Feb-16 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم CIV 223 Reinforced Concrete Structures - I Spring 2015 Dr. Alaa Helba Office hours: Sunday 11 - 1:00 pm Review (lecture 1) 1 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Review (lecture 1) lecture 1: Loads and Loads transfer in skeleton reinforced concrete structures lecture 1: Materials and their main properties used reinforced concrete structures 2 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Lecture # 2 R.C. Fundamentals Analysis of RC Sections under Flexure (B.M) (Behavior of RC beams in different stages of loading) Stage I : Uncracked Section (up to M = Mcr) Stage II : Cracked Section in elastic stage (Mw) Stage III: Cracked Section in ultimate stage (Mu) Basic units / Dimensions For units: Use SI units (N, kN, mm and m) For a rectangular R.C. section let: b – width of rectangular R.C. section t – total height of R.C. section d – effective depth (distance to steel) h As – Area of main steel (Ex.:for 3f16 As=3*p(16)2/4=603mm2) c - cover [assume c=50 mm (arranging steel in a row) c= 70 (if arranging As in 2rows) – c=100 (if 3rows)] 3 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Behavior of RC beams in different stages of loading (from beginning up to failure) d=270 mm b= 150 mm 2F12 mm As=226mm2 4 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Flexural Behavior or RC Beams 3 main stages of the beam sections are observed: Stage I: Beam Before cracking (uncracked section) Stage II: beam at Service load (after cracking limit& before yield) cracked section in elastic range. Stage III: Beam at ultimate stage up to failure (cracked section in ultimate stage) Stage I: Beam Before cracking (uncracked section) compression tension compression tension 5 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Stage II: cracked section in elastic range. compression tension compression tension Stage III: cracked section in ultimate stage 6 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Flexural strain & Stress in RC Sections M compression stress t Neutral Axis (N.A.) As b tension stress strain Stress Behavior of a Rectangular singly-reinforced sec. sub. to B.M (elastic range) 7 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Properties of materials Es - Modulus of Elasticity of steel = 200 kN/mm2 Ec - Modulus of Elasticity of concrete = 4400 fcu n – modular ratio: n Es Ec Code suggests: n =10 in deflection & Mcr calculations n = 15 in working stage analysis Mwork) fcu – characteristic strength of conc. (20/25/30 N/mm2) fy – yield stress of steel (240 / 360 / 400 N/mm2) 8 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 • Assumptions: Flexure behavior: – Plane sections remain plane (linear strain distn up to failure) – Hooke’s Law applies (in working stage f = E * e ) – After cracking limit Concrete tensile strength is neglected – Concrete and steel are totally bonded (at steel level es = ec) Flexural Behavior The moment- Stage III curvature diagram shows the different Stage II stages of the beam up to failure. 9 Stage I Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Stage 1: Uncracked section Analysis of Uncracked Section Steps: for a rectangular section (b x t) reinforced with steel reinforcement of As: t 1- determine the position of the neutral axis,N.A – calculate shift e) N.A As 2- calculate the moment of inertia Ix-x (IN.A) of the section (concrete and steel) (no cracks). b 3- calculate the cracking moment Mcr. (M= f * I / y) Step 1: N.A. of the Section to assign the Centroid of the total area Let 𝐴𝑐 = 𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 = 𝑏𝑡 If Asteel is transformed to an equivalent concrete) Atransformed steel = n As (n = 10 before cracking) 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑏𝑡 + 10 As Moments of Areas (@ C.L. of concrete sec tion) t bt (0) nAs c (bt nAs )(e) 2 e eccentricity ( shift from centre) t e ....... mm , ytension yt e 2 10 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Step 2: Calculation of Inertia of the virtual section IN.A t/2 e eccentricity ( shift from centre) e t/2 I N.A bt 3 bt (e) 2 nAs ( yt c) 2 12 For T - section : 11 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Step 3: Calculate the cracking moment Mcr M cr f ctr I N . A yt Calculation of Mcracking Procedure: Transform the area of steel to equivalent concrete, nAs using the modular ratio: n Es 10 Ec 1- Calculate the location of Moments of Areas (@ C.L. of con. sec . t the N.A. bt (0) nAs c (bt nAs )(e) 2 2- Calculate the total moment of Inertia @ N.A. e eccentricity ( shift from centre) 3- Calculate the cracking bt 3 I tr bt (e) 2 nAs ( yt c) 2 12 moment Mcr based on fbottom = fctr = 0.6√fcu. f I M cr 12 ctr tr yt Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Example # 1 Calculation of cracking moment Mcr for a singly reinforced rectangular section 16 2 for 5 f 16 As 5(p ) 1005 mm 2 4 Moments of Areas @ middle line (@ C.L. of concrete sec tion) t bt (0) nAs c (bt nAs )(e) 2 10(1005)400 50 [(250)(800) 10(1005)]e e 16.7 mm t e 400 16.7 383.3 mm 2 bt 3 I bt (e) 2 nAs ( yt c) 2 12 250(800) 3 250(800)(16.7) 2 10(1005)(383.3 50) 2 12 1.19 1010 mm 4 yt 13 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Cracking Moment M cr f ctr I yt f ctr 0.6 f cu 0.6 25 3 yt 383.3 N / mm 2 mm I 1.19 1010 mm 4 Cracking Moment M cr f ctr I 3(1.19 1010 ) yt 383.3 9.31 10 7 N . mm 93.1 kN . m Example -2 Calculation of cracking moment Mcr – T - section Be 800 mm 120 mm t 700 mm 510 mm 70 mm 6 F 18 b 200 mm 14 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Example -2 Calculation of cracking moment Mcr Be 800 mm 120 mm N.A t 700 mm e h/2 510 mm 6 F 18 70 mm b 200 mm 182 ) 1524 mm 2 4 Moments of Areas @ middle line (@ C.L. of rect. sec tion) for 6 F 18 As 6(p t t t bt (0) ( B b)t s ( s ) nAs c [bt ( B b)t s nAs ](e) 2 2 2 800 200(120)(350 60) 10(1524)(350 50) [(200)(700) 600(120) 10(1524)]e e 71.77 mm t e 350 71.8 421.8 mm 2 bt 3 t t I bt (e) 2 ( B b)t s3 / 12 ( B b)t s ( s e) 2 12 2 2 2 nAs ( yt c) yt 200(700) 3 200(700)(71.8) 2 600(120) 3 / 12 12 600(120)(350 60 71.8) 2 10(1524)(421.8 50) 2 8.55 109 mm 4 15 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016 Feb-16 Cracking Moment M cr f ctr I yt f ctr 0.6 f cu 0.6 30 3 .29 yt 421.8 mm I 8.55 109 mm 4 Cracking Moment M cr N / mm 2 f ctr I 3.29(8.55 109 yt 421.8 M cr 66.7 10 6 N .mm 66.7 kN .m 16 Lec. # 2 - CIV 223 - Dr. A. Helba sp.2016