Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Saud University College of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department Program Bulletin 1435-36 H – 2014-15 G A Message from Chairman gives me pleasure to welcome you to the Website of the Department of Electrical Engineering. The Department has 53 members of academic staff, 45 technical and supporting staff, 700 undergraduate students, and 85 graduate students. We offer two undergraduate programs: Electrical Power & Machines Engineering, and Electronics & Communication Engineering, which attract top students from high schools in the Kingdom. For graduate studies, the department offers three programs in five areas of specialization. It The Department has recently put a great effort to update academic programs and teaching facilities as well. A new M.Sc. program, based on course work only, has been introduced to cater for the needs of a wide class of graduate students. Several improvements in the undergraduate programs include: professional communications course and laboratory, an improved graduation project, courses in selected topics of current interest such as mobile communications, computer networks and information security are presently offered. Smart class rooms and meeting rooms, R&D laboratories, such as the Erickson lab, major laboratory software and hardware upgrading, such as the electrical power and the high voltage labs, are steps to upgrade the department facilities. The main objective of such changes is to: Improve teaching methods, to be at the forefront of current thoughts in Engineering Education. Improve the learning skills of students to become independent learners and effective users of existing facilities such as the library, laboratory equipment, and computers. Establish a quality assurance system to insure the above objectives will be met in the near future. The department has maintained close working relations with public and private sectors of engineering including the Saudi Telecommunication Company, Erickson, Saudi Electrical Company, and many others. Among such efforts is offering short courses, collaborate research projects, and consultation work. Presently, the department is establishing the "Saudi Society of Electrical Engineering” and the “Saudi Society of Communication Engineering”, with the target of joining efforts of all electrical and communication engineers in the Kingdom to upgrade the profession and promote joint research and development efforts and technology transfer in the area of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Telecommunications, with relevance to the needs of the Kingdom. Dr. Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie Chairman of electrical Engineering Department Page | 2 Table of Contents Contents Table of Contents ______________________________________________________________ 3 INTRODUCTION______________________________________________________________ 4 DEPARTMENT VISION AND MISSION __________________________________________ 4 Vision _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 Mission____________________________________________________________________________ 4 Values ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ___________________________________________________ 5 Bachelor of Science Program in Electrical Engineering _______________________________ 5 Program Objectives _________________________________________________________________ 5 Program Learning Outcomes _________________________________________________________ 6 The Academic Plan__________________________________________________________________ 6 Master of Science Program in Electrical Engineering ________________________________ 12 Degree Requirements for M. Sc. (Non-Thesis Option) Program: ___________________________ 17 PhD. Program in Electrical Engineering __________________________________________ 22 FACULTY ___________________________________________________________________ 24 LABORATORIES _____________________________________________________________ 29 DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES & UNITS ________________________________________ 32 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS & REGULATIONS FOR THE B.Sc. PROGRAMS ______ 32 Admission of Students who have finished the Preparatory-Year of Science Colleges. __________ 32 Student and Course Transfer ________________________________________________________ 32 Students Allocation to College Departments ____________________________________________ 33 Practical Training__________________________________________________________________ 33 CONTACT INFORMATION ____________________________________________________ 34 APPENDIX – A: BS Course Description __________________________________________ 35 APPENDIX – B: MS Course Description __________________________________________ 48 A selected research topic will be conducted. ________________________________________ 52 APPENDIX – C: PhD Course Description _________________________________________ 53 APPENDIX – D: Laboratories ___________________________________________________ 57 Page | 3 INTRODUCTION The Department of Electrical Engineering has been in the forefront of the educational development process at King Saud University till date. Ever since its inception, the department has effectively contributed to the rapid development of the educational system in the Kingdom by striving to offer graduates who are qualified to play a vital role in all development plans of the country and hold key positions in all governmental and private sectors. As is understood by its faculty and staff members, the main objective of the Electrical Engineering Department is to educate highly specialized and qualified electrical engineers in different fields of electrical engineering who are capable of enhancing the rapid industrial, economical and social development taking place in Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the Department educates and prepares engineers on electrical power and the responsibilities associated in electrical power engineering stations, substations and high voltage transmission networks. The Electrical Engineering Department also teaches students the issues pertaining to the design, development and analysis of different types of electrical generators and motors in addition to their operation, maintenance and control through extensive knowledge of power electronics. In addition, the Department qualifies electrical communication engineers capable of designing, developing, operating and maintaining networks including antenna systems, satellite, microwave and digital communications, in addition to signal processing. On the other hand, the Department also teaches electronics in order to design, and maintain the electronic circuits and systems used in the fields of communication, automatic control and computers along with other systems of civilian or military nature. Moreover, the Department prepares system engineers who are trained in the design and management of control systems using computers to operate and maintain various processes and fulfill other applications. The Department is fully equipped with advanced facilities and high-quality laboratories that cover all aspects of electrical engineering. These facilities are subjected to a continuous upgrades and improvements in order to keep pace with the latest technology requirements. The diverse areas of specialty associated with electrical engineering provide the graduates with very good job opportunities both in the governmental and in the private sectors throughout the Kingdom. DEPARTMENT VISION AND MISSION Vision The vision of the Electrical Engineering Program is to contribute to improving the society by promoting the electrical engineering profession through providing qualified engineers who can perform and manage; learn and accumulate experience; respond to changes; create and contribute to knowledge; and provide innovative products and services. Mission The mission of the Electrical Engineering Program is to attain excellence in quality of electrical engineering education; provide the society with highly qualified electrical engineers to meet the industry challenges during the 21st century; and serve the society through involvement in knowledge sharing outreach and professional activities that include innovative research and developing new technologies. Values The Department of Electrical Engineering operates according to the spirit of the following four values: 1. To manage with quality and efficiency and to emphasize cooperation, ethical values, and trust. 2. To treat individuals with dignity and respect and to value diversity. 3. To support distinction and to encourage creativity. 4. To focus on the well-being of the society and to protect humanity. Page | 4 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS The department offers a carefully designed undergraduate program with a Major in Electrical Engineering (EE). It has the following four specialized areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Electronics, Communication Systems, Electrical Power Engineering, Automation and Intelligent Systems. The Department also offers Master’s programs (Non-thesis and thesis options) in the following areas of specialization: 1234- Electronics Communications Electrical Power Control Systems and Computers Ph. D. programs in the following specializations are also offered by the Department: 1.Electronics. 2.Electromagnetic Waves and Communication. 3.Electrical Machines and Power Electronics. 4.Electrical Power and High Voltage Systems. Degrees awarded by the department Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Non-thesis and thesis options). PhD in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science Program in Electrical Engineering Program Objectives The following objectives have been set: 1- Provide well-tailored and progressive sequence of subjects in which emphasis is placed on sound fundamentals of engineering principles. 2- Emphasize on the application of science and mathematics in the core courses. 3- Utilize modern teaching software tools and laboratory equipment in engineering analysis and design. 4- Emphasize on reasoning and application of knowledge in problem solving and self-reliance. 5- Apply engineering concepts & principles in multi-disciplinary surroundings, projects and teamwork. 6- Promote the effective oral and written communications skills through reports and projects. 7- Emphasize on professional, cultural, ethical and community responsibilities through trainings. 8- Keep students aware of the contemporary and global issues by continuously providing them with current information. Page | 5 9- Keep students aware of safety issues related to different engineering topics and the impact of it on the environment. 10- Emphasize on importance of life-long learning. 11- Empower and foster an environment to encourage the department research. 12- Select qualified faculty members who are up-to-date with industrial and community issues, and who are active in conducting consultations, participating in seminars, conferences and short courses. Program Learning Outcomes LABEL A Program Learning Outcomes An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Ability to communicate effectively Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, environmental, economic, and societal context Recognize of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning Knowledge of contemporary issues Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for Engineering practice. B C D E F G H I J K The Academic Plan This program was carefully designed to provide more opportunities and less restriction by allowing students to have breadth of knowledge in important areas of modern electrical engineering and at the same time ensure that the graduates have sufficient depth to begin professional work with confidence in at least one of the disciplines. The B.S. program is a four-year (eight-semesters) program, preceded by a two-semester preparatory year. Preparatory Year The preparatory year aims at enhancing the skills of the student through intense English courses and courses that improve their communication and computer skills. The table below illustrates the modules studied during the preparatory year. Preparatory Year requirement is given in Table 1 below: Level 1 Course Code Course Title Level 2 Hr. Course Code Course Title Hr. MATH 140 Introduction to Mathematics 2(2-1-0) MATH 150 Differential Calculus 3(3-1-0) ENGL 140 English Language (1) 8(20-0-0) ENGL 150 English Language (2) 8(20-0-0) Health 150 Health & Fitness 1(1-1-0) IT 140 Computer Skills 3(0-0-6) CI 140 Learning, Thinking and Research Skills 3(3-1-0) SCS 140 Communication Skills 2(2-1-0) ENT 101 Entrepreneurship 1(1-1-0) 15 Page | 6 16 Course Requirements After successfully passing the preparatory year and to complete the graduation requirements for a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, the students are required to successfully pass a total of 132 credit hours (Table 2). The program is divided into: 12 credit hours of University requirements (Table 3). 51 credit hours of College requirements (Table 4) of which 38 credit hours are compulsory courses for all departments (Table 4A) and 13 credit hours of complementary courses (Table 4B). 69 credit hours of departmental requirements (Table 5) of which 42 credit hours are core courses (Table 5A), 4 credit hours of graduation project (Table 5B) and 23 credit hours of elective courses (Table 5C). The 23 cr. hr. elective courses are divided into two groups: Depth courses (17 cr. hr.) that are to be selected from one of the specialized areas offered by the department and Breadth courses (6 cr. hr.) that are to be selected from two areas other than the student’s area of specialization (Tables 6A to 6D inclusive). Senior Capstone Design Project Requirements The design project is divided into two parts (2 credit hours each). The student is eligible to register for Senior Design Project -1 if he completes successfully at least 100 credit hours excluding preparatory year. Senior Design Project -2 can be taken during the first and second semesters only (not during summer semester). Summer Training Requirements Prior to graduation, after completion of at least 65 Cr. Hr. after preparatory year, each Electrical Engineering major must complete an approved Engineering Summer Training Program. Summer training extends over a period of 10 weeks excluding weekends and official holidays, and must be undertaken in companies or establishments accepted by the college. The student’s performance is evaluated by the training company and by both the Department and College coordinators. A typical plan of study for a B. S. in Electrical Engineering is presented in Table 7. Table 2 SUMMARY OF B.S. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Requirements University College Department Total Cr. Hr. 12 51 69 132 Description Islamic (8) and Arabic (4) Studies Compulsory (41), Complementary (10) Core (42), Projects (4) and Electives (23) Table 3 UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS Course Code IC 101 IC 102 IC 103 IC 104 ARAB 101 ARAB 103 Page | 7 Course Title Introduction to Islamic Culture Islam and Society The Islamic Economic System Fundamentals of the Islamic Political System Language Skills Arabic Basic Writing Total Cr. Hr. 2(2,0,0) 2(2,0,0) 2(2,0,0) 2(2,0,0) 2(2,0,0) 2(2,0,0) 12 Table 4 COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS Table 4A COMPULSORY COURSES Course Code MATH 106 MATH 107 Integral Calculus Vectors and Matrices MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus MATH 204 STAT 324 PHYS 103 PHYS 104 CHEM 101 ENGL 107 ENGL 108 GE 104 Differential Equations Engineering Probability and Statistics General Physics (1) General Physics (2) General Chemistry (1) Technical Writing Communication Skills for Engineers Basics of Engineering Drawing GE 201 Statics GE 404 Engineering Management Requisites PreCoMATH 150 MATH 150 MATH 106 3(3,2,0) MATH 107 3(3,2,0) MATH 203 3(2,2,0) 4(3,0,2) 4(3,0,2) 4(3,0,2) 3(3,0,0) 3(3,0,0) 3(2,0,2) MATH 106 3(3,1,0) MATH 107 2(2,1,0) 41 Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 3(3,2,0) 3(3,2,0) Course Title Total Table 4B COMPLEMENTARY COURSES Course Code GE 105 GE 211 GE 403 MATH 244 Course Title Introduction to Engineering Design Computer Programming in “C++” Engineering Economy Linear Algebra Total Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 2(1,1,2) 3(2,0,2) 2(2,1,0) 3(3,2,0) 10 Requisites PreCoGE 104 MATH 107 (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab. Table 5: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS Table 5A: CORE COURSES Course Code EE 201 EE 205 EE 208 EE 210 EE 211 Course Title Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Electric Circuits Laboratory Logic Design Logic Design Laboratory Computational Techniques in Electrical EE 212 Eng. Electric Circuit Analysis Page | 8 EE 213 Engineering Electromagnetics (1) EE 214 EE 301 EE 310 EE 312 EE 320 Engineering Electromagnetics (2) Signals and Systems Analysis Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Basic Electronics Laboratory Communications Principles EE 330 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (1) EE 340 EE 351 Fundamentals of Power Systems Automatic Control Cr. Hr. Requisites PreCo(X,Y,L) 3(3,1,0) MATH 106 1(0,0,2) EE 212 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) EE 208 3(2,0,2) GE 211 MATH 244 EE 201 2(2,1,0) MATH 107 MATH 203 3(3,1,0) PHYS 104 2(2,1,0) EE 213 3(3,1,0) EE 212 3(3,1,0) EE 201 1(0,0,2) EE 310 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 212 3(3,1,0) EE 213 3(3,1,0) EE 212 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 353 EE 356 EE 357 Introduction to Microprocessors Control and Instrumentation Laboratory Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Total 3(3,1,0) EE 208 1(0,0,2) 1(0,0,2) EE 353 42 EE 351 (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab. Table 5B: SENIOR DESIGN PROJECTS Course Code Course Title EE 496 Graduation Project -1 2 EE 497 Graduation Project -2 2 4 Requisites PreCo- Cr. Hr. Total Complete 131 credits EE 496 Table 5C: ELECTIVE COURSES Each student is required to take 17 cr. hr. from ONE of the four Specialized Areas (Depth) in addition to 6 cr. hr. from TWO other areas (Breadth) Elective Module Specialized Area Elective Module (Depth) Other Areas Elective Courses (Breadth) Total Cr. Hr. 17 6 23 Table 6: ELECTIVE COURSES OF SPECIALIZED AREAS Each student is required to take 17 cr. hr. from ONE of the four Specialized Areas (Depth) in addition to 6 cr. hr. from TWO other areas (Breadth) Table 6A: ELECTRONICS Course Code EE 401 EE 402 EE 403 EE 404 EE 405 EE 406 EE 407 EE 408 EE 409 EE 410 EE 412 EE 415 EE 419 Course Title Introduction to Electronic Circuits Electronic Circuits Laboratory Semiconductor Devices Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems VLSI Circuit Design VLSI Design Laboratory Electronic Communication Circuits VLSI Technology and Fabrication Electronic Instrumentation Optoelectronic Devices and Systems Low Power VLSI Design Principles of Nanoelectronics Introduction to Electronic Warfare Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) Requisites PreCoEE 310 EE 401 EE 310 EE 310 EE 310 EE405 EE 401 EE 310 EE 401 EE 310 EE 405 EE 403 EE 401 Table 6B: COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Page | 9 Course Code EE 420 Digital Signal Processing EE 421 Communications Laboratory EE 422 Digital Communications Course Title Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 3(3,1,0) Requisites PreCoEE 301 EE 214 2(0,0,4) EE 320 3(3,1,0) EE 320 EE 423 EE 425 EE 426 EE 427 EE 428 Wave Propagation and Antennas Satellite Communications Microwave Engineering Information Theory Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems EE 463 Wireless Communications EE 464 Optical Communications Selected Topics in Communications and Processing EE 468 EE 469 Signal Selected Topics in Engineering Electromagnetics 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) EE 214 EE 423 EE 214 STAT 324 EE 422 EE 422 3(3,1,0) EE 423 3(3,1,0) EE 423 Instructor and Department Approval Instructor and Department Approval 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab. Table 6C: ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING Course Code EE 431 EE 432 EE 433 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (2) Power Electronics Electromechanical Energy Conversion Laboratory Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 2(2,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) EE 435 Electric Drives 3(3,1,0) EE 436 EE 441 EE 443 EE 444 EE 445 EE 446 EE 447 EE 448 EE 449 Electrical Machine Dynamics and Stability Power System Analysis Power System Operation and Control Power System Planning Electrical Power Laboratory High Voltage Engineering Electricity Market and Energy Transactions Power Distribution Systems Power System Protection 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 2(0,0,4) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) EE 470 Renewable Energy Engineering 3(3,1,0) EE 475 Power System Grounding 3(3,1,0) EE 479 Selected Topics in Electrical Power Engineering 3(3,1,0) Course Title Requisites PreCoEE 330 EE 310 EE 431 EE 330 EE 432 EE 330 EE 340 EE 441 EE 340 EE 441 EE 340 EE 441 EE 340 EE 441 EE 310 EE 340 EE 340 Instructor and Department Approval Table 6D: AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Course Code EE 450 EE 453 EE 454 EE 456 EE 457 EE 458 EE 459 EE 480 EE 481 EE 482 EE 483 Course Title Computer Architecture Organization Microprocessor and Embedded System Design Advanced Control Systems Automatic Control Applications Applied Control Laboratory Advanced Logic Design Advanced Logic Design Laboratory Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Real Time System Design Communication Networks Digital Control Systems Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) 3(3,1,0) 1(0,0,2) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) 3(3,1,0) Requisites PreCoEE 357 EE 357 EE 351 EE 351 EE 456 EE 210 EE 458 EE 351 EE 357 EE 320 EE 351 (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; L = Lab. Page | 10 Table 7: RECOMMENDED SEMESTER SCHEDULE - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM* Level 3* Course Code Level 4 Course Title Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) CHEM 101 General Chemistry (1) 4(3,0,2) ENGL 107 Technical Writing 3(3,0,0) MATH 106 Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0) MATH 107 Vectors and Matrices 3(3,2,0) PHYS 103 General Physics (1) 4(3,0,2) Total Prerequisite Course Title Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) ARAB 101 Language Skills 2(2,0,0) ENGL 108 Communication Skills for Engineers 3(3,0,0) MATH 150 GE 104 Basics of Engineering Drawing 3(2,0,2) MATH 150 IC 107 Ethics of the Profession in Islam 2(2,0,0) MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0) PHYS 104 General Physics (2) 4(3,0,2) 17 Course Code Total Level 5 Course Code Course Title Prerequisite EE 201 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 3(3,1,0) EE 213 Engineering Electromagnetics (1) 3(3,1,0) MATH 106 MATH 203 PHYS 104 GE 105 Introduction to Engineering Design 2(1,1,2) GE 201 Statics 3(3,1,0) GE 211 Computer Programming in “C++” 3(2,0,2) MATH 204 Differential Equations 3(3,2,0) Total 17 Course Title Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) EE 205 Electric Circuits Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE 208 Logic Design 3(3,1,0) GE 104 EE 211 Computational Techniques in EE 3(2,0,2) MATH 106 MATH 107 EE 212 Electric Circuit Analysis 2(2,1,0) EE 214 Engineering Electromagnetics (2) 2(2,1,0) IC 1xx Optional Islamic Course 2(2,0,0) MATH 244 Linear Algebra 3(3,2,0) MATH 203 17 Course Code Total Level 7 ARAB 103 EE 210 Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) Expository Writing 2(2,0,0) Prerequisite 1(0,0,2) EE 208 Course Code c GE 211 c MATH 244 EE 201 MATH 107 EE 213 MATH 107 Course Title Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) EE 320 Communications Principles 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 340 Fundamentals of Power Systems 3(3,1,0) EE 212 EE 351 Automatic Control 3(3,1,0) EE 301 EE 356 Control and Instrumentation Laboratory 1(0,0,2) EE 351 EE 357 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 1(0,0,2) EE 353 Signals and Systems Analysis 3(3,1,0) EE 201 EE 310 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits 3(3,1,0) EE 201 EE 312 Basic Electronics Laboratory EE 330 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (1) 3(3,1,0) EE 212 EE 213 IC 1xx Optional Islamic Course 2(2,0,0) EE 353 Introduction to Microprocessors 3(3,1,0) EE 208 STAT 324 Engineering Probability and Statistics 3(2,2,0) Page | 11 EE 212 16 EE 301 Total Prerequisite Level 8 Course Title Logic Design Laboratory MATH 106 MATH 107 Level 6 Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) Course Code Prerequisite 1(0,0,2) EE 310 16 c Total Prerequisite 16 c Level 9 Course Code Course Title Level 10 Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) Prerequisite Course Code EE 496 Graduation Project-1 2 Comp. 131 credits EE 497 Graduation Project-2 2 EE 4xx Specialized Elective Courses 13 Refer to Table 5 EE 4xx EE Specialized Elective Course 10 GE 403 Engineering Economy GE 404 Engineering Management 2(2,1,0) Optional Islamic Course 2(2,0,0) 2(2,1,0) IC 1xx Total c Cr. Hr. (X,Y,L) Course Title 17 EE 999 Summer Training (X,Y,L) X = Lectures; Y = Tutorials; EE 496 Refer to Table 5 Complete 96 credits 0 Total Co-requisite Prerequisite 16 L = Lab. Master of Science Program in Electrical Engineering The Electrical Engineering Department offers graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. The program has been designed to reflect the modern trends and developments in the Electrical Engineering curricula. The program is available with the following options in several specializations: - Thesis Option. - Non-Thesis Option. Aims of the Master Program: - Offering specialized courses for electrical engineers. Development of production and service sectors in the Kingdom. Combining the university with industrial and technical sectors into common research programs. Promoting scientific and applied researches particularly that are related to development requirements of the kingdom. Requirements for MSc (Thesis Option) Degree Program: 1. Completing 24 credit hours of course work from the approved graduate courses as follows: - 9 credit hours of common courses. 15 credit hours of specialized electrical engineering courses following the Departmental regulations. 2. The student must successfully complete and defend a thesis on a selected research topic in the area of specialization. Common Courses Course Code Course Title GE 501 EE 502 Math 505 Page | 12 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Numerical Linear Algebra Credit hours 3 (3,0) 3 (3,0) 3 (3,0) 1- Electronics Level I II Course Code GE 501 EE 503 Math 505 EE 502 EE 504 EE --EE --EE --- EE 600 Page | 13 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Advanced Digital Circuit Design Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Electronic Devices Course selected by the department from List 1-A* Course selected by the department from List 1-A* Course selected by the department from List 1-A or List 1-B * EE 506 EE 507 EE 508 EE 509 EE 510 EE 512 EE 515 EE 516 EE 517 EE 519 III * Course Title EE 524 EE 526 EE 528 EE 550 EE 552 EE 553 EE 575 Thesis Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 List 1-A Advanced Analysis of Electronic Circuits VLSI Design Optoelectronics Embedded Systems Data Communication Integrated Circuits Applications of Integrated Circuits Microwave Electronics Selected Topics in Electronics VLSI Fabrication Technology System on Chip List 1-B Communication Networks Optical Communications Digital Communications Internet Technologies and E-Services Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Computer Organization and Architecture Mobile Communications - This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 2- Communications Level I II Course Code GE 501 EE 521 Math 505 EE 502 EE 528 EE --EE --EE --- Course Title Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Electromagnetic Fields Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Digital Communications Course selected by the department from List 2-A* Course selected by the department from List 2-A* Course selected by the department from List 2-A or List 2-B * EE 524 EE 526 EE 571 EE 572 EE 573 EE 574 EE 575 EE 576 EE 508 EE 510 EE 515 EE 550 EE 551 EE 559 EE 585 EE 600 Page | 14 List 2-A Communication Networks Optical Communications Digital Image Processing Satellite Communications Information Theory Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems Mobile Communications Selected Topics in Communications and Signal Processing EE 577 Selected Topics in Electromagnetic waves and Microwave Engineering III * Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Thesis List 2-B Optoelectronics Data Communication Integrated Circuits Microwave Electronics Internet Technologies and E-Services Computer Controlled Systems Intelligent Control Systems Power System Operation and Control - This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 3- Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Level I II Course Code GE 501 EE 532 Math 505 Computer Simulation of Engineering systems The Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines Numerical Linear algebra 3 3 3 EE 502 EE 534 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Power Semiconductor Converters 3 3 EE --EE --EE --- Course selected by the department from List 3-A* Course selected by the department from List 3-A* Course selected by the department from List 3-A or List 3-B * 3 EE 530 EE 531 EE 533 EE 535 EE 536 EE 537 III EE 600 * Page | 15 Course Title List 3-A Design of Electrical Machines Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines Electrical Machine Dynamics Selected Topics in Electrical Machines Electrical Machines for Special Purposes Selected Topics in Power Electronics List 3-B EE 548 Power System Protection EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Thesis Credit hours 3 3 - This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 4- Electrical Power Level I II Course Code GE 501 EE 585 Math 505 Computer Simulation of Engineering systems Power System Operation and Control Numerical Linear algebra 3 3 3 EE 502 EE 546 Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems High Voltage Test Techniques 3 3 EE --EE --EE --- Course selected by the department from List 4-A* Course selected by the department from List 4-A* Course selected by the department from List 4-A or List 4-B * 3 Course Title EE 544 EE 547 EE 548 EE 549 EE 581 EE 582 EE 583 III EE 600 * Page | 16 EE 509 EE 524 EE 533 EE 534 EE 552 EE 559 EE 560 Thesis Credit hours List 4-A Reliability Evaluation and Power System Planning Selected Topics in Power Systems Power System Protection Power System Dynamics High Voltage Transmission Systems Power System Transients Distribution System Engineering 3 3 List 4-B Embedded Systems Communication Networks Electrical Machine Dynamics Power Semiconductor Converters Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Intelligent Control Systems Advanced Control Techniques This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. - 5- Control Systems and Computers Level I II Course Code GE 501 EE 551 Math 505 EE 502 EE 552 EE --EE --EE --- Computer Simulation of Engineering systems Computer Controlled Systems Numerical Linear algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Course selected by the department from List 5-A* Course selected by the department from List 5-A* Course selected by the department from List 5-A or List 5-B * EE 550 EE 553 EE 554 EE 557 EE 559 EE 560 EE 561 EE 562 III EE 600 * Course Title EE 509 EE 524 EE 536 EE 571 EE 573 Thesis Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 List 5-A Internet Technologies and E-Services Computer Organization and Architecture Performance Evaluations of Computing Systems Linear Systems Intelligent Control Systems Advanced Control Techniques Selected Topics in Computers Selected Topics in Control List 5-B Embedded Systems Communication Networks Electrical Machines for Special Purposes Digital Image Processing Information Theory - This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please see Appendix B Degree Requirements for M. Sc. (Non-Thesis Option) Program: 1. Completing 36 credit hours of course work from the approved graduate courses as follows: - 9 credit hours of common courses. - 27 credit hours of specialized electrical engineering courses following the Departmental regulations. 2. The student must successfully complete a research project, which comprises two parts (EE598 & EE599), each having 3 credit hours. Each part is graded pass/fail. Common Courses Course Code Course Title GE 501 EE 502 Math 505 Page | 17 Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Numerical Linear Algebra Credit hours 3 (3,0) 3 (3,0) 3 (3,0) 1- Electronics (Non-Thesis) Level I II III IV V * Page | 18 Course Code GE 501 EE 503 Math 505 EE 502 EE 504 EE 506 EE 507 EE --EE --EE 598 EE --EE --EE 599 EE --- Course Title Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Advanced Digital Circuit Design Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Electronic Devices Advanced Analysis of Electronic Circuits VLSI Design Course selected by the department from List 1-A* Course selected by the department from List 1-A* Research Project (1) Course selected by the department from List 1-A* Course selected by the department from List 1-A or List 1-B * Research Project (2) Course selected by the department from List 1-A or List 1-B * EE 508 EE 509 EE 510 EE 512 EE 515 EE 516 EE 517 EE 519 List 1-A Optoelectronics Embedded Systems Data Communication ICs Applications of Integrated Circuits Microwave Electronics Selected Topics in Electronics VLSI Fabrication Technology System on Chip EE 524 EE 526 EE 528 EE 550 EE 552 EE 553 EE 575 List 1-B Communication Networks Optical Communications Digital Communications Internet Technologies and E-Services Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Computer Organization and Architecture Mobile Communications Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 2- Communications (Non-Thesis) Level I II III IV Course Code GE 501 EE 521 Math 505 EE 502 EE 528 EE 571 EE 524 EE --EE --EE 598 EE --EE --EE 599 EE --- Course Title Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Electromagnetic Fields Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Digital Communications Digital Image Processing Communication Networks Course selected by the department from List 2-A* Course selected by the department from List 2-A* Research Project (1) Course selected by the department from List 2-A* Course selected by the department from List 2-A or List 2-B * Research Project (2) Course selected by the department from List 2-A or List 2-B * EE 526 EE 572 EE 573 EE 574 EE 575 EE 576 V EE 577 EE 508 EE 510 EE 515 EE 550 EE 551 EE 559 EE 585 * Page | 19 Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 List 2-A Optical Communications Satellite Communications Information Theory Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems Mobile Communications Selected Topics in Communications and Signal Processing Selected Topics in Electromagnetic waves and Microwave Engineering List 2-B Optoelectronics Data Communication ICs Microwave Electronics Internet Technologies and E-Services Computer Controlled Systems Intelligent Control Systems Power System Operation and Control This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 3- Electrical Power (Non-Thesis) Level I II III IV Course Code GE 501 EE 585 Math 505 EE 502 EE 534 EE 546 EE 544 EE --EE --EE 598 EE --EE --EE 599 EE --- Course Title Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Power System Operation and Control Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Power Semiconductor Converters High Voltage Test Techniques Reliability Evaluation and Power System Planning Course selected by the department from List 3-A* Course selected by the department from List 3-A* Research Project (1) Course selected by the department from List 3-A* Course selected by the department from List 3-A or List 3-B * Research Project (2) Course selected by the department from List 3-A or List 3-B * EE 531 EE 533 EE 536 EE 547 EE 548 EE 549 EE 581 EE 582 EE 583 V Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 List 3-A Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines Electrical Machine Dynamics Electrical Machines for Special Purposes Selected Topics in Power Systems Power System Protection Power System Dynamics High Voltage Transmission Systems Power System Transients Distribution System Engineering List 3-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques * Page | 20 This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. 4- Control Systems and Computers (Non-Thesis) Level I II IV Course Code GE 501 EE 551 Math 505 EE 502 EE 552 EE 553 EE 557 EE --EE --EE 598 EE --EE --EE 599 EE --- Course Title Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems Computer Controlled Systems Numerical Linear Algebra Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications Computer Organization and Architecture Linear Systems Course selected by the department from List 4-A* Course selected by the department from List 4-A* Research Project (1) Course selected by the department from List 4-A* Course selected by the department from List 4-A or List 4-B * Research Project (2) Course selected by the department from List 4-A or List 4-B * EE 550 EE 554 EE 559 EE 560 EE 561 EE 562 V Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 List 4-A Internet Technologies and E-Services Performance Evaluations of Computing Systems Intelligent Control Systems Advanced Control Techniques Selected Topics in Computers Selected Topics in Control List 4-B EE 509 Embedded Systems EE 524 Communication Networks EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes EE 571 Digital Image Processing EE 573 Information Theory * This course is selected by the department according to its capabilities and circumstances. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Please see Appendix B Page | 21 PhD. Program in Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering is a fast changing profession and there are rapid advances in research and development of different specialization of electro technology. To cope with such advancements, some electrical engineers usually need a much higher level of education and training. The Ph.D. program was initiated in the Electrical Engineering Department in 1412H (1991G). This program responds to the needs of national research and development centers for highly qualified specialists in electrical engineering capable of effective contributions to complex scientific and technical projects. A good deal of the scientific thesis work of graduate students deals with advanced research, development and application problems in various fields of electrical engineering. The Department has directed its research abilities so as to benefit from the rapid advances in all fields in electrical engineering to match the needs and requirements of the development plans of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Degree Requirements 1. Completing 18 credit hours of course work from the approved Post Graduate (Ph.D.) Courses. 2. Passing the Ph.D. qualifying comprehensive exam. 3. Satisfactory completion of the Ph.D. thesis. The student can register in the Ph.D. thesis only after he passes the qualifying comprehensive examination. He also has to meet residency requirements. The available PhD courses, in different specializations, are given below. Electronics EE 610 Semiconductor Characterization Techniques EE 611 Semiconductor Device Modelling EE 612 Design and Technology of Solar Cells EE 613 Design and Application of Photovoltaic Systems EE 614 MOS Devices for Advanced VLSI EE 615 Analysis and Design of VLSI Circuits EE 616 VLSI Layout and Processing EE 617 Layout Design of Bipolar Integrated Circuits EE 618 VLSI for Fast Processing Systems EE 619 Advanced Topics in Electronics Communications EE 620 Signal Detection and Estimation EE 621 Channel Coding Theorem EE 622 Advanced Digital Communications EE 623 Digital Signal Processing EE 624 Antenna Theory and Design EE 625 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves EE 626 Secure Communication Systems EE 627 Advanced Network Planning and Tele-traffic Engineering EE 628 Radar Systems EE 629 Advanced Topics in Communications Page | 22 Electrical Machines and Power Electronics EE 630 Advanced Theory of Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion EE 631 Computer Aided Analysis of Electrical Machines EE 632 Special Types of Electrical Machinery EE 633 Computational Methods in Electromagnetics EE 634 New Concepts in Electric Machine Design EE 635 Voltage and Frequency Converter Systems EE 636 Special Drives and Reactive Power Control EE 637 Advanced Topics in Drives & Power Electronics EE638 Linear Electric Machines Electrical Power EE 640 Large Scale System Analysis EE 641 Stability of Large Power Systems EE 642 Power System Operation and Security EE 643 Optimal Power System Planning EE 644 Reliability Evaluation of Power System EE 645 Electromagnetic Transients in Power System EE 646 Advanced Power System Protection EE 647 High Voltage Insulation EE 648 Corona and Field Effects of High Voltage Systems EE 649 Advances in Power System Control Systems and Computers EE 650 Artificial Intelligence in Engineering EE 651 Parallel Processing and Programming EE 652 Computer Network Protocols EE 653 Computer Vision and Image Processing EE 654 Microprocessor Based Instrumentation & Control EE 655 Digital Control Systems EE 656 Non-linear Control Systems EE 657 Stochastic Control Systems EE 658 Adaptive and Learning Control Systems EE 659 Advanced Topics in Computer & Control Seminar Courses and Thesis EE 661 Seminar (1) EE 662 Seminar (2) EE 663 Seminar (3) EE 700 Ph.D. Research Page | 23 FACULTY The Electrical Engineering Department currently has 51 faculty members holding Ph.D. in different electrical engineering disciplines. Out of these, there are 18 Professors, 18 Associate Professors and 15 Assistant Professors. In addition, the department has 5 Lecturers and 12 Teaching Assistants. In addition there are many Technicians, Research Assistants, and Engineers working in the different labs. Chairman Dr. Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie Associate Professor Professors No. 1 2 Name Adnan S. Nouh Nazar Hussain Malik 3 Abdulrahman I. Alolah 4 Abdullah M. Shaalan 5 Abdurahman A. Al-Arainy 6 Mohammed Al Turaigi 7 Saad M. Alghuwainem 8 Khaled E. Addoweesh 9 Shuja Ahmed Abbasi 10 Abdulaziz S. Alruwais 11 Abdulrahman M. Alamoud 12 Khalid Al-Mashouq 13 Saleh A. ALshebeili 14 Adel Abdennour Page | 24 Major Area Systems Engineering, Signal Processing, Digital System, Pattern Recognition High Voltage Components and Systems, Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Insulation Electrical Machines, Power Electronics Power System Planning. Power Engineering, High Voltage Insulation and Testing, EM Interference, Insulation Coordination Electronic Circuits, Parallel Processing. Power System Engineering Power System Protection, Renewable Energy Systems. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Microprocessor Applications, AC Choppers, Dynamic Modeling of AC Machines Microelectronics, VLSI Technology and Design. Communication Networks, Electronic Warfare, Radar and Laser Systems. Microelectronics and Photovoltaics. Modern Communication Systems Statistical Signal Processing. Artificial Intelligence, Control Systems, Image University E-mail Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 1973 University of Windsor, Canada, 1979 University of Bradford, UK, 1986 University of Manchester, UK, 1984. University of Toronto, Canada, 1982 Syracuse University, USA, 1983 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1986. University of Bradford, UK, 1986 University of Southampton, UK, 1980 Ohio State University, USA, 1982. University of West Virginia, USA, 1984. University of Sothern California, USA, 1991. University of Toronto, Canada, 1992. Penn State University, USA, 1996. 15 16 17 18 No. 1 Abdullah M. Alsuwailem Abdel Fattah Sheta Majeed A. Alkanhal Ibrahim Elshafiey Name Major Area Abdulhameed A. Al-Ohaly Power System Stability. Fahd A. Alturki 3 Nacer Amara Debbar 4 Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie 6 7 Bradford University, UK, 1986. University de Bretagne Occidental, Brest, France, 1996. Syracuse University, USA, 1994. Iowa State University, USA, 1994. Associate Professors 2 5 Processing, System Simulations. Microprocessor-based System Design, Programmable Digital System Design. Microwave Engineering, Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications, MIC and MMIC Components Modern Communication and Wireless Systems, Electromagnetic Scattering, Propagation and Radar Cross-Sections, Antenna Engineering, Electronic Warfare. EM Computational Modeling, Biomedical Imaging, Data Fusion, Nondestructive Evaluation. Hamad S. Alhokail Abdlmohsen Alheraish Ridha A. Djemal 8 Bandar A. Al-Mashary 9 Mohammad A. Al-Eshaikh 10 Yasin Khan 11 12 Habib Fathallah Ahmed Ianda Sulyman Page | 25 Control and Computer Engineering, Intelligent Control, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks. Physics, Processing and Characterization of Semiconductor Devices. Communication Systems, Space Time Coding, Block Coded Modulation. Electronics Circuits Design. Communication Networks. Integrated System Design, Image and video Encryption and Watermarking, Formal Verification, for System Architecture. Analysis of Semiconductor Waveguide Structures, Error control coding, Nuclear reactor design. High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems, Communication Networks MIMO systems University University of Missouri, USA, 1983. E-mail University of Sheffield, UK, 1993. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1989. Syracuse University, USA, 1992. Colorado State University, USA, 1995. Strathclyde University, UK, 2000. University of Grenoble, France, 1996 University of Pittsburgh, USA, 1996. Strathclyde University, UK, 1993. Kyushu University, Japan, 2004 Laval University, Canada Queen’s University, 13 14 Zuhair Hejazi Essam Al-Ammar 15 Mamdooh Saud Alsaud 16 Hany Hasanian Microwave Engineering Power Systems, Electromagnetic Transients. Design and Operation of Distribution System, Power System Reliability and Security Assessment, Application of ANN in Power System Design. Power machines 17 Ehab Awad Optoelectronic systems 18 Yahya Alharthi 19 Ahmad Fauzi bin Abas Radio Resource Management Optical Communications Assistant Professors 1 Mohammed S. Al-Numay 2 Saeed A. Aldosari 3 Yasir A. Al-Turki Control of None Minimum Phase Systems, Modeling and Simulation of Digital Systems, Discrete-Time Analysis of PWM Systems, Digital Control of PWM Systems Signal Processing, Communication Systems, Sensor Networks. 4 Mubashir Alam Digital signal processing 5 Basil A Sadhan Computer Networks 6 Sami Alhumaidi Radar Systems 7 Essam Altubaishi Mobile Communications 8 Sohaib Majzoub VLSI Design 9 10 11 Usama Khalid Hamsakutty Vettikalladi Abu Syed Mahajumi Power systems Communication Electronics 12 Irfan Ahmad Control Systems 13 14 Thamir Alrashidi Won Ku Communication Control Canada Bradford University, UK Arizona State University, USA, 2007. McMaster University, Canada, 2007. Ain-Shams University, Egypt University of Maryland College Park, USA, 2003 University of Minnesota, USA University of Paderborn, German Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 1997 Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2005 Strathclyde University, UK, 2007 Georgia Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University, USA Florida Institute of Technology, USA University of Waterloo, Canada University of British Colombia Aswan University Cochin University Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK University of Grenoble, France University of Leeds, UK Lecturers No. Name Major Area University E-mail 1 Power electronics King Saud University, KSA Ahmed Asalom Page | 26 2 3 Khalid Al-Fayyadh Turki A-Madhu Electronics Electronics 4 Saleh AlSenaidi Power electronics 5 AhmedTelba Communication Teaching Assistants No. Name Major Area 1 Ghazi Mohammed Ishag Electronics 2 Amin A. A. Assar 3 Mohammed Jaafar Mohammed 4 5 Mohammed Ahmed Abuheene Mohammed A. Al-Rumaih 6 Omar Saad Aldayel 7 Ali H. Al-Enezi 8 Ali Mohammed A. Al-Bishi 9 Yazeed AbdulAziz Al-Shadokhi 10 Abdullah Khaled Alrushud 11 Anas Abdullah Al-Hussayen 12 Abdulaziz Ali Alqahtani Queen’ University, Canada King Saud University, KSA Saskatchewan University, Canada University of Bradford, UK University E-mail Menofia University, Menofia, Egypt Electrical Power & Menofia University, Machine Menofia, Egypt Electric Circuits Khartoum University Electric Circuits Electrical University of Engineering:Systems Michigan, Ann Arbor Communications Wireless Systems Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden Electric Circuits King Saud University Communication and University of Electronics Waterloo, Canada Communication King Saud University Communication University of Dayton, USA Electric Circuits King Saud University Electric Circuits King Saud University Lab Engineers Responsible of all Electrical Engineering Laboratories: Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Shehri Lab Responsible Lab Name Responsible Email Mr. Ali Ahmed Ali Aseeri Electrical Circuits Laboratory Eng. Osama Abdulkareem Kayed Electrical Communications Laboratory Eng. Omar Mohammad Al Assaif Electronics Laboratory - Eng. Nissar Rasool Wani High Voltage Laboratory Mr. Mohammad A. Al-Hamidi High Voltage Laboratory - Eng. Hayder A. Al-Ghalban Digital Logic Laboratory Eng. Umar A. Bawah Electromech. Energy Conversion Laboratory Mr. Sulaiman Al-Hudaib Electromech. Energy Conversion Laboratory - Eng. Abulrahman Al-horaish Electrical Measurement Laboratory - Eng. Abdul Waheed M. Hafeez Microprocessor Laboratory, Nuclear Page | 27 Engineering Labs Eng. Mohammad Usman Page | 28 Power Simulator Laboratory LABORATORIES The laboratory facilities of the Department are one of the largest per international standards. Highly specialized engineers supervise these laboratories with the advice of concerned Faculty. The Department is continually modernizing and developing its laboratory facilities to cope with the rapid advances in all scientific fields and specialization so that it enables undergraduate and graduate students to attain the maximum benefit of modern techniques and instrumentations. The available laboratories of the Department are listed below: 1. Electrical circuits Laboratory 2. Electrical measurements Laboratory 3. Electronics Laboratory 4. Microelectronics Laboratory 5. Communications Laboratory 6. Ericsson telecom environment Laboratory 7. High-voltage Laboratory 8. Power simulator Laboratory 9. Nuclear engineering Laboratory 10. Electrical machines Laboratory 11. Microprocessors Laboratory 12. Automatic control laboratory 13. Digital logic laboratory 14. Communication skills Laboratory 15. Microwave Laboratory 16. Optical Communications Laboratory List of Major equipment’s in major research Laboratories Laboratory Major Equipment’s Optical Communications Lab Oscilloscope. Optical Spectrum Analyzer. Optical Power Meter, Fiber Splice machine ED-WDM Electronics Rack ED-AMP ,Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier ED-LASE, Principle of Lasers ED-COM, Fiber Optic Communications BER (COM), BER in Optical Communications ED-NET, Optical Network Analysis OTDR Unit Oscilloscope Analog and Digital, Power Supply, Function Generator , Multi meter analog and Digital, voltmeter Analog and Digital Communication Training Systems From LEYBOLD – LD Didactic Communication Lab Page | 29 Microwave Lab Microprocessor/Microcontroller Lab High voltage Power Simulator Lab SAR Assessment Lab Real Time Embedded System Lab Network Analyser up to 40GHz, Time domain radiation pattern measurements upto 18GHz, anechoic chamber till 18GHz, Frequency Counter, Spectrum Analyzer, RF Generator, SWR Meter, Power meter, Optical power meter, different set of educational set - Microwave, Antenna. 24 PC’s Dell Pentium 4 (Win 7 32 bit), 18 Flight 86 (CPU 8086) Hardware kits, 40 Microcontroller Training Sets, 40 Breadboards, 12 PC Based Logic Analyzer LA1132P, 17 Pic24HJ128GP502 Microcontroller kits A.C. power frequency test equipment 200 kV Impulse voltage generator 1000 kV, 40 kJ D.C. supply 100 kV Partial discharge detection system Schering Bridge for measuring of capacitance and tan delta Electrical Power System Simulator Model TQ 2970 made in UK. PTI Software PSCAD Software ETAP Workstation RTP Signal Generator Equipment Relay Testing Equipment The lab is used to characterize the human exposure to electromagnetic fields. Specific absorption rate SAR is measured in SAM phantoms. A robotic arm is used to scan the field probe. Human tissue simulating liquids are used in the analysis FPGA Kits are used to design real time systems The University provides annual fund for the Department every year to update all Labs with new equipment. The following table shows the fund provided by the University to the Electrical Engineering Department through the last four years. A brief account of these facilities is given in Appendix - D Page | 30 RESEARCH UNITS The department has a very well known reputation in the field of scientific electrical engineering research. A number of internationally known and heavily cited researchers are among staff of the department. Several research chairs and centers of excellence, have been established in the department over the last few years. More than 25 staff members are working in them as professors, research fellows, research assistants, lab engineers and technicians etc. A list is given below: 1. Saudi Aramco Chair in Electrical Power (2008) 2. Chair in Power System Reliability and Security 3. A State-of-the-Art VLSI Design Center (2005) 4. An Advanced Application Specific IC Research Center (2011) Page | 31 DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES & UNITS The department has several committees and units to assist in managing academic and administrative affairs of the department. Each of these committees and units is composed of a convener and at least two faculty members, 1- Academic Accreditation and Quality Committee 2- Registration Committee. 3- Timetables and Classrooms Committee 4- Examination Committee 5- Field Experience Committee 6- Social Activities Committee 7- Academic Affairs Committee 8- Promotion Committee 9- Annual Report Committee 10- Graduate Studies Committee 11- Senior Design Project Committee 12- Teaching Assistants and Scholars Affairs Committee ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS & REGULATIONS FOR THE B.Sc. PROGRAMS Admission of Students who have finished the Preparatory-Year of Science Colleges. Students are accepted by merit according to the following rule: 0.25x Mark of Achievement test + 0.25 x Mark of Capabilities test + 5 x cumulative GPA of preparatory year + points of the course Math140 + points of the course Math150 It should be noted that the Capabilities Test administrated by the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education is similar to the General Aptitude Test (GAT) or to the SAT The college accepts 400 students for the first semester and 50 students for the second semester. The general rule of the college is to reach the target value of the student to faculty ratio of 20 recommended by the Ministry of Education (AFFAQ 2029) Student and Course Transfer Internal Student Transfer Page | 32 Student from Science Colleges of KSU must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 out of 5.0 Student from KSU Health Colleges must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 out of 5.0, and they should have completed successfully or obtained an equivalence of the preparatory-year for the science colleges. The cumulative GPA is calculated after a student completes at least 12 hours after the preparatory year (not including courses of the university requirements: Islamic culture and Arabic language). If the college intake capacity is exceeded, the Dean of the College of Engineering may accept no more than fifty students satisfying the transfer criteria. Acceptance of students is done by merit when all the conditions are satisfied. Transfer from Humanitarian colleges is not accepted. External Student Transfer The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.25 out of 5.0 or its equivalent from an accredited college of engineering The student must have a minimum score of 80% in mathematic courses studied in his college The student must have successfully completed at least 30 credit hours of his college requirements after the preparatory year (The equivalence of the preparatory year completed by the student is done according to the University regulations. If the student did not study a preparatory year in his college, the University has the right to ask the student to study the KSU preparatory year for science colleges or whatever the University sees suitable after carrying out all the equivalences for the student) Once these conditions are satisfied the student is considered as a visiting student and is allowed to register at least 12 credit hours according to his study plan in his previous college and in coordination with the KSU college-of-engineering. The 12 credit hours should not include courses of Islamic culture and Arabic language. The student must also obtain a GPA in the semester of at least 4.5 out of 5. Students Allocation to College Departments During their first year at the college after the preparatory year, students must attend introductory orientation-presentations offered by the college departments so as to get acquainted with the nature of the different engineering disciplines. After successfully passing 28 hours during the first year at the college, a student submits electronically a request to the Deanship of Admission & Registration, prioritizing his preference of the different disciplines. Each department is given a number of students in accordance to its capacity and arrangement with the department and college.. The priority of acceptance for admission in a department is given to those applicants with the highest GPA. Students Transfer from other Departments of the College Students from another department of the college must have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) higher than the lowest GPA admitted to the department. A prescribed form must be filled-in by the student for final approval by the college students affairs unit The priority of acceptance is given to the students with the higher grades, on the basis of available seats in each department. Credit Transfer It is permissible for the students to transfer credits of courses studied in a reputable engineering college if the courses are equivalent to those offered by the college departments. Approval of the department is perquisite for the transfer acceptance. Transferred credits are not included in the GPA but a grade of at least C should be scored to pass courses. Practical Training Page | 33 A student is allowed to register for the practical training after successfully completes 110 hours, through the student portal (e-educate). No other courses are allowed for him during the practical training period. Local companies are contacted by Vice Dean for academic affairs to enquire about the possibilities of training the department students and the number of students that can be accepted. Replies from companies are kept in the electronic system of the college. All available training opportunities are sent to the department, and announced by the department for students. Student fill-in a form for the practical training and submit it to the department practical-training committee showing his choice of companies. Vice Dean officially contacts the companies and secures the placement of students. Student must get the training for the period is 10 weeks and submit weekly reports to the convener of the department committee for practical training. Company reports a confidential assessment of the student performance to the department. Department allocates the grade of the training as pass or fail based on the company evaluation and weekly reports. Although the practical training is non-credited, it is required to satisfy the undergraduate degrees requirements. CONTACT INFORMATION Electrical Engineering Department College of Engineering, King Saud University P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966-11) 467-6754 Fax: (+966-11) 467-6757 Email: Website: Page | 34 APPENDIX – A: BS Course Description Preparatory Year ENGL 140 - English Language -18(20-0-0) This initial stage of the course is designed to give the students a strong foundation in the language, improving their command of English as well as improving their vocabulary, reading, writing and communication skills. In the process of improving these skills, students will also develop their confidence in the language and also their presentation skills. These all contribute to the life skills of the student and help to prepare them for their future studies and careers beyond KSU. As the course progresses and students reach a higher level of English, the focus will switch to the academic side of the language. This will involve preparing students for the style of language they will need for their future studies. Pre-requisites: None. ENGL 150 - English Language -28(20-0-0) The final assessment for the course is the highly regarded International English Language Testing System (IELTS), which is used as a qualifying test for students wishing to attend university in many countries including the UK and Australia. Specialist material will be used to prepare students for this test with the aim of reaching an IELTS score of 5.0 by the end of the year. Pre-requisites: None. Math 140 - Introductory Mathematics 2(2-1-0) Basic Algebraic Operations, Equations and Inequalities, Graphs, Functions, Polynomials and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities and Conditional Equations, Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Matrices, Sequences and Series. Pre-requisites: None. Math 150 - Differential Calculus 3(3-1-0) Limits and Continuity: The Concept of Limit, Computation of Limits, Continuity and its Consequences, Limits Involving Infinity, Formal Definition of the Limit. Differentiation: The Concept of Derivative, Computation of Derivatives (The Power Rule, Higher Order Derivatives, and Acceleration), the Product and Quotient Rules, The Chain Rule, Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Implicit Differentiation and Inverse Trigonometric Functions, the Mean Value Theorem. Applications of Differentiation: Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s rule, Maximum and Minimum Values, Increasing and Decreasing Functions, Concavity and the Second Derivative Test, Optimization, Related Rates. Pre-requisites: None. IT 140 - Computer Skills 3(0-0-6) Basic Concepts of Information Technology, Using a computer and Managing Files, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Presentation. Pre-requisites: None. CI 140 - Learning, Thinking and Research Skills 3(3-1-0) Learning skills: Self management for learning, Learning tools, Reading strategies, Second language learning skills, Test administration. Thinking skills: Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Rounding Thinking, Expanding perception, Creative thinking. Research skills: Problem determining, Search for information strategies, Sites of sources, access this information, Using thin formation, Information construction, Information evaluation. Pre-requisites: None. SCS 140 - Communication Skills 2(2-1-0) This course deals with communication kills as a tool for achieving personal psychological and social adaptability. It is one of the key skills in matrix of (self development skills) this course covers skills related to communication sufficiency comprised of a wide array of major matrix of knowledge, skills and approaches comprised in four main sufficiency: Knowledge sufficiency, Social sufficiency, Comprehension sufficiency, Productive sufficiency. Pre-requisites: None. Health 150 - Health & Fitness Subjects about general health and body and brain fitness. Pre-requisites: None. 1(1-1-0) ENT 101 – Entrepreneurship 1(1-1-0) Pre-requisites: None. Page | 35 University Requirements IC 101- Introduction to Islamic Culture 2(2-0-0) This subject aims to introduce the student to the Islamic culture; manifestation of the Muslims attitude towards other cultures; explaining the characteristics of Islam, such as: Universality, Comprehensibility, integrity, consistency with human nature (instinct), reason, and science. This subject also explains the Islamic tenet and its fundamentals, such as: To believe in Allah, the Hereafter, the Angles, the Holy Books, the Messengers, and Divine Destiny. Pre-requisite: --IC 102 The Role of Islam in the Construction of Society 2(2-0-0) This course studies the following: The concept of the Muslim society; its basics, its method and characteristics, means of consolidating its social ties; the most important social problems, the Islamic philosophy of family affairs, marriage: its introductory formalities, aims and effects. It also deals with ways of strengthening the family bonds. Pre-requisite: --IC 103 The Islamic Economic System 2(2-0-0) This course depicts the Islamic concept of life, the nature of man, the basic constituents of the Islamic economics and its objectives; it studies as well the legal evidences of these topics. It also explains the opinion of Islam toward finance, ownership, production, maintenance, conception, distribution of wealth, and the exchange in the Islamic Economic system. Pre-requisite: --IC 104 Fundamentals of Isl. Political System 2(2-0-0) This subject contains the following: Introduction to the Political System and its fundamentals; the Islamic Political System is the best system for human societies to follow and apply; the rise up of Islamic State during the Prophet's lifetime, Caliphate, and the fundamentals of State. Pre-requisite: --ARAB 101 - Language Skills 2(2-0-0) The original and secondary parsing, the dual, the five verbs, masculine and feminine, (the weak letter), etymology and the semantic evolution, nunation of accusative, diptote the original and secondary parsing, apocopate and jussive, dative/ genitive, verbal sentences, the signification of tenses, the passive verb (its signification and its forms in present and past verbs), the nominal sentences, the pronouns, the neglected letters, the conjunctions, numbers (how to write them). Pre-requisite: --ARAB 103 - Expository Writing 2(2-0-0) Applications in reading and speaking skills, the adverb of time and the adverb of place, accusative of explanation (specification), Punctuations, computer-based writing, dictionaries and E-dictionaries, applications to reading and writing skills, accusative of cause or reason, denotative of state (circumstantial accusative or accusative of the state or condition), writing a paragraph and essay, application to reading and writing skills, appositions (adjective/ corroboration/ substitute/ explanatory apposition and syndetic explicative, diminutive (nomen deminutivum), applications in reading and writing skills, relation quiescence (pause), completion fifth text's exercises, and writing formal and informal letters. College Requirements MATH 106 - Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0) The definite integral, fundamental theorem of calculus, the indefinite integral, change of variable, numerical integration. Area, volume of revolution, work, arc length. Differentiation and integration of inverse trigonometric functions. The logarithmic, exponential, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions. Techniques of integration: substitution, by parts, trigonometric substitutions, partial fractions, miscellaneous substitutions. Indeterminate forms, improper integrals. Polar coordinates. Pre-requisite: MATH 150. MATH 107 – Vectors and Matrices 3(3,2,0) Vectors in two and three dimensions, scalar and vector products, equations of lines and planes in space, surfaces, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Vector valued functions, their limits, continuity, derivatives and integrals. Motion of a particle in space, tangential and normal components of acceleration. Functions in two or three variables, their limits, continuity, partial derivatives, differentials, chain rule, directional derivatives, tangent planes and normal lines to surfaces. Extrema of functions of several variables, Lagrange multipliers. Systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, inverse of a matrix, Cramer's rule. Page | 36 Pre-requisite: MATH 150. MATH 203 - Differential and Integral Calculus 3(3,2,0) Infinite series, convergence and divergence of infinite series, integral test, ratio test, root test and comparison test. Conditional convergence and absolute convergence, alternating series test. Power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series. Double integral and its applications to area, volume, moments and centre of mass. Double integrals in polar coordinates. Triple integral in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates and applications to volume moment and centre of mass. Vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, Green's theorem, the divergence theorem, Stoke' theorem. Pre-requisite: MATH 106 and MATH 107. MATH 204 - Differential Equations 3(3,2,0) Various types of first order equations and their applications. Linear equations of higher order. Systems of linear equations with constant coefficients, reduction of order. Power series methods for solving second order equations with polynomial coefficients. Fourier series, Fourier series for even and odd functions. Complex Fourier series. The Fourier integral. Pre-requisite: MATH 203. MATH 244 – Linear Algebra 3(3,2,0) Matrices and their operations., types of matrices. Elementary transformations. Determinants, elementary properties. Inverse of a matrix. Linear systems of equations. Vector spaces, linear independence, finite dimensional spaces, linear subspaces. Inner product spaces. Linear transformations, kernel and image of a liner transformation. Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix and of a linear operator. Pre-requisite: MATH 107. STAT 324 - Engineering Probability and Statistics 3(2,2,0) Probability and probability distribution - Mathematical expectations of random variables. Discrete and continuous distributions. Sampling distributions - Estimation, testing of hypothesis - Regression and correlation. Pre-requisites: None. PHYS 103 - General Physics (1) 4(3,0,2) Introduction (Vectors), Motion in one dimension with constant acceleration, Motion in two dimension with application to projectile motion and circular motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work and Energy, Potential Energy and conservation of Energy, Linear Momentum and Collisions, Rotation of rigid object about a fixed axis. Pre-requisites: None. PHYS 104 - General Physics (2) 4(3,0,2) Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s law, electric fields, Gauss’ Law, electric potential, potential energy, capacitance and dielectric, currents and resistance, electrical energy and power, direct current circuits, Kirchhoffs rules, magnetic fields, motion of charged particle in a magnetic field, sources of the magnetic field, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, self inductance, energy in a magnetic field, mutual inductance, alternating current circuits, the RLC series circuit, power in an A.C. circuit, resonance in RLC series circuit. Pre-requisites: None. CHEM 101 - General Chemistry (1) 4(3,0,2) Stoichiometry: SI Units, chemical formulas, the mole, methods of expressing concentration, Calculations based on chemical equations. Gases: laws, kinetic theory, deviation and van der Waals equation. Thermochemistry: Types of enthalpy changes, Hess Law and its applications,, first law of thermodynamics. Solutions: Type of solutions and laws related , colligative properties. Chemical kinetics: Law of reaction rate, reaction order, factors affecting the rates. Chemical Equilibrium : Relation between Kc & Kp, Le Chatelier's principle and factor affecting equilibrium. Ionic equilibrium: Acid and base concepts, pH calculations of acid, base and buffer solutions. Atomic Structure: emission spectrum, Bohr's theory de Broglre's hypothesis, quantum numbers, electronic configuration of elements, consequences of the periodic table. Pre-requisites: None. ENGL 107 - Technical Writing 3(3,0,0) Types of documents. Principles of organizing, developing and writing technical information. Report structure and components. Report forms and rhetorical patterns common to scientific and technical Disciplines. Technical writing conversions including headings, illustrations, style and tone. Extensive writing assignments for various report and document types. Pre-requisites: None. ENGL 108 - Communication Skills for Engineers Page | 37 3(3,0,0) Searching, compiling, referencing and writing ethics. Guidelines for good written communication. Guidelines for slide preparation and good oral presentation. Delivering successful speeches. Writing memos and business letters. Introduction to academic and business proposals. Guidelines for writing CV’s, successful interviews and job search skills. Group dynamics, effective meetings, team-work, leadership and management skills. Engineering ethics and professional conduct. Pre-requisites: None. GE 104 - Basics of Engineering Drawing 3(2,0,2) Constructional geometry and basics of lettering; Sketching; Orthographic projection; Sectional and auxiliary views; Dimensioning; Introduction to computer graphics; Engineering applications. Pre-requisites: None. GE 105 - Introduction to Engineering Design 2(1,1,2) Introduction and practicing the engineering professional culture and ethics. Enhancing on personal skills such as teamwork, leadership, written and oral presentation. Problem solving strategies. Problem definition and techniques for stimulation of ideas. Decision making in design. Mathematical and computer modeling techniques. Pre-requisite: GE 104. GE 201 - Statics 3(3,1,0) Force systems; vector analysis, moments and couples in 2D and 3D. Equilibrium of force systems. Analysis of structures; plane trusses and frames. Distributed force system; centroids and composite bodies. Area moments of inertia. Analysis of beams. Friction. Textbook: Meriam, J. L. and Kraige, L. G. “Engineering Mechanics, Volume 1, Statics”, SI units Version Pre-requisite: MATH 106 and MATH 107. GE 211 - Computer Programming in “C++” 3(2,0,2) Introduction to computers and programming. Compilers and numbers systems. Program structures, comments, and printing. Formatting output, Escape sequence, and program debugging. Variables, arithmetic operators, and expressions. Access of input/output files. Program control using: if-else statement, switch commands, for loops, and while loops. User-defined functions. One and two dimensional Arrays. Multidimensional arrays. Strings and Pointers. Structure data types. Introduction to classes. Engineering Applications. Textbook: Delores M. Etter and Jeanine A. Ingber, “Engineering Problem Solving with C++”, McGraw-Hill, Pearson international edition, 2nd edition 2008. Pre-requisites: None. GE 403 - Engineering Economy 2(2,1,0) Cost concepts. Time value of money operations. Measuring the worth of investments. Comparison of alternaives.Depreciation.Economic analysis of public projects. Textbook: White, Case, Pratt and Agee, "Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis", 4th Edition. Pre-requisites: None. GE 404 –Engineering Management 2(2,1,0) This course is in an introductory course on project management. The course covers the project management process from the beginning to the end, focusing on practical skills that make students able to immediately complete projects on time and on budget, while achieving their targets. Textbook: Harold Kerzner, " Project Management: A system Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Control", Sixth edition, Wiley. Pre-requisites: None. Electrical Engineering Core Courses EE 201 - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 3(3,1,0) Circuit theorems: superposition principle, Thevenin and Norton theorems, maximum power transfer theorem. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis, Sinusoidal sources and the concept of phasors in circuit analysis. Introduction to the concept of average, reactive and complex power, and power factor. Three phase circuits. Textbook: Boylestad, "Introductory Circuit Analysis", Prentice Hall, 2007. Pre-requisites: MATH 106. EE 205 - Electric Circuits Laboratory 1(0,0,2) General introduction to the laboratory. Voltage, current, and power in DC circuits using KVL and KCL. Superposition, Thevenin's, and Maximum power transfer theorems in DC circuits; Series and parallel AC circuits; Resonance in series and parallel circuit; Maximum power transfer theorem and power factor improvement in AC circuits; Transients in DC circuits; Magnetically-coupled circuits; Three phase circuits. Textbook: Boylestad, ”Introductory Circuit Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 2007. Co-requisite: EE 212. EE 208 - Logic Design Page | 38 3(3,1,0) Number systems; Boolean algebra and logic gates; Simplification of Boolean functions; Combinational logic circuits design and analysis; MSI and PLD components; Introduction to synchronous sequential logic; Flip flops; Analysis of clocked sequential circuits; State reduction and assignment; Design of synchronous sequential circuits and PLA’s. Textbook: Moris, "Digital Design", Prentice Hall, 1998. Pre-requisite: None. EE 210 - Logic Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Familiarization with logic circuits laboratory; Introduction to logic gates; Implementation of Boolean functions using AND and OR gates; NAND and NOR implementation; XOR and adders; Design of combinational circuits; Flip-flops; Design of sequential circuits; Sequential PLA’s Textbook: Lab-Notes Pre-requisite: EE 208. EE 211 - Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering 3(2,0,2) Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Taylor Polynomials and Error in Taylor’s Polynomial, Concept of Error, Rootfinding (Bisection, Newton and Secant Method), Interpolation and Approximation, Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial, Newton’s Polynomial, Numerical Integration and Differentiation, Systems of linear equations, Least Square method, Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Textbook: K. Atkinson and W. Han, “Elementary Numerical Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, L.E.3rd ed., 2004. Pre-requisite: GE 211. Co-requisite: MATH 244. EE 212 - Electric Circuit Analysis 2(2,1,0) Introduction to the Laplace Transform. The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis. Frequency response of RLC and selective circuit: concept of transfer function, resonance, bode plots, introduction to filters; Two-Port networks; Mutual inductance and transformers; Transient analysis of first and second order circuits. Textbook: Nilsson, “Electric Circuits“, Addision Wesley, 2007. Pre-requisite: EE 201 and MATH 107. EE 213 – Engineering Electromagnetics (1) 3(3,1,0) Review to vector calculus; Electrostatic fields; Columb’s law ;Gauss's law and divergence; Electric potential; Dielectrics and capacitance; Poisson's and Laplace's equations; Charge images; Current density and conductors; Magnetostatic fields; Biot-Savart and Ampere's laws; Curl and Stoke's theorem; Magnetic materials and circuits; Self and mutual inductances; Energy in static Fields. Textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics , William H. Hayt, Jr. and Johan A. Buck, McGraw Hill, 2006. Pre-requisites: PHYS 104 and MATH 203. EE 214 – Engineering Electromagnetics (2) 2(2,1,0) Time varying fields; Faraday's law. Transformer and motional emfs; Displacement current; Maxwell's equations and time harmonic fields; Wave equation; Power transfer and Poynting vector; Plane wave propagation in free space, in lossy dielectrics and in good conductors; Polarization; Reflection of plane wave at normal and oblique incidence; Transmission line Theory; Impedance matching. Textbook: M. N. O. Sadiku, "Elements of Electromagnetics", Oxford Press, 2006. Pre-requisite: EE 213. EE 301 - Signals and Systems Analysis 3(3,1,0) Motivation and Applications, Signal Classifications, Signal Operations, Singularity Functions; Linear time-Invariant Systems and Convolution; Correlation; Fourier Series and Transform for continuous and discrete time signals; Frequency response; Laplace transform and applications. Textbook: Alan V. Oppenheim , Alan S. Willsky, and S. Hamid Nawab, "Signals & Systems", Prentice Hall, 1996. Co-requisite: EE 212. EE 310- Microelectronic Devices and Circuits 3(3,1,0) Introduction to semiconductor material properties; semiconductor diodes: structure, operation, and circuit applications; special diodes: Zener, LED, Solar cell and photodiode; Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs): structure, operation, and circuit applications; Bipolar Junction Transistor: structure operation, and circuit applications. Thyristors: Structure and I-V characteristics. Text book: "Microelectronic Circuit Design", 3rd ed., Jaeger and Balock, McGraw-Hill, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 201. EE 312– Basic Electronics Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Introduction to the lab tools, I-V characteristics of diode, clipping circuits using diodes, rectification using diodes, Zener diode and regulators, BJT DC biasing, CE BJT amplifier. MOSFET DC biasing, CS MOSFET amplifier, simple AM receiver circuit. Textbook: Sedra and Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2004. Co-requisite: EE 310. Page | 39 EE 320 - Communications Principles 3(3,1,0) Overview and Basic elements of Communication Systems; Transmission through Systems and Channels; Modulation; AM; Frequency Conversion; FM and PM; Superhetrodyne Receiver; FDM; Stereo Broadcasting; Sampling; Pulse Modulation (PAM, PWM, PPM); TDM; Pulse Code Modulation (PCM); DPCM and DM; Regenerative Repeaters; Advantages of Digital Communication; Line Coding (Binary Signaling); Introduction to Digital Modulation (ASK, FSK, PSK). Textbook: Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, "An Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications", John Wiley, 2006. Pre-requisite: EE 301. EE 330 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion (1) 3(3,1,0) Transformers (construction, operation of single-phase transformers, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation and efficiency, auto-transformer, three-phase transformers), AC machinery fundamentals, three-phase induction machines (construction, operation, equivalent circuit, performance, calculations, starting of induction motors, speed control), small AC motors (single-phase induction motors, reluctance and hysteresis motors, universal motors, servo motors, stepper motors. Textbook: Chapman, "Fundamentals of Electric Machinery", McGraw Hill, 1998. Pre-requisite: EE 212 and EE 213. EE 340 – Fundamental of Power System 3(3,1,0) Power system components and representation. Transmission line and cable parameters. Per Unit calculations. Analysis of transmission and distribution lines. Electric insulators. Grounding systems. High voltage surges. Protection system. Textbook: A.A. Al-Arainy, N.H. Malik and S.M. Al-Ghuwainem, "Fundamentals of Electrical Power Engineering", King Saud University Press, 2007. Pre-requisite: EE 212. EE 351 - Automatic Control 3(3,1,0) Review of mathematical background (complex variables, Laplace, Diff. Equations); System representation (block diagram, transfer functions, signal flow graph) Modeling of electric and mechanical systems; State variable analysis; Stability; Time domain analysis; Root locus; Frequency domain analysis; Introduction to PID control. Textbook: K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering,” Prentice Hall, (Fourth edition and more), 2002. Pre-requisite: EE 301. EE 353 - Introduction to Microprocessors 3(3,1,0) Microprocessors architecture; Addressing modes and techniques; Instruction set; Assembly language programming; Interrupt systems; Input/output devices and timing; Memory devices; Future trends in microprocessors. Textbook: Triebel and Singh, "The 8088 and 8085 Microprocessors", Prentice Hall, 2000. Pre-requisite: EE 208. EE 356 - Control and Instrumentation Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Experiments to support control theory using physical processes (e.g. water level, temperature control, light intensity control, etc); Control system simulation using Matlab; Modeling of physical (experimental) equipment; Static performance; Transient analysis; Measuring devices; Two-position control; Proportional control; PID control; Introduction to Electrical instrumentation and Measurements. Textbook: "Modern Control Systems", Dorf and R. Bishop, Addison-Wesley, 1998. Co-requisite: EE 351. EE 357 - Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Introduction to microprocessors and their architecture; Microprocessor C/Assembly programming and machine code generation; RAM and EPROM; RS-232C; SCI and serial port interface; Parallel I/O interface and DMA; Programmable I/O interfaces and UART; DAC and ADC converters; Real time implementation; Project. Introduction. Textbook: Triebel and Singh, "The 8088 and 8085 Microprocessors", Prentice Hall, 2000. Pre-requisite: EE 353. Electrical Engineering Elective Courses A. Electronics Elective Courses EE 401 – Introduction to Electronic Circuits 3(3,1,0) Op-amp applications: inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, integrator, difference amplifier. Differential amplifier. Current Mirror. Negative and positive feedback. NMOS and CMOS inverters, CMOS and pseudo NMOS logic gates, pass-transistor logic, dynamic logic. BJT digital circuits: TTL, and ECL logic. Textbook: Sedra and Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2004. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 402 - Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1(0,0,2) PSPICE simulation of electronic circuits. Linear applications of op-amp. Wein-bridge oscillator. Active filters: LPF, and HPF. Schmitt trigger and astable multivibrator. Differential amplifier using BJT. CMOS and TTL inverters. Page | 40 22 21 Text book: "Microelectronic Circuits", 5th Edition, Sedra and Smith, Oxford University Press, 2004. Co-requisite: EE 401. EE 403 –Semiconductor Devices 3(3,1,0) Fundamentals of semiconductor Physics: Energy bands, Fermi-Dirac and Boltzmann statistics: carrier concentrations at thermal equilibrium, mass action law. Carrier transport mechanisms: Drift and diffusion. Basic Equations for semiconductor Device Operation: excess carriers, current continuity equations, Poison`s equation. PN and Special junction devices: Schottky barrier, microwave devices, Hetero-junction. MOS capacitor and MOSFET, Bipolar transistor. Textbook: "Electronic Communication Techniques", Paul H. Young, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 404 – Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems 3(3,1,0) Solar Insolation (radiation); Generation, recombination, and basic equations of semiconductor-device physics; P-N junction Diode solar cells: Operation and construction; Solar cell parameters; Design of Silicon solar Cells; Photovoltaic Modules, Arrays, and Systems; Balance of the System (BOS); Design of Stand-alone PV Systems; Other Devices Structure; Other Semiconductor Materials. Text book: "Microelectronic Circuit Design", 3rd ed., Jaeger and Balock, McGraw-Hill, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 405 - VLSI Circuit Design 3(3,1,0) Basic fabrication sequence of NMOS and CMOS ICs. Design rules and layout. Combinational and sequential circuits. Memories and registers. Introduction to full custom and semi-custom ICs, standard cells, gate arrays, FPGAs and PLDs etc. CAD tools for design of ICs. Introduction to high level design of ICs using VHDL. Introduction to low power IC design. Textbook: "Basic VLSI Design", Pucknell and Eshraghian, Pucknell, Prentice Hall, 1994. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 406 - VLSI Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Low level and high level design and implementation of digital circuits targeted to FPGAs: Design entry using schematic editor, functional simulation, design entry using VHDL editor, VHDL Synthesis, Functional simulation, Compilation of design, design verification and study of reports. CMOS inverter layout (Step by step process), Layout design of digital circuits using layout tools, Lab. Project. Textbook: Yalamanchili, "Introductory VHDL", Prentice Hall, 2001. Co-requisite: EE 405. EE 407 – Electronic Communication Circuits 3(3,1,0) Radio frequency tuned amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Tuned LC oscillators. Crystal oscillators. Automatic gain control. Mixers. High-frequency models of BJT. S-parameters. Introduction to Microwave devices: HBT and MESFET. Textbook: Paul H. Young, "Electronic Communication Techniques", 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. Pre-requisite: EE 401. EE 408 - VLSI Technology and Fabrication 3(3,1,0) Introduction to semiconductor devices; crystal growth and wafer preparation; chemical and physical vapor deposition; oxidation; diffusion; ion implantation; lithography; etching; metallization; process integration of CMOS and bipolar technologies; diagnostic techniques and measurements; packaging; yield and reliability Textbook: "Silicon VLSI Technology", James D. Plummer, Michael Deal, Peter D. Griffin, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 409 - Electronic Instrumentation 3(3,1,0) 555 Timer and its applications. Analog switches. Analog multipliers. Operational trans-conductance amplifier (OTA). Current conveyor. Switched capacitor circuits. Phase-locked-loop (PLL) with applications. Data conversion: digitalto-analog and analog-to-digital converters. Digital PLL. Textbook: "Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits", Franco, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. Pre-requisite: EE 401. EE 410 - Optoelectronic Devices and Systems 3(3,1,0) Photonic Semiconductor Materials. Optical sources: light-emitting diode, laser diode. Photo-detectors: PIN diode, APD. Optical waveguide basics. Optical fiber principles. Optical amplifiers. Introduction to Optoelectronic Systems with applications. Textbook: "Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices", Kasap, Prentice Hall, 2001. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 412 – Low Power VLSI Design Page | 41 3(3,1,0) Introduction to low-power design, low- voltage process technology, low- voltage device model, low- voltage lowpower CMOS circuit design, low- power CMOS RAM circuits, CMOS subsystem design, low- power VLSI design methodology. Textbook: Bellaouar and Elmasry, “Low- power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems”, Kluwer Academic, 1995. Pre-requisite: EE 405 EE 415 – Principles of Nanoelectronics 3(3,1,0) Introduction to fundamentals of nanoscience for electronics nanosystems. Principles of fundamental quantities: electron charge, effective mass, Bohr magnetron, and spin, as well as theoretical approaches. From these nanoscale components, discussion of basic behaviors of nanosystems such as analysis of dynamics, variability, and noise, contrasted with those of scaled CMOS. Textbook: Mircea Dragoman and Daniela Dragoman, “Nanoelectronics: Principles and Devices” Artech House Publishers; 2 edition , 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 403. EE 419 – Introduction to Electronic Warfare 3(3,1,0) Introduction to Electronic Warfare (EW) principles, Electronic support measures (ESM) receivers, Electronic countermeasures (ECM), Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM), Command Control and Communications (C3) Systems, ECM Jamming, Electronic Warfare technology. Textbook: David Adamy, “Introduction to electronic Warfare: EW 102: A Second Course in Electronic Warfare” Artech House Publishers, 2004. Pre-requisite: EE 401. B. Communication Systems Elective Courses EE 420 - Digital Signal Processing 3(3,1,0) Characterization and classification of discrete-time (DT) signals and systems; Typical DT signal processing operations; Linear time-invariant (LTI) - DT systems; Linear constant-coefficient difference equations; Frequencydomain representation of discrete-time signals and systems; The discrete Fourier transform (DFT); The fast Fourier transform (FFT); The z-transform; Linear phase transfer functions; Digital Filter Structures; Finite-impulse response (FIR) digital filter design; Infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital filter design; Digital processing of continuous-time signals; Fundamentals of multirate digital signal processing; Applications. Textbook: Sanjit K. Mitra , "Digital Signal Processing-A computer Based Approach", McGraw Hill, 2005. Pre-requisite: EE 301. EE 421 - Communications Laboratory 2(0,0,4) AM and FM modulation and detection; PCM and delta modulation; Bit error rate measurements; TDM; ASK; FSK; Optical fiber parameter measurements; RF impedance measurements and matching; Basic propagation and antenna measurements. Textbook: Lab-Notes. Pre-requisite: EE 214 and EE 320. EE 422 - Digital Communications 3(3,1,0) Basic elements of communications systems; Review of probability theory; Base-band pulse transmission (matched filters, inter-symbol interference); Eye pattern, Nyquist criteria; Equalization; Digital Pass-band transmission: Coherent PSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK, M-ary frequency & phase modulations, MQAM; Non-coherent orthogonal modulation; Power spectra and bandwidth efficiency of binary and quaternary modulation schemes; Channel capacity; Source coding; Error control coding (channel coding). Textbook: Simon Haykin, " Communication systems", John Wiley, 2009. Pre-requisite: EE 320. EE 423 - Wave Propagation and Antennas 3(3,1,0) Wave-guides and cavities; Radiation and antennas; Antenna parameters; dipoles and loop antennas; traveling wave antennas; Aperture and patch antennas; Linear and planar antenna arrays; Basic propagation modes; Free-space propagation; Ground wave propagation; Sky wave propagation; Space (terrestrial) wave propagation; Introduction to Propagation models in mobile radio systems. Textbook: [1] Constantine A. Balanis, "Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design", Wiley-Interscience, 2005. [2]: Christopher Haslett, “Essentials of Radio Wave Propagation”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 214. EE 425 - Satellite Communications 3(3,1,0) Introduction to satellite communication; Basic orbit maneuver; Satellite orbit geometry and types (LEO, MEO and GEOs); Orbit characteristics; Telemetry, Tracking and Command; Propagation characteristics; Frequency bands; Channel modeling, Satellite antennas and patterns; Earth stations; Modulation and multiple Access techniques; Page | 42 Satellite uplink and downlink: analysis and design; Frequency plan; Carrier and transponder capacity, Single carrier and multi-carrier transponder; VSAT; Modern satellite systems and applications. Textbook: Pratt, Bostian, and Allnutt, " Satellite Communication Systems", John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Prerequisite: EE 423. 25 EE 426 - Microwave Engineering 3(3 ,1,0) Basics of Microwave Engineering, RF Behavior of Passive Components, Chip Components and Circuit Board Considerations, Stripline and Microstrip circuits, Microwave network analysis, Impedance matching, Power dividers and directional couplers, Microwave filters, Active microwave components, amplifiers, oscillators and mixers. Textbook: David Pozar, Wiley, " Microwave Engineering", 2004. Pre-requisite: EE 214. EE 427 - Information Theory 3(3 ,1,0) Information theory measures: Entropy, relative entropy and mutual information; Entropy rate of a stochastic process: Memoryless sources and sources with memory; Data compression: source coding theorem, variable length codes, arithmetic codes; Characterization of transmission and storage channel: channel capacity, the channel coding theorem and its converse, Gaussian channel, capacity of band-limited channels; Introduction to error control codes. Textbook: Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, " Elements of Information Theory", Wiley, 2006. Prerequisite: STAT 324. EE428 - Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems 3(3,1,0) Linear block codes, Galois fields; polynomials over GF(q); cyclic codes; BCH and Reed-Solomon codes; Block codes performance in AWGN channels; convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding; bit error rate bounds for convolutional codes; Trellis coded Modulation (TCM); Interleavers; concatenated codes; Error control for channel with feedback; application of ECC in different communication systems and in storage media. Textbook: Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza, " The Art of Error Correcting Codes", John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Pre-requisite: EE 422. EE 463 - Wireless Communications 3(3,1,0) Basic concepts of wireless communications; The cellular concept; Cell splitting & sectoring; Cell coverage; Mobile radio propagation; Path loss models; Shadowing; Statistical fading models; Capacity of fading channels; Digital modulation Performance in fading channels; Equalization, diversity and channel coding; Speech coding; Multiple access techniques; Wireless networking; Modern wireless systems and standards. Textbook: Theodore Rappaport, "Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice", Prentice Hall, 2002. Prerequisites: EE 422 and EE 423. EE464 - Optical Communications 3(3,1,0) Optical propagation; Optical waveguides; Optical fibers: structure, attenuation, dispersion; Light sources; Light detectors; Optical Amplifiers; Optical Modulators; Digital optical communication systems: analysis and design; WDM and DWDM system and its components; Optical Switching; Optical networking: SONET, SDH, Wavelength routed networks; Ultrahigh capacity networks; Nonlinear effects; Optical Measurements: OTDR; eye patterns, optical spectrum analyzer. Textbook: Gerd Keiser, " Optical Fiber Communications Approach", McGraw Hill, 2000. Pre-requisite: EE 423. EE 468 - Selected Topics in Communications and Signal processing Topics of current interest will be offered. Pre-requisites: Instructor and Department Approval. 3(3,1,0) EE 469 - Selected Topics in Engineering Electromagnetics Topics of current interest will be offered. Pre-requisites: Instructor and Department Approval. 3(3,1,0) C. Electrical Power Engineering Elective Courses EE 431 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion (2) 2(2,1,0) Synchronous machines (construction, internal voltage, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, performance of turboalternator, generator operating alone, parallel operation of AC generators, synchronous motor, steady-state operation, starting), DC machines (construction, classification, performance, motor characteristics, starting of DC motors, speed control of DC motors). Textbook: Chapman, "Fundamentals of Electric Machinery", McGraw Hill, 1998. Pre-requisite: EE 330. EE 432 - Power Electronics Page | 43 3(3,1,0) Classification of power electronics converters, Power semiconductor devices: terminal characteristics; Power converters: ac-ac converters, rectifiers, inverters, dc-dc converters and resonant converters; Applications in power systems. Textbook: D. W. Hart, "Introduction to Power Electronics", Prentice-Hall, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 310. EE 433 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Equivalent circuit of transformers; Three-phase connections and harmonic problems; Equivalent circuit of three-phase and single-phase induction motors; Load testing of induction motors; Starting of single-phase induction motors; Equivalent circuit of synchronous machine: Performance of synchronous motors; Performance of dc machines. Textbook: Chapman, "Fundamentals of Electric Machinery", McGraw Hill, 1998. Co-requisite: EE 431. EE 435 - Electric Drives 3(3,1,0) Principles of electric drive; Definitions; Electrical considerations: running, starting, braking; Mechanical considerations: type of enclosure, noise, drive transmission, motor selection; Electric traction; DC & AC solid state drives. Textbook: Krishnan , “Electric Motor Drives”, Prentice Hall, 2001. Pre-requisite: EE 330 and EE 432. EE 436 – Electrical Machine Dynamics and Stability 3(3,1,0) Basic dynamic equations; DC machine dynamics: dynamic models, dynamic analysis; Synchronous machine transients and dynamics: transformation to direct-and quadrature-axis variables, Dynamic model of AC transmission line in d-po domain; Dynamic stability; Induction machine dynamics and transients: starting transients, sudden load changes, 3phase faults. Textbook: Sarma, “Electric Machines: Steady State Theory and Dynamics Performance”, West Publishing Co., 1998. Pre-requisite: EE 330. EE 441 –Power System Analysis 3(3,1,0) Concepts of power system modeling:Bus admittance and Bus Impedance matrices. Load flow analysis: Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson and Fast-Decoupled methods. Symmetrical fault calculations: Thevenin equivalent and Bus impedance matrix methods. Symmetrical components. Transient stability: swing equation, equal-area criterion, Euler and modified Euler methods. Textbook: J.D. Glover & M Sarma, "Power System Analysis and Design", 3 rd edition, PWS Publishing, 2002. Pre-requisite: EE 340. EE 443 - Power System Operation and Control 3(3,1,0) Concepts of power system operation; Network topology and incidence matrices formation of bus impedance matrix; Unit commitment; Optimal power flow; Automatic generation control; Energy management systems and control center operation; State estimation; Dynamic security assessment. Textbook: Wood and Wollenberg, " Power Generation, Operation and Control" , John Wiley, 1984. Pre-requisite: EE 441. EE 444 – Power System Planning 3(3,1,0) Basic load forecast methodologies; Electric loads characteristics; consumer categories; Power system generation; Transmission and distribution reliability evaluation; System cost assessment; Load management and energy conservation strategies. Textbook: R.N. Allan, R. Billinton , "Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems", John Wiley, 1984 Pre-requisite: EE 340. EE 445 - Electrical Power Laboratory 2(0,0,4) Breakdown and dielectric strength of different insulating materials. Flashover tests on insulators. Over-voltage protection and insulation coordination. Corona and its effects. Grounding resistance measurements. Power System Simulator familiarization. Characteristics of isolated and interconnected systems. Transmission line characteristics. Load Flow Study. Faults and characteristics and coordination of overcurrent relays. Power Quality issues. Textbook: J.D. Glover & M Sarma, "Power System Analysis and Design", 3 rd edition, PWS Publishing, 2002. Co-requisite: EE 441. EE 446 - High Voltage Engineering 3(3,1,0) Generation and measurements of high DC, AC and impulse voltages; Conduction and breakdown processes in gaseous, liquid, and solid insulating media; High voltage test techniques; Grounding and safety consideration. Textbook: Naidu and Kamaraju, “ High Voltage Engineering”, 2 nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2005. Pre-requisite: EE 340. EE447 - Electricity Market and Energy Transactions Page | 44 3(3,1,0) Basic concepts of market economics; electricity market driving forces; competitive electricity market structure: single2 9 and multiple sellers and buyers, pool market, bilateral market, spot market; DCOPF, ACOPF, SCOPF; electricity rate structure and pricing: marginal price, market clearing price, pool price, spot price; forward, future, options, swap and hedging contracts; security: costs, Value of loss load, LOLP, ancillary services; transmission and electricity markets; system charges: infrastructure, use of system, connections, and wheeling models and fees; regulatory models; Investing: in generation, in transmission. Pre-requisite: EE 441. EE 448 - Power Distribution Systems 3(3,1,0) Components of Distribution system: substations, switchgear, feeders, sub-transmission lines and primary and secondary systems; planning and load forecasting of Distribution system; “DAS” Distribution Automation Systems; Voltage drop and power loss considerations; Application of capacitors in distribution systems; Distribution service restoration and network reconfiguration; Power quality issues: causes, assessment and mitigation techniques Textbook: Turan Gonen, “ electric Power Distribution System Engineering”, Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co., 1986. Pre-requisite: EE 340. EE 449 - Power System Protection 3(3,1,0) Protection Principles and Components; Fault Calculations; Protective Transformers; Over-current Protection; Distance Systems; Power Frequency and Carrier Systems; Protection of Generators, Motors, Busbars, Reactors, and Capacitors; Transformers; Application of Protection to Distribution Systems; Station Layout and Configuration; Disturbance Monitoring; System Restoration; Microprocessor-Based Relaying. Textbook: Blackburn, "Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications", Marcel Dekker, 1997. Pre-requisite: EE 441. EE 470 – Renewable Energy Engineering 3(3,1,0) Understanding human energy needs. Alternative generating systems. Current sources of coal, oil, and nuclear power. Renewable energy sources including solar, solar, wind, biomass, bio-fuel, fuel cells, hybrid systems, ocean, and geothermal. Renewable energy in a sustainable future. The nature and availability of solar radiation. Low- temperature solar energy applications. Solar thermal engines and electricity generation. Introducing photovoltaics. PV basis principles. Electrical characteristics of PV cells and modules. PV systems for remote power. Grid-connected PV systems. Cost of energy form PV. Biomass as a fuel. Bioenergy sources. Combustion of solid biomass. Production of gaseous fuels from biomass. Production of liquid fuels from biomass. Hydro: The resource. Stored energy and available power. Type of the hydroelectric plant. Small scale hydroelectricity. Wind turbines. Aerodynamics of wind turbines. Power and energy from wind turbines. Offshore energy. Environmental consequences and considerations of energy conversion and renewable sources. Socioeconomic implications of sustainable energy. Textbook: [1] Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2004, ISBN 0199261784. [2] Aldo Da Rosa, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, First Ed., Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, ISBN 0120885107. Pre-requisite: EE 310 and EE 340. EE 475 - Power System Grounding 3(3,1,0) Basics of reasons, types and uses of grounding and bonding; step and touch voltages, Methods of grounding of power system neutrals; Equipment grounding; Lightning protection grounding; Static electricity protection grounding: Ground electrodes systems; Measurements of grounding system parameters; Electric safety hazards and preventive measures; Surge protection and noise mitigation techniques Textbooks: G. Vijayaraghavan, Mark Brown and Malcolm Barnes, “Practical grounding, bonding, shielding and surge protection”, Elsevier Press, 2004. Pre-requisites: EE340. EE 479 - Selected Topics in Electrical Power Engineering Topics of current interest will be offered. Pre-requisites: Instructor and Department Approval 3(3,1,0) D. Automation and Intelligent Systems Elective Courses EE450: Computer Architecture Organization 3(3,1,0) Introduction to computer components and structure; Data representation; Processor structure and organization; Instruction sets and microprogramming; Memory structure and organization; Input-output structure and organization; Parallel computer structure and organization; Recent development on the subject; Applications: projects and discussions. Textbook: Andrew S. Tanenbaum, " Structure Computer Organization", 5 th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Pearson, 2005. Pre-requisite: EE 357. EE 453 - Microprocessor and Embedded System Design Page | 45 3(3,1,0) The course provides an introduction to the design of embedded microprocessor systems with emphasis on real-time nature of embedded systems such as cost and design tradeoffs. Topics include memory devices, interrupts and DMA, timers and counters, serial communication and parallel I/O interface, Keyboards, LCD, VGA interfaces, transducers and sensors interface, A/D and D/A converters, instruction execution cycle and timing, buses timing, and protocols, practical projects that involve students in the design of an embedded microprocessor systems from initial concepts to the debugging of a final product. Textbook: Stuart Ball, "Embedded Microprocessor Systems, Real World Design", 3rd edition, Elsevier Science, 2002. Pre-requisite: EE 357. EE454: Advanced Control Systems 3(3,1,0) Introducing real time considerations in the control design. Nonlinear systems are studied with different approaches. Multivariable systems and decoupling techniques are emphasized. Optimal control design is introduced. Adaptive and robust control design is covered in details. Students acquire the basic skills of how to approach and deal with different requirements to analyze and to design real time applications. Textbook: Roland S. Burns, “Advanced Control Engineering”, 2001 Pre-requisite: EE 351. EE456: Automatic Control Application 3(3,1,0) Introducing and practicing the engineering standards in control components selection and design. Fundamentals of industrial transducers and actuators are given. Problem definition and techniques for stimulation of ideas are given. Students learn the analysis and design of different control problems with special emphasis on concepts and design creativity. They acquire the basic skills of how to approach and deal with different requirements to analyze and to design real time applications. Textbooks: 1- Clarence W. de Silva, “Sensors and Actuators: Control System Instrumentation,” CRC Press, 2007. 2- Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop “Modern Control Systems”, 11th edition Prentice Hall Inc., 2008 Pre-requisite: EE 351. EE 457 – Applied Control Laboratory 1(0,0,2) This laboratory is equipped with basic instruments and real time experiments that are necessary to familiarize the students with the advanced concepts and updated technology in the control field. The undergraduate experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the advanced control course EE 454 and digital control course EE483. Experiments are organized in several groups of real time applications, such as: - Data Acquisition and system modeling - Computer control system using MATLAB - Digital Control using PLC. Textbooks: LAB Notes are prepared including a complete set of experiments. Co-requisite: EE 456. EE 458 - Advanced Logic Design 3(3,1,0) Combinational and sequential logic design techniques, Algorithms and tools review. Structured design concept, Design strategies, Design decomposition, Design tools. Introduction to Hardware languages, Basic Features. Simulation and Synthesis, Basic VHDL modeling techniques, Algorithmic level design, Register Transfer Level Design, Sequential (Synchronous and Asynchronous) Circuits Design, Programmable Logic and Storage Devices and Design Case Study. Textbooks: 1- James R. Armstrong and F. Gail Gray, "VHDL Design Representation and Synthesis", Prentice Hall, 2008. 2- Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design", Prentice Hall, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 210. EE 459 - Advanced Logic Design Laboratory 1(0,0,2) Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ); Magnitude Comparators; ROM-Based Design; Synchronous and Asynchronous counters and their applications; Digital clock Design; State Machine Design; PLD and FPGA based designs; Project. Textbook: Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design", Prentice Hall, 2008. Co-requisite: EE 458. EE 480 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3(3,1,0) Introduction to artificial intelligence, Intelligent agents, Solving problems by searching, Game playing, logical agents and first order logic, Learning from observations, Learning in neural and belief networks, Practical language processing, Fuzzy logic and reasoning, Perception and pattern recognition, Artificial neural networks. Applications in image processing, Robotics, and projects. Textbooks: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. Pre-requisite: EE 351. Page | 46 EE 481 - Real Time System Design 3(3,1,0) Basic issues in Real Time System Design, Conceptual models that can be used in capturing behavior and its implementation. Real Time operating System RTOS. Scheduling and Practical Implementation of Embedded Systems having a real time constraints. Translation of system specifications into a computation models and mapping these formal models into RTL level. Case Study on the Quartus II – Stratix II Environment integrating the NIOS Processor with FPGA. Textbooks: 1- D. Gajski, F. Vahid, S. Narayan, J. Gong, "Specification and Design of Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall, 2008. 2- Volnei A. Pedroni, "Circuit design with VHDL", MIT Press, London England, 2008. Pre-requisite: EE 357. EE482: Communication Networks 3(3,1,0) Introduction to communication networks; Computer networks protocols: ISO-OSI, TCP-IP, ATM, LANs; Sharing of resources techniques: circuit switching and store and forward techniques; Network traffic sources; Network traffic flow: link level and network level; Recent development on the subject; Applications: projects and discussions. Textbooks: Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, 2nd Edition McGraw-Hill, 2004. Pre-requisite: EE 320. EE 483– Digital Control Systems 3(3,1,0) Introduction to digital systems; Sampling process; Z-transform techniques; Difference equations and state space representation; Simulation of discrete systems; Solution via Z-transform; Stability, controllability and observability of discrete systems; Discretization methods; Introduction to computer controlled systems. Textbook: [1] Charles, Phillips and Nagle “Digital Control System Analysis and Design”, Prentice-Hall, 2000. [2] K. Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems,” Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995 Pre-requisite: EE 351. Page | 47 APPENDIX – B: MS Course Description COMMON COURSES GE 501 - Computer Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 (3 ,0) Introduction to system modelling; Principles of computer simulation: system structure, function, timing rules, performance measures, and validation; Random number generators and Monte Carlo simulation; Simulation approaches using: languages and general purpose packages; Continuous system simulation; Discrete system simulation; Simulation examples of engineering systems. EE 502 - Modelling of Stochastic Engineering Systems 3 (3 ,0) Concepts of probability and random variables, reliability, lifetime, failure rate; Functions of random variables; Stochastic processes; Ergodicity and stationarity of random processes; Correlations functions; Analysis and processing of random signals; Time series models and parameter estimation; Various applications in engineering systems. Math 505 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 (3 ,0) Linear equations and matrix analysis; Approximation of functions, error analysis; Special matrices, error analysis for linear systems, iterative methods, computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. ELECTRONICS COURSES EE 503 Advanced Digital Circuit Design 3 (3 ,0) Review of dynamic logic circuits; Latches and Flip-flops; Timing of digital circuits; Memories: types, cell circuits; BiCMOS digital circuits; GaAs digital circuits; Low power digital circuits design; Review of sequential logic design; Synchronous sequential circuits; Asynchronous sequential circuits; Designing arithmetic circuits; Designing memory and array structures. EE 504 Electronic Devices 3 (3 ,0) Fundamentals of quantum mechanics; Energy bands and carrier concentration; Carrier transport and recombination; PN junctions; Schottky barrier junctions; Heterojunctions and ohmic contacts; Bipolar junction transistors; Field effect transistors; Semiconductors and diodes in optoelectronics. EE 506 Advanced Analysis of Electronic Circuits 3 (3 ,0) Nonlinear IC transistor model; Measurement and extraction of nonlinear model parameters; Terminal parameter characterization of logic circuits; Analysis of integrated ECL, TTL and MOS circuits; Analysis of integrated op-amp circuits: Bipolar and PET differential amplifiers, current sources, current mirrors, active loads, super-beta gain stages, cascaded differential amplifiers and the end amplifier. EE 507 VLSI Design 3 (3 ,0) Basic concepts of Low level and High level designs; Application specified Integrated Circuits ASIC; Design methods; CAD Tools; Case Study. EE 508 Optoelectronics 3 (3 ,0) Review of semiconductors theory; Hetero-junction structures; Light sources: review of principles, modulation bandwidth and spectral properties; Light detectors: review of principles, noise and sensitivity; Optical waveguides; Optical fibers: review of principles, attenuation, dispersion; Optical amplifiers; WDM and DWDM system and its components; Optical networking components; Trends and future directions in optoelectronics. EE 509 Embedded Systems 3 (3 ,0) Introduction; Types of embedded processors; Microcontrollers: basic architecture, design and operation, programming and development, interfacing, applications; Custom single purpose processors design; Embedded systems peripherals design: keypad controller, UART, Timers, LCD controller; Embedded systems interfacing; Case study. EE 510 Data Communication Integrated Circuits 3 (3 ,0) Review of the general concepts of digital and data communication systems; UART, USART, RS232 and MODEM interface circuits; Modem circuits; Transceivers; Line driver; CODEC; Echo canceller (analog and digital approach); Serializer/deserializer; Clock generation circuit; Clock recovery circuits; Line code circuits; Introduction to network processor and controller. EE 512 Applications of Integrated Circuits 3 (3 ,0) Review of applications of op-amp.; Advanced applications of Op-Amp; Current feedback amplifiers and current conveyers: theory and applications; Analog signal processing using current mode circuits, voltage multipliers/mixers and dividers; Modulators, analog switches and multiplexers/ demultiplexers; Timers and programmable timers; PWM, Page | 48 V/F and F/V circuits; PLL circuits; Power management circuits; Power amplifier circuits; Mixed Signal ICs : Programmable amplifies , filters and oscillators; Programmable power supply circuits; voltage reference; AD/DA circuits. EE 515 Microwave Electronics 3 (3 ,0) Survey of microwave semiconductor devices, their limitations and equivalent circuits; Microwave circuit techniques: design and construction of cavities; Analysis and design considerations of parametric amplifiers, harmonic generators, impulse generators, reflection-type tunnel diodes amplifiers; Microwave switches and limiters; Microwave transistors and circuits. EE 516 Selected Topics in Electronics Topics of current interest will be offered. 3 (3 ,0) EE 517 VLSI Fabrication Technology 3 (3 ,0) VLSI processing: crystal growth, oxidation, epitaxy, lithography, etching, doping and diffusion, ion implantation, dielectric and polysilicon film deposition, metallization; VLSI manufacturing: wafer cleaning and contamination control, process characterization and control, process modelling and simulation, emerging processes; Bipolar IC technology; MOS IC technology. EE 519 System on Chip 3 (3 ,0) Introduction to system on chip evolution: historical background and design tools progress; Introduction to SoC components: Specification, modeling and analysis; System validation tools: HDL , building computational prototype, other system simulation packages analog or digital; Implementation methodology: design using programmable logic devices for all digital system: design example; Implementation methodology: design using Core Cell structure and Intellectual Property (IP), definition of core cell, digital Core cells like: processors, DSP, LSI, MSI etc.; Controller Core cells, and computer interface circuits, e.g. ISA, PCI , UART etc. COMMUNICATION COURSES EE 521 Electromagnetic Fields 3 (3 ,0) Quasi-static fields; Time harmonic fields; Wave propagation in unbounded media; Reflection and transmission of plane wave; Radiation and antenna concepts; Some theorems and concepts: the source concept, duality, uniqueness, image theory, the equivalence principle, fields in half space, reciprocity, Green’s functions; Plane wave functions; Analytical and numerical techniques for solving fields problems. EE 524 Communication Networks 3 (3 ,0) Protocol layering, circuit switching, packet switching, multiple access and LAN protocols, routing algorithms, flow, error and congestion control; Common network protocols for ATM networks and the Internet; Principle of queuing theory, analysis and design of communication networks; Case studies; Current trends in network techniques and services. EE 526 Optical Communications 3 (3 ,0) Optical fibers: review of principles, attenuation, dispersion; Optical amplifiers; Light sources: review of principles, modulation bandwidth and spectral properties; Light detectors: review of principles, noise and sensitivity; Digital optical communication systems; WDM and DWDM system and its components; Optical networking; Trends and future directions in optical communications. EE 528 Digital Communications 3 (3 ,0) Review of random processes; Binary detection theory; Representation of band-pass signals and systems; Signal space representation; Optimum receivers for the Additive White Gaussian Noise channel AWGN; Performance of the optimum receiver for memory-less modulation; M-ary modulation; Representation and spectral characteristics of digitally modulated signals; Signal design for band-limited channels; Digital communications over fading multi-path channels; Introduction to spread spectrum signals. EE 571 Digital Image Processing 3 (3 ,0) Overview of one-dimensional (1-D) signal processing fundamentals; 2-D signals and systems; 2-D block transforms, filter banks, and wavelets; Design and implementation of linear 2-D digital filters; Image formation; Image sampling and quantization; Image enhancement and restoration; Image coding; Basic image analysis techniques: feature extraction, segmentation, edge detection and pattern recognition. EE 572 Satellite Communications 3 (3 ,0) Types of satellites; Orbits and inclination; Satellite construction; Earth stations design; Modulation, coding, Multipleaccess and demand assignment; Satellite constellations for mobile communications; ALOHA channels; Packet radio terminals; Privacy and security; Trade-offs in systems design. Page | 49 EE 573 Information Theory 3 (3 ,0) Information theory measures: Entropy, relative entropy and mutual information; Entropy rate of a stochastic process: Memoryless sources and sources with memory (Markovian); Data compression: source coding theorem, variable length codes, arithmetic codes, Ziv-Lempel universal coding; Characterization of transmission and storage channel: channel capacity, the channel coding theorem and its converse, Gaussian channel, capacity of band-limited channels; Introduction to error control codes; Introduction to distortion theory. EE 574 Error Correcting Coding for Communication Systems 3 (3 ,0) Shannon’s Capacity Theorem; Introduction to ECC; Linear block coding; Bounds on Hamming distance; The standard array; Syndrome decoding; Hamming codes; Maximum likelihood decoding; Bounded distance coding; Performance in AWGN channels; Galois fields; Polynomials over GF(q); Cyclic codes; BCH and reed-solomon codes; Convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding; Catastrophic behavior & minimality; TCM: set partitioning and Euclidean distance; Bit error rate bounds for convolutional codes; BER bounds for trellis codes; Introduction to turbo codes; Codes for fading channels; Uniform interleaver analysis; Application of ECC in different communication systems and in storage media. EE 575 Mobile Communications 3 (3 ,0) Radio propagation: path loss in different wireless environments, shadowing, reflection, diffraction, scattering, coverage, multi-path and small scale signal variations, channel measurements and simulation; Cellular radio systems: brief overview of cellular radio principles and multiple access methods, interference characterization; Digital modulation and interference: digital modulation methods, error performance in interference and fading, diversity, adaptive equalization and coding Principles, types and performance of diversity combining, adaptive equalization techniques for combating multi-path, block and convolution coding techniques and interleaving; System examples and current topics: TDMA and CDMA systems; OFDM, Multi-user detection, space-time processing and coding, etc. EE 576 Selected Topics in Communications and Signal processing Topics of current interest will be offered. EE 577 Selected Topics in Electromagnetic Waves and Microwave Engineering Topics of current interest will be offered. 3 (3 ,0) 3(3 ,0) ELECTRICAL POWER COURSES EE 531 Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines 3 (3 ,0) Transients of synchronous machines; Subsynchronous resonance phenomenon; Application of superconductivity to electrical machines; Operation of induction and reluctance generators. EE 533 Electrical Machine Dynamics 3 (3 ,0) Electrical machines modeling techniques; State space representation; Small displacement equations; Simulation techniques; Applications to different types of electrical machines. EE 534 Power Semiconductor Converters 3 (3 ,0) Semiconductor devices; Driving, snubber and protection circuits; Resonance converters; Switching dc power supplies; Power conditioners; Applications to electrical energy utilization; EE 536 Electrical Machines for Special Purposes 3 (3 ,0) General features; Construction and performance of: reluctance machines, PM machines, stepper motors, servomotors, linear machines and AC commutator machines. EE 544 Reliability Evaluation and Power System Planning 3 (3 ,0) Basic probability theories; Application of some well-known probability distributions in power system reliability evaluation; Reliability indices for generation and transmission systems; Network modelling and reliability evaluation of isolated and interconnected systems; Composite reliability evaluation of generation and transmission systems; Power systems expansion planning methodologies. EE 546 High Voltage Test Techniques 3 (3 ,0) Types and applications of testing voltages; Generation and measurements of testing voltages and currents; High voltage testing techniques including destructive and non-destructive testing; Measurements in power networks; High voltage testing of various power equipment. EE 547 Selected Topics in Power Systems Topics of current interest will be offered. 3 (3 ,0) EE 548 Power System Protection 3 (3 ,0) Relay modelling and simulation techniques; Algorithms and techniques for protection of lines, transformers, and generators; Effect of system transients on the response of different protection schemes; Modern relay testing techniques; Hardware and software for computer-based relays; Synchronized phasor measurements; Digital filtering and impedance estimation algorithms; Integrated protection and control systems and related communication issues. Page | 50 EE 549 Power System Dynamics 3 (3 ,0) Dynamic modeling and simulation of synchronous generator, loads, transmission lines, excitation systems, turbines and speed governors; Modeling of multi-machine systems. Transient stability; Dynamic stability; Power system stabilizers. EE 581 High Voltage Transmission Systems 3 (3 ,0) AC and DC transmission systems; Three-phase line commutated bridge converters as applied to HVDC transmission; HVDC within an AC transmission system for enhancing its performance; Flexible AC Transmission Systems "FACTS": series capacitors, static compensators, unified power flow controllers, static phase shifter and other emerging FACTS technologies. EE 582 Power System Transients 3 (3 ,0) Lumped parameter analysis; Switching transients in AC/DC systems, arc modeling, damping, current suppression; Traveling wave phenomena, line discontinuities, ferroresonance, transient recovery voltage; Lightning phenomena, dynamic overvoltages, transient switching surges, transformer transients. EE 583 Distribution System Engineering 3 (3 ,0) Distribution system planning and load forecasting; Distribution system automation; Design of sub-transmission lines; Distribution substations, primary and secondary systems; Voltage drop and power loss considerations; Application of capacitors in distribution systems; Distribution system protection and reliability; Distribution operations and feeders reconfiguration; Automatic meter reading technologies; Power quality issues: causes, assessment and mitigation techniques EE 585 Power System Operation and Control 3 (3 ,0) Advanced topics in power flow: tap changer and phase shifter representation; Optimal power flow: problem formulation, inequality constraints, control inputs, solution techniques; Unit commitment: problem formulation, solution techniques; Power system security; State estimation; Automatic generation control; Energy management systems, control center operation and SCADA systems. CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS COURSES EE 550 Internet Technologies and E-Services 3 (3 ,0) Multi-level architecture of the Internet; Extranets, and Intranets, including the basic requirements of clients, servers, networking, and communications; E-services in value chains, value systems, business processes, and the digital economy; E-services models in governments and commerce; Semantic webs, software agents, and future trends. EE 551 Computer Controlled Systems 3 (3 ,0) Introduction to discrete-time systems, sampling theorem, z-transform, discrete-time mathematical models, data reconstruction; Analysis of discrete-time systems stability; Control design methods: state-space design, advanced methods (repetitive control, deadbeat control, approximate tracking control). EE 552 Advanced Microprocessors and their Applications 3 (3 ,0) Principles of advanced 32-bit and 64-bit microprocessors; Advanced microprocessor structure and architecture; Pipelined execution and instruction-level parallelism; Hardware features and new instructions; Support for virtual memory, paging, privilege levels, multitasking and internal cache; Dynamic memory allocation; Dynamic data structures. Floating point co-processors; RISC principles and advantages; Practical applications and programming projects. EE 553 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 (3 ,0) Multi-level computer architecture and basic components; The digital logic level; The micro-architecture level; The instruction set level; The operating system level; The assembly language level; Parallel computer architecture; Future trends. EE 554 Performance Evaluations of Computing Systems 3 (3 ,0) Basic principles and investigation methods; Queuing systems: theory and practical evaluations of processing, switching, and concentration systems; Analysis of reliability and practical evaluations of failures, and security challenges of hardware and software systems. EE 557 Linear Systems 3 (3 ,0) Linear system representations; State and simulation diagrams; Companion forms, controllability and observability of systems, minimal realization; State and output feedback, pole placement method; State estimation and observers; Linear multivariable systems; Design project using MATLAB. EE 559 Intelligent Control Systems 3 (3 ,0) Introduction to AI. Expert systems; Fuzzy logic; Neural networks; Genetic algorithms; Applications to systems and control; Design project using MATLAB. Page | 51 EE 560 Advanced Control Techniques 3 (3 ,0) System modeling and identification; Adaptive control; Quadratic optimal control; Robust control; Design project using MATLAB. EE 561 Selected Topics in Computers 3 (3 ,0) May include, but not restricted to the following topics: Applied Digital Logic Design; Computer Security Policies and Techniques; Web Development Tools, Languages, and Techniques. EE 562 Selected Topics in Control 3 (3 ,0) May include, but not restricted to the following topics: Modeling and Identifications of Control Systems; Large Scale Control Systems; LMI Control Systems; Advanced Applications of Control. Delay and Hybrid Systems, M.Sc. Research Project EE 598 Research Project (1) A selected research topic will be conducted. 3 (3 ,0) EE 599 Research Project (2) A selected research topic will be conducted. 3 (3 ,0) THESIS EE 600 Thesis A selected research topic will be conducted. Page | 52 APPENDIX – C: PhD Course Description EE 610 ( Semiconductor Characterization Techniques ) Bulk, surface and interface parameters - electrical methods ( resistivity, lifetime, mobility dopant, profile, ..) - physical methods ( optical microscopy, TEM, SEM, X-ray topography, ellipsometry, ...). Chemical methods ( NAA, mass spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, ion-microprobe, electron microprobe, photo-luminescence, infrared spectroscopy). EE 611 ( Semiconductor Device Modeling) Fundamental properties; Process modeling ( ion implantation, diffusion & oxidation); Physical parameters ( mobility, generation and recombination rates, conductivity, ...); Analytical investigations; Basic semiconductor equations; Discretization of basic equations; Solution of system of non-linear algebraic equations, solution of sparse system of linear equations; A case study. EE 612 ( Design and Technology of Solar Cells ) Standard silicon solar cell technology: raw material to single crystal silicon; Improved silicon cell technology: solar grade silicon; silicon sheet; cell fabrication; Design of silicon solar cells: major considerations; doping of substrate; back surface fields; top layer limitation; top contact design; optical design; Spectral response. Other device structures: homojunctions; hetrojunctions; MS, MIS, ... . Other semiconductor materials EE 613 ( Design and Applications of Photovoltaic Systems ) Components of a photovoltaic system: introduction; PV modules ( construction, I-V characteristic, performance); Energy storage ( batteries for PV use, performance); power conditioning - Design of stand-alone PV systems: introduction; system sizing - Applications of stand-alone PV systems. Residential and centralized PV power systems. EE 614 ( Design and Applications of Photovoltaic Systems ) Review of semiconductor surface properties; Submicron MOS device physics and models; Reliability and failure models for submicron devices. Submicron MOS device applications. EE 615 ( Analysis and Design of VLSI Circuits ) CMOS operational amplifiers; Micropower techniques; Dynamic analog techniques; NMOS operational amplifiers; Switched-capacitor filter synthesis; Performance limitations in switched-capacitor filters; Continuous - time filters; Nonlinear analog MOS circuits EE 616 ( VLSI Layout and Processing ) Introduction to VLSI design concepts; Layout design approaches ( full custom, semicustom and gate array); Symbolic layout; CAD tools for layout generation; Simulation tools; Impact of processing on design rules; Processing techniques ( film deposition, oxidation, diffusion, lithography, ...); yield and reliability; typical NMOS and CMOS design projects. EE 617 ( Layout Design of Bipolar Integrated Circuits ) Analysis and design of bipolar circuit components. Analysis and design of bipolar operational amplifier and more complex analog circuits. Analysis and design of bipolar logic gates and more complicated logic functions. Layout of bipolar ICs. Fabrication processes and technology EE 618 ( VLSI for Fast Processing Systems) Programming concurrent machines; Developing the hardware support for this style of programming; Construct concurrent data structures, Data flow and communication through the array of processors; Analysis of large data system ( case study). EE 619 ( Advanced Topics in Electronics ) Designed to cover the latest achievements in electronics-based research topics). EE 620 ( Signal detection and estimation ) Hypothesis testing, Sequential detection, Estimation theory, Maximum likelihood and Bayes methods, Estimation of signal parameters and continuous waveforms, Wiener and Kalmn filtering, Application to the design of optimum receivers adaptation system. Co-requisite EE 502 EE 621 ( Channel Coding Theory ) Mathematical preliminaries: groups, rings and fields, Linear block codes: syndrome and error detection and correction, minimum distance, error-detection and error-correction capabilities, Galois field: construction and arithmetic, cyclic codes and their circuit implementation, binary and non-binary BCH codes and their decoding. Burst error-correcting codes convolutional codes, Decoding of convolutional codes: Vetechi algorithm, sequential and majority-logic decoding, Performance of error control codes: weight distribution, bounds on minimum distance of block and convolutional codes. Page | 53 EE 622 ( Advanced Digital Communications ) Synchronization: Receiver synchronization, network, synchronization. Equalization and diversity techniques. Hybrid modulation and coding techniques. Multiplexing and multiple access: FDM/FDMA, TDM/TDMA, CDMA, Access algorithms. Co-requisite EE 502 EE 623 ( Advanced Digital Signal Processing ) Review of discrete-time stochastic processes; Linear prediction theory; least-squares methods for systems modeling and filter design; Adaptive filters; Spectral analysis; applications. Co-requisite EE 525 EE 624 ( Antenna Theory and Design ) Frequency independent antennas, Horn antennas and slot radiations, Microstrip antennas, Aperture antennas, Reflector and lens antennas, Phased arrays. Co-requisite EE 521 EE 625 ( Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves ) Transmission and reception of radio waves in the presence of earth and its atmospheric, Ionospheric propagation, Tropospheric propagation, Atmospheric effects on terrestrial and space propagation. Co-requisite EE 521 EE 626 ( Secure Communication Systems ) Modulation and coding, Direct sequence spread-spectrum systems, Frequency hopping, Interception, Adaptive antenna systems, Cryptographic communications. Co-requisite EE 502 EE 627 ( Advanced Network Planning and Teletraffic Engineering ) Structure of telephone networks, Analysis of demands and services, Forecasting and technology considerations, Teletraffic models, Analysis of network capacity, Development of computer tools, Applications and case-studies. EE 628 ( Radar Systems ) The radar equation, CW and frequency-modulated radar, MTI and pulse-doppler radar, Tracking radar, Radar detection, Radar clutter, System design. Co-requisite EE 502 EE 629 ( Advanced Topics in Communications ) EE 630 ( Advanced Theory of Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion ) Basic coordinates, lumped elements, and energy-state functions. Equilibrium equations from energy-state functions: ( LAGRANGE'S equation). Formulation of equilibrium equations for electro-mechanical systems. Analysis of linear systems. Response characteristics of electro-mechanical systems EE 631 ( Computer Aided Analysis of Electrical Machines ) Machine Models: Phase and primitive equivalent circuit representations. Advanced hybrid field models and permanent magnets. Models for Control Systems: d.c. and synchronous machines speed control, S.C.R. models and voltage control. Nonlinearities in Electric Machine: magnetic saturation, friction, etc. Solution Method: Steady state and transients states; methods based upon numerical integrations, non-linear equations, polynomial equations. Applications: Alternators, induction motors & generators, stepper motors and reluctance machines, S.C.R. fed d.c. drives EE 632 ( Special types of Electrical Machinery ) Linear machines ( induction - synchronous ... etc.). Stepper motors ( PM, VR & Hybrid). Special modes of operation of I.M. ( electro-magnetic brakes - Induction generator). Self synchronous systems ( Selsyns). Permanent Magnet Machines. EE 633 ( Computational Methods in Electromagnetics ) Analytical requirements and boundary conditions in electromagnetic field problems. Analytical and numerical methods such as finite difference, finite element, geometrical theory of diffraction, moment method, Monte Carlo and charge simulation method, etc. Applications of electromagnetic field problems in electrical machines. EE 634 ( New Concepts in Electric Machine Design ) Modelling of the machine; field relations, departures from the ideal model, determination of lumped network parameters and external constraints. Mechanical stress limitations: Maximum speed, stresses in rotor wedges and teeth, stresses in shafts and length of air-gap. Magnetic loading: Magnetic structure, magnetizing current and optimal choice of flux density. Thermal stress limitation: internal air ventilation, liquid cooling, heat pipes, transient heating and allowable temperature rise. Electric loading: Thermal relations and performance relations. No-load losses: losses in teeth and cores. Additional losses due to skin effect and harmonics. Surface losses and flux pulsation losses. Copper losses: additional losses due to skin effect and harmonics. Calculation of resistances and inductances. Basic design and scaling laws. Page | 54 EE 635 ( Voltage and Frequency Converter Systems ) Rectifier and Chopper circuits, analysis, simulation and control strategies application to DC motor drives. Frequency Control: Inverters ( voltages, current and resonant types), Cycloconverters and frequency changes: Circuitry, simulation, analysis, and control strategies. Applications to induction motors and, Static Control Power Supplies. EE 636 ( Special Drives and Reactive Power Control ) Advanced Techniques for special motors control; Stepper motors, Permanent magnet motors ( PM) and switched reluctance motors. Static controlled power supplies: UPS systems and switched mode power supplies. Reactive power control: Switched capacitor banks, FC-TCR system and current sources and voltage source Var generators. Harmonic control. EE 637 ( Advanced Topics in Drives and Power Electronics ) The course is designed to cover some of the latest developed devices, systems and techniques. EE 638 ( Linear Electric Machines ) Concepts of linear electrical machines. types: Linear and tubular induction motors; Linear stepper motors; Linear dc machines. Applications: Metal handling; Traction; Conveyor systems. Analysis of linear machines: Direct solution; Fourier method; Finite element method; Two and three dimensional solutions and boundary element analysis. Design aspects. EE 640 ( Large Scale Systems Analysis ) Modeling techniques. Equivalence: coherency, singular perturbation, decomposition, selective modal analysis. Centralized and decentralized controllers for power system control centers. EE 641 ( Stability of Large Power Systems ) Concept of direct methods and energy function. Steady state stability evaluation, sensitivity analysis. Interconnection of power pools. Impact of interfacing between AC/DC on system performance EE 642 ( Power System Operation and Security ) Unit commitment, Hydro-thermal coordination, Pools and superpools dispatching. Automatic generation control. Security analysis. Reactive power control. Optimization methods in power system EE 643 ( Optimal Power System Planning ) Forecasting methods for electric loads and energy. Environmental effects. Decision-making processes based on economic and reliability considerations. Characteristics and modelling techniques of alternative power plants. Global planning EE 644 ( Reliability Evaluation of Power System ) Static and operating reserve. Interconnected power systems reliability evaluation. Production costing methodologies. Power outages impact and cost estimation. Case studies: data acquisition and simulation EE 645 ( Electromagnetic Transients in Power System ) Origin, types and effect of electromagnetic transients. Effect of frequency on transmission lines and cables parameters. Digital models of power system components. EE 646 ( Advanced Power System Protection ) The nature of relay input signals immediately after a fault occurrence. Transient response of current transformers and potential transformers. Modelling of system and transducers induced noise signals. Optimal estimation of impedance from noisy input signals. Extended linear and non-linear Kalman filtering techniques. Microprocessor-based distance relaying systems. Traveling-wave relays; discriminants, auto-correlation of signals. Multi-microprocessor-based traveling-wave relaying systems. EE 647 ( High Voltage Insulation ) Characteristics, failure mechanisms and applications of solid liquid, Gaseous, vacuum and composite insulating materials. Life estimation of insulation systems. Insulation coordination. Critical stress values for commonly used insulation media. EE 648 ( Corona and Field Effects of High Voltage Systems ) Calculation of electric fields for transmission lines. Corona modes and its energy contents. Weather effects on corona. Undesirable effects of corona ( RI, TVI, AN, Corona loss). Electromagnetic and electrostatic inductions. Biological effects of HV systems. HV system design consideration. EE 649 ( Advanced Topics in Power System ) EE 650 ( Artificial Intelligence in Engineering ) Foundation of the theory of artificial intelligence. Game playing, pattern recognition, description of cognitive processes. Heuristic decision procedures. General problem solvers. Learning systems and robotics. Page | 55 EE 651 ( Parallel Processing and Programming ) Computer architectural classification schemes. Pipelining and vector processing. Array processor. Multiprocessor architecture. Sequential versus parallel . Parallel programming structure. Occam programming. Practical case-studies. EE 652 ( Computer Network Protocols ) Computer network architecture and the layers ISD, OSI protocols. The physical layer protocols. The data link layer protocols. The network-layer, transport-layer and session-layer protocols. The presentation-layer protocols. The application-layer protocols. Standard recommendations and protocols EE 653 ( Computer Vision and Image Processing ) Introduction to image processing. Digitization and processing of gray scale images. Segmentation, thinning and contour following. Curve fitting and curve approximations. Digital shape analysis. EE 654 ( Microprocessor Based Instrumentation & Control ) Advanced microprocessor interfacing techniques. Data conversion, Signal processing, Applications to instrumentation and control, some case studies. EE 655 ( Digital Control Systems ) Introduction to digital control systems, Z transform, signal sampling and reconstruction. Open-loop and closed loop discrete time systems. State variable models. Time-response characteristics. Stability analysis techniques. Digital controller design. EE 656 ( Non-linear Control Systems ) General conceptions of non-linear design. Common physical nonlinearities, phase-plane analysis and trajectory classification. Describing functions. Time domain analysis. Non-linear system stability. Synthesis of non-linear control systems. EE 657 ( Stochastic Control Systems ) Description of Stochastic processes. Time domain and frequency domain analysis of filtering, smoothing and prediction problems. Kalman filtering and Riccati equation. Control of Markov process and discrete linear systems using dynamic programming, Linearing control of stochastic processes. EE 658 ( Adaptive and Learning Control Systems ) Introduction to system uncertainties. System identification techniques. Adaptive control problems. Techniques of adaptive control and self-tuning control. Variable-structure systems. Supervised and Non-supervised learning control. Introduction to robotics. EE 659 ( Advanced Topics in Computer & Control ) Advanced topics in computer and control. EE 661 ( Seminar ( 1)) EE 662 ( Seminar ( 2)) EE 663 ( Seminar ( 3)) EE 700 ( Ph.D. Research) Page | 56 APPENDIX – D: Laboratories Electrical Circuits Lab In this lab, the basic electrical laws and phenomena are demonstrated after being discussed in the electric circuit courses EE 201 and EE 202. This lab is well equipped with the latest equipments. At present, about 9 groups (two to three students each) can be arranged easily. After completing the semester, the students will be well familiarized with all types of circuit behaviors and characteristics both in AC and DC. This type of understanding will make it easy to them to work with other labs and in practice. Electrical Measurements Lab This laboratory is a well equipped laboratory with instruments and equipment that are needed to familiarize the students with the use of electrical and electronic measurements and laboratory techniques. The undergraduate experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the electrical instruments and measurements course EE 306. Within the laboratory, there is a shielded room that is suitable for RF measurements and calibration. Electronics Lab This is the laboratory for Electronic Devices and Circuits. Equipment sets are available for the students to perform basic experiments in these areas; namely the lab courses EE 314 (co-requisite for EE 311) and EE 316 (co-requisite for EE 315). The lab also is where the senior projects in the Electronics area are built and tested. Several PC’s are also available in the lab, for students and Faculty use, particularly in the circuit analysis, device modeling, and VLSI areas. Page | 57 Microelectronics Lab It is a newly established laboratory. It provides hand-on training to the undergraduate students in the design of VLSIs under the course EE 418. The state-of-the-art software packages available in the lab. are capable of designing Digital Circuits/systems with the complexity of more than 100,000 gates. The FPGA based circuits are implemented on Xilinx chips. Post-graduate research and development activities are also going on in the field of Hardware Realization of Algorithms/Circuits using EDA tools from Xilinx, Mentor Graphics, Innoveda, Tanner EDA, Synopsis and Model Technology etc. The main facilities available are: Software -Edit Pro from Tanner EDA Communications Lab The Communications lab presents experiments for students carrying the principles of communication theory, different types of modulation both analog and digital, together with the electro-magnetic experiments using very good educational equipment. The lab is facilitated to fulfill student projects and staff research. Besides this lab, there is an Anechoic Chamber room (Reflection Free Test Area) for antenna experiments, and a Laser lab for advanced measurements and research. High Voltage Lab Besides conducting regular laboratory classes for undergraduate students, the High Voltage laboratory at KSU is also extensively engaged in research and development works in the areas of breakdown phenomenon in insulating medias, withstand voltage in different types of air gaps, surface flashover studies on equipment and also electrical interference studies due to discharges from the equipment operating on high voltages. This lab also provides test facilities for testing various HV equipment as per various international standards to electric utilities and companies in the Kingdom as well as in the region. The main Laboratory equipment consists of: Page | 58 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.C. power frequency test equipment 200 kV Impulse voltage generator 1000 kV, 40 kJ D.C. supply 100 kV Partial discharge detection system Schering Bridge for measuring of capacitance and tan delta Power Simulator Lab The Electrical Power Simulator Laboratory consists of: Electrical Power System Simulator PTI Software PC network ETAP Software PTI Software PSCAD Software The laboratory is well equipped to meet the requirements of undergraduate as well as graduate studies and research work. Practical demonstrations by lab experiments for power system generation, transmission and distribution concepts. Students are familiarized with the use of digital computer in the different aspects of power system analysis by using different software programs such as ETAP, PTI, and PSCAD. Through the Electrical Power Simulator, lab experiments related to polyphase voltage regulation, characteristics of interconnected and isolated power system, load flow analysis, characteristics of overhead transmission lines and characteristics and coordination of power system relays etc can be performed. Page | 59 Nuclear Engineering Lab The Nuclear engineering laboratories consist of: -Ray Fluorescence Lab The laboratories are well equipped to meet the requirements of undergraduate as well as graduate studies and the research work. In the Measurement Lab all types of experiments related to Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Neutron spectroscopy can be performed. The Health Physics Lab contains a complete unit of Thermo Luminescence Dosimetry (TLD), X-Ray Fluorescence Lab and all the other Necessary Radiation Survey meters and Dosimeters to execute the work related to radiation protection experiments and research work. The Neutron Activation Facility is used to activate the target samples to prepare radio isotopes and perform Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Electrical Machines Lab This lab is purposely designed to teach the aspects of electrical machines. It consists of various electrical machines ranging from DC generators to AC induction and synchronous machines. It is also equipped with facilities to teach power electronics and electric drives. Page | 60 Microprocessor Lab This lab gives students the practical exposure to Assembly language programming of microprocessors, computer architecture of 8088/8086 microprocessor family, assembly program development using debugger software, use of flow charts and other aids in software development, memory and I/O interfacing circuitry for microprocessors, interrupts, serial and parallel data communications. The lab also hosts hardware projects in more advanced areas. Automatic Control Lab This laboratory is equipped with basic instruments and real time experiments that are necessary to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and updated technology in the automatic control field. The undergraduate experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the automatic control course EE 351 and digital control course EE452. The following systems are available in this lab to perform the experiments, projects and research in the area of Automatic Control Engineering: Speed Control System Position Control System o o o Traffic Light Washing Machine Thermal System o Fuzzy Logic o Neural Networks PLC (Programmable Logic Control)-Siemens S7 PLC Application Modules :( Elevators and Conveyor belts) Microcontroller Programming Kits including: (ATMEL 89C52, ATMEL AVR, and PIC series) Page | 61 Digital Logic Lab The objective of this laboratory is to support the undergraduate courses related to the computer major in the Department such as EE 208. In addition, the lab serves B.Sc. students in their graduation projects and staff research. The lab is equipped with all the necessary tools and electronic equipment for conducting logic circuit experiments. It includes oscilloscopes, logic probes, current tracers, pulsers, software and hardware development tools, component testers, EPROM eraser and programmer. Communication Networks Laboratory The purpose of this Laboratory is to enable the students to evaluate the advanced networking concepts in a realistic working environment. This Lab will help the students in understanding the working concept of LAN, WLAN, WAN, computer network security using firewall and the implementation of the corresponding networking protocols. The laboratory is equipped with the state of the art networking tools including high performance routers, switches, PC's, server, firewall and wireless access points. In this Lab, the undergraduate students will be able to perform experiments related to their course projects. This Lab will also provide a suitable environment for the networking research for faculty, Master and PhD students. Page | 62