Techno-economic Analysis of enhanced Dry Cooling for CSP SolarPACES Conference, Las Vegas, 19.09.2013 Massimo Moser German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Technical Thermodynamics Department of System Analysis and Technology Assessment • Chart 2 Motivation • Which factors are important for the site selection of a steam power plant? • Proximity to load centers • Accessibility and presence of transmission corridors • Availability of low-cost fuel • Presence of water for cooling purposes • Low-cost fuel is often available in water scarce regions. Examples: • Coal plants located near to coal mines in South Africa • CSP! (even if currently evaporation cooling is mostly used) In these cases dry cooling is the only viable option! • Chart 3 Dry Cooling - State of the Art and Improvements • The heat exchange is governed by the dry bulb temperature (TDB) • Strong impact of TDB on cooling efficiency • No water consumption/withdrawal • Direct or indirect layout (Heller) Tawney 2003 • Different approaches for the improvement of dry cooling: • Hybrid-wet cooling • Deluge cooling • ACC optimized design • Optimized dispatch • Chart 4 Methodology • Simplified model sensitivity analysis of LEC on key parameters: • ACC cooling design (Initial temperature difference) • Solar multiple • Solar field specific investment cost • REMix model Optimal plant dispatch of a dry cooled CSP plant: • Standard dispatch (100 % till complete TES discharge) • Optimized dispatch I (constant price) • Optimized dispatch II (time-variable price, demand proportional) • Chart 5 Technical Model ITD = Initial Temperature Difference TTD = Terminal Temperature Difference ITD Steam Tcond Air Outlet Temp. TDB Qcond ITD − TTD = A ⋅ U ⋅ LMTD = A ⋅ U ⋅ ITD log TTD Turbine Efficiency = f(Tcond) Gross Turb. Efficiency [%] = TBD + ITD TTD Tcond 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Gross Turb. Efficiency [%] 20 30 40 50 60 70 Condensation Temperature [°C] • Assumption: constant ITD, TTD 80 • Chart 6 Design Point Specifications and Investment Cost Temp. Frequency [%] Dry Bulb Temperature Frequency 10% 8% 6% Temp Frequency [-] TDB_DESIGN 4% 2% 0% -04 00 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Dry Bulb Temperature [°C] • Assumption: design point specifications have been set for the 20 % percentile of the annual temperature Inability to maintain design output during the hottest hours of the year • A trade-off exists between CAPEX, power block efficiency and annual yield! • Chart 7 Sensitivity of LEC on key Parameters CSP solar only - Dry Cooling Design =f(spec. inv. SF) 200 [€/m²] 150 [€/m²] CSP solar only - Dry Cooling Design =f(SM) SM1.3 250 [€/m²] SM3 SM2 16.00 15.00 LEC [€cent/kWh] LEC [€cent/kWh] 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 9.00 8.00 10.00 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Initial Temperature Difference (ITD) [°C] • In the case of elevate investment cost, a highly efficient cooling has to be preferred • The same applies to conventional power plants with high fuel costs! 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Initial Temperature Difference (ITD) [°C] • High SM (i.e. high plant operating hours) requires high efficiency for more quick amortization of elevate investment cost Assumptions: SM1.3 w/o TES / SM2 7.5 h TES / SM3 12 h TES • Chart 8 REMix – Analyzed cases • 100 MW el_net CSP “Andasol-like”, solar-only operation, dry cooling • SM 1.4; 7.5 h TES (not optimized; high dispatch flexibility) • 3 sites in Jordan Parameter Unit Kerak Irbid Aqaba Latitude ° 31.18 32.55 29.52 Longitude ° 35.70 35.85 35.00 kWh/m²/y 2,545 2,537 2,371 TDB_AVG °C 17.0 17.6 24.9 TDB_80_% °C 25.1 24.7 32.5 DNI • Hourly simulation with the optimizing tool REMix • 3 operation strategies: • Standard dispatch used as reference • Optimized dispatch I (constant price) • Optimized dispatch II (time-variable price, demand proportional) • Chart 9 REMix - Results Parameter Unit Kerak Irbid Standard Operation Optimized Dispatch + Fixed Price Optimized Dispatch + Variable Price Standard Operation Optimized Dispatch + Fixed Price Optimized Dispatch + Variable Price 1254.4 1254.4 1254.4 1192.4 1192.4 1192.4 337 358 342 301 459.3 451.7 409.3 418.0 402.0 407.0 420.5 411.9 373.3 381.1 367.3 37.6 37.4 38.9 39.8 35.9 36.9 37.4 36.8% 36.3% 36.6% 36.9% 35.8% 35.3% 35.4% 35.2% 33.5% 33.8% 33.1% 33.5% 33.9% 32.3% 32.3% 32.4% 32.0% 0.0% -2.0% 3.6% 0.0% -3.2% -1.1% 0.0% -2.0% 7.1% - Standard Operation Optimized Dispatch + Fixed Price Optimized Dispatch + Variable Price [GWhth] 1180.4 1180.4 1180.4 [-] 348 303 303 PEL_GROSS [GWh/y] 419.0 427.8 421.4 444.5 PEL_NET [GWh/y] 383.5 391.6 385.9 Plant Parasitics [GWh/y] 35.4 36.2 ηGROSS - PB [%] 36.5% ηNET - PB [%] ∆ LEC [%] Operation Strategy QSF n start-up - PB Aqaba Minimization of PB 347 302 start-up procedures • Chart 10 REMix – Results Analysis Exemplary Summer Electricity Generation - Constant Price 2500 100 2000 80 1500 60 1000 40 500 20 96 • In the case of constant feed-in price: • Minimization of the number of start-ups • Max. production in the early morning hours (lower TDB) 101 91 86 81 76 71 66 61 56 51 46 41 31 36 26 21 16 11 0 6 0 TES SoC [MWhth]; DNI [W/m²] Pparasitics [MW] TES SoC [MWh] 120 1 Electricity Generation [MW] CSP P_el. Solar [MW] Pgross [MW] DNI [W/m²] Hour [-] Exemplary Summer Electricity Generation - Variable Price 2500 100 2000 80 1500 60 1000 40 500 20 Hour [-] 101 96 91 86 81 76 71 66 61 56 51 46 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 0 6 0 TES SoC [MWhth]; DNI [W/m²] Pparasitics [MW] TES SoC [MWh] 120 1 Electricity Generation [MW] CSP P_el. Solar [MW] Pgross [MW] DNI [W/m²] • In the case of time-variable price, the impact of the temperature seems to play a secondary role in the optimization strategy • Chart 11 Conclusions • Air cooled condensers will be the preferred option for large-scale introduction of CSP in water-scarce and DNI-rich regions • The optimal ACC design results from a technical-economic trade-off between turbine efficiency and investment cost; In CSP plants, highly efficient ACC are required for high SM/TES and high specific CAPEX • Ca. 2 % LEC reduction can be reached in dry cooled CSP plant by partial plant commitment shifting towards night hours • In the case of demand-driven plant commitment, slightly higher feed-in tariffs should be introduced. However, in this case CSP would be able to displace the most expensive plants during peak periods. Thank you for your attention! Contact Massimo Moser DLR German Aerospace Center Institute of Technical Thermodynamics +49 711 6862 779