Constraint Manipulation using Rewrite Rules and Strategies Carlos Castro INRIA Lorraine & CRIN 615, rue du Jardin Botanique, BP 101, 54602 Villers-les-Nancy Cedex, France e-mail: Abstract 1 Introduction In the last twenty years many work has been done on solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). Several languages and libraries are now available to deal with CSP and they have been successfully applied for solving real life problems. These tools are mainly based on procedural or Prolog-like languages. We are interested in constraint manipulation using rule-based algorithms because of the explicit distinction made in this approach between deduction rules and control. We associate actions with rewrite rules and control with strategies that establish the order of application of the inferences. This framework allows us to describe constraint handling in a very abstract way, prototype new heuristics almost only modifying the choice of rules, prove termination in a easier way and possibly partly automated, and combine constraint solving with other computational systems. Prototype new heuristics and prove termination are not obvious tasks in black box like algorithms. Our rst goal is to improve our understanding of the algorithms developed for solving CSP once, they are expressed as rewrite rules coordinated by strategies, and then to be able to propose new ones. Extending the domain of application of Rewriting Logic to CSP is another motivation for our work. This leads the way to the design of a formalism that allows the application of the knowledge already developed in the domain of Automated Deduction, to the constraint solving process. To verify our approach we have implemented a prototype which is currently executable in the system ELAN [11], an interpreter of computational systems. This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 We are interested in constraint manipulation using rule-based algorithms because of the explicit distinction made in this approach between deduction rules and control. We associate actions with rewrite rules and control with strategies that establish the order of application of the inferences. This framework allows us to describe constraint handling in a very abstract way, prototype new heuristics almost by modifying only the choice of rules, prove termination in an easier and possibly partially automated way, and combine constraint solving with other computational systems. Our rst goal is to improve our understanding of the algorithms developed for handling Constraint Satisfaction Problems, once they are expressed as rewrite rules coordinated by strategies, and then to be able to propose new ones. Extending the domain of application of Rewriting Logic to constraint solving is another motivation for our work. In this paper, we formalise constraint solving as an inference process and we present a new technique for handling disjunctive constraints. We hope that this work leads the way to the design of a formalism that allows the application of the knowledge already developed in the domain of Automated Deduction, to the constraint solving process. To verify our approach we have implemented a prototype which is currently executable in the system ELAN, an interpreter of computational systems. Keywords: Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Rewriting Logic, Computational Systems. 1 contains some denitions and an overview about CSP solving, in section 3 we briey present a computational system for CSP solving, section 4 presents a new technique to deal with CSPs involving disjunctive constraints and section 5 concludes the paper, presents the work we are currently developing and further ideas. variables, by e the number of binary constraints and by a the number of elements in the domain D (a = C ard(D)). Typical tasks dened in connection with CSP are to determine whether a solution exists, and to nd one or all the solutions. In this section we present three categories of techniques used in processing CSP: Searching Techniques, Problem Reduction, and Hybrid Techniques. Kumar's work [12] is an excellent survey on this topic. 2 CSP Formally, an elementary constraint c? is an atomic formula built on a signature = (F ; P ), where F is a set of ranked function symbols and P a set of ranked predicate symbols, and a denumerable set X of variable symbols 1 . Elementary constraints are combined with usual rst-order connectives. We denote the set of constraints built from and X by C (; X ). Given a structure D = (D; I ), where I is an interpretation function and D the domain of this interpretation, a h; X ; Di-CSP is any set C = (c?1 ^ : : : ^ c?n) such that c?i 2 C (; X ) 8i = 1; : : :; n. A solution of c? is a mapping from X to D that associates to each variable x 2 X an element in D such that c? is satisable in D. The solution set of c? is given by: Searching Techniques in CSP Searching consists of techniques for systematic exploration of the space of all solutions. The simplest algorithm generate-and-test, also called trial-anderror search, is based on the idea of testing every possible combination of values to obtain a solution of a CSP. Intending to avoid the obvious combinatorial explosion of generate-and-test the basic algorithm commonly used for solving CSPs is the simple backtracking search algorithm, also called standard backtracking or depth-rst search with chronological backtracking [4]. The time complexity of backtracking is O(an e), i.e., the time taken to nd a solution tends to be exponential in the number of variables [14]. In order to avoid the exploration of subtrees of the backtrack search SolD (c? ) = f 2 XD j(c?) = Tg: tree that dier only in inessential features (thrashA solution of C is a mapping such that all con- ing,) such as the assignments to variables irrelestraints c?i 2 C are satisable in D. The solution vant to the failure of the subtrees, the notion of set of C is given by: problem reduction has been developed. Problem Reduction in CSP Problem reduc- SolD (C ) = f 2 XD j(c?i ) = T 8i = 1; : : :; ng: tion techniques transform a CSP to an equivalent problem by reducing the values that the variables can take. Given the CSPs P and P 0 whose solution set are Sol(P ) and Sol(P 0 ), respectively, we say that they are equivalent if Sol(P ) = Sol(P 0 ): A CSP P is reduced to P 0 if P and P 0 are equivalent, the set Dx 0 associated to each membership constraint x 2? Dx 0 in P 0 is a subset of the set Dx associated to each membership constraint x 2? Dx in P , and the set of constraints C 0 in P 0 is more restrictive than, or as restrictive as, the set of constraints C in P . Problem reduction is often refered to as consistency maintenance [17]. Consistency concepts have been dened in order to eliminate combinations of values which could not appear together in any set of values satisfying 1 For clarity, constraints are syntactically distinguished the set of constraints and obtaining in this way from formulae by a question mark exponent on their pred- a reduced problem. Mackworth [13] establishes icate symbols. three levels of consistency: node, arc and pathGiven a variable x 2 X and a non-empty set Dx D, the membership constraint of x is a relation given by x 2? Dx : We use these membership constraints to make explicit the domain reduction process during the constraint solving. In practice, the sets Dx have to be set up to D at the beginning of the constraint solving process, and constraint propagation will eventually reduce them. We consider CSPs in which the carrier of the structure is a nite set and the constraints are only unary or binary. This class of CSP is known as Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems. To represent Binary CSPs graphs are generally used, that is why a CSP is also called a Constraint Network. In this work, we denote by n the number of 2 consistency. These names come from the fact that general graphs have been used to represent Binary CSP. A general notion of k-consistency was introduced in [9], where 1-consistency, 2-consistency and 3-consistency correspond to node, arc and path-consistency, respectively. The varying forms of consistency algorithms can be seen as approximation algorithms, in that they impose necessary but not always sucient conditions for the existence of a solution on a CSP. We now give the standard denitions of node and arc-consistency for a binary network of constraints 2 . [8] use complex data structures to keep the optimal worst-case time complexity of AC-4 while working out the drawback of space complexity of AC-4. As our aim in this work is only to introduce a new framework to model CSP, we use AC-3 because we need a very simple data structure to implement it. Hybrid Techniques As backtracking suers from thrashing and consistency algorithms can only eliminate local inconsistencies, hybrid techniques have been developed. In this way we obtain a complete algorithm that can solve all problems and where thrashing can be reduced. Hybrid techniques integrate constraint propagation algorithms into backtracking in the following way: whenever a variable is instantiated, a new CSP is created; then a constraint propagation algorithm is applied to remove local inconsistencies of these new CSPs [23]. Embedding consistency techniques inside backtracking algorithms is called Hybrid Techniques. A lot of algorithms that essentially t the previous format have been proposed. Forward Checking, Partial Lookahead, Full Lookahead, and Really Full Lookahead, for example, primarily dier in the degrees of arc consistency performed at the nodes of the search tree. Denition 1 (Node consistency) Given a variable x 2 X and a unary constraint c? (x) 2 C , the node associated to x is consistent if 8 2 XD : 2 SolD (x 2? Dx ) ) 2 SolD (c? (x)): A network of constraints is node-consistent if all its nodes are consistent. Verication of node consistency is obvious, the algorithm NC-1 proposed by Mackworth [13] carries out this task and its time complexity is O(an) [14]. Denition 2 (Arc consistency) Given the variables xi ; xj 2 X and the constraints c?i (xi ); c?j (xj ); c?k (xi; xj ) 2 C , the arc associ- 3 A Computational System for Solving CSP ated to c?k (xi ; xj ) is consistent if 8 2 XD 90 2 XD : 2 SolD (xi 2? Dx ^ c?i (xi )) i ) 0 2 SolD (xj 2? Dx j The idea of solving constraint systems using com- systems was rstly proposed by Kirch^ c?j (xj ) ^ c?k ((xi); xj )): putational ner, Kirchner and Vittek in [10] where they de- A network of constraints is arc-consistent if all ne the concept of computational systems and describe how a constraint solver for symbolic conits arcs are consistent. straints can be viewed as a computational system aimed at computing solved forms for a class of considered formulas called constraints. They point out some advantages of describing constraint solving processes as computational systems over constraint solving systems where solvers are encapsulated in black boxes, such as reaching solved forms more eciently with smart choices of rules, easier termination proofs and possibly partly automated, description of constraint handling in a very abstract way, and easy combination of constraint solving with other computa2 In this work, we do not use the concept of path- tional systems. Following [10], a computational consistency because it has been proved that algorithms for system is given by a signature providing the synachieving path-consistency do not pay-o their cost. tax, a set of conditional rewrite rules describing Several algorithms have been proposed for achieving arc consistency. In [13], Mackworth proposes AC-3 whose time complexity is O(a3 e) [14]. In [16] Mohr and Henderson propose the algorithm AC-4 whose worst-case time complexity is O(ea2 ) and they prove its optimality in terms of time. But, in problems with many solutions, where constraints are large and arc-consistency removes few values, AC-3 runs often faster than AC-4 despite its non-optimal time complexity [21]. Algorithms like AC-6 [1], AC-6++ [2] and AC-7 3 the deduction mechanism, and a strategy to guide application of rewrite rules. Formally, this is the combination of a rewrite theory in rewriting logic [15], together with a notion of strategy to eciently compute with given rewrite rules. Computation is exactly application of rewrite rules on a term and strategies describe the intented set of computations, or equivalently in rewriting logic, a subset of proofs terms. of consistency we are imposing on the constraint set. So, a CSP P in unary solved form is a system in basic form whose set of constraints is node consistent, and a CSP P in binary solved form is a system in basic form whose set of constraints is arc consistent. Denition 4 (Solved form) A solved form for a CSP P is a conjunction of formulae in basic form equivalent to P and such that all basic assignments satisfy all constraints. A basic assignment of a CSP P in solved form is called solution. 3.1 Solved Forms Term rewriting repeatedly transforms a term into an equivalent one, using a set of rewrite rules, until a normal form is eventually obtained. The solved 3.2 Rewrite Rules form we use is dened with the notion of basic In [5] we propose ConstraintSolving a set of rewrite rules for solving CSP, which is presented form. in gure 1. Denition 3 (Basic form) A basic form for a We use a constant F to denote a unsatisCSP P is any conjunction of formulae of the form able CSP. The rule Node-Consistency, where RD(x 2? Dx ; c?(x)) stands for the set Dx0 = ^ ^ ^ ? fv 2 Dx j c?(v)g, veries node consistency (xi 2 Dxi ) ^ (xj =? vj ) ^ (c?k ) and it is based on NC-1 algorithm. The rule j 2J i2I k2K Arc-Consistency, where RD(x1 2? Dx1 ; x2 2? Dx2 ; c?(x1 ; x2)) stands for the set Dx0 1 = fv 2 equivalent to P such that Dx1 j (9w 2 Dx2 ) c? (v; w)g, veries arc consistency and it is based on AC-3 algorithm. Rule 8i1 ; i2 2 I; i1 6= i2 ) xi 1 6= xi 2 Instantiation corresponds to a variable assign 8i 2 I; Dxi 6= ; ment. Elimination expresses the fact that once a variable has been instantiated, we can propagate 8j1; j2 2 J; j1 6= j2 ) xj 1 6= xj 2 its value through all constraints where the variable is involved in. C fx 7! vg denotes the conjunction 8i 2 I 8j 2 J xi 6= xj of constraints obtained from C by replacing all 8k 2 K 9i 2 I 9j 2 J; xk = xi _ xk = xj occurrences of the variable x by the value v. The rule Falsity expresses the obvious fact of unsatisThe constraints in the rst, second, and third ability. The rule Generate expresses the simple conjunction are called membership, equality, and fact of branching to carry out exhaustive search. functional constraints, respectively. For each variable we have associated a membership constraint Lemma 1 The set of rules ConstraintSolving or an equality constraint, the set associated to is correct and complete. each variable in the membership constraints must not be empty, and for each variable appearing Proof: See [5]. in the functional constraints there must be associated a membership constraint or an equality Theorem 1 Starting with a CSP P and applying constraint. Variables which are only involved in repeatedly the rules in ConstraintSolving until equality constraints are called solved variables and no rule applies anymore results in F i P has no the others non-solved variables. solution or else it results in a solved form of P . A CSP P in basic form can be associated with a basic assignment obtained by assigning each vari- Proof: See [5]. able in the equality constraints to the associated value v and each variable x in the membership ConstraintSolving was designed to deal with constraints to any value in the set Dx . In this way elementary constraints. In order to combine them we can dene several forms depending on the level with rst-order connectives we add a new rule 4 [Node ? Consistency] x 2? Dx ^ c? (x) ^ C ) x 2? RD(x 2? Dx ; c?(x)) ^ C [Arc ? Consistency] x1 2? Dx1 ^ x2 2? Dx2 ^ c?(x1 ; x2) ^ C ) x1 2? RD(x1 2? Dx1 ; x2 2? Dx2 ; c?(x1; x2)) ^ x2 2? Dx2 ^ c? (x1; x2) ^ C if RD(x1 2? Dx1 ; x2 2? Dx2 ; c?(x1; x2)) 6= Dx1 [Instantiation] x 2? Dx ^ C ) x =? (x) ^ C if fg = SolD (x 2? Dx ) [Elimination] x =? v ^ C ) x =? v ^ C fx 7! vg if x 2 V ar(C ) [Falsity] x 2? ; ^ C [Generate] ) F x 2? Dx ^ C ) x =? (x) ^ C or x 2? Dx n(x) ^ C if 2 SolD (x 2? Dx ) Figure 1: ConstraintSolving: Rewrite rules for solving Binary CSP [CreateChoicePoint] (c?1 _ c?2) ^ C ) c?1 ^ C or c?2 ^ C Figure 2: CreateChoicePoint: Rewrite rule for creating a choice point CreateChoicePoint that creates a choice point, 3.3 Strategies i.e., posts the disjuncts of a disjunctive constraint. As we have mention there are several heuristics This rule is presented in gure 2. to search for a solution in CSP, starting from the brute force generate and test algorithm until elaborated versions of backtracking. The expressive power of computational systems allows to express these dierent heuristics through the notion of As all rst-order connectives can de expressed strategy. In this way, for example, a unary solved using conjunctions and disjunctions we can now form can be obtained by applying deal with all of them, we just have to put the j set of constraints in a conjunctive normal form. [Node-Consistency j CreateChoicePoint Falsity ] The right hand side of rule CreateChoicePoint is equivalent to (c?1 or c?2) ^ C . This expression A binary solved form can be obtained by applyis equivalent to (c?1 _ c?2 ) ^ C , the left hand side of ing the rule, so rule CreateChoicePoint is correct j CreateChoicePoint j and complete. As CreateChoicePoint creates [Arc-Consistency Falsity ] a new subproblem for each disjunct involved in a disjunctive constraint, the solution for the origi- And a solved form for a set of elementary connal problem is in the union of the solution to each straints can be obtained using the strategy subproblem, and as nally each subproblem is a [[Generate; Elimination] j Falsity] conjunction of elementary constraints theorem 1 is still valid when we consider together the set of which implements exhaustive search 3. rules ConstraintSolving and the rule Create- 3 The symbol means applying a given rule zero or N times over the constraint system. ChoicePoint. 5 We can integrate constraint propagation and search in order to get a solved form more eciently than the force brute approach. Let us dene the following strategies: NodeC :: [Node-Consistency; [Instantiation; EliminationjFalsity]] ArcC :: [Arc-Consistency; [Instantiation; EliminationjFalsity]] Considering only elementary constraints, the strategy [NodeC j ArcC] ; [Generate; EliminationjFalsity] implements a preprocessing which veries node and arc consistency and then carries out an exhaustive search in the reduced problem. Considering disjunctive constraints, the strategy [NodeC j ArcC] ; [CreateChoicePoint; [NodeC j ArcC] ; Generate; Elimination; NodeC] implements an heuristic which, once node and arc consistency have been veried, carries out a loop which rstly creates a choice point, then veries node and arc consistency, then carries out an enumeration step, and nally veries node consistency. This last one is a particular version of Forward Checking an heuristic widely used in CSP. all constraints in store are k-consistent and all the variables in the membership constraints have associated a non-empty set. ELAN is a system for prototyping nondeterministic computations thanks to rules and strategies. Strategies is one of the main originalities of ELAN compared to other algebraic specication languages based on rewriting. A strategy is a way to describe which computations the user is interested in, and species where a given rule should be applied in the term to be reduced. We describe informally here how ELAN deals with rewrite rules and strategies and we present an overview of our prototype. A full description of the language can be found in [3]. All details about the prototype can be obtained at 3.4.1 Rewrite Rules Rules are labelled conditional rewrite rules with local variable assignments [`] : l ) r if v where y := [S ]u ` is the rule label, l and r the respective left and right-hand sides, v the condition and y := [S ]u a local assignment, assigning to the local variable y the result of the strategy S applied to the term u. For applying such a rule on a term t, say at top position, rst l is matched against t. Then the expressions in where and if parts, instantiated with the matching substitution, are evaluated in order. When there is no failure, this usually instantiates the local variables (such as y) in where expressions, and this extends the matching substitution. When every condition is satised, the replacement by the instantiated left-hand side is performed. As an example, gure 3 presents the implementation of Node-Consistency using ELAN. This rule establishes that if the rst constraint, c, in the list of constraints has arity equals to 1, the operator Verify NC will be applied, this result will be assigned to Q and nally the left hand side will be rewritten to Q. The rule Node Consistency corresponds to the high level of the verication of local consistency following the idea of algorithm NC-1. The actual verication of values is carried out by the operator Verify NC which is presented in a general way in gure 4. The operator Verify NC manipulates the data structure using two kinds of basic operators. 3.4 Implementation We have implemented a prototype which is currently executable in the system ELAN [11], an interpreter of computational systems4 . We use a 4tuple CSP[lmc,lec,C,store] to represent a CSP, where lmc is a list with the membership constraints, lec is a list with the equality constraints, C is a list with the set of constraints to solve and store is a list with the constraints already veried. Our implementation for achieving local consistency is mainly based on algorithm AC-3, the constraints in C are veried and stored in the store, once a variable's domain is modied we extract all constraints in the store where the variable is involved in and add them to C. So, a kconsistent CSP is obtained once the list C is empty, 4 ELAN is available via anonymous ftp at in the directory /pub/loria/protheo/softwares/Elan. Further information can be obtained at 6 csp c : formula ; lmc , l e c ,C , st ore : l i s t [ formula ] ; Q: csp ; rules for global [ NodeConsistency ] end CSP [ lmc , l e c , c . C, s tor e ] => Q i f ArityOfC onstr aint ( c ) == 1 where Q := ( ) Verify ? NC (CSP [ lmc , l e c , c . C, s to re ] ) Figure 3: Rule Node-Consistency: Verication of Node-Consistency tional matching and second to the where assignment, since it may itself return several possible assignments for variables, due to the use of strategies. When a rewrite rule or a strategy returns an empty set of terms, we say that it fails. Thus the language provides a way to handle this nondeterminism. This is done using three basic strategy operators: dc, standing for dont care choose, dk, standing for dont know choose, and rst. For a rewrite rule [`] : l ) r the strategy dc(`) returns at most one result which is undeterministically taken among the possible results of the application of the rule. rst is a 'sequential version' of dont care choose, which takes always the rst, in textual order, successful branch. On the contrary, if the ` rule is applied using the dk(`) strategy, then all possible results are computed and returned by the strategy. The implementation handles these several results by an appropriate back-chaining operation. This is extended to the application of several rules: the dk strategy results in the application of all sub-strategies and yields the concatenation of all results; the application of the dc strategy returns the set of results of one (the rst) non-failing rule application. If all sub-strategies fail, then it fails too, i.e. it yields the empty set. The strategy constants id and fail respectively represent identity and failure. The current implementation of our system includes strategies that implement exhaustive search, local consistency and hybrid techniques. As a basic example, gure 6 presents the implementation of local consistency for a set of elementary constraints. More interesting heuristics as Forward Check3.4.2 Strategies ing, and Full Lookahead can be easily impleApplication of a rewrite rule in ELAN yields, in mented using the powerful of strategies in ELAN. general, several results. This is rst due to equa- Figure 7 presents a simple version of Forward The basic operator GetVarOfFormule(c), returns the list of variables involved in the constraint c, GetVarInHead(x,l,nil) returns a list of constraints where the rst element corresponds to the membership constraint associated to x, and GetConstraintOnVar(x,store,nil,nil) returns two lists, the rst one with the constraints in store where x is involved in and the second one with the rest of the store. All these operators are domain independent. The operators EvaluateGroundFormule(c) evaluate the truth value of a ground formula according to the interpretation I, and ReviseDxWRTc return the set of values in Dx that satisfy c, i.e., this operator implements RD of rule Node-Consistency in gure 1. Figure 5 describes the specication of the operator ReviseDxWRTc in the particular case of an integer signature. ReviseDxWRTc makes use of a canonical form for the constraints because of efciency reasons. This canonical form is obtained applying a preprocessing step on the input term. Once we realise that there are rules that depend on the general process of constraint solving and rules that depend on the specic structure over which we want to solve Binary CSPs, it is natural to think about a general solver for solving CSP. Using this idea we have designed a general framework for constraint solving and implemented a computational system for solving Binary CSP over two discrete domains, the integer numbers and the nite domains. In this way, solving Binary CSP(X ) needs only to specify a module for the particular signature associated to X . 7 csp x , y : var ; lv : l i s t [ var ] ; v : Type ; n : int ; F : bool ; D,RD: domain ; c : formula ; lmc , l e c ,C , st or e , l1 : l i s t [ formula ] ; t w o l i s t s : tuple [ l i s t [ formula ] , l i s t [ formula ] ] ; rules for global [] Verify ? NC (CSP [ lmc , l e c , c . C, s to re ] ) => where ( l i s t [ var ] ) y . lv := ( ) GetVarOfAtomicFormula ( c ) switch case occurs y in l e c then where ( l i s t [ formula ] ) x = v . l1 := ( ) GetVarInHead ( y , l e c switch case EvaluateGroundFormula ( r ep la ce ( x , v , c ) ) then , nil ) CSP [ lmc , x=v . l1 , C, s to re ] otherwise CSP [ x in ? empty . lmc , l1 ,C , s tor e ] end otherwise where where switch case ( l i s t [ formula ] ) x in ? D. l1 := ( ) GetVarInHead ( y , lmc , n il ) RD := ( ) ReviseDxWRTc ( x in ? D, c ) RD != D then CSP [ x in ? RD. l1 , l e c , append ( 1?th ( t w o l i s t s ) ,C) , 2?th ( t w o l i s t s ) ] where ( tuple [ l i s t [ formula ] , l i s t [ formula ] ] ) t w o l i s t s := ( ) GetConstraintsOnVar ( x , st or e , ni l , n i l ) otherwise end end end CSP [ x in ? D. l1 , l e c , C, s to re ] Figure 4: Operator Verify NC: Verication of Node-Consistency Checking and a version of Full Lookahead including the First Fail Principle to select the next variable to instantiate5. It is important to note that rewrite rules and strategies allow an easy formalisation of this kind of strategies, but it is dicult to implement heuristics like Backjumping. The basic strategy operator dk, dont know choose, is powerful enough to implement choice point like heuristics, but it does not allow to jump in the search tree. Concerning the same operator, global variables are not available, so implementation of branch and bound techniques, widely used for optimisation problems, are not evident. constraint. A lot of combinatorial problems involve this kind of constraints. For example, in scheduling problems these constraints come from the fact that several tasks must use the same resource and the limited capacity of that resource does not allow to perform all tasks at a same time [20]. Let T askij the start time of task i of job j and dij the duration of task i of job j . On a machine performing a simple task at a time, the capacity constraints enforce the mutual exclusion for each pair of tasks assigned to the same machine. If we consider task k of jobs i and j , the fact that on machine k job i runs before job j or vice versa can be expressed by the following disjunctive constraint 4 Handling Disjunctive Constraints T askkj ? T askki + dki _ T askki ? T askkj + dkj In order to perform all tasks using the same The combination of two elementary constraints resource a sequential order must be established, with a disjunction operator is called a disjunctive these precedence relations that are not known 5 The First Fail Principle is also known as Minimum a priori are determinated by the solution to a Domain. scheduling problem. This feature changes the 8 domain x : var ; D: domain ; k1 , k2 , lowbound : int ; rules for global [] ReviseDxWRTc ( x in ? D, k1 ( ) x (+) k2 >=? 0 ) => where lowbound :=( ) ?k2 /k1 switch case lowbound <= MaxOfDomain(D) UpdateMinOfDomain (D, lowbound ) then otherwise empty end end Figure 5: Operator ReviseDxWRTc: Revise Domain for integers csp implicit [ ] L oc alC ons is te nc yF orE l eme nta ryC ons tr ai nts => repeat + ( f i r s t ( NodeConsistency j j ArcConsistency ) ; f irst ( fi rs t ( Ins ta ntia tio n ) ; f i r s t ( Elimination j j id ) s t r a t e g i e s for jj f i r s t ( F a l s i ty ) jj end ) id ) Figure 6: Strategy for implementing Local Consistency nature of the problem, and no ecient polynomial algorithm can be exhibited for solving all problems involving disjunctive constraints. Some techniques to deal with this kind of problems are Choice Point [18], introduction of (0/1) Binary Variables [22], and Constructive Disjunction [19]. Figure 8 presents ConstructiveDisjunction a set of rules to deal with CSPs involving T disjunctive constraints, where D0 x = Dx n fv 2 Dx j (8i = 1; ::; k; j = 1; ::; ni) c?ij jx=v = Fg. Rule Post-Constraint establishes that if a disjunctive constraint is composed of only one disjunct then this disjunct is posted as an elementary constraint and the original disjunctive constraint is eliminated. Rule Eliminate-Disjunct express the fact that when a disjunct is inconsistent with respect to the membership constraints associated to the variables in the disjunct, this disjunct is eliminated from the disjunctive constraint. If a disjunct is a ground formula and its truth value is true then the whole disjunctive constraint is eliminated, that is the idea of rule EliminateDisjunction. Rule Split-Disjunctions splits the set of disjunctive constraints in two subsets whose set of variables are disjoints. The idea behind this rule is to obtain a set of connected graphs when it is applied repeatedly on the set of disjunctive constraints. Finally, rule DomainReduction veries local consistency using a constructive disjunction approach, impossible combinations of values that are common to all alternatives of a set of disjunctive constraints are eliminated. The rules in ConstructiveDisjunction can be used to carry out a preprocessing step in order to eliminate some values, before any a priori choice between the disjuncts of the disjunctive constraints, as is expressed by the following strategies. Let CD :: [Split-Disjunctions; Domain-Reduction; [Post-Constraint j Eliminate-Disjunct j Eliminate-Disjunction]] So, the strategy 9 s t r a t e g i e s for implicit csp [ ] Forward ? Checking => L oca lC o ns is te ncy Fo rE l emen ta ryC ons tr ai nts ; repeat ( f i r s t ( GetDisjunctiveNormalForm ) ; f i r s t ( dk ( P os t F i r s t C o n s tr a i nt j j PostSecondConstraint ) j j f i r s t ( PostConstraint ) ) ; L oca lC o ns is te ncy Fo rE le men tar yC o ns tr ain ts ; dk ( f i r s t ( Enumerate1 ) ; f i r s t ( Elimination j j id ) ; f i r s t ( Node ? Consistency ? for ? Elementary ? Constraints j j id ) jj first ) ) ( Enumerate2 ) end [ ] Full ? Lookahead ? With ? Minimum ? Domain => L oca lC o ns is te ncy Fo rE l emen ta ryC ons tr ai nts ; repeat ( f i r s t ( GetDisjunctiveNormalForm ) ; f i r s t ( dk ( P os t F i r s t C o n s tr a i nt j j PostSecondConstraint ) j j L oca lC o ns is te ncy Fo rE le men tar yC o ns tr ain ts ; f i r s t ( GetVarWithMinimumDomain ) ; dk ( f i r s t ( Enumerate1 ) ; f i r s t ( Elimination j j id ) ; Lo cal C o nsi s ten cyF o rE le ment ar yC o nst ra in ts jj first ) ) first ( PostConstraint ) ) ; ( Enumerate2 ) end Figure 7: Strategies for implementing Hybrid Techniques variables- are communicated through membership [LocalConsistencyForElementaryConstraints;constraints. The algorithm stops when there are CD] no more changes in these constraints. veries local consistency for a set of elementary Theorem 2 If we can decompose a set of disjuncand disjunctive constraints using a constructive tive constraints in M subgraphs, the worst case disjunction and a graph decomposition approach. time complexity of our algorithm is bounded by In [6] we propose an approach for systematic M 2ND?M +1 , where ND is the total number of manipulation of disjunctive constraints. We rstly disjunctive constraints. decompose a set of constraints in two subproblems, the rst one with all the elementary con- Proof: See [6]. straints and the second one with all the disjunctive constraints. A graph decomposition algorithm is This theorem means that if we can decompose applied to the set of disjunctive constraints in the set of disjunctive constraints in several suborder to obtain the maximum number of sub- problems we can do better than the existing apsets whose sets of variables are disjoints. Then proaches, like choice point. This approach can arc consistency is veried for the set of elemen- be used for solving scheduling problems where tary constraints and we use constructive disjunc- disjunctive constraints are the main complexity. tion to deal with the subsets of disjunctive con- In [7] we show how we can reduce the search straints in order to prune the search space. The space and eliminate some disjunctions when our results -elimination of impossible values for the approach is used as a preprocessing step. 10 [Post ? Constraint] V W C ^ i=1;::;m Vj =1;::;ni c?ij W ) C ^ c?k1 ^ i=1;::;m;i6=k j =1;::;ni c?ij Vif nk =(x12? D ) ^ C ^ V W ? [Eliminate ? Disjunct] x xV 2X i=1;::;m j =1;::;ni cij ? ) Vx2X (x 2 DWx ) ^ C ^ W ? ? i=1;::;m ;i=6 k j =1;::;ni cij ^ j =1;::;nk;j 6=l ckj V ? ? if SolDV( x2X (xW2 Dx ) ^ ckl ) = ; [Eliminate ? Disjunction] C ^ i=1 c? ;::;m j =1;::;n i ij V W ) C ^ i=1;::;m;i=6 k j =1;::;ni c?ij if 9 l 2V[1; ::; nkW] : c?kl = T ? [Split ? Disjunctions] C ^ i=1 ;::;m jW =1;::;ni cij V c? ^ ) VC ^ i=1;::;k i ij W j=1;::;n ? i=k+1;::;m j =1;::;ni cij if SSi=1;::;k;j=1;::;ni V ar(c?ij ) \ V ar(cW?ij ) = ; i=k+1;::;m;j =1;::;n i V ? [Domain ? Reduction] x 2V Dx ^ C W^ i=1;::;k j =1;::;ni c?ij ^ c? i=k+1;::;m j =1;::;nV i ij ? 0 ) Vx 2 D x ^WC ^ i=1;::;k Wj =1;::;ni c?ij ^ ? i=k+1 ;::;m j =1;::;ni cij S if x 2 i=1;::;k;j=1;::;ni V ar(c?ij ) and Dx 6= D0 x Figure 8: ConstructiveDisjunction: Rewrite rules for constructive disjunction in Binary CSP 5 Conclusion tected problems concerning the implementation of heuristics that require to jump in the search tree, and we are also working on the implementation of branch and bound techniques. As our aim in this work was only to apply the expressive power of computational systems to better understand constraint solving we did not care about eciency, so as future work we are interested in eciency considerations related to our implementation. We are also interested in the development of the prototype in order to validate it solving real life problems. From a more theoretical point of view we are interested in detection and elimination of redundancy in CSP using syntactical methods. 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