1 An Innovative Modular Multilevel Converter Topology Suitable for a Wide Power Range A. Lesnicar, and R. Marquardt Abstract-- This paper presents a new multilevel converter topology suitable for very high voltage applications, especially network interties in power generation and transmission. The fundamental concept and the applied control scheme is introduced. Simulation results of a 36MW–network intertie illustrate the efficient operating characteristics. A suitable structure of the converter-control is proposed. Index Terms— HVDC converters, high voltage transmission, multilevel converter, space-vector PWM I. INTRODUCTION T HE deregulation of international energy markets and the trend to decentralized power generation are increasing the demand for advanced power electronic systems. For this application field multilevel converters with a high number of voltage levels seem to be the most suitable types, because of the need for series connection of semiconductors in combination with low voltage distortion on the line side [1]-[3]. Besides these points, a lot of other important aspects have to be taken into account for these applications. Main technical and economical aspects for the development of multilevel converters are: • • • • • Modular realization: - scalable to different power- and voltage levels - independent of the state of the art of fast developing power devices Multilevel waveform: - expandable to any number of voltage steps - low total harmonic distortion - dynamic division of voltage to the power devices High availability: - use of approved devices - redundant operation Failure management: - fail safe operation on device failures - avoidance of mechanical destruction (high current magnetic forces and arcing) Investment and life cycle cost: - standard components - modular construction II. A. Principle of M2LC In order to fulfil the above mentioned requirements, a converter system solely composed of an arbitrary number of identical submodules was a prerequisite. For the sake of stringent modular and scalable realization, additional “central” components have to be avoided. The DC-link capacitor of conventional voltage source inverters presents an example of such a component – independent of its realization out of a number of series connected capacitors or not. The subsystems of the new concept are two terminal devices composed of switches and a local DC-storage capacitor (C0). No additional external connection or energy transmission to the submodules is needed, for full 4-quadrant operation of the converter system. Fig. (1) illustrates an inverter leg consisting of n submodules in each arm. In a first step, the submodules can be considered as a controlled voltage source. Regardless of the sign of the current ia,i, the terminal voltage Vx,i of each submodule can be switched to either 0 V or to the voltage VC. For easier explanation all voltage values VC are assumed to be equal to V0. By switching a number of submodules in the upper and lower arm, the voltage Vd is adjusted. In a similar manner, the voltage VAC can be adjusted to a desired value. P i a,1 V x1,1 SM Vd 2 Vd V x1,n SM V x2,1 SM V x2,n N The authors are with the Institute for Power Electronics and Control, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: anton.lesnicar@unibw-muenchen.de, rainer.marquardt@unibw-muenchen.de) CONCEPT OF THE NEW MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTER M2LC i AC V AC Vd SM i a,2 Fig. 1. Inverter leg consisting of 2n submodules 2 2 The following equation shows the limitation of the voltages Vd(t) and VAC(t) respective to the number of submodules per arm: Vd (t ) + 2 ⋅ V AC (t ) ≤ 2 ⋅ n ⋅ V0 (1) When choosing Vd = const. and: Vd = n ⋅ V0 (2) then the amplitude of the output voltage is restricted to: VˆAC ≤ n ⋅ V0 (3) A suitable and simple realization of the submodule is given in Fig. 2. The interface is composed solely of two electrical terminals and one bi-directional fibre-optic interface. This reduces the costs for manufacturing and maintenance, too. The voltage of any submodule can be freely controlled by software. The individual voltages of the submodules may even be chosen unequal. This can be used to increase the number of resulting voltage steps (e.g. together with PWM-operation). In contrast to the conventional VSI a common central capacitive storage is for the concept of M2LC dispensable. This advantage eases the protection of the converter against mechanical destruction in case of a short circuit, significantly. In addition, a defective submodule can be replaced by a redundant submodule in the arm by control action without mechanical switches. This results in an increased safety and availability. ia SR Vx SF C0 + VC - Fig. 2. Structure of a submodule Table 1 shows the commonly used control states of a submodule in failure-free operation. When the IGBT SF is switched on, the voltage Vx = 0. To apply the voltage VC to the terminals, the IGBT SR has to be switched on. In case of switching off both IGBTs, the impressed voltage to the power devices is limited by the capacitor voltage VC. TABLE 1 COMMONLY USED CONTROL STATES OF A SUBMODULE TABLE Mode 1 2 3 4 SF SR OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ia VX dVC/dt >0 <0 >0 <0 VC VC 0 0 >0 <0 0 0 B. Concept of controlled voltage balancing In order to keep the capacitors on the same voltage level and to ensure equal stress for the power devices the following algorithm is applied for each arm: The voltages of the capacitors are periodically measured with a typically sampling-rate in the millisecond-range. According to their voltage the capacitors are sorted by software. In case of positive current the required number of submodules, determined by output state controller, with the lowest voltages are switched on. Therefore, the selected capacitors are charged. When the current in the corresponding arm is negative, the demanded number of submodules with highest voltages are selected. By this method, continuous balancing of the capacitor voltages is guaranteed. Inherently, this concept supports an optimized utilisation of the stored energy and evenly distributed power loses for the installed electrical devices. Additionally, the power losses can be kept low by switching the submodules solely when a change of the output state is requested. III. CONTROL SCHEME With regard to the modular and scalable topology of the M2LC, the applied control scheme should be easily expandable to any number of levels. With this in mind, the space-vector PWM is a suitable control scheme. In general all concepts, based on the space-vector PWM theory, are compatible with the following fundamental algorithm: The first task is the transformation of the three phase voltages into the two-dimensional space by using the equation (4). 1 1 − vaY 1 − vRe 2 2 2 ⋅ v = ⋅ (4) 3 3 bY v 3 Im − 0 + v 2 2 cY The second step is to find the three active switching vectors adjacent to the reference vector vref. The three active switching points next to the reference vector have to be located to minimize the harmonics. Finally, due to the expression of the reference vector by the determined surrounding vectors, the correspondent dwelling times have to be calculated [3]-[6]. 3 2,89 Im 2,31 1,73 1,15 vref X 0,58 0,00 Re -0,58 -1,15 -1,73 -2,31 -2,89 -3,33 -2,67 -2,00 -1,33 -0,67 0,00 0,67 1,33 2,00 2,67 3,33 Fig. 4 Space-vector trajectory (5-level topology) for a possible three-phase output with sine wave common-mode voltage Fig. 3 Space-vector diagram of a 5-level converter The number of nSS adjustable switching states for a threephase nlevel – multilevel converter is simply given by: 3 n SS = nlevel (5) The number of different voltage vectors nV for a threephase nlevel – multilevel converter can be calculated from: nV = 3 ⋅ nlevel ⋅ (nlevel − 1) + 1 (6) Applied to the topology of M2LC, Fig. 3 shows a 5-level space-vector diagram, assuming that the capacitor-voltages of the submodules are equal and scaled to the value 1. From this it follows that the normalized terminal-voltages VX of the submodules have either the value 0 or 1. The nV points illustrate the possible voltage vectors in the two-dimensional space. The M2LC offers the degree of freedom to control the common-mode voltage of the three-phase system. The possibility to vary the common-mode voltage with unchanged phase voltages can be utilized to avoid high rate of rise or high amplitude of the common-mode voltage, which leads to strong insulation stress or other drawbacks. The proposed control scheme adopts the fundamental principles of the abovementioned general concept of space-vector theory. In addition to the two dimensions, the common-mode voltage is taken into account. Thus a three-dimensional space arises, shown in Fig. 4. For synthesizing the reference vector by using the most convenient switching states a suitable algorithm shall be broadly described: In the same way, like in the plane representation, the phase voltages have to be transformed (4). The third dimension is given by the common-voltage axis. The next surrounding switching-state vectors to the reference vector have to be located. Compared to the plane graph (surrounding triangle built by 3 points) now 4 points have to be determined, which encase the reference vector by a tetrahedron (Fig. 5). Analogue to the conventional duty cycle computation the four dwelling times of their correspondent switching-state vector can be calculated. common-mode voltage Re Im Fig. 5 Reference vector encased by a tetrahedron Simulation results of the three-phase voltages and the common-mode voltage using the proposed space-vector PWM are shown in Fig. 6 an 7. 4 5.0 4.0 SM SM SM SM SM SM 3.0 P0 SM SM SM SM n=22 2.0 V 11 1.0 V 12 V 20 0.0 IT 11 -1.0 Vd IT 12 V 13 IT 20 -2.0 IT 13 -3.0 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM -4.0 -5.0 0 3.33 6.67 10.00 time[ms] 13.33 16.67 20.00 N0 Fig. 6 Normalized line-to-line voltages (5-level topology) Fig. 8. Simulation model 1.33 Starting under de-energized condition, the output terminal of this supply is connected to the DC-bus of the multilevel converter. Per inverter leg a number of (2n-1) IGBTs SF are triggered. The IGBT SF of the capacitor, which has to be charged and all remaining IGBTs SR in the inverter leg are not triggered. When the capacitor reaches the operation voltage, the appropriate IGBT SF has to be triggered. Simultaneously another IGBT SF of the same leg is no longer triggered. In that way all capacitors in the arms are gradually charged to the operation voltage (Fig. 9). Finally, the voltage source has to be disconnected by series diodes or mechanical switching. 1.00 0.67 0.33 0.0 -0.33 -0.67 -1.00 -1.33 40 0 3.33 6.67 10.00 time[ms] 13.33 16.67 35 20.00 30 A network intertie model has been built and tested to verify the concept. To this purpose the simulator program SIMPLORER was used. In the model 10 inverter legs are connected with a DC-link to one three-phase power converter (power supply) and one one-phase power inverter (load). Each arm is composed of 22 identical submodules. No additional, central capacitive energy storage at the DC-side is installed (Fig. 8). In practice difficulties occur, when a common network intertie has to be put out of the de-energized condition into operating condition (″black start″). The new power converter topology allows a simple and safe black start. In the following a possible process of charge per inverter arm is described. In order to accomplish this procedure, only one auxiliary voltage source with a relatively low output voltage (VLoad ≈ VC) is necessary. Voltage [kV] Fig. 7 Example of controlled, normalized common-mode voltage (5-level topology) IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Vd 25 20 15 10 5 0 V Lo ad V C1 0 1 2 V C22 3 4 5 tim e [m s] 6 7 8 Fig. 9 Process of charge per inverter arm The curves shown in Fig. 10a and 10b are under steady state conditions. The single phase and the three phase voltages are synthesized by 21 levels (+1 redundant submodule). The ripple content of the 2nd harmonic on the DC-link voltage has no effect on the input and output power characteristic (Fig. 10b). The capacitive energy storage of all submodules is the same as used in a conventional network intertie of the same power rating (Pd = 36 MW). 5 50 40 Vd 30 V20 Voltage [kV] 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 20 40 time [ms] 60 80 100 Fig. 10a. Output voltage and DC-link voltage 80 Pout 70 60 50 The converter cubicles are equipped with a number of identical submodules which are connected solely by duplex optical-fibre cable to the central control unit. Each submodule receives the correspondent switching commands, optoelectronically and sends its capacitor-voltage back to the central control unit, periodically. The power supply voltage for data transfer and drive circuit of the IGBTs is supplied by the capacitive energy storage of the submodule [7]. The measuring system for the branch current measurement is connected fibre-optically, too. The fault detection differentiates between faults, which have to lead to fault indication with or without a disconnection of the system. For instance, in cases of overcurrent or power loss the failure management has to start the failsafe operation, automatically. Whereas, corrigibly failures don’t induce an automatic disconnection. These failures may appear in data transmission. The source of error can be located and saved by the fault diagnosis system. At a later time, in accordance with the scheduled maintenance, the fault can be cleared. This results in a distinct improvement of the availability and maintainability. Supervisory Computer 40 Converter Cubicle Central Control Unit (CCU) Submodule 20 T1,T2 10 Vc1 Pin ribbon cable -30 Interface flat -20 duplex opticalfibre cable 0 -10 Interface Power [MW] 30 • • • Submodule T1,T2 Vc1 -40 -50 0 20 40 time [ms] 60 80 Arm-Circuit Current Measurement 100 Fig. 10b. Input and output power variation curve Sim. results obtained with the parameters: Transmitted real power Pd = 36 MW; C0 = 2 mF; one-phase-system: V1,rms =25.0 kV, f1= 25 Hz; three-phase-system: V3,rms =26.5 kV, f3 = 60 Hz V. STRUCTURE OF M2LC-CONTROL Consisting of three different fundamental units, the following control structure for M2LC is proposed (Fig. 11). The supervisory unit takes over the feedback and supervisory control of the entire system. According to the setpoint values the feedback control supplies the central control unit in realtime mode. A digital signal processor (DSP) or FPGA is well suited to solve these tasks. The presented concept of voltage balancing is implemented in the modulator. The output state controller which has to determine the optimized output states and the operating sequence for the next PWM-period is integrated, too. The PWM-generator calculates the dwellingtimes for the appendant switching states. A Fig. 11. Structure of M2LC VI. CONCLUSION This paper introduced the topology of the new modular multilevel converter M2LC and its relevant characteristics. The modular concept allows the application for a wide power range. The proposed control scheme is well suited for a different number of voltage levels. It is shown that the control scheme allows to control phase-voltages and the common mode voltage at the same time, independently. Simulations have demonstrated a good performance of the M2LC-concept. The start under de-energized condition can be safely realized. The structure of M2LC-control enables good separation of the low voltage units and the high voltage units of the converter cubicles. Presently, a prototype of a 2 MW – converter system is being built. This modular system will enable further experimental investigations. 6 VII. REFERENCES [1] Jih-Sheng Lai, Fang Zheng Peng, “Multilevel Converters – A new breed of power converters”, IEEE Trans. Ind. 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Applicat. vol. 38, pp 500 – 506, March/April 2002 [7] Jürgen Hildinger, Rainer Marquardt, “Erzeugung stabilisierter Hilfsspannungen aus dem Leistungsteil von U-Umrichtern”, ETG-Fachtagung, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 2002 Anton Lesnicar was born in Munich, Germany, in 1971. He received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in 2000 from the University of Munich. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Power Electronics at the “Universität der Bundeswehr / München”, Munich, Germany in the Institute for Power Electronics and Control. He is engaged in research and development of new power electronic systems for power generation and transmission. Rainer Marquardt was born in Hannover, Germany in 1953. He received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) and Dr.-Ing. degree (Ph.D.) in electronic communication and power electronics respectively from the University of Hannover, before joining Siemens AG/Erlangen. He performed numerous industrial research and development projects for high power applications in power transmission and advanced AC-Drive systems for traction applications. He has filed 48 patents in these areas. Currently, he leads the Institute of “Power Electronics and Control” as an ordinary Professor at the “Universität der Bundeswehr / München” in Germany.