Columbus B. Key - American Council of Independent Laboratories

Policy Statement:
Construction material testing laboratories performing work for Navy construction
contracts must be accredited by one of the NAVFAC acceptable laboratory
accreditation authorities. The laboratory must submit a copy of the Certificate of
Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation received from the laboratory
accreditation authority. The laboratory’s scope of accreditation must include the
ASTM standards listed in the project specification section 01450, paragraph titled
“Construction Materials Testing Laboratory Requirements” as appropriate to the
testing field. The policy applies to the specific laboratory performing the actual
testing, not just the “Corporate Office”.
NAVFAC Acceptable Laboratory Accreditation Authorities:
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) administered by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICBO ES)
The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) [approval authority limited
to projects within the state of Washington]
The Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories (WACEL) [approval
authority limited to projects within the Chesapeake Engineering Field Activity and
Public Works Center Washington DC geographical area]
Unified Facilities Guide Specification:
UFGS-01450N dated December 2001 is the current version of the guide specification
section that contains the NAVFAC policy/implements requirements for the
construction material testing laboratory accreditation program. The guide is used
as a manuscript for preparing individual contract/project Quality Control
specifications. Anyone can download a copy of the guide by going to the
Construction Criteria Base web site at
Prior to the implementation of the NAVFAC Construction Material Testing
Laboratory Accreditation Program the practice was as follows:
Testing laboratories, that were not accredited and were proposed by the
Contractor for use on the project, were required to submit a certified
statement to the ROICC attesting that the proposed laboratory met a list of
criteria specified in the project specification for laboratories engaged in
testing of construction materials. However, unless the ROICC or
Construction Division inspected the testing laboratory, the ROICC had no
assurance as to whether the testing laboratory, in fact, met the criteria
established by the project specifications.
In late 1996 NAVFAC began considering the implementation of the testing lab
accreditation program. We notified professional societies and contracting
associations of the proposed policy and solicited their comments. The feedback in
response to our solicitation for comments was supportive.
NAVFAC implemented the Construction Material Testing Laboratory
Accreditation Program in December of 1997 and the NAVFAC Quality Control
Guide Specification Section 01450 was revised to incorporate this change. The
current guide specification on this subject is UFGS-01450N dated December 2001.