-I-- E IRE. AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS 'IJ TUARASCAIL 1944-45. REPORT Cl'il_1Ii .., eM QovenPment by the .J1 ini8ter for Education and laid before the Qireachla8). BAILE ATHA CLIA.TH : DURLIN: FOILUlITHE AG on-ro AN _SOLATHAIR. PUBLISHED UY THE HTATIONERY OFFICE. Le ceannach direaeh 6 CHAIN RIALTAIS, 3-4, BRAID AN OHOLAISTE; . BAILE ATHA ULIATH. no id aon dioltoir Ieabhar, To bepurchesod directly from the PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE, 3-4 COLLEGE STREET, DUBLIN. or through a.ny Bookes1ler. OlFIG DtOI:fA FOIL~E G&~ L144Ch- Cl'1 SCIU,1nse SO telt. P1'ice- (P. o, 7781) Three Shilline and Sixpence. { El RE AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS I TUARASCAIL 1944-45. REPORT OF 1'I:fQ; Department of Education 1944-45 U"'esentell fo flit (lorern mrnl by the J[ini.<ter for Education ant! In id bejore IIIf ()ire,,('ht(f.~). BAILE ATHA CLlATH: DUBLIN: FOILLSITHE AG OIFIG AN t30LATHAm. PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY O~'FICK Le ocannach direach 0 OTFIG nI01,TA flOJLLSEAC'FfA1NRIALTA1S, 3-+, imAID AN CHOLArR'l'E BAlLE :\THA CLrATH. nO tl'e aon dioltoir leubhn r. To he purchased directly from the GOVERNMENT l'UHLIC'A'l'rONS SALE OFFICE, ;{-i COLLEGE ~TRKET, DUBLlN. 0" through LIII/ch-Lpi Price-- (P. No. 7761) any Bookesller. SC/LLtl15e 50 ThrC'e Shilling» Le ic. .md Sixp(·Il(,(,. AN ROINN OIDEACHAJR. Bealraine D()\ 'I'il .'\II~E S(1 bhraic], I f)-I.fl. OroE,\CHAIS, d 'nnoir ur ;)11 m Hliaiu (I(J . ngmll an Airgeadais, TII,lliIS('llil fly '111 m agus Risrachain Blin in DC'oilf' aglls 1944·A5, n dill)' Lwi ERRATA. In the table of contents (at page 7) the index "page should read "page 148", and the page index for each subsequent item in the table should read two pages in arrear. ISO" LUI\J I EN I5 PART I-REPORT CHAP. I. PAtiE PRIMARY EDUCATION: lntroduct.io Section I. II. III. 1 V. V. V 1. n School Attendance School Buildings Van and Boat Services, Recruitment of Primary CoL-"re; \)61'u 9 11 11 12 13 14 &c. Teachers \lLLlil0(:';111 11d n.{\co1il"llc " VII. An Obair ins na Scola " VIII. Primary School Certificate Examination IX. Scholarships in Secondary and Vocational X. S"C<\1U"" 5"e1l:se n5Ml"C"c"C XI. " Il. COl'!'''; 111<'1'Sn,\t."Ce"":s,, ":sur r" 17 17 Schools ""o"11t" r.' 22 Ol'e6c'S"el-c"c"C S.l1il1'd1"l) 1 ;:;CeoL "SUI' 1 5Cl0nUd1'5.l1f'U;11. SECOKDAltY 23 EDUCATION: 2428 30 30 Section 1. Obair na Mean·Scc! II. General Administration Ill. Examinations IV. The Staffs in the Schools Y. Scholarships and Prizes UI. VOCATIONAL Section EDUCATION: NATIONAL COLLEGE V. NATIONAL MUSEUM VII. VIII. Section m' An.T LIBRARY REFORMATORY ENDOWED AKD INDUSTlU.H ~7 41 43 46 47 50 52 56 57 58 59 60 68 72 SCHOOJ,S I. Schemes under Educational H. Erasmus PltAINXSE 34 SCHOOLS Act. IX. 32 Continuation Education Technical Education Efficiency of Enstruot.ion The Position o£ Irish in Vocational Schools Technical School ExaminationR Raising of thc School-Leaving Age J uvenilc Training Centres Special Courses for the Training of Teachers Training Schools for Teachers of Domestic Science School Buildings Apprenticeship Committee" [V. NATIONAl, 31 I. Progress or Vocational Education Il. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. " XII. VI. 21 21 XA Endowments l88" Smith Schools Act Scheme bhFOILLSIUCHAK (Ireland) 77 79 7 6 PART II._APPE~nnCES-continued. PAGI,:. }!ART I. ll. GK-NERAL ED PRnURY II-APPENDICES C'ATIOS STATISTICS Ill. EDUCATIOS : Schools and Pupils Examination Statistics Recognition of Classes in Primary 82 EDUCATIO~: Schools, General Statistics Building Grants, Teachers' Residences. etc. Summary of Operative and Inoperative Schools and Schools being built Classification of Schools according to Average Daily Attend ance Model Schools Convent and Monastery Schools Sooileanna "na Muintear gaoh abhar leighinn trid an nGaeilge ach an Bearla Num ber of schools in Gaeltaeht in which certain standards are taught through the medium of Irish Number of schools in Brcae-Gaeltacht in which certain standarda arc taught through the medium of Irish ;\ UJ1\ bel' of Schools in the Galltacht in which ccrtain standards are taught through the medium of Ir ish X uuiber of schools in which odd standards and su bjects are taught through the medium of Irish and number in which subjects are taught partly through Irish Pupils and average number and attendance of pupils for the past five years, Xumbers of Schools, Pupils and Religious Denominations of Pupils .Average number of Pupils on Rolls and average attendance" Xumbcrs and attendance of Pupils over 6 and under 14 years Average Daily Attendance of Pupils over 14 years, Pu pils arranged according to standards .... Promotions of Pupils to various Standards Xumbcrs of Pupils on Rolls for the past five years arranged according to Standards Teachers, Salaries of Teachers Trained and Untrained Teachers University Graduates Irish Qualifications of Teachers" Annual Examinations" , Carlisle and Blake Premiums Reid Bequest Schemc , .. Teachers' Pensions and Gratuities Coh'isti Ullmhuchain Training Colleges Special Grants for Cookery, pto Van and Boat Services State Expenditure SECOSDARY Schools d7 Teachers Registration of Teachers Scholarshi ps Eraamus Smith Endowment The Charleville Endowment Financial Statement Table showing numbers of Pupils and Teachers 88 90 Secondary Schools Secondary Teachers' Pension Fund d6 92 IV. VOCATIONAl, 120 124 ]28 12R 128 1'2~ i :3:! i33 133 in j",'<'oglliAe,j 134 146 EDUCATION: 93 T"inancial Statements Number of Studcnts, according to age, in various types of Schools, and aggregate Number of Attendance Hours Total number of Students enrolled in various types of Schools 94 and Classes Number of Teachers 93 instruction Technical 147 159 cmployed and number of hours of 160 161 in Schools and Classes School Examinations 95 REFORMATORY 96 AND INDUSTRIAL S0HOOJ~S. 183 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Reformatory Schools-General Statistics Industrial Schools-General Statistics Committals to l~eforruatory Schools" Admissions into Industrial Schools Ages and State of Education of Children admitted to 101 (j) Reformatory Schools Ages and State of Education admitted to 10~ Industrial Schools (g) Discharges from Iteformatory Schools (h) Discharges from Industrial Schools (i) Discharges to Employment from Reformatory Schools (j) Discharges to Employment from Industrial Schools (k) Deaths among Pupils in Reformatory and Industrial 185 186 1K6 Schools (l) List of Reformatory and Industrial Schools (m) Numbers committed to Reformatory and Industrial Schools from each District Court. (n) Numbers admitted from the several Cities and Counties where Committals were made (.)Numbers of children under detention on 31f7/Ul45 chargeable to each Local Authority 187 1R8 ~'7 9K 9~1 WO 103 104 107 107 107 108 HO 112 113 lH 115 116 117 11" 183 183 184 18:) of Children 187 187 190 hi1 PRIMARY EDUCATION Decrease in INTRODUCTION. the Average number of There was a decrease of 685 in the average number of a.il Pupils on pupils on the rolls of the' National Schools for the school Roll~. vear ended Increase in Average ~\ttcndancc The percentage average attendance for that period was t\2.7 as compared with 82.1 for the school year ended on the 30th June, 1944. Su bstituted Figure of Average Attendance Increase in the Recruitment of Candictate 'reaehers, Extension of RCl'Iice of \I'omen Teachers, Recoupment of Teachers for.Payments to Substitut('8. Remunerationof Staffs of Reformatory and Industrial Schools. on the 30th June. 19J·'5. Reference was made in last year's report to the ternporarv arrangement which provided for a "substituted" figure of average attendance in schools in which the attendance of pupils was adversely affected by the Emergency. This arrangement is still in operation and ensures that schools .uc not deprived of the staffs to which they would have been entitled if emergency conditions had not affected their average attendance. As the problem of unemployment amongst recently trained teachers approached solution in the school year 1944-4·5the number of candidate women teachers admitted to the Training Colleges for Catholic women for the Session 1945·47 was increased and, in September, 1\:145, the Training College for Catholic men was re-opened. The number of young trained teachers who had not obtained substantive posts in the school year 1945·46 was so small that the numbers of men and women candidates to be admitted to the Training Colleges for Catholic men and Catholic women were increased [01' t ho Session 1946-48.' of The position with regard to the unemployment teachers has rendered it possible to grant an extension of service to women teachers. Under the regulations operative from 1938 to the end of 1944 women teachers were required to retire on reaching the age of 60 (;1' on completing 35 years' pensionable service. This regulation was relaxed in 1945 to enable women eachci s 1 {J remain until they had reached the age of 61 or hart completed 36 years' pensionable service. A further relaxation of the regulation granted in 1946 enables them to remain to 62 years of age or the completion of :37 vcars' pensionable service. Regulations which became operative from the 1st July 1945. provide for the partial recoupment to teachers pr the payment of salaries of substitutes employed by them during personal illness. Recoupment is limited to twothirds of the prescribed minimum remuneration I'or Cl substitute teacher. Under a temporary scheme which came into effcct from 1st April, 1941, part of the remuneration of the teaching staff's of Reformatory and Industrial Schools was paid by the Department and the balance in the case of lay teachers on the recognised staff was paid by the schools. This temporarv scheme ceased to have effect on 1st April, 19,1.6,and payment is now made by the Department of full scale salaries and grants in respect of these schools. 11 CHAPTER PRIMARY I. EDUCATION. I. SCHOOL :::;ch 0'0 1 'I'hc geller:,lly Attendance as from st abistic« of pupils (fi-14 veurs ) and number all rolls Year Ended 30t.h June. 1941 ,. 1942 ., 1943 1944" 1945 " Lst Jnnuurv. ATTENDANCE. Act , H126. came in I() operation 1927. rrhe follO\\~illg table gjve~ in nat ional schools to whom t his Ael npplies shows [or the last five years the average the average and on Average Rolls number in attcll(lullcc. Average Daily Attendance 328,450 328,947 325,916 322,510 323,776 392,872 391,627 389,363 387,989 387,012 Percentage of Attendance 83.6 84.0 83.7 83.1 83.7 --- 'I'hese stat.ist ics "bow Cl dC0l'CHSe ill the average number roils and an increase ill the average number in atU;:lluall('e 011 ,,~ ;ompal'ed with the previous year. The highest per0elltage of attendance (88.2) was sbtained m Cork City which was followed closely by Dubtin City (87.0). of attendance in descending The next highest percentages order were abtained ill Cork County (85.7), Westmeath (85.2) ami 'Limerick County (84.6). 11. SCHOOL BUILDINGS. During the year 1944-45 gl'al1tR amounting in the aggregate to £237,066 138. Od. were sanctioned bv the Department for the erection of new schools and for the enlargement, improve- 13 12 menl, etc .. of eXJf;11l1g schools. A table showing how were allocated JS gl ven III Appendix 11, page 85. ~()t\\"ith ·tauding of materials. period, new found 31st schemes po sible March. schools. H)45. In of the period of five years of the ended erection of 174 of 288 larae schonls existing scarcity Emergency the in the grants-in-aid schemes Y('rH prices, etc .. during grants-in-aid minor of to increased to sanction same improvement larger number sanctioned. due of contructs. placing It was 011 the difiicul t ies a much of ;1I1e! The ne t cxpeJl(liture on 1'<"111 nnrl bout services for the financial enderl Rl~t :'Ifrtrch. 11)4,). \I',I!'; £'-).:1!i~ l:2s. ~d. as compared the grants of improvement were also '\I'ith £5,3U0 Hl44. (;nlnts lSR. Ild for the the financial purpo-«: necpssitous of cll'lhling island of whom BOAT SERVICES M AINTENANCE OF AND GRANTS TOWARDS ISLAN D CH I LDR EN ON THE TH E ('Ollll"ll'l'd to school: (a) by means and the of van services children reside far (h) hy means In addition, avuilahle nection with 4 (2) by this Department towards the provided that conveyed by the mented at the of such an of each nn averuge service r1l in eragc which (c) of tbe as where not be the 1st .JIIly, School of the cost :q>nr ('11<le<1Oil that date 19~4. number the cent. of thc total cost of maximum in any year of £3,500. of The five Act. per anuum Church this eligible State in con- scheme. children grant State the scheme, is is supple- J ear by all additional total Body contribution subject gl'Rllt to to R A table showing t lie number of van and boat services uudr-r the schemes in operat ion on the :1] st March, 1945, is given in Appendix II, page 117. EMPLOYMENT pre-vious i hc dlll'ing OF V(,H!' thel'l' number year 1944·J5. TEACHERS. \\':IS The attcntlunce and and Counl v nrc '1'1-](' n ui ubcr in it \\',1;'; rOlllld ~ et\)' The ve t secured PORts 1045-4() \\',IS so SI\I'll1 that the numbers (':11](1ilLl \es to hp .uh u it l erl to the Training 111('11 ,\11(1Cn t liol i« women Itl:'('nlitlllPnl' hnl'c been I\'ere inr-reaserl to t h« College iucreused hut candidates. It ha!'; recruitment of Protestant not Prep'lrator,l' (,olleges. The S('lIPll1(' [or thp vet of men Colleges for the lia s been been male l ernporarv trained in the [or Protestant there College the for Catholic of ~'oung permanent st udent» employment to t.eachers to the year and women for Catholic session a lack Io: number women school women necessary II, not Reclll'C'c1 Training Colleges number County wn s RO reduced unr] 10 increase 1\l.j..). to I he Training In-1.)·47. 1nJ4.-43 the each Appendix had who of in Nfl,tion~tI was, however. an increase 20( n ). trained to re-open l'o;.;sihl,· .rdmitter] not I it(' sc-hool ill ~1:'1'1(llllwr. session had in Table of IC'ne-itl'r,.; recently .';III,;;tnllt ivc- posh ('at IlO\i I' nu-n given cl decline 01' plIl.Jils enrolled BOl'Qllgh who Attendance under recognised qum-terlv. number of of £5 for a child rate brings paid in respect of about for the schools. to the Representative service The number puid on the 3IRt 1\'('1'0 t he average nt tendnnce showed I.BOO uu il s. The relevant figures for I h.it number "Rule must I\:JH.J-3;). a special of Protestant children in Report end of r-ach school amount areas to mniutnin to school from the ,tt the is made cost Thc this islruuls small in the for the couveyanco areas was sanctioned A grant-in-aid school. under lrorn is too us indicated Section in t lu- .vit h more regula!' of women scheme isolated 50 per from of bon t services of children Schools. eon veyed children seven; Rule :10 (2) of the Rules uuder Ior :\"ational Regulations of eligible less than 1926. Reports. grrtnLs are made cost of the conveyance of in AND ill [it,· '(I'crag" ,Ill) School" by this children grants the mainland 1:4:2 I;')" Sel. RECRUITMENT ,tildost pre , ions Annual Department towards the explained towards on the IV. MAINLAND. As 31sL March, cases children :'11;\]'(.11. 1nl;'). \\',IS 1:2, and the gr:llltR of Iheir ll1:1ill\pn,lIl!'C' for t he finaucinl Ill. AND euded to ut tend sc-hool. them ";IICh ("hildJ' •.1l in respect ,11l1f1l1l1tp(1\0 VAN vcar <11'(>,dso lll<lc1e in n fp\l' exceptional (,()sl of 1ll,til1taining elf for 194.6-48. could of also qualified recommence Training of men or beachera ill the in1'g('1' cnpilalioll mounsl eries is Iwing r-ont inued for the present. III s(,hools \\'h('1'P IlrOO'l'eRS in Irish is hampered by inadequnts qunlifir-nt ions. in thp •...langIlRge, of the existing staff. thp scheme for tll(' emplo\'1llpnt of temporHl':-- men teacherl'l is alflo being cont in ued for the pl'l'R('nt bul only in the case of such R(·11Oo1RIIR h-ive nll'en(l~' q ual ifierl for temporllr:-' teachers. -0 fl'e h schools ,11'P heing ,,(lr1('(1 to the li<\t, and the scheme ••• 14 15 will gradually come to au C'll.! wit l: lhe npJ)()intlllenL of Leurporary men teachers to substantive position" cit her ill the school. ill which they are serving or in other schools. It bas been possible governing the to make a further relaxation in the regurct irr-mcnt of women leachers so that a In tious woman paid teacher personal m in iunnn reached servinp salaries. staff of reaches a . (']'001 in which a school paid t,he a~e of 50 years Iess than 35 years' mtin!! until. in 01' Cl \\"Ol11Hll lay after pensionable a 31st service teachers serving capitation basis. December, on that nre 011 file ]944, date. and who or had whose is at least efficient. may be continued ill the service but not beyond the last clay of the quart er in which "he the uensionabls age of H:l years service or n woman teacher special hardship the or in which whichever is the T'ho usual recruit ment of members ntH' FIor-Ohael1 junior assistant ;;11( completes later. I f the ~}-;-year-,' ret ircme nt under the revised regulation would cnuso Minister may permit such tear-her to (,Oll- tinlle ill the service for a further beyond the age of 55 years. teachers on the teacher to period. the service of religious in a n v e-vent . as temporary communities ncht is being cont inued mistresses is also being C'Ol'&1SCf but and and n small recruited, not untrained of girls number from of V. ut.trnnczm no cuirie.vo Ihl COL..5.Irc; tlLLri1uc..5.In .11' bun, .<.111 COrC.6.r .6.118C..5.IC, {'llll 'O,IOltlC 6S~ (II' nu en Leo S~1J..5.1LLe S.6.11'111 n c t11U1I1CeOll'e.6.Cc<\ u'uu lill1 Fd {'Olll ,I n-ou.um«, Cd c)1i COL"'rC; .xrrn '00 c61Lin; (',IICllC'C,I(',I, '0" {'e,11l1l no 1J1I'1(\<\ILLi('.11C11C'E'.(.IC,I .6.sUr C'OL..5.Irce ,lIildill '00 lJI10c<lrcllt1,\15, I'Olp 1JU6C.6.ILLi<l.sUr C.6.1Un1. COL..5.lrc; COTill1,lItC 1.\'0 uILe .Isllr '1' 1'<l.11n5<l.eLc.6.cc .6.c..5. 1'1I10lil ,'I' .1 l'lFll,,lil(lll. Si ,\11 $,lell5c SI1S.t-te611S<\ 111\ sCoL..5.1rc;' nI' Slldt il' elJ,ln cJILLe £40 r.6. 1JLt<l.111 'O';oc I Lelt ::;M' I'COLdlpe I . Col <\1I'CE'tlLlriluc<iln ,\{\ De1l1Ce,111<\11c<ilLle r{\11 '00 l6snu 116 DO lil,IIte,lli) ,1111'<\'0 I SCdr rCOLdl1'e 5111' LpII' '0011 .6.,II'e I1SC 6Clno11111 -os tllIl'1111te-Oll'i .vn c"ILle l0111lSIl T) 'toe. 111.6.tC,I1lllC6 1'.6.11cU5c<\P 1)C'0IlC,llr1 <l.IPSi'{)mo)1 C61:),611''00 rcoL..5.Il'i F10P-tJO('CII ('UIl C'OrC""'r ,111,\15, C.llrC1L, 1 rit.. '00 5L"n61'>. F;C'oOf."p CU.6.1p1rC 1'..5. n.6. re COL..5.1rc1 tlLLli)u('d111 111 o.SUlr;l1 (l e ,It''ll <\(' 1I4) nen CU"p<l.rc<ilL reo. -Od COldlrce 'Oio1J 111 ,\""11' re6l,I'06(',\ 1',1 rcoll-1J11.6.111 1944-45,.1. CoL<ilrce ('Illne I :C;C'OLdlrce rLlori1 P..5.'OP.6.15,UpomCOll11p.dC, b",Le .&t.6. CLI.6.t, .6.5Ur COl dlrCe 1110ll)i "5 22, 8p..5.1'Or11 ulptite<l.11 t1 ,ICe., n61le .&t.6. CL1""t. ('1I5~1') 1'1l,11'1111,11l-<ip,lrC'oL.J1rce mOltii I bP..5.1PC _Ill tlonll-t11rcp 1)011 HOltl1l COrllllc.1 1 mi 'Dell'p.6.U r6Ii)~lp, H)4I, cun e ur..5.I'O 111<1." (Hl'pln(',I\.. ,15Ur C,\ re 'Os tlr..5.1'O<l.li)L<l.I'O 6 rOln. CU5,IU CUI'O D'..5.p.6.r C'Ol<ilrc(' C'lIlne. I 111n6t~p Il.l CP"~1\, 56.IlLllil, non R011111ce.6.nll(\ I 1111.6.,\l)"t"dlll, T943, 6.5Ur"n C-"p6.r .6p 1'"'0 I 111;1. un"'r"", T944. FA (j rH Ctll1S,,\l Ce,\5o.1SC: CCltre bll(II1,1 Ir 1',1'0 DO (-(lrr.6. "11 C'ol<ilrce tlLlrilUC~'11.-'O..5. bt r.vm 1)(' rOlli) ,Ill re rtl'O (I l11e<iI1-CelrCll11P'pe,ICC.6. "sur U~ bLt<l.I11 111,1·(n,lq·). S0 et..5.1' 11,\ t)1edll-ScoL ,I Le,\l1C"p 1'11.6.C'oL<i'lrcl "l' ":6 t(',\1111C,11',1\1 t;CI\')C,lllll 11,\ rcoL<illll cle,I('C,I-O ,II' .6.11.mU111CeOll'e<\C'C F<i I'CltlP,I') F()1pne Ce,15(\lrC' 11<\l=;Col6.lrC1. Cd CUpr.6. rpelr1.<\tc6 r,1 Ceot lC'6l=;,IItC ,lm,l(\ no 11,\ rCOl6.1p; ,1l=;l1r t;e;1'l1'O Ce.6.5&rC I l)("(,('I)1l('i .vn ('COil, I 115ut-Oll1il1nc, I 5Cll1"lr-OI\..111'11C.6SUr. r.6.n ,11ill',ill,lln('c. mlll1H::e,\p ,1-0m,\nOlp(' II('C, Frelrm, rlln '0(\ CO\<l.Irrf' 1)() l)ll,I{-,\llLi. .• ('ll1llce"I' rC"UDlI nell ,Ir 5"<" rC'oU.lre I'd u6 le t.mn .6.cu!'r<'> 1''' .vn ('(',In rerunil 1'6 CP1U ~ellpm<l nen. D~P~ C'Ol<iirCE' Ullli)ll('.\lll, III ;,11\1n<i ('I1I'r,1 ,1511r .vn n,Ii1,1 rCl'11nU r~ ctliu ce.lpm.<\ Den Ce6CrU lill,1111 .1. .vn till<l111 DE'1I'11). SI"D <In t;<l.e1\5e . .<\11be"Pl<l .6.SUr <\11 ,\li)r"11,110('C 11,1l)Ml.llp ,I mnionn rC'I'UDl1lte t1e-1L1011Cl1"sur r1.<\D -~ISIP; 6st1r CII111pi 11,1Rornne (I ntonn 1 mnun 11<\rCpUDll1te rl~. niot"r r..5.rcI I 5C'01C11111Cte C'('>II11 o ot "II' 11,1rcol..5.1p1 Ill=;116. rcrut1)111te bell 1',1 rC01\-1'>t',llll T<).+4'4:;· rrm r si sr-n nnn : (,\) 'Oe111 TI4 rcoL..5.lpl (:\T 1'1l1<1t',IIl\ ,1511r 8:) C6.ILllli) Scpunu 11~ me<ill-Ce1rClmelpeM'c<'> 1'<1 1'111,\111H)4:;. i)'€'1rI5 le IT2 (-'IT tiU6.('.6.llL "5tlr 8J <"",IUn) II:;ur "rc" r"n FUIIIP T08 hI l'>u,\('",'LL 6.5Ur 77 5C<'>1UI11)6nop,,<"<l. r.d SC!'UDU, 16 17 (b)_ (12 CU.dl1) 87 rCQL~lri 11,1 Jl.0.I1U-Cell'Cll11el)\e.dC(;.d l'U,I('_11LL ~15ur 1945; 0(\111 76 ("Illilli) onOI1.dC.<1.<\I11.6C.<15Uf fU.<111111 IO 5C61Ulli) p.<1f r.<1 fC)1UUU r.en. elLe 75 (11 c61Unfl 1'~ rCrllUU OU.<1C.dlLL~5ur 6- (bU.<1C.dILL .dri1~ln .d5U~ ------- --------.'--Du" n) en SCI1(mll CUI)\(;e6p 10n.<1U.<1(':(;6 Le h.<15.<11'On.<1 5COL~lr(;f lil(IC~111 _1)\ flllL Le L111n fe"C(;.<11n 11.<1CJrc" 5.<1<' bl.i o m. ("('ofl<l11n" <101re UOI1 ScpuUii, 1945, 11<\ lUlr 13 .<15Uf IS .J945· r lUIl,lr,> S<)o .(,~11Lllll) ('(IIL:nl ;r(;l:S P"r (,MLln l"rrtOlp r<\ SC)1UUl; fl1<\ COL~lf(;i. CU.<1i'O T 2 11() ()r 111 "'I"tC 5(IC LI(;(;,I ,I CU61'O F'\ f(1 ScpUUU I ________ :__ .. I 111urn <I - rn,~ 65 10116U<.\C(;<\ ~<l.:L- 1011,IU,\<'C" uen ,15ur 61LlI I 1111 ('15111("I('C I 5(,dl' 11" ~U.d 1'0 .d5U S $L~c i ('ISll'i ,,,\n:: ~llj(l1il.l 1 ::;COL'&lSC(, llLtlil(H::J.11l ~Lt C6IL- '_!__ Ill_i_ 70 2I 3I 8 40 69 9 20 3 3I I6 9 tOI1<1D SCl1fiufi ('0 TlH'i11(; (\r. ScoL<I F"I01'<I J.lrl1te <Ill ,111Fe" -00 1',1 C0111()I'C~1' Ilio}, -0' (\011' <111U, tfill.r,1 FUU cun oelt I, nuerce I 6 3 i ': I 4 3 I I 11",\ n(\C0t11(\HC. re-,'{'C(\11 ,I \)',liI11)e lr 6 ('e.<\tI1611 mum- ~150lU1 Le' mOI'-tU<11rl1I'Ci. Cl1iO('~ uioo r~l1. Ce.<1U(101) <It- R011111-C151111 110 ::;11,\1) ,I 1')('111 11,1 11-_ltr('1111'01IitC. 1'111, FlIuip orni 1l"onlll1 rU,I'Il1rci Ilior tu,III',rci 1','11 10111l'&111 11(\01 F,I\i~I',11 .xn :-:;,111~r\l)(1 n01111l 1'('1111(', (\::;ur 5Cdr ),1,11' De -oe"'5. tOI1(\D F10I1,li0'6 Dell .<111 11.\0111111 cn o dl1-o(1 11('11110; FU_III' ,,," od) ,II\(' , t,II1I'_11115 ),('11'0,11' OIDi ,1:SUr t,IT'I','1115 p.lclpt,11' 11,1(: 1'(110 l'"rC_\ 11.<\mop- eu.c " C'lIlU DC'n 1'1<111,I 11-1,11111,\(;<111' 61' ,It-I'cplmll .vn ,\11 (,,'()1 11),\ SCOlll1(,,\(,(\H 8 I '\1\ ,I 1'011 50 11111("('oli1 F,IT)" liplll liHll1-tll,IIl'lrC OC(; ue ULllilii('.6.in m(""n-S('OL.<1 5c lln ' F;11J.t, ue<\;s ~5ur -oe 'r .<1bUll,lic("cll' -111 <Ill 1)(',llll',lli1 "IlIl,llil I 5('''1' ,llilc\11l. II' 1111111('11,\(' 116-li1,l1t .<115e. li161' U'1<11111tOlI11 oelt Cun De-It 1 U(;elUe<l.1.. -out. IU111 T3 <\~ur (\11 rC!,fIU111te. -oen .<1CcomnI~~ bLl(\l1(\ CUlfl I'COl ,I 1'(',ill,I1') ojicu ,15tlr cl }'e,I('c,IP _\cd C_15t,1 1'~11 -oCU<llt l(' 11,1(' liplll : lJldt,11111,\ r('ot.\ ,111 .xn Crl1 -o(,IC ,15 F'\I' _\Stll' t,ll1(; ('olil -0'\ 1'<"111,.,(' II' ol1tn 5,111 rH),15l1l' Se<lp-o ,I rtl,llt111r(",I{- 111(1 ""colmE'6(;"11 111bl:,I11,1 1'1{-e,'u F(,,'O<lr "O(",~I', l'Oll1l1C I'COl .vnn 11,1 r('Ol.l ::;('01111- 50 I 11-01(\11')11,1 5(,t;l-(;ltC. 11,1 -0(,,1('11.\(,(;,1 ('("',11111,1,I tu,ID I,ITI, ,'~n)' 11,\ b,lIl(;(" 1116)\" 50 (\1 11.'p~<111nC.6. (;~ bl'.'it,IP r)FlIll I 5('01C- 1 50 no lE' (;ltf' 11,1 n<l(',,-o (\ lil,1L(\I!,(; tl"If'~- ,s. I I11bl I,111,' I -0(;11("0 50 ::i(,llilP(,,(I'O ,15ur 11;\ 50 ,I 0101111 ,111 r urn ne 1',111 11,\ .xu Fe.:\O,lr \)ll,llll ,111.vl l ,15l1r ,11111(\, ,~r' 11,1 r-cot l;e611f(;<l.11 ")1 bIt Ili FI'm:11 -0(" 11<11'('ol<l ,15111' :-:;1.IIl,I(',IP, (-111',11111),\11 111,llCl ,I ('Ull'(;(',111 pl,II1-o(\1 65ur Fe.dUF<111 F~ 110-t,lltll(,,\1i1<1(; '()(:i<l11'lll11 ,\11 {',IOl scoi.«. ,1)1 li1(l1l-hll T) t('15(',11111 rl,I('(; ,IL\ COICI,I11C(\C(;" re<1Lool1cl 11(\ 1)(",1- li ,11 l ,1'1',1 Tl.<1rCOL~ll1e.<1C(; r.<1n CU15 lne'&l1- 1l1bLl<111I :scd.r I mbUl.(\lll 1 I .:..------- 7 I 3 fcoLdll1e.<1c(;.<1 ,\5,<\1'0 116 lJL1(\ll(\, comttonca 1),I(-,IU 1'\ .1<',(:"1' T)(' ~Il<\t, or1011-56eL(;.dt'L 11.<1 (;il1e C(1I5 'I' "<\(:.11' 11" 1'(,01.1 10n~IU'<\<"(;<I 11<1::;('ol~lI'(;i CUII1(;e<\11 Ll1l'(; SCOL\ll1e,I<'(; iOll~Il',1 on ini 9 I 6 bI10nll(;6)1111 I VII. 41 T)O 01'()11116D .<11'p~lr(;1 I'('016Ir'e,I('(;,1 : 19 ..14- 45, n,1 rCOILlill<lil,\ , !bU6C~1 24 --- .- - bORD r10I1-5.1el1 I'it f~~:l_ IS ; C'IL- <lllli VI. ('oll'i I in i .dl\.li :: ------ 50o,~ r-in -0' 61(;e.M',1 P<l.S ·1 I bu.(\('- 11' 1945; bu.<\~- <.\_'L_L_l_!1 111I <.\11 R011ln 33 :: --- meznscon e r-ceun 23 Rs"l'" ,lOll C~ in i .. I 1''' ('olJ1rci ,11HI ----_._---'---_._---..:..--_.-: SCOL.&me.occ.o 1IL,' J'() ~I\ Li ,~n ('01. .<15ell'l(' (;I16111lrc 611 116 l11(\l1l1trl1 l'i rU.dIR bUM'-. mOll'li, I'~I' Duce- Cl 1\.- ------------1 I 72 -15Ur PpOC6rCl1Tl6<''' "00 11,1 hl<\fI)1tOlpi <\lil~l11 le<1t Seo SCI1(lUU ('.<\IUll 1 :S('Ol<ilfce SO~(, "0(" 116 h"ICeM',\ bllMn 011 l'lr10p·5"eL(;<.\c(; ,I CUII1C(",\11 111.6.1111te. l'lU<1C<1'ILl.<15Ur l'lU<ICMU ":sur 285 l1uM:- tlllnil,1 ,I ('101111, 1 L<II)(\I)\(; n<l 56ellse -o'I,\PptOll1i 11" bL1<111.<1 .<111 L1:<:;(,,(I'O:;6 l'JllM',~iLli lr(;e6<':: fI('111 11<1J11<11<H"ctllpce,111 tillli111(',ii11 b'l.<1U (281 1'111; 1)(\111 121 <\5ur SC)\(m(1 (15ur L1;se,,-() ce<\tp<.\r ,illTC no lJ}'O(;,\rcfin<\I5. Do ('<.\I(;LICeM'.<1 ~11 .<111Scpiiuu 6m,l(, lr(;e6<' R7I l')i ULl- S('Ol,\IR(,,'('( 50 1',110 curn (Inlll1dl'O lrCE',I(' .<\1't!",\1il (\Cll 11~11 Cf><\-o 50 m(\lt 1'<110 6 cuu t.e xcu l11r 11<1C(\tl1cl{-(\ 6:SUr 11101'-liH'I11, 5,'11 LlIl(" 11••• ce'(\r -0' ,IOn Cr(\~<l.r 11.• r-I mr 1011- 18 IV 11,0 h01'01 11i l11irCe .6.pJ 50 I1-01bl1iol1l1 FU)'Iri16pm6p 11.6.11-011)i50 uiceaLLac, UUCpMT.6.C, a5ur 50 5COllilLiolUdU I 5C01Ctnlle .6. llUUaL5.6.1ri UO J1elp.6.n-acmamne . C.1 CUlT) ,\CU, .1lil, nJ Ue. u6t.6.tn uu.mur-, .\111c\sUr llJ CUlpe.,\I111r un nl.6.1te.6.r.6.ro Ce.6.5""Irc <1.11 Ue<l.-rC1UJ1UCJI1 .6.CdLe FJ1L mj- 11<1. "116c6i 01F151UL6" .<l.pce.6.56rC n.6. ll-JOJ)'I. C.& rc' ne Locc .6.)'1 .6.tU1LLc <\C'U50 UC1l5.olD 011lO111aUce0501rc uotu, ,I::;Ur nJ CUIJ11U10C""ILL{I)'I llel u.,ILc61 ,0 SC1011Fell1 U'Ob01J1 11.6. FO;C;L.<l.nlo,6 Ue. l1i 111(\11 n011 ,)e,l-()lD(' 5.<l.116Iilp,lr eoS,lp F6nC,I no ('up .<l.p .6.11SCupr,1 ~ell111 1 ce<l,('L\ c,11Clle,\lil,IC.<l. .<l.Ca061J1C Le FOl1n FOE;Lum.6..<l.cut' .lp (Ill rcoLJlpe, 0(' III Leop r.<l.111116p.o5C.<l.IC- e(ll111 .<l.11 rcoLJlpe Fem .1 1'ltlCpoCC Le hob~lP fl.6. F05LuI1M, l11.<\p llJ FUlL 1'<\11oro e .<l.CCpeO)'l{1105Ur COriMlpLeOlp. l1i 11-.<l.fllloril.<l.CU5C.<l.P FJ l1ueOp.6..om .6.SUr bpi uJ scup .{I111tlflU<l.lP 0 0101111oroe .6.5 ce.6.5<lrc 50 FU111111tllL osur 110 rcol.1l)'Il 50 11eOliH'l11mlU1L, lleOl11-.6.1)'1e.6.c. ,ISI1I' 11' FOLor 11.\ bio nn '00.I-Oll1\'111l(' nJ C'I1'l61pC no 11<1r-cot dlpi 1'111. seen.se. CU5.6.U FJ nue.6.)'I.6.FeoO.6.r 0 oelc 05 ceMT u.o pelp .6. cen.e .6.)'1 C(I)'1r.6.1 uLLrilUCJl11, .6.1'mo o a 111ulllce .6.5Ur oi' 011 rrout cu n Cl1111.6.cJ J '6e~II1.6.lil.05 no u.1Lcoi. COl1n.oCC.<l.r e rill 50 1116)'1-1i16)'1 1'.6.11 5CUm.6.r .6.oi .6.5 cezcc CUll 11.0nU.{ILCOI6P colnC Leol1coc .0 ueorl.6.ril, .6.popi ,lsUr 1111.6.I1.6.C JO.<l.P(I SCU1'O lelteolpe6cc6 .<l.C.oO.<l.l)'1C Leo osur .0 1l0CT6U, 05ur .op 611 crt i 1110p.oot<.lr J l)C6001PC lrCe6C op ceij-ce611110.<l.CUp op.o ('ell(~. ,-\p ,I 1"01111{ICFelDlp ~'\ pJ 5U)'I le6c.oll e .<l. OFocl61P I1J 5.0 l'lFU1L "' 5CL11UlilU11L,Ii Coll1Ce e.<l.5rU1L50 t.eon, c6501111.0 l'lpIIL <l.Cll:co PP(lr ~15ur ]:;0 llJntlpto u6tU. m.{\p 1'111Feln cJ 0 LJI1 oror .6.1111For l1J CUlpC(lll11 n(it,\lll rpe1re I 5C.6.111C Leo nr.o c , I1J b<l.l11e.(.l11 11 not6111 Fe,(1)111(161' rCeoLc.<l., <l.5Ur llJ uionn CU)'l0111.<l.(' 50 leoJ1 Fd F05P.,\IOCC llJ FJ 5t16mon.<l.15. 11' nl1111C t.err .<l.C<l.lte61111 oror JIJ11te .<l.LJ11611l0 Le 5P.6.nl6U.o15 .o5ur Le 111ill1U FOC6L .o5ur cop.oi C<ll11Ce,M' ir J16-<l.116111 6 0<l1111UU6tal11 111.o1Ce<l.r<l. COC",\1H.e,,-\(T, 111OC'&11 ,o511S Ob,01R 511.&t,01De. _ C'111J15,11111C(\I1,lr 5"'11' r11<l. cot)'l"c,o »svr _1'11(1 b<l~Lce ,11101',1, , CJ1" ,,:Sllr .•1 ')C,I ", 1'1' I 01 l't' .11)IP e 011e no rOLAl.c.<l.J1 _ ,_ III .6.ICe,le(\ . eit.e -0 111(Jl1 ,1J1te05.<l.rC C6C,IIJ1C,ICC.<l. <l5ur 1110C.6.111. 111.{1 ce61111IrCE'(\{', ;" _ " '. , LI rel11, 1)1 11" bll11-d061J1 ,IC", Pl,1CC(\I1<.IC Le 11-(\5"1;> 011 ce05011 ~ I'l1el cpi 11-dO(11p1'111DoOJ1 (\5UI' 5,\1111,<l.5Llr 1110J1 ~FeIDI~ FeOt'~lrCl OIJ1lllno{'<l.1)0 totJt(\P UO 11.6rcot,e nu.e. m<lp 1'111 FE'l11,C<l.<l.11 c-,opnCI111IPCliE' Cior rJrCO 5UP Ue,l11.clU Ob.olp Ml-ri161C rl1<l. .bUll~rC?L" I 5C<11Ce61i1 11",1 bLto110. Df'lJ1 1'1FJ1elrl1150 rPOH'ce<l!, CAl.15:O~~11 .<l.P,? 1111'11,1 CoLJlrci 01L1U11(\ ~15L1r50 l'lFU1L obolll F?I1C(\ ~ ',l~611om 1'11.1 CoLJlrci OILlltll,1 ·,\5Llr 50 OFUIL 00.(\1J1 ronce ..<l.ue011.(ll~l .1)' 11,1,LIlCII ,I ,)e,II1(llil ron,'\ (\5Ur AI.rll~1ll no rp~:.<l.5"n, (\5\1t:: nl~ .von .11i1J1.11' 11d 50 nC('I:';E'<lll11 Cl1e.:\rC(\CC ,I5ur nuq1(\CC 11(\ 11-0lDl hill ro(-.Iq' 'o()Il) 111.IJ1 1110LLII' 50 1116r' (Ill Ob,11J1 (\ nE'.{\l1C"J1 1'11<.1 I'coL,1 1',111, en e. 11<'.11,.'\1)\.\111 t ,lr111l1lF;n(' Ce 50 l'lFUlL l<l.)'IP(\('Cd '6P<l.IMrill SCUI1) lil'<\it rCOL .<l.P<Ill 115<1elLse rcoLJlpi <I cup nJ L60<llPC 111<1P 5I1Jt-ce6115(\lll (:.:\IUPl111I me.sr-c 11.<l. 1011CU,nt I 5COll<l.i ,I ne<',l)c.{IP ne<l-I<lPJ1.<l.CC Le1r <Ill ce<l.115<1 .0 cup tf'cl56rC 110 Sc,Ilpe 6p <I OFUIL cup 1'101' FJ Lelt .1 -[)('>(lll,llil I IllbLt,lll (I, r<l.tilL(\iOll11 re 50 l'lFuILce.lJ1 .<l.5Le.<l.I1UlllC. uen :<;LlI.III'0,'\('C ('U11 Fe,1l'l(\1I' ,I LU<l.UM1UJ1A1.1U, 'I5l1r 50 oFUIL 10)'lPAl.CC F6nc(\ "Od np,I11(\Ii1 I 5coICI1111e(1J1Loc'C<li .\ LelF;e"r. Cd 11<1R011111('1~1f11SO U'lP I'Jrc,I t.err ,111mb(\lL "c.ii .op Ceot., 01LtUl11Cl1<1iol1'&l1. OO(lq1 SI1Jt(lmf' 05ur Cio r. 'Se <I "OCUolI11m,Jtil, 11.15t1P Ce<l.J1C l1PC11'rOlleq1C.<\('L'I 6 rotu 1'<.1Coll1C I 115<l.E'lL5e05l1r 1 mbeclpL<I, Cf',15,lrc 11611111Iilpio('C,1(I nerc ntor cJ15ItlL(\, 50 mb6111FI llior \110 nJ L<ll'l(\lpc L<lrmtll5 uell rcoit. 1 rCOIL 6111'0<l5ur .{\l1rUu biol111 .011 c-ome pJlpCe<lC 1 5cLu'!h 11.0lln&c<li 50 uci 50 mbiOll11 cLU1('i e.{\s, J1.'Ilte FO;C;L<l.mt<l .6.5 116pd1rci Le 1111111PC <l5ur 11'1110P<Ill C<ll)'10ee rill Ff'cI-()I1M (II' Le,I11rcJl.I ,Il;ur :stP6ro etl.e L(ill1lte 1'6 CiJ1-eOLoiocc ,15ur 50 5CI1IJ1FII l'lF6n 11101'1110rf.)elre 1 5CLJp .6.11 Ce.<l.tJ1u116115'1 '1'.111.1n.lp 1'0. rion Ce<lI1S<llu. 11' 1116p<ll1 cpu.o:<;llJ cU1J:;e.<l.1111 11.011-01ui 1'0 lel)'1 .<l. lilelU .<l.c<ll'l)'l6u re Leo Fel11 1 111(1I1106U n o 5<1ellJ:;e 511Jt-te<l.115<1 se <'.111, <l.r <l.11Ob<l.lP 1'111('UI1 Fe.:\O<l.r (\5Ur 1'1161'<l5t1r FOpbol)'1C no (:<l111C fl<l lln.6.Lc61. CU)'I.op e l(\l'l<ll)'1C Ce<l.115<111, ('61'0J11111 <I Ueo.lloril ni. "OJ UCU15Flnlr 5UP SI1Jr <\.'5ur 5u)'I cpe l(\l'l<ll)'1C ce<l115<l.11 (\ :,;el0Ce(\p S)'Ielm F611Co.<l.PrOcl61)'1 .<l.5Ur.<l.PrilUllL.oi cernce, l'le1'Oir 1 l'lF<lU ni.or F0I111ril<lipe CUll t.6.'t).<l.~)'Ic Fdll 115<1e1L5e<I l'lelt mop :<;l1dt-te.<l.115<1111 r con.e <lCU. 11' Ue<lC.<l.l)'1 <I run-cmc Ce-ll FJt 116UeOll.<l.l111 r10u <lrilL.<l.lU,<l.r 11'b60L<lr 5U)'Illeoriltm111 1 eorbo ril.oCI161ti1 FJ 116neoCtlM:c.<l. AI.1)A111e<l1111 Le mU111e<lU redllJ:;<l.1111' CUII' Lell(\ 5CU1U F<llLLi 116 <l.LelrCe CUll l.otl)'lMT<I, Run PILe, nelpe61111 CUID nf' 116 R011111-C151J1i 50 't)ru1L re. 'oe 1161' .o~ r uro ne 11(\nornt be.(\)'Ito "' 1.(\fl(\l)'1t:e.<l.C(\)'ItuFP111I'<l. rC01L .<l.5Ur 1'.6. clor rH; <l.rilJ11111l1<111' .0 blorm l(\PJ1oCC.1 Ue(\l1oril <15 curo ue n(\ 111 1110PcUlril11e,llil <lJ1nCLllr (1J1Leltl1e(\l1 JO(llp, clJ1Lo;C;on <l.11 .1111(\(\Cd (Ip FdiL no, oJ1 015e 11,1 11noLcoi ostlr 50 m(I111Ce6r 11'1 J1<l.1150611 5CU151U 1'.<l.115ruor Le N'ILe 1 mon-r uro ne r-cot., 11.<\ ClI,llte 1 ncneo 50 ncorlloice(\J1 011.011SC(\IP r·01J1111IU1L I ROilS 'iT 5(\r pe blloll1 Le CUJ1r(\ 011cSe-u R(\115(\, DJ otli 1'111,65111'COlr(' 50 50 nci ,111OU,\l11 5(',1ICf'a)'l (\11'01116"0 (\1116Letr 6115Cltpr.<l. rU"r TRoo ,o,D., 11' Fdll(\C (\ OiOll11 C601 ,15 11(\nom: ceocc 1 5cecl)'lc .{111 ,Ill nCpPIli1rc Oil mbLt,llll 1'111I t.erc, (\11Cppl1ilre II' m6 111<l.1I tJ1I11:S 110J1 11<.11') (\SlIr FOpb(\'pc 1 5(,(lpr"i 11" eipe. Ce(\p(\l111 FlI)'Itil6p 116 ROII111-C'151Pi 50 J1<15.<l.'O 1'<" 50 m(\J1 (1I11 1'0«\1)'1 no li1ul11e"u <Ill .i.O.(\IPr-eo 1'11(\11'&J1u-'R<l115(\Curl''' SC<1111e no fleltel:se"I1C"c 1'<1 21 I 5,l llrrM 11<5.11'IUllC.6.l1a III .6.COCOC"'I11C n<l. 5.6.ellse. 11,1 Ir().}Le~i • eacpu r6.115. S.6.li)L.6.ice6.r I1.6.C r6-mlnlc ('Ull 1'ull11 lM l1"o6.Lc6.i .6. 1'pre.6S.6.-o 1'.&1' it' Olrlun.6.i CUll 4\1511e I'C.(.llre 5M), {\SUr 50 1110iOll11 .6. 111,111I1d cume.xnn ill.lt' I'dll' rPlleclst,1 ome o.o 1101"Oi 6.1' ,15ur 5ur m {\)1.(.1Illl1i01111 C.& 01"Oi -<.11111, .M' SC{\II' ce{\rC \)l1,III1, CC,, ('I)li01111 Leo 00 CP,I"" a .xn cU)I n{\lll1"O ,\nll ,1,1'0 CiIW-· <Ill Se,l1)1 ,II' ,\ l'lllt'lr 1',\()lrrC', '()i,ld) m.6.r 1".6.11' cutruuionn n.6. eOL6.1r 6 111<1.)1.6. .6CU <1.)1 0l1<1.l11 50 "Oe.6.-uLLmuCdll OiOll11 11cl '06.lc6.i r.{\11 c",clle6ril .6. 5CU1"O <l.r.6 5CUI11<1.r .{\ -oe6.116.m rll,1 lO;::,\I1L.I .6.Cd ('{\( e)161, .<l5t1r '0\'1 111,\ ;:;0 IreeM' .11<:;l1e '0<5. lV, 1'1' COl1'C <\11 'O,llc6, ne teOIl{\i mbionn 11.6. or6"O F<5.I1{\tlOl1(-<l.l1 11'" SC{\lrC cl 1'011 stir rdl'UIl l'1FlIlllil(ir i SC{\lr Se,1I11t' ~l1r '00 T 1',111 nuunce .ISUI' 50 .6.5 11.6.1),llc61 )If'If' ltl,I:L,II1,l1l'i ,1;-;',1(', ,I <\~llr 111<1. .6 "O'i:'6;SL61m ,'('1,("('.11111,\ n,lolt' (1)1i \111,I .. l<'IIII(I', .111 'O,lll:.l lilO' 1:.'. F('!I1, .'1'(,,1 11101, ,'11 n',cr .11,'\ <.11''~lr1'11l.ll ,I lp,I11,II)11 'OP n~ 1)C(:"CrLe6061', c\lri. llU.6.iP ::;0 T\~ 110mi i I'COl,\ C<l.ICrC.6.r con-e ClIlrC<'<\I1,1 "O.6.l{;.{\i 1 .6. 11-615e; 11{\ 11"OAL{;<l.i11' 11<5.<l.r 510c"i .6. 5011"0 5.611 I<l.rr- 5{\n Cd rp 6011 110-CUlrC11lC ,I .6.1' SC<l.1r I 'Sculn ('l1r a5 'SP giYCJl (HO,1,' (I ('1,Jrl~ (8el.I); ";(IIIl' next nW'i, 'ltion (0 ihere ct:'rtifi(';ltc the ie; to I'O~1\ ill (I\'() to lurt lier l the this report). . sntlsfactor;. , to ou- Jil percentnge en by the numbers cnter r- \I',lS oou nttes 5~1.. I\'RH exftmm· possession to or . ]>ercentaw~ the th'lt W]IO wit h II,G• TIpperary the sex in afforded n(h'illlt;l~e t h.-ir ellll(:<ltioll inue 0 "1111l'ation lleJwfil m.nr-riu ro' / t he mu nbcr aurl COlll1lies 1 1 R~lr UIC pupils (SO. I) eOlll1ties of Ilt) them, H}45, regard to ('01111mr('<1 Slle('l'~"ful Galway rq /. stimulus 'IS cr, -" fourtr-cu to III E'i:,1111lJ1ntJOll 7') ", or 108 ~"(,lIer,~lI: for ed HI1(l Page be I' 1'<1 11W'I, of cont • ut to In I the prol'cs ( ordvr (\4 (~~, Hll<i from 'I" COll~lt~' In ('xf11llill,tlion llercello;I!.:l' , plIpil,; e;lI('cefl»l'lll _\part in : If; n liocul , " eX'\111J11<\boll eounty 1'01' e,lCh ha v e \\lIO . ~:2,;)44 (details f(Jl' ion J'csltltS (:olllillue t H:..:l' . (If 1)III)il";"\, (", '-' '('\lIed (' ..:'1'! (·r 1 c . t ' II '11' "i \I"n; ';I Itiglll": l'X;llltjli<:n:> • Ior \I'HS presented of of tl,lC pupIls employment. )le, "O'eIL- Le J'I.6..6.11mero n6. r-cot IX. SCHOLARSHIPS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS . le.6.lil 111~lt me en- l<l.rcl"'r 111{\'t ne w or]; ' pn'e;t'lll!:'d 1 .IIJ'I "00 ttoO{\lrr cum I'll 11-1011511" 11l{\r 1'111 11M' m(ir 111(1111e.I"{"J 11,\ SC.1lre whose Illll,il,.; [lili-lSed Till' who desire 0.6.1111"0 .{\11 IOm- F'IU q'.6.C'C "Oe nor h\ 0Ir1(111.6C.d tic- eOLA1r {\5Ur 1~1!1. Irru n r<l.otr<l.C, marked (''\all1illat '1'1It} 1,t!1'<:('11 , 1 t IH' 1 il llH'( or llA "Oe.dllC.dr ( were pllpils are '11\' I t l u- Id 10 of pa~"ed TIll' COlllIl\ Ar :.. •.. I 11", Sl1eltc cram, 1'111 I1A 11,1 "0 "Lc.li Jll1lte 11l1111ber number eot.eir 1')(0"'11.1111t.e " Cl1irCII1C (lltn,Ir ULlrilll(-<5.II1, 11.1 n-orot p(,,--<5.11l (ill to I'PI1P{\::;ton11 \('0 :<;,11) .xo n rCI(II'(I(· ... \11 ::;ur I\(~, ,I-;Ur ,II' 11.\ root '66iO, CrMT the 11' 11<5.bl01111 10l1ClI ,1(' C11'&lil'" 11<\ SC"'lre. '0(1 l'l POllil (>",i llA rcoiLc l1a LAl1i1re<5.Lc,lr JiCI(IL,1 '06t,lIn ,II' l('.llip,1 lC(\U,llp ril<1.lt :;:0 l1C'c\li1-tUI1ll1(l1L 1.1"0 U6IreAll11c6, 111 11P{\11 m t"11'.\m(' r0Il111c nn "'\1 l'I'~ 'OI\ w it.h l'Ol1l1el'L J ;)1,07G pupils 1lle{\r.6.rt.6 ,\111, 1:::,1111'('11')111 i~6I1e.{\ "0<{; "1' r.1oL-talci tl:::P~11111 curn nne,llull,l'O 50 ~\11 '0 <lle,l. L(,II', C.I1:::,lll11 1',' <:;0 l<5.lIiq'e.6.Le,II' ,\' r •'il " .6.11 SC.6lr .(.111 ce"'5",rC 111 1)-,11111.vm , (-(-'II'CC.1I111(1 11Hi l' ,I 11<5.('FP1'OIr ";"',' moro ,II::;IW ntonn en (I;:; F"'5.6ll 111111iCI1d cOF;e,lr ,lIi)l,II'(, 1111t,'.ltl1(' '" l1d 50 11<1I'COl 11{\ lleq1e,Ill11 cl ,I'Olil,\ll -'I' Ft'1"01r The 1~t .'( 'r • .I(.('l' who I'(i ,1]1 rCOIL 'OCclr1i),I"OC(1 .{\1J::;e. ~II EXAMINATION, to itics or .6.1'11'011 Crel"OII11, ml)101111 rC' 41),;tll')';0 I1l1.ll)I '" r'101111 FU)lli16r I SC.6.lr "Oe11 C)'<l.5<1.)' ):;0 u-si the ':\uceesslul couiP1'II11" I'~ "c' 10' , ' I 1 \,\tJOn't! Dcl1001 Pruar,llll111e lip to and including pletlOll 0 t J(, • c "..., . • ',. ·tl '-.!, l1<hl'll The (,X<l1lJllliltJOuiol.' the ccrllhente IS cou it 1le () I ,,(d , ' .' '" I."" '11 1 il 01\ the rolls of t hc Gth or hlghel st uuc urus pllh;on~ , . f Ol il lJll)'" , I'. L 1 rev iOllsh Silt for the exnmlll,\tJon <\lld \\'l10 n rc \1'110 1<1\0 ilO). , . ' ,I .ent ()\I'illu to l'l'i'~Ollnble e;\US(', it eonslsts of \lTlt[CI1 ,., I 1 110t ,1)S . J-,' ,I '<'llo'lish 'lIld Al'itllll1etie. The pi1SS ht,lIH arr ,11 tl'sb; III . ,IS 1, .1CJ ••• ' c , ' nl t', '0°1 but in the case [lll[llb 111 ;dtcl1ti;lllee c:u- h su jec It) 'L (0 • \' cl I' <'W' .U ill En",";,::.ll ilFtor-: ;11<wltn("hl sl"l1UU 1", n l'ilSi-l 11111!', .6CU Feln FA"OA <1.'1' ClllrCe"'I1.1(- .111 i:'IIL,lllScl"0611 1'.6.11 1',111 "Oe.6.11- ee<l.5"'rC CERTIFICATE (enilic'lle bi p.6.q'- o<l.ILLe1"O corn te"'I111C.6 "Ocel~e'{\l1l1 ,'.::;\11' ,Ill 1'1I01(-CC ,1111)1dlll ·{\5Ur CC,ll'CA.\ .6 lelrlU SCHOOL '-.! 1 01 , , riotrtun eOL<I.), ;:;ClI,"O PRIMARY The VI. 1 )1el)1 .6 ::;C\I 1116.1 r , r{\11 CUlrCi1lC, '00 ,1<:;\11' ('(',11)",111, rill OFU1l cun '()(~,I11{\lil, "'poi )'.6.11 .6.)1 <I. l:UI"O Ce<l.5.6.1)'c. "Od ll'OclU:::6i; 111 11-10111:::11,1111.\)1 1'111 50 1,111 i 1'1,,'11')111 ,Ill ,\I-P V I R6.115 Len,1 Fen·J111.1r 1',\11 'no Ft:'lTJl)1 leo .6.SUr 11i V Ill. I SColcllllle 11.(.1rce6.lc.6. .6.11 OI"OC <1.)1SC.6.I)1 ,ISUI' 'OCC.15.6.I'C l1,\11'1t"111G.\111 -oP<II1(\1"O F""lLi 'I' v, 6. -oe."Oe 11.6. ),ce-{\Le.6. li1<.l('I1.llil <l.5ur 11)1CICIU11{\11' .{\:c:ur .,in ,I I'. bclLL. "Oe.6-co)1<1.u Li011 50 ,\5 11\1 ,I :il()p A oe,\<:; r.vn \' 1'4111CPl' Ocl111C AI' cocnorme .d5 ClI)I 111 otrnumc 1:,11111,1 '00 FelUI11 L.6.r-I:JOlllCi ni oel-o :11 1110r .6.t' rCe.6.lc.6. 116. norot "0011 "O.6.lc 6., "0.6 CC6.S{\rC F611C.d ,,\ bionn (15ur 1 Ce,,\SC,,\S Dt111-Scolte. .,' ,\1 v cunc \1' 1OIllL.611 .6.11Ur.dIU .dP al1 cr-u 111.dr CU.dl"O <1.11I'cr(mu CU5 \1) e ~, 1Y " 11 Ce .cII'C,"1' DUI1-Scolle I 5CIOll .dr Ob.dlr 11.d rcot. 1 t.e 11-6.5.dI-o .} . '. 5 -nc .6.5Ur " l'OII)1l-CI5Ipl SO LCIf' 1'.6.I'C.d LCII' <l.n "OWII·a'O <I. C.6.lll1 Ihl .• . uL , " 'L Ct>..\I1I1'1 <l.CU (1)1lf 1 111 IM).d. ecl .\11 ree" SC.6.I)1e.6.n .6. nernc m6)1 C.60(ICC FOII'1111(IL.d .dr .xn p:::,llr CoL.6r l1-olj\IOn.M. 5Coli1.6.lrLice.6.r 11.6 cU'se6.ll11 I'CI(lrU('.6111 111Ul01111J'l11111 .(.115C I11Cl, 50 e Cl11rCII1C, 11,1 Sc,llre 1',\11 1111.\l1I ,I bionn ,Ill Ce II' b,\oL4IC' 1'1,1"0 )101llPU lILLiilt"Il:.6111 I sc611' 50 .6.n ),ce.6.L lIlll\' l116.r curo "O'oo.6.I)1.6.n "0.6. te.6.11t.ercerot ne rce-cILc.6 l11.6.r ce.scc ),n.6. I Ra115.6. Lt~lceOille,l(-c<l, 'Se- "O'i:'e.6."OF6.i rerom 11.6.n"O,ILc.6. "O'uLLri1U. a li)(l1l1(,6.-o Le.l!:h\lI' r-m, .6.SU)' l:t1Ise .6. cUlj\ce<lr I "OC01'6.c. s rUl111 The schemes C 'ouncils tional f or SdlOOIR opernt t 1lE' cd IIw.irc were ill 194:') h~' Cou AND nt . ;111<1Countv 1 () f se 110 I urs I I 1'1le;. the f'lrst sc-hemes VOCATIONAL 1'1) f;eCO)1clnr,\" to be forruulat B01'OlIgII :11111 1'0(:;(- ed under 22 tllt' LOCHl .\uLltorities (l'~dllcati()ll \'holal'slJips) Act. j>()\ll'r to IJI'ol'idl' for tll<'-;l' selwlHr:-.lJips II·a:-. proviousl, ill 17 of the t;l'clioll 1\-1:23. Act. Local 1"01' tJle schemes. nil Cnu ncil« of ~choL1l';;hi}l". The of I1lllllber of I.J,) over till' (lO\c'l"i1llll'llt t iru.: first Jllnde 1044. The l'ontnilled (TelllpOl'Hl',1 Prov isionsj "lllce tlte }lrO\'i~ioll this itl('l'ption vear for of thes« award the ex.uninr-rl was :2,217, an mcrease 1l1111lbCl' ex;ulli'J('d in 1\)44, Fifly.fil·e per cent. ('nlldidnll':-' of the cnll(JidHIl:~ Jinssed the eXHlllillntioll. The nurnbar ;;cholarship;; all ,ml"d ;t/so "llowed an lt1crense, being 42 ('()JlIJiHr('d with :J·I-I ill i ht, Pl'l'\,j()lIS ~(';11'. 1033 34 I\JH.J-/B5 - 8.99G 1O,2Z5 l!)35/06 - 11,061 l\1,~~1 10 1\110,-11 - Pdil'Ll " LO,7.J3 p.1i!'CI lO.i5:2 l!l3fi 37 - 10,970 IH..t.l/.J-:d -10,485 l\Jl:214:~ - 10,11 I ] 031/ 08 - 11, O~O 10.8 il 1!>43 .J 1 - U,80G H)44/43 - 9,5'17 ] D38/3n - of as x. St;A1l) n.e, 5Aellse m.an ;snAi;-"CeAnSA lAtiAni;A ASUS SA t)neAC-;SAeLt:ACt:, SA ;SAelt:ACt; 'Oeont:AS /:..'2, CUnSAl l ('lIi/ l'(I'{) Sce un .xn £2 ,Ill bun I'a I'COll-l)Ll<1111J()33-:H cun core 110 hip Le llltlll 11.1S,ICll;<:;e r,1 5,Il'Lc.a{'t; a5L11'1',\ l>)1eac-5(,elca('r ,\~lIl' ('lIl1 11,1liOIll..\Cdll'ci 111,1 LaOa)lCa)1.6115~ell5e 111~)1 oeo-te~115(1 1)() le.ltll11 .1111,1l'.DioLc(11' .111"()(>0I1C.11' 111,IS.lll) 11<1rCOll-OL all<1 1 Ll'lr ,Ill l)CLlII'C<' n() Lel), .vn 5C(lolill1()111, .ICd in e <"611<11 1'~ ::;,I('lc,Ic'C 11())'.\ l)rc,lc-5,ICLC(\(T, ..1)1)'0115.\[' ).).dlrce teij- ~Cd 1'01)1 Cl ,1:SUr q \)LI,lll.\ ,1J1.xn 5e~,lu Ld nen )'C01L-OLMlll-1(1 1UL-~5u), .IC,I ,I:C;Fl1e,ll'c(IL ,II' nUll-SCOIL 1',15~eLca('c 116ra t>l'e,IC-5<1elc~cc '00 oelt COlilLlOllCa:,le 11,1COllllliOLl,I('.1 )'0 lp,lll,lr (,1) f)l<',II'C,ll Fe1lcl1l1l a;<:;lI)'nut Il('lt nl',II1c.1 ,I:C;.vn l)pdlJ'cc, ~I' ~IS,IID I'.dP;il <1)1 j-coit 'DO ,\:s 1'(,0 rio!, ClI,II)1If'C .\1' .vn IllC'ID P<II!'Cl ,ISU)' Un-Cl se <I cuu.t ·O('OI1L.II' III ,IS,ln'> 11,1r·eolL-bllall.1 1),1)1<")110('30 nlPltcMil, 1<),t~:- .vn [1 I Fion- rz' [01 P~1sci I I rb UI1- I r - a P~lsci else ( III ('Olll1,IILL 11ltll)!;(,() ~.IILLllil [31 5~elc<l.cc SaeLc~1 COl1cap .. I 1 2,!)42 ,11 3,325 CUn C 1aRHaIse 550 ('onc~115 poncLilH5P 111 roe 247 107 K3 SAthRAIl) 1 Sceot A5US 1 SC10tH)AR5A1f"Oin, J945 Le.II)'\1) lJP 11<.1 Cllf1r,li Spel)'I.\Lcd <1)1Ceol-te'\5at',C '0'011)1 Sect I1dII'111I1C,I,.\5l1r 1'~111cS<llil)1~U, I945, cuu-e e-o re cmn , 'De ,11<1 C llf\ 1'.111'111 .1)1lH111F.1 rO(I)1l1 11<1 UCII"11i)11 Ceott., 11:1011 a11)_e~5)'l1\~ .11\ piU 11,1cl)1C, 111<1)1 le<lI1(lr,: 1..0(', 5'('\)1I1Mll, be~L ~11 .6C~', .(~1 , Cill(\I1, (\011,1[' t1)11illlli1,II1, DUll LI05~I)1e ,15ur Ue(lllnCJ1aI5c.. , , n 11(')(,' ,rUI' I't> 11011)1Scoi, 11 &jrll111C~1 .\)1, lla CU)1r<l1 '" (,l'lq'£' CP,1 ,I "0 reo, 1',111 10I11L,II1,,ISUr !,Pa['Cdln a lilaiJ1 5d(' CUP)'<I'0100, r~II'C,1 5U)101 all 5<1ellse cean5~ cem- '\11 R011111 no oelt ce<.1111 .111IJdlJ'CP ,1;sUr 50 bFU1L<111 5<lelL5e 50 p)1a)' LlOF.<I ,I:S .111\»).).111'('1' '().d )1PI)I; (I)) XI. 1,499 41:3 125 57 1 10 UIlCl5P 3:)1 1~3 3H 1% 113 177 54 77 31 ;l;) I~'I 277 --[b I I I Dne acSuelcacc [a1 ~bl P&lsci LinCI5P 101 90 210 63 73 122 to 36 37 20 24 17 I I It',II1.\'l), FIW1rill, nc 11,\ Cti)1r~li Spelrl~Lc~1 ~~ lil~~)<I, C(,(I~lrC ul1 CIOIlU<l1'5JIJ11)111, .15ur CUS,I'l1ell)1r,ll coicu- Fa j-r iupu 611" ,)1'! C11l11)1l' ('10111),)15.1If1'Ol11rn,1 hIOIl~IU rpo t e an.xr : C)1<115Lt, P0)1Ll4\1)15(' ,1:Sllt' "Dc".ll .(111St<l, '0& ['e<ln ),ea('c6 ,1:SUrre.ll'c 110mi SCO\ ll<lll':lll1C,1 ,\ 01 ~1111<1 Cl1)1t'<ll1'111. 24 CHAPTER SECONDARY ~5 /I. EDUCATION. I. Ci CUIU ~lil,\lll U('11 CC,\::;<l.I'C<I "()'f'ed,?Fdl ..l. f'c.loru, 111.d)1 ..l.C.6, Cl',\5<1rC 11<1 11,\II'U'. 11' ot c ,\11110)'(, I'd De..l.I'L"" d5Ur r.6 b.6e1L5C ',I UOIS rill -oe, ,\L)J~11·oc ten)(',\L ,\ c<llte<lm l'U15 11.6p.61)'C1.d5u), ~1I11k\U11.1.11.dlrCe.,1f·.\5~IL FlltU Fem In..l. UI~lU r111. b'f'e.\)1)1 cdltl ~ t.l.bdl)1C UO 11.du.dLc,\i I UC(l]' .\Il1<1.Irl dLc be",:s .u rC)110t'Mu .dl' _\ti,11' t'I5111..l. bFUlL 1)01'11,\11 l'oLl1r .xcu "")1. '{)'f'e(IUF<ll .6nnrlll (1IILlC clC.\(-C..l.IU <I tdb.dI)1C 1)1,\11',,1)1111)1,\1\)df1 plor·",l .\ b'FUl"Oe .d rcr.ioli,\1). ,v' nit, 5.\)1 oeic ,15 '}t1el111Le hdl)'ce t'lIl111lliIL 6 jJ<ilrCl' ,'I' ,\ri"tl ,\1' L)lt 50 uci 50 mnionn )1e.dr(,I1C.6('Ce15111eoLllr ,\l5e F,IOI ,\1' Le,lol'.\ 116.11'u615 e15111eu,e , L,,\l'Oe,,\l1 0.5US 5Re151S C.6 Lion 11<1 l1u.dLc.dl .dC.6.d5 5.dti..iIL U011 51'e151}' .<15uut 1'1115e""l'C""UO )1el)1..l. ('t'ILe, DC u.6LCdl 1111'11.\ )'coLc.\(.6. b61Lltc CUll 1"«1)1- Celll1..l.)1 U'1111 Le Lion IOI11L.6n.6 bFUIL 11' be.\5 .dt.\)1)1""(; .6C.6Le 1'.onn)1u ..l.tl te.\5<.lrC 11,'5t\(~Il;I)'e 0 OL1uil150 bLI.6ln, .dC 11).6 m11111e""U 50 m<.llt cLWce, .6.)1.\el1i 11111111 11..i11111e cuute.e o bun t.eir ""11n51'e151r I 1lle~I1-Sc()Lc,\(,\ 11(, 1101)IC<.II1I1, ..l.5Ur t"")1L.6 An nor ce""5.dlrC .6.5 c' ce,I{'C .d11l1,\r5,111bl'l),C..l.u 11.6bcul'n.d 0 5Lu11150 5Lum. 11i c.xire l}OI1 1.Iml11 C' dC OIPCSU I rcot.ccc,e 11.6. mbu.6.c.6.ILLi .•. Ill ~IC ,\P tdI'L.\ nuu nce orp! ut','-eoL.III', nea-oitce 1I1u bun nen mo pt'UI"O, ""5ur Flor ,I I1SI10t,1 ,\CII U.(\ I'ell' 1'111. 1r 101luu.6L UUtl'.6('C ,If I tore <I c""lte,'li1 Le CC,lp,I\JOl)leA'l"C Lo rone ""5ur 5l'el5lre, ""5ur 1'(' CII,1l)111l1 n.. 111l11l1Cl'Oll'i I SCOICl11ne SU]1 ,)e.6Cdl]1 .611cLe.6cc.d·{) rill (11'.61'(1m,\'r t eo lUll' ou.uunc mcinne .d5Ur eoL<lr cI'U1I11l.u!' .611 l),\ te(11l5"" rill ,\ t,I(I,II)IC no 11.1u.uLc.61. I rCOLc.6.C""11<1 11' Fedl'l' .vn f)"IL ,IC.6 ,Ill liltlll1e.6U 11.1l.crone mbu<lC.6ILLi 11.6I )'COLCd('.(111<15C.61Lini, .6.m",,(' 6 CO]1f1-1'cOIL. 1r 1111I1IC 5Ul'b' .vmt ,\11) ,I (',lite ,111 1111.1c.6ILinl bl1.6111n6 u6 Le L.dlDIIl 1 lJCUl' CUl'l''''' ,I tl1I',\I1-Cl'lrCIIl1t'lpe.ICC.d .d5Ur j A C.6lte.6ril U.6tu 111.6 '()UIU r11150 "{)ci ::;1I1't..l.I'L.I I<lD ,'::; cu!' IrCed(' .6.1'bun-SCl'uDU 11.6 nlotj-cou.e. 'Olol).6,L d111.1II' CIo.I1I1C.6(: Lell' rrn 50 mmrc, .6C nlop '(HI,IL con uOllill11-E'Oldt' <.Itl en L.611l1n .15 C.61Lini I 1"coLc""c.6 .6 ('Le.l.cc..1r en 1161'rill. ,,\::;us ::;e,\ H tl1 '" I1)1S. 1'lh\lnC1S SI.1.D r-cot c.sc , 11,1 5C-\111l1i I)' 1110.\)\ F.\D dC<i.6.5 LUlr;e Lf' l')1.1II1Cll'. 11' be"'5 r-coit tiu"t',\lLll dCd.65 5db..i.IL DI, ,1111.6C 6 ('t111) 'oe 11..1COL.61rcl 1110)1.6, .6.1'.6eII' Fe<ll')1 Le rCOLc.l.C..l.n o mbU.6C.6lLLl cL<.\ol t.eu- .6.11L.6IU1I1 n6 t.err .611eoL.610<"c, n6 teir .611U<l. CU11l Le ('eILe. CA 1'01l1nc <l.ltl'lD Df' 11,1reOlC,Il',1 .\5ur 111uI11Cedl'.6n fp.6111Cl1' 50 h-,IIl-IiMlt 1011CU,,I{- cJ. curo eu.r- .xcu .Isur 1111116 11<l.pe<ll'l111C<1 .vn 0.6.1L<.\C.6.6.]1.<.\11 C<:"<I115,1 1"111011ClI. Cum De 11.6m(1111ceOl!'1nu. ,Ill ceunS<I fl'.6II1C1l'e (01i1 LiOF,' ecu Ir bd <"e.lpc' CUll' dl"i1<l.1I1 t.eir r111lr e.6U 11.6.]1t<.\I'Ld F<.\ltl ~p bit ,ICU Le re.<.\{'C I1'lbtl.1n.6 rll.6l''(\ (,lll' .6f1.d SClIID 'l'I',lll1C1re I ucip 11<.\'l']1dII1Ce. D<.\ mAlt en corndll'Le D61b 1'IUU le,ll' d 1'ldlnc dl' en ::;CP.6.0LdC<l.11 Le cLe.6<"c.6u .<.\ t6t'l<l.1I'CD61t'l 1'(>111 ~I' 11,),Fu.<.\mdl1l1d,<.\~ul' nlo)1 ri11rce '061t'l I1d D<l.Lcdl F)1el1'1l1.(\ ('llt1 1 ::;cLf''''('Co'q) d1101r Ir .\)111',p tl'.dIllC1r .611I'<.\UIO. n'F<l.~ <.\11 (,0;:;;,\1:)11" l)Cl-t,>,ICrL e,ItJ)1.d 5(111) 1 5Ct'-.6]1C ):,01'C,\ Se o.n U,ILc.6 cedl1l1<.\P <.\5ul' 11' 1116)1(\1) b.dC' (1 r111 ,ll'e\11 ob.dll'. De tdll'1'le 11,1 uce<.\Cl'Led1'l.dl' 5edl'mJ.l111l'e De, .6)1 llu615, .6(: 111 26 11101'dlllIIll5 .ci1l1re, TJ(' t'lll,ll',IILU Ild 'oc r,IIUlli 27 .0 Dior I 5CI01l1l 5C,II'I11- lH ce.snc ~Oll I,O-Fuuu.al' beit AI' \1,"1rColc.ac<\ u.alc<\i .& CUI' 11'Cl',le ul' .""~11 brl'ull1Clr 1'.&SCI'UU(It'.ci1l 1l1e.ciIl-CelrClmell'e.acc.a .a5ur Selll M' U<\ bll.a1l1 ue CUI'r<\ UeullCu <\Cl" Se<II'U .& t.a5<\1l11ne 1'111 11 M' I11biOll\1 llu bUI1-I'luLUl'<\ 51''&I11.6U.&i f05lulmlte 50 CI'UII111 110 111 ..ci nionn Fe111,111ntonn .all cle.&cc.au .&5 11.&U.&lc.&t <\1' I~ITJ<1'Clll' orelum .&5ur rrn .&11l1i II' CUII' lelr .&11UI'OC-I'.at .6. bioI' 0.1'u ldll M'lI 1'<1SCpUUUC.dIl. 111 (\ co. 111.0.1 t;1 C. • !1il .xon u~lbc 11' SO mDite-,II' uS ced5urc Ild tl1uCAtl1.6ICICe 50 'l.)lOlrcedC', UUcrut'cuC' I 5COlC1Il11e. Locc .&m.d111 ~c.ci ul' mU111e.a'O <\11 .o.l5eb<\1I' Il'euTi 50.11 5<\C CUiU uen ob.alf\ belt U.d ce<\1l5.al le ('elle 50 ll1.6lt <15ul' 'O.d I'e1111'11150.11,In ulutbull1c '&C.d lUll' 5'&C ClIIU Ui belt U.d lelfllu 11161'II' COIl'. 1 5Cdr 116 Celmre<\C.&11ue ' . II'. 11101' ~11lce~cM 5611 ~Il C-.&Oll f1f'II11IlIU.&lil.d111belt .&1' 11.&ceorie);6111 1111'11(1ceucrle~lbJlu UILC'. rAI CI'U 50 I11be<\-60.11ob<\lfI ""'5 cc ace <II' <1{'(;Ile 0 tur. , t)u lilult FOl'C6 I 1'lF6TJntoj- mo '('Le6cc.\'6 6 t<\O.&IJlC'00 116 u.&lC,'i. ,11'Cl'U<\I'()-('e-ij'ce-,\Il1l<\ 6 t61'l~\ bunutce <If\ 11.6ceop<\5dlll 111.dIC O('IC ~15rullacc uCeOp<l5dll re111I Pit .&11.&m.&. 50 111111IC I mbun 11<1 • mllIl1CC'I~. <\~' tllIi1piot'c 50 1ll.&lt uil'E'ulluC, <\5Ut' cr+o II' cpiu Ce<l5ulrC II' III 110.011 .UIC errume 11'&uit eOL.,\1r 0.1''\1,\ 1110'00.1111<1 Feupr ,\C<I <\5 cup <\1' '0011 p.dlrC rill ue n r(lpr<\ <\C 111I11IJ'Ce.&11 re<ll1-locc ce<\l1ll.<\ <I lU<\lue6u <llll1l'ul'O ,I Luu-6 <\f1ir I mbl1<1114. map <lCd, <Ill lle.&lil-cpUllllle<lr. ' lel .6.IC .&p bit ne 511dt. .a OFlI1lull ti1elclllc 'Od Ce'&56rC Cd <15 elfli 50 m<\lt ~ 11 SC.o.1R. <l1111f\.&1-Q ,I. 5ufI 1110P 11il mOPdll Le cup 1ell' ull 111f'lU<llJ110p.&'O ~\Il cup ur no 1l~1I'COlCar""l, 1'.&11(\JlTl-Cell'cI1ll0Iped(C 1=;01'01111JI<\'6~1~,uit 11<\11'l.)CI-teaCI'Leao<\J1,<\11<\e b'N~lulJ' 5llJ1 1110.&11 c<llltl'Je UE'I-CeacrLe.&oJ1.&I IllU111e<.\'{)Ila SC(\Il'e Ild I IllU111ed'O 0.011 .dl'J(\1l' eite, Cum uell li1u111ceOll'e<\(-c I'f' <\11 C-.<.IOIOlle<l1'ceanc .&5 11<\ Pdl!'Ci e, 6 t.i!.l'la lUll' m 1111 (I 'I' COti1f1dII' CU'&ll'l111i'&1111, 1''&crU 50 llue.&l1c.&f1l'Uu beo uell .d0.&f1.l'1i mal' rrn <\ 0;.01' I 5C.dr'&l1l1.&eu.e dlC a 5cle.&ccall11 all 111U111CeOll'olfle.&u reo.& t'&O'&lflc '00 11~ p.d1fci le 11-.&F05L'&1I115'&c otce, .&5ur 5.&11.&f\ rlul 1'.&f1.&115mO)l.dll aC re'&c'&lllC .&1'CUII' 11.&p.dll'ci <I 5cum pior.&i .ne 5L.&I1-tile.&l'MI)I. Se <\11Cl'U.& e n ec mballlce<\l' nror 1110re rorne .&1' Le.&f1rCdILe0.1111<\ .&5ur .&1' C<lll'ceallll'& rC'&ll'e ue SUC 1'<15.&1'.a5ur .&1'PICCIUI)lt lp,11'.6.11 SC.aI)l <\ li1ullle,,'O, 0.11 CfReol.o.focc. 11' Lu I br,\u .vn PI,\(-Cdll,lt' ,\C,\ (\;S 'oe~-lil(II11ceOI)l le ce.acI'Le<l.ofI(\ rcl P,\1l5 DpeoLuio{'c~\ Il.d 1'<\P,1I1SSCdlpC. 50 uel1i1111II' re.a)lp F;O 111111IC ;S,\11oelt "IF; cluOI )lO-'OLllt t eu- 11<\Ce<lcrlE'aoJ1u CiJ1eol,\10('C,I, .1J1ee\S\ ,I dO,\P LE'<\OuJl'()d,If' F,IU ,I 't)eull.atil '01. Cd <\ L.&1l '0(' 11,1),coLcu('cl 50 'oiJledc ,1F;LlI' .vn CipeoL,\io(-c 111<.\11'&1)0.1' Fiop-rulll1luIL ,ICU-UI'.dIU ,\CLl d b.u1\lC dt' rompLAl lLcl11(idldC.<.1 ,\11 eOl,\lOC'C. ., .. CS C,IIi';,(Jl'dll n.x 1101\)I'e<\5 blrlu '00 J1e,,' <\ cen.e Le bl1<\I1Cd II' ·n·) 'lIr l1e<.\5j-con. 50 rOlll Ind mUl11ce<\f\11'")le"'mbea5 el, vnu ,," " . . (:url'",i ~L~\ lE'.IStd <\l11d(-I 5~LdJ1 ~1.<.1 R?"11.1e. 11'. mol'. all Cl'~<\C' un ueir; .d 11 Ut' 0.\1a11111101'lelCeaU<\I, 01J1Cup1111\ re \lil-<"l"'I',\i 5d ' ' . ., r,li FI01'-O"I(',\lilll,I(-,1 ,II' f<\U re,o, ,15ur 1<1'0lec\5c<\ <\111.6(''0 <\011 ClIp,\r LE'rLl111l110.lIl)dLc'(\l .a murczn.c. e C&t,IP "'5 ce<l5<\rc CU1'I'~\ 50 m<\lt 1'<ltuIL ue 51~.dt. Se ~OCL pr.cli en.e 11.d.1l<\~ llUE'u11C<\J1. UOIClll II' mo ,\C~ .uJ1te<\5.arC 11<\;SC11 \10 .son CUIU -oe nen ob.alp tUI'511ul1laI5, .oc Ca 11",rcoLc.ac<\ 111Leltl'celL ra mero 1'111r.aol L.&tdll', ,\1' 11'06'5, a5ur <\ 5.a"'.l1e 11'..<1 '("IOlrC II' ,\ t.\fll,\ 11.\ 5lf',It',\ll11,1 r,lot<\fI\...III111C'Le t inn <111 C'05·,\I'o. Ce 11 "C. pal1) 111,IP,\ 5Ce<lI111<\ e '0011 FIt'iC' <l5ul' '0011 Ce muc. llHipdll 1)(,11''&S 11<\mumcr-otpt, mumceouvi 110.C'(,lI11lC'e50 l1'&iPiU, u- I11dlt d -0 ('<\\1<\lil le L1111l,\11 ,-'05,'\U, r"111f' 1'1,\'0 '" ll'Oic'edlL t etr 11,\11dt'>'\lI'.,1oi <\1' rl1 f<\5.&l<1 .vcu. Cd ,\11 Cuuvpeot.aiocc <\5ul' all Lurbeot.xrocc ,\5 1)(;,1I1ulil C<\l<l.lIil FOI'C.a'00 pel)l <I ceite, .&5ul' I't' ,I l)pIIl le 1'~ Lco ;S1lJ1ri1dlt I OF<\'t) nior- mo oibjre Cl1P511alilui .1 1)e,\ll,\li1 IOI1CU 1'111 Lell'. eoi.erocc t.o.lti1.o.1OCC.o.. c'& cum -oe 11<\rcoLc<\c'.d ,ICJ I l)Fdt 50 1ll0J1tcir <Ill '5CtlJll'a reo ,I 1'lf'<\\1<\Ii1,,It' II' ue'&c.alJ1 '0010 (' ,I;SUI' 0. 1)<lOI)le If' elC.&.all C<\L.ari1 I l,&t<llp 11,\ l1uall'e .&5ur cl 1'Je,\C'I'(\rc II' <lCd re mumceoiru OILcE' <I }'&Il. Crin all pior,\, 111m()J1,1\1Lion I'COLCe\C,1<lc"" .\):; 5<\1'l~ll riou l'lll'I'<\ reo, .xc dlC ,\I' bit . ,\ 'O(~<l11uti1. ,I bpIIlce,\I' 111,\('101111 Cd 0\1<\111 ionmot.r e CH.&cC~ll C.d <Ill ce.a5"'rc '.d 1')(',Ill (Ilil 50 m,\lt I'd)'lilL I 5COlc11111e,"'5111' 1l1(1II1ceOI)lioit.ce <\ oior 111,\t'lUIl UP ~Il.&t. Se ,I OF'&i';t~'\Pue t.occ ,II' m(l111f'.6.'O ~\\1 ~1)<\I)Ireo SUI' nu me \1,\C pO-lil61' .vn ce,11l5<\l .<Ioior IUIJ1 e u5Ur.<\.11 r<lOl ,lllllli~,-5"'11 ,\011 F.dll <\):; 11<\ualc<\i \111I'l<l 5Le<lr.6.1111<1 \1d lit. Fl1l1'IllE',I('.1 I1d 11<1CdlPf'll'i ,I 1)<\IIle,,\r le 51ldt 011'15 5110t<\ .& l'&lilue<\{',ll'. 11' ru 1111 I(Ill all lli 5u)lb e CU<\I)l1111 <\ Ldl1 '0(' l11UI11ceOI1'1 110.CpdCCdLa lld surb f' <Ill ciipr<l I SC<\II' <Ill ClOl111rC,\IL (Ill c"111U lr ltl rl1l111rien CJ1dCCdIL. Cl111C'Y ,,\SUS .o.Ct,\10('C ,,\St1S ('1.1115,\1 st,\111CC'. C'UIU til6)1 ue 11.<\. I'COLC.M'.<\. ",OI'OP<.\{-C<\ 'I' I1Mlt ,I )lla)lall11 I'I,\U (II' IlIa(:c<\l1alri 11<\rl.d1l1ce lE' ct.uict <I;sur Le S·,'c un.e r,\5ar <\cL"iocc.\. 0.(' ni rUI'<lr, lli lluC 10I1SI1"U, no 11<1 rcoLcueu L<.\e<Ill CdOO1'111 UPI1 olue-arar 0. F)le.<l.r'(,\l, 50 l1101'-li10)lI'd 11<\111l1IrCf'I)I tl1<1lte, .d1C<II' lilllllC CU)I<lr re 110 I'E'M'C 110 Ol'(: TJe li1ilce <\T'11.<l. TJ<\LC<I;CUll 11,\ r-m lM m6p &11 SuI' uJ. l'lFe<lUr<l; ntorl'coILe 5<\C L.d. 111,' 1')1<11'0 1116'" 'Oe<ll1util, Lp ('LUIl'f, cur I ScJ.1' 11.dm<ll' <\cJ. '.& 'Oe<\l1<\til. 11' 28 29 numc Fl1elrlJI ,I C<111LcliollllSUflb 1.l"O11,1C~lllni Ir Lu .a 5e1l) cteacC,q) .lCl.xiocc<l .xsur SlIllU 1.a"O11.xco.llini 11' 11100. brUJl CLe.a(:c.a-o 111.'11 r+n U uiot)~IL ojvcu, mA CA -<I Uo.C .a1111,11611.abU.aC.allLL FlJ1R5111te. . '\l'P I1n'l' f\lll to capacitv and some of ~hem are, o"er('r~wded," [1011.• 1 however t hat this difficultv WIll be rapidlv . hill It j. expect e( " ,. t hr: ('011(111c-to)'.., of se \"10']';11 schools t roug 10~1 ,IC .'1", .vlrearlv fon,""nll'd proposals for the provision of 1,1\(, <. , lvi . I I I' \ ilp eul·\l·o·enH'llt of ('xisting ones. JI1YO YITli! L1 se 100:-:' 1 ne\l'· . . ( ,1 l'xlJencliture of over 1!800.00(), 'rlwse se rernes t \ (':-;tlJl1f1l( " t to ;1 ,'ned by the special Branch of the Depart men I, ho en ('Xoll111 J 'I) III ,I ('0111111(,),('(,il1~tjtl1tl'tl to rleal wit h the ostk f IJldl1~(J'\ .111( . ]"1 11:11" ),;\111111<' nnt! Jicenceto proceed with the wor \\;\1' )IIJ (~ '" . 1 A few . I ()I' t lu- ')101'(' urzcut ("11. es have 1>E'E'nIS uer . 'I "pn'l;l 11 . I .' h.\ \"L ,dn"I(h I)('en (;olllplE'tE'(l and 11 number ()f 1 h('~(' ",(' I( Ill( " , , " , . o\e)'colI\(:'1 1 1.a"O,0.5 cun ten e 5cum \)f 0. L.<in "Oe Il.a rcot.caca .<iJlur '0.0 11t~111 ,I celle POllil .xn ('050.u. CUJ)le.au cUL 0.1"0.11oU.a1r 1'111,.aj1 Ilno15, Le LIIlIl '\11 ('050.1u, <l511r r~ t<\iI115 ,II' 1'1111111'11.ab.alLce ,\5 '{JuL I 1l1e1"O1 "0c6L.a1il, 11.<i l11(ip.'\, '\lC .l t'lFUIL Lion .1 lluIILc.li Uflll5.a-o mOll l'COL~lr\j belt 1 SClIm ne ll.a PdIl5.a1111.a, C.<it.ar .<15 rUll 50 mnero re.lb.al' ,\1" .a11rce.al r.an "00 relj1 m.ar .d beAr F.alLL ,\1111Le belt .a5 cur Lelr ll.a h.<iru1f' r-cou.e. intrv COl () (I (,.... ]))'(1 T I. 11. GENERAL Work ADMINISTRATION. '[he wade work. .is rcveated by the in gener.rl is being .md Depnrt mcnt tile U,) Illude the schools i" t hn t ""tistie(l to uiuintniu eyer,) u big!1 standard of efficiene y , Schools and During of t wenty 39,537; to of about this 050 of recognised W,IR to be years ing out having 385 fallen the ]945-46 school than in 1944-45. for from increase by diffi(;lllties progressive lfl4-l was ye-ar 111 t nc innl'Hse(l annual In the ill rate has grown the grew from progreseive same period Ill- !lIe X,,) to ;{f):2, A:;: 'I"HS retarded of transport. of increase 1944-45 school operation 41.178. inclusive S(,hools uniform ,I v ear. schools to 450, schools therein a ID4l (0 Secondnl',I' represents Emergency-the recognised enrolled in pupils expected this H)4:2, 1943 and of the Irom H)2~ veurs enrolled pupils 20,590 number till' \lil~ gill"l ' I I nsn \Y;\8 and The number to 41.800, aris- .1"('111'there on lhe over <, < \)('('11 111;;"1' ill IJllnil~ InnguHge bcinc ill gr;\llhr» tll iell'cl Ior ll1i JiIlIIlI1I vornncul.u :IS the adopted. spoken and 18 n~\\ for the uward of special ' re I.1 '1 hizh standard pUpl'IS I~,t''~ a tt, 0111 Cl pl'oyiC\ing whose t hp Irish l1SC of H ~1·h('mE' hns been OI)f'!"ltiof\, to srhools \ h(' I'Xtf'THling ". nr-v 111 , onl of, proficie t h(' onliJlar.' :\c; 1bi' (1;\:-;S-I'00111:-;, the' H'hoolf' into pill 1\" ".(·\eIOjll1lcllt nu bide \\'i\ 11' ;1' \ 11\I 1 I ns:, . 1 ". '\. "epala v.uiou« Lel, l'lot·, « of ,. awards- is beinzt'> (';ltl~'Ol'il'~ ..J:l1hhJ'e1 (.I' Cjll<llili("1l ion or \I'ill .uul "('ilool,, n SC'jl;ll';IH' hr- cll'te']'lllinl'rl f'or p'l('h Grants. (If rolls 600 1110re 1'hl' Accommodation. Owing to the almost cOJllpletE' uspensiou of buildmg nctiv itics during the Emergency, the Secondary Schools were unable to provide the additional school uccommodation which the increase in enrolments demanded, with the result that the majoritv of the schools, pu rt icul ar'ly those in the larger centres of popula- follo\\'inr:: gO"l'rnilJg t lu- Thr- 1',H' 1 he- f':l,~t t'Xl"llIl'tP(l in that \\'PJ'(' made C'hn.ngE'f' \I hil'h P;I\'1;\l'ni gr:lll[,.; PHI;( hiP (I) School or for the, e number the senoors. schools suhjerts \I" <; ~i ve n genel',d I~' through Engli~h, .\ sit-a(iI ;1c!\";III('e «ontnues to be made Jl1 the use of Irish ., . 'I ;11 ' b U( I10t nu it e equal proar!'ss \S a tc"l'lllll-: /Il('.!i\lJ), ,11111 '1 '" [I]'(l\ in or ;II'P 1\("ll'Il1g cOJ1lpletlon. 'll\"ill\l"P" all the insbruct ion was given through l ris, II o n: l' 111 l l-l-t. others part of 'rthe instruction through that 1lleciiul1L In the remauung 111 schools t ;"iucht 'IS '1 subject but the mstrucnon Jl1 the other J11l'dilllll of till' Pupils. crease pupils Bilingual IO() or till' has the number years were and In results oJ the year't; general effort (be ;Il'<' I\\'!I il'ish Inspectors reports aud the answering of the pupils ut the Certifi('ate I<,xaminntioJ]t;, indicate that yen sat isfactory progress was ~ of ot lu-r- in the Schools. ~ or gr;lnls \ n"\\- l:10() or Irom t hl' gr;lll1 in opC'rntC'ri in the in l'e!'ped I'('glll:>ttionf; of the 1.') f'c-\,ool-I'(,;1l':- tile' Cn pitat ion ()!'(linHl',\ J'(,e1llction of j()n;, which <1l'illll W11S \I"HS made Ht~I-:~~ (:2) Thl' olddit'ol1a[ c-ut of :2;{\", III \\ hir-h was 111,1<11' '11 \111' Iwginnillg t lu- Lnbor.d orv (lnm\i' «f tllP r';:l111"rgell('\ ,,"at.. d iscont inur-d . (:1) In t lio (,HF;(' of ('In~" .\ School s the ~p~ci;d ('al'ill'ltioll , 30 (;1'1[I]L 1'"'18 increased from 31 J5~;:, to 20<:~; .inr] ill the ('aSe E.1. schools in wllJ(;h t lre proportion of the given through Irish amounted to, or exceeded. 01 Class instruction three-fourths of the 10::0 to 121"". total. that grant II'as increased from Ill. Examinations. The Humber of candidatos who sat for the Certificnte Examina tious in HJ45 1I-,lS 12,:.lCiB. Of that number 8.702 sat for the Leaving Certificate and S.;)()] for tlJe 1lltl'rlllediate Certificate. i-l(l...J per cent of those t'xlllnilled for the foJ'J)wt' ('el'1ificnte .mrl 8il.5 per cent. 'J'11O total of those eX'llllined pen·clltage of dates not eligible spcciaiJy admitted for the War Refugee Pupils for the lntt er c-el'lijicate ])HSSeS 11';IS 8:.l.n. examinutiou 'I'he following for ('nil'Cl'Rity ::kholm'ships ('andi(]ate~ for place!; rL'l'aining Primnr.I' Teachers were 7 Callrlidates ill or for fJllillification ('pt'tiflrnte 2'1fi :')1 Colleges f\~ a PrjJlI'w~' H1B IV. The Staffs in the Schools. school-veur. 11)44-415. Ihel'e were 8.,H17 Icachers III the em- plOH'cl ill Second.n-v Schools. 111lincrease of III Oil the Humber for tlie previous vo.n-. Of tltl,sp about :.l. ..J.()() are ill full-time. LI00. 1IIld the blllaDce. nllllost J!lll'l-time teachers. the C0ll111111])ities. 1(1'(' main lv cngaged religious Instrnction :'Il11sie and .ibout 77~:' I1I'e registered. academic III Ihe Plllplo,Y1IWII1. I1I'C members in giving The of Religious 01' in tpl1eiJil1g subjects such as French. Drawing. 'Domestic Scit-nce . Of tlle :.l.~00 lul] t ime teachers qllalificat.iolls degrce .mr] 11 r"','ogllispd .i% hold an LTnil'("l'sity to the ill p.ut-t im«. mnjoritv of whom n Iurthsr for registration. i.o t ho nec'e~sary '111 University diplomn ;:1 tenC'hillg, n nr] all nd(] ition '11 Pegree but not '1 tpnc-hillg diploma 'I'ables 11ppen(lp(] 1I11mllPI' or rcgistei 8% hold 10 this report details are gjyen on the resultsfor 11:2' R(;lloLlr~ltip" 1'.' · l iutr("Ntificate Examiuation. 194,). Le., 72 'f C' 'j f the I nterrn ett u o "'C rt: .. ' ('h<.;'i 'IIHl :{(j Seeond CI>lss) nnr] 40 or rJ] s Bo)';; (iJ ,,' 11"1 c . ,) ) 'c' . . cl (' h58) III 1\144, 18 scholarships r . • •. (')0 F'irst CLls:o ,.tlld .( "P( Oil ~ , '. 'le(1 I"HIe-I" the Ih'[llll'tmelll's Rchelll~ of Seholnrships 11ere ,"\.tU . . . tl t t I umber '1 . f...Olll t h,(,, I.'iol'_( i!l1Ieitilc·llt bl'ingJllg. It' on_ II (01 o fOl"sllll('llt r I larsh iu-, Iwill" '1I'!t! under this n "l' 10, , .. ' ,. . . . '1'll('~e s(·hol;ll'<.;llil''' :Ii'(' i«ll,lhlc- III "11,1 ill l'l'C'I):l1':l1oJ\' ('ollegc>.;. In " , ., schollll'ships from the Department. . I "C' H] lOO!; I·' i'lcenndana nrl \ ,(l(·MW!];1 1'01' Tea(·her Scholarships and Prizes. \ICI'l' offeree I f 01' ('~)mpe t ition candi- i-c- Students aclmitted to sit for a special in one or more SlIbjects v. passed. award of the LeFlYing Certificnte to that .III respec ( of Honours .legreee . or equivalentf ' . . llents) incret mcrements . J to 805 teac Ile1'S a nr 1 473 t:>sot special • I or was pa10 .: 1 1 . Idition to those who received 11 ar . . n-d . rhrou 0 h Iris 1. te'tch]11g t:> " , -g others 11'110would have recen'e f ntR I 8'11-11'1' t hei e \I ere ,), crerne •. , , : f . th fact that t11ey were in excess 0 t were It not Ol e . hi 1 tl _ ll>tymen in the schools I.ll I\' IC 1 le~ . 1 (PlO t a 0 f teachers c" . .• .' t 1 " the ull 101lSe( '1'1 ' .,.,:' other teachers wlio did not i-er-etve lovi«! lCH' \I ~1 L ) .' 11'('['(' emp. . I _ hnd 1I0t the approved teaching service . 'ements as t lP.\ c 1 ]11Cl ... to ])]-)el' them ou the Im-n-rnental sea e. lleee!;'ilt1.' ( , . t J t 11· Resister of Secondary tenchers .ulmit en 0 le " ' of bel rfhe llunt' l'r " IT the sc-\lOol·Yenl'. H)44-45. was »«. ] 'rp;lC'hel's (\lUll,.., , (or us ed 1In(] 111l1'egistere(1 tenc·llCl's el n plov cd hi each school l.'IfiCi L'Il(·hen, were in receipt of 1ncrement al Halan or 42 mort' f'll,m in Hl..J.8·-'l4. An additional incremr-n t sC'ht'lIlC' In ID44-4a up 0, I' -'1" \ S .coudm:v Rchoo s ( :lss.. oe '1' 1 II' . .iddit ion to pUpl8 10'.lCmg , .. 1 458 pUpl S JI1 there were . 1'. 1 1-' Ill, Hl-14-..J.5 . . hole ilia". SC 10 o arbv . '. Judgw",1 .shin~ "hips awartlr«] bv (ou1l1.' Ol. Borouah I" . Councils. . tl '.. It·· t the ('erl ificate Examinatious. the scho ars ] ien resu s ,) f tl 'SI' holders in Q'PIlPral 1\['Pl"))' tn take £1111 lHhll1ltage ~ le cour . . .] ec,1 bv the scholarships. prov« . of sr coud.n-v, or I ur-a t iou University Scholarships for Fior-Ghaeltacht Students. r 11il'C'l'"it\ ") R('h()i1l)'~hips were 11\1';11'(le<lIII 1945 llncl~n the to scheme for the , n n u uu 1···1i1\\ ,)11 0 f Universitv . Scholarships " . 'I· It·ac·1I bri zin her the total number stll(]ent~ Irorn t hr- "'m-(Il,le 1. u 11,.., . "'\lioll 'I'Iie of suc-h sell01n1',-;It'l'" at pr(,scllt 111 OPCl, ,., "l' to 20 , . 1 l niversitv . nom ses 1101(]ers of. tlw"e ~(·"olnl'"ltl]ls'" all' p\ll~11l1,., as follows:Fil'e 0' ArtR . Commerce gnginee1'illg . Medici» Rcienc(' )"gl'icllltura] . . 2 2 i3 8 8('i(,l1('e 4 1 32 33 CHAPTER VOCATIONAL III . s High School of Commerce -athmJl1e . t • T hnical Pembroke ec . Institu e EDUCATION. Technical I.-Progress e\ of Vocational Thollgh the difficulties idence during Session Education. of the emergency period were 1944--1-5. it \\',1S clear th>l t their still in effect were not so acute as in preyious Bessions. III ('o11llectioll with all Schemes there wns an 'Ihnosphere of llOpe and n general realisation that the outlook for the future was brighter. This II·a.- reflectc(l particlllarly ill the enrolment at wliole-tnn., ContiulIntioll COLll'Ses. -I\"hen a peak l~yel' since As in- eluring 110 fllrther c1cCI'ens(' totnl enrolment ill incrensecl demand had In ] 944-45, takt'lI 'I'eclmical been felt and place. clay elasses wlrole-timn 10 lH.Df5R. 13.025 from Session had seemed. Session had i luu been normnl there enrolment of I ;').06!) had last hecn n steady Iull to the total of 13.025 for Session ] 943-44. stat.crl ln ter on ill this Report. m.mv 8chemes reporteel.an creased eurohneut IHS\:l-40-tiJe others in all the found Consequently, the Schemes rose in which Eelllcntiotl, in prel'iolH'; an Session, a ~Ii" fllrthcr impI'OYC'lIlelll II'n" 1'E'(·o1'de<1. thE' 1IIIIIIher in n t tenr]. ,"1('0 ,It ('I·Pllill.!2:('Ias"-l''; I'i~iilg from 82.800 to 8.'i.0:2.'i. 'I'hr- drmflll(l for HC'ssioll,d ('OIlI'S(,s ill ruru l urc.is ~hO\I ('cl crease. ]6.14.1 11.05-1 populn» the Ilumber ('Ill'olled being ;t st ill gre,llcr ,)S compared in- with in tiw I)]'el'ious 8es<;ioll. Short ('olll'ser-; ulso proved ill I'llm 1 areas attrncting .5.4.)0 students as ngninst 5,8B2 ;11 Hession lfl48-44. Thp impl'Ol'cl11ent IY>IS further evident :11 pm'l-time classes II'hic-h lmr] ;1 total enrolnu-nr of 4,701. an in('l'C';1S(, of alllloRI HIHIE'llts. The numbeJ' of students noo ntiencling YO(lational nnot,iJoJ' during 'ii'i.2R2 as com]lfl)wl ('ood Pnrt Cork Ecllleation Session progrpss with in dasBeR Lim<:-riek 1)(-\.688 ill In48-44 work of IJl'Oyj(lillg Youth ('omllairle le Lens <Jige. 1<;(1 11 ('a tion In tll(' 'I'railling of reacher] 1\";1SrE'('or<ierl ill the 1'. of the' Voc.u ional anr] 104-1--1-.1 one I be ~\ct. description or 1'(,('01'<1totnl of ;)11(1(-\fi.Il1R ill 1030-40. ('oll1]JlIlson' Cit.l· of ('Ol1rSeR under H18R. ill operation n .rblin, Centre!'- \I'as tlte III 1"lhwble rontillll('rl ])y III all 8(·hemeR it wru pOR!'-ible to fine] ~mpl().Yn1E'nt for the goorl sf udents who had attcnded thE' whole tillle eb.1 courses. Rome idea of the extent to which the Hrhools were rthle (n find positions for their hE' (leri,'en from tlw folio" ing returns;- . , .. H Ifll'ger Vocational (h.I' st udenrs rnn Institute '. . Cork f Commerce and Domestic SCIence Cork School 0 .' . . . k Techl1lcal Iustituts . LlmerlC .. I 8 1 I • A nne.. 's Vocationa Cl00 Limenck. si. ... . "'ater f ore1 'I'echnic»l Irist itute Vocational School .. Ga Iway - CI't\" .. rn 1 -':10cational School . . lfa ee \ , . 137 employed 85 154 115 76 21 95 49 45 . t d out in previous Annua I Reports,ts It is not so .easy As 1pom etudeuts . Vocational III emp 1.oyme ut in the County 1.~hP ace \{eturns from several counties notably Carlow, Clare. S,C'.e~nes'K ... Leitrim, Westmeath and Roscommon showe~l, (J-[\lwa~. errv , bei . dealt with in an energetic was emg ueart wut ~ J loweve 1·, that this problem and successful manner. '1'he extension. were . lectures'" . . . . 1 b Y the Royal OlganJSec Vocational Schoo!s, . . Dublin I Society t +h 10U d' e throug .. m-lilY l '. agam gn en III t and continued to attract large and appreciative au 1tOUt1 rv c fIt' I as zrown .Jp e11ces' In several Scllemes the use u prac]Ce 1 . 0 f l' . 1ec t ures f O.r the public on topics .: 0 f"OC9.1 of providing general . l' JIl 1eresi ' t . J n the City of Waterford n ..series b0 the SlX 01' nationa . I Ject Painting50 y_, s illustratec ec ures on the History J of European H e<Hmas I t er 0f tl le School of Art was attended bv 1. person -1 v . .. Count v (hh"ny there \I'ere [) who . paid for admission . 1noun} c •• lectures for adu 1 ts. "'Jitl1 '1 t 0 t·a,I attendance , of 2.470. farmers . bvJ tl le Rural. Vocational IS' - t the request of . the 1 Schools was t le ession. H • ':\IiniRter for .\gl'iculture. The number of specimen~ submitter for tesbna . "'HR ' on 1y -i , "63 uo .IS . . COl1'11. )are.l with 1 I. /26 111 the The testin« of seeds o continued o previous Session. l'eeluctlOn was due . . Reeds sown The tour were of for . dU!'lIlg . I 8cience . t eac 1le. 1'& reported '. that the Rum to t Ile f act tl la. t a. 0zreater rproportion of the obtained from t-he collection reputable dealers. of 61 pa intings by Lris]: Artists, to which reference \I'aR made ill the Annnal Report for 104R-4~. conc 1u d e d· In 1 overn er. 1"41'.) V". . November lts reception in all centres was iuat as enthusiastic as in the previous Session. During the two vears of its tour tlne ex I11ibiti 1 10 n was he ld in 'y 58 Vocational Schools throughout the country and was seen ['. over 30.000 adult.'. in udditicn to the thou ands, of school c hiIldren Io1' whom specia. 1 l'IS1 isit s \, ..et e arranged . The aim of the • xhibition to awaken an in terest in Art find encourage its develop- 34. ment was fully attained, requests for that many and 05 so great was exhibition the interest aroused have already been a further l received. II.-CONTlNUATlON The decline (,01l1'Se8 which halted. the EDUCATION, in l set Although JlroiJlIE'lIt ill during tIlE' ill 1 whole-t ims da~' continuation 194.0-41 has now been Session unfavourable period condit ions assoc'iated with prevailed. their influence wa not felt so \\'idely during Session 1}144-45. Reports from all disnnd these generally tricts state that with one or two exceptions, emergency in rural arena, larger than shortage in many In of bicycle remained previous t vres unchanged Session. "till kept or were Transport thl' slightly restrictions enrolrnen] below and couuty borollgiJs was adversely a nr] the regulnr Vl'1'\ larger In in of conditions the districts, areas, Annual The ~chool 11<: soon winter of declined in Model Office experiment inaugurated bv Marino I\'as agllin vouduct ed clllring the week beginning of the w ere :\hrino Iucturing fiJ'TIIR contributed including cerea's, condensed modit ies li'f'l'(' ad vertiserl this exhibition by tllE' students i\ to and bv post ers l ion the some School. were 111\1eh impresfied and by their general in the retail Canneries liberal fruits. mill, of upnrecin OIl show engaged \\~h()leRale sauces. lriscu it s, bovril. As a gesture The dE'Jll.uHl stock of vegetables. coffee. designed :\Inny 'I'echnical .June and ~. office Ltd. Manu- tinned goods meats. jams, of the corn, students. of the firms presented the Business Il\E'IJ who visited b\ the interest displayed efficiency b) the to I he H ouaebold Management more ~1)('ci<l1ised Lnst iiutional Management . ~\l-tn-' ' , . -, Collezee- of Doniestic Sc·ien('E'. Dublm. Ile 11 ri, I'll St \\ as agi.i in f'II' '111("('PS,, . . of the llousl'hol.l ,0 urp,tt was the 1IIIIIlbl'l' s('h~jal'''hip holders mittees \\'pre .ulmit Se~sioll, 1'~lIlmll('e h,1 t ion of loc-al available. were applications. In Institutional cornpetit (,1~r01Ipd fro 11I an ('ntl'\, I\'P1'e sehol1lrsiJip Inittep~. holc1~rs of ivo that :\Janagernent 02, from Of' the 11 The I'PglJ/'ll' at tendance and good ('ours!:'" aro l'ef\(Jete(l in t hr- rcsulbs Vocat successful iona] progress of the enrl of l ho HE'~f;ion. III tilt' Household ,in out of (-iO c-an(li(lalf'R were successful and only 6 C~Illprevious Course -11 st urlents, f'xamination, the accepted, other Vocational Edueation from ted. as r-onrparcrl wit l: 13 in the to the hi- ur-crn n modut Course 84 students :\[rlll1lgellll'llt W!\!I< being students. Edur-ation 14 COln- made in these two examinations at 7IJl' Management Course. anrl in the Lnetitutionrvl were awarded to 35 candidates ('ou1'~'e, certificates «xumined Furthermore. good positions in hotels and hospitals \\'('I'E' secured for 22 of the students of this course. In uelditioll flimilar posts were found for 11 students who had complC'tf'd the Course s-atisfactorilv in previous SeSSiOJ1R. :\Ianagel1lent out of :~(j Pl'Ogress Whole-time courses in Domestic ECOIlOlIIY cout inus to secure good enrohuents especially in the County Boroughs, At Hathmines 106 girls joined t hese courses in Session 1944,45; ill Pembroke t he total enrolled was 41 and in }.f arino. 4g. In St. for H(llll i""ion a,11(1 t h« (' oursE' , . (oursc 1'(,~lIlf1tl'cl H'4.1. Over :~() students products as thp Reports. operations tr.)il1ing. was it of the rurn l schools the dcmund arose for labour r-n the farms and on the turf bogs. In some centres whole-time courses for boys had to be RIlR[lt>llcled .ifter DJaRter. In Water "iUe in Co. Kerry, se ventet-n girl", continued ill regular attendance throughout the i::leRsio'l, ,IS " result of the residential hostel provided and of which an account ll:1~ been given in previous early Summer <e vern] rurn l the h~ tllL' verv harsh affected Attendance urban . . It post of ,dl-thr' maker of a good home, ~Ol 1l10<;t .11l11'0tt,ll, ," · the 'Id \ .m t /-IO"S wh ir-]: gll'ls so t milled possess do thev rea I I<:l' "to' . • . . . f 01 . 1(l't' ill hotels. restaurants and instil utions. . app 'I I'JOg J ~ ~ • ' III 1I II~P ' {I11 1»)'OI)f\i>'\IIch :\Juc ' ,,' , h,j:;'. I et to he done to «on , vincc .gn']s · ir ]>,11'<:' n l ~,s that ihis ~" I'~ '1 most vnluable form of vocat.ion-il Hlld t Iie normal rural schools the 1944. still enrolrnents in the attendance the '. I School in Limerick. t h~ enroilllent . \ , Dc,lt IOna . reached 1 ,\Jllt(' ~ ,'f ')]0 nnd taxed t.lie ar-cornmodat ion anr record Lotcl 0 ~ till" I' a taff to the utmost. 'he teac JlDo . . " . I' It of these im port n ut courses III loo Schemes 'l'he deve oplll~l . fac-tor list rJict s" there 'II'E' centreR where '. sa t is H(' Ot,1 . '.1 1\('1'. In 'I II (IS IS ,,0 , . ',I Hilt III mu nv re nt res. gn'ls arc slo\\ , ,lnll'llts ,Ire sec 1I1(( . . ',..,. I •...11)( . ", ' the" u ppeur te, assocrut e It pJ'll11.u'ily wn I 'OiHIIIIS('lllllse,ls 0' . '1 ",', to ]IrppHl'«tloll . I" I .t ic st-rvice '. J Ill'\'. do nol \_ cl realise 01 (OJlle:', . I .1 I . I .ut ' ch n t rain ins l)l<lls III pre[J<ll'lllg them Ioi tie the vitu p.lI ~II "... , _. in rural llr~a(h men! ioned. IlIholll: of th~ bo v the \\'01'1\ Vocational Schools was not on l v by the constant on the 'ffl\'Jl'lS and on the handicapped. demand bogs bu] r..s for the also \1' I'er" inclem~nt weather. Despite these drawbacks. good was don e in Itlflny of these school I;, T'he school-gardens 37 36 farm are now well providing developed valuable in most practical tne day domestic 01 vegetables for centres experience [or the sect ions econom~' cooking. and addition boys. they IQ supply an adequate ith \I in cousid.-rub!o success ill Bush, C'o. Louth. r~'he buildin!:, herun in has lip (If Xl useuius 111 of local plants. all." c-entres. '!.1u1'i11Science the studeut s .u e keelll., interested mount u.u] al'i'tll1ge I he specimens, The prize SCltCIIH' for Ilome 1lie l'ellOol gardens h.is hl'(,Olll(' In County Cork '10 I'llpil" ndvuntags of this- wide-spread Science Teacher tacts is n lso result valuable n the experiments Adult in previous interest Irorn that Annual tlchools. in this the the pri7.es. £01' scheme is that of (,Ollliu;l to the il]('re,lRC'(l enrolment are being groups, to Report conbut Voc-u ionnl C'olll'Se for inilintiv(;' Education Young WIl;; Commitlct' Fnrrners diselosecl in tlu- during b,\' the who gi ve urlvice and in iruction lim ing. iorage of manure, on and (0 in the buildings; ·e. had the made of £6 of agricultural farms. At of and the '15% of the <mu each. fairs, end over practical specra I prize oral 'rite ploughing eight attendance and examination other maiches Course, two were of the secured awarded students a received £4 8,,1(·11 . the Course. tool made Oorn- of a special i en YOIlIlf! fnrrners selected by intenie,,· nttendsd 11 hort inten ive COIlrSP in HIlr111 Science and Woodwork from IBth ~oyembel', 104/J, to 8th \larch, 1945. The Course in Rural Science had relation to tile needs of farming in the district with special referenC'e to reclamation of land and munuring. In Woodwork. ~Jlf'('i'11 'lttPld ion \I',Hi pnirl to t hr- repair a nrl irn provernanj, of the students paid purchased and were in to a fund given oI out to which them at 11' termination. Convinced Course Vocational request (luring There has conucctron heel! with in Enzlish arc students day centres and decided 10 continue Ihe of socin 1 activities Schools debates. ill over concerts public. hurling schools. Course, has 1rl45-46. Vocational performed football of the ten a stpf1d~' development the of Rural Committee and and Where teams are in some a number plays playing formed counties meetings in Irish fields for ill of years. a11c1 athletic school magazines are produced, held. able, new type Education of these Session In all the larger are success of this of the in n growing The During woodwork to the Coun tv Leitrim Hl44-45. '10% COUl' to agree of the rural of the formation Se: sion to the 11 m.t tee or Agriculturo in mnlly districts. The activities of most of the~.e ad.11t d isc-u: sion gron le: were not confined to lectures nnrl ciemollstrations. In several districts, t hev organised or 'lc;~i"terl ploug-hing- murr-lres Hn(1 agricultural shnw« or former] Fl('('-Keepcl's' ;t!1(1 Fr'lil (iOWP}'f;' Associations h':lif'l'\\or1h~ taken durinz Leitrim was received Instructors of farm 111e Co. garden. been indi(,,1te eo-operation Horticultural .he himself has u ll district" Valuable and to Rural with in the school reference spot : (b) drainage. local next Session. farmer and the third, during the Summer. 'I'hese purpose-( a ) to study the actual methods see Such Iorn« cl in many from development. Agricultura] conducted which , were Reports the following also that at the School, the Spring period and rocks the plot. Science the course important ,-\11 ill contact home whilst state helping it gives attendance I1le,111S of interesting discussion Vocational competed more reg'ular ill and during the .econd, by the Itural first, (c) to discuss with the parents education. Between the first and third visits, it \H1S evident that many improvements were had been made as 11 result of the .idvice given. Students improvement students on hi" visits not only ensure frequently in pl'Ocllring the as Oll the problems plots organised in connection with ;t popular Iea lure in most schemes. an opportilnity of the bov: p.ucntn insects of fanning such matter was paid student: the and other centres ill Cork. 'I'eacbers the the end of the Course, visits had a three-fold I of visits of each of the students Kilfinane. ct! C'o. Liruc-rit-k. ;11 Tubercurrv. and ShHllil!mldcll. in ('0. l:')lign. 1111c1ill S\:,I'(']'itl of UIC school gim1ens A series to the farm in progress, \I'US supply \[any teachers utilise tI'c school garden 10 conduct experiments of v.rlm- to i<ll"IlIillQ' ill tl.eir v icinit v. 'I'his has beeu done witl buildings. 'I'eacher and are avail- the students inter-school matche arranged. 111 schemes all made with the sound Session opens centres, the holding Retreats provi co-operation for Ihe ion £01' of the with it day students Votive religious local Mass. is NICAL The In is mnny practice of and in extending, Dublin and Cork 1hose Retreats were conducted with the permission of the religious authorities, III.-TECH instruction clergy. in the Schools EDUCATION. The improvement in the demand for evening ~ech.nic'11 classes which sot in <luring session 1943-44 has been mainta ined . Enrolments in all districts revealed in general an upward trend, &9 especially 111 I'<;ngilleel'ing and D()1I1estic Economy dasses. 111which little or no provision had been made In for instruction . I11 ElIgilleerillU" ".. are now rnakinc <, " "'1'1' tgements to secure equipment as Soon as possible, anticiuatinc the n cl f I. .. l"" ee Or 111!:<truin ing in I'iell' of the proposed rural electrification s(;hem~. and the pre-,~ppren ticeship and appl'en ticeship training prescribed by the Irish ;,Jotor Traders. In rural areas, the deJl1;llIcl for ('];lsses in .\hnuill Instruction Il'as again verv keen .uid in 111iln,)'centres classes had to be duplicated. In the "Count; Boroughs and larger urban centres, owing to the depressed cond it ion of tile tmde. classes ill Building Construction were riltllel' weak. III se vera l schemes. special classes were formed Ior the militur.\· ill counection with the plans for demobilisation. '1'1rere II'ilS ugarn. It strong fleU1HIl(1for the more specialised Several sch eruas dasses fonned m the County Boroughs and larger urban centres. A] Bolton Street. Dublin. three Hew courses were begun:A Course of fourteell for Bm!;>; 2\loulders' upprent ices, A COlll'RCin Towl1-plannillg .\. ']'bree Years' students. Cour~e ill ~\]JjJrellti(;e;:; with an enrolment nttended Arcllitecture by eighteen with students. an eurolment of eighteen In Kel'in Street. Dublin ;1 special Dav Course ill Radio EnThis COurse is ginceril1g had all enrolment of 36 students. 1.111 ked up wit h t h c Diploma Exa ruination of the institute of l.bdio Ellgilleer,;. nlldin tIle 1944 ,(irncllwteship Examinatio'1, first place II'tlS takell b) a student of the school, who hail since secured an important post with a leading firm of Electronic Resenrch Specialists. The Courses for Opticians, to which referelln' \\'Hf< Illnde ill tile Annualc Report Ior ]94344 . t 11 ~ - . . were III ..u opera: ion rlu ring Session 1944-45 aur] had a total enrolment 'If jO students. At the Municipal School of Commerce in Cork, seven students were successful in the Jlltel'lllediate Examination of the Corpora t ion of Certified Secretaries as a result of the sper-ia l Course hel.] during Session 1944-45. In the Technical lnslitute .. Lilnerick, a course to prepare students for professional quallficutJon~ ns Account.mt-, or i:)ecrela)'ie' wus attended bv :28 students all of whom occupied senior clerical positions. l~ :\'uterfonl speciul classes ill Telegraphy and Telephony were jOJ'llled [or Post Office employeeI'. aJld 'I class in Botany £01' the l'bill'lliaceutieal Apprentice>; ill the City 'T'here was a widespreud demHnd' [or eveuiuz classes Jl1 Douiestic ./I"; call OIlI) . hi the County Boroughs aud Jurger urban v · i ious ill wan.' cases exceeded the accommodation centres "pp 1rea I , .\.t t-lt ;,lan-'" College of Domestic Science, Cathal 1 '1 I (ilIabe.. I c Street Dublin. the enrolment reached the record totf) !1rugha '- Provision held to be made ill this centre for three of 116)1. . ' .. To (;o-operate with the work of the Irish Tourist neW course S . . . t'lOn cl special Course for Hotel Cooks was started. m AssoCJil . r 1944 Candidates were selected from 36 applicants Sep t em b e,' . . . cl bv the various Vocational Education Committees. recommen de . Girl -are j'equil'ed TJ]' s \\ el -": . to be between the ages of 18 and 30 and . to have secured the ('crtificilte of the Department of E~ucatJon . C ker: Staae 11. 'I'hev were subjected to a practical test In 00 ." b· ~ and an interview ] n addition to the eight students awarded seholarships of .t40 each. plus tuition fees, by the Irish Tourist Association. ttus Course was taken by elgllt other students 10 whom the -V ocationn I Ed uca tion Committees awarded scholarships and by four students who paid their own fees and expenses. At the termination of the Course, certificates were secured by J 7 r-nndidutee, u ll of whom have since obtained appointments ill hotels or institutions throughout the country. A similar course is being conducted (1uri m; session 194G-46 . In accordance with arrangements macle with the Dietetic Council of Eire and the Irish Medical Association H course .n Dietetics \VHf; begun in October. 1944. The course which \YHf' taken bv nine students \l'HS intended for those who desired to st IICI\' ll~(' scienc-e of nutrition .md had already completed their specialised 0]' professionul t ruiuing ill some allied work. 'I'he instruction covered pract i(;,11 nnil theoretica I work in Physics. Chemistry. Phvsiology. Baci criology. Dietetic Science. Food Costing and Catering. nledi(;al lectures to suit the requirements of the students were arranged in collaboration with the Dietetic Council Seven of the City Hospitals agreed to take two of the students at a time for. training in hospital routine. The third Course for Waitresses was started in June. 1945 l,,Y the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee at the re, quest of a deputation from the Hotels Federation and Hotel Workers' Uriion. The course W>lS confined to girls between fifteen and sixteen \ ears of nze who h<1(1been students of the Day Junior Techni~al Course'" for girls in the Citv Vocatioll tl Schools. A sub-committee of representatives of wOI'I\Ors' ,111(1 employers' associations interviewed 35 applicants. A short .ntensive Course of one month was given to the twelve selected Ten of these girls have already been placed in the City I{estflurants. 40 The growing demand Ioi Domestic Economy was not confined following such courses into Dubl iu III Cork. tlie uutnbar crcused JrOIJl 880 to 1.031 aud in Limerick from 350 to 408. III Waterford il short COUl'e in Cookery was provided for the members of the local branch of the Maritime Inscription Corps, III Wexford, a special class ill Luncheon Cookery, secured a 1;lrge cnrolmeu ( uud regula]' attendance from girls employed in shops and offices, who devoted their weekly half-day to this, In rural areas, where itinerant cour es were held, it was not po _ sible to accept Fill applicants. The various schemes for training apprentices in operation in the Dublin schools were continued successfully. 'I'he nine candi, dates in the Chefs' .Vpprentics Course who completed their second veur a( 8t . .'lIar;),';; College of Dorucstie 8cie1lce, Dublin, passed the rcqu isito eXRmillHtions and all secured posts, mainly in Dublin Hotels A new Course was started on 7th May. 1945, wit]: 1G candidates; (en of whom had secured scholarships. rhe usual courses for the Electricity Supply Board Apprentices were ('onducted a( Ecyill ~tl'E:et and harl an ellrolment of 86. At Cnpel Street, Dublin. the n inr. 'lpprentice t uilor who finished their course went clirectlv into employment. and a new course wit]: (weh'e scholarship holders began in May, 1945. At uhe surne centre n dny ;lpp)'enlice course for hairclressers was followed by :23 ladies and 15 men. .\ useful ChUllgl' I\'aS nrade ill the organisation of the special for the operur ivas, of the Hallidar-Clarke dassel; ill Dundulk l~oOL Factories. To fac·ilitn(e the work in the factory: it was illTange:'c] (0 clivirk- t he «ppren j ices into t \1'0 groups. the first nttendillg (he school on three dnvs H week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. <llld 1'(!(lIl'IIing to the factor , from :2 p.m. to 6 p.m. to release tile other group WJlO attended the school for that period. In this II'a,I'. the factory could bave the services of one group of juveniles (hroughout thl' week. The number in attendance during 8cssi()1I 1044-.J.5 was 07, Prizes to the valus of £30 "ere presented by the Direc(ors (0 the most successful students at tllC «url of the COIIJ'SC. 'I'he c-ourse for tmining AP[Jt'C:JIILiel'('adets ill (he Irish Merl'Cllltik .\lUl'inc \I"IS ('olltiIlUe(] 1\( tbe Junior School of ~autical 'I'rnillillg in Gah"<lY durillg session 1H44-.J.!5. A( an examination lie-ld ill June, 194.3. ill seven centreR, ~~ candidatef; competed fo)' the three schoLn·ship::; offered 101' the course to begin ill September. 1945, 41 . ,. for tr'lininu per;;Ollllel {Of the Engineering Branch The (\)[11~L' '. 0 . '. h ' .. , '1 . I \lcl'("lllttlc .\l;ll'IlIl' was continued at t e Cl,lWIOl( I tlte lrr- I ' (l . I 111:< u iuu c. Cork. a m l ,good from TethllJ(';1 . progress was reported .'. .. . ()f se/toinrf;hijJ holders. At a competitive exam, the t In) ~I OI1])S'. . , I I1 ut seven ccu t re-, I1I June, 1045. for the award of Il in"tlO le (. . there were 64 candidates. three lIell, s'ehol;tr,;hipl' ill this course . . \Yhi!l't three ;lpplica IItS II ere offered Lhesc scholarships, only '0 were ,ICccptc(l. I\I \t, the seGoncl CXtllJlillHtioll £01' tile R'egistration . 0 I Aunreuti L'l..pprellices under the scheme:' of training devised by the Society of Irish '\10tor 'I'rarlers Lul .. which was held in the Summer of 1945. there wert- 25·1 entries ns compared with 207 in the previous le;ll'. TIll' 1I11111berqllalif,lillg for registration WRS 149 as cornIt is of interest to note that the first pHred II ith I;{H ill Hl-l4. p!a('l' \lW:; taken b\ il sI urien t in Nnas Vocational School, the ";c('ollcl place h\ i\ <;\II(]el11,from the rural Vocational School in Bush. and the thinl bv it student from the rural Vocational Hclioal ill Mooucoin. It is stated that the majority of those registered have since feu 11(1employment in local garages. There \I'UR n successful revival of spinning and dyeing classes in the counties of Clnre. Leitrim and Roscommon. In Leitrim eight clf\s~eR were formed with a total enrolment of 146, The greatest demnnd CR111eIrou: Roscommon where the total. enrolmant exceeded ;')00 wit h an average attendance of over 70%. A !(oocl standard ill spinning and rug-making was achieved . ("IRsses formed in Con ntv Cavan and County Sligo for the first time had also il satisfactorv enrolment and attendance. IV.-:-EFFICIENCY OF INSTRUCTION. Inspectors report that the efficiency of instruction in both da) and evening classes during session 1044-45 was of a good standard , As ill previous sessions, it was noted that the subjects Science, best taught were the practical subjects, Domestic bingineering and Woodwork. Instruction in General Subjects Was again weak in everal centres. particularly in classes with IIIcxpel'ieueed teachers who sought to base their lessons exclusivelv on. tbe text-book in use. The teaching of the practical subjecte was again handicapped h,l . hortage of materials. This was most marked in the case Classes. In the latter. scarcity of \Vood~'ork and Engineering llf fupl fa!' Iorgework and of acLeylene gas for welding restricted the scope of the work. Furthermore non-ferrous metals could not he olklinc(l. Yet in <111 sections the teachers showed gre.lt 42 resource tbe students at work at projects that could 1II'lll'l'ial" 1I1lt! PquiplllellL a t thpil' dispm;<11. III the sumller urbun centre". \ u lunble instruo t ion W>1S glYell ill tlte repair of ngrienltuml machinery and illlplelllents. hp .loue ill keeping with the J>pspite t he diffi('nltip,-, of tile period. workshops and equip, IlIent were kept ill good order and condition At the request of the Department. I is it s were paid to the workshops in many centres bv Inspecton, from the Department of Industry and Commerce. Guards and Rllfet~' devices ha v« been im;talled as a It is llOppd to have all workshops result of the wll'ie-e given. in Vocational Hchools visitc«] ill due course by these Jnspectors. ill several centres for the teaching of drawing associated "ithWooc!\Yo]'k. n nd Metalwork. As a result. a systematic course i~ not followed and there is an undue telldelJt:y to confint- 1 hp \\ ork to the 11Iere ('OlJying of drawings Irorn the bluckbo.u-d :\ jlrogl'('SSiH: ('OIII'SC' ill practical geometry should be included ill ,\11 whole-time junior technical courses. I)millg the 8ullIJtler ('OIlI'Se ill. ..\lathernatics held ill -Iuly, 1945, inspectors Jis(;u~~('d I his problem w itl: t lio teachers "no made recouunendations "Im'" "'''''lIld 1t:'1\d 10 illlj>l'ol"('d teaching of niechuu ical drawing. Insufficient t ime is set aside A. general impro\'vllleJlt "a" been noted ill 111e teaching of 2\[;dll('ll1ahe~, T"i~ is attrihllted. ill the nr..in. tn tlte Summ ,. ('OUl';;CS ('Olldllt'ted ill r hs subject in 1041 <JJjd !fl-!;). ,\ more svsteiuut io t rent ino nt is now beillg~'i\l'11 ill 1I10f't ceutres. oruteachers 111l\'e .\et 'I (Plltlpl1(·.\ to spend 1In undue proportion of t ime at miscelLllIeoll. examples instead of continuing their proexamination !!I',llnJne. The rcsuh « of t"(' Iri"h ::'I[otOl' Tr,lders for l{egistratioll of Apprclltiees ill Hl4fj show how general the illJprOYelllellt is a" onl-, I (j'k, of tile ('all(]idates failed in Mathematics ,18 corupared wit h 86'){, ill 1944. Barly in the session <J confereno., was held in Dublin .ind in Cork 111 wh ich thp Hural ~cjence Teachers and Inspectors of the D('pal'hl1(,lIt discussed nil phases of the organisat iou . ;JIJ<I \\'ol'killg o[ rural \'ocnijoll;l] Hehoo]>;. T'lie conference ill Dublin \\'"S n( (l'II<lt~d In ,i(J Ie.u-hers ann 215 were present ,d t lu- COlJle!'elJcc in Cork. DIIJ'ing the two days whic-h each conIeroue« lasted. there WHR a fr.rnk exchange of views: the teachers riif'('llssed their difFi(,lIlti('~. fllld (he 1I1s1Jec(OJ'Q dealt with ally \\t'akneS8Ps t hey had found. \' alliable suggestions were put forward for the impro vernr-nt nnd cle\'elopment of the work. In'pcCtO!'R rep()"h'cl (h>lt t.he conferences had a stimulating e:B'ect .urothsr 43 nil t ,If t C Hurnl Seil'lI('e .duriug ~efi"ioll . I ' tecH' I1lllg OL . ne l' -ouncction w ir h llle experunentt 1 ' J'e'-U t:-- III ( . WIll, crowt h of .ulult "'lnlel1" ,llif I( . -'Iw('11 (e,.,c I' 'l'ih(:'<I ill till'; Jtq)lI)'t. discusxion lfl-14-4!'i. SOIlIC' . I I JIl t lie se lOO 1. group" huv e ulrca: . , Subjects maintained '1'1 te'll! 1JJII~ ()f Counuen.iul ic '. '. >~"J'(Jlj'"ill th p Countv 1·'lo1pn \,"II""l., , Boroughs ,,!<lll( <ill "~ 1':I"t:'IIII('1'e. there is still ,I tendencv 3 Irl)"111 ceIllll . I'Hook,keeplllg.. KlIsiup'i"; "ldllOcI,.. . l'olll.,l'!]ut'nth ·t'l frOlJ1 ;I tex -)0, v . • o k ~ and lessons high and larger , to teach . 1 "tl t' Commercia ,'"lo.n 1111e.1<: .' _ tH'C divorced frequeu the tlv f!'OJil ;I('Lual condit ious. of Art in Cork_ ill the Schools "', and painting sections at Cork .' . tai of technical accomplishment. IHI\'e 111611Il Hllle(,1'1 hish o "standard . f . " 1 to meet 0 Lit hogr.rph v \\:I~ \\-(' 11-orgalllse( . the , requirements . " 111'l(le agaill (food pr()gl ..e,," \\ d, , . \\'. 11. L el -f Ol',I . Tl\C sculpture ,111,1III both ~ppl'e;ILi('l'~ :IIItl counuerciul artists. In \\'atedord, a ..s~l(;Art and Crafts. <:e:>~fnl co-ord iu.il iou llHfi bccu effected between ,\ high degre« of l'i'fivil'IIl:\ II"HS reached in th •. standard of the day courses. In Art work (!Oll(' III ~lll"('II(~ ill the whole-tiuie good work \I",\S seen in the classes in leatherwork ,md Limerick. needlework. 10 Kilkeunv <Ill important development dUl'JI1g lh~ sess-ion \\",1" the Ioru ru t .iou of ;I c I'ass 111 n LO·tter el,\ W. hich secured <Ill enrolmon ( of I.) "lllliellt" 1111din which work of good artistic quality was aC(;01n plislu-cl. The teaching of Art ill the Vocatiou-il t:)c-hools in ('1011IJleI , 1)1111(/;111,-.(;,1Iw1I,\' and Sligo continued to hp on <';0111](1p['Ogl"l'~,;i\'(> lilies. V,-THE POSITION OF IRISH IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS III ,\vcordHllce \\ It It t lu- u-nns or :\leIIIOl"\lHIII1lJ \'.-16. to which l'l'fel'elH'e \\'as 11'1l<l(:'ill the An uuul Report for H)L13-44. an (Ox' 1I1J1in>1tiollfor the 'l'eastus 'I'iuurc Gaeilge was held in July, L945, "I till' end of Ilie spceiul ~"lUIJ rer Course ill Galway. Of the U eall<lidlltcs 1\ ho prvseu tcd tilclIl"el\"e:> for this Lest. H secured I Itv Diploiu.. wit h HOIJ()ut',; ancl :2~ passed. I~Xall1illatjou~ [or the Ceard-Teastas Gueilgc were held ill Apul '111d .J"I.\·. 1\),,1:1. '['Le \ll'illt'l1 tests were taken b\ 140 candida tes qf \I 110111fiD \lel'e suc-ccssl ul . 'I'lu. oral >1\1(1tecleiting Iest.s were taj,:el1 by :2,) of llle,.;(:' l'c1llclldateb. b) 54- candidutes who had pU!:,"l'\l lIle wri: tell t est aL previous cxa miuu t.iou s uurl by 1;) l·lIi\('l':-iit~ <ha<lllcill'f; \·xellJpLt:'d lrm u the: \\ I'Lltell lest. Out "f till::, l otul of !I-I l'lIt)(lid,IlP". If) qual ified for tit il\1 ill'c1 of t he ('<,,\J'(l-Ten,,(ils Gaeilge. 44 45 lnspectors reported a gL'lteml impro , erueut ill day .uid e\'elling classes during of I rish both This i>i attributed (a) 'I'aaching ill the ill the muiu to three d"y classes 111 the Session teaching 1\:i44-43. factorf;:- through is 1l0\\' bused H)43: (h) The teaching methods employed by the teachers the new q ualificution 01 Tea tas 'I'uuire Uaeilge issued Teachers who Galway There time has day "re clt teuded ulso beou a more schools. III the ul ilisiug holding are far the medium DUllllllel' Courses in methods. widespread use used and of lri:olthas orders ordinary rnedium ts. studen been tried schemes reported an i.ncrease Hevision during ill 11l1lny cOllll.llercial and domestic economy ably·satisfac.:tol'\· results ill most cases. Several in the whole- all general as the classes arc of In Marino Irish ill the First Year COllJlJJ(;l'Ce. Class of Commerce. Irish Geograpliv OUe of in used \I'cU; the Arithmetic ill oue or tlle First J1JOH island and teaching i:)chool. First of was done Arithmetic Year and Commerce. uical (Boys) Commerce. and Year this work through Science and in ihe LJiadc been and ill statf' Athlone through and taught tilt' samo t hrougl: f<jllglish." \\Tote in Miltown Malba« in ]i;00nomy was exclusivoly satisfiecl the of Irish; that. Co. Clare, through wlH'rp the two Chief inrlueur« han' already an adequate ('11 ;l(!tills. Furt.hermore. t,\'PI' ;llld it Iakes ;I keen centres. Inspectors a more t]le students proare of teacher to retain active III ~('\end Hlld : Ile Countv h,v r-orrelut ion Learn till' of Broadcasts. cluss work wit h III lll'Oghedi\. current adult hy lo.-t ll],('''; ill 11'i"I. gi ven hv export!' TIlPl'C' \I',\s lris]: the large 1";1n!lil\,!'( in I re l.uul . :'-11l"ic. Films ;I stl'nd,\ and del'E'lojlllll'llt ill ,,11 >i(·h(']]w". fe.it urr-s. centres 'Ill (1 ill >iPI'P!'HI (';lS(,S successf'ul ('oll('erts alltt 'l'h« in e0ililll(' ('laisl'eHc[nl were nlso one session III rli« Count« hish there play was Boroughs I'ery in \'ery broadcasts .it least through proved patronised. \)\ thp proilur-t iou of d1'1111];1.and ti,e such of Books. activities which ill on subjects organised \\'ell and were Censorship social \nH' Listen audiences ;lncl quest ion-timo I )l'l)'ltl'~ popul.u- many \\'ere mane. Best resulte was scarcely not produced an(1 larger urban r-elltrps. ternus \I'('!,t' (;'II[('l'('d for the flIis competitions or for qualified for tlil, Feili ])n'lll1;J!o(,11tu ;111(1 ill ,;:;evel'n] instances lJ1'i:t,es AR mu nv ,,~ se vr-n (lntTll;ltic COllnty (l;tI\lA\' <1nl\\',\\. ~\l1 \'o('fltiolla] l rish \\'l'ek ;ls ill the prcviou-, IllHjQrily of YO('ntioll,\I knowledge a nr] under ganised. ('~eaRing ([n~' school the nu mber and te.uus pu pils in Bruv sc-hool of the of the m.iguzines articles Drama sucr-esa. the in Kildare In the great CTaelach was organised the gencral social produced are from Festival and in Countv wit h equal to encourage many competed the ut f'il-lioolf; n Cu munu it.s auspices In R('ho01s wn s held session conditions for the students «ouutr-r-n ttract iou s exercise a cenlre Execut- rural districts were secured had attendance and urban organ- 23 centres enrolment. urban 'I'ech- in Domestic of Irish. in- essential '1'11e best . were Wexford Years Westmeath County instruction the medium the Sl1bject 0, centres County «outres. purticulrulv in the City u[ ur t-lligo. valuable .issistance in the. Iorm a tion of (·Ia"sl'~ was gl\'en by Comhdhail ?\uisitmta nu Gaeilgc. In Bruv. tho tcnchillg in the adult class was stimuluted H}; in Limerick In or ;),0 lll;lil,\' interest ntrr.rcterl al l Irish Third as if the progress c>nroillwJlt lui t till' Limerick in Vocational Year Junior First t in Castle- ill W"ten'ille Second ive Office)' in IJiR report to tbe Voca tional Education Committee. (a) that School for boys. Schools 1n through III ('OUIll\ \\'l'n' Ionurl ill the smaller a nl Il]'OU]'CSS ,,' ln the Count} BO],()llgh;:; .mr] r h« Ltrger dllring " Students sper-t ors are ;ll'e fulfilled: Classes ill the ill the teaching Clas es Comrnen-s ·()t·\l l ( cl Ilolllll'etl Cork of Lrish : ] n more C'riti('nl of instruction m were taught neogrnphy ]Hl( I reason- of the 111 the mediu medium. 'I'ypewriting B. Irish. ill ,8 centres. with \I as done Continuation Llrrough \\'ClS ill the inst ruction tilt' Kiilorgl iu <IS girh( III Kerry. most iust rur-t ion 01,'e e of success for OH'!' I.Ot)O stude-nts. thr-ir .uid Geography Book-keeping . meaSllre Session in the instruction Y00<.1tiol1i11 I:)cl1ool. Du blin. t the lriah , of Commerce. rolled ised of Irish 11l'lll'y centres Y(,l'} given in Irish and it is being teachers con versation between through recent these till' medium to il in 1I10re effective; (c) l'0111pe t eiIt ure .' CRn be achieved in any centre. sa nstac or: . . . l'o\'e111ent in enrolment and attendance 111 evemng The Jln}) .' . t ,,··\S observed last session was maintained. In some classes tl ra ,. ' . there \,,;tS ;, st ill Iurt her increase. III County Cork the ;;thelllPs . l.u-ue nu mhcrs. oyer :2. GOO students being en(' I,-lSses. ·lttr·\('tt'" ( e- .' tbe syllabu' 0)] teuc Iiers till' t IHt t (1)) in Irish. use Iunctions annually Great of Irish were 0]'- an in- credit i! 47 due (If 10 the City of GaIWH,\ Yocntionul its school llJag1.\zine, .. All DI'm," 11J8nts HS w ell «ent res the Ipf1f'hcl''; till'.\ from Ipllt articles tlw Voeat ionul :\1'(]mol'e fo), being ill and were attellder] langllage, Till' In con t in ur-r] by th(' celltJ'ps at th« in sensu](, the ,t1so orgallii:'('d nnd VII.-RA TH E SCHOOL·LEAV SING I NG AG E, RK' ('ollnt,\\\"lterfo'd (;1) clnss,-'" by l)7 student» and n t Tl'lIJ11ol'(' by (\0 sl ndents nt tendnncs at t h» ('eij{ wus verv lilJ'ge, Games and olltings were _\f'rlocht. as ,I w hol«, 'I "(>Iwl'al illlP\'(l\I'III('lll III the standard Thel'l' \1;1" , ,.. _", 11,8.")\1 in 1(.144, to 12_80.) 111'-Iller of pn>'"(,, I'l-.Illg hOllrl rhe rot» l ()n_8~o as against 68_2"0 relH'( ~(ll1t~l)~ ill I et\ ('rnge 0 in 1!l~i_ in l( H_ AIlIlII,\l :\.rr]IIIOI'(' t ho d;" .\1 many hy Iris], in .rll other .mr] «xpcrimcnr« 'i'I'HIIIOJ'(', .is tlc'scriberl I !)4l)--1cJ , wer« nightly for the prodllctioll ill Jri h. nrh-el'tis<'_ wn s llll(lel'taken I:khools, freeh, \"O('lltiOIl;t1 Ed!lC"<.Itioll ('ol1lmit((,(,_ The bhnt of feisl'lllllla tllC'ir Sllpport rcsort s of llC'port ns ol'ganisntiou ~cltool C'ntirel,) tlit' ('Olll'f'(> (-ollclw]c'd with "11 CO, \\ '"'tj·f-l(·l{)r\ll!'Cl~II''''~ 1'1 ((1(' 1_ t :'\umbpr i')cltolarships i hr- to of 1$145, GncHllcht Educ.uio» Vocut ion.rl (jOt) studpnt,.; the "pent Sorus agarn COlllmitteeR_ in ('ol1llllittlPf' this mantler in the t,I'PC' of (,OIIJ'Se conriuctel] pared tlw ('OIIl'SP hitherto to proyide similar "11111111('1' of Hl4() , V 1.- TECH N ICAL SCHOOL Hosmue the us com- and fll'c contemplating follOlyeo_ making arrangel1lellts ship llOlf/Pl's ill llip at Hummr'l cou rae s for their III the oxperiment ------Ho~-s Gids Total -- - -- 1:1Oh September. HlH ,H:l +22 86.') aj~t L)pc-emheJ', I!H-' +I'!+ on:? !)'~6 :ll~t }Tttrch. 1\1+" ~:)+ +71 ()25 1946_ +til 471 93~ :IOth June, ------ scholarIt will 1)(' Iloted t liu whilst there is little change in the I iared with last, Session, total 011 t hc rol!-, .u UIl,\ lWrlO( us com] 'I t \f' 1111"1 I'lC] 0 f bov, s• in each period, varymg f then' is a dl'rhl'l', III '-l'(, ill the number 0 from :2l to ;)8 \I-ith :1 "OIIlP,\l':ttl\, (' 111('\e, l:' t , L EXAM I NATIONS, The total number of nppliciltiolls receiver] for admission to the '['cc'hni('al Nchool EX;lminatiol1s in 10415 wa s 2] ,052, <:hov,-ing a small r]eclille Tr;lnspol'! ill c'ollJparil'on fncilit ies l'OI'E"fro 11I 17-,lD!l (]II(, to t hr- he-I thilt Ef'OIlOIlI\-, \\-llie:h held under lilO/'(' normal rlntes ;;nt Goorl SllPPOI"t the so erelv "C\ t ho ["0 to IS,clo7_ ill \\'ood\\"ork )'('([uic;itc were l)OI received :tilt! to the ill Domestic were 3,24'1 candi- uirls_ \-1\n ing , jll'l'\,lflllS.. _vnr III !l1l1"1I]' ,epo,.,rts i-lee:ollr\ Year grollps, \I -, dUl'Illg eac-h candidates out of of ,\ Iotnl 11 ce n t ro for the total new 11;1\-(' real' qunrt er. to tl'lP e xarn ina- t ions ill Bruss-fmishcrs \\"01'1" III 1ht' .l u n.or Practica I T'est , eizht cund idnt o-, \\'pre' ])J'psI'llted and six p<l, sed. In t he -Junior \\~'ittell 'Pest, the t wo candida tes who entered were, u ccesaf'nl , students in 1lP( I the .uze ,,_ of Hi leave me mn e 1.'" j", -\ sradual, . to in the Pn'Rt the fit the _ addit, )' ear , _ 8p!lsiol1 of- those. 10cJ-t --I;) cun bo -ecn f'rom the following XlImbel- of Students Leaving table:Number of Students Joining Quart!'!' Ended Boys Girls :-'{'-o-ta-]-I-B-oy-s- -_iG~-ir~lM~ _T_o_t_8_' -I of 542, of 42'1, ' who h'IYJJlg rcac h ec ] tl re it- g e, of 14 come within _ tlIe S('OPI' of t h« Ar-t . The exodus and influx of students during groups - ill Meta lwork : 301 l out 11" "I t-\1ll1il tuneou- ,I \ - there Pllc] of ("Ich qu.utr-r. 1011_ _ >! I to .'iO, from , c-\.s indicated successful practical \\-PI'(' succesaf'u one in 111e elernenrnrv (\0'1;, ill \Yoodwol'k from as ill 1044, 141) centres. te'"t s a lid :2,072 were gl\"t'1I 22_000, increac;;e \,"as mainly cll)'iniled In of nctunl number the pxaminations sel'joll!'dy cond it ious. record restrictpd This I'l'nc-tic;li he "-,lS ;lgaiJl '11l(], in !\Jphli\\"ork }~lIt]'i('s iJ,\(l foJ' t hpse ('XamillatiollS nhtnill('d Dol 1!l~.J period of Hl.J4, and , therefore. cOl'respollding of l'ntl'ies \\"('re t iio with • of St.udents on Rolls Date 01 nearly to realise <lI'p IW\\' beginning of the by mosr given a hol i.la , III thL' (laPltac'bt '1c!\-'1tltages with were ('orl, /11 I' J:I ~t'] ill' c'I;l1nectloll with the l';1ISlI1g Ol. the School-Leavina 1'011 IIC PI I I' on t he rolls rei 1(' 'l'h- foJJc)\\ il'~ table, shovvs t ie 1111111 \.<1(' I Cl " I _ "4-1 4" , ' ~ t lu- ('1](I 0 I' l,",("h (1"<lI'U'J' dlll'ilJO" -" ,:It r RI'!':"!on 1" ;lOth ~eptembeJ'. 19+4 +1 ;)t) 31,t Dec!'mb!'l'. 1944- 78 63 31st Marc'h, 1945 69 66 124 J:l4 ~h -June, 1945 75 72 147 l.J.j 88 IOn 193 13·) 48 62 llO 102 248 76 ----- M 142 4.8 AR explained pancy bet", iu ell quarter of the Second Year previous the iea v ing in numbers Session, is due Groups, who to the onlv (heir compulsory period when illlo\\'ed (0 Ieuve ut t hut (late, student.', if cOlllpelled attend very irregularlv The net result 6:U) and course Of 15 had side tho Borough was it to 65%, inclement experiment days in in that such leptember. and 47 had bringillO' returned lain opened did "alliable in tbe morning gone 80°,& for winter There was i' good n nd Irish ~'igllrc received, TIle Manual one e sion , at. times, on v.rriety was rookerv an bo,\- well the two-half- girls ill the 'I'hev comment "gaill maintained in classes, The thE' production iovs und nn imn ls, of good design of 30 girls received official of the Gas 11 Company and Number of interest Session on Rolls I Girls I :ljat December. I :J61 1944 I 3:19 l!l44 'rotal 289 6iiO 288 627 3lit March, 194:) 332 275 607 :lOth June, 194.3 :13-5 214 549 In case of the the previous session, is a decline in ] 940-4.4, Session The following during each the the boys, u there numbers little ranged e of the Ct1 is from girls, from 248 to 01], table shows t hc the numbers the 316 to 383, uumbers on gap prize. were awarded to the most competent at the end of the course. During (he session employmellt \\'ilS found Eo!' 27 boys and 1 L ~ll'lf<, Of tlole tota l ernolled 65~~ of t.ht" bo " a nrl 24 c of t1l(> the There varying leaving and in joining quarter:- ----------;-------------------of Students Quarter Number Boys Girls 30th September, 1944- 6l 32 31st December, 1944 63 51 :1 l st March, 19~5 71 L07 30th 194-5 ,37 6 June, -----During (he ResHion, the case of Cork. had reached or tukon had left of Students Joining Ended (,I' large ns, in change Leaving and finish, special of Students Boys Speci.il one Reries of lectures end of ear-h quurt er during Number in Corn- of i:>eRf;ioll, 'I'ho Date es. subsequentlv by Continuation third as follows:- in Claisceadal were successful. Chap- COUl' broadcast conducted verv the in these classes two gal'(' ut the Compulsorx for the of a successful Session ut (he vnlunbsu-v favourabla W:lS i\L1SS and and girls in toy-making of mechanical b) for (he by the ana A Rel::Cted group lnaugural with in Limerick by afternoon-instead Throughout attendance ('Iap.<; l nstructors boys an Daur-ing. Jl1lll1it,l- Singing. (he with was shown interest on t hc rolls were :IOth Reptcmbc/', reasons, the girls in connection in operation out- was helped of attendance and to live which, unemployed the at EastE'r, work 11',1;; Schools. Vocational In general the teach ing reached ;t satisfnctorv standard. 'York eff'iciencv 11';lS observed in one section of the 'iN oodwork classes and ill several of the Domcst ie Economy classes. held experiment their of high was ']'he Courses to School for medical averagerl weather II-eek-on<:' Session LIMERICK: joined completed cl'l} ,ts hitherto, It is evident that, in many homes, of the girls cun be more easily di pen sed with for the services two separate periods than for one whole day, The (b) numbers one whole Retreat were employed. Of the 288 boy employed, 171 were .nessenger boys, whilst of the 1 J..i girls at work 36 were dome s tic servants, and 6'1 were factory hands or shop assistants. girl are June, in had COI'P::;, !0 had 'Phis regularitv of the 548 in the clay courses regular reduced (he left, Area and G were excused very in the to corn plai e ends 1I10nth last in HI44-4..i was tha ( 3D2 student Construction despite and discre- students has shown it (he age of sixteen, the Attcndunc« for first month 11. Session Experience return large that require the G:W who whole-timo joined the fact the 1944 -45 the and reached or selected to for Session left Reports, Anuua] B8Ci students tbe great lllHjol'it~ the ;lge of si"teen whole-timo t.hli district dny ,\1](1 Total I Boys Girls 93 62 48 110 114 :19 31 7(') 178 ,),) sa H3 i4 39 Jl3 63 joined of those \ ears : 27 had ,,- and 'rotal <148 left, As in who hila left--348-returned to School ('OIII'ReS at the Voca t ionn l tkllOols: Sf) ] 8 were excused for medical rea80111!!, 51 It if., of iu terest district were these s ecurerl <1 that 48 of the boys and it is generally work outside the area. Attendance alld by to Dote was series affected by 55 r- Of If) T. -<), The"e the general HS tlIat [or the 63 % 10 8'1 % , girls, the JI1 the l( /0, \\] for thp. boys weekly averase bhe many of conditions influenced <1\el':lge left the attend- 1"01' girls, ,'tl nn \lyel'i1ge 1 the \I "" v~riecl SII111e only in all practical subjects subjects There from wns ;lfIiliate<l reached of Domestic a high Economy Woochl'~rk, Goo~] work was done by the Chaplain keen interest In jJle welfare of these students, ,md who disl;layed The l'h(ldl'aig arid most popular, Inrrned under sl·""ion, were Courses Education \\'111 form part of the ;H]miniRlered by these general scheme Committees, of Vocational door WATERFORD: (C) Buildings suitable g'il'ls ha ve been ~'I'('S", for leased. If ;lileqIlHtl' Cornpulsorv The couipmon; Courses uecessarv Economy and ill Woodwork tan be procured, ouforcs Coinpulsorv Continuation Eclllcnl ion of \\';lterIol'd ,IS from Ist October, Hl46, VI/I.-JUVENILE Further the youth TRAINING for boys reconstrnc:tiOl; for the practical work and for is in proin Domestic h Oige for In the two Youth 'I'raining Centre, under the direct control of the Commit toe. t hero were r-uroll e(] 11'1 bovs ;IS compared with n07 ill the previous Il1clUCIIIg unemployed In Brugh Ph:'lchnig Bmgh :\fhllirl' from session. 'I'hr-re was still difficulty in hovs to attend regularly ill lite dav-tims , t ho numbejfell from "121 to 63 ;1l1d in 107 to 81, [11 Brllgh Phadraig. this decline was lJ;lrtially l'ollllwnsate<1 for b v .rn inc'l'f'nSe ill the cvcniuz ~ numbers from ~98 to B:?6; hut ill Brugh :\Ihllire tho number attending ill lhe evening ulso fell from 381 to 307, The general , .. reluctance to come ill I he morning is >lttl'iblllec1 to the fact that the unemployed 1>0:)"; prefer to he free as to accept tllly cn sual ernplov ment that mR:)' arise from time 10 time, ,,0 gcnernlly classes Leaders .md Silver Fi\inne Leaders operated with hot hiking, Each centre Spt'l:ia] praise and :-;()d;dit~ organised is due for to for also "ery their Chaplains zealous Lenders Youth the winter in each and Brugh took an the usual outswimming or and Concert. party in of ihe library, night. for interest successful, the end During ey('ry line" Lo 1.)(:' was at a Christmas the same made n r-ant een drinks Brugh was IYilS centre. in Gaelach clone bv the vol u ntnry to each 2,114 proved provision wus ShO\\'11 in the attached boys on the A Oumann of girla' were on ngnin clubs number number there carried craft the The part in ol'g,llIi!';ing throughout tile session activities ill the Iorrn of 100(1);']11. hurling, their the 1\'01'1, in the of the welf'ure ho,\!';, suitable summer eur-h the site camp given initiative was Applications of the seemed at holiday arid Youth were services of instructors. o] boys and Chaplain Hkerrie, Tn this 10J' a month. tl weeks t ho chaplain le Leas of youth session, were Phadraig, was again Youth the Through it is proposed to in tho Boronzh CENTRES: progress was mads by Corn hairle of Dublin during session 1944-45, active 'I'he interest work t~le bt'gUlll~lli' Compulsory facilities to 20 bovs. Increased to supply the social awarded the l(l4;,)-46, 302 girls, one of the Youth :W boys months, Session number the club, Brugh In metalwork , Thf' experimeutul "t;lge in connection with the Compulsory ( ourses III Cork ;]1](1 ill Limerick hac; 110\1' torminat od As from current in the during Mhuire session. Chaplains the and Brugh ,I'; ill previous ;b 'I girls' ;111t1the of ill crease Comhairle, e(lucational Valunble H the ani] ill the 1)(1,\''', le,\(;hing and a further with of boys' clubs rose from '27 to 3l. and the dubs, clubs from 4 to 7, In the 31 boy' Llic b was efficient Instruct,ion standard ,0. (' Vi hilst t hat weather ;lIlce of tlie gills more t hnn that of thc liovs. Ilttloll<ianee fluctuated bet wct-n )-;0/ nnrl R5°' of had assumed unfa vournhlr, of local epidernirs who ut Brugh Countv crn np. over under the care Xl huire Dublin, a for '200 boys a were <111<1gui(bnce of Leaders, received from 'l ustruction 13 groups of girls, 32 affiliuter] clubs was provided 'I'he total £01' the for 90 groups uumber of hours (If instruct ion t h us giyen to 6,041, T'ho subjects rose fro 11I I, .)60 in the previous session most genel'nll~' in deTll;lncl were .'l.l'ts and Crafts, ;111<] Phvsicn Boot-rr-pairiug hetween them Innking ,ll1d t ho l Training for IW'1l'I~- ()OO~ of the total Le.it herr-rnft number of hour" ('eecling l50, \I'C1'P el] 11<Illv iust rur-t ion t inu-. popular whch accounted Cooking. with in e;1(,h of these • Dress t he girls, subjec-ts ex- During Youth "-eek-,Jllne 11 to ,Julle 10, 19·10-IIIR11\ phase s of the .ict.ivit ies of Comhu irle le Leas Oige were on show £01' the general public, Ove-r 2,000 bovs attended the Pontific.rl High Mass presided over by His Grace. the Archbishop of 52 Dublin, with flUblic choral displays which h plays soct ion. and Ten seven clllbs 8 dubs in tI,e Irish The the Irish pnrt plnvs were and :.Lttract eel great Brugh were shO\I"11 anrl received newspaper report An pmp!.' Iruit week drama, Twelve in the olrl Crafts had choral and !5 clubs attenlion. Mhuirc favourable from lrish clubs ("omplied had been made lir] of a blacking mounted COURSES FOR THE into tin had negative. wiped clean. with pnsse-pnrtout , An old X-ray Eizl.L ,., courses f-luifllllei' had been Long Courso which Seven began t raiuiug Ior the of these in .l ulv, in October, The described scribed Dublin, ers twouty used of :\LUlll,tJ indicated session that the in operation usual other Instructors able intensive was the (\\'oodwork) {O\' thiR Report steady for Course W4-l-45. ,\t l3olton H144-45. Street ill the attended was made. The manner the Technical Reports of Inspectors progress itR termination exarninat ions will in June, secure ]946, recognition ,;cholar:sliip. a niiuimum practical test Of the were October. all associated in Wood1:20 candid- Ilecessm',\' for these in the test in Oral test. iu Sligo, interview, (",tllt'(1 [or interview. it wus of 50% ,tlld Gulway. for in hish. PCrROlJaJ Hllitabilill candidates l(j 01111· tile!'c \I'(:1'e admitted jn Bolton I H4<1, to Street those who entitling Courses, with Irixh. were con- Gulwa v Vocutioual School through the court csy of Ualll'il,Y Yocat ioun l Educ.u ion Committee. was confined pre- School, and teachmonths of pass them the requisite to fill posi- Lions as whole-time teachers of Manual Tnstruction (Woodwork) under Vocational Education Committees. I1ealiRing that. wit h n return to norrnal conditions in +he near future, there would be n further demand for t his type d to whole-Lime by Vocntionul for trailling. The and part-time Education Gradua tex who were selected, by iuterview admitted number week. for In addition ceilitho Valuable three to' the evenings assistance was given teachers Committees in the to ]943-44. the of 28 hours week in connection by the and as suit- COUl'S~ was 67. 11 wns similar lo the course held there in session tiwe-table providing for <1 whole-time clay course preparatioll of Irish plays Irish Theatre ID Galway. (Woodwork). .Iuly and ~\ugnst were spent al Curraroe ill Coun tv Galway in the study of Irish with satisfuctorv resnlts. The final session of the Course began in the mj(ldl'e of l:::leptember. 1945, and. at '1'011"11 Universitv in the Relected Auuuu] whole-t ime clay course (luring HUlllll1er ill the 'I'h is Course 1945. students ,I wit l: tllefl~' conditions. Four dud('(l of thl' OF were were the 1\:)4:-;' uud Manual Instruction in the in the (est , eligible Summer Courses: aside Long Courses: ri1telJ be ! I) I rish Teachers: TRAINING traillillLT" of teachers 1~)44.-45. COUI'SeR helLl for obtain ill tile \\' aterford to ex.un inutiou .. )0 t hi-, of Trish employed for the tJessioll took 1\ the Course whicl: began Tec hnicnl School, Dublin. very become TEACHERS: rllll'ing and Limerick. Cundidutes into belts. The ate,.:: who to begin a second Long Course examinn tion was held in JUllP.. a m iu im um of 30% to obtuiu exhibits one Cork. Athlone. work and of ~O~~ ill tlte affiliated ends t-\crapR of leather IX,-SPECIAL during To quote Du bliu, and To he eligible (";tllc1idate;; to were turned to new uses. a bucket for the searn p was cleverlv converted into a base hub a picture other comment. for n Lctbkl:tlllp. an ash tray. ]] t in \\"tu; transformed Ford 900 Over and Odds and :-" Mhuire in Brugh in Trnlee display, For teacher. the Department decided ill October. 11)45. A prcli ru inurv IU4!). drama Training competitions. Engli, h section profe: sional-locking to glaze produced for the Physical in the of Arts Phadrnig, \n the section. Brugh side .. Throughout the boys and girls in sports and boxing. in the boxing participated exhibition week opened. Rent teams al1(l IO(j boy is took -,inging. week gi ven by phvsicul training. singing. Engli the were authoritids wera set with the of ihe At the end of the Course, 42 candidates sat for the 'I'easlas TimJre (j-aeilge. Three secured the Diploma with honours and twenty-two candidates. (2) passed. }'OUf Graduates were amongst the succes ful Ceard-Teastas Course: A number of II'hoJe-tillle Leac-hers cmplo\.ed by YocatiOllHl F 1 . , • ~( neat ion ronlluittees "'ere req 1Iired to secure the Ceiird- Teastns (rtelia b f thci . c ge e ore Jell' nppom Linsul s could be confirmed. 'I'hey 11>\c1 already enLered for tile cxarnillatiou and found difficultv in nttailling the necessar~ st a ndard . T'his courss was pro\'ic1ed to (le;11 with SLH:h exceptional (·<lses. bu 1 ot her whole-time teachers. who desired to ecur this Certific:nte but were not oblige(l to 54 55 could do so b;v the terms 01 Lh81r appointment, Tile number ndmitled to the Course was 2'6. also attend. -\ whole-Lime lin.1 course of 28 hours per week 1\'tIS devised to meet the need" of t lris group. Special aUention was paid to the structure of t he language. to technical terms and to teaching methods. TIle students also attended the Ceilithe provided £01' t hose following the Irish Teacher' Course. At the termination of the Course. 22 candidates sat for the examination and the Ceurd-Teastas Gaeilge \1'tIS awarded to H. (:-)) Commerce Teachers: This course was 011 similar lines to the Course given in Ballingeary Vocational School ill Session 1943-44, and of which a full account has ulrcudy been given ill the Annual Heport for thllt session. 'I'Iio Course II'W, attended by 47 stndents, divided into a First Year group of 18 11']10 came for the. first time, and a Second Your group of 29 II'ho !wC! ,Itte\lded the previous Course. Each group followed an appropri» te series of lessons in Book-keeping the Business Methods and Conu nercia] Aribluneti« through medium of Irish. Provision was made for revision lessons in Irish and for teaching practice ill the commercial subjects alreadv It wus the general view of the instructors in ell umeratec1. charge 01 this Course I hat good progress was made by those who attended. (4) Domestic Economy Teachers: 'Phis Course IQ1S Oil lilies similar to that conduded in Carraroe Vocational School ill the previous Session .md which was dealt with ill tile Aun u.rl Heport for ]943-44. It was followed hy 34 students. . By holding aJJ these Courses through Irish in one centre, I\'n~ possible lO bring together a larger group of tudents for Irish cultural uct ivitica The teachers also welcomed the opportunity to discuss with their fellow-teachers and instructor their difficulties, IIOt onlv at tbe Course, but throughout the year generally. It '1'111'eeSummer Courses were held in. Dublin , one ..\lntllelllutics awl two in Hum I Science. (n) Course in Applied . 'l'h rough the cou rt esv (IO!I Committee. III Applied Mathematics: or (11(' City of Dubl ill Vor-utional Educ:l- th is Course was again held ill the 'I'echnical Institute, Rathmines, Dublin. .Its purpose was to consolidate to giye the thc Course given in J uly, I H4<l, and to endeavour teachers adequate t r.uning to enable them to cover the course prescribed ill the Intermediate Syllabus ill "Jlathematics of the Department 'Eo Technical School Examinations. It was attended by teachers of Woodwork and teachers of Metalwork to the total number of 41. Reports indicated that good progress had been made. (b) Courses in Rural Science: Through the courtesy of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee, two Summer Courses ill Rural Science were conducted at the Technical Institute, Kevin Street, Dublin. The Course in Rural Science for students who had completed their course for the degree in Agricultural Science of the National University of Ireland was held from July 3 to July 13. It was taken by ten students, six of whom secured certificates of satisfactory attenduuce and progress. The second course which took place from July 3 to July 27 was intended to give existing teachers of Rural Science, expert In instruction 111 Field Botany, Soil Testing and Entomology. the whole-time course of 22 hours per week provision was also made for instruction in 'I'eaching Methods and in Physical Training. There were 45 teachers in attendance. The work in Botany was divided into two eections (a) indoor instruction, (b) the outdoor study of plants in the fields. Hints were given on the collecting, drying, pressing, mounting and preserving of plants. During the outdoor work about 300 species of flowering plants and ferns representative of 50 Natural Orders out of 88 listed for this country were identified and collected. where, A visit was paid to the Museum of Natural Historj through the courtesy of the keeper, Dr. O'Connor, valuable information was obtained by the students. The course in Entomology was devised so IlS to enable the teacher-students to proceed to the study of the higher branches of the subject. To help those present to form a permanent collection of insects in their Vocational Sc11001s, detailed instruction was given on the correct methods of preserving and mounting. In Soil Science attention was directed to the mechanical analysis of soils, structure 01 soils, bas.e exchange, the study of soil profiles. soil sampling, and soil deficiencies in relation to plant diseases 57 56 Lessons on Teaching :\Iethods emphasised the diffetent teclllliqlles required for tile work in the day schools and for the work with the adult discussion groups in the evening. Suitable specimen lessons on the different sections of the day course were givcn. There was also an important discussion on the deyeloplllent of the H ural Vocational School, and a list wag made of all the activities which should be undertaken if success wus to be achieved. A short course in Physical Training was provided to give the students a knowledge of correct posture, both standing and sitting, and to leach them to recognise the common faults in this connection. 'l'heywere also shown how to teach a set of simple exercises to eucourage correct posture, which could be performed in the ordinary class-room. It was the general opinion of those present that they could impart this instruction in their own centres with advantage to their students. X.-TRAINING SCHOOLS FOR TEACHERS OF DOM ESTIC SCI ENCE, The Course £01' training of teachers of Domestic Economy, under Lhe control of the Department, was held, as usual, in St. Mary 's College of Domestic Science, Cathal Brugha Street, Du blin , During session 1944-45. there \I as 73 students in attendance of whom 24 were in their first year, 25 in their second year and 24 in their third year of training. As in previous sessions, the Model Flat was utilised in training the first vcar students. Two students and a teacher resided there for cl week at " time. Teaching practice was "gain provided 101' the second and third year students by allowing them to assist at evening classes in the local Vocational Schools. Arrangements were also made for them to secure experience in teaching through Irish by attendance at Scoil Mhuire National School. Students iJJ the Diploma Course attended the special lectures and demonstrations on the use of various types of electrical eq uiprneut, which were given through the courtesy of the Elec tricity Supply Board. They also followed the Course in First Aid and Home K ursing provided by the Irish Red Cross Society, which awarded Certificates in First Aid and Home [ursing to those who passed the tests at the end of the Course. Special lectures in Dietetics were given to the third year students. At the final examination in June. 1945, twenty-three students qualified for the a wurrl of the 'I'eachers Diploma, one student being uuuble to take the examination through illness. Three of the cauddutes secured the Honours Diploma, The Ceard'I'eastus G<teilge \\'I1S obtained by 22 candidates. As explained ill the Annual Report for 1943-44, ct new system of electing students for admission to this training course was put in operation in 194.5. The Preliminary Examination was helel on May 22 and :d'3 in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Dundalk, Galway and Sligo. Of the 189 who entered, only 89 The examiners reported qualified for the Final Examination that 100 candidates failed to secure the requisite 50% in the. practical test in Needlework. Ai the Final Examination in .J uly , 79 candidates were examined, of whom 24 were admitted ODe of these obtained a Gaeltacht Scholarship of to training. \; 100 Cl year, f ve were awarded Bursaries of £60 a year; two Bursaries of £50 and two of £40 a year were also awarded, Fourteen candidates were admitted as full-fee-paying students. The 'I'raining College of Domestic Science at St. Catherines, Blackrock. County Dublin. which is under the control of ihe Dominican Order and which is aasisted by State Grants was attended in 1944-45 by 104 students of whom 50 were following the teacher's course. At the end of the session, the Teacher's Diploma was aecured by eleven candidates, nine of whom also qualified for the Ceurd-Teastas Gaei1ge. Residential Schools of Domestic Econ&my, For Scssion L94.,l-45 grants were paid on 342 students in a ttendauce at ten Residential Schools of Domestic Economy. Inspectors' reports indicated that a sound training in Domestic Economy is being given and that the students performed their practical tests with skill and efficiency. A.ccording to reports from the Department of Agriculture, a high standard was reached in several of the schools in dairying and poultry-rearing. In Coo1al'J1e where most of the instruction is given through the 1 ncdium of Irish, the Inspector of the Department of Agriculture point!'; out that 35 out of the 38 girls presented, answered the written test in Irish and secured very high marks. XL-SCHOOL BUILDINGS, Tho following limited J9M-45:- developments took place dUl'ine- SIIS\l;iQl1 58 5 Dublin City. 'I'he new Vocational ::)t: hoo I at open cd ill Septerubei'. 1943. Cubra \\-as «omplet ed aud Pluus have been prcpurcd [or the erect ion of cl new School of Domestic Science at Ball .bridge. County Donegal. The reeonsu-uction School at Buncrana of the premises acquired has been completed. as a Vocational County Longford. Uuder Section :2 of the Appre.•.. ticeship Act the Hairdressing trade has been designated for t ~ City of Cork area and it is expected that the first meeting.1 the new Committee will be held early in 1\:)46. Furniture A site has been acq uired for the School at Bnllinamuck. county and. 011 the basis of one . these recommendations, new rules for eclucutional quulificatic for entry to the trade are iJeillg proposed. The new rules -I ress the need £01' pos ession of the Priuiarj Lea ving Cerbificste or alternative qualification us a coudit ion of becoming all1pprentice to the Hairdressing Trade. 1\:140, erect ion of it Vocational Meath. .\ site has bC(;11acquired {or the erection School at Dunshaughlin and an Architect to draw up plans. of a IW\\- Vocational has been appointed 'I'hcrs were three u.eetings of the main committee. Training courses for apprentices were c ntinued on tile same lines as before, at Bolton Street, with gwd results. Attendance orders were served on thirteen uppreu.ees . _l. special sub-couunittee for the Hairdressing Trade. Furniture XII.-APPRENTICESH ACTIVITIES I P COM M ITTEES. DURING SESSION 1944·45. Hairdressing Trade. The training courses for first r\lld second year apprentices were ~olltinued clt Capel Street 'I'ecluiicul l:)(-llooJ. Examinatious were held at the end of the session and prizes and certificates awarded. Attendance orders were served on thirty-three apprentices during the year. At the August meeting of the Committee it InLS decided to set up a special' sub-committee cousisning of two representati VPS of employers and two of employees for the purpose of (1) keeping (2) advising as to uecesaitv in touch with individual apprentices, £01' meetings where questions arise requiring urgent consideration. (3) preparing recommendations for amendment" of the Apprenticeship Act in the light of experience gained during the past ten vears. Recouimend at iona of the sub-committee were considered al lhe mee t ing of the Apprenticeship Comm ittee held in J arruary. Trade No. 1. was Ioruied 011 the same lines as Trade No. 2. There was no development under this head for the year under review. Activities were suspcnced during the emergency but it is expected that l.hc Appreutietthip Committee will be revived in tilu ueur Iuture. Housepainting and Decoratinq Trade. There was oue meeting of tI e inain Committee. A special sub-committee was formed for Dublin and district and this connnittee held three meetings. The Committee was concerned mainly with the question of tlu ratio of apprentices to skilled workmen and the matter is still engaging their attention. 'I'he educatioual rules as amended (_ e last report) were submitted to Lhe Minister for confirmation. CHAPTER IV. NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ART. '1'he total Humber of studeuts enrolled in the National College an inereaae of Art for SC'R>,iolJHl-l--4-Lj·:) W:l< 670. representing of (\l ;lR couipare.] with the prel'iOll!! Session. There were 231 students in t be da~ classes. 1375 ,;tudell{;loin the evening classes. and 54 students attended both clay and evening classes. Students .60 61 joining the College for the first time numbered 13:20. A <1 result of the Entrance Examination for the registration of students in the Diploma Courses. {our students were admitted into the School of Painting aurl I wo into the 8c1l001 of Design. Three students were accepted in the School 01 'culp(,ufc without undergoing the entrunce test. At the end of the Session. three students were awarded the Diploma in the School of Painting and t\VO students passed the second year oxnminations. 8econcl Year tests were also passed by four students ill the School of Design and by three students in the School of Sculpture. Classes in Drawing and Modelling were at tended by 92 students from the School of Architecture of the National University. In the Technical School Exnminationa i» Art ill 1945, students of the College obbaiued 3:2 L certificates and q uuli lied for "hQ award of 13 Firsl. Prizes. NATIONAL CHAPTER MUSEUM. V. I.-Irish Antiquities Division. During the year a total of 775 objects or group •• 01 objects Of these :240 were presented, 54 purchased by was acquired. the Royal Irish Academy and deposited, and the remainder, 481, purchased at a cost of £219 13s 5d. DOlUe of these were of outstanding importance. Perhaps the most significant find to be recovered from Irish soil in the last fifty years is the lVIoylough Belt. 'I'his was in all probability a shrine encasing a leather belt, which is still intact. having been preserved by the bog in which it was discovered. at Moylough, Co. Sligo. It censists of a silvered bronze casing round the leather and the plating is ornamented by the addition to the outer surface of highly decorated panels of silvered bronze, by yellow enamel and blue and white rnillefiori glass, by bottle-green glass studs set in silver frames, and by bird-and animal-head designs executed in yellow enamel. The buckle was originally permanently closed by a long transverse rivet and, when it was broken at some time in the past, was repaired by the addition of two small, riveted plates. The shrine may be dated to about 700 A.D. Another important object added to the collection was " bronze lamp of the famous" hanging bowl" series. Discovered about] 92'1 in a bog at Kilgulbin East, near Ardfert, Co. Kerry, it originally had its three suspension chains and strainer intact. They have now, unfortunately, been lost. The bowl, of beaten in plan; its three escutcheons. or susbronze. is tri'lllglllar pension hooks, ,\1'(' st ill in position and one contains an inscription in ' scholastic ' Ogham which rends BLAD~ ACH CUILEK. On the flattened rim is another Ogham inscription BLADNACH COGRADEDBNA. Neither has been satisfactorily translated as vet. Although somewhat different in shape the Kilgulbin howl is certainly related t o that from Ballinderry, Co. Westmeath, and a similar date. C'. 10th century. A.D., may be sugby Mrs. gested for it. 'T'he bowl was generouslv presented Elizabeth Reidv of Kilgulbin. Other objec-ts added to the special mention are:- collection which are worthy of A hoard consisting of a small socketed bronze axehead, 3. spearhead of the Pegged Class. and 3 bronze. pen annular bracelets, one with a ribbed circlet find two heavy. spherical terminals. This, the only example so far recorded from Ireland, is of eastern French origin and date to about 600 B.C.; from a quarry at Kilmurrv, Castleislanc1. Co. Kerry. A bronze dagger with its horn handle still intact; ut Glack, Co. Donegal. Date: c 1600 B.C. A finely decorated toed-vessel from Date: c. 1000 B.C. from a bog a cist at Rickardstown, Co, Westmeath, A small gold tore with pointed terminals. It may have been used us an ear-ring nnd dates to c. 1200 B.C. It was found many years ago ill ,t bog near Boyle. Co. Roscommon. Deposited by Roya l Irish Academy. A bone weaving comb from thp bottom of the bog at Glassa- • lilllcky Brakes, Co. Dublin. This is the first, weaving comb of the Early Iron Age to be recorded from Ireland and is important as indicating Ireland's connection with the flourishing art centre of South-western Britain and her position athwart the sea-ways examined from south to nort 11. The site was palaeobotanically and the. findings confirmed the archaeological dating. Roman coin and 4 sherds of Samian ware were found in the !'lHnd-clunes at Ball.\'eagh. Ballvunnion , Co. Kerry. and ~eDer- ", Ui: 62 donated by Miss G. O. Stacpoole, Fit;-:\\'illill111 Squ.u-o. Dublin. These are the first. undoubted Samian sherds to have been found on a contemporary habitation site in Ireland and commercial COI1are important in that they indicate Irclaud: nections with the Roman world. ously A decorated brooch of the o-called ' zoomorphic ' (ypc \\'a>; recovered in Limerick from H sod of turf derived Iron: <\ \\- est Xlunster bog. Though it red enamel is missing .uir] its provenanco uncertain it is a welcome addition to n limited but art group. valuable M ediaevaJ objects of importance added to the col lcct ion d ming veur include a decorated wooden weaver's sword ('. 1,th ('rlltlll"'y) from CI.ontbe.' bog . .:\c\\"mnl'ket-on-Pergll';. ('0. ( 'lu 1"('. ,) ,]ecorated bronze g')l1ling piece (IiHh centurv ) lrom fllll'l"ClI\". Co. Laoighis, tiro wooden pattens with Ienthei- IlPPCI''; (pl'OlH)hly bog, Co. Kildare, nnd [I jet ton 17th century) from Mucklon mould with hunting scene from Aglish, Oounty Kerry. the by the A considerable amount of field work was undertaken staff of the Division. This consisted of rescue exc.i v.itions ,) t Kilkenny, Ba llinusloe (Bronze Age cist with food vessel and cremation] , Dooey, Co. Donegal (Long Stone Cist ) , Kik-orau. Oranmoro, 00. Galway (Foodvessel and skeleton ill Hrouzc Age! cist ) , in palaeobotunical investigations at Mount l Jillon Co. Roscommon (skeleton on hog road) , Moylough (brll -.;l1l'i'1l') .ind Doomore (hrollze flesh-hook}. Co. Sligo, Hath(men (t hrec tin torcs and road), Co. Westmeath. Kilsallagh, Co. Longtonl (wooden vessel}, Clonsaar, Co. Offaly (bog road) and LemonA larger scale field, Oughterard, 00. Galway (dug-out canoe). excavation at the early monastic site of Kilpeaknun, Tourecn near Cahir (to which the Royal Irish Academy also contributed] resulted in the discoverv of some very interesting slnhs lwnr!llg exceedingly early inscriptions. A rescue excavation ;111[1proJiminary investigation of two ring-forts at Ballvbroman .uul Hnthkennv nenr Tntlee produced four new and import.mt OglJ,llll stones. huilt. into the walls of souter-rains of the IH1SS<lgPIvp». A series of illustrated lectures to the bog workers in 11le Kildnrc F1and-won Scheme of the Turf Development Board W;Hl (]elivered in nine camps. The attendance. on a volnntnry basis, was mosf gratifying, up to 80% of the camp personnel att ending in each rase. As a result. a considerable number of finds llil!! been reported and the thanks of Ih8 Division are cllle to (he Turf Dovelopmr nr 13nHrr] 1\11(1thC' local Camp fillperintC'llr]ent:. who facilitalecl I'ery grentlv the somet iiues arduous work In w~s cle.lJvad(liiio)) a large number of lectures. all extra-mural, ered by the staff on an honorary basis at Galway, Limerick, Belfast, Cork, and elsewhere. The Division helper] the establishment of the new Cork )[ullic·ip;tl :\rll~elllll h~ advice ;\11(] loans of material : while :11e \\' oxford Count v )Ill11llger and the Kilkenuv .\r('haeolo~nc'11 Society haw been similnrlv fnr-ilit ated. Loans of objects were made "to the .Unritime Exhibition. to the Ballaghaclerreen Agricultural Show Societv, to the Military Tattoo and to a number of schools am] rol1e;eR throughout the COlllltr:v. 'I'n make room 1"01'11 ("omlllell1or~1iive Exhibition of Young Ireland relica t h« specin I exhibit ion of objects Iound in Irish bogs \ras removed Iron. the liol uncla and l'N1iRlributer] in the Central COUl't. 'I'ho F,gypti[lll Room 111'<1" cleared of mnt orin 1 st?l'ecl there during the war and Ihe work preparatory to ils re-opemng is now nearing completion. A special temporary appointment was made during the ye~r to deal wit]: the nC('ll1l1ulntec1 arrears of registration and this work is proceeding. though slowly. The coliertion of lan tern slides has been prncl ie.illv cornpletelv regis! ered though shortage of stuff anr] increnses in normal routine work hal-e held up the registration of the neg;l(in's collection. 11.-H ,\111) 0::; o ,\l ,\ion (;u,\I',\rCdiL l(' h,\S,IID 1945. Le e n.vn 31, 1 1'1t n o nu ,\11.x, 6.I'L(\11111e,1 nt. I11l)li~nc,\ "{It' c\tllUu( ,\111Cl,\ibi",ll, 11,\ C&r,\l1l1,\ .&t6. l'11111e.6."l))'oepll CU<\t 116.nll015e r-ocnu ne Le6."\)- 6.1'ur "00 tl1 plu- ,\5 Cl1il1C'.\\) ('1l11 t:.6.1rCe r.6.11 e6.l.- c ,\0111-('('-,\"0 ,\11 Snll1,t0l'6. (;1l5,\"O C1111{-(',\lL ('Ull r\JCI1'I,\lC,\ '~5111' Cll),:,"') cri 1 'OC(\(I1i ,\l'611'Ite L\l'p<i.ll,\, pl., "OC! 1uL "00 b,\11ie,\"() "O'tir.&I.~ I 1'1t n.u C11Ll,\I'{\(' nu a. 1 <\111)0.,)10.1150.11n,\),collc, : l11e6."Oti ,\5t1r brC1re ,I 1,\1) le _\iOlll.6.lll11 11 ,\1l' ii111;:" 1),,~.\I·() r , 1944 50 6.C611'1(lCd111 6.06.11' 11.\. R6.nn015.e "OPlf'(,-,'I)I1,\(',\ "()(' "lw.\rC,\ ,\ 11--<.\tur.&l"Oelp sC-'\l1. ,\11 C(~,\l'nlO o Lil11<\r6 ::;l1dt-Ob,\11' ('6."0 C111"O"()P 1'11,\ ),pol11r,\i cinc C1 01111 ,\"S t1 S 1)0 tt"·,\(,C,\\ 11,\ CI111,\r<\15 "0 FC1r- tUllMllll fl'<\l1111Clr(' t><\lle 1)011i () OIF151t:; 1'p,I1'1"',I 1)01111, l11.IICIl('0<'; I 1'colll11e 1'011111C 'O~:.6.111- ,\:-:;l1)' p,\1)<\lp.le .11~ P ICt:.1l11 1'1 l.\I111c<\el)1, C'lll16.1"\(' "SU-;<\r6. 10I11p,,,)<. Con-e 1'(;<\I"Oe 111111i "00 u5ur 11<l. n01bpe,\(' ciocr ,\"0 l1'ce-6.c' COIl' \"l('lt ,\11 npoit)u "00 cup ,\I' ~'nit1ll111 11,\ H,lIll)()15e ('l1l1,lr,\l~ c(ilrci rOCr6.i01"> 1(11) 50 U'II1 (-tm COI111f'"dC<\1'.\11 OlrpnH'6.\' ~\511r pe I "OC.6.0l'l Le cmn Dorro eu.e Ri056.. 64 ('I,ll. 65 111~ll~;ne<l.l1l1; lliol11'> FOl~111 <l.11'OCUlI' dll c1I15e rrn <l.5Ur currie.o,u <l.n Ob.6.111 r-m 'Ou 'OC.6.1rCe c nn ,Ill COirCe corn llMlt mOpdC.6. ('l1U,lr.ll' cmn lile,~_ ; CUII1~'e.6.J1 Ce.6.11u rern r.6.n .6.IC I'ln la'O FP'n ,\C'T 1 I'f.lPIII. ll1111CIUlP1. l~~llll,e.I'O CUll Cun '00 .6.11 b.6.'O F.6.'O.6.fJ1.6.1111C.6.C0 t>e.6.nnCJ1.6.1Se ue tdrp.6.lnc ,15ur COI'11IIio'{) rpelJ'1<1lC~1 C<iI'~111l.c1 lell.6. l1-,I';;;,\11J a5ul' SCatllp.6.i; GdI'P.6.11C.6.1' S~elr~ (~11 CllU(II'.6.t'. c<i1'>~('C.6.C 1'0 ,Ill e 11 e.151'11· Rl1111e-<I'Ortle,lC C'l1Uard(: 1110 l1.6.i, Se.6.l.6.i, b01l11 Idlc<l. : ce<l(:C 11E'i)!C PpiOli1-'00I1ur LdrcUdr 'Oe 1),IIH'lIIlC()ll1i (;()i)ti C,I(',\If\ 'Ill n<lI111615 ,I~ 1'(I,'1I11 01'0111; II' '00 ,~IL; 'oe fli 50 I IllbLtall n-ul5e <\ 1945; ('nU<lr<llF; C<lI11.(llLbea5 ,Ill ,,\C<lDalli1 De '00 Cl1):;,q) IrCP,I(' F(',lrc.I mf'd'Oii G115a'O lJLI,ll1clilL .6.11' '00 '00 GeLe51'.IF,\ CUIl1(lllll c'U)1 ,\f1 rllll 1)'OrC.6.IL Sille<l(:all' Cll11araC u LJ. D(' 'Ocl <\114ti 1 DelJ1h\1') l.i '0(' fi e<l(:J.11 .<\5ur' C)1iOc'l1aiou t,lrpJ.IlCar <Ill C~\i}10 1)Olrc (1)1.6.11 23 50 CI1u (II'M' (:i, '0<1 11f'111. CUll ,I b'e ):;,10- ,\):; ce,lrC,\ll teu-, el)le<ll1l1 LIl'p<inC.6.r,II1<1LL ,IC.6.1'O a~ C~llrCe <I ell'nu 1"111 ll1ul'deutll. <Ill C<lrp.6.m::<lr fOlil,I!1' ,I:SUI' 1i),1I1' all S~li11l-<1. I Hio)!;d ,IC(\ d5 II' 5.dn M'(I CJ.ID ,I):; Oll,Ii)! 50 1'>LI<\IlC<I0 1'0111 II' mo n<l bLtull<l DlIllle <l5ur 0.11111n<l hOlbpe 1'00 be m b)lelr CO)l.ac ,15ur n i C.l1re '0011 CIlU~I'<I(' SCdll1pui, III (15al'O DO 11~llllll111io'O 1'111 111 ~I 5CLlll- CU!JI(',ll) eu e I t)FeI5IL bnnn, r)F~'I~IL 1~1<JlI'li1 ,Ill Dume 'r an R.all1l015 1'11<1111.6.PP<l5.6.cL"\I'UC.6.lll re(11 <1'0,1(',1 '00 lili 11,' cJr<\l1n.a 'l:;('e,IIl11-rC(115I1e. ~,-ir'llllla FdLLa r0l'ball1c lla 5~~IL<l.1ti Cab,ll'Fdfl Li\ra ..(IIrt'I1111 .<l.cJ FelrCI~~ SOC 1111 J:;,\1) <lc<i bzmco L.iiri ,I:-Ur II' r011)111 ce.<\cc riI61'-CIlU<lraI5 <\Icte; ~llltl.lr <\1)1; te-,lrc6'() lea1'>a)llalll11e, rail 6.)1 .<\11 <I.! 11~ ,1)lIllL~lll11 <In '0.<\ Cl11rCe 1011a,{) rpelrlaLc.<\ le 11.<\5<>.1'0 4,n .ac<i <1.5 ,Itl H'II11161::;. l1.1.lrllinc<I 11<1111l1raeU11l61: ~'\11 Cl111<1I'.6.C111e,\I1-&ll'e.ac; Le sn G(i <\11 ('I1Ual'.(IC 1'0 'oe nice Oil 111111,~,611 Pell'r, u ,15 r 6 (\F5<\1I1101'CJ.1l ~J1 'Olill.1'O le 1101l111COLlallC.a ,liD 'Oe tal'pJ.llC<\11' ,15UI' I11,IL(II1CuiOl') C.6.r ne 1',\11 Cl'eOtlll'~ ,Il'C Lciil ~M: ·()(c'"lll~lh De. lIlt 11~ t)l1<\Il,I. ('11IIal',I(' tUII' CUli1<1115<1lr rCop<I!r; lileJ.IMIF; 111.~p ~''<\IJ1rln5Il! ('<ill' DO D'}'<ln ClIl' (II' 5 .c1(: cJ.r <II' .6.n e.<\5d)l; III P,15al1 11(1 CIltlal',I15 cun (1I1 c's,leL<i11 '00 1'l.11'1110111- I )lIt 11,1 l)Lt.6.11 .c1 ul)1rilelDeN' ntl. 11J. 11,110 Le 'Of'<lIl,Iril Cllu.~r(\.r" Cl<111-i\lreM'.<\ ,\11011' CJliO('l1 cllte):;,In ,lsUr ,1)1 MI .\IU'<lP C(III' DO l'p.ILa'OdI5 11161' le '00 ClIlJ1e.<\'O In 11<15<\1'0eal')I<If I1lirJ.me.(\'O SC<\lll Lp l.mn .0.1)151'0 e1I1e<\lln.alF; GOl'nulO'O Le Lt11t! ,~Il ,I III,I )'0 le ):;Lollle CO)lc<ll~e .a5ur 1'0 POI1C tJ.IJl5e 11lU)'ael1111<\i IlU,1 1111'11,\lli\lcedlln,\ 111<111)11' Le GaL<Ili1aiOCc<l. 111(\11'00 ntl.<\111 '00 1'111 Cu.(\t<\r mur ceu m CI~(' 111<\1'01)1L(" I'I1111e C<\tJl'<\lte01I1i tJto'O ..<\p .<\5 1 5CJ~116.I)lLe 1)(; t'>1111(1 1 mb,lll(" I :<=;eo. COI1C<\1~e. '00 .vo n' ,ltI'll l'<\l'.al11n .<\C.6..<\)1(In 1'0 ,11' ,IO,\)I Oll-'llLI e.aL.(liollc<\ bero .all roc)lu e<l.)1 <l.c<i 61' (:Oril<\l)1 <\111.IC. 'OpallFal'O Se-011l1'<I 11.1 5('11l1al'<lC C)lI<\Ca. <"<1'0-<lEll)' 'O'.(\ICllllti .1IC tlOlllnc <Ill C05<11'O 11<1Illb61tl'e riIJliO'() I~I'O Le h.<\5.<\1'O 11<15L01l1e; '0011 CnU<lrM' <Ill nOlnl~ I I DCe-,lllllC,1 (',IOI'(IC 'DO I 5C(1)1r~Ii mllr<leul11<1.1 nu<\, c115.a'O dtJ.<\)I aJ:;ur rIM C<\rp6.11C,III' pOlbLI'Oe l111e<l('CI'<lCa 1'0 111.1.)1 l1(~ll'e<lnl1: CJ.I'<\l1lld ne lelr e.vorro at.e. .15 <\11 5COIIl1P6.'O<\t ('-OC,lltle I. ,11111 ,15ur bJ.J1'O(11ri lJP,II'Lll Lf'lr P<\l1neLL ('lilMlil '-'11 lelt IlDlal'O : ::;L01l1e-1l(1 ,\11 C)'J1e,It (II' <Ill 5c(I1nl1ealil Il1lir,IeUIll le III 01)111111DO nu.a 5CUI'O l1e1l'- .6.5 He<l5<\I)lC elle nr-n .&ll, 111611•t('lr. .vn hlU(I),.II:<; ('Ut1161111 ('UlCll)1'O<I 11.<\ll<\l)'el)ll~e r61il(lll1, I ll'Ol1)1l.<lr ~IL(", 'O~I)1e.<\'O 1944. 11,1 11811'('- 11,IF;,111', c<\rp.1ll- 0aC)1omti 11,1:<=:<\11) <Ill C,\rp.-\l1C<llr 6 l'OIll reo C'tll1ill1(M(''''I11 Do. nGIOb)1<\'O 3· Do. I ll1l11111e,lc, ~. G.o.rp.6.nCar ClllfilneacJl1l ('LI,lt, .(\lbl1e<i11, J945. <111 rr'rntu'00 ~ '&1'<11111,'OeIJle<l.'O 1'6rilal)1, 1944. nOLL<l.I:<=;,1944. '16 ,::;. fell' C <ll1l1dl5e 6. fell' l1111111115e, 111elte<l.lil, /. Se'<\(T.(\11l SP(1)1C, 11<1SIOl1l1a, Dun l'U.t<\ 111("Itt"<llil, 'f'e.a)l11.A111, b.alLe '&t<\ Jg"1-S. 19"1-5. 5dJltJJ111, 1UL, 19"1-£. 1'>1 (\5 1'0 rior pl'fril-e.l'O.6.LAc.<\ 11.<\bl14114, 'OJ." ce.ann 1.l 31, 194$. 60 67 CnU41r41C .6.11151'0: DOrc41 S41111re '00 Cfol411Ce41'O 'PO JOhn Ph1lpoc CU.1tfd11, •.,. o n C011111e41l .6.. CUI1I141n, SOUchred, S41rdl141 '00 1Jl1on11. P~111e bucl41i b1165, b.d1le .6.t.d Cl141t, CI1l1.dr.dC t:110rC.6.1n 415Ur t]111l1ri c. 1795; r800. Ce01l: ~<\t.dOl11 u' .d'Om<\u 541llC116 ue Cl6 tloll6nc.dc .d5Ur i 1 mol) C01111115no 1111111eC 17 ue'111'O .d111741'0 C~1U; 0 me.dC41111, t:1'1-.C11111ne C.<\c410111e41C ,. 40. u.<\I141C6 tU.d1rCe.dI1C Co. t>41lle .6.t .• Cu . De cto .<\111641'0 ce.e-o. <l.C c.u }'llt11C e.<\1)41111 le SC4111erbe, t011n'041111, c. 1750. }'lIU1C e41b.d111le Cl.emnrn 7 Co., t0I111'O.<\1n, c. }'l1UIC le hell.<\I1'O, b.d1le .6.td Cl1.dt, C. r820. r830. u.us, e111e41111<l,(',c. 1820, '0.6. Se41mrU111 Pibe Ob6 le belcon tonn'041111, c. 1830. Ob6 Le L:111ebel1c, P41111fr, c. 1800. CI1U41r.<\15 e411).<\111,CI11.<\C41 415Ur Seo o : 'Oe-Lcnn (U1pC1C) e411).<\111,}'I141I1I1CM':, c. 1350;41n '011, e41m0l1n Sedn m.<\c CI1.6.1t, Sussex, S.<\r41n.<:\u'1".6.5 le nuacc. Ce.<\I1I1-1)urC41 le C411CUn }'ox, I1U'<:\-411mre.<\I1.<\. 13· U41111e.<:\u6111i.d5Ur 111111ll \l.<\111e41u6111fle ceAuUlte ~111e.•n11<\C4, 18.6.'0 .d5Ur 19 41'0 c. Cnu<\r41C 5l~.6.r41 10mC4111': ('61rce re n-e.ec ne 'Oe.6.11CUre,l1e.<\nI1M:; Sl'e41t 6 5ce.6.nn 'oe P1'10n11C.6.f U.d1Ce I1Ue1rCe.6.11C ne he1j1e.<\1111c. 1856, c. 'oe I I I.-Natural History Division. The Natural and condition, Historv A selection 1860. C.<\I1I1<1.ib1Anco111 1 herbarium portion tributon:; Cnu<\r.df' bOI1I1, m0l141i .d5Ur SC41mll.di: le.<\t-onr41 6111, PObl41CC me4'Oon-.6.1me1111ce, PiOr.d CU15 5111i le S~.dm.dr r r , r688. lJ111ce 6;11 le Se.6.m41r 1, 1604-5. I e,lt-t41JI1.<l.n Le SOOI11re IV, 1824. le.<\t-5111f 6111 Le Se0111re t:f\i r.<\1J11.d111 le Vlcc61'1.d, Il, r8;5. Small among 1752, SC<l.mp.df: Ce<lI1S.dlL I1A A 25 p1ArC.d11 6111Le .6.bDul .0.x1r I1A le.dI1.d'O <1.11 rC.dmp41f 1D111n.6.1r1{JI1C.d 'O'1".6.1l he111e.dl1n Lerr- A11 :sComUJ.ll bern4.1S. consisting of Irish of the the time plants EU111ce -oe 0.6.1111 numbers theiSt? wa« and hv the more gathered grOl,!' were period, added of about fungi of higher plants, 'fhe :tnallgelllent of this gl'OlIP we-r« in good order sheets Herbarium; i00 specimens det cruunution. ,\s in the Wel'(> I'ec('il'ed correlated, [Jl'ecerlin;, from con- had been \\',IS returned to the the a pro- prominent which i,l to the chief of pur.isi! mounting ic- >111(1 continued By 'UT<1l1ge>nlellt wit l, Mr. D, Delurgv. Director Folklore Commission, the Irish .md Lat ir: narnes pl~ntR whicl: H1lsRion, were from including ferns, of its inauguration, of plants 11 maintained of 6,000 of upwnrrls flowering specimens from were safer storage during the emergencv Herbarium and reincorporated. t0I1I1U.<l.1n, SYDney .<\5ur melboul1ne. '0.6. LOU1r u'61' le l.dOlre.<\C XIV, r653 .d5ur· 16g0. Pior.d ueic 1JPI1.dl1nC6111le tOU1r l1.<\poleon, 1859, le41C-U6bl1.d 6111 le SeOr.d1i1 I, n41 P0111c1115e1le, 175 I. Pior.<\ roo p1.drC41116111le m.dC.dI11,dU V 114 L:u111ce 1909. 'OiOll.6.11 6111le.6.l .6.rhMr-b411<1.b.d1, SA1)U.A11 mAmUC4C ne he15Pce, 1422-38. Pior.di .<\ 10 A5ur 1861-76, collections coiie'dors through of the Irish of 173 II'il(l the Coni- I'e>\ r , I ln- nu mbe r of students who \lSl,<l " , 1\"'11' soruewh.u teller t hnn prior 10 the ellll'l'gen('I, Tl ' " " · lell' was 1\ similur decline III the number of student" wh o Ponsnjted tJ1(' phnrmaceuticnl collections 1"(' B"I,.' ~J )dlll1l1l 68 Accommodation existing space. for the sectional 69 Iibrarv was extended In the In the zoological section, an important addition of a Pl'i1.:e sun. Borzoi hound. presented by ::\[rs. C. J-=r"fner. "Airfield," orguu Road, Dublin, was made to t he «mall collection of domestic dogs. The sorting and pl'ef€rvation of the bones excayated by the HarvElrcl University Mission at Lagore, Co, Meath. "'a corn. pleted ; many thousands of these, represeutative of the Iri;;h fauna, wild and domestic, of early historic times are now r5tored in systematic order in new cupboards made for the purpOge in j he top gallery of the main hall. 'rhese hones constitute im. port au! lll:1tcrinl for thc study of the early breeds of domestic cllliII1Hi!:;of the country. As :l consequence of the development of leaks, two large tunks in which fishes are presen-eri ill spirit in the ,\R the tempemture store bad to be emptied for repairs. store is considered to be rather high, it was satisfactory t hnt the condition of the specimens was good. from official . llJe '.' s f I'O'll.I lI,rernbers of the public . . and . t to J]1 lU li I 011 the irlontitv distribution and economic were SllPP ier , , I I mi I "~Ollrces. I fTenend reln tirous 0f numbers of plants. anirna s anr mmera s. ;.lJH Cl of Public. Attendance IV.of Public timing the period Attend<iJlce '. . ]045. IH1HHS follows i->' I 311;1 Jll,\. September october :\ oveni bel' December 29,316 . . 23,814 . 30,549 26,297 - . 25,362 . of rhe spirit. of this to find and paraThe exhibition collection of Irish worms, free-living sitic, was rearranged and extensivs additjous were made from materials already received from the Department of Parasitology of the Yeterinary College, and from Professor T. T. O'.Farrell of the Pathology Department, T ni versitv College, Dublin. For the greater convenience of \ j:;iiing classes which ure conducted to the collections there b~ (lrrangement. the Fossil Hall which remains closed to the general public was cleared of some of the materials that had to be storecl there dlll'ing the emergencv and there "'R some rearrangement of its contents ns a consequence. As well as the routine work of attention to and replacement of t'xhibition and storage material, t.he usual reports in l'6sponsc January February :\larch April l\lay June July '.' . 28,334 20,046 _ . 23,644 . 27,155 _ . 21,998 . 22,914 . 30,934 Total CHAPTER of insects, The lrish, British and general reference collections which had been remoyed from these positions to places of greater safety in 194.0, were restored to their lIf;lInl places in the staff offices. Some progress was made witl: the critical work of rearranging the Halidav collection of insects. Specimens from the second known Irish occurrence of death-watch beetlp. obtained from the roof of a historic: Dublin building. were ]1n'senteel by Mr. A. Meldon. 94 1 4 . to 1945. 1944. A.ugust l st August, NATIONAL 310,363 VI. LIBRARY. The Library was open 011 286 days, having been closed, in addition to the usual public holidays, for 21 days 111 July and August for cleaning and re-arrangement. The number of readers, 3S recorded bv the Siznature Book, aurounted to 43,802 made . e clays,]O 9,r864'5pln. a.m. to 5 p.m., ,-,I, , . up as follows: " Ord inary to 9.15 p.m., 1"1.243; Saturdays. ]0 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2,662. Thp. ayerage attendance for ordinary days was thus] 72.85, for Sat urdays, 55.45, marking a decrease on that of last year. Owing to restrictions in the transpor t servicea, . the Library was closed during the year at 9.15 p.m. From June l~th to July 15th, 1944, it was found necessary to close the Library at :; oclock every dew. except \Yedllescla,j'. because of the ~hortage of electricity. l'he year's accessions of printed books and pamphlets, newspapers, etc .. amounted to 3,530, of which 1.334 were received under the Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act. :Jlost of these have been catalogued or otherwise made available {or consultation. 71 70 A number of rare books and pamphlets have been added to t ho collections <111ri,.~·tl re vcar The accessions of manusCl'lpt ma terial ha ve also been wel l maintained. }Iauy family papel'~, historical documents and records have been acquired, mainly In gift. and it close watch has been kept ou the 'papers handled h,1 lite Dublin Wusre paper Firms. 111ally documents of iuterest heillg salvaged. The problem of toring OUr manu crip] collet-Lions. referred to in last year's Report as most difficult, ha 1l01l' become acute. In addition to the accessions of the past veur. the manuscripts removed to places of safety throughout the country clur;lIg the war, It.ne been brought back .md the cases of papers in the Exhibition Room will soon be six deep. This means that in effect these documents cannot Le made available to the public. It ilS hoped that the Board d Works will consider the whole problem of library accommodation in the immediate future. 1'11e Library also benefited largely. donations. TIle Trustees hem desire attention to the following gifts:From Miss F. C. O'Bl'iren, l Sth and 19th centuries. as In former years, by to draw more particular a collection From Mrs. Cairnes, the eorrespondenoe Cairnes of Uni versity College. Galway. <1 collection From Mrs. C. Fitzherbert, maps of Durunors. Co. Waterford. of family papers of the of the late Profeasor c£ 18th century estate The Reverend R. Wyse J ackson deposited in the Libr-ary, for the purpose of having photostat copies made. the '\ isitations of t he Diocese of Limerick of the beginning of the 18th century. .\. collection of cinema films rleal ing mairuy with the Irish Defence Forces during the period 1939-1943 was added to our collection of historical films. the year the Libnuy lost the services of one of the uuembers of the staff by the death of Mr. J. J. nOII('II. Assistant rJibr<ll'i,\Il. He was known to everyone who II:-;e<lthe Headillg Hoon: durillg the past thirty years, and his knowledge of source material relating to Ireland was unrivalled. During 1I10St vo lued A Grant-in-aid of .£600 fot' the year 1944-45, and of £2,000 for I he year 194fi-46. Ita" been made available by the Government fo" the discovery and copying of documents relating to . libraries and archives. This will prove vi d in foreIgn ollectinz sources for Irish historical research. l1'e1ao . e "alne JQ c ". J C' ]111rnens , le by sendmg two III \'estlgatols.])1. . ". t has been mill . . 1 C . A star . itv C liege Cork and Reverend Fat ner arnce . f Umversl Y 0 " . . 1 .IIea1) 0 O ..F 1\1 to find and cony documents m lhe Spanish 1:: :L\Ioooe_. . S. . " I Archives at imancas. i\ahooa . ." .. . '. 1 activities of the Genealogical Office are indicated The pnnClpa ". 9taken durinz the U months ended a1st Ma), 1 4D. by the f ees 0 > ., 78 pedigree searches 24 arms searches 3 registration, etc., of name changes 10 registration of pedigrees (including additions) 3 confirmations and] Grant of Arms 55 Heraldic illustrations 11 Copies or abstracts These represent a slight increase totalling £;142 12 124 42 ios. 92 50 5s, 17 lOs. on the year before, 1\ as considerable. approximately The correspondence official letters having been sent out during the 12 months review, an increase of about 60% on 1943-44. 2,500 under Interviews (circ. 400) are also on the increase and the and of the war, with relaxation of tra vel restrictions from abroad, may be expected further to increase this aspect of the work "ery considerably. This applies also to the already large number of visitors to the Heraldic Museum. The number of genealogical or heraldic manuscripts acquired was 28, as compared with 193 the previous year. Work done by the Office of a non-remunerative character included et number of literary searches (among them the refutation of the statements 111 the D.N.:S. and Encyclopaedia BritRowan Hamilton's alleged nonannica regarding Sir William Irish parentage) ; the compilation of a list of Foreign Titles used in Ireland (see Thom's Direc-tory 1945, p. 125) and the registrat ion of the modern representatives (If certain ancient Irish Chie£tainries (see ., Iris Oifigiuil" 22 December, 1944 and Thorn's Directory 1945, p. 125). The thorough investigation of pedigrees necessitated for this could. not have been undertaken with the small staff available without the assistance of Mr . Terence Gray. a truatee of the Heraldic Museum, to whom nul' tbanb are due for the accomplishment of this difficult task. 72 73 1n Deoeru hor. 1944, Sir Algal' Howard. KC.V.O., C.B .. M.C ('Hl'lel' King of .\l'lItS, e:<lIIlCto Dublin for <1 series of Confel'enc~' I'eg:trdillg the .mr] the functions E'lr! respccti vc jurisdictions of the Genealogical Office College of Arl1J~. London, ill respect of certain armori,ll not hitherto ciearlv defined. Sir Algal" report to the Marshal 01\ thi,; subject is at present under c:onsideration. .:\1r. (i. [:)1cvi I], _\1..\ .. IY<lSappointed A istant Librarian, ;llloc:atcd to the Genealogical Office in October, 1944. VIl. CHAPTER REFORMATORY Full [:)tatistic:s There The were :273 youthful ,.1 decreaso 1944 (236 numbers 31st the schools are July. offenders July, under 1045-224 and of I,) 011 the llumber boys and 52 girls). under detention ]941 and on 31st Julv. 31st July. 1940. were 280 3bt on July, dllring the school n n.] 17 girls, 011 committal year ended to the R.eformatory :20 girls) (14 boys and H)39-40, under detention girls) . <I till 011 31st fivo school ;yeaf3 1942-43, 154 (134 15 girls); 1940-41, 125 (117 boys and8 July. ]944 'I'he figures Ior the previous (j..3U3 (3,0:20 boys uud 13.,i73 girls}, girls) and G,699 were four school H)4~-4B, (3,IG] o,4B4 boys and Admissions girls). with 9-l1 ~lst July. Oll couunittal totalled (552 boys to to the other during aud ninc girls were over the age of sixteen boys u nd {5 girls were between the ages of fifteen years; and fifteen fourteen und under years vours. the age of thirtecn boys and two girls were between five bOYR and one girl between tlll([ eigllt boys years. were over on admission the thirteen age of twelve after numbers and 3,431 19i3l:J-40, 1940-4.1, 3.538 girls) boys girls), and 3,542 respectively. L,OGI. (:i63 boys and 889 girls) committal. Schools during the and 498 girls) as compared for the year school ending 19H, Thc Jjgures for the 1.1~.) (607 boys and fall I' preeeding school vears were 1939-40, .3]8 girls) ]940-41. 1.066 (596 boys and no girls): 10-4-1-4:2. 1.004 (587 bovs and 417 girls); 1.03:4 (371 bO;)'R and 461 girls) respectively. Twenty-one ch ildren (14 boys and from absconding and from supervision for bezainc Ob b or receivino . ill 435 cases VOl'ty-two boys .' e.u-s , tllirt:y-fi ve fourteco 31st an increase aud 0,530 (3,085 Lud ustrial 7 girls) were certificate. mitted and years 6,627 'lne girl wns transfenccl ilw School Year. sixteen on the boys (:4,l:J04 boys Of the children admitted on committal 80 (or 7,5 per cent. of the total number <llld sixteen show with (6,525-3,094 One boy was re-admitted .from supervision certificate, one girl Il'aR transferred from fin Industrial School to cl Reformatory and from one Reformator!' Schools as compared :c6 girls) 1\I·1l-4:2 and school year boys L ; 1041-42, 105 (90 boys and [00 (01 boys and f) girls) and Schools 19 J5. was ]23-106 Bl st July. Tile cOlTe8j1olldillg figures [or tlie previous I\('re 1\:)43--+4.1:41 (101 boys and 20 girls); boys and f)l'III'ltO r. \., '. . ( eJtlI110\-ment 011 leu \'mg school was 56. I'lZ.. 4 ( boys eJlt to" ., d 9 gms. irl S' ~, b'orces, ) all , lX ( incluc limg () who joined the JJefene:e as domestic servants •. of l 1le I"· tter took. llP employment (240 boys and 40 gil)jS). 262 (:232 hoy, and 30 girls), 248 (224 boys :24 girls) and 226 (201 boys unci 25 girls) respectively. The nurn bel' admittecl 141.• vouthful offenders discharged froui the He119 bOI'!:' and :22 girls, The number who were Thill detention 1943, -iz numbers under detention ill Industrial 94and 3,457 girls) .J 1I1\'. J ,u, '; (6 565-3 . 108 bovs , in Reform_ 49 girls. under "ere The in appendix. detention boys \1 .: J1es Industrial Schools. SCHOOLS. given There of 40 [:)C110018 ou 31st 1'('pre8cnts ;llst July, 1042, regarding INDUSTRIAL Schools: Reformatory atory AND ;tud HOLl:;c1reakin~ and Shopbreakiug were the grounds J t\fCen \ . '. ' -. t· [ ill 10,) cases (05 bo vs and lO girls ) und of the . ('OIlIn)] t d '.. f"l . ll s cr r- '/ (G bovs and I girl) \1 ere conuuittcd for refusiug . 1 S' 1 . '1'1<i1 cl • I ll' tor to the rules of Industria c 100 S. to ('on 01111 (or 41.0 per 0 ceut.) alms . re-admitted to Industrial Schools committed) were com- The grounds were and 1942-43, not ha ving of committal any home 0)' ~ettled place of abode or visible means of subsistence or of hal'il '[ . 19 a parent 01' guardian who did not exercise proper guarcIlIllShip. In 242 cases (or 2~.8 per cent.) deatitution was the g.ro.lllldR foJ' ('o1l1mit.t.al in uccordanos with the provisions of the Children Act, !'olnmittal aud f)C hoth l';lj'ellt~ IU-l1 (!J,H'ents 01' surviving ill certain circumstances, IWin:.: dispensed with). parent. consenting to the couse nt of oue (" Committal,; for dest itu- 74 '75 . ['1 1008 \.c.:t (l'lIild. either >1 destitute orphan, Cl' tlOIl Ullcer "le· . . d a. . it t itl both purent s or cl survivuig parent un ergoing undesti u e Wl 1 ., ' . l1eIlt) totalled 0", (or iL") per cent.1. The number 0corn[Jl"lsom ' Act. 19~6, was]4 (or m itt ed under the School Attendance 13.2 per cent .j .md for other (',l\ises 127 (or 12.0 pCI' cent.). vious school year whereby School :Mallage~s were asked to dMray the cost of travel in the case of children allowed out of school on holidays and. where necessary, to provide meals during the journey, on the llnderl',tanding that where the cost of travel exceeded the a mount of the State Capitation Grant payable for the period of absence from school. the excess amount would be refunded by the Department to the School ::\Ianagers concerried was continued and there was a satisfactory response to the Department's request for the co-operation of the School Managers in the matter of extending this privilege to as many The number of children who overstayed chil.dren as possible. then' leave or were prevented' by parents or relatives from retllrning to school at the end of the holiday period was relatively fll11all-about one per cent. of the total number allowed home. Seven children (I iJo.) <-lUll(j girls) were retained in Indust_rial Schools beyond the ,tgc of sixteen vears us a result of applications received from 'chool Managers under Section 1~ of the Children Ad. 1\:14l. which were sanctioned by the Minister. 'rhe boy concerned \\,11f: retained until the age ~f seven~een 'ears to en,\bl(' lriiu tu undergo a course .of technical training. Four of the aids retained under this section continued a course of secondary °education, one was completing a course of training in commercial subjects and one was preparing to compete at «n examinaton for entry into the Civil Service. There were 1,04~ children (563 boys an d 47\:l girls) discharged from Industrial Schools during the sc11001year ended 31st July, 1945. Of these 644 (388 boys and 256 girls) were sent to employment; 268 (126 boys and 142 girls) were sent home to relatives or friends who in many iustances had made arrangements to have them placed in ernployment immediately on leaving school and 1] (6 boys and 5 girls) were discharged to parents or relatives in Great Britain. Of the boys who took up employment on leaving school 127 were placed at farmwork, 147 were employed at trades. 4 entered the Post Office Service as Boy Messengers. 29 were employed as House and Pantry an.l Yard 'Boys_ 16 as Hotel Employees and Page Boys and the remainder at\-ariOlls occupations (Messengers, Porters. Shop Assistants. etc.). The majority of the girlD discharged to employment on leaving Industrial Schools took up work i1J Domestic Service (Generctl Servants, House. Parlour and Kitchen Maids, Childrens Maids, etc.). Four boys anr! one girl entered discharge from Lhese scl« .olD. Religious Cormnunities on As in previous years the School Managers made special arrangements for daily excursions, visits to seaside resorts cinemas and other places of entertainment for the children who had no bomes or children whose parents and relatives were not in a position to Support them and provide suitable accommodation for them during the holiday period. Conduct, Two. boys from the Reformatory were committed to prison for serious, breaches of the school rules. Six boys from Industrial Schools were committed to the Reformatory and one girl was transferred from <Ill 1ndustrial School to a Reformatory for similar reasons. There were forty-two cases of abscondina durino the school year (31 boys and 11 girls) and of these 4- boys and 1 girl were still out of school at the close of the school veal' One of the boys who absconded from an Industrial School" wa~ committed to the Reformatory for an offence committed after he had absconded from the Industrial School, Home Leave, Apart from these cases and cases where holiday leaye exceeded without permission the conduct of the children vouthtul offenders in the schools was satisfactory. was and Upwards of 2.500 children were allowed home on holidays from Industrial Schools during the school year an increase of nearlj 25 per cent. on the number to whom holidays were given in the previous school year. 'Phe arrangement inaugurated in the pre- Except for 11 rOI'- ntternpt« to prevent children from returning to school from holidays and in one instance to lHl,e c.:hildrp.l to Great Britain there \\-,IS no serious interference On the p.u-t of pu rem.s or relatives. 70 General. 77 • Au outbreak Booterstowu. portion CHAPTER of lire occurred in l\lHn:li. of a dormitory ;It the 1945. were Dl. Ann's One of damaged arrival of the .Fire Brigade was sustuined ou lv slightly dHtJwge there by <luJ" of the interfered done to the school class owing and rooms to the staff ,(I:> The result ,( buildings school of has since wc;" routine the fire been ENDOWED flud prompt the till1eh and VIII, SC'hool. was no loss of life and no injllr~ children. with the but action on the pnl't 01 t he munugernent ludllstrial and th" repaired. Educational S under " l,_scheme SCHOOLS, Endowments (Ireland) Act, 1885 . II'tl"ltioll of the truats of the various schemes, ... ,. , ac1'l I'll l " , t he l:()ll(rol or the Vl inist or for Educut ion under he ~1Iliject to ' ,-'1 d . . , . EllllolY!lIents (lreIHllll) Act. 18tlD. ]Jl'ocee( e JTl;1 Et\l[('lIt1011 " . ner dui-ina the vear under review. no matter of un110rllHl 1 man nu. , ']l"\cter ha "in a arisen for dacision . tlStHl 1 Cll tr r c ' The , <""'I Buildings and Equipment. .I n Owing to continued Managers plies conditions of essential tions. additions created and however. rlifficlllties and for the irnproveiuents it II <IS Jnall) the emel'gelJC:~' difficulties to experience matel'i,titl instances, bv found desirable School in procuring maiutennucs to school the of and altera- In buildings. possible sup- to overcome improvements were mall) these effected. powers aeneru'.01 ' 'he l (lo\'e1'llmg,' ,In cv'IC('o,'(l"i1('C' \I'illl c, ~- '-' JlJ~nL schemeR, the schemes j)ep<ll'tnwl1l. The reports This represents 0.l6% The number of the of children showed no increase outbreak of serious «re immunized total Rent to extern Oil the numbers ill ness occurred agaiJjst number under hospitals the due in to periodic Greater schools and number of one pint children is now given per and height to the (lay. taken Ench dietarv child All children treatment treatment. scales in the on admission are kept eye corrective improvement of the children, of milk No and dental treatThere has been cl requiring and continuous <l consequent measurements to weight of inspections attention with well-being height ;l9 the years. ear , All eh ildren diphtheria. inspections arc carrier! out quarterly is given in all cases where necessary. decrease ,I' receives health a minimum are weighed and ill these general quarberlv and are constantly under and their bv the Iactorily that for treatment Rent in previous d uring Dental ment detention, reports other .mr] rompiled i 1\ a Jew of the' (·,Ises tilt' various returns and (hdy to wh i.-h iud ical e Trustees and required under furnished to the spe('if\1 attention effieiE'lltl.\' und l'Ciuipl11l'l1t were cd IJ) the of accounts that, in 1111(1fUl1ds of the Minister conducted maintnined and ly :dl substantial sat is- were statutorv [01' reports <111(1 endowments wit]: the i!1 ;t('cordll11Ce the sc-hools were huilrling« n ppoint abetracts Auditors, propertx llwllHge(l Inspectovs ,IS the :1" I\'ell furnished cases. the properly (':\('('1'1 of the .uu] discharged in a regular . ., . l)j'O\'jRI01]S of the respective endow• gi,ell, Education. 'I'he health of the children in tile Schools continues to be very satisfactorv. There werc J I dent lis (Iming the school year, one (girl) in the Heformatorie-, aull to in the Industrial School s. Tile were .md duties exercised \H' '(' \'Oil" is bring Health, BO(l ies o . regulations, that in good (he various condition and repair. Endowments TJ1(' number or 1'~l1d()\nll('nts foJ' Edllcation eighteen controlled by the Minister dlrectly d u riu: separ.ue " lunds tlre directly year . ,I;; Iollows was controlled fourteen, : five of the for Education, by the :\Iinistel' which Local includes Boards of l Tster Roval School Endowments Preston \:'llYf:u Endowment and the .'\t11Jol1(' Pri\'nte H('hool Ell(lomllent (Scheme No. 55); the ('ar.l~fort En(loll'menl (i-lcheme ::\0. 85); the Bauagher Royal H('hoo] F;n(lO\\'J11ent .uid tile Diocesan School Endowments ,A T'u.un. Killnla and Achonrv, and Leighlin \le'lth alld Anlagh. Edue'ttion (~chelllC' adluilliRtE'rilllT \:0, ,j..j.): th~ records and ORSOl',I' (Bchomo review. x.. !1il); the the No. flO) ; the T,el\111V Endowment l'rpstonF;lIdo.'l'ment. T~ei'x (Scheme (Scheme No. 111); the B<mks FiurlOWlUents (fkheme -:-\0. 128); the Viscount Lim('l'Jck R d " in owrnent (Rcheme No. 141'1); the Parsons Persse J<,ndownwnt (Reheme. No. 180); and the Preston Scholarship 'Fund, 78 79 During the year 1944-45 the number of schools having clairns lo share in tbe eighteen funds already enumerated was fort _ eight, of which fifteen were Secondary and thirty-three Primar Y, nnd, in addition, pupils of ninety-two Secondary Schools w:r~ entitled to compere for Scholarships offered under Scheme Xo. of Sch~()ls, IDes. Sch e,_ ~().of•• • l~~~n 1!l4..----.-·~ ---~8 90, ~o, ---- ----------_. ~.-'- '1'11eincome and expenditure for the year 194-4 of the eio-hteell funds mentioned abovs ha ye been certified by an Auditor °of the Department of Local Government and Public Health, under date 25th May, 1945, and are summarised as follows :_. I.-INCOME. ----------------,,------------Rents Dividcnrls ----£ 73 s. J2 ?fisc('lInn(,OUR 1----cl, 4 [ £ s. 2,825 2 d. 7 £ 1.664 8. 17 -'---'-'-- Credit Bal ances -Ian. I, 1944 cl. 8 £ s. 2.017 9 Rent, Rates, and Miscellaneous £ s. 140 5 d. 7 Investments £ 995 s. 6 Ed ucational Purposes d. 8 £ s. 3,611 6 Total _ d. 7 £ s. 6,581 ~ d. .) I J Endowments directly administered 1944. Credit Balances, Dec. 31, 1943 d. 6 £ 1,834 d. 8. 3 6 3.627 Primary and Secondary 147 ----397 ___ 1 £49,340 - '1'1 fOl'egoill<"Table does not include the nine Schemes (menle.I . t l)arJe " . (7) the eudo\\'ments of which are diirec tl- y (lone" ab. ' , tererl hv• the Xl inister. except that portion of . Scheme ,u Inurus Xo. 55 (Parochial Schools, Diocese of Meath, etc.}, which deals with cn<towlt1ents \ ested in t,he Local Governing Body. , II.-Erasmus n.-EXPENDITURE. 14,484 1·Jpcoll dary Technical and Special. 7 1944. £10,336 Primnrx :?:?:') :'1 -------Totals 90 --Annual Incorno 1944 Branch of Education ------IS 14 I Tot",l ------s. £ 6,581 2 d. 2 ---- by Local Governing Bodies, The number of schemes, the endowments of which are directly administered by Local Governing Bodies, constituted under the Educational Endowments (1reland) Act, 1885, but over which the Minister exercises supervision by means of Inspection pl'Ovided for under that Act. is ninety, as in the previous year. Smith Schools' Act Scheme, Particulars of the provisions of this Scheme are set out in the Report of this Department for the year 1941-42. These include the re-construction and maintenance of the Abbey School, 'I'ipperary (fOJ'J11erJ)'the Grammar School) and the award of Scholarshipa tenable at Secondnrv Schools to deserving boys in the areas of Drogherla. Galwav and Tipperary and to boys resident in the district in which the former Erasmus Smith Estates were situated. The Department's official course in Agricultural Science was £ollO\\'ed 1>:1' the pupils of the Abbey School, the practical work heing done ill tlw lnboratorj and on the lands, Eighteen scholarships were awarded under the Soheme as a result of Cl eompplilioll held at ~jflster, 1945. A competition nnder similHl' conditions was held at Easter, Hl46. A statement of tllE' capital and income accounts of the Chm·it.' is set out at pagE' 132 of this Report, CA1b1'01t The following 'I'able gives particulars of the IlU mber of Scheme. dealt with, the number of schools connected therewith under the various Branches of 'E(lucation. and the Annual Income (If the Endowments;- IX. 1)el)1I",,'1) 1)0 ('lI)I rOLJt.c.)I, lUll 1945. 'OD f1mne,n') 5cL6 F.c.Ol rCel111 n.(\ .c.5ur b.c. cC;.c.cr-te""Or.c. , 80 1l1eJn-SCOL 4 crnn ntob. ni0J'l I'OILlrio,\,), Fe rc.\t an 1)l'uln),E' reo, ,1Il (JIJ'le.I'O1',111LedDdJ'l In ,lOll OL1.o1nou.e 6 bi lUL, 1940 .enn , .a5ur )-'l'u'OC,IJ'IDE'lt d5 rUIL 50 11d5.1I'O.on Cion bL1.c1I1C(11L 'Oe Le.aoJ'l.ollU"" 1 LiOI1(IIJ'lE'dt'Cl'edrC.o, m.1J'1n; I'f> ~5 'OUL r.(\J'I.aJ'l CUll" 'Oe.aCJ'I.ocCdi n,1 11C'15e<lll'OdLaIrCe.ol' .oJ'l.xn ObdlJ'l. 'oe nd 'Oe.oClI.occ.oiuo 11<1 5.ol111Clllr 'O.olil11' to' J'l1I'0'00 oi il1cl L<111 11,li CLO'OOIf1e,ICCd,.15Ur '00 ('U1f1.1115.1I111CUlrr111 m01LL..1f1~'OILL1'1(11I011111C LedO.lJ'l CdCCclC j .1(' Cdt.lf1 .15 rUIL 50 OFul5te.dll CdOI, I IIll)LI,llhl ,'511T' rail ,(.llt-OLI.oII1, .all l'Ul'O 'Oel1d LedOJ'ld rill 'O'f-OILL1'1(1 50 hdlf11te 11<1 Le<l5.dI1.dc.o 5del5e '00 J'l111llea'O 'Oe Le.1D.oJ'l l'L(l1ilcIIL dl' pf10r L.dl'Ol1ed5ur ne SC.oIJ'l11.0. ROli1.o, m.df1.oOIlle he.o51'.\111SdE'llse 'Oe f1011l11C Ce.1Cr Lo.rone. ll1a te'<)'I1I1Ca1'.011,J'Ia51'.a\1 ,II' c15<1'0, clll t'lLlall1 reo CU5'<)'1I1 11 , Le hOb.<\lJ'1 11.c. 'OCe.<\rC-Le.<\tJ.o]l un 3;111'[,1511,\1')1l01t'l I'OCI1,\f1.<\l'Cdll tl,1 bl1dl1a reo C.alcc-Le.doJ'l.o .a)1 CIII1[,lr"iut'C, "11 ('Cll11iocc ..1Sl1r .af1 Ceot., n.vl, .vn Cl',ICI'-L(',I\'>,11',II' Sl6.111Cl'd(,II'. '00 1'0lllrio'O, Le 'Oe.(\l1- 'Cd cOrMI 'oedllcd .<).\1 i'OL<1t<.lI'cf>-6cr-le.c.o.<\1''00 Luer; tot.rcot., 1 c<.\t.111"5 Ob61f1 F<1Ldt.ol\1 .<\f1Le.dD.<\f1 COJ'lP!".<\I1.<\lf, .<\1'te.6Cr.6 .6.1''0lil,IC<lIll,\ICICe <l511r .II' e5f1dlll ne te.ocrc\i .dIJ'llte l.o'Olle. 'Cd nonnc Fllelr111, .15ur '00 1'11111e.6-o Ce6n.6 l'ell1 SC(III ~\lclCIIl "()<1n-ut.t.mu, curo lil,llt 1)CI1 OlMil' .<\ Oa1l1(;''(\1111to SCal\1 C.c.1J'1bJ'le .6.0'0a, le SC,\!\I h.ll'l1l1[,IC[, ('lll<lll1 LOl1dln "sur Le SCalJ'1('OI1'Ode lUlml11~E', 'C.kelll ·I;S Lec ntu uc, '0611ll'OOI~, n'uu.mo Le.<\o.<\J'1 5.6E"IL5e re<\('.or n,1 Cl'<IC)'-ll'uDII", .15ur c.1t<\J'1,15 run, 50 med'OoFdf1 .c.n t::<lot'l 1'611 nc n Oll,lift, 50 mol' moJ'l I 5C.dr le.(\o.c.lI '0011 dOl' 05, e S,ln ~1111 Ill" 0FuIl .(\11CUdJ'l""rCdll reo -0<1nuu.mo '0011 clo, 11' liOI1 n,1 Le"D",111 ,IC.1 FOlLlflte '00 11.<). mC.dIl-SCOlledtlIl6 65 .•11 I1Sllm n<.\106 le.ooJ'l" 50 Dp.l1L 26 emu 'Oioo Itld tl-.c.lrqllilcdll1 ,'::;11)'[d ctll't,\ ,II' F'('\lll '00 5I1dt-L(ilteOIJ'li 669 ne le"OJ'la elle 50 liFLlIL 352 'Oiot) 111,1l1-ellrCJ'llilc.Jltl, FOlllr1tt" F.c.OIr-ceun n.(l 111"f1 1'111rie , Cd 775 leat'lf1" Saell5e lioll1np ()11lP"C'ellr 0 ClI1J'1P,I'O.(\tl rCf>lm rrn df1 l1l1111 mbLlall d f()26. 111" 'OCE",II1I1C,I rul1, F(\IL F,I0111SCell11. FJ'le1rlll, C<11J2 l)ior.<I. ceo.t CUllta <.1f1 C "t,III LIII to'lr CI10111<\-o '" ~\flir ,1f1 l'OL<.\taJ'l ce I'm" cercmcra-t, 11111''('\I'OCe,\f1 I 5ce&lm~\ 1',,01 Lelt d5ur 111dO,'If1 1'''01 t.erc mUl11Ce01fI('c\l'[(1, ,15l1l' [dt"f1 ,15 rllll, 'Od t'laf1\1 ran, 50 tJI'OLlreOFa\1, r,\ t'lLI~\111 I'PO {'115.11t111, Le<lDJ'I"ne teatlllMi .0. tJa111edl1nle hObal\1 '\'()lll,'I'O "5111' le hil1l1(;,.6Lco1fle"cc. '00 CL11\1ed'Oa\1 F.JIl ce.6.n", FP111le~of1<\ '0(' tp,})II1Ml d l'l'<)'ll1e~l111 le 'CJ'ldCC.6.1l, le heOldlO{'c, Le 'CiJleOlc.1occ, le 'OOCCU1\1eaC[,le SC()'IJ'1,le llctliocc ,\D,IIS, le Cr ot ,1F;L1rt.e ClU1Ciol'C. ~5ur C <.\C(;'<ll1n,I(' 1ll,llt IJl)A\l1,It' l1u le~t)fI<I ,I FOlllrice'\11 n. IlOll1lH'. 1<)1)1 ::;n.t\t-ledt'>f1~ <15t1r \ l"~l)f'I~ '00 tucr [ll11pe<lLl 6,10,000 Tlion 'OfOLc6.~nt.U 50 nrt r-o. ::;1',1111- FuOl rCt"It11 rcot, cJ PART I I.-APPENDICES. APPENDIX GENERAL I i I No. of No. of SChOOlS! Pupils on or Rolls Colleges I Average Daily Attendance of Pupils I ~ervice I I EDUCATION Percentage of Average Daily Attendance of Pupils on Rolls I I ! .---- Average Cost per Pupil I II (b) I, I * ; I 453,962 375,258 I I I I ~~!~,I £i 20_£303 82.7 (aVbn I (g) { Rolls I £8 19 7 12,844 £4,076,282 ~ (b)lll Aver(e) Scale, p.a. '20 hours Supernormal, £377 p.a. max. 1\ to 25 WOMEN:hours Normal Scale: £128-£246 p.a. I Supernormal £295 p.a. max. 1 Principals - Men, - £700; 1 Women, £600; \ Vice-Principals-Men £600 ; I Women £500 ; P£~~._fessors; Men-Resident "'50-£15-£500; ~ Non-Resident £300 - £15 I I £600; £200-£10 'Vomell-Resident 1 -£400; 11 £250-£15ILl Non-Resident £1)00. I1 I age atten-\ \ £30,4031 :l28 Colleges £94. 2 7 \ I 'i. - I 1 (b) Preparatory Colleges, £35,062 .:Rxalllinat4onli. (b) (a) (c) (cl) ---- - 40,040 (Grants Pltid on :~5,463) -------- OTHER IIl.-POST -PRIMARY THAN SECONDARY: 1. Established Continuation or Technical Schools other than est. b2. Centres Continuation or l ished Technical Schools I I £6J4,265 £J5.6.1O i ---- I - - - - 590- 75,046 1I l- 1 State Funds £426,378 f,,·IO., 1 977 - - 2 ]23 - - J** 128 - - LV.- 1. Reformatory 3 292 284 97.3 £14,462 £49.10.7 *5.966 5,619 94.2 *£271,630 £41,13.6 Schools 51 I i i 2 2. [ndustrial (i) 27 hrs. (These salary scale do not include the special Increment payable 'in respect of H onour degrees or for teaching throuch the ruedtum of Irish). 0 ") 197- (h) I ... 3. Schools of Art 4. Training Cclleges cf Domestic Science Preparatory 5. Day T,ades Schools - - - ------Schools 3,497 I Registered and Recognised Teachers :Men (indoor), £150-360 p.a. Women (indoor), £140-260 p.a. Men (outdoor), £200-410 p.a. Women (outdoor), £180-300 p.a. (g) (f) (e) Scales (exclusive of board and residence) for Preparatory Colleges. Principals-Men, £350-15£440; Women, £320-10 -£400. Vice-principals: Men, £300 -10-£310 15 £400; Women, £250 - 10 £300 .. Professors: Men, £240 - 10 _£2~12-£310--15-£4UU; ll.-SECO::\DAHY: 1. Scho..ls a77 of School Week ---:------------!(i)- I dance L£lO 17 3 2. (a) Traininj- I Lengtll. 3alaritls h I 5,00$l I No. of ITeachers I (d) (c) I.-PRIMARY 1. Schools STA'f'IS'I'ID8 Total Expenditure from Publi0 Funds including Cost of AdminisI tration, Inspection and Ex!aminationt .----l-----l,- I (a) I. I I Rates £222,951 I ) Whole Time 1 I rp~ I I 988 l- time I ) 766 ) I I J Whole-tlrue j eachcr s : Men (Normal Scale) £130-10-£2()Op.. \.: Do. (Extended Scale) £200-1J-2fiO p.n. Approx women (Normul Heal c) £120-10- niO p.•n , : 20 to 30 Do. (Extended Reale hrs. per tl70-llJ-£200 p. R. Notc« :-(1) Cost ot livi1I1f!." bonus is week for payable Oil the abov -e scalee : 40 weeks or Teachers number (2) A small are 011 ?pccia I salar y scales : Part-time 'l'euche rs are orn(3) ploycd :ll a rate per t caching hour 29 - 43J - 1 j)Iinimum ~ number I of hours I per ) week 18 tor each Branch and the relevant proportion of Departmental Head t In the total expenditure are included the cost c [ Adminirstatior quarters' Charges. * Averag» number ot pupils ell Rclls for the yeal ended 30th June, 1945. Numner of pupils in Preparatory Colleges. **This School is not under the control of a Vocational Education Committee. ttExcluding 552 children under 6 years of age. ! This amount includes the cost of the maintenance of the 552 children under the age of six years whose names are not on the rolls of pupils attending the Litermy Classes, 84 APPENDIX PRIMARY I.-Number 11. 85 2.-Building EDUCATION.-STATISTICS. of Primary Schools. Oil the 30th June, follows :- 1945, there were 5,009 schools in operation Ordinary National Schools . Convent National Schools . :Monastery National Schools . Poor Law Union National Schools Model National Schools . Special Irish National S .hools Fosterage National Schools" In.Iustriai X3tional Schools "" as Grants. The cost of the erection of new chools and the improvement of existing schools is defJ'ayed par-tly from State Grants and partly from local 80UrceS. The grants anctioned by the Department of Education durinz the year ended 31st March. 1945, were as follows:_ " 4,427 368 134 . 1 . " No. of. No. of Pupils for .Amount of State Schools whom Gr&nt 3 ccommodation is provided 1----1·_ " 18 8 1 52 5,OO9t Erection of New Schools Enla.rgement of existing Schools Other Improvements * Scoil na Leanbh. An Riun , a residential school for children between I alid 14. years of age. . t Including rune schools tor Invalid, Blind,_tDeaf ana Dumb~or Ol'lppl~ Children viz. the Orthopaedic Hospital 1\ .S. (Dublin), St . .Joseph 10 Blind As~lum 'Boys' N.S. (Dublin), se. ~laJ'Y's Blind Asylum Convent n' 1 ' -vr S (Dublin) St. Joseph's Cripples' Home Convent N.l:l., Coole ,IT S -'. . , N S F' 1 fW'i\stmeath), St. ~lary's (Orthopaedic Hospital) Conv~nt I .. , . l~g ~s (i{)ublin) St. Joseph's Deaf Mutes N.S. Cabra (Dublm), ~t. Fima.n s N.S., Pe~mount (Dublin), and Countess of Wicklow. ::\1emor!RlHospItal \Wicklow), Scoil Naisiiinta 108~ph Naoinh tha , Lmden Convalescent Home, Blackrook (Dublin). 3,346 £179,340 !) 9* 6 274 £11,695 2 3 213 TOTAL TJlis number shows It decrease of 23 as compared with the number of schools in operation dur-ing the previous yea!'. Three. new SChOOlS "ere brought into operation and 26 schools were discontinued, 13 of them owing to their amalgamation with other schools. . Of the schools in operation on 30th June, 1945, 2,630 were vested III Trustees, and 398 in the :Minister for Education; 1,98] were non-vested schools. 36 -. £46,031 0** ----------,.----- / ~.:.._. 2G5_J__ 3,620_ 1£237,066 13 0 Actual payments llUlde by the Commisbioners of Public Works on account of grants sanctioned for the building and improvement of sohools amounted in the year ended 31st March, 1945, to £227,757 19s lld. 21 new schools were completed dllrillg the period 1st July, 1944 to 30th June, 1945. 40 school buildings were in course of erection on 30th June, 1945. HEATING AND CLEANING OF SCHOOLS. 3.-State Grants amounting to £49,175 188 4d were made towards cost of the Heating and Cleaning of National Schools. SCHOOL FEES. 4.-In about 10 schools, other than model schools, fees amounting to £1l0 98 9d for instruction inside school hours 'were charged to pupils over 4 and under 16 years of age during the year ended 30th June, 1945. .All other schools were free to such pupils. TEACHERS' RESIDENCES. 5.-Teachers' residences were connected with about 1,462 schools , of the~, 926 were provided by grants or loans from State Funds. " This amount includes supplemental grants towards the building of vested schoolhouses, in 41 cases which were sanctioned in previous years. "* Including grants to the amount of £5,300 14s 3d which were made witb the sanction of the .:\1inister for Finance, as an expeptional concession for works necessary to render existing schoolhouses serviceable for some time pendin2: the erection of new sohools. I 87 G. Number of Inoperative Operative Schools, Schools in course of Erection and 194.1 and 30th June, U45. June, Schools, on 30th - --I Operative Schools AREA I-J-9-4-1--'1 ---------Bo no ('OC);T'l -1-- 0:11' (('it:l's) i 1945 1 Dublin Cork Limerick \\'atcrford 230 42 26 13 230 42 26 13 COUN'J'lE~ C8van Donegal Monaghan 215 378 157 215 377 157 188 :j02 278 187 25B ]01 187 495 276 187 253 101 Clare Cork Ken\' Lim~)"j(;k 'l'ippcrary Waterford Carlow Dublin Kildare Kilkr-nuj: Laoghis Longford Louth ~[eath Otfal\" .... I .. \\"cstmeath \\·~xfo,.d Wicklow Q,IlWiI" Lcitri.r;l :\[ayo ROS(;CJUDlon f'_1_ig_O ... 110.~ 9 ., 1 J 17 .. :~51 143 35] 173 I_._l_5_2_ TOTALS tl;-;-Il~~,:t~~s-'s the~e 64 123 93 14:3 100 74 8.3 J2~ 106 5,032 ---- - I I I I 1944 i 1944 11945 ' 19!5 = -.: - ,I 1 2 - I -.) I -_ I 1 - 2 :~ I 2 1 2 --4- I I - :l :! 1 ] - I - : I - 2 - - .- I -- 1 1 I ! 1 - 4 =I- I - -4 - 2 6 7 1 1 2 1 ]: I 1_1 __ 1 _ 28, I -, Averag~Daily Attendlhce Year e1dcd, 30th JU1e 19-!r ' Number of Schoo Is (other than Convent and Monastery Schools paid by Capitation). Daily Atten(1ance for School Year Schools in Operation on that date Convent and Monastery Schools paid by Capitation. I Total I Number of Schools. 1 --~----i-----------------i-------------';----------· Under 10 ]0 ~ 19 20 ~ 29 30 34 107 499 481 345 I 2 107 499 482 347 35 40 45 - 39 44 49 389 425 398 3 I 2 392 426 400 50 55 60 - 54 59 69 343 288 349 3 4 19 292 70 80 85 - 79 84 811 294 llO 96 17 90 95 100 - 9( - 99 - 109 66 .) 48 7 18 55 84 llO 120 130 - 119 - 12g - 139 36 23 11 9 13 47 31 36 140 - 149 1;;1) - 159 J60 J84 31 19 31 11 15 28 (2 185 200 230 17 25 33 7 27 5~ 37 70 5 17 12 21 14 30 12 102 19 47 24 123 413 5,009 1 I' 2 1 1 1 - 7 I - existing 66 22 e 9 346 368 311 ll6 1O~ 7] - - - 40 schools, when built , will supersede ClassifiOltion, according to Average ended 30th,Jllne, 1945, of the \'ational - I - 1 0 9 1 5 0 117 348 ]40 3.jO J72 152 J I -, 1 - I - ----- Inoperative Schools 1-1--I 64 123 93 142 99 74 85 126 106 5,009 I tSchools in course of erection 1. 10 - --- schools. l!i!! - 229 - 274 275 - 299 300 - 359 360 - 399 400 ani above -----TOTJLS 34 5Y 24 ----------1-----(,596 88 89 8. (a) MODEL SCHOOLS. 8 Cb] scot,e, Spe1s1Att:A 5AetACA. (b) I-- 1 Average Number (a) Pupils on Roll. on ~Oth June, 1945. Model Schools. -C. oIl. Oath. on R<lU. for Year ended 30/6/45 ----I Pres. Meth. Otbenl Toh.! --------- Central Dublin Boys' 484 2 486 CentrAl D.blin 354 2 35e l'entral Dublin Infants' 501 2 8an Seosamh Buacbnilli [.6.] (c) Average Dally Attendance for Year ended 30/6/45 52~ 463 39a 328 S03 447 38. 270 270 295 248 San Seosamh Cailini 205 205 222 180 San Seosamh N aionain (Welt Dublin) ~58 258 229 183 Girls' Athy 25 Ennilcortby 52 Birr 40 Trim 110 I Dunmanwsy - Limerick Boy.' 116 I Limerick Girls' 76 Limerick Infant.' 3 2 5U 2 218 Waterford 17 SliiO 63 llailieborough 41 15 YeDal/han 69 76 ;1631 109 TO'l'J..LS 2 -2,693 1 12 -- -- ~~~_._4_1_~_ 1 Percentage C"": Scou rlh"tte (b.6lle -6.c •. Clt.6t) 304 - - - - 144 128 104 80 - - - - 80 81 72 257 - - - - 257 237 192 67 - - - - 67 73 61 119 95 Dun-Sgoit 50 40 116 123 103 78 79 6~ 218 208 174 133 341 144 5ii --3,087 337 160 110 56 - 178 35 57 - 177 42 140 - -- - 45 ,9 -- - Scoll 5.6el,,6 tlllriH;6.41n (& ClI.6t:) 13 30.6.45 -- -337 - - 19 72 I,om- - 34 16 C"e1"O111 ell:.\ eA';' i eu,e , Un. 177 28 18 nil p"er. SCOIl Cot.mciu.e (b"'lle -6.t •. Clt.6t) ~r, 76 .i e. h~. 30 100.0 _ of Total Number on Rolls. -1------1- 52 ------11 3 3,079 '-------v------.~ I '06lc61 .6.HROU6j 6H 30u lllelte.6.til, 1945. SCOl.l SpelSl.6.t1:.6. 5.6.el.6.C6 I (c) Cb] llle.anllle.6.n UllillR .6.1t U 1fnn Rott.6.j "Oon "Cmn1tlm t>t1.6.1n l.6.e Crnn "O.&1tCRjOC "Oon lJU.6.n 3°·6-45· "O.6.RC1tjoc b.6II~'" (CO!,C.6IS) Uun-.3coll 501Jn"t:.6n ( COf1C.6IS) &I'"O-SCOllbdll1'd (C01ICdIS) 46 III ---- 2,585 83.7 Percentage 01 averal' attendance to aTOraC' number on R<llls. The staff .of the ~jodel Schools on the 30th June, 1945, consisted of 18 Principal Teachers, 9 Vice-Principals and 52 Assistant Teachers. (\J1"O-SCOIl 5cbn"t:6n (COf1C61~) 173 - - - - 173 17-1- Scoit tU!'r6 Cr;;",lllm) 200 - - ~ - 200 179 11,4351 1391 iomt.zn ... 11,4351- l- I- \- '00 b'e ce.6."O-co"O'&n mean-uutua cmnnrrn n"O.6.tC.6.j -oen me.an-U1fil1R.6.R ROU.6j n.& 85.6. 01'0'" 4 teas Scot, n5.6.el.6.C PRjOtil 01"Oj <l.5US 24 CUn1:01Rl S.6.n <l.1t 30u merce.em, 1945. 41\ 148 I 150 C111n t.&e n o, t)j 8 p1tiom t011tn1ti n .• 91 90 CONVENT 9. MID MONAiTJi:RY NATIONAL lO.~M.ARY OF CONVEMT AND MOMASTERY NATIONAL SCHOOLS ACCORDING TO RELIGIOUS ORDERS ON 30th JUNE, 1945. SCHOOLS. COXVEXT ]fA TIOXAL SCHOOLS. Paid solely by Capitation Clue of School 1-------1 ~uDlber of Schools Convent TOTAL:; .... '[-- I Average Number 1------- of Pupils on Rolls* Average Daily Attendance" I , Religious 332 111,718 93,934 81 27,007 :l3,628 ·il3 138,725 117.562 l'a_i_d_byPersonal Salaries. etc. 1 Average Number I -=..:..-...c._ Class of School -----i Order. I .! ... lIoly Faith .... .. /!Ii. Jo •• ph of Cluuy .... .... Sisters of Mercy .... Presentation •... Sisters of Charity .... .... St. Louis .... ... Loreto .... .... Sacred Heart .... .... Sisters of St. Clar. Brigidine .... . , .. "Dominican Daughters of the Heart of Mary Immaculate Conception .... .... St. John of God Ursuline .... l<'aithful Companion. of Jeau. .... .... Cross and Passion .... "Mari8t Poor Servants of the Mother of God and the Poor .... Sisters of Jesus and Mary La Sainte Union dea Sa.ere. .... Coeurs "- I I Number of RdlOOl8 of Pupils OIl l{,f)lls* Average Daily Attendance" ------------ COll1',,"t 36 7,103 5,945 ~"(lII;t"H'ry 53 10,540 8,932 -- ------ -------- TOTAl,S 8~ TOTALS ;;02 The percentage of tile average daily average number on Roll was 84..7. 17,64.3 156.368 14,877 132,439 attenda nce of pupils to the Tota I Con vent National Schools * Excludiug pupils paid for by the Industrial Scheol Schools paid by Personal Salaries. Schools paid by Capitation. , I 18 :2 155 64 39 4 11 4 3 5 4 I 2 S 3 2 I 2 - 1 1 - - 2 1 1 - 1 2 -- 2 332 311 Total }{olil•• t.ry Nation.! Schools paid by Personal Salaries. -2 - . ... Schools I 368 SCHOOLS. .... 2 - Schools paid by Capitation. Schools 3 - MONASTERY NATIONAL "Broth.r. of the Ihri.ti&n (De La 8.,11_) .... E're~entatiol\ .... ~~'r&nci.ellon .... :Patrician }lariat .... Chriaiialil :Brotlo..n .... 18 2 169 72 41 14 11 4 4 6 4 I 2 8 14 8 2 10 Bra neh. Religious Order. Total. 7~ 81 I Tota.l. 20 ! 11 9 4 - 20 II II !I 4 79 S3 134 93 1I. ScotA ,nA ConCde C<l.b.<l.n ["'in Conn<\ILL tnu1l1e<l.c.<l.11 CLJ.ll CORC<l.IE; pon5detcdcC ·. C1LL 'O-"'1l-'" C1U Cl0l1nl$ ld01S1S LonSPOllC LUSD<l.I'6 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. Ud DFJ.1LSe I<l.R 1i11'6e Lac 5dRm-"'1l m-",nn"Am c-u 5d1Ll1til lMt'ORUlm mUlseo 'Roscom.<l.111 SLlse-",c ·. · .' ·. ·. ·. ·. 6 17 rr 20 2 j - 6 12 2 - -- - - - I - I .~- 2 - 57 - 19 I I I I I 3 - - I 10n 1LAn 5 48 13 21 10 3 ni' 3 ra5 3 I I 57 - I 57 5 10 5 I I 3 7 3 9 - I I 4 2 4 I I 18 20 7 7 13 6 4 102 7 91 6 4 27 32 - - - 174 83 106 - - 248 Ist I I 3 II 1 3 1 2 TOTALS, 21 1 1 7 7 1 3 j22 I To To To To To To 6th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7 th Totttl fltd. Std. Std. Std. Std. S td. Ine1. Ine!. Inel. Ine1. Ine1. Inel. --1 1 5 11 5 1 2 -- -- -- - 1 2 2 3 5 • - 1 2 - 1 - 1 2 .- 2 --------26 8 11 3 I ' -- - 3 4- - 20 40 I - 11 6 8 - -- 92 I I 13. Schools in the Br<eac_Ghaeltacht in which all the work is not done through the medium of Irish but in which in certain classes and standards Irish is the sole medium of instruction. - -- l To Clare .... Cork .... Donegal .... Galway .. Kerry Mayo Waterford ' 21 71 62 21 11 10 I In Infant classes Std. locI. only County 10 - - 5~LLC<l.ct: 3 13 3 5 IS - I - I - - . 5<l.eLC<l.CC - 12. Schools in the Gaeltacht in which all the work is not done through the medium of Irish but in which in certain classes and standards Irish is the sole medium of instruction. eRe ;SAettse b RedC 16 • I I - - ·. ·. ·. ·. I 5<l.eLC<l.CC 71 ·. Ce<l.t:dRLdC -<it CtMt I - ·. ·. CM1'tllM$e LUlmneM: Ctobna'o -<iR<l.nl1 PORC tJ.lIrse · mroe m~tn~-:AR SAC AtJAR tetnn AC AmAtnAn beARtA. I County Clare .. Cork Donegal .... Galway .... Kerry .... Mayo Roscommon Sligo ~.... Tipperary Waterford , 2 TOTALS -6rr Letnn lomtA.n '1.6. Sd Dtl.4tn ". To To To In To To To To 2nd 5th 6th 7th To til>l Infant 1st 3rd 4th classes Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. Inel. Ine!. Ine!. Ine!. Inel. Ine!. Ine!. only '-- -- --3·- -- -- -46 16 2 15 1 9 11 2 I 23 7 3 3 1 25 7 10 2 2 I 3 5o 14 17 10 4 2 3 10 5o 3 20 12 5 19 7 2 2 65 27 8 - - 1 1 14 .... 122 - 7 63 3 -79 - I -24 - - - - - 2 -16 - -- 10 - - --1 - - -1 I 2 26 31 6 0414 Schools in the Galltacht in which all the work is not done through the medium of Irish but in which in certain classes and standards Irish is the sole medium of instruction. .-----.--1-1;:;----1'-.'1'0--1-';;;--1 TO-I 'I~td. ilnfpnt~ C'ountv ______ Std. JllC'l., only Cavan I 46 Donegal MonaghRn . 3~ 13 I:lR 10 Clare Cork Kerry Limerick 'I'ipperary Waterford Louth ~~ Offaly Westmeath Wexford Wicklo\T r~:i;: Mayo Roscommon Sligo TOTAL_S _'_ I I 17 1.0 13 62 I :16 :1 :W 2~5~ j~ I~ 19 4230 v:; 14 1134 ')7 '8 28 19 26 13 13 J1 8 II 1: 42 46 27 970 ~----ro Hh .ith Strl. , Std. In cl. , Tnel. -1'0---11";--1 - ---- I fith std. In(·1. I 7t', 'td. Totnl Tnd. I I 2 :~ :l ';j ~ ., I:~ :~ I I I 11 4 3 3 3 I :~ 52 219 7 I 2 118 32 17 147 :~ ;; 40 45 I a .• 6 ' 9 8 14 II 6 .) i) 2 J 3 1 3 49 M 5:J 6:1 63 49 I I 2 It l~I i ; 9 14 16 8" I 9 _6_1-=-1'~ I :l.~:;; ~3~ 2 2 ;~ 1 1 79 1_1_: 8.7 .. 6~ ~.17 _ 1 - ._~ _ __ c_'o_un_tY __ Cavan Donegal Monaghan 115 7 7 74 ,~5 3 1 Gaeltacht 1 ----:u;-1-1-81-;-'--.3-·----,---I-R.i 18 JI 20 ]9 16 5 30 33 3318 ! i-itd., fnel. ~ 116 I ~N~::lY I Laoighis I Longford :1"(1 19 ~ 24 116 27 60 83 Carlow Dublin "n(1 ~td. Incl. T,t 15 Scbools in the Gaeltacbt, Breac-Gbaeltacht and Galltacllt in '\vhiciJ all the work is not done through the medium of Irish but (A) in wh ich ill odd standards Irish is the sole medium of instruction, (B) in which in one or more subjects Irish is the medium of instruction, (C) in \'llkh subjects are taught partly through 11'j;;h and partly through Engli;;h, and (n) in which all subjects are taught through English. I ~t .G~83~__ 2_. Clare Cork Kerry Limerick Tipperary \\' aterford I 1 A B 1 C . Breac·Ghaeltacht iD IA IB IC \J), DAB C 3 19 6 -I - 2 5 2 21 17 19 1 5 10 3 3 13 3 4 -1- 3 - - 7 1 1 6 3 _ 1- Galway Leitrim Mayo Roscommon 2 _ -::-'gT-OA-L-S---\ ~ 8 I 3 - I- 4 I- - 1 1 5 25 1 6 31 1 I 7 7 - -' 2 2 D I 83 66 40 32 60 33 6 3 2.~ U2 33 56 7 36 ~ I \1=,=i: ~= 1..:1 Carlow Dublin Kildare Kilkenny Laoighis Longford Louth Meath Offaly Westmeath Wexford Wicklow Gautacht 6 1 13 1 91 26 2 15 4 25 94 40 48 31 15 23 33 32 34 50 40 20 39 15 7 ]9 9 9 12 19 7 29 21 \12 30 60 24 35121 65 24 I 3 I 1 1 1 3 1 2 ! 3 I~T~I-=;-:~~\ 21_~9 \1::6\~1-;; 3~ \ 16. NUMBER Total number Average June, A of Pupils number on Rolls of Pupils OF PUPIT.,8. on 30th June, on Rolls 1945 for the year Pupils for the 462,61o:~ ended 30th 1943 verage daily 30th June, Percentage 453,96~ attendance of all year ended Hi45 375.2.')S of average daily attendance to average number on Rolls 82.~ 17. PUPfLS O~ ROLLS O:\' RE1:'IGTO(JS sorn .TU:\,E, DENOMIN 1945, .'\.CCORDT~G No. of Pupils Catholics Church TO A '1'101\ 8. of Ireland Percentage 447,780 96.8 11,017 2.10 2,518 .5 Presbyterian Methodlst 703 .2 Other 624 .1 Denomi nations 1.1l. NUMBER OF SCHOOLS AND PUPILS FOR THE I,AS'r FIVE YEARS. -------------------,:------;------Year Number of Schools in Operation (a) ----- .. ------ Average Number of Pupils , on Rolls (b) Average Daily Attendance (c) Percentage of Average Daily Attendance to Average Number' on Ro1l8. (d) --------1------1--------- 1940-41 5,076 462,245 380,929 82.4 I941-4::! 5.034 460,[99 381,676 82.9 1942--43 5,064, 459,984- 380,634 82.8 1943-44- 5,032 454,647 373,414 82.1 19#-45 5,009 453,902 375,258 82.7 ( 19. of Sehoo!>'., tot al and County Borough ~\lrtlhel' or Pupj ls on the :3001 June, :\'"UIIIOt'l' -----------------I.-'m.l'--<)~ta:orI-"'tlN~u~rr~lb~e--r~of~f~'u~P~. County C'aY311 Donegal Mouaehan Clurr Cork City Cork County Kcrrv Ltmcrlck Cit.y Limeriek County Tipperary .. Wotcriorrl City Waterford County Carlow 1------- RoUs and 1945. Oil 10 of Pupils on Rolls .BO\·8 4..,6a 187 42 ------1---- - 276 26 187 :!,'):3 1:3 ]01 6-4. Meath 126 OO'al)" Westmeath Wextonl 1011 :(G:!i 39.85:1 :;:69~ 3,395 :2,721 ~:) ~,.:341 4.i6l {.1~,3 '.24.; Galwa v i -I :;')11 74 Wieklow I ~,210 m) 10!) 1:;0 H7 I I 2.72(; 'I \ (l,5'!! 7,982 1],254 4,430 7,557 10.:28'; 2.849 3,7;)0 2.049 3H,j03 7.438 4,795 5,297 3,52D 2,76] >,OH 4.876 4.;):.!O 34H H.Hb 1-1"Gl) Lcitrlm HO )1:1\'0 3:)0 172 :I,5S~ 1~,70:! ,).651 4,)00:,7 152 , --.:2:nAi4 t __ , l~:b~g <1,023. I! 4,lf2 18,560 3:68~ H.~)74 .;.847 ....:~~ 231.168 13,On2 15,042 37,142 22,0;}7 8,3'!1 15,465 ::!O,8.")O ;;.343 7,377 .-.,37:") 13,035 15,434 36,132 21,923 8,286 15,385 79,356 1;;,654 n,624 76,43(i 14,88:> 9,392 10,801 6.5-18 :),317 10,170 9,461 i ~:m, 14,242 I ,,-76H I 7,272 2,;'276 11,49~ I -IG2,6~~ ~~~_ I '\.;; I', 17 1611 ]31 04 ~76 17 County Presh,,-' teri'sll' 1 l,ig~ ;42 11 11 ., ·1 ~ ~ t.23:~ 706 ~20 1.3 190 20 3 1 I 1--;;'1I i~ :\:) 1" I ~2' 7 ~4 :,a :I\l I n 8 3 21 :3:3 I:; ]'iH :2-12 7 :37 [·1 n 1 11 1:3 1U:! 1~ 22(; Hi) 4:l 1] IH :~;f() u.oi r :ll~ J.:~ 7 IH t 13~ 'jli4 I 1 I ---1'-- --Others ').~ 12:> :3~O 7,013 I 25,09,) I 11.44.; B,-!.79 i ~~-i--- i .'frthodior 1(;:~ ;!nl :!S,,")fHI ,'- i 1 .")\1 16(1 13.72(; 7,01; 1------ 2.)·1 :J:)H ~:g6~ . I.~~~ ~36: 907 :>,321>,' 7,308 I, 5,1] n 6,n:U .),482 1O.~~~, I !),6:3' i I\' :W,526 io.uos :28,'j J 7 Church of Iceland Catholic 18:~~~I ~~,0.33:, :~~~ 7.26.; 4.248 'I ,----- Total 1:~tg U.9i; ------,-- 1945. JUlJC, Girls 6,4.3 7,660 l8.:'82 10;803 :1,949 7,n01l lO.i)63 2.494 1 4!13 in each I"r.ls~· "'!o~n...,R~o~ll~s----...,l~{e~l~ig~'i--OI:'!',.~· -D=el:'!'lo~l~H~i,~1a:-:t~io~,:':,S~o~l...,p~u--p~n~S~OI:'!',...,H~o~1Ir':,~()::u~$~O:-.l"Ie·t· ....JllDe. lU::l-5. 30th Oil I 230 123 !)3 142 UOSl'Ommnll Dr-nouunattons -----~I-------: ~?~ 1~~N I of Schools )[0. Dublin City Dublin County Kildare Kilkennv Laoighis Longford Louth RIi~o ---------TO"J'AL~ Religfous :L:)]S Total 1U.U'.I"- 21.380 9,335 13,052 15,642 37,142 22.0£)7 8,37\) 1:;,465 :W,850 ~,,3J3 7.377 .-1.3i:-} in,;j;)ti 1;,65~ 9624 10:995 6.924 :),4t':l2 [0,38;, n,G:17 I H,29f> 8,3;3:, 12a 2] 11.242 "'.76~ :2S,; J / /,27:2 2;),2i(i 11,-19, 4 ID 1 4 i- !l,84:3 ';2;-,- 41i2,642 98 20 (a). .'\.verage County and (OUNTY nu mber of pupils County Borough and in atrendance in each on rolls for the vear ended 30th June, r ~v:r"gCNU~~' ;~~;:;:--\-A-:::~~ neu-. on the '--- '--, Boys 0 --- ~li~1 ------ Total Dail~- Attendance fall Pupils. - - , . Boys II APercentage of verage Daily Attendance to A verage _~~~~_L:rot~I_I' I ;;.~80 lO,75r. 4.380 I 10.429 20,787 8,165 1 iU,.:l 16,543 Monaghan 4,47R 4,612 9,000 3,483 3,713 7,106 79.2 Clare 6,305 6,:,67 12,67~ 5,085 5.233 10,31i1 31.4 13,551 86.3 Cork City 8.661! 7,572 8.035 15,607 Cork Count,' 18,165 18.12·[ 3G.2~9 Kerry 10,4:52. 11,011 ~1,463 8.714 4,443 8,321 3,202 3.n51 15,010 6,327 6,108 ~0.340 8,393 8.196 16.5~9 Limer lck City 3,878 Limerick County 7,075 Tipperary 10,345 Waterford City Waterford Count.y I 9,n05 6.710 6,841 lG,~95 30.5 Cavan Dublin 4.!1\101 LiB:1 n,O!)i R,955 ~\ron"gh"n :1.H74 :J.791 n,218 17,93~ ~3.5 Cork Couut y 6,753 81.2 Kerry l:it)' R.n04! ~,940 City :3,204 a.uo 8l.6 Limer-ick <. ounty 6.652 ~,22;) 1 2,011 2.311 4,322 82.2 TiPperary 3,5H ! :1.670 7,214 2.860 3.015 5.875 81.4 Waterford City W.teriord County 2.057 4,030 3.07~ :3.200 9.070 5,180 2,099 2.094 4,193 80.9 :14,502 34,229 68.121 86.6 Carlow 15,305 t.I,68R :;,086 12,67-!- 8~.8 Dublin City 3,74;) 7.426 79.2 Dublin Countv 4,341 8,955 83.0 Kildare ~.843 5.:=;;)2 81 A Rilkrnn;' -:l.6:l0 2,165 ~.240 79.0 LROighi< 2.HHll 7,n61 7.3H Kildare +,684 'I,G?'I Kilkenny 5,505 ;,,102 9,371 10.787 l.aoighis 3,36~ 3,4-19 (j517 2. Longford ~,68J 2.C%! 5,376 2.084 3,681 4,614 I 7091 I I 1.973 79,397 Dublin County :l.103 6.1 .).ti7~ ;),.')on 11.1~7 1 2.2~8 , I ..•0.1 ! i.;)OO '-0 C,I 1I ~$l!) " I ;:;;:: 1.66:l I 1;.062 I l.;.OlH .1.5:27 1O.R88 ,.:4-.(; . 14.300 81.8 83., 1.709 2 ..-.:30 4.567 !33.tH)7 :~;3,l,jl 66,958 6,949 6.2M 4.l:;fj 3,U63 I I l~.OJ:, 7.:;00 0 17.1\66 'sl 3.0 5 l3.H.) 1 i,B4-+ 8.4\16 \.ttendan('{' !).H4! 12.il80 I rer('('ntat!l~ of Average Duilv i.sat 8:!.6 29,4'>6 :!S,,~27 '>8,2B:3 l:l,:!l3 ',.Ro7 :,.1.03 11,060 83.7 ,119 3,27~ 3.229 6.501 80.1 4,261::i I 8.H27 3.8H7 :l.:;M :.U)4:~ .).S:H) I i,H.,J7 I i'A-;S ~7.1J 33.!l 1 I 4.760 Louth .;,241 ·),804 I 10,135 ·(,30; 3.\193 8.300 81.0 I.nnl!ford 2A:i;) ~.:J.::'I -t jOt un;) I.nl~ 3.,';3:11 <lO.O ~reath 4,648 4,683 I 3,657 3.689 7.346 I 78.7 Louth -4:..j:36 4,237 $.li8 :3.767 3,480 247 sz.s Off~ly 4,040 4,041 I 9,331 8,081 3,265 3,311 6,576 ' 81.~ }1('ath ~,093 4,135 8,228 3,2S1 8,171 3,448 3.391 6,839 83:; I OffAly 3,;;&~ 3,473 7.042 2,010 2.87~ 13,882 ;'.432 5,705 11.137 80.! 3.5n 3,!2U 7.020 :l.070 2J91~ 8,547 3,482 !I.295 6,777, 79.3 5,OH 6,130 12,074 4,~40 4.9~8 3.903 :J,656 7.~,:;9 Westmeath 4,170 6,772 'Yicklm\" 4,4031 Ih\lw8.~ 14'0191' ayo .ituscommon ~1i!!0 TOT-A-r-,s----; I I . 4,001 7.110 4,144/ 13,948 I 27,%7 11,328 11.385 2,750 2,875 I 5,625 10'092 ' 10,2961 20,388 3,539 3,642, 7,181 12,278 12,363' 24,641 5,619 :;.755! 11.3,4 4,459 4,672 4,797 4,812 ~,60~ 3,819 1 3,9451 226 ~89 ~27,073 ~2,71~ 4:;3~962/1S7,041 1188,21 i i I meath 81.2 78.S 827 9.131 7,764 "(':0-1 I 375,25s!--'82.7-- 12,UM Ldtriltl 10.3 jfa~ 0 80.8 Xos('oltnnon 3.Ul~ lO,7~6 11,74U :lJO!):~ lOJ5\l~ 23,~~8 10,095 iU)7~ :.!,41() 21,:35B ~.9::H 7, 1 fi,,)I:i 3.1:1:; 6,07. ~,67~ ~0.4 I \:I. 77i 17.941 z.t ~lii£O ror ..•. Lr> t~) I·~[~wAn'r~;~lI~.O. un 1::::; 7.6ti5 Limerick . -(UrI" ~.0:l7 J5,070 I :lO.S\)4 15. 24 ;;,261 ~.568 -! 18,012 \).3!l~ 2,832 , I . Daily Attrnrl<lnre oi I'uptl- 10.!J41 Cork I ~.612 I;~~ n..")7B I 1·1';t'~N .-\.Yf"ragr Totnl Clar,' 30,707 2,429 30,78:; , 30,612 City Girls Donecnl l:;AI~ 1 Carlow BOY:-1 2.8 nuder .-\verage Xumber of Puplls on Rolls. COrXTY __ ~~ ;',476 1,~ill Pupils over () and No. 10,3 ~IR Donegal 20(b) .• <\ vcruge nu mber of pupils 0\'(')' 6 and unci!')' 14 ~'('ars of ag(' on l'OUS and in atrend.mce in each COllnt~· and Countv Bor-ough for tilt" ~'('m' t'ml"d 30th ,11111(,. 1945. 1945. 100 21. 'rile average daily attendance each Countl' and Countl' Borough of pupils over 14 years of age for for the year ended 30th June, 1945. Average Da,iIj Attendance. COUNTY. Boys Girls I Tota,l 1Cavan Donegal MOllRghall 98 ]96 60 168 313 257 ~66 509 317 Clare Cork City Cork County Kerry .... Limerick City Limerick County Tipperary Waterford City 'Waterford County 161 241 550 351 223 641 1,182 798 309 370 448 233 116 384 882 1,732 1,149 383 622 625 276 175 Carlow Dublin c"ity Dublin Comity Kildare Kilkenny Laoighis. Longford Louth Meath Offaly Westmeath Wexford Wicklo\\' 55 703 23490 88 62 93 67 65 66 5G 84 1,198 225 169 199 128 129 ll6 128 118 13~ 337 138 139 1,901 459 259 287 190 222 183 193 207 188 468 %56 Galway Leitrim Mayo Roscommon Sligo 368 101 297 162 103 750 169 536 374 259 1,118 270 833 536 362 TOTALS ill 252 J77 43 59 131 5,121 --- 141 ]0,270 ----. 11),:l9J ~-- 22. NVa-IBER 01. l'UPll,S OX :gOLLS O~ 30th Jl)~E, 1st Standard Infants County 2nd Standard 1---------1-------1-------1 • Cavan .... Donegal Monaghan Clare Cork City Cork County Kerry ... Limerick City Limerick County Tipperary Waterford City Waterford County Carlow Dublin City Dublin County llildare Kilkenny Laoighia Longford Louth .. Meath . Offaly . Westmeath Wexford 'Wicklow '1 I •• 2,716 5,859 2,570 3,602 .... I, .: \1 " .. ....I .... , ....i Galway Leitrim .... .... '1 ~{~~;om~~~ Sligo .... ::.:: 1 4,288 10,228 6,141 2,543 4,298 5,853 1,552: 2,082 1,623 23,341 4,781 2,803 3,142 1,843 1,587 1,269 2,717 2,360 2,328 3,997 2,464 II l \ \ 11 I 1945, ARRA 3rd Standard 1,504 2,702 1,123 i,6;S 1,820 4,422 2,582 1,097 2,023 2,751 609 983 1,605 1,833 4,383 2,530 1,052 1,945 2,687 676 929 1,61S 1,923 4,472 2,515 924 1,971 2,655 689 863 728 9,740 2,060 1,405 1,296 978 720 1,239 1,274 1,099 1,161 1,981 1,213 711 10,063 2,063 1,214 1,375 852 678 1,142 1,221 I,08U 1,057 1,778 1,163 680 10,047 2,063 1,252 1,267 837 674 2,901 1,170 I,~~95 "" 1,80;; 1,U76 i 7,772 1863 3,653 910 i 3,388, 887 2,7Zl: 1,167 I 1,16;$ i ?:~~~:r:iM I r:~~t i I I 5~n Standard U1~ Standard I 't (,il Standard. ts~n I Sta.ndard· Totals .-------:1-------1-------1--------------·;-------- 1,466 2,858 ] ,176 I TO !'!T."~D."RD9. . GED M'CORDING '14th Standard, 1,426 2,645 1,li8 I i 1 1 i I I! i 1,326 2,40] 1,146! 1,619 1,794 4,293 2,544 981 1,871 2,527 628 965 621 9,084 1,810 1,084 1,300 856 652 1,399 1,155 1,057 1,031 1,687 1,1)4\; 11 I' 11 I i I I I' I 1,166 2,267 1,005 1,505 1,708 4,221 2,480 855 1,662 2,200 508 789 527 8,347 1,482 913 1,207 764 582 1,310 1,084 835 889 1,462 924 1 I 11 I I 832 1,572 681 407 777 312 958 1,147 2,905 1,697 541 1,070 1,463 431 506 39l 350 5,909 913 589 890 4n 391 787 674 539 565 980 632 99,' 299 144 10,942 21,380 9,335 116 414 655' 512 135 166 223 99 66 13,052 15,642 37,142 22,057 8,379 15,465 20,850 5,343 7,377 III 2,276 400 264 359 li 232 168 1 236 295 -2"2 86 ' ,I 6 372 208 I' 2-i 549 8.~ 100 15U 89 30 102 47 7(' 41 18:: 42 5,37':; 79,356 15,654 9,624 10,995 6,924 5,482 10,385 9,637 8,295 8,335 14,242 8,768 1 39i 8i 28,717 7,272 I ~~i i~:!~~ 715 1,563 1,056 251 459 491 151 194 i I " I :i,485 912 3,43b, 878 3,113 857 2,287 560 1,184 324 1,172 1,17;:; 1,10;; 2,~~~ 752 ~~~ 435 ~:~!~ ~:~g4,; i:~~~ I I 155 \ 9,843 --------':--------.'_-------'------.----------1--------·:---------1--------- ___ ..;'I;.,;O;.,;T;,,;AL;;;;;;S;..._...;,; ...;,;;I!.,· _',:;12:,;8;,:;,":;';' 1;,;;8:.-;:_,;,;58:;.:,,;48;,3;,,,"~.m~,;;;5,;,:7,:;;.25;.;1;....~1..;;:5;;;;8~,68;;;;6::_..~1_:5;.;;4;:;,8;;;2;,3,-\i~4;;;,9;;:"oJ;;,;·64;.;' ';...L...l..' _ • .;;.~.;:,~<!;;:;t?!?~",,_...:.i...;!...;,;;,5~~~8,;,3...J.1_...;5.;..5;..4;.;.6__:1_46_2_,6~ 102 :?:~. :'iumbf'1' of pupils promoted 01' cot dm-inu :'ITY to a higher Standard on lst July, YI-.;U' ended 30th June, 1945, t hc School I To 1st I Std, I - T() 2nd ! I Std. I -1.2:;nl1.30~1 Cav nu Dorlf'JZ<!1 2.408 s.us: 1.0;;0 '1.1.06 To 3Td --- ------- ----- : To 14th Rtd.' St.!. I I To 5th I see: To sth O!IO 2.176 2.229 1.033 943 ' Std. 1.20311:209-1.N3 :U~l 194~. To ,th I Std. I Tot" 1 -~21-~~OO ~7~1--'~ 1.::;4J 1.2Jal 818 '1'0 18th \ Std. 64!; 10..'i42 577 210 6,727 9,011 1 1.37;; Chu'" Cork 1,7% (,it~· Cork Couuty. 1.354 1.381 1.377 1.352 1,143 769 260 1.731 I,7~~ 1.602 1.506 1,307 850 479 11,0;;2 4.098 4.000 4.061\ 3,900 3.n15 3.498 1 2.G12 z.em 2.3--19 2.25;') 2.2'i'R 2.26:; 1,983 I 1.498 Limerick City 1.147 1,118 952 874 720 Limerlr-k County 1.701 1,684 1.686 1.666 1,614 1,342 2,499 2,379 2.37:' 2.247 2.087 1.R63 1.143 627 615 77;' 829 Tij)pt~nll'y Wateriorrl (,i1~' Waterford County 857 8J(\ :;70 Carlow Dublin City. Dublin County ,173 ".;;B:~ R.JOI 1,851 2,002 1. ifH"l l.flGfl 1.2,0 1.102 1.0"0 1.080 Kilkenny 1.209 1.277 1.10,-, J,18o 171 ~,9lJ 137 5,1;;;; 79 3.596 1.769 38,\)93 205 10,967 1.53J ':::1 9;;1 1,106 J,085 717 146 6.95n 304 8,139 {SI ti:lt.i 328 ti!1 Louth 1.:128 1.201 '.Ieath 1,117 1.IO~, 1, I90 1.140 1.08:' 1.040 1,003 5:,)] 8~6 1.046 %7 Wr:-:.tlllt'tlth 1.11fl !l85 \Y~xftlrd J.7-4-t 1.57!) l..~:)H \Vil'klo\\' 1.0!)~ 1.lO8 gn 3.121 3.075 :j.041l 3,022 7!)S H02 807 80G 762 619 ~.i22 27071 2.62n' 2.296! t.etl rhu 2.tiS2 )[H~'t~ . I{o,comm"" /' 1,128 ___________ 6,305 1 Lougtord ---TOTAL." 4.223 6.\140 ~\)j"1 O~7 Laoighis Sligo 220 262 431 ,")81 !l.BO!1 27,371 711 15,540 266 10,811 384 598 9.209 10,559 Kildare 345 ],280 2,ii'tl 424 823 1.180; 1.212 1,0011 1.0:32! 1,043 0(1) '....7:-'1 l.'-)lB 1.-1201 \161 7~H 7;;4 2,83312.587 :l2!; JO,178 43~ 167 6,417 479 1638 i 958, SOl 1,755 J,2UOI1,150jl,1l1/ 1,007 :::1 :::~~ I J,2i2 !)2~ :~:I::::: 584 791 !lOO 20,338 209 5,281 6381 18,O~:! 6881 ;5791' 1:1,123 575 282 6,689 -r~'2-:S98( 53,714i 5l.i23'W,760~! 47,390140,695126.988'lll.i\8113:J47;) -..!..' ' I • L :!!. ~UMBER OF PUPILS O\' 't'HR ROI,LE'i ARRANGE/) Date I -I autlt June, 1941. W4:: _ 128,U~ I 1:!7,:HO 1944, 12fJ,577 128,318 • ,, .56,975 I 57,82!J ii8,678 58,483 I :1,',[ I .37,550 .;7.605 I .i6,268 ,;7,566 .36,409 i .3.3,323 2nd 4-th I I I I 57,15U 56,7(;7 1)7,684 ii6,60!) !)7,:Uil 58,686 5;;,098 , 54,611 54,823 I I, I I 'l'HE LA.~T FIVE YEARS 7th I 8th I 5th 6th 50,78H 38,470 Total 18,:376 37,364 17,703 6.726 465,673 17,23~ 6.:315 464,832 16,045 5,676 463,600 5,f)46 ! 462,64~ 1---'--,--- I 58,23:> 127,28:1 1!l43 ]94:' Ist Inlr.nt~ f\CCORlltNG TO STANDARnSFOR 50,324 I 6.HI 472,145 f-' 50,737 36,357 50,328 34,392 49,864 1 34,088 I \, 1 ]5,583 i 0 Cl:> lOll 104 ::!.-,.. '\U:\IJlER OP I'HDIARY TIl:ACHERS 30th .TUYFJ, 1945. Principal n.rul Assiatant Teachers" .J unior Assistant El\fPLOYRD ON THE MEN WOMEN 3,754 4,931 TOTAL 8,685 1,386 1,~86 '1.7. 'rEACHFJ . WHO LE.I<"[ 'rID] SERVICE DU.RING E~TDED 30tb JUNE, 1945. ~ en )f(>1llbers of Religious Orders of :Jlonk. 01' Nuns who "re members of the minimum recognised staff required by the Regulations in Monastery or Convent National Schools paid by Capitation. Supera.nnulIote'i 1,5';;6 368 2,02-10 ~4 r 40 ---------14------Totals . 208 541 8,!)l4- 4.330 04 749 w ~Iwomen r Died Mileellaneoul Lay Assistant Teachers who are members of the minimum recognised staff required by the Regulations in MOIlastery or Convent National Schools paid by Capitation TOTALS Wome 85 \'E.\t> Assistants Prinoipa 11 Mistresses THE I 99 I 52 1( Junior \ Grou Assistant Total Mistresses I ~ 63 12 17 26 2 13 15 4 45 64 33 70 103 21 188 181 37 407 '-189 i 11\1$ Total 46 136 . I ]2,844 28. SCr'U.JES OF SALARIES OF 'l'EACHERS. The toregoi ng figures have reference to the normal staffs of the schools required to warrant the payment of grants. In addition to these teachers, members of the Community and Supernumerary Lay Assistants arc in many cases employed in Convent and Monaster? • ational Schools to supplement the staffs required by the Regulations, but grants are not allowed by the Department in respect of such teachers. Lay Assistants who are included as members of the minimum rcoogrusrxl ~ta!t' of the school rvqu i red by the Regulations are paid personal salaries bv tile Department-an adjustment being made in the amount of Capitation Grant paid to a school in which such Lay Assistants are employed. 26. XUi\fBEH OF ]>ERSO~S APPOIN'l'ED FOR. THE FIRST 'rIME M, I'RJKCIPAIJ, ARSIS'rANTS OR LAY ASSJSTA.K'l' TEACHERS IJUlHl\"(, THl,) VRAR l<~NnED 30th JU~l~, 1945. ,\Il~S \YOM];jN 86 TOTAL 118 These tigu res do not .nclude teachers who had been uut of the service on ~Oth June. 1944. and who were re-appointed as principal, assistant or 1<J,v assistant teachers during the year; neither do they include temporal'." additional assistant teachers appointed under the Special Scheme to schools in which the existing staff was insufficiently qualiflcd in Irish. '. HH.). (1) Schools 'ith a.n average attendance of 30 or more pupils. The normal cale for men principal teachers (trained) is £hU rising by seve een annual increments to £303. If highly erneient they then ente a supernormal scale and proceed by five annual increments to axima varving, with the average attendance of pupils. IJ urn £340 to J.; rii. 204 In addition. 20 .J unior Assistant Mistresses. of whom 1 was trained. were appointed. ~ 'I'hcre were, on :30tl1 .J UIl Teachers. Revised seal s of salaries for National Teachers came into operalion from 31st October, 1946. The scales in operation prior to that date were thos which had been introduced on Lst April, 1934, with, in addition, a increase of 5% which was granted from Ist April, 19:38. Particulecs of the 19:~4 scales are as follows (figures shown should be in er ased in each case by 5% in order to show rates in operation in t e period Ist April, 19B8. to BOth October, 1946, inclusive) , a fCII' vacancies fat' Princtp-rl 'I'he normal scale [01' women principal leachers (trained) is £.128 rising by Jourte n annual increments of £8 and one of £(; lO £,2-J,,,. If highly efficient they then enter a supernormal scale and proceed by five annual mcrements to maxima varying from £270 to j;'.?f.l5. Trained assistant teachers. men and women, have respectively the same normal s .ales as principal teachers, but their maxima ill the supernormal sc le are £340 and £270 respectively. ••Includes teachers who Jeft the service and do not appear to have of from £340 to £377. 106 107 (2) Schools with an ave rage of 20·29 pupils. The normal scale is £12\8. rising hy fourteen ann I incre £8 and one of £6 to a mlaximum salary of £246. I highly n:~t~ 01 the principal teachers of stuch schools are then eligib e for fi c1ent . the sunerrnormat scale, making the increments m aximuve ann"~1 •••• 1::262. m salary (3) Schools with all on') re 19-1·) . ?9.7 per cent. I. ~ . 68.S per cent. were Etfictenr "Oth J bfficient. Oficient 30. LOCAL ,\11) TO 'l'EACHIXG S'l'AFFS. aid l Local ;11 . the vt: dunng - aveerage of 10·19 pupils. Scale, £128 by £8 to £2t08. (5) Untrained the teaching staffs amounted ._ ended :30ll1.Iune, 194;:0. I z,7JU Teachers with special quralifications and satisfyin as to efficiency, etc., are gn'anted annual bonuses as (a) Teachers who have ccompleted a three years' or who have obtaimed a Teaching Diploma University lectul'es-£8 for men and £7 for (b) Graduates of a Unltveraity and teachers ho Certificate of the Dep>artment-£16 for men a (c) Teachers holding thee Higher Diploma-£25 for women. (d) Infant School 'I'eacheees with the Higher Froel the regulation3 fo11ows:urse of tratninp y attendance ut women. ing the Higher £13 for women. or men and £20 20;{ 29. NUMBERS OF PHINCIPAL, ASSISTANT AND LAY ASSISTANT 'rEACHERS IN 'I'HE SERVICE ON 30th JUN!JJ], 1945, RECEIV' ING THE NOltMAlL AND SUPERNOR~ AL SCALES Of' SALARIES. Tonl Women Men 6,99' Normal Scale . . . . . . . . . . .. . .............. 4.043 2,943 2.·H Supernormal Scale 1,429 J .019 Totals 3.962 5,472 -- 9.~:ll Trained 'Iota I Untrained 13 1,732 93 4,048 53 2,040 466 ,u:n r, 458 7J 4,830 I I ----I 74!l 83 ----_. ---- I TOTA /:.; 3,8!)J 9,434 642 The number of teachers in the service on 30th June, 19,15,who ha': a t ird year course of training was:~Iell Women Total 31-.1 70 384 -ompleted az, I Certificate-£7. (7) Annual Capitation Grant. Princtpals of Schools witth an average annual at ndance of thirtv pupils or over receive an a.nnual capitation grant 0 8s. for each pupil in average attendance up to a limit of 120 pupils. and capitation at the rate of 4s. per pupil om each unit in excess 0 120. Vice-Principals may be recognised in schools wit! an average atte'idance of 160 and receive lli capitation grant of 4s. for each pupil j'l excess of 120 up to a limit of 280. A second Vice-Principal r nay be recognised in a , hool of 320 pupils and receive a capitation gu-ant of -Is. for each pupil in excess of 281) up to a limit of 440. Untrained 97H Lay Assistant- Quali1icatioul!!!i. .-- I~'rain<~_1 A.sistanls -- I Women )[pn Prinripals £2.115 13s. 6d. teachers in the service on ;lOth June, 1945. 1--' ____ to about .\SO UN'rRAISED TEACIDJRS. Trained am untrained Teachers. The scale for untrainecR women teachers is £11 , rrsmg by one annual increment of £:i, [rollowed by four annual in .cmerits of £4 .(, £131. (6) Special 11' 31. TJ{M~EJ) (4) Special Increments. Teachers while passing through the normal sea e are eligible receive triennially special increments for highly effi ent service. Th~ amount of the increment iis equal to the amount of he increment itl the normal scale which xwould be appropriate at e date as from which special increment i1S granted. of the _teachers were Highly . and J.;:O per cent. were Non- Uni versity Assistants Princtpajj, UNIVERSrry GRADUATES. 'aduates in the service on 30th June. 1945: . ......... ... . .. . .. ... ... ... ~: ~ ~:oen ~6~n 367 Total;;- I ""635- Total 5]8 ,195 W 128 - 878- --_.------------ :13.QUALIFICATIONS I~ IRISH OF :\LIJ TEACHERS SERVING T\' ~~ATION.,\LSCIIOOL~ O~ 30th JC:\,E, 19·15. - ---------------------------------------------Without anv Cert ificat« With Ord inarv Cort iticmo W· ..' c It11 B11ll1b'UalCcrt iucato W· c Ith Ard Teastas . ------------------------------- . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,:304 \ 2,691 . I "'~~~;o~a; 8.803 - Percentage I 9.5 19.6 1 64.2 \ .......,.13-,~-~-~--IIO~:: -------------~------------------------~--------~---ThiS an include6 about ROO Supernumerary Teachers serving in Convent d Monal';tcl'Y:\ ational Schools paid by Capitation. I '1 108 :34. ANNUAL EXr\MIN ATlONS. Pl"illla9' Cl'rtiIicate Examination held on the 8th .June (a) (b) Other Examinations. 1945 Table relatmg to t~e number of pupils who were p 'esented fol' the Prtmary School Certificate Examination in each cou ty the number who pas>'ed and the percentage of those presented W'ho passed. . No.of Puplls in 6th Std. 011 the 30th .June, 1945 County I No. of Pupils /NO.OfPuI Is presented for who pass d examination , 350 325 832 Percentage of pupils who passed 78.8 712 497 69.8 958 779 6-.)9 84.7 Cork 4.052 3,796 3,007 79.2 Donegal 1,572 J,358 939 69.1 Thlblin 6,8:!2 7,002 ~.847 69.2 Galway 2,287 J,8()9 1,522 ' 80.1 Kerry 1.697 J.,7!O 1,185 68.0 53:) 405 75.7 534 71.7 Cla.re Kildare ;}89 . Kilkeuny 890 Laoighis 473 I I i 7+., 351i I 209 58.7 I 29 58.9 I 1,10' 74.4 560 I 492 Limerick 1,H 11 I 1,408 Longford :3!1l :l06 21 70.6 Louth 787 j 746 47 64.1 1,721 1,25 72.6 :)65 42 74.3 Leitrim Mayo I.••• 2,040 t\ Meath 67-10 Monaghan 681 ·;6:l 39 70.5 Offa.ly .330 468 33 71.6 Roscommon 954 791 53 67.6 Sligo 7.)~ 679 47 70.3 1,463 1,291 1,03 80.1 Waterford 937 7!J4 58 73.0 Westmeath ;;65 637 43 68.3 wexford 980 847 58 69.5 Wicklow 632 ;;21 35i 67.9 34,088 31,076 Tipperary TOTAL - li--~-I---256 Carlow 22,54J~ 72.5- . This Ipxamination is compulsory for all pupils qp the rolls of the sixth or higher standards who have not previously sat for the Exammatton and who are not absent owing to reasona le cause. 11 - Easter Preliminary Examination* Examination Training for Students in College Course Examination for Certificates in NO. of Candidates 1l)4 . Final j Year of . ristr] 183 314 F;xamination for Entrance to Preparatory Colleges and for Scholarships to pupils from the Ffor Ghaeltacht .. ,." , ' ,, "."., . 895 Examination tor Scholarships in Secondary and Vocational Schools (County and County Borough Schemes) and for schools under Erasmus Smith Schools Act Scheme .... ' ... 2.255 * Candidates (other than Preparatory College Students) for adrnission to the Training Colleges and candidates for appointment "., Temporary entrained Assistant Teachers are summoned to a Preliminary Examination at Easter and, if successful, are admitted to the Leaving Certificate Examination in the following June. Of the 764 candidates, 596 were candidates for entrance to training and 163 were candidate untrained assistant teachers. -t Of these, 7 were examined for the Teastas and 1 passed, 216 were examined for the Teastas Dha Theangach and 142 passed, and 9] were examined for the Arc1Teastas and 17 passed. : , 110 :n. CARLISLE AXD 111 BLARE PHEi\UUJ\(S. RLAKE PREi\HU:\18 FOR :JOth JU. -E, 1945. (,ARI,TSLl<: .\XD THE VF,\R (Amonnt of each Premium-£7 THE (',\RI,ISLE ----- AXD BI,ARE PRE~nUM FUND. County Divi - 1. The Minister for Education is empowered to allocate to the teachers of ordinary Xational SChools the interest accruing from certain funds at his disposal in premiums, to be called c, The Carltsle and Blake Premiums." Teachers of Model Schools, Convent Schools. or other special schools are not eligible for these premiums. 2. The interest from tile accumulated funds available for premiums is distributed every year in promtums to the two most doservina principal teachers in each of the eight Jnspcctonar Divisions. subject to the following conditions:la) that the average attendance and the regularity c.mce of the pupils are satisfactory: (b) t hat a fair proportion of the pupils is enrolled of the atten- 7s. Od..) ----~~I,.:.::..:R-=o-=l1~i---R-'C-h-O-Ol-----"-'jl--·--N-a-m-e--of--Pr-inI 'ion i ~o. ----I·-)-r-a·y-o--113392: Leitrim i16035 1 eipal Kilkell~' Girls' X.. . I }fiss Agnes Cassidy I R x.s. -v- Cloonsarn 5046 Mcenncladdy Donegal 2 Donegal 16671 R. ~. Cnoc na Naomh :J GaJwa~' 113n :'Ira.vl) I S. N. Rosmno . nu S. (Buachailli) S. N. Chainnigh Mac Giolh Phadraig I Padraig Bonar Naofa I Laois 16939 4- Gahm~' 16428 Garafine 5 Dubln 17148 S. N. Eoin Baisdo (Cailini) S. N. Baile na gCailleach Thomas in the higher ! hOi81n Mac an Bhaird )i[iss Annie }L Dooley 4- x.s. 6 Stiophan I Tomas llAille ]23.;0 Peadar -Iohn McGinley X.R. 2 3 Teache r. 1------------1----------- Mrs. ~f. A. Morrissej' Aim' Xi Cheannuinn standards: (c) that. if a boys' or mixed school, taught by a master in a rural district. the elements of the sciences underlying agriculture al-e fairly taught to the boys of the senior standards; and, if a girls' school (rural or town l. needlework is carefully attended to; Westmen.th 16868 6 Lim-riok 1l~08 Bnllyguiltenane Girls' N.S. Mrs. ~\fargaret Culhane 6 7 7 (d) that the state of the school has been reported during the orevious two years as satisractor-; in respect of efficiency, mor-u tone, order. cleanliness. dtscipltne. school records, supplv of requisites and observance of the rules. 3. No teacher in nve years. is E'ligiblE' for a premium .. more frequently t han 011f'E' Lynch 5 I Kerry 1703 Cork 14198 Corcaigh Gueeveguilla s. ~. an Aingil Ohoimhdheachta 9647 S. N. Barr Achadh an Bhile 8 8 Kilkenny 3808 'I'h nnastown '.K.ilke'11IY 13333 ('l ..ggah X.15: --------- Charles O'LeaI',' Hoys·~.R. .Ioseph \ Boy's :\T.S. O'Leary Diarrnuid 0 iobhain Peadar Laf an Suil- 1 Donnchadha 13. .__ ,.?ocl~al~t~i~~ .. () 112 36. THE REm BEQ EST. , Under the Reid Bequest Scheme for the advancement of Education in the County Kerry, awards are made from the funds at this Department's disposal to six of the most efficient National Schools attended by boys in the County Kerry for the purpose of assisting boys of • Jimited means to attend the schools more effectually, by providing 1hem with books and clothes. or by the payment of money for their use and benefit. The schools arc selected u-lennially by the Di vlslonul Inspector, with the approval of th is Department. The following table shows the six schools selected for the trlennial period which commenced on tst July, 1944, and the amount allocated to each school in respect of the school year 1945-46:- Roll No. Amount Allooutcd for Sohoo l Manager ..... School \'(';\r ]!)4.'i!-W -------. 9850 O'Brennan 9874 Ard Fhearta 9i76 Kimego , An t Al hn ir ~r. ci 1>011I1}1('h;1"" "pry Rev .. J .. J. Canon :'I[o.\-nihftll. P.P.. Y.F .. S.']'. L. B. £ :!-i s. d. 3. 9 21 -i !) 1I -1 2 1>. F. O'Snllivun. P.I'. ~:~l3 :2 An t Abhair T. Suipea], P. P. .'i l8 0 10775 Knockanure Ht'\'. 14086 Emlaghdrinagh l6892 Fionan Naomhtha ,"pry He\-. T. Canon , \,Y. Lyn-. P.P., I, 2 2 - TEACHERS' PENSIONS. On 31st Decem bcr, J 945, the Pensions gl"a uted were as follo,,"s :-I1 'irK 11 ·11 \VOME/( TOTAl, il----=-~'~------I,!---,-----li.---.----"-11 No. J.046 Pensions granted during year ended 31st December, 19'5:On Disablement On Ordinary Retirement On Retirement owing to Inefficiency Increases under Pensions (Increase) Act, 1\)20, TOTAL Pensions ceased during the year ended December, 1945,through death Reduction under Pensions (Increase) Act, 1920 Pensions ceased on re-appointment TOTAL I £ I I1 No. 173,.i6() 2,078 No. £ :!39.846 £ 3,124 +13,41 :l 27 2,014 n,315 a02 M 11 I I I 1 8 6~) l J 737 13,U66 J 43 :!7 I I I11 19 8\) ;2 1 l,3il7 10,249 159 7 I!I----'-----!!i- ------1 U24 l87 J39 :2.188 2.31,.398 100 I !,:!tl2 il' I LiS :l 2 3,:312 +39,137 ii 1.3.0\):~ l81) ?.J.,2!):; I1 11 _l_8_1__ l74,:!65 I,I--l-0-:-I- IL~:~-=11--- 18-:-- ri ::>,t)~.j ::>40.21 G The figurv» in itn lics do not uifect the number "I' pensioners. :~,128· ·-~-)4-,~-~:-~--1-[4.481 114 38. COtA1St::i uttri-UtCA111 C;;'-·Cot&rC;-(~ur;--·--~ 10n.6." 6.n •.n mero rcot.i.l!,i Fell"r:e..1r tlFtl1L mero ScelAl)'! COUlrC~. tnu,c. CAlt rA Cot.i.1rce .6.11n -0(11) . ------ Cotilp:e em"08 b6t,,), n" <::)li5", \.611 R6-01\l1il1nne"c 111. (120) "00 l)u.6.c.•l1t\.i 5.6.'Wrh. ne b1'un, "0:0., C,,,,;Uce,,c,, (Ill i)l"r re"t.6.""c: \ e.lrp05 n.6. 5,,'ttlrhe Cot.au-ce 11.6.0rh Pi"o)''''5 'Ouornconn)I"C, b",te .&t.o. CU.6.e.) ().n R6-01)lIi111111e<.lC S. eotalr"" fOr.6.5..!.m b",te 111Ul1'ne, "0."0., S. o e Ro'rce, \120) "00 l)u"c,,'lUl Co. CO)lC.6.'5e_ e.6.rp05 Cl.u.6.n.... Urh.6.. C.6.1ct1Ce.6.C.6.. :M""M(:'ft~lbtt':Jii<' 0.11 H6:011\1tllnne,(\(- .0.. :~ot,!.1rce mo,1:Ii (81) Se'pe.6.t tor-on.oo. L, -oe b.6.l'cun, "0."0., 00 l)U.6.C6.,tti .6.5Ur b.6.,te .&t.6. Ct.iae, '&)I"O-e"rp05 l).6.1te Cz tl.in! ('n "J1"r r"6.t,I"O,,6 .&e.6.CIMt. P)lOC6.rCun.6.c.6. 22 S)I. 111u')l1:Ite.6.nl1 . UM!c")I.6.c) . 50 68t 3* 37 ('oU1J'ce b)li5"Oe (\11 P"tC6.)')I"'C, "Ci)l (\n H6-0ql1iI1lInp"t l. m",c C1nnr<.lot.6.'-o, ( I 00) "0 C.6.'tinl COI1.6.,tt. "0."0 .. C.6.,ctlce.6.c.6.. e.6.rp05 rt..!.t.6..l)6t. i W~'\'!~'t;~,:;f:-.t:·,':!)J!i!~~~ Cot.air-ce Ine (100) .6n R6-01\lIil111neAt "00 C.6.'tfnl "O.6.,n5e.6.n Uf COlre C.6.,ctlce<.lc". Co , C'''l')I.6.,-oe- ' m. 0 b)lI.6.II1. "0."0., e,l)'p0J; Cl.6.1'l'.6.lbe. V~''';'''''' Cot.air-ce mUl)1e !lOO) -0O C61Un! CU"'1' 111,c e.6.-o615, .6n R6-0l)lrhlnn0AC Co 111u'5eo, S_ S. b)1e"tnM:. "0."0 . C~'CtlC""C6, .&1'-o-e~rp05 tUAmA 86 97 8U 121 300 "-,.-. 421 -----. ---_._-_. -.--- C.i '&)J11te rll.<\ rI51U1J1! "00 Cot.air-ce for.<\5.illl 7 mbU.<\C.<\1lU .0.11 1 bJ10nll.<\U rCOl'&1J1e.<\cc.<\ me.&n-ScOlle r.& r-ceim no, R01l1ne [941, 1942, 1943 .<\sur 19440lltU -"sur .<\ CU1J1e.<\u50 Ullri1u C.&1I1 , r.i rOCJ1u re.<\l.<\'O.<\c, 111 1011.<\'01.<\'0 '00 -"J1ti1e.ill-Scol.o.. 'Oci CU!' * All CJ11UJ1bu.<\C.<\)lli 11 sCOl'&lrce Col.i1rce. '0 en Cot.au-ce momt, C011111.61'Ol.<\rmu1S 39. N ",,!e of Colleee Manager TRAININC QOLLEGES.* Date from which recognised ---- Students in Training Sesaion 1944/45 ----- First Year Students No. at Com- No. at Close\' S~ Examined mencemeut of Session of Session I ---------------'It_ Patrick's ' (Drumcondra, --------------- Dublin) HiB Grace, the Most Rev. John C. McQuaid, n.D., .Archbishop of Dublin. "Our Lady ol Mercy" (Carysfort, Park, Blackrock, Dublin). Do. "Church of Ireland" Dublin) (Kildare Place His Grace, the Most Rev . .Arthnl' W. Barton, n.n., .Archbishop of Dnblin. "l{ary (LiOJ Immaculate" c. rick) ,I Most Rev. P. o'Neili, D.D., Bi shop of Limerick 1 1st September, 1883. NIL NIL 1 1st September, 1st September, Ist September, 1.883. 188~. 1001. Eiual Year Students including re-trials if an,' ---:-----:-- 20V 37 ! No. Exam,ned No. Passed, xu, I 206 37 II 80!' 1H 114 93 89 17 17 21 16 50 50 30 :l0 I 1 80 ~lfj No. decl;;;; eligible for, recall for 2ndYeal' I -------------+ -- -~--I----~~,:~~-~j~~---3:-1--1-8-l.--,----l.-81---I--:,;t-;:~ "In addition to the Training Colleges indicated above, the train ing given to (a) members of the Order of Irish Christian Brothers in St. Marys Training College, Marino, Dublin, rnd (b) members of other Orders of Brothers at the De La Salle Training College, Waterford, is recognised by the Department, and a modified grant in respect of such training is paid to the authorities of these Colleges. The num bel' of students who successfully completed the course of Training in the Session 1944-45in St. Mary's College, Mar mo, was 21 and in De L'I Salle Training College, Waterford. was 18. " 117 116 40. SPF.CIAL GRANTS LI\UNDRY School year I Subject Cook ery Laun dry Cook ery and Laun dry Dom estic Econ omy I I I I Total ------.~ 41. VAN AND ~chool 1943/~. Amount paid therefor (1944/45 financial year). Number of National Schools. £ s. YPRr 1944/45. [Number of National Sc-hools. I d. County Amount paid there for (1945/46 financial vear). £ d. I. 290l 69 3~~ l 6,917 19 6,714 f) 6 .) 64\ ':J 453 BOAT FOR THE TEACHING OF COOKERY, OR DOMESTIC ECONO:\IY. I 10 J I 433 As a general rule grants in respect of instruction given in a particular school year, ended on 30th June, are paid in the financial vear ended 31st March next following. The amount paid in the financial year 1944-45 included £358 4s. 6d. for instruction in Cookery, Laundry or Domestic Economy given to National School pupils in twenty-one Vocational Schools during the school year 1943-44; and the amount paid in the financial year 1945-46 included £270 (is. lld. for similar instruction in seventeen Vocational Schools during the school year 194;4-45. Carlow Cavan Clare Cork. Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laoighis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommor, Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow TOTALS . I SERVICES IN OPER.\'.rJON 31st MARCH, 1945. Van Servic~s under General Rule 30 (2). ' Van Services under special scheme for conveyance of Protestant children to school. O.\' TilE Boat Services. 1 3 1 1 <I 12 2 3 1 4 I 1 4 4 4 1 5 2 2 2 1 I 3 2 I 2 2 I 1 4, 7 17 60 5 118 12. S'I.'A'J.'EMENT 0)<' *EXPEXDITURE FROM PUBLIC FUNDS O~ PJUMARY EDUCA1'ION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1943. Service *Expenditv.re TR"U~ING COLLEGES: Training Colleges under Private Repayable Advances Students Preparat-ory Colleges of Training to Colleges providing Primary Teachers Examinations SCHOOl,S: Principals, Assistants, Schools, and Capitation College Fees to 1,278 0 () 36,823 11 10 Grants KATIONAL £ 8. d. 34,364 10 7 ~fanagement etc., Courses in Irish :l8.J- 8 8 il,966 18 11 in Ordinary Teachers for of Schools and Model paid by 8 4- Model Schools (Miscellaneous Expenses) :!.,77:3 9 3 Van and Boat Services 5,353 12 9 Incidental il,509,149 Expenses 81 16 10 :!.6 lJ 0 4!J,175 18 4 Free Grants of School Requisites Grant towards the cost of Heating, Cleansing of Out- Offices Teachers' etc., of Schools and Residences 6:20 )() Bonus to Parents or Guardians of certain Pupils in the Gaeltacht and Brcac-Ghaeltacht Holiday Scholarships in Gaeltacht Grant towards *he cost of Free neoeasi tous children Superannuation, 6 17,630 1,000 0 0 0 0 .3.861 7 0 ·(:31.208 10 .) School Books for etc., of 'I'eachers . GROSS TOTAL Deduct Receipts NET TOTAL :!. 4,099,788 97,095 14 J3 8 4,002,693 0 6 -----------------------------------~----------- .•To these figures must be added a due proportion Administration, Inspection. etc. of the cost lJt APPENDIX I I I. -- I- Ill. Al>PB~IHX SECONDARY E])UCA'l'IOX S'I'A1'IS'rICS. l.-Schools and Pupils. ~. r. Table showing for the I I Schools 1944A5 Boys Girls :\Iixed I 0 11. ----- I I B081'dN~ 63 99 If) I I 379 l C'I - 166 174 39 I .... Boys B08rd<'>Ts -_ .._-/----- Number I .... Totals and the Year. number of Pupils in I I I! Number I Number of taking Type of School 19-1-1-4.5, the number 'of recognised Schools, as classified, at Secondary classes at the beginning of the School School Year <,ttendance 6,56:l I I 6,84:1 177 I H.195 241 11.29fi 941 6,4:36 12,237 i.06!} ! I ]5,662 I -- I I 22,fi05 I I I -- -- 17,491 1,182 I Day Pupil, I I I I I 6.563 6,195 521 Grand Total I I I i 14,87:~ 11.296 1,730 i 21,436 17,491 2,251 I 18,673 I I I Boarders I - , -- I I Total I I , 21,4:3£; 789 I Day Pupils r Bourders ; 14,87:) -- ---j---------------I Totn,l Girls I 'rota 1 I -- I 280 I Day Pupils of Pupil" 13,:.179 I I 27,899 41,178 . , I Irish. and Bilingual Schools.-TABLE showing for the School Year 1944-45 the number of Schools admitted to Class A, J3 (1) and J3 (2), and the number of Pupils of the prescribed l!.~(, in attcndanco et SlIPj, F;r'hooh at tbe beginning of the School Year. --- Number ._------.. .. To ta ls . -- -- - .... I 100 .... I --- - B (1) - - 6,197 132 I I 1,407 146 B (2) A 4,200 48 4.181 ti 32 22 1 6,100 33 59 55 4,248 4,317 6,133 6,329 I - ----- 136 I I ---- --- - Total I ]3 (I) 3-J. l!J 37 59 4 .B (2) A B (1) A ----- ---Gids Boys 1944·45 Boys' Schools Girl.lo' Schools Mixed Schools of Pupils .--- Xumbel: of Schools B (1) .B (2) 4,181 1,407 282 6,100 2.24J 6.• .3,870 8,406 A B (2) - 4,200 6,197 180 2,241 32 1,553 2.273 - -- ~-- 10,577 I "ill Ill. Subjuta.-TABLE .howing for the School --- ,. ~ '0;: I urwill{/ Certificate: Boys Girls Internudiate Ce1'tificate : .... Boys Girls .... Totals .... . H 194(·(5 the number of pupils mentioned of the Department's Programme. Yt'IU in Table (1) ••bove studying I •... " ..,== til .<:I •••• 'C~,...:l •••• 5.158 4,348 - - 15,349 12,905 • I I 9,506 28,2541 ~ ~~ ~ ;:s ..ab.() '" ~ .~ d .!:J...:! - 5,174 4,388 - 1,926 1,322 3,2481 9,562 " ~== '" ~~" ..:.: ~f ~b.()",Sel bO.E ~.~ ~ 03 '•.." s~ ~...:l Cl'" I .- - .s: c :;; '" d ,...:l 1 I ~ cO '" .~ 0 ..., d ..., ..... P. 00 iE ;.:::l " c::> 13 16,8811\431 14,217 63 4,289 2,897 16,341 1 6,575 12,517 69 11 31,10614941 3,815 29.791/21,059 '"" ...,•.. oil '<:IS ~~ p..., p.,ol -<~ Leaving Certificate : Boys .... Girls .... Intermediate Certificate : Boys Girls .... .... 241 1 - - 4,716 2,159 "~ '0 " en .;!! s 0 - '" ..Q , 0 - 201 -3681 24170 ~ 5 '<:I p., :;; Tot~ls ~ ~ ~ El... ., o ~ :>.. ;t:. oil ••• ;;" "'-;; 0.- ';';; .., S o o .~ I'l p'; 211 P-IO -<aJ e-, 6D.:£ il c iECl 4,299 3,1.96 - 4,172 3,944 - 8,116 - 1,(l17 88 9,504 3,643 - 00 ~ ~ " Cl '" ;>, 0 ~ .- 123 374 - - 658 28 - - - - - 19 140 - 16;-: 6011 -- ~ ..., •..d 01 ::.I 497 -------- 5,132 3,959 1,400 1,840 356 307 451 2,247 636 1,873 9,139 17,321 9,038 12,470 03 •• ~~ - T,812 --.------ 1,246 4,783 21,417 38,882 + '~" 1,812 • - .~ 0 »d,;I 00 >= ~~ .;; ..., £IJ:: El" 0 A ~ ~",...,e 0.. I>:l - '" I 617 -' <) ..........'" d ~d I 251 350 2.51 A ~ es ]'~ ...,~ 4] 40 ,,41; 242/13.1471'-;]-;;- j 8 ;> e '" ~:a -::la SA ".,'"" <) '<:I Z '0 201 50 - ~ 17,312 14,277 '" ;; 540 1 - .., .~ - 8,095 31,589 I - ...,0 ee '" Cl a ~ El" El c 03 b.() I "1- 44 ~~ [::00 ... :;; "•..." ol-a dl 00 0 so •c, ]:>.. p. :>.. •... ..Q 37 61 916 1 - ,... ..Q 825 3,428 - I I I the 'O"[niou8gubiect~ . I - 1,578 - 391 7,077 --- --- --617 -- 8,651) 391 ---- 123 122 IV.-TABLE showing, for the School Year 194445, the Claulftcatton of Schools according to Numbers or l-uprls ill u,,_ndancc ..; ,u-: Bee-inning of the School Year. Number of Pupils in Attendance Boys' Schools Number of Schools Girls' Schools Mixed Schools --88--' Under 100 100 and under ]50 and under 200 and under Over 300 18 10 36 19 10 2 166 174 39 379 22 Totals Total 232 65 28 150 200 300 41 28 13 V.-TABLE showing, for the School Year 1944-45,the distrlbution, according to classes, of the pupils mentioned in Table Cl) above. INTERllEDIA TE CBRTll'lOATB Ist Year 2nd 3rd 4th " " Totals 5,282 4,928 3,944 3,161 3751 3,663 3,835 3,042 17,315 14,291 LBAVING 1st Yea,r 2nd Year Total8 Grand Total Girls Boys Class .... 2.862 2,328 .... .... I Total -----9,033 8,591 7,779 6,203 31,606 oP:l!TIFICATlt I I I Number of Pupils .••.hose homes are situated therein AREA 37 1 0 0 1 ]07 Vr.-TABLE showing the Areas in which the residences of the Pupils mentioned in Table (J) above are situated. -- - -- ----- - ----~------- Oounty Carlow 5:?4 591 1,426 4,802 644 10,546 2,046 1,706 662 1,096 3?''5 ~8 ~.31f> :356 !J03 1,893 H8il ,:;86 61(\ 871 695 ('avan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Leitrim Lsoighis Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford 'VicklQW Northern Ireland Grll&t Br:tian Other Countries Z.428 1,349 773 1,088 688 494 Jlll :!1 4J,[78 2,493 1,8BH 5,355 4,217 \ ------- I 3,190 4,382 9,572 22,505 18,673 41,172 - ---- - - ---- -- - -~--~-------~- _._-------- VII.-TABLE showing, by ages, the number of new pupils admitted to Secondary Classes in the school year 1944-45 (compiled from the Entrance Examination returns furnished by the schools). Age on Ist August, Under 12 Years 12 and under 13 years 13 and under 14 " 14 and under 15 15 years and over .. Totals 11MA. Boy. Girls Tot&l 456 2,2~9 2,G69 1,303 354 293 1,537 1,811 1,240 571 749 3,766 4,480 2,543 ~26 7,OIl 5,452 12,463 124 l<~xaJ1linatioll Statistics. VII.I. (1) Duration of Examinations, and Centres.-The Examinations for 1945,which began on the 11th June and extended over ten days, were held at 352 Centres in 165 different localities. The distribution ()f Centres was as follows:1945. Ce nt res for Boys t •.... ,,-' Centres fat' Girls 135 Joint -:::e-ttref:[0" Lloys and Girls 82 TOTAL ;;52 (2) Super-intendents and Examiners.-Excluding those of the Department's Inspectors who did not receive extra remuneration for this work, the numbers employed were:- In -----------_._-- Men 1945. Women Total Superintendents 177 176 353 Examiners. 188 78 266 (3) TABLE showing the general results of the Examinations. ------------;----~----------------------194-5 -I EXAMINATION BOYS: Lea ving Certificate Intermediate Certificate TOTAL GIRLS: Leaving Certificate Intermediate Certificate TOTAL G1-tAi,n TOTAL I ·1--;lmlb~-i--N-ll-rr-lh-e-l-: Number Examined I I I 1 1I j passed with Honours I I ! -P-e-r-c-en-t-a-g-e- passed without Honours 1,035 I I of thoso Examined who passe d 1,840 431 79.7 4.286 2,392 1,057 80.5 6,126 2,823 2,0.92 80.2 1,862 551 958 81.0 4,275 1,967 1,742 86.8 6,137 2,518 2,700 85.0 12,263 5,341 4,792 82.6 !' I --- .--- (~) Analitical Tables of the Results of the Examinations r-e- A.-INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE. 194!'i BOYS ._-------- ----------Litriocht na Gaeilge Gaeilge English Literature English Language Greek Latin French German Italian Spanish History and Geography Mathematics Elementary MathematiC!! Science Agricultural Science Domestic Science Commerce Music Drawing (Course A) " (Comae B) :M" nlJOl In.tnlCt,ion - - _._- Total Examined Percentage passed with Honours 55.1 _._-Total Percentage passed 2,949 1,321 4,091 186 912 3,852 767 6 3 10 4,270 4,281 50.9 44.419.8 16.7 33.3 50.0 53.0 47.5 91.4 81.6 89.8 100.0 78.3 75.8 52.483.3 100.0 90.0 88.2 78.7 2,40482 27.4 42.7 67.6 76.8 410 3 32 1,1107 48 17.6 68.3 66.7 66.7 65.6 90.6 28.9 87.3 Cl:?3 1::!.3 , -----~----- 46.5 (Girls only) GIRLS -.-- .. ----------Percentage Total passed with Honours Examined Total Percentage passed 92.4 85.2 93.0 LOO.O 3,163 1,099 4.106 153 54.4 1,622 3,071 58 :30.0 15.2 27.6 6H 56.474.1 4,259 1,245 2,995 1,004- 44.7 46.1 45.3 83.7 85.9 84.483.9 2,197 551 91 706 1,678 29.6 21.2 73.6 30.3 29.7 81.0 71.7 90.1 92.9 86.9 47.2 B.-LEAVING CERTI.FICATE-BOYS. To tal Ex&.mined ~'ota] Percentage passed J945 I 1,830 1,821 364 I, 689 181 9 43 I, 487 4,63 I, 1,790 27 2 83 332 80 23 1 60 17 Ga.eilge Englilh Greek LatiR French Gennan Italian Spanish History Geography Mathematics Applied )fathematic.l ... lIUliic Physics Chemistry General Science Botany .. Physiology and Hygiene Physics and Chemistry AgriculturlOl Science Commerce Drawing {Course A) (COUI'ie B) 89.1 98.9 88.5 82.3 75.7 55.6 100.0 100.0 85.4 91.1 74.0 51.9 100.0 4 3 927 929 40414 2 55 1 3 45 13 1 - 8 386 --- --- C.-LEAVING CERTI - , Percentage failed on Honours Paper 0.8 0') 1.0 0.5 11.5 75.9 97.6 76.9 71.7 61.2 55.6 .~ - - 5.5 700487.1 68.9 53.8 6.6 8.7 50.0 - - 3.6 22.4 ILl 53.6 71.8 97.1 30.0 28.6 71.4 LOO.O 100.0 88.2 - - 100.0 28.0 J6.0 20.0 37.5 100.0 36.3 10 40 ;; 157 Percentage passed on Pass Paper I 44.8 48.1 64.9 66.3 13.5 25.0 33.3 28.7 35.1 .0.6 21.4100.0 49.1 36.1 44.4 76.9 'J_,) ---- Percentage passed with Honours - - 75.0 U2.5 6\}.6 46.7 88.2 100.0 ]00.0 87.8 I 1,032 1,083 191 643 96 81.9 38 -------~------ Total . Examined in Honours - - 12.7 --- ---- -------- l'ICATE-GIRLS. 10-1-.) Total Examined ----_. Gaeilge Englislt Greek Latin French German Italian Spanish History Geography Matpematic5 Applied Mathematics Music Physics Chemistry General Science Botany Phyaiology a.nd Hygiene Physics and Chemistry Agricultural Science Domestic Science Commerce Drawing (Course A) (Course B) ----------------------------- -- Total Percentage passed Total Examined in Honours Percen tage pa sed WIth Honours I Percentage failed on Honours Paperl I Percentage passed on Pass Paper 45.5 45.4 1.7 0.4 67.2 (12.2 257 .~54 20 64.~ 22.0 :;0.0 10.3 .J.O 74.7 64.9 100.0 100.0 89.0 91.2 53.1 1,195 1,308 30 39.] :H.4 30.0 7.9 7.1 20.0 100.0 80.7 84.2 52.6 37 97.3 32 96.9 13 184 117 251 6 100.0 96.2 92.3 95.6 100.0 10 164]00 218 .3 4,0.0 65.9 69.0 50.0 :W.O 3.7 4.0 4-.1 100.0 95.0 70.6 93.9 100.0 631 64 264 478 97.1 93.8 94.3 592 31 233 ~ll .'')0.2 32.2 36.1 21.5 2.4 3.2 6.4 14.1 89.7 90.9 100.0 82.e 1,861 1,859 89.4 97.7 841 1,180 24- 82.4 76.5 95.8 1 1,657 1,618 1,641 Rd-.7 1,330 1,371 80.0 1-:> -I 128 lX.-RECOGXlTlO-,," OF CLI\f';RES (FOJ,LOWIXG THE PROGRAMME) IX PRIMARY SCHOOLS. J~!) SECOXDARY The number' of Primary chools which applied during the School Year 19~ J-I.) to have Classes receiving instruction in the Secondary Programme recognised under the terms of Appendix IX to the Secondary Schools' Programme was 72. Number of pupil returned by the 72 Schools in which Courses of Secondary Standard were appmvE'd:Boys . 3,:J Girls 4.31 .n '.-\RDED O. - '.rHE RESt I",n; OF THE CERTIFICATE K·A)nXATIOX~. (1) The number of Scholarships a warrted on the results of the Intermediate ertificate Examination, 19'+.5. was as follows::'Ol.-S 'HOL.-\RSHIPS ----- -- ---- :\umber of Primary 1945: awarded TOTAL 1,691 which entered Pupils for the Certificate School NUlUbCl·1 of _o~~~~~==== ~~fBlip. I Presented i-- Schools Tutormediate Certificate _ Leaving Inter Cortificatc mediate Certi- 704- 6 53 I (£15) ips arc tenabic- for of Teachers 98 143 7 37 In 194.) Boys Schools S o h 001Y ear 1944 ~5.. Registered Men W.men ... ... .... .... 988 986 .... ----1----Unregistered Total 632 891 1,020 1.877 1,523 3,497 First Prize Second Prize (2) The number as follows:- Men Women 1,974 .... of Teachers who received incremental . . 82() TOTAL 1.76(; Xr.-l\.EGI~TRATION OF TFJACHERR. The number of Teacher's registered during the, chool y(,"!, 1~H-4;-) was 129, of whom 15 were registered provlsionully. The number of Tear-hers whose names appear on the Rogtster at present is approximately 2.;;00. Girlg 0 0 } CO 0 0 The value of the Earl of Cork's Scholarshtps- awarded werE':-Boys Girls In 1945: One Scholarship, £26 2 0 One cholarship, £26 2 (l (5) University Scholarships awarded to Students from the F'iorChaeltacht . i;-;--19-4~'--- - ~ ~i);;~vard;d salary was 1944-45 940 £10 0 £6 0 (4) --TOTAL 112 ~'cal's--subje-ct-to'-CCitih RlJRKFJ i\TEMORIAf. PRIZES AND EARL OF CORK'S SCHOLARSHIPS. (3) T'he values of the Burke Memorial Piizes" 'l\varrlerl were:- fieate employed in Secondary .--- two - (2) Scholarships, awarded on the results of the Intcrrnertiato Cer tificate Examination, 19H, were renewed tor the School Year 1945-46 as £ollows:Boys . 62 Girls 36 X.--TEACHERS. (1) The total number was as f01l0W8:- 20 Leaving Cer t i . 1):13 lfiS 7 2nd " I The Scholar-sh conditions. ficate 56 1 Passed 36 36 20 2nd " (£20) 1st Class (£30) { I__ .. Girls' Schools Boys' Schools 1st Class (£40) { Girls 62. Number of Primary chools which w'ere permitted to present pupi.s 1945: 62. for the Certificate Examinations, Table showing the number of Primary Schools which presented pupils for the Certificate Examinations, 1945, and the Results of the Exatninations: ---- ~('holarships Boys Exnminations. ----Number o-f- -------- Boys --;- i--~~I --I -- 'rota I -I' - --;--1 ~1- Total Number h~d (luring 1944-45. ~\'~-I- (,:;-]s 9 I Ij I Total 1 20 XTfl.-SCHOfu\RRHlPR I'\' RE('O~lMR\' SCHOOIJR -A"'~I\R])gJ)TI) S'I'UJ)gN'I'S 1<'RO:\l 'I'BE 1<'[OR·GHAgUI'ACH'I' UNDER 'I'HE DruPAH'rl\1E\,'I"S SPli;('J.U, SCHE:\IE. - -----------:;:--;--;--=--;-:---~;--_=_-:c_::::__~·-,..."...----Number awarded in 1944 Total Number held during 1944-45 Boys Total Boys -1- ,--GirlS 'rotal ----_·!------I-------:--------I-------------10 I R 18 • These were paid out of the Trust ~7. Funds held bylhr 34 Ifill ister 91 for- Edltra~ion. 18] 130 XIV.-SCHOLARSHIPS IN SECONDARY &: VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS AWARDED BY COUNTY OR COU TV BOROUGH SCHOOLS. -- - - ---Examination, Scholarships h'ld I J945 in 1944/45 I i , C'Oml"CIL I I I No. of Compctitors \ .... Cork C'o. Boro'. Donegal County Dublin County Dublin Co. Boro'. Galway County .... Kerry County Kildare County Kilkenny Countv . ! I 13 46 62 97 7 ]3 101 6J Ord. 4} I Dom.2 8 Agric 2 I 31 16 17 I 2,217 I I I 1:3 II 4 10 It) 4 6 I I I I i 8') 2 ~ I~ I I ~ 8 29 33 44 £10 £4-0 £20 £17 5 44- £20 £+2* o!l 3-14 :38 1 5 6 I 66 H 49 26 20 15 ;l0 20 -) n - I I 76 6 6 I, 1 I ! !I J .) -3 45 I I 1 I 60 £20 to £30 349 £10 to £30 4-4 £i) 8i to £50 142 50 55 27 I I to £20 to £50 to £25. 10 to £40 :W 16 30 ~O £5 to £25 £15 to £35 £10 to £2:; £10 to £30 £20 £1.') HO 25 £16 10~ to £40 £15 to 1020 40 £15 30 48 63 59 38 40 :\4 16 18 £30 to £4-0 £15 to £30 £10 to £40 £30 to £35 £7 lOs to £30t £25 to £40 £20 to £40 £:W to £3,3 £:::0 to £40 to £60 2) () 12 22 10 8 ]4- 12 10 13 10 8 6 428 couxrv 30 48 58 59 37 38 32 16 18 [) 2 2 £15 to £3'! £15 to £55 18 £50 for 1st year and £45 per annum for subsequent ~ears. 18 1- j 24 14-58 •."Vhere the holder is enjoyin;... a Scholarship in addition to the ,,'ouncil's Scholarship. the annual I ulue of the Council Scholarship has been reduced for t11C period of terrre of the other Scholarship so that the value of both Scholarships slu.ll not ex -ed £42. t PIps Lmergency Bonus of £5. 4 14 3 1 3 4 :1 120 60 225 :J(lo :?IO 2 (/)) lOU :~ .j. -. I 42 2 ,,' 3 43 3 I 3 :2 2 (e) 7 ,~ ::I 1 4- Total, COUNTY I "alllt~-' £ 60 «(J) 1:;0 160 210 180 :272 [0 320 970 (11) 1 2 2 3 Galway County Kerry County' Kildan~ Countv Kilkcnny Com;ty :.. Laoighis County . Leitrim County . Limerick County ". l"imerick County Borough Longford County ... Louth County jIayo County }Ieath County ~1:onaghan County Offaly County .... Roscommon County Sligo County ..... Tipperary N.R. Tipperary B.lt. ... \\: aterford County \\ ",terforcl County Borough Westlneath Connty \\' exforcl County \\'icklo\\' County OR COUNTY 97 .j~ 7 U :) (c) 8 (g) 12 -; 7 4 IJ 2 !J If) 12 6 8 (j ;lOO 10 £ 480 (rc) :~50 240 4-f)0 4:W [,075 1,240 :1,800 (I) 16 i G UO YnhlP 18 1:; .j.O(! Total 8 4 3 7 8 11 3 11 :?!)O 1.')0 lOO 27] :320 240 180 (,I) 70 HJ,3 100 (a) 150 31,; 240(f') ~2i) (a) 16,903 Total So. Held in l!)4.; I 480. 183 82.3 1,350 480 :lllU .,UO 4UO 2,30 ,386 !WO .;6() 440 290 845 ]00 (a) U75J 1,41.; 1.080 430 (a) .330 GOII 21 •.;!(; ---'----- 30 30 [,334 Carlow Count v Cavan Count; Clare Countv Cork County': Cork County Born' Donegal Countv Dublin County' Dublin County 13~r~ugh BY ---- So. Awarded in 1!l45 Total - II 3!l 23 66 1383 46 Laoighis 25 Leitrim County 30 Limerick County ... Limerick ('0. Bo",·o'. 27 36 Longfor~ County. Louth County "'1 37 1Lyo Co. )Ord.) I 'I (Dorn. Sc.) 1 58 ~ (Agr.).1 ) l\i~l1jh County .. 1 45 Moru.ghnn Coudy' 51 ..! 52 Oil'aly County Roscommon . '0. .... i 72 Sligo County 64 'I'ipperary " .R. 34 i)5 11PIJcmry S.R. V,aterford County ,31 Waterford County 40 Borough ... \\ estmeath Co. 47 \Vf'xiurd County 40 Wicklow County 46 TO'l'ALS 8 28 32 41 lii 134 71 68 AWARDED I 2 6 10 10 81 79 Value of Scholarships At Second- \ or other ary I ApSchools proved Schools --- , Carlow County Cavan County Clare County Cork County SCHOLARSHIPS COUNCILS. - - ! At I Training i ('()ll('g('~ :No. of Scholarships awarded XV.-UN1VERSITY BOROUGH (a) plus Uni vcrs.ty fees. (b) Two Scholar-ships awarded in ]943; both deferred to H) 16. Six Scholar sh ips awarded: ono Scholarship deterred owing illness of recipient. (c) to (d) Plus Bonus. (l') Plus a Bursary. value £75 . (f) Plus an Emergency Bonus. value £120. (g) ~'i11e Scholarships awarded: one Scholarsb illness (>f recipient. ip deferred o wi ng to XVI. ERASMUS S~IITH ENDOWMENT. ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946. CAPITAL Balance on Ist April, 1945:4% Conversion Loan. 1950/70 4t% Third National Loan, 1950/70 3i% Financial Agreement Loan, 1953/58 3t% National Security Loan, 1956/61 ACCOUNT. Securities. £ s, d. Securities. £ s. d. 2:!,087 1 5 25,50fl 0 0 12,922 12 6 14,603 11 8 75,1l3 fj Balance on 31st ~b,ch. 1946:4% Conversion Loan, 1950/70 4~% Third National Loan, 1950/70 .... 3:}% Financial Agreement Loan, 1953/58 3. % National Security Loan, 1956/61 7 INCOME Balance on Ist April, 1945 Dividend on 4% Conversion Loan, 1950/70. Dividend on 4t% Third Nationa-l Loan, 1950/70 Dividend on 31% Financial Agreement Loan, 1953/58. Dividend on 3t% National Security Loan, 1956/61 Fees for statements of marks at Erasmus Smith Scholarship Examination, 1945 £ 2,088 883 1,147 484 474 iACCOUNT. II s. d 11 1 I 9 8 I 10 0 i 12 0 12 4 1 I 2 1 0 12 II .5 0 6 8 +'75,113 5 7 £ s. d. ,;;:; .., Annual Subsidy towards special Agrioultnral ie"tching at Abbey School. Tipperary Scho'[arships awarded to pupils Cost of Advertisments Cost of examination of candidates and . l1l!1t'king of prtpers - Scholarship Examination, 1945 . Balance on 31st March, 1946 2 2~,087 25,500 1'2,92~ 14,603 0 0 2 I) 13 18 0 580 834 53 (} 1 3,599 18 0 0 1 o Rent for year 28/8/45 to 27/8/46 out of Abbey School, Tipperary 5,080 18 5,080 18 ------------_.-------_._------ I l-:> XVII.-THE (Scheme The No. 12<1. Educational payments 19-14·45 were .. CHARLEVILLE from this follows:- as ENDOWMENT." Endowments Endowment (Ireland) in respect 1885). Act, of the school year NAMB O~' SCHOOL I "---1 Christian Brothers' £ s. (" 17 14 I) Schools, Charlevills Convcnt of Mercy, Charleville 18 XVIIr.-FJ~ANCIAL The during 7 STA'I'E!\lE~'l'. payments made for Secondary Education from the financial year ended :nst March, 1945, were 1. Grants 9 public fund,'; as follows.>. to Schools: s £ d £ s (a) Capitation Grant (including Teachers' Salaries Grant) (b) Laboratory Grants (c) Grants for Irish and Brlingual Schools (cl) Bonus 2. Payments 243,608 i 0 13,291 1::; 4 14,532 19 10 1,728 10 0 .......................... for Choirs and Orchestras 10 ~87,·100 17,666 11,70·1 2,045 269 19 16 \i 1 19 :~ 10 2 to 'I'eachers: Incremental salary. paid to Secondary Teachers 3. Examinations 4. Scholarships . 5. Grant towards publication of Irish Text Books G. Courses in Irish ". 7. Superannuatiou Payment .) 273,161 to the of Teachers: Secondary Teacher GROSS TOTAL Deduct Receipts NETT TOTAL t To these figur-es must Administration, Inspection, ' Pension Fund ............................ . " IJe nrlded etc. . ....... . ... ............. . .............. a due proportion 1.2!)(l I) () J(j ;" 4.:363 15 -1 £593,+98 t£589,135 of the 0 J.l Cost of 135 134 XlX.-'L'ABL1~ SHOWING THE NUMBERS 'I'K\CHERS I\' HI',COGNISED SECON])ARY XJX.-'J'.-\BLF. SHOWJJS"G 'L'HE NUMHERS 01<' PUPJ[,S .\:\"D TEACH I~BS D •. Rl~COn \,IS'ED SECO~1)ARY SCHOOJ,S. Explanator~' OF PuPILi'> ANJ) SCI-i()OJ.JS-Continuel' I Notes. f Column (2) gives the classification of the school-Irish or Bilingual (B.1 or B.2)-for the school ye'n' 19H--};3. Columns (3) and (-}) give the numbers of pupils in attei.dance at the beginning of the school year (191,1--15). Columns (.:», (61. (,), \8) give the numbers of teachers employed in the schools. as furnished in the Schools' Time Tables. Full-time teachers include teachers engaged in teaching for not less than 18 hours a week, and H "'act masters and Headmistresses. The figures in brackets in columns -:-) and (8) are included in the figure" unmcdiatety preceding, clarenrlon type being used to represent the number of teachers who possess d Universttv degree and a qualificat io-: in teaching recognised for regis. ration purposes. but who have not yet completed the necessary perio I of experience for registration. ant: .rdinary type being used to represent the number of teachers who hold a degree but have not obtained a qualification in teaching. No of Teachers Xnrubor of Pupils Rcgistcra.l IUnregistered Classi- ------._. ---'-.1<1111 Par. ficaFull Part tion Bovs Girls time time time time (2) . (3) i (.,) ,5) (6) 7) Nam« of School (I) Co. Carlow (7 Schools) Carlow, Scoil na mBni,th:ar Carlow, Clochar na Trocairo Carlow, Colaiste Chnuic Bhig Muine Bheag, Clochar na Toirbhirte :\[uine Bheag, St. Joseph's Classical School Tullow, Clochar Brighdc Tullow, Mean-Scoil Braithreach K. Padraig Co. Cavan, Cavan, Cavan, --:-l~~:-r-=--~-Ii-=- Cavan (3 Schools): Colaiste Loreto Royal School Colaiste Padraig i A 1 7 5 4 57 34 B2 .J. I' ~(~) I I _I 7!l.) a :3(2) 60 46 I 3 134 5U .3 .J. 306 9 Bl .A 87 3 3 240 37 JJ BI 13:! I 2(2) i 4-" 1(1) 7 6(1) 4(4) 3 ! I. 5 I 2(2) i I I I 2(2) 1(1) I 49 Bl 1(1) 10 104 B2 ! , 2(1) : Bl A BI A .... 1 4(~) .> 205 Mhuire l~ '16.J. B2 Co. Clare (U Schools): Ennis, Sgoileanna na mBraMlal" Ennis, Colaiste Muire Emus, Colaiste .l<'hlannaiu Naof'a Eunis, St. Columban's High 1 School, Cahercon .1 Ennistymon, Sgoll na m Brabhar Ennistymon, Ard-Sgoil Naomh Kilkec, Seoil San A.ntoin Killaloe, Sgoil Shionain Kilrush, Scoileanna na mBrathar B2 2 ., -.---- i, ------2 I ,",' Name of School II\S81- Number of Pupils --- I --- fication • Boys (2) I (3) Girls (4), No of Teachers Registered -----I·-I--I-(1) Kilrush, Sgoil san All Clochar Miltown Ms.lbay, Sheosaimh, Rinn Spainneaoh Full time (5) I Xavier A - \ U,uegistl'rcd ---, ' ! Part I I time (6): I Full time (7) -i-.II-- Co. Cork (36 Schools): Ballydesmond : Sgoil Mhuire Bandon, The Grammar Sch. Bandon : An Mhean-Sgoil Blackrook, Clocbar na rrUrsulach Buttevant, Clochar na 'I'rocaire Carrigtwohill, ScoilN. Alabhoais Castlemartyr, Scoil N. Treasa Charleville, Scoil na mBrathar Charleville, Clochar na 'I'rocairc Clonakilty, Secondary School Clonakilty: Mean-Sgoil an Chroidhe Naofa Cobh, Clochar na" 'I'rocaire Cobh: Colaiste na Toirbhirte Doneraile, Sgoil na mB1'athar Dunmanway, An Mhean-Scoil ... Dunmanway, Mean-Scoil Mhuiro gan Smal Ferrnoy, Sgoil na mBmthar Fermoy, Clochar Loreto Fermoy, Colaiste Cholmain Kanturk, Clochar na Trocaire Kanturk, Moan-Scoil do Bauachailll Macroom, Convent of Mercy Maeroom, Mean-Sgoil an Athar Peadar Mallow, Scoil an MhclmOideachais, An Clochar Mallow, Acadamh Phadraig Midleton, Scoil na mflrathar Midleton College Midleton, St. Ma1'Y'8High Soh. Millstreet, Drishane Convent Millstrcet : Colaiste Padraig Mitchelstown, Sgoil na m Brathar Rochestown, Oapuchin Franciscan College Skibbereen, Clochar na Trocairc Skibbereen, Ard-Scoil Fhachtna El J7 BI I Part I 1 3 107 3 3(1) I 14 16 I 2 2 1(1) 1(1) 54 time (8) I 96 1 - I 3(1) I Seoil na A I I ., ,) 85 3(1) 56 I B2 B2 B') J32 ,)3 I 97 I ) 94 1(1) 56 64 El 74 Bl B2 ,3,) ]H 29 2(1) 78 i 84 2 3 9 8 3 90 3 4 155 A 71 3 4 .) 134 47 ~(2) 1(1) 81 A BI I ;,(3) 1(1) B2 BI B2 Bl .A ::\ ~1) 45 :l(l) 1 2(2) 3(;;) 3 1(1) 5(2) I 1(1) 13(1-1) I Bl B2 92 32 4 5 5 4 3 6 2 73 3 98 97 50 B2 A 3 66 124 I. 1(1) 1 :2 1(1) I 5(3-1) 1 :! 4(1) \ B2 78 6 Bl 56 1 B2-:..._7_7 -..:.__ -"-_..;4~~ __ 14(1-3) 1(1) i ;{(2) 2 '"-~_) _-'- __ ]36 XIX. TABLE 'l'EACHERS IN SHOWL\C THE NUMBERS RECOOXrSBD SECO~O.ARY Number of Pupils , . uasSl-, __ Name of School fication (2) (1) Youghal. Christia{Bro '. Y oughal, Loreto Convent No of Teachers Registered I FlllJ Girls I time (4-) (.3) Boys (:-l) - 213 I3J Bl 17;; 11 24 3D 42 86 B2 I A 231 107 126 21 A. A I I II 7 io 2 1 4 32 114 161) 13 22 Co. Dublin (25 Schools) : Balbriggan, Catholic Boys' Secondary School .. Balbriggan, Loreto Convent Baldoyle, Colaiste Ioseph Naofa A voea School Blackrock, Blackrock, Colaisto Dubh. Chsrraige Blackrock, Clochar San Dominic, Cnoc Sion Cabra, St. Mary's Dominican Convent Caatlcknock, Mercer's School Castlcknook, Morgan's School Castleknock, St. Vinconts' College ... / Chapelizod, St. Joseph's Convent, Mt. Sackville .. Dalkey, Loreto Abbey Dunrlru m, Sacred Heart Convcut , Mount Anville Dun Laoghaire, Christian Bros.' Schools .... 1 '12 6 21 78 14 26 3 2 6 3 3 2(1) 2(1) 6 ](1) 1(1) 4 1 5 :l(1) 1(1) 3 2(2) 2(2) 4(2) 1(1) 2(2) 6 1(1) 2 6 2(1) I 2(2) i 8 2 1 2(1-1) 2 2 I I 28 A 2 87 98 3.) B2 460 I .:; ;i ••3 4(2) 7(1) 7 3 7(4-1) 155 11 4 2 1(1) 2 24 .• 76 }l3 lOI 6(1-1) 11(2-3) 231 36 180 /1(1) I .) 2/1) 16 3 :3(1) 12(1-1) 1 7(2-3) 4 7 6 2 1(1) .i ., 1(1) Ill(1-:!) 8 2(1) I N um be r Part time (8) 1(1) 18 256 ... Full time (7) 9 541 B:l - 137 TH./<i ND.:\fRERS OF PDPILS AKn R8COG~.LSED ~ECONDARY ~CHOOLS .-'--. -cont!n:<ed. SHcn'~T~G _ Part time (6) .J. 57 XIX. TABLE 1'EACHfijRS IN -----.-.----- Unregistered ill 99 -=- -4--=-I-=-l(:i) ohs. Co. Borough of Cork (12 Schools) : Christian Brothers' College, St. Patrick's Place Scoil na mBrathar, Ard Naomh 1I1:huire Scoil na mBrathar, Port Ui Shuilleabhain The Leahy Progressive ColJego Grammar & High School Prescntation College, 'Western Road 'Rochelle School St. Aloysius' School, St. Marie's of the Isle Colaiste San Aingil Si. Finbarr's College nolaiste Ioseph N. Baile an Easbuig Colaiste Muire, Douglas Road. Co Donegal (5 Schools): BalJybofey, Scoil na Finne Letterkenny, Cloohar Loreto Letterkenny, Colaisto Adhamhnain Lifford, The Prior School Ra phoe. Royal School j__ OF PUPILS AN}) HCFlOOL8-contitllled. 1 2 I 2(1) ______________~~~J~ . Classlfieatiou auro of School -------DUn LaoghaiL'C, (1) 0 _ f Registered --Unreg' te Full time Part time FuJJ time (6) (7) B Boys I Girls __ I..2~~~ Dominican Convent DUn Laoghaire, Kingstown School, 41 York Road DUn Laoghaire, Glengara Park School DUn Laoghaire, Presentation Brothers' College Foxrock: Loreto Convent No of Teachers ---I-----_1S Punll P 1I9 art (it __ 2(1) 7 I 42 ] (1) 78 .... Rahony, Colaiste Mhoil'c Gan Sinal, Belcamp Rathfarnham, Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham, College of St. .Columba .... Skerries, Holy :Faith Convent :::: Sutton, St. Domiuic's High Sch. Sutton, St. Fintan's High Sch. Co, Borough of Dublin (52 Schs): Alexandra College .... Alexandra School Belvedere College Bertrand Intermediate School Eccles Street Catholic University School :: Christ Church Cathedral Grammar School .... Christian Brothers' School, -Iames' Street Christian Brothers' Schools, North Brunswick Street Clliistian Brothers' Schools, Synge Street Colaiste Muire, 27 Cearu6g Parnell .... Mean-Scoil Chroimghlinne .. Sgoil na mBrathar, Phis Moire na mBrathal', Sgoileauna Sraith an Iarthair Sgoil Sheosaimh na mBrathar Baile Boeht C!lhiiste Mhuire, Muirino Convent of the Sacred Heart, Lr. Leeson Street Dalton Tutorial School, Rathmines Diocesan School, Adelaide Rd. CoWste San Doimnic, Sr. Eccles Sgoil Chaitrlona, Dominican College, Eccles Street Holy Faith Convent, Claren. don Street 1(1) 67 3(3) 6(1-1) :j 43 3 21J 11 71 a(1) 4-(1) 2(1) .j :l 2(1) 152 IOU) 5(1-3) J(1) 48 50 5(3) 1(1) ,>(2) 17 , 137 20-l 6 10 17 i.J. I 2 1(1) 1:1(3) 10(1) 3(1) 14(1-5) 2(1) .) 7 2(1) 4(1-1) 8(2) 26 :3(1) 209 7 B:l 221 8 B2 687 1(1) .) J(I) A :?i5~ :,8 A 96 8 60 2(l) 4 :3 288 8 .J.(3) A 365 23 7 2(1) 1 I 28 .\ 1 1(1) HI 7 2(2) 17(2-:2) 1 ,~ 103 5 1(1) 4(1) ;; 17 2(1) 6(3) 214 I 4(1) I .J. I ]32 A d i - 6 re -:-- 1:26 I I.J u 2(1) J(1) j 2(2) ~ 138 XIX. TABU'; :-;HO",lJ\G 1'HI'j XDfBERH Ol~ PUPILS AND TEACHERf:,; l~ ImCOG1-i1SJ£D ::>EC01-iDAl'tY HCHOOLS--colIl.illlled. L39 XIX. T.A..BLE SHOWING THFJ NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERS IN .RECOQNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued. No of Teachers I Name of School (1) ------------1--Holy Faith Convent, Dominick Street Holy Faith Convent, Haddington Road Holy Faith Convent, 117, The Coombe Holy Faith Convent, Clontarf Cloohar an Chreidimh Naofa, Glasnevin Kirlg's Hospital School Kostka College, Seafield Road, Clontarf Loreto College, 43 North Gt. George's Street Colaiste Loreto, Crumlin Rd. Loreto College, St. Stephen's Green .... Colaiste Muire Loreto, 53 Faithche Stiophain Masonic Girl's School Ballsbridge Masonic Boys' School, Clonskeagh Mount joy School __ Norfolk College, Rathgar Scoil nil. m Brathar, An t-ArUB Brianach, Malahide Road O'Connell School, North Richmond Street Pembroke School Rutland High School .. Sandford Park School, Ranelagh St. Andrew's College Mean Sgoil N. Ioseph, Mountjoy Street Aid-Scoil N. Lughaidh, Rathmines .... St. Margaret's Hall, Mespil Rd. St Mary's College, Baohmines Cloehar San Doiminic, Muckross Park, Donnybrook St. Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School Sgoil nil. mBrathar, N. Uinsionn, Glasnaoidhean Terenure College The High School Wesley College Number of Pupils Registered Unregjstered Olassi- ------------ficaFull Part II?ull Part tion Boys Girls time time time time (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) (7) (8) --------------- , 204 7 171 to 99 6 11 187 34!l HI 3 5(4) 1 :3(2-1) 166 116 8 7 3(1) 5 194 11 3(2) 103 7 3(2) 4(1-1) 81 7 180 10 2 19 46 132 132 844 37 149 1(1) 1(1) 2 1(1) 7(1) 11 4 A 161 6 1 :W6 106 1• 7 2 7 3 4(1-1) 144 208 11 7 10 13 ~75~~_4~~ 3(1) 2(1) 2(1-1) 38 278 156 5 4(1) 6(1) 2 1(1) 3(1-2) 161 25 4(2) 3 4 4 7 J3l Co. Galway (20 Schools): Ballinasloe, Scoil Mhuire, ~C=ill=c=h=a~r~n=a~Tr~6=c=a=ir~e ~~-=A~~ 2 29 42 188 2(1-1) 3 1 4(1-3) 3 52 132 5(1) 2(1) 2(2) 2 74 131 3(1) 3(1) 13 7 30 A :1(2-1) 2(1) Name of School _____ (_1) Ballinasloc, Colaiste Sheosaimh Naofa .... Galway, Dominican College Galway, Grammar School 'f. Galway, Colaisto Iognaid Galway, 3'Iean-Scoil Mhuire, Clocha r nil. Trocaire ... Galway, Colaiste Sheosaimh, '" Braithre Padraig X Galway, Colaiste Muire Gort : An Mhcan-Sgoil Gort: Clochar nil. Tr6cairc Headford : Clochar nil. Toirbhirte Kinvara, Ard nil. Mara, Clochar nil. Tr6caire .... Kylemore, Clifden, Sgoil Ainc . Loughrea, Clochar nil. Tr6caire, N. Reafail y. Loughrea, Mean-Sgoil Bhreanndain Naofa l\Iountbellew: Sgoil nil. Cor6ine Mnire Tuam, Sgoil nil. mBmthar Tuam, Sgoil Brighdc, Clochar nil. Tr6caire Tuam, Cloohar nil. 'I'oirbhirtc ... .•.Tuam, Colaiste Iarfhlatha Naofa Co. Kerry (15 Schools): Ardfert, Mean-Scoil Bhraondam N sofa .... ... Cahirciveen, SgoiJ nil. ml3rathar Cahiroiveen, Sgoil N. Eoin Bosco Castleisland, Colaiste an Oileain Dingle, Sgoil nil. mBmthar .... Dingle, Clochar ua Toirbhirte Killarney, Clochar Loreto .... Killarney, Colaiste Bhreanaiun Killorglin, Intermediate Sch. Listowel, Colaisde Mhichil ... Listowel, Clochar na 'I'oirbhirte Lixnaw, Cloohar ~~ ToirbhiI'~' 'I'arbort : St. Ita's School ... Tralee, Sgoil nil. mBrathar 'I'ralee, Cloohar na Toirbhirtc . No of Teachers Number of Pupils Classi- ----fication Boys Girls /__ (2) (3) Bl B2 H)6 ~\ lfu.ll ~ (4) 180 10:1 eo 89 I 88 39 .cl. .50 A A 0'1 19 .cl. 147 .cl. .:;6 .A A 128 I() fI I 6 7 1 I, 3 137 7.) [is Bl 113 131 A A lH A 3,) 8 2\J6 8(:') 2 ·>(1-1) I 2;~) .) :U 1 1 :1 8.3 :1 S6 ,) .32 2 111) 4 :? 3 3(3) Jl:2 229 131 131 1(1) 3 2(2) 42 [I) Gt) 6(2) :1(1) \'i(1-:l) 4(2-2) 2(1) 1(1) 2(1) 1 Hj 131 ~-\. .cl. .cl. r\ .cl. 1(1) 2(2) I :1 6 ~-\. 178 A 138 B:? 2(J BI A ~-\. ~\ R' . I _e~18tered I Unregistered '_ Full Part time time time tun' e (5) (6)_,_(7)_ (8) :3 -1(-J.) 1(1) 111) 1 1(1) 1(1) 2(1) 1 a !) 1 4(2) :1(2) 1(1) ;j 1(1) 1(1) t) 84 ·~4 :30 I ., [ 3 JO ut) :.; 77 87 4 4 cl 2(l) 1 1 ;2 :3 1(1) 1 7 4(3) 2(2) 2(1) 6(3) __ ~~1~(~1~)~~ Uo. Kildare (9 Schools): Athy, Sgoil na mBrathar . Athy, SgoiJ Muire . Celbridge, Collegiate School . Droichead Nua, Dominican College 71 Bl 1111 7 1(1) 1(1) 3 I :2 :3(1-1) ij LW XIX. TABLE ,:.;HOWISQ TH~j Xl-."IiBEill:> OJi' PUl'lLS .-\i\1) TEACHERS IN R.I<:COG~lb(1;D ~ECONJ)"Un: o()HOOL~-culllhllled. 141 XIX. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHER lK REC'OGXISED SECOND.\.RY SCHOOLS-continued. No of 'I'eachers Number of Pupils Registered Classi- ------IicaFull Part tionBoys GiI'Is time time Name of School (l) (2) Kilcullen, Colaiste na Croise ague nil. Paise Kildare, Acadamh N. Sheosamh Naas, Sgoil na m Brathar Naas, Clochar na Tr6caire Sallins, Clongowes Wood College El 131 St. Kieran's 5 48 3 4 2 B?132 132 1(1) 5(1) 1 2 2 .j 8(1-5) 14 4(3) 2 47 190 1 4 6 4 8 136 5 60 1.58 55 132 92 131 2 1 9 A 2(1) 70 5 132 4 2 1(1) 2 2 9 8 281 107 121 5 104 4 <I 2(2) 5 84 A 1(1) 3(1-1) 2(1) 3(2) 30 131 4 2 3 12 234 A Leix (7 Schools): Abbeyleix, Clochar Brighde Naofa Abbeyleix, Preston School.. Castletown, Mountrath, MeanScoil de La Salle Mountmellick, Colaiste na Toirbhirte Mountrath, Clochar Bhrighde Mountrath, Colaiste Padraig, Baile Fionn Portlaoighise, Sgoil na mBra,thar I 56 132 Co Leitrim (2 Schools): Carrick-on-Shannon, Clochar Mariet .... Carrick-on-Shannon : ArdSgoil na Cor6ine Muiro (8) 98 301 College Co. Limerick (19 Schools) : Abbeyfeale, Colaiste Mhuire . Abbeyfeale, Mean-Scoil Ide Naofa Aakeaton: Scoil Muire Ballingarry : Sgoil Chill Sheain Bruff, Cloohar N. Mhuire Doon, Sgoil na mBrathar Doon, Clochar nil. Tr6caire Drumoollogher, Sgoil Muire Foynes, Sgoil Shenain Naofa ." Galbally, The Intermediate Sch. ~~~I~ 67 97 A Co. Kilkenny (8 Schools): Callan, Sgoil na mBra.thar .... Freshford, St. Joseph's F. M. College .... .. '1 Goresbridge, Clochar Brighdc Kilkenny, Sgoil na mBra.thar . Kilkenny College Kilkenny, Loreto Convent Kilkenny, Cloohar na Toirbhirte Kilkenny, (3) Unregistered ---Wull Part time time 2 1(1) I 2 3(2) 1(1) 3 2(1) 67 A I A 63 7 £2 131 33 12 93 58 I 132 A 132 25 33 21 130 41 :J2 9 I 3 1 2 7 3 4 3 3 2 l(l) 1(1) 2:1) I l 2 Name of Sohoo 1 (1) Classification (2) ---------------- Glin, )fean-Seoil Padraig Xltoflt, Hospital, Clochar na Toirbhirte Hospital. Mean-Sgoil De La Salle .... Kilfinane, Sgoil San P61 Kilfinane, St. Andrew's School Kilmallook, Sgoil San Seosamh Murroe, Glenstal Priorv School Newcastle West, Scoil ide Naofa Rathkenle. An Mhean-Sgoil 131 131 Number of Pupils No of Teachers --~ Re gistered Unregistered Boys (3) Full time (5) Part time (6) 1 3 3 ----·1----- 30 -----13 74 42 131 131 23 A A ni BI 2(1-1) 1(1) 162 5 112 3 3 25 2 7 6 3 81 3 3(2) 120 4 6 5 3(3) .32 29 28 43 6(6) 1(1) 1 3(2) 14 8(5) 2 5 1 5 7 12(6) 4(2-1) 8(2) 1 12 1 6 3 2(1) 2 1(1) 2(1) 66 3 2(1) 1 108 5 6 .J. :18 7 ·4(1-1) 1(1) H5 6 9 3(2) :2 1 3 105 4 2(1) 2 92 3 6 5 .J. 1 1(1) 64 _4_2 2 3 131 III A 3(1) 16 7 2 7 44 80 40 Part time (8) 2 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 24 A Full time (7) 3 4 1 3 43 3 92 A Co. Borough of Limerick (9 sehs)1 Sgoil na m Brathar .... 132 493 Colaiste an Chroidc Naofa, S.J. 174 1 High School, The Crescent Laurel Hill Convent F.C.J ... Clochar Cnoc na Labhras D.Ch.I. .... .... A Redemptorist College Mount St. Alphonsus .. 59 Mungret College . 194 Colaisto Mhainchin Naofn Bl 104 Yilliers School 25 Co. Longford (S"Schools):1 Ballymahon, Clochar na Tr6caire A Longford, Mean-Sg~il, CJoeh~~ na Tr6caire .... .. Longford Colaiste N. Me], . m 163 (Co. Louth (IQ Schools) Ardee, Mean-Scoil De La Salll' 131 44 Ardee, SgoiJ N ornh Aine, Chocar na 'I'rocaire Drogheda, Sgoil na m Brathar 132 187 Drogheda, Grammar School .. 27 Drogheda, Scoil an Chroidhe Naofa .... .... 132 Drogheda, Ard-Scoil Philomein aofa .... Dundalk, Sgoil na ruBra.thar A 206 Dundalk, Grammar School .. 31 Dundalk, Clochar nit Trocaire, N. Bhincent ... Dundalk, St. Mary's College 66 Co. Mayo (18 Schools}: Balla, Clochar Naomh Lughaidh Ballina, Scoil na Maighdine Muire, Clochar na Trocaire .... Ballina, St. :\Iuredach's Colleo-e Ballinrobe, Sgoil na mBrath~l' Ballinrobe, Scoil an Chroidhe R6-Naofa elcarra, Sacred Hea'~t College; +allinafad .... I Girls (4) 2 3 -'----'1('-'.1)~) 142 XIX. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERS lN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SG'!IOOLS-colltinued. No of Teachers NUDlJer of Pupils Name of School (1) Classifirrution --1-- --1-Full Part' Girls time XlX. TABLE SHOWTKG THE NDfBERS TEACHERS 1.N RECOGNISED SECONDARY 1----Un r('giRt"recl Registered 1 Boys 143 I I tiro!' Full time Part time Xarn« of Sc-hoo] (2)~~~1~~~ RelmuUet, SeoiI MhuiJ·e. Clochar na Troeaire Castlobar, Clochar na Trocai'~~ K. Ioseph .... Castlebar, Colaiste Ghearoid Naofa Charlestown, Scoil lIfuire ... C'laremorris: Sgoil Cnocan Mhichil Naofa CrossJ?olina. ClocJ~~,~tosa !\g;~' MUlrc Enuiscl'One, Cloch~; tosa artu'~" Mhuire " Kiltimagh, Clochar 'iughaidi;" Naofa Louisburgh, SgoilAl' Mat.hal':: na Cabhra Siorraidhc ... Swillford, Meall-Sgoil Mhuire . Westport, Sgoil na mBrMha1' .. Westport, Sgoil an C'hroidhe Naofa .... C{).. Meath (8 Schools): An Uaimh, Clochar na Trocaire An Uaimh, Clochar Loreto An Uaimh, Preston School An Uaimh, St. Patrick's Classical School Kells, Sgoil na mBrathar Kells, Clochar na Trocairo Oldcastle, Gilson School Trim, Seoil }fuil'e Co. Monaghan (S Schools) : Carrickmacross, Al'd-Sgoil na mBrathar N. Pwmig Carriokmacross, Clochar N. Lughaidh .... .. Carrickmacross, Viscount Weymouth's Grammar School Castleblaney, Clochar na Trocaire ..... Clones, High School Monaghan, COWRtc na mBrathar Monaghan, Clochar Lughaidh . Monaghan, Colaistc Mhic Chairthinn bffal y (8 Schools): Banagher, La Saiute Union Convent BUr, St. John's Secondary Soh. Clam, Sgoil San Antoine Forbane, St. Joseph's School (I) 30 A 154 5 66 4 3 112 :3 Portarlington, 3 A 93 A 121 6 2(2) 3(1) El 40 2 1(1) 2 ](J9 II 4(1) A A A A 2 26 181 114 5 1 6 4 A 68 3 A 83 3 6 2 94 3 15 55 74 B2 73 35 48 62 BI 42 A 9 B2 RI A 106 Bl 151 A 1 2 1(1) 3(1) 1 1 I 4 5 3(1) 2 3 3 4 1 1 :3 :l 4 207 8 16 2 37 19 CI:18Sifira· 1(1) 2 1 2(2) 4 15 1(1) 23 276 6 ~ 7(1-1) I I ~(1-;~) 55 3 ~(1) 63 2 2 3 1 20 32 2 3 I ~(1-1) 1(1) 1 4 Sgoil na mBrathar .... .. . Rosorea, Colaiste Sheosaimh Naofa .... .... Tullamore, Convent Secondary School.............. .... Tullamore, Colaisto CuiJm Xaofa No of Teachers Numoer of Pupils ---'--- I Boys I (3) (2) 46 B2 Regi tered -- Vull time (5) A A Bt .Bl Co. Sligo (7 Schools): Ballisodare, Mean-Scoil Mhuire Ballymote, Clochar na Trocairc Sligo Grammar School ... 1 ( Sligo, Colaisto Cnoc an tSamh- I I radh Sligo, The High 'S~houl .... Sligo, Clochar na n.Ursulach Tubbercurry, Clochar :\1huire Girls (4) - Pmt time (6) 82 1 1 11 .j. 2(1) 176 8 3(2-1) 13 35 27 24 2 2(1) 196 o 21 4 2 116 5 219 79 I 1 2 .:; 8 5 2 2 :2 1 1(1) -+ 198 fll 11 ;j 3(1) 2(2) 2(1) 66 101 3 2(2) 43 1 1 4 1(1) 91 5 A 148 63 6 3 2 1 8(2) 2 4 2(1) 2 4(4) 1 13(3) 5 1(1) 2 1(1) 5 387 115 44 El 96 3 A 51 :3 40 87 :2 .5 6 3 90 18 5 3 B2 B2 Part time (8) 4 62 .B2 BI. --- Full time (7) 13 34 39 A Bl A - Umegister'ed --- 100 I ~-\ 2 224 '82 Co, Roscommon (6 Schools): Ballaghadereen, Diocesan College, St. Nathy's Castlerea : Mean-Scol) [oscph N. .... .... Elphin, Bishop Hodson's Grammar School Roscommon, Sgoil N. Mhuire gan Sinal Roscommon, Scoil na mBJ'Mlrm' Stro kcstown, Seoil Mhuire Co. Tipperary (23 Schools): Ballingarry, Clochar na Toirbhirte Ca hi 1', Colaisto Criost an Hi Cahir, 3Iean-Sgoil ~. Ioseph Carrick-on-Suir, Sgoil na m Brathar Carrick-on-Suir, Scoil Muire, Clochar Ha 'I'rocaire Cashel, Sgoil na m Brathar Cashel, Clochar na Toirbheirte, Acadamh, N Philornena Cash el, Colaiste Carraig a' TobaiI' .... .... Clonmel, Ard-Sgoilnam'Bratha« 01011luel, Clochar Loretto C'lonmel, Clcchar na 'I'oirbheirte Fetha1'd, Clochar Ha Toil'bheirte Fethard, Patrician Brothers High School N enagh, Seoil no, mBra.thar --- 1-------------tion A A RI I I ' OF PUPILS AND SCHOOLS-continued. 3 4 4 145 .r{)C._TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBEHS OF PUPILS ANn .•",.cIlERS [~ RECOG. 'ISED Sl<jCO~DAHY SCROOLS--Continued. L44 XIX. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AN\ TEACHERS L.'f RECOGNISED SECONDAB,Y SCHOOLS-continued :Name of Se hoo I _____ (_1) Nenagh, St. MarY'B Secondary School .. Rosorea, Clochar an Chroidhe Naofa .... Roscrea, An Mean-Scoil TemplemOTe Sgoil na mBrathar: .... .... Thurles, Scoil nil, m Brathar 'I'hurles, Cloohar nil, nUrsulach Clochar na ToirThurles: bhirte Tipperary, Sgoil n~·~Brathar·· (The Abbey School) .... Tipperary, St. Anne's Convent School .... ... (7 Schools}: Co. Waterford Cappoquin, Colaiste Chnuic Mhelleri .... Cappoquiu, Scoil Naomh Ain~·· Dungarvan, Sgoil nil, mBrathar Dungarvan, Clochar nil, Trocaire Colaiste N. Dungarvan, Abhuistin Liamore, Colaiste na mBrath~~:' Lismoro, Olochar na Toirbheirte Co. Borough of Waterford (10 Schools) : Bishop Foy School .... Sgoil nil, mBrathar, Cnoc Sion Clochar nil, Toirbhirte .. Clochar Croidhe N. Mhuire, Sraid a' Phuirt .. Fai~hlegg House Mean·Scoil De La ssuUrsuline Convent Waterpark College Newtown School .... Sgoil Naomh Antoine, Annestown .... eo. Westmeath I(10 Schools): Athlone, L'1 Sainte Union Convent Athlone, Mean-Sooil Mhuire .... Athlene, Sgoil Peadair, Clochar nil, Trocaire .... Athlone, Rosleven School )!oate, Clochar nil, Trocaire r Mullingar, Colaiste Mhuire Mullingar, Loreto Convent Number of Pupils Classi- ----fi.ca., tion Boys Girls 1__ I (~2) (3) 131 22 A 94 II No of Teachers Registered --~llll time (4) (5) 118 6 89 6 2 rr)-~ -- Unregistered "aUl!' ~art ~llll tune tune (6_) ~(7) Part time (8)_ of School (1) Classi- ---'--fication Boys (2) . (3) I I I I. Girls (4) . ar St. Finian's COllegc-'I---l86",--=IlIllg, Itvfarnham. C'0I"ais t e nil, 131 80 l:rroinsiasach .... Itviarnham, Wilson's 43 I;spital 4(1-1) 3 :No of Teachers Number of Pupils 8 Registered -----,--Full~art tune time (.i) (6) --10- ,Yexford (13 Schools): wloely. Rt. Mary's Convent, ~ I Unregistered Full time (7) 2(2) 6 L(1) 3 :3(2-1) --Part time (8) 1(1) 3(3) '0 B2 166 47 10 A 154 4 132 132 216 158 87 A A A 114 28 92 A A B2 61 78 50 A A 27 286 28 68 103 28 108 143 81 36 2 4 2 8 1 3 1 5 4 3 43 1(1) I. Wicklow (8 Schools): low, St. Mary's College. mvent of Mercv ow, St. Patrick~s Boys' .condary School s, Colaiste Ciaran nil, Brathar 1', Loreto Convent ., Colaiste nil, Toirbhirte .... .stones, Holy Faith Convent do\\', Dominican Convent .low, St. Joseph's Inter.,li"lc Rc-h()f)1 ;) 4 10 3 6 3 4 9 7 .3 2 9(2-2) 1 2 3(2) 7 1 3(2) 1(1) 106 .37 38 91 61 I 3 3 1 2 76 ~i~~~rlhY,Sgoil~~ nlBrath~~'1 uscorthy, Loreto Convent .... 'c)" Sgoil nil, mBrathar ····1 '1" Loreto Abbey .... v ':Ross, Sgoil na mBrathar .. v Boss, Cloch&r nil, Trocaire, 'oil Mhuire .. . " Ross, Colaiste nil, Deagbhomhairle .... ...., bercnn, 1Ioly Faith Convent, ur Lady of Lourdes xford, Christian Bro .' -hools dord, Loreto Convent doni, St. Peter's College. .Iord , The Tate School 6 6 87 6 5 105 5 3 5 5 9 138 A A A 132 45 ] :i 2 4 4 :3 4 4 1(1) ](1) 6 I 5(1) 1 1 3 80 131 4(2) 109 A. I :~5 7 144 107 155 14 A 3 .) 1 G 3(1-2) L8 L 1(1) 125 8 2 + 56 104 82 17 126 7 3 .) 3(1) 3(1) I :} + I :J 7 :?(2) 1(1) I 1(1) m se --------~--~---~--~--~---~-.---- 2(2) 10 2 8(]) 18 A 132 132 ] (1) 65 131 El A 3 28 97 91 91 7 3(1) 1(1) 3 1 1 -. M~ ~--- 146 XX.-SECONDARY TEACHERS' PEXSIOlS FU~D. THE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF THE PENSIO D1.iIUNG THE YEAR E~DED THE 31st DECEMBER. WERE AS FOLLOWS:- £ :'S d FU D 1945, £ s d 12,264 1 :1 13,579 0 1,314 19 2,208 16 1,250 0 5 2 1 Lncomc:- I Teachers' Contributions Schools' Contrfbuttons Civil Servants' Contributions . 9,326 8 '1.,737 12 7 8 000 Expenditure:11,825 16 11 1,175 19 8 577 3 10 Pensions pain to Teachers i~ratujties Short Service Gratuilies f<~xce""or l':xpenditllre over Income L'ash Balance on J s t January, 19-15 Received from Voted Moneys (Vote 47) Cash Balance on 31st December, 194.) Capital on 31st December, 19-15:Stock-Nil Cash Balance at Paymaster-General's J 2,143 16 11 2,14:1 16 II "PPENDIX IV.-VOCATIONAL RETURN Return for the Financial EDUCATION. No. 1 (a). 'Year, 1944/45, giving particulars of the current Income and Committees, as appearing in their Annual Financial Expenditure Statements. of Vocational Education ---------~-----~----R-E-C-=:-I;;;__-'I~. ~1..---~=:-~-=='=-~~~!i:~~2~ 1 Admilli8tr&UVe -----)-----1----- Area of Committee I_L ---1-·--·£ ('OVNTY BOROUGH~ Cork Dublin : I Total. ("RB AN DlST RH Bray Drogheda Dun Laoghatrv Galwav Sligo' 'I'ralee I 32,V48(a); Limerick Wat~rford I 71,512(b)' 12,804(0)1 7,879 ~5,143 -rs Total. 3,381 ... 32,202 Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kllkennv Leiti im Limerick Longford Louth Mayo .I1eatb Monaghan OlIall' Roscommon ,mgo Hrand Tot a IF. I 46:J :J.247 'I:; till _I~<>=-~ I U 143 5;197 :;,039 12,712 7,894 n:) 48' ·14:! :!~,53;) 240 1!l 17 ·13;) 11:>0 1';U 1O..;]J 24-2,701 114 235 aor ~, 15a 4,507 11,739 7,78, ;j,102 ;,949 1,19, +3,7:3-1 I 141i 130 12~ 5~ It,J bU" 17~ 7.\ j:jJ 1211 17 \15 III -+,02U 6,63-1 7,B70 3,16Y 5,523 8,135 z,37!' l"i,120 2.10fJ I:!~ 220 ]01 4,011 6,081 7,398 8,14:1 !,645 4,U95 5,528 4,715 ~.537 :1l7 :l~4 ~84 182 f :>'~2,951 ie.azo :<711 .7 23;· , 10,~!!1 !!,61 ~ 16,~2~ 120 m IllJ '>0 12:~ ~91 :).Hi] _. 5,45~' IHI ll:\ 16" l31) ii!:O I O!-- "".47H ~.~b~ LO;; I:; 24 14(1 :1.577; _--=2.:..o'c.::4.::2.::2 __ -,,6,-.4::.:4::.:U~_;)i,8)5 to:02~ .~'Hq :n.71Il; 10,0:;., 7(ii' -j!,I :!~H -1,001 ;{(I.l.+K /. ~.),Ii i :. I-~.~-rll ICI.",I q.;,;);, ~4S,I'·i~) 6 ..1\1 1 ,; 1,12~ ;5,205 14.; 7-t1l 11~ lU,67 ~ .J.KOtl 1,-,3:l, 8,0-14 12.H:;~.1 16:li.lU!> :tG.f;) !.75>! O.fn;; :'.U~11 '.l>!U ~,2tl] H,U4;) 345.764 (j,~lfk\ :{. 2. 'Hl 700 1i~' I U,i- ~ 4.~q;~ Ii.Ult ·I.;$.~)~ 4:;.·1 :~!.j 7,thl'; 11.~I:; 14 '., .• 1 ':'.lj'3 10,14, ~;'HJ Olt; ~)-l;., ';1,G71 ::':2, I t,t, 10; 11, j 1.") l:l.~!:B ie.u. 1'4 .""{i .••,,, 171 :1;-, '\~2 1.i29 10 2,5tH l,54-- :>0] :!4 ~ 1,h5l1 24;j,tV,.6 I 11;' ~~~~i ~~~ l,89.... ;~ln ~:~~~; l~! u.!2~t 7,.)0; n.86;! ti,1,"';5 :)L.612 1115 :!~~ (':..IO n. ~5:! '-'1 1.1::;l ",:.I;j\\ lJ;~51i l.U01 7 ,~.,~'~ lOJj3~ J:!.l~", 14,-ie(l !'.:!!I~ 1 1,1~4 i lO:7~4 737 11-1 .;00 t} '}U4 v.u 114.1 1,:::H4 I. ~.\ ~.2.)1) e ;.;;~;; ·1.7');1 4.1;:2;~, jti tH o.O:W 6, (0,'" 1,47" 1.0' I 1.27:! .):~ f,.\ :1.0~1 11.1;\11 3,3!Il I.oi',.... :::021" 1. 1 t :!,l'I9·t :!,liil 1,7 "!,I 16.61' .',,' J 7 )o,~~..... __ __ ~~-_l_ t,2;JG ~,l!i:! 7.71> i 1,41/0. !J,5i!2 ~,!)7J In lR7 ~..j3:\ l,OU!1 !O' 1.:51"; :~fi:l 12 1,05J 1.2r.2 62; 63(', ;l, lfl~ il,19/ 12,410 10.:3;)2 ll,ti~" j:2ii 707 i:2l'O 4\1 ,.;,}.) ·'tl<)IJ $-124 11,54ti 8,25•...•. "I !17 15] 17H 311; ;').1 44,:U4 !"~{J -;le t~~1J 101 710 1«6,136 _1147.~ cx- i:.!·. :.!1i.;I:l~' :L.to" I:J ~;)U ->.O:!:~ 4,39~ 2,-l-t9 7·1.35~ 1.042 O. .)i!l ;!Il tl::30?l :l,,,6;l 0,97.; lh,'O~ l~.Oi·: ,);),48', J.b" : LL21li tj. j'\l\o ";11 J \!~ :<U7 12'1 s.sso ::';2Q lO.2t't-14,10(' 5,131 7,6iO 26,4~~ 76,,0., -;', 5,025 4,96Y 6,;)4('; U,IJU' 1~.0·1 1:7:~. 2:; 13~ 5,05) 1:>4:3,571 42.~t;-. 172.80·1 )6,~5P 15,677 6,916 :3,6,7 5,136 :3,282 -1724 rs:S92 \U32 t)f !- 360 9,053 3,000 'Irtl~1 vluduu; .terus £ 14H i3,601 .>.230 Totn-It- ' 1,662 .) 69') ~:692 uou ring 594 5,603 trfl·loll penditure ~,717' :J,754 5,390 10,740 -1,423 WiC'klo\\ I' other ~~~;P:~'!i. te~~~~~~l~)!Seholard ships Rw1 l'}RS!i{>1:S Prlze-, Instruct -1- III 17 ti:J 24 1>,184 .-\dm' ia. 'I'utH' ----1---- I---- ~,920 Tipper,,!')' (S.B.) Tipperary (~.R.) Waterford ... Westmeath Wexford Mainutht)c soun es non-recur- 18,78~ 522 6,434 -l,09] Laoighi..~· --i J.26Q 714 .---- COUKTIES: Carlo" 2,641 1,856 ~i~~s Materials, etc. 2,64ti. 15,411 467 26" 5,9:36 5f>,957 6,078 ... , 895' 700 4,023 4,067 .. . £ 66,390 3,310 3,428 7,048 5,980 ... Wexforrt Sale of 1r~~a~~e It~~n~~~~~. 'I'ultiou DepartI Local Fees ment Rates 1\)6 71. 93~ ~'[)G1 H)4, -,~q 1:\,0110 ------------------- 4J J 19 161l :,U.l I'<U 1 j;~l :;7~ 71 I~o i.16~) an 96 t5i 655 9.491 .s.r-';t; ItU)~:.: ti.:\;"); lo.n.•:; (u,:;;,~I 16.~:!:! ~~, ~('I; ~.;4:, l~.;):Hl ...•,.;')2-1 11,11" :';0.7;",;\ !i.~:!6 il.'l'iJ l!,:3Ii ](J.!l()J :J67.700 _1-"0;z·0:..:8:...1_:..1....:\5\1,:, ["", (a) Includes an amount of £5,.5.51 refunded (0 the C01T1'11illel' in respect .•I t!,,, (Jail PI!bOI\ "'liP"'" 01 l nst ru.t io» prt)\'id,,<! under Part V. of the Vocational Education Act. 19:30. (b) Includes a sun: pi .£2,:300 for the est ablishment and maintenance 01 '."nut). Trail!1llg ('''11\1'<"' tor th •. City of n"hli11 Vur-n r iou« l Education area. and a sum of .t2.:160, hl"illg ma inte na nr-e and «upit a t io n ;.uants in r",pf'(·t 01 t·ftp TrHining Courses for Teuchers at St. ).:1ar:v's C'olleg« of Domestic Science. (c) Includes an amoe nr of £2.672 refunded to the Commit.tee ill respect or th.- ( OI!l!'U:.,Ol'Y ('oun,e, of 1'1'11'1]('1;011 i1r\l\'id"t! 1IIIder Pan V. of the Vocational Education Act. 1930. ..•. 147 RETURN No. 1 (b). TABJ,E showing amounts contributed by thc Department and the Amounts contributed frem Local Rates. respectively, fcr the purposes of Tec-lu.ica l Instruction, under Vocational Education Committees, Financial Year Ist April, 1945, to 31st March. 1946. Adrninistra.tive Area Committee ('OUXTY BOROUGHS: Cork Dublin Limerick w aterford of Contributions from the Department £ 38,029 84,050 15,776 6,79.) Contribu tions from Local Rates s. cL s. 7,521 64,807 3,727 1,8BG LTRBA.NDISTRICTS: Bray Drogheda Dun LaoghairrGalway Sligo Tralee Wexford COUNTIES: Carlow Cavan ('Iare Cork Donegal Dublin Galwa~' Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laoighis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth :M:ayo ~fcath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary (N.R) Tipperary (S.R.) Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow 2,89~ 4-,Oa4 7.77:1 6,280 4-,807 5,551 3,684 4,333 5,685 0.409 28,637 11.321 -i,.j:l9 1:3,248 7,644 6,293 6.019 4,567 7,47:? 8,101 4,088 6,543 lO,1)57 7,228 4,927 5,328 1i,787 :',281 6,282 J2.376 .\128 7,001 8,9245.396 81),; 800 4,883 1,276 841 569 640 3,052 4,701 7,O3:? 22.730 6,9443.333 0.878 .),520 6,04-1 -t,969 4,2911 :?,984R,120 ~.759 4,711 7,6148,678 4-,5f):~ :1.677 .), l:~ti :3,697 ,'.90? 7,7[)8 4,34-45,239 7,102 3,863 d. RETURN No. 2 (a). CITY AND TOWN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. Showing for the Session 1944·45 (0) the number DAY of individual students enrolled in various of their attendance hours. CLASSES AT PERMANENT CENTRES--WHOLE·TIME Number Under 16 years Committee City J7ocational Education Limerick Wat<-rford Drogheda Dun Lsoghaire Galway Sligo Tralcl' Wexford TOT.US .., of Individual Total number SCHOOLS. Student.s ]!'emale Male No. Aggregate Number of Attendance Hours Committees : Cork Dublin f/'own Vocational. Education Bra.y Over 16 years types of schools and classes, and (b) tho aggregate 81)2 480 1,581 362 135 322 1,870 147 96 3,451 509 23l 409 1,709 192 122 393 1,742 317 109 102 79 249 85 100 122 56 33 46 31 92 42 78 38 135 125 280 177 142 200 94 58 41 157 70 76 124 61 77 84 123 107 66 76 3,351 2,795 6,146 509,226 1,797,672 231,571 116,327 Committees: 1 3,019 1 3_3__ 3,127 I 1__ I 83,265 59,212 177,119 81,752 77,286 91,729 4_8,_0_39 3,273,198 _ , 149 No. 2 (a) (i). RETURN CO.l'llPULSORY CONTINUATION EDUCATION COURSES UNDER OF THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ACT, 1930. SHOWING THE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS PART V. OF ENROLMENTS, ATTENDANCE;:; AND IN EMPLOYMENT AT THE END OF MARCH, 1945. I ENROLLED ATTENDANCE i--;;;~I I Cork I Limerick Limerick 444 315 I 343 252 Girls 45g 274 I 369 209 903 589 712 461 OCCUPATIONS I----I OF STUDENTS AT END EMPLOYMENT Curk Limerick 1--- ----- Boys TOTALS I I 292 205 I1 87 1--------I 4-03 292 III OF MARCH, 1945. -Number Number (+irls Boys Cork Meseengera Factory Hands Trades Apprentices Clerks Shop Assistants Mi_llaneou8 .... Limerick 175 57 19 3 7 31 164 13 3 2 - Post Office Messengers .... - 23 TOTALS .... 292 205 Cork Limerick Factury Hands Domestic Servants .... Shop Assistants Messengers .-.&; Dressmakers other trades Miscellaneous .... 6 - - - .... 111 TOTALS 45 36 S 41 I 16 37 9 I I 87 -------------- RETUHN No. 2 (b). CITY AND TOWN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. Showing for the Session 1944·45 (a) the number of individual students enrolled in various types of schools and classes and (b) tne aggregate number of their attendance hours. DAY CLASSES AT PERMANENT ._--------- OENTRES-PAlt'f-TnIE Number SCHOOL~ AXD CLASSES • of Individual --Under 16 Committee years City Vocational Cork Dublin Limerick Waterford Tourn. Vocational Bra,y Education Over 16 years Total 6 213 3 1 .... .... .. ... 354 1.876 I1 KUlJlb~l' .:\rale ~o. 9U 72 360 2,089 102 73 28 :-132 1,135 14 59 954 88 14 40,070 10J ,468 6,871 3,567 Ecl1ccation Committees: .. ... .... ... ... 27 31 18 .... .... - .... . ... ... .. .... ." 3 18 .. .... 5.1, 76 223 39 18 Hi 81 107 241 .... 10 14 3D I 18 18 72 54 - --.---------. Aggregate of Attendance Hours I Committees: .... Drogheda Dun Laoghaire Galway Sligo Tralee Wexford TOTALS Studer 3 54 107 231 25 18 15 72 2,949 3,341 20,081 904790 1.054 3,903 1 ... I 320 2,880 3,20() - I 1,29(1 1,910 18',998 f-' en 0 RETURN No. 2 (c) CITY AND TOWN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. Showing for the Session 1944-45 (0,) the number of individual students enrolled in various types of schools and classes and (b) the aggregate number of their attendance hours. EVENING -- CLASSES AT PERMANENT Number CENTR.ES_ of Individual Student. -i---------r---~----I-------! Under 16 years Committee Over 16 years Total No. I Male Female I I Aggregate Number of Attendance Rours I City Vocational Cork Dublin Limerick Waterford Education 180 1,381 127 32 .... ... ... •... .... .... .... .... .... 'I'oum .Vocational Education Bray .... Drogheda .... Dun Laoghaire . Galway Sligo Tralee Wexford TOTALS Committees : ... Commi tiees : .... . ... .... .. .. .... .... 2,047 10,232 1,085 574 2,227 11,613 1,212 606 I I I I ! :>9 196 150 33 17 10 37 2,203 ! 218 378 860 328 ~1O 279 234 16,465 257 1574 1,010 361 227 I I 995 6,316 502 356 18,G67 177,438 640,588 63,556 18,205 123 245 445 141 J08 134 329 565 220 119 1':;6 138 153 17,153 3':;.095 ;30.911 14,536 10,313 14,951 13,627 9,165 1,062,373 :":&-.i 291 1,232 5,297 710 250 ----------- RETURN No. 2 (d) COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. Showing for the session 1944·45 (a) the number of individual students enrolled in various types of schools and classes and (b) the aggregate number of their attendance hours. DAY CLASSES AT PERMANENT I Committee Carlow .... Cavan .... Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny . ..... Laoighis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth ]/J:n,yo .... Meath ". Monaghan Offaly Roscommon .... Sligo .... Tipperary (N.R.) Tijll-'n1I'Y (S.R.) Waterford Wr tmeath Wexford Wi(·klo,," ... .. " .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... -- TOTALS No. of Centres Under 16 years 4 7 8 15 11 4 7 5 5 5 4 6 7 1 3 5 7 5 4 5 4 5 9 2 3 6 4 .... .. .... Number f 146 160 181 273 605 252 117 213 206 191 191 126 174 206 68 209 301 229 161 133 212 126 226 319 83 214184 129 I 5,489 I Over 16 years 71 146 275 107 30 168 05 44 n 62 98 106 17 71 136 67 76 86 127 61 61 185 65 92 62 34 2,467 CENTRES. of Individual Total , 21:? 252 -119 880 359 147 381 301 235 264 188 272 312 85 280 437 296 237 219 339 187 287 504 148 306 246 163 7.956 Xo. Students ,laic Female Aggregate XUl1lber of Attendance Hours 6 64 163 370 127 55 139 133 78 127 80 126 188 256 501 232 92 242 168 157 137 108 161 185 54 176 277 205 160 120 220 100 161 311 106 182 149 95 10':;,450 ]29,341 210,281 4110,462 16(i,G,j1 73,4':;7 127,773 149,123 127,710 142,819 91,024U3,154 146,289 47,058 130,902 203.954 168,435 111,004 99,616 138,082 91.,543 130,143 245,008 73,907 17:3.798 122,540 83.58:3 HI 127 ill 104 160 91 77 99 119 87 126 193 42 124 97 68 3.087 4.869 3,886.197 _. RETURN No. 2 (e) VOCATIONAL EDUCATIOH COMMITTEES. Showing Ier the Seseion1944-45 (a) the number of Individual Students enrolled in various types of Schools and number of their Attendance Hours. COU.KTY DAY CLASSES AT PERl\L\NlIllfT CENTRES-PART-TIME Number No. of Centres Committee •• Car low .... Cav an CIaI' e .-Cork .,.. Don egal .-Dub lin .... Galw ay .... Ker l'y --Kild are Kilk enny .... Lao ighie .... Leit rim Lim erick .... .... Lon gford .... Lou th May 0 Mea th Mon aghan Offa ly Rosc ommon . , .. Sligo Tipp erary (N.R.) Tipp erary (S.R.) Wat erford .... Wes tmeath .... Wex ford Wick clow TOTALS .... - .... .... 1 - .... .... . ... .-- Over 16 years -' I 2 2 - 1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 32 7 "., 1 I 32 ------- 56 1 382 I I I I ! I I 94 7 II - I , 47::? - - - 502 - 264 26 75 18 189 8 15,807 474 - - 43 125 938 8.260 43 206 - 63 , i - - I 19 I I 37 - I i I - - 1,853 - 24,44± - 124 56 5,736 1,139 I - - - I - 32,248 331 197 - I - 13 I 3,214 681 / 900 I 99,296 - - 55 12 55 13 - 40 I - 44 71 - - - 528 1,501 - - I - - 81 108 124 56 - - - -/ - 15 - 1,119 - - - 45 - - i - 63 - 1 .... - 49 - i - 31 - I 41 204 - 30 I Female Aggregate Number of Attend&noc Hours - - - - Male - 15 I 134 8 - - .... 15 - 4 2 No. - - - 2 - Students - - - 2 .... ! I 2 Total - - 130 18 SCHOOLS AND CLASSES. of Individual ----- - 7 2 - .... .... Under 16 years and (.) ,he asgreg&te Cl!l811eS 601 - 15 - - RETURN No. 2 (f) COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITI'EES. I'Ihowing for the Sesaiou 1944·45 (a) the Number of Individual Students enrolled in various types of School ••. nd Clasees and (~) the aggregate number of their Attendance H'IlIfS. EVEJ!rING C'LJ.~SE" No. of Centres Committee C.,.]o", Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin .... .... .... .... .... .... Gr.h,,~ ... .... Kerry .... Kildare .... Kilkenn~ Laoighia .... .... Leitrim Limerick ... Longford .... Louth .... Mayo •... .... Meath .... Monaghan Offalr Roscommon .... Sligo Tipperary (N.R.) Tipperary (S.R.) Waterford .. 'Westmeath W ••xford .... Wicklow .... TOTALS .... AT PER"'(A~ Xumber .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . ... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3 7 7 15 6 7 7 5 5 6 6 6 7 1 3 5 7 5 <l .... .... .... .... .... 5 <l 5 8 2 3 ...~ .... .. .. .. . Under Over 16 years 16 years 51 95 17 180 8. 184 32 14 28 34 26 18 57 16 69 19 67 60 41 55 2 19 90 467 625 614, 2,035 445 319 ;;02 <i39 564 711 326 375 548 151 569 480 538 411 397 ,)15 350 620 775 404 590 686 417 46 39 !l7 45 6 4 14,9 1,485 -I "NT UENTRj.;~. 01 Individual Total - - 16,358 14,873 Female Male ~o. 1318 720 63] 2,215 329 303 534 453 592 745 352 393 605 167 638 499 605 471 438 570 352 639 865 450 629 783 462 , Students- 236 399 371 1,038 250 135 273 222 295 382 240 202 343 121 318 306 211 242 214 285 186 373 397 167 442 327 105 262 321 260 1,177 279 368 261 231 297 363 112 191 262 46 320 193 394 229 224 285 166 266 468 283 8.1flO s.ies Agll:r,,~a~ Number of Attendance Hours 21,954 43,916 3Z,~·i~ 148,752 38,334 25,371; 18,760 22.677 22,~37 33,829 14,293 10,303 29,078 11,931 2!),34H 19,O]!) 36,454 21.7(8 19,648 27,334 17,937 27.827 46,313 20,809 18,.81 402,47;; 29,471 l87 456 267 R:l2.!l!):) RETURN No. 2 (g) COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. :iiLowing for the Session 1944·45 (a) the Number of Individual Students enrolled in various types of Schools and Classes and (b) the aggregate number of their Attendance Hours. &.1::'::'JOXAJ, ULA SES AT RURAL OENTRES. Number ('ommittee Car low Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galwa.y Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laoigbis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary (N.R) Tipperary (S.R.) Waterford Westmeath Wexford \Vi('k!om TOTALS ... No. of Centres 2 13 5 66 15 15 37 25 14 21 6 15 32 ;; 20 38 6 7 6 15 11 22 30 10 23 12 471 of Individual Students --' . I. Under 16 years 21 119 145 627 402 155 288 153 58 294 65 125 149 67 215 233 51 50 17 70 150 .31 145 90 9R III 3,919 1- Over 16 years I- Total ~o. 123 363 903 312 80 425 327 2,337 1,140 332 973 858 311 1,084 188 488 1,052 379 337 1,001 134 12.3 106 446 322 4.;7 737 374 .:;07 134 572 1,234 205 175 123 516 472 50 882 464 605 215 59 306 182 1,710 738 177 685 705 453 iOO 12,226 --- ..- 16.14.; I 1Iale I Female Aggregate Number of Attendance Hours ----- 44 222 169 1,;]71 4-07 J~32 .,93 493 244 602 92 187 726 20,* :2i;! 68S 136 145 62 329 282 ;)73 .331 340 380 93 9.207 36 203 158 966 643 200 :~80 365 267 4 2 96 301 326 175 641 1,;,309 22,652 129,197 74,402 2:.1,699 93,337 41,191 13,233 67,600 13,153 17,611 46,886 43,409 300 546 69 30 6J 187 190 I :3r; 4.8,287 48,U1O 13,089 9,749 8,750 21,106 24,884 16,394 49,825 22,946 31,185 12.04fi :;31 124225 122 e.sss <I] 1.010 ..... at at RETURN No. 2 (h) COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES. Showing for the Seesion 1944-45 (a) the number of Individual Students enrolled in various types of Schools and Olasses and (b) the aggregate number of their Attendance Hours, SHORT COURSES AT RURAL CFNTRES. Number Committee Male Female Aggregate Number of Attendance Hours 275 124 151 10.610 139 169 179 145 212 234 30 12 145 182 222 ~.066 13,254 16,064 102 57 3 64 75 441 115 52 292 237 543 172 55 356 312 72 172 39 96 128 471 16 260 184 45,041 9,288 618 17.102 15;666 1 4 6 II 13 II 4 18 173 71 17 87 120 265 229 28 91 138 438 300 28 36 91 164 169 55 47 274 131 1,827 2,630 7,852 23,002 12,278 14 9 137 36 436 251 573 287 55 54 518 233 28,118 1l,827 8 12 22 101 15!! 408 181 509 9 121 172 388 9,223 28,J73 20 182 422 604 206 3!lS 27,i53 177 l,242 4,211 No. of Centres Ca.rlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dllhlil1 Gatway Kerry Kildare Kiikenny Laoighis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan .... Offaly Roscommon Sligo .... Tipperary (N.R.) Tipperary (S.R.) \"aterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow TOT.lLfI Under 16 years Over 16 years 8 82 193 5 5 10 6 43 55 22 7 3 8 II of Individual Students Total No_ 1,606 5,453 3,847 l-' 0< Q} 289,942 RETURN No. 2 (i), ~l"UlrJ.ar,v of foregoing Returns Numbers 2 (a)--2 (h) Showing for the Session 1944·45 (c) t,he Number of Students enrolled in various lype', of Pd,ools and Cln'b(>,'; (b) tl.e Aggregate Number of their Attc';l(IHH(,(, Hours, and (c) till' AI'l""\g<' Xnmber of Attendance Hours per student, . '1',) 1" " of Schools and Classes. ----------------~---Number of Individual 1 1 ---------.1---------1---------- I - I Under 16 years !------- Oity and T'oum: V. E. Oommittrcs . (a) Day Classes at Permanent ("'HIres (Whole-time Schools)" (b) Day Classes at Permanent Centres (Part. time Schools and Classes) (c) Evening Classes at Permanent Centres Oounty I'. E. Oommiuees . (d) Da~' Classes at Permanent Centres (\Yhole-time Schools) "., (e) Day Classes at Permanent Centres (Part-time Schools and Classes) (1) Evening Classes at Permanent Centres (g) :v'ssionai Classes at Rural Centres (h) SllOrl Courses at Rural Centres TOTALS I Students ------------------.--~----~~Aggregate Avorage No. Number of ------- Over 16 years Total No, Male ----------1--------1-------- Female ------.- Attendance Hours of Attenda.noe Hours per Student 1 _ 3,351 2,795 G,146 3,019 :U27 320 2,880 3,200 1,290 1.910 2,202 16,465 18,667 9,502 \l.165 1,062,373 57 5,489 2,467 7,956 3,087 4.869 3,886,197 488 382 1,119 1,501 601 900 95,296 63 14,873 12,226 4,211 16,358 16,145 5,453 8,190 9,207 1,606 8,168 6,938 3,847 832,%5 !l11.0]0 289,942 56 53 38,924 10,535,969 140 I 1,485 3,919 1,242 18,390 3,273,198 I R4.998 :58 0< -----57,036 533 75,426 36,502 .51 -a RE'lTR.'\" So. 3. Showing (a) the number of teachers employed an d (b) the number instruction given by them in Schools and Classes under Vocational Committees. ESSION 1944·45. , I No. of Teachers I Committee r. E. Wholetime Parttime 49 122 22 15 73 358 28 14 of .... Dun Laoghai-e .... GaJw:ly Sligo .... Trale« Wexford County V. E. 00 mmiuees , Carlow .... Cayan .... Clare Cork DOJl('gal Dubliu Gn,]wn,y Ker·ry Kildfm' Kilk=nny Laoighis Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath :Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary (X.R.) 'I'ipperury (S.H.) Waterford Westn.p,l1.h Wexford Wicklow .... .... I I Wholetime Parttime 'rotal 31,280 88,926 16,865 11,783 18,375 110,786 5,803 1,745 49,65.3 199,712 22,668 13,528 Aonf1ch Urmhumhan: I OOT!/- mitiees , Bray Droghada 1'OTALS aETURK XO. 4(a) TECH, '[CAL SCHOOLS EXA,m~ATIONS, 1945. LIST OF EXA.,\UXATIOK (,EKTRES SHOWI TG THE GROUPS IX WHICH EXAl\U1'ATIOXS WERE HEI.JD IX EACH CE. TRE. Name of Centre. Oity 1'. 11. Committ ees: Cork Dublin Limerick Waterford TOUJn No. of Hours Instruction ]59 of hours of Education , 7 9 19 14 13 17 30 5 9 11 .10 2 5 I I 4,349 2.397 14,053 9,220 8,801 28,578 10,632 8,143 9,380 7,5.57 1,433 814 914 Ath Fhirdia : Cearrl-Sgoil 30 77 8 4 I ~ 11 46 . 24 27 :~O 18 22 32 12 19 34 30 20 17 23 18 24 :~8 2 5 10 2 10 2 22 4 .> 7 7 \) Hi 22 It 9 12 10 26 14 988 a 28 12 16 8 7 6 4- I I 766 10,069 18,925 23,234 55,522 •fi? =r 547 8,354 33,787 20,381 16,927 20,883 12,151 ]4,829 23,810 9,551 14,611 25,029 22,768 14,986 12,7:36 17,()fHl n540 18,2!),) :l1,3!l4 12,192 15,6540 18,363 10,649 728,497 I I 1,375 2,615 2,499 11,522 o 886 ~, 6,796 3,467 1,969 340 1,033 837 1,362 2,104 809 2,882 480 3,977 1,013 6f)0 :l,O:{~ 11,44.4 , 21,540 25,733 67,044 ~, '18433 15,150 37,254 22,350 17,267 21,916 12,988 16,191 25,9l-i 413 1,790 2,916 2,202 3,748 3,024 10,360 17,493 25,509 26,745 15,999 13,336 20,128 13,962 18,295 33,184 15,108 17,856 22,111 13,673 226,360 954,857 School Ath Luain : Cf'al'Cl-RgoiJ Batlo an MhOt.a. : Ceard-Sgoil Baile Breacain . Ceard-Sgoil ~::~~ ~~~l:e~~ 14 25 Ceal'd-RgoiJ Arklow : 'I'ochnical Institute Ath Buidh.·: Ceard-Sgou Athy : Technical 4,871 6,404 14,525 10,632 6,710 8,566 6,643 Group. ~;~r;h: Ceard-Sgoil Baito Loeha Riabhach : Scoii Gha irm-Oidis Baile :.Ihathghamhna: Scoil Ch". irm Oidia Baile :-.rhisteala: Ceard-Scoil Bai liehorough : Technical School I Foirgniocht, Innealtoireaeht Mheicnuil. Matamaitic, 'rn\chtail, Tios, Obai!' Adhmaicl (Bun-Ghrad), Obair Mhiote u. (BunGhrad ). Commerce, Domestic Economy. Foirgniocht, Matamaitic, T;'{lChtail, Tios, Ealadha, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad). Matamaitio, Tr8ochbiil, Tios, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad) Foirgniocht, Tios, Ealadha, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad), Trachtail. Foirgniocht, Innealt6ireacht Leiohtreachuis, Tnuealtoireacht Mheicniuil, J nuealtoireacht Ghluaistean, Scruduchain i gcomhan Fostaithe Oifig an Phuist, Tracht.ril , Obair Adhmaid, (Bun-Ghrad), Ob"ir Mhio1ail, (Bun-Ghrad) Foirgniocht, Matamaitic, Tracht ail, Tios. Tr8ochtail, Tios, Ealadha, Obair Adhmaid. (Bun-Ghrad), Obair Mhiotail (Bun-Ghracl), ~~~htail. Tios. Trachtail, Tios . Lamh-Oiliuint , Trachtail, 'I'ios. Trachtail. Commerce, Domestic Economy, Elementary Woodwork . Halbl'iggan: Loreto Convent Art. Baldonnel : Technical Training SCh) Mechanical Engineering, Motor Car Engincering, Mathematics, Commerce, Applied Chemistry. Bal linamuok : Vocational Rc hool Domestic Economy, Be llinasloe: Technionl School Building, Niathpmatics, Commerce, Dornestic Economy, Elemental'." "'ood" ork, Elementary ~fetallVo"k. Baililltp1nple: Ardfoyle Convent Domestic Economy. Ballyshauuou : Technical School Commerce, Domestic Economy. BaJtill!.'I:\~': Vocational School. Building, Mathematics, Commerce, DomWoodestic Economv. Art, Elementarv work.' Randon: Vocation»! Sehoo! Building, 'Jfotor Car Engineering, Mathi-m. abies, Commerce, Domestic Economv, Elementary Woodwork, Elementary MP1alwork. Bawnbov : Vocat io.m.l School Commerce, Domestic Economy. Bealach -a' Doirm : Ceard-Sgoit Matamaitie, Tl'I1rhtail, Tios, Obai!' Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad). Foirgniocht, Scruduchain i gComhair Fost'lithe Oifig an Phuist, Matamaitio, Trachtail. Tigheas. Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Glmid) Beal all Atha 'JTh6iI : H~oil Ghairm OidiR. Foirgnlocht, Matamaitie, 'I'raehtuir, 'I'ios. Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad) Obair :MlllotaiJ (Bun-Ghrad). Real a» Mhuirthiei.l: , I(oi, Ghairm Matamaitie, Trachtail, Tighees. Lamh (1,'_ ()iciis. camhaint. I I ]60 161 Name of Centre. An Creagan : Ceard-Sgoil Beal Ath h-Amhnes : Ce.ird-Sgr»] Bealtairbeirt : Ceard-Sgoil. Beanntraishe : Ceard-Sgoil Birr : Vocational School Borris: Vocational Rchool Borrisoknne . Technical , chool Bri Chualann : Ceard-Sgoil Bunerana : Technical Bush : Technical Rehool School An Cabhsn : Ceard-Sgoil Caiseal Acaill: Ceard-Sgoil. Caistean a' Bbarraigh: Ceard-Sgoil ('ltra Drnma Carndonagh Ruisc : Ccard-: coil, : Technical Carn TlIa: Ceard-Sgoil Carraig a' Chobhaltaigh Szoil. School, .. : Ceard- Carmig na Siuire : Ceard-Sgoil Carrickmacross : Technical School Caalu I : Technical School Castleblaney Castlerea : Technical : Technical School School. Cathair Duin Iaseaigh : CeardNcoil. Cathair na Mart: Ceanannus M6r: Ceard-Scoil. eard-Sooil. Ceann Tuirc : Ceard-Scoil Ceapach Cuinn : Oeard-Scoil An Oeepach M6r: Ceapach no. bh Fnoitcach : ('(·,lI-d· SeoiJ Ceatharlnoh : C'elil'd,S('ui] Group. l1<'oirgniocht, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ohrad) I Trachtail, I'Ios, Tra{)htail, Tios, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrud) Innealtoireacht )fheicilul, 'I'rachtail, Tios Ealadha, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad) Foirgniocht, Traohtail, Tios. Building, Examinations for Post Office Employees, Commerce, Domestic Economy. Elementary Woodwork. Domestic Economy. Building, Commerce. Domestic Econornv. Elementarv Woodwork Foirgniooht, Innealtoireacht Mheicniui', Innealtoireacht Ghluaistean, )1:aLamaitic. Trachtail, Tios, Ealadha, Lamh-Oileamhaint. Building, Commerce, Dome, tic Economy. Elementary Woodwork. Commerce, Domestic Economy, ElementaryWoodwork. Tnl.chtB.il, Tios, Lamh-Oileamhaint. Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad), Innealtoireacht Mheicirnril, Innealtoireach) i gcomhair Fost Ghluaistean, Seruduchain aithe Oifig an Phuist, Matameitic, Trachtail, Tios, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghratd Obair MhiotB.i1 (Bun·Ghrad). Trachtail, Tios, Ealadha, Obair Arlhma id (Bun-Ghrad). Building, Commerce Domestic Economy, Elementary Woodwork. 'Irachtail, Tios, Ealadha. I ~Iatamaitic, Tio, Obair Adhmaid (Bun. Ghrad). InnealtOireacht Mheicniuil, 'I'raehtail. Commerce .. Commerce, Domestic Economy, Elementary Woodwork. Building, Commerce, Art, Elementary Woodwork. Building, Electrical Engineering, Mathemancs, Commerce, Domestic Economy. Elementary Woodwork. Foirgniocht, 'I'raohtail, 'I'ios, Obair Adhmaid (Bun- Ghrad) Innealtoireacht Leictrcachais, 'I'rachtdil. Traehtail, Tios, Obair Adhmaid (Bun-Ghrad), Obair Mhiotail (Bun-Ghrad). ln nealtoiroacht ·.VTbcic-nillil. I nnr-altoireaclrs Ghluaistean, ',\Talamai1,ie, 'I'rachteil, Tl08, 'l'ios. F6irgniMht, L'\lIlh-Oill',ullh'1int, 'I'rachtail, Tio~. l'racht ••il, 'I'ios. Foirgniocht, Innea1t6ireacht )fbei~nillil,. Innealtoireacht Ghluaistcan, .PlurmhUlI· teoireacht, Scruduchain i gc6mbl\ir b'ost·· aithe Oifig an Phl1iil'. Name of Centre. An Cheathramha Rua : Rgoil Gbairm Oidis. Ceis Cairrgin: Cill Alrne: Ceard-Scoil Coard- CiIl Chainnigh coil .... : Ceard-Scoil Cill Fhionain . C'e,ird.Rgoil Cil] Naile : C(',hd·RcoiJ. , Cil l Orglan : Ceard-Scoil cui Ruis: Ceard-Soo il Cionn Torc: Scoil Ghairm Oidis Cionn tSaile: Ccard -Scoil Clanna Cao ilte : ('(,{ml·l;c-oil Cioiobin a' }Ihargaidh: CeardSeoil .... Clones: Technical School Clonmel : Central Technical School Cluain na Slighe : :-;('oi1 GhairmOidis. Cobh: Tl'chnical Nchool Coon: Vocational School Cootehill : Technical School .. Corcaigh : Ceard ·Rcoi I C'hatlmrd ha Chraford Cromadh : Ceard-Scoil .. CUI Airne: Col. San Uinnsin . Disesrb Diarmada : Ceard-Scoil Domhnach Drogheda: Seaehnaill . Ccard-Scoi! ('onyent of ]\ferc)" Group. Foirgniocht, Trachtail. TiO". LamhOileambaint. Foirgniccht. Lamh·Oileamhaint. Trachtail. Tios. , Foirgniocht. Irmealtolreacht Lcictrcachais. Innealt6ireacht )theicni(lil. Trachtail. 'I'ios, Ealadha, Lamh-Oileamhnt. Foirgniocht, Innealtoireaoht. :\Ihe;cniuil. Jnnealtoireaoht Ghluaistean. Ceimiocht Ionchoibhneasta, )ratama tic, T'rachtrii]. Tios, Ealarlha, Lamh-Oiloamhaint. Foiachtail, 'I'ios. Lamh-Oileamhaint, Ergni.ocht, Lamh-Oih mnhnint , T'nichtnil. 1<'oaladhrt. irgniocht. Trachta: I, Tio~. E" lll(llm, Lamh-Oileamhaint; Foirgniocht. Lamh·Oiliuint, I nnen ltoircacln Mheicniuil Innealtoireaeht Ghluaistean. 'I'rachtail, 'I'Ios, Trachtail, Ttos. Foirgniocht, Innealtoiroaoht, Leictreachais, lnnealtoireacht :Mheicni(nl, Inncnitoircacht Ghluaistoan. )fatamailic, 1'raehlAil. Tios. Lamh-Oiliiunt. Obair Arlhmaid (Bun-Ghrad). Ohair )lhiotail (Bun-Ohrad), lnncaltoirencht :'IIheicnilul, Innealto.roacht Gl]ltHtlstCrtn. )fatamaitic. Trachtail, Tios, Lamh-Oiliuint , Trachtail. Ealadha, Elementary Woodwork, Commerce, Domestic Economv. Electrical Engineering, :lIechanical Engincering, Examinations for Post Office Employees. Commorr-o. I)omestic Economy. Art. Foirgniocht, Trachtail, Tios, E:dadha, Obai,. Adhmaid , (Bun-Ghrad). Building, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, :lIotol' Cnr F.ngilll'('rillg. l)fathematic-R. Commorco. Domestic Economy Domestic Economy. )r.tthematic-s. ('ol11;11('r('('. l)oll1e~tic Eeollom~' Foirgniocht. Innealtoiroacht Leictrcachais, Innealtoireacht }[heicnillil, Innealtoireacht Ghluaistean, Ceimiocht Ionchoibhneasta, C16d6ireacht, Plrir-Mhuilteoir eacbt, Scrurluchain i gCo[nhair Foatait ho Oifig an Phuist, )'{atamaitic, Trac-htiil, 'rio" Ealadha, Lamh-Oiliuint. Foirgniocht. 1'1os. Lamh-Oiliuint. )Tat:1maitie. 'I'racht ail. 'l'ios. Efllarlha. TrachtMl, Tios, Ob"i r Adhmn id , (Hun GllI'a,l) Art. ]63 102 --- ._-----------Drorchead At,ha: Ceard-Scoil Droichead Nua: Ceard-Scnil Druim Chaorthainn : Cesrd-Scoil Druimchollchoille; Ceard-Scoil Dublin Technical Institutes Atha CliaLh: ('olai~tl' Mhuire le Tios .... lhilc Atha Clhl.th : Colaiste Naisiunta na hEaladhan Dublin: Dominican College, Eccles Street. .... .... Hath Maoinis: Clochar Lughaiclh Dnndalk : Municipal 'Technical Rrhool. .... .... Fnirgniocht, Innealt6ireacht Leictreachais' Iunealtoireaoht Mheicnnril, Innoaltoireaoht Ghluaistean, Ccnniocht Ionoholbhneasta, }Iatamaitic. Traohtail, Tios, Ealanha, Lamh-Oilinint. Foirgniocht, Matamaitic, iuint, ~~mh-Oili"int, Inscaltoireacht Mheicniuil, 'I'rachtail, Tios, L,\'mh-Oil- 1JlI1ll1lhaOlllll11l1i9;hr·: R('oll Ghairm. Oidie. ' J)rnhs Bill': ('e,mj-Rcoil EU8kf'Y: Vocatinna! Elphill: Enni~: School. Vor-at ionnl Rehool T('cllllical School Enniscorthy : Loreto Convent Fermoy : Technical School Gaillimh: Ceard-Scoil Galway: Dominican College Glangevlin : Technical School Glentics : McDevitt Institute ------ ------ (jroup. Glynn: Technical School .... Goresbridge: Brigidine Convent Gort Tnse Guaire: Ceard-Sco il Grainseach : Ceard-Scoil Guairc: Ceard-Scoil .... Hacketstown : VO('fltional • chool Ti08, Ealadha. [IOS. Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Building, Art, Motor Car Engineering, Commerce, Letterpress Printing, Applied Chemistry, Domestic Economy, Elementary "'oodwork, Elementary Metalwork, Examinations for Post Office Employees, Electrical Engin('<'rill/!. Flour Milling. nail!' Dun.lrum : Vocational School. Dundrum : St. Michael's ('oll('cyc "1)1111 Garhhan : Ceard-Sooie-, "1)"1>Lt!oghn;n': (·(,anl·Reo;1 .... Name of Centre. Group. Name of Centre. Eahtdlm. Art.. J<~l\htclhn. Buildin«. Electrical Engineering, Mech'1I1ic:::.1 j,.ngincerin!(. )1"ot-ol'Car Engineering, Examinations for PORt Office Emploveee, Mat lu-marics. Commerce, Dom-stie Ecol1ony, Elementary Woodwork. ( 'ommerce. Domestic Economy, ('OlJl111i'fCe, Domestic Eb nomv, In ij('nlt6Jl"1~acl>t,Mheicnnul, I,;u<,alt6i rcaoht (ji,lnaist( an, Crimiocht-Jonchoibhnouatu. Tl'uchl {,il. Tios, Lamh-Oiliuint. I<'uirglliocht, Innealtoireacht Lcictrcnchais , Trachtail, Lamh-Oiliuint. Foirgniocht , Inncaltoircaoht Mheicniuil, Innealtoircacht Ghluaistean, 'I'rachtail, '!'Ios, Lamh-Oiliuint. Elementary \\'oodwol'k, Mathematics, Cornm-reo Domestic Economy, Art. Building, ,hllUd Instruction, Mathernabios. I 'onuncrce, Domestic Economy, Art, 13uildiug, Mechanical Engineering, Motor Car Engineering, Commerce, Domestic Economy, Art. :l1anual Training. Art. Building, Mechanical Engineering, Motor Car Engineering, Commerce, Domestic Economy. 1<'<,ir';llh>cht, Innealtoireacht Lcictreachaisj Irmealtoireaoht Mheicniuil, Innealtoiieach Ohl.iaistean, Oeimiocht Ion-choibhncasta Plur-Mhuiltcoireacht, Matamaitic, Trach tail, Tios, Eahdha, Lamh-Oilillbt. Art .. Domestic Economy, Manual Training. .Building, )LLthem~ticB, Commerce, Dom· estic Economy, Manua l Training. Kildnro : Presentation Convent Kilkenny: Loreto Convent. Kilmihil : Vocational Rehool Cill na Leac: Ceard-Scoil Kiltimagh: Convent of St. Louis Lcitir Ccanainn : Ceard-Scoil Liflord Post Office Lios Tnathail : (I'arrl-Scoil Listerlin: Vocational School Loch fin Iubhair : Ceard-Seoil Loch gCa,rman : Ceilrd-R('oil Longford: Technical Luean : Technical ~chool School Luimneach : Ceard-Scorl Chathardhn Mainistir na Bt. iJle: Scoil GhairmOidia. Thuaidh, Corcaigh }Ianorhamilton : Vocational Mohill . Vocatiollf1l School School M6in Chuinn: Ceard-Sco.l Monaghan: Technical School Muineachan: Clochar Art. Traohtatl. Foirgniocht, Lamh-Oilinint, )IBtllmaitJ~. 'I'rachtail. R.C. Tios. Examinations for "Post Office Employees. Foirgniocht , Inncaltoireacht Mhcicniuil. Lamh-Oiliuint, Trachta.il, Tio~, E"lnnlm. Domestic Economy, Foirgniocht, 'T'rnchtu,il. Tios. F.alatlhit. Iilln h-Oiliuint. Foirgniocht, Innealtoireacht Mhei« niuil. Innr-rutoirear-ht Ghluaistean, Rcr1HlI.chfiin i gComhail' Fostaithe Oifig an Phuist , 'l'rachtail, Ttos, Ealanhlt. Lamh-Oiliuint . Building, Examinations for Post Office Employees, Mathematics, Commerce. Dom estio Economy, ",\{annal Training. l\fr,nual Training. Mechanical J~\lgi'H'0l"ing, )[otor Car Engineering. Foirgniocht. lmvnltoireacht Leictrcachais, Innealtoin-cc ht ::I[[WiCll1611,Inneal toireac ht Ghluaistean. Ceimiocht Ionchmbhncas ta. )Iatamaitic, Plur-Mhuiltcoireacht. ::':e1'll<li gComlmir Fostaithe Oifig all uchain Phuist, Travhtail. 'I'ios. Ealnrlhn., La mhO'li(liEt. Tr~tt:l'tail, Tiu~. Lal11h-Oilii,inl, 'l'racht;\il. ']"[0". Foirgnlocht , Innealtoireacht )Thei(·niUiI. T_amh-Oilii';nt, i'lIatamaitic, Trachtail. 'I'ioa, }Tngh Arnai<lhc: Ccar d-Scoil Maghcrorntha . Ceard-Scoi! :lfa/!h Ealla: Ceard-Scoil .vn Mhainistir Domestic Economv. Domestic Ec-onom\-. Trachtail, Tios. . Foirgnioeht, Obair Adhmaid (BHn Ohdn). Trachtail. Tios. Ealadha. Lamh-Oiliuint, Trachtail, T'ios. ,fanua' Training. Conuuorr-o. Domr-stirEcouornv, Art. BHildin~" Mcchanic-il En(!im'PJ"ing. ;\TotO!' ('"r Enginc(·rin!!. )Tnllllal Training. j\f,Ilhornatir-s. Commerce. Art. Commerce .• \rt. Art. . Manual 'I'raininz, Commerce. Domest ic Economy. Foirgniocht, Obair Adhmaid. 'I'rachtail. Tios, Ealadha, Lughaidh Lamh-oiliuint., Foirgniocht, "'\latamaiti(·. Trachtail. Tios, Ealadha. Innealt6ireacht Leictreaohais (8,]).-]},," Ghrad), Innealtoireacht Mhcicuiuil, f)cr{. iuchain i gComhair FORta ii I,C Oi{i" all "Phl.1iRL~l"talUaitic. Commerce, Domestic EC01JOllij·. Commerce, Domestic Economv, Ms,ana I Training. . ".\fatamaltlO, Trachtail, 'I'ios, Elemental)" 'VO( d WOI'/< , Commerce. estio Econornv. Ealadha. ' ------.--- Dorn. 164 165 Name of Centre. Group. Name of Centre. Mullingar: ~rurroe: Technical Glenstal NaB na Riogh: NewcastJewest: New Ross: School I'riory Ceard-Scoil Technical School Technical School An Obair : Ceard-Scoil Oilean Chiarraighe: Ceard-Scoil Oisbideal : Ceard-Scoil An Pasaiste Thiar: Scoil Ghairm-Oid.is. Portlaoighise : Technical School Port Omna : Ceard-Scoil Prosperous: Technical School ..;.. Rathdomhnaigh: SCOlIGhairm-Oidisl Rath Eoghain, Ceard-Scoil Rockcorry ; Technical School Roscomain : Scoil Ghairm-Oidis ROB Ore: Ceard-Scoil Rosmuc : Sccil Gbairm-Oidls Seanaghualann : Ceard-Scoil An Sgairbh : Ceard-Scoil Skibhereeu : Technical Institute .... Sligo :'.Iunicipal Technical School I Electrical Engineering, Examinations fo Post Office Employees. Mathematics, Co~mcrce, Domestio Economy, Manual Tra-nina. Building, Mathematic, Commerce, Art, 1fanual Training. 'I'rachtail, Tios, Lamh-Oi liuint. Building, Manual Training, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce, Domestic Economy. Mechanical Engineering, Commerce, Domestic Economy. Trachtail, Tios. Foirgniocht. 'I'raohtail, Tlos, Ealadha, LamhOiliuint, Foirgniocht, ':'.btamaitic. Trachtail. Tios, Ealadha, Lamh-Oiliuint Foirgniooht, . Innealtoireacht Mheicniuii, Motamaitic, 'I'ra.chtail, Lamh-Oiliuint. Building, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Motor Car Engmeermg, Examinations for Post Office Employees, :M"athematics, Commerce, Domestic Economy, Art, ~fanual Training. Lamh-Oiliuint, 'I'rt'lchtail, Tios. Ealadha, Foirgniocht. Commerce. Foirgnioeht, Lamh-Oiliuint, Tr{,cbtail. Ti08. Trachtail. Domestic Economy 'I'ios, LamhFoirguiocht, Trachtail, Oiliuint. Ji irgntocht, Innealt6i:ea~~t Loict:c~ch~i.8, Innealtoireacht :JfhelCnIUIl, Scruducham i gComhair Fostaithe Oifig an Phuist , Matamaitic, 'I'rachtail. Tios, Ealadha, Lamh-Oiliumt. Trachtail, Ti08. Tios. J'oirgniocht. Lamh-Oiliuint, Trachtail , 'I'ios, Ealadhc .. Mechanical Engincering, :M"otor Car En..gineering, Examinations for Post Office Employees, Commerce, Domestic Economy, Manual Training. Building, Electrical Engineerin~, ~ech~n-. ical Engineering, :'.fOtOTCar Engineering Examinations for Post Office EmployeesMathematics, Commerce, Domestic Economy, Manual Training. S6rd Cholmchille: Scoil-Ghairm Trachtail, Ealadha. Oidis .... An Spid6al: Scoil Ghairm-Oidis Trachtarl , Tlos. I raid a' Mhuilinn : Clochar Dnseain .... Ealadha. Trachtail , Tios. Sraid na Cathrach : Ceard-Scoil Commerce Domestic Economy, Art. Strsnorlar : Technical School . TIOS, Ea.l~dha, Lamh-OiJi('int, Foirgniocht. Teampall M6r: Ceard-Scoil Thurles: Ursuline Convent B~~iding, Mechanical Engineering, }1anu~l Tipperary: Central Technical Sch. ~..:!':allllng, Cumm~~ ..•. :!2_0..~~~, I Tralee: Central Technical Group. chool Traleo : Presentation Convent Trim Vocational School Tuaim: Ceard-Scoil Tuam : Convent of Mercy Tuam : Presentation Convent ... 'l'ubbercurry: Technical School Tul lamore Vocational School An Uaimh : Ceard-Scotl Waterford: Central Tpchnicat WaterviJle: Technical School Wicklow Technical School Youghal: Technical School Sch. Building, Electrical Engineering, :M"echanical Eng~eering, Motor Car Engineering, MathematICS, Commerce, Domestic Economy, Elementary Metalwork. Domestic Economy Commerce, Domestic Economy, ",fauual Training. Trachtail, Tios. Art. Art. Building, Mathematics, Commerce, Domestic Econom}, Art, Manual Tra.ining. Building. Commerce, Domestic Economv. Ma.nual Training. • Commerce, Domestic Economy, Elementary Woodwork, Elementary Metalwork. Foirgniocht, Innealt6irl'acht Leictreachai«, Innealt6ireaeht Mheicniuil, Ceimiocht Ionchoibhneeste, Pltir-Mhuilte6ireacht, ScrtiducMin i gComhair Fostaithe OifJg an Phuist, Matamaitic, Trachtail, Tios, Ea.ladha, Lamb-Oiliuint. Foirgniocht, Trachtail, Ttos, Lamh-Oilnunt. Building, Elementary, Woodworl{, Elementary, Metalwork, Commerce, Domestic, Economv. Commerce, Domestic Economy, Manual Training. luu RETURN No. 4 (b)-SUMMARY X Ulll her of 167 OF EXAMINATION lM5. I 1!'u'!!t Class Successes Exercises (Does Itotapply __i\_'o_r_k_ed_ to 'Prade Tests) GROUP _________ RESULTS, Number 1 I o_f__ Passes Number of 1 Failures I Building: (a) Trade Tests: Junior Stage Senior Stage (6) Technological Exams.: Elementary Stage Intermediate Stagc .... Advanced Stage 375 113 228 60 1~7 53 49 37 20 73 No. 4 (b)-SUMMARY OF EXAMIKATION Number First Cla88 of Successes GROUP (Does not apply Exercises Worked to Trade Tests) --------1----1------1----1 M athematiC.!. Technologica.l Exams. : Elementary Stage 280 36 Intermediate Stage 63 4 Advanced Stage 8 2 ItESVLTS, 1945. Number of Passes III 15 3 umber of Failures 133 44 3 Flour Milling. 149 89 27 80 20 8 « 40 Technological Exams. : Intermediate Stage Advanced Stage 31 20 10 7 la 7 8 6 Letterpress Priniinq. 111echanical Engineering. (a) Trade Tests: Junior Stage Senior Stage (b) Technological Exams.: Elementary Stage Intermediate Stage Advanced Stage JJJ otor Car Engineering. (a) Trade Tests: Junior Stage Senior Stage (6) Tee lmological Exams.: Elementary 'Stage Intermediate Stage Advanced Stage 449 134 253 75 196 155 22 21 289 38 81 13 96 46 31 5 5 59 Trade Tests: Junior Stage Senior Stage Irish for Printers: Junior Stage Senior Stage 45 11 35 9 10 21 10 11 5 Domestic Economy. 109 59 17 4 .30 13 63 15 7 Stl 1:i 13 18.) 33 3,* '3* 2a Electrical Engineering. (a) Trade Tests: Junior Stage Senior Stage (b) Teclmological Exams.: Elemenbry Stage intermediate Stage Advanced Stage 1)7 25 32 38 J9 10 60 170 28 11 2 4 3 106 24 6 Practical Exams. Written Exams. :!,R79 i ,I 155 . 76 44 18 10 11 50 28 21 87 38 12 245 122 3::; 265 199 !f3 107 39 38 2,349 323 368 ':;30 4. Commerce. (a) Clerical Occupations: Elementary Stage .... 1 4,422 Intermediate Stage 1,410 Advanced Stage 415 (b) Retail Distribution: Elementary Stage 55 Intermediate Stage . 2 Advanced Stage 13 (c) Languages: Irish Elementary Stage :..: I 1,282 Intermediate Stage ''''1 Advanced Stage (d) Other Languages : .... 525 178 Elementary Stage Intermediate Stag~ Advanced Stage 1,057 340 I Applied Ohemistry. Technological Exams. : Elementary Stage Intermediate Stage Advanced Stage ~URN 80 920 1,787 1,715 543 295 90 572 169 10 28 I" 4 1 5 1 4 191 136 534 285 5':;7 104 72 78 28 106 60 14 533 212 328 68 46 20 156 JLanual Training Art. Elementary stage .... Intermediate Stage. Advanced Stage 653 428 lJ2 Elementary Elementary 'Vood work Metalwork . . 542 39J 151 427 30J 126 ---..:~- ----- 168 RETURN NO. 4(b)-SUMMARY OF EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1945. II Exerci6e8 No. of Group I Worked First Class Successes (Does not apply to Trade Tests). Number of Passes Number of Failures Building 806 55 Mechauica.l E"ngillcering 984 56 475 453 Motor Car Engineering 368 40 148 180 Electrical 304 6 111 187 275 39 99 137 1,193 402 503 288 351 42 129 180 Flour Milling 51 17 20 14 Letterpress Printing 56 « 12 Irish 26 14 12 3,247 2,672 575 4.250 3,541 692 277 Applied Engineering Chemistry Art Mathematics for Printers Domestic Economy. Commerce !l[anUR.] Training ___ J 9'::~ _1'_9_88_ RETURN No. 5. SCRUDUCHAIN NA gCEARD-SCOL, 1945. Technical School Examinations, 194.;. LIOSTA BUAlDHTHEOIRf DUAISEAHNA. r.ier OF "PRIZEWJXXERS. Scoil, School Abhal'. Subject. An J)I,.1Ib Prize "bt'Oll._lladh. Obtained. Iarrrhora Xame of Candidate __ I·_Al11.,l_11._>ln - t'OJ:CA[GH: Ceard-Sooil Chathn.rdhu ('rUford_ -- -- ---_.- I Luath-Sorlobhnoireacht (Mean) Cunntasaiocht (Mean) Gearmainis, (Mean) Spainis (Mean) Luath-Scrlobhnoireacht. (Ard). Sp'ainis. (Al'd). 6 An Ohcad Duais. Caoimhghln Maille. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais. agus Bonn Airgid. An Dara Duais. Glaidis Ni Mhurchadha. ~L Lynch. Mal'garet Michael Donegan. An An An An M:ichael Horgan. Patrick D. Madden. Mlchacl Horgan. William A. Aherne, Cathcrine M. O'Counell. Charles C. O'Connell. CEIMfOCH'f WNCHOIBHNEAI'lTA Ceimiocht Neamh-ohobhasaoh (Ard) Ceimiocht Chobhasach. (Al'd). do. Piaic. (Bun), Geimiocht Chobhasach. ~!ean)--Saotharlannacht. Ceinuocht Chobhasaoh. (Ard )-Saothal'lannaeht. Ceimiooht Chobhasach. (Anl).- Soatharlannacht Chead Duais. Chead Duais. Dam Duals. Chead Duais. An Chead Duai An Chead Duals agus Argid. An Dam Duais. John . Bonn Donal Lynch. Duggan. l\1}ehael Horgan. CO]{CAIU.I:I : Ceard-Scoil ('hathn,rdh" Chrafor«. -j __ Abh,u Subject Sro;l School MA TAMAITIC Matamaitio. Do. Do. EALAf. Cumad6ireacht An Duais a bronnadh Pri7.e obtained : (Hun) (Mean). (AI·d). Phictiuirach. CORCAIGH: ('ear~:Sc.oi} Chatharclha, t hral'();. r (.Ard). IXXEALTOlREACI-fT LEIC !1:K-\( H.A.'S Innealt?~reacht uictreaehais. ~.D. (Bun) Imlf'alt611'eae ht Lrit-treaehul', "r (/','lIl ). TRACHTAIL. . , " Cunntaisiocht. (Bun). 1'rachtaiJ. (Mean). CmmtaiSiocht. (Ard). (ib'd). TRAChl'An.. X6s Imeaohta Tl'aclltala. (Bun). Fraumcis. (Bun) . UimJrriocht TnlehMlu. (A1'(I) Eanai - ----,~-- Eidioeht. (Ard). Bearl». (Ard). Gcilie11gar. (Ard). . Gcn.rll1ailli~. (Ani). Charles Mehegan. An Dara Duais, Daniel J. An Dara Duais. An Dara Duais. An Chead Duais. N6ra ~6ra losef I r An Ah An An Chead Duais. Chead Duals Dara Duais. Chead Duais. Denis F. Barrett. Deuis F. Darrett Arthur Heywood-Joncs. John J. Kenefiek. An An An An Chead Chead Chead Chead Duais Duais. Duais. Duais. Edwarcl O'Donoghue. Christopher K. Jacob. Denis Bucklev. Christopher Jr. ./H rob. An An An An Chead Chead Chead Chead Checrl Duais. Duais. Duais. Duais. •'ill agus Bonn I DUR' I MHELCNtCi L. Uimilrio(;ht '1'raebtah. :~illeagar .. (Ard). . ~"arja. (Ard). BAILE ATHA CLIATH: Ceard·Seoil, Ceam6g Pa.rnaill. I .ill l'jH~ad Duais. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais .. An Chead Duais ....ut Chead j )uai:-- ~~ffn;05 Airgicl. ....'" B.no1J1 .... An Chead Duais. Au CMad Duais. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais, An Chead Duals agus Bonn Airgid. An Dara Duais. An Dara Duais. An ('head Duais agus BomI Airgicl. An Chead Duais. An Chead Duais An Chead Duais agu8 Bonn Ail'gid. All Chead Duais agus Bonn Ail'gid. .... .... An Dara Duais. Bonn Airgid. '" An Chead Duais. --------_. ------ Dalaigb. MeHenry. M. Me()aherty. .in Duais a Olonnadh Prizo outained Tcas-Iunili. (Arcl). I~A~TOJ RHA( 1fT GHL{;" AIKTE" 'I . J..Ul""JWue<l.cht GhluaiKteall. B"., JlU.lealt6il'eaoht Ghluaistean. (Mean'). T.R~C'treaeha~ Ghluaistean. (Mean). . LI',(·t •.•·uo11a. Ghluaistean. (Ar, I . BAfLE AT!IA CLIATH : Ceard-Scoil, Rath Maoinis. I 0 Joseph An Chead Duais Airgid. Abhar i)uhjr,)1 INNEALT?IHEAf'TTT Seamua G. ~'rances P. An Chead Duais An Chead Duais. An Chead Dusis agus Bonn Airgid Cumad6ireaeht Phictiurach. (Ard). Cormhaisiu i gCnrsai Thionnscail. (Ard). Cormhaisiu Dealbhuighthe. (Ard). Dealbhu Colna-Dhaonna. (Ard). PLUR-MRUILTEOIREACHT : Bun-Phrionsabail. 'S6isearach agus Mean). Fisic Phlur-Mhuilteoireaohta (Mean(. Teicniocht Phlur-Mhuilteoireachta. (Ard) Arur-Eolalocht. lArd). FOIRGNIOCHT : Saoirseach Adhmaid 'Sois -Scriofa). Foirgneolaioeht. 'hd). Cuid 1. Innealt6ireacht Dheanmhasaoh. «Mean. Caindiochtai D'Fhoirgniocht. (Mean). INNEALTOIREACHT MHEJCNIUIL : Ceardaiocht Innealt6ireachta. 'S6is.-Scriofa). Teas. 'Bun). Meicnic. 'Bun). Llnioeht Mheicniuil. (Bun) ... Meaisin Liniocht, (Mean) . Scoil School Ainru an Jarrthorn ~_';;_a_m_e_o_f_c_n_"_.'_" ,la.t(' O'Lcary. B. ~i Chnill. B. Ni Chnill. R. 0 Murohadha, John F. Davis. Seamus G. 0 Dalaigh. Seamus G. 0 Dalaigh. Cathal M. 0 Deibhlein. Crthc,l ,~. (i Dc:1 :·16;: . Ainm an lU'Ttb6m Nam« of Candidate JJeuis I.:l. Creedon .. Patrick Shiels, P~tri('k ,'I,il'l< . William .1. i\Inrph.\'. M:ichael .l. Costello. JaUlrs F. MlUl)hy. C~rlllel_ CUllningham. Liam 0 Broin, Diarmnid O'Hogan. Nora May O'Sullivan. Clare Dvmpna Gallagher. Arthur .J. Curran. ~anan idney TOm8.R 0 3faolcJhon;ilinalgh G. Devine. 0 Duinn. Donal Thomas Glenuon. Tomas 0 Duinn. Patriok .A. Terry. Bridget Shericlm;. Bcoil School 1__ -------------BAILB A'l'HA l'L1ATH: Ceard-Scoil, Droichoad Dothra. . Ahh"f Subject I An Duais a nronnadn obtained I----------- _Prize ----- Amm an larrthora Name of Candidate - -----_. 1'l'RACHTAIL. An An An An Bearla (Bun) Iodailis, {Bun). Frainncis (MeAn). Spain is. (Ard). . IN.NEALTOIRE.AC'HT GHLUAlSTEAN Ceardaiooht Gheraiste. (S6isearachCleacht6.il) . R<\ILE krHA CLIAl'H: \ esrd-Scoil, Sr4i(1 Bholtuin An William T. O'Neill .______ Oba~r Lcac-:'\lhiotail (Sinnsearach 8criofa) Obair l'hrai"-Cbearclaithe (S" -h Hcrida) orsearao Obair Phn.is-CMardaithc Clcachtuil) (S6'" J 1ISC,tTaC I II i I An Chead Duais ague Bonn Umha An Chead Duais An Chead Duais Beirt oomh-ionann do'n Chead Duais An Chead Duais An Chead Duais An Chead Duais Desmond J. Walsh Patriok Billings Brian Ferguson ~ficheal 6 Maolagai» Laurencc Comerford Edward Conway Edward F. Stafford An Chead Duais An Chead Duais Robert A. Thomas Gcorge Byrne Noel F. Hutchinson I An Chead Duais An Ohead Duais :::: I An Duais a hronnadh Prize obtained I I _ An. Chead "Ouais agus Bonn AnUmh;t . Chead Duais An Cheacl Duais Brian Taylor CYl'l1 Kavanagh ------ .... -------Desmond Joseph Wltitten Matthews P. O'Carro]] John 13yrne Au Dam Duais An Chead Duais aglls Bonn .... Airgid An Dam Duais An Chead Duais An Cbeacl Duals I } I An Chead Duais An Chead Duais agus Bonn Ail'gid William Peadar Oli,er LEICTREACH_ Cleachtadh Teicui6.i1 Leictreachais (Cuicl A-Ard) Cleachtadh Tcicnnu! LeictJ-eachais (Cuid HArd) -~ Ainm an Iarrth6ra Name of Candidate Desmonrl I PI:UR.MHUILLEOIREACHT Pnonsabail agus Modhanna (Sionsearach agus Mean) Teicniocht Phl6.r-l\f1ntilleoireachta (Ard) I~,tLTOIREACHT Duais &~~~~ CE,Il\IfOCHT IONCH01.BHNEA8'l'A ge~m!ochhtt~eamh-chobMsach (_4.rd) ermioc . 4,eamh-chobhlisach (Ard) , ~a?tharlannacht).... CenIDocht Neamh-chobMsach (",\rd) 8aotharJalmacht) l Chead 1-------------:------· Abhar SUbject 1N~E~'!'6IREACHT :'\lHEIC~"TOn, DelleadOlreacht (Sinnsearach-Ueacbtuil) j Oeorge Reddy. Brendan P. Kinsell& Michael Mavcrley Doibesil (S6isearach-Scriofa) Briocaireacht (S6isearach-CleachtUil) . Brtocaireaoht (S6iseara.cb-Scriofa) Inneall=-Toireascafocht Adhmaid S6.searach-Scriofa) 1nnea11- Toireascaiocht Adhm~ id Sinnsearach-Scriofa) ..\ Fo rgneolaiocht (Bun) ." Iuuealt6ireacht Deanmhasach (Ard) BAILE ATHA CLlATH Ceard-Scoil, Sraid Chaoimhahjn .. '" Angela Breen. John McFadd.en. John McKenna. seamu! Daltuin, An Chead Duais An Chead Duais Luaidhead6ireacht (Soisearach-Scriofa) Luaidhead6ireacht (Sinnsearach-Scrlofa) D6ibeMI (S6isearach-CleachtUil) t_---I .1 Duais, Duais. Duais. Duais. An Chead Duai •. CL6001REACHT CI6·Ch6iri6. (Soisearach-Scriofa) Inneall-Chlodoireeoht (S6isearachScriofa) Inneall-Chlodoireacht {S6isearachCleachtUil FOIRGmOCHT Luaidhead6irea.cht (SinnsearachCleacht6.il) Scoil School Chead Chead Ohead Chesd .-/ Adams MoKeon Grace Pa.tr~ck lHurphy Wllham Richardson Victor D. Duggan Victor D. Duggan ---Abha;------ -----~N;-·r-(\1:"7·1------:-·----- Suhoo l' _________ I BAILE ATHA CLIATH Ard-Scoil Naisinnta na h-Ealadhan An Duais Subject· a nronnadh I EALAf Amharo-Liniocht agus Meabhair-LinAn Chead Duais / iocht (Mean) Liniocht Dulchrot (Bun) An Chead Duais Liniocht Dulchrot (Mean) An Chead Duais Liniocht Mheieniuil agus Cormhaisiu An Chead Duais ..../ (Bun) . Liniocht Seandaiochta (Mean) I An Chead Duais Cumadoireaeht Phictiurach (Mean) An Chead ' Duais Cormhaieiu i gCilrsai Tionnscail (Mean) An Chead Duais Cormhaisiu i gCilrsai 'I'ionnacai! (.Ard) An Chead Duais agus Bonn Airgid An Chead Duais Cormhaisiu Dealbhuithe (Mean) ('6rmhaisll Dealbhuithe (Ard) . An Chead Duais Liniocht Cholla Dhaonna (Ard) . An Chead Duais Dathadoireacht Cholla Dhaonna (Ard) j An Chead Duais An CMall Duais Stair na h-Ealaion (Mean) An ('IH1,,<1 Dun.is Stair na h-Ealaion (Ard) I AOKACH UR~mUMH.AN I 1'108 Fuail - Grad II Ceard-Scoil ATH LUAlli: Ccard-Scoil 'l'RAcHTAIL: Bearla - Mean BE.AL ATR h-AM:HNAS : Ceard-Scoil TRACHTAIL: Gacik{Bun) .. 1 An Chead Dnais ., I ---------------------- ....I A..."'l', 9~A~HRA1tIHADH (emd-Scoll .... f'('I,)rrl Rnoil : Ceard-Seoil COBH: Technical School Eills Xi Chionnaith ::hkua('h ~i Dhulchaointigh (Ard) TRA 'HTArL: ,J 'J g (Ar-d ) ....II ",itet Airun an !authora Xamc of Candidate I .... / .... do. I TR.ACHTAIL: Gei;r'm.th~is(l:lun) EALAf: J Inlocut {on-ltiir"bneaca (Bun) do. do. (Mean) Amharc-c-Ltntocht agus Meabhair-cLinlocht (Bun) CLANNA CAOILTE : M. Ni Fhlaitire E. tde Carlctin Kcnnedy Ni Dbuibbde Bell Bell ../ I{ose Ann O':lIalley At' Ohead Duais agus Bonn _-\.irgid Donal O'Connor An Chead Duais agus Bonn Airgid Beirt Cholllb-ionann do'n Dara Duais--Feach An Muileann Cearr Michcal Mac Donnchadha gUADH rIo. CILL CHOINNIGH Eithnc Mairead Dermot Raisin )Iuriel Murir-l An Duais a bronnadh Prize obtained Fuui] -- Grad I TRAcHTArL: C]o-Scriobbnoireacht M. Ni Fhlaithiro P. Butler S. Cowan Ni Bheollain --- ------- I rros , CEANN TUIIW : Ceard-Scoil Finola Eileen Isralia Maire Aingeal ~ i Ohiobuin Cait ::-;i Ch iaragain Duais An f'h{>ad Duo is (Mean) Abhar Subject lHD~'HAXA: Technical School Elizabeth Fauagan Elizabeth Fanagan Maeve O'Brien ~-ora de Biirca An (,h~ad nw.is An Chead .... --------- Scoi] School Aingeal Ni Bhriain I e're. 1'RACHTAIL: Clo-Scrtobhnoirear-ht -------------- Name of Candidate Beirt, Chomh-ionann do'n Chead Dnais-c-Feaeh Ros '\ G'wilg (;\-Iean) .... BIHH: 'I'~('hni('"1 "('h,,()] Ainm an Iarrthora 1 Prize obtained .... [ INNEAL1'OIREACHT GHLUAISTEA...~: Eolaiocht Irmealtoireaohta INNEALTOIREACHT MHEICKIUIL : Oirtheoireaoht {Sinnsea.ritrh-(,lpn('~tl1i' An Chca.d Dun.is Micheal )1ac Aodha I 1 An Chead Duals An Chead Duais John Mortor, John Morton An Chead Duais John An Chead Duais Darucl (An Chead Duais a.!!li; Bonn Unlhn.... '-' ... 1 Timothy Morton A. O'Donova.n Murphy ----- Abhar Subject Scoil School OEIMfOOHT ION-OHOIBHl\TEASTA : Ceimiocht Chobhasach (Mean) Oeimioeht Neamh-chobhasach (Mcim) Saotharlannacht. LAMH-OILIUINT: Obair Adhmaid (Bun) DROIOHEAD ATHA· Ceard-Scoi I DROIOHEAD Ceard-Scoil NUA TRAOHTAiL Uimhriocht Trachtala Ill.1NEALTOIREAOHT LEIOTl~EAOHAIS Feistiii Leictrcachais mm DEALGAK· Ceard-Sooil : . nUN GARBHAN: Oeard-Scoil mmLAOGHAlTl,E Ceard-Sooil ENNIS: Technical School An Duais a bronnadh Prize obtained TRAoHTAIL: Luath-Scrtobhnoireacht do. do. ; (Mean) : (Soie-Cleacht) (BWl (Ard) Ill.'NEALTOmEAGHT GHLUAISTEA.N Innealtoireacht Ohluaistean (S6i8Scriofa) .1 TEAoH'rAlL: Uimhriocht 'I'rachtala, (Bun) FOIRGNfOOHT : Saoirseaeht Adhmaid (S6is-Cleacht) Ainm an Iarrtho ra Name of Candidate An Chead An Chead Duals Duaia Mary C. Oostello Desmond Gogarty An Chead Duais Seoirso MacEoiJl An Chead Duais Derek An Chead Duais Reginald R. Jupe J. TayJor An Chead Duais An Dara Duais Carmel A. O'Sullivan. Joseph F. Foley An Chead Reginlad Duals An Ohead Duais Maighread An Chead Michael Duais Smith B. Ni Callinan N.m Abhar Subject Seoil School GLYNN: Technical Ainm an larrthora, Namo of Candidate Duais a Bronnadh Prize Obtained All rtos , Niochan ftgUS Riaraohun School LUIMNEACH: Ceard Scoil Cathardha 'I'igho (Scriofa) An Chead TltACHTAIL: Clo-Scriobhnoireacht (Ani) .. CJtIMfoCHT ION-CHOIBHNEASTA: Coimiooht Neamh-Ohobhasach (Bun) ])0. Do. (Mean) FOnWNloCHT : Foirgnooladocht (Mean) An Dam INNEALT6IREACHT MHEICNTUIL: Doilcadoireacht (Sois-Cleacht) LOCH gCARMAN Ccard-Scoil : LONGPHOHT: Coard-Scoil M.AGH EALLA: Ceard-Scoil Duais .Julia Joycc Eibhlis Ni Dhubhghailt Duais An Chead DU,tis An Chead Duais Cyri l I;. Cull igan Cyril V. Culligan An Chead Edmund Duais .Iosoph An Chead Duais Wallnut Gilligan rros. ('ocairc'acht - Gnld 11. An Chcad Duals Umha rros , Niochan aguB Riarachan Tighe (Cleachu)] .l<'omGNioCH'1' : Caibineadacht (Sois-Clcacht.). ' FOnWNfoCRT : . i Saou-scacht Adhrnaid (Sinn.-C'!c'aeht) I i 11gllS Aune E. Mansfield Bona ' I An Chead Duais An Chead Duais An Chead Umha Dua.is agus BOIUl I Mairc Nic Anlaidh I I Patriok . .J. Conbov 'l~ftlllonn Baroid I lVWILEANN ('EAH,H, Ccard-Scoi ' TH:\L'HTAI.L: (J"eilg (Ard) I Boirt chomh-ionnnn do'n Dara Duais-c-Fcach An C'(',~thr~ml~:o,::: :'" .J': [ ! Baubre Ni Ghiollit CJlOilifn Scoil I LA.MH·OILrUrNT: I Obair-Mhiotait (Bun) )l"AA.S: Tcchnic",l School Schoct Cocruroacht PORTLAOlGlI[~E : Technical .\11 Chead "I Tfos: )l"EW ROSS: Tcchruoat An Duais a Bronnadh P"i7(, Obtained Abhar Subject Q"~()')I - ::·1 G, ad INNEALTOIREA(;HT Scllo:>l Oirtbeoireaoht :?IrHEICNIUrL: (S6is-"k.'"cht) I .] An Chead Martin Duais Be.rt chomh-ionann Ch~;l(l Duo is Ainm an Iarrth6ra Name of Canr1i(lo"tp do'n Dua is O'Brien Nora Freanev. Ida Aselford' .Iames Ma.her I HOS URE: Ceard-Scoil TRAcHTAIL: Gacilg 'I'EAMPALL MOJ{ : I Bcirth chemh-ionann do'n Chead Duais - Feach Beal Ath' h-Amhnas. Maighrcad An Chead Duais Edwurd An Chead Patrir-k Xi Aimhirgin FOIRG1\1fOCHT : Ccard-Scoil Matamaitic 'I'RALEE' agus Ceimseata (Bun) T. O'Neil1. [NN" ALTOIRFACH'T' GHLUAlSTEAN Technical Scho«! : Lcictreaehas TULLAlIIORF : Technical Sohoc I I WATERFORD: Central Technical WATERVILLE: Technical I (Bur,) School Inst itute : Cluaistean TRAcHTML: CI6·Sm iobhnoireacht (Bun) (Bun) : I FOIRGl\1fOCHT Luaidoireacht (S6is-Cleacht) Dua is An Chead Duais Lauronce An Chcad Dun-is Wil liarn O'CoJUU'11. An Chead Duais Tadhg TRACHTAIL: 'I'rachtail (Bun) O'Sultivan 0 Dunne. Ceallaigh. 179 RETURN No. G.-SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS POST OFFICE EMPLOYEES, 1945. Number of Centres :-JUBJECT MagnetisDl tricity I'elegraphy and .... I .... 'l'elephony-Stage II . l~il'st Class Successes Second Class Successes I Failures Elec· relephony-Stage I'ransmission Number of Candidates FOR 12 75 18 38 19 9 35 14 15 fj 7 42 o 18 18 2 4 5 ----- .. .. --- .. .'\ ill 11 I ucucha (ill TUAIRISC IJIMHIR 7. COLAISTE MUIRE LE nos: REAMH-SCRUDuCHAN, 1945. Ol'cl Fiuntais] tlgll}; nrareanun na niarrauhoirf f5111' glacnClh leo 'sn chlll'sa oiliuna (le thor.rclh n n R\3i1mh-Scn'tdllChilin. cum I Gadl:.,: (F;eriofa) 11{i;~'aio('!J: 'I ! T(-'aghl:l!~h! I 112;lIl;; S18~lll. Cornor!as Oscail!e ( 23 ~it) Bihlllin 1'\1Shcasna!n Treasa Breathnach" Mai!'c Xi Mliuil'thuile Ailis Ni Mhcl0lain [), Ua.irr.afi (i. Bihblin 7. n. 10. 11. 12. 1.3. 14. 1.;. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ~ic a' I i'3~ 2 ~·2~ on 1~" 117 1] 2 ] 16 9:; 114 118 10;, 13~ ~.) 124 134 ~5 100 I 120 117 8 rr. Corn6rlas do Shealbh<ltri'-II----I'~ Sgol:1ireacht na Fior-G ellachta I Me:1n-Scoilean~a 1. Maire Ni 'I'huathalll ... H7 (111(1) (200) ISH 150 H7 IG:, 9 Luain Si 1Ihufchadh.," Xora x j I'hurtain Dolores ~ic Cionnaith . Proinnsias xt Ghofulail;" Mairc .Nic Sea.gl ain.. Mt.ire de Faoit o ." Maighread Ni fihcaghdhlt' Mai!'c Si Oircachtaigh Ftlomena 1'\1 Ohrotaigh lIaighreod 1'IiChruadhh\ol Brighid Si Oholmain Neamlmait de Paor ~raire 'I'reasa 1'IiBhrlah M{,irc XI Dhubhh,in MAirin Ni Bhrialn Mairead Ni Eiscln Eibhlin Ni Mhathghanlj,'",\ Mt.ire Nic tSithigh '" (I :;0) rss I I , (11I1) 7H H~ 1';~ ~2 l.,lS HO I (10[0'\' I 74 KI ~o 1.).) t"jllt/l- rio('ljl ,., 177 15:1 16$ 173 132 ] ;,fi HI 147 14~ 148 1;;3 14' 16~ 157 150 1 'M St;i--;:-j~ 'Pf,' I~ohl:-; I hl'~ir('ann . na Linll)('hl (.',0) J'joinior'ht bunC'hrinH' (.;01 Ioml:in «Jni(l 1) toc.riroacht (tIearntuil 22 I :!1 86 74 8:~ 77 ono ~1 7M !l71 !lHI !J.")i 6~ 17() (\8 HO 16~ 6(; 70 H~11. 1-- '" l.')(i 141< 15~ li2 ]3(; 144 15H 1411 152 6., 80 6.'; 71 :2:! II 66 160 1.;0 (1.;100) se "1 8] 26 \\Io,. Iomlan 164 t.·, ;:-.7 no (lOO) I l.jH 1!)2 ,o 65 G'-' Oir;':;;,;;;"IIPhearsa!n 16H 15:! 15(; 16H RB 5~! 7;} 6S '1'(" SO R~ 8·1 7:) 77 13~ 14·1 7:l l (JJ\('i1Q'(' Li~ t: I r,al,heirt, na (~o;;;--I (7011) ";.10( no mhLlinteoil'( C' ...:.U:...:I..:,D....;.;II,;.,._ .'f"rf'anna I i-Ollttir' 1 "na thaide JClcachtuil) 1. 1. 2. a. ..I. 1. do 80 67 68 75 85 H7 ss 73 68 nu 86 LO·1Ii ].014 1,012 l,OO!) 1.00~ 1,001 nM CD c !IS! 980 956 n.'j;, no] !)4~. 948 ~'4i) n3n n37 9~" 024 18<\ --~----~--~----~--~--.--------~--------~---- APPENDIX TABLE A. - V. REFORMATORY SCIfoOLS. School Year: 1st August, 1944 to 31st July. 1946. -----------------------~--------------·~------D~·---h I of Schools i Boys Girls "-'I 1 236 -.-. 2 62 3 288 'l'OTA]~ ISC arges. Releases on Supervision Certificate &0. from Ist August 1944 to 31st July, 1946. 224 49 107 119 19 22 273 li6 I I I TABLE B.-Industrial School Year: I ---- : Schools. Numbel Number under under Detention Detention on on Ist Aug., '44 31st July, '45 Discharges, Committals, Re-Commit. Releases on Supervision tals & Re-Ad&0. missions, &c. Certificate from. 1st Aug. from Ist August '44 to 31st 1944 to 31st July, July, '45. 1945. I I ! I I 14l i 1st August, 1944, to 31st July, 1946. i Number of Schools Boys Girls Mixed ····1I 15 35 1 I 51 TOTAL I I Committale, Number Re-Admisaunder ions, &c. Detention from Ist Aug. on 31st July, '46 '44 to 31st July, '45. Number under Detention on Ist Aug., '44 Number i I 1 * Included I 3,094 3,431 1 -* I 6,526 I Ii I 3,108 3,457 577 505 -* -* 6,665 1,082 above. TABLE C.-REFORMATORY 563 479 I 1,042 SCHOOLS. The total number of Youthful Offenders admitted upon conviction to Re formatory Schools during the year from Ist August, 1944 to 31st July, 1945, was 123, viz., 106 boys and 17 girls. The offences in respect of whioh the Youthful Offenders were committed were:OFFBNCES Larceny and Petty Theft. Receiving Stolen Goods Housebreaking, Shopbreaking, etc. Alllilault ... Unlawful possession Refusing to conform to rules of Industrial \'agrancy Other Causes __B_o_y_,, 39 I 56 l .... School TOTAL ~OTE: Re-admissions following revocation Irom absconding are not included in thi~ Table. G_i_rl_8 __ 1~~al _ 10 W 1 ;in J I 6 7 :; 106 of superviaion l7 G 3 r--- certificate. 123 a nd 182 183 TABLE D.-INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. The total number of admissions to Industrial Schools by committal during th, )-elu from Ist August, 1944, to 31st July. 1945, was 1,061. viz .. 563 boys and 4-98 girls, The children admitted in tha.t year are classified in the following tabular statement according to the grounds on which they were committed :GROUNDS Boys OF COMMITTAL 1 Begging Not having any home or settled place of abode, or visible means of subsistence, or found having a parent or guardian who does not exercise proper guardianship Destitute not being an orphan, and parents or surviving parent, or, in the case of an illegitimate child, his mother, are or is unable to support him-parents consenting to committal, or in certain circumstances parents' or survi ving parent's or mother's consent dispensed with, or consent of one parent only necessary (Section 10 (1) (d) (h) and (e) (i) or (ii] or (iii), Children I I Girls 48 I State 80 Ages w h (' '1 Adrnitte.l i65 I _________________ .12 years and under 242 11 12 23 prisonment Charged with an offence punishable in the case of an adult with penal servitude, etc. (being under 19 18 37 12 years of age) Charged with an offence punishable in the case of an adult with penal servitude, etc. (being over 12 and under 14;years of age) Charged with an offence punishable in the case of an adult with penal servitude, etc. (being over the age of 14 and under the age of 15 years) Uncontrollable l{efraotory Pauper A child who has not complied with a School Attendance Order sent under School Attendance Act, 1926 3:5 I , 435 153 'nu terate T oat I 1 Bo,Vs _ Read Moderate Pro- and Write ficiency in Read- Read and ~it:: ~~~ ~ I 3 2 I 4 5 1 8 13 years and l,lndel' 14 14 years and under 15 5 1 16 15 years and under 16 /. 35 16 years and und~~ ~ TOTAL per~:~tlY GirlS'~ 13 - 17' B. '), I 1 -- I -- -- -- 13 2 3 1 15 _3_ ~ 13 1 38 TOTAL Note: Be-admissions following revocation of supervision aconding are not included in this table. 2 6 3_1~ ~_G 3 _~~_ State of Instruction Read 37 Total TlJiterat,· 52 [33 7 563 I ! certificate 498 11 2 2 14,0 1~61- 4 __ 2 _2_ on Admission 1------ and TI,7·t· V\ n e Irnperfectly , 8 2 2 2 2 TABLE F.-INDUSTR!AL SCHOOLS. Ind Ag:s and st ate of Education of children over 10 years of age admitted to . uBt.nal Schools during the year from Ist Augnst. 1914, to 31st Julv 1945 are gIven III the followi:lg tabular statment :_ . , , Ages when Admitkd 46 C. --21 1 Is under the care of a parent or guardian who has been convicted of an offence under Part II of the Children Act, 1908, or mentioned in the First Schedule to that Act in relation to any of his children, whether legitimate or illegitimate Destitute orphan, or destitute having both parents or surviving parent, or, in the case of an Illegitimate child, his mother, undergoing im- B. G. -- I - 7 =-I_l_l~ 3 B. G. --;; I '[ __ 9 1106 on Admission --- 1 32 170 of Instruction 1------- Total 89 Aot.I941) TABLE :.-REFORMATORYSCHOOLS. and stat= of Education of Youthful Offen d ers a dmi .I'he_ ages . mitted upOI' into Reformatorv Schools durina 1,1l('Year fIt COIH'ICl:JOIl 'n . _.'. "'. ' rom s A ugust , 1944_ tc . st .July, 194;). ar~ given 111 the following tabular ~tatE'mf'nt:- iModerat(' Pro- I II Read', fieienoy and III Reading and "Vrite "VeIl Superior , Instruction , , Writing 1__ 1 --------I!~-~..:-!~~~I~~il~~ G. G. 10 years and undo r 12 12 years and under 14 Over 14 years _____ 1:18 164 "3 56 ::15 58 /13 19 .; - _1_1 and from abT_O_TAL --.!.3_2_.5__ 13_3....:1~49 J 3 41 41 28 22 ~--=-~_s 'I" " 5i) 54 120 I 21: I ll7 7 li 7 _ I- I __' I I _91~=--._4 --=---=I .>0 i 56 ' 1 12 1 "I "I 2 I .. 184 Table G. -Reformatory I'he total number of youthful 0 Reformatory Schools (including th r-ate. transferred from one Reform absconded and did not return) in .J uly, 1945, was 141, viz., 119 boys They were disposed of as foil ._---- 185 Sehools. Mode of Discharge Boys To Employment or Service .... Returned to parents or friends Emigrated Discharged-Retained in School Died Discharged on medical grounds Committed to Prison for breach of Reformatory Rules Transferred from one Girls Reformatory to the other TOTAL Table ffenders who were discharged from ose released on supervision certifiatory to the other and those who the year ] st August, 1944, to 31st and 22 girls. ows:- " .. 1 Table H.-Industrial 47 63 5 :2 Girls Total !l 56 65 5 8 I 3 2 8 1 I 2 119 2 22 ----141 ----- Bovs Girls 388 256 142 51 Tota 1 -----To Employment To Friends Retained in School Released on supervision certificate discharged to Hospital Emigrated Died Entered Religious Communities Absconded and did not return Committed to Reformatory 'I'ransferred to Reformatory Boarded Out TOTAL Blacksmith, 1; Boot and Shoe·making, 3: Carpentry, 3: Defence 6; Farm Labourers. ]:3; Fishing. 2: Gardening, 5; House Boys . Forces, 2; Messengers, 3; Shop Assistants, 3. Nine girls were Cot to employment on discharge from the Reformatories. They were distributed as follows, as regards occupations:Domestic Servants, G: Turf Worker, 1; Laundress. 1, and Waitress, 1 'l'a1lIe .f.-l)ischm'gl's to F.m})]o,r1l1I'ut from Inrlust rial Schools dnl'jn~ the vear f1'01l1 1st August, 1944, to :It"t .Tuly, 1941). from Industrial Schools were distributed The boys discharged f'ollows, as regards occupations:- as Bakers, ]4; Blacksmiths, ·l; Boot and Shoemaking and repairing, 34: 1; Butcher, 1; Cabinet Maker. Roy Messengers (G.P,O.), 4; Bricklayer, 1; Carpentry, 10; Coachbuilder. I; Dairy Workers, 3: Dcronce Forces. 2; Factory Workers. 8; Farm Labourers, ]37; Foundry Worker. 1: Cardeners, 7: General Labourer, 1: Grocer's Assistants, 2; Hotel Emplo,\·ees. ] 3; House and Pantrv 80)'s. 2,,); Libra rv ASSistant, 1: :'IIechanics, 10;;\lessengers and Porters, 24; Packer. J: Pages, :3: Painters, 4; Poultry Farm Hand, 1; Shop ASSistant, .1: Tailors, 63; \" eavors. 12; Wheelwrrghts, 2; Ya I'd Boys. -±, Sehools. 'I'ho total number of pupils ",ho were discharged from Industcial Schools (including children released on supervieion eertifieate and children who absconded and did not return) in the year from Iat August. 1944 to 31st ,fuly. 1945, wa s 1,042, viz., 563 boys and 479 girls. They were disposed of as follows :- ){ode of Discharge J.-Uischarges to Employment ft'om Hefm-matm-y Schools dlu'jn~ the year ft'om 1st Angust, 1944, to xrst .Iulv, 1945. The boys discharged from the Re formatory School WE're distributed :IS follows, as regards occupations:- 126 10 The girls discharged from Industrial follows, as regards occupations:- Schools were distributed as Bakers and Confectioners. 2: Cbildren's Maids. 16; Cooks. 6; Dalrv t: Cencrat Servants, 152: House and :'IIai(ls. 2; Factory Workers. Pm-lour :\laids, :~7; Kitcbenmaic1s, (5: Laundresses. 20: Pertresses 2: Sewing Maids. 6; Shop Assistants. 2: Wardsmaid, J. 'I'abll' T01'~' R.-Xumbl'l' anti Industr+at 1)44 ani! Causes of Death" amongst pupils ill Reforlll;!. Sl'hools du rIng the year f'rom tst Augul'<t, 1944, to 31st Jull', 1945. 268 61 or 15 6 4 4 4 6 15 5 o I I 30 11 10 5 5 6 Tubercular Meningitis General Tubereulosia Pulmonary Tuberculosis 'Rheumatic Fever Cretinism TOTAL 1 1 .363 479 1,042 A dcat h occurred in one or the School Year, ami the' cause' of death el it is. girls' Reformatories during the in this case' \\:El" acute' Osteorny. 186 187 Table L.-List of Reformatory and Industrial Schools showlng till' accommodation limit and the number of children under detentro-: in each school on 31st July, 1945. Accommodation limit .......!..~--.---.-.--.---~--------- -------REFORMATORY SCHOOLS : 250 Daingean, Offaly ;)1) Limerick (Girls) 80 Kilmacud " INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS : School Number under detention on 31 .Iuly,'45 TABLE M. Statement showing numbers committed from each District Court , during the Year Ist August, 1944, to 31st July, 1945. District ----;-----------------------Disbrieb No. Reformatories Industrial Schools :1 1 Senior Boys: Upton, Co. Cork 300 170 235 830 260 190 208 --_I Baltimore, Co. Cork Greenmount, Cork Artane, Co. Dublin Carriglea, Co. Dublin Letterfrack, Co. Galway _ Salthill, Galway St .• Ioseph's, Tralee, Co. Kerry Glin, Co. Limerick Clonmel, Co. Tipperary -- -'1 lW 214 200 213 121 223 820 246 168 201') 151 208 165 Junior Boys: Passage West _ Kilkenny (Male) Drogheda, Co. Louth Cappoquin, Co. Waterford Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow 80 186 (50 _ --I Mixed School: KiIlarney, Co. 75 lOO _.-.1 Kerry-i-Junior I Boys Girls I Girls: \ Cavan Ennis Clonakiltv Cobh . Kinsale Mallow St. Finbar's, Cork Booterstown, Co. Dublin Goldenbridge, Dublin Lakelands, Dublin Whitehall, Du blin Loughrea, Co. Galway Ballinasloe " Clifden, Co. Galway Lenaboy, Galway Pembroke Alms House Tralee, Co. Kerry Kilkenny (Female) Birr, Offaly St. George's, Limerick St. Vincent's Do. Newtownforbes, Co. Longford Dundalk, Co. Louth Westport, Co. Mayo Ballaghadereen, Co. Roscommon Monaghan • __ Summer hill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath Benada Abbey, Ballymote, Co. Sligo Sligo ___ Templemore, Co. Tipperary Cashel, Do. Dundruru, Do. Waterford Moate, Co. Westmeath New Boss, Co. Wexford Wexford i 1 ·1 -i -I ...• 1 4.0 !lfl 40 llO 180 60 180 80 200 96 150 no lOO 100 100 120 88 85 126 100 170 180 240 100 76 186 140 73 76 37 74 34 108 88 51 87 71 140 95 (46 108 74 77 73 119 88 85 126 84 102 130 144 53 ll7 7 90 140 200 106 200 70 125 80 54 200 74 100 146 81 196 72 189 61 109 75 157 56 89 89 1 2 3 4 2 2 1 3 s 6 7 8 :l 16 6 12 23 3 12 5 10 1.1 1 16 12 6 37 3 1 29 13 13 14 33 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 1 10 If) 27 54 1 2 14 4 1 4 1 7 19 42 59 36 36 22 I 26 27 ·1 28 i 29 I :30 31 23 1 .... 17 3 31 1 49 I ----_._-'--------------, Total 24 123 34 399 _---------- •.. 1,061 188 TABLE N.' The total numbers admitted ill the School Year 1st August, 1944, to 31st .Iuly , 1945, into Reformatory and (ndustria.l Schools from the several County Boroughs and Counties where committals were made were as follows :- Reformatories Cit ios or Cormttes. ._--.--Co. Carlow Co. Cavan Co. Clare Co. Cork Cork Corporation. Co. Donegal Dublin Corporation Co. Dublin Uo. Galway ce. Kerry ('0. Kildarc Co. Kilkenny Co. Leitrim Loix Co. Limerick Limerick Cm poration (;0. Longford Co. Louth Co Mayo Co. Meath Co. Monaghan Offaly Co. Roscommon Co. Sligo Co. Tipperary, N.R. Co. Tipperary, S.R. Co. waterford Waterford Corporation Co. Westmeath Co, Wexford Co. Wicklow TOTAL Industrial. r ----Boys 1 :> 6 14 :31 8 Girl' Boys 1 4 9 32 J 1 8 18 1 236 43 :j 26 :! 11 8 .) I .) il 7 17 39 8 119 18 3i; 22 J.() 7 I 3 7 28 1., I 1 1:l 5 14 3 ~ Girl, :! ., 10 ~ 10 Schools ------ 5 6 6 4 12 2 :! 6 3 .) ;'j 11 11 27 ~I :!G l[) to 13 1± 10 II 8 24 8 .JU~ ..,\-)8 ~) 7 L06 17 8 8 189 TABLE O. The number of youthful ulfenders and children under detention Reforrna trrrv and Industrial Schools on 31st .Iuly, 1.9J5. chargeable each Local Authority was as follows:- I I Reforma.tory Schools Industrial School" Local Authority Girls Boys Oo. Carlow Co. Cavan Co. Clare Oo. Cork Cork Corporation Co. Donegal Co. Dublin Dublin Corporation Co. Galway Co. Kerry ce. Kildare Co. Kilkenny Oo. Leitrim J 5 2 .! :3 1 4 - 8 3 5 .,, ~O - :1 1.8 I 85 7 ·1 I Lea Co. Limerick Limerick Corporation Co. Longford Oo, Louth Co. Mayo Co. Meath Co. Monaghan Offaly .:» Co, Roscommon Co. Sligo Co. Tipperary, N.R. oe, Tippera.ry, S.R. Co. waterford Wa.terford Corporation Co. Westmeath Co. Wexford Co. Wicklow TOTAL G I :{ lO(1 14 218 12U 15 r.ns 7911 - IOJ 154 7(1 2 2 I L8 - 31 :1 1 1 I 84 ;; - l :! - 62 1435 47 43 :)0 42 1 , 221 1!'i3 63 61; :,11 4(1 137 .")5 211 23 101 31 ,:;8 47 1 :>;{ si - tOR ;l , :)8 74 lOH :l ~ 1:!7 8~ fiO 65 94- 183 7"o 4t! 6(; 50 35 :I .. ,I 300 !l4 21 1 47 I :18 137 - I -- .1 ~2 .\ 3 ... 22 14 77 187 S I · Girl& 4 17 ·· .."1' I Boys .- 1 4 - J H 2 2 1 224 I 1 I 3,108 49 I 177 3,4"7 in to