University of Dayton Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 416 Introduction to Robotics – Fall 2011 Instructor: Prof. Raúl Ordóñez, KL341-E, Temesgen (Tem) Messay-Kebede, Office Hours: You can come almost any time I am there, but try to make an appointment if not during office hours: M, W 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Text book: Robot Modeling and Control, Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar, Wiley, 1st edition, 2005. Course Objective: This course is an introduction to the field of robotics, with a focus on industrial manipulators. The class will cover direct and inverse kinematics, robot jacobian and trajectory generation. In addition, the class will cover a selection of advanced topics, such as robotic vision, visual servoing, and robotic control. Students will perform extensive simulations in MATLAB and MotoSim, and will work on several hands-on projects in the Motoman Robotics Laboratory, located in KL232. Prerequisites: A linear signals and systems class (ECE303). Outline of topics 1. Introduction and terminology a. Lab safety b. Lab tour, robot specs c. Lab procedures 2. Homogeneous transformations a. Definitions b. Use of MATLAB: visualization of transforms 3. Introduction to Motoman robots a. MotoSim b. Pendant, MATLAB (Motoman SDK) 4. Direct kinematics a. Example: YS-540 b. Example: HP3 5. Inverse kinematics a. Example: YS-540 b. Example: HP3 6. Jacobian, velocity kinematics 7. Trajectory generation a. Artificial potentials 8. Link control (time permitting) a. PD control 9. Robot dynamics (time permitting) 10.Visual servoing (time permitting) Grading: (Tentative) Homework Computer and laboratory projects Midterm exam Final exam Course web site: 20% 40% 20% 20%