Call for Papers for ICT Express Open Access Journal Special Issue

Call for Papers for ICT Express Open Access Journal
Special Issue on Information and Communication Technologies for
the Future Transportation
As demonstrated lately by the major players in industry, traditional transportation systems have been transformed
to become smarter, more autonomous, safer, more energy-efficient and more environment-friendly driven by
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The development of ICT for the future advanced
transportations, such as autonomous cars, hyper-speed trains, unmanned railways, ships, aircrafts, and drones,
presents many new challenges with respect to reliability and latency in practical application scenarios. Recently,
many standardization efforts such as the IEEE WAVE (Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments), LTE V2X
(Vehicle-to-X), LTE-R (Railroad) and 5G-R of 3GPP, have begun to take major steps toward the rapid growth of
the related industries. A significant amount of research effort has been conducted in the areas of protocols and
architectures for vehicular networks, ship-to-ship/shore networks, underwater communication networks, ad hoc
networks for swarm flight, and much more.
This special issue explores novel concepts and practices with a long-term goal of application-specific deployment
in the ICT for the future transportation systems. We invite authors from both industry and academia to submit
original research and review articles that cover the design, implementation, and optimization with the specific
focus on architectures, protocols, and optimization algorithms in the following topics (but not limited to):
Transportation and communications: aeronautical, maritime, railway, satellite, underwater and
Transportation and Guidance: autonomous vehicles and collision-free drones.
Transportation and Energy: grids for electric vehicles, battery scheduling and energy charging for
Transportation and Society: Public safety communications (PS-LTE), Impact of vehicular networks on
safety, transportation efficiency, and the environment; services in transportation networks.
Transportation and IoT: Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Device-to-Device (D2D) communications,
Internet of Things (IoT) for transportation.
Evaluating Transportation: Simulation and performance evaluation techniques for vehicular and
transportation networks, Performance evaluation results and experimental prototypes, Modeling of
realistic mobility models for transportation studies.
Works addressing technologies for transportation (such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs); Highprecision positioning systems; resource management and mobility in vehicular networks; Protocols for
transportation networks, including MAC / link layer, routing, transport, and applications; Architectures,
algorithms and protocols for data dissemination, processing, and aggregation; Security, privacy, liability, and
dependability; Network and QoS management for transportation networks) framed in the above contexts are of
course encouraged.
To ensure fast turnaround with full peer reviews, a tentative schedule is set as follows:
March 1, 2016 Electronic manuscript (Word or Latex) submission to ICT Express website
[An earlier note to editors with intent to submit will be appreciated.]
April 30, 2016 Reviews returned to authors. Papers will be either accepted, rejected,
or returned to the authors with requests for changes
June 30, 2016 Special Issue published
Prof. Hyukjoon Lee, Kwangwoon University, Korea,
Prof. Rui L. Aguiar, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal,
Prof. Seung-Hoon Hwang, Dongguk University, Korea,
Prof. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea,
Prof. Tae (Tom) Oh, Rochester Institute of Technology, U.S.A,
Dr. Kiyoshi Hamaguchi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan,
Electronic submissions should be made through the Elsevier’s ICT Express web site
The information on submission is available on the web site. Please direct inquiries and intent to submit
notifications to the Lead Guest Editor, Hyukjoon Lee, Kwangwoon University (email: ICT
Express is a high-quality quarterly archival journal, published by KICS and hosted by Elsevier. ICT Express
invites short-length (up to 4 pages in double columns) high-quality, original articles. Papers published in the ICT
Express are indexed in Science Direct.