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P. Csurgai et al. / Journal of Advanced Research in Physics 2(1), 011103 (2011)
Quality Factor Modeling of Surface Mounted
Chip Inductors in High Frequency
Peter Csurgai* and Miklos Kuczmann
“Széchenyi István” University, Lab. of Electromagnetic Field, Department of Telecommunications,
Egyetem tér 1., H-9026 Győr, Hungary
Abstract — Surface mounted chip inductors are widely used
electrical components due to their compact size and relative
high performance. The losses decrease the performance and so
delimit the function of the application, therefore they should be
considered during the early development phase of the inductor.
The quality factor parameter represents the losses of the
inductors, whose prediction is very difficult due to several
complex effects which have impact on the impedance
characteristic. The frequent inductor models are mainly SPICE
models, which are only capable of reproduce the impedance
characteristic of the inductor based on prior measurements.
The purpose of the paper is to present an evaluation of the
currently available methods for calculating the inductor
behavior in frequency domain specifically for quality factor
parameter using analytic formulas, and real measurements on
market available RF chip inductors for the comparison. By the
presented method the quality factor can be calculated without
prior sample measurements, in case of the geometry and
material parameters of the inductor are known.
Keywords — inductor modeling, inductor losses, quality factor
the sources of the losses, on the other hand it shall be able to
predict the exact behavior of the inductor in frequency
domain. The purpose of the paper is to present an evaluation
and comparison of the currently available methods for
calculating the inductor behavior in frequency domain using
analytic formulas, and real measurements on market
available RF chip inductors. For modeling electric
components the analytic formulas are always preferred due
to the lower computation time and lower hardware
requirements. If the values of the electrical parameters have
to be calculated not only in a few specific discrete
frequencies, but on a frequency domain, analytic formulas
can save a lot of time, and work. Of course the accuracy of
the analytic models are not satisfactory in every case,
therefore the best compromise between accuracy and
computation time is a semi-analytic model, where some
parameters are calculated by analytic formulas while others mainly coefficients for frequency functions - are computed
by finite element method, like the calculation of inductance
due to the nonlinear characteristic of the permeability.
RF chip inductors are the most widely used inductors in
automotive, industrial, house hold and consumer electronic
appliances. Some of the most common inductors can be seen
in Fig. 1. The transponder coils are used in wireless data
transfer application, and they have multilayer winding and
ferrite core to achieve better coupling. General purpose
inductors like chip size 2220 and 0805 have wide variety in
winding technique and used core. They can be single layer
or multilayer, ferrite core or air core type inductor. Due to
the miniaturization the continuous improvement of the
electrical parameters are highly requested. The losses of the
inductors delimit the performance of the application,
therefore reducing the losses and so increasing the quality
factor is always required. Inductors with lower losses
provide higher operating distance in wireless data transfer
applications, or better filtering in signal processing
applications. This demand of the improvement makes the
accurate electrical model of the inductors essential. On one
hand the model shall be capable of identifying and separate
Manuscript received July 19, 2010
Corresponding author (
Fig. 1. Most common surface mounted chip inductors in consumer
electronics (from left to right 11mm Transponder, 0805, and 2220)
The proposed equivalent circuit for the chip inductors
consists of the three basic elements of the electric circuits,
like inductance, resistance and capacitance, connected as it
can be seen in Fig. 2. By this circuit topology the simulated
impedance can be changed in every direction in the complex
plane according to the real behaviour of an inductor. The
complex impedance value can be perfectly manipulated
during the calculation by the three element equivalent circuit
to follow the real measured complex impedance of the
P. Csurgai et al. / Journal of Advanced Research in Physics 2(1), 011103 (2011)
where D is the diameter of the winding turns, p is the
pitch, and r is the radius of the winding wire. As the turns
are connected series in the coil, so thus the capacitance
between them are also connected series. Therefore the
overall capacitance can be calculated as follows:
CS =
Ctt ,
N −1
where Ctt is the turn-to-turn capacitance and N is the
number of turns. The above described capacitance
calculation can be applicable only for single layer coil,
where the capacitance between layers and the wire coating
are negligible [9].
There can be found analytic formulas also for multilayer
inductors, but those manipulations can be applicable only for
very limited cases [6].
The accuracy of the above explained 3 element model was
evaluated on three different basic constructions of surface
mounted wire wound inductors like solenoid type inductors,
air core multilayer inductors (chip size 0805), and ferrite
core multilayer inductors (Transponder coil, chip size 2220).
The used measuring instruments for the impedance
measurement are Agilent 4294A precision impedance
analyser combined with 16034H, 16034G test fixtures and
E4991A RF impedance analyser combined with 16197A test
A. Solenoid type inductors:
As this kind of inductor construction is not very common
only one type was evaluated with the model. This type was a
0805 ceramic core type with the inductance value of 150nH.
This construction consists of only a ceramic bobbin and the
winding, which results the lowest losses and the simplest
geometry. The winding is single layer winding, and as there
is no ferrite core, the core loss calculation was eliminated
from the model. The quality factor and resistance calculation
can be seen in the following figures.
Fig. 5. Resistance calculation for 0805 – 150nH
The results of the inductance calculation of 0805 size
150nH by different formulas can be seen in Table 1.
Inductance calculation for 0805 – 150nH
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
168,12 nH
159,91 nH
B. Air core multilayer type inductors:
Two types of RF chip inductors were tested with this
construction. The major differences between the two
examined types are the number of turns and the number of
layers of the winding. The first inductor in the evaluation
was again 0805 ceramic core SMD type with the inductance
value of 820nH. As this type has multilayer winding the
model was completed with the calculation of the proximity
effect (14). The resulting curves can be seen in Fig. 6 and 7.
Fig. 6. Quality factor calculation for 0805 – 820nH
Fig. 4. Quality factor calculation for 0805 – 150nH
Fig. 7. Resistance calculation for 0805 – 820nH
The results of inductance calculation of 0805 size 820nH
P. Csurgai et al. / Journal of Advanced Research in Physics 2(1), 011103 (2011)
by different formulas can be seen in Table 2.
Inductance calculation for 0805 – 820nH
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
830,48 nH
836,96 nH
626,18 nH
763,94 nH
The second air core multilayer type in the evaluation was
a special 11mm long transponder coil without ferrite core.
This type differs from the previous type in the number of
turns and in the number of layers in the winding. The
transponder coil due to its main function has much higher
number of turns and layers, therefore the complete model
contains both skin and proximity effect calculation as well,
Fig. 8-9.
completed with the losses of the ferrite core and the drift of
the inductance due to the drop of the permeability in
The first type in the evaluation of these kind of inductors
is the 0805 size ferrite cored type with 6,8 μH inductance
value. The resulting curves can be seen in Fig. 10 and 11.
Fig. 10. Quality factor calculation for 0805 – 6,8 μH
Fig. 8. Quality factor calculation for 11mm Transponder – 84 μH
Fig. 11. Resistance calculation for 0805 – 6,8 μH
The results of inductance calculation by different formulas
can be seen in Table 4.
Inductance calculation for 0805 – 6,8 μH
Fig. 9. Resistance calculation for 11mm Transponder – 84 μH
The results of inductance calculation of 11mm air core
transponder coil by different formulas can be seen in Table
Inductance calculation for 11mm Transponder – 84 μH
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
99,88 μH
107,4 μH
76,63 μH
85,79 μH
C. Ferrite core multilayer inductors:
As these kinds of inductors are the most common
constructions three different types and size were tested, from
the smallest 0805 size, through the 2220 size, till the 11mm
long transponder coil. For these constructions the model was
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
7,888 μH
7,970 μH
5,946 μH
7,251 μH
Because of the open magnetic loop of the inductor the
inductance calculation alone by analytic formulas were not
possible. In these cases the effective permeability of the
complete magnetic circuit was calculated by finite element
method first and then the inductance was calculated by using
the effective permeability.
The second ferrite core multilayer type in the evaluation
was the 2220 size 4,7 μH. The resulting curves are shown in
Fig. 12-13.
P. Csurgai et al. / Journal of Advanced Research in Physics 2(1), 011103 (2011)
Fig. 12. Quality factor calculation for 2220 – 4,7 μH
Fig. 15. Resistance calculation for 11mm Transponder – 6,8 μH
The inductance calculation (using the effective
permeability computed by finite element method) of the
11mm transponder coil with 2,36 mH can be seen in Table
Inductance calculation for 11mm Transponder – 2,36 mH
Fig. 13. Resistance calculation for 2220 – 4,7 μH
The inductance calculation (using the effective
permeability computed by finite element method) of the
2220 size 4,7 μH can be seen in Table 5.
Inductance calculation for 2220 – 4,7 μH
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
6,868 μH
6,470 μH
4,260 μH
5,001 μH
The third inductor in the evaluation of ferrite core
multilayer inductors is the 11mm transponder coil with
2,36mH inductance value. The quality factor and resistance
curve is shown in Fig. 14 and 15.
Fig. 14. Quality factor calculation for 11mm Transponder – 2,36 mH
Applied formula
Calculated inductance
Wheeler formula (4)
Improved solenoid formula (5)
Multilayer formula (6)
Improved Multilayer formula (7)
2,797 mH
2,997 mH
2,146 mH
2,402 mH
A. Inductance calculation:
The inductance calculation of chip inductors may be
sufficient accurate, only the appropriate formula has to be
used. In case of single layer coil the improved solenoid
formula (7) should be used, in case of multilayer inductor
the improved multilayer formula (9) gives the most accurate
approximation. In constructions where ferrite core is used
the inductance calculation becomes difficult due to the open
magnetic loop, and the unknown overall permeability.
Although some experimental approximation and charts [10]
helps to determine the effective permeability, the most
accurate results can be computed only by finite element
method. Once the effective permeability is known the
inductance of the inductor can be further calculated by using
the formulas (7) or (9). Through the characteristic of the
permeability in frequency range the inductance drift can be
calculated. If exact chart about the permeability curve is not
available the permeability of the ferrite can be approximated
by the transfer function of a first order low-pass filter.
B. Resistance calculation:
From the performance point of view the resistance of the
inductor has the highest importance, because the losses
(winding losses, core losses, eddy current losses) increase
the resistive part of the impedance. The resistance has the
highest influence on the quality factor as well. As can be
seen in the charts above (Fig. 4.-9.) slight difference in the
resistance curve results significant difference in the quality
factor curve. Therefore all kind of losses and the exact
behaviour of the losses in frequency domain should be
P. Csurgai et al. / Journal of Advanced Research in Physics 2(1), 011103 (2011)
approximated to get realistic Q curve. It can be seen that in
case of air core inductors, where the losses are mainly the
winding AC resistance, the Q curve can be approximated
easily by a quite simple model. Using a ferrite core makes
the model more intricate and so the resistive losses will be
more difficult to determine. Although the above simulated Q
curves stand close to the realistic curves, it can be seen that
some sources of losses are still neglected or disregarded.
One of these losses is the eddy current losses. In chip
inductors the terminals are quite large compared to the
external dimensions of the inductor, and in some cases it
takes place close to the winding. As the geometry of the
terminals, like thickness and shape, might be very different
among the sizes and constructions of chip inductors,
standalone closed analytic formulas cannot be assigned to
this loss. However a semi-analytic formula where some
coefficients are calculated by finite element method, while
the complete curve of the eddy current loss are
approximated by an analytic formula might be made.
C. Capacitance calculation:
The capacitance calculation is the most difficult task in
the modelling of inductors. As the voltage distribution
between turns are different in each constructions and sizes of
chip inductors, the stray capacitance might be different in
each cases despite of the winding turns fill the winding
camber with the same pattern. For example in case of a
hexagonal pattern the stray capacitance of the winding will
be significantly different if the turns are placed in heaps next
to each other instead of smooth layers on the top of each
other. As the pattern and the geometry are the same in both
cases and the self-resonant frequency is different it can be
stated that the stray capacitance is different. Therefore the
stray capacitance is defined not only by the geometry, but by
the voltage distribution among the winding turns as well.
This will result not only that the winding technique will
define the stray capacitance, but inductors with sufficient
small external dimensions (sufficient low stray capacitances
and low inductance values, so thus with very high selfresonance frequencies) have lower self-resonance frequency
than it is expected using the analytic formulas. Due to the
small external dimensions of the inductor the wavelength of
the exciting signal will be in the same range as the length of
the winding turns, which results non-linear voltage
distribution among the turns.
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