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Business Execution Software
Business Execution Software
The Challenge
In times of global recession when falling sales, budget cuts and redundancies are high on the agenda, it is
particularly important for organisations to concentrate on their core competencies and the optimisation of
internal corporate structures. The fraught economic situation demands not just flexibility and the development of
new strategies geared to the current market, but also the rapid and precise execution of the strategies defined.
Your people form a key success factor in this execution. Your people also account for a significant proportion
of your operating costs – up to 70 %. In view of this enormous investment, it is clearly of great interest to any
organisation to ensure that personnel-related processes in particular are implemented to run smoothly and
efficiently so that every employee can perform their duties effectively and achieve their targets.
To remain competitive, consistent focus on every employee is essential:
 Align every employee to the business objectives
 Increase employee productivity and accountability
 Identify leaders and cultivate their ongoing performance improvement through appropriate compensation
 Encourage and develop employee potential
 Optimise staffing by deploying the right people in the right roles to benefit from their full potential
 Secure timely succession in management and specialist positions
The Solution
Combining business alignment and people performance, SuccessFactors‘ Business Execution Software supports your
organisation in achieving the best possible results through aligning, and by enabling optimal performance.
SuccessFactors Business Execution Software is the premier solution for motivating your people to do the right
things at the right time in order to achieve the right results every day.
SUCCESS = Strategy + Execution
Business Execution Software
Close the gap between strategy and execution
In practice, flawless execution is not easy. Synchronising hundreds or thousands of employees, achieve the best
results, requires superb orchestration and should start right at the top of the organisation.
Our proven solutions, recommended by analysts, are designed to support execution, from senior executives
through to individual employees. Combining business alignment and people performance capabilities,
our software helps you fit your organisation to your strategy and by putting the right people in the right place,
equips your organisation to succeed, every day. Because the difference is in Execution.
This solution provides HR managers and executives with a transparent, accountable and results-oriented
solution for optimising a company’s internal performance potential and for closing the gap between strategy
and execution.
SuccessFactors Business Execution Software creates transparency related to people potential and performance
and enables direct and measurable comparisons of this HR parameter; simply, reliably and in real-time. With this
tool, senior managers can view at any time and correct if necessary, the progress towards goals and competency
levels right across the organisation. Employees can be confident that their operational readiness and commitment
to the organisation will not go unnoticed and that their performance will be appropriately rewarded.
SuccessFactors Business Execution Software can be used to control and handle the entire people development
process of employees to build a workforce that is aligned to the business objectives. Through personal input,
such as encouragement and
motivation, managers can
improve employee accountability and actively and sustainably improve their drive.
Your people receive clear
direction and develop awareness of their areas of accountability and responsibility.
This is a critical success factor
in achieving the best possible
results and closing the gap
between strategy and execution.
SuccessFactors Business Execution Software helps you achieve demonstrably better results. Experience shows
that a 2 – 3 % increase in sales can realistically be expected as a result of optimising employee potential and the
associated improvement in productivity.
Business Execution Software
An overview of the individual software modules
SuccessFactors Business Execution Software comprises 14 fully integrated modules:
 Goal Management
 Analytics & Reporting
 360-Degree Reviews
 Succession Management
 Performance Management
 Compensation Management
 Employee Profile
 Stack Ranker
 Execution Survey
 Metrics Navigator
 Business Performance Accelerators
 Recruiting Management
 Employee Central
 Learning & Development
They are so user-friendly and quick to implement that even complex requirements can very rapidly be turned
into productive results. The holistic approach of our on-demand solutions is geared to the most important
business initiative:
Closing the gap between strategy and execution
Since the application is both scalable and modular, it can be implemented in stages and according to customer
need. The solution also provides the highest possible security standards for securing and controlling access of
mission-critical data.
Module: Goal Management
Real success is the result of precise execution
Your organisation has a vision of success. To make it reality, you need to continuously rely on the efforts
of each employee every day. How can you convey to everyone your business direction and goals and at the
same make them understand the part they need to play every day in making your vision of success the
reality? What if you suddenly have to change course? How can you align your organisation to your new goals?
SuccessFactors’ Goal
Management software
boosts your business
success by concentrating
your entire workforce your
disparate goals – even if
your strategy takes a new
direction. If all your people
are working towards the
same goal, your organisation
can develop faster and
flourish and you can change
direction whenever you
need to.
Business Execution Software
The benefits of Goal Management
at a glance:
learly defined and recognisable
responsibilities related to a
concrete and measurable goal
 Improved employee commitment
results from goal-directed
ore open communication with
managers, employees and colleagues
ptimised structuring of line
managers’ responsibilities
 Improved efficiency by concentrating
your people on achieving the key goals
Module: Analytics & Reporting
Turning raw data into meaningful information
The Analytics & Reporting tool extracts data captured from the individual application modules and provides comprehensive insight into the performance of the organisation as a whole. A high-level differentiated analysis of a wide variety of
data gives you the information you need on progress towards goals, performance reviews, competency levels, adherence
to the compensation budget or the number of potential successors to key positions.
Analytics & Reporting provides very useful analysis and assessment at both macro and micro level of the organisation’s
progress and processes.
The benefits of Analytics & Reporting at a glance:
 Better decision-making tools
omprehensive overview of all organisational
areas and employees
 Easy identification of trends
 Transparency across the entire organisation
Business Execution Software
Module: Performance Management
Active performance reviews in the organisation
Performance Management modernises and streamlines the entire performance review process for every employee
in your organisation. Workflow and approval processes can be tailored to each customer’s needs, ensuring that
employee reviews are performed uniformly and objectively against mission-critical criteria.
A structured review process allows
meaningful performance reviews to
be prepared for each individual employee.
This process is very quick to implement
and saves both time and money, transforming the customary standard review
process into a dynamic cycle of feedback
between executives, managers and
employees. A comprehensive and
objective performance review motivates
employees, resulting in better overall
business performance.
Performance Management greatly eases HR management. All the necessary information is available at the click of
a button. Enabling your people to see their performance reviews encourages them to take on more responsibility for
their actions and continually improve. Moreover, ongoing analyses allow new strategies to be developed to optimise
the performance of the organisation as a whole.
The benefits of Performance
Management at a glance:
 Employees are easily located
erformance review process tailored
to the needs of your organisation
ptimised reviews result in improved
people performance
 Integration of traceable audit
asis for creation of a
pay-for-performance culture
Business Execution Software
Module: Compensation Management
Drive success with pay-for-performance
Many managers today regard a pay-for-performance culture as the key tool to achieve exceptional results in
their organisation. However, the integration of true pay-for-performance is easier said than done.
SuccessFactors allows you to quickly and easily implement comprehensive pay-for-performance. By rewarding
good performance you can retain your top talent and significantly improve your organisation’s performance.
The tool provides you with insight into individual employees which simplifies the definition of pay-for-performance.
The benefits of Compensation
Management at a glance:
performance-driven corporate
culture fosters staff loyalty
bjective data for your compensation strategy
ptimise your budget with
“what if“ analysis
eamless workflows eliminate
sources of error
argeted motivation, encouragement
and reward for top talent
Module: Execution Survey
Know what is important and act accordingly
Studies show that committed employees can be three times as productive as those who are not. Commitment
also results in people staying in the company longer, reducing recruitment and training costs. And a motivated
and committed workforce ultimately leads to a better ROE (Return On Execution) and with it greater overall
success for your organisation.
Great expertise and creativity is needed to create and manage a staff survey which can then be translated into
practical recommendations.
By providing you with progressive statistical analyses SuccessFactors Execution Survey allows you to concentrate
on those areas that most significantly influence employee commitment and results.
The benefits of Execution Survey at a glance:
 Comprehensive insight into the organisation as a whole
 Focus on the main issues
 “Listen and learn” to improve commitment
 Basis for continuous improvement
Business Execution Software
Module: Metrics Navigator
Visual comparison of employees in a team
SuccessFactors Metrics Navigator offers executives and
managers dynamic and holistic insight into your organisation’s key figures. Metrics Navigator helps you convert
data clutter into key metrics for your organisation’s
health, and display them via a dynamic dashboard.
The benefits of Metrics Navigator at a glance:
 Access essential data any time
No more hunting across disparate systems – with immediate visibility of key figures, executives can take
informed decisions.
 Probe deeper and learn more
Unlike ordinary dashboards that present static information, Metrics Navigator offers a dynamic user interface
giving you insight into a wide variety of metrics and helping to identify underlying causes.
 Build accountability
If executives have direct access to mission-critical data, you can better encourage a culture of accountability.
Your entire organisation then understands that key indicators form an integral part of daily business, and will
pay attention to them.
Module: Employee Central
Uniform employee information for better co-operation
Have you ever tried to obtain up-todate information on an employee and
had to call several departments to
get all the data ? For most organisations, the management of employee
data is a weakness, as performance
and HR data are often stored in
different systems. This makes it almost
impossible to quickly pull together
full and up-to-date information on
an employee.
With SuccessFactors Employee Central all employee data can be stored in one system. This centralised system
enables the best people to be assigned to defined projects, at any time and irrespective of location.
Business Execution Software
The benefits of Employee Central at a glance:
 A centralised employee information hub
 Employee-maintained profiles enrich data even further
 A complete view facilitates strategic decisions
 Automated processes improve efficiency
 Meet compliance requirements with a single system
Module: 360° Reviews
Performance reviews in your organisation are more objective
The 360° Reviews module allows the generation of even more balanced and objective performance reviews.
Feedback from different sources, such as the employee’s self-assessment, their rating by their colleagues and
external feedback is fed into the evaluation of an employee’s performance and skills. The employee’s strengths,
or competence shortfalls, are immediately clear so that support, reward or personal improvement can
immediately be implemented.
Comprehensive assessments in a matrix management arena can also be achieved via 360° Reviews.
The benefits of 360° Reviews
at a glance:
 Integrated with SuccessFactors
Performance Management
utomatic transfer of goals and
competencies directly from
the employee’s objectives or
job-related competencies
reation of targeted development
etailed reporting and formulation
onfigurable workflow and Outlook
Business Execution Software
Module: Succession Management
The right people in the right place
An organisation’s success depends on having the right people in the right positions and should a key player leave the
company, you must be able to respond quickly.
Succession Management helps organisations build and manage their talent pool,
perform scenario modelling, assess the
potential of junior staff and assemble
targeted career and development planning
for every employee.
You can use this tool to identify in
good time qualified potential successors across the organisation in order to
guarantee the continuity of the team.
An automated, dynamic process
ensures that the development and
availability of talented people is
supported in line with long-term
business strategy needs.
The benefits of Succession Management at a glance:
 Ongoing insight into the talent pool
 Better assessment basis for top talent
 Opportunities to identify and groom the organisation’s best talent at an early stage
 Find the best candidate at the right time, every time
Business Execution Software
Module: Employee Profile
Cultivate co-operation and knowledge transfer
Employee Profile enables you to establish a dynamic corporate social network. Employees can use a range of
social media tools to create their own profile, use the platform to voice their opinion on organisational issues and
paint a picture of themselves for the whole organisation.
The entire workforce can call up this
profile, which reinforces employee
bonds while at the same time giving
executives important pointers to be
taken into account in the formulation
of new processes and strategies.
The tool also lends itself to active
employee career planning within
the organisation, providing ongoing
and dynamic development and
performance recording.
The benefits of Employee Profile at a glance:
 Recording of employee performance and profile data
 Data is held in one central repository
 Building of an internal corporate social network
 Improved co-operation and information sharing
Business Execution Software
Module: Stack Ranker
Visual comparison of employees in a team
Obtaining a precise evaluation of a team’s talent is always a challenge. When important decisions are to be taken,
you need up-to-date information immediately to hand. Annual performance reviews provide important information
on your employees’ performance, but not direct comparison with other team members.
With SuccessFactors Stack Ranker you can easily rank your team based on a number of detailed criteria and
display the results visually.
The benefits of Stack Ranker at a glance:
 Simple comparison of individual
team members
 Clear visual presentation
 Use a wide variety of criteria
 Respond faster to changes
 Simultaneous evaluation of key
competencies and criteria across
the whole team
Module: Business Performance Accelerators
Remove barriers to implementation
Achieving corporate goals depends on countless daily interactions between employees, managers and the broader
organisation. Every interaction presents an opportunity, either to move toward the goal or potentially to identify a problem
that could impact overall business performance.
SuccessFactors Business Performance Accelerators helps to overcome barriers to implementation. Effective
interaction with your employees at all times can positively impact and actively drive your business performance.
The benefits of Business Performance
Accelerators at a glance:
ew employees more quickly
become productive
ffective process when employees
leave your organisation
 Facilitates immediate corrective measures
elps build fair and performancedriven teams
Business Execution Software
Module: Recruiting Management
You’re more successful with the right people
Attracting the best people to your organisation has always been an expensive proposition – but replacing the
wrong person in a job costs much more. So how can you avoid wasting time and money recruiting people who
simply don’t fit into your organisation?
SuccessFactors Recruiting Management assists you with a strategically-directed search for candidates.
This efficient tool and its related functionalities enable you to quickly and precisely define the knowledge
and skills that candidates require. In conjunction with the rest of our Business Execution Software you can
begin by defining those qualities an employee must possess to succeed in your organisation. On the basis
of this knowledge you can then search for and select the right candidates in the job market.
The benefits of Recruiting
Management at a glance:
 Optimised and targeted recruiting
 Increased hiring efficiency
 Simplified processes
 Precise job advertisements
Module: Learning and Development
Concrete employee development
The best employees are always looking to the next step in their career and considering how best to improve their
skills. Your challenge is to identify future leaders in your organisation, to expedite their development, and to
maximise their value to your organisation.
Learning and Development makes it easier for managers and employees to create dynamic, focused and effective
career development plans that can be continuously monitored and adapted. This enables employees to improve
the skills they need for their current job and to acquire qualifications and skills for the next step in their career.
The benefits of Learning and
Development at a glance:
loser co-operation between
managers and employees
 Improved employee performance
and accountability
 Inclusion of training measures
in performance reviews
etter targeted measures result
in lower training costs
Business Execution Software
Why SuccessFactors ?
As the global market leader in on-demand Business Execution Software, SuccessFactors helps organisations
manage, develop, motivate and reward their employees more efficiently. SuccessFactors Business Execution
Software is a solution that helps optimise business alignment and people performance, and consequently
helps improve overall performance.
The benefits at a glance:
ess effort
SuccessFactors will maintain the software infrastructure and guarantees regular automatic updates.
No time-consuming and costly IT work.
 Comprehensive Business Execution solution
With 14 different business alignment and people performance modules, SuccessFactors offers a complete
solution to meet all your employee management needs. With support from our experts, your internal corporate
processes can be implemented quickly and with no development effort.
 Maximise profits
Hassle-free integration into existing HRM systems ensures that a comprehensive operational solution is quickly
in place, with a positive impact on your business performance.
 Integrated best practice
New metrics and reporting standards for Human Capital Management (HCM) processes are built-in.
 Global application
The software is available in 31 languages.
aximum security
High-level security for your data.
Intuitive user interface ensures user acceptance.
SuccessFactors: your first choice
 3,000 satisfied customers in many sectors, with over 5 million users worldwide
 Largest number of customer references in the industry
 Highest contract extension rate in the industry (98 %)
 Supports best practice for talent management right across your organisation
 First-class support from a committed and professional customer services team
 Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities
 Acknowledged by industry analysts as an exceptionally customer-focused company
 Dedicated application for fast, successful implementation and execution
 Strong network of highly capable partners
Business Execution Software
Keeping our finger on the pulse with market research –
benefit from our expertise drawn from thousands of customer projects
Here at SuccessFactors, we use the insights gained from our experience with more than 3,000 customers
and over 5 million users in 185 countries, communicating in some 31 languages, to help companies grow.
SuccessFactors’ global market research department continuously compiles and analyses data from our users to
increase our knowledge and understanding of business execution processes. These results are made available
free of charge via our market research initiatives and mentor network.
SuccessFactors works with world-class organisations around the globe. Our customers can draw on our
accumulated experience to maximise the benefit from their investment in our solutions. Our network
is the largest partner system in the industry.
Would you like to learn more about how to maximise your success with SuccessFactors?
Then visit our website:
where you’ll find useful and interesting studies on current issues.
More studies are available at:
We look forward to being able to support you with our expertise.
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T: +44 (0) 1753 752 370
F: +44 (0) 1753 626 813
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1150 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33 349 349
+45 33 349 348
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