Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 B-49 Numerical modelling of metal oxide varistors Boris Žitnik1*, Maks Babuder1, Michael Muhr2, Mihael Žitnik3 and Rajeev Thottappillil3 1 Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Institute of High-Voltage Engineering and System Management, Graz, Austria 3 Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Uppsala University, Sweden * E-mail: requirement is that the model should be capable of reproducing the waveshapes of the voltage across and the current through the varistor faithfully. Usually, voltage-current characteristics (V-I curves) of varistors are reproduced in the model by using non-linear resistance with some accompanying elementary elements (inductance, capacitance). For improved accuracy of the models another non-linear resistance [4] or non-linear inductance [2] are sometimes added. The way how the varistor is modelled influences also the usable frequency range. In case of two non-linear resistances the proposed model [4] gives good results for the front time of surge current through the surge arresters in the range from 0,5 µs to 45 µs. In this paper, standard surge current impulses 8/20 µs were considered and therefore the models with one and two non-linear resistances were studied. From the literature we consider two different varistor models that seem very promising in their ability to predict voltage-current characteristics [5, 6]. The models were implemented in the ATP-EMTP program using MODELS. Model predictions were then compared with experimental results. In the paper, a model of the impulse generator actually employed in experiments is also used in our simulations of varistors to take into account the possible effects of the generator characteristics in the dynamic responses of the varistors. This is important because the generator is a combination of physical components with its internal impedance, which can be different for different frequencies. Amplitudes and waveshapes of the current through and the voltage across the varistors from the simulations and measurements were then compared and results are presented and discussed in the following sections. A new varistor model is suggested to resolve the discrepancy between the simulated and measured results. Abstract: Transient protection is playing an important role in normal operation of modern electronic devices. The ZnO varistor is one of the basic components of transient protection. The paper describes numerical modelling of metal oxide varistors for fast transient impulses. Two existing models of ZnO varistors and surge arresters are evaluated by comparing the model predictions with the experimental results. The impulse generator influences the time domain waveshapes of the current through and the voltage over the varistor and therefore the model of the impulse generator used in experiments was also used in the simulation. Simulation results showed many deviations from the measured results and an improved varistor model is proposed to rectify these problems. Key Words: varistor, varistor modelling, fast transient impulses; INTRODUCTION ZnO varistors are frequently used for the surge protection circuits in low-voltage power installations and electronic devices. They can be used as single protective devices or may be installed as a component in a complex protection circuit containing different stages. When used in a complex protection circuit, the voltage and current characteristics of the protective devices have to be co-ordinated [1] to share the surge energy efficiently according to the energy handling capacity of protective devices. Improper co-ordination between protective devices may result in their destruction or large peak voltages at the vulnerable equipment. The task of protection co-ordination can be performed manually by considering the nominal parameters of protective elements, like current rating and clamping voltage. However, manual co-ordination is coarse and difficult when many stages and different surge waveforms are involved. Knowing the models for surge protective devices, co-ordination can be performed using computer simulations [1]. Their advantage is that the whole varistor element characteristics can be used to get better accuracy. Besides, all other elements of the protective device circuit, connecting cables, lumped components, and circuit parasitic elements, can be included in the simulation model. VARISTOR MODELS The basic varistor model is a general model for metaloxide protective devices. The model can be used for simulation of varistors, surge arresters or parts of surge arresters. Fig. 1 shows an equivalent circuit for a varistor, L is an inductance of conducting leads and C capacitance of the device package and zinc oxide material. From the conduction mechanism of the varistor microstructure the resistive component of the voltage-current characteristic can be divided into three A number of different varistor models has been developed in the last few years [2-4]. The main 1 Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 B-49 significant thus directing more current into the first nonlinear section V1. regions: low, medium and the high-current region. At low currents, the varistor can be treated as a high value resistor RL and at very large currents the low value bulk resistance RB of the zinc oxide grains dominates the varistor response. In between, RI, has the ideal varistor property, which is strongly non-linear. Fig. 2. IEEE frequency-dependant varistor model Non-linear elements V1 and V2 are defined with V-I curves given in the IEEE document [4]. We found that both curves can be fitted with the following equation: U = kb I I c Fig. 1. Electrical conduction model of a metal oxide varistor (basic model) where: U I k, b, c The ideal varistor characteristic (V-I curve) in the range from few µA to tens of kA is approximated by the interpolation formula [3]: log(u ) = B1 + B2 log(i ) + B3 exp( − log(i )) + B4 exp(log(i )) (1) - is the varistor voltage, - is the current through the varistor, - are coefficients obtained from fitting of the curves given by the IEEE working group. Values of the fitting coefficients for Equation (2) are given in Table 2. where i is the current through the varistor and u is the voltage across the varistor. The parameters B1, B2, B3 and B4 are unique for each varistor type. Table 2. Values of the fitting coefficients The interpolation parameters B1, B2, B3, B4 and circuit parameters C and L are given by the manufacturer for every varistor type and nominal voltage. Parameters used in the simulation for the disk varistor S20K250 are listed in Table 1. V1 V2 k b c 1.2968167 0.9713959 1.000005 1.000004 0.0376332 0.0510025 These two fitted curves were implemented with MODELS in ATP-EMTP. As these two curves present only relative per unit ratio, they have to be additionally multiplied with a constant, specific for every varistor and obtainable from the manufacturer or by measurements. For the purpose of this investigation the constant was obtained from the measurements. To complete the model, one has to calculate the linear elements (L1, L2, R1, R2, C). They are calculated from the varistor geometry. As given in the IEEE working group paper, L1 represents inductance of the varistor, R1 is used for stabilisation of the numerical calculation, C represents varistor capacitance and L2, R2 comprises the filter between the two non-linear resistances. The values calculated according to [4] for the IEEE varistor models are given in Table 3. Table 1. Parameters used for the basic varistor model Coefficient B1 B2 B3 B4 C [pF] L [nH] (2) Varistor S20K250 2.6830619 0.0261918 -0.0006173 0.0045183 700 13 The second varistor model evaluated was the recommended model for lightning studies suggested by the IEEE working group [4]. The model is intended for station class arresters primarily. The aim here was to check if the model could be adapted for the varistors. The model is refereed as the frequency-dependent model. The non-linear V-I varistor characteristic is represented with two sections of non-linear resistances separated by an R-L filter (L2-R2). The circuit diagram of the model is given in Fig. 2. For fast front surges the impedance of the second R-L filter becomes more Table 3. Values of the IEEE model parameters S20K130 S20K250 2 R1 [Ω] L1 [nH] R2 [Ω] L2 [nH] C [pF] d [mm] 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.13 0.195 30 45 0.2 0.3 2 3 Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 B-49 to 400 MHz was used for voltage measurements. The current was measured with current coil (Pearson Electronic, pulse current transformer model 1049) terminated with a 50 Ω resistor. The ratio for the current was 500 A/V. To reduce effects of the surrounding circuit varistors were put in a specially designed closed metal container (5 cm long, 4 cm in diameter) and were connected using short leads (1 cm). The container was connected to the source using short conductors (10 cm). IMPULSE GENERATOR MODEL The Schaffner impulse generator was used for testing of the varistors. The internal or fictive impedance of the generator which is the ratio of the peak value of the open circuit generator voltage divided by the peak value of the short-circuit generator current used for the combination wave tests of surge protective devices, class III was 2 Ω. The voltage and current waveshapes during varistor operation are influenced by the test generator characteristics. Therefore, generator models also have to be included in the computer simulation of varistor operation. For that purpose a generator model was created. The generator model was created according to the manufacturer specifications. Its circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Measuring circuit diagram for the measurement of the varistor voltage and current The voltage and current waveshapes of different varistors were measured. Varistors had different diameters (5 to 20 mm) and different nominal operating voltages (17 to 680 V). A series of pulses with different voltage amplitudes were applied to each varistor. Fig. 3. Circuit diagram for the Schaffner generator The generator model was adjusted to a particular generator used for these measurements and the model parameters are shown in Table 4. Measuring results Measurements described in the previous section were performed on two sets of varistors to see if the varistors are performing as specified by the manufacturer. As the applied magnitudes of the pulses were below the manufacturer ratings, the degradation of the varistor material should not affect the results. During the measurements no substantial difference was observed between the two sets of measured varistors, which also confirms that no substantial change had happened to the varistor material. Parameter C1 Parameter R2 Value 10 µF Value C2 10 pF L1 = L2 12 µH R 19.8 Ω L3 20 µH R1 1.125 Ω L4 4.5 µH 72 Ω MEASUREMENTS 1000 Measuring set-up 3,0 Voltage Voltage [V] 800 The measuring circuit diagram for obtaining the voltage and current waveshape characteristics is shown in Fig. 4. The Schaffner generator NSG 650 was used as an impulse source. 2,4 600 1,8 400 1,2 Current 200 0,6 0 The Schaffner generator can give a 1.2/50 µs impulse voltage in an open circuit and an 8/20 µs impulse current in a short circuit. The charging voltage and triggering of the generator were controlled with a computer via a serial connection. The voltage and current were recorded with the LeCroy LC574AL oscilloscope with the sampling rate of 4 Gsa/s. LeCroy PPE 6 kV 1000-times voltage probe with inner impedance of 50 MΩ and the frequency band up Current [kA] Table 4. Parameters for the Schaffner generator model 0,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time [µs] Fig. 5. Measured voltage over and the current through the varistor. The varistor was SIOV S20K250. In Fig. 5 measured voltage and current waveshapes for the varistor S20K250 are shown (the generator was charged to 6 kV). The voltage peak occurs before the 3 Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 current peak. If the varistor during operation is purely resistive, both current and voltage peaks would have occurred at the same time. Waveshapes similar to the ones shown in Fig. 5 were obtained for other types of the tested varistors. The time delay between the voltage and current peak was observed in all measurements, the voltage peaking before the current. Variations in the voltage and current waveforms from different samples of varistors of the same type were negligible. B-49 900 3000 [V] [A] Current 750 2500 600 2000 Voltage 450 1500 300 1000 150 500 0 0 5 10 15 (file nIEEEmodel-arrester.pl4; x-var t) v:VOLT 20 25 30 [us] 0 35 c:CURR -C VARISTOR MODELLING Fig. 7. Simulated voltage over and the current through the varistor, the IEEE surge arrester model, varistor S20K250 As mentioned earlier, the varistor models were implemented in the circuit simulation program ATPEMTP using MODELS language. The above described models were used to replicate the measured current and voltage waveshapes. First the basic varistor model with a single non-linear resistance was tested. The non-linear V-I characteristic was described with Equation (1) and its coefficients. Fig. 6 shows the current and voltage waveshapes obtained from simulations of the S20K250 varistor and the Schaffner generator. 1200 The model suggested by the IEEE working group reproduces the current and voltage waveshapes quite well, too. It tends to underestimate the voltage magnitudes for similar currents. Another possibility to represent the behaviour of the varistor and to compare the results from the measurements as well as from simulations is to plot instantaneous values of the voltage against the current to obtain the V-I characteristic. Looking at the V-I characteristics (Fig. 8), one can see quite a substantial difference among them. First, the area of the V-I curve is almost zero in the case of the basic varistor model. It can be seen also that the basic model curve lies in parallel to the decaying portion of the measured V-I curve (the lower part of the measured characteristic) down from the current peak. Also seen is that the basic model overestimates the peak voltages over the varistor by about 9 % for a given current. 3000 [V] [A] Current 1000 2500 800 2000 600 1500 Voltage 400 1000 200 500 0 0 5 10 (f ile S20K250Basic1.pl4; x-v ar t) v :VOLT 15 c:CURR -X 20 25 30 [us] 0 35 Fig. 6. Simulated voltage over and the current through the varistor, the basic varistor model, varistor S20K250 900 800 700 600 Voltage [V] The voltage and current peak are at the same time. This is due to how the varistor is modelled. The non-linear resistance is modelled with a non-linear element, causing that behaviour. It seems that the impedance values of the linear elements such as inductance and capacitance given by the manufacturer are not significant enough to have much of an effect on the time delay between the voltage and current peak. 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Current [A] Basic model The second model used was the model suggested by the IEEE working group. The model parameters were selected according to Tables 2 and 3. The same V-I characteristics as given in [4], but scaled to fit the dimensions of the varistors used here, were adopted for both non-linear elements V1 and V2. The underlying assumption here is that all varistor material behaves by the same V-I curves as given in [4], which is not true in reality. The simulation results are given in the following diagram, Fig. 7. IEEE arrester model Measurement Fig. 8. Comparison of the V-I characteristics from different varistor simulation models with the measured characteristic Comparing the V-I characteristic of the IEEE model and the measured V-I curve (Fig. 8), some differences can be noted. The area of the V-I curve for the IEEE model is smaller and also the slope is smaller. The IEEE model underestimates the voltage over the varistor for about 8.5 % for a given current for a S20K250 varistor and for 4 Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 B-49 18.5 % for the smallest measured varistor (small diameter and small nominal voltage). This difference can be explained with the scaling factor for non-linear resistances V1 and V2 (it was selected according to the S20K250 varistor). are very close to the measured values. For the varistors having the diameter and nominal voltage similar to the ones of the S20K250 varistor (scaling factor was optimised to that varistor) that difference is around 1 % of the measured values for voltages and currents. NEW VARISTOR MODEL The proposed varistor model can properly simulate voltage and current peaks as well as dynamic behaviour but the V-I characteristic is still different from the measured V-I characteristic (Fig. 11, compare the black and the red line). This is due to general V-I characteristics for non-linear resistances V1 and V2, from the IEEE surge arrester model. As shown, none of the two compared varistor models was able to reproduce all the features of the voltage and current waveshapes. From the V-I curves in Fig. 8, some problems in estimating the voltage over the varistor accurately for a given current can be observed with both models. Discrepancies between the simulated and measured results can have some impact on modelling the protection co-ordination between protective devices. For achieving a better accuracy, both non-linear resistances should be fitted to the V-I characteristics of a particular varistor (the improved varistor model). Both non-linear resistances are modelled using the same equation (1). But since there are two different non-linear resistances, two sets of parameters are needed for each varistor. One set of the parameters can be obtained from the manufacturer’s catalogue and is the same as for the basic model. The parameters for the second non-linear resistance are obtained by fitting the measured voltagecurrent characteristic of the simulated varistor. Therefore, a new varistor model is proposed for improving the simulation accuracy. To obtain the time delay between the voltage and current peak, two nonlinear resistances should be used as in the IEEE model. Other improved varistor model parameters are selected almost in the same way as for the new varistor model. The values of capacitance C and inductance L1 do not change. The value for the inductance L2 was chosen according to the measurements by fitting together both non-linear resistances. The scaling factor for this presentation of the V-I characteristics for non-linear resistances is not needed because the real V-I characteristics are used. Parameters used in the simulation of varistor S20K250 are listed in Table 5. Fig. 9. Proposed varistor model In the first step, the same non-linear resistances were used as proposed by the IEEE working group. Parameters of the proposed model (Fig. 9) are calculated as follows: Table 5. Improved varistor model parameters The inductance L1 [nH] = inductance value from the catalogue / 2 Coefficient B1 B2 B3 B4 C [pF] L [nH] The inductance L2 [nH] = round up (the operating voltage / 100) * 18 nH Inductance L1 can also represent the inductance of connecting leads and in this case the influence of L1 on the new varistor model behaviour can be much bigger. Capacitance C can be read directly from the manufacturer’s catalogue. The correct value of the scaling factor for non-linear resistances V1 and V2 can be obtained with some iterations from varistor data which is not time consuming since the whole procedure can be easily done with the computer. First part of the model 2.6830619 0.0261918 -0.0006173 0.0045183 700 6.5 Second part of the model 2.6229461 0.01295638 -0.00019911 0.00856252 700 260 In the following figure (Fig. 10) results of the varistor voltage and current simulated with the improved varistor model are presented. Behaviour of the time delays between the voltage and current peaks for the improved varistor model is very similar to that of the time delays obtained by measurements (Fig. 5). Also the values of the delays are the same as those obtained by measurements. The accuracy of the voltage and current peaks simulations with the improved model is in the range of 1 % of the measured values. The simulations with the new varistor model were made for all varistors for which the measurements were made. The results from simulations were compared with measurements and simulated voltage and current peaks 5 Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005 900 CONCLUSIONS 3000 [V] [A] 750 2500 600 2000 1500 300 1000 150 500 0 0 5 10 Co-ordination of protective devices is very important for designing proper transient protection of the vulnerable systems. By using computer simulations, coordination efficiency and accuracy can be greatly improved. This requires accurate models of protective devices as well as models of accompanying units (impulse sources, conductors). Current Voltage 450 15 20 (file nVARmodel-S20K250-1.pl4; x-var t) v:VOLT 25 30 [us] B-49 0 35 The investigation shows that the existing varistor and surge arrester models do not reproduce the varistor behaviour accurately. The basic varistor model can not adequately describe the dynamic behaviour of varistors. The IEEE surge arrester model can be used for varistor simulations but the voltage and current waveshapes do not agree completely with measurements. c:CURR -C Fig. 10. Simulated voltage over and the current through the varistor S20K250, the improved varistor model Finally, by comparing the V-I characteristics obtained with the new varistor model, improved varistor model and measured V-I characteristics (Fig. 11), the improvement of both previously tested models can be seen (compare Fig. 8 and 11). The V-I curve simulated with the improved varistor model is very close to the measured V-I curve. The difference between both curves is in the range of a few percent. The varistor model proposed here combines the advantages of the two investigated models and can quite accurately predict the varistor behaviour. The results are especially good when the correct V-I characteristics for the varistor are used. By assuring better model accuracy, protection coordination can be performed more precisely thus better predicting dangerous system overvoltages. 800 700 Voltage [V] 600 REFERENCES 500 400 [1] 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 [2] Current [A] New var. model Improved var. model Measurement Fig. 11. Comparison of V-I characteristics from different varistor simulation models with the measured characteristic [3] The simulation results, peak voltages and peak currents from the models used in this research are collected in Table 6. To allow for a comparison, there are also measurement results. All the results are for the S20K250 varistor. [4] Table 6. Comparison of simulated and measured voltages and currents for different models [6] Model or measurement Peak voltage [V] Peak current [A] Measurement Basic varistor model IEEE surge arrester model New varistor model New - improved varistor model 730 798 666 728 729 2525 2500 2571 2536 2541 [5] 6 C. Chrysanthou, J. 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