Computers and Biomedical Research 32, 449–469 (1999) Article ID cbmr.1999.1523, available online at on Best Parameters Selection for Wavelet Packet-Based Compression of Magnetic Resonance Images A. N. Abu-Rezq, A. S. Tolba,1 G. A. Khuwaja, and S. G. Foda* Physics Department, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, 13060 Safat, Kuwait and; *Electrical and Computer Engineering Department; Kuwait University, Kuwait Received January 8, 1999 Transmission of compressed medical images is becoming a vital tool in telemedicine. Thus new methods are needed for efficient image compression. This study discovers the best design parameters for a data compression scheme applied to digital magnetic resonance (MR) images. The proposed technique aims at reducing the transmission cost while preserving the diagnostic information. By selecting the wavelet packet’s filters, decomposition level, and subbands that are better adapted to the frequency characteristics of the image, one may achieve better image representation in the sense of lower entropy or minimal distortion. Experimental results show that the selection of the best parameters has a dramatic effect on the data compression rate of MR images. In all cases, decomposition at three or four levels with the Coiflet 5 wavelet (Coif 5) results in better compression performance than the other wavelets. Image resolution is found to have a remarkable effect on the compression rate. q 1999 Academic Press Key Words: wavelet packets; best parameter selection; magnetic resonance imaging; compression; telemedicine. 1. INTRODUCTION The unacceptability of artifacts when making medical diagnosis has limited the wide use of image compression by the medical community. However, the imperative for compression grows as medical centers use gigabytes or terabytes of disk space per year. Transmission of medical images is becoming a vital tool in telemedicine. Lossless compression is artifact free. Also high-quality lossy compression, with its higher compression rate, could become useful for archiving images. Wavelet packets provide true lossy compression without many of the artifacts of block-based transform compressors. Reconstructed digital images must preserve the necessary information content of the original images to avoid diagnostic errors. The performance of MR image compression algorithm is measured by its ability to minimize entropy while preserving all clinically significant features. At high and medium 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 449 0010-4809/99 $30.00 Copyright q 1999 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 450 ABU-REZQ ET AL. bit rate (low and medium compression ratio), there is a strong correlation between the image quality and these objective measures. At low bit rate (high compression), the basis function characteristics have profound effects on the quality of the reconstructed image (1). The best data reduction methods to date have been based on representations of the images with multiresolutions in space and frequency domains. Most of the spacial redundancy within images can be eliminated, thereby making the images much easier to compress. However, no single algorithm can be expected to work well for all classes of images. The sampling rates, the spectral composition, and the pixel quantization influence the compressibility of the original image. Wavelet-based data compression techniques are known to produce subjectively better quality images than the standard Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) technique (2). The wavelet packets have proven to be an efficient tool for data compression (2, 3, 9–19). The wavelet packets and the best basis algorithm offer a library of orthonormal basis functions from which the optimal basis can be selected to best match the characteristics of MR images. Wavelet packets are particular linear combinations of wavelets. The best basis selection algorithm finds a basis of adapted waveforms for a prescribed signal or a family of signals. Entropy is suitable as a cost function for the minimization process in image compression. A wavelet transform-based compression system operates in four main successive steps as shown in Fig. 1. This research is concerned with the first two blocks. The last two blocks are standard (8–12). The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief overview of data compression techniques and their application to medical images. Section 3 gives an introduction to wavelet packets and the selection of the best basis. Section 4 presents the comparisons and discussions of the performance of the different wavelet bases. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section 5. 2. OVERVIEW In (1, 8), the linear phase 9/7 filter bank-based wavelet transform is used for data compression of FBI fingerprints. Experiments indicate that the improvement over the JPEG algorithm (the DCT in 8 3 8 blocks) increases with the compression ratio. At high compression, the blocking effects in the JPEG output overwhelm the signal so that it becomes impossible to follow the ridge lines. In (3), simple Haar wavelets are shown to be enough for efficient data compression of image sequences from functional brain scans. Experiments on data compression showed that the 3-D Haar DWT is the most efficient method from the perspective of computational complexity, but the quality of the reconstructed images is FIG. 1. Wavelet packet-based compression. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 451 not measured. Experiments were performed on 3-D spatial volumes discretized at 64 3 64 3 8 voxel resolution (considered to be 8 slices of 64 3 64 pixel images). A two-level 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is applied on the image slices I[i,j]. Estimates Î[i,j ] were reconstructed with a fraction of the most significant wavelet transform coefficients. Signal-to-noise ratios are computed as SNR 5 10 log10 .I[ j, k].2 o j,k .I[ j, k] 2 Î[ j, k].2 o j,k [1] with results averaged over all images and reported as mean decibles (dB). The best SNR was 35.71 dB when keeping 0.8 of the transform coefficients. In (4), results from a comparative study of different wavelet image coders using a perception-based picture quality measure are presented. Experiments showed that an excellent wavelet coder can result from a careful synthesis of existing techniques of wavelet representation, quantization, and error-free encoding. The most effective way to boost the overall performance of a wavelet coder is to exploit the dependency of quantized coefficients, including zeros. The effect of variations between asymmetric orthogonal and symmetric biorthogonal wavelets is found to be noticeable, but less significant when compared with the other two factors. 3. WAVELETS AND DATA COMPRESSION 3.1. Wavelet Transform Decomposition Data compression is one of the most important applications of wavelet transform. Wavelet transform can be generated from digital filter banks (1). Wavelet transforms hierarchically decompose an input image into a series of successively lower resolution images and their associated detail images. Discrete wavelet transform of digital images is implemented by a set of filters which are convolved with the image rows and columns. An image is convolved with lowpass and highpass filters and the odd samples of the filtered outputs are discarded resulting in downsampling the image by a factor of 2. The wavelet decomposition results in an approximation image (A) and three detail images in horizontal (HD), vertical (VD), and diagonal (DD) directions. Decomposition into L levels of an original image results in a downsampled image of resolution 2L with respect to the original image as well as detail images. 3.2. Wavelet Packets Decomposition Wavelet packets (WP) were introduced by Coifman et al. (5) as a generalized family of multiresolution orthogonal or biorthogonal basis that include wavelets. In the wavelet transform, only the lowpass filter is treated. This is based on the assumption that the lower frequencies contain more information than the higher frequencies. The main difference between wavelet transform and wavelet packets decomposition is that, in wavelet packets, the basic two-channel filter bank can 452 ABU-REZQ ET AL. be iterated either over the lowpass or the highpass branch. Figure 2 shows the wavelet packet decomposition tree. Image decomposition results in a quaternary tree at three levels of decomposition. Wavelet packet basis can be generated by the same quadrature filter pair that generates the wavelet. Coifman and Wickerhauser developed an entropy-based algorithm for the best basis selection. The entropy is used as a measure of energy compaction of a vector. An entropy-based criterion is used to select the most suitable decomposition of the MR image. This means that we look at each node of the decomposition tree and quantify the information to be gained by performing each split. MR images are analyzed using wavelet packets for splitting both the lower and the higher bands into several bands at a time. A set of wavelet packets is obtained. The following wavelet packet basis function {Wn}(n 5 0,. . ,`) is generated from a given function W0: W2n(l) 5 !2 W2n11(l) 5 !2 ok h(k)Wn(2l 2 k) [2] ok g(k)Wn(2l 2 k), [3] where the function W0 (l) can be identified with the scaling function f and W1 (l) with the mother wavelet c. h(k) and g(k) are the coefficients of the lowpass and highpass filters, respectively. Two 1-D wavelet packet basis functions are used to obtain the 2-D wavelet basis function through the tensor product along the horizontal and vertical directions. The corresponding 2-D filter coefficients can be expressed as: hLL(k, l) 5 h(k)h(l) [4] hLH(k, l) 5 h(k)g(l) [5] FIG. 2. The wavelet packet 1-D decomposition binary tree at level 3. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 453 hHL(k, l) 5 g(k)h(l) [6] hHH(k, l) 5 g(k)g(l) [7] 3.3. Choice of the Best Filter Bank for Wavelet Packet Decomposition The choice of filter bank which is used in wavelet decomposition is a critical issue that affects image quality. A selected filter bank must result in perfect reconstruction. To achieve the best compression rate of MR images, the best filter and the best decomposition level must be chosen. Different orthonormal and biorthonormal filters must be tested to get the filter with the highest energy compaction capability. Experiments are performed to select the best filter and the best decomposition level for the MR images. To select the best wavelet type for data compression of MR images, one has attempted to provide a partial answer by comparing the performance of different wavelet functions with respect to the preserved energy as a function of the achieved compression ratio. Ten different wavelet functions have been compared: the Haar wavelet, the Duabechies wavelet of order 2 (db2), the Daubecies wavelet of order 8, the biorthogonal wavelet bior3.7 (one for decomposition and the other for reconstruction), the biorthogonal wavelet bior5.5, the biorthogonal wavelet bior7.9, the Coiflet (coif2), the Coiflet (coif5), the Symlet (sym2), and the Symlet (sym5). The labels of the biorthogonal filter bior3.7 represent the lowpass analysis (or highpass synthesis) filter length and the lowpass synthesis (or highpass analysis) filter length, respectively. Coefficent details of these filters are available in (1). 3.4. Best-Basis Selection for Wavelet Packet Decomposition The wavelet packet technique offers a family of different bases for the representation of a specific image. Since the ultimate goal of this research is to compress medical images, the best basis should therefore be chosen such that it minimizes the number of significantly nonzero coefficients in the resulting transformed image. The best basis algorithm minimizes the entropy of the transform coefficients. The algorithm takes the full wavelet decomposition tree according to the wavelet packets method. Each node of the decomposition tree is assigned an entropy value. Wavelet packet tree decomposition with orthogonal subbands is shown in Fig. 2. The original image can be represented by the direct sum of the leaves of any subtree of the wavelet packet tree. Efficient wavelet packet implementation can be done in O(N ld N ) which is equivalent to the time required by the Fast Fourier transform. The use of an optimal subtree may reduce computation time. The search for the best nonredundant representation of the data by the leaves of a subtree is called best-basis selection [6]. Each subband is evaluated with a desired metric such as entropy. Then a post-ordered search of the wavelet packets tree is conducted in which a best-basis decision is made by comparing the quantitative value of each node to the cumulative effects of the node’s descendant branch. Figure 3 shows an example of a best-basis selection for a 2-D two-level decomposition wavelet packet tree. 454 ABU-REZQ ET AL. FIG. 3. Original MRI and corresponding two-level wavelet packets’ decomposition. The goal of applying the best basis algorithm is to optimally represent the MR images by choosing a suitable orthonormal basis from a collection of basis functions. The representation of the image is based on a basis function that minimizes some cost function under the following conditions: 1. The cost function is small if only few coefficients are significant. 2. The cost function is additive. The entropy will be used as a cost function and, for sequence xi is given by m({xi}) 5 2o pn ln pn , [8] n where pn 5 .xn.2 o .xi.2 i Then, the best basis function relative to m for an image x is the basis chosen from a set of possible basis functions for which the tramsformed image has the least cost m. In this research, experiments were performed on a restricted subset of rapidly computable basis functions. In wavelet packet analysis, a signal is projected onto a number of orthogonal subspaces Wi,n. The signal space V is decomposed into orthogonal subspaces such that V 5 %i,nWi,n where i denotes the level of decomposition and n denotes the nth subspace at that level. Each subspace Wi,n can be decomposed into two orthogonal WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 455 subspaces, namely W(i11),2n % W(i11),(2n11). The optimal wavelet packet representation of an MR image with respect to the cost function can then be obtained by using the following algorithm (7): 1. Choose l as the maximal number of levels of decomposition. 2. While the level of decomposition is less than l, for each subspace Wi,n do the following: ● Compute the cost function for the transform coefficients on that subspace m(Wi,n). ● Decompose Wi,j into two orthogonal subspaces and compute their cost functions m1 and m2. ● If m . (m1 1 m2), then retain m1 and m2; otherwise retain m. An original test MR image and its two-level wavelet packets decomposition are shown in Fig. 3. 3.5. Coefficent Thresholding Coefficient values below an automatically specificed global positive threshold limit are forced to zero while retaining almost all of the energy of the original image. The optimal threshold limit that corresponds to 99.6% of retained energy is selected automatically. The recovered energy is calculated by using a secondorder vector norm as E5 1 2 ,Î,2 3 100, |I|2 [9] where I and Î are the decomposed image before and after thresholding, respectively. 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section we present some results from our comparative study of several wavelet basis functions. Preliminary investigations are performed on only 4 images to conduct the most suitable wavelet shape (see Table 1A). Another 20 MRI images are then used to conduct signifince test on the the average compression rate. The 20 images are decomposed using wavelet packets at 4 levels. Preliminary investigations showed that decomposition at 4 levels is much better than decomposition at 3 levels. Automatic global thresholding technique is used to conduct the best data compression ratio while keeping 99.6% of the energy of the reconstructed images. In the experiments, 6 major types of wavelets (Haar, Coiflet, Biorthogonal, Daubechies, Coiflet, and Symmlet) were examined. Each of the 6 types is used with different parameters and different levels of decompositions. A total number of 18 filter variants are constructed using all combinations of filter types, parameter, and decomposition level. Each of the above 18 filter variants was applied to each of four MR images, and the best basis was selected. Table 1B shows the results of experiments performed on 20 in the case of the best- and worst-performing wavelet shapes. The results show that the Coiflet 5 filter and the decomposition level 4 is the best choice for the MR images. 456 ABU-REZQ ET AL. TABLE 1A WP-Image Compression Results Averaged over Four Images with a 99.6% Square Recovery Norm Wavelet Haar Db2 Db8 Bior3.7 Bior5.5 Coif2 Coif5 Sym5 Sym8 Bior9.7 Levels % NZC % NNZC Threshold level 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 93.86 94.46 93.94 94.66 95.05 95.85 94.44 96.52 95.33 96.62 95.22 95.98 96.07 96.96 95.20 95.76 95.47 96.31 92.32 93.88 7.14 5.54 6.06 5.34 4.95 4.15 5.56 3.48 4.67 3.38 4.78 4.02 3.93 3.04 4.80 4.24 4.53 3.69 7.68 6.12 7.87 7.75 8.46 8.08 8.63 8.10 9.22 9.02 7.27 6.66 9.09 8.93 9.31 8.67 6.69 8.46 8.46 8.18 7.41 7.56 Note. NZC, Number of zero coefficients; NNZC, Number of non-zero coefficients. Assuming random samples coming from random distributions, then the interval (x1 2 x2) 6 ta/2 sp !n1 1 n1 1 [10] 2 provides a realization of a confidence interval for the mean difference (m1 2 m2) of nonzero coefficients provided with two different wavelets, with confidence (1 2 a), where n1 and n2 are number of measurements, and s1 and s2 are the standard deviations, and s2p 5 (n1 2 1)s21 1 (n2 2 1) s22 n1 1 n 2 2 2 [11] According to Table 1B, we are 95% confident that evidence suggests that the average performance of the Coiflet-5 wavelet is better than the average performance of the Haar wavelet by a factor of 227.52%. 4.1. Best Filter Bank and Best Basis Selection In wavelet packet analysis, the choice of the filter bank is a critical issue that affects image quality. Important characteristics of wavelet filter bank design include 457 WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI TABLE 1B The Number of Nonzero Coefficients (NZC) for the Differenet Wavelet Shapes (Retained Energy, 99.6%; Number of Decomposition Levels, 4) Bior7.9 Image THR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean S Cl (m) m 2 m3 Cl (m 2 m3) RNZC 30.36 29.40 25.86 28.85 28.96 25.71 30.26 30.71 30.51 28.34 29.68 29.98 30.90 30.65 35.36 30.88 25.12 31.22 30.65 33.37 Coiflet 4 NZC THR 3.77 3.56 4.45 3.78 4.31 4.65 3.63 3.69 3.44 3.91 3.63 3.71 3.39 3.27 2.73 3.75 4.47 3.82 3.27 2.82 3.703 0.502 3.70 6 0.235 0.8445 0.85 6 0.208 29.5486 33.89 34.15 29.38 32.28 31.44 29.48 33.41 34.40 33.32 31.89 33.38 33.76 33.23 34.01 38.24 33.43 29.79 33.64 34.01 36.49 Coiflet 5 NZC THR 3.32 2.97 3.63 3.31 3.25 3.31 3.04 2.96 2.86 3.35 2.86 3.13 2.87 2.63 2.20 2.92 3.83 3.18 2.63 2.37 3.031 0.396 3.03 6 0.185 0.1730 0.17 6 0.181 6.0532 34.1 33.82 29.88 32.21 31.63 29.21 32.82 33.54 33.74 31.19 32.39 32.8 33.5 33.57 38.56 33.18 28.9 34.66 33.57 36.52 Bior5.5 NZC THR 3.13 2.78 3.49 3.25 3.27 3.23 2.80 2.74 2.63 2.88 2.69 3.02 2.31 2.65 2.14 2.72 3.33 3.21 2.65 2.24 2.858 0.378 2.86 6 0.177 0.000 — 0 28.06 25.8 22.95 25.93 27.81 24.52 25.79 26.06 25.79 25.01 27.6 26.64 26.35 25.4 30.6 25.91 25.77 27.56 25.4 28.56 Bior6.8 NZC THR 3.36 2.84 3.99 3.35 5.25 5.57 2.83 2.78 2.77 3.31 3.19 3.34 2.57 2.52 2.07 2.74 5.70 3.26 2.52 2.23 3.310 1.049 3.31 6 0.491 0.452 0.452 6 0.37 15.7978 35.36 33.08 30.06 32.9 32.63 29.8 33.63 33.74 33.48 32.38 35.51 33.24 33.73 33.63 38.85 34.17 29.42 34.11 33.63 37.39 Haar NZC THR 3.36 2.94 3.80 3.60 3.35 3.95 3.02 3.01 2.82 3.36 2.94 2.90 2.85 2.72 2.37 2.79 3.57 3.25 2.72 2.26 3.079 0.445 3.08 6 0.208 0.2210 0.22 6 0.193 7.7327 28.00 25.50 24.00 26.13 27.50 25.50 25.63 24.93 25.87 25.50 25.69 26.25 25.88 25.75 27.75 25.75 24.75 27.25 25.75 26.5 NZC 09.14 09.19 11.22 09.75 09.09 10.58 09.42 09.75 09.17 10.02 09.09 09.65 09.02 08.40 07.55 09.35 10.93 09.36 08.40 08.13 9.361 0.896 9.36 6 0.419 6.5025 6.5 6 0.322 227.5192 Note. CI, confidential interval; S, standard deviation; RNZC, ratio of non-zero coefficients. perfect reconstruction capability, finite-length and regularity requirement that iterated lowpass filters converge to continuous functions (19). Several wavelet filter banks are compared in Table 1B. Eighteen variants of both orthogonal and biorothogonal filters are evaluated. The Coiflet 5 wavelet is proved to be superior to all other wavelets. Figure 4 shows one example of the original and reconstructed images in the cases of the best-performing wavelet (Coiflet 5), the Bior7.9 wavelet, and the worst-performing wavelet (Haar). Figure 5 shows both the scaling function and the mother wavelet of the best-performing wavelet (Coiflet 5). The wavelet packets of the best-performing wavelet (Coiflet 5) are shown in Fig. 6. 4.2. Best Level Selection Experiments were performed to obtain the most suitable number of decomposition levels. Both Table 2 and Fig. 7 show the percentage of zeroed coefficients 458 ABU-REZQ ET AL. A FIG. 4. (A) (a) Original image, (b) reconstructed image, (c) WP decomposition at 4 levels using Coiflet 5 wavelet, and (d) WP coefficients of the best decomposition tree. (B) (a) Original image, (b) reconstructed image, (c) WP decomposition at 4 levels using Bior7.9 wavelet, and (d) WP coefficients of the best decomposition tree. (C) (a) Original image, (b) reconstructed image, (c) WP decomposition at 4 levels using Haar wavelet, and (d) WP coefficients of the best decomposition tree. versus the number of levels. Although the increase in the number of zeroed coefficents when decomposing at five levels instead of four levels is significant, the additional computational overhead for the case of five levels is many times that needed for the case of four levels. Therefore, it is recommended to decompose the MR images at only four levels. Figure 8 shows the original, reconstructed MR images, and the distribution of the percentage of zeroed coefficients, the retained energy E, the threshold limit using the Coiflet 5 wavelet. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 459 B FIG. 4. Continued 4.3. Effect of the Resolution on the Compression Rate To study the effect of original-image resolution on the compression performance, experiments were performed on the Lena image. Table 3 and Fig. 9 show this effect. 4.4. Discussion Preliminary investigations showed that the performance of wavelet packets is much better than the performance of discrete wavelet transform. Experiments performed on 20 MRI images showed that the Coiflet 5 gives the minimum number of nonzero coefficients while retaining 99.6% of the signal energy. Figure 10 shows the numbers of nonzero coefficents for the five best-performing wavelets compared to the worst-performing wavelet (Haar wavelet). Figure 11 shows the peak-signal-to-noise ratios (PSNR) for different wavelet 460 ABU-REZQ ET AL. C FIG. 4. Continued FIG. 5. Scaling function and mother wavelet for the Coiflet 5 wavelet. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI FIG. 6. Coiflet 5 wavelet packets from w0 to w8. TABLE 2 Effect of Number of Decomposition Levels on the Number of Zero Coefficents Level Haar Bior7.9 Coiflet 5 1 2 3 4 5 66.86 79.60 82.04 82.40 82.45 70.52 85.19 89.75 91.99 93.13 71.92 87.95 91.86 92.80 93.28 FIG. 7. Decomposition levels versus zeroed coefficients. 461 462 ABU-REZQ ET AL. FIG. 8. Original, reconstructed MR images, and the distribution of the percentage of zeroed coefficients, the retained energy E, and the threshold limit using a Coiflet 5 wavelet. shapes for a fixed level of retained energy (99.6%). From Table 4 it is shown that the PSNR for bior5.5 is higher than that for Coiflet 5, although the compression efficency of the latter is better for an equal percentage of retained energy (99.6%). To make a fair comparison between the Bior7.9 (according to Villasenor et al. (15)) and Coiflet 5 wavelets, the Lena image is used. Table 3 shows approximately TABLE 3 Relation between Resolution and Compression Performance Resolution Bior7.9 Coiflet 5 128 3 128 256 3 256 512 3 512 90.23 94.84 98.38 91.72 95.70 98.30 WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 463 FIG. 9. Image resolution vs number of zero coefficents. equal performance in this specific case. Table 1B indicates better performance in favor of the Coiflet 5 wavelet in the case of 20 MR test images. Table 5 gives a comparison between both the Coiflet 5 wavelet and Bior7.9 used by Villasenor et al. (15) for the case of wavelet packet decomposition at 4 levels (Fig. 12). The PSNR value for the case of Bior7.9 is 32.59 dB which is much higher than the corresponding value in the case of discrete wavelet decomposition (29.67 dB) as reported in (15). Figure 13b shows the percentage decrease in retained energy at various numbers of zero coefficents in the case of decomposition using the Coiflet 5 wavelet at four levels. Figures 13c and 13d show the reconstructed images using both the Coiflet 5 and the Bior7.9 wavelets, respectively. There is no visible difference between the two reconstructed images. Figure 14 shows the original image together with the reconstructed images using the best-performing Coiflet 5, the Bior7.9, and the worst-performing Haar wavelets. The retained energy after image reconstruction is kept at 99.6% in all cases. Although there is a large difference in the number of nonzero coefficents, there is almost no visible difference. To visualize the difference between the reconstructed FIG. 10. Number of nonzero coefficents versus the wavelet shape. 464 ABU-REZQ ET AL. FIG. 11. The peak signal-to-noise ratio for different wavelet shapes. images based on different wavelet shapes, a section from the MRI images of Fig. 14 is zoomed out for 600% and the contours are extracted for each image. Figure 15 shows the results. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH The wavelet packets and the best basis selection algorithm are used for multiresolution representation of magnetic resonance images. Experiments were performed on 20 test MR images. A comparative study of different wavelets is performed using a percentage of retained image energy and PSNR for a specific number of TABLE 4 PSNR of Different Wavelet Shapes Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean S Bior5.5 Coif5 Bior7.9 Hear 32.1574 33.2404 33.3596 32.6978 33.2974 33.6107 33.1053 33.1494 33.225 32.955 32.9958 32.5149 33.0627 33.3747 32.7392 32.9782 33.5723 32.4282 33.3747 33.04 33.41 0.842 32.6263 33.4816 33.4583 33.1263 33.2255 33.4532 33.3781 33.3967 33.5203 33.2763 33.4391 32.9733 33.3213 33.7128 33.4499 33.2982 33.4794 32.8117 33.7128 33.6485 33.4 0.792 32.65 33.46 33.56 33.25 33.44 33.71 33.38 33.39 33.55 33.25 33.44 32.97 33.33 33.74 33.35 33.29 33.64 32.87 33.74 33.58 33.73 0.785 32.6423 33.4637 33.4298 33.0923 33.2357 33.4985 33.341 33.6126 33.4913 33.2445 33.4042 32.936 33.2933 33.683 33.417 33.2945 33.4464 32.8298 33.683 33.6476 33.69 0.802 Note. S, Standard deviation. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 465 TABLE 5 Comparison between Bior7.9 and Coiflet 5 Wavelet shape Bior7.9 Coiflet 5 Threshold NZC PSNR 45.25 47.46 98.38 98.30 32.5903 32.8671 nonzero coefficients. Several wavelet types were investigated to conduct the bestperforming wavelet for efficient data compression of magnetic resonance images. The best filter and best decomposition level were selected on the basis of quality measures such as the retained energy and peak signal-to-noise ratio. The experimental results presented in Section 4 indicate the following: 1. The wavelet shape has a significant impact on the performance of the compression scheme for a specific level of image quality. 2. The Coiflet wavelet 5 produced the highest compression rate of MR images compared to all other wavelets. FIG. 12. (a) Best decomposition using Coiflet 5 at four levels. (b) Best decomposition using Bio7.9 at four levels. 466 ABU-REZQ ET AL. FIG. 13. (a) Original image. (b) Energy vs % zero coefficents. (c) Reconstructed images using Coiflet 5. (d) Reconstruction using Bior7.9. 3. Decomposition for up to four levels resulted in the best compromise between compression rate and computational overhead. 4. The performance of wavelet packets is superior to the wavelet transform analysis in all cases. 5. The effect of image resolution on the compression rate is more noticeable than the effect of the number of decomposition levels and wavelet shape. 6. The higher the resolution of the original image, the better is the compression performance. WAVELET PACKET-BASED COMPRESSION OF MRI 467 FIG. 14. (a) Original MR image. (b) Reconstructed image using Coiflet 5. (c) Reconstructed image using Bior7.9. (d) Reconstructed image using Haar. 7. The suitable wavelet for compression of a specific class of images (say MRI) may not be suitable for other image classes. A statistical significance test that is based on 20 MR images validates our conclusions. Our future research will make use of the interframe relationships for achieving higher compression rates. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the support of Kuwait University, Kuwait. Also, the authors are grateful to Keith A. Johnson and J. Alex Becker for giving us the permission to use the images of the “Whole 468 ABU-REZQ ET AL. FIG. 15. Visualization of reconstruction differences. The upper row shows (from left to right) the original section, and the reconstructed sections using Coiflet 5, Bior7.9, and Haar wavelets, respectively. The lower row of images show the contour maps of the images in the upper row. Brain Atlas” (20). The authors thank the anonymous referees for their comments which contributed significantly to the enhancement of the revised version of this paper. REFERENCES 1. Strang, G., and Nguyen, T. “Wavelets and Filter Banks.” Wellesley–Cambridge Press, 1997. 2. Lu, J., Alghazi, V. R., and Estes, R. 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