Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1998 A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions on Energy in Pre-Service Training for High School Teachers Ricardo Trumper1 How physics students teachers' understanding of energy develops during their pre-service high school teacher university program? How do their physics and Didactics courses influence their energy conceptions? Do university physics students in pre-service training to be highschool teachers finally hold correct scientific views that will eventually allow them to plan and implement instructional strategies that, in turn, will lead their future high school students to achieve a scientific concept of energy? The results of a longitudinal study dealing with this issues will be discussed in this manuscript. The energy conceptions of the Physics students were analyzed by means of a two-part written questionnaire that was presented to the same group on their first day of class for four years running. The most important findings of this study can be summarized as follows. Despite their pre-service training, future physics high school teachers: Hold a number of different alternative conceptual frameworks when describing physical situations, instead or besides the accepted scientific concept. Mostly think that energy is a concrete entity and not an abstract idea. Mostly do not accept the idea of energy degradation. Mostly confuse the concepts of energy and force. KEY WORDS: Longitudinal study; physics students; energy conceptions. In senior High Schools the compulsory subjects are Optics, Mechanics and Electromagnetism and there are also a series of elective subjects like Modern Physics, Relativity, Rigid Body, Alternate Current and so on. INTRODUCTION In junior high schools in Israel, the subjects of Physics and Chemistry are being taught together according to the Curriculum of Physics and Chemistry (1989) published by the Ministry of Education: 1. In 7th Grade the main subject taught is the Particulate Nature of Matter; 2. In 8th Grade there are two main subjects: a) Heat and Temperature and b) Chemistry and Electricity; 3. In 9th Grade there are also two main subjects: a) Mass, Force and Weight and b) Transformation and Conservation of Energy. STUDENTS' CONCEPTIONS ABOUT ENERGY The results of a great deal of research have shown that, prior to any formal instruction in physics, students hold incorrect conceptions about physics concepts in general, and about the energy concept in particular. Gilbert and Watts (1983) have summarized the general conclusions that can be derived from these studies as follows: (a) energy is to do with living and moving things, (b) energy makes things work, and (c) energy changes from one form to another. This last framework has raised some contro- 1Correspondence should be addressed to Ricardo Trumper, Oranim, School of Education of the Kibbutz Movement, Haifa University, Israel. Kibbutz Hahoterim, Doar Na Hof Hacarmel 30870, Israel. e-mail: 311 1059-0145/98/1200-0311$15.00/0© 1998 Plenum Publishing Corporation 312 Trumper versy since it is one that is sometimes explicitly taught (Schmid, 1982). It is a view that sees energy as traveling through machines and wires and changing appearances at different points. Watts (1983) presented an exhaustive list of the most popular and persistent students' alternative conceptual frameworks abut energy, which was substantiated by Gilbert and Pope (1986): framework, (b) the "cause" framework: energy causes things to happen, and (c) a broadened "product" framework: energy is the product of a certain process or processes. 2. After studying Physics, students generally continue to adhere to the same alternative frameworks held prior to formal study. 1. Anthropocentric: energy is associated with human beings; 2. Depository: some objects have energy and expend it; 3. Ingredient: energy is a dormant ingredient within objects, released by a trigger; 4. Activity: energy is an obvious activity; 5. Product: energy is a by-product of a situation; 6. Functional: energy is seen as a very general kind of fuel associated with making life comfortable; 7. Flow-transfer: energy is seen as type of fluid transferred in certain processes. In teaching the energy concept in the second part of the study (Trumper, 1991), those students' pervasive alternative frameworks were taken into account. The conceptual change strategies implemented in the study were based on the "cause" and "product" frameworks that helped students build the accepted scientific concept for themselves. More recently, Trumper (1993) carried out a cross-age study in Israeli elementary and junior high schools in which he found no significant differences for students' alternative conceptual frameworks about energy in grades 6 to 9 The preconceptions that children bring to science lessons are known to cause difficulties for the teacher, and the teaching of conceptual science can compound this problem if the science conceptions of teachers themselves are at variance with those accepted by scientists. In addition to these outcomes, many researchers (Viennot, 1979; Watts and Gilbert, 1983; Duit, 1984) have noted students' lack of differentiation between energy and other physical terms, mainly the concept of force. Trumper (1990) carried out a study on Israeli students, aged 14 to 16. After making some changes in the definitions of the frameworks, he found 96% of the students' responses classifiable. The depository framework became: 2a. The original "depository" framework, which is of a passive nature ("There is energy in the battery . . ."). 2b. The "active" deposit or "cause" framework. The energy as "causing things to happen," as "being needed for certain processes to occur" ("The electric bulb needs energy in order to light"). In this study (Trumper, 1990), students' alternative conceptual frameworks about energy, both before and after studying the concept in their physics lessons, were analyzed. The analysis led to two main results: 1. Before studying physics, the most pervasive alternative frameworks, held by almost all students, were: (a) the "anthropocentric" TEACHERS' CONCEPTIONS ABOUT ENERGY Knowing more about teachers' preconceptions in science has become increasingly recognized as essential and some important research has been carried out in this field (Hollingsworth, 1989; Weinstein, 1989). According to the constructivist perspective, humans are seen as subjects who actively construct understanding from experiences using their already existing conceptual frameworks (Wubbels, 1992). A constructivist way of teaching assumes the existence of learners' conceptual schemata and the active application of these when responding to and making sense of new situations. Kelly's theory of Personal Constructs (Kelly, 1955) has been adopted by many science education researchers since his whole approach is based on the metaphor that views the development of "a human being as a scientist." Applied to science education, this constructivist view supports teachers who are concerned with the investigation of students' ideas and who develop ways that incorporate these viewpoints into a learning-teaching dia- A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions of Energy logue. Do teachers hold a correct scientific view of the energy concept themselves? Kruger, Palacio and Summers (1992) conducted a comprehensive research into British elementary teachers' conceptions of energy. They described their main difficulties in the following way: 1. More than 70% of the teachers showed a lack of ability to differentiate between force and energy. 2. Many teachers' did not understand the notion of gravitational potential energy and associated energy mostly with motion. 3. A substantial number of teachers' responses contradicted the principle of conservation of energy. 4. Many teachers saw energy as a quasi-material entity. 5. About 70% of the teachers had a vitalistic view of energy. Trumper (1996) has recently published a survey of Israeli physics students' conceptions of energy in pre-service training for high school teachers. He found that physics students': 1. Are considerably anthropocentric in their associations, their choice of pictures and their alternative conceptions. 2. Hold a number of different alternative conceptions when describing physical situations, instead of the accepted scientific concept. 3. Mostly think that energy is a concrete entity and not an abstract idea. 4. Mostly do not accept the idea of energy degradation. 5. Mostly confuse the concepts of energy and force. How physics students teachers' understanding of energy develops during their pre-service high school teacher university program? How do their physics and Didactics courses influence their energy conceptions? Do university physics students in pre-service training to be high school teachers finally hold correct scientific views that will eventually allow them to plan and implement instructional strategies that, in turn, will lead their future high school students to achieving a scientific concept of energy? The results of a longitudinal study dealing with this issue will be discussed in the next sections. 313 A LONGITUDINAL STUDY Participants in the present study were drawn from the greatest university program in Israel which conducts 4-year pre-service training for future high-school teachers. The study was held during four consecutive years, comprising 25 students. This population included more than 90% of the students who learned during the four last years in an Israeli university program that was intended to lead them to a B.Sc. degree in Physics and a high school teaching certificate. Students study the basics of the energy concept and its conservation in 1st year in their mechanics, electricity and astronomy courses, and in their thermodynamics courses in 2nd year. Besides that, they learn electromagnetism, waves and optics, physical chemistry and an introduction to quantum physics in 2nd year. In 3rd year, besides their physics studies (introduction to statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, the special relativity theory and a physics seminar), they watch Physics lessons in a secondary school and they also practice some teaching. In 4th year, besides their physics studies (introduction to nuclear physics, introduction to solid state physics and a physics seminar) they already work as teachers in a secondary school. In these last two years, they study both Physics and Didactic of Physics after studying some basics of teaching and education during the first two years. Throughout all these years they learn the necessary mathematics courses and physics laboratories. The energy conceptions of the future Physics teachers were analyzed by means of a two-part written questionnaire that was presented to the same group on their first day of class for four years running. In the first part of the questionnaire students were asked to describe eight pictures (Fig. 1) involving the energy concept, in one or two sentences using the word energy. The pictures in Fig. 1 were taken from the studies of Bliss and Ogborn (1985) and Gilbert and Pope (1986), with their permission. Students' descriptions of pictures were classified according to the frameworks defined by Watts (1983) together with the "cause" and the broadened "product" framework defined by Trumper (1990). To these, we added the accepted scientific concept of the Israeli junior high-school curriculum, which we named the "transformation" framework: "When two systems interact (i.e., when a process takes place), something that we name energy, is transferred from one system 314 Trumper present if there is movement, (b) energy as confused with force, (c) energy as needed for doing something, and (d) energy as found in living things only. Students' responses corresponding to their conceptions in terms of the accepted scientific view were categorized in the following way: a. Students were classified as "never/hardly ever" holding a scientific conception if they responded correctly between 0% to 24% of the relevant statements. b. Students were classified as "sometimes" holding a scientific conception if they responded correctly between 25% to 75% of the relevant statements, and c. Students were classified as "always/nearly always" holding a scientific conception if they responded correctly from 76% on of the relevant statements. Students' responses corresponding to their intuitive views were categorized in the reverse way. Fig. 1. Pictures illustrating the energy concept. to another" (Curriculum Development Center, 1978). Responses to the first part of the questionnaire were analyzed according to the alternative conceptual frameworks used by students in the description of the pictures. The second part of the questionnaire comprised 42 statements together with drawings of different situations (see appendix to illustrate the nature of this part). Respondents were asked to respond to each statement with one of the following responses: "true," "false," "don't understand" or "not sure." On the one hand, this part of the questionnaire was intended to identify students' views in terms of those currently accepted by scientists. This was conceived by the research in terms of five broad areas: (a) possession/storage of energy, (b) energy as an abstract idea, (c) conservation of energy, (d) degradation of energy, and (e) recognition of different types of energy. On the other hand, the second part of the questionnaire was intended to reach a broader scope of students' intuitive views of energy, which were divided into four main categories: (a) energy as only FINDINGS Responses of Students to the First Part of the Questionnaire Table I shows the results obtained in the first part of the questionnaire. The Chi-square coefficient among alternative frameworks during the years was calculated and major differences among years and students' alternative frameworks were identified. The most salient differences were: 1. The extent to which students held the anthropocentric and cause frameworks decreased. 2. The extent to which students held the deposit and the ingredient frameworks increased. 3. The extent to which students held the product framework was rather stable. 4. The students held a number of different alternative conceptual frameworks when describing physical situations, instead or besides the accepted scientific concept. A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions of Energy Table I. Distribution of Physics Students' Alternative Conceptual Frameworks, by Years, in Percentagesa the years, only a minority of the students did not recognize the possession or storage of energy by different bodies. 2. There was a significant difference through the years in students' perception of energy as an abstract idea. The extent to which students did not perceive energy as an abstract idea decreased through the years. Anyway, there was a very low percentage of students that thought, through all the years, that energy is always or nearly always an abstract idea. 3. There was a significant difference through the years in students' acceptance of the conservation of energy law. The reason was a significant increase, in 3rd and 4th year, in the extent to which students accepted the conservation of energy law. This may be due to the fact that most students watch Physics lessons during their 3rd year, and teach Physics during their 4th year in 9th grade (junior high-school), in which energy is taught according to energy transformation and conservation. These issues are being taught as parallels in the Didactic of Physics lessons in College. Year Cause Anthropocentric Product Deposit Ingredient Transformation a 2 X 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 32 32 12 8 4 12 28 24 12 12 8 16 24 12 12 28 4 20 4 8 16 32 20 20 315 = 83.7, d.f. = 15, P-value = .001. Responses of Students to the Second Part of the Questionnaire Students' Views of Energy in Terms of the Accepted Scientific Concept Table II shows the results obtained concerning students' views of energy in terms of those currently accepted by scientists. The main findings were: 1. There was a significant increase, through the years, in students' recognition that different bodies possess or store energy. During all Table II. Physics Students' Conceptions on Energy, by Years, in Percentages Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Possession/ storage of energya always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 40 56 4 60 36 4 84 8 8 84 12 4 Energy as an abstract ideab always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 12 44 44 20 44 36 4 72 24 4 72 24 Conservation of energyc always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 32 56 12 12 80 8 44 36 20 72 4 24 Degradation of energyd always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 4 72 24 4 72 24 4 72 24 4 92 4 Recognition of types of energye always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 68 20 12 40 56 4 44 44 12 44 44 12 a X2 = 76.4, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. b 2 40.1, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. X = c 2 X = 127.7, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. d 2 = 19.7, d.f. = 6, p-value = .003. X e X2 =31.5, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. 316 Trumper 4. There was a very little difference through the years in students' acceptance of the idea that energy may degrade in some cases. A very low percentage of students, through all the years, accepted the idea of energy degradation in the relevant cases. 5. There was a significant difference in students' recognition of different types of energy through the years. There was mainly an increase in the extent to which students were ambiguous about this issue. case, through all the years, there was a very low percentage of students who never, or hardly ever confused the two concepts. 3. There was a significant difference through the years in the students' view that energy is needed to be doing something. There was a significant increase in the extent to which students denied it. 4. There was no significant difference through the years in the students' view that energy is never, or hardly even found in living things only. This result is in accordance to the outcome of the first part of the questionnaire, in which the number of students holding the "anthropocentric" framework decreased continuously. Students' Intuitive Views of Energy Table III shows the results concerning students' intuitive views of energy. The main findings were: 1. There was a significant difference through the years in students' holding the intuitive view that energy is only present if there is movement. The number of students denying it increased through the years. Anyway, through all the years, most students were ambiguous about the view that energy is only present if there is movement. 2. There was a significant difference through the years for students' confusing the concepts force and energy. There was a significant increase in the extent to which students were ambiguous about this issue. In any DISCUSSION The most important findings of this study can be summarized as follows. Despite their pre-service training, future physics high school teachers: 1. Hold a number of different alternative conceptual frameworks when describing physical situations, instead or besides the accepted scientific concept. 2. Mostly think that energy is a concrete entity and not an abstract idea. Table III. Physics Students' Intuitive Views on Energy, by Years, in Percentages Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Energy is only present if there is movementa always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 4 92 4 4 80 16 8 64 28 4 52 44 Energy is confused with forceb always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 56 40 4 56 40 4 40 56 4 32 52 16 Energy is needed to be doing somethingc always/nearly always sometimes never/hardly ever 12 4 84 20 4 76 24 4 72 48 4 48 Energy is found in living things onlyd always/nearly always sometimes 8 4 88 4 4 92 8 4 88 4 4 92 a 2 X b 2 X C 2 X d 2 X never/hardly ever = 61.4, d.f. = 6,p-value = .001. = 40.1, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. = 38.0, d.f. = 6, p-value = .001. = 2.8, d.f. = 6, p-value = .83. A Longitudinal Study of Physics Students' Conceptions of Energy 3. Mostly do not accept the idea of energy degradation. 4. Mostly confuse the concepts of energy and force. 5. Hold, at some extent, two intuitive conceptions: a) energy is only present if there is movement, and b) energy is needed to be doing something. There is clearly a need for student teachers' ideas about energy to be moved away from these perspectives toward the scientific view if they are to lead children toward a coherent perception of energy and assess their level of understanding. The student teachers' difficulties outlined above are not surprising and can, in part, be explained by their firm roots in the long experiences that they have had as students in the education system (high school and university) and, perhaps, by the influence of the mass media (Solomon, 1983). The research outlined above shows that there are some serious discrepancies between future physics high school teachers' understanding of energy and the accepted scientific concept. If this fundamental concept is to be taught well in the secondary school then every effort must be made to help teachers be aware of their own conceptions and develop their understanding, both in their Physics and Didactic lessons as it was already done with high school students (Trumper 1990, 1991). Many student teachers hold the strong belief that good teaching is explaining through lecturing (Wubbels, 1992). He claimed: Student teachers often think that the real job of a teacher is to explain things clearly and for years and years they have experienced this when they were students themselves. Teacher educators, however, want them often to realize that the primary aim of education is that students learn and understand. This notion is nearly totally absent in many student teachers' conceptions about teaching (Weinstein, 1989). Thus, educators must stimulate student teachers to use group work or class discussion, if appropriate, to create learning opportunities for students (p. 140). Adopting this teaching and learning model for pre-service student teachers education would involve breaking new ground, extending ideas about the teaching and learning of children to adult learners. 317 A program of pre-service education adopting this strategy would be, to that extent, an innovation. Yet there are good grounds in the state of our current understanding of children's learning of science, to suggest that the development and evaluation of such a program would be a worthwhile undertaking. REFERENCES Bliss, J., and Ogborn, J. (1985). Children's choices of uses of energy. European Journal of Science Education 7: 195-203. Curriculum Development Center (1978). Energy and Its Transformations. Ministry of Education, Israel. Curriculum of Physics and Chemistry. (1989). Physics and Chemistry, Curriculum for the Junior High School. Ministry of Education, Jerusalem. Duit, R. (1984). Learning the energy concept in school—Empirical results from the Philippines and West Germany. Physics Education 19: 59-66. Gilbert, J., and Pope, M. (1986). Small group discussions about conception in science: A case study. Research in Science and Technological Education 4: 61-76. Gilbert, J., and Watts, D. (1983). Concepts, misconceptions and alternative conceptions: Changing perspectives in science education. Studies in Science Education 10: 61-98. Hollingsworth, S. (1989). Prior beliefs and cognitive change in learning to teach. American Educational Research Journal 26: 160-189. Kelly, G. (1955). The Psychology of Personal Constructs (Vols. 1 and 2), W W. Norton, New York. Kruger, C, Palacio, D., and Summers, M. (1992). Survey of English primary teachers' conceptions of force, energy and materials. Science Education 76: 339-351. Schmid, G. (1982). Energy and its carriers. Physics Education 17: 212-218. Solomon, J. (1983). Learning about energy: How pupils think in two domains. European Journal of Science Education 5: 49-59. Trumper, R. (1990). Being constructive: An alternative approach to the teaching of the energy concept—part one. International Journal of Science Education 12: 343-354. Trumper, R. (1991). Being constructive: An alternative approach to the teaching of the energy concept—part two. International Journal of Science Education 13: 1-10. Trumper, R. (1993). Children's energy concepts: A cross-age study. International Journal of Science Education 15: 139-148. Trumper, R. (1996). Survey of Israeli physics students' conceptions of energy in pre-service training for high school teachers. Research in Science and Technological Education 14: 179-192. Viennot, L. (1979). Spontaneous learning in elementary dynamics. European Journal of Science Education 1: 205-221. Watts, D. (1983). Some alternative views of energy. Physics Education 18: 213-217. Watts, D., and Gilbert, J. (1983). Enigmas in school science: Students' conceptions for scientifically associated words. Research in Science and Technological Education 1: 61-81. Weinstein, C. (1989). Teacher education students' preconceptions of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education 39: 53-60. Wubbels, T (1992). Taking account of student teachers' preconceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education 8: 137-149. 318 Trumper APPENDIX The picture shows a toy "jumping bug". The person compresses the spring so that the suction cups stick together and places the bug on the table. After a short time the suction cups come apart, releasing the spring, and the bug pops up into the air and then falls back onto the table. 1. When the bug's spring is compressed, but before it "pops" up, the toy has energy. true( ) falsc( ) don't understand( ) not sufe( ) 2. When it's moving, after the spring has uncoiled, the bug has energy. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 3. The spring's energy is a hidden force within it. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 4. The bug has no energy when it's moving upwards. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 5. At the top of its flight, when the bug is moving neither up nor down, it has no energy. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 6. If you discount air resistance, the bug's energy retrains the same throughout its flight. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 7. The bug has no energy when it's moving downwards true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 8. When it is above the floor and at rest on the table the bug has energy. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) The picture shows an electric fire plugged into the wall near to the electricity meter of the house. The heater is switched on and the bars are glowing. 15. The energy from the power station which supplies this heater did not exist before it was generated at the station. true( ) false( ) don't undtrstand( ) not sure( ) 16. Only some of the energy from the heater goes into heating up the room. true( ) false( ) don't understand() not sure( ) 17. Unlike force, which you can feel, energy has no physical existence since it is merely an abstract idea. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 18. The energy from the fire goes into the room and disappears. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 19 The rotating disc in the electricity meter indicates the power of the heater true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( ) 20. An electric fire is less efficient, in scientific terms, for heating the room than a large open log fire. true( ) false( ) don't understand( ) not sure( )