Illlllllllllll|||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll USOO5581506A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Yamauchi [45] Date of Patent: [54] LEVEL-SHIFTER, SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT, AND CONTROL METHODS THEREOF [75] Inventor: Hiroyuki Yamauchi, Osaka, Japan [73] Assignee: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan [30] Feb. 2, 1995 Foreign Application Priority Data Jun. 3, 1994 [JP] Japan .................................. .. 6422620 [51] Int. Cl.6 ..................................................... .. G11C 7/00 [52] [58] US. Cl. . . 365/189.11; 365/203; 326/62 Field of Search ............................. .. 365/l89.ll, 203, 365/l89.07, 233; 326/62, 63, 80, 93 [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,878,201 5,317,206 10/1992 Dec. 3, 1996 Japan . Primary Examiner—Joseph A. Popek Attorney, Agent, or Firm—McDermott, Will & Emery [57] ABSTRACT During a period corresponding to the former half of one cycle of a clock signal, a capacitor is charged to an inter mediate potential between the respective precharged poten tials of two level-shifters. Subsequently, during a period corresponding to the latter half of one cycle of the clock signal, the capacitor is connected to that one of the output [21] Appl. No.: 382,530 [22] Filed: 4-302463 5,581,506 10/1989 Nakaizurni ................... .. 365/18911 X 5/1994 Hanibuchi et a1. ..................... .. 326/62 nodes which shifts to a lower potential in the level-shifter on the upper stage, while a power source line is connected to the other output node which shifts to a higher potential. On the other hand, the capacitor is also connected to that one of the output nodes which shifts to the higher potential in the level-shifter on the lower stage, while the ground line is connected to the other output node which shifts to the lower potential. Consequently, there can be provided a semicon ductor integrated circuit free from power dissipation that might have been caused by an internal power~source circuit. The semiconductor integrated circuit enables data transfer with a small amplitude and consumes an extremely small amount of current even when multi-bit data lines operate in parallel. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 4-211515 8/1992 our 49 Claims, 55 Drawing Sheets Japan . XCLK/Z VM 1 l2"- Wee-V33’) VIN XCLK CLK\3 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 1 0f 55 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 3 0f 55 5,581,506 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Fig.9 Sheet 7 of 55 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Fig.1O VIN1_‘ XVIN1_"‘ l___.._____ VIN2 XVIN2"'“" Sheet 8 of 55 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 H“ N Sheet 9 of 55 -_~——— g 5,581,506 --> WCLK A A XWCLK v w L I isww : ON :SW15OFF {SW1 ION : SW3: ON : SW3 OFF { SW3 : ON I SW2 : oFF 1 SW2 ON : SW2 : OFF ?SW4= OFF 1:sw4:o~ Esvva: OFF I i U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 10 0f 55 Fig.12 XCLK WCLK XWCLK VIN1 XVIN1 VIN2 . XVIN2 VouT 1 lX / 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Fig.1'5 Sheet 12 of 55 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 14 0f 55 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 15 of 55 5,581,506 Fig.18 CLK XCLK >I \I , VIN] XVIN1 ‘ \/IN2 XVIN2 VIN3 XVIN3 VouT1 XVOUT‘I VouT2 XVOuT2 Vows XVouT3 REUSE OF CHARGE / US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 16 0f 55 F i g .19 Vcc F XC L K IFXCLK l__.________ P 501 ll 1 | R4; I-XCLK Vss CLKéSW] 5,581,506 US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 17 of 55 5,581,506 FIgZO 6II-I"Vcc' z nXIH*VCC O ECL SIHWcc - (FIRST CONVENTIONAL) EMBODIMENT g 4IHWcc‘ Ln 5 U L C:m 3IH"V¢C 2 O ZXIHXVCC (SECOND CONVENTIONAL) EMBODIMENT ZII-I‘VOC“ 4 9' A A ‘F 4’ a O O. HHXWC“ J IH‘VCUPRESENT INVENTION) 1 Z 3 A 5 6 7 8 NUMBER OF CIRCUITS IN PARALLEL n US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 18 of 55 5,581,506 F i g. 21 V00 R] VCC IDCZ /22 . Vu R2 ¢5 I003 29 fSWZ :Vcc ‘##32 100} % SW3 i4 5R3 Q V1. M005 SW1 Vc US. Patent Dec. 3, 1996 Sheet 19 of 55 5,581,506 Fig.2 m m m vVA W VV Vwmn i jWWE M».0 ME .IIW 11% W19db,‘ ABAI1rv mkwat”WIW w v0 mw 221 _ _ __ : V0 XV VA XCLK réq/