om Bott GW og hn ol g n i t u mp p. irele ABIL ITY Te c TER TECHNOLOGY = SUS R A M TAIN S y Fogg y Service s techKNOW for students | 2010 o C n ree 9 ss G ResNet Digital Cable l p. OUS GI N I T U N DAN Stu den He lp on ern tV un Mo MP O C E F A S G ER 13 t lPor Skil Spywar p. t Interne Pas sw BLE CONNECTION e IG I T AL CA ord Em ail l On O DE T r cu e S ine AD ity hip WAT ER S GRA D NetI Partner s 6 P YOUR U GWMai Security De ts sk ! R E B M U N E N O H TELEP logy NEW ivision of InformaetniounmTbeecrhfnoor all: On Or arOund campus in case Of emergency The D new telephon upport needs has a r technology s 948) 4 ( of you T I GW 4 9 9 202 For any emergency, immediately call the GW Police Department at 202–994–6111 (4-6111 from a campus phone). As always, you may call 911 to speak with DC-wide dispatchers for any emergency you may have. program these gwpd phone numbers into your cell phone for quick and easy access: FOGGY BOTTOM CAMPUS emergency number: 202–994–6111 non-emergency number: 202–994–6110 MOUNT VERNON CAMPUS emergency number: 202–242–6111 non-emergency number: 202–242–6110 Bott om ol og y hn Te c R TECHNOLOGY = SU STAIN ABIL ITY p. irele Fogg y Service s TE SMAR GW 9 ss n Gree Digital Cable l Partner p. 6 ship IN TI N G DAN m den He lp tV un SAFE U C O MP Stu OUS 13 G ER p. Mo sk ge a 4 Mess CIO the on t lPor Skil fro ts De ern Pas sw BLE CONNECTION Internet ord Em ail IG I T AL CA Spywar e O DE T AD ty uri ec eS lin On table of contents WAT ER S GRA NetID ResNet Security P YOUR U GWMai uting p Com g Saf Com e put in 6 9 GW’s Division of Information Technology works with students, faculty, staff and departments across the University to provide advanced technology. From internet and phone connections in offices and residence halls to software that supports Admissions, online registration and other aspects of day-to-day business, the Division of IT keeps GW connected. Sus Tec tainab hno le logy Rachel Blevins Marketing and Communications Manager Production and design support by Creative Management 13 David Steinour Chief Information Officer Edward Martin Deputy Chief Information Officer Guy Jones Chief Technology Officer Mark Albert Director, University Web Services Tom Breslin Managing Director, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Bret Jones Managing Director, Technology Operations and Engineering Jonathan Piersol Managing Director, Strategic Planning Charles Spann Managing Director, Business Process Management Carolyn Chase Managing Director, Technology Services Digital C Upgrade able DIVISION OF IT Leadership Team 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MESSAGE FROM THE CIO Students, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back to campus for the 2010–2011 academic year. For those who are new to the GW community and for those who are coming back to campus— Welcome! My staff and I look forward to working with all of you to create a successful experience here at The George Washington University. The Division of Information Technology provides a range of services to help you connect, learn and make the most of your experience while at GW. Students have access to online information across our three campuses. GWireless, the University’s wireless internet network, provides high-speed internet connections in residence halls and convenient wireless hot spots in classrooms and around campus to help you study with friends, catch up with family or browse the internet. These wireless hotspots facilitate a strong community and give you access to all that the Foggy Bottom, Mount Vernon and Virginia Science and Technology campuses have to offer. In addition, GW students now have access to digital cable services, including basic cable, premium movie channels and 20 GW channels with specialized content. Whether it’s online or on television, a wide world of technology awaits you. The GW community maintains a long-standing tradition of environmental consciousness. As such, the Division of Information Technology is committed to promoting the University’s sustainability campaign. We have implemented a range of technology initiatives intended to cut carbon emissions, lower utility charges and improve services for GW students. The University goal to become a carbon-neutral institution requires that we all have a part in the solution! For more information on the Division of IT’s sustainability initiatives and for technology related recommendations, please review pages 9–12. A critical component of safe computing is the partnership we enter into with you to protect your digital assets—not only passwords and personal information, but the documents and files on your computer as well. This partnership includes individual adherence to the ResNet Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Users of Computing Systems and Services, and the use of Network Access Control (NAC) in the residence halls. NAC requires minimum security standards for all student computers and is a critical part of GW’s ongoing commitment to ensuring that you have the computer security and reliability to flourish in your academic career and life at GW. Your part of the partnership is to operate within the policies, which are designed to protect all of us from mistakes or misjudgments made by others. Many of the technology services you will utilize at GW are supported by Student Technology Services (STS), the student focused component of the Division of IT. STS offers convenient walk-in and hotline hours to assist you with your technology needs. Please take some time to visit the STS website at—there is important technology information and staff ready to assist you in accessing GW technology services. Thank you and enjoy the year. Sincerely, David Steinour Chief Information Officer 4 DIVISION OF IT AT A GLANCE Over 54,000 intrusion alerts are analyzed by the security team per week. LIVE OPERATORS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ASSIST CALLERS THAT NEED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MONDAY-FRIDAY, 7AM-7PM. Over 8,500,000 emails are sent, 73,300,000 emails are received, and 66,300,000 harmful emails are stopped through Division of Information Technology systems and filters per month. At any one time, the Division of Information Technology is working on 60-70 major projects. The Division of Information Technology Help Desk processes an average of 2,900 requests for assistance and the Help Desk Hotline receives 3,400 phone call requests for help per month. The GW data network transmits 46,000 GB of information per week (35,000 GB internal and 11,000 GB external.) The Division of Information Technology links traffic between the campuses with a 32 gbps campus backbone. Over 1,000,000 phone calls are placed to and from GW per month. The Division of Information Technology provides GW with 23,000 data connections, 12,000 voice connections, 4,000 cable TV connections, and 500 servers. The Division of Information Technology has installed and now maintains over 10,000 miles of fiber (that is more than Washington, DC to Sydney, Australia.) GW SPEECH DIRECTORY Your Connection To & Around Campus WHEN CALLING 202-994-1000 OR DIALING 0 (ZERO) FROM CAMPUS, AN AUTOMATED OPERATOR WILL PROVIDE DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE TO & AROUND GW. 6 SAFE COMPUTING IN DANGEROUS WATERS Don’t be another statistic. Take precautions to protect your work and sensitive information from online intruders. The following information will help to protect yourself and the GW community from online threats. « » Virus vi-rus \’vī-rәs\ A nasty program that copies itself and infects a computer, thereby causing innumerable problems to your information and programs. All viruses are installed by the user. Download anti-virus software and run scans and updates regularly. Do NOT open suspicious email attachments, random files on the internet or files with multiple extensions, for example picture.gif.exe. Spyware spy-ware \’spī-wer\ Worm worm \’wәrm\ A malicious program that attacks network computers by exploiting security holes in an operating system. Unlike viruses, worms do not have to be installed by the user. Keep your computer’s operating system updated through the regular use of security patches developed by GW or your software provider. Phishing phish-ing \’fi-shirj\ A type of software that monitors a computer user’s activities online and then reports the activities back to the software distributor for pop-up advertising and spam email. A user must grant permission prior to these installations. Bogus solicitations often disguised as requests from trustful organizations, like your bank or The George Washington University. These emails will ask for very sensitive information, such as your social security number, NetID, passwords, etc. Download anti-spyware or anti-adware software and keep your system updated. Be careful what “free” services you sign up for online. Read the fine print if you value your privacy. REMEMBER! GW will NEVER ask users to reply to an email with sensitive information. If this occurs, please contact the IT Help Desk immediately at 202–994–GWIT (4948). 7 Do you need to print... The Federalist Papers, Marx's Communist Manifesto or Plato's Republic? whatever it is, we have you covered. gw provides 24-hour computer labs and printing centers on the foggy bottom and mount vernon campuses. research a paper or print out your documents at any of the following locations: rome basement (b104) gelman library basement (b05) marvin center (g04) eckles library do you need to photocopy a document? if so, self-service photocopy equipment is located in: gelman library eckles library gwprints, gw’s sustainable printing policy, significantly reduces the waste produced by unnecessary printing while expanding service to students by offering: • • • • One printing system across university libraries and computer labs 9¢ per side printing gworld colonial cash as method of payment reduced waste and paper consumption by only printing jobs that are truly necessary tO enhance the geOrge washingtOn university emergency cOmmunicatiOns, a new gw alert desktop application is being launched this fall. gw alert is a desktop application that will inform you if there is an imminent threat to the university. it will scroll a message across the bottom of your computer screen, directing you to the campus advisories website for additional information. all gw students should visit campus advisories to uninstall the old version and install the new version of gw alert. As of September 13th, 2010, the old version of gW Alert will no longer be used. the new application is smaller, requires less memory and is compatible with macs. complete your upgrade so that you will continue to receive important emergency notices from the university. if you need assistance in uninstalling or installing gw alert, contact the division of information technology at 202-994-gwit (4948). assistance is available monday through friday from 7am to 10pm. 9 To date, the Division of Information Technology has saved thousands of dollars in utility costs and reduced SMARTER TECHNOLOGY = SUSTAINABILITY carbon emissions while still providing high-quality services to the GW community. The Division’s sustainability initiatives combine to provide GW community members with a solid foundation to realize future environmental and financial gains. The George Washington University is committed to promoting the best practices of sustainability across its three campuses. This commitment requires the entire University to consider new ways of learning, teaching, living and researching that minimize detrimental effects on our environment. The Division of IT sees this calling as both a challenge and an opportunity to leverage technology to promote sustainability and serve the GW community. In partnership with the Office of Sustainability, the Division of IT has discovered new ways of engineering and implementing technology solutions that reduce energy use, cut down costs and decrease the University’s carbon footprint. Virtualization Last January, the Division of IT completed its move into the new Foggy Bottom data center in the Support Building. This move freed up academic space in the old data center. Additionally, the new data center employs environmentally friendly systems and products that operate more efficiently and use less power, the most notable being virtualization. Virtualization is technology that leverages hardware and software to allow multiple computer systems to run on a single server. LifeCycle Refresh GWdocuments and GWscan LifeCycle Refresh replaces old servers and data center systems with new energyefficient machines. One machine can replace three or four old machines with no loss in performance and decreases energy use by nearly 60%. GWdocuments and GWscan are the University-wide document imaging and scan applications. They consolidate electronic administrative documents into a central storage area, which reduces the number of printouts, saves paper from actually having files on hand and reduces the footprint of physical space needed to store the physical documents. Savings Virtualization, LifeCycle Refresh, GWdocuments and GWscan substantially reduces GW’s carbon footprint. Currently, the Division of IT has saved more than 800,000 kilowatt-hours, which translates to taking 80 cars off the road. With a goal equivalent to more than 120 cars off the road, these energy savings will save the University more than 1.4 million kilowatt-hours, which translates to over $1.7 million over the next five years. What You Can Do Turn It Down Turn It Off Your PC can be configured to minimize its energy use. The Division of IT recommends that you configure your monitor and computer to go into power save mode after one hour of inactivity. Please visit for energy saving steps if you are a Mac user. To change you power settings in Windows XP, follow these steps: When you leave your residence hall for the day, make sure you power down all of your devices, including your printer. Although your printer will go into power save mode after your PC is shut down, you can save additional energy by turning it off as well. If you have been leaving your PC on to receive patches and updates, these will be deployed when you turn your PC on in the morning. The installation of updates will not impact the use of your PC, and if an update requires a reboot, you can delay that restart until your next break. 1. From the Start menu, select Settings » Control Panel » Power Options. 2.In the window that appears, select the Power Schemes tab. 3.Adjust your settings by clicking on the drop down menus: Turn off monitor: after 1 hour* Turn off hard disk: never System standby: after 1 hour** 4.Click OK to apply these new settings. 5.You can select, create, modify or delete multiple power schemes. The following default schemes are available: Home/Office Desk, Portable/Laptop, Presentation, Always On, Minimal Power Management and Max Battery. * To turn the monitor on after a shut down due to inactivity, simply move the mouse. ** To turn the computer on after a standby due to inactivity, simply click the on/off button on the front of the PC. 11 Facts, Tips & Tricks Computer Light Consider energy-efficient computer systems and monitors when you replace a system. Flat-screen monitors use 50–70% less energy. Use an energy star qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) instead of a regular light bulb. In total, it will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months. It uses 75% less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than a regular bulb. yOUr SECUrE AND rELIABLE WIrELESS INTErNET CONNECTION ArOUND gW’S FOggy BOTTOM, MOUNT VErNON AND VIrgINIA SCIENCE AND TEChNOLOgy CAMPUSES To find out more about gWireless, visit Appliances Kitchen Unplug adapters (like your cell phone charger and MP3 player) when not in use, as the charger will use energy 24/7, even when your item is not charging. Match the size of the pan to the heating element. Using a 6“ pan on an 8“ burner wastes more than 40% of the burner’s heat. 12 A O DE T A R G P U R YOU N O I T NEC CON o take t o d ed to de? e n u o oy the gra d p u t a e on to room i h h s i t W v e f l tage o onnect your tetalled in your ents advan d c ns with p i h s ly r si stu ne t ! Simp r box that i rams. GW ing your d r g a e n i p d h t a r o N gr , in p r nverte vorite prog ineup featu ave u e o c f m l f a a t a l n digi joy your f asic cable . You also h um st This s ision of IT le televisio and en cess to a b programs ecific GW- at b v . i l a c a sp nd th c D have a channels a annels for tions to all RCN, niversity’s log to digit h p ’s e i c t i r a s favor to 20 GW ree subsc . From NBC i n a e t i f the U m fro all su er accessd content andO have to offerre” and HBO’sdo m h e t e s c y n s relate e and HB ersey Sho u have to vert side n e o r J m c y l r a t i howti e,” MTV’s “ ered. All yo l S g a i Eve t i d g c a di h e Offi ,” you’re cov c t i i h s T “ w a b ed s s “Entourage equipp hat provide ox receive joy. th box t e. Every b f all your is en re? o ice wi l v m r e t s c i o n r p rv wa l e thei de additiona l c i n t a s h TV se tal TV lineu ding HBO o you ts can now en options inclu as well as D u i l g c i n d s i rvice of tuden These a full channels, w, student GW s d options. tion (HD) se (DVR). All N o er de ni RC te favori howtime. N eir favorite exhpaannnels, high dgeitfial video recdoirrdectly througrhall costs and S ccess to th -specific cthe use of a ndsi are availablee responsible efoquipment. have a annels, GW els and these opcthioase and youdaerd service and r n ann r ch a h for pu to the expa l c u t g a m e s r d emiu al service relate r p , t n . ss/gw . conte of addition fingertips e e /busin options their a rang .com upgrade .rcn www evision Visit e tel l for cab 13 3 WDCA (My20) 53 EBRU (Turkish Channel) 165 VH1 331 Pentagon Channel 4 WRC - 4 (NBC) 60 GW1 189 GEMS TV 333 Travel Channel 5 WTTG - 5 (FOX) 61 GW2 190 QVC 335 Discovery Channel 7 WJLA - 7 (ABC) 62 GW3 191 HSN 340 The History Channel 8 RCN TV 63 GW4 192 Jewelry TV 345 The Learning Channel 9 WUSA - 9 (CBS) 64 GW5 193 Shop NBC 362 Fox Soccer Channel 65 GW6 201 Lifetime Movie Network 363 ESPN 66 GW7 202 Lifetime 364 ESPN2 67 GW8 205 WE - Women’s Entertainment 365 ESPN NEWS 10 DCTV1 - Public Access (DC Only) 11 DCTV2 - Public Access (DC Only) 211 SOAPnet 12 QVC 68 GW9 13 DCTV3 - Public Access (DC Only) 69 GW10 220 American Life 70 GW11 221 TV Land 14 Univision WFDC - 14 71 GW12 222 ABC Family 15 WDCW (the CW) 72 GW13 224 Food Network 16 City Cable (DC only) 73 GW14 225 HGTV 17 Telefutura - WMDO - 47 74 GW15 231 mun2 18 DC Schools (DC only) 75 GW16 240 The Cartoon Network 19 UDC (DC only) 76 GW17 241 Nickelodeon 20 HSN 77 GW18 250 Disney Channel 22 WMPT 22 (PBS) 78 GW19 251 Disney Channel (West) 23 WHUT 32 (PBS) 79 GW20 257 Qubo 24 WPXW 66 (ION) 101 BET 260 EWTN 25 Telemundo WZDC - 25 105 A&E 261 TBN 26 WETA 26 (PBS) 106 Bravo 262 Inspirational 27 WGN 107 TBS 263 The Word 28 NBC PLUS 108 TNT 267 EWTN EspaÑol 29 Universal Sports (NBC 4.4) 109 USA 301 C-SPAN 30 MHz 1 MHz Worldview 110 Spike TV 302 C-SPAN 2 419 Showtime Family Zone 31 MHz 2 NHK World (Japan) 111 FX 303 C-SPAN 3 420 Showtime 32 MHz 3 MCN (Metro Chinese Network) 112 Syfy 305 CNN 421 Showtime Too 115 E! 306 CNN Headline News 422 Showtime Showcase 116 Tru TV 308 News Channel 8 423 Showtime Extreme 117 Comedy Central 310 CNBC 424 Showtime Beyond 120 Animal Planet 311 MSNBC 425 The Movie Channel 140 Reelz 313 WJLA Weather 426 TMC xtra 38 WETA Kids 141 Fox Movie Channel 315 Fox News Channel 427 Flix 39 WETA Create 142 AMC 320 The Weather Channel 428 Showtime Next 44 MPT Select 143 Turner Classic Movies 322 ABC News Now 429 Showtime Women 45 VME 160 MTV 330 NASA TV 33 MHz 4 RT (Russia Today) 35 MHz 6 SABC (South Africa) 36 MHz 7 France 24 37 MHz 8 NTA (Nigerian Television Authority) 370 Comcast SportsNet (Mid Atlantic) 371 Comcast SportsNet Plus (Mid Atlantic) 372 MASN 373 MASN 2 465 EBRU (Turkish Channel) (INCLUDED) 400 HBO 401 HBO Family 402 HBO2 403 HBO Signature 404 HBO Zone 405 HBO Comedy 406 HBO Latino (INCLUDED) Divisi on o f I nformation Techno logy Student Technology Services (STS) STS offers a wide range of technology support for all students, including: • Network configuration and troubleshooting • Virus and spyware removal • Dell in-warranty repairs • Apple in-warranty repairs • Student Banner PIN assistance • Software installation • GWireless support • Call waiting & voicemail sign-up • Equipment testing • Operating system reinstallation • Operating system upgrade • GWMail & Blackboard support Walk-in Support Hours Lobby Reception Area of City Hall Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm Gelman Library B1 Level Monday – Thursday, 5pm – 10pm Sunday, 2pm – 8pm Phone Support STS 202–994–GWIT (4948) Monday – Friday, 7am – 10pm* *Limited technical support is available after 7pm. Website Email keeping GW connected. Printed on 10% PCW paper with vegetable-based ink.