Trade Marks and Logotypes Guidelines for Use CORRECT USE OF TRADE MARKS Following is a quick guide to trade mark use. Please check your usage against this list to ensure we all uphold our good name. ✔ A trade mark is an adjective – not a noun or a verb. BlueScope Steel coated products trade marks must be followed by the word “steel” – eg: The corrosion resistance of ZINCALUME® steel is remarkable. ✔ There are no alternative spellings of a trade mark – eg: COLORBOND® steel not COLOURBOND® steel ✔ A trade mark must be distinguished from the text by presenting it in capitals – eg: Specify and use only ZINCALUME® steel. ✔ Every time a registered trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by an ® symbol – eg: AQUAPLATE® steel. ✔ Material in which a trade mark appears must be footnoted to give ownership – eg: COLORBOND® is a registered trade mark of BlueScope Steel Limited. AQUAPLATE®, COLORBOND®, DECKFORM®, GALVASPAN®, ZINCALUME®, ZINCSEAL®, GALVABOND®, GALVALUME®, TRUECORE® steels, Permagard®, Thermatech® and BlueScope are all registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058. © 2009 by BlueScope Steel Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced without written permission of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited Five Islands Road, Port Kembla NSW 2505, Australia. Tel 1800 022 999 HOW TO USE BLUESCOPE STEEL TRADE MARKS AND LOGOTYPES CORRECTLY BlueScope Steel has established an outstanding reputation as a manufacturer of the finest quality steel products. Millions of dollars have been invested into the research and development of some of the most respected products in the world today. And, as with any fine product, the guarantee of quality is assured by their instantly recognisable trade mark and logotypes. The following pages show you how to correctly use the BlueScope Steel coated product logotypes and trade marks and gives you some examples of practical ways they can be utilised. TRADE MARKS – A USER’S GUIDE Trade marks such as COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel give everyone involved in their sale and installation a distinct competitive advantage. They are statements to the purchaser that the products represent a certain standard of quality and reliability of manufacture. Incorrect use and the failure to take the proper precautions for protection, may place the trade marks at risk of becoming just a generic name for similar steel products. That is why it is vital to protect and strengthen their good name. Outlined in this section are BlueScope Steel’s simple rules and standards for trade mark usage. Please follow these guidelines whenever you use our trade marks. A trade mark is always spelt correctly A trade mark can only ever have one correct spelling. For example, “COLORBOND®” must never be spelt with a ‘U’, or be split into two words. A trade mark and its symbol A trade mark must always be followed by an ® symbol if registered, or alternatively a ™ or an asterisk (*) if waiting for full registration. Where computer systems are unable to replicate the ® symbol, the letter R placed within brackets, eg: (R) is acceptable. The applicable symbol must appear next to the mark every time it is used. A trade mark is always an adjective Any BlueScope Steel product trade mark must never stand alone as a noun, nor should it be used as a verb. For example, the correct usage is “The roof is made from COLORBOND® steel” not “The roof is made from COLORBOND”. Or “Select COLORBOND® steel for your roof today” not “COLORBOND your roof today”. Or “it’s a COLORBOND® steel roof” not “a COLORBOND® roof ”. Thermatech® solar reflective technology used on COLORBOND® steel can be referred to as Thermatech®. A trade mark is always distinguished Because trade marks are special, it is important to treat them that way. When the trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by its normal product description, eg: COLORBOND® steel. The trade mark must always be in upper case to distinguish it from the surrounding text. A trade mark is always footnoted In any material in which the trade mark appears, it is also necessary to include a footnote which identifies the product as being exclusive to BlueScope Steel. This footnote may appear in small type, however it should not be omitted under any circumstances, eg COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® steels are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. LOGOTYPES – A USER’S GUIDE The trade mark logotype can be thought of as the visual or pictorial representation of BlueScope Steel’s trade marks. Familiarity with these logos can assist the customer in making purchase decisions in favour of products carrying the logo. To ensure that a consistent visual identity is portrayed for the BlueScope Steel coated product brands and trade marks, thereby ensuring maximum recognition, always observe the following rules on logotypes. The preferred use of the trade mark logotype is in black or it can be reversed out of solid Logotypes and preferred sizing Product logos are not text The minimum size of a logotype used in literature and all other promotional items should not be smaller than a cap height of 6mm. Anything less, and the logotype is too hard to read and difficult to use in applications such as embroidery and on computer monitors. Product logos must not be used as a word within a block of text. The logotype should be considered as a visual representation of our brand and not as a word of text. The following examples are incorrect uses of our product logotypes: Below is an example of the minimum logotype size requirements: This house has a To make sure that the logotypes always stand out, we have defined a clear space around them that must be maintained. This helps to increase effectiveness and legibility by reducing the impact of text or visual matter around them. Never distort or use our logotype in any way other than as outlined in these guidelines: Full product description Normal product description AQUAPLATE® polymer coated steel COLORBOND® pre-painted steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® zinc-coated steel ZINCALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel ZINCSEAL® zinc-coated steel GALVABOND® zinc-coated steel GALVALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel TRUECORE® residential framing steel AQUAPLATE® steel COLORBOND® steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® steel ZINCALUME® steel ZINCSEAL® steel GALVABOND® steel GALVALUME® steel TRUECORE® steel Note: All existing trade mark logotypes are available as a digital file. For more information please contact your local BlueScope Steel office. Trade marked colour names Colour names for COLORBOND® steel are all trade marked to help protect our investment and further differentiate our product fromour competitors. Current colour names and trade mark registration status is available online at PMS: Pantone Warm Red CMYK: 79% Magenta and 91% Yellow ✗ ✗ ✗ For black use of the logotype, the ‘O’ has a 50% screen of black. The ‘O’ in the “COLORBOND®” logotype can be created through two different colour processes: Colour version reversed out of SOLID ✗ Black is the preferred background colour when a logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. Colour usage of THE logotype Mono version reversed out of solid fencing for your home. ✗ Below is an example of the clear space required around a logotype: Mono usage of the logotype The “COLORBOND®” logo must not be used in any form other than those shown in the following examples. roof. ✗ Never distort or change the logo Clear Space around the logo Trade mark logotype for COLORBOND® steel Black is the preferred background colour when the logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. When reversing the logo out of black, the ‘O’ has a 50% tint of black. HOW TO USE BLUESCOPE STEEL TRADE MARKS AND LOGOTYPES CORRECTLY BlueScope Steel has established an outstanding reputation as a manufacturer of the finest quality steel products. Millions of dollars have been invested into the research and development of some of the most respected products in the world today. And, as with any fine product, the guarantee of quality is assured by their instantly recognisable trade mark and logotypes. The following pages show you how to correctly use the BlueScope Steel coated product logotypes and trade marks and gives you some examples of practical ways they can be utilised. TRADE MARKS – A USER’S GUIDE Trade marks such as COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel give everyone involved in their sale and installation a distinct competitive advantage. They are statements to the purchaser that the products represent a certain standard of quality and reliability of manufacture. Incorrect use and the failure to take the proper precautions for protection, may place the trade marks at risk of becoming just a generic name for similar steel products. That is why it is vital to protect and strengthen their good name. Outlined in this section are BlueScope Steel’s simple rules and standards for trade mark usage. Please follow these guidelines whenever you use our trade marks. A trade mark is always spelt correctly A trade mark can only ever have one correct spelling. For example, “COLORBOND®” must never be spelt with a ‘U’, or be split into two words. A trade mark and its symbol A trade mark must always be followed by an ® symbol if registered, or alternatively a ™ or an asterisk (*) if waiting for full registration. Where computer systems are unable to replicate the ® symbol, the letter R placed within brackets, eg: (R) is acceptable. The applicable symbol must appear next to the mark every time it is used. A trade mark is always an adjective Any BlueScope Steel product trade mark must never stand alone as a noun, nor should it be used as a verb. For example, the correct usage is “The roof is made from COLORBOND® steel” not “The roof is made from COLORBOND”. Or “Select COLORBOND® steel for your roof today” not “COLORBOND your roof today”. Or “it’s a COLORBOND® steel roof” not “a COLORBOND® roof ”. Thermatech® solar reflective technology used on COLORBOND® steel can be referred to as Thermatech®. A trade mark is always distinguished Because trade marks are special, it is important to treat them that way. When the trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by its normal product description, eg: COLORBOND® steel. The trade mark must always be in upper case to distinguish it from the surrounding text. A trade mark is always footnoted In any material in which the trade mark appears, it is also necessary to include a footnote which identifies the product as being exclusive to BlueScope Steel. This footnote may appear in small type, however it should not be omitted under any circumstances, eg COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® steels are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. LOGOTYPES – A USER’S GUIDE The trade mark logotype can be thought of as the visual or pictorial representation of BlueScope Steel’s trade marks. Familiarity with these logos can assist the customer in making purchase decisions in favour of products carrying the logo. To ensure that a consistent visual identity is portrayed for the BlueScope Steel coated product brands and trade marks, thereby ensuring maximum recognition, always observe the following rules on logotypes. The preferred use of the trade mark logotype is in black or it can be reversed out of solid Logotypes and preferred sizing Product logos are not text The minimum size of a logotype used in literature and all other promotional items should not be smaller than a cap height of 6mm. Anything less, and the logotype is too hard to read and difficult to use in applications such as embroidery and on computer monitors. Product logos must not be used as a word within a block of text. The logotype should be considered as a visual representation of our brand and not as a word of text. The following examples are incorrect uses of our product logotypes: Below is an example of the minimum logotype size requirements: This house has a To make sure that the logotypes always stand out, we have defined a clear space around them that must be maintained. This helps to increase effectiveness and legibility by reducing the impact of text or visual matter around them. Never distort or use our logotype in any way other than as outlined in these guidelines: Full product description Normal product description AQUAPLATE® polymer coated steel COLORBOND® pre-painted steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® zinc-coated steel ZINCALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel ZINCSEAL® zinc-coated steel GALVABOND® zinc-coated steel GALVALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel TRUECORE® residential framing steel AQUAPLATE® steel COLORBOND® steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® steel ZINCALUME® steel ZINCSEAL® steel GALVABOND® steel GALVALUME® steel TRUECORE® steel Note: All existing trade mark logotypes are available as a digital file. For more information please contact your local BlueScope Steel office. Trade marked colour names Colour names for COLORBOND® steel are all trade marked to help protect our investment and further differentiate our product fromour competitors. Current colour names and trade mark registration status is available online at PMS: Pantone Warm Red CMYK: 79% Magenta and 91% Yellow ✗ ✗ ✗ For black use of the logotype, the ‘O’ has a 50% screen of black. The ‘O’ in the “COLORBOND®” logotype can be created through two different colour processes: Colour version reversed out of SOLID ✗ Black is the preferred background colour when a logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. Colour usage of THE logotype Mono version reversed out of solid fencing for your home. ✗ Below is an example of the clear space required around a logotype: Mono usage of the logotype The “COLORBOND®” logo must not be used in any form other than those shown in the following examples. roof. ✗ Never distort or change the logo Clear Space around the logo Trade mark logotype for COLORBOND® steel Black is the preferred background colour when the logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. When reversing the logo out of black, the ‘O’ has a 50% tint of black. HOW TO USE BLUESCOPE STEEL TRADE MARKS AND LOGOTYPES CORRECTLY BlueScope Steel has established an outstanding reputation as a manufacturer of the finest quality steel products. Millions of dollars have been invested into the research and development of some of the most respected products in the world today. And, as with any fine product, the guarantee of quality is assured by their instantly recognisable trade mark and logotypes. The following pages show you how to correctly use the BlueScope Steel coated product logotypes and trade marks and gives you some examples of practical ways they can be utilised. TRADE MARKS – A USER’S GUIDE Trade marks such as COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel give everyone involved in their sale and installation a distinct competitive advantage. They are statements to the purchaser that the products represent a certain standard of quality and reliability of manufacture. Incorrect use and the failure to take the proper precautions for protection, may place the trade marks at risk of becoming just a generic name for similar steel products. That is why it is vital to protect and strengthen their good name. Outlined in this section are BlueScope Steel’s simple rules and standards for trade mark usage. Please follow these guidelines whenever you use our trade marks. A trade mark is always spelt correctly A trade mark can only ever have one correct spelling. For example, “COLORBOND®” must never be spelt with a ‘U’, or be split into two words. A trade mark and its symbol A trade mark must always be followed by an ® symbol if registered, or alternatively a ™ or an asterisk (*) if waiting for full registration. Where computer systems are unable to replicate the ® symbol, the letter R placed within brackets, eg: (R) is acceptable. The applicable symbol must appear next to the mark every time it is used. A trade mark is always an adjective Any BlueScope Steel product trade mark must never stand alone as a noun, nor should it be used as a verb. For example, the correct usage is “The roof is made from COLORBOND® steel” not “The roof is made from COLORBOND”. Or “Select COLORBOND® steel for your roof today” not “COLORBOND your roof today”. Or “it’s a COLORBOND® steel roof” not “a COLORBOND® roof ”. Thermatech® solar reflective technology used on COLORBOND® steel can be referred to as Thermatech®. A trade mark is always distinguished Because trade marks are special, it is important to treat them that way. When the trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by its normal product description, eg: COLORBOND® steel. The trade mark must always be in upper case to distinguish it from the surrounding text. A trade mark is always footnoted In any material in which the trade mark appears, it is also necessary to include a footnote which identifies the product as being exclusive to BlueScope Steel. This footnote may appear in small type, however it should not be omitted under any circumstances, eg COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® steels are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. LOGOTYPES – A USER’S GUIDE The trade mark logotype can be thought of as the visual or pictorial representation of BlueScope Steel’s trade marks. Familiarity with these logos can assist the customer in making purchase decisions in favour of products carrying the logo. To ensure that a consistent visual identity is portrayed for the BlueScope Steel coated product brands and trade marks, thereby ensuring maximum recognition, always observe the following rules on logotypes. The preferred use of the trade mark logotype is in black or it can be reversed out of solid Logotypes and preferred sizing Product logos are not text The minimum size of a logotype used in literature and all other promotional items should not be smaller than a cap height of 6mm. Anything less, and the logotype is too hard to read and difficult to use in applications such as embroidery and on computer monitors. Product logos must not be used as a word within a block of text. The logotype should be considered as a visual representation of our brand and not as a word of text. The following examples are incorrect uses of our product logotypes: Below is an example of the minimum logotype size requirements: This house has a To make sure that the logotypes always stand out, we have defined a clear space around them that must be maintained. This helps to increase effectiveness and legibility by reducing the impact of text or visual matter around them. Never distort or use our logotype in any way other than as outlined in these guidelines: Full product description Normal product description AQUAPLATE® polymer coated steel COLORBOND® pre-painted steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® zinc-coated steel ZINCALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel ZINCSEAL® zinc-coated steel GALVABOND® zinc-coated steel GALVALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel TRUECORE® residential framing steel AQUAPLATE® steel COLORBOND® steel COLORBOND® Permagard® steel DECKFORM® steel GALVASPAN® steel ZINCALUME® steel ZINCSEAL® steel GALVABOND® steel GALVALUME® steel TRUECORE® steel Note: All existing trade mark logotypes are available as a digital file. For more information please contact your local BlueScope Steel office. Trade marked colour names Colour names for COLORBOND® steel are all trade marked to help protect our investment and further differentiate our product fromour competitors. Current colour names and trade mark registration status is available online at PMS: Pantone Warm Red CMYK: 79% Magenta and 91% Yellow ✗ ✗ ✗ For black use of the logotype, the ‘O’ has a 50% screen of black. The ‘O’ in the “COLORBOND®” logotype can be created through two different colour processes: Colour version reversed out of SOLID ✗ Black is the preferred background colour when a logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. Colour usage of THE logotype Mono version reversed out of solid fencing for your home. ✗ Below is an example of the clear space required around a logotype: Mono usage of the logotype The “COLORBOND®” logo must not be used in any form other than those shown in the following examples. roof. ✗ Never distort or change the logo Clear Space around the logo Trade mark logotype for COLORBOND® steel Black is the preferred background colour when the logo needs to be reversed. However, if you are limited to colours, use only strong colours. When reversing the logo out of black, the ‘O’ has a 50% tint of black. Trade Marks and Logotypes Guidelines for Use CORRECT USE OF TRADE MARKS Following is a quick guide to trade mark use. Please check your usage against this list to ensure we all uphold our good name. ✔ A trade mark is an adjective – not a noun or a verb. BlueScope Steel coated products trade marks must be followed by the word “steel” – eg: The corrosion resistance of ZINCALUME® steel is remarkable. ✔ There are no alternative spellings of a trade mark – eg: COLORBOND® steel not COLOURBOND® steel ✔ A trade mark must be distinguished from the text by presenting it in capitals – eg: Specify and use only ZINCALUME® steel. ✔ Every time a registered trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by an ® symbol – eg: AQUAPLATE® steel. ✔ Material in which a trade mark appears must be footnoted to give ownership – eg: COLORBOND® is a registered trade mark of BlueScope Steel Limited. AQUAPLATE®, COLORBOND®, DECKFORM®, GALVASPAN®, ZINCALUME®, ZINCSEAL®, GALVABOND®, GALVALUME®, TRUECORE® steels, Permagard®, Thermatech® and BlueScope are all registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058. © 2009 by BlueScope Steel Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced without written permission of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited Five Islands Road, Port Kembla NSW 2505, Australia. Tel 1800 022 999 Trade Marks and Logotypes Guidelines for Use CORRECT USE OF TRADE MARKS Following is a quick guide to trade mark use. Please check your usage against this list to ensure we all uphold our good name. ✔ A trade mark is an adjective – not a noun or a verb. BlueScope Steel coated products trade marks must be followed by the word “steel” – eg: The corrosion resistance of ZINCALUME® steel is remarkable. ✔ There are no alternative spellings of a trade mark – eg: COLORBOND® steel not COLOURBOND® steel ✔ A trade mark must be distinguished from the text by presenting it in capitals – eg: Specify and use only ZINCALUME® steel. ✔ Every time a registered trade mark appears in text, it must be followed by an ® symbol – eg: AQUAPLATE® steel. ✔ Material in which a trade mark appears must be footnoted to give ownership – eg: COLORBOND® is a registered trade mark of BlueScope Steel Limited. AQUAPLATE®, COLORBOND®, DECKFORM®, GALVASPAN®, ZINCALUME®, ZINCSEAL®, GALVABOND®, GALVALUME®, TRUECORE® steels, Permagard®, Thermatech® and BlueScope are all registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058. © 2009 by BlueScope Steel Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced without written permission of BlueScope Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel Limited Five Islands Road, Port Kembla NSW 2505, Australia. Tel 1800 022 999