1 Grid Connected Solar PV and Reactive Power in a Low Voltage Distribution Network Dean Condon Ergon Energy, Technology Development Group e-mail: dean.condon@ergon.com.au Abstract— Proof of concept reactive power testing to influence the voltage levels on the Low Voltage distribution network is performed at the Ergon Energy Solar Skate Park using Grid Connected Inverter Energy Systems. Index Terms—Grid connected, Photovoltaic, Power, Reactive Power, Solar. I. INTRODUCTION T HIS investigation looks at how reactive power from grid connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) inverter energy systems can be used to influence the levels of voltage on the Low Voltage (LV) distribution network. Ergon Energy (EE) owns and operates a 100kW Solar PV system on Magnetic Island, which was installed through the Townsville Queensland Solar City Project. The system is known as the Solar Skate Park (SSP), because the solar panel roof structure covers an existing skate park. During the design phase of the project, a PV voltage rise model was produced with the SSP connected to the adjacent LV network. This model predicted a 18V rise of the LV at the SSP and resulted in a change to the connection arrangement. The new arrangement has the SSP connected to the Medium Voltage (MV) network via a dedicated distribution transformer, - which results in a low impedance connection to the network. The inverters used at the SSP have the ability to produce both real and reactive power. The ability of the SSP to produce and consume reactive power and its corresponding impact on the LV network voltage was tested whilst still connected to the dedicated transformer – low impedance connection and with the SSP connected to adjacent LV network – high impedance connection. II. SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS The SSP PV system is connected to a dedicated 315kVA 11000/415 V distribution transformer. The adjacent LV network is supplied from a 200kVA transformer and services 75 mostly domestic customers. The Solar Skate Park can be connected to the adjacent LV network through 2 sets of manually operated LV links. At the time of performing this analysis, the adjacent LV network transformer number was TVS 55 and hence for this report – will be known as TVS 55. A. Solar Skate Park The SSP PV system consists of 7 x SMA Sunny Tripower grid connected 3 phase inverters, connected to a common ac bus. The reactive power control of these units is managed via a SMA power reducer box, which sends command information to the SMA Webbox via an Ethernet connection, which sends the command to individual inverters via a RS485 network. Through changing values in the Power Reducer web page the inverters can be requested to supply reactive power (act as a capacitor) or consume reactive power (act as an inductor). The SSP connection to the grid is through 20m of 3 phase 70mm² Cu cable that is connected to the 315kVA pole mounted transformer. This equates to a connection impedance of 0.00128 + j0.00039ω. The inverters have the maximum voltage limit factory set at 270V above which the inverter instantaneously disconnects from the grid. B. Distribution Network The adjacent TVS 55 network consists of both underground (UG) and overhead (OH) sections. Shown below in Fig. 1 is a single line diagram of the low voltage distribution network of TVS 55 and the SSP. The 100 kW SSP is on the right of the open point links. The backbone overhead conductor is imperial 7/104 Cu and the underground cable is 95mm² Al. The distance between the SSP and TVS 55 is approximately 400m. This equates to a connection impedance of 0.1058 + j0.1324ω, - considerably larger than the connection impedance for the dedicated transformer. There are also 3 locations where voltage is recorded, 1) SSP, 2) 150m from the SSP towards TVS 55 and 3) TVS 55. The voltage values are averaged over a 10 minute period. 2 Baseline Voltage Levels - Unity pf 254.00 Voltage (V) 252.00 250.00 248.00 246.00 244.00 242.00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 240.00 Time Avg Vln A Avg Vln B Avg Vln C Figure 3: Voltage levels with pf = 1.0 A. pf = unity The power factor of all inverters is kept at unity. Figure 2 shows the power output and it can be seen that the real and apparent power are equal and the reactive power is zero. Reactive Power Testing - Unity pf 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 0.00 -20.00 -40.00 -60.00 -80.00 -100.00 Time Avg kW Avg kvar Avg kVA Figure 4: Power values with pf = 0.8, under excited The voltage profile is shown below in Figure 5 and has a flatter profile with a maximum midday value of approximately 245V. 90.00 80.00 Baseline Voltage Levels - Consume vars, pf=0.8 70.00 60.00 50.00 254.00 40.00 252.00 30.00 Voltage (V) 20.00 10.00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 Time 244.00 242.00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 Time Figure 2: Power values with pf = 1.0 Avg Vln A The voltage levels are shown below in Figure 3 and the profile shows low morning levels, rising to a midday max and dropping in the afternoon – consistent with PV power output. The maximum midday value is approximately 248V. 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 240.00 Avg kVA 3:00 Avg kvar 246.00 2:00 Avg kW 248.00 1:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 0.00 250.00 0:00 Power (kW, kvar and kVA) 100.00 Reactive Power Testing - Consume vars, pf=0.8 2:00 The ability of reactive power produced by the inverters to influence levels of the LV network was first tested whist the SSP was connected to the dedicated transformer. Three cases will be examined below, A) power factor (pf) is unity, ie 1.0, B) power factor equals 0.9 and C) power factor equals 0.8. Values shown in graphs are averaged over a continuous 7 day period and are from different weeks over a 6 week period, thus some real power values may be different from a change in solar radiation. 1:00 REGULATION 0:00 III. REACTIVE POWER TESTING, PROOF OF VOLTAGE B. pf = 0.8, under excited The power factor of all inverters was changed to 0.8 under excited – that is consuming reactive power. Figure 4 below shows the power output and shows maximum midday values of real power ~ 72 kW and apparent power ~ 90 kVA. The reactive power has a maximum midday value of ~ 54 kvar. Voltage (V) Fig. 1: Single Line Diagram of TVS 55 Low Voltage distribution network Avg Vln B Avg Vln C Figure 5: Voltage levels with pf = 0.8, under excited C. pf = 0.8, over excited The power factor of all inverters is changed to 0.8 over excited – that is producing reactive power. Show below in Figure 6 is the power output and shows maximum midday values of real power ~ 75 kW and apparent power ~ 95 kVA. The reactive power has a maximum midday value of ~ 57 kvar. 3 the top and the time period is shown at the bottom. 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0:00 Power (kW, kvar and kVA) Reactive Power Testing - Export vars, pf=0.8 Figure 8: Inverter connection sequence Time Avg kW Avg kvar Avg kVA Figure 6: Power values with pf = 0.8, over excited The voltage profile is below in Figure 7 and now has a curve similar to the PV output. The profile has a maximum midday value of approximately 250V. Baseline Voltage Levels - Export vars, pf=0.8 254.00 Voltage (V) 252.00 250.00 248.00 246.00 244.00 242.00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 240.00 The first 2 inverters were turned on at 11:30am, at 11:40am U3 was turned on, then at 11:50am U2 disconnected from the grid. The power factor of all inverters was adjusted to 0.9 under excited and at 12:00pm U3 and U4 were turned on. At 12:20 U5 was turned on and then U1 and U2 disconnected from the grid. The power factor of all inverters was adjusted to 0.8 under excited the connection sequence continued. At 12:50 the last inverter was turned on and all inverters remained on for approximately 30 mins, before all inverters were turned off and power factor restored to unity. The SSP was disconnected from TVS 55, reconnected to the dedicated transformer and inverters turned on. Time Avg Vln A Avg Vln B Avg Vln C Figure 7: Voltage levels with pf = 0.8, over excited The above testing proves the concept that reactive power can be used to influence the levels of voltage on the LV network. The change in maximum midday value from 245V to 248V for the under excited case was 3V (1.25%) and 248V to 250V for the over excited case was 2V (0.83%). These are small changes, however the SSP connection to the network is very low impedance and hence would only expect to see small changes. The following sections describe the results from the voltage recorders on the day of testing. Data has been limited to the time period of 10am to 3pm and power factor is 0.9 from 12:00-12:20 and 0.8 from 12:30-13:30. A. Results from SSP – V1 Show below in Figure 9 is the real power, reactive power and power factor during the testing period. Once all inverters were on, with a power factor of 0.8, the real power maximum value is 77 kW and the reactive power maximum value is 59 kvar. The real power is incrementally increasing as the inverters remain on and don’t disconnect as a result of high voltage. Solar Skate Park - Reactive Power Testing Shown below in Figure 8 is the inverter connection sequence. There is 1 row for each inverter, labeled U1 to U7. Green indicates the inverter is on, red indicates the inverter is off and orange indicates the inverter was on, but tripped off caused by high voltage. The power factor of all inverters is at 1 80 0.9 60 0.8 0.7 40 0.6 20 0.5 0 0.4 -60 15:00 14:50 14:40 14:30 14:20 14:10 14:00 13:50 13:40 13:20 13:10 13:00 12:50 12:40 12:30 12:20 12:10 12:00 11:50 11:40 11:30 11:10 11:00 10:50 10:40 10:30 10:20 -40 10:10 -20 10:00 Power (kW and kvar) The SSP has the unique ability to manually disconnect from the dedicated transformer and connect to the adjacent TVS 55 network. By making this connection change, the impacts of having a large PV system connected to the end of a high impedance LV network can be tested. On 13th September 2011, the SSP was connected to TVS 55 to conduct testing and at the end was reinstated to the dedicated transformer. The following sections describe the events observed and voltage levels measured at the 3 voltage recorders. 100 Power Factor IV. REACTIVE POWER TESTING, HIGH IMPEDANCE NETWORK 0.3 0.2 0.1 -80 0 Time Real Power (kW) Reactive Power (var) Power Factor Figure 9: Power and power factor at SSP, while connected to TVS 55 Figure 10 below shows the voltage profile at the SSP during the testing period. Maximum values for C phase voltage were recorded near 265V. But these are averaged over a 10min period and instantaneous values would have been at 270V to cause inverters to disconnect from the grid. During the period when all inverters were on with power 4 factor at 0.8, maximum power was being produced and the voltage is relatively low at 255V. This shows that the voltage has reduced from over 265V – likely 270V, down to 255V by having the power factor at 0.8, representing a 10-15V (4% 6%) change. This would indicate a higher level of voltage regulation from the reactive power in a LV network with high impedance. system. C. Results from V3 Voltage recorder 3 was installed at transformer TVS 55, approx 400m from the SSP. Shown below in Figure 13 is the voltage profile for the day of the test. Voltage Levels - at Transformer 250 249 15:02 14:52 14:42 14:32 14:22 14:12 14:02 13:52 13:42 13:32 13:22 13:12 13:02 12:52 12:42 12:32 Time 15:00 14:50 14:40 14:30 14:20 14:10 14:00 13:50 13:40 13:20 13:10 13:00 12:50 12:40 12:30 12:20 12:10 12:00 11:50 11:40 11:30 11:10 11:00 10:50 10:40 10:30 10:20 10:10 10:00 235 12:22 12:12 12:02 11:52 11:42 11:32 11:22 241 240 240 11:12 245 11:02 243 242 10:52 250 10:42 246 245 244 10:32 255 10:02 Voltage (V) 260 248 247 10:22 Voltage (V) 265 10:12 Voltage Levels - Solar Skate Park Vln A Vln B Vln C Time Vln b Vln c Figure 10: Voltage at SSP, while connected to TVS 55 B. Results from V2 The location of Voltage recorder 2 was 150m from the SSP towards TVS 55. The recorder was installed out the front of the rural fire brigade, hence some of the graphs are titled with rural fire brigade. Shown below in Figure 11 is the voltage profile for the day of the test. Voltage Levels - Fire Brigade Baseline Voltage Levels - at Transformer 250.00 249.00 248.00 247.00 246.00 245.00 244.00 243.00 242.00 15:02 14:52 14:42 14:32 14:22 14:12 14:02 13:52 13:42 13:32 13:22 13:12 13:02 12:52 12:42 12:32 12:22 12:12 12:02 11:52 11:42 11:32 11:22 11:12 11:02 10:52 10:42 10:32 10:22 10:02 260 10:12 241.00 240.00 265 Voltage (V) Shown below in Figure 14 are baseline voltage levels during the same time period. These values are averaged over a 7 day period, the week after the test date. Voltage (V) Vln a Figure 13: Voltage at V3, with SSP connected to TVS 55 Time 255 Avg Vln A 250 Avg Vln B Avg Vln C Figure 14: Baseline voltage at V3, with SSP connected to TVS 55 245 240 15:00 14:50 14:40 14:30 14:20 14:10 14:00 13:50 13:40 13:30 13:20 13:10 13:00 12:50 12:40 12:30 12:20 12:10 12:00 11:50 11:40 11:30 11:20 11:10 11:00 10:50 10:40 10:30 10:20 10:10 10:00 235 Time Vln A Vln B Vln C Figure 11: Voltage at V2, with SSP connected to TVS 55 Shown below in Figure 12 are baseline voltage levels during the same time period. These values are averaged over a 7 day period, the week before the test date. Baseline Voltage Levels - Fire Brigade Voltage levels at the transformer seem lower during the time of testing, compared to baseline values. Most likely caused by different levels of load on the transformer. D. Power at Transformer The recorder at TVS 55 - V3 - also has the ability to record real, reactive and apparent power. Shown below in Figure 15 is the apparent power measured on the day of test. At approximately 12:30pm the apparent power peaks at 39 kVA, which is higher than the traditional evening peak. 265.00 Voltage (V) 260.00 255.00 250.00 245.00 240.00 15:00 14:50 14:40 14:30 14:20 14:10 14:00 13:50 13:40 13:30 13:20 13:10 13:00 12:50 12:40 12:30 12:20 12:10 12:00 11:50 11:40 11:30 11:20 11:10 11:00 10:50 10:40 10:30 10:20 10:10 10:00 235.00 Time Avg Vln A Avg Vln B Avg Vln C Figure 12: Baseline voltage at V2, with SSP connected to TVS 55 Figure 15: Apparent Power (kVA) at TVS 55 The midday values of voltage are approximately 3V higher compared to the baseline data. Indicating the high SSP voltage has impacted the network some 150m from the PV Shown below in Figure 16 is the real power measured at the transformer. It can be seen that the real power goes 5 negative during the middle part of the day – thus creating reverse power flow which would be sent back into the 11kV network. The reverse power flow peak of 30 kW occurs at approximately 12:30pm. required to be supplied by the network to enable the SSP to remain connected to the grid. This was an increase in reactive power of 500%. If the additional reactive power was required at a time of high load, then it is possible that the network would be required to supply a large amount of current for the real power requirements and also a large amount of current for the reactive power requirements – thus having a double current impact on the network and possibly causing overload issues for the network. This scenario is unlikely to occur because during the period of high loads the network voltage would tend to be lower and hence less reactive power would need to be supplied by the network to lower the voltage. Figure 16: Real Power (kW) at TVS 55 Shown below in Figure 17 is the reactive power measured at the transformer. The peak of 25 kvar occurs at approximately 12:45pm, and there is 23 kvar measured at 12:30pm. Ergon Energy is not proposing to run inverters at fixed power factors because it would exacerbate the low voltage problem during high network load periods. Rather, Ergon foresees the final solution being a voltage controlled system, where the LV voltage determines the amount of reactive power injected or absorbed by the Inverter. Ergon Energy intends to conduct further reactive power testing at this site with the aim of investigating control strategies, including the following two 1) Reactive Power as a function of Voltage Q(V), and 2) Power reduction as a function of Voltage P(V). VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Figure 17: Reactive Power (kvar) at TVS 55 Shown below in Figure 18 is the reactive power profile over 30 days. It can be seen that the usual reactive power value is approximately 5 kvar. This indicates that on the day of testing, there was a 500% increase in reactive power to support the 77 kW of real power at the SSP. Figure 18: Reactive Power (kvar) at TVS 55 - over 30 days V. CONCLUSION The ability of reactive power to influence the voltage levels on the Low Voltage distribution network was shown for both a low impedance and high impedance network. The reactive power produced a voltage change of approximate 1% in the low impedance network and 5% change in high impedance network. In the high impedance network case, 25 kVAr was This work was supported in part by the Australian Government Solar Cities program. The author gratefully acknowledges the contribution of M. Wishart for his assistance with this report.