GROUND PLANE IMPEDANCE ANALYSIS OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD G. M. Gonzsilez, R. Linares Y M, J. de la Rosa and W. H. Fonseca ESIME-SEPI-IPN, National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Unidad Profesional Adolf0 Ldpez Mateos, Ed& 5, 3er. Piso, Cal. Lindavista, C.P. 07738, Mtkico, D. F. Tel+Fax: (011525) 729-6000 ext. 54622. E-mail: Abstract- In this paper a theoretical and experimental analysis of ground planes impedance for printed circuit boards is presented. A frequency domain analysis of the impedance on flat conductors is done. The realistic electromagneticeffects are considered: the skin effect due to fmite conductivity of the plane and the confinement effect of the distribution of current lines at the contact points. The analytical results were proved by different experimental methods. The experimental data and the analytical results are in good agreement.The analytical model may be used to design the ground plane in printed circuit board with a good accuracy. I. INTRODUCTION Ground planes at electronic systems play an important role in EMC problems. Safety reasons are the major purpose for ground plane. But careless design can produce interference problems. Different methods can be used to eliminate the interference problems due to ground planes under different situations, such as: single point reference, multiple point reference and hybrid reference [l-3]. The basic problem is the high impedanceof the ground plane, therefore the knowledge of the behavior of this impedanceis required. An important effect on internal impedanceof any conductor is the skin effect, it has been examined in [4,5]. Recently [6] has been shown that the internal resistance and the internal inductive reactance are equal in circular cross section conductors, but in rectangular cross section conductors this parameterdependon the current distribution in accordancewith the geometry of the conductors. That is not new, numerous papers have analyzed the distribution of currents at different frequencieson flat conductors [7-IO]. In modern high-sensitivity-density electronic equipment working at high frequency a good ground plane is fundamental. This topic is of great concern for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), more particularly with coupling problems between digital or analog circuits via a common ground plane. The conventional notation of ground plane is valid at low frequency or dc performance,since all conductors have a finite impedance. But at high frequency, ground plane impedance is not ideal and can produce unwanted voltages, which may provoke malfunctions of the circuits. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of the ground plane 0-7803-5057-X/99/$10.00 © 1999 IEEE impedancefor realistic condition. Here, in accordancewith the classic electromagnetic theory, a frequency domain analysis is done. As results, the internal impedancefor a PCB ground plane is obtained. The format of this paper is as follows: In section II, the analytical formulation is introduced. In section III a numerical evaluation is presented and in section IV the experimental and the theoretical results are compared are commented. II. ANALYTICAL FORMULATION Maxwell began the analysis of high frequency currents in conductors, a summary of the study of this phenomenon has been developed in [l 11. In relation to the resistance of rectangular conductors experimental data for different dimension (width to thickness ration) are presentedin reference [12]. The analysis of the internal impedanceof flat conductors starts with Maxwell’s equation, in references [4-71 numerical solution are given to this problems The ground plane impedance can be derived analytically from the model representedin figure 1, where the conductivity c and the permeability p are considered homogeneous and isotropic. Figure 1. Groundplane Using the elemental Ohm’s law equation V=- 712 s L E.dL where V is the electric potential [VI; E the electric field [V/m]; dL the differential path length, [ml; I the current [A]: and Z the impedance[a 1. In accordance with the boundary conditions, the equations solutions can be referred as the Helmholtz’s expressions,which in reference [13] have been solved by different numerical methods.In this case E In this case, the electric field can be calculated from two dimensions diffusion equations [4,5] v2E,(x,y)- jw,uoE,(x,Y)=O V2E,(x,y)-j~~raE~(x,y)=0 G-4 =E I r(.,,~(L-y))+jc(.~(L-y)) I-- -m-T- r( .$&G x) + j c(Jqu 0 x) r<.,,G ~4+j c<.;G Y) E 11=E2 r<,Gx>+jc<,Cx) (2b) (5) The general solution of diffusion equations by different methods is given in [13]. For the case of a ground plane the solution applying the principle of superposition can be obtained using the figure 2. E r(JGy)+jc(~Y) III = E3 r(Gx)+jc(JwD E x) r(,hGu)+jc<,fiY) IvzE4 r(J&G(a-x))+ jc( JijZ(a-x)) where r[,,fi [ w o variable)/212 (variable)]= 2 cos(nrr’2) ” r.,,,’ a, sen(nn /2)[ ,,/w,Dcs(variable)y / 2p” ~(nlj2 C[\~CD,D c (variable)]= c n=O (6) As ground planes are referencedfor single point or multi point, we consider now that the ground plane is feed by a current Z(jw) as the figure 3 shows. The current distribution can be deducedwith the following boundary conditions Figure 2. Superpositionprinciple The solution of the problem can be the solution of Laplace’s equation with the following boundary condition: @x,0) = E, E(x, L) = E, -W, Y> = E4 Eta, Y> = -4 Then, in accordancewith superpositionprinciple, E,,(qO)=&(3) Ixl<b for El E,,(x,O)=O b<jxl<a E,(+a,y)=O E,(x,O) = 0 O<y<L forE2and E4 /xl < b for El E,(x,L)=O lxl<a 713 for EI for E3 coth( ,/SF c 1 1 a) * O” [cos(nn /2) + jsen(nn /2)]( J&GO2)2” 2n+l p,” n=O L2n+1- (-L)2n+* rt,bGa+jct,bGa) Confinement of cure m [cos(nn /2) f jsen(nn /2)]( J&G02)2n c- +A n=o w2 ~_~~ (2L)2mn+’ 2n+l r(,Ga)+jc(&Ea) 1 (10) Figure 3. Groundplane geometry. The voltage on the ground plane can be calculated by the equation (9) and their impedance by equation (IO), the skin effect and the confinement effect are included. Applying these boundaries conditions to equation (2) the electric field component in y can be obtained by the method of separation of variables, then: cW~~x) * I ~_ EJx,y)=I ~- senh(fi,u 46 - x) + j c(-&lj& r<&G +-I 20 bt ! b=1x10m3 m , thickness 1~10~~ m, a, the ,I.I~ = 4~ x10m7 H/m and 0 = 5.8~10~ S/m. Applying equation (10) for different dimensions of L and a the results obtained are shown in figure 4. (Y>> x) I (Ll,>>,.M&aL-y)) r(..&jG EVALUATION We consider for numerical evaluation, a copper rectangular ground plane with the following characteristics: length L, width 0 a) (u>>+j CC&G r( ,/&E III. NUMERICAL x) + j c( .&jz x) I 50 45 (9) 5 ;: Substituting (9) into (1 a) and integrating from 0 to 2L the voltage is obtained. [cos(m /2) + j sen(nn /2)]( ,!G / 2)2n Figure 4. Evaluation of groundplane impedance IV. EXPERIMENTAL r(*a)+jc(&$Ea) Finally the ground plane impedance can be written as: RESULTS The behavior of the ground plane impedance was measured on typical glass- epoxy printed circuit board with a copper side of 0.3 mm thickness. The dimensions are 1Ocm x 27cm. Measurements were made in accordance with the diagram shown in figure 5. 714 It can be seen that figures 6 and 7 show differences. That is because the source impedance and the measurement set impedance are not totally frequency compensated. But, the behaviors are similar. CONCLUSION Figure 5. Schemefor measurements of groundplane impedance The impedance ZG~ corresponds to the ground plane impedance. The source impedance Z, and measurement set Z, are compensatedin frequency until 500 MHz. The voltage V, is measuredthrough Z, and ZG~ is obtained by equation (11). zGP = k ! vm ) - lhn - z, (11) The behavior of the ground plane impedance as of the frequency function is shown in figure 6. Also the impedanceof the ground plane was measuredwith a network analyzer , the result is shown in the figure 7. Frequency (MHz) Figure 6. Ground Plane impedance k4easured Figure 7. Ground Plane Measured with network analyzer. This paper introduces an analytical method to estimate the impedance behavior of the ground planes in the frequency domain. The method was validated experimentally, where analytical and experimental results are in good agreement.The impedance magnitude is a function of the ground plane dimensions. The results show that a 1Ocmx 30cm ground plane can be used until a maximal frequency of 100 MHz, as figures 4, 6 y 7 show. Finally, these results may be used to obtain the dimensions of the ground plane in printed circuit boards with a good accuracy REFERENCES [l] H. Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic System, New York: Wiley, 1988. [2] Clayton R. Paul, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, New York, Wiley, 1992. [3] Clayton R. 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