Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Taiwan Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy & Current Status in Taiwan Bureau of Energy Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan March 2013 All rights reserved. 0 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Outline • Renewable Energy targets under the “New Energy Policy Framework” • Current Development of Renewables Taiwan • Renewable Energy Development Act • Million Solar Rooftop PVs project • Thousand Wind Turbines Project • Off-Shore Wind Power Demonstration Program • Concluding Remarks All rights reserved. 1 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan RE targets under the “New Energy Policy Framework” I. Target Expansion and Overall Development Strategy Due to the geographical environment and natural resource limitations, The renewable energy with matured technology and low power generation costs will have priority in government development policy. Moreover, the authorities will encourage the industry players to consolidate their R&D and manufacturing capabilities. Thus, Taiwan can be one of the Green Power Supplying countries. Taiwan II. Target of the Promotion of Renewable Energy According to the “Renewable Energy Development Act”, the target of renewable energy installation shall increase up to 6,500~10,000 MW for 20 years. To correspond with the upcoming goals for GHG reduction, energy diversification, and renewable energy expansion, the renewable energy installation target is revised to reach 9,952MW by 2025, and 12,502MW by 2030. In other words, more aggressive targets are set for developing renewable energy in Taiwan. All rights reserved. 2 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Aggressive Installation capacity Targets (MW) To prompt the solar PV and off-shore wind power, Taiwan also approved the “Million Solar Rooftop PVs” and “Thousand Wind Turbines” promotion projects. The goals will be to reach the installing of 3,100 MW of PV systems and 1,000 wind turbines ( including 450 on-shore and 600 off-shore wind turbines) by 2030. Energy Source 2012 2015 2020 2025 2030 On-shore Wind 621 866 1,200 1,200 1,200 Off-shore Wind 0 15 600 1,800 3,000 2,060 2,052 2,112 2,502 2,502 201 492 1,020 2,500 3,100 Geothermal 0 4 66 150 200 Biogas 9 29 29 31 31 792 848 925 1,369 1,369 Ocean Energy 0 1 30 200 600 H2&Fuel Cells 0 7 60 200 500 3,683 4,314 6,042 9,952 12,502 7.7% 10.0% 10.6% 14.8% 16.1% Hydro Power Taiwan Solar PV W aste to Energy Total Percentage of installed capacity All rights reserved. 3 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Current Development of Renewables (1/3) Conventional Hydropower • Total hydro power capacity of 2,081.3 MW, of which the Public utilities (Taipower) accounted for 98% of large hydro power plants (2,042.2 MW), privately owned 39.1 MW only Wind Power Taiwan • Total wind power capacity of 621.1 MW, 314 wind turbines being erected. All rights reserved. Tao-Yuan: 30 MW Chuntung, Penhu: 4.8 MW 4 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Current Development of Renewables (2/3) PV: 206.4 MWp installed • Bureau of Energy, MOEA funds many ongoing deployment programs: Solar City, Solar Top, Solar Campus, Emergency Systems in Remote Areas or Isolated Islands, Demo Farms, Solar Communities, Bidding Procedure of Solar Power Equipment, etc. • Completed prior to RES Act: 11 MW 206.4 MWp • Commissioned after RES Act: 185 MW Taiwan • Installed by Taiwan Power Company: 10.4 MW BIPV demonstration system All rights reserved. The Main Stadium of The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung: 1 MW 5 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Current Development of Renewables (3/3) Biomass power: 801.1 MW • • • • Municipal Solid Waste Incineration: 624.4 MW (25 plants) Biogas: 9.1 MW (4 landfills) Waste from Industries and Agriculture: 167.5 MW Annual Generation: 4.7 TWh Taiwan Solar Water Heaters • 226 million m2 of heat collectors installed, effective households penetration rate3.63% (around 300 thousand households) • Ranked No. 5 globally for installed density (land area based) • Annual Energy Production: 153 million litres oil equivalent Biofuels • Biodiesel: Mandatory B1 since July 2008, B2 on June 2010 • Bioethanol: E3 Gasohol Programme in Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities • Annual Consumption: 100 thousand kilolitres of biodiesel, over 4 thousand kilolitres of bioethanol. All rights reserved. 6 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Renewable Energy Development Act in Taiwan Promulgated on July 8, 2009 Taiwan The 23 Provisions of the Renewable Energy Development All rights reserved. Development Grid Connection Target And Fund Power Establishment Renewable Purchasing Energy Obligations Development Act Feed-in Demonstration Tariff Grants Rates Land-use Limitations 7 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Target Tariff Payment Duration Targeted Technologies Power Purchase Tariff Setting Method Taiwan Grants for Thermal Utilization Financing Scheme Supplementary Measures All rights reserved. An Overview of Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan the Act Increase of renewable energy power capacity by 6.5 GW to 10 GW 20 years Solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, ocean power, wind power, hydropower, waste to energy, excluding non-river-stream based hydro power and direct incinerating technologies Mandatory grid connection and power-purchasing obligations 1. The Tariff Committee with 17~21 members is consisted of related Ministries, scholars and experts, and other groups. 2. Tariffs are reviewed and adjusted by the Committee annually. 3. The Committee decides tariffs for different renewables categories. Solar water heating, biomass, and other renewable thermal technologies 1.Financed by Renewable Energy Fund with revenues collected from power generators using fossil fuels and nuclear energy 2.The government allocating extra funding from the national budget 3.Other funding sources including the Petroleum Fund and agricultural development funds 1. Capital grants and Demonstration grants 2. Exemptions of import tax, various licensing and land-use requirements 3. Dispute mediation mechanism 8 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Renewable Energy Development Fund ․Budget Source Power utilities and operators of self-usage power generation equipments that reach a certain level of capacity shall pay, according to the non-renewable energy portion in ones’ total power generation, a certain amount annually to the Fund Taiwan ․Usage All rights reserved. Subsidies to renewable electricity price, renewable energy equipment and renewable energy demonstration, and the promotion of application 9 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Mechanism of RE Development Fund Income based on expected expenses to balance revenue and expenditure Taipower Power users Added Purchase of elec. Traditional Renewable electricity electricity Subsidies to renewable electricity price Taiwan Payment All rights reserved. Indepen- Payment dent Power Producers, IPPs Generating electricity using nonrenewables Fund Installer of renewable energy power generation equipment Subsidies to the expense of purchasing of renewable energy equipment Payment Installers of self-usage power generation equipment that reaches a certain level of capacity Flow of Elec. Flow of Fund 10 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Mechanism of Feed-in tariffs • Tariffs and formula should be reviewed annually by referring to technical advancement, cost variation, goal achievement status, etc. no degression system in place Taiwan • Tariffs shall not be lower than the average cost for fossil-fired power of domestic power utilities. • Current, only Solar PV tariff rates are set on date when generating equipment installations are completed. Other technologies have tariff rates set on the Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) signing date. applied for 20 years • BOE announces PV capacity quota every year. PV systems > 30 kW are subject to a bidding procedure to decide tariffs. Developers proposing higher discount rates get the priority to get the quota. All rights reserved. 11 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy FIT for Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Renewables (2013) • Applied for 20 years to electricity from renewables (except PV) whose owner signs PPA with power utility from 1 Jan. 2013 to 31 Dec. 2013 Item Type Roof type PV Ground type Wind Power Capacity (kW) Onshore 2013 Tariff Rates (US¢/kWh) 2012 Tariff Rates (US¢/kWh) Variation period 1 period 2 period 1 period 2 period 1 period 2 ≧1 ~ <10 28.9555 28.2193 32.6362 31.9000 -11.28% -11.54% ≧ 10 ~ < 100 26.0110 25.2748 29.4462 28.7100 -11.67% -11.97% ≧ 100 ~ < 500 24.5386 23.8024 28.2193 27.4831 -13.04% -13.39% ≧ 500 21.8393 20.6124 25.2748 24.7838 -13.59% -16.83% ≧1 20.6124 19.3855 23.8024 23.3117 -13.40% -16.84% ≧ 1 ~ < 10 ≧ 10 25.3662 25.3662 0.00% 9.0545 (with LVRT) 9.1128 (with LVRT) -0.64% -- 19.1814 19.1814 0.00% Hydropower Stream-Type -- 8.5007 8.0352 5.79% Geothermal -- -- 16.5652 16.5652 0.00% No biogas eqip. -- 8.5007 8.0352 5.79% With biogas eqip. -- 9.6600 9.3086 3.77% RDF -- -- 9.7379 9.7379 0.00% Others -- -- 8.5007 8.0352 5.79% Taiwan Offshore Biomass All rights reserved. * Exchange rate: USD 1 = NTD 29 12 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy RES Type Differentiation FIT Variations in Recent Years Brackets (kW) 1~<10 Solar PV Roof Mounted 2013 Tariff Rates (NTD/kWh) 2011 Tariff Rates (NTD/kWh) period 1 period 2 period 1 period 2 11.1883* (equivalent to 14.6030 without receiving capital grants) 10.3185 9.4645 9.2510 8.3971 8.1836 9.1799 8.5394 8.3259 7.5432 7.3297 8.8241 8.1836 7.9701 7.1162 6.9027 7.9701 7.3297 7.1873 6.3334 5.9776 7.3297 6.9027 6.7604 5.9776 5.6218 10~<100 12.9722 100~<500 ≧500 Single Bracket Ground 2012 Tariff Rates (NTD/kWh) 2010 Tariff Rates (NTD/kWh) 11.1190 1~<10 7.2714 7.3562 7.3562 7.3562 ≧10** 2.3834 2.6574 2.6427 (with LVRT) 2.6258 (with LVRT) Off-shore - 4.1982 5.5626 5.5626 5.5626 Stream Hydro -- Single Bracket 2.0615 2.1821 2.3302 2.4652 Geothermal -- Single Bracket 5.1838 4.8039 4.8039 4.8039 On-shore Taiwan Wind Biomass -- Single Bracket 2.0615 2.1821 anaerobic digestion without anaerobic digestion anaerobic digestion without anaerobic digestion 2.6995 2.3302 2.8014 2.4652 Waste -- Single Bracket 2.0879 2.6875 2.8240 2.8240 Others -- Single Bracket 2.0615 2.1821 2.3302 2.4652 All rights reserved. * 1 kW~10 kW Solar PV Installations in 2010 were qualified for 50k NTD/KW Capital Grant, which was terminated in 2011. ** Tariffs for those without LVRT installed are NTD 2.6138/ kWh in 2011, NTD 2.5971/kWh in 2012 and NTD 2.5924/kWh in 2013. 13 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Million Solar Rooftop Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan PVs project (1/2) I. Solar Energy Potential Goal : 3,100 MW developed by 2030 A. Roof-top (3,000 MW) B. Ground (100 MW) Constrained by agricultural regulations (EPA released in 2008.12), considering contaminated soil a 60% building coverage rate, the installed capacity could reach 100MW. II. Strategy- -First slow then fast/ incentivizing roof-tops prior to ground installations Accumulated Capacity (MW) Taiwan The Feed-in Tariff as a strategy to achieve annual targets for roof-top and ground installations 3,500 2021,200 MW installed,followed by annual increase of 50 MW/yr; Polluted agricultural land open for new installations 3,000 2,500 2,000 Target Achieved 2016,100 MW,followed by annual increase of 10 MW/yr 1,500 1,000 2011,70 MW,followed by annual increase by 5 MW/yr 500 14 0 2000 All rights reserved. 2008 2011 2015 Year 2020 2025 14 2030 14 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Million Solar Rooftop Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan PVs project (2/2) • Encouraging participation from local governments Except for FIT, some local governments (e.g. Kaohsiung City) granting extra capital subsidies Encouraging public buildings and constructions equipped with PV BOE considering the provision of subsidies to local governments to encouraging proposals for promotion programs BOE assisting local governments on Solar Roof-top Program and Solar Community Program to facilitate public participation Taiwan • Establishment of PV-ESCO mechanism Encouraging banks to participate in project financing and to provide soft loans to PVESCO players Capacity of projects required to participate in bidding process considered to be raised from 10 kW to 30 kW to encourage PV-ESCO All rights reserved. 15 Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Thousand Wind Turbines Project I. Wind Power Generation Potentials A. On-shore: :Potential ~ 9,000 MW 1,200 MW installed by 2020 B. Off-shore: :Potential ~ 48,000 MW 3,000 MW installed by 2030 II. Strategy -Develop on- shore prior to off-shore wind farms Taiwan A. On-shore: :develop areas with higher power generating potentials prior to 2015, then develop areas with less potential thereafter. Develop 564 MW in the initial phase,and complete another 270 MW by 2015,which amounts to a total of 800 MW;for areas with less potential, develop 400 MW following the years after 2015. 1,200 MW on-shore wind installed capacity will be reached by 2020. B. Off-shore: :develop among the shallow areas prior 2020 then develop in deep water off-shore areas. All rights reserved. • Establish the first off-shore wind farm by 2015, and reach 600 MW installed capacity on shallow off-shore areas (approximately 120 turbines) by 2020. • Develop large wind-farms in areas possessing economic scalability between 2021-2030 (reaching 2,400 MW, which is approximately 480 wind turbines in 10 years) 16 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Off-Shore Wind Power Demonstration Program Offshore Wind Potential 1.The development potential of offshore wind power is estimated more than 15 GW with the market incentive and large scale development opportunity. 線 中 海 台 Taiwan Water deep 5-20 m (shallow sea) About 177,920 hectare About 9 GW in potential • 1.2 GW exploitable (13% development) 域 海 濟 經 浬 海 2 1 Water deep 20-50 m (deep sea) About 654,700 hectare About 48 GW in potential • 6.2 GW developable (13% development) Water deep 50-100 m (deeper sea) About 1,195,400 hectare About 90 GW in potential • 9 GW developable (10% development) ※ The wind power device of 3 MW is estimated by 4Dx10D wind farm within the boundary of 12 nm territorial sea (D: the diameter of the blade 100 m). All rights reserved. Source: Green Energy & Environment Research Lab./ITRI (Apr. 2011) 17 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Incentive amount The incentives include “demonstration incentive” and “development incentive”. (1)Demonstration incentive: • The upper limit: shall not exceed 50% of the total cost of demonstration device set up. • To avoid double rewards, the subsidy of this part must be returned by receiving lower FIT until the subsidy is totally returned. Taiwan (2)Development incentive: • The limit is NT$ 250 million. This part of subsidy is in full reward and won’t be returned. However the technical and cost information shall be put into public as future reference for the review of FIT. All rights reserved. 18 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Demonstration wind farm: in the ocean of 5 m isobaths or deeper, with total capacity above 100 MW but not exceeding 200 MW. Demonstration devices: 2 offshore wind power systems of single capacity above 3 MW Complete 1 offshore meteorological observation tower and the application of ecological environmental investigation; complete basic, structural, parallel construction test, business operation, and maintenance. Taiwan Demonstration wind farm: depth ≧ 5 m; ;total scale ≧ 100 MW and ≦200 MW ecological investigation and environmental evaluation Offshore meteorological observation tower: depth ≧ 10 m; ;height ≧ 75 m All rights reserved. Demonstration devices 2 devices ≧ 3 MW 19 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Concluding Remarks • The promulgation of Renewable Energy Development Act and related regulations has paved the way for a sustainable longterm development of renewables in Taiwan. Taiwan • Various kinds of incentives have been issued to encourage the investment in renewables in Taiwan. • The development of renewable energy is expected to be prosperous in Taiwan. • Taiwan’s government will devote itself for the continuous growth of renewable energy. All rights reserved. 20 Taiwan 經濟部能源局 Bureau of Energy All rights reserved. Policy for Promoting Renewable Energy in Taiwan Thank you for your attention 21