M. Sarra*, J-P. Gaubert1 J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014): 445-455 Regular paper Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless Three Phase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter JES Journal of Electrical Systems This paper describes an advanced control algorithm applied to a three phase shunt hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) for power-quality improvement and reactive power compensation required by a nonlinear load. The proposed control uses a robust PLL based on Multi-Variable Filters (MFV) to determine the reference current for the SHAPF. The SHAPF is formed by a single 7th tuned LC filter per phase and a small-rated three-phase active filter, which are directly connected in series without any matching transformer. The required rating of the active filter is much smaller than that of a conventional standalone active filter be. All simulations are performed by using Matlab-Simulink Power System Blockset and validated with an experimental test bench developed in the LIAS laboratory, University of Poitiers. Various simulation and experimental results of the proposed control algorithm are presented under steady state and transient conditions to confirm his validity and effectiveness. Keywords: Shunt Hybrid Active Power filter, Harmonics, Phase Looked Loop (PLL), Multi-Variable Filter (MVF), Voltage Source Inverters (VSI), Power quality. Article history: Received 27 February 2014, Received in revised form 21 Mars 2014, Accepted 15 September 2014 1. Introduction Many loads installed in power systems are classified as non-linear devices. Increasing use of non-linear loads, such as diode or thyristor rectifiers, cycloconverters, switch mode power supply (SMPS) in computers, rectifier devices in TVs, ovens, telecommunication power supplies and others, causes excessive neutral currents, harmonic current injection, reactive power burden in the power system, and draw non-sinusoidal currents from utility grids, thus contributing to the degradation of power quality in energy distributed generation or industrial power systems. They result in poor power factor, lower efficiency and interference to adjacent communication systems. Traditionally power passive filters (PPFs) have been used to eliminate the current harmonics and to improve the power factor. However, these PPFs present many disadvantages such as: • The requirement to implement one filter per frequency harmonics that needs to be eliminated; • Sensitive to frequency variation of the utility; • The risk of series/parallel resonance; • The filter frequency is fixed, and not easy to adjust; In order to overcome the above mentioned disadvantages inherent in PPFs, various kind of pure active power filters (APF) configuration have been researched and developed, however they also have some disadvantages such as: • It is difficult to construct a large-rated current source. • The cost of active filters in industrial applications could be very high because of the large power rating of the used power converter. • These cost considerations limit the applications of active filters in power systems [1]-[7]. * Corresponding author: University of Bordj Bou Arreridj & Science and Technology Faculty ; sarramust1@yahoo.fr 1 Université de Poitiers jean.paul.gaubert@univ-poitiers.fr Copyright © JES 2014 on-line : journal/esrgroups.org/jes M. Sarra, J-P. Gaubert: Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless 3ph Shunt Hybrid Power Filter As an alternative to mitigate the problems and to inherit advantages of PPFs and pure APFs, different topologies of hybrid active filters by connecting APFs and PPFs in series or parallel with various control strategies, have been proposed in recent years as lower cost alternatives to pure APFs used alone. This paper describes a Transformerless SHAPF formed by a single LC filter per phase tuned to the seventh-harmonic frequency and a smallrated three-phase active filter based on a three-phase voltage-source PWM converter. The passive and active filters are directly connected in series. The dc voltage of the active filter is much lower than the supply line-to-line RMS voltage because no supply voltage is applied across the active filter. The supply voltage is applied across the capacitor of the passive filter. Moreover, no additional switching-ripple filter is required for the SHAPF because the LC filter operates not only as a harmonic filter but also as a switching-ripple. This SHAPF is based on advanced control algorithm consisting of synchronous reference frame (SRF) rotating at fundamental angular speed using a Multi-Variable Filters (MFV) based robust PLL to determine the reference current for the algorithm control [8]-[11]. 2. System configuration and basic compensation principle Figure1 presents the power scheme of the SHAPF proposed in this paper and designed to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of is below 5%. It consists of a three-phase three wire supply voltage, three phase six pulse rectifier, and the active filter which is directly connected to the system through the LC filter. In this paper, the passive filter, through which iF flows, is not tuned to most dominant 5th harmonic frequency but the second most dominant 7th harmonic frequency for the following reasons: • The passive filter tuned to the 7th harmonic frequency is less bulky and less expensive than that tuned to 5th frequency as long as both filters have the same inductor LF. • The passive filter tuned to the 7th harmonic frequency offers less impedance to the 11th and 13th harmonic components, compared to that tuned to the 5th harmonic frequency. Rs Supply Voltage Ls Is Rd Ld IF 7th tuned passive filter Robust PLL Control Algorithm Non Linear Load LF7 CF7 Cdc Isabc Vsabc RL LL IL 6 PWM Vdc DC- Bus Regulator Fig.1. Structure of the proposed SHAPF The active filter consists of a three-phase voltage-source PWM converter using six IGBTs, and a DC capacitor Cdc. This hybrid topology allows the inverter to have a very weak DC-side voltage. The passive filter sinks the 7th harmonic current, while the active filter compensates for the other harmonic currents produced by the diode rectifier (non linear load). The SHAPF compensate non linear load current harmonics by injecting equal 446 J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014) 445-455 but opposite harmonic compensating current, so it operates as a current source injecting the harmonic components but phase-shifted by 180°. Figure 1 can be simplified for one phase as shown in Fig. 2a, where Zs is the source impedance and Zf is the total impedance of the passive filter. The active filter is considered as a voltage source VAF, the load is assumed to be an ideal current source IL, and ZS is the impedance of the LC filter. When no active filter is connected (VAF =0), assuming that the supply voltage is balanced and sinusoidal gives the supply harmonic current ISh as follows: I Sh = ZF S . LS + Z F (1) I Lh If the supply impedance ωhLS is much smaller than Zf, desirable filtering characteristics could not be obtained. Moreover, harmonic resonance between LS and ZF may occur at a specific frequency, thus causing the so-called harmonic-amplifying phenomena. When the active filter is connected, it helps the passive filter to absorb the load harmonic current ILh, so that a small amount of harmonic current can flow to the supply. In addition, the active filter can damp out the harmonic resonance. The supply harmonic current ISh, the terminal harmonic voltage VTh, and the output voltage of the active filter VAF are given as follows: I Sh = ZF R + S . LS + Z F I Lh (2) . (3) S .L Z VTh = − R + S . LSS +FZ F I Lh . VAF = ZF R + S . LS + Z F (4) I Lh Equation (2) tells us that Fig. 2(a) is equivalent in ISh to Fig. 2(b). This means that a pure resistor K(Ω) is connected in series with LS as shown in Fig. 2(b). If K ZF all the harmonic currents injected from the load would sink into the LC filter. If ωhLS, K would dominate the filtering characteristics. In addition K acts as a resistor to damp out parallel harmonic resonance between LS and ZF. Shortly, the principle is to increase ZS and decrease ZF simultaneously. [8]-[10] VT Ls VTh IF Ls IS ZF ISh IFh K ZF IL Vs ILh VAF VAF (a) (b) Fig.2 Single Phase equivalent circuit 447 M. Sarra, J-P. Gaubert: Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless 3ph Shunt Hybrid Power Filter Figure 3 shows the filtering characteristics (relationship between ISh and ILh) of the hybrid filter for different values of K. When the active filter is not connected in series with the LC filter, harmonic-amplifying phenomenon appears in a frequency range of 200–700 Hz. When the active filter is combined, no harmonic-amplifying phenomenon occurs. However, the filtering characteristic of the hybrid filter is satisfactory only at the seventh harmonic frequency. 30 K=0 K=10 20 K=30 10 K=60 G a in (d B ) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 4 10 5 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig.3 filtering characteristics 3. Hybrid active filter control Figure 4 shows the proposed control circuit of SHAPF, which detects the three-phase supply currents Isabc , three-phase voltage supply Vsabc and the DC-bus voltage Vdc and then builds the reference voltages Vsabc* for the PWM voltage source inverter. First, the three-phase supply currents (Isa, Isb, and Isc) are measured and transformed into the instantaneous active (Id) reactive (Iq) components using synchronous reference frame (SRF) rotating at fundamental angular speed with the positive sequence of the system voltage (5). $ $ 2π $ 2π i cos cos − cos θ θ sa θ + id 2 3 3 is i = $ $ $ 3 2π b 2π q – sin θ – sin θ − − sin θ + i 3 3 sc (5) Where is the phase of the positive sequence of the system voltage which is provided by the robust PLL proposed in this paper. The system under study is a three-wire system where the zero sequence may be neglected, so only id and iq are considered. The active and reactive currents can also be decomposed in their DC and AC components. id id DC + id AC i = i + i q qDC qDC 448 (6) J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014) 445-455 Where (idDC, iqDC) are respectively the d-axis and q-axis direct components which correspond respectively to the fundamental active and reactive components, and (idAC, iqAC) are respectively the d-axis and q-axis alternating components which correspond respectively to the harmonic active and reactive components. It is hoped that the network supplies the DC values of the active current, while its AC components, as well as the reactive current, is supplied by the SHAPF. Concerning the reactive current, its DC value is provided by the passive filter, while the inverter provides an AC voltage to damp the harmonics. A second-order low-pass filter (LPF) with a cutoff frequency of 12 Hz extracts ac components from id. The obtained and iq* are then fed into the proportional plus integral (PI) regulators to generate the required voltage command for the inverter. A dq to abc transformation is applied to convert the inverter voltage command back to three-phase quantities. The sine/triangle modulation generates square wave switching commands to achieve harmonic isolation and dc-bus power balancing of the active filter inverter. Vsa Vsb Vsc Robust PLL θ̂ Isa Id abc LPF %Ι d Vd* PI dq Va* Vb * Isb Isc Iq * Iq Vq* PI dq DC-bus Voltage Control Vdc * Voltage abc Vc* ∆ Iq Regulator Vdc Fig. 4 Control diagram of the SHAPF 3.1 DC-bus voltage control The active filter can build up and regulate the dc capacitor voltage by itself without any external power supply. Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of the dc-voltage control with a proportional-plus-integral (PI) regulator. When the active filter is controlled to produce a fundamental voltage being in phase with the fundamental leading current of the passive filter, an active power formed by the leading current and the fundamental voltage is delivered to the dc capacitor. Therefore, the electrical quantity to be controlled in a dc voltage feedback loop is not ∆Id but ∆Iq [8]. In the knowledge that the current control loop (inner loop) must be much faster than the DC voltage loop (external loop) at high operating switching frequency, which means that the bandwidth of the external loop is much lower than that of the inner one, then it can be assumed that the poles of its transfer function is not involved in the stability of the external loop. Consequently, in steady state the current closed loop gain has a unity value (Is (s)/Is*(s) =1). Then, the global control loop scheme in Fig. 5a can be simplified. Therefore, the choice of PI regulator parameters (Ki, Kp) is based on the step response of 449 M. Sarra, J-P. Gaubert: Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless 3ph Shunt Hybrid Power Filter this simplified closed loop. On the other hand, to limit and smooth mains current at started and dumping transient time, an anti-windup loop has been introduced to the PI controller (Voltage regulator) as shown in Fig.5b. Then, the expression of voltage control loop is: * Vdc Vdc Kp Ki .S + Cdc = Cdc Kp Ki S2 + .S + Cdc Cdc (7) From (5) the relation between Vdc and Vdc* is a second order transfer function in the form of: Vdc * 2.ξω n.S + ω n 2 = Vdc S 2 + 2.ξω n.S + ω n 2 (8) Where ωn is natural frequency and ξ is damping coefficient. The T.F contains two poles and one zero, this proves that the proposed voltage controller based on an antiwindup PI, insures a fast response and good stability for transient states. By equaling (5) and (6), Ki and Kp can be deduced. [14], [15].Hence, Kp= 2. ξ. ωn.Cdc and Ki= Cdc.ωn2 However, the Bode diagram of the closed loop transfer function shown in Fig.5c represents a good stability with a margin phase PM=127° and a bandwidth BW =62 rad /s. PLL Sin Vdc* Vdc Voltage Regulator Is * X is * ߝ GVSi 1 If R+L.S+1/C.S f f f Vf Inverter T.F Antiwindup PI Controller Passive Filter T.F Vs Inner current control loop Outer voltage control loop (a) 450 1 Cdc.S Is Capacitor T.F Ic Ic1 Vdc J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014) 445-455 Kp VDC* Vc ε Vr Ismax 1 S Ki VDC 1 Ta (b) (c) Fig.5 Bloc diagram of the DC-bus voltage control 3.2 Proposed robust PLL The proposed control strategy’s main objective proposed in this paper is to improve the performance of the SHAPF by using a robust PLL based on a Multi-Variable Filter (MVF) which can extract directly the fundamental voltage in the α-β axis with high performance that allows making insensible the PLL to the disturbances specifically to the harmonic and unbalanced voltage. [16],[17]. Vα K Vsa Vsb Vsc abc 1 S Vsd*= 0 V̂α X ωc ω̂ PI ωc αβ Vβ K 1 S 1 S θ̂ V̂β X Multi-Variable Filter (MVF) Sin Cos Fig. 6 Robust PLL principle scheme Figure 6 illustrates the principle scheme of the proposed robust PLL. The most important part of this structure is the MVF expressed in (7), permits filtering the stationary reference frame components of the main voltages at the network frequency (50 Hz), without introducing either a phase shift or a voltage change amplitude.(H(s) = 0 db) (Fig.7).Where,(ωc, k) are the cut-off frequency and the dynamic gain respectively. k (s + k ) k.ωc . V α ( s) − .V β (s) (s + k )2 + ωc2 (s + k )2 + ωc2 k (s + k ) k.ωc Vˆ β (s) = .V β (s) + .V α (s) 2 2 (s + k ) + ωc (s + k )2 + ωc 2 Vˆα (s) = (9) 451 M. Sarra, J-P. Gaubert: Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless 3ph Shunt Hybrid Power Filter The bode diagram of the Multi-Variable Filter in 3D results in the following figures: 0 2 1 -20 P ha s e (ra d) Mag (dB) -10 -30 0 -1 0 100 20 100 40 80 50 -2 0 60 f(Hz) 40 20 0 60 80 50 K 100 f( Hz) (a) K 100 (b) Fig. 7 Bode diagram of Multi-Variable Filter a) magnitude and b) phase versus f and K The Fig. 7 indicates that, at 50Hz, the phase angle of bode diagram is null, which means that the two input and output signals are in phase. Fig.8 presents the robust PLL simulation results done in the worst cases. Fig.8a illustrates the polluted supply voltage containing harmonics and random noise, and in Fig.8d is presented the perfect sinusoidal and balanced voltage generated by the proposed robust PLL, that proves the good results in filtering of the voltage harmonics without generating any phase-shifting and eliminate the unbalance which can appear in the electric network. 2 S in – c o s (ra d ) V sa _ d isto rte d (V ) (ra d ) 200 100 0 -100 -200 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 1 0 -1 -2 0 0.2 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.12 0.16 0.2 t(s) t(s) (a) (b) 2 6 V s_ ab c (V ) θ (ra d ) 1 4 2 0 0 0 -1 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 -2 0 0.04 t(s) 0.08 t(s) (c) (d) Fig.8 Robust PLL simulation results 4. System modeling and simulation To simulate the proposed control strategy of the SHAPF, a model is developed in Matlab/Simulink® environment using SimPower Systems Blockset. The complete active filter system is composed mainly of a three-phase source, a nonlinear load which is a three phase rectifier feeding an inductive load, a PWM voltage source inverter, and a control bloc. It should be noted that the simulation parameters are identical to those used for experimentation and are summarized in Table1. 452 J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014) 445-455 Table 1. SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND PARAMETERS VALUES Supply Voltage Line frequency Supply line impedance VSabc = 50V (rms) f =50 Hz RS =0.1 Ω , LS =0.05 mH RL =0.1 Ω , LL =0.05 mH RD1 =16.1 Ω , RD2 =30 Ω LD =1 mH LF7 =1.9 mH, LC7 =110µF Nonlinear load components 7th tuned passive filter Quality Factor Q APF DC-capacitor 42 Cdc = 1100 µF APF DC-bus voltage Vdc* = 15 V Voltage regulator Parameters Current regulator Parameters Resonant frequency Kpv=0.156, Kiv=11.1 Kpc=0.156, Kic=11.1 350 Hz LPF Cut-off frequency fLPF = 12 Hz Computer simulation verifies the viability and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid filter. At first, the results of simulation before connecting the filter to the network polluted by the nonlinear load are presented in Fig. 9. It can be noticed in Fig.9d that, without passive ore active filters in the system, the source current is presents a high harmonic distortion (THDi=27,38%) caused by the presence of the nonlinear load. Otherwise, it can also be noted that the significant current generated by this nonlinear load, are 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th order, among them the biggest is the 5th. M a g ( % o f F u n d a m e n ta l 80 60 40 Vsa (V) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 100 THDv= 0.29 % 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -80 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Harmonic Order t (s) (a) (b) M a g (% o f F u n d a m e n ta l) 8 6 4 Isa (A) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 100 THDi= 27.38 % 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -8 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s) (c) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Harmonic Order (d) Fig. 9 Simulation waveforms before connecting the SHAPF In the next section, the simulation results of the system are presented in steady and transient states. Fig. 10 presents the waveform of supply voltage Vsa (V), load current Ica (A), supply current Isa (A), the DC-bus voltage Vdc (V), the active power P (W) and the reactive power Q (VAR). 453 M. Sarra, J-P. Gaubert: Advanced Control Strategy of a Transformerless 3ph Shunt Hybrid Power Filter 80 Vsa (V) 60 40 V s a( V ) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 t 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 (s) 15 Ica (A) 10 I c a( A ) 5 0 -5 Start Load variation -10 -15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 t (s) 15 THDi = 2.71 % Isa (A) 10 Is a( A ) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 t (s) ifa (A) 8 SHAPF Switch ON If a ( A ) 4 0 -4 -8 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 t (s) 50 V d c( V ) Vdc (V) 40 Vdc * 30 15 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 t (s) Fig.10 Simulation waveforms after connecting the SHAPF in transient state When the SHAPF is applied to the system (switched on) at time t=0.08s, it can reduce the supply current THDi from 27.38% to 2.71% so, it becomes almost sinusoidal waveform, which proves that the proposed SHAPF control strategy has the capability of compensating for current harmonics successfully. On the other hand, it can be observed how the SHAPF behaved under a first step change in the nonlinear load DC side at t=0.2s from RD2 to RD1 and from RD1 to RD2 at t=0.3s. Q S (Var ) P S (W ) After the nonlinear load changes occurred, the supply current was distorted for about one cycle (about 20ms), which would not produce any bad effect on external circuits and equipment, because the proposed SHAPF with its robust control strategy recovered from the transient state in one cycle. The DC-bus voltage Vdc was well regulated, even in the transient state, because of the use of the DC-voltage control with its anti-windup loop. SHAPF Switch ON Start Load variation 1000 500 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 500 0 -500 t (s) Fig. 11 Active power P and reactive power Q in transient state 454 J. Electrical Systems 10-4 (2014) 445-455 5. Conclusion A shunt hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) based on a advanced control algorithm consisting of synchronous reference frame (SRF) rotating at fundamental angular speed using a Multi-Variable Filters (MFV) based robust PLL has been studied in this paper to determine the reference current for the SHAPF in order to improve the power quality and compensate reactive power required by nonlinear load. The SHAPF is formed by a single 7th tuned LC filter per phase and a small-rated three-phase active filter, which are directly connected in series without any matching transformer. The required rating of the active filter is much smaller than that of a conventional standalone active filter. With the advanced control system designed in this paper the proposed SHAPF can attenuate harmonics well and has a good dynamic performance. 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