APPENDIX C LPBF/UNO National Science Education Standards Content Strands C hap t e r 1 LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN: A WATERSHED Lessons on the Lake Activity Water in the Basin Travelin’ Through the Basin Learning About the Basin Travelin’ Troupe Science as Inquiry NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Earth and Space Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry......................(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry .....................................(5-12) Structure of the earth system (5-8) Earth history ............................(5-8) Origin and evolution of the earth system .....................................(9-12) Diversity and adaptations in Origin and evolution of the earth organisms ..................................(5-8) system .....................................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Behavior of organisms ...........(9-12) Diversity and adaptations in Surfin’ the Understandings about scientific Basin… and inquiry .....................................(5-12) organisms ..................................(5-8) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Beyond Diversity and adaptations in organisms ..................................(5-8) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ............................(5-8) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Personal health ........................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ............................(5-8) Natural hazards ....................... (5-8) Personal health ........................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) C hap t e r 2 WHY WORRY ABOUT WETLANDS? Lessons on the Lake Activity Countdown Calendar Science as Inquiry Lake Log Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry......................................(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry..................................... (5-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature Science Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms ..................................(5-8) Regulation and behavior ..........(5-8) Biological evolution ................(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Behavior of organisms ...........(9-12) Personal health ........................(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments ............................(5-8) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Risks and benefits ....................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Population growth ..................(9-12) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Nature of science ......................(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Personal health ........................(5-8) Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Nature of science ...................... (5-8) Risks and benefits ....................(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Populations, resources, and How Healthy Abilities necessary to do scientific is This inquiry......................................(5-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) environment ..............................(5-8) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Wetland? Understandings about scientific inquiry .....................................(5-12) Where Have All the Wetlands Gone? Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms ..................................(5-8) Biological evolution ................(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ............................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Population growth ..................(9-12) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Nature of science ......................(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) C hap t e r 2 NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS WHY WORRY ABOUT WETLANDS? Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry Science and Technology Life Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Populations, resources, and environments ...............(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................(5-8) Population growth .....(9-12) Natural resources ......(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards .........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .........(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science .........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge....................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....................(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms .................(5-8) Regulation and behavior ........................ (5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ...................(9-12) Behavior of organisms (9-12) Bird Beak Buffet Environmental Abilities necessary to Populations and Barometer do scientific inquiry (5-12) ecosystems ....................(5-8) Diversity and adaptations Understandings about scientific inquiry ........(5-12) of organisms .................(5-8) Regulation and behavior ........................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ...................(9-12) Populations and Science and technology in Populations, resources, and Science as a human Fibonacci Hunt: Abilities necessary to do environments ...............(5-8) endeavor ......................(5-12) Going for the scientific inquiry .........(5-12) ecosystems ....................(5-8) local, national, and global challenges ....................(9-12) Science and technology Diversity and adaptations Nature of science .........(5-8) Gold Understandings about C hap t e r scientific inquiry ........(5-12) of organisms .................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ...................(9-12) Behavior of organisms (9-12) 3 THE MAGIC OF THE ESTUARY Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry in society .......................(5-8) Nature of scientific Population growth .....(9-12) knowledge....................(9-12) Natural resources ......(9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments .........................................(5-8) organisms ..................................(5-8) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Behavior of organisms ...........(9-12) Risks and benefits ....................(5-8) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Music of the Understandings about scientific Estuary inquiry .....................................(5-12) Diversity and adaptations in History and Nature Science C hap t e r 3 THE MAGIC OF THE ESTUARY NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Lessons Science in Personal History and Nature Science Science as Inquiry Life Science on the Lake and Social Perspectives Activity Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Personal health ........................(5-8) Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Magical Abilities necessary to do scientific Images of the inquiry......................................(5-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Populations, resources, and environ- Nature of science ......................(5-8) ments......................................... (5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Estuary Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Risks and benefits ....................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Population growth ..................(9-12) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Magical Images of the Estuary Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Estuary Abilities necessary to do scientific Interviews inquiry......................................(5-12) Diversity and adaptations of organ- Populations, resources, and environ- Science as a human endeavor (5-12) ments......................................... (5-8) Nature of science ......................(5-8) isms ...........................................(5-8) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry .....................................(5-12) Biological evolution .................(9-12) Risks and benefits ....................(5-8) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Science and technology in Behavior of organisms ........... (9-12) society .......................................(5-8) Population growth ..................(9-12) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Estuary Issues/ Understandings about scientific Creative Problem inquiry .....................................(5-12) Solving Personal health ........................(5-8) Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Populations, resources, and environ- Nature of science ......................(5-8) ments .........................................(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Natural hazards .......................(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................................(5-8) Population growth ..................(9-12) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards .........................................(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) C hap t e r 3 THE MAGIC OF THE ESTUARY Lessons on the Lake Activity C hap t e r What Does It Take to Be an Estuary Inhabitant? 4 NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry......................................(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry .....................................(5-12) Populations and ecosystems ....(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms ...........................................(5-8) Regulation and behavior.......... (5-8) Biological evolution ................(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Populations, resources, and environments .........................................(5-8) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) ROLLIN’ DOWN THE RIVER: RIVERINE SYSTEMS Lessons on the Lake Activity Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science as Inquiry Science as Inquiry Headlines Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Physical Science History and Nature Science Populations, resources, and environ- Science as a human endeavor (5-12) ments......................................... (5-8) Nature of science ......................(5-8) Natural resources ...................(9-12) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ....................................(9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Interdependence of Properties and organisms .....(9-12) changes of properties in matter (5-8) Structure and properties of matter ..........(9-12) Chemical reactions ......(9-12) Earth Science Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Risks and benefits ...........(5-8) Science and technology in society .............(5-8) Population growth ..........(9-12) Natural resources ......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Science as a human endeavor .......(5-12) Nature of science ............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ....(9-12) C hap t e r 4 ROLLIN’ DOWN THE RIVER: RIVERINE SYSTEMS NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Issues About Abilities necessary Rivers to do scientific Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Science and technology in society .............(5-8) Population growth ..........(9-12) Natural resources ......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Problems with Abilities necessary Rivers to do scientific Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Environmental quality ..........(9-12) Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry Physical Science inquiry ...........(5-12) Properties and changes of properinquiry ...........(5-12) ties in matter (5-8) Understandings Structure and propabout scientific erties of inquiry ..........(5-12) matter ..........(9-12) Chemical reactions ......(9-12) Questions About Abilities necessary Properties and changes of properRivers to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) ties in matter ..(5-8) Structure and properties of matter............(9-12) Life Science Earth Science Populations, resources, and environment ..........(5-8) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) History and Nature of Science C hap t e r 4 ROLLIN’ DOWN THE RIVER: RIVERINE SYSTEMS Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry Physical Science Drainage Abilities necessary Detectives to do scientific NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Earth Science Populations and ecosystems.......(5-8) C hap t e r inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) 5 LIQUID ASSETS: OUR WATER RESOURCES Lessons on the Lake Activity Water Cycle Walk Science as Inquiry Physical Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science and Technology Abilities of technological design ............(5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Populations, resources, and environment.................(5-8) Natural hazards............(5-8) Science and technology in society .............(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human induced hazards..........(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science/technology in local-global challenges......(9-12) History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science .............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge .....(9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Populations and ecosystems ...........(5-8) Interdependence of organisms ...........(9-12) Matter, energy, and organization in living systems ...............(9-12) Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Environmental quality ................ (9-12) History and Nature of Science C hap t e r 5 LIQUID ASSETS: OUR WATER RESOURCES Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry Physical Science NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Abilities of technological design ...........(5-12) Understandings about science and technology ..........(5-12) Daily Water Use Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry.................(5-12) Lake Abilities necessary Pontchartrain to do scientific inquiry .................(5-12) Basin Water Quality Factors Science and Technology Science in History and Nature Personal and Social of Science Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Natural hazards ...(5-8) Natural resources ............(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards (9-12) Environmental quality ................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.............(5-8) Interdependence of organisms ............(9-12) Populations, resources, and environment (5-8) Risks and benefits ..................(5-8) Environmental quality .................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.............(5-8) Interdependence of organisms ............(9-12) Personal health.....(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Natural hazards ...(5-8) Science and technology in society ...............(5-8) Natural and humaninduced hazards..(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) to do scientific inquiry .................(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry (5-12) Interdependence of organisms........(9-12) Personal health.....(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Natural hazards ...(5-8) Risks and benefits ..................(5-8) Properties and changes of properties inquiry .................(5-12) in matter ..............(5-8) Understandings about Structure and properscientific inquiry (5-12) ties of matter.......(9-12) Chemical reactions ..............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.............(5-8) Interdependence of organisms ............(9-12) Properties and changes of properties in matter ..............(5-8) Structure and properties of matter.......(9-12) Chemical reactions ..............(9-12) Mini Action Abilities necessary Plan to do scientific inquiry .................(5-12) Journaling Abilities necessary How’s the Abilities necessary Water? to do scientific Abilities of technological design ...........(5-12) Understandings about science and technology ..........(5-12) Personal health.....(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Natural hazards ...(5-8) Science and technology in society ...............(5-8) Natural and humaninduced hazards..(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Science as a human endeavor ..............(5-12) Nature of science (5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...........(9-12) C hap t e r 6 NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Natural Resources of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Lessons Science and Science as Inquiry Life Science on the Lake Technology Activity Populations and Abilities of technological How We See Understandings about the Puzzle scientific inquiry.........(5-12) ecosystems.....................(5-8) design ..........................(5-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science ..........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...................(9-12) organisms ....................(9-12) Personal health.............(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments ................(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Risks and benefits ........(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges....................(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.....................(5-8) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) Populations, resources, and environment..................(5-8) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.....................(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms .....................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) The cell .......................(9-12) Matter, energy, and organization in living systems .......................(9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ................(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Risks and benefits ........(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges....................(9-12) Diversity and adaptations of Understandings about sciorganisms .....................(5-8) ence and technology ...(5-12) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) Populations and Goals, Understandings about Interactions, scientific inquiry.........(5-12) ecosystems.....................(5-8) Interdependence of Outcomes The Effects of Abilities necessary to do Agricultural scientific inquiry .........(5-12) Fertilizer Runoff Upon Aquatic Ecosystems Salt is Good on Abilities necessary to do Sunflower scientific inquiry .........(5-12) Seeds, but What About Cypress? C hap t e r 6 NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Natural Resources of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Lessons on the Lake Activity Science as Inquiry Life Science Populations and “I Am” Abilities necessary to do Poem scientific inquiry .........(5-12) ecosystems.....................(5-8) C hap t e r Diversity and adaptations of organisms .....................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) The cell .......................(9-12) Matter, energy, and organization in living systems .......................(9-12) 7 ECOSYSTEMS IN DELICATE BALANCE: THREATENED, ENDANGERED, AND INTRODUCED SPECIES OF THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Personal health.............(5-8) Science as a human Populations, resources, and endeavor ......................(5-12) environments ................(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Risks and benefits ........(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges....................(9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Lessons Science in Earth and Space Science and Life Science Personal and Social on the Lake Science as Inquiry Science Technology Perspectives Activity Populations and Earth history ....... (5-8) Abilities of technologi- Populations, resources, Decision Abilities necessary ecosystems ...........(5-8) Origin and evolution of cal design ............(5-12) and environments (5-8) Making and to do scientific inquiry .................(5-12) Diversity and adaptathe earth system (9-12) Understandings Science and technology Issue Analysis tion of organisms (5-8) Biological evolution .............(9-12) Interdependence of organisms .......(9-12) Behavior of organisms ...........(9-12) in society ...............(5-8) about science and technology ...........(5-12) Population growth .................(9-12) Natural resources .............(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards (9-12) Environmental quality .................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ..............(5-12) Nature of science (5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...........(9-12) C hap t e r 7 ECOSYSTEMS IN DELICATE BALANCE: THREATENED, ENDANGERED, AND INTRODUCED SPECIES OF THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN Lessons on the Lake Activity Ecosystem Tumble Science as Inquiry NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Earth and Space Science Life Science Origin and evolution of Regulation and behavior.................(5-8) the earth system (9-12) Populations and ecosystems.............(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ..............(5-8) Behavior of organisms ............(9-12) Interdependence of organisms........(9-12) I’m a Abilities necessary Survivor to do scientific C hap t e r THE FORCES ARE WITH US: NATURAL FORCES AFFECTING THE BASIN Lessons Science as on the Lake Inquiry Activity What Happens Abilities necessary When Sea Level to do scientific Rises or Falls inquiry ...........(5-12) Physical Science Science in History and Nature Personal and Social of Science Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Population growth .................(9-12) Natural resources .............(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards (9-12) Environmental quality .................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Abilities of technological design ............(5-12) Understandings about science and technology ...........(5-12) Populations and ecosystems ...........(5-8) inquiry .................(5-12) Diversity and Understandings about adaptations of scientific inquiry (5-12) organisms ..............(5-8) Biological evolution .............(9-12) Interdependence of organisms .......(9-12) Behavior of organisms ...........(9-12) 8 Science and Technology Science as a human endeavor ..............(5-12) Nature of science (5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...........(9-12) Populations, resources, and environments (5-8) Population growth .................(9-12) Natural resources .............(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards (9-12) Environmental quality .................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Interdependence of Motions and forces..............(5-12) organisms .....(9-12) Conservation of energy ...........(9-12) Earth and Space Science Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Origin and evolu tion of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Environmental quality............(9-12) History and Nature of Science C hap t e r 8 THE FORCES ARE WITH US: NATURAL FORCES AFFECTING THE BASIN Lessons Science as on the Lake Inquiry Activity Hurricane Abilities necessary NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Earth and Space Science Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Physical Science Life Science Motions and forces..............(5-12) Transfer of energy ..............(5-8) Conservation of energy ...........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter ............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ..(9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Earth in the solar system.....(5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Geochemical cycles..............(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Linking Lake Abilities necessary Factors to do scientific Motions and forces..............(5-12) inquiry ...........(5-12) Transfer of Understandings energy ..............(5-8) about scientific Conservation of inquiry ..........(5-12) energy ...........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter ............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Earth in the solar system.....(5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Geochemical cycles..............(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Thinking at Abilities necessary Right Angles to do scientific Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Earth in the solar system.....(5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Geochemical cycles..............(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Motions and forces..............(5-12) inquiry ...........(5-12) Transfer of Understandings energy ..............(5-8) about scientific Conservation of inquiry ..........(5-12) energy ...........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter ............(9-12) History and Nature of Science C hap t e r 8 THE FORCES ARE WITH US: NATURAL FORCES AFFECTING THE BASIN Lessons Science as on the Lake Inquiry Activity Subsidence/ Abilities necessary Erosion: What to do scientific Can We Do? inquiry ...........(5-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Motions and forces..............(5-12) Conservation of energy ...........(9-12) Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Motions and Populations and to do scientific forces..............(5-12) ecosystems .......(5-8) inquiry ...........(5-12) Conservation of Diversity and energy ...........(9-12) adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history ..(5-8) Earth in the solar system..............(5-8) Energy in the earth system..(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Earth in the solar system..............(5-8) Energy in the earth system..(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Hurricane II Abilities necessary C-Mail Earth and Space Science Physical Science Motions and forces..............(5-12) Conservation of energy ...........(9-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Abilities of techno- Populations, resourlogical design (5-12) ces, and environments ..............(5-8) Understandings Natural about science and technology......(5-12) hazards ............(5-8) Risks and benefits (5-8) Science and technology in society ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) Science and Technology Populations, resources, and environments ..............(5-8) Natural and human-induced hazards .........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges .....(9-12) History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science..............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge......(9-12) C hap t e r 8 THE FORCES ARE WITH US: NATURAL FORCES AFFECTING THE BASIN Lessons Science as on the Lake Inquiry Activity The Understandings scientific Pontchartrain about inquiry ..........(5-12) Picayune NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Physical Science Life Science Motions and forces..............(5-12) Conservation of energy ...........(9-12) Populations and ecosystems .......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution ........(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Earth and Space Science Science and Technology Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Earth in the solar system..............(5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Geochemical cycles..............(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology......(5-12) Abilities of technoPopulations and necessary Motions and Structure of the Multimedia Abilities to do scientific forces..............(5-12) ecosystems .......(5-8) earth system ...(5-8) logical design (5-12) Presentation inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings Diversity and Conservation of Understandings energy ...........(9-12) adaptations in organisms ........(5-8) about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Biological evolution ........(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Earth history (5-8) about science and Earth in the solar technology......(5-12) system..............(5-8) Energy in the earth system (9-12) Geochemical cycles..............(9-12) Origin and evolution of the earthsystem ..........(9-12) Populations and Help! I’m Up Abilities necessary Motions and forces..............(5-12) ecosystems .......(5-8) To My Hips to do scientific Diversity and in Water inquiry ...........(5-12) Conservation of Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology......(5-12) energy ...........(9-12) adaptations in Understandings organisms ........(5-8) about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Biological evolution ........(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environment ....(5-8) Science and technology in society ..............(5-8) Natural resources........(9-12) Environmental quality............(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ..........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges ......(9-12) Populations, resources, and environment ....(5-8) Science and technology in society ..............(5-8) Environmental quality............(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ..........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges ......(9-12) Populations, resources, and environment ....(5-8) Science and technology in society ..............(5-8) Environmental quality............(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards ..........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges ......(9-12) History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science..............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge......(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science..............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge......(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science..............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge......(9-12) C hap t e r 9 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: LAND USE IN AND AROUND THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Lessons Science and Science as Inquiry Life Science on the Lake Technology Activity Abilities of technological Populations and ecoUnderstanding Abilities necessary to do Land Use scientific inquiry .........(5-12) systems..........................(5-8) design ..........................(5-12) Understandings about sciDiversity and adaptations Pracices Understandings about scientific inquiry .........(5-12) of organisms..................(5-8) ence and technology ...(5-12) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) The Loss of Wetland Ecosystems in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Associated with Population Increases Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Populations, resources, and environment ..........(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Risks and benefits ........(5-8) Science and technology in society ......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges....................(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science ..........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...................(9-12) Abilities of technological design ..........................(5-12) Understandings about science and technology ...(5-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards..........(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Abilities of technological Populations and ecoHome Sweet Abilities necessary to do Home scientific inquiry .........(5-12) systems..........................(5-8) design ..........................(5-12) Personal health.............(5-8) Populations, resources, and environments.........(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Science and technology in society .......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and humaninduced hazards..........(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Science/technology in localglobal challenges.........(9-12) Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry .........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry .........(5-12) Populations and ecosystems..........................(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms..................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) Diversity and adaptations of organisms..................(5-8) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) Understandings about science and technology ...(5-12) Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science ..........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...................(9-12) C hap t e r 9 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: LAND USE IN AND AROUND THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Lessons Science and Science as Inquiry Life Science on the Lake Technology Activity Abilities of technological Populations and ecoResource Abilities necessary to do Management scientific inquiry .........(5-12) systems..........................(5-8) design ..........................(5-12) Understandings about sciDiversity and adaptations and Land Use Understandings about scientific inquiry .........(5-12) of organisms..................(5-8) ence and technology ...(5-12) Biological evolution ....(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ....................(9-12) C hap t e r Reality Check: GroundTruthing Studies 10 Populations and ecoAbilities necessary to do scientific inquiry .........(5-12) systems..........................(5-8) Understandings about scientific inquiry .........(5-12) MOMENTS IN TIME: EXPLORING THE HISTORY OF THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN Lessons on the Lake Activity Exploring the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Science as Inquiry Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Physical Science Motions and forces .............(5-12) Transfer of energy..............(5-8) Conservation of energy........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter............(9-12) Abilities of technological design ..........................(5-12) Understandings about science and technology ...(5-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Populations, resources, and environment ..........(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Science and technology in society ......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Science/technology in localglobal challenges.........(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science ..........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...................(9-12) Populations, resources, and environment ..........(5-8) Natural hazards ...........(5-8) Science and technology in society ......................(5-8) Population growth ......(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards........................(9-12) Environmental quality .........................(9-12) Science/technology in localglobal challenges.........(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ......................(5-12) Nature of science ..........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge ...................(9-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Earth and Space Science Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Populations, resources, and environment ....(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards..........(9-12) History and Nature of Science C hap t e r 10 MOMENTS IN TIME” EXPLORING THE HISTORY OF THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN Lessons Science as Physical Science on the Lake Inquiry Activity Dramatization Understandings of the about scientific Discovery of inquiry ..........(5-12) the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Dramatic Time Understandings Line about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) The Cultures of Understandings the Lake about scientific Pontchartrain inquiry ..........(5-12) Basin The Great Understandings Pontchartrain about scientific Pursuit inquiry ..........(5-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Life Science Earth and Space Science Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Origin and evolution of the earth system ...........(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution........(9-12) Interdependence of organisms ......(9-12) Earth history (5-8) Origin and evolution of the earth system ...........(9-12) Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science .........(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge .....(9-12) Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Diversity and adaptation of organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution........(9-12) Behavior of organisms ......(9-12) Personal health ..............(5-8) Populations, resources, and environment ....(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards..........(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges......(9-12) C hap t e r 10 MOMENTS IN TIME: EXPLORING THE HISTORY OF THE LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN C hap t e r Lessons on the Lake Activity Marsh Mysteries 11 Science as Inquiry Physical Science Life Science Motions and forces .............(5-12) Transfer of energy..............(5-8) Conservation of energy........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems.......(5-8) Diversity and adaptations of organisms .................(5-8) LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN FIELD TRIP GUIDE Lessons on the Lake Activity Wetland Field Trips Science as Inquiry Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Earth and Space Science Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Abilities of techno- Populations, logical design (5-12) resources, and environment ...........(5-8) Understandings Science and about science and technology .....(5-12) technology in society..............(5-8) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards..........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges......(9-12) Science and Technology History and Nature of Science NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Physical Science Life Science Motions and forces .............(5-12) Transfer of energy..............(5-8) Conservation of energy........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems (5-8) Diversity and adaptation of organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution........(9-12) Behavior of organisms ...............(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Structure of the Abilities of techno- Personal earth system ...(5-8) logical design (5-12) health ..............(5-8) Populations, Earth history (5-8) Understandings resources, and enviabout science and Origin and evolutechnology .....(5-12) ronment ...........(5-8) tion of the earth Natural system ...........(9-12) hazards............(5-8) Science and technology in society..............(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards..........(9-12) Environmental quality ...........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges......(9-12) Earth and Space Science Science and Technology History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science .............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge .....(9-12) C hap t e r 11 LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN BASIN FIELD TRIP GUIDE Lessons on the Lake Activity Water Watch Going It Alone Science as Inquiry NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS CONTENT STRANDS Physical Science Life Science Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Motions and forces .............(5-12) Transfer of energy..............(5-8) Conservation of energy........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems (5-8) Diversity and adaptation of organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution........(9-12) Behavior of organisms ...............(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry ...........(5-12) Understandings about scientific inquiry ..........(5-12) Motions and forces .............(5-12) Transfer of energy..............(5-8) Conservation of energy........(9-12) Interactions of energy and matter............(9-12) Populations and ecosystems (5-8) Diversity and adaptation of organisms ........(5-8) Biological evolution........(9-12) Interdependence of organisms (9-12) Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Structure of the Abilities of techno- Personal earth system ...(5-8) logical design (5-12) health ..............(5-8) Populations, Earth history (5-8) Understandings resources, and enviabout science and Origin and evolutechnology .....(5-12) ronment ...........(5-8) tion of the earth Natural system ...........(9-12) hazards............(5-8) Science and technology in society..............(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Earth and Space Science Structure of the earth system ...(5-8) Earth history (5-8) Origin and evolution of the earth system ...........(9-12) Science and Technology Abilities of technological design (5-12) Understandings about science and technology .....(5-12) Populations, resources, and environment ...........(5-8) Science and technology in society..............(5-8) Population growth ...........(9-12) Natural resources .......(9-12) Environmental quality ..........(9-12) Natural and human-induced hazards..........(9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges..... (9-12) History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science .............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge .....(9-12) Science as a human endeavor ........(5-12) Nature of science .............(5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge .....(9-12)