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Sulika; Scott Edwardsb a Department of Geography, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA b Amnesty International USA, Washington, DC, USA Online publication date: 20 May 2010 To cite this Article Sulik, John J. and Edwards, Scott(2010) 'Feature extraction for Darfur: geospatial applications in the documentation of human rights abuses', International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31: 10, 2521 — 2533 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/01431161003698369 URL: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 31, No. 10, 20 May 2010, 2521–2533 Feature extraction for Darfur: geospatial applications in the documentation of human rights abuses JOHN J. SULIK*† and SCOTT EDWARDS‡ †Department of Geography, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA ‡Amnesty International USA, Washington DC 20003, USA Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 (Received 15 February 2009; in final form 19 November 2009) Geospatial technologies are rapidly becoming adopted by advocates of human rights abuses, engaged in non-governmental monitoring. Limited available funding puts constraints on the amount of time staff can perform Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote-sensing tasks. Therefore, semi-automated techniques are forthcoming in order to facilitate data-analysis tasks aimed at sharing information about violent conflict and human rights abuses. As a contribution to these efforts, this paper details classification of a pre-conflict image, binary partitioning of the classification results, application of morphological filters, estimation of total number of pre-conflict structures and overlay of the refined information onto the post-conflict image for damage assessment in Darfur, Sudan. We present a novel application of geospatial technologies and imageprocessing techniques aimed at expediting the dissemination of critical information necessary to inform the public and policy makers of detailed multi-temporal analyses of evidence of human rights abuses. 1. Introduction The task of collecting information during an active conflict is one that frequently stymies effective human rights monitoring and humanitarian planning. International human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as local and regional organizations, have been collecting testimony and ground-level observational data on abuses since the outbreak of hostilities in Sudan’s westernmost provinces in early 2003. Despite the best efforts of these organizations, the immense size of Darfur, combined with persistent insecurity, has made systematic and comprehensive documentation of potential abuses all but impossible. Furthermore, and in response to escalating international outcry over the government’s counterinsurgency tactics, the Government of Sudan (GoS) has severely limited access to Darfur for international human rights organizations, media and even humanitarian aid providers. The effects of survey limitations are evident when considering the death toll of Darfur as of late 2009, described as ranging from 200 000 to over 400 000 by disparate studies in which the same operational definitions were used. Alternatively, the GoS claims that no more than 9000 died as a result of the conflict. Moreover, the GoS claims that departures from this estimate are exaggerations by ‘Western media and NGOs’ (Non-governmental organizations; Reuters-Alertnet 2007). While this *Corresponding author. Email: International Journal of Remote Sensing ISSN 0143-1161 print/ISSN 1366-5901 online # 2010 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/01431161003698369 Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 2522 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards Figure 1. Huts with conical roofs typically have a wide-range spectral response. The southeast portion of each hut often reflects high amounts of electromagnetic radiation with the northwest portion in shade. particular claim is not widely viewed as credible, the inconsistent estimations raise a pressing question: when information concerning human rights abuses is difficult to attain in a particular area, what geospatial tools can be useful for advocates and policy-makers to circumvent the data limitation? Here, we explore the use of satellite image feature extraction in the case of Darfur, with particular emphasis on the technical aspects of systematic data extraction, to determine the number of extant dwellings in villages throughout the region. In doing so, we present a method for using limited observation data of a semi-arid region that is generally available to non-governmental organizations with reduced technical and material capability. This method employs established image-processing methods to overcome the inherent limitations of distinguishing indigenous housing structures from their surrounding environment. Specifically, pixel-based operations are employed to answer image-segmentation difficulties caused by spectral overlap (figure 1). The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of accurately quantifying the number of huts within a given village. Furthermore, we intend to demonstrate the general applicability of such methods to the systematic collection of data for purposes of humanitarian aid provision and/or abuse documentation and human rights advocacy. 2. 2.1 Background Previous research Many researchers have investigated the application of remotely sensed imagery to humanitarian efforts (Bjorgo 2000, Brown et al. 2001, Giada et al. 2003). Giada et al. Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 Feature extraction for Darfur 2523 (2003) automated tent extraction for a refugee camp in Tanzania, and as is the case in many studies, the dwellings analysed were of a distinct shape and easily distinguished from surrounding material. Giada’s study employed high-resolution IKONOS imagery in which dwelling units were clearly identified; however, the authors decided that classification of pixels into area classes was not as effective as object-oriented techniques or morphological operators (Giada et al. 2003). Unfortunately, specialized software such as eCognition is prohibitively expensive for many researchers and non-profit humanitarian organizations and requires extensive training beyond basic image-processing skills, thus rendering it impractical for non-specialists to implement. While the human rights application put forth here is novel, there are existing Geographic Information System (GIS) methods and applications for humanitarian purposes. For example, Prins (2008) performed change-detection analysis of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETMþ) data from a conflict-affected area of Darfur in order to identify burned villages. Although useful for a medium-resolution (30 m) approach, new problems become apparent when examining the burned villages at a finer scale. Finer scale approaches often seek to isolate individual structures from remotely sensed imagery, as opposed to an entire village. Mathematical morphology has been applied in many remote-sensing studies, some of which are similar in application to the one proposed here (Soille and Pesaresi 2002, Giada et al. 2003). The main distinction between the application explored in this article and most of the existing applications in the literature is the difficulty in segmenting the study area so that features of interest are isolated. Specifically, refugee camps are typically composed of dwelling units that are easily distinguished from background features and have clear outlines, whereas most of the villages inhabited by ethnic Africans in Darfur are made of local materials and are not easily distinguishable from the surrounding area. Darfur villages are comprised of compounds with lineaments that visibly intersect dwelling units. Moreover, huts in Darfur villages do not exhibit a homogeneous spectral response across their surface, a property exhibited by dwelling units in other studies (Mason and Fraser 1998, Bjorgo 2000, Ruther et al. 2002). These are formidable barriers to data sampling (Lo 1995, Giada et al. 2003, De Laet et al. 2007). Many studies often quantify structures in informal settlements through photogrammetric techniques. These procedures rely on Digital Surface Models (DSMs) derived from imagery acquired through air surveys (Mason and Fraser 1998, Ruther et al. 2002) to use an elevation component to enhance object identification; however, the security situation in Darfur precludes this approach. 2.2 The conflict in Darfur In the summer of 2003, following a series of defeats by armed opposition groups in Darfur, the GoS began pouring military resources into Darfur and the surrounding areas, heavily arming the Janjawid as a paramilitary force. These government-enabled militias initiated a counter-insurgency campaign that relied on the destruction of communities from which the rebels originated. As the number of groups taking up arms in Darfur expanded, the targeting of civilians quickly spread to the rest of the country. The government-enabled militias quickly gained the upper hand against the Darfur rebel movements, and by spring 2004, thousands of people, mostly civilians, had been killed, and over a million people had been forcibly displaced. While over the course of the conflict, the Darfur-armed opposition groups were responsible for many human rights violations, the militia forces backed by GoS units systematically depopulated 2524 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards large swaths of Darfur through the use of terror tactics. Anything that made life possible was targeted for destruction; however, burnt domiciles are the most apparent evidence in commercially available satellite sensor images. 3. Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 3.1 Data The case of Darfur: goals of and obstacles to automated data collection Although geospatial technology is increasingly accessible to advocacy organizations, there remain many encumbrances involved with remotely sensed imagery depicting evidence of human rights abuses. First, the pre-conflict and post-conflict images are rarely captured on anniversary dates. As a result, seasonal differences in soil moisture, biomass, atmospheric variation and burn scars left after an attack complicate change detection. The location of remotely observable conflict is rarely known prior to an event and acquisition of a pre-conflict image can be subject to availability within the archives of data providers such as DigitalGlobe. When reasonable pre- and postconflict images are accessible, the burden of analysis on resource-limited organizations is still substantial. Structures in a village number from the hundreds to well into the thousands, making it infeasible to hand count them. This difficulty provided the impetus to develop a method for automated and systematic assessment of dwellings. Feature extraction within each village can only be successful if each free-standing structure can be distinguished as a discrete object. If this criterion is met, the information class that represents all of the huts in a scene can be vectorized and converted to a shapefile. The attribute table for each shapefile will have one record for each contiguous group of pixels. The attribute table can then be appended with additional fields and analysed within a GIS. A brief characterization of the study area will be useful for method description. Groups of huts are usually surrounded by and touching grass walls and fences with a similar spectral response. Moreover, most dwelling units of sedentary farming communities have roofs and fences made out of local thatch. This causes features of interest to be grouped in the same class as background information, such as grass and shrubs. In addition, the fences are often so close to dwelling units that they appear to be connected when viewed from high-resolution satellite imagery. This becomes problematic when trying to isolate dwelling units from fences and brush based on digital number values of pixels. Further difficulty arises because the huts in each village are small and have conical thatch roofs. These roofs cause light to scatter in multiple directions, often resulting in heterogeneous pixel values for each hut. This makes it difficult to spectrally identify each hut as a homogeneous object because up to half of each roof falls in the shadow of the other half. To emphasize this, all pixel values that are not representative of huts in the red band have a standard deviation of 25.96 with a range of 255 (table 1). In contrast, the standard deviation of pixel values for huts in the red band is 78.06 with a range of 255 (table 2). Table 1. 2004 pixel statistics for background. Basic statistics Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Minimum Maximum Mean Standard deviation 1 1 1 1 160 190 255 246 100.79 132.70 192.76 168.92 13.07 17.89 25.96 22.08 Feature extraction for Darfur 2525 Table 2. 2004 pixel statistics for huts. Basic statistics Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 3.2 Minimum Maximum Mean Standard deviation 1 1 1 1 165 199 255 242 55.15 65.17 91.51 70.87 47.16 58.23 78.06 70.88 Data sources Standard Quickbird images of Jonjona village in North Darfur, Sudan were processed using ENVI 4.2 and the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. This set of satellite sensor imagery was kindly provided by the American Association for the Advancement of Science Geospatial Technology and Human Rights (GaTHR) program. The village of Jonjona (figure 2) was reportedly attacked on 07 May 2006 when militias burned 16 houses within the village (American Association for the Advancement of Science 2009). Due to image-availability restrictions, the pre-conflict image was captured on 07 December 2004 and the post-conflict image was captured on 23 February 2007; see table 3 for characteristics of the images used in this study. Digital image-processing procedures were performed using ENVI. Shapefiles created with ENVI were opened in ArcMap for final analysis. Accuracy assessment was performed using manually digitized shapefiles (provided by the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Human Rights Program and Figure 2. False-colour infrared image of Jonjona village. Bands 4, 2 and 1 correspond to wavelengths of 0.76–0.89 m (near-infrared), 0.52–0.60 m (green) and 0.45–0.52 m (blue), respectively. 2526 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards Table 3. Parameters of the Quickbird images used in this study. Date View angle 07 December 2004 23 February 2007 Ground sampling distance (m) Pan-sharpening DRA Map projection 4.7 – 0.611 – 4 band 4 band Yes Yes UTM zone 35N UTM zone 35N Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights Project) indicating the number and location of destroyed structures. 4. Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 4.1 Methods Classification procedures The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of accurately quantifying the number of huts within a given village. As a consequence, the spatial extent of this analysis was set by delineating a region of interest (ROI) around the village perimeter. Furthermore, every feature in the scene besides a hut is considered background noise. Specifically, the classification goal was to sort all image pixels into two classes, one representing huts and the other representing all other features in the scene. Classification of the entire scene is unnecessary because the location and number of huts in each image is the only information that is normally used for human rights advocacy purposes. When comparing huts (table 2) to all other information content (table 1) in the 07 December 2004 image, both categories have similar ranges of pixel values across all spectral bands; however, the features of interest (huts) have larger standard deviation values, owing mostly to the conical shape of hut roofs. Another impediment to classification was the Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) option (table 3) that was applied by the data vendor. Unfortunately, images with DRA are not recommended for spectral classification (DigitalGlobe 2009). To deal with this, a simple non-parametric classification procedure was used to group pixels between spectral bands. The ISODATA algorithm was chosen because of the nonnormal distribution of pixel values and poorly defined surface features within the scene (Jensen 2007). The ISODATA algorithm treats the entire dataset as one cluster and decomposes it into a number of natural spectral clusters after iterating through the dataset in a self-organizing way. In order to better evaluate this procedure, the unsupervised ISODATA technique was compared to two supervised classification techniques. Training data was collected in order to prepare a Maximum Likelihood Classification. Training pixels were collected across the entire study area, with over 300 pixels used for each of five classes. This sample size was chosen in accordance with the principle that each sample should minimally be 30 times the number of features in the dataset (Mather 2004). Unfortunately, the histograms for each training set were extremely non-normal, and this was further aggravated by the large standard deviation of the pixels in the training classes for huts and vegetation, thus causing the Maximum Likelihood classifier to perform very poorly. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) was then used because it is non-parametric and suitable for heterogeneous spectral classes. Instead of relying on statistical criteria for class membership, SVM classifiers exploit geometric criteria based on maximizing the margin between two classes (Melgani and Bruzzone Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 Feature extraction for Darfur 2527 2004). Although smaller training samples could have been suitable for the SVM (Foody and Mathur 2004), the training sites used for the Maximum Likelihood classification were reused for this analysis. The SVM classifier implemented in this study used the pairwise classification strategy for multi-class classification. The parameters were determined by trial analyses and a radial basis function kernel with a Gamma of 0.30 was used in conjunction with a penalty parameter of 90. The results of the SVM classification appear in table 4. Although the overall accuracy of the SVM classification is rather good, the spectral class corresponding to huts and fencing still had multiple errors and did not transfer well to the rest of the study. Because of this, only the ISODATA results for the hut and fencing spectral class were further analysed. ISODATA was initially set to iterate to seven clusters, and attempts were made to recode the clusters into hut/non-hut classes, yet the results were unsatisfactory. Repeated trial analyses determined that 80 clusters were optimal for recoding groups of pixels into the two desired classification categories. It was necessary to break the scene into many spectral clusters (using ISODATA) and then iteratively label the resulting spectral classes, as ‘hut’ is an information class that is extremely heterogeneous and significantly overlaps with the spectral classes that occur for bare soil, tree shadow, hut shadow, fencing and glare resulting from illumination. Each cluster was interactively highlighted to determine correspondence to features of interest or background information, ultimately being recoded into a binary image. Binary images contain pixels that fall within two object sets: set A is the foreground (Boolean 1) and set B is the background (Boolean 0). In this study, village structures and all other pixels with significant spectral overlap are in set A and all other pixels are grouped into set B (figure 3). Generalization of pixel values into two groups has been successfully used to quantify features within remotely sensed imagery (Glasbey et al. 1991, Laliberte and Ripple 2003) and prepares the image for transformations based on set theory. 4.2 Removal of interfering features Morphological operators are based on set theory and are similar to smoothing filters. However, unlike convolution filters that act on spectral properties, morphological filters modify the spatial properties of foreground pixels (set A) relative to background pixels (set B). Morphological transformations are applied through a structural element that dictates the connectivity (topology) of pixel groups from set A that are allowed to pass through the filter. The connectivity within these structural elements defines what information is retained from the original image (Serra and Vincent 1992). Table 4. Accuracy assessment of Support Vector Machine classification of entire village. Class Hut/fence Tree Grass Soil Overall accuracy ¼ 94.7784% Kappa coefficient ¼ 0.8998 Producer User Commission (%) Omission (%) accuracy (%) accuracy (%) 33.21 0 0.63 1.77 12.86 8.26 28.51 0 87.14 91.74 71.49 100 66.79 100 99.37 98.23 Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 2528 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards Figure 3. Morphological filtering sequence with (a) huts and compound fencing as set A, (b) a binary image where set A is white and set B is black, (c) erosion of set A by set B and (d) dilation of set A in order to approximately expand the huts back to their original size. This procedure has been extended to greyscale images (Sternberg 1986); however, the current study only considers the application of morphological operators to binary images. The two basic morphological operators are dilation and erosion and are defined in equations (1) and (2), respectively, X ¯B ¼ fxjBx ˙ X Þ ;g (1) X @B ¼ fxjBx X g (2) and for a binary image X and a structural element B where Bx ¼ fb þ xjb 2 Bg is the translation of B at point x. Dilation operators fill holes smaller than the structural element and add pixels to object boundaries, whereas erosion operators remove pixels from object boundaries. Additional operators can be implemented by combining dilation and erosion. Closing operators are a combination of a dilation operator followed by an erosion operator, essentially filling in gaps and removing narrow features. Lastly, the opening operator is the reverse of a closing operator (Serra and Vincent 1992). For an in-depth treatment of mathematical morphology, see Destival (1986), Haralick et al. (1987) and Soille (2003). Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 Feature extraction for Darfur 2529 The heterogeneous spectral response of image objects (see figure 2) underscores the need for advanced processing techniques. For instance, similar colours are shared by tree shadows and hut shadows, portions of hut roofs and bright patches of soil, and between the compound fencing and hut roofs. Separation of these features based on pixel value alone is intractable; therefore, the binary image was eroded then dilated. As detailed in figure 3, erosion is the dilation of set B and removes all features that do not correspond to the parameters of the structural element, thus eliminating interfering features within the remotely sensed image. In order to expand the huts back to their original shape, the erosion operator was followed by the dilation operator, which erodes set B according to the presence of foreground pixels within the structural element. This study uses 5 5 discshaped structural elements because the features of interest are circular. Theoretically, any stray pixels or (linear) features smaller than the size of the structural element are eroded. An area threshold of 30 m was used to eliminate features larger than typical structures, and the resulting file was overlain on the original image (figure 4). Therefore, figure 4(b) represents a combination of the original image and the refined geographic information that has been teased out of it in order to draw emphasis to dwelling units. It is evident that overlay analysis makes it easier to count features in the pre-conflict image by providing analysts with immediate visual cues regarding features of interest. In addition, overlay analysis was also applied in this manner to the post-conflict image to help discern destroyed structures (figure 4). Since the geographic information from the pre-conflict image was carried over into the post-conflict image, this overlay procedure provides an elementary type of change detection. Specifically, this form of multi-temporal analysis provides information on pre-existing structures that have been obscured by burn scars and the passage of time, thus overcoming limitations to interpreting change pairs via side-by-side comparison. 5. Results and discussion The utility of combining geographic data with remotely sensed imagery to aid in postdisaster assessment has proved to be quite successful in other studies. However, this paper differs in that the overlay procedure described herein uses generalized information from the before image instead of overlaying ancillary geographic layers such as population data. Figure 4. Overlay analysis of extracted detail onto (a) pre-attack image and (b) post-attack image. 2530 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards Table 5. Accuracy assessment of pre-conflict image feature extraction. Proportion Accuracy (%) Identification accuracy Errors of commission Errors of omission 284/424 66.9 86/424 20.3 52/424 12.8 Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 Given the inherent limitations in the dataset, the results are favourable (table 5). In an effort to improve feature extraction accuracy, more advanced morphological techniques were attempted. Specifically, morphological opening by reconstruction (Soille 2003) was performed in an attempt to better preserve the shape of the manmade structures; however, this was unsuccessful because much of the fencing around each compound was contiguous with huts. As a result, this led to ‘over-reconstruction’. Specifically, the mask image allowed most of the fencing to be reconstructed after the original binary image was eroded by a 5 5 disc-shaped structural element (figure 5). The fact that this technique should logically improve feature boundaries yet Figure 5. Morphological reconstruction sequence showing (a) the binary image, (b) the morphological erosion with a 5 5 disc-shaped structuring element, (c) the opening by reconstruction that demonstrates how many smaller features were not reconstructed, yet fencing contours are still apparent, and (d) dilation of eroded image. Feature extraction for Darfur 2531 has the opposite effect, only places further emphasis on the difficulties imposed by the spectral overlap between huts and compound fencing. Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 5.1 Quantitative accuracy evaluation The accuracy of the hut extraction method was evaluated quantitatively by the use of several accuracy indicators. Identification accuracy, error of omission and error of commission were chosen because of their use in other feature extraction studies (Shi and Zhu 2002, Zhu et al. 2005). Manually digitized vector files of huts were used for the accuracy assessment. An omitted structure is one that was misclassified as background and a committed structure is background information that was misclassified as a structure. Errors were calculated based on the number of huts correctly extracted rather than estimated per-pixel (Congalton 1991, Giada et al. 2003). Errors of omission resulted from tree shadows that have the same spectral response and are the same size and shape as hut shadows, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. Commission errors can be attributed to the difficulty in isolating tree shadows and are caused by the same technical difficulties as the errors of omission. Improvement of commission errors could possibly be attained with object-oriented methods; however, it would be more time effective to manually remove committed structures. Although not fully automated, the procedure presented here addresses the need of multi-temporal quantitative analysis of pre/post-conflict imagery. This methodology significantly improves the feature extraction process considering the amount of spectral overlap features of interest and background features (figure 2). The described methodology of change observation via overlay analysis can be used by human rights practitioners to aid in assessing the extent of damage that occurs in conflict areas, considering that some settlements contain thousands of structures. Since visual analysis of pre- and post-conflict imagery without image-processing techniques is time-prohibitive, application of the proposed techniques can be used to expedite the dissemination of critical information regarding evidence of human rights abuses. 6. Conclusion: current and future applications There is clearly a need for rapid data collection and analysis methods with minimal cost for human rights groups. The techniques presented would prove useful for most semi-desert landscapes where it is difficult to separate individual settlement structures from surrounding features. For instance, the circular hut with a thatch roof is prevalent across African countries and can be observed from in desert climates, such as Chad, all the way to tropical climates found in places such as Burma. The methods presented here describe the role remote-sensing tools and analysis techniques can have in documenting the effects of militarized conflict on civilian centres and allow for accurate assessment of the scope and scale of damage, with significantly decreased costs associated with data collection. These techniques presented would prove most useful for most semi-desert landscapes where it is difficult to separate individual settlement structures from surrounding features. The method presented in this paper exemplifies that the need for cost minimization adds to the growing body of exemplars of the roles remote-sensing tools and analysis techniques can have in documenting the effects of militarized conflict on civilian centres. The steady decline in imagery costs, combined with the rapid growth of the archives offers NGOs a valuable new tool. As demonstrated, however, mere collection 2532 J. J. Sulik and S. Edwards of this imagery without access to techniques that minimize the costs associated with systematic analysis may make the successful use of the imagery still too costly. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the referees for the careful review and valuable comments which provided insight that helped to improve the paper and Lars Bromley for providing geospatial data, and to recognize Tingting Zhao, Elise Gornish, Juliette Rousselot and William H. Moore for their input and valuable research assistance. Downloaded At: 18:27 26 May 2010 References BJORGO, E., 2000, Using very high spatial resolution multispectral satellite sensor imagery to monitor refugee camps. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, pp. 611–616. 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