Aluminum Printed Circuit Boards Insulated Metal Subtrate Exceptional Design Capabilities Application Engineering Support IPrototyping N T E R N E T Sand ECU RITY NPI Support Sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing sed diam nonummy Low elit, Cost Manufacturing nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet High Reliability dolore magna aliquam. Mission Critical PCBs N ETWORK PROTECTION IST Interconnect Test Ut wisi enim ad Stress minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation TS-164949 / APQP ullamcorper.Et iusto odio dignis- Automotive Industrial sim qui blandit praeseptatum Quality zzril delenit Production Part Approval Process Whether you are working with an existing design or starting with just an idea, BAKNOR has the resources to help you create the optimal Aluminum Printed Circuit Board. With over 10 years experience, we know that the best design satisfies both the customer’s manufacturing process and the capabilities of the board fabrication process or Design for Manufacturability. Baknor can assist on the layout and panelization Manufacturing to maximize the benefits over a conventional Metal backed pcbs can be manufactured with FR-4 PCB. We can also reduce costs in the Aluminum or Copper metal in various thickness, areas of PCB dimensions, reduction of heat soldermask color and legend color. sinks and PCB mounting hardware. Baknor has assembled manufacturing, not only to Let us help you reach optimal “manufacturability” provide you the latest technologies, but to provide with your existing and new PCB’s. Many of our very competitive processes and materials required clients, with their own in-house design staff, look in both leading edge designs as well as trailing edge to our group when project loads are too great. product needs. From basic four layer boards used Use us on a project-by-project basis or to satisfy in consumer products to high layer count used in telecom, datacom or high frequency infrastructure all your design needs. needs. Manufacturing is done in the appropriate facility based on technology and volume required, to ensure we help you compete in your marketplace. augue duis dolore te feugait nulla adipiscing elit, sed diam Aluminum Printed Circuit Boards Advantages Class 3 nonummy nibh. P E R S O N A L F I R E WA L L S Tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut pat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis exerci tation ullamcorper cipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex. What does Design for Manufacturability mean to you? • Higher quality product • Lower labour and material costs • Minimized environmental impact • Reduced lead times • Higher first pass yields Responsive Customer Service Our local team of dedicated individuals is here to service your day-to-day needs. We consider ourselves to be local suppliers even if your product is produced halfway around the world. We understand your need for daily contact with people that support your business. Aluminum PCB have many advantages over FR-4 PCBs in thermally sensitive applications including; - Improved Reliability. - Mechanically Rigid. - Increased Life and Durabilty. - Improved Thermal Conduction. - Reduce Heat Sink Requirements. - Reduce Component Temperatures. - Potential To Reduce PCB Dimensions. - Excellent EMI-EMC Shielding Characteristics. - Increased Physical Strength Of The Assembly. - Versatility In Component And Tracking Layout. - ReducingThe Thermal Stress On All Components. Aluminum Printed Circuit Boards High Quality ALUMINUM Printed Circuit Boards At The Best Total Cost APPLICATIONS INTERNET SECURITY Responsive Customer Sit amet, consec tetuer adipiService Aluminum PCB is suited for mounting of high power light emitting diodes (LEDS) easily dissipating the heat generated by 1W, 3W power devices. With recent developments of high intensity SMT leds for various lighting products, requirement for aluminum and metal backed pcbs has increased. The bonded aluminum acts as a heat sink and dissipates heat away from the FR-4 component of the PCB very quickly and efficiently. scing elit, sed diam nonummy Our local team of dedicated nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet individuals are here to service your day-to-day needs. We dolore magna aliquam. consider ourselves to be local suppliers even if your product is Nproduced E T W O R Khalfway P R O T E around CTION the world. Long Term Reliability Interconnect Stress Test Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, For Hi-Reliability and Mission Critical Boards or as a method to help with your Vendor Qualification process, Baknor utilizes Interconnect Stress Testing (IST). Wequis understand yourtation need for nostrud exerci ulladaily contact with people that mcorper.Et iusto odio dignissim support your business. qui blandit praeseptatum zzril delenit Interconnect Stress Test (IST) is an accelerated stress test method used to evaluate the integrity of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) interconnect structure. It’s an objective test whose results are timely, repeatable, reproducible and unique. augue duis dolore te feugait nulla adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh. P E R S O N A L F I R E WA L L S Tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut pat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis exerci tation ullamcorper cipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex. 5225 Orbitor Drive, Suite #2 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W 4Y8 Tel: (905) 624-1800 Fax: (905) 629-1795 Toll Free North America: (877) 90 Baknor 1-877-902-2566 pcb TS-16949 / APQP Automotive Industry Quality IST is an IPC approved (TM-650 2.6.26) test method; Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) it’s experiencing rapidly growing acceptance by Baknor can support your supply chain needs for APQP/PPAP/TS-16949 qualifications and reporting requirements. With our experienced and registered facilities we can provide you with cost-effective automotive solutions. most major OEMs, CEM and PCB manufacturers as a definitive method for the measurement of PCB interconnect integrity. IST creates a thermal cycle that stresses a specifically designed coupon, while simultaneously monitoring (PPAP) is used in the automotive supply chain to the electrical integrity of plated through holes (PTHs) establish confidence in component suppliers and and internal interconnects (Posts). their production process, by demonstrating that: IST can be used to qualify materials, construction, “....all customer engineering design record and vendor processes as well as deliverable product specification requirements are properly understood assessment and surveillance. by the supplier and that the process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these It’s a test method that measures the integrity of requirements during an actual production run at the different areas of the same structure. quoted production rate.” IST automatically produces data that can help Baknor satisfies all 18 elements of a PPAP and we determine the PCBs ability to withstand the rigors fully support you from design thru delivery. Baknor of assembly, rework and the end use environment. can put a complete quality plan and PPAP report IST gives a critical evaluation of a board’s quality together for you. and insight to the possible modes of failure.