Genetic influences on blood pressure with the cold

Original article
Genetic influences on blood pressure with the cold-pressor test:
a twin study
Andreas Busjahn, Hans-Dieter Faulhaber, Richard J. Viken*, Richard J. Rose*
and Friedrich C. Luft
Objectives To determine the genetic and environmental
contributions to resting blood pressure, the level of blood
pressure during the cold-pressor test and the increase in
blood pressure with the cold-pressor test in an adult cohort
of normotensive twins.
Design and methods Ninety-one monozygotic and 41 dizygotic normal twin pairs were recruited by advertisement.
The mean age was 34 ± 14 years (mean ± SD). Systolic
blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and
heart rate were measured continuously at the finger (using
a Finapres device) and verified at the upper arm oscillometrically (using a Dinamap device) every minute. The
cold-pressor test was conducted by immersing the nondominant hand into cold « 4°C) water for 2 min. Statistical
analysis was performed by using the SPSS program; parameters of the quantitative genetic models were estimated
by path-analysis techniques using the L1SREL 8 program.
Results Heritability estimates of additive genetic effects
were statistically significant for SBP and DBP but not for
heart rate during rest and during the cold-pressor test.
Furthermore, the path analysis indicated shared as well as
specific genetic components both for the blood pressure
level at rest and for that during the cold-pressor test.
However, the genetic influences on the blood pressure level
at rest and on the increase in blood pressure during the
\\'eitz was the first to recognize the heritable nature of
blood pressure [I] and was also the first to study hypertension in twins [2]. Since then, the highly efficient
min model has been used widely to study the heritability
of blood pressure. Genetic variability of blood pressure is
im'ariably found in twin studies [3]. Differ~nces in the
heritability estimates may be attributed to population
differences. differences in protocols, various numbers of
subjects and study design. In addition to the basal level
'Jf blood pressure, blood pressure responses to exogenous
physical stress are also influenced by genetic variability
H]. The heritability estimates of these responses are variable also, perhaps because the populations differ or the
tests employed are insufficiently standardized. Because
stress and autonomic hyperactivity have been associated
\\-ith the development of hypertension later in life [5,6],
we studied basal blood pressure and heart rate under
resting conditions, as well as under physical stress, in 132
pairs of monozygotic and dizygotic twins. We employed
cold-pressor test (the blood pressure level during the coldpressor test minus that during rest) were entirely independent of one another.
Conclusions A significant genetic covariation exists for
SBP and DBP during rest and during the cold-pressor test,
as well as a significant genetiC variation that is specific to
the cold-pressor stress condition. These findings suggest
that different genes or sets of genes contribute to blood
pressure regulation during rest and to blood pressure
reactivity to cold-pressor stress.
Journal of Hypertension 1996, 14: 1195-1199
Keywords: blood pressure, blood pressure genetics, psychological,
stress, twin genetics
From the Franz Volhard Clinic and Max DelbrOck Centre for Molecular
Medicine. Virchow Klinikum. Humboldt University of Berlin. Germany. and
the 'Department of Psychology. Indiana UniverSity. Bloomington. Indiana.
Sponsorship: This study was supported by a grant-in·aid to Andreas
Busjahn from the Leopoldina Stiftung and by a grant·in·aid to Friedrich C.
Luft from the Bundesministerium fOr Bildung und Forschung.
Request for reprints to Dr Andreas Busjahn. Franz Volhard Clinic. Wiltberg
StraBe 50. 13122 Berlin. Germany.
Received 8 January 1996 Revised 26 July 1996
Accepted 26 July 1996
© Rapid Science Publishers ISSN 0263-6352
the cold-pressor test, since that test has been standardized
well [7,8]. The cold-pressor test has been employed previollsly to test for genetic influences on blood pressure
responses in twin studies; howe\'er, in these studies the
effect of a shared environment was not estimated [9]. We
were interested not only in determining the presence of
genetic variability but also in examining the effect of a
shared environment. \Ve tested the hypothesis that the
genetic factors influencing resting blood pressure also
affect the absolute values observed during cold-pressor
stress. Furthermore. we hypothesized that additional genetic factors, independent of those influencing the basal
blood pressure level, affect the increase in blood pressure
associated with cold-pressor stress.
Subjects and protocol
We recruited 132 pairs of twins (91 monozygotic and 41
dizygotic pairs) by print media advertisement to participate
in studies involving blood pressure and blood pressure
• 1196
Journal of Hypertension 1996, Vol 14 No 10
reactivitv (0 physical and mental suess. The subjects were
all German Caucasians. They were recruited from various
parts of Germany. In the present study we relied on the
cold-pressor tests [7,8]. The protocol was approved by the
Humboldt Cniversity's committee on the protection of
human subjects and their written informed consent (0
participate was obtained from all of the subjects. Blood
was obtained for the determination of zygosity. The zygosity was verified with the use of five polymerase chain
reaction-amplified microsatellite markers and has been
described in detail elsewhere (Becker A, ef aI., unpublished
data, 1995).
Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in the nondominant arm by an automated oscillometric method (Oinamap; Tampa, Florida, USA) every minute, as well as
continuously at the finger by the Finapres (Ohmeda.
Louisville, Colorado, USA) blood pressure monitor. The
latter de\'ice relies on the Penaz principle, according to
which the blood pressure is determined in the middle
finger of the right hand. Although the absolute values of
this method may be influenced by various factors, intraindividual comparisons within one session are highly reliable [10]. The \'ariability of blood pressure requires
multiple measurements. Thus, ali blood pressure data are
based on the averaged continuous Finapres blood pressure
\'alues during 2 min. The dependent traits studied were
the blood pressure level at rest, the blood pressure level
during a cold-pressor test and the blood pressure increase
during the cold-pressor test. The latter is the difference
between the first two variables.
We relied on the cold-pressor test being an exogenous
physical stressor in our studies. This test exhibits considerable standardization and reliability [11] and does not
require the subject's cooperation as does the hand-gripping
test. The sympathetic activation of the cold-pressor test
in terms of increases in plasma noradrenaline values has
been established [12]. The cold-pressor test has been used
in earlier twin studies [ 13]. For the cold -pressor test. the
subjects rested semirecumbent in a dental chair. The
studies were conducted in a quiet, sound-proof room at
20°C. The subjects immersed their left hand into cold
«4°C) water for 2 min after a 5 min rest period. For the
resting blood pressure, we chose to use the averaged blood
pressure values obtained continuously for 2 min 3 min
after the cold-pressor test to avoid any possible pretest
anxiety. The number of blood pressure values averaged
ranged from 120 to 200 separate measurements.
Analytical methods
Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS program
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). To test for differences
in the mean level of the cardiovascular measures, Student's
t-tests for independent groups were used. Parameters of
Fig. 1.
GG.~. 80. \0
G(. \~/
I Bloodpressure
Cold Pressor
Bivariate path analysiS model. Aa is a set of genes influencing both the basal
and the stress level of blood pressure. Ab is a set of genes soecific for blood
pressure level during the cold-pressor test. C and E are environmental
influences within and between families.
the quantitative genetic models were estimated by pathanalysis techniques using the LISREL 8 program developed by Jreskog and Srbom [14]. Analogously to a
regression analysis, the \'ariability of any gi\'en phenotype
(P) within a population can be decomposed into genetic
influences (A), environmental infl uences sh:lred bv the
twins within a family (C) and random em'ironment (E);
= aA + cC + eE
with a, c and e the estimated relative influences. For
monozygotes and dizygotes the conriances of their phenotypes are gi \'e bv
respectively. Path analysis in twin studies can estimate
additive and non-additive (dominance) components of
genetic variability (estimated as h' and d 2) as well as (\\'0
environmental influences, shared (c') and unshared (e 2)
environmental influences [15]. These values estimate
the relative amount of the variable's influence on interindividual differences up to a sum of unity. Genetic as
well as environmental effects were estimated by the best
fitting model selected by the x'-value. The LISREL 8
Output also gives estimates of the quality of fit index. the
adjusted quality of fit index and the Akaike information
criterion. These estimates concurred with the results of
the X'-analysis, so that we have elected not to present
these estimates.
The hypothesis that different genes influence blood pressure during the resting state and during cold-pressor stress
can be examined by using a bivariate path analysis [15].
The basic structure of the model, which assumes only
additive genetic effects, is displayed in Figure 1. The path
model includes two sets of genes, one influencing both
resting and stress values (AJ, the second set of genes
influencing only the stress values (A h ), two sets of shared
environmental factors (C, and C h ), and two sets of unshared
environmental factors (E, and E b). In addition to comparing
the absolute levels of blood pressure at rest and during
the cold-pressor test, the bivariate model was applied to
Genetics of blood pressure at rest and during cold stress Busjahn et al.
Table 1
Demographic data on monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Age (years)
Sex (male/female)
Height (em)
Weight (kg)
Body mass index (kg/m')
SBP during rest (mmHg)
OBP during rest (mmHg)
Heart rate during rest (beats/min)
SBP during cold·pressor test
SBP during cold·pressor test
Heart rate during cold· pressor test
34± 14
168 ± 9
66 ± 11
23 ± 4
128.7 ± 19
76.6 ± 12
84.2 ± 13
76.7 ± 12
34 ± 12
170 ± 8
68 ± 13
23 ± 4
75.6 ± 11
136.3 ± 19
81.8± 12
76.8 ± 11
Values are expressed as means ± SO. No differences were statistically
significant. OSP, diastolic blood presusre; SSP, systolic blood pressure.
the resting level of blood pressure and to the blood pressure
responses (~BP) to stress. Since the blood pressure at rest
was not correlated to that during the cold-pressor stress
in our subjects, we used the absolute differences (blood
pressure during the cold-pressor test - blood pressure during rest) as a ~BP value. rather than residualized change
scores. This type of model tests the hypothesis that blood
pressure during rest and ~BP value during the cold-pressor
stress share genetic \·ariability.
\Ye realize that t\\·in studies ha\'e inherent limitations.
Our model makes se\'eral simplified assumptions. The
interactions bem'een genetic and environmental factors
cannot be tested with our methodology. Heritability estimates obtained from twin studies are generally greater
than those found in family studies. The [\vin model assumes that the environmental effects in monozygotic and
dizygotic twins are similar. This assumption is difficult to
\'erify in individual instances and may not be invariably
correct. Furthermore, heritability may ~onceivably chang~
with age, although considerable stability in the heritabilitv
of blood pressure with age has been shown [9]. Since th~
age range in our study was relatively limited, we were not
able to test any alterations in heritability influenced by
age. However, environmental differences between the
generations can result in lower heritability estimates in
family studies.
Demographic details of the twin subjects are given in
Table 1. We studied 132 pairs of twins, 91 monozygotic
and 41 dizygotic pairs. The monozygotic and dizygotic
twins did not differ significantly with respect to geographical origin within Germany, age, gender distribution,
height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure or heart
rate during rest and during the cold-pressor test.
The effect of genetic variability determined by a con\'entional twin analysis is shown in Table 2. P-val ues
for the significance of genetic effects were obtained bv
comparing x1-results between the model reported and th~
nested model without genetic influence. We were not able
to identify any dominance effects. Thus, we present only
the estimates for additive genetic effects. We were able
to detect the effect of significant genetic \'ariability on all
the variables shown with the exception of heart rate. Th us,
both resting systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic
blood pressure (DBP) during the cold-pressor test were
influenced by genetic variability. A shared environment
within the families had no significant influence on family
resemblance in blood pressure, but it did on that in heart
To test our hypothesis of common and specific genet{c
factors, the bivariate path analysis was used. Just like in
the univariate case, no infl uence of a shared environment
was needed in order to fit the data. The results in Figure
2 indicate that, besides genetic factors regulating basal
blood pressure levels, specific genes are im'oh'ed in blood
pressure regulation during a cold-pressor test. For the
blood pressure increase, again a significant genetic influence could be shown (Table 3), which was independent
from genetic components of resting blood pressure. \Ye
present the xC-values for the most parsimonious model
reported and for the competing model \vithout a specific
genetic effect on the blood pressure increase.
The important findings in this study were that both resting
blood pressure and cold pressor-evoked changes in blood
pressure were influenced by genetic variability. Furthermore, we found support for the notion that the genetic
influences on resting blood pressure and on the blood
pressure increase associated with the cold-pressor test
are not the same. This finding implies that the genes
influencing resting blood pressure and those influencing
the response to this physical stressor are different. This
notion makes sense physiologically and has considerable
implications for studies of molecular genetics. Different
sets of candidate genes would come under consideration
for study in terms of resting and stress-induced blood
pressure. The analysis of covariance matrices for the two
situations (resting blood pressure and blood pressure during a cold-pressor test) for the dizygotic twins militates
against the possibility that our findings can be explained
in terms of a change in penetrance of single genes. but
rather implies that new sets of genes are recruited. Different penetrance functions under different conditions
(resting blood pressure and blood pressure during a coldpressor test) would be expected to result in altered heritability estimates. The values we obsef\'ed during rest
and under the influence of the cold pressor did not differ
We selected the cold-pressor test as a stress response
manoeuvre, because the test is simple and standard [7,8].
Carmelli et 0/. [9] studied 47 monozygotic and 54 dizygotic
older male twins aged 59-69 years. The heritability estimates for resting SI3P and DI3P were 0.96 and 'l.00,
Journal of Hypertension 1996, Vol 14 No 10
Table 2
Genetic variability in resting blood pressure and blood pressure during cold-pressor
SBP during rest
DBP during rest
Heart rate during rest
SBP during cold·pressor test
DBP during cold-pressor test
Heart rate during cold· pressor test
Environmental X' (degrees
of freedom
Significance of
genetic effect
DBP, diastolic blood pressure: SBP, systolic blood pressure: rMz and roz, for monozygotes and dizygotes, respectively.
Common and specific genetic variability in resting blood pressure and blood pressure
increases during cold-pressor stress
Table 3
SBP during rest
LlSBP during cold·pressor test
DBP during rest
LlDBP during cold·pressor test
"/.' (degrees
of unshared of unshared of freedom)
environment environment for selected
X' (degrees
of freedom)
no specific
18.50 (15)
48.09 (15)
21.03 (15)
47.31 (15)
DBP, diastolic blood pressure: SBP, systolic blood pressure: Ll, change.
respectively. With the cold-pressor test, these values remained significant at 0.70 and 0.38. Interestingly, when
they examined the .1BP with the cold pressor, neither the
systolic nor the diastolic values were influenced signific::mrly by genetic variability. These investigators restricted their analysis to analysis of variance methods and
did not estimate the effects of a common environment.
Ditto [I6] examined a younger, mixed-sex sample of 100
twins aged 12--+1- years. Their heritability estimates were
0.63 and 0.58 during rest. During the cold-pressor test,
the SBP value was 0.38, whereas the DBP value differed
between males (0.81) and females (0.22). The investigators
also employed path-analysis techniques. Although they
identified specific genetic factors for blood pressure values
during rest and following cold-pressor stress, they were
not able to prove any common genetic factors for basal
blood pressure levels and cold-pressor stress.
Glass ef al. [17] applied a different approach. They studied
Fig. 2.
sys SP resays BP C~ia BP restdia 8P CP
Ocommon genetic effects rest and CP (Aa)
tDspecific genetic effects CP (Ab)
.common environmental effects rest and CP (Ea)
'CJspecific environmental effects CP (Eb)
Effect of genetic variance on systolic blood pressure (sys BP) and diastolic
blood pressure (dia BPl during rest and during the cold·pressor test (CPl.
fathers and sons, which allowed them to examine genetic
and environmental factors shared in each family simultaneously. They \\'ere not able to identit\" :my correlations
for the level of reactivity. LO\'allo e! al. [18] performed
studies in normorensive and genetically hypertensive rats
and were able to show that resting blood pressures and
blood pressure values in response to physical stress could
be bred in a divergent fashion. They concluded that
different genes or different sets of genes were im'olved.
which would be commensurate with the present findings.
The cold-pressor test is associated with higher le\'els
of plasma noradrenaline and greater ele\'ations in blood
pressure than are tests of mental stress such as arithmetical
problems [12]. Although some affective response is elicited
by the cold-pressor test, it is primarily a physical stressor
that involves the participant passively. In earlier twin
studies. we were able to show that a variety of different
regulatory systems controlling blood pressure are all influenced by genetic variability. These include electrolyte
excretion, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system [19],
the renal glomerular filtration rate [20] and plasma catecholamines [21]. Thus, the resting blood pressure is
conceivably more influenced by long-term regulatory systems such as the renal pressure-natriuresis relationship,
whereas the blood pressure response to the cold-pressor
test involves acute sympathetic activation. These regulatory systems are controlled by different genes or sets
of genes. Carmelli ef al. [9] speculated earlier that the
genes regulating the responses to mental arithmetic and
those influencing the cold-pressor response are likely to
be different.
We were surprised to find no shared environmental effect
Genetics of blood pressure at rest and during cold stress Busjahn et al.
on blood pressure under any conditions in our srudy.
Interestinglv, Ditro [16] also found shared environmental
effects in their twin srudy only under the condition of
psychological suess. Under resting conditions and during
the cold-pressor test, no shared environmental effects
were identified in their study. We suggest that a shared
environment may be more impormnt to psychologically
influenced responses than it is to physically mediated
\Ye belie\'e that our data lend support to our hypothesis
regarding the genetic influences on blood pressure regulation at rest and under physical stress. We showed
that genetic influences on cardiovascular regulation during
cold-pressor stress can be quantified. Although the intraclass correlations we found were similar to those reported for older twins [91, the similarity in dizygotic twins
\\'as greater than had earlier been reported. The heritability
estimates are not directly comparable. since a different
method of calculation was used. The heritability of 1.0
reported by Carmelli et o/. [9] would require exact concordance in monozygotic twins and precisely one-half
concordance in dizygotic twins to appear as such in the
path analysis. We were abk to show specific genetic
influences for our task analysis. which is similar to the
results of Ditto [16]. However. we not only found specific
,genetic factors for the cold-pressor responses but also were
able to quantify the contributions of genetic influences
during rest and during stress. \Yhen sufficient numbers of
monozygotic and dizygotic twins are a\·ailable. we will
be in a position to analyse gender-related differences.
:'loreoyer. we \\'ill be able to test polymorphisms in candidate genes using the twin model by relying specifically
on the and discordant responses of dizygotic
twins and by testing for concordance or discordance at
candidate gene loci [22]. The twin model was one of
the first techniques used to investigate the genetics of
hypertension. \Ye suggest that the twin model will render
further important contributions.
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