PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Permit #1081 Bellmawr, NJ The Philadelphia Regional Volume #37, Issue #1 February/March 2013 ASHLEY IRVIN will be at the ad show as part of the Model Management Agency (MMA) booth. Both male and female models will be present with their composites. Room, on the Main Line. The address is 630 Clothier Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096: Right off of Lancaster and Wynnewood roads. The site was selected to be close to buyers from Philadelphia, being about three minutes from City Ave., and on the border of Montgomery and Delaware Counties to gain attendees from those areas. Continued on page 3 Local Publications Seek New Printer As AFL Plant Folds A major area printer of Philadelphia’s regional newspapers has gone out of business. AFL Web Printing, 2 Executive Drive, Voorhees, N.J. (856566-1270) closed suddenly in December, 2012. In addition to newspapers, the firm also printed special interest and niche publications. Among AFL’s customers were… …Metro, the free Philadel- phia daily newspaper …Golden Times, the senior citizen publication …Catholic Star and Herald …South Jersey Times …Jewish Week They also printed for a wide variety of area organization’s coupon books and guide books. About 200 employees lost their jobs. One reason for the closure, Continued on page 3 Iconic Philly Photographer, 83, Fights Off Thugs Gun Attack Yes, at 83-years-of-age, Joe Petrallis a leading area photographer of nationallyknown celebrities and models, combated two hold up men who gun beat him and robbed him inside his Radnor, Main Line home recently. He suffered facial cuts and bruises, and lost personal property including a valuable diamond ring plus cash. It could have been worse. Here is what happened, according to an interview Philly. Com posted by Frank Kummer and Mark A. Schaefer (with some editing). “I’m in the kitchen, the door- Special Events Ideas * Production Publicity contact Whims for Rent Continued on page 3 Sources ENTERTAINERS * MUSIC PROPS contact Whims for Rent bell rings, I get up. I was off guard,” Petrellis recalled “I never get up for that. But like a dope I answered it.” By his account, Petrellis opened his door for a man who was asking for someone named “Mark”. The corporate owner of Philadelphia’s channel 17 has been released from bankruptcy. The firm is Tribune Co., which also owns the Allentown Morning Call newspaper, eight major newspapers, 23 TV stations and internet properties throughout the country. “I said there’s no Mark here. Before I knew it, he pulled out a gun and pushed me in.” Petrellis said he grabbed the man to control the gun and the two began to struggle violently. “He pistol whipped me,” Petrellis said. “Then, Petrellis said, “a second man came in. One of the men put him in a headlock. Petrellis estimates he fought back for about six minutes, although it, “felt like an hour.” “It seems like a long time Continued on page 3 Many of properties may now be sold. At the top of the list are the TV stations, according to newspaper reports. How Philadelphia’s TV-17 will be affected is currently unknown. Brian Tierney, Yes Him, Is Sued by Interpublic Brian Tierney, a former CEO of The Inquirer and Daily News, and a long-time public relations firm owner, is back to being in the media spotlight. In Star’s Footsteps The Walnut has been home to many of the world’s greatest actors, directors and musicians - The Booths, The Barrymores, Marlon Brando, Jessica Tandy, Kathrine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Helen Hayes, Sidney Poitier and Orson Wells. One of the country’s leading non-profit theatre companies, Walnut Street Theatre has the largest subscription audience in the world with over 55,000 subscribers annually. Facing Pistol Future of TV-17 Unknown As Corp Reorganizes ACT’s Free Executive Networking, April 3 The next Executive Networking & Card Exchange — with free admission — will be inside the Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St., Phila., on Wednesday, April 3, 2012. Time: 4:30PM to 7PM. It is part of the series of such events produced by ACT, this regions business-to-business newspaper. About 250 business decision makers are anticipated. There will be backstage tours of the historic 204-year-old theatre, escorted by the members of the marketing staff 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 © 2013 Advertising/Communications Times $4.00 Founded July, 1976 on the 200th Anniversary of the United States of America The longest established business-to-business monthly newspaper for company owners and executives in Philadelphia, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Delaware ... Mailed direct to buyers of business services & products Buyers from Business Organizations To Seek Purchases & Info at Phila. Adv. & Biz Show, May 21 An influx of buyers from members of several area Chambers of Commerce and other business organizations are anticipated at this year’s Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show. The event — now in its 40th consecutive year — will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2013. And it is at a new location! The show will be at the new banquet facilities building, called The Clothier business/marketing monthly OFFICIAL GREETER Charissa Fiorelli, a model with Model Management Agency (MMA) will welcome guests to the Executive Networking event at the Walnut Street Theatre on April 3, 2013 from 4:45PM to 7:15PM. She is a recent Communications graduate of Temple University. Meetings open houses grand openings contact Whims for Rent it… Not that he’s pleased about He’s a defendant, and a plaintiff, in a civil suit recently filed in Philadelphia’s Common Pleas Court. The case is called “Tierney vs. Tierney”. Sound confusing? Here’s a summary of what it’s about. Basically, he is accused of violating an agreement not to use his own name in another business. Still confused? Let’s go on: Tierney now has a new firm, Brian Communications Group, in Bryn Mawr, PA. He formally had a P.R./and digital marketing firm, Tierney Communications. Tierney Communications was sold and is now owned by Interpublic Group of Companies. They have sued him. They claim he is violating an agreement not to use his name Continued on page 3 Is The Tide Going Out For Atlantic City Press There’s no ocean of buyers these days for daily newspapers in the Greater Philadelphia region. And now … the Atlantic City Press is seeking a new beachhead of others to wade in to its rescue. It’s current owner, Abarta, Inc., located in Pittsburgh, PA, Seminars planning speakers contact Whims for Rent and evidently a family business, is fishing for new owners. They feel the Atlantic City Press needs a new hook to keep it afloat. Interested? Cast your inquiry to John Bitzer, Abarta, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. Available for full coordination or per-need help contact Whims for Rent 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 email: email: email: email: email: 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 Page 2 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 Live and Learn It might take that first grandchild to make you realize how much you need to improve your parenting skills. By Mike Mallowe If you don’t read to your children, you are robbing them of some of childhood’s most potent magic. I always read to my children; I thought I was doing fine, but now I realize I never read to them enough. How do I know? Because now that I have a grandson, Jude, I can see clearly just how lame a dad I must have been. My daughter was at a gathering recently and one of the guests there, a young mother, happened to mention that too many really little kids today, “Don’t even know how to turn the pages of a book.” That should be just as upsetting to you as it is to me. I’ve always made my living as a communicator, just like most of you – executive writer, editor, consultant, marketing professional, broadcaster. As such, reading is something I take very, very seriously. For a short time, I even taught literacy to adults, and that’s a task that should never be undertaken by the faint-of-heart. Because trying to make it through the day in the 21st century, while not really being able to read and write English in this culture, can be about as scary as it gets. Blame the Parents, not the Kids But, what if that young mother at the party is correct? Why would our kids know anything about opening those enchanting pages, if no one has ever taken the time and patience to do it with them? Having a favorite book and having it read to you, over and over, until the pages start to fall apart and the spine gets broken, used to be one of the sweet, inalienable pleasures of childhood. And, please, don’t write me off as someone who hasn’t made peace with the digital age yet. Sure, eBooks are great and liberating and increasingly accessible and absolutely the future of publishing. I’m all in on eBooks, just as you should be, too. But books, real paper and ink books, with margins and white space and delightful illustrations, and kids’ smudges all over them, booky books, have hardly outlived their useful lives – especially children’s books. They should live forever. One of the things I did do correctly, back when my own children were still at the read-tome stage, was to make sure that their books were as intermingled, as possible, with their other toys. I never believed in bookcases for babies. It was much too important, in my view, at least, for the books of childhood to be, first and foremost, another enticing “toy” to play with, right next to the Duplos and the little fire engines. Well, so much for my parenting heyday. Mike Mallowe The Sobering Facts One of my favorite local publications is well-known to parents and kids throughout the region: MetroKids. Their logo’s subhead says it all: “Smart. Local. Parenting.” In their January issue they included a column from Caroline Knorr, the parenting editor for the website Common Sense Media, “Here’s a sobering fact,” she wrote. “Average American children now spend more time with media and technology – almost eight hours a day – than they do with their parents or in school.” Her column was thought-provoking and insightful. Her conclusion was worth remembering: “Media and technology run right through the center of our kids’ lives. What kids see and do profoundly impacts their emotional, physical and social development . . . Media acts as a super-peer for kids, giving them a sense of what’s normal, desirable Have available at your business or organization. As a free service to your visitors and personnel, will provide current issues Free. To accept, e-mail to: Let us know number you will make available. or cool. But the messages may not be what you and your family value . . .” Now, re-read her conclusion and think about the last episode of your favorite guilty pleasure – hyper-exploitative reality TV. And, yes, I’m talking about Bachelor (and its perverse objectification of women) or Wives of you-fillin-the-blank, where the Seven Deadly Sins are celebrated nonstop. Communicators Have Special Obligations It’s just too easy to tap the tiny screen of an iPod, or Leapfrog, or laptop and let the computer do the rest. Our children will always reach for the latest robotic gadget because it is bright and trendy and the communications course of least resistance. They are the new generaContinued on page 5 Letters To The Editor… Enjoyed your publisher’s column on aging happens to the best of us, doesn’t it? But it was a little scary seeing more obits in your paper than engagements... I thought you’d like to see my take on aging… ~~Jeffrey Dobkin Things I Like About Getting Old …It’s OK to talk to yourself. In fact, it’s practically expected. Young people expect old folks to talk to non-existent people standing beside them. Just keep looking up at the same place and pretty soon they’ll be looking around for the person you’re speaking to. …You can drive really fast and not get a ticket. Face it, no one likes it when you drive 10 or 20 miles an hour UNDER the speed limit. You’re just in the way. When you drive fast, people appreciate it. When you get pulled over, tell the cop you haven’t gotten a ticket in 50 years. He’ll go and check, but his computer only goes back 10 years at best. He’ll come back and say, OK, just slow down. Don’t get the same cop twice. …You can be cranky on occasion and no one notices. They just think you’re cranky cause you’re old, and something is either blocked up, leaks, or it hurts. …You can ride the train for Advertising a dollar, and bus rides are free. No kidding. Ask SEPTA about a senior pass. …Twenty something’s think you’re cute, and you’re not threatening. Unfortunately they don’t want to go out with you. …You can play with the kids, then give them back to their parents after you’re tired of playing with them or when their diaper is full, or yours is. …Your kids don’t expect you to walk the dog in the rain. …Your kids don’t expect you to take out the trash because “it’s too heavy.” …Lap dances at Delilah’s are $10 off. Well, at least that’s what I’ve heard… ~~~ Jeff Dobkin is a funny author who has written seven books, mostly on direct marketing but a couple on humor. His lead title is “How To Market A Product For Under $500!” He’s also a great direct mail writer. He can be reached at The Danielle Adams Publishing Company, 610-642-1000. Communications Times Volume 37, #1February/March, 2013 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Phone: (484) 562-0067 • Fax: (484) 562-0068 Email: Website: Advertising/CommunicationsTimes is an independent monthly newspaper published by Advertising/Communications Times, Inc., Joseph H. Ball, President. © Copyright 2013 by Advertising/Communications Times, Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of the copyright owner. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA SUBMISSIONS – Unsolicited submissions are welcome and invited. However, they will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. ADVERTISING – For display and classified advertising rates and information call (484) 562-0063. SUBSCRIPTIONS cost $39 per year. Send check or money order to Advertising/Communications Times, 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Digital Pre-Press Production................................... John Paone Office Manager.............................................Kathleen Newmiller Executive Assistant...................................................Elena Cruz Publisher/Executive Editor.................................. Joseph H. Ball Senior Account Executive.....................................Kerry Hallman Account Executive...................................... Morgan Karalewich Contributing Writers................... Bonnie Squires, Mike Mallowe The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 ConsultMallowe, Inc. WHO: Mike Mallowe, an award-winning journalist, author, editor, educator and communications miracle-worker. WHAT: ConsultMallowe, Inc. Full Service Communications and Editorial Consulting – Writing, Editing, Speeches, Strategic Design, Media Relations, Internet Content, Crisis Communications, Annual Reports, Ghost Writing, and Resume help. WHEN: 24/7/365, the 24-hour news & information cycle is only our first shift. WHERE: We are available in person, at your location; online, anywhere; and our team is bi-coastal, San Diego and Philadelphia. WHY: Great writing means everything. National Recognition For Area’s Reviva Labs On 40th Anniversary A Philadelphia-area company is being commended, and recognized, on the occasion of its 40th anniversary by media outlets nationally. The firm is Reviva Labs, 705 Hopkins Rd., Haddonfield, N.J. 08033, manufacturers and marketers of hundreds of skin care products. Its founder and president is Stephen Strassler, had his roots working for a New York City advertising firm, and then owning his own advertising agency. That experience, which included working on a cosmetics account, led him to become one of Americas first male aestheticians. Under his leadership Reviva Labs is now known as the skin HOW: We handle a limited schedule of clients; we work within your budget. We outsource nothing. We use no templates; every job is different and every need individual. Email us at Call us at 610-353-3259 Petrellis Continued from page 1 when you got a gun at your head.” Petrellis said the men ripped a ring off his pinky finger, and stole $1,500, then fled. Petrellis went to Paoli Hospital where he was stitched to close the pistol-whip wound above his eye. And now... Now retired, Petrellis photographed during his long career the country’s leading fashion models. His pictures were published in national magazine ads. ACT Ad Show Continued from page 1 Both the Main Line County Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce are participating and supporting the show. Additionally, other businesses organizations whose members are expected to attend include the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia and non-profit organization’s business donors. Admission is free with a business card. Parking is free. Food will be available from Tierney Continued from page 1 in another business. They say that under Tierney’s new companies’ website Long-time personnel at Reviva Labs includes dozens of employees with the firm for over 20 years. care authority. It has introduced more skin care breakthroughs to America than many of the cosmetic giants. Recently Better Nutrition magazine’s beauty editors made five different awards to Reviva Labs. They were “Best of Natural Beauty” for products such as Light Skin Peel, Brown Spot Night Cream, Collagen Serum and Vitamin E Stick. Over 100 media outlets in January, 2013, recognized the Vitamin E Stick, especially for its benefits in hot weather, and extreme cold. Reviva Labs, as part of its continuing community services, has donated the Vitamin E Sticks to U.S. Troops in Iraq., and also to National League baseball umpires. Among the media outlets recently reporting on Reviva are: ABC, American Public Media, The Boston Globe, Money Watch and Newsday. Also, International Business Times, Kansas City Star, The Miami Herald. In all, more than 50 media outlets, to date, have recognized the firm, and its industry leadership. Main Line Times Building Sold Sample what we can do at or (Philadelphia public policy) Mike Mallowe Page 3 Advertising/Communications Times Stephen Strassler, founder and president of Reviva Labs, Haddonfield, N.J. Among those portrayed were Candice Bergen, Ali McGrew and Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly of Philadelphia). Also Gia Crange, subject of a major movie, and book. His clients included Jones of New York and the Eileen Ford Agency. These days, Petrellis maintains an office within the Duffy & Partners Law Firm, 55th Floor, One Liberty Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. He can be reached at 610688-2141. Will there be an increase in automobile sales ads for Main Line Media, publishers of the Main Line Times, Main Line Suburban Life & King of Prussia Courier? There could be. The Audi Wynnewood car company, 323 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, has purchased the neighboring Main Line Times building at 311 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood. The building has been for sale for some time. The newspaper will continue to be published from its former, long-time home. It has been there about 65 years. Editorial and advertising staff will remain. The publications are owned by Journal Register. ACT Card Exchange Free samples from Sweet Etcetera, custom cakes and bakes, will be provided by cake designer Angela Vogel. Complimentary non-alcoholic drinks, with refreshments will be served. Everything is free, except a cash bar for alcoholic drinks. Admission is by a business card. Continued from page 1 Gentleman and Photographer Joe Petrellis before his savage beating in a home robbery and following hospital emergency room treatment. Finley Catering Co. and Sweet Etcetera catering. There will be a walk-around fashion show, produced by Bedazzled Boutique, Newtown Square. Exhibitors will provide free instructions and special offers on a wide variety of products and services benefiting almost all types of endeavors. The Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show is the longest established business show of its kind in the Greater Philadelphia area. It is a direct sales show, with exhibitors showing and offering their services and products to the buyers who come to the show to meet, learn — and purchase. “It’s where buyers come to meet companies that can provide income-producing ideas, services and supplies, “ Joe Ball, show founder and producer, reports. For early direct-sales booth rental information, contact ACT Trade Show Division at 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA l9004, Ph.. 484-562-0063, email:, web: www. Group admissions are also available by contacting the show. and logo there is a line, “A Brian Tierney Company”. That’s a no-no, according to the plaintiff. “Tierney is trying to “confuse clients and prospective clients” of Tierney Communications and misdirect them to his new company”, the suit says. In addition, the Walnut has Education and Outreach programs that reach over 120,000 children, teachers, students and parents each year. During the tours, enjoy backstage stories, inside production tips and walk in the footsteps of America’s greatest stars. “Good People” Actors Invited Additionally, actors from the cast of the play, “Good People”, will be invited to greet and speak with networking attendees, according to Ralph Weeks, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Walnut Street Theatre. The Broadway hit will be making its Philadelphia premiere at the Walnut Street Theatre, from March 12th through April 28. Local Publications Continued from page 1 according to a union president representing some of the workers was that AFL lost its contract to print Metro. Audi will use the building’s front lot to display their new cars. The papers staff will continue to be located on the first floor. Same staff. Same address. Same telephone (610-642- 4300). Same web page (www. Be A Host/Sponsor There are opportunities for host/sponsors. The host/sponsor packages are available from ACT (Tel.: 484-562-0063; E-Mail: There is a limit to number of host/sponsors. To RSVP to attend, contact ACT at 484-562-0063, or by email at About two years ago, OSHA cited AFL Quality, doing business as AFL Web Printing, for safety and health violations. OSHA proposed penalties of $170,000, at that time. WEBSITES! From Designs to Updates! ~ Mobile, too! ~ Monthly Maintenance Rates Available ~ John Paone ~ ~ 215.266.7514 Visit our blog at The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 4 Advertising/Communications Times The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 February/March 2013 Page 5 Advertising/Communications Times Petrellis Continued from page 2 walk-around fashion show tion of Digital Natives and they will only keep getting better at all things of the cyber world. But, there is more to the art of communications than that. You can’t expect very young children to “learn” about the mental and tactile satisfaction of “turning pages” and developing their imaginations and experiencing the sheer exhilaration of capturing an audience through pure story-telling skills all by themselves. No one, much less children, can ever get very good at something that has never been taught to them. And, more to the point, not many little toddlers start out by trying to turn the pages of a book on their own – what they do is try to turn the pages along with the big person who is reading to them, provided, of course, that some big person is sitting there with a baby on his or her lap. Reading aloud. Hosted by Bonnie Squires Newspaper Columnist & PR Pro on WWDB-860AM Every Thursday, Noon to 12:30PM & Every Tuesday, 1PM to 1:30PM ~~~ Business Owners & Executives Invited to be Interviewed at no charge. Contact Radio Division, ACT, 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. E-mail:; Fax: 484-562-0068 FULL COORDINATION OR PER-NEED HELP CONTACT 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: Bonnie Squires Benefit From A Available for Whims for Rent “The Marketing of Business” Radio Interview Show SPONSORING THE WALK AROUND FASHION SHOW at the Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show, May 21, 2013 is Bedazzled Boutique, 218 S. Newtown Street Rd. Newtown Square, PA 19073; Tel.: 610-359-1707. Pictured is Owner, Ruth Krass, and her daughter, Sabrina Krass, Buyer & Floor Manager. The fashion show will be continuous during the ad show. FREE AD In ACT Find the word free in this issue. Report the two words after the word free. Your free ad will be published in the April 2013 issue of ACT, which has added bonus circulations at The Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show Grace Financial Capital Group, Inc. May 21, 2013, The Clothier Room 630 Clothier Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096 (The word free in this notice does not count.) Send the three words by E-Mail ( or fax (484-562-0068). Entry deadline is March 8, 2013. Who Is Currently Lending Large $ Amounts To Business Users? Early Bird Special: First six winners receive an additional $25 gift certificate to Hard Rock Cafe, 12th and Market Sts., Phila. Be sure to include your name, title, company, mailing and e-mail address. We Are! • Over 20 Years of Experience in Capital Delivery • Commercial • Business • Construction Loans • Multi-Unit Apartment Complex 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 122, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 917 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Cell: 215-768-7899 • Off: 609-707-2242 • 610-664-3129 N.J., 2301 Evesham Rd., Ste. 208, Voorhees, NJ 08043 • Off: 609-707-2242 SBA Department: 610-755-2704 • Fax: 206-984-4889 E-Mail: Now -- From $500,000 to $10,000,000 -- Available Now! Visit our blog at The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 6 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 ~ ~ Sell To Buyers! ~ ~ at Phila. Adv. & Business Show Tuesday, May 21, 2013 ~ 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM New Show Location Clothier room Three Minutes from City Ave. & Lancaster Ave. ___________ Church 1st left ``` Make on Clothier Rd. City Ave. Show is in cooperation with Main Line Media News, and Main Line Chamber of Commerce Clothier Room Lancaster Ave. ___________ Wynnewood Rd. 630 Clothier Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096 and then bldg. is on the right. u 70 Exhibitor Booths u Free Parking u Free Food Sampling by Finley Catering u Personal appearances of professional models u Walk-Around Fashion Show, by Bedazzled Boutique, Newtown Square Reserve your Direct Selling Booth! u Admission free with a business card Contact Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114 ~ Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tel.: 484-562-0063 ~ Fax: 484-562-0068 Web Page: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 Page 7 Advertising/Communications Times Where Are Former Inq. News Staffers? Have you wondered what long-time Philadelphia newspaper personnel, now out of their positions at The Inquirer as a result of the changes in ownership, are doing? Here are a few updates… …Major mob follower, author and Inquirer crime reporter George Anastasia, who recently retired, isn’t retired from informing residents of Philly mob activities. He is working for This is a web page of the Beasley Law Firm. He covers major trials of reputed area mobsters. ~~~ …Larry Platt, former editor at Philadelphia Magazine and the Daily News, is working on gaining airtime for a reality TV show featuring Philadelphia Congressman Bob Brady. ~~~ …Ralph Cipriano, a former Inquirer writer, who left the paper when a former editor-boss maligned his reporting, also writes for the Beasley Trial Blog. Incidentally, Cipriano allegedly received millions of dollars when he filed a libel suit against The Inquirer. ~~~ …Inquirer columnist Monica Yant Kinny has gone on to the University of Pennsylvania. She has a “communications job” there. She wrote 1,061 columns over 14 years for Inquirer readers. ~~~ BROADCAST PIONEERS OF PHILADELPHIA Earlier, Bykofsky wrote a book called, “Stu Bykofsky’s Little Black Book: A Guide to Masculine Philadelphia”. Sources ENTERTAINERS w MUSIC PROPS CONTACT …Daily News feature writer Stu Bykofsky — who remains at the paper — has written a new book, “Cats Are Supermodels”. See www. Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: 24 Hour/7 Days a Week Courier Service Especially Responsible For Time Sensitive BROADCAST PIONEERS OF PHILADELPHIA’s recent luncheon featured as speakers (l to r) Bill Baldini, former NBC 10, WCAU-TV news reporter; Chris May, current CBS 3, KYW-TV News Anchor; Dom Giordano, WPHT broadcaster; Terry Ruggles, former NBC 10, WCAU-TV news reporter; Dick Sheeran, former CBS 3, KYW-TV news reporter & Jay Lloyd, former KYW Newsradio news reporter. For more information on coming programs, contact by e-mail Gerry Wilkinson at Areas of service include all of Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Bucks, Montgomery, Berks and Lancaster counties; Also servicing New Castle County and Kent County, Delaware and the complete state of New Jersey. We also deliver in the State of New York, Washington DC and other areas of demand. All-Inclusive U.S. TV/Radio/Cable Directory Available The First Edition of the re-titled Complete Television, Radio & Cable Industry Directory is now available from Grey House Publishing, 4919 Rte. 22, PO Box 56, Amenia, NY 12501; 800-562-2139; E-mail: First published more than 70 years ago as Broadcasting Yearbook, and later as Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook, this reference work provides current television, radio and cable industry information for U.S. and Canadian markets. The information available in the 2013 Complete Television, Radio & Cable Industry Directory is a marketing tool for those who need resources for distribution, programming and publicity outlets. New Features There are 72,549 names. Detailed listings of 1,909 TV stations are arranged by DMA (Designated Market Area). Information includes licensee, owner and network –plus names of important decision makers, such as President, Station Manager, Program Director and more. The same categories are provided for radio and cable outlets. And More There are separate sections on associations, trade shows and vocational schools and complete listings for the FCC and other regulatory agencies. The directory is available by subscription to the book’s online database- -G.O.L.D. For more information or a free trial, call 800562-2139 or visit LITTLE FLYERS CONGRATULATED LITTLE FLYERS CONGRATULATED for outstanding play during an invitational tournament in Chicago. Ryan Baker (l) and Ivan Sidoriak (r) of the Philadelphia Little Flyers Peewee Major hockey team, which plays their home games out of the IceWorks Skating Facility in Aston, PA were awarded tickets to Trenton Titans hockey games. The recognition- -and tickets- -came from the sports marketing division of American Advertising Services, a regional advertising and public relations firm, as part of the company’s continuing community service program. American Advertising Services can be reached at 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004; Tel.: 484-562-0060; Fax: 484-562-0068; E-Mail:; www. The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly ~ All drivers TSA Certified ~ Medical Pickup & Delivery ~ Trucking ~ Fully Insured CC Rider Express Inc. Same Day Courier Service PO Box 602, Media PA 19063 Tel.: (610) 566-3004 Fax: (610) 566-2789 E-Mail: Page 8 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 by Joe Ball Crime Victim Embezzled! Our business was the victim of a new employee recently. She stole checks from the back of our checkbook … forged my name … then — interesting is … How she was able to have the checks cashed. It bewildered me. And at the time wasn’t clear to our internet –experienced staff. Even the Lower Merion police officer to whom we gave our police report was baffled. From what I gather (don’t ask me questions. Her MO was news to me) we know she was highly IT experienced. We also know she watched our longtime (31 years) bookkeeper write checks. She watched where the checkbook was secreted. She waited until there was no one around, then removed a series of blank checks from the rear of the checkbook. What’s especially grievous is she used the same check #4749 — four times. Four times! The same check! And the four checks, same check number, were in the same amount. Yes, the same check . . . same check number . . . same Got a new product or service? For a free exposure in future issues, send a photograph and description to: Editor 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Help Available to Aid in Creating Legitimate News amount . . . even same date . . . was processed by her bank. Then again by our bank. Some banking system! Customer protection? Duh! Her flow of stolen money evidently was: She forwarded the forged checks to her bank by internet They deposited the money in her account. Her bank sent the checks to our bank. Same numbered check. Same amount. Forged signature. They withdrew the amounts from our account. (Can you believe it?) And approved for her bank. She cashed out at her bank. There was more I’m told, but it’s over my head. All part of the new information technology. Incidentally my bank even promotes the system. They distribute a pamphlet saying: “Bank On The Go With Our iPhone App.” Obviously, there was a breach of fiduciary duty (a lawyer gave me these phrases) non-diligence and outrageous conduct by our bank. Phase Two Then we became victims a second time. Our bank — one of the largest in Philadelphia — refused to make full restitution. What especially hurts is we have been a customer as long as they have been in Philadelphia. About 15+ years, I believe. Our branch manager, a nice & accommodating lady, bucked the situation to her District Manager. We spoke to the District Manager. One time. Tried to follow-up. The telephone number the district manager gave me disallowed incoming calls to her. Such Hooey. And in this case the term BS isn’t “Bank Security”. It’s ironic that my bank’s literature, says “We Will Earn Your Trust”. Our Turn To Make Whole For the record: We did provide the bank an affidavit, and copy of the police report. We sent letters to the bank. Were they discarded? Don’t The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Joe Ball know — but no response. We only had one open option. Sue the bank in small claims court. At this writing, we have done so. A further report to come — if necessary. ### P.S. Note I have not mentioned the name of our bank. I have refrained as a continuing customer and a continuing good banking citizen. ### Joe Ball is a business-to-business newspaper publisher, producer of several radio interview shows featuring business owners and founder & president of American Advertising Services, one of Philadelphia’s longest-established marketing firms. E-mail is Web page is February/March 2013 Page 9 Advertising/Communications Times Be An Interviewee — FREE! Or An Advertiser — Low Rates! “The Business of Sports” Featuring Executives From Diversified Businesses That Utilize Sports for Large Profits The radio show, “The Business of Sports,” is an original concept to give insider information on how businesses gain huge profits from the multi-billion dollar sports markets. The show is broadcast on Thursdays from 2:30PM to 3:00PM, and rebroadcast on Saturdays, 5:30PM to 6:00PM. The station is the highly recognized & respected WWDB (860-AM). Typical Sponsor and Guest Categories: * Food * Footwear * Game Suppliers * Golf Courses * Golf Equipment * Instruction * Manufacturers * Medical Services * Physical Fitness * Premiums * Recreational Vehicles * Retailers * Apparel, Manufacturers * Attorneys & Agents * Advertising * Banquet Facilities * Bike Shops * Books * Camps * Colleges * Construction * Country Clubs * Equipment * Fishing Radio division of * Sites * Spas * Sports Bars * Sports Camps * Sports Facilities * Sportswear * Ticket Agencies * T-Shirt Manufacturers * Travel * Training * Uniforms * Vehicles 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tel.: 484-562-0063 Fax: 484-562-0068 E-Mail: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 10 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 Guide to Executive Living Presents DINING OUT TONY CLARK COMMANDS ATTENTION AT PACIFIC PRIME by Bonnie Squires If you have been wondering about Tony Clark, the superstar chef who used to be at the Four Seasons, then had his own namesake restaurant on Broad Street in Center City, then went on to become the personal chef for area philanthropists Suzanne and Norman Cohn for ten years, you don’t have to wonder any more. Tony Clark is back in the game as the chef at the Valley Forge Casino’s two new restaurants, Pacific Prime and Viviano. They are located by elevator one floor above the casino. Pacific Prime is a terrific seafood and steak restaurant, with elegant trappings and muted red walls and seating for 140. Each restaurant is open five nights a week. You could make a meal on the torpedo-shaped rolls and the home-made humus. But you have to leave room for appetizers and salads, main courses, in- between courses, and desserts. Let’s start with the appetizers. Our waitress Jillian presented us with a “mousse bouche” - spoon-size tastes of delicious whitefish salad and Asian chicken salad with a crostini. Our friends then gobbled up the crab gratin and the grilled romaine heart salad. The salads ranged from $8 to $10. My husband and I enjoyed the Bibb Salad with chopped walnuts and apples and the wedge salad. An apple martini and several glasses of wine delighted the others, while I was pleased to see not only an ice tea, but a small pitcher with additional ice tea for me. There were so many staff members paying attention to us that we did not have time to ask for anything. They seemed to read our minds. The management staff included Len Boris, Dayle Nuzzolese, Liz Fedora, Welles Lane, Adam Sciarillo, sous-chef Andrew Lee, and Chef Tony Clark even took time to come out and chat with us. Clark considers his working environment “like a brotherhood here,” and he loves teaching younger chefs to cook. His goal is some day to write a cook book. He has certainly put his training from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, to good use. But let’s get back to the dinner. Among the four of us, we ordered the two-pound lobster (market price), the rib eye steak ($46), the filet mignon ($37), and the Mediterranean Clay Pot Grouper ($34). Although we attacked the main course with gusto, we each took home a container with a lot of leftovers, except for the truffle fries which were completely devoured. We also emptied our second midcourse plate, the most delicious chicken livers over a soft polenta Side dishes included, for $8 each, the biggest asparagus we had ever seen, creamed spinach, baked potatoes, and for $14 one of our group ordered lobster mashed potatoes. We thought we would never have room for dessert, but we just had to taste some of Clark’s creations, each for $8. The triple chocolate cake is TOP PROFESSIONALS IN THEIR FIELDS are Tony Clark, head chef at Pacific Prime & Viviano, both within the Valley Forge Casino Resort and PR firm owner/columnist/ACT reviewer, Bonnie Squires. a mile high and out of this world, the Junior’s New York cheese cake with cherry confit is unlike any cheesecake you have ever eaten before, and the fresh berries with chocolate fondue and grand marnier creme disappeared quite quickly. The leftover chocolate layer cake found a good home with our friends after the meal. Because we had to walk through the casino to get to the valet parking window, we decided to hit the slot machines for a The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly few minutes before going home. Our friends and I both ended up winning a bit, which capped off a delightful dining experience. And Pacific Prime has just started a Sunday Brunch, with a la carte choices, from 10AM to 2PM. Ira Lubert, the major Philadelphia region developer, we were told owns the entire complex, including the Renaissance Hotel attached to the Valley Forge Casino Resort and its fantastic restaurants. Lubert seems to have made a very wise investment. February/March 2013 Page 11 Advertising/Communications Times Guide to Executive Living Presents DINING OUT Steven Starr’s Parc Restaurant By: Morgan Karalewich This is my first restaurant review for ACT. I had the opportunity to select the restaurant, and I picked Parc, 227 South 18th St., Phila.; Tel.: 215-545-2262. I had heard so many good things about it, especially from a photo friend, Stephen Riley who has previously dined at the restaurant. Incidentally, he shot the accompanying photos. Parc has a French Bistro atmosphere. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week. My visit to Parc was a leisurely dinner with friends. The décor, music and location reminded me of a café in Paris, and the accommodating, friendly staff made the setting even more comfortable. When my two friends and I arrived on a Tuesday evening for dinner we were greeted by Barry Johnson, a manager. We asked for beverage and appetizer recommendations. A very thorough explanation of our request plus additional menu information was provided. Guest reviewer Morgan Karalewich with friend, Kelly Patullo at Stephen Starr Parc Restaurant, 227 South 18th St., Phila.; Tel.: 215-545-2262. The French wine selection was impressive. We decided on a carafe($28) of Laboure-Roi. Very enjoyable. For appetizers, we ordered the onion soup($11.50), mushroom tart($11) and beet salad($13). The onion soup was unlike any I have tasted. Quite good, that is. The mushroom tart was Diners interviewed included Ward Humphreys, Senior Vice President of Willis Re, Two Liberty Place, 50 S. 16th St., Ste. 2500, Phila.; and Patrick Juarez, Regional Vice President/Sles of Security Life. ideal. It had a great flavor combination with pioppini mushrooms and truffle pecorino cheese. The house-made ricotta, grape fruit and almonds definitely complimented the beets and made for a delicious, refreshing salad. Our bread basket included cranberry walnut bread, but we could not pass by the traditional baguettes, made in house. Courtesy, of course. With three diverse palates including a vegetarian, we were all happy with our entrees. I ordered the Steak Frit- es($27). The steak was tender and well prepared. The hand cut fries served with the house made aioli were crispy and well seasoned. My friend was told the roast chicken dish($24) was “comfort food”. It certainly was. Served over pommes puree every bite was flavorful and moist. The third dish, pan seared scallops($29) were cooked to perfection and served with a smooth celery root purée and crisp water chestnuts. The Sauvignon Blanc was a Available for FULL COORDINATION OR PER-NEED HELP CONTACT Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: Seminars PLANNING SPEAKERS CONTACT Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly great pairing with the scallop dish. At one of our neighboring tables the guests had just as pleasant an experience. Philadelphia businessmen, Ward Humphreys and Tae Kim, hosted out of town guest, Patrick Juarez. All three diners were pleased, especially with their appetizers which included the mushroom tart, the charcuterie plate and the tuna carpaccio. Having traveled to France, Juarez said his experience from the menu options, to the traditional French music, to the view of Rittenhouse Park brought back memories of his trip. Our night finished with dessert and café au lait. We shared the ParisBrest($9). A crowd pleaser. The pistachio Bordeaux take on this common pastry was a delicious flavor combination and just as good as I remembered enjoying when I visited Paris. Next time — and there will be a next time — we will try one of the Specialites Du Jour, Wednesday’s Lobster Americaine($34) or Friday’s Beef Rossini($35). We will also save room for dessert and try the Crème Brulee or even one of Lindeman beer floats served with house made ice cream. Reservations are preferred. Call 215-545-2262; Page 12 J. DePasquale Photography, at 2064 Hendricks Ave., Waterford 08089 B Sharper Consulting, at 8 Abington Rd., Mount Laurel 08054 Faro Designs, at 862 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown 19335 Six 33 Enterprises LLC, at 87 W. Lakeside Dr., Levittown 19054 MacAdams Consulting & Design LLC, at 5119 Inlet Dr., Bensalem 19020 Mad Advertising LLC, at 165 Moreland Rd., Huntingdon Valley 19006 Fluyd Concepts LLC, at 501 Willowbrook Dr., Jeffersonville 19403 Andrew Johnson Productions LLC, at 1600 Church Rd., Unit B-110, Wyncote 19095 Plan Z Consulting Inc., at 2502 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia 19133 Belfort, at 1024 N. 34th St., Camden 08105 Vend-A-Biz, at 107 Deerfield Ave., Marlton 08053 Piccadilly Place, at 131 Pine Dr., Pottstown 19464 Art Of Creation, at 5920 Lawndale St., Philadelphia 19120 Genova Enterprises LLC, at 21 Carriage Lane, Norristown 19401 College Edm LLC, at 111 Presidential Blvd., Ste. 156, Bala Cynwyd 19004 Tettemer LLC, at 451 Fairmount Ave., Unit 1, Philadelphia 19123 Bang Bang Management Team LLC, at 1727 McKean St., Philadelphia 19145 Making It In Philadelphia LLC, at 706 Sansom St., Phila. 19106 Envisions of Elegance, at 5 Burgess Lane, Willingboro 08046 Potential Publishing, at 975 Wind Song Rd., West Chester 19382 Chicbliss, at 9 Cypress Lane, Berwyn 19312 The Payne Press, at 670 Penllyn Blue Bell Pike, Blue Bell 19422 npCloud, at 417 N. Eighth St., Ste. 203, Philadelphia 19123 The Tactile Group, at 109 S. 13th St., Ste. 3-N, Phila. 19107 Dark Wolf Publications, at 216 Bruce Rd., Washington Crossing 18977 Fastsigns Of Fairless Hills, at 110 Lincoln Highway 9, Fairless Hills 19030 Element Associates, at 43 Leopard Rd., Paoli Executive Green Bldg. 2, Paoli 19301 Results Advertising Group, at 3932 Shainline Court, Collegeville 19426 Products Express LLC, at 401 Misak Dr., West Chester 19380 Honey Bear Holdings LLC, at 356 Larose Dr., Coatesville 19320 Sky Chrome Media Inc., at 422 Norwood House Rd., Downingtown 19335 Yosignguy LLC, at 2051 Oxford Rd., Lincoln University 19352 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 New Marketing-Related Businesses Couple Traders LLC, at 3020 S. Broad St., Philadelphia 19145 NYL Consulting, at 122 Heather Dr., New Hope 18938 Sager Media LLC, at 4038 Center Ave., Lafayette Hill 19444 Mobile App Showcases, at 132 Preston Dr., North Wales 19454 Matt Canon Films LLC, at 802 McKean St., Philadelphia 19148 Eric Walther Industries Inc., at 791 Atkinson Lane, Langhorne 19047 Bowlding Designs Co., at 1735 Market St., Ste. A, Philadelphia 19103 Jen Kramer Communications, 105 Shoal Creek Dr., Blue Bell 19422 Adam Heimer Productions, at 1396 Queen St., Pottstown 19464 The Literary Media And Publishing Consultants LLC, at 1815 Wynnewood Rd., Philadelphia 19151 Farrell Videography LLC, at 64 Meadowlake Dr., Downingtown 19335 John Burns Graphic Design Inc., at 4012 Marquis Rd., Lafayette Hill 19444 Life Celebration Photo Publishing LLC, at 125 Hartman Rd., North Wales 19454 Megan Love Photography, at 125 Brian Rd., Gilbertsville 19525 Yehudis Goldfarb Photography LLC, at 101 Montgomery Ave., No. A-3, Bala Cynwyd 19004 Regal Sales & Marketing, at 2517 Huntingdon Lane, Ardmore 19003 Shapiro Communications LLC, at 2108 Wallace St., Philadelphia 19130 You and Your Business Guests Are Invited to Attend ACT’s Executive Networking Card Exchange Walnut Street Theatre The Walnut Street Theatre 825 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:45pm to 7:00pm ~ ~ ~ t Free Admission With A Business Card t Backstage Tours t Actors from “Good People” possible tour guides t Complimentary Non-Alcoholic Drinks (Cash Bar) t Opportunities to have your organization be a sponsor/host (Ask for Special Package) t Attendees include professional models from Model Management Agency (MMA) Please RSVP to: ACT, 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tel: 484-562-0063 Fax: 484-562-0068 Email: GAIN BUSINESS BY BEING A SPONSOR Information on Sponsor Benefits: Call 484-562-0063 The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 Frabbit LLC, at 1719 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 United Media Technology LLC, at 9537 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia 19115 Philthy Mag LLC, at 3319 Cresson St., Philadelphia 19129 Kalogix LLC, at 1574 Easton Rd., Ste. 100, Warrington 18976 MacHaon Press LLC, at 440 Winding Lane, Chalfont 18914 Winnie Design And Photo, at 2122 South St., Apt. 1-F, Philadelphia 19146 Page 13 Advertising/Communications Times New Marketing-Related Businesses Keystone Recognition Bucks County Inc., at 1031 Woodbourne Dr., Southampton 18966 Sign Supply Outlet LLC, at 955 Wakeling St., Philadelphia 19124 DDV Group, at 295 Buck Rd., Unit 102, Southampton 18966 Nitroboy Studios, at 101 East St., Doylestown 18901 RC3 Productions, at 325 S. Fourth St., Perkasie 18944 GRTW LLC, at 3260 Waterstone Court, Furlong 18925 Dragonfly Design Studio, at 216 E. Park Ave., Ambler 19002 Forgesix LLC, at 890 Stoudts Valley Rd., Riegelsville 18077 Tabula Creative, at 148 N. Third St., 3rd Fl., Philadelphia 19106 Niche IT Services, at 929 S. High St., Ste. 145, West Chester 19382 B&B Medical Marketing, at 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 201, Fort Washington 19034 K&D Event Planning, at 656 Freeman School Rd., Schwenksville 19473 ADI Enterprises LLC, at 141 Keystone Ave., Morrisville 19067 Crane Books LLC, at 440 Winding Lane, Chalfont 18914 Semantis LLC, at 1242 Tulip Rd., Warminster 18974 Words And Sounds Publishing, at 8 Bristow Place, Philadelphia 19123 Sitecats Inc., at 18 E. Court St., Doylestown 18901 Mind Fire Creative LLC, at 227 Church St., Phoenixville 19460 Communicet LLC, at 202 Brighton Circle, Devon 19333 BHD Enterprises LLC, at 212 Rose Lane, Haverford 19041 Hess Consulting Group Inc., at 945 Locust St., Collegeville 19426 Fresh Digital Presence LLC, at 300 Westwind Way, Dresher 19025 Keystone Rail LLC, at 930 Henrietta Ave., Ste. B, Huntingdon Valley 19006 Courides Creative Consulting LLC, at 4166 Iron Bridge Rd., Collegeville 19426 WD3 LLC, at 510 Station Ave., Glenside 19038 True Health + Wellness, at 777 Township Line Rd., Yardley 19067 Kanika Global Alliance, at 24 Meredith Rd., Phoenixville 19460 My Philly App, at 2538 Brooke Rd., Pennsburg 18073 Pure Nectar Media, at 92 Stone Hill Dr., Pottstown 19464 Hilary Young Creative, at 723 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia 19147 Drago Enterprise LLC, at 1015 Bedlington Place, Bensalem 19020 Ada Marketing LLC, at 1940 Fernbrook Ave., Oakford 19053 Zoe Rooney Web Development, at 39 Westview St., Philadelphia 19119 Marketing Solutions Group Inc., at 22 Citadel Circle, Chalfont 18914 Changebox Productions LLC, at 11 Hillside Lane, New Hope 18938 TSR Emporium LLC, at 4204 Sir Andrew Circle, Doylestown 18902 Tri-Ves Enterprises Inc., at 5 Ice Pond Rd., Levittown 19057 Eyespring LLC, at 330 Aftons Circle, Spring City 19475 Riffline Media LLC, at 1414 Norwood House Rd., Downingtown 19335 DPS Marketing Group LLC, at 88 Glocker Way, Ste. 361, Pottstown 19465 Mouse Trap Productions LLC, at 275 S. Creek Rd., West Chester 19382 Abby Rose Freelance, at 34 Barbary Lane, Columbus 08022 Edge City Design LLC, at 444 N. Fourth St., Philadelphia 19019 Friendtend LLC, at 225 Arch St., First Floor, Phila. 19106 Ambiance Zouk LLC, at 4408 Walnut St., Philadelphia 19104 KOSC Inc., at 1370 Franklin Mills Circle, No. 737, Philadelphia 19154 Husky Media LLC, at 1304 E. Barringer Court, Phila. 19119 Photography By CN LLC, at 3017 Welsh Rd., Phila. 19136 Mobivantage, 1485 Valley Forge Rd., Phoenixville 19460 TRBZ Ink LLC, at 39 W. Duval St., Philadelphia 19144 Keystone Mobile Sites.Com, at 6112 Brookview Place, Elkins Park 19027 Philly Dollar Shoppers Guide, at 934 N. 32nd St., Camden 08105 J.E. Christ And Associates Inc., at 261 Reading Ave., Yardley 19067 P.U.R.E. Xperience Inc., at 1018 Longfield Rd., Southampton 18960 Giraffe Books LLC, at 440 Winding Lane, Chalfont 18914 Junit1012 Co., at 143 Viburnum Dr., Kennett Square 19348 Ebeenation, at 34 Rolling Glen Court, Mount Laurel 08054 Doodlebud Promotions, at 502 Lakeview Blvd., Browns Mills 08105 Brant Point Solutions, at 30 Farm House Lane, Furlong 18925 I-180, at 1116 Wilderness Trail, Downingtown 19335 Tink324 Co., at 143 Viburnum Dr., Kennett Square 19348 Latitude 39 Marketing & Advertising, at 2528 Condor Dr., Audubon 19403 Wonder302 Co., at Viburnum Dr., Kennett Square 19348 Innovative Apps, at 2929 Arch St., Philadelphia 19104 Diane S. Diamond LLC, at 27 Forrester Rd., Horsham 19044 Total Web Co., at 1013 Johnston St., Philadelphia 19148 SJ Web Creations, at 8 Sherwick Court, Sicklerville 08081 Tom Walther LLC, at 61 N. Clinton St., Doylestown 18901 Tiffany’s Party De’Cor and More, at 2880 Hull Rd., Apt. J-2, Camden 08104 Largyn Enterprises LLC, at 54 Sioux Rd., New Britain 18901 Phoebe Richland, at 108 S. Main St., Richlandtown 18955 Visit our blog at The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Foresee Convergent Solutions LLC, at 708 Shagbark Dr., West Chester 19382 Page 14 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 LAWSUITS The plaintiffs name appears first in capital letters, followed by the name of the defendant, the nature of the suit, the number and the date. Accuracy of the entries is not guaranteed. Caba, 766 Valley Forge Rd., Phoenixville 19460, $65,443, plaintiff, case #2012-12472, 01/03/13 Montgomery County Lawsuits Filed Philadelphia Yellowbook Inc. vs. Court Judgments Plumbarama Co. Inc./Joy Kajkowski et al., case #201228130, 10/31/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Michael Eisenbrock DDS PC, case #2012-28181, 10/31/12 Bengal Converting Services Inc. vs. North Toldedo Graphics LLC, case #2012-28695, 11/08/12 Compliance Management International Inc. vs. Bartash Printing Inc., case #2012-29391, 11/19/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Appliance RX Inc./Debbie Cueto/Deborah Dueto, case #2012-31930, 12/17/12 Supermedia LLC/leearc Media CPR LLC et al. vs. Daudenzia Inc., case #201231940, 12/17/12 Dee Paper Co. Inc. vs. Independence Pulp & Paper Co. LLC, $40,535, plaintiff, case #120702290, 10/22/12 Semark Associates LLC vs. Vision Marketing Solutions Inc., $21, 520, plaintiff, case #12-1102466, 11/21/12 Yellow Book Sales And Distribution Co. Inc. vs. ARS Associates Corp., $44,210, plaintiff, case #12-1102561, 11/26/12 Yellow Book Sales And Distribution Co. Inc. vs. Patriot Electrical Co., $42,203, plaintiff, case #12-1102570, 11/26/12 Montgomery County Court Judgments Yellowbook Sales and Distribution Co. Inc. vs. James Davis/Anne Davis/David Transmission & Auto Service, 907 Hill St. Rear, Jessup 18434, $26,273, plaintiff, case #201025114, 10/31/12 Yellowbook Sales and Distribution Co. Inc. vs. J&J Mechanical Inc./John Schmidt, 1100 Pocopson Rd., Pocopson 19366, $26,397, plaintiff, case #2011-06078, 10/31/12 Yellowbook Sales and Distribution Co. Inc. vs. Ari Moldovsky/Moldovsky & Moldovsky LLC, 834 Chestnut St., Ste. 206, Phila. 19107, $42,752, plaintiff, case #2011-06196, 11/21/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Craig Zotter/Craig Zotter and Associates, 600 Grant St., Ste. 534, Pittsburgh 15219, $22,285, plaintiff, case #2012-26356, 12/05/12 Netplus Marketing Inc. vs. Internetfitnesscom Inc./ Smooth Fitness, 780 Fifth Ave., Ste. 200, King of Prussia 19406, $83,769, plaintiff, case #201220941, 11/27/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Jansen Tree Experts LLC/Thelma Jansen, 1421 Chester Pike, Crum Lynne 19022, $30,522, plaintiff, case #2012-27357, 12/28/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Amazing Computers Inc./ Amazing Computers/Rob Mallon, 821 Lehigh St., Reading 19601, $17,615, plaintiff case #2012-27443, 12/28/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Total Rental/Donna Campbell/Robert ATTN: LAW FIRMS This Page Is Read Monthly By Businesses Requesting Attorneys. List Your Services And Legal Notices Here! Call: (484) 562-0063 The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 Page 15 Advertising/Communications Times LAWSUITS Yellowbok Inc. vs. Enviro Management Group LLC/James Tein/Jim Stein, case #201231948, 12/17/12 Yellowbook Inc./ Yellowbook Sales and Distribution Co. Inc. vs. Amazing Computers Inc./Amazing Computers et al., case #201227443, 10/22/12 Chester County Lawsuits Filed De Lage Landen Financial Services Inc. vs. Robinson Radio Inc./Buck Robinson, debt collection, case #2012-13387CT, 12/26/12 De Lage Landen Financial Services Inc. vs. Bartash Printing Inc., contract, case #2012-11334-CT, 10/24/12 Philadelphia Lawsuits Filed Yellowbook Inc. vs. Vincent Turner/Fed Up Pest Control, certified/exemplified judgment, case #12-1100900, 11/09/12 Advertising Communication Times Inc. vs. Kelly Pest Control LLC, certified/exemplified judgment, case #12-1101982, 11/19/12 Philadelphia Media Network (Facilities) LLC vs. Bart Blatstein/400 North Broad Partners LP, contracts, case #12-1103013, 11/29/12 Yellow Book Sales And Distribution Co. Inc. vs. Scott Simmens/ARS Associates Corp., certified/exemplified judgment, case #12-1102561, 11/26/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Gilberto Rivera/Skin Deep Tattoos & Piercing LLC, certified/exemplified judgment, case #12-1100034, 11/05/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. D. Atlas & Co. Inc., certified/ exemplified judgment, case #121003609, 10/25/12 Universal Marketing Inc. vs. Harry’s Petro, certified/ exemplified judgment, case #121100111, 11/05/12 Plains Marketing LP vs. Rose Fuel Oil & Heating Co. Inc. et al., foreign judgment, case #12-1101811, 11/19/12 Yellowbook Inc. vs. Jeanette Myers/Parto American Auto Glass Inc., certified/ exemplified judgment, case #121100900, 11/09/12 Yellow Book Sales And Distribution Co. Inc. vs. Christopher White/ Patriot Electrical Co., certified/ exemplified judgment, case #121102570, 11/26/12 Interpublic Group of Companies Inc./ Tierney & Partners Inc. vs. Brian Tierney/Brian Communications Group LLC/ Brain Communications LLC/ Realtime Media LLC, equity-no real estate, case #12-1102609, 11/26/120 Available for FULL COORDINATION OR PER-NEED HELP CONTACT Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: Seminars PLANNING SPEAKERS Philadelphia Federal Tax Liens Sterling Paper Co., at 2155 E. Castor Ave., Philadelphia 19134, $154,046, case #12122001, 12/03/12 CONTACT Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: Visit our blog at The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 16 Advertising/Communications Times The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 February/March 2013 Page 17 Advertising/Communications Times Obits Sol Weinstein Obituary Writer Sol Weinstein, an obituary writer for the Trentonian, died. He was 84. Mr. Weinstein was a Trenton High School graduate. He attended New York University where he majored in English, but was unable to finish. Mr. Weinstein authored four books where Israel Bond was the protagonist. The books are: “Loxfinger”, “You Only Live Until You Die”, “On the Secret Service of His Majesty the Queen”, and “Matzohball”. Mr. Weinstein was a moderator on WCAU 1210 talk radio. In 2002 Mr. Weinstein relocated to New Zealand, portraying a quirky American who wore Trenton sweatshirts. Mr. Weinstein is survived by a daughter, Judee; a son, David; and a grandchild, Eleanor. Susan Carol Anderson Communications/ PR Exec Susan Carol Anderson, an exec in communications/PR, recently died. She was 71. Ms. Anderson graduated in 1960 from Elmira Free Academy. Later, in 1964 she earned her BA in History from Wells College and then went on to receive her MA in 1966 from Cornell University, while also attending Temple University for Journalism. Ms. Anderson worked for 29 years at the American College of Physicians and American Cancer Society in communications and PR. She also aided Metropolitan Hospital for marketing. Ms. Anderson is survived by a sister, Libby; a brother, Ken; and two nieces, Julie and Kate. John Bernard Sikorski , J.D. Direct Mail Co. Owner John (“Jack”) Bernard Sikorski, owner of National Mail Graphics, died. He was 59. Mr. Sikorski graduated in 1975 from King’s College where he earned a bachelor’s in Political Science. He later attended Delaware Law School, graduating in 1979. Mr. Sikorski’s started his career in the envelope business at two multinational firms. In 1980 Mr. Sikorski founded National Mail Graphics, as President/ CEO. The company is listed among Printing Impressions top 500. Mr. Sikorski is survived by his wife, Catherine; a son, Steven; a sister, Noreen; brother/ sister-in-laws and several nieces and nephews and their children. Marion M. Stokes Talk Show Co-Producer Marion Marguerite Stokes, co-producer of the 1960 Sunday morning talk show “Input”, recently died. She was 83. Mrs. Stokes was a graduate of Philadelphia High School for Girls. From the early 1940s until the early 1960s, Mrs. Stokes was a librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Mrs. Stokes married John Stokes Jr. Both co-produced the TV talk show from 1967 until 1969, along with David Van Meter. The TV show was broadcast on Channel 10. Programming consisted of a panel conversing on current issues. In the 1980s and 1990s Mrs. Stokes was invested in companies providing information technology. Mrs. Stokes is survived by her son, Michael; two grandkids; and three step-grandkids. The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly James Jackson Graphic Artist James Jackson, a gifted graphic artist, recently died. He was 45. Mr. Jackson graduated from Bok Vocational High School and the Art Institute of Philadelphia. He also attended the Moore College of Art. Mr. Jackson was art director for Aetna Insurance Co., and also owner of JimmyGraphics. Mr. Jackson painted murals for restaurants and was wellknown for his creativity in the commercial art field. Mr. Jackson is survived by his parents, Patricia and David; his wife, Richie; a daughter, Shelleah; a son, James; and a sister, Tracy. Obits continue on next page Page 18 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 Obits Jeff Kaye, narrator and voice of NFL films, died. He was 75. Mr. Kaye served as a meteorologist in the Air Force. He landed his first broadcasting job in Rhode Island. After the death of TV icon John Facenda in 1984, Mr. Kaye became the voice behind NFL Films. He narrated several hundreds of NFL Films ranging from team highlights to ‘Road to the Super Bowl’. Mr. Kaye won four Emmy Awards for broadcasting. For many years his voice was heard broadcasting news on WPVI-TV, Channel 6: “Action News”. During his career Mr. Kaye also did voice-overs for Phillies commercials, plus Budweiser and NJ Transit. In 1996 Mr. Kaye almost lost his voice due to a cancerous tumor located on his left vocal cord. Mr. Kaye retired in 2006. Mr. Kaye is survived by his wife, Suzanne; three daughters, Sarah, Judith, and Anne; a son, Peter; and seven grandkids. Nancy Bacher Long Communications Consultant Nancy Bacher Long, a PR/ communications consultant, died. She was 54. Ms. Long was a 1980 graduate of the University of Virginia, where she obtained a bachelor’s in psychology. She also attended Rowan University earning a master’s in PR in 2011. Ms. Long also was as an adjunct professor teaching in Temple University’s Strategic Communication department. In 1992 Ms. Long founded Dorland Global Public Relations, a part of Dorland Global, and headed the company for 16 years. In 2009 Ms. Long left and went on to establish Ducknot LLC, a communications consultancy firm. Contributions honoring Ms. Long can be sent to PRSA Philadelphia in support of its PR Institute, which provides continuing education to young PR practitioners. It was created under Ms. Long’s leadership. Ms. Long is survived by her husband, Andrew; a daughter, Margaret; a son, Ethan; a sister, Mary Ann; and a brother, Robert. Publisher/President Richard D. Bay, publisher/ president of Jobson Medical Info., died. He was 67. Mr. Bay graduated in 1962 from John Bartram High School, and joined Chilton Publishing Group’s working in the mail room. Mr. Bay worked his way up as a writer, associate editor, managing editor, an assistant production manager, business manager and publisher for Chilton magazines, such as “Food Engineering”, “Motor Age”, and “Hardware Age”. Mr. Bay was president and senior vice president for the Professional Publication Group (Jobson Medical Information). He was in charge of publishing the Review titles in optometry, contact lenses, ophthalmology, and responsible for overseeing Review’s online products and conference group. Mr. Bay is survived by his wife, Jeanne; four sisters; a brother; and nieces and nephews. Milton A. Rubin of innovative sales presentation techniques, an inventor and patent holder. Mr. Rubin is survived by his wife, Alice; a son, Jonathon; two stepchildren, Joanne and Richard; six grandchildren, Samantha, Andrew, Skylar, Josh, Max and Alison; sister-in-law, Ruth; two nieces; Judith and Carol; and one nephew, Daniel Gross. Former Sales Exec. Milton “Milt” Rubin, a past Inquirer sales executive of 32 years, died. He was 92. Mr. Rubin was a Temple University graduate. Mr. Rubin was a Veteran of the Army, serving in World War II. Mr. Rubin was renowned expert on advertising, a creator Query ACT’s Divisions Online at You and Your Business Guests Are Invited to Attend ACT’s Executive Networking Card Exchange ON ThE MAiN LiNE The Clothier Room 630 Clother Road Wynnwood, PA 19096 ~ ~ ~ t Free Admission With A Business Card t About Three Minutes from City Ave. & Lancaster Ave. t Complimentary hors D’ouevres t Complimentary Non-Alcoholic Drinks (Cash Bar for Alcoholic Drinks) t Attendees include professional models from Model Management Agency (MMA) t Opportunities to have your organization be a sponsor/host (Ask for Special Package) Thursday, May 14, 2013 4:45pm to 7:15pm ~ Complimentary non-Alcoholic Drinks (cash bar) ~ ~ Complimentary hors D’oeuvres ~ ~ Free Parking ~ Clothier Room Church 1st left ``` Make on Clothier Rd. Lancaster Ave. Wynnewood Rd. Voice/Narrator of NFL Films Richard D. Bay City Ave. Jeff Kaye and then bldg. is on the right. Please RSVP to: ACT, 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tel: 484-562-0063 Fax: 484-562-0068 Email: GAIN BUSINESS BY BEING A SPONSOR Information on Sponsor Benefits: Call 484-562-0063 The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 Page 19 Advertising/Communications Times Obits Louis C. Flanagan Ad Agency Owner Louis C. Flanagan, a fullservice ad agency owner, died. He was 74. Mr. Flanagan, a St. Joseph’s Prep graduate, also graduated from Villanova University with a B.A. He served in the Army, with the Army Security Agency (ASA) which merged with the CIA. He was stationed in the Philippines. Mr. Flanagan founded Flanagan Advertising, focusing on Industrial Advertising, in 1971. His accounts included Tarmac, Keystone Helicopter, Devon Manor. His firm was the recipient of several awards including, “Best Advertisement” from Rock Products, “Best Read Advertisement” and “Award of Excellence” from Power Engineering and Coal Age, etc. Mr. Flanagan belonged to the Business and Professional Advertising Association. He is survived by his children, Maureen, Kathleen, and Sean; four grandchildren, Lydia, Daylen, Aiden, and Cormac. Mr. Flanagan is also survived by his former wife, Regina; and his brother, Albert. His daughter, Regina K. Flanagan predeceased him. Gloria Orlow Owner of Famous Fotos Gloria Orlow, owner of Famous Fotos, recently died. She was 79. Mrs. Orlow was an Overbrook High School graduate. Mrs. Orlow established Famous Fotos in 1981. Famous Fotos was among the initial firms that specialized in making lifesize cutouts of celebrities, used at parties for take-home photos. She had at least 60 famous cardboard figures. Mrs. Orlow is survived by two sons, Marc and Richard; a daughter, Mindy; and eight grandkids. She was predeceased by her husband, Stanton, in 2008. Gary Haynes Photojournalist Gary Haynes, a photojournalist, died. He was 76. Mr. Haynes, a journalism graduate of Kansas State University, received his first job behind the camera while active in the Army for two years. In 1958, Mr. Haynes career lifted off when he got hired by United Press International, Detroit. Mr. Haynes joined The Inquirer in 1974 leaving the New York Times. While at The Inquirer, Mr. Hanes put together and managed a team of photographers who became Pulitzer Prize recipients. Mr. Haynes, after retiring, authored a book, “Picture This!:The Inside Story and Classic Photos of UPI Newspictures”. Mr. Haynes is survived by a son, Philip; and two daughters, Emily and Stephanie. Kimberly Winkelman Marketing Arts Pro Kimberly Ann Coskey Winkelman, a marketing professional of the arts, died. She was 46. Ms. Winkelman was a graduate of Ursuline Academy. She also graduated in 1988 from the University of Delaware where she earned her bachelor’s in Communications. Ms. Winkelman throughout her career represented a variety of clients, such as the Opera Company of Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Peter Nero and the Philly Pops, The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, and recently, the Bristol Riverside Theater. Ms. Winkelman is survived by her father, Thomas; a sister, Peggy; a brother-in-law, Louis; two uncles, James and John; two nieces, Maya and Jillian; and a nephew, Nicholas. Obits continue on next page The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 20 Advertising/Communications Times Obits Stephen Gaye Ralph Collier Mr. Gaye taught photography at the Art Institute of Philadelphia and the University of Photographer A Voice of Phila. Radio Delaware. Ralph Collier, a long-time In 1978 Mr. Gaye and a Advertising/Communications Page 5 voice on Philadelphia radio, partner Times opened G/Q Studios recently died at Pennsylvania Ltd. In 1984 Mr. Gaye founded a Hospital due to heart failure. Philadelphia studio in the Spring He was 91. Garden area and in 2002 estabMr. Collier was born in Berlished Tony Gaye Photography in lin to a German mother and an Manayunk. American father. In 1933 they Mr. Gaye worked for adverrelocated to the U.S., fleeingCipriano, a former tisers such as Campbell’s …Ralph Have and you wondered what the newspapersecution of Jews. writer, who left the paper Herr’s. Inquirer long-time Philadelphia During his career Mr. Gaye now out In when aenlisted former editor-boss maper personnel, of 1943 their Mr. Collier Stephen Anthony (also in the Army serving in his Europe also photographedpositions countryatmuligned reporting, also writes The Inquirer as a reknown as “Tony”) Gaye, a finethe Fifth for Mobile Radio Trialthe sic stars, such as Wells, the Beasley Blog. sultKitty of the changes inwith ownership, station’s program manager art and commercial photograBroadcasting Co., which con- Cipriano Earl Scruggs, etc. are doing? Incidentally, and Mr.allegCollier joined WRTIpher, died. He was 65. ducted psychological warfare millions Mr. Gaye was a board memedly received of dollars FM where he broadcast travel Here are a few updates… Mr. Gaye received a BA in against German when forces.he filed a libel ber of the Philadelphia Chapter suit against pieces up until 2011. fine arts in 1973 from VanderAfterauthe army, Collier of the American Society…Major of Mediamob follower, The Mr. Inquirer. He managed PR for the bilt University and later attended reporter Photographers. thor and Inquirer crime joined the radio and TV busi-~ ~ ~ Philadelphia Museum of Art. Rochester Institute of TechnoloGeorge by Anastasia, who Mr. Gaye is survived two nessrecently working in radio in New columnistUpMonica …Inquirer until a month ago Mr. gy where he earned his master’s retired, isn’t retired from informing daughters, Zoe and Chelsea; York and radio and TVKinny in RochYant has gone on to the a weekly Main Collier wrote in fine arts. residents of Philly mob activities. and aBaldini, son, Matthew. Shecolumn pertaining ester, New York. University of Pennsylvania. Line Times A’s recent luncheon featured as speakers (l to r) Bill He served during the VietHe is working for has aat“communications job” there. WCAU He also worked Chris May, current 3, KYW-TV News Anchor; Dom to travel. nam War inCBS the Army. This is a web page ofradio, the Beasley columns Philadelphia. She wrote 1,061 Throughout , former NBC 10, WCAU-TV news reporter; Dick Sheeran, his career Law Firm. He covers major trialsmid-1960’s y Lloyd, former KYW Newsradio news reporter. For more over 14Mr. years In the Col-for Inquirer whichreaders. extended over seven deof reputed area mobsters. e-mail Gerry Wilkinson at ~ ~ ~ cades, Mr. Collier interviewed lier went on to WFLN. ~~~ Mr. Collier was host of a many notables such as Dwight planning speakers daily interview show on WFLND. Eisenhower, Bob Hope, Elizacontact FM classical music, until 1988 beth Taylor, Fred Astaire, Maria when he was let go over a disCallas, Julie Andrews, Ginger pute with the new management Rogers, and Charlton Heston. 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Mr. Collier is survived by of the station. his wife, Birtan; and a sister, WFLN-FM changed its forDetailed listings of 1,909 TV stations ~ email: are Gabrielle. mat in 1997 and Dave Conant, ranged by DMA (Designated Market Area). now EERS OF PHILADELPHIA Where Are Former Inq. News Staffers? Seminars U.S. TV/Radio/Cable Whims for Rent ory Available 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 Rte. 139; o as sting vides rma- plete mar- tribu- Information includes licensee, owner and net- Engagements & Weddings work –plus names of important decision makers, such as President, Station Manager, Program Director and more. …Daily News feature writer …Larry Platt, former ediStu Bykofsky — who remains at the tor at Philadelphia Magazine paper — has written a new book, cable outlets. and the Daily News, is working “Cats Are Supermodels”. See www. on gaining airtime for a reality And More TV show featuring Philadelphia Earlier, Bykofsky wrote a Congressman Bob Brady. There separate sections associations, book called, “Stu Bykofsky’s LitMBA Degrees. Carole are Felton, founder and on have tle Black Book: A Guide to Mastrade shows and vocational schools and The complete couple met when Dr.~ ~ ~ president of Carole Felton Comculine Philadelphia”. Shore spearheaded the legal efmunications, 615 Harvard Rd., Bala listings for the FCC and other regulatory agencies. fort for the “Foundation to Save Cynwyd, PA 19004; 610-664-4987; The directory is available by subscription to the MCP”, when Tenet Healthcare, is enbook’s online databasethreatened to close the hospital gaged to Dr. Eric E. Shore,-G.O.L.D. Esq. (Medical of PA) and FelDr. more Shore,information with a or backFor a free trial, call College 800ton was hired as a PR/communiground as a physician as well as 562-2139 or visit cations consultant. attorney, specializes in medical Shore successfully preventmalpractice, workman’s compened that action, though subsesation and social security cases. ultimately closed. quent issues prevailed and MCP Both Dr. Shore and Felton Felton has been in business here for 26 years. A wedding is planned for this year. The same categories are provided for radio and Engaged, PR Pro Carole A. Felton & Dr. Eric E. Shore, Esq. S CONGRATULATED standing play during an invitational tournament in Chicago. hiladelphia Little Flyers Peewee Major hockey team, which Skating Facility in Aston, PA were awarded tickets to Trenton ckets- -came from the sports marketing division of American nd public relations firm, as part of the company’s continuing rtising Services can be reached at 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114, ; Fax: 484-562-0068; E-Mail:; www. Max Meyers Makes Magic Available for • Children’s Parties • Walk-around Magic, at private events • Non-profit organizations • TV/Film Booked Through Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave., Suite 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 484-562-0067 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 February/March 2013 Page 21 Advertising/Communications Times Area Business Radio Interviewees Nick Filippo, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Tower Bridge Advisors spoke on the effect of new tax laws pertaining to top income recipients. His firm offers guidance to those individuals and families. He can be reached at 610-260-2222. VISIT BUCKS COUNTY’S Marketing and Communications Director, Paul Bencivengo reported on the advertising campaigns the County utilizes to educate and encourage visitors. He can be reached at 3207 Street Rd., Bensalem, PA 19020; E-mail: paulb@ Phil Peluso, Director, Waterford Ballroom and Banquets at the Valley Forge Casino Resort delivered news of the hiring of wellknown Tony Clark to be chef at the Casino Resort’s Pacific Rim Restaurant. Peluso can be reached at 610-768-3188. Sugar House Casino’s Director of Communications, Leigh N. Whitaker reported on the array of entertainment, such as Jerry Blavet that is ongoing daily. Sugar House Casino is open 24/7. Whitaker can be reached at 267-232-2103. InformatIon technology Area President of Keiretsu Forum-Mid Atlantic, Howard Lubert invited “financial angels” to participate in investment opportunities. Lubert can be reached at 610-971-4067. President, Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, Alex Charlton announced upcoming events for Chamber members, and how to become a member of the Chamber. He can be reached at 610-565-3677. Shenlin Cheng, President, Grace Financial Capital Group, Inc., a firm that provides capital for a wide variety of business and construction loans spoke on the availability of money from over 30 banks with whom her firm does business. Contact her at 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 122, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004; Tel.: 610-664-3129;; Marc Silverman works with professional athletes, and other high-income individuals- -with special emphasis on securing financial futures for both their families and themselves. Time is given especially to the parents and spouses. He can be reached at MH Silverman and Associates, LLP, 1 Blacksmith Lane, Millstone Township, NJ 08510; Tel.: 908-794-5881; E-mail: Our business is providing — for your business! — the education and related active services to help your interests on top. People, Paper & Processes….Let Us Help You Bridge Between Them with Solution for the 21st Century We have a long history of aiding new busineses, growing companies, family-run firms and organizations. Many of your clients have been with us for over 20 years. Contact founder, Damon Sherrod Information technology Services (It) for greater Philadelphia area Small & Medium Companies, & Organizations See Our Web Page For Listing Of Aids 1337 Cooper Street, Deptford, NJ 08096 Tel.: 856-994-9005 - The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 22 Advertising/Communications Times CALL FOR ENTRIES 2 13 CORPORATE EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT DOCUMENTARY BROADCAST STUDENT Entry Types Invited: Film, Video (DVD), Digital, Broadcast, Online, Interactive, Apps, Video Games Entry Categories: 150 entry categories, including Craft / Production Techniques (Cinematography, Editing, etc.) entry deadline: MARCH 1 enter online at: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly February/March 2013 February/March 2013 Advertising/Communications Times Page 23 Have An Idea That Benefits Area Businesses? E-Mail us at: Visit our blog at The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly Page 24 Advertising/Communications Times February/March 2013 29 Bala Avenue, Suite 114 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Phone: 484-562-0060 Fax: 484-562-0068 email: The Philadelphia Regional Business/Marketing Monthly