernatants from batch experiments E Wozei and SW Hermanowicz .......................................................................................................................................................................... 345 Application of a yeast-based assay protocol developed to monitor total oestrogenic activity induced by 17β-oestradiol in activated sludge supernatants from batch experiments E Wozei and SW Hermanowicz ........................................................................................................................................................................... 355 An inter-laboratory comparative study of fluoride determination in water Ji-Hyang Noh and Paul Coetzee .......................................................................................................................................................................... 365 A tensor approach to the estimation of hydraulic conductivities in Table Mountain Group aquifers of South Africa L Lin and Y Xu .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 371 Flood routing in ungauged catchments using Muskingum methods MH Tewolde and JC Smithers ............................................................................................................................................................................. 379 Surface water quality assessment using factor analysis Hülya Boyacioglu ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 389 Development of an automated desktop procedure for defining macro-reaches for river longitudinal profiles LH Dollar, ESJ Dollar and J Moolman ................................................................................................................................................................ 395 The Ecological Reserve: Towards a common understanding for river management in South Africa E van Wyk, CM Breen, DJ Roux, KH Rogers, T Sherwill and BW van Wilgen................................................................................................. 403 A simple model for assessing utilisable streamflow allocations in the context of the Ecological Reserve DA Hughes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 411 A BMP selection process based on the granulometry of runoff solids in a separate urban catchment José Anta, Enrique Peña, Joaquín Suárez and Juan Cagiao ................................................................................................................................. 419 The characterisation of rainfall in the arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia Ketema Tilahun .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 429 Contribution of rainwater harvesting technologies to rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: The case of Ngundu ward in Chivi District Vurayai Mutekwa and Samuel Kusangaya .......................................................................................................................................................... 437 Water resources and water management in the Bahurutshe heartland Saroné van Niekerk and Kobus du Pisani ............................................................................................................................................................ 445 Comment on: Qualitative monitoring of a treated wastewater reuse extensive distribution system: COD, TSS, EC and pH by T Manios, E Gaki, S Banou, D Ntigakis and A Andreadakis NV Paranychianakis and KP Tsagarakis ............................................................................................................................................453 (5) Vol. 32 • No. 4 • October 2006 The 1950-1998 warm ENSO events and regional implications to river flow variability in Southern Africa BF Alemaw and TR Chaoka .......................................................................................................................................................459 Hydrological Decision Support Framework (HDSF) – Initial design DJ Clark and JC Smithers ...........................................................................................................................................................465 Sustainable groundwater use, the capture principle, and adaptive management Paul Seward, Yongxin Xu and Luc Brendonck...........................................................................................................................473 Deltamethrin in sediment samples of the Okavango Delta, Botswana PS Daka, VC Obuseng, N Torto and P Huntsman-Mapila..........................................................................................................483 A novel application of phosphogypsum: Treatment of a diamond mine’s slimes tailings JH Potgieter and C Green ...........................................................................................................................................................489 Characterisation of gold tailings dams of the Witwatersrand Basin with reference to their acid mine drainage potential, Johannesburg, South Africa AC Nengovhela, B Yibas and JS Ogola ......................................................................................................................................499 Comparison of several EPA-recommended US and German well-head protection area delineation methods in agricultural settings RO Strobl and PD Robillard .......................................................................................................................................................507 Removal of Cd2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ cations and AsO43- anions from aqueous solutions by mixed clay from Tundulu in Malawi and characterisation of the clay SMI Sajidu, I Persson, WRL Masamba, EMT Henry and D Kayambazinthu ............................................................................519 Operational policy for disposal of land-derived wastewater to the marine environment of South Africa S Taljaard, WAM Botes, SHH Oelofse and P Viljoen.................................................................................................................527 A structured ecosystem-scale approach to marine water quality management S Taljaard, PMS Monteiro and WAM Botes ...............................................................................................................................535 The effect of selected metals on the central metabolic pathways in biology: A review C Strydom, C Robinson, E Pretorius, JM Whitcutt, J Marx and MS Bornman .........................................................................543 Studies on the expansion characteristics of the granular bed present in EGSB bioreactors Yong-Hong Liu, Yan-Ling He, Shu-Cheng Yang and Chun-Jiang An ........................................................................................555 A simulation-based optimisation approach to control nitrogen discharge by activated sludge under winter seasonal peak load J-M Choubert, Y Racault, A Grasmick, J-P Canler and A Heduit ...............................................................................................561 Food web (bio-)manipulation of South African reservoirs – viable eutrophication management prospect or illusory pipe dream? A reflective commentary and position paper Rob C Hart ..................................................................................................................................................................................567 Anaerobic prefermentation and primary sedimentation of wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor Oscar González-Barceló and Simón González-Martínez ...........................................................................................................577 Effectiveness of chlorination and ozonation methods on pure cultures of floc-forming micro-organisms and activated sludge: A comparative study Alejandro Caravelli, Leda Giannuzzi and Noemí Zaritzky ........................................................................................................585 Review of the African distribution of the brine shrimp genus Artemia H Kaiser, AK Gordon and TG Paulet..........................................................................................................................................597 Technical note A simple tool to help decision making in infrastructure planning and management of phytotreatment ponds for the treatment of nitrogen-rich water Luigi Vezzulli, Marco Bartoli, Daniele Nizzoli, Mariachiara Naldi, Giorgio Fanciulli, Pierluigi Viaroli and Mauro Fabiano .....605 (6) Vol. 32 • No. 5 • Special WISA edition Estimation of nitrification capacity of rock media trickling filters in external nitrification BNR AW Muller, MC Wentzel and GA Ekama ...................................................................................................................................611 Development of a kinetic model for biological sulphate reduction with primary sewage sludge as substrate HS van Wageningen, SW Sötemann, NE Ristow, MC Wentzel and GA Ekama ........................................................................619 Studies to distinguish between human and animal faecal pollution using F-RNA coliphages and faecal sterols A Sundram, N Jumanlal and MM Ehlers ....................................................................................................................................627 Predicting the efficiency of deposit removal during filter backwash BM Brouckaert, A Amirtharajah, CJ Brouckaert and JE Amburgey ..........................................................................................633 A desalination guide for South African municipal engineers CD Swartz, JA du Plessis, AJ Burger and G Offringa ................................................................................................................641 Catchment management in semi-arid area of central South Africa: Strategy for improving water productivity YE Woyessa, M Hensley and LD van Rensburg ........................................................................................................................648 Development of a comprehensive monitoring and auditing tool for oxidation pond systems in the Middle Vaal and Upper Orange catchment areas U Jack, G Mackintosh, C Jagals and J van der Merwe ...............................................................................................................655 Verifying data for the implementation of the water release module of the WAS program A Jansen van Vuuren, E Pretorius and N Benadé .......................................................................................................................661 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal by filamentous bacteria in pure culture TR Ramothokang, SC Simelane and F Bux................................................................................................................................667 A drinking water quality framework for South Africa Kim Hodgson and Leonardo Manus ...........................................................................................................................................673 Elucidation of the microbial community structure within a laboratory-scale activated sludge process using molecular techniques P Padayachee, A Ismail and F Bux .............................................................................................................................................679 The impact of inadequate wastewater treatment on the receiving water bodies – Case study: Buffalo City and Nkokonbe Municipalities of the Eastern Cape Province MNB Momba, AN Osode and M Sibewu ...................................................................................................................................687 Microbial deterioration of stored water for users supplied by stand-pipes and ground-tanks in a peri-urban community S Maraj, N Rodda, S Jackson, C Buckley and N Macleod .........................................................................................................693 Microbiological assessment of food crops irrigated with domestic greywater Siobhan Jackson, N Rodda and L Salukazana ...........................................................................................................................700 Polyelectrolyte determination in drinking water S Majam and PA Thompson........................................................................................................................................................705 Investigating the effect of colloids on the performance of a biofilm membrane reactor (BF-MBR) for treatment of municipal wastewater T Leiknes, I Ivanovic and H Ødegaard .......................................................................................................................................708 Safe drinking water still a dream in rural areas of South Africa. Case Study: The Eastern Cape Province MNB Momba, Z Tyafa, N Makala, BM Brouckaert and CL Obi ...............................................................................................715 (7) AUTHOR INDEX Page numbers in bold refer to sole or first author Adams JB 71 Aken ME 21 Alemaw BF 459 Almeida AT 229 Amirtharajah A 633 Amburgey JE 633 An C-J 555 Andreadakis A 99, 315 Annandale JG 21 Anta J 419 Arango Ó 55 Banou S 99 Bartoli M 605 Benadé N 661 Bernhardt M 193 Bessong PO 323 Bezuidenhout CN 219 Birkhead A 181 Bok A 181 Bornman MS 543 Botes WAM 527, 535 Botha JF 1 Boucher C 181 Boyacioglu H 389 Breen CM 403 Brendonck L 473 Brent AC 249 Bristow KL 21 Brouckaert BM 633, 715 Brouckaert CJ 633 Brown C 181 Burger AJ 641 Buckley C 693 Bux F 667, 679 Cagiao J 55, 419 Canler J-P 561 Caravelli A 585 Chaoka TR 459 Chen J 199 Chen X 205 Choubert J-M 561 Clark DJ 465 Cloete TE 237 Cloot A 1 Coetzee P 365 Daka PS 483 Dejans P 257 Deng C 199 Dollar E 181 Dollar ESJ 395 Dollar LH 395 Dumoulin A 257 Du Pisani K 445 Du Plessis JA 641 Ehlers GA 243 Ehlers MM 65, 627 Eiroa M 115 Ekama GA 269, 277, 287, 297, 611, 619 Fabiano M 605 Fanciulli G 605 Feng X 43 Gaki E 99 Gebregiorgis MF 155 Gers C 219 Giannuzzi L 585 Gonzalez JF 93 González-Barceló O 577 González-Martinez S 577 Gordon AK 597 Grasmick A 561 Green C 489 Green E 323 Griffith M 307 Harding W 181 Harper WF (Jr) 193 Hart RC 81, 567 He Y-L 555 Heduit A 561 Henry EMT 519 Hensley M 223, 648 Hermanowicz SW 345, 355 Hodgson FDI Hodgson K Hogie J Hou H Hughes DA Huntsman-Mapila P Igumbor JO Ismail A Ivanovic I Jagals C Jack U Jackson S James CS Jansen van Vuuren A Jia J Jovanovic NZ Jumanlal N Kaiser H Kamish W Kayambazinthu D Kennes C King J Kusangaya S Kwaambwa HM Landu L Lecler NL Lee K Lei Y Leiknes T Li F Lin L Liu Y-H Lukanu G Lukoto M Lyne PWL Mackintosh G Macleod N Majam S Makala N Mamais D Manios T Manus L Maraj S Marx J Masamba WRL Momba MNB Monteiro PMS Moolman J Morais DC Mulaudzi TB Muller AW Murialdo SE Mutekwa V Naldi M Nengovhela AC Newfield C Nizzoli D Noh J-H Noutsopoulos C Ntigakis D Obi CL Obuseng VC Ochieng GM Ødegaard H Oelofse SHH Offringa G Ogola JS Oh NS Onabolu B Osode AN Otieno FAO Owusu-Asante Y Padayachee P Pant KK Parak M Paranychianakis NV Parikh B Paulet TG Paxton B Pegram GGS Pemberton C 21 673 257 43 411 483 323 679 708 655 655 693, 700 211 661 205 21 65, 627 597 181 519 115 181 437 111 249 219 145 205 708 199 371 555 37 323 219 655 693 705 715 315 99 673 693 543 519 323, 687, 715 535 395 229 323 611 93 437 605 499 193 605 365 315 99 323, 715 483 105 708 527 641 499 145 323 687 105 137 679 49 163 453 49 597 181 163 181 (8) Peña E 419 Persson I 519 Pietersen K 119 Potgieter JH 489 Pretorius E 223, 543, 661 Pretorius JA 9 Racault Y 561 Ractliffe S 181 Ramalivahna J 323 Ramothokang TR 667 Ristow NE 619 Robillard PD 507 Robinson C 543 Rodda N 693, 700 Rogers KH 403 Rose PD 243 Roux DJ 403 Sajidu SMI 519 Salukazana L 700 Savage MJ 37, 155 Schutte CF 129 Seward P 473 Sharpe RG 211 Shen Z 205 Sherwill T 403 Sibewu M 687 Simelane SC 667 Singh TS 49 Skinner SJW 129 Snow GC 71 Smithers JC 379, 465 Sötemann SW 269, 277, 287, 297, 619 Stephenson D 137 Steyn JM 21 Strobl RO 507 Strydom C 543 Suárez J 55, 419 Sundram A 65, 627 Swartz CD 641 Taljaard S 527, 535 Tejero I 55 Temprano J 55 Tewolde MH 379 Thantsha MS 237 Thompson PA 705 Tilahun K 429 Torto N 483 Tsagarakis KP 453 Tsheko R 29 Trois C 307 Tyafa Z 715 Usher BH 9, 21 Van der Merwe J 655 Van Heerden PS 223 Van Hulle SWH 257 Van Niekerk S 445 Van Rensburg EJ 323 Van Rensburg LD 223, 648 Van Tonder GJ 9 Van der Westhuizen AM 21 Van Wageningen HS 619 Van Wilgen BW 403 Van Wyk E 403 Veiga MC 115 Verstraete J 257 Vezzulli L 605 Viaroli P 605 Vilar A 115 Viljoen P 527 Wall K 265 Wang W 205 Wentzel MC 269, 277, 287, 297, 611, 619 Whitcutt JM 543 Wolski EA 93 Wozei E 345, 355 Woyessa YE 223, 648 Xu Y 371, 473 Yang S-C 555 Yibas B 499 Zaritzky N 585 Zhu S 43