TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY Division Section Title SPECIFICATIONS GROUP Facility Site Construction Subgroup DIVISION 02 - SITE WORK 311000 SITE CLEARING 312000 EARTH MOVING 312500 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 313700 RIPRAP 321200 FLEXIBLE PAVING 321300 RIDGID PAVING 321600 CURBS AND GUTTERS 321723 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 323113 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323219 SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 324000 SIGNS 329200 TURF AND GRASSES 332100 WATER SUPPLY WELLS 333000 SANITARY SEWERAGE 334000 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 31 10 00 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Protecting existing trees and vegetation to remain. 2. Removing trees and other vegetation. 3. Protection of existing utilities to remain. 4. Temporary construction fencing and site protection. 5. Recording site pre-construction condition. 6. Clearing and grubbing. 7. Topsoil stripping. 8. Demolition and removal of all above-grade site improvements in conflict with the proposed construction and as indicated on the plans. 9. Disconnecting, capping or sealing, and abandoning site utilities in place. 10. Disconnecting, capping or sealing, and removing site utilities. 11. Sealing and abandoning underground structures. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSWHERE: A. Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. B. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control: Section 31 25 00. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. 1.5 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. 1.6 A. Photographs or videotape, sufficiently detailed, of existing conditions of trees and plantings, adjoining construction, and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by site clearing. B. Record drawings according to Division 01 Section "Contract Closeout." 1. Identify and accurately locate capped utilities and other subsurface structural, electrical, and mechanical conditions. 2. Identify and record all existing pavement striping, pavement markings, and curb markings. This information shall be utilized to install new striping in areas of repair and/or resurfacing. At least 3-days before starting placement of flowable fill, the Contractor shall submit a mix-design for the flowable fill to the Owner’s Representative. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.8 Except for materials indicated to be stockpiled or to remain Owner’s property, cleared materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site. SUBMITTALS C. 1.7 Topsoil: Natural or cultivated surface-soil layer containing organic matter and sand, silt, and clay particles; friable, pervious, and black or a darker shade of brown, gray, or red than underlying subsoil; reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, gravel, and other objects more than 2 inches in diameter; and free of weeds, roots, and other deleterious materials. Tree Pruning Standards: Comply with ANSI A300, "Trees, Shrubs, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance--Standard Practices," unless requirements that are more stringent are indicated. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. All improvements shall be constructed on Owner’s property. B. Salvable Improvements: Carefully remove items indicated to be salvaged and store on owner’s premises as directed by the owner’s representative. C. Notify utility locator service for area where Project is located before site clearing. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. The Contractor shall provide all necessary safeguards including the installation of shoring, structural supports, protective fencing, and barriers, etc. as required to prevent injury to workmen, bystanders, and adjacent property. All work shall be completed in accordance with local building codes, rules and regulations of other governing bodies having jurisdiction over the project. The Owner, the Owner’s Representative, the Architect, or the Engineer shall not be responsible for job site safety. Job and site safety shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. E. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall repair or replace all ground surfaces, pavements, sidewalks, curbs, landscaping, etc. which are to remain and which may become damaged during the completion of the Work. All repairs shall meet the approval of the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL A. Satisfactory Soil: Requirements for satisfactory soil are specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 1. 2.2 Obtain approved borrow soil off-site only when satisfactory soil is not available on-site. CONCRETE FLOWABLE FILL A. Flowable fill shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, fly ash, mineral filler, water and admixtures proportioned to provide a non-segregating, free-flowing, self-consolidating material that will result in a hardened, dense backfill. The Contractor shall prepare a mix design as specified herein to determine the proportion of materials necessary to meet the Specification requirements. B. Mix Design: 1. The flowable fill shall be proportioned to be non-segregating, free-flowing, self-consolidating, low-shrinkage slurry with a minimum unconfined compressive strength of 100 psi at 28 days, as determined in accordance with ASTM D 4832. 2. The flowable fill shall have a minimum unit weight of 70 pcf. 3. The mix design shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: a. SITE CLEARING Certification of compliance of the design mix relative to the mix design requirements of this Specification. 311000 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 4. C. b. Certification of compliance of the component materials used in the mix design relative to this Specification and referenced Specifications. c. Representative gradations for aggregate from the designated aggregate source and proposed gradation limits for aggregates to be used in the flowable fill. d. Plastic characteristics of the design mix including temperature, slump, air entrainment, wet unit weight, yield and cement factor. e. Performance characteristics of the hardened flowable fill to include compressive strength of all specimens and the corresponding average compressive strength. Compressive strength test results shall be reported for ages of one (1) day, seven (7) days, and twenty-eight (28) days. f. Unit weight of all compressive strength specimens at the time of testing and the corresponding average unit weight. g. The moisture density relationship for the combined cement, fly ash, mineral filler (if used), as determined in accordance with ASTM D558. No flowable backfill shall be placed until the mix design has been reviewed and accepted by the Owner’s Representative. The Owner’s Representative’s acceptance of the mix design shall be understood to indicate conditional acceptance. Final acceptance will be based on conformance with these Specifications and satisfactory test results on field samples during placement as required by these Specifications or as required by the Owner’s Representative. Reference Standards: 1. Portland Cement: NYSDOT Section 701-01, Type 5 2. Fly Ash: NYSDOT Section 711-10 3. Water: NYSDOT Section 712-01 4. Mineral Filler: NYSDOT Section 703-08 5. Admixtures: NYSDOT Section 711-08 6. Concrete Brick: NYSDOT Section 704-02 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION SITE CLEARING 311000 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. Protect and maintain benchmarks and survey control points from disturbance during construction. B. Provide erosion-control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soilbearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties, roadways and walkways. C. Locate and clearly flag trees and vegetation to remain or to be relocated. D. Protect existing site improvements to remain from damage during construction. 1. 3.2 TREE PROTECTION A. 3.3 Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. Tree protection shall be in accordance with Section 31 25 00 of this specification. UTILITIES A. The Contractor shall protect and/or support all existing utilities and/or piping during excavation operations that expose same. B. Contractor will arrange for disconnecting and sealing indicated utilities and/or piping that serve existing structures before site clearing. 1. C. Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off utilities and/or piping indicated to be removed. 1. D. Verify that utilities and/or piping have been disconnected and capped before proceeding with site clearing. Contractor will arrange to shut off indicated utilities and/or piping with utility companies. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities and/or piping serving facilities occupied by the owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility and/or piping services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify the Owner’s Representative, Utility company with jurisdiction, and affected customers of Utility not less than three days in advance of proposed utility and/or piping interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility and/or piping interruptions without the owner’s written permission. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.4 E. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall perform test pits at all proposed utility and sewer crossings with existing facilities to verify the location and depth of those existing utilities shown on the plans. This work shall be performed prior to the Contractor beginning work on any proposed construction. Any discrepancies or perceived conflicts shall be reported to the Owner’s Representative immediately prior to proceeding with construction. F. The Contractor is required to notify all utility owners and operators prior to the start of work so that the utility locations may be marked-out. The Contractor shall notify the Underground Facilities Protective Organization (UFPO) at (800) 962-7962 at least seventy-two (72) hours before the start of any construction work on site and as required by the utility owners and operators. The Contractor must coordinate with all impacted utilities, and may not start the work until the utilities have been located. G. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any claims arising from its failure to make this notification, or its failure to do the work in accordance with the local codes, rules and regulations relating to this work. H. Excavate for and remove underground utilities indicated to be removed. I. Excavation and backfill for the removal of underground utilities shall be performed in accordance with Division 31 “Earth Moving”. CONCRETE FLOWABLE FILL A. Batching, mixing and delivery shall conform to the requirements of either ASTM C94 or C685. B. Flowable fill shall be placed when the weather conditions are favorable and when the ambient temperature is above 40 degrees F. C. Flowable fill placement shall stop when the ambient temperature is below 36 degrees and falling. At the time of placement, flowable fill shall have a temperature of at least 50 degrees F. Flowable fill shall be cured at a minimum temperature or 40 degrees F for a minimum of 24 hours after placement. D. Bulkheading shall be provided by masonry means at either end of the section to be filled with flowable fill. Bulkheads shall be at least eight inches thick and constructed of concrete brick and mortar. Bulkheads shall be allowed to cure prior to placement of flowable fill. Exterior faces of the bulkheads (i.e. not in contact with the cured flowable fill) shall be parged with mortar. E. The Contractor shall verify, through independent site investigation, that the appropriate drainage pipe is going to be filled. No functioning pipes shall be filled with flowable fill. The Contractor shall make a reasonable attempt, as determined by the Owner’s Representative, to ascertain if the drainage pipe is clogged. Two methods of construction exist: SITE CLEARING 311000 – 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY F. 3.5 3.6 1. If it is determined that the drainage pipe is not clogged or that the drainage pipe is sufficiently open to allow the flowable fill to gravity feed the entire length of the pipe, the Contractor shall seal the lower end of the pipe by masonry bulkhead means. The seal shall be vented such that air voids do not form in the pipe when the flowable fill is placed. The flowable fill shall be discharged from a mixer into the high end of the drainage pipe by any means acceptable to the owner’s representative. No flowable fill shall be placed into the adjacent pipes or manholes to render these structures non-functional. After completing the work, both ends of the drainage pipe should be sealed in a neat, workmanlike manner that is acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. 2. If it is determined that the drainage pipe is clogged, the Contractor shall make a reasonable attempt, satisfactory to the Owner’s Representative, to clear the obstruction. If the Owner’s Representative determines that the obstruction(s) can not be removed, the Contractor shall first fill the low end of the pipe with flowable fill. The flowable fill shall be discharged from a mixer into the low end of the drainage pipe by any means acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. A seal will be required to fill the low end of the pipe. The Contractor shall seal the low end of the drainage pipe by any means suitable to the Owner’s Representative. After completing work at the low end of the pipe, the Contractor shall place flowable fill in the high end of the pipe as indicated above. After completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove from the project site any excess flowable fill that resulted from spillage, etc., and restore the project site to a condition that is acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. If excavation is required to reach the abandoned pipe, the Contractor shall restore the area to its original condition as directed by the Owner’s Representative. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCING A. The Contractor shall maintain, relocate, and provide additional temporary construction fencing as directed by the Owner’s Representative to coordinate the work and protect staging areas, pedestrian areas, work areas, emergency routes, field office areas, stockpile areas, etc. B. Install chain link fence according to ASTM F 567 and the manufacturer's written instructions. C. The cost of all coordination, installation, relocation, dismantling, etc. of fencing shall be included in the price bid for the project. CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Remove obstructions, trees (as indicated on the plans (either individually or by clearing limit lines), as required to construct the improvement, or if less than 1.5” dbh), shrubs, grass, and other vegetation to permit installation of new SITE CLEARING 311000 – 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY construction. Removal includes digging out stumps and obstructions and grubbing roots. B. 1. Do not remove trees, shrubs, and other vegetation indicated to remain or to be relocated. 2. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. 3. Completely remove stumps, roots, obstructions, and debris. 4. Use only hand tools for grubbing within drip line of remaining trees. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil, unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. 1. 3.7 Place fill in horizontal layers not exceeding eight (8) inch loose depth, and compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. C. When performing the removal of roots, stumps, etc. from around subterranean utility facilities, the contractor shall notify and coordinate his work with the utility company. D. When performing the removal of tree limbs, vegetation, etc. from around aerial utility facilities, the contractor shall notify and coordinate his work with the utility company. TREE PRUNING A. Perform maintenance pruning (MP) where pruning is indicated on the plans. B. Pruning Standards: Prune trees according to ANSI A300 as follows: C. 1. Crown cleaning: shall consist of the selective removal of one or more of the following items: dead, dying or diseased branches, weak branches and watersprouts. 2. Crown thinning: shall consist of the selective removal of branches of increase light penetration, air movement and reduce weight. 3. Crown raising: shall consist of the removal of the lower branches of a tree to provide clearance. Prune remaining trees impacted by temporary and new construction and at locations indicated on the plans. 1. All trees (protecting the branch collar): Crown cleaning and crown thinning limbs 2.0 inches or greater. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.8 2. Within contiguous wooded stands; Crown raising to a vertical clearance of 14 feet over finished grade. 3. Tie back branches to provide temporary clearance. 4. Do not prune if boring insects are present. 5. All pruning shall be performed by qualified arborist (ISA Certified Arborist or Tree Worker). 6. Interior branches shall remain. 7. No live wood greater than 4 inches in diameter shall be cut. 8. Heartwood shall not be exposed if possible. 9. A maximum of 20% of live wood shall be removed. 10. The arborist shall identify defects by performing aerial inspection, and report to the owner’s representative. D. Prune remaining trees to compensate for root loss caused by damaging or cutting root system. Provide subsequent maintenance during Contract period as recommended by qualified arborist. E. Cut branches with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. F. Chip branches removed from trees. Spread chips where indicated or as directed by the owner’s representative; trunk shall be clear of mulch. TOPSOIL STRIPPING A. Remove sod and grass before stripping topsoil; stockpile if directed. B. Strip topsoil to whatever depths are encountered in a manner to prevent mixing with underlying subsoil or other waste materials. 1. C. Strip topsoil, trash, debris, weeds, roots, and waste. Stockpile topsoil away from edge of excavations. Grade and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 1. Do not stockpile topsoil within drip line of remaining trees. 2. Stockpile surplus topsoil and allow for re-spreading deeper topsoil. a. Excess topsoil shall be evenly distributed over graded areas and shall not be removed from the site. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.9 3.10 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC A. The Contractor shall maintain traffic, as required during the course of the Work, in such a manner that is satisfactory to the owner’s representative, and all authorities having jurisdiction. The Contractor shall comply with all rules and regulations of those permits and pay all fees, deposits, and charges in connection with these permits. B. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and maintain construction signage, barricades, steel roadway plates, and other protective devices as necessary and required to adequately maintain both vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall provide all personnel necessary for directing and controlling traffic. Emergency personnel and equipment shall have safe and adequate access to the site at all times. The Contractor must coordinate and cooperate with the Owner’s Representative to maintain a level of service which is appropriate in the opinion of the Owner’s Representative. C. If a Construction Sequencing Plan is included in the project documents, the conditions and directives indicated on same shall also be followed in addition to this specification. D. Channelization shall be provided by plastic traffic safety drums meeting FHWA MUTCD and New York State Supplement standards. SITE IMPROVEMENTS A. Remove existing above- and below-grade improvements as indicated and as necessary to facilitate new construction. 1. If the area where excavation for removal of pipes, inlets or manholes, lies outside of proposed pavements, backfill shall be with suitable materials excavated from the project. Backfill of excavated areas within proposed pavement areas shall be made with select soil. 2. When the removal of a portion of pipe, chamber, vault, tunnel, or conduit is required, the pipe shall be sawcut with an approved power saw. No separate payment shall be made for sawcutting. 3. All existing foundations shall be removed where in conflict with proposed construction as noted on the plans. Backfill of excavated areas of former foundations shall be made with select structural fill. 4. Remove all above-grade site improvements where noted on the plans or in conflict with the proposed layout 5. Remove sub-surface asbestos-containing piping materials and appurtenances in accordance with the asbestos-abatement procedures provided under this project. SITE CLEARING 311000 – 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 6. B. 3.11 Underground vaults and/or structures may exist within the property and are not shown on the plans. Abandonment and/or sealing of any structures shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Owner’s Representative, agency, or authority having jurisdiction. Remove slabs, paving, curbs, gutters, and aggregate base as indicated. 1. Unless existing full-depth joints coincide with line of demolition, neatly saw-cut length of existing pavement to remain before removing existing pavement. Saw-cut faces vertically. 2. No separate payment will be made for the removal of slabs, paving, curbs, gutters, or aggregate base. C. When or where any direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private property by, or on account of, any act, omission, neglect or misconduct on the part of the Contractor in the execution of the work, such property shall be restored by the Contractor, at this expense, to a condition equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done or he shall make good such damage or injury in such other manner as may be acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. D. Relocation and/or conflict with operations: As indicated on the plans, remove all site improvements (e.g., curb stops, benches, signs, flagpoles, utility poles) indicated to be relocated or in conflict with the proposed construction activity. Store these improvements on site at no cost of the owner. Reinstall improvements in kind at new or original location once construction activity has been competed at that location. Any damage to the improvements as a direct result of improper storage shall be repaired or replaced at the direction of the Owner’s Representative and at no cost to the Owner. E. If a separate section is not provided for the removal and/or relocation of hedges, fences, and privately owned signs, the Contractor shall be responsible to contact the Owner’s Representative of said hedge, shrub, fence or sign to determine if the Owner’s Representative desires to reclaim it. If the Owner’s Representative should desire to reclaim the items, the Contractor shall then use reasonable care and relocate and reset the item beyond the work limits. No separate payment shall be made for this coordination, removal or relocation. DISPOSAL A. Disposal: Remove surplus soil, unsuitable topsoil (suitability to be determined by the Owner’s Representative), obstructions, demolished materials, waste materials, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off the Owner’s property. 1. All regulated materials accumulated during the clearing of the site described above, or any excess materials, shall be disposed of by the SITE CLEARING 311000 – 11 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY Contractor at a New York Department of Environmental Conservation approved landfill site, to be provided by the Contractor. 2. 3.12 Burning of debris will not be allowed. RESTORATION AND CLEANING UP A. Unless otherwise required by the Drawings, all roadway and sidewalk pavements, crosswalks, curbs, etc., along the line of the work, which are removed, destroyed, lost or injured on account of any act or omission on the part of the Contractor, his agent, servants or employees, in the prosecution of the work will be restored to their original condition at the expense of the Contractor. B. On paved surfaces, the Contractor shall not use or operate tractors, bulldozers or other power operated equipment, the treads, tracks, or wheels of which are so shaped as to cut or otherwise damage such surfaces. C. At such times as may be directed, all gutters, sidewalks, and lawns, etc., affected by the work completed under contract shall be restored by the Contractor to the same condition in which they were at the time of the opening of the bids for this contract. Any necessary topsoiling and seeding shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of this specification. D. Cultivated hedges, shrubs, and plants that might be damaged by the Contractor’s operations shall be protected by suitable means or shall be dug up and temporarily replaced and cared for. After the construction operations have been substantially competed, they shall be replanted in their original positions and cared for until growth is re-established. If cultivated hedges, shrubs, and plants are injured to such a degree as to affect their growth or diminish their beauty or usefulness, they shall be replaced by items or kind and quality at least equal to kind and quality existing at the start of the work. E. At such times as may be directed, the Contractor shall remove from the site all materials which were placed thereon by him because of performing this work and which are not required by the contract to be left as part of the finished work. The entire work and portions of the site affected thereby shall be left in a satisfactory condition. The sidewalks and crosswalks shall be swept clean of the work performed under this contract, and, if required, they shall be sprinkled with water during the sweeping. F. No separate payment shall be made for the work involved in Restoration and Cleaning-Up as described above. The cost of this work shall be included in the prices bid for the various items scheduled in the proposal. END OF SECTION 31 10 00 SITE CLEARING 311000 – 12 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 31 20 00 - EARTH MOVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Stake out entire site for buildings, roads, storm sewers, utilities, asphalt paving, curbs, walks, equipment pads, access roads, parking areas, etc. 2. Provide temporary access roads with parking, shanty/storage areas, maintain access to the building, establish tree protection lines, etc. 3. Stripping, removal, and stockpiling of topsoil, unsuitable soils, unsuitable materials and rough grading of the site within the disturbance limits shown on the plans or dictated by the construction. 4. Establish proper sub-grade elevations. 5. Dewatering of excavations as required by site conditions. 6. Preparing and proof-rolling sub-grades for walks, pavements, turf areas, plantings, etc and protect against accumulation of water in excavation areas. 7. Drainage course for slabs-on-grade, sub-base for walks and pavements, subsurface drainage backfill for walls and trenches. 8. Temporary retaining walls, underpinning, shoring, or bracing to support excavations, facilities, and construction sequencing. 9. Provide all NYSDOT-approved imported fill required in conformance with site grading plans and details and include the cost of said approved imported fill in the proposal amount. 10. Replacement of unsuitable soils encountered as determined by the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer and replacement with approved, controlled, compacted fill. 11. Excavating, filling, backfilling and drainage fill course for sidewalk, proofing and grading. 12. Excavating, trenching, filling and backfilling, compaction, and drainage fill course for building foundations, slabs on grade, underground storm and sanitary sewage piping, water service and fire service piping, mechanical EARTH MOVING 312000 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY and electrical utilities and buried mechanical and electrical pits, utility structures and other appurtenances, proofing and grading. 13. B. 1.2 1.3 1.4 Removal from site of debris, other unsuitable materials and any excess materials that cannot be properly stored on site. Rock meeting the definition provided herein shall be removed as a change order to the Owner. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. Report entitled, “Final Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Warwick Dial-A-Bus Facility, Public Works Drive, Warwick, NY…Prepared by Tectonic Engineering & Surveying Consultants, P.C., dated May 3, 2011”. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSWHERE: A. Site Clearing: Section 31 10 00. B. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control: Section 31 25 00. C. Rigid Paving: Section 32 13 00. D. Turf and Grasses: Section 32 92 00. DEFINITIONS A. The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Article, wherever they appear in this Section. 1. Earth Excavation: The removal of all surface and subsurface material not classified as rock (as defined below). 2. Rock: Limestone, sandstone, shale, granite, and similar material in solid beds or masses in its original or stratified position which cannot be broken or removed by mechanical equipment (e.g. excavators or heavy duty ripping equipment at least as powerful as a Caterpillar D9L with a Kelly Ripper KR400D-1 single shank ripper attachment) without the use of explosives, drills, wedges, or pneumatic tools; and single boulders with a volume greater than 2.0 cu yd. Subsurface concrete building foundations and subsurface concrete slabs, not indicated on the plans, with a volume EARTH MOVING 312000 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY greater than 2.0 cubic yards, shall be classified as rock. This classification does not include materials such as loose rock, concrete or other materials that can be removed by means other than extraordinary rock excavation techniques, but which for reasons of economy in excavating; the Contractor chooses to remove by extraordinary rock excavation techniques. Materials which can be loosened with a pick or backhoe, frozen materials, soft laminated shale or hardpan, pavements, curbs, and similar materials shall be classified as earth excavation. Concrete building foundations and concrete slabs, where indicated, shall be classified as earth excavation. Masonry building foundations, whether indicated or not, shall be classified as earth excavation. 1.5 3. Subgrade Surface: Surface upon which subbase or topsoil is placed. 4. Subbase: Structural material or NYSDOT Item 304.12 (where allowed) which is placed immediately beneath pavement or concrete slabs. 5. Maximum Density: The dry unit weight in pounds per cubic foot of the soil at “Optimum Moisture Content” when determined by ASTM D 1557. 6. Landscaped Areas: Areas not covered by structures, walks, roads, paving, or parking. 7. Unauthorized Excavation: The removal of material below required elevation indicated on the Drawings or beyond lateral dimensions indicated or specified without specific written direction by the Owner’s Representative. 8. Unsuitable material: In-situ fill material that contains materials (asphalt and concrete debris, metals, plastics, manufactured materials, wood, organic, or any other deleterious materials) other than non-organic soil. SUBMITTALS A. B. Product Data: 1. Permanent Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing: Specifications for materials and accessories. 2. Filter Fabric: Manufacturer's installation instructions. catalog sheets, specifications, and Certification: Submit certification for the following materials: 1. Select Fill. 2. Crushed Stone. 3. Pea Gravel. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. D. E. F. 4. Sand. 5. Sub base Course Type 2. 6. Underdrain Filter, Type 1. 7. Flow-through stormwater planter media. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing (Not shown on the Drawings): Submit a detailed plan of intended sheeting, shoring and bracing, signed by a New York licensed Professional Engineer for information. This submittal will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the successful performance of the intended sheeting, shoring and bracing methods. 2. Excavation Procedure: Submit a lay out drawing or detailed outline of intended excavation procedure for information. This submittal will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the successful performance of intended excavation methods. Samples: Submit samples as follows. Take the samples in the presence of the Owner’s Representative, and complete a Granular Material Sample Information Form for each sample. Forms and field sample designation numbers will be furnished by the Owner’s Representative. 1. Select Fill: 50 - 60 lb. (Two Samples). 2. Subbase Course NYSDOT Item 304.12: 50 - 60 lb. (One Sample). 3. Crushed Stone: 30 lb. 4. Underdrain Filter, Type 1, Item 650.0901: 30 lb. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Subbase Materials: Name and location of source, stockpile number, and latest NYSDOT test results and approval. 2. Other Aggregates: Name and location of source, and latest NYSDOT source number, test number, and date. Acceptance of Materials: Samples of materials proposed for use shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Owner’s Representative at least three days prior to using that material. The material shall not be used until approved by the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer. By submitting the samples of materials, the Contractor agrees that the fill materials used for construction will conform to the samples supplied. If the test results show that the materials do not meet the specifications, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the additional sampling and re-testing of materials from a different stockpile or source. Final acceptance of fill material rests with the Owner’s Representative. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. 1.6 G. The Owner’s Representative has the right to revise the type of materials for various portions of the construction as may be required for the satisfactory execution of the work. H. Earthwork Analysis: The Contractor shall prepare, at his expense, an earthwork analysis outlining the material volume to be excavated and removed from the site, all project cut volume and all project fill volume. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and executing all permits required for earthwork operations. I. Underpinning preconstruction survey as further described herein. J. As built final grades/elevations of stormwater management features. QUALITY CONTROL A. 1.7 The fact that the moisture of a satisfactory soil is not optimum shall not render it unsatisfactory. The Contractor shall plan and execute his work, and do what is necessary to bring the moisture within the specified limits. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine the economics of using, or disposing and replacing, such materials. Material determined by the Contractor to be uneconomical for use may be disposed of as specified and replaced with other material at no additional cost to the owner, and required amendment shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. All excavated unsatisfactory soil is to be removed from site, unless directed otherwise. Underpinning, shoring, and bracing shall be performed by a specialty contractor familiar with this type of work and having a minimum of five (5) years experience. Foremen directing this work shall have at least three (3) years experience and have directed at least five (5) similar projects. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Contractor shall protect existing trees and plants during performance of the Work unless otherwise indicated. Box trees and plants indicated to remain within the grading limit line with temporary fencing as detailed and required. Protect root systems from smothering. Do not store excavated material, or allow vehicular traffic or parking within the branch drip line. Restrict foot traffic to prevent excessive compaction of soil over root systems. B. Cold Weather Requirements: 1. When freezing temperatures are predicted, do not excavate to final required elevations for concrete Work unless concrete can be placed immediately. Retain enough earth over the bottom elevation of footings to prevent frost penetration. If excavation has progressed to final footing elevations and concrete cannot be placed immediately, cover the bottom of the excavations with protective material to adequately insulate the EARTH MOVING 312000 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY exposed earth surface from frost. immediately before placing concrete. 2. 1.8 Remove protective material Do not backfill between November 1 and April 1, except with written permission of the owner. C. Thru-traffic or fill placement with heavy construction vehicles or equipment which causes rutting or weaving to occur within the perimeter of a building will not be permitted. If rutting or weaving occurs during placement of fill, deposit specified fill in a stable area outside building perimeter and spread into the footprint with tracked equipment to the specified layer thickness at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Existing Utilities: Prior to performing any excavation, the Contractor must call Underground Facilities Protective Organization (UFPO) at (800) 962-7962, at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of starting work to locate and mark-out existing utilities in areas of excavation work. If utilities are required to remain in place and/or in service, provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. Repair any damage to utilities to the satisfaction of the Owner’s Representative at no expense to the Owner. E. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, Contractor shall consult Utility Owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and Utility Owner’s in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of Utility Owner at no expense to the Owner. F. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Where dry construction practices are required and sub-surface conditions do not permit same, the Contractor shall design, install, and operate a dewatering system to keep sub-grades dry and convey ground water away from excavations. Maintain until dewatering is no longer required. 1. Contractor shall retain the services of a qualified Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York to design the dewatering system. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits for the dewatering system. SITE LAYOUT A. Employ at Contractor’s expense, an approved, Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of New York to establish contract limit lines and bench mark; layout access road, detention ponds, storm sewers, utilities, bituminous paving areas, building pads, concrete walks, curbs and pads, parking area, contractor Trailer/Storage area, etc.; set building floor elevations; stake out for sub-grade and finished grade elevations, etc. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. Land Surveyor shall be approved by Owner. B. Should Land Surveyor encounter discrepancies in grades and/or conditions noted on Contract Documents, he shall contact the Owner’s Representative in writing before proceeding with further work. This work shall be done immediately upon execution of the contract for construction prior to the submittals process and prior to the commencement of any excavation or construction on the site and shall include, but not be limited to, checking and verification of grades on the Contract Documents. C. The Land Surveyor shall provide a plan of the stakeout of the structure(s) to the Owner’s Representative prior to any concrete placement. D. At completion, Land Surveyor will submit sealed and certified as-built mylar drawings of grades, locations, invert elevations, pipe sizes, etc. to the Owner’s Representative. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. B. Select Fill: Imported, sound, durable, sand, gravel, stone, or blends of these materials, free from organic and other deleterious materials to meet the following gradation: Sieve Percent Passing 3 inch 100 ¼ inch 30-70 No. 40 5-40 No. 200 0-10 1. Subbase Course Type 2 material in accordance with NYSDOT Article 304-2 may be used for select fill. 2. On-site soil may be used as select fill if the above gradation is met. Suitable Soil (Fill and Backfill for Landscaped Areas): Material consisting of mineral soil (inorganic), blasted or broken rock and similar materials of natural or man-made origin, including mixtures thereof. Maximum particle size shall not exceed the lesser of four (4) inches or 2/3 of the specified layer thickness prior to compaction. 1. Material containing cinders, industrial waste, sludge, building rubble, land fill, muck, and peat shall be considered unsuitable for fill and backfill, except topsoil and organic silt may be used as suitable material in EARTH MOVING 312000 – 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY landscaped areas provided it is placed in the top layer of the subgrade surface. 2. C. Crushed Stone, Crushed Gravel, or Screened Gravel: Comply with applicable portions of NYS DOT Section 703-02, except as otherwise indicated 1. D. E. 2.2 The on-site soils are generally suitable for reuse as fill in landscape areas outside the footprint of buildings and site improvements (e.g. parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, pads, etc.). Gradation: ¾ inches to 1- ½ inches. Underpinning support: Comply with the applicable requirements of the Sections listed above for shoring, forms, reinforcing, cast-in-place concrete and back-fill materials. Additional requirements follow: 1. Normal Weight Concrete: Coarse aggregate shall be not over 3/4 inch in its greatest dimension. Compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi when tested at 28 days. 2. Drypack shall consist of 1 part dry cement to 2 parts sand. The amount of water used in rammed in place drypack shall be reduced to the minimum amount required to produce a very stiff mix. No. 2 Crushed Stone: washed stone; free of shale, clay, friable material and debris; graded in accordance with ASTM C136. Sieve Percent Passing 1-½ inch 100 1 inch 90-100 ½ inch 0-15 F. Pea Gravel: Aggregate Type: Natural stone; washed, free of clay, shale, organic matter; graded in accordance with ASTM C136. G. Underdrain Filter: NYSDOT Item 605.0901, Type 1 BRICK AND MORTAR A. Manhole Brick: Standard size, ASTM C 32, Grade MS. B. Mortar Materials: Dry packaged, proportioned for Type M unit masonry mortar, complying with ASTM C 387. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 2.3 SHEETING, SHORING, AND BRACING A. Steel Sheetpiling: Continuous interlock type complete with all required accessories conforming to ASTM A 328 or ASTM A 572. 1. B. Furnish steel sheetpiling of design, configuration, and length to sustain pressure of earth to be retained. Timber Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing: Structural grade timber or lumber uprights, stringers and cross braces of sufficient dimension to resist pressure of Work to be retained. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION A. Excavate earth as required for the Work. B. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe condition until completion of backfilling. Comply with Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 - Labor, Part 1926 (OSHA). 1. Trenches: Deposit excavated material on one side of trench only. Trim banks of excavated material to prevent cave-ins and prevent material from falling or sliding into trench. Keep a clear footway between excavated material and trench edge. Maintain areas to allow free drainage of surface water. C. Stockpile excavated materials classified as suitable material where directed, until required for fill. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles for proper drainage as approved by the Owner’s Representative. D. Excavation for Structures: A geotechnical investigation was conducted for the site to determine the subsurface conditions at the site. The Contractor shall review the report, boring/soil log results and recommendations contained in the report. It was determined that the site contains uncontrolled fill with various nonnative materials (i.e. construction debris, rubbish, etc.). The unsuitable material within the zone of influence of the building footings shall be excavated and disposed of in accordance with local and state requirements. Controlled fill shall be installed in accordance with the geotechnical engineer’s recommendations. Excavations must conform to elevations, lines, and limits indicated. Excavate to a vertical tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. Extend excavation a sufficient lateral distance to provide clearance to execute the Work. E. Excavation for Slopes: Shall be limited to a maximum of 3-feet horizontal to 1foot vertical. F. Pipe Trenches: Open only enough trench length to facilitate laying pipe sections. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, excavate trenches EARTH MOVING 312000 – 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY approximately 24 inches wide plus the outside pipe diameter, equally divided on each side of pipe centerline. Cut trenches to cross section, elevation, profile, line, and grade indicated. Accurately grade and shape trench bottom for uniform bearing of pipe in undisturbed earth. Excavate at bell and coupling joints to allow ample room for proper pipe connections. 1. Trench in Rock: Excavate an additional 6 inches below bottom of pipe for bed of cushion material under the piping. 2. Where unsuitable materials are encountered, excavate and remove unsuitable material below the footing bottoms beneath the footing footprints plus the area a minimum of 2 feet beyond the edges of footings or greater to allow for the specified proofrolling. The limits of removal of unsuitable material shall have a minimum depth of 2 feet below the footing bottom and shall extend a minimum distance beyond the edge of footing equivalent to the depth of removal below the footing. Place compacted select fill in the resulting excavation after proofrolling the full excavation bottom. 3. All subgrades shall be proofrolled by the Contractor using a vibratory roller having a minimum static weight of ten tons and inspected by the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer to verify the acceptability of the subgrade before placement of fill or concrete. Unsuitable materials shall be removed as determined by the owner’s representative based on visual inspection and observation of proof rolling. The existing fill subgrades should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density value determined by ASTM D 1557. G. Open Ditches: Cut ditches to cross sections and grades indicated. H. Pavement: Excavate to subgrade surface elevation. I. Hand Excavation: Excavate by manual methods at locations and depths indicated on the plans or as required to prevent damage to utilities and/or to prevent harm to the public and the Contractor’s employees or assigns. J. Unauthorized Excavations: Unless otherwise directed, backfill unauthorized excavation under footings, foundation bases, and retaining walls with compacted structural material without altering the required footing elevation. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavation as specified for authorized excavation of the same classification, unless otherwise directed by the Owner’s Representative. 1. K. Unauthorized excavations under structural Work such as footings, foundation bases, and retaining walls shall be reported immediately to the Owner’ Representative before any concrete or backfilling Work commences. Notify the Owner’s Representative upon completion of excavation operations. Do not proceed with the Work until the excavation is inspected and approved. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY Inspection of the excavation by the owner’s representative will be made on 3 working days notice. L. Where the natural soils consist of both silty sands and silty clays (which are susceptible to softening and disturbance from excess moisture and construction equipment traffic), the Contractor should expect additional excavation of soft natural soils to be required if the earthwork is being performed during the traditionally wet seasons or following extended periods of inclement weather. Over-excavation of unsuitable soils would be minimized if the earthwork is performed during favorable weather conditions and prudent earthwork procedures are used. The Contractor shall maintain favorable soil conditions at no additional cost to the owner. M. Manholes: Excavate to the following depths below bottom of concrete for addition of Subbase Course Type 2: 1. 3.2 SHORING AND BRACING A. B. 3.3 Exterior: 12 inches unless otherwise indicated. Shoring and Bracing: Where required, provide and install materials for shoring and bracing (sheet piling, uprights, stringers, cross braces, etc.), ensuring good, serviceable material condition. Shoring and Bracing shall accommodate the staging of the work and shall not adversely impact existing subsurface utilities or structures. Maintain shoring and bracing throughout the life of the excavations. Extend shoring and bracing as excavation progresses. Shop drawings of the shoring and bracing shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and submitted for review prior to proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall not install shoring and bracing where vibrations will be created during normal working hours without the Owner’s written permission prior to the start of work. UNDERPINNING A. Prior to excavating soil beneath or adjacent to a foundation to be underpinned, complete a preconstruction survey (video with written notes and sketches) of the existing foundation to be underpinned to document the existing condition of the foundation (e.g. cracks, fissures, settlement, etc.) that may be attributed to settlement damage. B. Existing foundations shall be underpinned if the excavation extends below an imaginary line sloping downward and outward from the outside edge of the existing foundations at a 1 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. The foundations shall be underpinned to transfer the foundation loads to a minimum depth of one foot below that defined by an imaginary line sloping upward from the base of the excavation at a 1 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 11 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. Excavate as required for placing underpinning in alternate sections not exceeding 2'-6" in width and to depths required to install the Work as shown. If not otherwise shown, carry the underpinning down to the level of the footings of the new construction. Alternate sections of concrete underpinning shall be in place supporting the superimposed loads properly before adjacent sections of earth are excavated as indicated on the drawings. D. Provide approved shoring as required to prevent damage to existing Work until the underpinning is complete and in condition to support the structure. E. Install forms as excavation is advanced for exposed faces and at each end of each section of the concrete underpinning. No forms will be required for underpinning in contact with existing Work. F. Roughen and clean existing concrete surfaces that will be in contact with concrete underpinning. Wet such surfaces and then coat with neat cement grout. Place new concrete before the grout has attained its initial set. G. Underpinning shall be constructed as continuous concrete wall cast in alternating pits whose dimensions and spacings are selected to maintain stability of the existing foundations and minimize the disturbance of soils adjacent to each underpinning pit. 1. 3.4 Install concrete underpinning in alternate sections not exceeding 2'-6" in width and up to 2 to 3 inches below the bottom of the existing foundations to be supported. Provide a 2 x 4 inch key type construction joint for full height of the concrete at each end of each section. After the underpinning has set for 24 hours, pack the void between the top of the underpinning and the existing Work full with stiff drypack solidly rammed in place. H. Provide wedges, plates and beams to transfer the load of the structure to the underpinning if required to prevent settlement. I. Settlement shall be monitored by the Contractor as required herein. SETTLEMENT DETECTION A. Establish a settlement detection method approved by the Owner’s Representative for structures subject to settlement from excavation, underpinning, sheeting or shoring operations. Maintain surveillance to detect any settlement. At a minimum, follow this procedure: 1. Before starting any excavating, survey and record the position of the structure to be monitored in relation to an approved remote permanent bench mark. At least twice each day during the operations and for a period of not less than 7 days after completion of the Work, carefully check the position of the existing strucutre to detect any settlement. Furnish a written record of each position check to the Owner’s Representative on the same day the check is made. Should any EARTH MOVING 312000 – 12 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY settlement be detected, immediately correct this condition by means of temporary shoring. B. 3.5 3.6 Maximum permissible deflection (horizontal/vertical): 1. Adjacent to permanent structure: 1/4-inch / 1/4-inch. 2. Adjacent to temporary structure: 1-inch / 1-inch DEWATERING A. Prevent surface and subsurface water from flowing into excavations and trenches and from flooding the site and surrounding area. B. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations or trenches. Remove water from all excavations immediately so as not to adversely affect construction procedures or cause excessive disturbance of underlying natural soil, to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, to prevent undercutting footings, and to prevent soil changes detrimental to the stability of subgrades and foundations. Furnish and maintain pumps, sumps, suction and discharge piping systems, and other system components at own expense as necessary to convey the water away from the Site. C. Where necessary, lower groundwater level in advance of excavation to facilitate construction in accordance with these specifications. D. Convey water removed from excavations, and rain water, to collecting or run-off area. Cut and maintain temporary drainage ditches and provide other necessary diversions outside excavation limits for each structure. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. E. Provide temporary controls to restrict the velocity of discharged water as necessary to prevent erosion and siltation of receiving areas. PLACING FILL AND BACKFILL A. Preparation of Fill Areas: Strip vegetation, topsoil, subsoil with organic material and other deleterious materials prior to placement of fill. Remove old pavements. Prior to placement of fill, smooth out and compact areas where wheel rutting has occurred due to stripping or earthwork operations. B. Backfill excavations as promptly as Work permits, but not until acceptance by the Owner’s Representative of construction below finish grade including suitability of subgrade and pipe bedding. C. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than eight (8) inches thick in loose depth unless otherwise specified. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to facilitate compaction to the required density. Do not EARTH MOVING 312000 – 13 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or covered with ice. 1. D. Under Structures, Pavements, and Walks: 1. Up to Subgrade Surface Elevation: Place select fill when fill or backfill is required. 2. Subbase Material: Place as indicated. E. Landscaped Areas: Place suitable soil when required to complete fill or backfill areas up to subgrade surface elevation. Do not use material containing rocks over 4 inches in diameter within the top 12 inches of suitable soil. F. Rigid and Flexible Pipe in Trenches: Place bedding material as specified on the plans. G. 3.7 Place fill and backfill against foundation walls and in confined areas (such as trenches) not easily accessible by larger compaction equipment, in maximum 4 inch thick (loose depth) layers. 1. Place cushion material a minimum of 4 inches deep under pipe, 4 inches on either side and 12 inches above top of pipe. Complete balance of backfill as specified. Compact all backfill in layers. 2. Trench in Rock: Place a minimum 6 inch deep bed of cushion material under pipe. Under manholes: 1. Up to Subgrade Surface Elevation: Place selected fill when fill or backfill is required. 2. Subbase Material: subgrade surface. Place 12 inches of Subbase Course Type 2 over H. Backfilling Excavation Resulting from Removal of Unsuitable Material beneath Structures and Other Improvements: Backfill the excavation with compacted select fill. I. Boulders may be spread out at the bottom of any proposed deep fills outside of building areas and a minimum of 10 feet from other foundations, retaining wall systems, or underground utilities, provided that fill materials can be completely compacted around the boulders. Boulders should not be placed within 3 feet of finished grade. COMPACTION A. Compact each layer of fill and backfill for the following area classifications to the percentage of maximum density specified below and at a moisture content EARTH MOVING 312000 – 14 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY suitable to obtain the required densities, but at not less than 2 percent drier or more than 2 percent wetter than the optimum content as determined by ASTM D 1557. 3.8 1. Landscaped Areas: 92 percent. 2. Pavements and Walks: 95 percent. 3. Pipe Trenches: 95 percent. 4. Pipe Bedding: 95 percent. 5. Manholes (entire area within 10 feet outside perimeter): 95 percent. B. When the existing ground surface to be compacted has a density less than that specified for the particular area classification, break up and pulverize, and moisture condition to facilitate compaction to the required percentage of maximum density. C. Moisture Control: 1. Where fill or backfill must be moisture conditioned before compaction, uniformly apply water to the surface and to each layer of fill or backfill. Prevent ponding or other free water on surface subsequent to, and during compaction operations. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. Soil that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing, harrowing or pulverizing, until moisture content is reduced to a value which will permit compaction to the percentage of maximum density specified. 3. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. ROUGH GRADING A. Exterior Grading: Trim and grade area within the Limit of Disturbance and excavations outside the limit line, required by this Contract, to a level of 4 inches below the finish grades indicated unless otherwise specified herein or where greater depths are indicated. Provide smooth uniform transition to adjacent areas. 1. Landscaped Areas: Provide uniform subgrade surface within 1 inch of required level to receive topsoil thickness specified. Compact fill as specified to within 3 inches of subgrade surface. Remove objectionable material detrimental to proper compaction or to placing full depth of topsoil. If the top 3 inches of subgrade has become compacted before EARTH MOVING 312000 – 15 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY placement of topsoil, harrow or otherwise loosen rough graded surface to receive topsoil to a depth of 3 inches immediately prior to placing topsoil. 3.9 SUBGRADE SURFACE FOR WALKS AND PAVEMENT A. Shape and grade subgrade surface as follows: 1. 3.10 Pavements: Shape the surface of areas under pavement to required line, grade and cross section, with the finish surface not more than 1/2 inch above or below the required subgrade surface elevation. B. Grade Control: During construction, maintain lines and grades including crown and cross-slope of subbase course. C. Thoroughly compact subgrade surface for walks and pavement by mechanical rolling, tamping, or with vibratory equipment as approved to the density specified. FINISH GRADING A. Uniformly grade rough graded areas within limits of the Limit of Disturbance to finish grade elevations indicated. B. Grade and compact to smooth finished surface within tolerances specified, and to uniform levels or slopes between points where finish elevations are indicated or between such points and existing finished grade. C. Grade areas adjacent to building lines so as to drain away from structures and to prevent ponding. D. Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes, and as follows: E. 1. Grassed Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within 1 inch above or below the required subgrade surface elevations. 2. Pavements: Place and compact subbase material as specified. Shape surface of areas under pavement to required line, grade and cross section, with the finish surface not more than 1/2 inch above or below the required subbase elevation. Spread topsoil directly upon prepared subgrade surface to a depth measuring 4 inches after natural settlement of the topsoil has occurred in areas to be seeded or to receive sod. Place to greater depth when necessary to adjust grades to required elevations. 1. Approved existing topsoil excavated from within the Limit of Work may be used. Provide additional topsoil from outside sources as required. EARTH MOVING 312000 – 16 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY F. 3.11 3.12 3.13 Finish topsoil surface free of depressions which will trap water, free of stones over 1 inch in any dimension, and free of debris. MAINTENANCE AND RESTORATION A. Restore grades to indicated levels where settlement or damage due to performance of the Work has occurred. Correct conditions contributing to settlement. Remove and replace improperly placed or poorly compacted fill materials. B. Restore pavements, walks, curbs, lawns, and other exterior surfaces damaged during performance of the Work to match the appearance and performance of existing corresponding surfaces as closely as practicable. C. Topsoil and seed or sod damaged lawn areas. Water as required until physical completion of the Work. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS AND UNSUITABLE MATERIALS A. Remove from the Owner’s property and dispose of excess and unsuitable materials, including materials resulting from clearing and grubbing and removal of existing improvements. B. Transport excess topsoil to areas on the owner’s property designated by the Owner’s Representative. Smooth grade deposited topsoil and establish turf. C. Burning shall not be permitted. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compaction Testing: Notify the Owner’s Representative at least 3 working days in advance of all phases of clearing, stripping, filling and backfilling operations. Compaction testing will be performed by the Owner’s Representative to ascertain the compacted density of the proofrolled existing soil, fill and backfill materials. Compaction testing will be performed on certain layers of the fill and backfill as determined by the Owner’s Representative. If a compacted layer fails to meet the specified percentage of maximum density, the layer shall be recompacted and will be retested. No additional material may be placed over a compacted layer until the specified density is achieved. 1. B. Contractor shall provide the testing results to the Owner’s Representative. Proofrolling 1. EARTH MOVING Soil sungrades, should be proofrolled under the observation of the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer. Proofrolling should consist of four (4) passes with a vibratory roller having a static weight of at least ten (10) tons in open areas and a 1.5 ton trench roller in confined areas. 312000 – 17 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.14 2. Proofrolling should not be performed in wet areas until they are dewatered and allowed to dry. Proofrolling soils that are too wet to compact may create more unstable conditions. 3. Any soil deemed unsuitable by the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer (areas found to be soft and yielding during proofrolling), should be removed at the direction of the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer. Over excavated areas should be backfilled with an approved, compacted fill. 4. All costs associated with proofrolling and remediate disclosed by same shall be borne by the Contractor. PROTECTION A. Protect graded areas from traffic and erosion, and keep them free of trash and debris. END OF SECTION 31 20 00 EARTH MOVING 312000 – 18 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 31 25 00 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control shall include implementation and maintenance of soil erosion and sediment control devices and construction methods, as shown on the Plans, as required under the Guidelines or as directed by the Owner’s Representative, State or Municipality, which will reduce or prevent soil losses and associated damages from sedimentation during construction of this project. All costs associated with the provision of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control acceptable to the above parties shall be included in the price bid for the project. Work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: a. Install and maintain silt fence as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. b. Install and maintain construction entrance pad(s) at all access points. c. Install and maintain inlet protection as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. d. Install and maintain diversion swales and/or berms as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. e. Install and maintain sediment traps/ponds as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. f. Plant and maintain temporary seeding to control surface runoff by site conditions. g. Construct and maintain stockpile areas as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. h. Install and maintain tree protection during construction as required by the Contractor’s staging of construction, or as directed. i. Implement ongoing dust control. All work under this item must comply with the New York State Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, revised and adopted through August 2005, and the latest revisions thereto. Additionally, this work is subject to the review and inspection by the owner’s representative, and the Contractor shall comply with all corrective directives issued by these entities without additional payment. Any EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 312500 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY penalties levied by the Municipality, County, or State, or any direct or consequential damages arising out of a Stop Work Order issued by the Municipality, County, or State, if due to inaction by the Contractor, shall be borne solely by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. 1.2 1.3 The Owner’s Representative has the authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth exposed by earthwork operations and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate temporary or permanent erosion or pollution control measures to minimize damage to property. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. New York State Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, revised and adopted through August 2005, and the latest revisions thereto. D. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared for the project (when required by an NYSDEC GP-0-010-01 issued for the project). RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSWHERE: A. Site Clearing: Section 31 10 00. B. Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EROSION CONTROL DEVICES A. Hay or Straw bales shall conform to NYS DOT Section 713-18 or 713-19 and shall be bound with wire or baling twine. The twine shall be polypropylene which has a knot strength of 170 pounds and straight break strength of 300 pounds, minimum. B. Silt Fence may be commercially available silt fence systems, consisting of synthetic geotextile fabrics and hardwood stakes. The height of the fence shall be a minimum of two (2) feet, and the fabric shall be wide enough to allow for a minimum embedment in the ground of two (2) feet of fabric. Sections shall be joined in a manner such that the fence shall function continuously. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 312500 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. Rapid germination grasses such as fescue or rye. D. Stakes for securing bales may either be steel or wood and shall conform to the sizes shown on the Plans. E. Mulches: Hay, straw, wood cellulose, fiber mats, geotextiles, and other materials approved by the owner’s representative. F. Stone: Well-graded aggregate compliant with NYSDOT Section 703. G. Filter Fabric shall be commercially available non-woven geotextile with the following properties: 1. Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4632: 120 lbs. 2. Mullen Burst Strength ASTM D3786: 225 psi. 3. Trapezoidal Tear Strength ASTM D4355: 50 lbs. 4. Puncture Strength ASTM D4833: 70 lbs. 5. UV Resistance after 500 hours ASTM D4355: 70% strength 6. Apparent Opening Size ASTM D4751: US Sieve #70 7. Permittivity ASTM D4491: 1.8 sec-1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The contractor shall incorporate all temporary soil erosion and sediment control measures into the project at the earliest practicable time, to maintain the maximum protection against soil erosion and sedimentation possible, throughout the life of the contract. B. All erosion and sediment control practices shall conform to the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in the State of New York. C. A schedule of construction operations shall be submitted to the Owner’s Representative for approval. Said schedule shall outline construction phasing and shall indicate how and where erosion control measures will be utilized. The schedule shall include indications of locations for construction staging, soil stockpiles, etc., and any disturbances outside the limit of excavation shown on the Plans. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 312500 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.2 3.3 D. Prior to initial clearing of the area to be excavated, erosion control measures shall be installed, such as stone construction entrance, hay bales, silt fence, and inlet protection. E. The smallest practicable area of land shall be disturbed at any one time during the project and, whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected. Stripping of vegetation, grading and other soil disturbances shall be completed in a manner that will minimize soil erosion and sedimentation. 1. The Owner’s Representative may limit the area of clearing and grubbing and earthwork operations in progress commensurate with the Contractor’s demonstrated capability in protecting erodible earth surfaces with temporary or permanent erosion control measures. 2. Under no circumstances will the area of erodible material exposed at one time exceed five (5) acres without prior written approval of the Owner’s Representative. 3. The Owner’s Representative may increase or decrease the area of erodible earth material exposed at one time as determined by his analysis of project, weather and other conditions. F. All other construction procedures shall conform to the NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 209. G. Incorporate permanent control features into the work at the earliest practical time. H. Sweeping of hardscape shall be performed weekly (as a minimum), at the end of a work day when construction activity results in the tracking of sediment onto hardscape, or as directed by the Owner’s Representative to remove accumulated sediment generated by construction operations. STOCKPILE A. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas where directed by the Owner’s Representative. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles if required to prevent windblown dust. B. Protect all soil and topsoil stockpiles as directed by the Owner’s Representative or other authority having jurisdiction over the project. TREE PROTECTION A. Fencing or other barrier will be installed at the drip line of the tree branches. B. Boards will not be nailed to trees during building operations. C. Feeder root should not be cut in an area inside the drip line of tree branches. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 312500 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. Damaged trunks or exposed roots will be painted immediately with a good grade of “tree paint”. Care of serious injury should be prescribed by a professional forester or licensed tree expert. E. Tree limb removal, where necessary, will be done flush to trunk or main branch and that area painted with a good grade of “tree paint”. F. Water trees and other vegetation to remain within limits of contract work as required to maintain their health during course of construction. G. Additional requirements are provided on the details shown on the project plans. END OF SECTION 31 25 00 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 312500 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 31 37 00 - RIPRAP PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1. 1.3 Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.4 Provision of stone aprons at the terminus of all storm sewer outfalls as shown and dimensioned on the plans and details. Provision of stone slope protection of various sizes, areas, and locations as indicated on the plans. Provision of filter fabric at locations of riprap installation as indicated on the plans New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Filter Fabric 1. Storage and handling of filter fabric shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Prior to its use, the filter fabric shall be stored in a protective wrapping that will shield it from sunlight, heat, ultraviolet rays, mud, dirt, dust and debris to the extent that its strength or toughness is not diminished. Torn or punctures filter fabric shall not be used. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BEDDING MATERIAL RIPRAP 313700 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. 2.2 RIPRAP MATERIALS A. B. 2.3 Conform to NYS DOT Paragraph 620-2.05 Bedding Material. Provide sound, durable, stone complying with the following requirements: 1. Freeze-Thaw Test: A maximum of 10 percent loss, by weight, after 25 cycles of freezing and thawing. 2. Magnesium Sulfate Soundness Test: A maximum 10 percent loss, by weight, after 10 cycles of the magnesium sulfate soundness test. Conform to NYS DOT Paragraph 620-2.03. RIPRAP A. End Dumped: Conform to NYS DOT Figure 620-1, Stone Filling Gradation Requirements for light stone filling as indicated on the plans. 2.4 FILTER FABRIC A. RIPRAP Provide filter fabric complying with the following requirements: 1. Long-chain polymeric filament, woven or non-woven cloth. It shall have a melting point of not less than 200 degrees F. Grab tensile strength when tested in accordance with ASTM D-1682 shall be not less than 125 pounds. After exposure to 300 degrees F for 1 hour (under no stress), it shall retain 80 percent of its original grab strength. 2. The fabric shall be capable of supporting, without tearing, construction equipment needed for placement of materials on top of the fabric. The fabric must be capable of retaining the subgrade and subbase soils while permitting the free passage of water from these soils through the fabric and into the trench backfill. 3. Acceptable fabrics: a. Mirafi FW500 b. Phillips 66 Supac 4NP c. Dupong Typar 3341 313700 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. 3.2 BEDDING MATERIAL A. 3.3 Clear proposed riprap area of brush, trees and stumps, and grade to a smooth level surface. Compact filled areas in accordance with Section 31 20 00. Spread a layer of bedding material and/or filter fabric prior to placing riprap. Thickness shall be as indicated on the plans, but not less than six (6) inches. Prevent mixing of bedding material with subgrade. RIPRAP INSTALLATION A. End Dumped: End dump riprap to conform with the lines, grades and thicknesses indicated. End dumped riprap shall be a well graded mass of variable size stones with no areas of uniform size material. Rearrange individual stones, if necessary, by hand or with mechanical equipment to obtain the specified results. END OF SECTION 31 37 00 RIPRAP 313700 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 12 00 - FLEXIBLE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Fine grading of pavement sub-grade 2. Milling of existing asphalt pavement. 3. Sawing of existing asphalt pavement. 4. Installation of full-depth hot mix asphalt pavement. 5. Installation of hot mix asphalt patching. 6. Installation of hot mix asphalt overlays. 7. Pavement reconstruction. 8. Trench repair with hot mix asphalt. 9. Temporary pavement. 10. Installation of bituminous surface treatment. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1. 1.2 Section 31 20 00. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's name, specifications, and installation instructions, for each item specified. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. 1.3 Earth Moving: Plant name and location of hot mix asphalt supplier. PROJECT CONDITIONS FLEXIBLE PAVING 321200 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. 1.4 1.5 Environmental Requirements: 1. Discontinue paving when surface temperatures fall below requirements listed in NYS DOT Table 402-2. 2. Do not place asphalt concrete on wet surfaces, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the proper handling or finishing of bituminous mixtures as determined by the Owner’s Representative. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed hot-mix asphalt paving similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Engage a firm experienced in manufacturing hotmix asphalt similar to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Firm shall be a registered and approved paving mix manufacturer with authorities having jurisdiction or with the DOT of the state in which Project is located. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Hot Mix Asphalt Paving: Pavements. Conform to NYS DOT Section 400 Bituminous 1. Top Course: NYS DOT, Type 6, Item 403.178202, as indicated on the plans. 2. Binder Course: NYS DOT Type 3, Item 403.138902. 3. Tack Coat: NYS DOT 407.01 4. Joint Sealant: ASTM D6690 Type II Joint and Crack Sealants, Hot Applied, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements. FLEXIBLE PAVING 321200 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Verify that subgrade is dry and in suitable condition to support paving and imposed loads. B. Proof-roll subbase to satisfaction of the Owner’s Representative using heavy, pneumatic-tired rollers to locate areas that are unstable or that require further compaction. C. Remediate unsatisfactory conditions. Do not begin paving installation until these conditions have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Owner’s Representative. COLD MILLING A. 3.3 Clean existing paving surface of loose and deleterious material immediately before cold milling. Remove existing asphalt pavement, including hot-mix asphalt and, as necessary, unbound-aggregate base course, by cold milling to grades and cross sections indicated. Repair or replace curbs, manholes, and other construction damaged during cold milling. PATCHING, REPAIRS, PAVEMENTS A. AND INTERFACE WITH PREVIOUSLY PLACED Patching: Saw cut perimeter of patch and excavate existing pavement section to sound base. Recompact new subgrade. Excavate rectangular or trapezoidal patches, extending 12 inches into adjacent sound pavement, unless otherwise indicated. Cut excavation faces vertically. 1. Tack coat faces of excavation and allow to cure before paving. 2. Fill excavation with dense-graded, hot-mix asphalt base mix and, while still hot, compact flush with adjacent surface. 3. Partially fill excavation with dense-graded, hot-mix asphalt base mix and compact while still hot. Cover asphalt base course with compacted, hotmix surface layer finished flush with adjacent surfaces. B. Crack and Joint Filling: Remove existing filler material from cracks or joints to a depth of 1/4 inch. Refill with asphalt joint-filling material to restore watertight condition. Remove excess filler that has accumulated near cracks or joints. C. Tack Coat: Apply uniformly to existing surfaces of previously constructed asphalt or portland cement concrete paving and to surfaces abutting or FLEXIBLE PAVING 321200 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY projecting into new, hot-mix asphalt pavement. Apply at a uniform rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gal./sq. yd. of surface. 3.4 3.6 Allow tack coat to cure undisturbed before paving. 2. Avoid smearing or staining adjoining surfaces, appurtenances, and surroundings. Remove spillages and clean affected surfaces. HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING A. 3.5 1. Construct hot mix asphalt pavement in accordance with NYS DOT, Section 4033. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT A. The Contractor will provide temporary pavement at areas indicated on the plans or as directed by the Owner’s Representative to ensure safe, stable site access during the various stages of project construction. B. Temporary pavement will comply with the requirements and standards of this specification. However, temporary pavement shall exclude the provision of a surface-wearing course. C. All costs associated with the provision of temporary pavement shall be included in the price bid for the project. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. B. Thickness: Compact each course to produce the thickness indicated within the following tolerances: 1. Binder Course: Plus or minus 1/2 inch (13 mm). 2. Surface Course: Plus 1/4 inch (6 mm), no minus. Surface Smoothness: Compact each course to produce a surface smoothness within the following tolerances as determined by using a 10-foot (3-m) straightedge applied transversely or longitudinally to paved areas: 1. Binder Course: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 2. Surface Course: 1/8 inch (3 mm). 3. Crowned Surfaces: Test with crowned template centered and at right angle to crown. Maximum allowable variance from template is 1/8 inch (3 mm). FLEXIBLE PAVING 321200 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Contractor will engage a qualified independent testing agency at his expense to perform field inspections and tests and to prepare test reports. Testing agency will conduct and interpret tests and state in each report whether tested Work complies with or deviates from specified requirements. All reporting demonstration compliance with the standards described herein shall be provided to the Owner’s Representative at the Contractor’s expense. B. Additional testing, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of corrected Work with specified requirements. C. Thickness: In-place compacted thickness of hot-mix asphalt courses will be determined according to ASTM D 3549. D. Surface Smoothness: Finished surface of each hot-mix asphalt course will be tested for compliance with smoothness tolerances. E. In-Place Density: Field density of in-place compacted pavement shall be determined by nuclear method according to ASTM D 2950. F. Remove and replace or install additional hot-mix asphalt where test results or measurements indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements. END OF SECTION 32 12 00 FLEXIBLE PAVING 321200 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 13 00- RIGID PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 1.4 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Installation of concrete walkways. 2. Installation of concrete vehicular aprons. 3. Installation of concrete utility pads. 4. Installation of concrete footings for incidental site construction. 5. Placement of miscellaneous concrete during the course of construction. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. Except as shown or specified otherwise, the Work of this Section shall conform to the requirements of Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 301-10 of the American Concrete Institute. DEFINITIONS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 1): A. Exposed Construction: Exposed to view. B. Architectural Concrete: Concrete which is exposed to view as an interior or exterior surface in the completed structure. SUBMITTALS A. RIGID PAVING Submittals Package: Submit product data for design mix(es) and materials for concrete specified below at the same time as a package. 321300 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. Shop Drawings: Placing drawings for bar reinforcement. C. Product Data: D. 1. Concrete design mix(es) with name and location of batching plant. 2. Portland Cement: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 3. Fly Ash: Name and location of source, and NYS DOT test numbers. 4. Air-entraining Admixture: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 5. Water-reducing Admixture: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 6. Aggregates: Name and location of source, and NYS DOT test numbers. 7. Lightweight Coarse Aggregate: Brand and manufacturer’s name 8. Chemical Curing and Anti-Spalling Compound: Brand and manufacturer’s name, and application instructions. 9. Bonding Agent (Adhesive): Brand and manufacturer’s name, and preparation and application instructions. 10. Expansion Joint Filler: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 11. Emery Aggregate: Brand and manufacturer’s name, and application instructions. Quality Control Submittals: 1. 1.5 Certificates: Affidavit required under Quality Assurance Article. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete batching plant shall be currently approved as a concrete supplier by the New York State Department of Transportation. B. Fly ash supplier shall be currently approved as a fly ash supplier by the New York State Department of Transportation. C. Certifications: Affidavit by the bar reinforcement manufacturer certifying that bar material meets the contract requirements. D. Source Quality Control: the Owner’s Representative reserves the right to inspect and approve the following items, at his own discretion, either with his own forces or with a designated inspection agency: RIGID PAVING 321300 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.6 2. Sources of materials. Weather limitations: The provisions of NYSDOT Section 502-3.01 shall apply. STORAGE A. 1.8 Batching and mixing facilities and equipment. FIELD CONDITIONS A. 1.7 1. Store materials so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work. Materials, even though accepted prior to storage, are subject to inspection and shall meet the requirements of the Contract before their use in the Work. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 2): A. Water-reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A, and on the New York State Department of Transportation’s current “Approved List”. B. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, including Table 1A (except for footnote A), Class F except that loss on ignition shall not exceed 4.0 percent. C. Chemical Curing and Anti-Spalling Compound: ASTM C-309, Type 1D, Class B, with a minimum 18 percent total solids content. No thinning of material allowed. RIGID PAVING 1. SureCure Emulsion, Kaufman Products, Inc. 3811 Curtis Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21226, (800) 637-6372. 2. Cure & Seal by Symons Corp., 200 East Touhy Ave., PO Box 5018, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5018, (847) 298-3200. 3. “Kure N Seal W” by Sonneborn Building Products, Chemrex, Inc., 889 Valley Park Dr., Shakopee, MN 55379, (800) 433-9517. 4. Day-Chem Cure & Seal 26 percent (J-22) by Dayton Superior Corp., 721 Richard St., Miamisburg, OH 45342, (800) 745-3700. 321300 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 5. 2.2 Acrylseal HS by Master Builders, Inc., 23700 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44122, (800) 628-9990. D. Type 1 Expansion Joint Filler: Preformed, resilient, non-extruding cork units; ASTM D 1752, Type II. E. Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, PVC or rubber; one inch chamfer. F. Epoxy Bonding Agent (Adhesive): 100 percent solids epoxy-resin-base bonding compound, complying with ASTM C 881, Types I, II, IV and V, Grade 2 (horizontal areas) or Grade 3 (overhead/vertical areas), and Class B (40-60 degrees Fahrenheit) or Class C (60 degree Fahrenheit and above). 1. SurePoxy HM Series by Kaufman Products, Inc., 3811 Curtis Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21226, (800) 637-6372. 2. Sikadur Hi-Mod 32 by Sika Corporation, 201 Polito Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, (800) 933-7452. 3. Epogrip by Sonneborn-Chemrex, 889 Valley Park Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379, (800) 433-9517. PROPORTIONING (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 3): A. Compressive Strength: otherwise. 1. Minimum 4000 psi, unless shown or specified Minimum 4000 psi for subsurface concrete, footings, poured inverts, stairs, and sidewalks. B. Weight: Normal: C. Durability: Concrete shall be air-entrained. Design air content shall be 6 percent by volume, with an allowable tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 percent for total air content. Entrained air shall be provided by use of an approved airentraining admixture. Air-entrained cement shall not be used. D. Slump: E. RIGID PAVING 1. 3000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 4 inches. 2. 4000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 3 inches. 3. Lightweight Concrete: Between 1 inch and 4 inches. Admixtures: Do not use admixtures in concrete unless specified or approved in writing by the owner’s representative. 321300 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY F. Selection of Proportions: Concrete proportions shall be established on the basis of previous field experience or laboratory trial batches, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner’s Representative. Proportion mix with a minimum cement content of 564 pounds per cubic yard for 3000 psi concrete and 611 pounds per cubic yard for 4000 psi concrete. 1. 2.3 2.4 Adjustments shall include the required increase in air-entraining admixture to provide the specified air content. b. Lower early strength of the concrete shall be considered in deciding when to remove formwork. A. Bar Reinforcement: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed steel bars. B. Fabric Reinforcement: ASTM A 185, welded wire fabric, fabricated into flat sheets unless otherwise indicated. C. Bar Supports: Galvanized steel or AISI Type 430 stainless steel, and without plastic tips. D. Tie Wire: Black annealed wire, 16-1/2 gage or heavier. JOINTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 6): Obtain bond at construction joints by the use of bonding agent (adhesive) or the use of cement grout. PRODUCTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 7): A. 2.6 a. REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5): A. 2.5 Optional Material: Fly ash may be substituted for (Portland) cement in normal weight concrete up to a maximum of 15 percent by weight of the required minimum (Portland) cement. If fly ash is incorporated in a concrete design mix, make necessary adjustments to the design mix to compensate for the use of fly ash as a partial replacement for (Portland) cement. Provide ready-mixed concrete, either central-mixed or truck-mixed. FORMS A. RIGID PAVING Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood, or other approved panel-type materials to provide full-depth, continuous, straight, smooth exposed surfaces. Use flexible or curved forms for curves of a radius 100 feet or less. 321300 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Do not use items of aluminum for mixing, chuting, conveying, forming or finishing concrete, except magnesium alloy tools may be used for finishing. B. Keep excavations free of water. Do not deposit concrete in water. C. Hardened concrete, reinforcement, forms, and earth which will be in contact with fresh concrete shall be free from frost at the time of concrete placement. D. Prior to placement of concrete, remove all hardened concrete spillage and foreign materials from the space to be occupied by the concrete. FORMWORK (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 4): A. 3.3 PLACING REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5): A. 3.4 3.5 Chamfer all exposed external corners of concrete. At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other materials or coatings that may adversely affect or reduce the bond. PLACING CONCRETE (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 8): A. Operation of truck mixers and agitators and discharge limitations shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. B. Do not allow concrete to free fall more than 4 feet. C. Protect concrete from exposure to salts for sixty (60) days. FINISHING FORMED SURFACES (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 10): A. RIGID PAVING Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: 321300 – 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.6 1. Rough Form Finish for concrete surfaces not exposed to view. 2. Smooth Form Finish for concrete surfaces exposed to view. FINISHING SLABS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 11): A. Slabs On Grade: exposed joints. B. Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: 1. 2. 3.7 Tool Floated Finish for: a. Treads and platforms of exterior steps and stairs. b. Slabs and fill over which waterproofing, roofing, vapor barrier, or insulation is required. Broom or Belt Finish for: a. C. Provide key type joints unless otherwise shown. Exterior slabs. Representative. Texture, as approved by the Owner’s Finishing, General: Provide monolithic finishes on concrete floors and slabs without the addition of mortar or other filler material. Finish surfaces in true planes, true to line, with particular care taken during screeding to maintain an excess of concrete in front of the screed so as to prevent low spots. Screed and darby concrete to true planes while plastic and before free water rises to the surface. Do not perform finishing operations during the time free water (bleeding) is on the surface. JOINTS A. General: Construct construction, isolation, and contraction joints and tool edgings true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When joining existing pavement, place transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless otherwise indicated. B. Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end terminations of pavement and at locations where pavement operations are stopped for more than one-half hour, unless pavement terminates at isolation joints. RIGID PAVING 321300 – 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. C. Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. D. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint-filler strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated. E. F. 3.8 Continue reinforcement across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of pavement strips, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Locate expansion joints at intervals of 20 feet, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint. 3. Terminate joint filler less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface if joint sealant is indicated. 4. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface if joint sealant is not indicated. 5. Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint-filler sections together. 6. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. Contraction Joints: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-half of the concrete thickness, as follows: 1. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with groover tool to the following radius. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover marks on concrete surfaces. Radius shall be ¼ inch. 2. Sawn Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before developing random contraction cracks. Edging: Tool edges of pavement, gutters, curbs, and joints in concrete after initial floating with an edging tool to the following radius. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces. Radius shall be ¼ inch. CURING AND PROTECTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 12): RIGID PAVING 321300 – 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. Maintain concrete surfaces in a moist condition for at least 7 days after placing, except where otherwise indicated. Do not use curing compound. 1. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 16): A. 3.10 Make available to the Owner’s Representative whatever test samples are required to make tests. Furnish shipping boxes for compression test cylinders. Provide field cure box as required. TOLLERANCES A. 3.11 For surfaces of exterior slabs (on grade), apply chemical curing and antispalling compound in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Comply with tolerances of ACI 117 and as follows: 1. Elevation: ¼ inch. 2. Thickness: Plus 3/8 inch, minus ¼ inch 3. Surface: Gap below 10 foot long, unleveled straightedge not to exceed ¼ inch. 4. Joint Spacing: 3 inches. 5. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus ¼ inch, no minus. 6. Joint Width: Plus 1/8 inch, no minus. REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. RIGID PAVING Remove and replace concrete that is broken, damaged, or defective, or does not meet requirements in this Section. Reasons for rejection of concrete include the following: 1. Staining or discoloration of pavement. 2. Expansion joints are not perpendicular to roadway. 3. Joints and surfaces are improperly finished. 321300 – 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 4. Expansion joints protrude from pavement. 5. Cracks, chips, or other damage occur in construction of maintenance period. 6. Improper vibration of concrete. 7. Vandalism during initial setup of concrete. 8. Pavement is out of alignment by more than 0.2 feet. 9. Pavement is off grade by more than 0.1 feet. 10. Settlement of pavement. 11. Inspection of formwork not asked for by Contractor prior to pouring of pavement. B. Drill test cores where directed by the Owner’s Representative when necessary to determine magnitude of cracks or defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to pavement with epoxy adhesive. C. Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. D. Maintain concrete pavement free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. Sweep concrete pavement not more than two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspections. END OF SECTION 32 13 00 RIGID PAVING 321300 – 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 16 00 - CURBS AND GUTTERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 1.4 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Installation of concrete vertical/mountable curbing. 2. Installation of stone, precast, block, or granite vertical/mountable curbing with concrete foundations. 3. Installation of concrete gutters. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. Except as shown or specified otherwise, the Work of this Section shall conform to the requirements of Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 301-10 of the American Concrete Institute. DEFINITIONS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 1): A. Exposed Construction: Exposed to view. B. Architectural Concrete: Concrete which is exposed to view as an interior or exterior surface in the completed structure. SUBMITTALS A. Submittals Package: Submit product data for design mix(es) and materials for concrete specified below at the same time as a package. B. Shop Drawings: Placing drawings for bar reinforcement. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. D. Product Data: 1. Concrete design mix(es) with name and location of batching plant. 2. Portland Cement: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 3. Fly Ash: Name and location of source, and NYS DOT test numbers. 4. Air-entraining Admixture: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 5. Water-reducing Admixture: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 6. Aggregates: Name and location of source, and NYS DOT test numbers. 7. Lightweight Coarse Aggregate: Brand and manufacturer’s name 8. Chemical Curing and Anti-Spalling Compound: Brand and manufacturer’s name, and application instructions. 9. Bonding Agent (Adhesive): Brand and manufacturer’s name, and preparation and application instructions. 10. Expansion Joint Filler: Brand and manufacturer’s name. 11. Emery Aggregate: Brand and manufacturer’s name, and application instructions. Quality Control Submittals: 1. 1.5 Certificates: Affidavit required under Quality Assurance Article. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete batching plant shall be currently approved as a concrete supplier by the New York State Department of Transportation. B. Fly ash supplier shall be currently approved as a fly ash supplier by the New York State Department of Transportation. C. Certifications: Affidavit by the bar reinforcement manufacturer certifying that bar material meets the contract requirements. D. Source Quality Control: the Owner’s Representative reserves the right to inspect and approve the following items, at his own discretion, either with his own forces or with a designated inspection agency: 1. Batching and mixing facilities and equipment. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 2. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. 1.7 Weather limitations: The provisions of NYSDOT Section 502-3.01 shall apply. STORAGE A. 1.8 Sources of materials. Store materials so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work. Materials, even though accepted prior to storage, are subject to inspection and shall meet the requirements of the Contract before their use in the Work. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 2): A. Water-reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A, and on the New York State Department of Transportation’s current “Approved List”. B. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, including Table 1A (except for footnote A), Class F except that loss on ignition shall not exceed 4.0 percent. C. Chemical Curing and Anti-Spalling Compound: ASTM C-309, Type 1D, Class B, with a minimum 18 percent total solids content. No thinning of material allowed. 1. SureCure Emulsion, Kaufman Products, Inc. 3811 Curtis Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21226, (800) 637-6372. 2. Cure & Seal by Symons Corp., 200 East Touhy Ave., PO Box 5018, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5018, (847) 298-3200. 3. “Kure N Seal W” by Sonneborn Building Products, Chemrex, Inc., 889 Valley Park Dr., Shakopee, MN 55379, (800) 433-9517. 4. Day-Chem Cure & Seal 26 percent (J-22) by Dayton Superior Corp., 721 Richard St., Miamisburg, OH 45342, (800) 745-3700. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 5. D. Type 1 Expansion Joint Filler: Preformed, resilient, non-extruding cork units; ASTM D 1752, Type II. E. Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, PVC or rubber; one inch chamfer. F. Epoxy Bonding Agent (Adhesive): 100 percent solids epoxy-resin-base bonding compound, complying with ASTM C 881, Types I, II, IV and V, Grade 2 (horizontal areas) or Grade 3 (overhead/vertical areas), and Class B (40-60 degrees Fahrenheit) or Class C (60 degree Fahrenheit and above). G. 2.2 Acrylseal HS by Master Builders, Inc., 23700 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44122, (800) 628-9990. 1. SurePoxy HM Series by Kaufman Products, Inc., 3811 Curtis Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21226, (800) 637-6372. 2. Sikadur Hi-Mod 32 by Sika Corporation, 201 Polito Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, (800) 933-7452. 3. Epogrip by Sonneborn-Chemrex, 889 Valley Park Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379, (800) 433-9517. Stone Curb: The requirements of NYSDOT Section 714-01 shall apply with the exception of all references to “bluestone”, which are disallowed. Belgian block shall also comply with the requirements of ASTM C 615. PROPORTIONING (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 3): A. Compressive Strength: otherwise. 1. Minimum 4000 psi, unless shown or specified Minimum 4000 psi B. Weight: Normal: C. Durability: Concrete shall be air-entrained. Design air content shall be 6 percent by volume, with an allowable tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 percent for total air content. Entrained air shall be provided by use of an approved airentraining admixture. Air-entrained cement shall not be used. D. Slump: 1. E. 4000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 3 inches. Admixtures: Do not use admixtures in concrete unless specified or approved in writing by the owner’s representative. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY F. Selection of Proportions: Concrete proportions shall be established on the basis of previous field experience or laboratory trial batches, unless otherwise approved in writing by the owner’s representative. Proportion mix with a minimum cement content of 611 pounds per cubic yard for 4000 psi concrete. 1. 2.3 2.4 Adjustments shall include the required increase in air-entraining admixture to provide the specified air content. b. Lower early strength of the concrete shall be considered in deciding when to remove formwork. A. Bar Reinforcement: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed steel bars. B. Fabric Reinforcement: ASTM A 185, welded wire fabric, fabricated into flat sheets unless otherwise indicated. C. Bar Supports: Galvanized steel or AISI Type 430 stainless steel, and without plastic tips. D. Tie Wire: Black annealed wire, 16-1/2 gage or heavier. JOINTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 6): Obtain bond at construction joints by the use of bonding agent (adhesive) or the use of cement grout. PRODUCTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 7): A. 2.6 a. REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5): A. 2.5 Optional Material: Fly ash may be substituted for (Portland) cement in normal weight concrete up to a maximum of 15 percent by weight of the required minimum (Portland) cement. If fly ash is incorporated in a concrete design mix, make necessary adjustments to the design mix to compensate for the use of fly ash as a partial replacement for (Portland) cement. Provide ready-mixed concrete, either central-mixed or truck-mixed. FORMS A. Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood, or other approved panel-type materials to provide full-depth, continuous, straight, smooth exposed surfaces. Use flexible or curved forms for curves of a radius 100 feet or less. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Do not use items of aluminum for mixing, chuting, conveying, forming or finishing concrete, except magnesium alloy tools may be used for finishing. B. Keep excavations free of water. Do not deposit concrete in water. C. Hardened concrete, reinforcement, forms, and earth which will be in contact with fresh concrete shall be free from frost at the time of concrete placement. D. Prior to placement of concrete, remove all hardened concrete spillage and foreign materials from the space to be occupied by the concrete. FORMWORK (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 4): A. 3.3 PLACING REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5): A. 3.4 3.5 Chamfer all exposed external corners of concrete. At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other materials or coatings that may adversely affect or reduce the bond. PLACING CONCRETE (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 8): A. Operation of truck mixers and agitators and discharge limitations shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. B. Do not allow concrete to free fall more than 4 feet. C. Protect concrete from exposure to salts for sixty (60) days. FINISHING FORMED SURFACES (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 10): A. Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. 3.6 1. Rough Form Finish for concrete surfaces not exposed to view. 2. Smooth Form Finish for vertical concrete surfaces exposed to view. 3. Broom Finish for gutters and horizontal surfaces exposed to view. Finishing, General: Provide monolithic finishes on concrete without the addition of mortar or other filler material. Finish surfaces in true planes, true to line, with particular care taken during screeding to maintain an excess of concrete in front of the screed so as to prevent low spots. Screed and darby concrete to true planes while plastic and before free water rises to the surface. Do not perform finishing operations during the time free water (bleeding) is on the surface. JOINTS A. General: Construct construction, isolation, and contraction joints and tool edgings true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When joining existing pavement, place transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless otherwise indicated. B. Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end terminations of pavement and at locations where pavement operations are stopped for more than one-half hour, unless pavement terminates at isolation joints. 1. Continue reinforcement across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of pavement strips, unless otherwise indicated. C. Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. D. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint-filler strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated. 1. Locate expansion joints at intervals of 20 feet, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint. 3. Terminate joint filler less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface if joint sealant is indicated. 4. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface if joint sealant is not indicated. 5. Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint-filler sections together. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 6. E. F. 3.7 Contraction Joints: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-half of the concrete thickness, as follows: 1. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with groover tool to the following radius. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover marks on concrete surfaces. Radius shall be ¼ inch. 2. Sawn Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before developing random contraction cracks. Edging: Tool edges of pavement, gutters, curbs, and joints in concrete after initial floating with an edging tool to the following radius. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces. Radius shall be ¼ inch. CURING AND PROTECTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 12): A. Maintain concrete surfaces in a moist condition for at least 7 days after placing, except where otherwise indicated. Do not use curing compound. 1. 3.8 For surfaces of exterior concrete, apply chemical curing and anti-spalling compound in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 16): A. 3.9 Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. Make available to the Owner’s Representative whatever test samples are required to make tests. Furnish shipping boxes for compression test cylinders. Provide field cure box as required. TOLLERANCES A. Comply with tolerances of ACI 117 and as follows: 1. Elevation: ¼ inch. 2. Thickness: Plus 3/8 inch, minus ¼ inch CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.10 3. Surface: Gap below 10 foot long, unleveled straightedge not to exceed ¼ inch. 4. Joint Spacing: 3 inches. 5. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus ¼ inch, no minus. 6. Joint Width: Plus 1/8 inch, no minus. REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. Remove and replace concrete that is broken, damaged, or defective, or does not meet requirements in this Section. Reasons for rejection of concrete include the following: 1. Staining or discoloration of curb or gutter. 2. Curb is out of horizontal alignment more than 0.20'. 3. Curb is out of vertical alignment more than 0.10'. 4. Expansion joints are not perpendicular to roadway. 5. Joints and surfaces are improperly finished. 6. Expansion joints protrude from curb or gutter. 7. Cracks, chips, or other damage occur in construction of maintenance period. 8. Settlement of curb. 9. Improper vibration of concrete. 10. Vandalism during initial setup of concrete. 11. Inspection of formwork not asked for by Contractor prior to pouring of curb, sidewalk or driveways. B. Drill test cores where directed by the Owner’s Representative when necessary to determine magnitude of cracks or defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to pavement with epoxy adhesive. C. Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. Maintain concrete pavement free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. Sweep concrete pavement not more than two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspections. END OF SECTION 32 16 00 CURBS AND GUTTERS 321600 – 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 17 23 - PAVEMENT MARKINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Applying white, yellow or blue pavement stripes or markings to hot mix asphalt or Portland cement concrete surfaces. 2. The replacement of pavement stripes and markings damaged or impacted during construction. 3. The provision, maintenance and removal of temporary striping and markings as required or as directed by the Owner’s Representative. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. FHWA MUTCD, latest revision, with the New York State Supplement, latest revision. SUBMITTALS A. Written record of existing striping condition as outlined under Section 3.1A below. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. 1.4 Certificates: Affidavit required under Quality Assurance Article. QUALITY ASSURANCE PAVEMENT MARKINGS 321723 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.5 1.6 A. Regulatory Requirements: Chapter III of Title 6 of the official compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (Title 6 NYCRR), Part 205 Architectural Surface Coatings. B. Certification: Affidavit by the paint applicator, certifying that the materials comply with the current regulatory requirements in effect at the time products were delivered and applied. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform the painting operations after working hours, on weekends or at such time so as not to interfere with the flow of traffic. Provide temporary barriers to prevent vehicles from driving over newly painted areas. B. Apply paint on dry pavement surface, when the air temperature is above 40 degrees F. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Flexible Paving: Section 32 12 00. B. Rigid Paving: Section 32 13 00. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Paint: NYS DOT Section 640-2, blue longitudinal striping and hatching, as indicated, or if not indicated, as directed. Delete all references to reflectorization and glass beads. B. Epoxy: NYS DOT Section 727-03, white or yellow longitudinal striping, as indicated, or if not indicated, as directed. Delete all references to reflectorization and glass beads. C. Thermoplastic: NYS DOT Section 727-01, white or yellow markings, lettering, symbols, and hatching, as indicated, or if not indicated, as directed. Delete all references to reflectorization and glass beads. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION PAVEMENT MARKINGS 321723 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.2 A. Photograph, measure, dimension, and record in writing the existing configuration and characteristics of all striping within the project area. Submit a copy of the recorded configuration to the Owner’s Representative for concurrence before proceeding. B. Completely remove prior striping or markings by surficial grinding. Obliteration is not permitted. C. Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign material detrimental to paint adhesion. D. Mark layout of stripes and lines with chalk or paint. APPLYING PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Apply paint in accordance with NYS DOT Section 640-3, except as follows: 1. B. Apply epoxy in accordance with NYS DOT Section 685-3, except as follows: 1. C. Delete references to reflectorization or glass beads. Apply thermoplastic in accordance with NYS DOT Section 687-3, except as follows: 1. D. Delete references to reflectorization or glass beads. Delete references to reflectorization or glass beads. Allow markings to cure before removing traffic control and opening to traffic. Any damage to the installation shall be repaired by Contractor by grinding the damaged striping or markings and reapplying the striping or markings in accordance with the requirements provided above. END OF SECTION 32 17 23 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 321723 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 31 13 - CHAIN LINK FENCES & GATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Installation of fencing consisting of PVC coated hot-dipped galvanized steel chain link fabric and hot-dipped galvanized steel framework. 2. Installation of gates consisting of PVC coated hot-dipped galvanized steel chain link fabric and hot-dipped galvanized steel framework at the locations shown on the plans. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSWHERE: 1. 1.2 1.4 Section 31 20 00. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.3 Earth Moving: New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended SUBMITTALS A. Product data in the form of manufacturer's technical data, specifications, and installation instructions for fence and gateposts, fabric, gates and accessories. B. Shop drawings showing location of fence, gates, each post, and details of post installation, extension arms, cantilever gate, hardware, and accessories. A licensed New York Professional Engineer shall prepare a structurally sound gate design and shop drawing. These materials shall be provided for review. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Chain Link Materials 1. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has at least three years experience and has completed at least five chain link fence projects with same material and of similar scope to that indicated for this Project with a successful construction record of in-service performance. 2. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain chain link fences and gates, including accessories, fittings, and fastenings, from a single source. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify layout information for fences and gates shown on the Drawings in relation to the property survey and existing structures. Verify dimensions by field measurements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FRAMING A. B. Round member sizes are given in actual outside diameter (OD) to the nearest thousandth of inches. Round fence posts and rails are often referred to in ASTM standard specifications by nominal pipe sizes (NPS) or the equivalent trade sizes in inches. The following indicates these equivalents all measured in inches: Actual OD NPS Size Trade Size 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 6.625 8.625 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 6 8 1⅜ 1⅝ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 6⅝ 8⅝ Fence: Galvanized-steel tubing posts and rails conforming to ASTM F 761 with a minimum outside protective coating of 0.6 oz. of zinc per sq. ft., a chromate conversion coating, and a clear polymer overcoat. Provide inside protective coating of 0.6 oz. of zinc per sq. ft. or 81 percent, 0.3-mil-thick zinc pigmented coating. Provide the following sizes of framing members with round galvanizedsteel gate posts conforming to ASTM F 654. 1. Top Rail: 1-5/8" trade size. 2. Fence posts for fabric up to 6 feet high. a. b. C. Line Posts: 2-1/2" trade size. Terminal and Corner Posts: 3" trade size. Type I Round Posts: Standard weight (schedule 40) galvanized-steel pipe conforming to ASTM F 1083, according to heavy industrial requirements of ASTM F 669, Group IA, with minimum yield strength of 25,000 psi, not less than CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.8 oz. of zinc per sq. ft. Type A coating inside and outside according to ASTM F 1234, as determined by ASTM A 90, and weights per foot as follows: D. Actual OD (lb/ft) Weight Size 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 6.625 8.625 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 6 8 1.68 2.27 2.72 3.65 5.79 7.58 9.11 8.97 28.55 NPS Top Rail: Manufacturer's longest lengths (17 to 21 feet) with wedged-end or expansion-type coupling, approximately 6 inches long for joining. Provide rail ends or other means for attaching top rail securely to each gate corner, pull, and end post. Round Steel: 1-5/8" trade size Type I steel pipe. E. 2.2 Steel posts for fabric heights up to 6 feet: 1. Round Line or Intermediate Posts: 2-1/2" trade size Type I steel pipe. 2. Round End, Corner, and Pull Posts: 3" trade size Type I steel pipe. FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES A. Material: Comply with ASTM F 626. Galvanized steel to suit manufacturer's standards. 1. Steel: Unless specified otherwise, hot-dip galvanize pressed steel fence, fittings and accessories with at least 1.2 oz. zinc per sq. ft. as determined by ASTM A 90. B. Post and Line Caps: Provide weathertight closure cap for each post. Provide line post caps with loop to receive tension wire or top rail. C. Post Brace Assembly: Manufacturer's standard adjustable brace. Use material specified below for brace, and truss to line posts with 3/8-inch-diameter rod and adjustable tightener. Provide manufacturer's standard galvanized-steel, cast-iron or cast-aluminum cap for each end. 1. Round Steel: 1-5/8" trade size Type I steel pipe. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. Bottom and Center Rail: Same material as top rail. Provide manufacturer's standard galvanized-steel, cast-iron or cast-aluminum cap for each end. E. Tension or Stretcher Bars: Hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum length 2 inches less than the full height of fabric, a minimum cross section of 1/4 inch by 3/4 inch, and a minimum of 1.2 oz. of zinc coating per sq. ft. Provide one bar for each gate and end post, and two for each corner and pull post, except where fabric is integrally woven into the post. F. Tension and Brace Bands: 3/4-inch-wide minimum hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum of 1.2 oz. of zinc coating per sq. ft. 1. 2. G. 2.3 Tension Bands: 0.074 inch thick (14 gage) minimum. Brace Bands: 0.105 inch thick (12 gage) minimum. Tension Wire: 0.177-inch-diameter metallic-coated steel marcelled tension wire conforming to ASTM A 824 with finish to match fabric. 1. Coating Type I aluminum with a minimum coating weight of 0.40 oz. per sq. ft. as determined by ASTM A 428. 2. Coating Type II zinc in the following class as determined by ASTM A 90. a. Class 1, with a minimum coating weight of 0.80 oz. per sq. ft. of uncoated wire surface. b. Class 2, with a minimum coating weight of 1.20 oz. per sq. ft. of uncoated wire surface. c. Class 3, with a minimum coating weight of 2.00 oz. per sq. ft. of uncoated wire surface. H. Tie Wires: 0.106-inch-diameter (12-gage) galvanized steel with a minimum of 0.80 oz. per sq. ft. of zinc coating according to ASTM A 641, Class 3 or 0.148inch-diameter (9-gage) aluminum wire alloy 1350-H19 or equal, to match fabric wire. Select and edit, if required, one of four subparagraphs below to suit Project. Verify local availability before selecting species and grade. I. Coating: 1. All Fittings and accessories shall be PVC-coated. 2. The color shall be black. CONCRETE A. Concrete: Provide concrete consisting of portland cement per ASTM C 150, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and potable water. Mix materials to obtain 4000 psi CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY concrete. Use at least four sacks of cement per cu. yd., 1-inch maximum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump. 2.4 ROLLING GATE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: A. Gate Frame: 1. The gate frame shall be fabricated from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy extrusions. The top member shall be a 3" x 5" (76mm x 127mm) aluminum structural channel/tube extrusion weighing not less than 3.0 lb/lf (4.4kg/m). To maintain structural integrity this frame member shall be "keyed" to interlock with the “keyed” track member. If fabricated as a single horizontal piece, the bottom member shall be a 2" x 5" (51mm x 127mm) aluminum structural tube weighing not less than 2.0 lb/lf (2.9kg/m). If fabricated in two horizontal pieces, the bottom member shall be a 5" (127mm) aluminum structural channel weighing not less than 2.6 lb/lf (3.8kg/m). When the gate frame is manufactured in two horizontal pieces or sections, they shall be spliced in the field (the gate frame shall be fabricated in one or multiple sections depending on size requirements or project constraints). B. Vertical Members (Chain Link): 1. The vertical members at the ends of the gate frame shall be “P” shaped in cross section with a nominal base dimension of no less than 2” x 2” (51mm x 51mm) and weighing not less than 1.6 lb/lf (2.3kg/m). Major 2” x 2” (51mm x 51mm) vertical members weighing not less than 1.1 lb/lf shall separate each bay and shall be spaced at less than gate height intervals. 2. C. Intermediate 1” x 2” (25mm x 51mm) vertical members weighing not less than .82 lb/lf shall alternate between 2” x 2” major members. Gate Track: 1. The gate frame shall have a separate semi-enclosed “keyed” track, extruded from 6005A-T61 or 6105-T5 aluminum alloy, weighing not less than 2.9 lb/lf (4.2kg/m). The track member is to be located on only one side of the top primary. Welds to be placed alternately along the top and side of the track at 9" (229mm) centers with welds being a minimum of 2" (51mm). D. All welds on the gate frame shall conform to Welding Procedure Specification and Procedure Qualification Record to insure conformance to the AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code. All individual welders shall be certified to AWS D1.2 welding code. See 1.02 D. E. Gate Mounting: 1. The gate frame is to be supported from the track by two (2) swivel type, selfaligning, 4-wheeled, sealed lubricant, ball-bearing truck assemblies. 2. The bottom of each support post shall have a bracket equipped with a pair of 3” (76mm) UHMW guide wheels Wheel cover protectors shall be included with bottom guides to comply with UL325. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3. Gap protectors shall be provided and installed, compliant with ASTM F 2200-05. F. Diagonal Bracing: 1. Diagonal "X" bracing of 3/16" (5mm) minimum diameter stainless steel aircraft cable shall be installed throughout the entire gate frame. G. The gate shall be completed by installation of approved filler as specified. 1. Chain Link: 2” x 2” x 9 gauge aluminized steel chain link fabric shall extend the entire length of the gate (if operated gate, counterbalance must also have fabric to prevent reach through and comply with ASTM F2200, see 1.03 C.1) Fabric shall be attached at each end of the gate frame by standard fence industry tension bars and tied at each 2” x 2” (51mm x 51mm) vertical member with standard fence industry ties. ASTM F2200 requires attachment method that leaves no leading or bottom edge protrusions (cannot exceed 0.5 inch). 2.5 POSTS: A single set of support posts shall be minimum 4" O.D. (102mm) round Schedule 40 or 4” x 4” x 3/16” wall square steel tubing, grade 500. Gate posts shall be galvanized or coated and supported in concrete footings as specified by the design team. 2.6 FINISH: Gate to be mill finish aluminum or color coated with polyester powder as specified. If powder coated, the gate (including track member) and all accessories shall be pretreated chemically by sand blasting or other acceptable method to ensure proper coating adherence. 2.7 WARRANTY: The truck assembly shall be warranted against manufacturing defects by the manufacturer for a period of (5) five years from date of sale. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Install fence to comply with ASTM F 567. Do not begin installation and erection before final grading is completed, unless otherwise permitted. B. Excavation: Drill or hand-excavate (using post-hole digger) holes for posts to diameters and spacings indicated, in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. 1. 2. C. If not indicated on Drawings, excavate holes for each post to minimum diameter recommended by fence manufacturer, but not less than four times the largest cross section of post. Unless otherwise indicated, excavate hole depths approximately 6 inches lower than post bottom, with bottom of posts set not less than 36 inches below finish grade surface. Setting Posts: Center and align posts in holes 6 inches above bottom of CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY excavation. Space a maximum of 10 feet o.c., unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3.3 Protect portion of posts above ground from concrete splatter. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position during placement and finishing operations. Unless otherwise indicated, extend concrete footings 2 inches above grade and trowel to a crown to shed water. D. Top Rails: Run rail continuously through line post caps, bending to radius for curved runs and at other posts terminating into rail end attached to posts or post caps fabricated to receive rail. Provide expansion couplings as recommended by fencing manufacturer. E. Center Rails: Install center rails in one piece between posts and flush with post on fabric side, using rail ends and special offset fittings where necessary. F. Brace Assemblies: Install braces at end and gate posts and at both sides of corner and pull posts. Locate horizontal braces at midheight of fabric on fences with top rail. Install so posts are plumb when diagonal rod is under proper tension. G. Top Tension Wire: Install tension wire through post cap loops before stretching fabric. Pull wire taut, without sags. Fasten fabric to tension wire with 0.120-inchdiameter (11-gage) hog rings of same material and finish as fabric wire, spaced a maximum of 24 inches o.c. GATE INSTALLATION A. Install gates plumb, level, and secure for full opening without interference. Install ground-set items in concrete for anchorage. Adjust hardware for smooth operation and lubricate where necessary. Install gates according to manufacturer's instructions, plumb, level, and secure. END OF SECTION 32 31 13 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 323113 - 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 32 19 - SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 1.1 A. 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Work shall consist of furnishing and construction of a segmental retaining wall system in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown on the plans. B. Work includes preparing foundation soil, furnishing and installing leveling base pad, drainage soil and retained soil to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. C. Work includes furnishing and installing geogrid soil reinforcement of the type, size, location, and lengths designated on the construction drawings. D. Related Sections include the following: 1. 1.3 A. B. Division 2 Section "Earth Moving, Section 31 20 00" for excavation for segmental retaining walls. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Engineering Design 1. NCMA Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, Second Edition. 2. NCMA TEK 2-4 – Specifications for Segmental Retaining Wall Units. 3. NCMA SRWU-1 – Determination of Connection Strength between Geosynthetics and Segmental Concrete Units. 4. NCMA SRWU-2 – Determination of Shear Strength between Segmental Concrete Units. Segmental Retaining Wall Units 1. ASTM C 140 – Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units. 2. ASTM C 1262 – Evaluating the Freeze-Thaw Durability of Manufactured Concrete Masonry Units and Related Concrete Units. 3. ASTM C 33 – Specification for Concrete Aggregates. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. 4. ASTM C 90 – Standard Specification for Load-Bearing Concrete masonry Units. 5. ASTM C 150 – Specification for Portland Cement. 6. ASTM C 595 – Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements. Geotextile Filter 1. D. E. F. 1.4 ASTM D 4751 – Standard Test Method for Apparent Opening Size Geosynthetic Reinforcement 1. ASTM D 4595 – Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the WideWidth Strip Method. 2. ASTM D 5262 – Test Method for Evaluating the Unconfined Creep Behavior of Geosynthetics. 3. GRI GG-1: Single Rib Geogrid Tensile Strength 4. GRI GG-5: Geogrid Pullout 5. GRI GG-6: Geotextile Pullout Soils 1. ASTM D 1557 – Moisture Density Relationship for Soils, Modified Method 2. ASTM D 422 – Gradation of Soils 3. ASTM D 424 – Atterburg Limits of Soils 4. ASTM D G51 – Soil pH 5. ASTM D 3034 – Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe 6. ASTM D 1248 – Specification for Corrugated Plastic Pipe Where specification and reference documents conflict, the Owner’s Representative shall make the final determination of applicable document. SUBMITTALS/CERTIFICATION A. Contractor shall submit a Manufacturer's certification, prior to start of work, that the retaining wall system components meet the requirements of this specification and the structure design. B. Contractor shall submit construction drawings and design calculations for retaining wall systems greater than 2 ½ feet of exposed height prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the state of New York. The segmental retaining wall shall be designed in accordance with recommendations of the NCMA Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, Second Edition. The Contractor shall submit SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY eight original copies of all shop drawings for review (Two (2) copies for the Construction Manager/Owner, two (2) copies for the Architect, two (2) copies for the Engineer, and two (2) copies to be returned to the Contractor upon execution). Fax submissions of shop drawings for review and approval shall not be accepted. 1. The following is a summary of the minimum factors of safety for the various modes of failure evaluated in the proposed design. a. b. c. External Stability 1) Base Sliding 1.5 2) Overturning 2.0 3) Bearing Capacity 2.0 4) Global Stability 1.3 Internal Stability 1) Tensile Overstress 1.0 2) Pullout 1.5 3) Internal Sliding 1.5 Local Stability 1) Facing Shear 1.5 2) Connection 1.5 2. Slopes above and below all sections of the segmental retaining wall are detailed in the site grading plan. 3. The minimum wall embedment shall be the greater of: a. The height of a SRW unit, b. 150 mm (0.5 ft) or, c. The minimum embedment required because of the slope below the wall: Slope Below Wall Level 4. 5. Minimum Embedment H/10 3 : 1 (18.4 deg) H/10 2 : 1 (26.5 deg) H/7 The following surcharge shall be applied to the top of each design cross section based on the following proposed use above the wall. Use Above Wall Minimum Surcharge Heavy Traffic 12.0 kPa (250 lb/sq.ft) State of Stress a. The lateral earth pressure to be resisted by the reinforcement at each reinforcement layer shall be calculated using Coulomb coefficient of earth pressure, Ka, times the vertical stress at each reinforcement layer. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY b. 6. Inclination of Failure Surface a. 7. 1.5 The minimum soil reinforcement length shall be as required to achieve a minimum width of structure, B, measured from the front face of the wall to the end of the soil reinforcements. B must be greater than or equal to 60 percent of the total height, H. The length of the reinforcements at the top of the wall may be increased beyond the minimum length required to increase pullout resistance. Global Stability a. C. The allowable reinforcement tension shall be determined in accordance with the method outlined in the NCMA Design Manual for Segmental retaining Walls, Second Edition. This method calculates the Long Term Design Strength (LTDS.) of the geosynthetic reinforcement by considering the time-temperature creep characteristics of the reinforcement, environmental degradation, construction induced damage and an overall factor of safety. Geogrid Length a. 9. A coulomb failure surface passing through the base of the wall at the back of the reinforced zone up to the ground surface at or above the top of the wall shall be assumed in design of walls. Geosynthetic Reinforcement a. 8. The vertical soil stress at each reinforcement layer shall be taken equal to the unit weight of the soil times the depth to the reinforcement layer below the finished grade behind the facing units. A coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka, shall be used from the top to the bottom of the wall. The coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka, shall be assumed independent of all external loads except sloping fills. For sloping fills, the coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka, appropriate for the sloping condition, using Coulomb earth pressure shall be used in the analysis. The shop drawing submittal shall ensure adequate global/overall slope stability. Contractor shall submit a test report documenting strength of specific modular concrete unit and geogrid reinforcement connection. The maximum design tensile load of the geogrid shall be equal to the laboratory tested ultimate strength of geogrid / facing unit connection at a maximum normal force limited by the “Hinge Height” of the structure divided by a safety factor of 1.5. The connection strength evaluation shall be performed in accordance with NCMA test method SRWU-1. SOIL PARAMETERS: A. The Contractor shall obtain values for the following parameters for retained soil and foundation soil and submit same for review during the retaining wall construction drawing submittal process: B. RETAINED SOIL SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. The retained soil shall be select fill and approved by the Owner’s Representative. 2. The following backfill soil parameters shall be used for the design: Soil Parameter In-Situ Soils Angle of internal friction of backfill Active earth pressure coefficient (Ka) for horizontal backfill surface 0.31 At rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko) for horizontal backfill surface 0.47 Passive earth pressure coefficient 3.25 Coefficient of base friction 0.40 Total unit weight of soil (lb/ft^3) C. 32º 120 FOUNDATION SOIL 1. 2. The foundation Soil shall be the native undisturbed on site soils. The foundation soil shall be examined and approved by the Engineer prior to the placement of the base material. The following foundation soil parameters shall be used for the design: Soil Parameter In-Situ Soils Angle of internal friction of backfill Active earth pressure coefficient (Ka) for horizontal backfill surface 0.31 At rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko) for horizontal backfill surface 0.47 Passive earth pressure coefficient 3.25 Coefficient of base friction 0.40 Total unit weight of soil (lb/ft^3) 1.6 A. 32º 120 QUALITY ASSURANCE Contractor shall submit certification, prior to start of work, that the retaining wall system (modular concrete units and specific geogrid): SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. has been successfully utilized on a minimum of five (5) similar projects, i.e., height, soil fill types, erection tolerances, etc.; and B. Contractor shall submit a list of five (5) previously constructed projects of similar size and magnitude by the wall installer where the specific retaining wall system has been constructed successfully. Contact names and telephone numbers shall be listed for each project. C. Contractor shall provide evidence that the design engineer has a minimum of five years of documentable experience in the design for reinforced soil structures. D. Soil testing and quality assurance inspection during earthwork and wall construction operations shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Division 01. Owner's quality assurance program does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for wall performance. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Contractor shall check all materials upon delivery to assure that the proper type, grade, color, and certification have been received. B. Contractor shall protect all materials from damage due to jobsite conditions and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Damaged materials shall not be incorporated into the work. 1.8 DEFINITIONS A. Modular Concrete Retaining Wall Units – dry-cast solid concrete units that form the external fascia of the modular unit retaining wall system. B. Infill Soil – specified material that is placed directly behind the drainage soil and within the reinforced zone, if applicable. C. Retained Soil – an in-situ soil or a specified soil that is placed behind the wall infill soil. D. Foundation Soil – the in-situ soil beneath the wall structure. E. Drainage Aggregate – a free draining soil with natural soil filtering capabilities, or a free draining soil encapsulated in a suitable geotextile, or a combination of free draining soil and perforated pipe all wrapped in a geotextile, placed directly behind the modular concrete units. F. Drainage Pipe – a perforated pipe used to carry water, collected at the base of the soil retaining wall, to outlets in order to prevent pore water pressures from building up behind the wall facing modules. G. Non-woven Geotextiles – permeable synthetic fabrics formed from a random arrangement of fibers in a planar structure. They allow the passage of water from one soil medium to another while preventing the migration of fine particles that might clog a drainage medium. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY H. Geogrid Reinforcement – a polymer grid structure having tensile strength and durability properties that are suitable for soil reinforcement applications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 A. B. C. 2.2 MODULAR CONCRETE RETAINING WALL UNITS Modular concrete units shall conform to the following architectural requirements: 1. Face Color - standard manufacturers' color to be specified by the Owner. 2. Bond Configuration - running with bonds nominally located at midpoint vertically adjacent units, in both straight and curved alignments. 3. Exposed surfaces of units shall be free of chips, cracks or other imperfections when viewed from a distance of 10 feet under diffused lighting. Modular concrete units shall conform to the following structural and geometric requirements measured in accordance with appropriate references: 1. compressive strength = 5000 psi minimum for 28-day compressive strength as tested in accordance with ASTM C 140; 2. absorption = 5 % maximum for the concrete to ensure adequate freeze-thaw protection; 3. dimensional tolerances = ± 1/8" from nominal unit dimension; 4. unit size - 6" (H) x 8" (W) x 12" (D) minimum; 5. unit weight - 45 lbs/solid unit minimum for the retaining wall modules; Manufacturer and System (or approved equal) 1. Unilock, 845-469-1230 2. Pisa2 SHEAR CONNECTORS A. Shear connectors shall be an integral shear key connection that shall be offset to permit a minimum wall batter of 1H:8V. B. Shear connectors shall be capable of holding the geogrid in the proper design position during grid pre-tensioning and backfilling. 2.3 INFILL SOIL SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. 2.4 A. 2.5 A. 2.6 A. 2.7 A. The infill soil shall consist of free draining sands or gravels with less than 5% passing the #200 sieve size. Select fill (as defined under 31 20 00 (2.1) (A)) may be used if the percent passing the #200 sieve does not exceed five (5) percent. RETAINED SOIL The retained soil shall be select fill approved by the Owner’s Representative. FOUNDATION SOIL The foundation Soil shall be the native undisturbed on site soils. The foundation soil shall be examined and approved by the Engineer prior to the placement of the base material. LEVELING BASE MATERIAL The footing material shall be non-frost susceptible, well graded compacted crushed stone (GW-Unified Soil Classification System), or a concrete leveling base, or as shown on the Construction Drawings. DRAINAGE SOIL Unit drainage fill shall consist of clean 1” minus crushed stone or crushed gravel meeting the following gradation tested in accordance with ASTM D-422: Sieve Size 1 inch 3/4 inch No. 4 No. 50 Percent Passing 100 75-100 0 - 10 0-5 B. One cubic foot, minimum, of drainage fill shall be used for each square foot of wall face. Drainage fill shall be placed within cores of, between, and behind units to meet this requirement. C. No heavy compaction equipment shall be allowed within three (3) feet off the back of the wall fascia. 2.8 A. 2.9 DRAINAGE PIPE The drainage pipe shall be perforated corrugated HDPE or PVC pipe, with a minimum diameter of 4 inches, protected by a geotextile filter to prevent the migration of soil particles into the pipe, or as specified on the construction drawings. GEOTEXTILE FILTER SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. 2.10 The non-woven geotexile shall be installed as specified on the construction drawings. Although selection of the appropriate geotextile specification is site soil specific, a commonly used geotextile for filtration will have an Apparent Opening Size ranging between U.S. Sieve Sizes 100 to 70 (between 0.149 and 0.210 mm) and a minimum unit weight of 135 grams per square meter (4.0 oz / square yard). The coefficient of permeability will typically range between 0.1 and 0.3 cm/second. GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT A. The Engineer shall determine the type, strength, and placement location of the reinforcing geosynthetic. The design properties of the reinforcement shall be determined according to the procedures outlined in this specification. B. Detailed test data shall be submitted with the design calculations and shall included tensile strength (ASTM D 4595 or GGI GG-1), creep potential (ASTM D 5262), site damage and durability (GRI GG-4) and pullout resistance (GRI GG-5 or GRI-GT-6) and connection strength (NCMA SRWU-1). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 A. 3.2 INSPECTION The Contractor is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the specification. This includes the use of approved materials and their proper installation. SITE PREPARATION A. The foundation soil shall be excavated or filled as required to the grades and dimensions on the Construction Drawing or as directed by the Owner’s Representative. B. The foundation soil shall be proof rolled and examined by the Owner’s Representative to ensure that it meets the minimum strength requirements according to the design assumptions. If unacceptable foundation soil is encountered, the contractor shall excavate the affected areas and replace with suitable quality material under the direction of the Owner’s Representative. C. In cute situations, the native soil shall be excavated to the lines and grades shown on the Construction Drawings and removed from the site or stockpiled for reuse as retained soil. D. All work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 02300, “Earth Moving.” 3.3 INSTALLING DRAINAGE SYSTEM SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. The approved non-woven geotextile shall be set against the back of the first retaining wall unit, over the prepared foundation, and extend towards the back of the excavation, up the excavation face and back over the top of the infill soil to the retaining wall, or as shown in the Construction Drawings. B. The drainage pipe shall be placed behind the leveling base, or lower course of facing units as shown in the Construction Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The pipe shall be laid at a minimum gradient of 2% to endure adequate drainage to free outlets. C. T-Sections and outlet pipes shall be installed on the drainage pipe at 50 feet centers or as shown on the Construction Drawings. D. The remaining length of geotextile shall be pulled taut and pinned over the face of the retained soil. Geotextile overlaps shall be a minimum of one (1) foot and shall be shingled down the face of the excavation in order to prevent the infiltration of retained soil into the wall infill. 3.4 LEVELING BASE A. The leveling base material shall be crushed stone compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Density, or vibrated concrete along the grades and dimensions shown on the Construction Drawings. B. The minimum thickness of the leveling base shall be 6 inches. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF MODULAR CONCRETE RETAINING WALL UNITS A. The bottom row of retaining wall modules shall be place in the prepared leveling base as shown on the Construction Drawings. Care shall be taken to ensure that the wall modules are aligned properly, leveled from side to side and front to back and are in complete contact with the base material. B. The wall modules above the bottom course shall be placed such that the tongue and grove arrangement provides the design batter (i.e. setback) of the wall face. C. Successive courses shall be placed to create a running bond pattern with the edge of all units being approximately aligned with the middle of the unit in the course below it. D. The wall modules shall be swept clean before placing additional levels to ensure that no dirt, concrete or other foreign materials become lodged between successive lifts of the wall modules. E. A maximum of 4 courses of the wall units can be placed above the level of the infill soil at any time. F. The contractor shall check the level of wall modules with each lift to ensure that no gaps are formed between successive lifts that may affect the pullout resistance of geogrid reinforcement, if applicable. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY G. Care shall be taken to ensure that the wall modules and geosynthetic reinforcement are not broken or damaged during handling and placement. H. Coordinate installation with proposed surface drainage system and associated penetrations, as well as with fence support system. 3.6 DRAINAGE SOIL A. The drainage soil will be placed behind the retaining wall modulus with a minimum width of one (1) foot and separates from other soils using the approved nonwoven geotextile. B. Drainage soil shall be placed behind the wall facing in maximum lifts of six (6) inches and compacted to a minimum density of 95% Modified Proctor. C. No heavy compaction equipment shall be allowed within three (3) feet or one (1) meter off the back of the wall fascia. 3.7 INFILL SOIL A. Wall infill soil shall be placed behind the first course of the wall facing units in maximum lifts of six (6) inches and compacted to a minimum density of 95% Modified Proctor. At the specified elevations, geogrid reinforcement shall be placed, as described in section 3.8. The fill shall be placed and compacted level with the top of the wall modules at the specified geogrid elevations prior to placing the geogrid reinforcements. B. Wall infill soil shall be placed on top of the geogrid reinforcement layers in maximum lifts of six (6) inches and compacted to a minimum of 95% Modified Proctor Density. Care shall be taken to ensure that the geogrid lays flat and taut during placement of the infill soil. This is best achieved by placing fill on top of the geogrid near the wall fascia and spreading towards the back of the infill soil zone. C. No tracked construction equipment shall be allowed to operate directly on top of the geogrid until a minimum thickness of six (6) inches of fill has been placed. Rubber tired equipment may drive on top of the geo grid at slow speed but should exercise care not to stop suddenly or make sharp turns. No heavy equipment shall be allowed within three (3) feet or one (1) meter off the back of the wall. 3.8 A. GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT Pre-cut sections of geogrid reinforcement shall be placed horizontally at the specified elevations and with longitudinal axis perpendicular to the wall face (i.e. machine direction), at the elevations shown on the Construction Drawings. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 11 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. The geogrid shall be placed over the compacted infill soil and the wall facing units with the outside edge extending over the tongue of the bottom unit and to within one (1) inch of the front facing unit. Care shall be taken to ensure that the wall modules are swept clean and that the geogrid is in complete contact with the top and bottom faces of the adjacent wall modules. The next course of wall modules shall be carefully placed on top of the lower modules to ensure that no pieces of concrete are chipped off and become lodged between unit layers. C. The geogrid shall be pulled taut away from the back wall modules during placement of infill soil. Alternatively, suitable anchoring pins or staples can be used to ensure that there are no wrinkles or slackness prior to placement of the infill soil. D. The geogrid shall lay perfectly flat when pulled back perpendicular to the back of the wall fascia. 3.9 RETAINED SOIL A. Retained soils shall be placed and compacted behind the infill soil or drainage soil if applicable, in maximum lift thickness of six (6) inches. The retained soils shall be undisturbed native material or engineering fill compacted to a minimum density of 95% Modified Proctor. B. No heavy compaction equipment shall be allowed within three (3) feet of one (1) meter off the back of the wall modulus. 3.10 FINISHING WALL A. Items 3.4 to 3.9 shall be repeated until the grades indicated on the Construction Drawings are achieved. B. Finish grading above the wall to direct surface runoff water away from the segmental retaining wall. Use a soil with a low permeability to restrict the rate of water infiltration into the retaining wall structure. 3.11 A. 3.12 CAP INSTALLATION Cap units shall be glued to underlying units with an all-weather adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. AS-BUILT CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Vertical Control: ± 1.25 inches over a ten (10) foot distance, ± 3 inches total; B. Horizontal Control: ± 1.25 inches over a ten (10) foot distance, ± 3 inches total; C. Rotation: ± 2 degrees from planned wall batter; SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 12 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. Bulging: 1.0 inch over a ten (10) foot distance. E. Corners, bends, curves: ± 1 ft to theoretical location. F. Variation in Plan Position: For ends and faces of walls in relation to property lines, buildings, and other objects, do not vary from plan dimensions by more than 1 inch or from depicted plan relationship (scaled dimensions) by more than 3 inches. G. Variation in Linear Wall Line: For walls indicated as straight, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet or 1 inch in 40 feet or more from a straight line. H. Maximum horizontal gap between erected units shall be 1/2 inch. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Comply with requirements of Division 2 Section "Earth Moving" for in-place soil density testing. B. In each compacted backfill layer, perform at least 1 field in-place density test for each 100 feet or less of retaining wall length, but no fewer than 2 tests along a wall face. The Contractor shall engage inspection and testing services, including independent laboratories, to provide quality assurance and testing services during construction. The Contractor’s consultant shall prepare and submit reports attesting to the proper construction of the wall directly to the Owner’s Representative for review and approval. C. Testing and inspections services shall only be performed by qualified and experienced technicians and engineers. D. As a minimum, quality assurance testing should include foundation soil inspection, soil and backfill testing, verification of design parameters, and observation of construction for general compliance with design drawings and specifications. 3.14 A. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Remove and replace segmental retaining walls of the following description: 1. 2. 3. B. Broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged units. Units may be repaired if methods and results are approved by the Owner’s Representative. Segmental retaining walls not matching approved samples and mockups. Segmental retaining walls not complying with other requirements indicated. Replace in a manner that results in segmental retaining wall's matching approved samples and mockups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement. END OF SECTION 32 32 19 SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS 323219 - 13 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 40 00 - SIGNS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 Placement, erection, relocation, and/or resetting of traffic signs as indicated on the plans. 2. The replacement construction. 3. The provision, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic signs as required or as directed by the owner’s representative. of traffic signs damaged or impacted during A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. C. FHWA MUTCD, latest revision, with the New York State Supplement, latest revision. D. FHWA Standard Highway Signs, latest revision. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Show shop drawings, not necessarily to scale, but sufficient enough in detail to show color, wording, lettering size and style, overall sign size, construction details and installation details for each type of sign. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. SIGNS 1. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.4 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. 32 40 00 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 TRAFFIC SIGNS A. Construction Materials: Comply with the applicable requirements of NYS DOT Section 645. B. Ground Mounted Sign Panels: C. D. SIGNS 1. Posts: NYS DOT Item 645.81, 2.5 lb/ft spliced u-channel by Franklin Industries as shown on NYS DOT material detail sheets MD645E-FEZ-01 through 05, or approved equal. 2. Panel: Compliant with NYS DOT Section 645-2.02. 3. Retroreflectance: NYS DOT Section 730-05, Type III. Street Sign Panels: 1. Footing: 4,000 psi concrete (min.), 38 inches (min.) embedment. 2. Posts: NYS DOT Item 645.81, 1.96 lb/ft Socket Round by Northwest Pipe Company as shown on NYS DOT material detail sheets MD645E-POZ-01 through 04, or approved equal. 3. Panel: NYS DOT Item 645.7301, Street Sign blade shall be 30 inches long to accommodate a maximum of twelve character spaces, 9 inches high, 0.080 inches (min.) thick, extruded reflective green aluminum with 6 inch high white legend (see plans for contents) by Pac Sign Company, or approved equal. Legends with more than twelve character spaces shall be provided with appropriate blade lengths increased above the 30 inch minimum in 6 inch increments to accommodate text in accordance with FHWA MUTCD standards. 4. Galvanized steel post-top bracket shall be provided with sign and be compatible with extruded aluminum blade and post diameter. 5. Retroreflectance: NYS DOT Section 730-05, Type III. Temporary Traffic Control Signs 1. Posts: NYS DOT Item 645.81, 2.5 lb/ft spliced u-channel by Franklin Industries as shown on NYS DOT material detail sheets MD645E-FEZ-01 through 05, or approved equal. 2. Panel: Compliant with NYS DOT Section 645-2.02. Panels need not be reflectorized. 32 40 00 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Erect signs in their designated locations, as indicated and in accordance with the approved shop drawings and the applicable requirements of NYS DOT Section 645. B. Protect surfaces and finishes from abrasion and other damage during handling and installation. C. Replace damaged or faulty signs. END OF SECTION 32 40 00 SIGNS 32 40 00 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 32 92 00 - TURF AND GRASSES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the Drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. The preparation of the topsoil to receive stabilization. 2. The seeding, establishment, watering and maintenance of lawns until the Owner accepts the project. 3. The placement of fertilizers. 4. The placement and maintenance of mulches. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Site Clearing: Section 31 10 00. B. Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. C. Erosion and Sedimentation Controls: Section 31 25 00. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2008 as currently amended. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit a schedule of his proposed methods and operations of Site Preparation. B. The Contractor shall provide material certifications and/or shop drawings for the materials stated herein. QUALITY ASSURANCE TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. 1.6 The Contractor shall perform all his operations in accordance with the rules, regulations and ordinances of those governing bodies having jurisdiction. JOB CONDITIONS A. General: The Contractor shall place all required topsoil, replace sod or provide seeding and mulching in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. The Contractor shall provide all topsoil required from the approved stockpile accumulated from the Site stripping operations or from offsite sources where a deficiency exists in the stockpiled amount, within the Contract Sum for the Project. No additional cost to the Owner will be incurred for topsoil which must be provided from offsite sources. B. Time of Planting: The Contractor shall notify the Owner’s Representative when sections of the Work have progressed sufficiently, to commence Work on lawns, including placing of topsoil to finished grade. Thereafter, planting operations shall be performed under favorable weather conditions during the next season or seasons which are normal for such work C. Unless otherwise approved the seeding schedule shall be as follows: Seeding of Permanent Lawns March 15 (if soil is frost-free and not excessively moist) to May 15. August 15 to October 15. If the lawn areas are not ready for seeding between the time periods designated above, the areas shall be seeded immediately upon completion of topsoil operations, with ryegrass (annual or perennial) at a rate of thirty (30) lbs. per acre for a temporary lawn. Lawn work will not be permitted when the soil is frozen or excessively moist. If temporary lawn work has to be provided, the permanent lawn shall be installed during the next seeding season as specified. D. 1.7 All areas within the limit of disturbance not required to be developed otherwise shall be planted with grass under the Contract Sum. WARRANTY A. Maintenance shall begin immediately following each operation of installation for each portion of lawn and shall continue for the length of this Contract. B. Inspection of the Work to determine completion of Contract Work will be performed by the Owner’s Representative at the conclusion of the maintenance period upon written notice requesting such inspection, submitted by the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior to the anticipated date. The condition of lawns will be noted and a determination made by the Owner’s Representative whether maintenance shall continue in any part. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. Acceptance - After inspection, the Contractor will be notified in writing by the Owner’s Representative of acceptance of all Work under this Section. D. Acceptance in Part - The Work may be accepted in part by the Owner’s Representative upon written application by the Contractor, provided the Work offered for acceptance is completed in accordance with this Section. E. Any areas which fail to show a "catch" for any reason whatsoever shall be reseeded at the Contractor's expense until a "catch" is obtained. Damage resulting from erosion, rills, gulleys, construction activity, washouts or other causes shall be repaired by filling with topsoil, tamping and reseeding by Contractor at his own expense, until final acceptance of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. B. TOPSOIL 1. The Contractor shall furnish, at his expense, any additional quantities of topsoil to properly install all work as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. 2. Topsoil shall consist of natural loam topsoil, free from subsoil. Topsoil shall be of uniform quality, free from hard clods, stiff clay, hard pan, sods, partially disintegrated stone, or any other undesirable material. 3. Topsoil shall contain at least 6% and not more than 25% organic matter as determined by loss of ignition on a moisture-free sample dried in accordance with the current method of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. The acidity range shall be pH 5.5 to pH 7.5, inclusive. Largest object size shall be three (3) inches. Amend as necessary to achieve these standards using amendments specified herein. The mechanical gradation analysis of the soil shall be as follows: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 2 inch 100 1 inch 85 to 100 ¼ inch 65 to 90 No. 200 20 to 50 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. C. WATER 1. D. G. Shall be one-half (1/2) inch mesh galvanized hardware cloth. LAWN MATERIAL 1. F. The Contractor shall make, at his expense, whatever arrangements necessary to ensure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs of this Contract. He shall also furnish all necessary hose, equipment, attachments and accessories for the adequate irrigation of lawns and planted areas as may be required to complete the Work as Specified. SCREEN 1. E. Shall be a complete fertilizer formula (5-10-10, or equivalent) and shall conform to the applicable State Fertilizer laws. It shall be uniform in composition, dry and free flowing, and shall be delivered to the Site in the original, unopened containers, each bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Any fertilizer which becomes caked or otherwise damaged, making it unsuitable for use, will not be accepted. Contractor to use seed mixture as specified on the construction plans. EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS 1. Blankets: Biodegradable wood excelsior, straw, or coconut-fiber mat enclosed in a photodegradable plastic mesh. Include manufacturer’s recommended steel wire staples, 6-inches long. North American Green (800.772.2040), or approved equal. See plan for type. 2. Fiber Mesh: Biodegradable twisted jute or spun-coir mesh, 0.92 lb per sq. yd. minimum, with 50 to 65 percent open area. Include manufacturer’s recommended steel wire staples, 6-inches long. SOIL AMENDMENTS 1. Lime: ASTM C 602, Class T, agricultural limestone containing a minimum 80 percent calcium carbonate equivalent, with a minimum 99 percent passing a No. 8 sieve and a minimum 75 percent passing a No. 60 sieve. a. Provide lime in the form of dolomitic limestone. 2. Aluminum Sulfate: Commercial grade, unadulterated. 3. Sand: Clean, washed, natural or manufactured sand, free of toxic materials. 4. Perlite: Horticultural perlite, soil amendment grade. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 5. Peat Humus: Finely divided or granular texture, with a pH range of 6 to 7.5, composed of partially decomposed moss peat (other than sphagnum), peat humus, or reed-sedge peat. 6. Select paragraph above or below or delete when not required. Sphagnum moss is too acid for many trees, shrubs, and plants. 7. Peat Humus: For acid-tolerant trees and shrubs, provide moss peat, with a pH range of 3.2 to 4.5, coarse fibrous texture, medium-divided sphagnum moss peat or reed-sedge peat. 8. Sawdust or Ground-Bark Humus: Decomposed, nitrogen-treated, of uniform texture, free of chips, stones, sticks, soil, or toxic materials. a. H. When site treated, mix with at least 0.15 lb of ammonium nitrate or 0.25 lb of ammonium sulfate per cu. ft. of loose sawdust or ground bark. 9. Manure: Well-rotted, unleached stable or cattle manure containing not more than 25 percent by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding materials; free of toxic substances, stones, sticks, soil, weed seed, and material harmful to plant growth. 10. Herbicides: EPA registered and approved, of type recommended by manufacturer. 11. Water: Potable. STRAW MULCH 1. Provide clean, seed-free salt hay or threshed straw of wheat, rye, oats, or barley. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 LAWN PLANTING PREPARATION A. The contractor shall be responsible to restore all site disturbance generated as a direct result of this project with topsoil, fertilizing, seeding, and straw mulching in accordance with the requirements of this specification. B. Limit subgrade preparation to areas that will be planted in the immediate future. C. Loosen subgrade to a minimum depth of 4 inches. Remove stones larger than 1-1/2 inches in any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous materials. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. E. 3.2 Spread planting soil mixture to depth required to meet thickness, grades, and elevations shown, after light rolling and natural settlement. Do not spread if planting soil or subgrade is frozen. 1. Place approximately ½ the thickness of planting soil mixture required. Work into top of loosened subgrade to create a transition layer and then place remainder of planting soil mixture. 2. Allow for sod thickness in areas to be sodded. Preparation of Unchanged Grades: Where lawns are to be planted in areas unaltered or undisturbed by excavating, grading, or surface soil stripping operations, prepare soil as follows: 1. Remove and dispose of existing grass, vegetation, and turf. Do not turn over into soil being prepared for lawns. 2. Till surface soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. Apply required soil amendments and initial fertilizers and mix thoroughly into top 4 inches of soil. Trim high areas and fill in depressions. Till soil to a homogenous mixture of fine texture. 3. Clean surface soil of roots, plants, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. 4. Remove waste material, including grass, vegetation, and turf, and legally dispose of it off the Owner’s property. F. Grade lawn and grass areas to a smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll and rake, remove ridges, and fill depressions to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas that can be planted in the immediate future. Remove trash, debris, stones larger than 1-½ inches in any dimension, and other objects that may interfere with planting or maintenance operations. G. Moisten prepared lawn areas before planting when soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface to dry before planting. Do not create muddy soil. H. Restore prepared areas if eroded or otherwise disturbed after fine grading and before planting. INSTALLATION A. TOPSOIL 1. Upon completion of grading operations for each respective area of Work, the Contractor shall place topsoil to a minimum depth of four (4) inches on all embankments and seed areas, first scarifying the subgrade for a depth of two (2) inches for the bonding of the topsoil with the subsoil. Where embankments are too steep for hand raking or tamping, topsoil may be TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY compacted by mechanical means. Topsoil shall not be spread in a frozen or muddy condition. Topsoil from stockpile shall be raked to remove objectionable and oversized material as directed by the Owner's Representative. B. LIME 1. C. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER 1. D. 3.3 Commercial fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 600-lbs per acre of lawn area. EROSION CONTROL MATTING 1. Prepare location to receive matting as specified in subpart 3.1 above. 2. Install matting at locations indicated on the plans, as directed by the Owner’s Representative, or at locations of surface erosion in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. Secure matting to ground in a manner and pattern that is in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and appropriate for the installation location. HYDROSEEDING NEW LAWNS A. Hydroseeding: Mix specified seed, fertilizer, and fiber mulch in water, using equipment specifically designed for hydroseed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended into homogenous slurry suitable for hydraulic application. 1. 3.4 Ground limestone shall be applied sufficiently to the lawn areas being prepared for seeding to attain a acidity pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Incorporate limestone into top three (3) inches of the soil at least three (3) days prior to seeding. Mix slurry with nonasphaltic tackifier. B. Apply slurry uniformly to all areas to be seeded in a 1-step process. Apply mulch at the minimum rate of 1500 lb per acre (16.5 kg per 100 sq. m) dry weight but not less than the rate required to obtain specified seed-sowing rate. C. Apply slurry uniformly to all areas to be seeded in a 2-step process. Apply first slurry application at the minimum rate of 500 lb per acre (5.5 kg per 100 sq. m) dry weight but not less than the rate required to obtain specified seed-sowing rate. Apply slurry cover coat of fiber mulch at a rate of 1000 lb per acre (11 kg per 100 sq. m). RECONDITIONING LAWNS TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. Recondition existing lawn areas damaged by Contractor's operations, including storage of materials or equipment and movement of vehicles. Also recondition lawn areas where settlement or washouts occur or where minor regrading is required. 1. 3.5 Recondition other existing lawn areas. B. Remove sod and vegetation from diseased or unsatisfactory lawn areas; do not bury into soil. Remove topsoil containing foreign materials resulting from Contractor's operations, including oil drippings, fuel spills, stone, gravel, and other construction materials, and replace with new topsoil. C. Where substantial lawn remains, mow, dethatch, core aerate, and rake. Remove weeds before seeding. Where weeds are extensive, apply selective herbicides as required. Do not use pre-emergence herbicides. D. Remove waste and foreign materials, including weeds, soil cores, grass, vegetation, and turf, and legally dispose of it off the Owner’s property. E. Till stripped, bare, and compacted areas thoroughly to a depth of 6 inches. F. Apply required soil amendments and initial fertilizers and mix thoroughly into top 4 inches of soil. Provide new planting soil as required to fill low spots and meet new finish grades. G. Apply seed and protect with straw mulch as required for new lawns. H. Apply sod as required for new lawns. I. Water newly planted areas and keep moist until new grass is established. MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall provide necessary watering, fertilizer, etc. as required to establish vegetation over a minimum of 75% of the disturbed area, or until sufficient vegetation is established to prevent erosion, which ever is greater. B. The Contractor shall provide necessary watering, fertilizer, etc., required to establish and maintain seeded areas until same are accepted by the Owner. C. Begin maintenance of lawns immediately after each area is planted and continue until acceptable lawn is established, but for not less than the following periods: 1. 60 days after date of Substantial Completion. a. TURF AND GRASSES When full maintenance period has not elapsed before end of planting season, or if lawn is not fully established at that time, continue maintenance during next planting season. 32 92 00 – 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. Maintain and establish lawns by watering, fertilizing, weeding, mowing, trimming, replanting, and other operations. Roll, regrade, and replant bare or eroded areas and remulch to produce a uniformly smooth lawn. E. Watering: Provide and maintain temporary piping, hoses, and lawn-watering equipment to convey water from sources and to keep lawns uniformly moist to a depth of 4 inches. 1. F. Mow lawns as soon as there is enough top growth to cut with mower set at specified height for principal species planted. Repeat mowing as required to maintain specified height without cutting more than 40 percent of the grass height. Remove no more than 40 percent of grass-leaf growth in initial or subsequent mowings. Do not delay mowing until grass blades bend over and become matted. Do not mow when grass is wet. G. Postfertilization: Apply fertilizer to lawn after first mowing and when grass is dry. 1. H. 3.6 3.7 Water lawn at the minimum rate of 1 inch per week. Use fertilizer that will provide actual nitrogen of at least 1 lb per 1000 sq. ft. of lawn area. Repair of eroded areas: 1. Restore soil and reseed 2. If problem persists, install erosion control materials as directed by the Owner’s Representative. 3. All repair work shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A. During landscaping, keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition. B. Protect landscaping from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Remove surplus soil and waste material, including excess subsoil, unsuitable soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner’s property. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY END OF SECTION 32 92 00 TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 – 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 33 21 00 - WATER SUPPLY WELLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Construction of all piping and specialties for both potable water services outside the building five (5) feet from the point of exit. The plumbing contractor shall be responsible for all water connections into the proposed building. 2. The general contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all horizontal and vertical locations of connections into the building line with the plumbing contractor. 3. All water distribution improvements shall be also constructed in accordance with the “Recommended Standards for Water Works (Ten States Standards)”, 2007 edition. 4. All water distribution improvements shall be also constructed in accordance with all standards and specifications as required by the Municipality and/or Authority having jurisdiction over the project. 5. The general contractor shall be responsible for closing and sealing all existing water connections that are no longer required by the proposed configuration. 6. Pressure, leakage, and disinfection testing of the water supply piping installed under this project. 7. Underground service for the well pump and distribution wiring including conduit, boxes, materials, and labor shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. The General Contractor shall be responsible for any required stripping, surface preparation, excavation, backfill, repaving, or restoration. 8. All electrical work shall be performed by an Electrical Contractor currently licensed in the State of New York using electricians qualified to perform such work. All work shall conform to all applicable codes and authorities having jurisdiction. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for securing all required permits and paying all fees. WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1. 1.3 Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. SUBMITTALS A. Waiver of Submittals: The Waiver of Certain Submittal Requirements does not apply to this Section. B. New York State Water Well Program: 1. Pre-notification: NYS law requires New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) be notified prior to commencement of drilling a water well within the State of New York. a. For proposed wells in all NYS counties except Nassau, Suffolk, Kings and Queens, obtain forms at and file with NYSDEC, Div. of Water, Water Well Program, 625 Broadway, 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-3502, (518) 4028291. b. For proposed wells in Nassau, Suffolk, Kings and Queens Counties, obtain forms at and file with NYSDEC, Water Supply Unit-Region 1, Building 40, Room 132, State Univ. of NY, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356, (631) 444-0410. 2. Submit 3 copies of the Pre-notification as filed with NYSDEC. C. Product Data: 1. Casing: Size, weight and manufacturer. 2. Screen: Size, openings, material and manufacturer. 3. Drive Shoe: Material and manufacturer. 4. Well Packing: Material, size and description. 5. Pump: Manufacturer and specifications. 6. Pitless adapter: Manufacturer and specifications. D. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Grouting Procedure: Submit a detailed outline of intended grouting procedure for the Owner’s information. This submittal will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the successful performance of the intended grouting procedure. 2. Well Log and Samples: a. Prepare an accurate log and submit 3 copies. b. Obtain and record samples using an approved method at every 5 foot interval, and at each pronounced change in formation. c. Determine grain sizes, gradation, and type of rock. d. Furnish tight containers, label and turn over samples to the Owner’s Representative. 3. Sieve Analysis: a. Take samples every 3 feet for strata noted on drawing. WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY b. 4. 5. E. 1.4 1.5 Send samples to the screen manufacturer or an approved laboratory for analysis. c. Submit 3 copies of sieve analysis. Yield Test Data: Deliver to the Owner’s Representative 3 copies of the Yield Test results specified herein. Indicate rate of flow, drawdown, static water level, and any other data collected which effects yield of the aquifer. Water Analysis: Deliver to the Owner’s Representative, 3 copies of the water analysis specified herein. Contract Closeout Submittals: 1. Well Completion Report Required by NYSDEC: Submit 3 copies of the report as filed with NYSDEC. a. Obtain forms and instructions from NYSDEC offices listed in Paragraph B. above. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. NYS Water Well Driller Registration Law: 1. Well Driller must be duly registered with NYSDEC. See ECL 151525 for details. B. Installers' Qualifications: The person supervising the Work of this Section and the workers actually constructing the well shall be personally experienced in well construction and shall have been regularly employed by a company engaged in well construction for a minimum of 3 years. 1. Furnish to the Director the names and addresses of 5 similar projects which the foregoing people have worked on during the past 3 years. C. Welding: Comply with the AWS Code D 1.0-69 without revisions. D. Disinfection: Conform to provisions of AWWA Standards A-100 and C654 except where modified herein. Maintain a copy of these standards at the job site. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. An approximate location for the well is shown on the drawings. Locate the well as required by site conditions and subject to the approval of the Owner’s Representative and the County Health Department. Avoid low points which collect or convey surface runoff, buried utilities and improvements (exposed or buried). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Casings: Black steel pipe; AWWA A-100 for deep wells, Section 4. WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. 2. Minimum thickness of six inch casing: 1/4 inch. Joints: Welded or standard couplings. B. Service tubing shall be 1 inch inch size CTS (OD ASTM D-2737) polyethylene with a maximum working pressure of 200 psi., a dimension ratio of 9.0, and a standard PE material code designation PE 3406/3408(AWWA C901) and 1” ASTM B88 type “K” copper. C. Drive Shoe: Forged steel. D. Well Screen: Telescoping, welded construction, closed bail bottom, selfsealing neoprene packer top, Type 304 stainless steel, size as required. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: Johnson Division UOP, P.O. Box 43118, St. Paul, MN, (612) 636-3900; Cook Well Screen Corp., 4848 Franklin Ave., Cincinnati, OH, (513) 531-6555. E. Pitless Adapter: Conforming to standards established by the Water Systems Council. F. Gravel Packing: Cape May Gravel; size compatible with rate of pumping, size of well, grain size formation of aquifer, and size of screen opening. G. Sealer (either of the following): 1. Cement-bentonite: One part Portland cement to one part clean sand with 5 pounds of bentonite additive per sack of cement. Note: Mix bentonite and water prior to adding it to the cement/sand mixture. 2. Bentonite and gravel. H. Cement Grout: One part Portland cement to one part clean sand with 5 pounds of bentonite additive per sack of cement. Note: Mix bentonite and water prior to adding it to the cement/sand mixture. I. Disinfectant: 1. Chlorine gas. 2. Hypochlorites. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DRILLING WELL A. Drill well with a cable tool, rotary rig, or other standard approved method. B. Well depth may vary from that indicated in order to produce the required yield. C. After the well has been drilled, check it for plumbness and alignment in the presence of the Owner’s Representative as follows: WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. Lower a 40 foot section of pipe or a dummy into the well. The outside diameter of the plumb shall be within 1/2 inch of the casing or hole diameter being checked. When a dummy is used, furnish a rigid spindle with three 12 inch wide cylindrical rings spaced on each end and in the center. The center portion of the dummy shall be rigid so as to maintain alignment. D. Redrill the well to correct for plumbness and alignment when the vertical varies in excess of 2/3 the smallest inside diameter per 100 feet of depth or when a dummy fails to move freely throughout the casing length. The plumbness requirement may be waived when the defect is due to circumstances beyond the Contractor's control or when the utility of the completed well will not be materially affected. In no case will the alignment requirement be waived. E. Insert well casing to indicated depth except when directed otherwise because of field conditions. Use drive shoes as required. Cut off casing 1 to 2 feet above grade and install a tamper proof cap. Larger size casings than indicated are acceptable, but at no additional cost to the State. F. Insert a well screen equal in nominal inside diameter to the diameter of the casing complete with all necessary fittings. The screen length shall be subject to the approval of the Owner's Representative. G. Gravel Packed Wells: 1. Provide materials necessary for the construction of gravel packed wells. Disinfect gravel during installation per AWWA C-654. 2. Provide sealer on top of the gravel pack. H. Cement Grouting: 1. When casings are set in rock, cement grout annular space (2 inches minimum) from lower terminal to grade unless otherwise noted or directed. Allow 24 hours for grout to set before continuing drilling operations. 2. When wells require different size casing, extend each section of pipe into the next larger size no less than 6 feet or more than 8 feet and cut off. Seal annular space between casings with cement grout. Allow 24 hours for grout to set before cutting pipe. I. Developing Wells: 1. Check for water available, as determined from the log and samples. 2. Obtain Owner's Representative approval to proceed with development. 3. Set screen if well is in granular aquifer. 4. Develop well by surging, backwashing, compressed air or other approved method until no sand appears in the water and the filter surrounding the screen is stabilized at maximum pumping capacity. WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 5. 6. 7. 3.2 Obtain maximum yield by following accepted practices. Check for water turbidity as determined by the nephelometric method. The turbidity test will be the standard whereby the Owner's Representative will determine the effectiveness of the well development work and as to when well development should be discontinued. In general, well development shall continue until the water turbidity does not exceed a maximum of 1 NTU. a. Conduct turbidity tests in the field by use of an EPA accepted portable type nephelometric turbidimeter or obtain turbidity results from a State Health Department approved laboratory. Calibrate portable turbidimeter in the presence of the Owner's Representative to ensure accurate test results are obtained. Pay all costs incurred for testing. b. Perform turbidity tests and check turbidity after 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 hours of well development. c. Furnish the Owner's Representative with a written copy of the turbidity test results after each sampling for review. Do not continue well development work without the written approval of the Owner's Representative. Make preliminary test to approximate maximum water yield and determine yield test pumping rate. YIELD TEST A. Notify the Owner's Representative when the well is ready for the final yield test. B. Install a temporary pump with backward surging capability and with sufficient output to determine the maximum well capacity and maximum drawdown. Provide sufficient piping to conduct the water to an acceptable drainage course. Provide an accurate water meter or other acceptable device for determining flow rate and a device to determine the water level drawdown during the pumping test. C. Perform yield test at maximum well yield unless otherwise directed. The yield is based on a pumping rate for a 72 hour period when the drawdown does not drop below a point 25 feet from the bottom of a rock well or 5 feet above the top perforations of a screen. D. Operate the temporary pump continuously at maximum well yield for a 72 hour testing period. If for any reason the pump is stopped for more than one hour during a test, re-run the test unless directed otherwise. No payment will be made for testing work performed prior to rerun test. Measure drawdown at 5 minute intervals for the first hour of the test, at 30 minute intervals until the pumping level has stabilized and at hourly intervals thereafter. E. Immediately following the 72-hour test, operate the temporary pump at various reduced pumping rates over a one hour period to develop WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY sufficient data to plot a drawdown curve. Plot drawdown curve and submit with yield test data. 3.3 3.4 F. Upon completion of the above tests, measure and record well recovery data. Take recovery measurements at the same frequency utilized during the pumping test until the previously recorded static water level is reached. If full recovery is not reached within 24 hours, continue taking measurements until 85 percent recovery is attained. Record recovery data and submit as directed. G. If the Owner's Representative determines that the well fails to produce sufficient water, remove the casings and screens when so directed. Close the failed well in accordance with State regulations. VIDEO INSPECTION A. Following a successful yield test, conduct a video survey, in the presence of the Owner’s Representative, of the entire depth of the well to verify construction in accordance with these specifications. B. Video Images: 1. Full color, 360 degree side view projected on a state-of-the-art television monitor. 2. Continuous logging action video teped for permanent record. Turn over to the Owner’s Representative one copy of all video tapes produced. C. Camera Requirements: 1. Scanning system: 525 line, 60 Hz NTSC or 625, 50Hz PAL. 2. TV line resolution: 350 (H) x 360 (V). 3. Minimum illumination: 10 lux or one footcandle (F=1.4). 4. Remote functions: a. Iris control (F1.4-F22). b. Motorized focus control. c. Automatic white balance. PERMANENT WELL PUMP A. 3.5 Based on the final depth of the well and the yield test, the well installer shall select a well pump that best suits the anticipated needs of the facility. The installer shall submit the manufacturer’s specifications and supporting documentation to the Owner’s Representative for review and approval prior to final installation. DISINFECTION A. Determine water volume from Table 1 and amount of chlorine required from Table 2. TABLE 1 - WATER VOLUME (GALLONS) WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY DEPTH OF WATER IN CASING 6 36.8 73.5 110.3 147.0 183.8 220.5 257.3 294.0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 WELL DIAMETER (INCHES) 8 10 65.5 102 131.0 204 196.5 306 261.0 408 326.5 510 392.0 612 457.5 714 522.0 816 12 147 294 441 588 735 882 1029 1176 TABLE 2 - 50mg/L CHLORINE PER 100 GALLONS PERCENT QUANTITY DISINFECTANT AVAILABLE REQUIRED PER MATERIAL PHYSICAL STATE CHLORINE 100 GALLONS LIQUID UNDER CHLORINE PRESSURE IN STEEL 100 0.67 lbs. CONTAINERS HIGH TEST 1 OUNCE HYPOCHLORIT POWDER IN CANS * 70 (BY WEIGHT) E SODIUM 4.5 OUNCES HYPOCHLORIT SOLUTION 15 (BY VOLUME) E *NOTE: If hypochlorite powder is used, mix it with a minimum amount of water before adding to well. 3.6 B. Add chlorine disinfectant solution to well in accordance with Section E.4 of Appendix E of AWWA Standard A-100 to obtain a 50 mg/L chlorine concentration. Agitate the well after the addition to assure proper dispersion of the disinfectant. C. Allow the disinfectant to remain in the well for a minimum of 12 hours, then pump the well to waste. Dispose of waste in accordance with State environmental regulations. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. After disinfecting the well and in the presence of the Owner’s Representative, take water samples for physical, chemical, bacteriological, and radiological analysis. Make all necessary arrangements and promptly send samples either to a State Health Department laboratory or to a private laboratory which is approved by the State Health Department. WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.7 B. The analysis shall be conducted in accordance with the methods set forth in the current edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater", and with the appropriate applicable Environmental Protection Agency method required by Subpart 5 - 1 of the State Public Health Law, Section 225 regarding public water supplies. C. The analysis must report the constituents enumerated above. An incomplete analysis will be rejected. D. Repeat all disinfection procedures and bacteriological water analysis until satisfactory bacteriological tests results are received. The Total Coliform count must be 1 per 100 ml (MF) or less. RESTORATION A. Restore the site to a condition equal to or better than that prior to the Work. END OF SECTION 33 21 00 WATER SUPPLY WELLS 332100 - 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 33 30 00 - SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: 1. 1.2 Earth Moving: Section 31 20 00. RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.3 Construction of all sanitary sewerage outside the building five (5) feet from the point of exit. The plumbing contractor shall be responsible for all sewer connections into the proposed building. The general contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all horizontal and vertical locations of connections into the building line with the plumbing contractor. All sanitary sewer improvements shall be also constructed in accordance with the “Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (Ten States Standards)”, 2007 edition. All sanitary sewer improvements shall be also constructed in accordance with all standards and specifications as required by the Municipality and/or Authority having jurisdiction over the project. The general contractor shall be responsible for closing and sealing all existing sanitary connections that are no longer required by the proposed configuration. Low pressure and deflection testing of the sanitary sewer piping installed under this project. High pressure testing of the sanitary force main sewer piping installed under this project. The general contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and the installing of a sewage pump station required under this project. Town of Warwick standards, specifications, materials, and practices. DEFINITIONS A. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.5 1.6 HDPE: High density polyethylene. Gravity-Flow, Nonpressure-Piping Pressure Ratings: At least equal to system test pressure. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, details, and attachments as required for all structures, pipe, fittings, and castings. B. Coordination Drawings: Show manholes and other structures, pipe sizes, locations, and elevations. Include details of underground structures and connections. Show other piping in same trench and clearances from sewerage system piping. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between piping and approximate structures. C. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. D. Record Drawings in accordance with Division 1 Section “Contract Close-Out”. 1. These drawings shall show the following information: a. As-built location of sanitary sewer line in plan b. Invert elevation c. Rim elevation d. Pipe diameter, material, length and grade e. Locations of lateral cleanouts (by triangulation) f. Utility crossing locations 2. These drawing shall comply with the following standards: a. Clearly marked and easily readable b. A scale identical to the construction plans c. Horizontal datum: North American Datum (NAD) 1929 d. Vertical datum: North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 1929 e. Signed and sealed by a Licensed New York Professional Land Surveyor 3. As-builts shall be delivered to the Owner in both record mylar and digital format. Digital submissions shall be in AutoCAD, 2004 format on a compact disc in PC compatible format. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1.7 A. Do not store plastic structures, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. B. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. C. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. D. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the ENGINEER and at no additional cost to the OWNER. E. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original packaging with all tags and labels intact and legible. F. Store and handle material in such a manner as to avoid damage, store at site undercover. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Site Information: Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations. B. Locate existing structures and piping to be closed and abandoned. C. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner not less than three (3) working days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Manufacturers: Manufacturers shall be submitted for approval during the shop drawing review. PIPING MATERIALS A. Refer to Part 3 “Piping Applications” Article for applications of pipe and fitting materials. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. Force Main Sewer Pipe Material – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) and fittings will be used in accordance with the material specifications. The Contractor will supply the pipe and fittings and will include its price in the bid. All pipe will be joined by an approved butt fusion or electrofusion technique according to the manufacturers specifications. HDPE pipe will be produced from resins with a material designation PE3408, as specified by ASTM D1248, and a cell classification PE345434C as specified within ASTM D3350, and dimensions and workmanship as specified by ASTM F714. It will also meet the requirements of AWWA C901 or C906. Material taken from HDPE pipe will meet the minimum stability requirements of ASTM D3350. Pipe will be legibly marked at intervals of no more than five feet with the manufacturer’s name, trademark, pipe size, HDPE cell classification, appropriate legend such as SDR 11, ASTM D3035, AWWA C901 or C906, date of manufacture and point of origin. Pipe not marked as indicated above will be rejected. Materials used for the manufacture of high density polyethylene pipe and fittings shall have a standard thermoplastic material designation code of PE3408, comply with all requirements for a Grade P34 according to ASTM D3350, and have a PPI recommended designation of a PE3408. The molecular weight category shall be extra high (250,000 to 1,500,000) as per the Gel Permeation Chromatography determination procedure with a typical value of 330,000. Manufacturer shall be a member in good standing of the Plastics Pipe Institute. In addition, materials used for the manufacture of the HDPE pipe and fittings shall meet the following physical property requirements: Property Material designation Material classification Unit Test Method(1) Nominal Value --------- PPI/ASTM D3350 PE3408 345444C D1505 D1238(190/.6) D790 D638 D1693 F1248 D1603 D638 D746 D789 0.957 8.5 136,000 3,500 F0>10,000 F0>10,000 2.5 125,000 <-180 261 Further, the material must have a: Density Flow rate Flexural Modulus Tensile strength @ yield ESCR ESCR, compressed ring UV stabilizer (C) Elastic modulus Brittleness temperature Melting point gm/cc gm/10min. psi psi failure %/hrs. failure %/hrs. % psi ºF ºF SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY Vicat softening temperature Hardness Thermal expansion Volume resistivity HDB @ 73.4ºF HDB @ 140ºF Molecular weight category Molecular weight ºF Shore D in/in/ºF ohm-cm psi psi D1525 D2240 D696 D991 D2837 D2837 GPC 255 64 1.1 x 10-4 2.6 x 1016 1600 800 Extra high 330,000 (1) Test procedures are ASTM unless otherwise specified. (PPI = Plastics Pipe Institute, and GPC = Gel Permeation Chromatography.) HDPE pipe manufactured from materials meeting the specifications of this section shall have an Environmental Stress Crack Resistance of no failures in 10,000 hours (ESCR: F0>10,000) when tested in accordance with ASTM F1248. 2.3 GRAVITY FLOW PIPES AND FITTINGS A. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings, NPS 4 to NPS 15: ASTM P-3034, T-1 wall thickness, bell and spigot for gasketed joints. Pipe shall be PVC SDR-35. 1. B Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. Pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from material meeting the requirements of 1.1 The manufacturer shall certify that samples of the manufacturer's production product have been tested inhouse in accordance with ASTM D2837, and validated in accordance with the latest revision of PPI TR-3. Pipe and fittings shall be pressure rated using the certified HDB data from 2.1. (HDB data from 1.0 shall not be allowed for this purpose.) If HDB data in accordance with 2.1 is not available, pipe and fittings will not be acceptable. Pipe and fittings shall have a pressure rating in accordance with the following formula: P= where 2S DR-1 DF P S DR D t DF = = = = = = internal pressure, psi long term hydrostatic strength, psi (1600) Dimension Ratio = D/t outside diameter, inches minimum wall thickness, inches design factor (0.5 for water @ 73.4ºF and long term service) Use of other factors (F) will provide for a more accurate performance characteristic for systems at other temperatures or for other shorter periods of SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY time. The design factor, DF, shall be 0.5 or a value specified by the responsible design engineer. Both pipe and fittings shall carry the same pressure rating. All fittings shall be pressure rated to match the system piping to which they are joined. At the point of fusion, the outside diameter and minimum wall thickness of the fitting shall meet the outside diameter and minimum wall thickness specifications of ASTM F714 for the same size of pipe. All fittings shall be properly derated according to manufacturer's written recommendations, and clearly labeled on the fitting as such. Manufacturer shall have a written specification for all standard mitered fittings which establishes quality control criteria and tolerances. The manufacturer of the pipe shall be the same manufacturer of the mitered fittings and fabrications. The pipe shall have product traceability. This shall be accomplished by the inclusion of a product code into the printline of all products. This shall note the manufacturer, the date of manufacture, the lot and supplier of raw material, the location of manufacture, and the production shift on which the product was produced. The ASTM standard shall appear as ASTM F714 and the material designation as PE3408. Pipe and fittings shall be butt fusible at 500º +/- 10ºF according to manufacturer recommended procedures. The socket or sidewall fittings shall be at 500º +/10ºF. Pipe and fittings may also be joined with flanged adapters and backup rings. 2.4 2.5 2.6 SPECIAL PIPE COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS A. Sleeve-type and bushing-type pipe couplings (‘Fernco’) shall not be permitted. B. Pipe Couplings shall be DIP, PVC, HDPE or other approved rigid connectors for joining existing and dissimilar piping materials as manufactured by Dresser (814) 362-9200, Genco (800) 345-6454, Harco (502) 366-4596 or other approved equal. CLEANOUTS & VALVE BOXES A. PVC Cleanouts: PVC body with PVC threaded plug. Include PVC sewer pipe fitting and riser to cleanout of same material as sewer piping. Include brass cap with recessed key. B. Valve box shall be slip-type cast iron. Model number 6855 Series manufactured by Tyler Co. or approved equal. CONCRETE SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. B. C. 2.7 General: Cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 350R, and the following: 1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type II. 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. 4. Water: Potable. Portland Cement Design Mix: 4000 psi minimum, with 0.45 maximum watercementitious ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 deformed steel. Ballast and Pipe Supports: Portland cement design mix, 3000 psi minimum, with 0.58 maximum water-cementitious ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 deformed steel. GENERAL PUMP STATION REQUIREMENTS A. B. The contractor shall furnish and deliver fully assembled grinder pump stations to the owner. 1. The pump station containing two pumps and all necessary parts and equipment shall be installed in a reinforced concrete tanks for outside installation. 2. All equipment shall be assembled and installed in the field by the contractor except if shop drawings for a pre-assembled pump station are approved by the owner/owners representative. 3. Pumps are to be supplied by Goulds Pumps or their equal. Each duplex pump station shall include the basin, basin cover, grinder pumps and motors, quick disconnect rail system, check valves, junction box, start-stop level controls, motor high temperature shut-off, motor seal leak alarm, high water alarm, all internal wiring terminating into a junction box, shutoff valve and Schedule 80 PVC discharge piping and fittings. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. C. 2.8 In addition, an external alarm and pump control panel is to be provided for each unit in the mechanical room of the building. A flashing red light is to be mounted on the outside of the building. Pumps required for this project shall be of the same brand and be identical in all respects per horsepower ratings. PUMP STATION A. PUMPS 1. Operating Conditions Each grinder pump shall be of the centrifugal design and be capable of delivering a minimum of 51 GPM at 39 feet of head. 2. Pump The pump shall have an integrally built-in grinder unit and submersible type motor. The pump shall be suspended in the basin by two (2) guide rails and quick disconnect lift-out mounting assembly. Solids shall be fed in an up-flow direction to the grinder mechanism with no obstructions below the grinder inlet. 3. Grinder Assembly & Construction The grinder unit shall be capable of cutting solid material found in normal domestic sewage, including reasonable amounts of foreign objects, such as wood, plastic, glass, rubber, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers and pantyhose into a fine slurry that will pass freely through the pump, service line and force main. a. The grinder assembly shall consist of a rotating radial cutter and a stationary shredding ring, and shall be mounted directly below the volute passage. b. The rotating cutter shall be threaded onto the stainless steel shaft and shall be locked with a screw and washer. c. The stationary shredding ring shall be pressed onto an iron holding flange for easy removal. d. The flange shall be provided with tapped back-off holes so that screws can be used to push the shredding ring from the housing. e. Both the radial cutter and shredding ring shall be removable from the outside without dismantling pump. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY f. Grinder assembly shall be of such construction that no clearance adjustments are required when assembling. g. All grinding of solids shall be from the action of the radial cutter against the shredding ring. h. The radial cutter and shredding ring shall be of #440 stainless steel hardened to 58-60 Rockwell C. 4. Motor a. The pump motor(s) shall be of the submersible type rated for 0.75 horsepower at 3450 RPM. Motor shall be 1 phase, 208 volt, 60 Hertz. b. Single phase motors shall be of the capacitor start-capacitor run type for high starting torque. c. The stator winding shall be the open type with class F insulation rated for 155 degree celsius maximum operating temperature. d. The winding housing will be filled with clean dielectric oil that will lubricate bearings, seals and transfer heat from the windings to the outer shell. e. The motor stator is to be pressed into the motor housing for optimum concentricity and alignment, and maximum heat transfer. Pump motors without press fit housings will not be considered for this project. f. The motor shall be capable of operating over full range of performance curve without overloading motor and causing any objectionable noise or vibration. g. The motor shall have three bearings to support the rotor; an upper ball bearing to accommodate thrust loads, an intermediate ball bearing to take radial loads, and a sleeve bearing in the seal chamber to prevent shaft deflection at the lower seal from radial shock loadings of the grinder impeller. h. Ball bearings shall be designed for a LB-10 life (50,000 hours). i. A heat sensor thermostat shall be attached to the top end of the motor windings and shall be connected in series with a holding relay in the control box to stop the motor if the motor winding temperature reaches 221 degrees Fahrenheit. j. The high temperature shutoff will cause the pump to cease operation, should a control failure cause the pump to run in a dry wet well. The SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY thermostat shall reset automatically when the motor cools to a safe operating temperature. k. The common motor, pump and grinder shaft shall be of #416 stainless steel. The pump impeller and the grinder impeller shall thread onto shaft. l. All motors shall be of domestic manufacture and shall incorporate US made materials including castings, windings, etc. Motors not manufactured in the Continental United States will not be considered. Verifications of US manufacture including foundry certification shall be supplied to the engineer at his or her request. 5. Power Cords a. Motor power cords shall be #14-4 type SOW/SOW-A, four conductor, while the motor control cord shall be #18-5 Type SO, five conductor. b. Sufficient cord length shall be used so that the pump may be removed without disconnecting power and control wires from junction box. c. Cord lengths shall be such that no splices will be required between the pump and junction box at top of basin. d. In order to prevent possible wicking of moisture into the motor as a result of damaged cables, all leads from the power and control cords are to be potted into the motor end cap using a polyurethane type resin. e. Power and control leads are to be non-wicking wire inside the motor end cap and connected to the pump cables by a compression type connector. f. The pump lead and control wires shall also be held captive into the motor housing by a grommet and flange type compression fitting. The pump and control cords shall be able to withstand a minimum of 300 lb. pull without sacrificing the seal into the motor, to meet U.L. requirements. g. The end cap shall have female thread tapping for 1-1/2" conduit. 6. Seal Chamber a. The motor shall be protected by two (2) rotary shaft seals mounted in tandem with an oil filled chamber separating the seals. b. The seals shall have carbon and ceramic seal faces diamond lapped to a tolerance of one light band. Metal parts and springs for seals shall SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY be stainless steel. c. An electrical sensing probe shall be mounted in the seal chamber to detect any water leakage past the lower seal. All pumping units shall have this dual seal arrangement. Units incorporating single seals or utilizing a lip seal arrangement will not be acceptable on this project. 7. Pump Impeller a. The pump impeller shall be of the recessed type to provide an open unobstructed passage through the volute for the ground solids. b. Pumps may be required to operate at or near shut off head conditions. Recessed impellers are required to reduce the bearing loading and prolong pump life. c. Pumps without recessed impellers will not be considered equal. d. Impeller shall be threaded onto the stainless steel shaft. e. Grinder pumps having thermoplastic or non-metal impellers or pump volutes are specifically prohibited. 8. Pump & Motor Castings a. All iron casting shall be of high tensile cast iron and shall be properly cleaned, pre-treated with chromic rinse, and painted with a high quality enamel paint. b. All pump components that are not cast iron or stainless steel shall be galvanized or painted with baked on epoxy. c. All fasteners shall be #302 stainless steel. d. Grinder pumps utilizing air filled motors or foreign made steel will not be acceptable. 9. Manufacturer a. The pump shall be model WE0718H as manufactured by Goulds Pumps or approved equal. B. PRECAST CONCERTE PUMP CHAMBER 1. Chamber a. The basin shall be 48" diameter and depth as shown on the plans. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 11 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY The basin shall be made of precast reinforced concrete manufactured by Woodards Concrete Products or an approved equal. b. The basin shall be manufactured using concrete having a minimum strength of 4,000 PSI at 28 days with reinforcing mesh and rebar pursuant to the manufacturers specifications to provide for a minimum load rating of 300 PSF. c. Anti-flotation means shall be provided with the pump chamber. A concrete anti-flotation collar shall be provided as an integral part of all 48" diameter basins; the anti-flotation collar shall extend a minimum of 12" beyond the O.D. of the basin wall. d. Corrosion resistant nuts shall be embedded in the top flange of the basin for securing the basin cover. 2. Basin Cover a. The cover shall be of aluminum diamond plated b. The cover shall bolted to the basin with stainless steel cap screws. 3. Shutoff Valve a. A PVC true union ball type shutoff valve with Teflon seats shall be furnished and installed in the discharge piping, as shown on the plans. b. If the discharge depth is more than 2 feet from the surface, a handle extension shall be supplied. 4. Piping a. Schedule 80 PVC discharge piping shall connect to the stationary discharge base lift assembly and terminate at a 2" NPT discharge flange mounted on the basin at the height shown on the drawing. b. The discharge flange shall have a 2” NPT Hub for attaching external discharge piping. 5. Rail Assembly a. A lift-out rail assembly shall permit easy removal and installation of the pump and lower check valve without the necessity of personnel entering the basin. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 12 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY b. Stainless steel guide brackets with guide yokes of sufficient bearing strength to prevent binding shall bolt to the pump. c. The yokes shall mate over guide rails of a minimum of 2" pipe running between rail support casting. d. A lower discharge nozzle, downstream from the check valve, shall be guided into a chamfered cavity in the discharge casing. e. A shoulder on the nozzle shall bottom on the discharge casting when the pump is properly located and shims shall not be required to insure alignment for a leak tight seal. f. Dual "O" rings shall affect a hydraulic seal around the nozzle when it is in its operating position. g. A brace, easily removable from the top of the basin, shall be provided to lock the parts together, preventing line surges from breaking the seal and allowing leakage. h. The discharge case shall have a tapped discharge opening with piping to a coupling through the basin wall. i. The discharge case shall be securely bolted to the basin floor and arranged in such a way that slight deflection caused by the discharge pipe will not cause the quick-connect pump flange to leak. j. A lifting chain shall be securely fastened to the top of each pump and to the top of the basin to facilitate removal of the pump. 6. Check Valve a. A heavy-duty spring loaded all rubber flapper type check valve with corrosion resistant body shall be an integral part of the discharge seal assembly and shall lift out with the pump assembly. b. The valve design shall be such to allow for operation when negative heads, of up to 5 feet, are encountered. c. The valve shall be designed to operate at all pressures in the sewer system created by the grinder pumps. d. A flat set stainless steel spring, integrally molded into the Buna N rubber flapper, shall be furnished in order to prevent collection of debris in the check valve. All fasteners shall be stainless steel. e. The valves, when open, shall provide a full pipe opening and create a friction loss no greater than 7 feet at 40 GPM, and 4 feet at 20 GPM. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 13 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY f. C. Inlet Flange- A basin inlet flange for 4" SCH 40 plastic pipe shall be included, but not mounted on the basin. The flange to be mounted in the field at inlet height required by the installation, or as shown on the drawing. The flange shall be furnished with a gasket to seal between the basin and flange and also include mounting bolts. A rubber transition type gasket shall be supplied to seal 4" SCH 40 PVC pipe into the basin hub. CONTROL PANEL 1. General a. Each duplex grinder pump panel shall control two 0.75 HP, 208 volt, single phase, 60 Hertz grinder pumps. A "Neutral" wire shall be supplied to the panel for 120 VAC control panel. b. The enclosure shall be NEMA 3R, minimum 36" high, 36" wide, 12" deep, fabricated from hot dipped galvanized steel, painted gray with a stainless steel continuous hinge and provision for padlocking. c. The back panel and hinged dead front shall be constructed of 5052-H32 corrosion resistant aluminum. d. All mounting holes shall be drilled and tapped. Self tapping metal screws shall not be used to mount any components. All bolts, nuts, washers, lock washers, and machine screws shall be stainless steel. e. The enclosure shall have external mounting feet to allow for wall mounting. The enclosure shall be mounted in a suitable location in the mechanical room of the building. f. Dead front Construction- The dead front shall be held closed with two slotted nickel plated brass captive panel screws with knurled edges to allow for finger or screwdriver tightening. All components mounted to or protruding through the dead front shall be identified by labels mounted on the aluminum dead front face. 2. Component Description-The following components shall be mounted through the dead front: 2 - Pump run indicator lights 2 - Hand-Off-Auto selector switches 2 - Two pole pump circuit breakers The following components shall be mounted to the back panel: SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 14 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1 - Set main line lugs (for incoming supply) except where main circuit breaker is supplied 2 - pump contactors 2 - Ambient compensating overload relays 6 - Terminals for float connections 14 - Terminals for motor connections 3. Options a. D. The following options shall be included: 1. Alarm beacon, Red, mounted on top of the enclosure- The alarm beacon shall be NEMA 4X lexan. The bulb and socket shall be removable from the inside without the use of any tools. An additional alarm beacon shall be mounted at minimum height of 10 feet on the street side of the building. 2. Flasher-The flasher shall be solid state and totally encapsulated and shall flash the alarm beacon at a rate of approximately 60 flashes per minute. 3. Seal failure module with indicator light for each pump-Seal failure modules shall be installed on the back panel to detect motor seal failure. The modules shall energize the dead front mounted "Seal Failure" lights when the resistance across the probes drops to approximately 50,000 ohms or less. 4. Motor over temperature indicator light for each pump on dead front-Motor over temperature indicator lights shall be installed on the dead front to indicate a motor over temperature condition. Either pump shall stop on over temperature and restart automatically when the over temperature condition clears itself. 5. A receptacle shall be provided at the control panel for connection to a portable emergency generator to power the pump station during a power outage. LEVEL CONTROLS, ALARMS SWITCHES, JUNCTION BOX SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 15 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. Level Controls a. Pump on and off levels shall be controlled by four mercury tube float types switches. b. The mercury switch shall be sealed in a solid polyurethane float ball. The support wire shall be 16-2 SJOW (neoprene jacket) and weight shall be attached to the cord above the float to hold the switch in place in the sump. c. The level control switches shall be red in color. d. The high water alarm switch shall be the same as the level control switch, except a built-in stabilization weight shall be supplied instead of an external weight and the switch shall be colored orange. e. The level controls shall be supported in the sump by a bracket and cord snubber, which will give positive support to the controls and allow flexibility in the set levels. f. Five (5) level controls shall be installed in total. 2. Junction Box a. The interior of the enclosure shall be of adequate size to accommodate the wires and connections required to operate the pump. b. The junction box shall be designed to NEMA 6 standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK A. 3.2 IDENTIFICATION A. 3.3 Excavating, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Division 2 Section "Earth Moving." Materials and their installation are specified in Division 2 Section "Earth Moving." Arrange for installing green warning tapes directly over piping and at outside edges of underground structures. 1. Use detectable warning tape over ferrous piping. 2. Use detectable warning tape over nonferrous piping and over edges of underground structures. 3. Install detectable warning tape 6-inches to 12-inches below finished grade. PIPING APPLICATIONS SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 16 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. General: Include watertight joints. B. Force Main Piping: Use the following: 1. 3.4 SPECIAL PIPE COUPLING AND FITTING APPLICATIONS A. Special Pipe Couplings: Use where required to join piping and no other appropriate method is specified. Do not use instead of specified joining methods. Use the following pipe couplings for nonpressure applications: 1. B. 3.5 3.6 HDPE sewer pipe and fittings, solvent-cemented joints, or gaskets and gasketted joints. Rigid connection fittings Encase all dissimilar connections or connections to existing piping materials located under proposed structures (buildings, roadways, etc.) with concrete. ABANDONMENT A. Locate all existing sanitary disposal lines servicing all of the existing site uses in the area of work. B. Remove all on-site existing sanitary facilities as required. Disposal of same shall be in accordance with Section 31 10 00 “Site Clearing”. C. Plug remaining connection points at right of way line with 3000 psi concrete, with provisions not to permit concrete to enter the main trunk sewerage line. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground sanitary sewerage piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout take design considerations into account. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. The minimum depth of sanitary sewer pipe shall be as shown on the plans. B. Notify the Owner seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all sewer work. C. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for using lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. Maintain swab or drag in line, and pull past each joint as it is completed. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 17 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.7 D. Use proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reducing size of piping in direction of flow is prohibited. E. Install gravity-flow piping and connect to building's sanitary drains, of sizes and in locations indicated. Terminate piping as indicated. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at minimum slope of 1 percent, unless otherwise indicated. F. Extend sanitary sewerage piping and connect to building's sanitary drains, of sizes and in locations indicated. Terminate piping as indicated. PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION A. General: Join and install pipe and fittings according to installations indicated. B. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings: As follows: 1. 2. 3. 3.8 3.9 Join pipe and gasketed fittings with gaskets according to ASTM D 2321. Join profile sewer pipe fittings with gaskets according to ASTM D 2321 and manufacturer's written instructions. Install according to ASTM D 2321. CLEANOUT INSTALLATION A. Install cleanouts and riser extension from sewer pipe to cleanout at grade. Use PVC fittings in sewer pipes at branches for cleanouts and PVC for riser extensions to cleanouts. Install piping so cleanouts open in direction of flow in sewer pipe. B. Set cleanout frames and covers in earth in cast-in-place concrete block, 18 by 18 by 12 inches deep. Set with tops 1 inch above surrounding grade. C. Set cleanout frames and covers in concrete pavement with tops flush with pavement surface. D. Install gate valves at every in-line force main flushing port provided. SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Sewer pipe shall be of the materials set forth in the Drawings, meeting the appropriate specifications in the Sections which follow. B. As required by the General Requirements and before fabrication of the pipe and adapters is begun, the Contractor shall submit for approval, drawings showing the pipe lengths, joint details and other details, all in complete accordance with the requirements given on the drawings and in the specifications. All pipe SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 18 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY furnished under the contract shall be fabricated only in accordance with the approved drawings. C. All pipes shall be laid, joined and backfilled according to the manufacturer's installation specifications, or the specifications contained herein, whichever are more stringent. The Contractor shall furnish each of his foremen or supervisors copies of these approved specifications and they shall have them in their possession at all times. Any conflicts between the manufacturer's specifications and those contained herein shall be resolved by the Engineer. D. The quantity of all materials, the process of manufacturer and the finished pipe shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer. Such inspection may be made at the place of manufacture or at the work site after delivery or at both places and the pipe shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the specification requirements even though sample pipes may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Any pipe which has been damaged after delivery will be rejected and, if such pipe is already laid in the conduit line, it shall be acceptably repaired, if permitted or removed and replaced and made good solely at the contractor’s expense. E. Pipe shall be installed in full compliance with the Recommended Practice for "Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe", ASTM Standard D2321. Backfilling with suitable backfill material shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) density in highway right-of-way and paved streets and ninety percent (90%) density elsewhere. Random tests for compaction may be made in all elevations of the trench sections to insure firm support around the pipe and the backfill above it. Care shall be taken to insure a clean line. Pipe plugs shall be used in each end of the sections of pipe as installed, whenever pipe laying is not in progress. 3.10 TAP CONNECTIONS A. Make connections to existing piping and underground structures so finished Work complies as nearly as practical with requirements specified for new Work. B. Core Drill when making connection to existing structures. C. Make branch connections from side into existing piping, NPS 21 or larger, or to underground structures by cutting opening into existing unit large enough to allow 3 inches of concrete to be packed around entering connection. Cut end of connection pipe passing through pipe or structure wall to conform to shape of and be flush with inside wall, unless otherwise indicated. On outside of pipe or SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 19 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY structure wall, encase entering connection in 6 inches of concrete for minimum length of 12 inches to provide additional support of collar from connection to undisturbed ground. 3.11 D. Use concrete that will attain minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi, unless otherwise indicated. E. Use epoxy-bonding compound as interface between new and existing concrete and piping materials. F. Protect existing piping and structures to prevent concrete or debris from entering while making tap connections. Remove debris or other extraneous material that may accumulate. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Clear interior of piping and structures of dirt and superfluous material as work progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping, and pull past each joint as it is completed. 1. 2. B. Place plug in end of incomplete piping at end of day and when work stops. Flush piping between manholes and other structures to remove collected debris, if required by authorities having jurisdiction. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches of backfill is in place, and again at completion of Project. 1. 2. 3. Coordinate and meet inspection requirements and standards of municipal Water and Sewer Department. Submit separate reports for each system inspection. Defects requiring correction include the following: a. Alignment: Less than full diameter of inside of pipe is visible between structures. b. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of mandrell of size not less than 95 percent of piping diameter. c. Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. d. Infiltration: Water/air leakage into piping. e. Exfiltration: Water/air leakage from or around piping. C. Replace defective piping using new materials, and repeat inspections until defects are within allowances specified. D. Reinspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. E. Test new piping systems, and parts of existing systems that have been altered, extended, or repaired, for leaks and defects. SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 20 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.12 Do not enclose, cover, or put into service before inspection and approval. Test completed piping systems according to authorities having jurisdiction. Schedule tests and inspections by authorities having jurisdiction with at least seventy-two (72) hours advance notice. Submit separate reports for each test. If authorities having jurisdiction do not have published procedures, perform tests as follows: a. Air Pressure Test (gravity sewer) i. Pressurize line to 5 psi. ii. Maintain pressure for 5 minutes. iii. Allowable leakage equals zero psi. b. Deflection Test i. Pull mandrel capable of measuring a minimum allowable deflection of 5 percent. F. Leaks and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. G. Replace leaking piping using new materials, and repeat testing until leakage is within allowances specified. PRESSURE TESTING OF FORCE MAIN A. All joints in pipe lines shall be subjected to pressure tests of 125 lbs. per square inch. When all joints being subjected to the test are found to be tight at this pressure, in the presence of the Engineer, the test may be stopped. The cost of testing of the pipe lines shall be borne by the contractor who must furnish all necessary equipment, labor and materials for the tests. Pressure shall remain on the pipe at least 60 minutes. Defective joints, pipe and fittings shall be removed and replaced by the contractor. END OF SECTION SANITARY SEWERAGE UTILITIES 333000 - 21 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY SECTION 33 40 00 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work of this section as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Installation of all exterior storm drainage elements outside of the building five (5) feet from the point of exit. The plumbing contractor shall be responsible for all storm connections into the proposed building. 2. The general contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all horizontal and vertical locations of connections into the building line with the plumbing contractor. 3. The general contractor shall be responsible for closing and sealing all existing storm sewer connections that are no longer required by the proposed configuration. 4. Facilitating the Owner’s visual inspection of the storm sewer piping installed under this project. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1. 1.2 1.3 Section 31 20 00. DEFINITIONS A. HDPE: High Density Polyethylene plastic. B. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. C. DIP: Ductile Iron Pipe PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Earth Moving: Gravity-Flow, Nonpressure-Piping Pressure Ratings: At least equal to system test pressure. SUBMITTALS STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 1 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. Shop Drawings: following: Include plans, elevations, details, and attachments for the 1. Precast concrete manholes, inlets and other structures, including frames, covers, and grates. 2. Cast-in-place concrete manholes, inlets and other structures, including frames, covers, and grates. 3. Signed by a Licensed New York Professional Engineer specializing in structural design. 4. Product specifications for pipes, clean-outs, connections, membranes and gaskets. B. Coordination Drawings: Show manholes and other structures, pipe sizes, locations, and elevations. Include details of underground structures and connections. Show other piping in same trench and clearances from sewerage system piping. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between piping and proximate structures. C. Design Mix Reports and Calculations: For each class of cast-in-place concrete. D. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. E. Record Drawings in accordance with Division 01 Section “Contract Close-Out”. 1. These drawings shall show the following information: a. As-built location of storm sewer line in plan b. Invert elevation c. Rim elevation d. Pipe diameter, material, length and grade e. Locations of lateral cleanouts (by triangulation) f. Above-ground Detention pond structures and earthworks (if indicated on plans) g. Under-ground Detention pond structures and earthworks (if indicated on plans) h. Utility crossing locations i. Swales 2. These drawing shall comply with the following standards: a. Clearly marked and easily readable b. A scale identical to the construction plans c. Horizontal datum: North American Datum (NAD) 1983 d. Vertical datum: North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 1988 e. Signed and sealed by a Licensed New York Professional Land Surveyor STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 2 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3. 1.5 1.6 As-builts shall be delivered to the Owner in both record mylar and digital format. Digital submissions shall be in AutoCAD, Release 2004 format on a compact disc in PC compatible format. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store plastic structures, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. B. If piping and structures are to be stored on site prior to placement in accordance with the construction documents, the following shall be required: 1. All pipes shall be stored on grade. Stacking is not permitted 2. Sufficient barricades shall be provided around piping and structures to prevent unauthorized access to the storage area. C. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. D. Handle precast concrete manholes, inlets and other structures according to manufacturer's written rigging instructions. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Site Information: Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations. B. Locate existing structures and piping to be closed and abandoned. C. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Proposed material manufacturers shall be supplied and approved at the time of shop drawing submission. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 3 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 2.2 PIPING MATERIALS A. 2.3 Refer to Part C "Piping Applications" Article for applications of pipe and fitting materials. PIPES AND FITTINGS A. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings, NPS 15 and Smaller: ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, for solvent-cemented or gasketed joints. 1. B. Reinforced-Concrete Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 76, Class III, Wall B, for gasketed joints. 1. C. D. 2.4 2.5 Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. Gaskets: ASTM C 443, rubber. HDPE storm sewer pipe shall comply with the requirements for test methods, dimensions and markings found in AASHTO Designations M252, and M294. Pipe and fittings shall be made from virgin PE compounds which conform to the applicable current edition of the AASHTO Material Specifications for cell classification as defined and described in ASTM D3350. 1. Storm sewer piping greater than eight (8) inch in diameter shall be smooth interior/corrugated exterior pipe fitted with watertight joints meeting or exceeding ASTM 3212 lab test and ASTM 1417 watertight field test. N-12 IB WT® Product as manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS), Columbus, OH, (614) 457-3051 or approved equal. 2. Underdrain piping less than or equal to eight (8) inch in diameter shall be perforated single-wall pipe fitted with soil-tight joints meeting ASTM standards F405 and F606 as manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS), Columbus, OH, (614) 457-3051 or approved equal. Ductile Iron pipe (DIP), Class 52, cement lined, and shall have push on joints. (ANSI/AWWA 151/A21.51) SPECIAL PIPE COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS A. Sleeve-type and bushing-type pipe couplings (‘Fernco’) shall not be permitted. B. Pipe Couplings shall be DIP, PVC, HDPE or other approved rigid connectors for joining existing and dissimilar piping materials as manufactured by Dresser (814) 362-9200, Genco (800) 345-6454, Harco (502) 366-4596 or other approved equal. MANHOLES STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 4 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY A. B. Normal-Traffic Precast or cast-in-place Concrete Manholes: ASTM C 478, precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for rubber gasketed joints. 1. Diameter: 48 inches minimum, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Ballast: Increase thickness of precast concrete sections or add concrete to base section, as required to prevent flotation. 3. Base Section: 8-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 5-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base section with integral floor. 4. Precast Riser Sections: provide depth indicated. 5. Cast-in-place Riser Sections: 8-inch minimum block thickness up to a depth of 8 feet below finished grade; 12-inch minimum block thickness below 8 feet deep. 6. Top Section: Eccentric-cone type, unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated. Top of cone of size that matches grade rings. 7. Gaskets: ASTM C 443, rubber. 8. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9inch total thickness, that match 30-inch- diameter frame and cover. 9. Steps: Polypropylene, individual steps or ladder. Include width that allows worker to place both feet on one step and is designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor into base, riser, and top section sidewalls with steps at 12-inch 10. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923, resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. 11. Cast-in-place finish: mortar parge a minimum uniform thickness of ¼”. 5-inch minimum thickness, and lengths to Cast-in-Place Concrete Manhole (Doghouse): Construct of reinforced-concrete bottom, walls, and top; designed according to ASTM C 890 for A-16, heavytraffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, dimensions, and appurtenances indicated. 1. Ballast: Increase thickness of concrete, as required to prevent flotation. 2. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9inch total thickness, that match 30-inch diameter frame and cover. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 5 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. 2.6 3. Cast-in-place Riser Sections: 8-inch minimum block thickness up to a depth of 8 feet below finished grade; 12-inch minimum block thickness below 8 feet deep. 4. Steps: Polypropylene, individual steps or ladder. Include width that allows worker to place both feet on one step and is designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor into sidewalls with steps at 12inch intervals. 5. Cast-in-place finish: mortar parge a minimum uniform thickness of ¼”. Manhole Frames and Covers: ASTM A 536, Grade 60 ID by 4- to 10-inch riser with 4-inch minimum width flange, and 30-inch- diameter cover. Include indented top design with lettering per Owner requirements cast into cover. CATCH BASINS A. Normal-Traffic, Precast or Cast-in-place Concrete Catch Basins: ASTM C 478, precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for rubber gasketed joints. 1. Base Section: 10-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 6-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base section with integral floor. 2. Riser Sections: 6-inch minimum thickness, 48-inch diameter, and lengths to provide depth indicated. 3. Cast-in-place Riser Sections: 8-inch minimum block thickness up to a depth of 8 feet below finished grade; 12-inch minimum block thickness below 8 feet deep. 4. Top Section: Eccentric-cone type, unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated. Top of cone of size that matches grade rings. 5. Gaskets: ASTM C 443, rubber. 6. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9inch total thickness, that match 24-inch diameter frame and grate. 7. Steps: Polypropylene, individual steps or ladder. Include width that allows worker to place both feet on one step and is designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast steps or anchor ladder into base, riser, and top section sidewalls at 12-inch intervals. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923M, resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. 8. Cast-in-place finish: mortar parge a minimum uniform thickness of ¼”. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 6 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 9. B. 2.7 2.8 Channels and Benches: Concrete. Cast-in-Place Concrete Structure (Doghouse): Construct of reinforced-concrete bottom, walls, and top; designed according to ASTM C 890 for A-16, heavytraffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, dimensions, and appurtenances indicated. 1. Ballast: Increase thickness of concrete, as required to prevent flotation. 2. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9inch total thickness, that match inlet dimensions of frame and cover. 3. Cast-in-place Riser Sections: 8-inch minimum block thickness up to a depth of 8 feet below finished grade; 12-inch minimum block thickness below 8 feet deep. 4. Steps: Polypropylene, individual steps or ladder. Include width that allows worker to place both feet on one step and is designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor into sidewalls with steps at 12inch intervals. 5. Cast-in-place finish: mortar parge a minimum uniform thickness of ¼”. STORMWATER INLETS A. Curb Inlets: Made with vertical curb opening, of materials and dimensions according to local standards. B. Gutter Inlets: Made with horizontal gutter opening, of materials and dimensions according to local standards. Include heavy-duty frames and grates. C. Combination Inlets: Made with vertical curb and horizontal gutter openings, of materials and dimensions according to local standards. Include heavy-duty frames and grates. D. Frames and Grates: Heavy-duty cast iron frames and grates according to local standards with bicycle-safe grate patterns. NDS grates for stormwater planter. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE A. Precast or Cast-in-place Concrete Structure: ASTM C 478 (ASTM C 478M), precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for rubber gasketed joints. 1. Base Section: 10-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 6-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base section with integral floor. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 7 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY B. C. 2.9 2. Riser Sections: 6-inch minimum thickness, 30-inch diameter, and lengths to provide depth indicated. 3. Cast-in-place Riser Sections: 8-inch minimum block thickness up to a depth of 8 feet below finished grade; 12-inch minimum block thickness below 8 feet deep. 4. Top Section: Provide seating ledge for grate. 5. Weir Wall: Cast in Place, 8-inch minimum block thickness. 6. Gaskets: ASTM C 443 (ASTM C 443M), rubber. 7. Steps: Polypropylene, individual steps or ladder. Include width that allows worker to place both feet on one step and is designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast steps or anchor ladder into base, riser, and top section sidewalls at 12-inch intervals. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923 (ASTM C 923M), resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. 8. Cast-in-place finish: mortar parge a minimum uniform thickness of ¼”. 9. Orifice Place – Cast PVC Pipe (see plan for diameter and elongation) into Weir Wall. Trash rack 1. Structural HDPE (ASTM D 2565-99) grating coving the flow control devices and shall provide hinged access to the weir and orifice. 2. Rack shall be bolted to the outlet control structure. 3. Plastic Solutions, (877) 877-5727, or approved equal Grate 1. For standard rectangular structure sizes (e.g. major interior dimensions <48”), heavy-duty cast iron frames and grates with bicycle-safe grate patterns. For oversized structures, hot-dipped galvanized steel, non-slip grate able to support 600 pound load with hinged access hatch over ladder rungs. 2. Rack shall be bolted to the outlet control structure. FILTER FABRIC A. Filter fabric shall be AASHTO M288 class 2 non-woven, TC Mirafi 140N or approved equal. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 8 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 2.10 B. Filter fabric in high-scour applications (e.g. riprap aprons) shall be AASHTO M288 class 1 woven, TC Mirafi FW500 or approved equal. C. See Plans for specified locations/usages. CONCRETE A. B. C. General: Cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 350R, and the following: 1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type II. 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. 4. Water: Potable. Portland Cement Design Mix: 4000 psi minimum, with 0.45 maximum watercementitious ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: deformed steel. ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 (Grade 420), Structure Channels and Benches: Factory or field formed from concrete. Portland cement design mix, 4000 psi minimum, with 0.45 maximum water-cementitious ratio. Include channels and benches in manholes. D. 1. Channels: Concrete invert, formed to same width as connected piping, with height of vertical sides to three-fourths of pipe diameter. Form curved channels with smooth, uniform radius and slope. Invert slope shall be one (1) percent through manhole. 2. Benches: Concrete, sloped to drain into channel. Slope shall be four (4) percent. Include channels in catch basins. 1. E. Channels: Concrete invert, formed to same width as connected piping, with height of vertical sides to three-fourths of pipe diameter. Form curved channels with smooth, uniform radius and slope. Invert Slope: shall be one (1) percent through catch basin. Ballast and Pipe Supports: Portland cement design mix, 3000 psi minimum, with 0.58 maximum water-cementitious ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 9 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 2. 2.11 A. Description: One- or two-coat, coal-tar epoxy; 15-mil minimum thickness, unless otherwise indicated; factory or field applied to the following surfaces: 1. Concrete Manholes: On exterior and interior surfaces. 2. Catch Basins: On exterior and interior surfaces. 3. Stormwater Inlets: On exterior and interior surfaces. CLEANOUTS A. 2.13 ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 (Grade 420), PROTECTIVE COATINGS A. 2.12 Reinforcement Bars: deformed steel. PVC Cleanouts: PVC body with PVC threaded plug. Include PVC sewer pipe fitting and riser to cleanout of same material as sewer piping. MEMBRANES EPDM Liner: 45 Mil membrane with associated boots for flow-through stormwater planter. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK A. 3.2 Excavating, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." IDENTIFICATION A. Materials and their installation are specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." Arrange for installing green warning tapes directly over piping and at outside edges of underground structures. 1. Use detectable warning tape over ferrous piping. 2. Use detectable warning tape over nonferrous piping and over edges of underground structures. 3. Install detectable warning tape 6-inches to 12-inches below finished grade. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 10 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.3 3.4 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. General: Include watertight or soil-tight joints as specified. B. Refer to Part B of this Section for detailed specifications for pipe and fitting products. Use pipe, fittings, and joining methods according to applications indicated. SPECIAL PIPE COUPLING AND FITTING APPLICATIONS A. Special Pipe Couplings: Use where required to join piping and no other appropriate method is specified. Do not use instead of specified joining methods. Use the following pipe couplings for nonpressure applications: 1. B. 3.5 Rigid connection fittings Encase all dissimilar connections or connections to existing piping materials located under proposed structures (buildings, roadways, etc.) with concrete. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Unloading and Handling 1. Follow all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety requirements. 2. When the truckload of pipe is initially received, it should be inspected for damage and quantities should be verified with shipping papers. Any damage or discrepancies should be noted on the delivery receipt and the supplier notified. The Owner shall not be responsible for acceptance and installation of defective materials. B. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground storm drainage piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout take design considerations into account. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. C. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for use of lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. Maintain swab or drag in line, and pull past each joint as it is completed. D. Use manholes for changes in direction, unless fittings are indicated. Use fittings for branch connections, unless direct tap into existing sewer is indicated. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 11 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY E. Install gravity-flow piping and connect to building's storm drains, of sizes and in locations indicated. Terminate piping as indicated. 1. F. 3.6 Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at minimum slope of 0.25 percent, unless otherwise indicated. Tunneling: Install pipe under streets or other obstructions that cannot be disturbed by tunneling, jacking, or a combination of both. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, HDPE OR PVC A. B. C. Unloading and Handling 1. HDPE pipe is designed to withstand normal field handling and can be easily unloaded by hand or with equipment. To avoid damage, the pipe should not be dropped. When using equipment to unload or move the pipe, a fork extension can be used. When unloading by hand, gloves should be worn. 2. Do not use chains or wire rope to lift the pipe. Use nylon slings and do not pick up 20-foot lengths from only one place on pipe. Trenching 1. Excessive groundwater necessitates dewatering. Plastic pipe will float in standing water, requiring immediate haunching and initial backfill to hold line and grade. If the contactor encounters this condition. Dewatering shall be employed. 2. An unstable trench bottom must be stabilized with gravel or stone bedding materials. 3. Excavation from 0 to 12 inches below the pipe should be filled with acceptable bedding material and compacted to a minimum 95 percent Proctor density in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Fill area of overexcavation beyond 12 inches with processed stone or gravel. 4. Before installing pipe, bring bedding material to grade along the entire length of the pipe. 5. When excavating in Class IV materials (silt, silty clays, and clays), provide a uniform, improved trench bottom in accordance with the plan details. Field cutting 1. Use a handsaw or power pipe cutoff saw. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 12 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY D. E. 2. For ribbed pipe, cut in the valley of a corrugation. Do not cut into the sidewall of an annular corrugation. For pipe with external spiral corrugations, place a split coupling around it and use the coupling edge as a cutting guide. 3. It is not necessary to bevel the cut pipe edge prior to installing an o-ring gasket joint system. 4. Skew or bevel cuts shall not be permitted. Laying plastic pipe 1. Curvilinear installation shall not be permitted. 2. Plastic pipe can be easily carried to the trench and in sizes below 24 inches, installed by hand without the use of special equipment. Do not drop the pipe into the trench. Embedment for bedding, haunching and initial backfill 1. 2. F. Embedment materials are those used for bedding, haunching and initial backfill. ASTM D-2321 classifies soil materials as: a. Class I: Angular crushed stone or rock, dense or open-graded, with little or no fines (1/4 inch to 1-1/2 inches in size). b. Class II: Clean, coarse-grained materials, such as gravel, coarse sands, and gravel/sand mixtures (1-1/2 inches in size). c. Class III: Coarse-grained material with fines including silty or clayey gravels or sands. Gravel or sand must comprise more than 50 percent of Class III: materials (1-1/2 inches maximum size.) d. Class IV: Fine-grained materials, such as fine sand and soils, containing 50 percent or more clay or silt. Soils classified as Class IVa (ML or CL) have medium to low plasticity and are not recommended in the embedment zone. Soils classified as Class IVb (MH or CH) have high plasticity and are not recommended for embedment materials. e. Class V: These materials include organic silts and clays, peat, and other organic materials. They are not recommended for embedment materials. Do not place lumps of frozen soil or ice in the embedment zone. Bedding 1. The contractor shall place bedding material providing uniform support to hold the pipe on line and grade in accordance with the plan details. Bedding materials under pipe shall be Class I, II or III. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 13 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY G. H. Haunching 1. Proper haunching provides a major portion of the pipe’s strength and stability. Poor workmanship will lead to excessive pipe deflection and grade and alignment problems. Haunching materials shall be Class I, II or III and must be compacted to minimum 90 percent standard Proctor. 2. Haunching Requirements b. Where trench walls are unstable, prevent loss of side support by controlling sloughing, etc. c. Do not allow the pipe move when placing material under the haunch of the pipe. d. Take care not to damage the smaller size pipe with shovels or tamping equipment. e. Haunching shall be in 6-inch lifts. f. Controlled low strength material (CLSM) slurry is suitable for embedment. Trench width may be narrower if allowed by the Owner. Prevent floating with stakes or other methods. Initial backfill materials extend from the springline to 6 inches to 12 inches above the pipe to provide the remainder of the pipe support and protect the pipe from stones or cobbles in the final backfill. Class I, II, III materials shall be used. However: a. Class I materials shall be used in wet trenches if Class I bedding and haunching materials are used. b. Class II materials shall be compacted in 6-inch lifts to 95 percent modified Proctor density in accordance with ASTM D 1557. c. Class III materials shall be compacted in 6-inch lifts to 95 percent modified Proctor density in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Manhole Connections 1. J. Work enough material under the haunch of the pipe to provide proper compaction and side support. Initial Backfill 1. I. a. Concrete manholes: Grout the plastic pipe into the manhole wall using non-shrink grout. Construction Loads 1. During construction, avoid heavy equipment wheel loads over the pipe or place additional cover at vehicle crossings. If a hydro-hammer or hoepak is to be used to compact the trench at least 48 inches of cover must be provided. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 14 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.7 2. When connections to structures, laterals, deep laterals, risers, or drop manholes are required, the installation must be designed to ensure that the pipe and fittings are not damaged by loads generated due to soil settlement, dragdown, and/or poor installation practices. 3. When removing sheeting or other trench protection, do not disturb the embedment material. If sheeting or trench protection must be used below the top of the pipe, bracing shall be cut at the top of pipe elevation and left in place. PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION A. General: Join and install pipe and fittings according to installations indicated. B. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings: As follows: C. 1. Join pipe and gasketed fittings with gaskets according to ASTM D 2321. 2. Install according to ASTM D 2321. Concrete Pipe and Fittings: Install according to ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation Manual." Use the following seals: 1. D. 3.8 Round Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 443, rubber gaskets. HDPE Pipe and Fittings: Install split couplings as follows: 1. Split Couplings: This joint system is used where a soil-tight system is required. 2. The sides of these split couplings are “hinged” so they easily open up to accept each end of adjacent pipe sections. There are matching holes at the split in the top of the coupling that are secured for a tight fit with nylon ties. E. System Piping Joints: Make joints using system manufacturer's couplings, unless otherwise indicated. F. Join piping made of different materials or dimensions with couplings made for this application. Use couplings that are compatible with and that fit both systems' materials and dimensions. G. All labor, materials, and equipment required to join and provide fittings for all pipe joints shall be included in the price bid for the proposal. MANHOLE INSTALLATION STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 15 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.9 3.10 3.11 A. General: Install manholes, complete with appurtenances and accessories indicated. B. Form continuous concrete channels and benches between inlets and outlet. C. Set tops of frames and covers flush with finished surface of manholes that occur in pavements. Set tops 2 inches above finished surface elsewhere, unless otherwise indicated. D. Install precast ASTM C 891. E. Construct cast-in-place manholes as indicated. sections with gaskets A. Construct catch basins/inlets to sizes and shapes indicated. B. Set frames and grates to elevations indicated. according to OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE A. General: indicated. B. Form continuous concrete channels and benches between underdrain invert and outlet. Install structure, complete with appurtenances and accessories UNDERDRAIN General: Install filter fabric, stone, piping and backfill as indicated. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. 3.13 manhole CATCH-BASIN/STORMWATER/INLET INSTALLATION A. 3.12 concrete Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318 and ACI 350R. PIPE BENEATH BUILDING SLABS AND FOUNDATIONS A. All pipe shall be Ductile Iron, Class 52. B. Reinforced pipe material shall extend from structure to structure. changes shall not be permitted mid-run. C. Pipe shall be cement-lined where used to sleeve PVC/HDPE principal conduit material. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Material 334000 - 16 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 1. D. 3.14 3.15 3.16 Pricipal conduit shall be aligned along the central axis of the sleeve pipe, braced into position utilizing cement or HDPE shims, and the annular space filled with pea gravel (1/2” maximum particle size). Pipe backfill shall be ¾” quarry process clean stone placed in 1 foot lifts and compacted in place in accordance with Division 31 section “Earth Moving”. Stone backfill shall extend from the pipe springline to finished grade. CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES A. Where connection into an existing storm sewer structure is required, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the existing structure. No separate payment shall be made for repair work required to correct damage to the structure because of the connection work. B. All cuts into the existing structure walls shall be made with an approved power saw. C. All joints and excess wall surface removed to facilitate pipe installation shall be sealed water-tight with masonry block and grout. D. All backfill shall be in accordance with Section 31 20 00 Earth Moving. CLEANOUT INSTALLATION A. Install cleanouts and riser extension from sewer pipe to cleanout at grade. Use HDPE/PVC pipe fittings in sewer pipes at branches for cleanouts and HDPE/PVC pipe for riser extensions to cleanouts. Install piping so cleanouts open in direction of flow in sewer pipe. B. Set cleanout frames and covers in earth in cast-in-place concrete block, 18 by 18 by 12 inches deep. Set with tops 1/4 inch below surrounding earth grade. C. In roadway traffic areas, enclosed top of cleanout stack in a cast iron casting set in concrete to prevent crushing of the stack. D. All labor, materials, and equipment required to join and provide fittings for all cleanout assemblies shall be included in the price bid for the proposal. REHABILITATE EXISTING STRUCTURES A. This work shall consist of removing and cleaning the existing castings, replacement of any damaged block and/or brick, replacement of any loose or missing mortar, parging of the inlet interior, resetting of any loose ladder rings, resetting of the existing castings to the final grade and any work necessary as directed by the Owner. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 17 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY 3.17 CLOSING ABANDONED STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS A. B. 3.18 3.19 Abandoned Piping: Close open ends of abandoned underground piping indicated to remain in place. Include closures strong enough to withstand hydrostatic and earth pressures that may result after ends of abandoned piping have been closed. Use either procedure below as appropriate: 1. Close open ends of piping with at least 8-inch thick, brick masonry bulkheads. 2. Close open ends of piping with threaded metal caps, plastic plugs, or other acceptable methods suitable for size and type of material being closed. Do not use wood plugs. 3. Fill with flowable fill where indicated on the plans. Abandoned Structures: Excavate around structure as required and remove structure and close open ends of remaining piping. ADJUSTMENTS TO GRATE RIM ELVATIONS A. Raise or lower the existing frames, covers and gratings of manholes, and drainage structures to the grades shown on the plans or directed by the Owner. B. Parge exterior surface with mortar when brick or masonry units are added or when the exterior surface is disturbed. C. Replace frames, covers or gratings damaged during the Work of the Contract FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. B. Clear interior of piping and structures of dirt and superfluous material as work progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping, and pull past each joint as it is completed. 1. In large, accessible piping, brushes and brooms may be used for cleaning. 2. Place plug in end of incomplete piping at end of day and when work stops. 3. Flush piping between manholes and other structures to remove collected debris, if required by authorities having jurisdiction. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches of backfill is in place, and again at completion of Project. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 18 TOWN OF WARWICK: BUS STORAGE FACILITY C. 1. Submit separate reports for each system inspection. 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: a. Alignment: Less than full diameter of inside of pipe is visible between structures. b. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of ball or cylinder of size not less than 92.5 percent of piping diameter. c. Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. d. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. e. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping. 3. Replace defective piping using new materials, and repeat inspections until defects are within allowances specified. 4. Reinspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. Upon completion of storm sewer installation, the contractor shall schedule a final acceptance inspection with the Owner’s Representative. The contractor shall furnish at his expense, labor and equipment to inspect all pipe runs (i.e. lights, mirrors, pry-bars, laborers, etc.) 1. Do not enclose, cover, or put into service before inspection and approval. 2. Test completed jurisdiction. 3. Schedule tests and inspections by authorities having jurisdiction with at least 24 hours' advance notice. 4. Submit separate reports for each test. piping systems according D. Leaks constitute defects that must be repaired. E. Replace leaking piping using new materials. to authorities having END OF SECTION 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 334000 - 19