P2.23 A MMIC Smart Power Amplifier with On-Chip Dynamic Bias Controller for WCDMA Mobile Communication Y.H. Choi, K.Y. Kim, J.H. Kim, Y.S. Noh and C.S. Park School of Engineering, Information and Communications University (ICU) 103-6 Munji, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-714, Korea 82-42-866-6125 (tel), 82-42-866-6110 (fax), parkcs@icu.ac.kr Abstract – This paper presents an InGaP/GaAs HBT smart MMIC power amplifier provided with a new dynamic bias controller and dual power stages in parallel. The proposed dynamic bias circuit controls the quiescent current as a function of input power with perfect freedom, and is implemented to a WCDMA MMIC power amplifier together with the parallel power stages for both linearity and efficiency. Maximum output power, PAE, and gain are simulated to have 31.3dBm, 40.8%, and 23.9dB, respectively, at the WCDMA condition. The smart power amplifier exhibits an improvement of average power usage efficiency by 220 % while keeping the WCDMA linearity. Index Terms – Hetero-junction bipolar transistor (HBT), monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), power amplifier, dynamic bias controller, dual power stage, wideband code-division multiple access (WCDMA) Recently to resolve the problem we have proposed an adaptive bias scheme[5] that supplies reduced current at lower power level for efficiency while more current at higher power level for linearity. In this work, we propose a new dynamic bias circuit that controls the quiescent current as a function of input power with perfect freedom, and together with parallel power stages of different emitter area we implement a WCDMA MMIC power amplifier consuming quiescent current optimally for both linearity and efficiency. II. POWER AMPLIFIER CIRCIUT DESIGN I. INTRODUCTION RFC Vref1 Both efficiency and linearity are the critically required performance to power amplifiers for non-constant envelope digital modulation mobile terminals. Even though the efficiency of the power amplifier reveals maximum value around 40 % at the linearity limit, because the most frequently used power level ranges from -20dBm to 15dBm [1], backed-off from linearity limit, the average efficiency of the power amplifier significantly decreases to a value around 5%. On a while, as the RF power level increases, the efficiency increases but the linearity of the power amplifier degrades because the gain compression and phase distortion are occurred. To solve this problem, many research works have been tried employing Doherty structures [2], DC-DC converter [3], and smart power amplifier using a digital modecontrol signal [4]. The Doherty amplifier using Ȝ/4 transmission lines is hard to be applied to portable terminals due to the size limitation. The power amplifier with DC-DC converter has drawback because of additional components and current consumption. The smart power amplifier has gain discontinuity because of switching between two different amplifiers. 0-7803-8451-2/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE Vcc Vcc MMIC RFC Vref2 Dynamic Bias Circuit RF Input LEHBT Input Matching Circuit Vref2 Bias Circuit SEHBT Vref2 Bias Circuit Emitter area 2560 um2 Output Matching Circuit Emitter area 960 um2 RF Output Vcc RFC G Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the MMIC power amplifier Fig.1 shows the schematic diagram of the two stage MMIC power amplifier. The power stage is composed of two separate amplifiers connected parallel to each other; one with emitter area of 2560um2 and the other of 960um2. The power stage of smaller emitter (SE-HBT) is designed to act as a major amplifier with a proper input impedance for a low input power level while the stage with larger emitter (LE-HBT) is biased to a class B for a lower input power level below -7 dBm, and thus the total current to 351 the power stage will be kept to a minimum value to a linearity limit (total quiescent current less than 10 mA). With the aid of the dynamic bias controller, the larger emitter power stage is designed to be biased to class AB from class B when the input power increases above -7 dBm, and to consume quiescent current of 95 mA for the input signal above 0 dBm for the linearity improvement. HBT1 determine the amount of the sensing power to the transistor HBT1 of the bias circuit. Then, HBT1 has the emitter size of 80um2 and is biased to the same as the drive stage for the simple estimation. As the input power increases, the rectified base-emitter dc current of the class AB biased HBT1 increases, and thus the base voltage of the HBT2 is decreased. Then the increased base voltage of the HBT3 (VB3) increases the collector current to the power stage. If the input power is increased above a critical value, the HBT2 will be turned off and the supply quiescent current to the power stage will be kept constant at a value determined by the R2-HBT3-power stage circuit. Also with an input power below another critical value the quiescent current will be converged to value determined by the two bias transistors and the resistors. The two diodes connected to the base of HBT3 compensate the possible temperature effect. III. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF DYNAMIC BIAS CONTOLLER Fig.2. shows the load line characteristics of transistors corresponding to the HBT cells of power stage. For a lower input power, the dynamic bias controller supplying the low quiescent current for power stage results in the load line movement to the dotted one in the figure, hence, improving the efficiency at the expense of the linearity. IC A:High Power B:Low Power VCE VCC Fig.2. Load line characteristics for power stage using the dynamic bias controllerG G Vref2 Vref1 R2 R1 (a) HBT3 Input HBT2 Rb HBT1 Cby R3 Power Stage Fig.3. Dynamic bias circuit for the larger emitter power stage Fig.3 reveals the details of the dynamic bias controller that senses the input power to the driver amplifier and controls the quiescent collector current to the larger power stage. We can design the collector supply current with a perfect freedom as a function of input power by controlling the values of the resistances in the control circuit. The resistance of Rb and input impedance of (b) 352 In order to prevent the possible gain variation along with the input power change, the impedance to the each parallel power stage has been optimized with the capacitance in front of the power stages. And the capacitor to separate dc current is used in order to prevent the low frequency oscillation and match the phase difference between the large emitter stage and the small emitter stage. The output matching circuit consists of a low pass filter, suppressing harmonic distortion. The MMIC power amplifier has been implemented to a small size of 1.2x0.9 mm2 using a commercial InGaP/GaAs HBT technology. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS (c) (a) (d) Fig.4. The quiescent current to the larger power stage as a function of input power level (The reference condition for this simulation is 10 of Rb, 500 of R1, 250 of R2, and 230 of R3.) (a) Effect of Rb (b) Effect of R1 (c) Effect of R2 (d) Effect of R3 Fig.4 describes the quiescent current to the larger power stage as a function of input power level for the different values of resistances. The value of Rb determines the input power level sensed, R1 and R3 decide the increasing slope of the quiescent current, and R2 determines the final value of the quiescent current for a high power level. For the large power stage biased to class B, Rb, R1, and R3 are determined as 0, 600, and 200, respectively to have control function for the input power between –7 dBm and 0 dBm (equivalent to output power between 14 dBm and 23 dBm), and R2 is decided as 250 to limit the quiescent current below 95 mA. (b) Fig.5. (a) Simulated maximum output power, PAE, and gain (b) Collector current and PDF as a function of output power 353 REFERENCES Fig.5 (a) presents the simulation results of the maximum output power, power-added efficiency, and gain of the 2-stage MMIC power amplifier. A maximum output power of 31.3dBm, PAE of 40.8% and gain of 23.9dB are obtained at 1.95GHz. Fig.5 (b) shows the collector current change together with the probability density function (PDF) as a function of output power. To evaluate the efficiency improvement, the definition of the average power usage efficiency is used [6]. Kusage Pout Pin [1] T. Fowler, K. Burger, Nai-Shuo Cheng, A. Samelis, E. Enobakhare, and S. Rohlfing, “Efficiency Improvement Techniques at Low Power Levels for Linear CDMA and WCDMA Power Amplifiers”, IEEE RFIC Symposium., pp. 41-44, June 2002. [2] J.H. Cha, Y.G. Yang, B.J. Shin, and B.M. Kim, “An Adaptive Bias Controlled Power Amplifier with a Load-Modulated Combing Scheme for High Efficiency and Linearity”, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, VOL. 1, pp. 8-13, June 2003 [3] Peter M. Asbeck, Lawrence E. Larson, and Ian G. Galton, “Synergistic Design of DSP and Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, VOL. 49, NO. 11, November 2001. [4] Ji Hoon Kim, Joon Hyung Kim, Youn Sub Noh, Song Gang Kim, and Chul Soon Park, “PAE Improvement of PCS MMIC Power Amplifier with a Bias Control Circuit”, IEICE Trans. Electron., VOL. E86-C, No. 4, pp. 672-675, April 2003. [5] Y.S. Noh and C.S. Park “Intelligent Power Amplifier MMIC Using Adaptive Bias Control Circuit for W-CDMA Applications”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuit, VOL 39 , Issue: 6 , pp.967970, June 2004. [6] G. Hanington, P.F. Chen, V. Radisic. T. Itoh, and P.M. Asbeck, “Microwave Power Amplifier Efficiency Improvement with a 10 MHz HBT DC-DC- Converter”, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium. Dig. pp. 589-592, June 1998. [7] Joon Hyung Kim, Ji Hoon Kim, Youn Sub Noh, and Chul Soon Park, “An InGaP-GaAs HBT MMIC Smart Power Amplifier for W-CDMA Mobile Handsets”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuit, VOL. 38, No. 6, pp. 905-910, June 2003. [8] Hyun-Min Park, Sang-Hoon Cheon, Jae-Woo Park, and Songcheol Hong, “Demonstration of on-chip Appended Power Amplifier for Improved Efficiency at Low Power Region”, IEEE MTT-S Digest. pp. 691-694, June 2003. [9] Young-Woong Kim, Ki-Chhon Han, Seok-Yong Hong, and Jin-Ho Shin, “A 45% PAE / 18mA Quiescent Current CDMA PAM with a Dynamic Bias Control Circuit”, IEEE RFIC Symposium. June 2004. (1) Where Pin and Pout are the average RF output power and input DC power with power amplifier pdf, respectively. Compared to a conventional fixed quiescent current (64 mA), this work reveals a significant reduction of collector current for the output power below 23 dBm that improves the power usage efficiency by 220% (10.6% compared to 4.8%). This result reveals that by optimizing the quiescent current with the proposed dynamic bias controller and parallel amplifiers we can obtain both power efficiency and linearity competitively. V. CONCLUSION We have designed a MMIC smart power amplifier of improved efficiency and linearity by devising a unique dynamic bias control circuit and dual power stages in parallel. The circuit controls the quiescent current with perfect freedom as a function of input power, and which improves average power usage efficiency by 2.2 times while keeping the WCDMA requirements including the linearity: maximum output power of 31.1dBm, PAE of 35.85%, and gain of 23.9dB. 354 易迪拓培训 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 网址:http://www.edatop.com 射 频 和 天 线 设 计 培 训 课 程 推 荐 易迪拓培训(www.edatop.com)由数名来自于研发第一线的资深工程师发起成立,致力并专注于微 波、射频、天线设计研发人才的培养;我们于 2006 年整合合并微波 EDA 网(www.mweda.com),现 已发展成为国内最大的微波射频和天线设计人才培养基地,成功推出多套微波射频以及天线设计经典 培训课程和 ADS、HFSS 等专业软件使用培训课程,广受客户好评;并先后与人民邮电出版社、电子 工业出版社合作出版了多本专业图书,帮助数万名工程师提升了专业技术能力。客户遍布中兴通讯、 研通高频、埃威航电、国人通信等多家国内知名公司,以及台湾工业技术研究院、永业科技、全一电 子等多家台湾地区企业。 易迪拓培训课程列表:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/rfe/129.html 射频工程师养成培训课程套装 该套装精选了射频专业基础培训课程、射频仿真设计培训课程和射频电 路测量培训课程三个类别共 30 门视频培训课程和 3 本图书教材;旨在 引领学员全面学习一个射频工程师需要熟悉、理解和掌握的专业知识和 研发设计能力。通过套装的学习,能够让学员完全达到和胜任一个合格 的射频工程师的要求… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/rfe/110.html ADS 学习培训课程套装 该套装是迄今国内最全面、最权威的 ADS 培训教程,共包含 10 门 ADS 学习培训课程。课程是由具有多年 ADS 使用经验的微波射频与通信系 统设计领域资深专家讲解,并多结合设计实例,由浅入深、详细而又 全面地讲解了 ADS 在微波射频电路设计、通信系统设计和电磁仿真设 计方面的内容。能让您在最短的时间内学会使用 ADS,迅速提升个人技 术能力,把 ADS 真正应用到实际研发工作中去,成为 ADS 设计专家... 课程网址: http://www.edatop.com/peixun/ads/13.html HFSS 学习培训课程套装 该套课程套装包含了本站全部 HFSS 培训课程,是迄今国内最全面、最 专业的 HFSS 培训教程套装,可以帮助您从零开始, 全面深入学习 HFSS 的各项功能和在多个方面的工程应用。购买套装,更可超值赠送 3 个月 免费学习答疑,随时解答您学习过程中遇到的棘手问题,让您的 HFSS 学习更加轻松顺畅… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/hfss/11.html ` 易迪拓培训 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 网址:http://www.edatop.com CST 学习培训课程套装 该培训套装由易迪拓培训联合微波 EDA 网共同推出,是最全面、系统、 专业的 CST 微波工作室培训课程套装,所有课程都由经验丰富的专家授 课,视频教学,可以帮助您从零开始,全面系统地学习 CST 微波工作的 各项功能及其在微波射频、天线设计等领域的设计应用。且购买该套装, 还可超值赠送 3 个月免费学习答疑… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/cst/24.html HFSS 天线设计培训课程套装 套装包含 6 门视频课程和 1 本图书,课程从基础讲起,内容由浅入深, 理论介绍和实际操作讲解相结合,全面系统的讲解了 HFSS 天线设计的 全过程。是国内最全面、最专业的 HFSS 天线设计课程,可以帮助您快 速学习掌握如何使用 HFSS 设计天线,让天线设计不再难… 课程网址:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/hfss/122.html 13.56MHz NFC/RFID 线圈天线设计培训课程套装 套装包含 4 门视频培训课程,培训将 13.56MHz 线圈天线设计原理和仿 真设计实践相结合,全面系统地讲解了 13.56MHz 线圈天线的工作原理、 设计方法、设计考量以及使用 HFSS 和 CST 仿真分析线圈天线的具体 操作,同时还介绍了 13.56MHz 线圈天线匹配电路的设计和调试。通过 该套课程的学习,可以帮助您快速学习掌握 13.56MHz 线圈天线及其匹 配电路的原理、设计和调试… 详情浏览:http://www.edatop.com/peixun/antenna/116.html 我们的课程优势: ※ 成立于 2004 年,10 多年丰富的行业经验, ※ 一直致力并专注于微波射频和天线设计工程师的培养,更了解该行业对人才的要求 ※ 经验丰富的一线资深工程师讲授,结合实际工程案例,直观、实用、易学 联系我们: ※ 易迪拓培训官网:http://www.edatop.com ※ 微波 EDA 网:http://www.mweda.com ※ 官方淘宝店:http://shop36920890.taobao.com 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 易迪拓培训 官方网址:http://www.edatop.com 淘宝网店:http://shop36920890.taobao.com