T R A N S AC T I O N BANK I NG Japanese quality sets the standard for the rest of the world. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. BTMU The transaction banking business at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (BTMU) puts all of our expertise at the service of corporate clients looking to succeed worldwide. 3 GLOBA L NET WOR K 5 A SI A N ST R AT EGY Business today is globalizing faster than ever. Needs for capital management on the national, regional 7 BUSI NESS and global scales are increasing as companies establish manufacturing and sales bases overseas. 9 SOLU T ION Our transaction banking operations support clients with capital management, focusing on cash 11 I NFOR M AT ION CON T EN TS | Expansion of global bases | Expansion of Asian bases | Business overview | Products and services management and trade finance. As the Japanese bank with the greatest global reach, BTMU supports multinational clients with its friendly services and commitment to Japanese quality. 1 2 EU ROPE NORT H A M E R IC A [United Kingdom] [U.S.A.] London, Birmingham [France] Paris EMEA [Belgium] Americas Transaction Banking Office for Europe, Middle East and Africa Brussels Transaction Banking Office for the Americas Union Bank, Transaction Banking [Germany] Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin [Canada] Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver Transaction Banking Division Japan [Italy] BTMU(China) Transaction Banking Division China Milano [Spain] New York, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kentucky, Los Angeles, Minnesota, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington East Asian Transaction Banking Department East Asia Madrid, Barcelona Karachi [Portugal] [India] Lisbon New Delhi, Neemrana, Mumbai, Chennai [Netherlands] Amsterdam [Austria] Vienna [Czech Republic] Prague [Poland] Warszawa [Russia] Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vladivostok [Kazakhstan] Almaty ASI A [Pakistan] [Thailand] THE M I DDL E EAST Bangkok Asia & Oceania Asian Transaction Banking Office [Bahrain] Manama [Turkey] Istanbul [Iran] Tehran [U.A.E.] Dubai, Abu Dhabi [Qatar] Doha A F R IC A [Egypt] Cairo [South Africa] Johannesburg GLOBA L N E T WO R K Expansion of global bases BTMU’s global reach includes 555 locations* in more than 40 countries/regions around the world. [Malaysia] Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Penang [Singapore] Singapore [Indonesia] Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung [Philippines] Manila [Vietnam] Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City [China] Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Qingdao, Wuhan, Shenyang [Hong Kong] Hong Kong, Kowloon [Taiwan] Taipei [Korea] Seoul [Bangladesh] Dhaka [Myanmar] Yangon [Cambodia] Phnom Penh OCEA NI A L AT I N A M E R IC A [Mexico] Mexico D.F. [Argentina] Buenos Aires [Brazil] Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro [Chile] Santiago [Colombia] Bogota [Peru] Lima [Venezuela] Caracas [Australia] Sydney, Melbourne, Perth [New Zealand] Auckland BTMU manages its transaction banking business from offices in Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, London and New York. A total of more than 700 professionals work together across national and regional boundaries to provide a wide range of services to our clients. We leverage our network of offices in more than 40 countries/regions to meet local needs in specific countries. Professionals well-versed in local markets provide the same high quality service and hospitality found in Japan. * Including the 434 offices of Union Bank in the US (as of April 30, 2013). 3 4 AS I AN S T R AT E G Y Expansion of Asian bases Korea since 1967 Our solid Asian network leverages proactive investments and strategies in a region that has captured the global spotlight. We have 120 years of experience building bases in the Asian region, and we continue to expand operations throughout the region. We also proactively invest in and affiliate with banks across Asia, working to strengthen our transaction banking business region-wide. China since 1893 Pakistan since 1925 India since 1894 Investments and Alliances with Asian Banks India ICICI Alliance State Bank of India Alliance Bangladesh since 1990 as of June 30, 2013 Taiwan since 1990 Hong Kong since 1952 Myanmar since 1918 Philippines since 1918 Thailand since 1936 Thailand 5 Bank of Ayudhya Alliance Bangkok Bank Alliance Malaysia CIMB Investment Indonesia BNP Investment Vietnam VietinBank Investment China Bank of China Investment Hong Kong Dah Sing Financial Holdings Investment Taiwan Fubon Financial Investment Korea Exim Bank of Korea Alliance Myanmar Co-operative Bank Alliance Cambodia Canadia Bank Alliance Cambodia since 1956 Vietnam since 1920 Malaysia since 1957 Singapore since 1916 Indonesia since 1918 6 T R A N S AC T I O N B A N K I N G T R A N S AC T I O N BANK I NG BUSI N E SS Business overview Our transaction banking business, managed from six bases worldwide, provides cash management and trade finance at the highest global standards. BTMU’s transaction banking organization CASH M A N AG E M E N T T R A DE FI NA NCE BTMU’s transaction banking offices Area of responsibility Tokyo Japan Shanghai China Hong Kong East Asia Singapore Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania London Europe, Middle East, Africa New York The Americas Clients’ global business networks Earning consistently high marks from international financial magazines and research firms Euromoney Cash Management Survey 2012 Dealogic Trade Finance 2012 Comprehensive ranking Comprehensive ranking (Japanese bank) No.1 7 No.1 8 T R A N S AC T I O N B A N K I N G SOLU T ION Products and services C A S H M A N AG E M E N T BizSTATION BTMU’s full line-up of cutting-edge products and services are designed to meet the needs of multinational corporations. The pride we take in offering high-quality services tailored to our clients drives our line-up of cutting-edge transaction banking products and services. BTMU aggressively invests in its transaction banking system development every year. Talented personnel both within and outside BizSTATION is an Internet banking service for corporations and is among the best utilized in Japan. It offers a rich array of functions, including balance and transaction confirmation, fund transfers, bulk transfers, payroll transfer services, overseas remittances, export/import documentation, foreign exchange contracts, loans and market risk management. GCMS Plus GCMS Plus is an international Internet banking service for corporate clients with growing global businesses. It offers a variety of capabilities, such as balance and transaction confirmation and domestic and overseas remittances in a high-security environment. It also provides services for the Single European Payments Area (SEPA). of the bank focus on system development, resulting in constantly improving ease of use and convenience. Count on BTMU for solutions from basic services to cutting-edge products. Cash pooling Every business day, clients’positive balance (excess funds) at subsidiary accounts is transferred to a master account, and negative balances are funded by the master account automatically. This improves capital efficiency. BTMU provides cross-border pooling in addition to domestic pooling in Japan and major countries. MyNetting This service offers netting calculation functions through the Internet that can be used with 48 currencies. CASH M A N AG E M E N T GPH integrates our clients’accounting/treasury systems and BTMU platform seamlessly as a fully automated host-to-host solution. For BTMU accounts around the globe, GPH enables our clients to achieve centralized operation of account payables and management of bank account statements in a secure and efficient manner. Affiliations with local banks Utilizing our network of local banks around the world, we offer a cash and check collection service. BTMU has affiliations with over 10 major local banks, primarily in Asia. Account bank We support fund management operations associated with project finance. BTMU opens, and operates project accounts (e.g., revenue accounts, operating accounts and debt service accounts) and manages funds in the accounts. T R A DE FI NA NCE T R A DE FI NA NCE Export services In addition to traditional services such as export bill collection, L/C notification, export bill purchase with L/C, and bond issuance, we also help clients hedge risks associated with exports and improve financial efficiency by offering a diverse menu of services, including L/C confirmation, forfeiting and account receivables purchase. Vendor finance By buying receivables made out to our clients from vendors, BTMU supplies financing to vendors. In addition, we are gradually expanding convenient front systems to more countries. 9 Global Payment Hub (GPH) Import services We offer import services such as L/C issuance and standby L/C issuance together with reliable administrative quality. Our high credit strength and global network provide a powerful support for our clients’businesses. Trade Services Utility (TSU) This inter-bank trade data matching system offered by SWIFT reduces the burden and cost of our clients’ routine administrative work without changing existing procedures, while at the same time offering trade finance utilizing the Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) function. 10 I N F OR M AT IO N Compa ny Prof i le: Co m p a n y Na m e T h e B a n k of To k y o -M it s u b is h i U F J , L t d . P r e s id e n t Nob u y u k i Hi r a n o He a d Of f ic e 2 -7-1 , M a r u n o u c h i , Ch iy o d a -k u , To k y o , J a p a n Ca p it a l S t o c k 1 ,7 1 1 , 9 5 8 m i l l i o n S t o c k Ho ld e r M it s u b is h i U F J F i n a n c i a l Gr o u p , I n c . Da t e of E s t a b l is h m e nt A u g u s t 1 5 , 1 91 9 Nu m b e r of E m p loy e e s 3 6 ,4 9 9 Ne t w or k D o m e s t ic B r a n c h e s 76 6 , Ov e r s e a s B r a n c h e s 74 (a s of M a rc h 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 ) (a s of M a rc h 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 ) (a s of M a rc h 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 ) UR L h t t p :// w w w .b k .m u f g .j p /g lob a l / Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Of f ices: J a pa n Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Div ision 2 -7-1 , M a r u n o u c h i , Ch iy o d a -k u , To k y o , J a p a n Ch i n a BT M U(Ch i na) Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Div ision 2 2 F , A Z I A C e n t e r , N o . 1 2 3 3 , L u j i a z u i R i n g R o a d , P u d o n g Ne w D i s t r i c t , S h a n g h a i 2 0 01 2 0 , P e o p le 's R e p u b l ic o f Ch i n a E a s t A s ia E a st A sia n Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Depa r tment 6 F , A I A Ce n t r a l , 1 C o n n a u g h t R o a d , Ce n t r a l , Ho n g K o n g , P e o p le 's R e p u b l ic o f Ch i n a A s ia & Oc e a n ia A sia n Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Of f ice 9 R a f f l e s P l a c e , # 01 - 01 R e p u b l ic P l a z a , S i n g a p o r e 0 4 8 6 1 9 , R e p u b l ic o f S i n g a p o r e E ME A Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Of f ice for Europe , M idd le E a st a nd A f rica R o p e m a k e r P l a c e , 2 5 R o p e m a k e r S t r e e t , L o n d o n E C 2 Y 9 A N , Un i t e d K i n g d o m (m a i l i n g a d d r e s s : P.O. B ox 2 8 0 , L o n d o n E C2 M 7 DX , Un it e d K i n g d o m ) A m e r ic a s Tra nsaction Ba n k i ng Of f ice for t he A merica s 1 2 51 A v e n u e o f t h e A m e r ic a s , Ne w Y or k , N Y 10 0 2 0 -1 10 4 , U. S . A . Un ion Ba n k , Globa l Trea sur y Ma na gement 4 4 5 S o u t h F ig u e r o a S t r e e t , L o s A n g e le s , CA 9 0 0 7 1 , U. S . A . 11