curriculum vitae - Stockton University




Coastal Processes, Coastal Zone Management,

Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial Analysis & Modeling

Contact Information:

(609) 703-6793


My research focuses on understanding physical processes that affect coastal environments such as beaches, dunes, and tidal wetlands. I utilize geospatial technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), and global positioning systems (GPS), to quantify, analyze, model and understand dynamic change within the coastal zone.


2010–Present Rutgers University – New Brunswick New Brunswick, NJ

Ph.D., Geography – Doctoral Candidate (Post-Qualifying)

My dissertation research is focused on studying the spatio-temporal relationships between physical and human factors affecting barrier island evolution.

Advisor: Karl Nordstom

2006–2008 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Pomona, NJ

M.A., Instructional Technology.

Final project related to the training and education of coastal scientists in the multiple aspects of

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remotely sensed data (RS) within the coastal zone.

The project was an analysis of how the training attendees were able to retain the information provided through online software tutorials and computer lab lectures/project work.

Awards: Dean’s Award – Maintained 4.0 GPA through completion of degree.


Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Pomona, NJ

B.S., Marine Science.

Concentration in Marine Resource Management.


Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial Analysis & Modeling:

Experienced in analyzing remotely sensed (RS) data and modeling techniques in coastal

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 environments, including processing and use of aerial photography and LiDAR data.

Competent in quantitative and statistical methods of spatial data integration related to favorability, vulnerability and suitability modeling.

Highly skilled in working with GIS-based and other data visualization techniques including maps, time-slice mapping, 3-dimensional visualizations, and animations (gif, mpeg, avi).

Experienced in integration of 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D modelling applications for geographical representation related to flood hazards, overland wave modelling, frontal dune erosion, and shoreline migration/delineation.

Experienced in image processing and analysis including image georeferencing, re-sampling, feature extraction, and classification in various software products.

Software Applications including GIS, GPS, RS, & others:

Trained in working with geospatial analysis applications including ArcGIS 10.x (spatial analyst, 3analyst, network analyst, image analysis, etc), ArcPad, ArcServer data management, ArcView 3.2,

HAZUS-MH, Quick Terrain (QT) Modeler, Global Mapper, LizardTech GeoExpress 7, Leica

Geo Office, Lecia Infinity, HYPACK, QINSY, Google Earth KML/KMZ.

Trained in utilizing coastal geomorphology software including CEDAS (Coastal Engineering

Analysis System), SBEACH (Storm Induced Beach Change), BMAP (Beach Morphology

Analysis Package), and RMAP (Regional Morphology Analysis Package), DSAS (Digital

Shoreline Analysis System), and XBEACH.

Competent in ArcGIS Server Database Management, ArcSDE, PostGreSQL.

Accustomed to working in Web standard format (HTML) for clients creating electronic reports and web sites. Utilitze Microsoft Frontpage, Adobe Dreamweaver/Flash (CS).

Familiar with screen capture software (Adobe Captivate, Camtasia) to create tutorials for GIS workshops/training.

Work extensively with the Microsoft Windows OS, Mac OS X, Corel Draw Graphics Suite, and

Microsoft Office Suite products, particularly Excel.

Coastal Surveying & Sampling:

Extensive experience with coastal field survey data collection techniques using Ground-based

LiDAR scanners (mobile and stationary), RTK GPS, Transit Total Station, Single- and Multibeam Hydrographic surveys (HYPACK), and Side-scan sonar.

Experience in using field sampling and analysis equipment such as piston cores, grab samplers, soil augers, sieves, otter trawls, YSI, siene nets, etc.

Capable of running water craft over 30 feet.


2005–Present Richard Stockton College, Coastal Research Center Pomona, NJ

Director of Research (July 2014 - Present)

Supervise, and provide guidance and counsel to senior staff and junior employees on handling new & existing research projects. Supervise work operations; make performance evaluations and make recommendations of approval of personnel actions required within the program.

Recruit, train, and supervise key employees, while providing the guidance and leadership to

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 have them successfully shoulder some of the operational and research activity. Encourage the

RSC student workers to seek further education and training to supplement the existing employees and add to the scope of tasks offered at the CRC.

Work directly with senior staff in developing new research projects, generating cost estimates and securing new grant funding through federal, state, local & private sources.

Work to develop future research projects through coordination and collaboration with existing staff and research institutions, as well as federal, state and local governments.

Undertake principal investigator (PI) duties for special research project awards and guide each segment of the project through the process of advising and working with the other employees responsible for the completion of the work on the project.

Prepare, revise, monitor, and recommend budgets with the office manager on project costs for new work and also inform office manager of costs incurred and materials and supplies needed for new projects. Supervise the maintenance of essential records & files.

Check and review the data collection methodology, the validity of that information and the means used to process it into deliverables to clients.

Be the major source of developing public relations material, verbal and written presentations of completed work and research to various conferences, project meetings with clients and other avenues designed to generate additional project work by compiling, summarizing, and analyzing statistical and other data to make conclusions & recommendations.

Chief of Geospatial Analysis (January 2009 – July 2014)

Worked on the collection, integration and analysis of spatial data.

Developed geospatial methodologies in order and perform computer modeling/analyses on new and existing projects.

Responsible for overseeing four (5) geospatial analysts to complete project work and advised senior and junior staff in other departments on geospatial analysis software and concepts.

Provided consistent, accurate instruction to junior employees on best practices in handling new GIS mapping projects.

Guided each segment of geospatial project work through the process of advising, assisting and supervising the other employees responsible for the completion of the work on specific projects.

Aided in generating cost estimates for GIS-based mapping projects.

Conducted and directed fieldwork to collect geotechnical data (piston cores, grabs, ect.) and surveying data (Leica System 500/1200 GPS, Leica Total Station, MDL Dynascan Mobile

LiDAR Scanner, Leica Nova MS50 scanner, Odom Hydrotrac Single-Beam Acoustic


Managed all geographically collected data on the office server utilizing ArcGIS server with

ArcSDE and PostgreSQL RDMS.

Was the Major source of verbal or written presentations of completed work and research to various conferences, project meetings with clients and other avenues designed to generate additional project work.

Attended meetings and conferences to present research and procure new projects/grants for the CRC.

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Geospatial Analyst & Coastal Geomatics Specialst (September 2005 – January 2009)

Worked on the collection, integration and analysis of spatial data.

Conducted field work to collect sediment samples (piston cores, grabs, etc.) and elevation survey data (RTK-GPS).

Worked with geospatial applications, including ESRI ArcView 3.x and ArcGIS 9.x.

December 2012 Ocean Planning Internship Pago Pago, American Samoa

Graduate Research Intern

Worked as a Graduate Research Intern (via Rutgers Geography PhD) on the island of Tutuila aiding the American Samoa Coastal Management Program (ASCMP) with several tasks related to geospatial mapping including:

GPS field surveys of notable land features including pocket beaches, scarps, edges, embayments and revetments

Visual geomorphic characterization and description of coastline to develop a shoreline classification system

Geo-tagged photo documentation for analysis of field data in GIS

Collaborated with ASCMP GIS Coordinator to develop methodology for deriving a classified, tidally-referenced shoreline in American Samoa based on aerial LiDAR.

These tasked aided in developing methodologies for future GIS-based coastal classifications using remotely sensed data, particulary LiDAR and aerial photography. LiDAR generated shorelines are now able to be classified based on field data to provide the most accurate and upto-date shoreline information on the island of Tutuila. Data have been incorporated into the

American Samoa Marine Web Portal.

Summer 2001 NJDEP, Bureau of Shellfisheries Galloway, NJ

Assistant to Biologist

Worked on team project to determine the surf clam populations for the New Jersey coast.

At each survey station, collected subsamples for water, sediment, clams, and fish; used dredges, Peterson grabs, and sifting boxes for collection purposes.

Organized and analyzed specimens, tested water quality, and entered data into computer spread sheets for cumulative reports.

Ran small boat to survey leased grounds of commercial fishermen monitoring water and sediment quality.

Attended seminar concerning fish kills related to algal blooms and interacted with government officials to gain broader perspectives on local habitats.

1996–2000 Time Machine Sport Fishing Holgate, NJ

First Mate

Interacted with public on expeditions, assisting with fishing equipment, ensuring safety, running boat, and providing fun and comfortable experience.

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Maintained equipment on boat; cleaned and restocked supplies, coordinated trips, and determined fishing locations.


Technical Reports

Barone, D.A., 2014, Preliminary Report: Beneficial Use of Dredged Material to Restore

Wetlands for Coastal Flood Mitigation, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: New Jersey Department of

Environmental Protection, Governors Office of Recovery and Rebuilding, Trenton, New


Barone, D.A., Farrell, S.C., Howard, B.S., Flynn, M.J., 2013, New Jersey Dredged Hole

Assessment: Bass River & Drag Island Dredged Holes: New Jersey Department of

Transportation, Office of Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey.

Barone, D.A., Farrell, S.C., Howard, B.S., Gruver, M.H., McKenna, K.K., Flynn, M., Robine,

C.M., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Dalon, M., Koch, R.V., 2012, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal Waterways, Delaware River & Bay, New Jersey (version 1.0): New

Jersey Department of Transportation, Office of Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1

CD-ROM disk

Barone, D.A., Koch, R.V., McKenna, K.K., Farrell, S.C., Gruver, M.H., Howard, B.S., 2010,

Beach-dune susceptibility assessment, Absecon Island, Atlantic County, New Jersey (version

1.0): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center, Charleston,

South Carolina, 1 CD-ROM disk.

Koch, R.V., Barone, D.A., Farrell, S.C., Gruver, M.H., Howard, B.S., 2010, Beach-dune susceptibility assessment, Brigantine Island, Atlantic County, New Jersey (version 1.0):

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center, Charleston,

South Carolina, 1 CD-ROM disk.

Barone, D.A., Koch, R.V., Robine, C.M., Gruver, M.H., Farrell, S.C, 2010, Sediment

Characterization and Distribution of Artificial Island Confined Disposal Facility (version 1.0):

US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1 CD-ROM disk.

Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., McKenna, K.K., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Robine, C.M., Koch,

R.V., Gruver, M.H., Dalon, M., 2009, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal

Waterways, Ocean County, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey Department of

Transportation, Office of Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1 CD-ROM disk

Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., McKenna, K.K., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Robine, C.M., Koch,

R.V., Gruver, M.H., Dalon, M., 2009, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal

Waterways, Monmouth County, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey Department of

Transportation, Office of Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1 CD-ROM disk

Barone, D.A., Farrell, S.C., Howard, B.S., Gruver, M.H., McKenna, K.K., Flynn, M., Robine,

C.M., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Dalon, M., Koch, R.V., 2012, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal Waterways, Raritan Bay, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey

Department of Transportation, Office of Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1 CD-

ROM disk

Barone, D.A., Farrell, S.C., Koch, R.V., Howard, B.S., Gruver, M.H., 2009, Beach-dune system susceptibility assessment, Long Beach Island, Ocean County, New Jersey (version 1.0):

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center, Charleston,

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South Carolina, 1 CD-ROM disk.

Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., McKenna, K.K., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Robine, C.M., Koch,

R.V., 2009, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal Waterways, Cape May

County, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey Department of Transportation, Office of

Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1 CD-ROM disk

Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., 2008, Summary of 20-years of Shoreline Monitoring Between

Maryland Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, Bay Head, Mantoloking, Brick Twonship, to 1 st

Avenue in Normandy Beach, Ocean County, New Jersey & and Evaluation of Shoreline

Change Between 1920, 1994, and 2005: Borough of Mantoloking, New Jersey.

Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., McKenna, K.K., Gaffney, D.A., Gorleski, E., Robine, C.M., Koch,

R.V., 2008, Sediment Characterization and Management of Coastal Waterways, Atlantic

County, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey Department of Transportation, Office of

Maritime Resources, Trenton, New Jersey, 1 CD-ROM disk.

Mihalasky, M.J., Farrell, S.C., Barone, D.A., and Koch, R.V., 2007, Beach-dune system susceptibility assessment, northern Ocean County, New Jersey (version 1.0): New Jersey

Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Engineering and Construction, Bureau of

Coastal Engineering, Toms River, New Jersey, 1 CD-ROM disk.


Beach-dune system susceptibility assessment, New Jersey coastline. Presentation, NSBPA

Northeast Beaches Conference, Galloway, NJ, September 2013

Atlantic City boardwalk viewshed analysis, Presentation, Leica Hexagon Live International

Conference, June 2013.

Beach-dune susceptibility assessment, Atlantic County, New Jersey. Poster; Syposium on

Applied Geomorphology to Honor Miles O. Hayes, Columbia, SC, October 2011

New Jersey GIS-based state-wide beach-dune system susceptibility assessment: Applications and verification. Presentation; NOAA Coastal Geotools Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, March


Regional scale beach dune susceptibility assessment & verification in Long Beach Island, NJ.

Presentation; ASBPA National Conference, Charleston, SC, October 2010

Beach-dune susceptibility assessment, Brigantine Island, Atlantic County, NJ. Presentation;

Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo, Mays Landing, NJ, August 2010

Dredged material management and analysis of Delaware River confined disposal facilities.

Presentation; Delaware Estuary Regional Sediment Management Workgroup, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, August 2010.

Regional-scale beach-dune susceptibility assessment and comparative analysis of beach replenishment projects relating to storm impacts; Harvey Cedars, New Jersey. Presentation,

ASBPA Northeast Beaches Conference, Woods Hole, MA, September 2009.

Beach-dune susceptibility assessment: A geospatial approach to regional scale analysis.

Presentation, NOAA Coastal Geotools Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, March 2009

Ludlam Island: Coastal processess and protection. Presentation, Sea Isle City Taxpayers

Associations, Sea Isle, NJ, January 2009.

Beach-dune system analysis: An application of LiDAR data. Presentation, MACURISA

LiDAR Symposium, Bordentown, NJ, October 2008.

Beach-dune susceptitiblity assessment, pre-and post beach-fill comparison, Surf City & Harvey

Cedars, New Jersey. Presentation, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection,

Bureau of Coastal Engineering, Toms River, NJ, February 2008.

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Beach replenishment, information and recent studies. Presentation, Surfrider Foundation,

South Jersey Chapter, Somers Point, NJ, February 2008.

Beach-dune system susceptibility assessment, northern Ocean County, New Jersey.

Presentation, New Jersey Department of Enviromental Protection, Bureau of Coastal

Engineering, Toms River, NJ, April 2007.

Oceanfront and bayfront coastal zone management: Current activities & new developments.

Presentation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, April 2007

Conference Session Moderator

“Sediment Management.” Session Moderator, NOAA Coastal GeoTools Conference, Myrtle

Beach, SC, March 2011.


“Your Role in the NJ/NY Coastal Flood Map Revisions” Workshop/Webinar

Coordinator/Presenter, FEMA Cooperating Techinal Academic Partner Training, Jacques

Coustea National Estuarine Research Reserve-Coastal Training Center, Tuckerton, NJ, January


“Reducing Coastal Flood Risk: Making Use of Updated FIRMs” Workshop/Webinar

Coordinator/Presenter, FEMA Cooperating Technical Academic Partner Training, Jacques

Coustea National Estuarine Research Reserve-Coastal Training Center, Tuckerton, NJ,

December 2013.


“Seminar in Environmental Science” Undergraduate Environmental Science Course, Guest

Lecturer for Coastal Science Applications using GIS Section (1 day), Richard Stockton College of NJ – February 2014.

“Earth Systems” Undergraduate Geography Course, Guest Lecturer for Coastal Processes

Section (1 day), Rutgers University-New Brunswick, December 2011.


“Dredge spoils will provide dunes so turtles won’t cross road.” Interview, Press of Atlantic

City, December 17, 2008.

“Coastal flooding study in Port Republic gets funding boost.” Interview, Press of Atlantic

City, August 16, 2008.

“Which parts of Jersey will be smacked hardest by storm?” Interview, The Bergen Record,

August 14, 2008.

“Richard Stockton College receives Congressional Appropriations for State-wide Beach

Assessment.” Interview (Radio), New Jersey 101.5, August 14, 2008.

Professional Activities & Research

New Jersey Beach-Dune Susceptilibilty Assessment; in progress - Starting in 2006, a GISbased beach-dune system susceptibility assessment was undertaken to evaluate the performance of the oceanfront beach-dune system against storm events. The assessment integrates various types of spatial data and the USACE’s storm simulation model, SBEACH to identify weaknesses in the system and highlight areas that may be vulnerable to storm damage

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(such as erosion, over wash, or breach) along New Jersey 130-mile ocean coastline.

Dredged Material Management System (DMMS); in progress – The project incorporates data collected from the project “Sediment Characterization of New Jersey’s Coastal Waterways” as well as data from the New Jersey dredging community into a comprehensive online map server. The DMMS essentially pulls together the management efforts of dredging activities in

New Jersey to a centralized location, where users are able to connect and network to find ways of beneficially using dredged material. In addition, the DMMS allows users in need of dredging to connect with users who own dredged material placement sites.

Sediment Characterization and Management of New Jersey's Coastal Waterways; in complete-

A broad research program in support of the New Jersey Department of Transportation's

Office of Maritime Resources (NJDOT/OMR) comprehensive long-term management strategy for dredging projects and dredged material placement, "Sustainable Capacity Material

Management Plan (SCMMP) / Database Development". The study program is designed for the purpose of facilitating the development of feasible dredging and dredge material placement/reuse options in order to encourage coastal waterway maintenance programs in

Monmouth, Ocean, Atlantic, and Cape May Counties (including the small part of southeastern

Burlington County that borders on the Mullica River - Great Bay estuary). The study program consists of 3 projects that will establish a regional-scale framework and baseline for maintenancedredging-related activities, and include include: (1) compiling a modern up-to-date

GIS database of known dredged material disposal facilities, (2) characterization of the bay waters through sediment sampling and distribution mapping, and (3) spatial data analysis and modeling to determine sites suitable for prospective dredged material processing centers.

Innovative Use of Dredged Materials and Disposal Sites to Reduce Diamondback Terrapin

Turtle Mortality and Enhance Nesting Habitats; complete - The project identifies locations that are suitable for restoration and enhancement of diamondback terrapin turtle nesting habitats with an emphasis on beneficial use of dredged material. Priority areas for terrapin habitat restoration and mortality reduction will be identified using spatial analysis techniques

(GIS and remote-sensing) and field visits. Subsequent habitat restoration projects will also be identified. In addition, an ad hoc program will be established that offers design and permitting assistance to marinas interested in incorporating the goals of this project. The intent of this project is to provide an opportunity to enhance terrapin habitat, reduce turtle mortality, expand beneficial uses of dredged material in the State, and improve boating through increased dredged material capacity and forging new partnerships between public, nonprofit and government entities.

Beach-Dune System Susceptibility Assessment for Surf City and Harvey Cedars; complete -

The project illustrates the contrast in storm vulnerability of the Surf City and Harvey Cedars shorelines to the 5-, 10-, and 20-year storm events. This information is perceived to be particularly useful in showing the municipal officials and the residents the magnitude of impact derived from the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Long Beach Island Shore Protection

Project that started in Surf City in winter 2006-2007.



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Certified Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP)

Certified HAZUS-MH Practitioner

Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM)

Member, NJ Geospatial Forum (Elevation Task Force)

Member, ASFPM

Member, ASBPA

NAUI Open-Water Scuba Certified

Red Cross First Aid Certified

Red Cross CPR Certified

NJ Boater Safety Certified

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Dr. Stewart C. Farrell

Director & Founder

Coastal Research Center

Richard Stockton College

PO Box 195

Pomona, NJ 08240-0195

(609) 652-4245

Kimberly K. McKenna

Professional Geologist


Diamond Coastal & Environmental Services

PO Box 9586

Newark, DE 19714

(302) 598-6338

Keil Schmid

Senior Technical Staff

IMSG at NOAA Coastal Services Center

2234 South Hobson Ave.

Charleston, SC 29466

Dr. Mark J. Mihalasky

Research Geologist

Western Mineral Resources Team

US Geological Survey

904 W. Riverside Ave, Room 202

Spokane, WA 99201

(509) 368-3118

Dr. Karl Nordstrom


Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences

Rutgers – the State University of New Jersey

New Brunswick, NJ, 08901-8521

(732) 932-6555 x502

Douglas Gaffney, P.E.

Senior Associate

Gahagan and Bryant Associates, Inc.

3460 North Delaware Ave, Suite 308

Philadelphia, PA 19134-6311

(215) 425-6283

Genevieve Boehm-Clifton

Project Manager

Office of Maritime Resources

NJ Department of Transportation

1035 Parkway Ave.

E & O Bldg., 1

PO Box 837 st Floor

Trenton, NJ 08625-0837

Chris Constantino

Senior Environmental Specialist

1510 Hooper Ave.

Toms River, NJ 08753

NJ Department of Environmental Protection

Office of Engineering and Construction

Bureau of Coastal Engineering
