Revised: October 8, 2013
Why charge a fee?
From 1988 to 2011, the State reimbursed public libraries for lending materials to residents of
other library jurisdictions – a nearly seamless service where any California resident could get a
card at any public library in the state. The Santa Clara County Library District’s (SCCLD) share
of the reimbursement for this service shrunk from $2.1 million in fiscal year 2004 to zero in the
fiscal year 2012 State Budget, even though SCCLD loaned over 5 million items to non-District
residents in fiscal year 2011. Rather than risking service reductions to our tax-paying residents,
the Library’s governing board approved a fee for service to non-residents of the Library District.
Who is eligible to receive a free Santa Clara County Library District card?
To be eligible for a free Santa Clara County Library District card, you must reside or own
property in the unincorporated area of Santa Clara County or in one of the following nine
cities: Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan
Hill or Saratoga.
The Santa Clara County Library District has an extensive collection of books and other materials
at eight locations throughout the District and via the Bookmobile. Everyone is welcome to visit
and use materials in the library, regardless of residency.
Will students who attend public schools in the Santa Clara County Library District be able
to receive a free card?
Yes. In order to support education of all children in our communities, pre-school through 12th
grade school age students who are eligible to attend public schools that are located in the Library
District or attend school districts whose boundaries overlap with the Santa Clara County Library
District city boundaries will be eligible for a free Student Card. The Student Card will allow
check-out of 5 items at one time, use of full-service computers inside the Library (including
Internet and Microsoft Office), and remote access to e-resources such as research databases and
online tutors. The Student Card offers the same privileges as resident library cards with the
exception that check-outs are limited to 5 items and 2 holds at one time. Qualified applicants
must provide proof of residential address or student ID or proof of student status with school
affiliation and a mailing address for the one-year card. See list of eligible public schools. Using
the student’s residence address, the Santa Clara County tax assessor’s website will be used to
determine public school eligibility.
Are students of charter schools eligible for a free student card?
Charter school students are eligible for the student card if either the charter school address is
located in the Santa Clara County Library District boundaries or if the charter school is
sponsored by a school district whose boundaries overlap with the library district’s city
boundaries (see list). Student ID or proof of student status with school affiliation and proof of
applicant’s mailing address will be required. In addition, students who qualify to attend an
eligible public school (see list) are eligible for a student card. Using the student’s residence
address, the Santa Clara County tax assessor’s website will be used to determine public school
Are homeschooled students eligible for a free student card?
Non-district resident students that are homeschooled may receive a student card if they reside in
a public school district whose boundaries overlap with the library’s district’s city boundaries (see
list) or if they attend a group school that is located in the library district. Student ID or proof of
student status with the school affiliation and proof of applicant’s mailing address will be
Are students of private schools eligible for a free student card?
Private school students are eligible if the school that the student attends is physically located in
the Santa Clara Library District. Student ID or proof student status with the school affiliation and
proof of applicant’s mailing address will be required. In addition, students who qualify to attend
an eligible public school (see list) are eligible for a student card. Using the student’s residence
address, the Santa Clara County tax assessor’s website will be used to determine public school
I teach in a school that is in the Library District but I do not live in the District. Am I
eligible for a card?
Teachers are not eligible for a free, full-use card. However, teachers and school librarians or
administrators who work at eligible public or eligible private schools in the Santa Clara County
Library District may apply for a Database Use Only card for the purpose of demonstrating
Library databases to students. See our website for more information.
Santa Clara County Library District places a high value on supporting the educational needs of
our community as evidenced by the addition of a free student card for students whose school
district borders overlap with city boundaries of the Library District. The Santa Clara County
Library District Board carefully considered exempting teachers, college students, seniors, and
employees of member cities and the county, and determined that these additional exemptions
would negate the reason for the non-district fee. Only residents of the Library District pay
property taxes to support the Santa Clara County Library District. Teachers may apply for a
Database Use Only card and also continue to work with our librarians to coordinate class visits
and identify resources for homework assignments. Some school districts and parent
organizations may wish to pay for full-use library cards for teachers.
What does a Non-District Resident Library Card cost?
Effective July 1, 2011, library cards are available to non-residents of the Library District for a
non-refundable, annual fee of $80, valid for one year from the date of purchase. An individual
card allows for borrowing up to 100 items at a time and accessing computer services and online
resources remotely. Family members may choose to share a card.
The non-district resident fee charged by the Library District is comparable to the average of nonresident fees charged by libraries nationwide and to what it costs residents of the Santa Clara
County Library District.
How do I determine whether I live in the Santa Clara County Library District?
The Assessor's Office allows residents to view basic information about properties in Santa Clara
County free of charge on their website at https://www.sccassessor.org/index.php/onlineservices/property-search/real-property. The website includes information about Tax Rate Areas
for each property. If the Tax Rate Area listing for a property listing includes “Area No. 01
(Library Services),” that property is part of the Santa Clara County Library District. Your postal
mailing address is not a reliable indicator of your residence in the Tax Rate Area. If you have
additional questions about your property or the Assessor’s website, please call the Assessor’s
Office at 408-299-5500.
I own property in the Library District, but do not reside in the Library District. How can I
get my free library card?
If you own property in the Library District, you and members of your household who reside with
you are eligible for free library cards. If the property is in your name, please bring the most
recent property tax bill, photo ID, and proof of your residence or mailing address. Family
members or others who reside with you must apply in person with you and also show proof of
their residence and mailing address.
If you own property in the Library District, but the property tax bill does not identify you as the
owner, then you will need to apply for a library card at the Library District Administrative Office
by appointment. Please call Derek Wolfgram, Deputy County Librarian, at (408) 293-2326,
Are employees of businesses in the Library District eligible for a free card?
No. Residents or property owners in the legally defined Santa Clara County Library District
Services Area No. 01 are eligible for a free card because their property taxes already support the
Library District.
If I don’t live in the Santa Clara County Library District, where can I get free library
Every city in Santa Clara County offers library services to their residents. Check out the
following libraries:
Los Gatos Public Library www.library.town.los-gatos.ca.us
Mountain View Public Libraryhttp://www.mountainview.gov/city_hall/library/default.asp
Palo Alto Public Library www.cityofpaloalto.org/library
San Jose Public Library www.sjpl.org
Santa Clara City Library www.library.santaclaraca.gov
Sunnyvale Public Library www.sunnyvalelibrary.org
What determines if a library is part of the Santa Clara County Library District?
It is a city decision. At some point in its history, each city government decided whether it would
operate an independent city library or join the Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers
Authority. Each resident of Santa Clara County has free access to their city’s library. Local cities
that operate independent libraries include:
Los Gatos
Mountain View
Palo Alto
San Jose
Santa Clara
It’s worth it
By paying the annual fee, people living outside the Santa Clara County Library District can
enjoy the same borrowing privileges as District residents. For $80, you can have access to over
1.8 million books, videos, CDs, DVDs and audio-books; online resources valued at over
$500,000 annually; downloadable audio-books, eBooks and music; and wireless, PC, online
access to the Internet in the library and online homework assistance.
How and when will the $80 fee be charged?
If you currently have a library card and do not reside in the Santa Clara County Library District,
the card will be disabled on July 1, 2011. You will not automatically be billed for the $80.00
non-district resident library card. You may choose to reinstate your card, pay the $80.00 fee, and
your card will become active for one year from the date of purchase. This transaction can be
made in person at any library of the Santa Clara County Library District or by contacting the
Central Circulation Office at (800) 286-1991, Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm and then paying online
with a credit/debit card. The card allows the same privileges as residents of the Santa Clara
County Library District enjoy.
How do I pay the $80.00?
You may pay the $80.00 fee on by check, cash, or credit/debit card.
Can I share my card?
Yes, you may choose to allow other family members or other individuals to use your library
card. However, as the card owner you are still the responsible party for the library card account,
including fines, and you retain the privacy rights associated with your library card account.
What libraries can I use with the card?
A Santa Clara County Library District card gives the card owner access throughout the District:
Campbell Library
Cupertino Library
Gilroy Library
Los Altos Library
Milpitas Library
Morgan Hill Library
Saratoga Library
Woodland Branch of Los Altos Library
Bookmobile Services
What will happen to unfilled holds on a card that becomes disabled?
When a card becomes disabled, any unfilled holds on the card will remain intact in the same
position on the holds list. Holds will fill as usual and hold notices will be sent. Before holds can
be picked up and checked out, the $80 fee would need to be paid in order to reactivate the
card. Once the fee is paid, the card will be active for one year from the date of purchase.
If you choose not to pay the $80 fee to reactivate your card, another person or family member
may check out your hold on their card. In order to locate the hold on the shelf, the person picking
up the hold will have to know the first initial of your last name and last four digits of your card
number. The person checking out the hold would need to check out the item at the accounts desk
and provide your full name to prove that they have permission to check out your hold item.
If I do not renew my card and pay the $80 fee, when do I need to return items that I
currently have checked out?
You may keep items that you have already checked out through the current loan period. The
original due date you received when the items were checked out remains in effect. If you have
questions about items currently checked out, please call your local library or the Central
Circulation Office at (800) 286-1991, Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. If an item currently
checked out is eligible to be renewed, staff will also be able to renew the item for you.
Can the $80.00 fee be paid in installments?
No, the fee must be paid in full.
Will I be able to use the library computers without buying a card?
Full service computers, with Internet and Microsoft Office, will require an active library card
beginning July 1, 2011. Computer guest passes are also available for purchase for $4 for up to 2
hours of computer use. Printing from all library computers also requires an active library card or
a computer guest pass purchased for the day.
Everyone will still be able to use the Catalog and E-resources computers in the library without a
card or computer guest pass. This includes access to subscription databases. You may save
documents by sending to your email or to a USB device, but you will not be able to print without
an active library card or a computer guest pass.
Will you still issue guest passes for the full service computers for Internet access?
Computer guest passes are available for purchase for $4 for up to 2 hours of computer use. An
active library card or computer guest pass will be required to use the full service computers in
the library.
Do I need a library card to access the wireless network inside the library?
The Library offers free wireless access. Printing from wireless requires a library card or a
computer guest pass purchased for the day.
What will happen to limited cards?
All limited cards will be disabled on July 1, 2011, and limited cards will no longer be
issued. Previously, limited cards, allowing the checkout of two items and computer use, had been
provided to individuals who did not have proof of ID or address or did not provide their date of
If you have a limited card and are a resident of the Santa Clara County Library District, you may
renew your account without charge. If you have a limited card and are not a resident of the
Library District, you may choose to renew your account for $80.00. To convert your limited card
to an active library card, please visit any of our libraries and bring proof of identification and
proof of address. You will also be asked to provide your date of birth.
Why is the Library requiring that I provide my date of birth?
You are asked to provide your birth date in order to obtain a library card. Most people use library
materials responsibly. However, the Library District loses thousands of dollars worth of
materials annually when items are not returned or are damaged. Law enforcement officials have
advised us to require a unique personal identifier as part of the library account and we selected
birth date.
Who can I contact with questions?
Santa Clara County Library District Administration
(408) 293-2326