Comply Direct Ltd. PAS 2060: Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality Qualifying Explanatory Statement in support of PAS 2060 selfcertification May 2015 1 Contents Section Page Introduction 3 Illustration of Comply Direct’s PAS 2060 Baseline, Achievement and Commitment periods 4 Declaration of achievement of carbon neutrality 5 Emissions 6-7 Appendix A: Methodology 8 Appendix B: Carbon Management Plan 9 Appendix C: Carbon offset strategy 10-11 PAS 2060 Checklist 12-13 2 Introduction PAS 2060 Information Requirement Information as it relates to Comply Direct Entity making the PAS 2060 declaration Comply Direct Ltd. Subject of PAS 2060 declaration The offices, staff and business activities of Comply Direct in the UK Description of Organisation Comply Direct is the UK’s fastest growing packaging compliance scheme, who also provide WEEE and Batteries compliance in addition to waste management, energy and carbon management services. Rationale for selection of the subject The scope and subject of this PAS2060 includes all emissions based on the operational control principle defined in the WBCSD / WRI GHG Protocol – Corporate Standard. Type of certification undertaken Self-certification Baseline Period for PAS 2060 programme 1st December 2012 – 30th November 2013 Achievement Period (Current) 1st December 2013 – 30th November 2014 Commitment Period 1st December 2014 – 30th November 2015 This qualifying statement contains information providing evidence that Comply Direct Ltd have demonstrated carbon neutrality. All information hereafter is believed to be correct at the time of publishing. Should any change in circumstance occur that affects the validity of a carbon neutrality claim by Comply Direct, this document will be updated accordingly. 3 Illustration of Comply Direct PAS 2060 Baseline, Achievement and Commitment Periods Baseline Period - 01/12/12 30/11/13 Acheivement Period (AP1) 01/12/13 30/11/14 Commitment Period (AP2) 01/12/14 30/11/15 This diagram illustrates the baseline, achievement and commitment periods for demonstrating carbon neutrality in line with the PAS 2060 method. Comply Direct will fully offset all carbon emissions and produce a carbon offset strategy and carbon management plan in order to demonstrate carbon neutrality, and commit to carbon emissions reductions relative to the baseline period in subsequent commitment periods. 4 Declaration of achievement of carbon neutrality PAS 2060 Information Requirement Information as it relates to Comply Direct State the period during which the entity is demonstrating achievement of carbon neutrality of the subject 1st December 2013 – 30th November 2014 Carbon Footprint of the subject for the period stated above AP1: 23.961 tCO2e AP2: 29.303 tCO2e Which method, as defined by PAS 2060, has been followed to achieve carbon neutrality? Method 1 – Demonstrating carbon neutrality How have the reductions in GHG emissions during this period been achieved? Carbon Offsetting and implementing a Carbon Management Plan. Achievement of ISO 14001 accreditation Location of GHG emissions report supporting this claim Page 2-7: Carbon Emissions Location of the details describing internal reductions during the period Page 8 – Carbon Management Plan Location of the details describing the carbon offsets Page 9 – Carbon Offset Strategy UK economic growth rate over the application period Individuals responsible for provision of data necessary for demonstrating carbon neutrality of the entity Senior representative responsible for the declaration of carbon neutrality for the entity 2.8% James Dobing Gareth Roberts Signature 5 Scope 1 CO2e Emissions Scope 1 Emissions Heating Total Emissions tCO2e 1.166 1.166 The table above states the total carbon emissions (CO2e) for Scope 1. Comply Direct contribute only to Scope 1 emissions through heating oil using an onsite boiler. The emissions are classified as Scope 1 because Comply Direct has direct control over the import and burning of the fuel for the purposes of heating. Scope 2 CO2 Emissions Summary Scope 2 Emissions tCO2e Electricity 5.407 Total Emissions 5.407 The graph and table above show total carbon emissions (CO2e) calculated for Scope 2 (indirect) emissions. The above are classified as Scope 2 emissions due to their categorisation as imported consumption of purchased electricity, as opposed to direct (Scope 1) emissions. Scope 3 CO2 Emissions Water Supply Water Treatment Business Travel 61% Employee Commuting Business Travel Waste Employee Commuting 36% Waste 0% Water Supply Water 1% Treatment 2% 6 Scope 3 Emissions tCO2e Water Supply 0.178 Water Treatment 0.35 Employee Commuting 8.184 Business Travel 13.94 Waste 0.078 Total Scope 3 Emissions 22.730 Summary The graph and table above show all Scope 3 emissions calculated. The above are classified as Scope 3 emissions due to their categorisation as all other indirect emissions that are not imported heat or electricity, for example commuting, business travel, waste and water. Total Emissions Scope 1 Emissions 5% Scope 2 Emissions 23% Scope 3 Emissions 72% Scope 1 Emissions Scope 2 Emissions Scope 3 Emissions Total Carbon Emissions (tCO2e) 1.166 5.407 22.730 29.303 The total carbon emissions for Comply Direct Ltd. for the reporting period 1st December 2013 – 30th November 2014 is 29.303 tCO2e. This is the sum of all emissions as a result of the business activities – direct and indirect – of Comply Direct Ltd. The quantified footprint covers is as accurate as is reasonably possible, however some emissions may have not 7 been captured. Comply Direct is not liable for the use of the above figures by any other party. An evidence pack exists that provides a basis for any calculations in this report. Business mileage has increased relative to AP1, this is likely due to increased mileage as a result of carbon consultancy and a large number of onsite audits conducted during AP2. Appendix A Methodology All calculations were made in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, categorising emissions as Scope 1, 2 and 3. Emissions are calculated from the DEFRA 2014 Conversion Factors for Company Reporting, which convert all emissions to CO2e (Carbon dioxide equivalent). These methods are widely recognised and recommended for the reporting of GHG emissions for PAS 2060. Key Assumptions Imported Heating – Monthly energy bills were used. This unit data was converted into litres of burning oil using a recognised and verified industry methodology provided by Tempest Estates. Imported Electricity – Electricity usage was assumed to be verified, and conversion factors from DEFRA were applied to convert values from kWh to CO2e. Water Supply and Treatment – Exact usage data via metering was not available therefore bills (£) were converted to volume data (m3) using conversion factors provided by Yorkshire Water; the supplier of water to Comply Direct. Commuting – Travel data was assumed to be constant, whereby all employees take the same route to work on a daily basis. Data was calculated using and scaled up to represent annual commuting distances. Business Travel – All business travel claims were used, this data was assumed to be correct. In addition flight and public transport data was calculated using and respectively. Waste – Waste has been calculated pro rata based on ongoing waste collections and recycling in the office. Manchester Office – Electricity, water supply and waste data was not available, therefore per capita emissions were calculated in order to ‘scale up’ total emissions, accounting as accurately as possible the total emissions for Comply Direct Ltd. Data Quality The data collected is believed to be representative of the total carbon emissions of Comply Direct Ltd. Imported electricity and business travel data is based on accurate measurements (kWh and mileage data respectively). As the two most significant contributors to Scope 2 8 and Scope 3 emissions, this suggests that the carbon emissions calculations are reasonably accurate. For data with a greater uncertainty, appropriate sampling methods and calculations have been used in order to ‘scale up’ data in order to ensure it accurately reflects the carbon emissions produced by a particular activity. Care was taken to quantify emissions in a manner that limits underestimation. No emissions sources have been knowingly excluded. Appendix B: Carbon Management Plan Reduction Plan for Commitment Period Where possible, Comply Direct will complete an audit via desktop in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions associated with business travel. The entity aims to complete 60% of audits by desktop during the commitment period (AP2) Four members of staff have agreed to car share on their commute from Leeds to Skipton. All members of staff that are based in Leeds now car share, significantly reducing employee commuting mileage that would otherwise occur. All staff are encouraged to car share where possible. Awareness of carbon emissions in the office has been heightened through the development of posters designed to remind employees to actively reduce their carbon emissions at work. Procedures are now in place to implement change to reduce energy usage. Recycling facilities to be further improved by working with Broughton Hall to improve collections. Inhibit business travel by air where feasible, during AP2 only 2 flights were made by employees. Ongoing commitment to ISO 14001 which promotes continual improvement of the environmental aspects of Comply Direct. Emissions Reduction Targets for Commitment Period AP1 (2013-2014) Achieve reduction in emissions from electricity use by 5% relative to full time staff equivalents by 1st December 2014 Result – An absolute reduction of 1.40% has been recorded. A relative reduction of 21% was identified Achieve reduction in emissions from water use by 5% relative to full time staff equivalents by 1st December 2014 Result – Water use is not metered therefore this cannot be accurately measured. Achieve reduction in emissions from heating use by 5% relative to full time staff equivalents by 1st December 2014 9 Result - An absolute reduction of 1.93% has been made. The relative reduction of 21.55% has been made during AP2. Achieve Zero Waste to Landfill across operations of Comply Direct by 2020 Progress towards goal – 51% of all waste is currently recycled. Improvements towards goal include further segregation of waste and the introduction of food waste bins. Emissions Reductions Emissions reductions have been achieved through producing a carbon management plan and employees adhering to its guidelines. Preparation for ISO 14001 accreditation has further induced change which has allowed Comply Direct to reduce the majority of its emissions. Targets for AP2 Continue accreditation of ISO 14001, benefitting both Comply Direct and its supply chain. Achieve a relative reduction of 30% in emissions from electricity use per FTE on the base period by 1st December 2015. Achieve a relative reduction of 30% in emissions from heating per FTE on the base period by 1st December 2015. Achieve a company recycling rate of 60% by December 2015. Achieve zero waste to landfill by 2020 Demonstrating Commitment to Carbon Management Plan The Carbon Management Supervisor will on an annual basis assess company performance relative to commitments made in the Carbon Management Plan. Comply Direct Ltd is committed to carbon neutrality through reducing carbon emissions where possible in all activities conducted by the business. Further to our quantifiable targets, we wish to encourage increased carbon awareness with all of our employees, and to find a better way where possible in all aspects of our functioning in business with respect to the environment. 10 Appendix C: Carbon Offset Strategy CO2e emissions to be offset – 29.303 tCO2e Carbon Offsets purchased and validated through CO2balance Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust to retire 30 WCC credits on behalf of Comply Direct Ltd. Self-verification assessment with third party carbon credit validation. Project Details: Project name: Nethergill Woodland, Oughtershaw, Langstrothdale Location: UK Standard: Woodland Carbon Code Reference number: 40033/3 Volume of credits purchased: 30 Retirement registry: Markit Credits certified by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust UK Carbon sequestration project Credits are valid for use in PAS 2060 standard Location of retired credits In total 12 Gold Standard credits used for carbon offsets were retired and can be found on an independent public register: Markit Gold Standard Registry: 12 WCC credits retired and can be found on the markit registry: Commitment to carbon neutrality The entity will commit to monitor, reduce and declare all of its carbon equivalent emissions for the commitment period AP2. Comply Direct will subsequently offset the declared emissions using a genuine source of carbon credits for AP2. 11 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PAS 2060 Define standard and methodology use to determine its GHG emissions reductions Confirm that the methodology used was applied in accordance with its provisions and principles set out in PAS 2060 were met Provide justification for the selection of the methodologies chosen to quantify the reductions in the carbon footprint, including all assumptions and calculations made and any assessments of uncertainty. (The methodology employed to quantify reductions shall be the same as that used to quantify the original carbon footprint. Should an alternative methodology be available that would reduce uncertainty and yield more accurate, consistent and reproducible results, then this may be used provided the original carbon footprint is re-quantified to the same methodology, for comparison purposes. Recalculated carbon footprints shall use the most recently available emissions factors, ensuring that for purposes of comparison with the original calculation, any change in the factors used is taken into account) Describe the means by which reductions have been achieved and any applicable assumptions or justifications Ensure that there has been no change to the definition of the subject (The entity shall ensure that the definition of the subject remains unchanged through each and every stage of the methodology. In the event that material change to the subject occurs, the sequence shall be re-started on the basis of a newly defined subject.) Describe the actual reductions achieved in absolute and intensity terms and as a percentage of the original carbon footprint (Quantified GHG emissions reductions shall be expressed in absolute terms and shall relate to the application period selected and/or shall be expressed in emission intensity terms (e.g. per specified unit of product or instance of service)) State the baseline/qualification date Record the percentage economic growth rate for the given application period used as a threshold for recognising reductions in intensity terms Provide an explanation for circumstances where a GHG reduction in intensity terms is accompanied by an increase in absolute terms for the determined subject Select and document the standard and methodology used to achieve carbon offset Confirm that: Offsets purchased or allowance credits surrendered represent genuine, additional GHG emission reductions elsewhere –a Projects involved in delivering offsets meet the criteria of additionality, permanence, leakage and double counting. (See the WRI Greenhouse Gas Protocol for definitions of additionality, permanence, leakage and double counting) -b Carbon offsets are verified by an independent third party verifier -c Credits from Carbon offset projects are only issued after emission reduction has taken place -d Credits from Carbon offset projects are retired within 12 months from the date of the declaration of achievement -e Pages 8 3 8 10 3 5-7,910 4 5 8 3-5, 8 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 12 12 13 14 15 16 Credits from Carbon offset projects are supported by publically available project documentation on a registry which shall provide information about the offset project, quantification methodology and validation and verification procedures –f Credits from Carbon offset projects are stored and retired in an independent and credible registry –g Document the quantity of GHG emissions offset and the type and nature of offsets actually purchased including the number and type of credits used and the time period over which credits were generated including: Which GHG emissions have been offset –a The actual amount of carbon offset – b The type of offset and projects involved – c The number and type of carbon offset credits used and the time period over which the credits have been generated -d Information regarding the retirement/cancellation of carbon offset credits to prevent their use by others including a link to the registry where the offset has been retired –e Specify the type of conformity assessment a- Independent third party certification b- Other party validation c- Self-validation Include statements of validation where declarations of achievement of carbon neutrality are validated by a third party certifier or second party organizations. Date the WES and have it signed by a senior representative of the entity concerned (e.g. CEO, Divisional Director, where the subject is a division of a larger entity; the Chairman of a town council or the head of the household for a family group) Make QES publicly available and provide a reference to any freely accessible information upon which the substantiation depends 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 N/A 5 Y QES openness and clarity – Entities should satisfy themselves that the QES: 1 2 3 4 Does not suggest a reduction which does not exist, either directly or by implication Is not presented in a manner which implies that the declaration is endorsed or certified by an independent third party organisation when it is not Is not likely to be misinterpreted or be misleading as a result of the omission of relative facts Is readily available to any interested party Y Y Y Y 13