ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN Ni-BASE ALLOYS B.R. Tittmann and L. Ahlberg Rockwell International Science Center Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 F. Cohen-Tenoudji and G. Quentin G.P.S., University of Paris VII Paris, France SUMMARY The frequency dependent ultrasonic attenuation and grain noise were determined for samples of three alloys often used in jet aircraft engine turbine discs: Waspa11oy, IN-lOa, and Ti-6246. In addition to propagation of longitudinal waves, also shear waves were considered. The frequency dependence was extracted from broadband echos received through a low attenuation buffer. A key feature of the results for IN-IOO is the presence of a low concentration of micropores which appear to influence the scattering of ultrasound and therefore the attenuation and material noise values. Of the three alloys, Waspa110y was found to have the highest attenuation value and Ti-6246 the lowest. INTRODUCTION The work reported here is part of a program on flaw detection in turbine rotor component bore geometries whose objective is to determine the feasibility of detecting non-surface breaking fatigue cracks near the bore hole surface of an aircraft engine disk using ultrasonic techniques. As part of this program the attenuation and grain noise parameters of IN-lOa, Waspa110y and Ti-6246 were determined as needed to develop measurement models for the overall program. 129 B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. 130 Recent reports of quantitative attenuation analysis have been devoted to the scattering caused by grains. l ,2 The most detailed treatment of this mode of attenuation has been developed by Papadakis,l based on scattering calculations by Liftshitz and However, there are several problems with the Parkhomovskii. 3 analysis in the present form. The approach identifies two regimes of behavior; the Rayleigh regime where w < 1.O<D> (w is the wavelength and D is the grain diameter) and a "stochastic" regime which prevails atw > lO<D>. Analytic expression for the attenuation ° have been developed in these frequency regimes for a variety of crystal structures; viz., for cubic materials,2 3 Z Z 8rr (C ll - C1Z - ZC 44 ) p °1 375E 4 [2 + 3 (::f] Tf4 (w < O.l<D» °1 = Z Z 16'JT (C ll - C1Z - ZC 44 ) p 5Z5E 3 <D>f Z (w > lO<D» and (1) where E is Young's modulus of the polycrystal, p is the density of the material, the C's are the single-crystal elastic constants, v is the wave speed, the subscripts ~ and t refer respectively to the longitudinal and transverse modes, and T is given by (2) The T term in the Rayleigh regime recognizes that real materials contain a contribution of grain diameters;2 the term is then derived on the premise that each grain is a single scatterer (cross section, « D6) and that the attenuation is a summation of the scattering over all grains (<< D-3). Interaction effects are thus neglected, and this constitutes a conceptual difficulty with the analysis. In the stochastic regime, the grain radius distribution does not appear to have been afforded the same recognition, and the direct use of the mean grain diameter has generally been advocated. 2 This inconsistency is disconcerting, but the effect of grain size variability may not be as important as in the Rayleigh regime. The major limitation of the existing analysis, however, is that it does not provide explicit relations for the attenuation at frequencies between the Rayleigh and "stochastic" regimes (O.l<D> < w < lO<D». Yet, most frequencies of practical interest lie within this intermediate regime. Papadakis 2 has suggested an interpolation procedure that affords a good ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS 131 approximation, but a more exact treatment of the attenuation would clearly be preferred. A different approach has recently been deve,loped4 that circumvents the above problems and, of particular importance for ceramics, has a flexibility that allows the effects of more than one microstructural constituent to be analyzed. The approach is based on numerical computations of the cross section and extreme-value size distributions of the predominant scatterers. Attenuation data, obtained on a range of ceramic material, are used to correlate with analysis. 4 SAMPLE PREPARATION Representative samples of IN-lOO, Waspalloy, and Ti-6246 were obtained from Pratt and Whitney Co and were subsequently machined and polished to have flat and parallel faces in at least two directions. Micrographs were obtained for each of the samples and for the IN-lOa samples, specifically, an additional effort was made to obtain approximate micropore size and density distributiuons. TECHNIQUE FOR ATTENUATION MEASUREMENTS The measurement technique was already described in detail previously in reference (4) and is only briefly summarized here. The data were obtained in the 10 MHz to 100 MHz band of frequencies analyzing the echos within smaller sub-bands. A lowattenuation buffer (AI or fused silica) was typically used to obtain the transducer response and the reflection coefficient of the sample interface. The technique and calculations are illustrated in Fig. 1. For the case of shear waves, an additional technique was employed for rapid data acquisition and is illustrated in Fig. 2. Here the buffer is water and the angle of incidence is such that the longitudinal waves in the water produce shear waves in the sample. Because of the possible generation of leaky waves generated at the interfaces and the non-circular beam spreading associated with non-normal incidence, the meaurements were augmented with calibration measurements, carried out with narrow band quartz shear wave transducers. In reference to Fig. 2, Tal' TlO are the water-sample, samplewater transmission coefficients; as is the sample shear wave attenuation in nepers/cm, a W is the water longitudinal attenuation in nepers/cm, t S1 ' tS2 are the shear wave paths in the sample under test, t Wl ' tW2 are the wave path length in water. 132 B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. TRANSDUCER BUFFER - AIR SIGNAL !~ /" U . . ., _~_ ~ A BUFFER BUFFER - SAMPLE SIGNAL ~ (R)A SIGNAL TRANSMITTED INTO SAMPLE IS: T - A6 1/2 (1- I R I 2 ) 1/2 SAMPLE - AIR SIGNAL IS: - 1/2 C~ T6 (k= Fig. 1. 2 112 2 1 (1 - I R I ) e- (k 1/21. [1n(1 - 1 R 21) + In(A/ C) Sample measurement configuration. A1 = T 01 T 10 exp - (as 's1 + CXw I w1 ' A2 I = T 01 T 10 exp - (as Is2 + a w I w2 ' -.!. a = (In A 1) + a s ~Is A2 w Ax Tx Fig. 2. Shear attenuation method. ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS 133 RESULTS Waspalloy The Waspalloy sample was found to have a relatively coarse grained structure with grain diameters in the range from about 50 ~m to 500 ~m. A representative micrograph is shown in Fig. 3 and the graph of the frequency dependence of the attenuation is shown in Fig. 4. At 10 }lliz the longitudinal wave attenuation a L is about 10 dB/cm and the shear wave attenuation as about 11 dB/cm. The corresponding velocities are vL = 6.04 mm/~s and Vs = 3.23 mm/~s. The frequency dependence has an exponent between 2 and 3 as expected for the transition between the Rayleigh and stochastic regimes. WASPALLOY • Fig. 3. Micrograph for Waspalloy sample. Ti-6246 In contrast to the Waspalloy, the Ti-6246 sample was fine grained with an average grain diameter of 2-4 ~m. The micrograph shown in Fig. 5 displays the basket weave structure with a mosiac of a- and 8-grains. As demonstrated in Fig. 6 the attenuation is low with values of about a L = 10 dB/cm at 100 MHz and exponent of about 3.5 for the frequency dependence. IN-lOa In contrast to the Waspalloy and Ti-6246, the IN-lOa sample displayed a fine grain structure with a low concentration of micropores. The microporosity was observed on three separate samples. B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. 134 100 80 U L TRASON IC ATTENUATION, WASPALLOY 60 50 40 30 ~ 20 --" ~ E .0 V 0 10 8 ~ lJ. 6 5 4 •• lJ. ~~ 3 2 ~ • • • • • • • L-WAVE ~ ~o 1 1 2 3 4 56 8 10 20 S- WAVE 304050 70 100 FREQUENCY, MHz Fig. 4. Attenuation values for Waspalloy. Fig. 5. Micrograph for Ti-6246. ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS 135 1000, ULTRASONIC ATTENUATION, Ti 6246 100 10 1L-__________- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 1 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY, MHz Fig. 6. Longitudinal wave attenuation in Ti-6246. One of the samples is a section from a used F-100 second turbine disk on which spin pit testing was carried out. All three samples contained micropores, but showed differing pore sizes and spacings. Some microporosity known as TIP (thermally induced porosity) is normal and is a result of the final heat treatment. 5 Typical micrographs showing the grain and pore structure are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. These distributions were analyzed with the aid of a Cambridge Instruments Quantiment 900, one of whose outputs is shown in Table I. Figs. 9, 10, and 11 present graphs of grain size and micropore size distributions for the two samples. Typical grain sizes are about 2-4 ~m and micropore sizes average about 15 ~m with nonnegligible contributions from 50 ~m diameter pores. On the other hand the density of microEores was considerably greater for sample B with about 200 pores/mm than for sample A with about 4 pore/mm2, indicating some difference in the treatments. 136 B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. Fig. 7. Photomicrograph of IN-lOO grains. Fig. 8. Pores in IN-lOO. ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS Table I. 137 Pore Size Distribution CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENTS QUANTIMET 900 DATE : 23-MAR-82 ROUTINE : PORE QUIPS/SM RUN X66.01 USER 16 SPECIMEN DISTRIBUTION OF FEATURE COUNT vs LENGTH TOTAL FEATURE COUNT = 4365. UNDERSIZE COUNT = O. LIMITS 5.008.0011.0014.00 17.00 20.00 23.00 26.00 29.00 32.00 35.00 38.00 41.0044.00 47.00 - MEAN = 13.1 STDDEV = 7.23 OVERSIZE COUNT = 64. COUNT ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * .. * * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * 960. 8.00 11.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 23.00 26.00 29.00 32.00 35.00 38.00 41.00 44.00 47.00 50.00 1269. 855. 351. 330. 188. 140. 78. 53. 41. 27. 26. 21. 12. 14. CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENTS QUANTIMENT 900 ROUTINE : PORE DATE: 23-MAR-82 CALIBRATE MICROSCOPE QUIPS/8M: X66.01 USER: RUN 16 SPECIMEN: (CALIBRATION VALUE = 0.8104 MICRONS PER PIXEL) (OPTICS TURRET = INCIDENT) (OBJECTIVE LENS ID. =x 4.0, PROJECTION LENS ID. =x 8.0) LOAD SHADING CORRECTOR (PATTERN - 4X) STAGE SCAN ( X Y SAMPLE B 40 CI) z «c::: 30 - (!) u.. 0 'it r-- Z u c::: w c... - 20 IW SAMPLE A - 10 r r-0.5 1 Fig. 9. 2 4 Mm n 8 16 0.5 1 2 4 n 8 16 ~m Grain size distribution in IN-IOO. B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. 138 1.0 N 3.9 PORES/mm 2 17.5 (.J. AVERAGE SIZE 0.8 E E ..... en w a: 0.6 0 c.. II.. 0 :tI: 0.4 0.2 10 1 COUNT AT 82 (.J.m Fig. 10. Pore size distribution for IN-IOO sample A 60 50 rN 206.7 PORES/mm 2 13.1 ~ AVERAGE SIZE I- 40 E ~w '- a: 30 ... 0 LL 0 " 20 I10 0 0 10 15 rhn 20 25 30 SIZE Fig. 11. (~ml ~f:l8l:;;:8 "':"':cicici 40 50 60 3 - 0.5/mm2 OVERSIZE Pore size distribution for IN-IOO sample B 139 ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS The consequence of the presence of micropores may be perceived with the aid of some analysis. The normalized single scattering cross section for a sphere is: 6 (2m + 1)[ A 2 + m(m + 1)(k/K) B 2] m m (1) where ~, Bm are expansion coefficients which are evaluated by matching boundary conditions between the sphere and the matrix. Here k = w[p/(>" + 211)]1/2 where w is the radial frequency, e the density, and>" and 11 Lame's constant. In the Rayleigh regime where w < 0.2a the cross section for longitudinal waves is r2 47T "'"9 g k4 6 a (2) Equation (2) shows that the scattering cross section depends on the sixth power of the sphere radius. In the IN-100, each pore acts to scatter energy out of the ultrasonic beam according to Eq. (2) and contributes to the attenuation. It is reasonable to expect that the attenuation values depend strongly on pore density and pore size distribution. In the case of sparse distributions, the large pores would be expected to dominate the attenuation and could influence the values differently depending on the specific sample or even the site for a given sample where the measurements are obtained. The measurements are summarized in Fig. 12 and 13 which display attenuation values as a function of frequency for two different samples and for three different locations for the same sample. Table II summarizes the information collected by given representative values for attenuation and velocity for Waspalloy, IN100 and Ti-6246. B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. 140 100 SAMPLE A ~~ SAMPLE B 10 ",0 • E u :a 'tJ • • o '" 0 9 0 • • 00 • A 0 0.1 0 ~AOo 10 S -WAVE A} 6mmTx L- WAVE B L- WAVE A} 1 mmTx L- WAVE B 100 1000 FREQUENCY. MHz Fig. 12. Attenuation in IN-lOO. THREE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS OF 1 mm DIAM ETER TRANSDUCER 1 L-__~__~~~~~____~~~~~~ 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY. MHz Fig. 13. Attenuation in IN-lOO at three different locations for one sample. 141 ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS Table n. Attenuation and Velocity vL Vs Grain Size (].lm) Waspalloy 6.04 3.23 100 4 11 IN-100 6.52 3.29 2 4 ± 1 20 Ti-6246 6.11 3.16 2-4 10 Velocity Sample (mmhlID) Atten (dB/cm) aL as Freq (MHz) Freq Dep aL as 10 f2.2 f2.5 50 f2 f2.2 100 f3.5 TECHNIQUE FOR GRAIN NOISE MEASUREMENTS Grain noise measurements were carried out as shown schematically in Fig. 14 with a broadband transducer in a water bath. For purposes of deconvolution a reference waveform was obtained, as shown in Fig. 14b, by using the sample corner as a corner reflector. Fig. 15 shows the power frequency spectra for (a) the sample corner as a reference; (b) the backscattering from the sample; (c) the ratio between (b) and (a). The backscattering (b) power frequency spectra was obtained by averaging 10 scattering waveforms from different regions of the sample. Each waveform was averaged 512 times to eliminate electronic noise. SCATTERING MEASUREMENTS to.634 em (a) SCATTERING MEASUREMENT (b) CALIBRATION MEASUREMENT Fig. 14. Grain noise measurement technique. 142 B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. :~I Z 4 8 :::> 0.0006 ~ 0.0004 aJ 1 ,1 12 16 20 FREO (MHz) U) I- Z :s: 1 (b) ex: 0.0002 w O~~~~__- L_ _~_ _L-~~~_ _~~~ ~ 4 ~ O~2! 0.0001 o 4 : :::z 8 12 16 IOI 20 FREO (MHz) Fig. 15. Frequency spectra for (a) the sample corner; (b) backscattering from sample; (c) the ratio of (b) to (a). It is interesting to calculate the theoretical back-scattering amplitude for a spherical scatterer in the regime of ka < 1. 3 The result is shown in Fig. 16 which displays the characteristic (ka)4 rise associated with the Rayleigh regime. An examination of the backscattering data obtained in the experiments shows a similar trend at low frequencies (see Fig. 17) which opens the possibility for deducing an average a (grain radius) for the material. ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS 0.50 0.40 t 0.30 I A I fa 0.20 0.10 ka-- Fig. 16. Theoretical scattering amplitude as a function ka. IN 100 PORE SCATTERING x 1000 -40 -42 N ]1] -44 >0:: ~ C!l o...J -46 -48 -50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 LOG (F [MHz] ) Fig. 17. Log-log plot of grain/pore backscattering vs frequency for IN-I00 compared to theoretical frequency dependence. 143 B. R. TITTMANN ET AL. 144 CONCLUSION This study determined the frequency dependence of the attenuation for three alloys: Waspalloy, IN-100, and Ti-6246. Except possibly for the Waspalloy, the attenuation values are quite low and therefore negligible for typical ultrasonic NDE applications in the 2-10 MHz range of frequencies. The results obtained for IN-100 are complicated by the presence of microporosity, which was found to be variable from sample-to-sample and from site-to-site within each sample. Preliminary measurements were also carried out to determine the grain and pore scattering for IN-100. Preliminary comparisons at about 10 MHz shows the w4 dependence for the backscattering amplitude expected for the Rayleigh regime where ka < 1. Additional experiments are planned on an actual engine disk component to confirm that these results are representative of results expected in real components. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, operated by the Ames Laboratory, USDOE, for the Air Force Wright-Aeronautical Laboratories/Materials Laboratories and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-82 with Iowa State University. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E.M. Papadakis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 37, 711 (1965). W.P. Mason and H.J. McSkimin, J. App~Phys. 19, 940 (1948). I.M. Lifshitz and G.D. Parkhomovskii, J. Expt:--Theoret. Phys. (USSR) 20 175 (1950). A.G. Evans, B.R. Tittmann, L. Ahlberg, B.T. Khun-Yakub, G.S. Kino, "Ultrasonic Attenuation in Ceramics," J. Appl. Phys. ~, 2669 (1978). "Effects of Defects in Powder Metalurgy SuperaUoys," Air Force Report AFWAL TR 81-4191, 1981. R.L. Roderick and Rohn Truell, J. Appl. Phys. 2~, 267 (1952). ATTENUATION AND GRAIN NOISE PARAMETERS IN NI-BASE ALLOYS 145 DISCUSSION R.B. Thompson (Ames Laboratory): You identified the porosity scattering as being in the Rayleigh regime, but you said that the attenuation had a frequency dependence somewhere between the Rayleigh and stochastic regimes. If it's the same scattering mechanism in the two processes, why do they appear to be in different regimes? B.R. Tittmann (Rockwell International Science Center): As Ken Fertig will tell you, there are other effects that play a role in the noise scattering which will, in fact, shed light on that. Part of it is the beam spreading that he will discuss, so I'll defer that question to him.