Implemention of InGaP/GaAs HBT MMIC PA with gain-expansion drive-amplifier and Doherty structure Jeong-Seok Jang Kyoung-Hak Lee Navaid Div. NorthStar Systems Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation Namseoul University Cheonan-si Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea Abstract— In this paper, performance improvement of MMIC Power Amplifier using InGaP/GaAs HBT process is studied. To meet 3.9G and 4G mobile communications service demand, a power amplifier with improved efficiency and linearity that utilizes the Doherty structure and gain-expansion drive-amplifier is designed and implemented. In the measurement results, proposed amplifier has P1dB of 27.3dBm, efficiency of 15.2%@10dB back-off and OIP3 of 48.5. Keywords—Amplifier, Doherty, IMD, efficiency I. II. IMPROVEMENT PA PERFORMANCE A. Linearization technique using gain-expansion driveamplifier [3],[4], [7] For two-tone signals ω1 and ω2 with the same amplitude A, such that, vi (t ) = A(cos ω1t + cos ω 2 t ) (1) We can write equation for the nth-degree output voltage using power series. INTRODUCTION 3.9G and 4G mobile communication standard is intended for global roaming and high data-stream. Applications based on 3.9G and 4G require PA with high linearity and high PAE over a wide output range. Miniaturization and low cost are also important requirements for PA. So HBT PA are very strong candidates for 3.9G and 4G power devices because of their high gain, high efficiency, high linearity and single supply voltage operation[1-4]. The operation-class dependence of the PAE of HBT PA makes near-class-B operation promising for obtaining high PAE at low output power as well as at maximum output power. PA under near-class-B operation, however, have strong gainexpansion characteristics that degrade linearity because AM-toAM distortion in the back-off region. So, PA suppresses gain deviation by combining a gain-expansion and gaincompression. But this way does not have a high PAE at a low output power [5-7]. Recently mobile communication services adopt OFDM modulation providing high date rate and robustness to narrow band fading and interference. However, OFDM signal, which is multi-carrier modulation, has a large Peak-to-AveragePower-Ratio (PAPR). Due to the high PAPR of OFDM signal, the PA have to operate at a large amount of back-off output power from P1dB to achieve a linear operation, which further degrades the overall efficiency. Therefore efficiency of the PA has become an important issue for mobile communication services because it determines the battery lifetime[2]. In this paper, we proposed that InGaP/GaAs MMIC PA using gain-expansion drive amplifier and Doherty structure. vo (t ) = k1vi (t ) + k3 vi3 (t ) + k5 vi5 (t ) + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (2) where k1, k3, k5 are complex coefficient of power amplifier’s gain and IMD. The output at a fundamental frequency ω1 and ω2 is, vo (t ) fund = (k1 A + 9 25 k3 A3 + k5 A5 )(cos ω1t + cos ω2t ) 4 4 (3) And the outputs at a third-order and fifth-order IMD frequency are 3 25 vo (t ) IMD3 = ( k3 A3 + k5 A5 ){cos(2ω1t − ω2 t ) + cos(2ω 2 t − ω1t )} 4 8 (4) 5 5 vo (t ) IMD5 = ( k 5 A ){cos( 3ω1t − 2ω 2 t ) + cos( 3ω 2 t − 2ω1t )} 8 (5) K1A in eq. (3) is the linear amplitude and the other terms are the gain deviation of the amplifier. In eq. (3), the sign for k3/k1, k5/k1 should be positive when gain expansion occurs for any value of A. So, the IMD and the carrier signal are in-phase. In eq. (4), the signs for k3/k1, k5/k1 should be negative when gain compression occurs for any value of A. Then the sign of the coefficients of eq. (4) are the opposite of the sign of k1[7]. 978-1-4799-0604-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE TABLE I. GAIN DEVAIATION AND IMD PHASE Gain deviation (Vout |w1) IMD phase (Vout|2w1-w2) 3rd and 5th degree components Expansion In-phase k3 , k 3 〉0 k1 k 1 Compression Out of phase k3 , k 3 〈0 k1 k 1 Fig.3 shows simulation results at small signal region. And Fig. 4 is simulation results at large signal region. B. Doherty amplifier The basic operation principles of the Doherty Amplifier are well described in many articles. From the paper, we have seen that the advantages of the Doherty amplifier are the simple circuit configuration and improved efficiency. General devices for PA have reactive parasitic components. Due to the components, the Doherty amplifier faced with some serious problems when the conventional load network is used. To solve the problems, we have used offset line. Fig. 1 shows the 1 on 1 doherty amplifier structure. Fig. 1. Structure of the doherty power amplifier (a) Gain and MAG (b) In/Out return loss Fig. 3. Small signal characteristics (simulation results) (a) In/Out characteristics (b) efficiency The amplifier can delivers a maximum power due to the power matching circuits. For the peaking amplifier, the output impedance seen at the output junction can be transformed close to open by the proper length of offset line. Since the output impedance of the power devices is low resistance and high capacitive one, it can be rotated to a high resistance by the offset line. Thus, the leakage power to the peaking amplifier at a low-power operation can be substantially reduced and the proper load modulation can be guaranteed. III. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENT In this paper, MMIC PA was fabricated using InGaP/GaAs HBT process from Win semiconductor Inc. Reducing the AMto-AM distortion by gain deviation, it designed drive PA using gain expansion characteristic. Fig. 2 shows proposed PA block diagram of two stages MMIC PA (c) OIP3 characteristics Fig. 4. Large signal characteristics Fig. 5 shows the photography of test board for measurement of PAs. Fig. 6 is measurement results and it shows the comparison between conventional Doherty-structure amplifier and proposed MMIC PA. Table Ⅱ presents the comparison of measurement results. Fig. 2. Structure of the doherty amplifier with gain expansion drive amplifier 44.5 38 48.5 NF 2.92 2.84 4.36 Proposed MMIC PA has high gain characteristic. Conventional class AB PA and Doherty PA are the characteristic of P1dB about 30dBm, but proposed PA shows P1dB characteristic of 27.2dBm. It is analyzed that mismatching between drive PA and final PA cause power loses. In this case, conventional class AB PA shows the highest efficiency characteristic but the Doherty PA has the highest efficiency in the light of saturation point. It is found that using drive PA causes efficiency performance degradation than Doherty PA. The uniqueness of efficiency characteristic is that measurement results of efficiency are higher than the simulation results. The reason of this result is because the actual current consumption is less than the one during the simulation about 7mA. OIP3 which is linearity property shows that proposed PA has the most outstanding performance. Fig. 5. Test board for measurement (a) Gain characteristics OIP3 (b) In/Out characteristics IV. (c) Input return loss (d) Output return loss CONCLUSION In this paper, InGaP/GaAs MMIC PA with gain expansion of drive PA and Doherty structure is proposed. For improvement efficiency degradation, Doherty structure was added to final amplifier. In consequence, OIP has improved about 4dB comparing to conventional class AB MMIC and about 10dB comparing to Doherty MMIC. However, using drive PA cause efficiency degradation. 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