DESIGN CRITERIA SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1234 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19107 SEPTA FRAZER SHOP & YARD EXPANSION STV INCORPORATED 1818 MARKET STREET, SUITE 1410 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103-3616 NOVEMBER 25, 2015 This Page Intentionally Blank SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter Table of Contents CHAPTER TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 General 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 5 5 6 6 6 6 Introduction Design Codes Frazer Functional Design Criteria 1.3.1 Design Life 1.3.2 Service Proven 1.3.3 Project Integration Environmental 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 7 7 7 Introduction Design Codes Frazer Design Criteria Operations 9 3.1 3.2 3.3 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 Introduction Codes Frazer Operations Criteria 3.3.1 General Requirements 3.3.2 Temporary Structures 3.3.3 Rail Equipment 3.3.4 Railroad Operations 3.3.5 Construction Plans 3.3.6 Railroad Flagging; De-Energizing the Overhead Contact System 3.3.7 Construction Work Windows (Package 1 Only) Civil 4.1 4.2 4.3 15 Introduction Design Codes Frazer Design Criteria 4.3.1 Roadway Widths 4.3.2 Parking Area 4.3.3 Lighting 4.3.4 Pavement Design 4.3.5 Compaction 4.3.6 Seeding 4.3.7 Drainage, Stormwater Management, and Erosion & Sediment Control November 25, 2015 Page 1 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter Table of Contents CHAPTER TABLE OF CONTENTS – Continued Page 5.0 Track Alignment and Vehicle Clearance 19 5.1 5.2 5.3 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 5.4 6.0 Introduction Codes and Standards Track Alignment 5.3.1 Design Speed 5.3.2 Horizontal Curvature 5.3.3 Track Centers 5.3.4 Vertical Alignment 5.3.5 Turnout Geometry and Layout Track Clearances 5.4.1 Overhead Clearances 5.4.2 Side Clearances 5.4.3 Exemptions Trackwork 23 6.1 6.2 6.3 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 Introduction Design Codes Frazer Design Criteria 6.3.1 Rail 6.3.2 Crossties 6.3.3 Rail Fastening Systems 6.3.4 Ballast and Subballast 6.3.5 Special Trackwork 6.3.6 Grade Crossings 6.3.7 Bumping Posts, Derails and Rail Bonds 6.3.8 Inner Guard Rail 6.3.9 Track Underdrains 7.0 Traffic (Not Used) 27 8.0 Utilities 29 8.1 8.2 8.3 29 29 29 29 30 9.0 Introduction Design Codes Frazer Design Criteria 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Sanitary Sewer Architectural (Not Used) November 25, 2015 31 Page 2 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter Table of Contents CHAPTER TABLE OF CONTENTS – Continued Page 10.0 Geotechnical 33 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Design Codes 10.3 Frazer Geotechnical Criteria 10.3.1 Geotechnical Investigation 10.3.2 General Foundation Considerations 10.3.3 Retaining Wall 10.3.4 Final Geotechnical Foundation Report 10.3.5 Instrumentation and Monitoring During Construction 11.0 Structural 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 37 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Design Codes 11.3 Frazer Design Criteria 11.3.1 Materials 11.3.2 Design Live Loads 11.3.3 Global Stability 11.3.4 Retaining Wall Design Requirements 11.3.5 Limitations 11.3.6 Architectural Treatment 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 12.0 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (Not Used) 41 13.0 Plumbing and Fire Protection Systems (Not Used) 43 14.0 Industrial Equipment (Not Used) 45 15.0 Facilities Electrical (Not Used) 47 16.0 Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding 49 16.1 Introduction 16.1.1 Corrosion Control 16.1.2 Grounding and Bonding 16.2 Design Codes 16.2.1 Corrosion Control 16.2.2 Grounding and Bonding 16.3 Frazer Design Criteria 16.3.1 Corrosion Control 16.3.2 Grounding and Bonding November 25, 2015 Page 3 49 49 49 51 51 51 52 52 53 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter Table of Contents CHAPTER TABLE OF CONTENTS – Continued Page 17.0 Traction Power (Not Used) 55 18.0 Overhead Contact System 57 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 18.10 Introduction Design Codes and References Catenary Loading Requirements Loading Combinations and Load Factors Design and Analysis Materials Steel Design Details Foundation Design Miscellaneous 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 19.0 Communications (Not Used) 61 20.0 Fire/Life Safety and Security (Not Used) 63 November 25, 2015 Page 4 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 1.0 Chapter 1.0 – General GENERAL 1.1 Introduction This document specifies the design criteria that shall be adhered to while preparing calculations, drawings, and specifications that are used to procure and construct the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project. The Frazer Shop & Yard project design criteria is arranged in a series of chapters that address traditional rail-transit design disciplines, and each chapter includes the following sections: • • • Introduction – specifies the scope of design covered by a respective chapter Codes – list of applicable codes, standards, or other industry recognized bestpractice publications that define minimum design requirements Frazer Criteria – special design requirements that are unique to the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project. The provisions specified by this document are intended to establish a minimum standard of design for the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project. Any suggested changes to the Frazer Shop & Yard design criteria must be approved by Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) before being adopted for design or construction. SEPTA may periodically issue updated versions of the project design criteria, which will include a detailed revision log. If justified, SEPTA may accept a specific variance to the Frazer Shop & Yard design criteria, provided the written variance demonstrates that there is no degradation of system related performance and safety. In all cases, a variance to the design criteria must be submitted in writing, and approved by SEPTA before it is adopted for design and construction. All Frazer Shop & Yard design work shall conform to the minimum provisions specified by these criteria, which were developed using a traditional standard of care. The project design criteria serve as guidelines and are not a substitute for engineering judgment and sound engineering practice. The Engineer-of-Record is responsible to notify SEPTA, in writing, of any conflicts or other requirements that are contrary to best practice. The Engineer-of-Record shall retain responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and ordinances that govern design and construction of public works projects. 1.2 Design Codes All design shall conform to or exceed the requirements of the latest version of the codes or standards that are identified throughout every Chapter of these criteria. The codes are presented in order of precedence and in the event of a conflict; the most restrictive provision shall govern. If a new edition or amendment to a code or standard is issued before the design is completed, SEPTA shall determine if the new edition or amendment is to be used. November 25, 2015 Page 5 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 1.0 – General There are code requirements for Chapter 1.0 – General. 1.3 Frazer Functional Design Criteria 1.3.1 Design Life New components for the Frazer Shop & Yard facility shall be designed, fabricated and constructed to achieve the following minimum design-life objectives without major refurbishment or replacement during normal use. • • • • 1.3.2 fixed facilities: 100 years trackwork: 30 years major systems components (shop machinery): 30 years minor systems components (electrical and signal components): 20 years Service Proven The Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project shall be designed using service-proven concepts, subsystems, and hardware. All major subsystems including shop equipment, mechanical systems, electrical components, trackwork and spare parts shall be supplied by established manufacturers with a documented operating history of previous and current usage, and where practical be readily available as an off-the-shelf item. A waiver to these requirements will be considered if an alternative subsystem offers substantial technical and cost advantages, is in an advanced level of development, and is supported by comprehensive test data compiled from near-revenue conditions. 1.3.3 Project Integration The Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project integration requirements are summarized as follows: • • • Minimize disruption to existing maintenance operations during design, construction, testing, and commissioning of the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project Accommodate concurrent infrastructure improvement projects Minimize adverse operational, aesthetic and environmental impacts. These functional system integration requirements shall be periodically assessed during final design and construction of the Frazer facility. November 25, 2015 Page 6 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 2.0 Chapter 2.0 – Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL 2.1 Introduction The environmental design criteria presented herein shall govern the design of the following project elements: • • • 2.2 Site subsurface environmental characterization Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) Lead-Containing Materials Design Codes Unless specified otherwise herein, the environmental design shall be governed by the current editions of the following codes or manuals: • • • • • • • • • 2.3 National Emission Standards for Hazard Air Pollution (NESHAP) (cited as 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart M). OSHA 29 CFR 1926.62, Lead OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR Part 265 Subpart D, Contingency Plan Title 25, Part 1, Subpart C Article III, Chapters 123, 133, 137, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Pennsylvania Code, Title 25, Chapter 101 (Hazardous Substances) Pennsylvania Code, Title 25, Chapter 91.34 (PA Water Quality Program) PADEP Act 2 of 1995; The Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act Pennsylvania Asbestos Occupations Accreditation and Certification Act of 1990 (Act 194 and Act 161) Frazer Design Criteria There are no supplemental environmental design requirements. November 25, 2015 Page 7 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 2.0 – Environmental This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 8 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 3.0 Chapter 3.0 – Operations OPERATIONS 3.1 Introduction SEPTA’s Frazer Shop & Yard is currently used to store and maintain a fleet of ten JWC3 cab cars, 45 JWCT3 coach cars, seven AEM-7 locomotives and one ALP44. To serve projected ridership demands SEPTA has determined that the fleet maintained at the Frazer Shop & Yard must be increased by 13 locomotives (with an option to purchase five additional locomotives for a total of 18), and 36 bilevel cars (with an option to purchase nine additional bi-level cars for a total of 45). To accommodate this increased fleet size, the following improvements will be made to the existing Frazer Facility: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Construct a new 2,700 foot long retaining wall along the north side of the shops to accommodate northward expansion of the shop and three new storage tracks. Construct three new storage tracks, Tracks 10, 11 and 12. Extend the existing shop building northward to accommodate a new drop table. Access to the drop table will be via realigned Track 9 and new Track 10. Extend the existing shop building westward over Track 9 to accommodate a dual axle wheel truing machine and shimming lift table for Silver Liner V trucks. Extend the existing consist shop eastward to accommodate seven-car consists (ACS-64 locomotives and seven multi-level rail cars). Reconfigure the component repair shop. Construct a large component storage building. Install a new e-cleaning track with inspection pit and platform. Construct a new exterior train washer. Construct a new, two-story transportation and yardmaster’s building. Construct a new expanded parking lot. Extend existing storage Tracks 1, 2 and 3 to increase storage capacity. Extend a new line northward from the facility to connect with the local sanitary sewer system. Upgrade, repair or replace the existing, on-site oil-water separator. Replace the entire roof on the existing shop facility. Perform associated relocations and provide ancillary features to support construction of the yard and shop improvements. Refer to Division 1 of the Specification for a description of the Package 1 work. Frazer Shop & Yard will remain in operation and provide normal functions during construction of these improvements. This chapter identifies operational needs and requirements to be taken into account during design development and construction of the associated improvements. November 25, 2015 Page 9 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 3.0 – Operations It is recognized that specific construction techniques are contingent on final design and development of the exact sequence and methods of performing construction will be the responsibility of the Design-Build Contractor. 3.2 Codes There following reference applies to Chapter 3.0 – Operations. • • • 3.3 SEPTA Consist Sheets effective June 15, 2015 SEPTA Standard Specification Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements & Safety SEPTA Standard Specification Section 01065, Railroad Safety Requirements Frazer Operations Criteria 3.3.1 General Requirements All impacts on rail operations including the ability to store, maintain and repair equipment at Frazer Shop & Yard must be clearly identified during the initial development of final design. Mitigation measures to address any impacts to rail operations at Frazer Shop & Yard shall also be identified. Construction activities affecting surface transportation, including SEPTA commuter rail service, Amtrak intercity rail service, and automobile traffic within the yard, must be planned and scheduled in cooperation with SEPTA and other relevant authorities. As part of final design, opportunities to coordinate planned train maintenance and train storage activities with construction activities shall be investigated to minimize disruption to train operations throughout the yard and shop. Prior to the start of construction, the Design-Build Contractor shall develop a construction management plan that is that is implemented in phases, which corresponds to the construction schedule. 3.3.2 Temporary Structures Temporary structures for the support and maintenance of surface traffic adjacent to the construction site will be designed and constructed in accordance with prevailing codes, standards and regulations. Design of temporary structures shall be performed and certified by an Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Temporary structures are subject to review and concurrence by SEPTA and local authorities having jurisdiction. 3.3.3 Rail Equipment The following lists the types of equipment stored at Frazer Shop & Yard, the rail equipment lengths, and the train consists (i.e., number of cars per train): November 25, 2015 Page 10 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 3.0 – Operations Approximate Rail Equipment Lengths: • AEM-7 locomotive: 51 feet • ALP-44 locomotive: 51 feet • New ACS-64 locomotive: 67 feet • JWC single level coach: 85 feet • Silverliner IV EMU: 85 feet • Silverliner V EMU: 85 feet • New multi-level coach: 85 feet Consist Lengths: • AEM-7 and ALP-44 locomotive: 51 feet + (5 coaches)(85 feet) = 476 feet • ACS-64 locomotive: 67 feet + (7 coaches)(85 feet) = 662 feet • EMU (3 married pairs): (6 coaches)(85 feet) = 510 feet 3.3.4 Railroad Operations The Frazer Shop & Yard is operated 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Trains are typically stored on yard Tracks 1 through 5 along the south side of the property. The movement of trains in and out of yard is nearly constant throughout the day. Train movements occur either when a train is leaving the storage facility and traveling to the starting point of its revenue service route, or entering the storage facility to be stored while out of operation. According to the SEPTA Consist Sheets effective June 15, 2015, from Monday through Friday there are 46 train movements entering and leaving the yard storage tracks starting at 4:20 AM when the first train enters revenue service until the next day at 2:22 AM when the last train exits service. In general, there are two to three train movements per hour. The highest number of train movements occurs between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM, when there are six train movements. On the weekends, the level of service is less than weekdays, and this is reflected in lower numbers of train movements into and out of the yard storage tracks. On Saturdays, there are 36 train movements into and out of the yard storage tracks over a 24-hour period. The number of train movements per hour fluctuates throughout the day between 1 to 3 train movements. On Sundays, there are there are 33 train movements into and out of the yard storage tracks over a 24-hour period. Generally, there two train movements per hour between 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. November 25, 2015 Page 11 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 3.0 – Operations The above paragraphs are snapshots of a typical day, but there may be occasions where the number of train movements in Frazer Shop & Yard increase dramatically depending on SEPTA service needs. To the maximum extent possible, the design and sequencing of construction activities shall allow for uninterrupted railroad operations. During construction, interruption of, and interference with rail yard and shop operations must be avoided unless otherwise approved by SEPTA. Work that has the potential to impact railroad operations will be limited to the construction work windows defined in Section 3.3.7 – Construction Work Windows and must be approved by SEPTA. 3.3.5 Construction Plans Work shift details, construction sequencing, methodologies, and other aspects of the construction process are likely to vary according to the specific element of the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion being constructed. In order to ensure the continuous and safe operation of the yard and shop during construction, and to protect existing infrastructure and rail cars, plans for construction activities that potentially affect railroad operations shall be submitted for review and approval by SEPTA. The Contractor may use the new expanded parking lot as a construction lay-down or storage area. 3.3.6 Railroad Flagging; De-Energizing the Overhead Contact System Rail-related construction activities must be performed in close coordination with the operating railroads. Flagging protection, which will be provided by the operating railroad of a given section of track, must be scheduled an absolute minimum of 14 calendar days in advance. Longer advance notice is suggested. Other, non-rail-related construction activities must be coordinated with appropriate relevant authorities, agencies, utility companies, or private entities. As final design is advanced, construction period assessments shall be performed including evaluation of potential construction access locations and lay-down areas in the project area. Contractor employees are required to complete SEPTA Roadway Protection Training before working within 10 feet of the field side of the near running rail of any railroad track or working within 10 feet of the overhead contact system (OCS). The term “fouling” is defined as the placement of an individual or item of equipment in such proximity to a track that the individual or item could be struck by a moving train or on-track equipment, or in any case within four feet of the field side of the near running rail. November 25, 2015 Page 12 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 3.0 – Operations All work beyond the active yard tracks may be completed during regular working hours as long as the work does not foul or have the potential to foul active tracks or disrupt vehicle maintenance activities. Work that has the potential to foul active tracks will be limited to the construction work windows defined in Section 3.3.7, and must be approved by SEPTA. Work within the active track will require SEPTA flagging protection. (See SEPTA Standard Specification Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements & Safety and SEPTA Standard Specification Section 01065, Railroad Safety Requirements) Work activities associated with constructing new OCS structures, modifying existing OCS structures, installing new catenary, etc., will require de-energizing the existing OCS so that the planned work can be safely completed. SEPTA requires that de-energizing be scheduled an absolute minimum of 14 calendar days in advance. Greater advance notice is suggested. Only designated SEPTA personnel are authorized to de-energize the OCS. 3.3.7 Construction Work Windows (Package 1 Only) In order to limit impacts to Frazer Shop & Yard operations, the following work windows will be established to facilitate construction activities: Package 1 Construction Activity Subsurface utility relocation in advance of major construction Construction of large component storage building Grading for the relocated employee parking lot Construct retaining wall including haul trucks Construct three new storage Tracks 10, 11 and 12. Modifications of stormwater basin Install the new west end turnout in existing track. This turnout leads to new storage Tracks 10, 11 and 12. Tracks 10 – 12: Install new catenary and modify existing catenary at the new west turnout (Track 1); modify existing catenary structures along Track 9 (to support new cross catenary over Tracks 10 – 12). November 25, 2015 Page 13 Work Window From 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, for 12 hours per day/7 days per week From 7:00 AM to 7:00/PM, for 12 hours per day/7 days per week From 7:00 AM to 7:00PM, for 12 hours per day/7 days per week From 7:00 AM to 7:00PM, for 12 hours per day/7 days per week From 7:00 AM to 7:00PM, for 12 hours per day/7 days per week No restrictions From 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. From 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 3.0 – Operations During these time periods, and in conformance to the operating provisions specified herein, the Contractor will have unencumbered access to the immediate construction zone associated with these elements of work. November 25, 2015 Page 14 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 4.0 Chapter 4.0 – Civil CIVIL 4.1 Introduction The civil design criteria presented in Section 4.2 pertain to the design of the following project elements: • • • • • • 4.2 Roadways Site Drainage Stormwater Management Basins Signing and Pavement Markings Erosion & Sedimentation Control During Construction Site Lighting Design Codes Unless specified otherwise, the site design shall be in accordance with the current editions of the following codes, manuals, or specifications: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 2011 Edition. Roadside Design Guide, AASHTO, 2011 Edition. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Federal Highway Administration, 2009 Edition. Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, PA Department of Environmental Protection, 2006 Edition. Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual, PA Department of Environmental Protection, 2012 Edition. Urban Drainage Design Manual, Federal Highway Administration, Third Edition. LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, AASHTO, 7th Edition. Manual for Railway Engineering, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA). Publication 408, Specifications, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Department of Justice. National Electric Cord (NEC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), No. 70. Life Safety Code (NFPA) No. 101. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). Standard Practice for the Illumination of SEPTA’s Transit Facilities, PRAC00002. November 25, 2015 Page 15 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 4.3 Chapter 4.0 – Civil Frazer Design Criteria 4.3.1 Roadway Widths Provide a minimum paved access road width of twenty-four feet. The minimum width may be reduced to twelve feet in the vicinity of the ECleaning Platform. 4.3.2 Parking Area Provide a minimum of 100 parking spaces in the parking area. Provide accessible spaces as required by the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Provide accessible pedestrian paths. 4.3.3 Lighting The lighting system shall provide sufficient illumination to provide safety from hazards. Illuminance shall be sufficient for the surveillance system employed. Provide an average illumination of 22 lux (2 foot-candles) for the parking area and entrance roadway. Graduate the entrance roadway lighting to meet the level of lighting on Sproul Road. Provide an average illumination of 50 lux (5 foot-candles) for the remainder of the developed yard area. Illumination in a given area may not vary from minimum to maximum by more than 1:4. Use a maintenance factor of 0.8 for all calculations unless otherwise supported by documentation from the luminaire’s manufacturer. Lighting designs shall minimize glare and light pollution. Utilize directional lighting and shielding to reduce light pollution. Shield lighting from train engineers. 4.3.4 Pavement Design Perform a pavement design analysis to determine the appropriate pavement section for the access road and parking lot. The minimum pavement section shall consist of: 2” Bituminous Wearing Course 5” Bituminous Base Course 6” Subbase No. 2A, modified Provide SEPTA with the design for the wearing course. The 2” Bituminous Wearing Course is to be included in the pavement design but is not to be constructed as part of the Package 1 contract. Construct the Subbase No. 2A, modified and Bitumimous Base Course. November 25, 2015 Page 16 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 4.0 – Civil Pavement shall be designed for positive drainage. 4.3.5 Compaction Place embankment material in layers of not more than a loose 8-inch depth. Compact embankments to not less than 97% of the required dry weight density. Compact the top 3 feet of embankment to 100% of the required dry weight density. In-place density will be determined according to AASHTO T 191 or AASHTO T 310. Maintain material to within 3% of optimum and the optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. If material is too coarse to satisfactorily use these methods, compaction will be determined based on the nonmovement of the material under compaction equipment. Compact until embankment does not rut under a loaded triaxle (GVW 75,000 pounds). Compact subgrade to 100% of the determined dry-weight density. 4.3.6 Seeding Use a low mow seed mixture on all disturbed areas that are to be seeded. 4.3.7 Drainage, Stormwater Management, and Erosion & Sediment Control Design inlets, manholes, and pipes to accommodate the 10-year storm. Design stormwater basins and drainage features conveying discharges from the basins to accommodate the 100-year storm. The drainage system and stormwater management facilities shall accommodate the entire Frazer Yard expansion. Coordinate with SEPTA to obtain information pertaining to future aspects of the expansion not included in this contract. Acquire an NPDES permit to cover the entire Frazer Yard expansion project. Coordinate with SEPTA to obtain information pertaining to future aspects of the expansion not included in this contract. The project is located within the watershed of Valley Creek, which is designated as an Exceptional Value (EV) stream. All erosion & sediment control measures shall be in accordance with PA DEP requirements for EV watersheds. November 25, 2015 Page 17 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 4.0 – Civil This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 18 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 5.0 Chapter 5.0 – Track Alignment and Vehicle Clearances TRACK ALIGNMENT AND VEHICLE CLEARANCES 5.1 Introduction Design criteria for track alignment and vehicle clearances addresses key geometric and clearance requirements that shall govern design. 5.2 Codes and Standards Where not specifically addressed by the criteria provided herein, track alignment and vehicle clearance shall be in conformance with current industry standards and in general conformance with the codes and standards listed below. The latest edition of the following standards and codes shall govern in the design of all track alignment and clearances, in the following order: • • • • • Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) Title 52 33.121-33.127 SEPTA Railroad Division SWM-100 Track Department Manual SEPTA Regional Railroad Division Standard Drawings 2-W-24864 (Minimum Roadway Clearance) and 5-W-29874 (Standard Turnout Data) AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering AREMA Portfolio of Trackwork Plans At no time may the track design fail to meet minimum applicable PPUC requirements or FRA standards for Class 5 track or higher, as required in 49 CFR 213, except as otherwise noted herein. 5.3 Track Alignment 5.3.1 Design Speed Yard trackwork shall be designed to support a maximum operational speed of 15 MPH. 5.3.2 Horizontal Curvature Horizontal track alignment shall generally be in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 3 of the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, as amended herein. Track alignment is defined as a continuous series of tangents and circular curves, some of which shall be connected with transition spirals where applicable. Curve radius shall generally be established by using the largest radius curve that fits within space available. In and around yards, geometric constraints will limit radius on most curves. Desired maximum curvature shall be 10°. Absolute maximum curvature shall be 12°-30’. November 25, 2015 Page 19 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 5.0 – Track Alignment and Vehicle Clearances Curves shall be superelevated to 1/2 inch and the elevation run-off on the adjacent tangent where practical. The design profile, run-off, cross level and warp shall at all times be in conformance with minimum FRA standards for Class 5 track or higher, as required in 49 CFR 213, where geometrically feasible, Track layout and geometry shown on the Contract Drawings should be considered final and shall not be modified without prior approval by SEPTA. A minimum desired tangent length of 60 feet shall be provided between successive curves regardless of direction of the curves. This criteria also applies to curves inherent in turnouts. Due to geometric constraints, less tangent length (including no tangent length) may be provided at locations that do not result in reversing curvature. 5.3.3 Track Centers Yard tracks shall be spaced at minimum 14’-0” centers. Storage tracks shall be spaced such that a minimum 8’-0” clear width is provided between adjacent tracks, allowing for the widest rail vehicle equipment on the tracks and adjusting for effects of horizontal curvature. A minimum of 18’-0” centers shall be provided for all ladder tracks constructed adjacent to any other track, or 19’-0” centers to another adjacent ladder track. 5.3.4 Vertical Alignment Vertical track alignment shall generally be in accordance with SEPTA SMW-100, Section 63.0, Grades, as amended herein. Vertical track alignment design is defined by top of low rail profile for a given track. Minimum vertical curve length of 100 feet shall be maintained. Criteria for maximum grades shall be as follows: Track Designation Lead Tracks Yard Storage Tracks* Shop Tracks November 25, 2015 Page 20 Desired Maximum 1.0% 0.2% 0% Absolute Maximum 2.0% ** 0.5% ** 0% Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 5.0 – Track Alignment and Vehicle Clearances * Storage tracks should be designed with a sag near the middle, such that would discourage unattended rail vehicles from accidentally rolling outside of the designated storage limits. ** Proposed grades in excess of the values show must be approved in advance by the SEPTA Chief Engineering Officer, Track, or designee. 5.3.5 Turnout Geometry and Layout Turnout geometry, switch length, frog length and rail joint location shall conform to SEPTA Standard Drawing 5-W-29874 (Standard Turnout Data). Note that SEPTA turnout layouts are different from AREMA. 5.4 Track Clearances Track Clearances shall be in accordance with the following and conform to the legal minimum requirements as provided by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) except in design of shop facilities and servicing platforms where such compliance is not reasonably practicable. 5.4.1 Overhead Clearances Refer to SEPTA Standard Drawing 2-W-24864 (Minimum Roadway Clearance) for minimum allowable overhead clearances to the overhead catenary system and permanent structures. 5.4.2 Side Clearances Refer to SEPTA Standard Drawing 2-W-24864 (Minimum Roadway Clearance) for side clearance requirements. In addition, permanent structures adjacent to curved track, and within 85 feet of the beginning and ending of curve, shall have additional minimum side clearance compensating for curvature at the rate of 1 additional inch per degree of curvature. 5.4.3 Exemptions Clearances shall be designed to accommodate PPUC regulations. PPUC may grant an exemption from the requirements if the carrier (SEPTA) deems the exemption as necessary and applies to PPUC for an exemption. The designer (final design) shall meet with SEPTA and identify the substandard clearances and reason for requesting the exemption. SEPTA will review the request for exemption and prepare an application for exemption from PPUC if the proposed reduction in clearance seems reasonable. November 25, 2015 Page 21 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 5.0 – Track Alignment and Vehicle Clearances This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 22 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 6.0 Chapter 6.0 – Trackwork TRACKWORK 6.1 Introduction Design criteria for trackwork addresses key geometric and track component design elements for the Frazer Shop & Yard Expansion project which includes storage tracks, repair shop tracks, service pit tracks, and an exterior car wash track. 6.2 Design Codes Where not specifically addressed by the criteria provided herein, track design shall be in conformance with current industry standards and in general conformance with the codes and standards listed below. The latest edition of the following standards and codes shall govern in the design of all trackwork in the following order: • • • • SEPTA Railroad Division SWM-100 Track Department Manual SEPTA Regional Railroad Division Standard Drawing 5-W-29874 (Standard Turnout Data) AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering AREMA Portfolio of Trackwork Plans Furthermore, track design shall at all times be in conformance with minimum FRA standards for Class 5 track or higher, as required in 49 CFR 213, Track Safety Standards, and Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) Title 52 33.121-33.127. All track design must meet minimum applicable PPUC requirements or FRA standards required for operation in that class. 6.3 Frazer Design Criteria The Frazer Shop & Yard Project will use the following track types: • • • Ballasted Yard Track (Packages 1, 2A and 2B) Embedded Shop Track (Package 2A) Pedestal Shop Track (Packages 2A and 2B) Track shall be designed in accordance with the above referenced codes and standards, and the following. 6.3.1 Rail Rail shall be 115 RE rail section. All rail shall be new and continuous welded rail (CWR) except at turnouts and insulated joint locations. Turnouts shall use premium 115 RE rail. November 25, 2015 Page 23 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 6.3.2 Chapter 6.0 – Trackwork Crossties Ballasted track shall use timber crossties spaced nominally at 21-1/4 inch centers and provide a minimum of 22 crossties per 39 ft. length of rail. A minimum of six 10’ long transition ties shall be used at transitions between ballasted track and direct fixation or embedded track. 6.3.3 Rail Fastening Systems The resilient Pandrol e-clip system, consisting of e-clips and plates with steel shoulders spiked to timber crossties with standard cut spikes shall be used for all ballasted track applications. Pedestal track shall use the L.B. Foster rail clamp system, and be non-insulated. Embedded track shall use the Iron Horse embedded track with rubber boot system for rail to earth isolation. 6.3.4 Ballast and Subballast Ballast, subballast and walkway aggregate shall be as indicated in plans and specifications. A minimum of 12 inches of AREMA No. 3-4 ballast shall be provided, measured below bottom of tie. Ballast shoulders shall be 12 inches, minimum. Standard ballast section shall consist of 2H:1V side slopes down to subballast in open fill sections. A minimum 8 inches of subballast, sloped at 1/4 inch per foot to provide for positive drainage of the track structure, shall be used. Subballast shall be PennDOT modified 2A aggregate. Walkway aggregate shall be No. 5 ballast per AREMA, and provided along all potential walking surfaces as shown on the Contact Drawings. 6.3.5 Special Trackwork Turnouts shall be No. 8, designed in general conformance with AREMA Portfolio of Trackwork Plans and specifically in accordance with the SEPTA Standard Turnout Data drawing and the geometric and other requirements as shown on the Contract Documents. Premium rail shall be used for all trackwork components. Frogs shall be rail bound manganese type in accordance with AREMA. Switch timbers shall be 7-inch grade with lengths in accordance with AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering. Turnouts shall be of all welded design with the exception of the frog joints, heel blocks and stock rail joints, which shall be bolted. November 25, 2015 Page 24 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 6.0 – Trackwork Switch stands shall be Model 22 semi-automatic switch stands with ergonomic handles. 6.3.6 Grade Crossings Yard roadways and pathways shall be composed of paved track at locations indicated in the drawings. Track located in pavement shall be full-depth asphalt concrete pavement crossing surfaces, with formed flangeways, installed on tie and ballast track. Fabric or other acceptable material shall be used to separate the pavement from the ballast materials. 6.3.7 Bumping Posts, Derails and Rail Bonds Bumping post: WCH WG-1200 modified to strike at anti-climber height, 47” above top of rail. A bumping post shall be installed at the end of each new stub-end storage track. The bumping post installed on Track 10 during Package 1 shall be removed and re-located to the end of the extended Track 10 during Package 2A Derails: Hinged, block type derails shall be installed at the converging end of each new storage track. The specific location of each derail will be provided by SEPTA. The block derails are used to facilitate SEPTA blueflag protection on storage tracks. Rail Bonds: Rail bonds shall be installed at all rail joints on the new storage tracks. SEPTA to provide the rail bond detail. 6.3.8 Inner Guard Rail An inner guard rail utilizing second-hand rail furnished by the Contractor and approved by SEPTA shall be installed on Track 12 for the length of the retaining wall. SEPTA will provide the guard rail installation detail. 6.3.9 Track Underdrains Where runoff to open ditches is not feasible due to geometric constraints, all trackbeds (top of subballast) shall be sloped to direct runoff into track underdrains to provide positive drainage away from the tracks. Underdrains shall be sloped longitudinally to convey storm water to open ditch outlets or into the site storm drainage system. Cleanouts shall be located at all upper ends of all underdrains and at intervals of no greater than 300’ along the length of the underdrain. November 25, 2015 Page 25 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 6.0 – Trackwork This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 26 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 7.0 Chapter 7.0 – Traffic TRAFFIC (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 27 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 7.0 – Traffic This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 28 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 8.0 Chapter 8.0 – Utilities UTILITIES 8.1 Introduction This chapter of the design criteria governs the following project elements: • • • 8.2 Existing utilities Utility relocations Sanitary sewer design Design Codes Unless specified otherwise herein, the current editions of the following codes, manuals and specifications shall be used for design of relocated or new utility installations: • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.3 Manual for Railway Engineering, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) Volume 1, Chapter 5 PennDOT PUB 408 Construction Specifications PADEP- Domestic Wastewater Facility Manual East Whiteland Township Standard Specifications for Construction of Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances Local Soil Conservation District regulations and Details AWWA A746, C111, C150, C151, ANSI A21.50 and A21.21 OSHA Health and Safety Regulations OSHA 1926.960 Subpart V—Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Pennsylvania Act 287 of 1974 - A One Call for utility markouts. International Building Code, Latest Addition International Plumbing Code, Latest Addition National Electrical Code, Latest Addition Frazer Design Criteria 8.3.1 General Verify the location of all work area utilities including overhead lines, prior to construction. Temporary bracing shall be designed in conformance to the applicable design codes. All items, including gas, water, miscellaneous valve boxes, inlet grates, manhole rims and junction boxes that are constructed within sidewalk and roadway areas shall be reset so that they are flush with proposed finished grade. November 25, 2015 Page 29 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 8.3.2 Chapter 8.0 – Utilities Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer shall be designed as an 8-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) with a 1.00% grade. The pipe shall be factory supplied with an interior and exterior epoxy coating in accordance with the East Whiteland Township’s specifications, Section 5 - Gravity Sewers. The sewer facility is to be fully tested in accordance to East Whiteland Township specification, Section 7.3 - Tests. The joints shall be fully bonded and designed in accordance with the project specifications for bonding and grounding. November 25, 2015 Page 30 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 9.0 Chapter 9.0 – Architectural ARCHITECTURAL (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 31 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 9.0 – Architectural This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 32 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 10.0 Chapter 10.0 – Geotechnical GEOTECHNICAL 10.1 Introduction The geotechnical design criteria presented herein shall govern the design of the following project elements: • • • • • • • 10.2 Site subsurface characterization Geotechnical soil and rock design parameters Seismic design parameters Shallow foundations (bearing capacity, settlement, stability) Deep foundations Earth retaining structures (vertical loads, lateral pressures, stability, foundations) Site Earthwork (embankments, slopes, subgrade preparation, compaction) Design Codes Unless specified otherwise herein, the geotechnical design shall be governed by the current editions of the following codes, manuals or specifications: • • • • • • • 10.3 Manual for Railway Engineering, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) ASCE/SEI 7 minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications as amended by PennDOT Design Manual Part 4, Volume 1, Publication 15M Subsurface Investigations – Geotechnical Site Characterization, FHWA NHI01-031, May 2002 Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 6 – Shallow Foundations, FHWA-SA02-054, September 2002 Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations, FHWA-NHI-05-042 & 043, April 2006 Earth Retaining Structures, FHWA-NHI-07-071, June 2008 Frazer Geotechnical Criteria 10.3.1 Geotechnical Investigation Previously obtained borings as shown on the preliminary plans and in the reference documents may be used for design. The Contractor shall perform additional subsurface investigation to support the design at no additional cost to SEPTA. The Contractor will be required to review the results of the preliminary borings and laboratory testing and verify that they are in agreement with the information presented. The Contractor must determine if additional November 25, 2015 Page 33 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 10.0 – Geotechnical subsurface information or testing is required to substantiate their design based on the selected foundation types. Perform additional geotechnical exploration for the design under the supervision of a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) approved drilling inspector as described herein and according to the applicable sections of the current AREMA Chapter 8, Part 22 (Geotechnical Subsurface Investigation) and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Publication 222. A preliminary laboratory testing program has been completed and the results provided in the reference documents. The Contractor may use the testing for their design provided the testing is appropriate. Additional laboratory testing is to be conducted if deemed necessary to support design. 10.3.2 General Foundation Considerations The existing yard and shop facility is to remain in service during earthwork and foundation construction. The proposed construction methods are required to minimize vibrations during construction to reduce impacts to the existing shop facility. Foundation depths must consider the final site grading and frost penetration. Temporary excavation support for construction is the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be designed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Spread footing foundations are to be designed in accordance with AREMA Chapter 8, Part 3. The safety factor for Primary Loads shall not be less than 3; for Primary + Secondary Loads the safety factor shall not be less than 2. Additional consideration shall be taken of load duration in relation to foundation soil type and groundwater conditions when selecting a safety factor. In cases where a footing is subjected to moments in addition to vertical loads, the line of action of the resultant force shall have a maximum eccentricity from the centerline of the footing equal to B/6, where B is defined as the width of the footing in the corresponding direction of applied moment. Pile foundations are to be designed in accordance with AREMA Chapter 8, Part 4. November 25, 2015 Page 34 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 10.0 – Geotechnical 10.3.3 Retaining Wall Retaining Walls shall be designed using the LRFD method in conformance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications as supplemented by the PennDOT Design Manual 4. AREMA Cooper E-80 live load shall be applied parallel to the full length of the retaining wall with the centerline of track located 8 feet from the front face of the wall. AASHTO HS 20-44 Truck live load shall be applied parallel to the full length of the retaining wall with the centerline of truck located 3 feet from the front face of the wall. Where building foundations will bear on the retaining wall, the design shall account for the foundation loads and tolerable deformations specified by Chapter 11 – Structural Design Criteria. 10.3.4 Final Geotechnical Foundation Report For portions of the project completed under the Design-Build delivery method, prepare and submit a Final Geotechnical Foundation Report identifying the design procedure utilized for the selected permanent foundation type, final calculations for the foundation design, required specifications and details for the final foundation construction, foundation plans, and drafted core borings. Specifications which indicate the proposed method of installation of the recommended foundations shall be included in the Final Geotechnical Foundation Report and must include procedures for ensuring quality control during construction. The Contractor will be responsible for submitting qualifications which demonstrate their capability to perform the work being recommended. 10.3.5 Instrumentation and Monitoring During Construction The Contractor shall be responsible for assessing the physical conditions of the existing structures, tracks, and other facilities within a 100 foot radius of influence of the Work and the development of the monitoring plan including a quantity of deformation monitoring points. Installations shall be complete for any site conditions requiring the design of temporary measures as required for supporting construction activities. The Contractor shall implement required remedial and precautionary measures based on the results of the deformation monitoring. November 25, 2015 Page 35 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 10.0 – Geotechnical This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 36 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 11.0 Chapter 11.0 – Structural STRUCTURAL 11.1 Introduction This chapter of structural design criteria governs the following project elements: • • 11.2 Design Codes • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11.3 Temporary shoring Retaining walls American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) o LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 7th Ed, 2014 American Concrete Institute (ACI) o ACI 301-05: “Specifications for Structural Concrete.” o ACI 318-08/ACI 318R-08: “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete & Commentary.” Precast and Prestressed Concrete (PCI) Design Handbook ACI 530-08: “Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures & Commentary.” ACI 530.1-08: “Specification for Masonry Structures & Commentary.” Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) o AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, 2005. American Welding Society (AWS) o AWS D1.1-04: “Structural Welding Code – Steel.” o AWS D1.3-98: “Structural Welding Code – Sheet Steel.” o AWS D1.4-98: “Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel.” ASCE/SEI 7 minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures FHWA Publications RD-75-128, 129, & 130 – Lateral Support Systems and Underpinning, Vols. 1, 2, & 3 International Building Code (IBC)-2009 Chapter 17 Structural Test and Special Inspections Frazer Design Criteria 11.3.1 Materials The Frazer Yard & Shop Expansion project shall be designed and constructed using materials with the following minimum property requirements: November 25, 2015 Page 37 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 11.0 – Structural Concrete 28-day Compressive Strength: • Foundations, normal weight concrete, air entrained f’c = 4,000 psi • Slab-on-grade, normal weight, non-air entrained f’c = 4,000 psi • Precast Concrete Wall Panels f’c = 5,000 psi • Leveling pads f’c = 4,000 psi • Copings f’c = 4,000 psi Reinforcing Steel: • • • Bar reinforcing Welded Rebar, Threaded Rebar Welded wire reinforcement (WWR) ASTM A 615, Grade 60 ASTM A 706, Grade 60 ASTM A 1064, flat mesh Welding: • • Welding electrodes: Anchor rods: AWS A5.1 (E70XX) ASTM F 1554, Grade 50 Masonry: • • • Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) f’m = 2000 psi load bearing Grout Mortar ASTM C90 Grade N-1 ASTM C476 – 3000 psi ASTM C270 – Type M or S 11.3.2 Design Live Loads AREMA Cooper E-80 Loading applied along the full length of Retaining Wall with the centerline of track located eight feet from the inside face of the retaining wall. Equipment and Adjacent Buildings: Applicable areas adjacent to retaining walls where tooling, mechanical equipment, or building foundations are to be permanently located. Considerations for the weights, dynamic loads of mechanical and electrical equipment along with any vertical and horizontal surcharge loads from adjacent building foundations shall also be considered. Construction Equipment: consideration shall be given to live loads that will be used during the construction of the wall and other area that may produce loading to the wall while it is under construction. This may include cranes, heavily loaded construction vehicles or material stockpiles. The designer shall coordinate these requirements and convey the live load limits allowed for construction to the owner. 11.3.3 Global Stability The stability analysis must consider the overall global stability of the wall, bearing capacity analysis of the foundation soils, and settlement analysis November 25, 2015 Page 38 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 11.0 – Structural of the proposed structure. The soil parameters to be used in the design of the wall shall be established by the Contractor’s Engineer of Record. 11.3.4 Retaining Wall Design Requirements Provide backfill for walls consisting of AASHTO No. 8 coarse aggregate in areas that require free draining material in conjunction with drains. Provide drainage details such as those shown on the drawings including but not limited to 4”ø weepholes or 6”ø perforated pipe underdrain and/or #57 drainage blankets based upon the field conditions. The base of a retaining wall supported on soil shall be located below the frost line, and in no case at a depth less than 3 feet below the surface of the ground in front of the toe. The resultant force on the base of a wall shall fall within the middle third of the structure footing. The factor of safety against sliding at the base of the structure shall be at least 1.5. In computing the resistance against sliding, the passive earth pressure of the soil in contact with the face of the wall shall be neglected. The factor of safety against overturning 2.0. 11.3.5 Limitations The use of any soil stabilizing elements, strips, grid, or mesh systems is strictly prohibited. The use of timber in the final wall or wall facing panel(s) that hold the soil in position is strictly prohibited. Settlement and angular distortion will be limited to a total settlement not to exceed one (1) inch. Differential settlements between to load bearing elements within the zone of influence between the face of the wall shall not exceed one half (1/2) inch. The settlement and angular distortions limitations are based on any load bearing element applying maximum allowable bearing capacity to the fill behind the wall. 11.3.6 Architectural Treatment The entire exposed face of the retaining wall shall have an architectural finish that is to be pre-approved by SEPTA. November 25, 2015 Page 39 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 11.0 – Structural This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 40 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 12.0 Chapter 12.0 – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 41 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 12.0 – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 42 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 13.0 Chapter 13.0 – Plumbing and Fire Protection Systems PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 43 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 13.0 – Plumbing and Fire Protection Systems This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 44 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 14.0 Chapter 14.0 – Industrial Equipment INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 45 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 14.0 – Industrial Equipment This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 46 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 15.0 Chapter 15.0 – Facilities Electrical FACILITIES ELECTRICAL (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 47 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 15.0 – Facilities Electrical This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 48 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 16.0 Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding CORROSION CONTROL GROUNDING AND BONDING 16.1 Introduction 16.1.1 Corrosion Control This section describes the design criteria necessary to provide corrosion control measures which encompass all disciplines associated with SEPTA’s transit projects. The design of the systems and subsystems must prevent premature corrosion failures on transit fixed facilities and other structures or installations. Systems shall be designed to control corrosion caused by contact with corrosive environments, soils, and water, and effects of stray current. Types of corrosion control include stray current control, materials selection, protective coating, and cathodic protection. Corrosion control design criteria encompass all engineering project disciplines. The design criteria for each of these categories, and their implementation, shall meet the following objectives: • • • • Achieve the design life of system facilities by avoiding premature failure caused by corrosion. Minimize annual operating and maintenance costs associated with material deterioration and degradation. Provide continuity of operations by reducing or eliminating corrosionrelated failures of transit facilities, systems, and subsystems. Minimize detrimental effects of stray earth currents during normal transit operations to facilities owned by others. Corrosion control design shall be coordinated, as required, with other transit project elements including mechanical, utility, electrical, civil, structural, trackwork, traction power, vehicle, environmental, geotechnical, architectural, safety system grounding, signaling, communications, safety and security. 16.1.2 Grounding and Bonding Grounding, Bonding, and Lightning Protection shall be designed to address personal safety. In principle, to ensure the integrity of the grounding and bonding systems and the longevity of the system components, particularly for buried or encased elements, the bonding and grounding designs shall create duplicate electrical continuity paths and provide for redundancy in jumpers and bonds. This chapter also provides criteria for the electrical separation of outside utility lines from the traction return and grounding systems. November 25, 2015 Page 49 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding Grounding is the establishment of a common reference voltage (typically 0 V) between power sources and/or electrical equipment. Electrical ground faults, short circuits, lightning, and transients can occur in electrical power supply and distribution systems or the facilities power systems. These design criteria specify requirements for the protective provisions relating to electrical safety in structures associated with the alternating current (ac) traction system. Grounding systems are intended to help clear faults in the quickest possible manner by providing a low impedance path for fault currents. Grounding, bonding, and lightning protection are multi-disciplinary in nature. The design shall consider and mitigate the negative effects of lightning, ground potential rise, contact with electrical power circuits, and induction. The various discipline designers must collaborate with one another to coordinate the overall grounding and bonding design, so that a consistent approach is used and applied by each discipline in the development of the electrical, power and structural grounding and bonding and lightning protection. In addition, this chapter provides criteria for designs that will minimize the touch voltage and ground return currents created by the electrification system and facilities electrical systems that will provide for the safety of passengers and operating personnel and minimize the hazards of electrical shock. The grounding and bonding system designs shall provide the means to carry electric currents into the earth under both normal and fault conditions without exceeding any operating and equipment limits or adversely affecting continuity of service. For ac traction systems, grounding is the preferred method for reducing potentials of the electrical system both during normal operations and under fault conditions to protect equipment and to provide safety for employees and the general public. Adequate bonding shall be designed and installed throughout the entire electrified system to provide proper return circuits for the normal traction power currents and fault currents, with grounding connections as detailed in these criteria. Where multiple codes address the same issue, but specify differing approaches or values, the most stringent requirement shall be met. Design documents shall identify each type of ground connection, consistent with the ground categories identified in the other chapters of the design criteria and as indicated in the following sections. November 25, 2015 Page 50 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 16.2 Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding Design Codes 16.2.1 Corrosion Control • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • American Concrete Institute (ACI) o ACI 201.2R: Guide to Durable Concrete o ACI 222R: Corrosion of Metals in Concrete o Publication SP-77: Sulfate Resistance of Concrete American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) o ASTM C452-15: Standard Test Method for Potential Expansion of Portland-Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate American Water Works Association (AWWA) Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) Electronic Industries Association (EIA) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Publication No. FHWA-NHI-09-087 Insulated Cable Engineers Associated (ICEA) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) NACE International (Corrosion Engineers) o NACE SP0169: control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems o NACE SP0315-2015/IEEE Std 1835: Standard for Atmospheric (Above Grade) corrosion Control of Existing Electric Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP Report 155) Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) 16.2.2 Grounding and Bonding • November 25, 2015 European Standards (EN) o EN 50119 - 2001: Railway Applications – Fixed Installations – Electric Traction Overhead Contact Lines o EN 50122-1 - 2011: Railway Applications – Fixed Installations Part 1. Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing Page 51 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria • • • • • • • 16.3 Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding o EN 50124-1 - 2001: Railway Applications – Insulation Coordination – Part 1. Basic requirements – Clearances and creepage distances for all electrical and electronic equipment Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) o IEEE Std. 80: IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding o IEEE Std. 81: IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System (Part 1) o IEEE Std. 142: IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Green Book) o IEEE Std. 837: IEEE Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding o IEEE Std. C2: National Electrical Safety Code International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60479: Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock – Part 1 General Aspects NACE SP 0177-14 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systems National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) o NFPA 70: National Electrical Code o NFPA Std. 780: Standard for Installation of Lightning Protection Systems Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC) IBC 2009 Chapter 27 (Electrical Code) The Manual for Railway Engineering of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA Manual) Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Frazer Design Criteria 16.3.1 Corrosion Control Provide electrical continuity of reinforcing steel for cast in place concrete structures including the retaining walls and OCS foundations. Provide corrosion control systems (cathodic protection and electrical continuity) for new underground metallic piping. The corrosion control systems shall include bonded coatings, electrical continuity bonding, test stations, and galvanic anodes. Cathodic protection system design shall be based on theoretical calculations that include the following parameters: • • November 25, 2015 Estimated percentage of bare surface area (minimum 1 percent) Cathodic protection current density (minimum of 1.0 mA/sq.ft. of bare surface area) Page 52 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria • • • • Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding Estimated current output per anode Estimated total number of anodes, size, and spacing Minimum anode life of 25 years (minimum 50 percent efficiency) Estimated anode groundbed resistance Provide atmospheric corrosion control of above grade structures based on environmental conditions through the use of materials selection, protective coatings, design, and sealants. Provide stray current corrosion control if dc stray currents are identified in the local vicinity which could impact underground structures including metallic utilities, the retaining wall reinforcing steel, and the OCS pole foundations. 16.3.2 Grounding and Bonding Provide grounding and bonding of reinforcing steel in cast in place structures (retaining wall) to provide electrical continuity to accessible structures and a low resistance ground for steady state and fault current mitigation through the use of welding of the reinforcing steel. Provide test stations along cast in place structures (retaining wall) to provide a means of measuring the electrical continuity. If a non-electrically continuous structure (retaining wall) is used, any above grade accessible metallic structures must be grounded through alternate means such as ground rods or ground mats. OCS foundation reinforcing steel shall me made electrically continuous through the use of welded reinforcing steel and grounded to the OCS poles and to a ground rod at each OCS pole location. Confirm electrical continuity through testing procedures such as measurement of the resistance between test stations or from end to end of an OCS pole foundation prior to installation in the ground. The OCS poles shall be grounded through interconnection of the pole to the static wire so that the ground resistance of the interconnected poles is kept low. Reinforced concrete and anchor bolt foundations, where the concrete is in good contact with the adjacent soil, are recognized as being good earth electrodes. Where the ground resistance of individual OCS poles exceeds 25 ohms, individual ground rods or other grounding solutions shall be applied. All other OCS structural supports (e.g., wall brackets, drop pipes, feeder wire brackets, etc.) shall be interconnected to the static wire. November 25, 2015 Page 53 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 16.0 – Corrosion Control Grounding and Bonding Grounding and bonding of the running rails shall be provided to allow for the flow of the traction return current and take into account the connections to the static wires, impedance bonds, signal systems, and be coordinated with the train control designer. Resistance to earth of ground beds, ground rods, and ground mats shall be measured through the fall of potential method. Grounding provisions for the hand rail shall provide safety grounding for steady state and fault currents as specified in these design criteria and in IEEE 80. The design shall comply with the IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding and other codes as indicated in Section 16.2.2. Grounding provisions for the OCS poles shall provide safety grounding for steady state and fault currents as specified in these design criteria and in IEEE 80. The design shall comply with the IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding and other codes as indicated in Section 16.2.2. Contractor testing provisions shall include but not be limited to the following: • • • November 25, 2015 Any corrosion control and/or cathodic protection testing as specified in the referenced standards in Section 16.2.1. Electrical continuity testing of any structures to be made electrically continuous such as cast in place retaining wall reinforcing steel or OCS pole reinforcing steel using a Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter (DLRO), Megger DLRO 10X or approved equal. Ground mats and ground rods or other grounding systems shall be tested for resistance to earth using the fall of potential method as specified in IEEE 81 Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System (Part 1) prior to connecting the new grounding systems to existing grounding systems. Page 54 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 17.0 Chapter 17.0 – Traction Power TRACTION POWER (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 55 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 17.0 – Traction Power This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 56 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 18.0 Chapter 18.0 – Overhead Contact System OVERHEAD CONTACT SYSTEM 18.1 Introduction The Overhead Contact System (OCS) design criteria specified herein shall govern the design and detailing of the following related components: • • • Catenary system including supporting hardware. Railroad catenary poles and/or structures. Drilled shaft or caisson foundations. The design shall meet SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards, revision 1 except as noted herein. Design exceptions to any provisions specified in this document must be submitted to SEPTA for approval. 18.2 Design Codes and References Unless specified otherwise, the OCS design shall be in accordance with the current editions of the following codes, standards or specifications: • • • • • • • • 18.3 ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete AISC - Manual of Steel Construction, 14th Edition AREMA - American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association ASCE/SEI 7 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures AWS D1.1 - American Welding Society Structural Welding Code - Steel NESC - National Electric Safety Code SEPTA - Structural Engineering Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards, Rev. 1, 2006 SEPTA - Structural Engineering Right of Way Design and Construction Standards Catenary Catenary shall be simple catenary fixed termination type arrangement. Wire Sizes: • Messenger Wire: 5/8” diameter copperweld, Type E. • Contact/Trolley: 336.4 kcmil solid grooved bronze • Hangers – Clips: 0.34” diameter class B bronze rod • Static Wire: 2/0 hard drawn copper, 7 stranded Electrical Design Parameters: • Design Electrical Insulation and Clearance: 25 kV nominal per AREMA Chapter 33 and NFPA. November 25, 2015 Page 57 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria • Chapter 18.0 – Overhead Contact System System Voltage: 12 kV at 25 Hertz, nominal. Clearance Criteria shall be in accordance with AREMA Chapter 33 Part 4.2.3 requirements. Railroad trolley wire height shall be between 19’-0” minimum and 22’-0” maximum above top of the rail and match the existing at the location of the new structure(s). The minimum contact wire height at grade crossing shall be 22’-0 under the worst condition. 18.4 Loading Requirements Loading requirements shall comply with SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards Revision 1 except that the extreme wind condition shall be 90 mph instead of 80 mph at 60 °F. 18.5 Loading Combinations and Load Factors Load combinations shall be in accordance with SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards Revision 1. Load factors shall be according to NESC Section 25 requirements. 18.6 Design and Analysis Design and analysis of the structural steel shall be either AISC ASD or LRFD method as defined in SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards, Revision 1. The AREMA design margin does not apply to calculation of maximum deflections or to the baseplate or direct embedment in a reinforced drilled concrete caisson. The design and/or analysis of existing structures for new or revised loadings shall be based upon current codes as modified herein. Calculations and drawings shall include a loading diagram. 18.7 Materials All Poles shall be wide flange shape steel ASTM A992 grade 50. All other structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36. All shall be hot dipped galvanized. November 25, 2015 Page 58 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 18.0 – Overhead Contact System All bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to ASTM A325, type N 7/8” diameter unless noted otherwise and shall be hot-dip galvanized. Welding electrodes shall be E70xx. Anchor bolts or rods shall be ASTM F1554 Grade 36 or 55 weldable steel. Concrete shall have a compressive strength fc’=4,000 psi at 28 days. Foundation reinforcing steel shall be new deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615 grade 60. Foundation rebars, anchor bolts or rods, embedment plate and attached hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized. 18.8 Steel Design Details Steel design details shall be according to SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards, Revision 1. Structures shall be detailed to accept SEPTA standard catenary hardware. 18.9 Foundation Design Foundation design shall be per SEPTA’S Catenary Structure Design Criteria and Standards, Revision 1 unless noted otherwise. Foundations shall be drilled pier type (caisson). The use of a permanent steel casing with a minimum 3/8” wall thickness and a yield strength of 35,000 psi is required and shall remain in place. 18.10 Miscellaneous All steel structures shall be grounded. Galvanized coating thickness for structural members shall not be less than 2.3 oz/sf. Provisions for the attachment of a static wire shall be on the top of all columns. The catenary structure number shall be permanently marked on the inbound and outbound faces of all columns at four (4) feet above ground line using reflective paint or signs. “Danger High Voltage” sign shall be installed on all columns per SEPTA Standard. November 25, 2015 Page 59 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 18.0 – Overhead Contact System A 5/8” diameter hole on the web of each pole at 12 inches above its base plate shall be provided for grounding connection. The grounding wire at the other end shall be connected to one of the foundation vertical reinforcing bars and the steel casing. The location of structures shall not violate SEPTA’S minimum clearance requirements. The combined new storage Tracks 10, 11 and 12 shall be sectionalized. November 25, 2015 Page 60 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 19.0 Chapter 19.0 – Communications COMMUNICATIONS (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 61 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 19.0 – Communications This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 62 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria 20.0 Chapter 20.0 – Fire/Life Safety and Security FIRE/LIFE SAFETY AND SECURITY (Not Used) November 25, 2015 Page 63 Rev. 00 - Final SEPTA Frazer Shop & Yard Design Criteria Chapter 20.0 – Fire/Life Safety and Security This Page Intentionally Blank November 25, 2015 Page 64 Rev. 00 - Final