Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award 2010 Application for registration or renewal of registration Fair Work Commission GPO Box 5713 BRISBANE Q 4001 Phone: (07) 3000 0399 Fax: (07) 3000 0388 Email Brisbane@fwc.gov.au Pursuant to Schedule F of the Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award 2010, application is hereby made to the Board of Reference for the registration of ..................................................................................................................................................... (FULL NAME OF PRINCIPAL (as defined in the award) including trading name) at .................................................................................................................................................. (ADDRESS OF FACTORY OR WORKSHOP) ACN/ABN ………………........... Current Registration Number (if applicable) Phone .............................. Fax....................................... BOR..................../................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................... (Registered business address - leave blank if same as above) Please answer the following questions by placing a cross X as appropriate. 1. Do you as the Principal employ persons that work inside your facility, factory or workroom? YES NO 2. Do you as the Principal intend to make an arrangement with any legal or natural person to have work carried out for you in the textile, clothing or footwear industry (whether the person carries out the work or not)? YES NO 3. (This does not include the employment of an employee of the Principal who is not an outworker to carry out the work e.g. in-house employee of the Principal) Do you as the Principal intend to make an arrangement to have work carried out for you, with a worker who is: a) an outworker; or YES NO b) person who personally performs the work which is the subject of an arrangement? 4. Do you as the Principal intend to make an arrangement with more than ten (10) workers (outworkers or persons who personally perform the work which is subject of the arrangements)? 5. State the total number of workers you intend make an arrangement with. 6. Do you as the Principal wish to apply for to be allowed to employ more than ten (10) workers? (If the TCFUA has consented, please attach a copy) YES NO YES NO 7. Do you as the Principal wish to apply to be released from the requirement to place a public notice in a metropolitan daily newspaper? (If an exemption has been consented to by the TCFUA please attach a copy) .......................................................... Signature by or on behalf of respondent ........................................................... Name and Position/title of person signing ........................................ Date of application YES NO TEXTILE, CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES AWARD 2010 NOTIFICATION OF QUARTERLY LIST – SCHEDULE F Fair Work Commission GPO Box 5713 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Email: Brisbane@fwc.gov.au or Fax: 3000 0388 Name, Address of Principal Copy to: Textile Clothing Footwear Union Ground Floor 11 Alexandra Place MURARRIE QLD 4172 Email: emacpherson@tcfvic.org.au or Fax: 3390 6259 ……………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………......... Phone ................................ Fax .................................. Certificate of Registration Number ACN/ABN………………….. BOR ….…../…………….. Please provide details of all the principals or individuals that you gave work to in the last three months refer to relevant award section F.2.3 Name of Principal or Individual …………………....... Date of notification Address Phone number ………………………………………… Signature for respondent Written Agreement Yes / No Do they have arrangement with others to give work out Yes / No …………………………………… Name/Position of person signing **Note: the employer is required to notify Fair Work Commission and the TCFUA (Union) as above within seven days after the last working day of February, May, August and November of each year. Level 14, Central Plaza Two 66 Eagle Street Brisbane, QLD 4000 GPO Box 5713 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Telephone: (07) 3000 0399 International: (617) 3000 0399 Facsimile: (07) 3000 0388 Email: brisbane@fwc.gov.au