Grade 1 U n it 5 W ee k 1 B egin n in g/Early In term ediate

Systematic ELD Forms Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function:5.11 Describe the physical attributes of a place
5.17 Retell Actions and events in Chronological order
Unit: 5 week 1 Dutro
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 1
Beginning/Early Intermediate
Beginning: N/A
1.5.3 Bicycles
accordion, arrives, band,
practice, stage, tricycle,
Early intermediate:
present and past tense
SWBAT describe the physical pick, play, move, make,
attributes of a place and retell show, feel, want, help
actions and events in
chronological order while
using present and past tense
Early intermediate:
present and past tense be
SWBAT describe the physical better, safer, riding,
p.2- is p.3- is, are p.4- is p. 6- are p. 7- is p.8- is,
attributes of a place and retell lifting, using, learning
are p.9-are p.11- are, is p. 12- is p. 13- is p.17actions and events in
inventing, sitting, making is p.19- is
chronological order while
using present and past tense
Eddie is _______(adj).
Pretend you are watching the band
____(noun plural) are
practice. What are the band
________(adj). ____(noun) was members doing?
Early Intermediate:
present and past
progressive statements and
SWBAT describe the physical machine, bicycles, riding, p.11- is not practicing p.13- is leaving, are
attributes of a place and retell learning, lifting, using, helping p.18- keeping
actions and events in
inventing, sitting, making
chronological order while
using present and past
progressive statements and
______(noun) is _______(verb +
ing). ________(nouns) were
_____(verb + ing). Were (noun)
______(verb + ing)? Was
___(noun) _____(verb +ing).
Pair up. Pass out retell cards.
Have parter 1 ask a question
about what is going on in the
story. Partner 2 responds using
present or past progressive.
When did (he/she/you/they)
__________(verb)? How did
(you/she/he/they) _____(verb)?
Come up with interview questions
that you would like to ask your
favorite band. Make sure to start
questions with When and How.
_____(noun) _____(verb)
____(adverb). Eddie played
How did the band perform on the
night of the festival? OR
Describe how your favorite band
moves, plays and dances when
you watch their videos.
Early intermediate:
Routine questions with
how, when
p.2- picks, played, belongs, moved p. 3- played,
showed, started p. 4- plays, makes p. 5-arrives,
gives, want, play, invite, jump, shout, practice,
hopes p.6- tells, smiles, won, shows, feels p.7asks, tells, learns, talk p.8- arrives, start,
practice, fix, helps p.9- practice, shouts, calms,
tells p. 11- leaves, want, find, practice, thinks,
stay p12- walks, wants, help, wait, p.13- smiles,
thinks p.14- meets, go, pays p.15- rings, opens
p.16-wonders, want, hugs, eat practice
What, how, park,
bicycles, children, travel,
horse, wheel, pedals,
p.4- quickly
_____(noun) ______(present tense
verb) ______.
_____(noun) ______(past tense
verb) _______.
Early intermediate:
Adverbs with -ly, very,
time words
SWBAT describe the physical Today, long ago, very,
attributes of a place and retell
actions and events in
chronological order while
using adverbs.
Early Intermediate:
Prepositions: location,
direction, time
SWBAT describe the physical around, in, by, out, inside, p.2- in p.3- in, p. 5- in p.6- in p. 13- in p.14- into _____-(noun) is _____(verb+ ing)
attributes of a place and retell outside, at, near,
p.18- in
________(prepositional phrase).
actions and events in
chronological order along with
Generate a list of verbs found in
the book. As a class use the
different verbs to write a summary
of the story.
Create a poster advertising a
concert for your favorite band.
Make sure to include location,
directions, time.
Systematic ELD
Function & Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function 6.13 Describe physical attributes of a place
6.21 retell actions and events
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 1
Unit: 5 week 1 Dutro
1.5.3 Bycycles
past tense positive and
negative statements:
was/wasn’t, were/weren’t,
SWBAT describe physical
accordion, bicycles, town, p.4....were...p.5 ...was...p.3 ...did not...
attributes of a place and retell travel, invented, pedals,
actions and events while using tricycle,
past tense positive and
negative statements.
Last time we/she/he/I
were/was_______, but they
weren’t/wasn/t. Yesterday
we/she/he/they/I didn’t_______,
but ____did.
Write about a family vacation you
went to what you did and didn’t.
where you were and weren’t.
Nouns uncountable
SWBAT describe physical
accordion, bicycles, town, p.12 Look at the picture. Are people having fun? I have a lot of_______. I want
attributes of a place and retell travel, invented, pedals, How much? That’s right-a lot of fun.
some______. Yesterday I had so
actions and events while using tricycle,
much ________.
uncountable nouns.
Write about the place you went on
vacation, what it had a lot of and
little of.
possessive nouns/pronouns SWBAT describe physical
his, her, my, yours, theirs p.10 Look at the pic. whose bicycle is it? Right- This is _____’s. It is his/hers/its.
attributes of a place and retell
the girl’s bicycle. It’s hers.
actions and events while using
possessive nouns and
p. 9 This bike…
demonstrative pronouns
SWBAT describe physical
those, these, this, that
attributes of a place and retell
actions and events while using
demonstrative pronouns.
prepositions and
propositions of time
SWBAT describe physical
before, after, beforehand, p.3 Long ago...Does it mean before or after?
attributes of a place and retell afterwards, earlier, later Right-it means before.
actions and events while using
prepositions and prepositions
of time.
Write about things in your house,
whom they belong to.
That bike____.
This bike
Compare and contrast two bikes
_____. These ____ are _____. you studied in the book using the
Even though, those ____ are ____, following frames.
the ____ are ____.
That ___ isn't ___, but ___ this ___
is ____.
Before ______, ___. After
________, ________.
Write what you do before school.
Then what your sibling does after
adjectives: quantities (a
SWBAT describe physical
few, many, a lot,
few, many, a lot), sensory, attributes of a place and retell
actions and events while using
p.5 ...two hundred years ago. Is that many or few There are a few of _______. There Write about your school
years? Right-it’s many years ago.
are many _______. This is a lot
playground, what does it have a
few of, a lot of and many of.
SWBAT describe physical
well, very, too, enough
well/very/too/enough and - attributes of a place and retell
actions and events while using
p.11 ...too.
I ______well. I _______very
_______. I can ______, too. It is
enough of ____.
Write about what you do well and
very well at the school playground
with your friends.
Systematic ELD
Function & Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function 7.10 Describe actions
7.20 Discuss prior experiences
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 1 Advanced
Unit:# 5 week 1 Dutro
1.5.3 Bicycles
precise verbs (especially
SWBAT describe actions and accordion, moved,
p.3 ...used...p.4...lifted...
discuss prior experiences by
traveled, inched, zoomed,
using precise verbs.
raised, changed, altered,
I _____ when I_______.
She_____when she _____.
He/they/ we/______when
Write about you day at school,
use descriptive verbs.
phrasal verbs: turn on,
take off, run down
SWBAT describe actions and turn on, take off, run
discuss prior experiences by
When I _____I take off. When I
______, I turn on _____. When I
run down the ___, I ________.
Write about your day on a hot
summer day. Use take off, turn on,
and run down.
past perfect:
SWBAT describe actions and machine, ridden, learned p.10. Look at the pic. What had she done? Right Today, I/she/he/they/we
discuss prior experiences by
lifted, used invented, sat, she had ridden her bike.
have/has________(past participle).
using past perfect verbs.
Last summer I/she/he/we/they
had_______ (past participle).
p.9 Look at the pic. What did the boy do when
he was ready to ride? Right-he took off.
Write about today’s day at school
what have you done and your
friends. Then write about
yesterday’s school day.
present perfect continues: SWBAT describe actions and ride, learn, lift, use,
has/have been +ing
discuss prior experiences by
invent, sit, make
using present perfect
continuous verbs.
p.12Look at the pic. What have they been doing? Today I/she/he/they/we have/has
Right-they have been riding their bikes.
been ________ing ______.
Write about what have you been
doing today in school.
derivational nouns
The ____ (verb+er) ____ (verb).
indefinite pronouns:
SWBAT describe actions and n/a
anyone, everyone, no one, discuss prior experiences by
using indefinite pronouns.
p.12 Look at the pic. Is everyone happy in this
Anyone can _______. Everyone
has _______. No one can
________. Someone
Write about students in your
classroom what they can do. Use
anyone, everyone, no one,
adv. -ly, -ish, to describe
frequency, make
generalizations, specific
SWBAT describe actions and adverbs with ly of time
discuss prior experiences by
using adverbs to describe
frequency and make
p.12 Today...
Today I _____ quickly. Yesterday I Write about what you do every
______ slowly. Everyday I ______ day after school and how you do
specialized adv. already,
yet, still, anymore
SWBAT describe actions and already, yet, still,
discuss prior experiences by
using specialized adverbs.
p.7 Look at the pic. Do we have bicycles that
look like this? No, not anymore.
I already _______. I still
Think about how you have grown.
________. I ________ anymore. I Write about things that you can do
now in school, use already, still,
anymore, yet.
SWBAT describe actions and
discuss prior experiences by
using by using derivational
ride to rider, teach to
teacher, invent to
inventor, heavy to
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 2
Beginning/Early Intermediate
Systematic ELD
Functions & Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function: 5.10 Describe actions
1.3.4 My sister and Me
Beginning: pronouns +
present tense common
SWBAT describe actions by using I can, I like, We are, She p.5 I like...
pronouns and present tense
is, I am, She likes, We
common verbs.
They like to...She likes to...We
like to...
Draw a pic. of your family and
label what each likes to do.
Beginning: nouns &
pronouns + present
SWBAT describe actions by using Sandbox, bars,
nouns, pronouns and present
computers, toys, phone,
progressive verbs.
crayons, dragons
She is...I am ...They are...We
Draw a pic. of your family
camping, label what each is
Beginning: auxiliary can
SWBAT describe actions by using I can, I like, We are, She p.6 My sister calls
I can...She can...We can...They
the auxiliary can.
is, I am, She likes, We
people...(Can she call? Yes, she can...Teacher can...
Beginning: routine
SWBAT describe actions by using Why, how, where, can,
questions with what, how, routine questions with what, how, can not, do, do not
can, do
can and do.
p.3 My sister... (what is the
sister doing?) She is swinging.
Draw your friends and label what
each can do.
p.2 How are my sister...?
How do you do? What can you do Draw a pic. of our president and
at the park(in school)?
write questions for him starting
with What, How, Can, Do
Early intermediate:
present tense concrete
SWBAT describe actions by using play, call, think, likes,
present tense concrete verbs.
makes, sit
p..6 My sister calls...
I ... She_____s. He _____s.
They____. It________s.We __.
Draw a pic. of your family over a
weekend label what each does.
Early intermediate:
present tense auxiliary
can, do
SWBAT describe actions by using sandbox, bars,
present tense auxiliary words.
computers, toys, phone,
crayons, dragons
p.9 My sister does not like...
She does...He does...They can...I Draw a pic. of a can and label
can...We can...
what it does and can do.
SWBAT describe actions by using quick, slow, quiet, loud,
Early Intermediate:
different, same
common adverbs with -ly/ common adverbs with -ly.
(slowly, quietly, quickly)
p.4 Look at the picture, does
she work on the computer
I play_______ly. He runs____ly. Draw things you do slowly,
We _____ _____ly.
quietly and quickly, then label
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 2
Systematic ELD
Function & Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function 6.12 Describe actions using verbs and adverbs
1.3.4 My sister and Me
Questions with what,
how, do, does
SWBAT describe actions using
verbs and adverbs in questions
with what, how, do, does.
how, who, what, do, does p.3 I do not like...
What does ______? How do
they______? Does she
Past progressive
SWBAT describe actions using
verbs and adverbs in past
progressive sentences.
was, were, coloring,
playing, typing, calling,
thinking, sitting
p.6 Let’s pretend this happened I was ____ing when _____. We
yesterday what happened.She were _____ing when _______.
was talking on the phone when
her sister held a different
What were you doing yesterday
when something your mom did
Demonstrative adjectives: SWBAT describe actions using
this, that, these, those
verbs and adverbs and
this, that, these, those
Draw zoo animals and label what
they are doing using that, this,
these, those.
Adverbs with -ly (slowly, SWBAT describe actions using
carefully), without -ly:
verbs and adverbs with -ly.
well, very, too, enough
slow, careful, very, well, p.8 Look at the girl, is she
too, enough
playing slowly? Is she holding
the shovel carefully? She plays
These ______are ___.
Those______are ___.
That_____is___ing. This ____is
Draw an apple pie and write
questions about how to make it.
I can run_____ly. She can run
Draw an animal, write what it
_____ly. I can________well. She does slowly, carefully, well, very
can _____too. We ___enough. I fast.
can ___ very ___.
Systematic ELD
Function & Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 2
Function 7.15 Compare and contrast
7.6 Contribute ideas and opinions to a discussion
1.3.4 My sister and Me
precise verbs
Students will be able to compare
and contrast ideas as well as
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while using precise
dragon, cell phone,
telephone, computer,
typing, peeking, dialing,
present perfect:
have/has+past participle
Students will be able to compare n/a
and contrast ideas as well as
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while using present
perfect sentences.
p.3 Look at the girl smiling.
p.7 The girl is dialing. p.6 The
girl is peeking. p13. That
My friend______s. My
Write what your teachers does
teachers________s. I _________. each day in school.
They ______.
p.10 Look at the girl’s picture. I have _____. She has _______.
She has done a great job. Let’s He has________. We
list things that we have done
Draw a pic. of you and your
friends and write what you have
done today in school.
conjunctions: not only, but Students will be able to compare whoever, whereas, as
also, although, whenever, and contrast ideas as well as
soon as, also, not only
as soon as, whereas
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while using
____ not only, but ___.
____also, although____. As soon
as ___, ____. Whever you
_____, __. ______, whereas,
Use the frames from class today
to describe two different
caracherters and their reacations
to ____.
superlatives, to describe
frequency and make
generalizations with too,
Students will be able to compare n/a
and contrast ideas as well as
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while using
comparatives, superlatives to
describe frequency and make
p.15 My sister likes to sit with
Mom, too.
I can _____ too. She can
_____too. He can ____, too.
Write about your brother/sister
what he/she can do and you too.
well vs good
Students will be able to compare n/a
and contrast ideas as well as
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while using well and
p2. Is she a good climber? Does I can___ well.
I am a
she climb well?
good_______. ___is ____er
than ___. ____is the ___est.
Write about your friend what
she/he does well and what is
he/she good at.
complex statements and
questions with would
/how about
Students will be able to compare n/a
and contrast ideas as well as
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion within complex
sentences and questions.
p2 How are we not the same?
How about if ____?
it be possible if ____?
Would you like to ___or ____?
Based on ___, I believe ___.
Pretend are negotiating with a
older sibling or parent about ___.
Brainstorm quesitons or options
in order to convince someone of
what you want.
p.7 Look at the girl, she has a
toy phone. Even if she doesn’t
have the real phone, she’s still
like her sister.
Even if I ______, I still _______. Using the following frames, write
Other the other hand ______.
about why ____ is so wonderful.
Even if _____, ______.
connecting ideas: despite Students will be able to compare despite the fact that, even
the fact that, even if, on
and contrast ideas as well as
if, on the other hand,
the other hand
contribute ideas and opinions to a
discussion while connecting ideas.
Systematic ELD Forms
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 3
Beginning/ Early Intermediate
Function 5.15 Discuss or Create a plan
1.4.4 Meet Mae Jemison
Beginning: Short simple
sentences with pronouns and
present tense verbs
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using short simple sentences
with pronouns and present tense
she, he, they, friends, floated,
ate, food, teacher, astronaut,
space, stars, spacesuit, space
p.2 She is an ...
She ____s. He _____s. I ______. Draw a pic. of your family members and
We _____. They______.
label she, he, we, I with verbs.
Early intermediate: Future SWBAT discuss or create a plan
tense statements and questions by using future tense statements
and questions with going/to/will.
with, going to, will
read, grew up, with, going to,
p.9 Look at the picture, what is the
What will_____? ___will____.
shuttle going to do? Right-fly into the What is/are ___ going to do?
Write about your plans for tonight, use will
and going to.
Early intermediate:
imperatives (ex. Make a list.
Go to the library
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using imperatives.
astronaut, space, stars,
spacesuit, space shuttle,
Let’s look at the pic. in the book and Put ___ on a ____. Pack _____ in Make a list of things you need to do before
make a list what astronauts have to
your ____.
going for a walk to a beach.
Early Intermediate:
questions with when
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using questions with When.
when, take off,
p.9 Look at the pic, when is the
shuttle going to take off?
first, before, then, after finally
Let’s look through the book and put First, she______. Before, ____.
List things you do before school each day
Mae’s life in order using First, Then, Then, she _____. After, she_____. in order.
Finally, she ______.
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
Early Intermediate:
prepositions of time, sequence by using prepositions of time and
sequence words.
Early intermediate:
Possessive pronouns,
When is/are she/he/they going
SWBAT discuss or create a plan his, her, their, shy, happy, funny, p. 5- shy, happy p. 6- funny, normal His/Her/_____(noun) is
by using possessive pronouns and normal, new, good, best,
p. 8- funny, new p. 9- true p.11- good _______(adjective).
natural, hard
p.13- hard p.17-best, natural
Write what you and you friend are going to
do to clean a classroom.
Look at pictures of Frankie throughout the
book. Use adjectives to describe what she
looks like. Her ____(noun) is
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 3
Systematic ELD Function & Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function: 6.24 Duration: Tell how long an event happened
1.4.4 Meet Mae Jemison
Verbs: present continues, past SWBAT tell how long an even
looking, knowing, meeting,
happened by using verbs, present wanting, growing, floating,
continuous, and past tense verbs. eating, coming, going (past
p.15 What is Mae doing now? Right- I/she/he/they/we are/am/is ____ing Write about what are learning in school
she is teaching. p.4 liked,wanted,p.5 ______. Yesterday,
today. Write what you learned yesterday.
I/she/he/they/we ______.
questions with how long/
SWBAT discuss or create a plan how long, do, does, did,
by using questions with how long astronaut, space, stars,
spacesuit, space shuttle,
p.9 Look at the pic. How long did it
take for the shuttle to blast off?
How long did_____?How long
Write about how long it takes you to clean
your room.
duration (for, all day, night,
afternoon, morning, week,
month, year
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using durations of time.
for, all day, night, afternoon,
morning, week, month, year
p.14 For how long do you think the
shuttle was in the space?
I _____for _____. I_____all
Write what you do all day over a weekend.
prepositions of time: until,
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using prepositions of time.
then, until, grew up,
p.11 Until when do you think Mae is I_____until______.I___from____ Write about your day, what you do and for
in the space?
how long.
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 3
Systematic ELD Function &
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function 7.19 Clarify whether something has or hasn’t happened
1.4.4 Meet Mae Jemison
Verbs present, present
continues; is trying
SWBAT clarify whether
is trying, still,
now, long
something has or hasn't happened time, anymore, safe, suit
by using present tense verbs and
present continues verbs.
p.8 take..p.15 Now she is! (what She is trying to ______. She is
Write what your family members like and
is she doing now? She is teaching.
still _____. Now, he is ___. It has don’t like to do at the beach.
been ____ing in ___ for a long
time. No, it's not ___ing, anymore.
It hasn't been __.
Present perfect have/has eaten SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using present perfect tense
already, everything,
p.15 Now, she is a teacher. (For how I/we/they have ____ already ____ Write about what you have learned about
long do you think she has taught?
that. He/she has ____ everything. in school so far.
Present perfect continuous; has SWBAT discuss or create a plan
been working
by using present perfect
continuous verbs.
dream, curious, set to, take off,
floating, eating,
p.2 She is an astronaut. (For how
long do you think she has been an
I/we/they have been____. She/he
has been ______.
Write about you and your siblings. What
have you been learning about in school.
Adverbs of indefinite time;
already, anymore, just, soon,
still, yet
already, anymore, just soon,
still, yet
p.3 (When Mae was little did she
already know about the stars?
When I was ____, I already
Write about when you were little and knew
already how to do something.
SWBAT discuss or create a plan
by using adverbs of indefinite
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 4 Beginning/Early Intermediate
Systematic ELD Function &
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function: 5.14 Compare and Contrast Actions
1.6.4 Deer Watching
Beginning: present tense verbs
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using present tense
hide, born, help, drink, eat, live, run,
deer, food, grass, forest
p2 Look...p.3 ...has...p.6
I/we/they _______. She/he _______s. Write about your friends what they do at
recess every day.
Beginning: present progress
with nouns and pronouns
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions using present progress
with nouns and pronouns.
hiding, helping, drinking, eating,
running, United States, Canada,
p.15 They...p.14 The fawns...(What
are they doing?)
It/she/he is ___ing. I/we/they am/are
Early intermediate: present
tense verbs more specific
SWBAT compare and contrast
lift, learn, take, swim, jump grow,
actions by using present tense
danger, buck, antlers
verbs with more specific actions.
Early intermediate: past tense SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using past tense
(common verbs)
common verbs
lifted, learned, took, swam, jumped,
grew, spring, safe, bigger
Early Intermediate past
SWBAT compare and contrast
was/were: lifting, learning, taking,
actions by using past progressive swimming, falling, growing, hiding,
helping, drinking, eating, running
Early Intermediate; routine
adverbs with -ly
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using routine adverbs
with -ly.
Write about when you and your friend in the
classroom what are you doing.
p.11 run, jump, learn. p.13 grow,p.14 Everyday I/we/they______. She/he
grow, p.15 find, try
Write about what your brother/sister does after
school every day.
p.6 (what did the deer do? They
Last nigh I/she/he/they/we
ate.p.10 What did the deer do? They ________ed.
Write what you did yesterday after school.
p.11 What we the deer doing at the
river? They were running.
Yesterday at four I/she/he/we/they
Write what you were doing at five and six last
I/we/they/ _______ _____ly. She/he
_______s ________ly.
Write about what things in school you do
happily, loudly, softly, clearly, quickly, (Were they playing
slowly, sadly,
Systematic ELD Function &
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function 6.17 Compare and contrast actions
6.7 Contribute ideas and opinions to a discussions
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 4 Intermediate
1.6.4 Deer Watching
past tense positive and negative, SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using past tense,
because/but/so/however/while positive and negative verbs and
because, but, so, however, while, fawn,
doe, United States, Canada,
p.8 They live...(but they don’t
live____because______), p.11 Did
they run fast? They ran fast, but they
didn’t ______.
Last night I ____ed, but then I didn’t
______because ___. (wanted/didn’t
want, went/didn’t go, could
see/couldn’t see.
Write about what you did after school
yesterday , but your sibling didn’t do the same
and why.
present perfect tense
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using present perfect
leap, swim, run, lift, fall, grow,
p.10 (Has this deer learned how to
run fast?)
I/we/they have_______ed. She/he
Write about what you have learned in school
and compare with your friend what she/he has
prepositions of time
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using prepositions of
Spring, winter, autumn, fall, summer
p.13 In the the
In the winter I/we/they/_____. In the
spring she/he _____s.
Write one sentence about what you do in
different seasons.
adverbs -lee
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using adverbs -ly.
happily, gladly, hurriedly, loudly, softly,
busily, clearly, quickly, slowly, sadly,
lazily, suddenly (Is mother deer taking care She/he ___s _____ly. I/we/they______ Write what you do
of the baby safely?)
slowly/safely/quickly/gracefully at home.
statements and questions with
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using statements and
questions with
Can, do, don't, does, could,
p.11 ...can...
statements with I
SWBAT compare and contrast
actions by using I statements.
fawn, doe, United States, Canada, think, p.15 (Look at the picture, what do
I think_______. In my opinion______. Write what you think about our school
you think about these fawns, what is
playground and what is your opinion.
your opinion?)
Can she/he/they/we/I ________?
Don’t we/they/I __________?
Doesn’t/does she/he _______? Could
we/they/she/he/I _____ like a ___?
Pretend you have a new student, write
questions you would like to ask him/her.
Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 4 Advanced
Systematic ELD Function &
Objective Assessment
Book Title & T.C. examples
Sentence Frames
Writing Prompts
Function: 7.22 Link Experiences and Routine activities Over Time
1.6.4 Deer Watching
Future perfect will have______ SWBAT link experiences and
routine activities over time by
using the future perfect tense.
United States, Canada, grown, fallen,
born, hidden, kept, learned
p.13 By spring...(what will have
happened?) By spring the deer will
have grown new antlers.
By ____, I/we/they/she/he will
have_____ ______.
Write about what will you have finished today
by the end of the day.
use used to, would, going to,
will, will probably
SWBAT link experiences and
routine activities over time by
using the words use/used to/
would/ going to/will/will
used to, would, going to, will probably,
p.3 ...will...
I used to_____. I would _____. I am
going to______. I will _____.I will
Write about what you used to like and what
you will probably like years from now.
present tense switch
SWBAT link experiences and
routine activities over time by
using present tense switch.
In order to ___, they get/have to go
What do you get to do after school today?