www.jntufastupdates.com ACADEMIC REGULATIONS COURSE STRUCTURE AND DETAILED SYLLABUS ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS TU K ENGINEERING FOR B.TECH. FOUR YEAR DEGREE COURSE JN (Applicable for batches admitted from 2010-2011) JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA KAKINADA - 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India 1 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY: KAKINADA KAKINADA - 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING COURSE STRUCTURE III YEAR Subject T TU K S. No. II SEMISTER P Credits Electrical Machine Design Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Utilization of Electrical Energy 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 Power System Analysis Power Semiconductor Drives Management Science Power Electronics Lab Electrical Measurements Lab IPR & Patents-II Total 4 4 4 2 3 3 - 4 4 4 2 2 28 JN 1 2 3 2 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. ELECTRICAL MACHINE DESIGN Objective: Principle of operation of various electrical machines is covered in detail in the previous courses of electrical machines. The objective of this course is to make student understand and appreciate the design aspects of various electrical machines (transformer, dc machine, induction motor and synchronous machine) used in the power system. TU K UNIT –I: Introduction to Electrical Machine Design Design concepts, factors, Material Selection, Manufacturing techniques. Principles, Heating & Cooling Techniques. Review of basic UNIT –II: Armature Windings (DC & AC) Single layer winding, two layer winding, lap and wave windings, concept of pole pitch, emf generation -full pitch coil, fractional pitch coil and concentrated winding. JN UNIT –III: DC Machines Constructional details – Output equation - Choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings – Separation of D and L for rotating machines. Estimation of number of conductors / turns- Coils – armature Slots – Conductor dimension – Slot dimension. Choice of number of poles – Length of air gap – Design of field system, Interpoles, Commutator and Brushes. UNIT –IV: Transformers –I Construction – Comparison of Core and Shell type, Single and Three phase transformer comparison. Core and Yoke Design – cross section, construction, cooling of transformers, Number of tubes. UNIT –V: Transformers – II Transformer windings, Coil design, Output equation, determination of number of turns and length of mean turn of winding, Resistance, Leakage reactance, no load current calculation, losses and efficiency. UNIT –VI: Induction Motors – I 3 www.jntufastupdates.com Principles of operation, choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings, Stator Design (Frames), output equation, choice of conductor rating, stator winding, stator slots. UNIT –VII: Induction Motors – II Squirrel cage rotor design - air gap length, rotor slots and rotor bars. Design of wound rotor - rotor slots, windings, short circuit (blocked rotor currents). UNIT –VIII: Synchronous Machines Constructional features – short circuit ratio– Output equation – Specific loadings – Main dimensions – Stator design – Design of Salient Pole field coil. TEXT BOOKS: 1. “Electrical Machine Design”, Sawhney, Dhanpath Rai&Co TU K REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. “Performance and Design of DC Machines”, Clayton & Hancock, ELBS. 2. “Performance and Design of AC Machines”, M.G.Say; Pitman, ELBS. JN *** 4 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS Objective: Microprocessor and microcontroller have become important building blocks in digital electronics design. It is important for student to understand the architecture of a microprocessor and its interfacing with various modules. 8086 microprocessor architecture, programming, and interfacing is dealt in detail in this course. Interfacing, assembly language programming and interfacing of 8051 microcontroller and its application in industry are also covered in this course. TU K UNIT-I: Introduction to Microprocessor Architecture Introduction and evolution of Microprocessors, Architecture of 8086, Register Organization of 8086, Memory organization of 8086, General bus operation of 8086. UNIT-II: Minimum and Maximum Mode Operations Instruction set, Addressing modes, Minimum and Maximum mode operations of 8086, 8086 Control signal interfacing, read and write cycle timing diagrams. JN UNIT-III: Algorithms for Assembly Language Programming Assembly Directives, Macro’s, Algorithms for Implementation of FOR Loop, WHILE, REPEAT and IF-THEN-ELSE Features. UNIT-IV: I/O Interface 8255 PPI- Architecture of 8255, Modes of operation, Interfacing I/O devices to 8086 using 8255, Interfacing A to D converters, Interfacing D to A converters, Stepper motor interfacing. UNIT-V: Interfacing with Advanced Devices Static memory interfacing with 8086, DMA controller (8257)-Architecture, interfacing 8257 DMA controller; Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259)-Command words and operating modes of 8259, Interfacing of 8259; Keyboard/display controller (8279)-Architecture, modes of operation, command words of 8279, Interfacing of 8279. UNIT-VI: Introduction to 8051 Micro Controller Overview of 8051 Micro Controller, Architecture, Register set, I/O ports and Memory Organization, Interrupts, Timers and Counters, Serial Communication. 5 www.jntufastupdates.com UNIT-VII: Assembly Language Programming of 8051 Addressing modes and Instruction set of 8051, Assembly language programming of 8051, Development systems and tools. UNIT- VIII: Interfacing and Industrial Applications of 8051 Applications of Micro Controllers, Interfacing 8051 to LED’s, Push button, Relay’s and Latch Connections, Keyboard Interfacing, Interfacing Seven Segment Display, ADC and DAC Interfacing. TEXT BOOKS: REFERENCE BOOKS: TU K 1. Microprocessors and Interfacing, Douglas V Hall, Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition. 2. Kenneth J Ayala, “The 8051 Micro Controller Architecture, Programming and Applications”, Thomson Publishers, 2nd Edition. 3. Ray and Burchandi, “Advanced Micro Processors and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw-Hill. JN 1. R.S. Kaler, “ A Text book of Microprocessors and Micro Controllers”, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2. Ajay V. Deshmukh, “Microcontrollers – Theory and Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill Companies –2005. 3. Ajit Pal, “Microcontrollers – Principles and Applications”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2011. *** 6 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY Objective: This course primarily deals with utilization of electrical energy generated from various sources. It is important to understand the technical reasons behind selection of motors for electric drives based on the characteristics of loads. Electric heating, welding and illumination are some important loads in the industry in addition to motor/drives. Another major share of loads is taken by Electric Traction. Utilization of electrical energy in all the above loads is discussed in detail in this course. Demand side management concepts are also introduced as a part of this course. TU K UNIT – I: Selection of Motors. Choice of motor, type of electric drives, starting and running characteristics, speed control, temperature rise, applications of electric drives, types of industrial loads, continuous, intermittent and variable loads, load equalization. JN UNIT – II: Electric Heating Advantages and methods of electric heating, resistance heating induction heating and dielectric heating. UNIT – III: Electric Welding Electric welding, resistance and arc welding, electric welding equipment, comparison between A.C. and D.C. Welding. UNIT – IV: Illumination fundamentals Introduction, terms used in illumination, laws of illumination, polar curves, integrating sphere, lux meter, sources of light. UNIT – V: Various Illumination Methods Discharge lamps, MV and SV lamps – comparison between tungsten filament lamps and fluorescent tubes, Basic principles of light control, Types and design of lighting and flood lighting, LED lighting. 7 www.jntufastupdates.com UNIT – VI: Electric Traction - I System of electric traction and track electrification. Review of existing electric traction systems in India. Special features of traction motor, Mechanics of train movement. Speed-time curves for different services – trapezoidal and quadrilateral speed time curves. UNIT – VII: Electric Traction - II Calculations of tractive effort, power, specific energy consumption for given run, effect of varying acceleration and braking retardation, adhesive weight and braking retardation adhesive weight and coefficient of adhesion. TEXT BOOK: TU K UNIT – VIII: Demand side management Energy star rating of equipment, Demand side management (energy efficiency techniques, demand response). 1. Utilization of Electric Energy – by E. Openshaw Taylor, Orient Longman. 2. Art & Science of Utilization of electrical Energy – by Partab, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 3. Energy management by W.R. Murphy & G.Mckay Butterworth, Elsevier publications, 2011. REFERENCE BOOKS: JN 1. Utilization of Electrical Power including Electric drives and Electric traction – by N.V.Suryanarayana, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1996. 2. Generation, Distribution and Utilization of electrical Energy – by C.L. Wadhwa, New Age International(P)Limited,Publishers,1997. *** 8 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Objective: The course is designed to give students the required knowledge for the design and analysis of electrical power grids. Calculation of power flow in a power system network using various techniques, formation of Zbus and its importance are covered in this course. It also deals with short circuit analysis and analysis of power system for steady state and transient stability. TU K UNIT –I: Per Unit Representation Per Unit Quantities, single line diagram, Impedance diagram of a power system. JN UNIT –II: Power Flow Studies – I Graph Theory definition, formulation of Y-Bus, necessity of power flow studies – Derivation of static power flow equations – Guass-Seidel Method (limited to 3-buses), Algorithm. UNIT –III: Power Flow Studies – II Newton Raphson Method in Rectangular and polar coordinates form – Derivation of Jacobian matrix, power flow solution using NR method (3bus), Decoupled and fast Decoupled method (3 bus), Algorithms. UNIT – IV: Z-Bus formulation. Formation of Z-Bus: Partial network, Algorithm for the Modification of Z-Bus Matrix for addition element for the following cases: Addition of element from a new bus to reference, Addition of element from a new bus to an old bus, Addition of element between an old bus to reference and Addition of element between two old busses (Derivations and Numerical Problems).- Modification of Z-Bus for the changes in network ( Problems) -Sparsity Matrix. UNIT – V: Symmetrical Fault Analysis 3-Phase short circuit currents and reactances of synchronous machine, short circuit MVA calculations, symmetrical fault calculations using Z-bus. UNIT –VI: Symmetrical Components. Synthesis of unsymmetrical phasors from their symmetrical components, operators, symmetrical components of unsymmetrical phasors, phase – shift of symmetrical components in Y-Δ, power in terms of symmetrical components, sequence networks – positive, negative and zero sequence networks. 9 www.jntufastupdates.com UNIT –VII: Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis Various types of unsymmetrical faults LG, LL, LLG on unloaded alternator, unsymmetrical faults on power system. UNIT – VIII: Power System Stability Analysis Elementary concepts of Steady state, Dynamic and Transient Stabilities. Description of Steady State Stability Power Limit, Transfer Reactance, Synchronizing Power Coefficient , Power Angle Curve and Determination of Steady State Stability. Derivation of Swing Equation. Determination of Transient Stability by Equal Area Criterion, Application of Equal Area Criterion, methods to improve steady state and transient stability. TEXT BOOKS: REFERENCE BOOKS: TU K 1. Electrical Power Systems by P.S.R.Murthy, B.S.Publications 2. Modern Power system Analysis – by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2nd edition. 3. Power System Analysis and Design by J.Duncan Glover, M.S.Sarma, T.J.Overbye – Cengage Learning publications. JN 1. Power System Analysis by Grainger and Stevenson, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Power System Analysis – by A.R.Bergen, Prentice Hall, Inc. 3. Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat – TMH Edition. 4. Power System Analysis by B.R.Gupta, Wheeler Publications. *** 10 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DRIVES Objective: This course is an extension of power electronics applications to electric drives. This course covers in detail the basic and advanced speed control techniques using power electronic converters that are used in industry. It is equally important to understand the four quadrant operation of electric drives and slip power recovery schemes in induction motors. These concepts are also discussed in detail in this course. TU K UNIT–I: Review of Speed Control techniques. DC motor (field flux, armature voltage control), induction motor (stator voltage, stator frequency, rotor resistance, rotor e.m.f. injection), Synchronous motor. UNIT–II: Control of DC motors by Single phase Converters Introduction to Thyristor controlled drives, Single Phase semi and Fully controlled converters connected to d.c separately excited and d.c series motors – continuous current operation – output voltage and current waveforms – Speed and Torque expressions – Speed – Torque Characteristics- Problems on Converter fed d.c motors. JN UNIT-III: Control of DC motors by Three phase Converters Three phase semi and fully controlled converters connected to d.c separately excited and d.c series motors – output voltage and current waveforms – Speed and Torque expressions – Speed – Torque characteristics – Problems. UNIT–IV: Four Quadrant operation of DC Drives Introduction to Four quadrant operation – Motoring operations, Electric Braking – Plugging, Dynamic and Regenerative Braking operations. Four quadrant operation of D.C motors by dual converters – Closed loop operation of DC motor (Block Diagram Only) UNIT-V: Control of DC motors by Choppers Single quadrant, two quadrant and four quadrant chopper fed dc separately excited and series excited motors – Continuous current operation – Output voltage and current wave forms – Speed torque expressions – speed torque characteristics – Closed Loop operation (Block Diagram Only) 11 www.jntufastupdates.com UNIT–VI: Induction motor control-Stator side Variable voltage characteristics-Control of Induction Motor by AC Voltage Controllers – Waveforms –speed torque characteristics. Variable frequency characteristics-Variable frequency control of induction motor by Voltage source inverter -PWM Control - Closed loop operation of induction motor drives (Block Diagram Only) UNIT–VII: Control of Induction motor - Rotor side Static rotor resistance control – Slip power recovery – Static Scherbius drive – Static Kramer Drive – their performance and speed torque characteristics – advantages -applications. TEXT BOOKS: TU K UNIT–VIII: Control of Synchronous Motors Separate control & self control of synchronous motors – Operation of self controlled synchronous motors by VSI, Closed Loop control operation of synchronous motor drives (Block Diagram Only), variable frequency control, pulse width modulation. 1. Fundamentals of Electric Drives – by G K Dubey Narosa Publications 2. Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and applications by M.H.Rashid, PHI. REFERENCE BOOKS: JN 1. Power Electronics – MD Singh and K B Khanchandani, Tata – McGraw-Hill Publishing company,1998 2. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives by B.K.Bose, PHI. 3. Thyristor Control of Electric drives – Vedam Subramanyam Tata McGraw Hill Publications. *** 12 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE UNIT I Introduction to Management: Concept –nature and importance of Management – Functions of Management – Evaluation of Management thought- Theories of Motivation – Decision making process-Designing organization structure- Principles of organization - Types of organization structure TU K UNIT II Operations Management: Principles and Types of Management – Work study- Statistical Quality Control- Control charts (P-chart, R-chart, and C-chart) Simple problems- Material Management: Need for Inventory control- EOQ, ABC analysis (simple problems) and Types of ABC analysis (HML, SDE, VED, and FSN analysis) UNIT III Functional Management: Concept of HRM, HRD and PMIR- Functions of HR Manager- Wage payment plans(Simple Problems) – Job Evaluation and Merit Rating - Marketing ManagementFunctions of Marketing – Marketing strategies based on product Life Cycle, Channels of distributions. JN UNIT IV Project Management: (PERT/CPM): Development of Network – Difference between PERT and CPM Identifying Critical Path- Probability- Project Crashing (Simple Problems) UNIT V Strategic Management: Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy – Elements of Corporate Planning Process – Environmental Scanning – SWOT analysis- Steps in Strategy Formulation and Implementation, Generic Strategy alternatives UNIT VI Management Ethics: Importance of Ethics in Business and Management – Ethics in Marketing HRM-Financial Management – Business Ethics and Law (Case example) UNIT VII Business Communication: Report writing – Cross Cultural Communication, Problems and Challenges- Presentation Skills – Interviews- Video conferences UNIT VIII Contemporary Management Practice: Basic concepts of MIS, MRP, Just-in-Time(JIT) system, Total Quality Management(TQM), Six sigma and Capability Maturity Model(CMM) Levies, Supply Chain Management , Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Performance Management, Business 13 www.jntufastupdates.com Process outsourcing (BPO), Business process Re-engineering and Bench Marking, Balanced Score Card. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar & Dr. N. Appa Rao, ‘Management Science’ Cengage, Delhi, 2012. 2. Dr. A. R. Aryasri, Management Science’ TMH 2011. REFERENCES: Koontz & Weihrich: ‘Essentials of management’ TMH 2011 Seth & Rastogi: Global Management Systems, Cengage learning , Delhi, 2011 Robbins: Organizational Behaviour, Pearson publications, 2011 Kanishka Bedi: Production & Operations Management, Oxford Publications, 2011 Philip Kotler & Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, Pearson publications Biswajit Patnaik: Human Resource Management, PHI, 2011 Hitt and Vijaya Kumar: Starategic Management, Cengage learning TU K 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pre-requisites: Managerial Economics Objective: To familiarize with the process of management and to provide basic insights into select contemporary management practices. Codes/ Tables: Normal Distribution Function Tables need to be permitted into the examination Halls JN Question paper pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits. Unit VIII will have only short questions, not essay questions *** 14 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. POWER ELECTRONICS LAB Any 10 of the Following Experiments are to be conducted JN TU K 1. Study of Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET & IGBT 2. Gate firing circuits for SCR’s 3. Forced Commutation circuits (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D & Class E) 4. Single Phase Half controlled converter with R and RL load 5. Single Phase fully controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads 6. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller with R and RL Loads 7. Single Phase Cyclo-converter with R and RL loads 8. Single Phase Bridge Inverter with R and RL Loads 9. Single Phase series inverter with R and RL loads 10. Single Phase Parallel, inverter with R and RL loads 11. Single Phase dual converter with RL loads 12. Three Phase half controlled bridge converter with R-load 13.Chopper Controlled DC Motor *** 15 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS LAB JN TU K Any 10 of the following experiments are to be conducted 1. Calibration and Testing of single phase energy Meter 2. Calibration of dynamometer wattmeter using phantom loading. 3. Crompton D.C. Potentiometer – Calibration of PMMC ammeter and PMMC voltmeter 4. Kelvin’s double Bridge – Measurement of resistance – Determination of Tolerance. 5. Capacitance Measurement using Schering bridge. 6. Inductance Measurement using Anderson bridge. 7. Measurement of 3 phase reactive power with single-phase wattmeter for balanced loading. 8. Measurement of complex power with Trivector meter and verification. 9. Optical bench – Determination of polar curve measurement of MHCP of filament lamps 10. Calibration of LPF wattmeter – by Phantom testing 11. Measurement of 3 phase power with single watt meter and 2 No’s of C.T. 12. C.T. testing using mutual Inductor – Measurement of % ratio error and phase angle of given C.T. by Null method. 13. P.T. testing by comparison – V.G. as Null detector – Measurement of % ratio error and phase angle of the given P.T. 14. Dielectric oil testing using H.T. testing Kit 15. LVDT and capacitance pickup – characteristics and Calibration 16. Resistance strain gauge – strain measurements and Calibration 17. Polar curve using Lux meter, Measurement of intensity of illumination of fluorescent lamp. 18. Transformer turns ratio measurement using a.c. bridge. 19. A.C. Potentiometer – Polar form/Cartesian form – Calibration of AC Voltmeter, Parameters of Choke. *** 16 www.jntufastupdates.com JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Year B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering – II Sem. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND PATENTS – II Intellectual Property Law Basics – Types of Intellectual Property – Agencies responsible for Intellectual Property Regristration - Cyber crime and E-commerce – International Aspects of Computer and Online Crime Unit 2 Introduction to Patent Law – Rights and Limitations – Rights under Patent Law – Patent requirements - Ownership - Transfer - Patents Application Process – Patent Infringement - Patent Litigation - International Patent Law – Double Patenting – Patent Searching – Patent Law Treaty - New developments in Patent Law - Invention Developers and Promoters Unit 3 Introduction to Transactional Law: Creating Wealth and Managing Risk – The Employment Relationship in the Internet and Tech Sector – Contact for the Internet and Tech Sector - Business Assets in Information Age – Symbol and Trademark – Trolls and Landmines and other Metaphors Unit 4 Regulatory , Compliance and Liability Issues – State Privacy Law - Date Security – Privacy issues - Controlling Over use or Misuse of 1 Intellectual Property Rights TU K Unit 1 JN Books: 1. Deborah E.Bouchoux: “Intellectual Property”. Cengage learning , New Delhi 2. Kompal Bansal & Parishit Bansal “Fundamentals of IPR for Engineers”, BS Publications (Press) 3. Cyber Law. Texts & Cases, South-Western’s Special Topics Collections 4. Prabhuddha Ganguli: ‘ Intellectual Property Rights” Tata Mc-Graw –Hill, New Delhi 5. Richard Stim: “Intellectual Property”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi. 6. R.Radha Krishnan, S.Balasubramanian: “Intellectual Property Rights”, Excel Books. New Delhi 7. M.Ashok Kumar and Mohd.Iqbal Ali: “Intellectual Property Right” Serials Pub. *** 17