BIOL100 – SURVEY OF BIOLOGY FALL QUARTER 2013 SYLLABUS AND SCHEDULE Instructor: Office: Telephone: John Wiseley SAM 311 (206) 934-5436 Lecture: Laboratory: email: Website: Office Hours: 12-1 M-F, SAM Room 311 10:00-10:50 MTTh Room 203 10:00-11:50 WF Room 305 COURSE MATERIALS: Text: “Biology for a Changing World” Shuster, et al. ISBN: 0-7167-7324-4 Lab Manual: Biology 100 Lab Manual, available in the copy center (BE room 3105A) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for non-science majors and consists of lecture, discussion, video, laboratory, reading and writing activities. We will look at biological concepts common to all living organisms with the focus on life’s diversity and unity as seen through a study of ecology, cells, inheritance, evolution, biotechnology and other current issues. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion students should be able to: • demonstrate basic understanding of biology concepts, terms, and scientific process • describe relationships found in ecosystems • explain the structure and functions of organelles common to all cells • track patterns of inheritance • describe the principles of evolution and explain the mechanisms that drive it • describe issues involving biotechnology • locate, evaluate, and communicate information about basic biological concepts • make informed decisions about biological issues COURSE EXPECTATIONS: I expect you to attend class daily, to read the assigned textbook and lab material prior to class, and to ask questions when you don’t understand the material. This class requires your daily participation. Many assignments and activities will be announced in class and will require active class participation; some may involve group activities. Meet deadlines. Material that is turned in late will be docked 20% per day late. Be on time for class. Silence and put away your phones during class and lab. If I find you with an electronic device of any kind that is turned on during an exam, a zero will be awarded for the exam. I am happy to try to reword an exam question, but electronic translators are not allowed. STUDY HELP: Seek assistance with the course material. I am available during office hours and by appointment to help students. Free tutoring is available in Biology open labs. The schedule for open labs is determined early in the quarter and will be posted outside all labs. I strongly recommend that you form study groups. The publisher’s website has numerous practice questions, animations and other resources. LABORATORY: Students are required to read the assigned laboratory exercise in preparation for lab. 5 point Pre-lab worksheets will be collected at the beginning of each lab to ensure that students are prepared for the work to be carried out that day. 10 point Post-lab reports are due at the start of the next lab period. Missed labs cannot be rescheduled. If your absence is excused prior to lab, a zero will not be recorded. In this case, your total points possible for the class will be less than other students and it will be skewed more toward exam points. TESTING: Four mid-term exams and a comprehensive final will be given during the quarter. Dates of the exams are indicated on the schedule on the next pages. There are no makeup exams, unless I am notified before the exam is given, and only if the absence was the result of an unavoidable serious accident, a death in the family, or a serious illness. Exceptional circumstances must be verified by an appropriate third party, i.e. police report, a funeral notice, or a note form the student's doctor stating the patient's inability to take the test. Make-up exams will be more difficult than the exam administered in class. If you take issue with how I graded the exam, I am happy to talk for it, but will not discuss it until 24 hours after you received the exam. If there is a math error on my part, bring it to my attention as soon as you notice. QUIZZES: Quizzes worth approximately 10 points each are given at the start of the first class of non-exam weeks. Some “pop-quizzes” may appear on other days without warning. Missed quizzes cannot be made up for any reason. If you are late for class, you will not be given extra time. HOMEWORK: Homework assignments will be explained as they are assigned during the quarter. GRADING: (points possible may vary slightly, but will be indicated on each assignment) Mid-term Exams Quizzes Final Exam Pre- and post-lab reports Homework 4 x 60pts. 5 x 10pts Total 240 points 50 points 100 points 150 points 100 points 640 points Grades will be calculated according to the percentage of total points possible that you have earned according to the following scale. Decimal grades are reported at Seattle Central CC. A A- B+ B B- 95-100% 93-94% 92% 90-91% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% 78-79% 77% 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 C+ C C- D+ D F 76% 74-75% 73% 71-72% 70% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62% 61% 60% <60% 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.0 A grade of 2.0 or better is required to pass. Students who withdraw from classes before the deadline will receive W grades. The W grade is not factored into a students GPA. The NC grade requires that you are passing the class when the grade is requested. Academic honesty is expected. Cheating will be subject to discipline, and an F will be awarded for the assignment or exam. Closures for Seattle Central Community College will be announced on major radio stations: KIRO, KOMO, KING. ADA Statement: Students with documented disabilities who need course accommodations, have emergency medical information or require special arrangements for building evacuation should contact the instructor within the first two weeks of class. Tentative Lecture Schedule: (any necessary changes will be announced during the quarter) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 M Date 9/23 Lecture Topics Introduction Lab Exercises Readings Ch 1 T 9/24 W 9/25 Th 9/26 F 9/27 M 9/30 Community Ecology Ch 22 Tu 10/1 Chemistry Ch 2, p.20-27 W 10/2 Th 10/3 F 10/4* M 10/7 NO CLASS Tu 10/8 Review Session W 10/9 Th 10/10 F 10/11 M 10/14 Organic Molecules Ch 2, p.28-34 Tu 10/15 Cell Function and Structure Ch 3 W 10/16 Th 10/17 F 10/18 M 10/21 Cell Function and Structure Ch 3 Tu 10/22 DNA Structure and Replication Ch 7 W 10/23 Th 10/24 F 10/25 M 10/28 Cell Division & Mitosis Ch 9 Tu 10/29 Cell Division & Mitosis Ch 9 W 10/30 Th 10/31 F 11/1 Scientific Thinking Ch 1 Scientific Method + Lab 1: Repeatability Population Ecology Lab Manual Intro Ch 21 Lab 2: Soils Lab 3: Concept Map Ecosystem Ecology Ch 23 Lab 4: Owl Pellet Investigation Ch1, 2 & 21-23 Exam #1 (Ch. 1, 2, 21, 22 & 23) Organic Molecules Ch 2, p.28-34 Lab 5: Organic molecules/Biochem. Tests Lab 6: Microscope Cell Function and Structure Ch 3 Lab 7: Diffusion and Osmosis Lab 8: The Eukaryotic Cell Review Session Ch 2, 3 & 7 Exam #2 (Chapters 2, 3, & 7 ) Lab 9: Cell Division Gene Expression Ch 8 Lab 10: DNA Isolation from Banana Week 7 8 Date Lecture Topics 10 11 Readings M 11/4 Gene Expression Ch 8 Tu 11/5 Gene Expression Ch 8 W 11/6 Th 11/7 F 11/8 M 11/11 Veteran’s Day – No Lecture Tu 11/12 Review Session W 11/13 Th 11/14 Lab 11: Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis Gene Expression Ch 8 Lab 12: Gel Electrophoresis Ch 8 & 9 Exam # 3 (Chapters 8 & 9) Meiosis F 11/15** 9 Lab Exercises Ch 11 Video – TBD M 11/18 Meiosis + Inheritance Ch 11 Tu 11/19 Genes & Inheritance Ch 12 W 11/20 Th 11/21 F 11/22 M 11/25 Lab 13: Antibiotic Resistance Day 2 – Meet in Lab 305 Tu 11/26 Evolution & Natural Selection W 11/27 Th 11/28 F 11/29 M 12/2 Evolution & Natural Selection Ch 15 Tu 12/3 Review Session Ch11, 12, 14-16 W 12/4 Th 12/5 F 12/6 Lecture + Genetics Problems Evolution & Natural Selection Ch 12 Ch 14 Lab 13: Antibiotic Resistance – Day 1 Ch 16 Lab 13: Antibiotic Resistance Day 3 Thanksgiving – No Class Thanksgiving – No Lab Exam #4 (Ch. 11, 12, 14, 15 & 16) Review Session TBD FINAL EXAM – WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11TH 8:00 - 10:00, ROOM 203 * October 4th is the last day to withdraw from the class without receiving a “W” grade ** November 15th is the last day to withdraw from the class