FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: MENTEE APPLICATION FORM Please return the completed form to: Izzy Neale The Schofield Centre Greenclose Lane Loughborough LE11 5AS Tel No: 01509 236144 E-mail: Please complete all sections on this form to allow us to ensure that the young person receives the most appropriate intervention Please complete referral criteria You must gain consent from parent (if young person is under 18) and young person prior to making referral If a Advice/Warning Letter, Acceptable Behaviour Contract, Anti Social Behaviour Order or other intervention is in place, please attach a copy to this form. For Mentoring Scheme Use: Form Received on __________________ (Date) by_____________________________ Accepted by______________________(mentor coordinator) You will receive an email/call acknowledging that the form has been received. Mentee name_______________________ Referrer___________________________ Acknowledgement sent: Consent forms sent: The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Message for Referrer’s TwentyTwenty aims to support disadvantaged young people to realise their potential. Our mentoring scheme is run almost entirely by volunteers from our community who engage with young people to provide a positive adult role model. Therefore, please be mindful that some young people due to the level of support they require are not appropriate for this scheme. If you have questions about referrals please contact 0300 111 2020. All Referrals to TwentyTwenty’s Mentoring Scheme must fit the following criteria: Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour & Crime NEET/At-risk of NEET Excluded or At-risk of Exclusion Coordinators will assess each referral on a case by case basis. The following determining factors are used to assess the suitability of a referral. Please tick all that apply Determining Factors of Risks Family history of ASB & or Crime Individual or friends known to police or PCSO At-risk of School Exclusion or Attendance Less than 85% Vulnerable or Easily Influenced by others likely to lead to ASB/Crime or leaving school with no or few qualifications Attending alternative provision off school site or part-time timetable/ Applied or Attending NEET provision (They must also fit one other criteria above) The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 2 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SECTION A–D TO BE COMPLETED BY YOUNG PERSON SECTION A – YOUNG PERSON’S DETAILS Name Address Postcode Current age & DOB Name of Parent / Guardian Telephone contacts Parent/Guardian: Young Person: In School, Training, Employment, or none of the above. Ethnicity Provide brief details (If school see section B) Do you have a physical disability, health issue or learning difficulty that affects your learning, communication and/or understanding? Or undergoing assessment for a physical or learning disability or difficulty? No / Yes > Please specify: What would you like to do in the future? What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What do you want a mentor to help you with? Write your most important answer first 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 3……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 4……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 5……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SECTION B – EDUCATIONAL/EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Name of School/College/Employer Telephone Number Main contact Name: Email: Position: OTHER PROFESSIONALS INVOVLED (i.e YISP, Impact, Prospects, Social Care, ASB Team) NAME AGENCY PHONE EMAIL SECTION C – RISK OF? Please describe each situation in some detail. Yes No Explain, how a mentor could help I am at-risk of crime because I am known to police. I am at-risk of crime because my Friends/Peers are involved in crime or known to police. I am at-risk of crime because members of my family are involved in crime or known to police I am at-risk of Exclusion? Why? I attend an alternative learning provision or have a part-time timetable? Not in Education/Employment or Training (NEET) Attending a NEET Programme Other? _______________ The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 4 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SECTION C – Have you ever done anything that would be considered illegal and/or been involved in Anti Social behaviour? (please tick) Yes No Please give details if known: Have you ever received: (tick all that apply) Dispersal Notice Advice Letter Warning Letter Acceptable Behaviour Contract Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Are you currently in court/awaiting court date? SECTION D - CONFIRMATION YOUNG PERSON’S SIGNATURE: __________________________________ Date: ________ SECTION E - CONSENT Parental/Guardian Consent: As the parent(s)/carer(s) of …………………………………………. we /I would like assistance from the Mentoring Scheme Signed………………………........................... Date……………… OR Verbal consent Date……………… THE NEXT SECTION IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REFERRER SECTION F – REFERRER’S DETAILS Name Agency/Organisation Address Telephone Office: Mobile: E mail address The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 5 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SECTION H - REASON FOR REFERRAL In order to match young people with the right type of mentor we need to understand the personality and background of the young person and those people who play a significant role in their life. Background on young person & family. Behaviour of young person in education and public environment ferrers signature:…………………………………….….….. Date: ………………………. What do you hope for the young person to achieve through the Mentoring Project Do you consider there to be any risks with working with this young person that the Twenty Twenty Mentoring Scheme should be aware of? (Safety, matching with a male/female, aggression, violence etc) Thank you for completing the Referral Form. The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 6 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: TwentyTwenty Office Use only: Coordinator Notes: PRIMARY Reason for referral? Risk of ASB Risk of School Exclusion Risk of NEET Mentoring Database Checklist for Young People Step 1 – Accepted Referrals New Mentee referral added to the student and Referral tab (Administrator) Step 2 – Matching Mentees Database number _________ Mentee added to disability tab (Administrator) Step 3 – Closing Mentees Coordinator completes Referral End Tab The Schofield Centre, Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS| 0300 111 2020 | 7