, As ....ii~"~ ;;:nnriT>' "I Wa~~I' I' 'On Pa,ade .~ '~~~~i:~~::~::;:::::::;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~t!~~~~~~~~~::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~::::::~~~~~lI! V t Ttl M b" ."., . ,.,lp he D' ~~~t:~;O~~~o;~;; l~~;~esv:;~~ S 0 e A0 aRS ' Tentative . em e. S "rive ~~~ ~~.~te~~~n E P , Of' ,. ,.." s rogramF W C fC r~res~1II ve"n''t's N el· Wayne C of C or a'rne o' co~venience ev~~ ~hrrstma: iw': 'd nesd3l' ~~~~:;~~~r!;g~~!~:~r~~ m~ ~7n,:~~cu~':"e ~~Vl'~~r. .Be1eng ·LJ;.·~,'·un' 'c'b"ed Toda'y. ~~~i~~1F~fi:ei~:=-:~ ~_p:ecte:d"':(~'!!!'! 'Ii! :! , iI I If you haven't made " tour of the resl\ientlal sC<ltlotls <!f' Wayne' in,ihc Plll3t r"w nights" better r,.,., , the contest judges aue to swing into action about Friday, scores of additional ones will j'oin the Yuletide parade of beaut.y soon. We would mention those you I,·' oar ace. ears • Imax • '. School Contest er Chri,3tmas light artist fancies. Will Close At area; to promote the friend. The City of Wayne is supplying ship between the . busllll!SS the prizes, but the alllount cif 6 P. M. Dec. 23 men and farmers. ewctrici~yyour bright lights con· --.1 ..... To develop a program of sume wlll not determine the win· With the rural school equip' 15iiSiIiO!ss·lmprovemenl,. to ex', ners, the power officl~ls declare, ment contest slated to close at 6 tend and build a gr..ater b:cause th#! Men's olub.plcks the o'clock Saturday night, Dec. 23,/1 trac;le area for Wayne; 1\>00J;l.' wmners. the final seJ;l\I'Il\Qnthjy awards tilIue·.to SlIOlISor iluch U"al1e •• ~ • , wjll b~ given Ql1 the bllsis of the bulld,lug ev~nts ~, Clui,st· Wayne's business dlortrlctand standing)] of cont"",tants on rna:> PI'ograms, Special Trade homes are beautifU.llY decorated I Friday, Dec. 15. Thus. teachers Days, Etc., on a sound fin· and Its organizations are sp0n,9or. are com~ting now both for the aJ;IQiaI aJ;Id confidence build- I I I nexil ~~~U!hl~~ S~:ld ~~~'::' ~~~i~~~~~~~~~~d IIn~o~~ote the" last co-operation In city headquarters for northea13t·i Votes are pouring Into The a constructive p,'ogram to ern Nebraska during the holiday N",ws office in even larger num· foster the growth and devel· season. Unless we are hadly mls- bel'S than during previous weeks. opl11ent of t\1e Wayile State taken, all roads will really lead Where contestants 'f 0 r mer I y 1'Cllchers cplleil' and the to this city on thl! dates set for brought only one bag of V{)te,s a Wayne Public schooll'. the big Christmas pt:ograms, ! week; they ar,e bringing three '1,'0 prom~te . a system of • • • • and four, at a time now. Hund. ad~uat~ $lid jijlfe highways , redn of votes turned In dUring for the trade territory. To Ted H~ok and ~s committee tire past1'ou,..week~ will be adde~_ <!ev!llopfarm to market hlgn. are wlll3bng no time In getting today to those on display in tlw ways. the Cham,?er of Commerce rea~y window just north of the Nc. To take an active interest to swmg mto action with a b,g' braska Cleaners building' all in the improvement of park, ,gel' and a b"tter Wayne. as packages are held at least a'week ing facilities throughout the goal. The speed and ener gy <Ie- aftpr the votes are counted to ,business area of Wayne, in monst.rat~d makes the outlook permit judges to make rechecks. ,ord"r to give out.of.town and for ,ts sUCC;SSfl1l. operatiO,n Deci,sion of the judges i" final in local buyers alike, an oppor· Bnght. We vpl!eve Its Wayne s all cases tunity to get in and out of A·I need and our hat's off tQ. the 'A rd Shi pet! I the stores without having to men who are nevotlng their time wa s p walk several block". to this enterprise at the be"i,ost . The big major awards are be· i To secure moreConven. season of the year. It takes men Itnhg ship}:'ed .to Wa. yne now ::;.'0 tions for Wayne and promote 'and money to build cities but II b e 1 ea d y f 0.1' d 'S'"I t th t .ab t . ey WI th morn activities for the City the emphasis is on thr men, n u IOn as soon as e Wll1ners Auditorium. are announced a few days aftcl' the close of the contc"t, Satur. To span,sor educational ac· The rural school contest COll' day, D/2c. 23. f tivitics and help in the devel· tinues with steadily lncrcasmg S I opmegt of p"ojects which will interest a,i the racc" nears its ma:e~~~~y \eoac:;,e~~, ~::;t: a~~;~I~: keep Wayne's nre loss at a .~~d, Just ~~v~._~<!~y~_.b~lor~ c~rl,st .. !~rough«:<'senJing in TIPW and l'E~:. i low level; to sponsor cleanmas. WOlkelS nave exact!; '''~ newalsUll"ITiT>tions to T.r;o News: up and Fire Prevention more days to garner votes a':,,: this week. The News is giving rweek&----liM, seasonal cam· I i~. I I I WaY11P m-III open . 'e e Ing re- f~r th "hoppers, beginning Monday I J't, e cr'o'wA- closing on these pre·hollday nights was set, several merch: ants Indicated that It would probably -be around 10 o·cloak. Virtually all local merehantS were to co-operate In this last week = ." Organisation To Be Completed And Directors EI t d At . e~ e MeetIng Thursday Night; All Local Busmess, Profe~si~n,al Men Urged to Join WI .1:14 To El),joy Fl,'ee Pro'""'':''. Hete" I h The ded "1'" ",""" :, .'.1.'. '" :"."1: pshk;h--entertallierS; I b Lyl DeMQss wUI ,10",-:-"'., .: 'o~n W~e's ~~qI of;' : pre . Christmas ent ve tor the pr~p05ed WaYl1/;l Cha!l1ber of"",~",,:cc 'heI:e at~' o'clock W, The membell3hil' Commerce was schedu~ to be launched today by the organizing i" .. , ernOon .at tM Wayne commltu,e; which hopeS to have sufficient members signed to com' IStrlc"f.orlum, EVeryone's In plete organization at alli"eneral meeting .Thursday nig'h1 at the old A""'M,'~ ;"'"""bt&~IS,.poP~~~~.,""."".' ,cJti S01°1 DO" ... City Hall, Mr's Win.s QP.R, "'~""'t" I~:r~~~ris' .~Qf' . r b)',,~M,\VaY!le ~n'~~l~;"", . '. The organizing c Ittee, S M'Atylli.y b.i T.ed H.OOk, Wh. was .'" 0.. ~ _'_ ";~'-'-I'-I I .ellll]>(>l1tl}'I._..chalrm at __ _ _ _ ~eX\ III the parade ot trlle tWo " , . u o n t a genera pubIC" meet· S W ' tertalnmcnt wit 1 be Dil$eIliI' Ing last week, lost no e get.- tanton· ayne "Chrlst!l1as Caror' to ~ lIIIoWII u r l e " ·(!re tlng the preparatory wo under, Chosen As Na.me at the Gay tMatre aU 4ny Sat· . way. Aftl'r being dlvl ed Into Of . P rda d th hi f ".', several suMonnmttees; Ich First roject U y un er e spolIS9rs P 0 were each aSl3lgned a definite ,,--the W~e Herald. ,,': I Former Wayne task, the committee adoptl'd its Stanton·Wayne has been sek!et· Tjllrd feature of a varied proG01lllty'l'eacher general policy and rules and ap ed as the name for the soil con.~gram will be ·the presentatlon_llf Taken By Death proved an- organization plan and servatlon_dlstrlct,,-whlch. -wilL1n- "'l!te _M/i!ssl~" at the CitYAud~c~ tentative program clude a portion of the two cQun· ItorlUIl\ J:rundiiY""evemng ,WlUl ,All Urged 'To Join ties. Prof. ll;elth " Funeral services ~ held Several meptlngs werc held last After 175 farlllllrs Included In derson In charge. 'l'lils eve!1t IS I Monday from the HlscOlC funeral week and the finance committee the ~ad signed petitions being spo~ored by the "f$Ync home at 2 o'clock for ilIm. Paul at a meeting Monday night Issued asking for a hearing for the for, KlwanllUl,9. I McAvoy, who died at' Oakdale, the go-ahl'ad signal for the sign· matlon of a district, the petltl""" Santa's Coming Iowa, Saturday mornin!!" after an Ing of charter members for the "Iere sent to Lincoln, where ac· Nel¢ 1'u,esday, Dec. 19, will be iIIn,oss of several momhs. Rev. I organization. Every effort will be tion should be taken on them In, a red letter day for the boY~ lind Carl Bader was in charge of the' made to obtain 100 per cent reo the near future. The hearing, girls of Wayne and Its ~ge ta services. DeIores McNa.. .., accom· llre",nta:tlon of i1ttsinem firms date _ _of which will J..."'".... s~t by tile I trade t errltory bec" a.lse 0 Id • d b y Bet t y Hawkins sang and professional men in the or. state conunittee, must Jj advol' "'I&~I I cot panle C " " will "e ~ h ere with hi s s..... I two numbers. Burial' was In ganizatlon sinc", all should share t.lscd'three days prior to the date ,land ponies and a varlet 0', t i t b h Id Id d r. Greenwood cem/.!tery., 'In the benellts of the general S 0 e e , 'I a es. A big para e In \II,S ,on~!, Mrs.-McAvoy, nee E,~ther Jane I program, Enthusiastic Response has been arranged In w!ll~ t\i~ ITaylor, was born In Stadton coun. 1 Althaugh this is pl'obably the, Farmell>, who were In charge college band will part)clPllte , ty in Nebre"ka, Nov. 9, 1908. Lat, I' imsi,ost time of the year for th~ ~~ t~~c~~~;~n~Ch~~1 ~~~~~s :n~~ Final program of th/.! ~erl€ll .., I er she m~ved with het parents busineos men, who are condUct·' of last \\"i}~I{ "and select ad n fh will be on ~aturday, Dec.~, a;~ to Wayp,o county, Her\) she at· ring the campaign, it is bellevCd n ' tor th' dI trl t:: Th e the audltorlUl1), whel).·~ ,v .rle~ tended the public school and tne I that there is sufficlellt need for ame e ~ d c S{ee, of featUres which ap~aI, ief1~· n~~ ! B . d H" . l I - , I ~d PrOf·;a~!;4P,'i;. I I I I I I' I I th f~ud~a;~~l;n~h~~~n~;i~l~t;~r. !~;~~~io~~t:f :~: ~::~c:~a;e:-I~~:'~·,,~~~i~:~Ol~il'~o h:::~~~~ .; :~~~~~~~'W~~;~~ ;~~~~:eZ~~~~=ete~a~Hri~ee~5~fE:ir~~~i#:'~~~;;~~; t~ec~:~~~ro:~~ te()~~~'::it~~~O so, bett"r h\lrt'Y. You II 11l1d \"ay· a year, which turD,ed on I thl' insurance rates: and Stanton county sch~ols, [,entIy to form a permanent or· Hills soil dlstrlet a.nd the major" .Homes DOOOrated . i: ne sto.ro' packed wlth .a:1 t~le Or befor(, Saturday, Dec. A .1'9.assist the Fail' Board in I. On Oct. she:)\">!S mar,; ganization at the Thursday ses,: Ity favored the first IIstfd. " . At thl. final program;. w1 n.!l !le~~~.ss. ' latest glf~s of all. typeo ,~veIY', bonus of 50,000.""otes ,every way possible to make ned to Paul W. ~voy In slon. At .thi~ meeting, a board of: 'rhb.., wlio clrcul"ted the p~tI. in .the ClhrIstmlUl "home <\~" $1. s in i" I 16. 4" glW.ll ..", for 2, 1934,. ~ll~ from your nreee to old gran, e'lch five subscriptions submitted' a . -~----.-~- •ence SCI I at one time. making it possible i ! for a school to get lOO,OG'J vot,'C's I for only five subscriptions. This, I" the la,st subscription vote of, fer which will be made during the' • I contest Races Close i r The lead"rs In ail three groups I j I 40 T e a chers H ere' I --- ! are staging such close contests as the end nears that the major I prize winners wlll likelY b. e Speeches And DemonstI'ati'ons 'e CII'nI'c Featur ' id d b · · t '~ho~san~ f v";,t:a!~~ny thOOU:h "'-'1 the Fall' big),;'er and better. To endeavor to develop a !1~ighborly spirit of friena~ ship and co·operation in the adjoining territory; to devel, op friendship toward Wayne fiB a trade center. To assist in the expansion and develop.,wnt of existing Industrie,s in Wayne, to bring new industries and new pa~'· rolls to the city. ' To scrutinize legislation presented to the Unicameral ft~: into tr,~ ~:~~s~a~~~~~:o:~~~:~~~ total" of some are well millions. ' The last llst of stsndings beschool supermtendents a~tended fore the final ones will be put>, the northeat3t Nebraska sClentlsts Iished In next Tuesday's edition and /2ducators meetm,g held at of Th" Wayne News Winners of the college sCience bUilding Sat· the last of the ,seml,montly prize urday. The followll1g towns were awards will bp announced at the r~presented, Wakefield, Dakota same time. ;;!~d:wta~?:'~e P~!~~a ~~~~!'I Ar; schools will close for the' .' .' , holidays soon, teachers, pupils ~ixon'c.~lall"d ~Skll1:, ~~ and parl'nts are redoubling thetr c:~:~Ch~ :ep an~~liege were .efforts now.as demonstrated for 't d Ithe Increa,.ll1g number of vote a II represen e . pa k i d Vocational Guidance cages rece ve . Speeches, demo,:stratlOns and I Craven Re-elected round table diSCUSSlOn,s made the climc an interesting and worth. Head Of County while affair. Dr. Benthack told' Fair Association the group that people nreed more ___ vocational guidance. They should Mr. H. B. Craven was re-elected be given help in choosing careers pres' dent of the Wayne county so that they know the sort of fair I association at the annual work entailed Iwfore starting on meeting TuC/'lday in thl'! clty han. ' I.eac h ers an d Abou t 4 0 ,sClence and take action on To billB of major importane". main. tao ill a friendly co-opentlve ?irit with the representa· t~~Uo:h ::;~t~OU~I~y s~~~ senator,. offices. T<\ promote and assist in activities that will further beautify the 'Clty of Wayne. To promote the eonserva tlon of health; to urge the d.. velopment of ~improvements ItI I h Ith resu ng n a ea Ie. com· the buying pow. t er of Iw Community by pro· vldlng factual information about fraudulent "chemes ana busfuess operations by re,strainlng Illegal and 1m k~~~.advertlslng and soliel To pubnclze the City of m~':t:~otect Nebr, The fOllOWing. directors Will be ek'eted to hold' tion.s reported an enthusiastic reo . tions 'co~test belngBponaol'~d by [year she and Mr, McAvoy made ,Office. until thl' fI~t :,nnual meet· I sponse and are confident that or. the Men s club In co-opetatl~n. ,. their home in Omaha, Np.hr. I .. at- mg of the orgamzatIon. A nomi· I gantzatton o'f the dlatrict will DC! with th.e City of Walfne ,,:,Ul '1:ie ,er they moved to Carroll, .Iowa,l natlng committee wili repo~t at approved at the elp.ction whlcn announced. Many homEl3 are al· 'where Mr, McAvoy accepted a I the general m~eting and present must be held before It Is finally rea~beautiful1y decoratelj..JIl!!! po"ition with the Matt Hardware plans are to have the organiza·1 approved and work may be start. a secret eommlttee, selec .. t.W ,b..~. Co.' tion incorporated under the laWSfed thl' club, will begin ,~el'l\'tl'lg",y!e__ Besides her hut>band and two Of the State of Nebraska as IS . Second One Ukely winners of four electrical 81" children, GarY Paul aged 4 and the usual custom forc ..s.uch. ciVIc .Presenl.plllI!§ I!r"- to hold the pliances, which are being Offered. Anita Kay, a"ed 3, she leaves bodies. hearing, date of which WIll be set as prizes by the city" on Dec. 15, ,., Memb f th b I her father, Walter L, Taylor or. ,I'S 0 e organization y the state commltt/.!e after the ,Cambridge. Nebr., four slsl,ors, ,'Olnmitt<¥', aPI?olnted by Mr, petitions have been checklilfand th Mrs. Merritt Jones and Isabel !look, are W. C, Coryell, Carl approved, at the Bega school ea Taylor of Norfolk Nebr Mrs INuss, Rumell Bartels, R. L, Lar· b u i l d i n g . . ' 1 Gertrude Spencer' of ·'North sCon'1 CaNr~ W rllglht, L. W. McNatt, M~anwhile, interest continued h Platte, Nebr" and Mrs. Russell' a~ IC a a sen, C I are n c e In plan,s for the formation of a Surbe'" .II Morgan of De,<; Moinro, In" three' W ng ht , H ' B . C raven,.J, J. Ah ern, second soli cornervation district , brothers, Edward James Taylor' R. W. Ley, J. T. Bressler, Larry In Wayne county which would in· _ __ and Walter Lewis Tayl.... or, Brown, Earl Ml'rchant, John Car· clude farmers In other sections R t' d W North Platte, Nebr" and John Ihart, H. D. Addison, Walter Mill· of the county. However, no <W. e Ire ayne Monroe Taylor of Warren, Michl. I er, A. V. Teed, D. S, Wightman,! finite action on the organization County Farmer gan Her mother and one slst"r ILeslie W. Ellis and Dr. L F. of a second district is expected Dies Sunday preceeded her In death. Perry. until formation of the 'first one Is --Mrs. McAvoy was united with Policies Approved CO~Pleted:..._ _______ Carl Henry Surber. tIi well the Methodist church in early The general pollcy adopted by , • known Wayne county &tlred life and was a faithful member ~ Org~Zlng ~hmmlttee is to[Dean 1\01 GInn farmer, died Sunday even,ng In-· until the time of her death. ~:;:eawlt~yne" ~~be~lof ~o,::: Is SpeakeII' At Wayne after a brief I1Ine$s, AI· -------t ff! I at t su B an a u Kiwanis Meeting though Mr. Surber had been In P F ge 13U c en 0 carry on the var· fill h Ith f tll\'1 he rogram or IIOUS activities of the proposed --d~d ~~ ea 0 o~ r>01llll III e, Christmas Oratorio Chamber for a period of at least I Dean Clarence McGinn spoke to a Is Announced two Yl'ars, including the services I the Kiwanians at their noon l e e . of a paid secretary". IlunCheon yesterday. His topic Born In WaY!le county on May --~ The general purpose of the or- was "A Brief Survey of the Movie Ii, 1887, the son of Mr, ana ~, Rehearsats will hi'! held Tues· ganlzatlon Is to promote and ad. Industry", Hi/3 descriptions of Enoch A. Surber, he spen his day and Thursday aftern vanee the commercial, Industrial movie making were made Inte· entlrl) life In this county Until from 3 to 5 at the college audio 'ond general busln,ess Interoot of resting with a display of varioUil about three years ago, w his torl~ for the sixth ,:""ual pre- the City of Wayne. (The tenta. materials used at tJw stUdios, rhealth began to fail, he Ii'\'ed 01> sen?tton of Handel,s famollf' tive detailed program, subject to California school lawB require his farm 2 miles north~d 4, ! LoUisville, I I' I I D Takes' Carl I 0 I I I ShO~ ~en;,e f~r!I~~Yd I~thuntll ~eftcCf!~~~:.':· s~~u~~d~~ ~~ :a~~e=r~:~t; -;5 EreV~~~ ~~~:of!"I~~av:[t~~~i~ ~.J:~~sbe°~~~~o'Dec~':be~"t7 r~~S~~~:a~~d~l~ b~t ~~~~~~ ~al~.:e~r~l~o:r~~~~!;U~~ ~~: ~~~ °;0 ~rW!t : . things - mingle more with the gern ."",retary and R W: Ley, public and not be set apart from tre;U;urer. tM community. They /3hould be 't leet d for terms {)f willing and able to help the pub- ~rec ~ear: Siman Strate, lic in exp\ainin;: their work. I Will pitl'rs and C, H. Mom.. Dr. H. D, Griffin talked on "How to Make Sound and Silent . , Pictures". He explained h9w this OfflC&ll'S To method makes mor", material Meet In Wayne ailable for teachers On December 14 aV F Tho· I Supt.~. 'St de~ ~po ~; rth t -;-;:- k h riff "Chall.eng~~ H u 'dn ~hall1t Jv;' ~~ Nd o eas ffl e ras I~I ::"e:t I~ ral SClence. e sal an peace 0 cers W Jieved If more of the spectacular, Wayne Thursday, D.ecember more student projects and demon· when law enforco"",nt subjects ,stratlons were u"",d in the teach" will be dlscU/3sed. Election of ofIng Of science the work would ficers Is also scheduled for thie takeonnew~nlng. meeting. Speakers Usted Sheriff Mignery of Wheeler Other speakers w,el'e: Mr. Earl cQunty is president of tlw assoFrand,,,n of Norfolk, head of t~e ci!,tion and Sheriff Sam Curry of science department, whose tOPIC DIXon county Is secretary treas- I I "Chemistry of 14'1 Everyday urer. Life", Mr E. !'. seu~rt, East hIgh SChOO~, S'oux CIty,,, ~h0"te topiC was 'Tree, Sur!l:ery, up. J. R. Venckel o. BI~r ,spoke on the teaching of p!ly~c,s, from the fltandpblnt of ~l SCience teacher with 14 Yl'ars experience. The group plano' to have "two . • Congratu[ahons. . . . ___ ," . A g\rl, weighing 7 % pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammer of Wakefield Wednes, day, more meeUngs in -W:ayne du.rtng thj$ school year. The dates _for A 10% pound boy was bQrn these meetings ve not yet been Thursday to Mr. and Mr.;;. Sant J:+a.' eet.' : 1"1' Steele. 1i!\"tJ'\1"""''''j'' 1.1",.,(, !II, , '., 1,1,,1 ,!II , .L'., I I G was .L: I . \0-1 at 8 9 dock at the City ,Auditor. the adjoining column.) movie studios mUjit provide street, where he Wllj3 res! ng at. lum. The Wayne Kiwanlal1S are -, u,aclWrs for young actor~ and the till¥' of his fatal llin sponsoring the program and Pror. (ContInued on P 6) actresses, Mr. McGinn taught Funeral services wm~ ~I~ lIot.. ::;gna~e t:;::lngP~~~~~~it!~ rJohn R. Keith I,s the director. _ _ _ _ _:.~ Judy Garland, Bobby lIreen, Ann the ~e<>l!:enhauer_ll'u1\1l!<I1 H"flle to Wayne. ' The program follows: Over- Student Self Gillis and Frankie Thomas In at 2 0 clock-W~saay ~W..-T ture, orchestra; "And tM Glory , Hollywood. with Rev. '1;1, ~. D1erk.\!.l& ~I!r0 establish a Ladies' Pub· of the Lord", chorus; "Behold a Government Is The movie studios provide of the Presbyterian ch\l\:F11 9 f ~~:~sR~":.t~lacent to the Virgin Shall Conoelve", alto ,..,. Adopted At High" . work for a great variety of which Mr, Surber Wl!,\l II memJ;>er. I cltatlve, Mif3s Lundberg; "0 Thou ___ workers, according to Mr. Mc· officiating, Burial will be In Commu 't That Tellest Good Tidings", chor· The City high school student Ginn. Besides thI' director and Greenwood oellllltery with the my ns; "Pastoral Symphony", orch· body voted Monday morning tolhl3asslstans,thecameraman and Masonic lodge In charge, Cbiristmas I' estra; "Ther", Were Shepherds", adopt a constitution for student his assistants, carpenters, artists, PaJl.bearers will be Ear) ~ Sing Planned "And Lo the Angel of the Lord", self government Full operation electricians and many other em· chant,"Homer Scace, Frenell P~ "And the Angel Bald U t Th ployes are in demand Carl ~ 40.. R T I "And Sudden! n 0 em, of the council will take place In . rn",on, oy ,,'effrey and The Comnrunlty Chrlstmaf3 , th " y There Was With about two weeks. -, Don FItch. Sing will be held Thursday eve· M~ Angel, . sO,~rano recltatlv~, Mr. Gayle B. Childs I,s In 500 Attend Mr. Surber Is survived ~,); ~ mng December 21 at 7 :30 In the h~SS Shel~~, Glory to God, charge of arrangements for the IOpen House' widow, Mrs. Lucy Surbe~' hI.!! municipal auditorium. Besides ~or;:~; Ite Shall Feed ~lsleleCtiOn of the president of thI:l)At High School mother, Mrs. E. A. Surbe~'; tw~ the singlrrg of familiar Chrl,stmas L oc ' a 0 recitative, MISS council. ___ sisters, Mrs. _Elmer G~ '!I' db songs, the colleg,e symphony ~Llf:rtp Your Heads 0 YI' -. About I!OO people attended the wayne Ill!QMrs, AllllIlll!.eSSegu!e:':;'~cwill play special Chrl~mas Gates", chorus; "Why Do the Na-' Rev. WhItman "Opiln House" of the new city ~~r~~~o~a b""tMr, ~ The sing 10' span ored b th tions So Furiously Rage" blll3s, [ Goes To Idaho high school building Sunday aft· Surber of CO~ '~O~ DQc Women's club MrsS Fred ~e e I Prof. Ander,son; "Halle'tujah", --ernoon. Mr. Wm. Beuttler, the and one ~ Is chairman." rry chorus; "I Know Th,!t My Re'l Rev. J. A. Whitman left Thurs· architect, who drew up the plans Surber of ~d,daughter. Sonja. deemer Liveth", soprano reclta· day for Moscow, Idaho, where he for the building, and Mr. W. H. l1/us ChrIstI.. F U . tive, Mrs: McGinn; "Since BYI will speak at thl'! First Baptist Kingery, of th Kingery Con· K " , armers mon Man Came Death", .half chorllf3; church, He haoS been invited to; .truetlon Co" were there. ugl&l', Bahe Due to conflicting dates, the ''By Man Call1ll Also the Resur· take charge of th!! servjces there SJ?Cakers for the occa,slon were Return Home Wayne County Farmers Union rootlon", chorus; "For As In on the 10th and the 17th. Prof. K: D.Broady, of the IIdmln' has changed Its meeting date r Adam All Die", half chorus; I>Ilan -Clarence McGum will istratlon at the t'lacJwrs college, Mr. William Kugler "and Ell W~nesday: Dec. 13, at 1:30\ "Even So In'Christ Shall All Be' 13peak at the First Baptist church univ.ersity of Nebraska" JOhn. Bahe, both patlelll;! In thoe ,Heth;p. z:n., in Win.'3Jde at the Farmers Made Alive", chorus; "Worthy Is (Sunday morning in Rev. Whit- {Gold~n. of Omaha, who repre-lodist hospItal at Otnaha--.l were Union on company, G. Clare Bus- The r..:,.mb", eborus; "Ble:Jslng' man's place and m. J. T. Ander- \ sents the PWA regional office 913 disml9aM this WE!Iek. K*. :.ugler kirk. secretary, informed The and Honor", chorus; "Amen", !son will speak on--the f01l0wlnglengtn~r examiner, and Dr. Walt,:- returned to wayne~' .'.' II,' N"""".,. chorus. Sunday. erB.enthack.· Mr,BaheonSundaY ...." " "... ' ... ' _ ~ 'i~·:I· -, !~~':I:'I"~' ,', ness of WaY!le as a place to live and do business; to help Ith t --- I I It • I I I I I 0":. I I I I Ito I , ,I, II, I, II,', ~tt ~ e '.n."" ",. "'.,~: il : I~,,!'f!'-'I~,,~,~;;:I;>::~~ ""1"11"'1"11"'" 'I" "'I"I"I'I"""i' '11 '1""""''''''1'''''1''1'''''''''''1'''1'.' ;ili,lHl' I',::;'~:':i,::j,j,\ :!I"';: i,,:'11 !I',I:::!!'!'::' 1r'!~!r:u:~I\:'!';:"/ "j:'1ii!I:: :'[1'.1 :?:'!!iiii:I~:':II"I!"ti' ,ii",!: "1,1,, ""I 'l, ,,-'i - - - ' - ' 's'-. O'''''C'I'A.,""L il l'ill'. .',1,,:1,',' 'i:",:,''Ift'o,S' ", 'WJ,j.:~.';· ..J,y'. _ E ''':';,.,. E C"A"'L"ENDAR" Ir-"':' II', A ..... .L~ W· ' ',InSI· d', e N,ews 'I .... , eon Friday. The luncheon 'tables ,:~~ra~i~~t:.~ I '" "I,: "1111,''I',' '1"1'1",:1,,11 ""'"'''1:1, 1,',':" {'il'l ':'" 'I' i':]~:(I' .: ", ,;,':! ,:::"!"',i,;r1~!r:,:,ii'I:C:':i:'" ',1',.,,' 'I' ,:;;:' !":~'I:lt,:':(: I i:J';: 'i 'l'uesd y, December 12,: 19,~ ao.i!aJ.·:CIrcle met on The ,St. Paul's Lutheran AId ~~tf'w.11 :!~t~:Uu':s:h~aJ'\U':~ ;:~~m:, ':I!I Wed!!; b'cl:e, day afternoon at, the h?meof 'Gaebler received high score; Mrs. Wednesday aftern,,!>,n. 4. Christ· ~~~rge Lewis. Mt~"~,,~Pl!~tD ,~, ,," . "I ':Jarn;!s Lowe, consolation; Mrs. mas tree and exchang~ of gifts ~~y and Mrs. H. ,P'I;Rh~dy ,. -"1':':--,'" '. ' , By MrII. O. M. Davenport N. L. J;>itman, all cut. Guests: was enjoyed. Seventy·seven lad.' were guests. Sommerset W~ T~DAl' (~)-, . I o~ the prpj;ram IS MIS. Fran1< I' were Mrs. Walter Gaebler, Mrs.j ies and sixteen children att1:!nded. played during the afte Mrs. Will l3a~ entorta~ the Korff, MIj'l. P011 Wright and Mrs " H. 1.. Nee)y, Mrs. I. F. Gaebler, A covered dish lunch was serv.ed.1 H~ss rved' j rnqon. N·U proj'l"t clu~Hat, a covered H. E. I4ey. \ Mrs. H. P. Rhudy, Ml'/!. D. 0.[ MrS. N. L. Dltman was a Nor.! f*I. I" ill,sh t!hrlst~ IUJlchoon. I Mrs. Harry Barnett enterta!nl3, M. B. Club Elects I aid Rosenberger. A Ch:ristmas of· Craig, Mrs. A. S. Clawson, Mrs.! folk vl,sltor Wednesday. - - - - - - ----'~--Busine"", and Professional Wa- the Degree of Honor at a Chnst' M. B. club met F:riday after·' fering was taken. Ho,stess served. Joe Whitney, Mrs. H. J. Witte, Rev. ""d MI13. H. M. Hilpert men Ill/let, with Mrs. A. D. Lewis mas party. noon at the home of Mrs. Helen I MU3S Carrie Hansell of Norfolk Mrs. N. L. Ditman, Mrs. O. M' were Omaha visitors overnight as chalnnan. St. Paul Aid meets with Mrs. I Weible. Officers were elected for I spent the weekend at the home Davenport and Mrs. James Lowe. I Wednesday. G.Q.C. ciub meets for a Christ· Harvey Larsen and Mrs. William' the commg year: MIl3. Wm.lof her' parents. Mr. and Mrs. H' Mrs. Maurice Hoffman was a John Rieck and Mrs. Henry i, Norfolk mas party with Mrs.' Harold I Franzen as hostesses. They will' Brune, president; Mrs. Fred' C. Hansen.' visitor Wednesday. Reick of Iroquois, So. Dak., left, Loca1 manager of naUonally· Quinn. also have a Chrlstma~ party and Bright, vice president; Mrs. Ben Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hansen, H. L. Neely and Frank ,Weible, Wedne~day tor tb,oir home after 1 known feed company wants to Mrs. Otto Lu,tt entertains La· I covered di(>h luncheon to be held, Lewis, ,.,.,cretary·treasurer. entertained at dinner, Sunday In light committee member,s of the a visit at the Henry Moeding appoint several men tor good I orte community club at a 12.30 at the church ~:30 p. m. Decem· I Plans were made for a Christ· honor of Mrs. Hansen,s birthday. Community club, began to put home. paying work. DeUver ord6l;'ll dinner.' I ber 21. Each memb,or is reques~ mas party Friday evening, Dec. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hans~n and up colored lights on tne street Rev. and Mrs., J. Bruce Wylie to tanner&, render servlCjl and P. N. G. meets with Mr~. Mabel ed to bring a covered dish and a 22. Members will entertain their son Gurney and Mis~ Carne Han., Wednesday.', of Burwell visited Monday with do other work: l'ou CI\oll d!l Johnson for a Christmaf; party 10c gift, for the December 211 hu,.bands. At pinochle, Mrs. H. s'I'sen of Norfolk were guests. I, George F., Drevsen of Cozard, relatives and friends. this job. Fann experience and exchange of gifts. Mrs. Jessie meeting. I Menes received high score prize. Mrs. George Gabler and ~rs., brother of Mrs. Hans Gottsch, is Mrs. Augusta CUnningham ana helpful Car necessary. Pe... "'bamberson' and ,Mrs., Ella Smith 1 Mrs. O. R. Bowen "",tertains ,,--:A.,e. Gabler,-were-NOrf,Olk VISit· , making a short visit in Winside Mis,<; Katie Saj3S of Waterloo, manent work. You OIIIy need. assist. the Contract club. Royal Neighbors 10rs Thul'/!day. Iwith relatives and friends. Nebr., left Wednesday for their to give your name and ad. Mrs. Emil Lueders entertaln.s ~ FRIDAl'\ Elect Officers e. C. club met on Thursday aft· i 1. F. Gaebler of Lincoin ,spent' home after a two days visit in dress, ~OX 20, WAYNE NEWS Bible Circle. I Here and There club meets The Royal Neighbors lodge met 1e,:"oon at the home of Mrs. Carl the weekend with Mrs. Gaebler 1the Henry Moedlng home. G. 1.. P. club meets with Mr. with Mrs. John Goshorn tor a Wednesday evening in the Rltze. Mrs. otto Kant and Mrs. and son Walter. A large crowd attended the Name _____________________ ,_ and Mil'. Oscar Liedtke. Christmas party. to.O.F. Hall. At the business Robert Graef ~:d Charg~o~~..: I The Rebekah lodge met Friday farm sale of Chris Maas, jr., heldo! WEDNESDAYSATUBDAl'meeting I'lection of officers were program. Seve I contes eVl'nlng in the I.O.O.F. hall. Tuesday. Good prices were paid Address ________________ _ i l(esbyt:~th ~!SSio~a'J' r!~' Pile Hall has its formaL Lorna held. Officer,. elected were: Or· 1 cO~~~C:::d;,.!:~Sth":~~ club I Mrs. H. S. Moses and Miss {or stock and grain and so1ll/l1 c e y mee , u r s . . . · P<)'rrin Is general chairman Com· Incle, Mrs. Howard Iverson; vice or· e. .. Ruby Reed visited SuU<iay at machinery. I .------------------------son. M~s. mitt"" husbantds with Moses. Mrs. RasmusI Th Rasmu,s· J J MFrsl'bHOba,r!:,AtUIM<er e cr aSSIt'3. rij.anrd..larson - 'chairmen are Eli;"'beth aele, MI"s Johanna J"n"en; chan· I enMtertaRln~rtthJelhr rs. o~ 0 nson a a a?d pm· Lincoln Th ri Richard Leg! A T S Mr. . and ited. t PH da '~~iiiiiiiiii~: h~s 'char e of the le'l'",on. ,Dawson, program and invltatlon. cell or, Mrs. Walter Gaebler; reo I ochle party Friday evening at the e Arne can on u~ .ary en ViS a ger, urs y THURSJ'Al' IRachel MUl'{lack, refreshments .."Iver, Mrs. Fred Wittler; record·' F ank Bronzyn"kl h me Mrs wlll enjoy a coverl'd dish 1 0 clock Ievening. Mr. and Mrs. Loulll,~ were I A A U W ~ts for a Fellow.' and Grace Lofgren, decorations. I cr, Mrs. WallaCe Brubaker; inner; c;;"rles Unger ..,;'d Geo~ge Gable~ 'luncheon at the hon,e of Mrs. sW . j MONDAY-' I sentinel, Mrs. Anna Anderson; received pri7es for high score.! Thorvald Jacobsen on Tuesday ITuesday eVl'nlng dlnilel,j,guests at l:.rs. T. H. Fritts ,mtertains The Mlnevera club has a cover· outer sentinel, Mrs. Aida Hut:en ., Lunch was served by Mr,s. 'I a~ternoon, Dec. 12..The afternoon 1 the H. L. Neely home., Mr. and Mrs._:Uthur Weste:. Mother's Study club, Prof. K. N. cd dish lunchl'on at, 1 o'clock in er; marshal, Mis,g Gladys Re.ch· George Gabler, Mrs. Carl Nle- Will be spent playmg cards. Pal'ke will speak on hobbies for,' the Women's club rooms. Gifts ertz; manager, ~Ioyd Meyem. An man, Mrs. Minnie Schellenberg Members of the Contract Ihaus. were ,surpnsed on Monday I exchange of glf!t3 was enjoyed and Mrs. Bronzynski. I Bridge club entertaln~d their hus' l evenmg for their 10th ann\ver· children. The committee In charge will be exchanged. THEATRE _ ______ _ _ . _ _ ___ .._ and a covered dish luncheon was Goo bands at a dinIlllr-bndge at the I sary when a group of 50 relatlv"" served. ! Mrs. Nick Hal1el'n, Mrs. rge H L Neely home Sunday eve· and friends 'gathered at their " y t\cme Club --. Gabler and Mrs. Pauline Rehmus' i . D 10 Mrs F I Moses home. A social evening was enjoy. I " r..E The Acm~ club members were <Jommunlty Club visited Wednesday In the home, ~~:' M=~ric; Hoffina~ ~nd Mrs'. ed. The couple recelvl'd many 1_____________ 1 entertained at the home of Mrs. I I"onned of Mr.s. Christina Suehl. I Neeiy were the committee In gifts. Lunch ,as served by " C. T. Ingham. Mrs. V. A. Senter I At Sch I D' t i t N 79 George Jorgenson and Maurice guests at a late hour. Tuesday Dec. 12 M.B.Co EntAmalaed ~",,"~:~ the play, "The Little I' communlt';' clU~\~:" or~anize~ Han.en were visitors In O'Neill Ic~~. A. T. Chapin, who has l Cote';" club met Thursday aft· 'AT THE CIRCUS' cMro!.-R. T.--WhOFk>w «AAertain· 5 . Thursday evening. Mrs. Mildred Thursday. , been III at her home, is reported ernoon at the home of Mrs. Bert ed members of the M.B.C. Mon· - - .-I Witte Is teacher. The club plan I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walde were, to be Improved. ! Lewis. other guest", were Mrs. starring day afternoon. Bridge was play· Ooterle Club i to meet once a month, the first Norfolk visitors Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Neely were G. A. Mltt~1r3tadt, Mrs. LaVern Marx Bros. Kenny Baker ed and luncheon wa,s served. Mrs. W. C. Shulthels wall host- meeting will be ,..,c.:\1. Mrs.l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Suehl were Wa e visitors Thursday eve. Lewis, Mrs. James Troutman, Guests wem Mrs. Robert Rhine· es,s to the Coterie club memberS! Louis Willers, Mrs. Cl¥~ce Han· I Norfolk visitors Thursday. I nlnr' Mrs. Mary Reed and Mrs. Ras· Dec. 13 hart al1d Mrs. Charlie Baker. at the home ot Mrs. L. W. Ellis "cn and Pete Jensen will serve Mr. and Mr,'!. Robert Johnson I S ' t E P W dt Coach Mar. mus Rasmussen. At bridge, Mrs. Wednesday ___ Monday afternoon. Mrs. Linn Me- lin the entertainment committee; and Mrs. Charles Unger were tin ~k"";ell' an~nD~nald Hansen H. S. Mo.'cs received high score BARGAIN PRICES 100 Faculty Member& Clure and Mrs. A. N. DanielS I Mr",. Emil Sawnson, Mrs. Adolph Norfolk visitors Thursday. \ attended the schoolmen's meeting prize, Mrs. I. F. ~bler f3econd 'MURDER ON Are Guests At were guests. Contract furnished i Rohlff and MTS. Glen Hamm on I The members of the Pegaway at Wayne Wednesday evening. high for membership, Mrs. Trout· Woman's Club the diversion and luncheon was I refreshment committee. Officers club entertained their husbands Mr. Wendt took part on the pro- man, guest prize. Hostess served DIAMOND ROW' Faculty members Of both the served. The club has Its Christ· elecl£<! for the club are: Presi. and families at a Christmas party I gram ' carrying out the Christmas mo.~lf. Shows start 6, continuous high school and teachers college ma,9 party next Monday. dent, Glen Hamm; vice-president, at tire L. W. Kahl home Friday I Mr~. A.' S. Clawson and Miss The Methodist Ladies Aid met starring were guests of the WOman's club I --Chris Jensen, jr.; secretary.treas· evening. Cards furnished the en· I Ruby Reed were visitors in Nor. Tuesday in the church parlors. At Edmond Lowe Friday evening. 4, ,most enjoyable' Eastern star Elects Ull'r, Mrs. Mildred Witte. Itertal:ment for d ~e ~e~ng. folk Thursday. the bu,sinCjls meeting plans were program W81J given by Mrs. W. U. I Members of the Eastl'tn Star ---Lunc weI' serve, e C s mas 1 0M DavenP ort and son Larry ,~m~a~d~e~fo~r~a~C~hrI~s~t;ma;s~pa;rt~y~t~o~~~!!!!!!!!!~~ Hasebrook of Scribner and Mrs. 1 elected officers Monday evening <Jommunlty Club \ :;;'~~:ai:~~~~ carried out in the Coa~h ' Martin Rockwell, Frank be held Dec. 19. E. W. Feicl\ of SIOOl:' City. at their regular meeting. Mem· Elect., OtftOOJ;s I Weible and C. B. Ml,sfeldt attend. ,J Mrs. T. T. Jones Intl'oduce<J b,ors of the serving committee The Community club met Wed· MISs Ruby Reed entertained led the basklltball game at Mea. Mrs. HasebrQOk, who ,lang the Iwere Mrs. W. S. Bressler, chair·' Ili'lsday at the M. E. church par· members of the North Valley dow Grove Friday evening The following solos, appompMicd by -man, Mrs. L. W. McNatt, Mrs. E. lors for regu!ar ~eeting and din· Plnoch~e club and the follOwing game ,was between Pete';'burg Mrs. Welch: ''Th!! Star" by Jame.' E. Gailey, Mrs. JeSl3le Reynold,s, nero The Ladies Aid of the church g1¥!sts· Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jensen" and MeadOW Grove Jack Daven· ~ U1t-0s _ d Rogers: "Ardon gl'incensl" bylMrs. A. B. Cmhart, Dr. and Mrs. [served. Election of officers were Mr,--"",--Mrs. F. I._MoseS--"".dlport'iS coach at-Petersburg; .Ic,"~ Gaetano Donlzetta; "Ave Ma,;,," 'I Hess, Mrs. C. W~x, Mrs. held. Officers elected are: Presl- Mrs. Cora Brodd on We'!"esday. . . bv Dudley Buc\<; ..... n"".1 Crack. Walter Savidge and Mrs. P. Thea- dent, Dr. N. L. Ditman; vice pre. evening. High score pnzes at M.ss Bette Witte of Wayne "".. ~c. ... ' •• " ''1''''r"''''''rhe 'bald slde,nt' C.B,. Ml,sfeldt·, secretary. pinochle were won by Mr. and spent home • WHEEL BALANCING, the Weaver Safeers ,,~ ... =geman; · . f h the weekend th Mat the Mildr d Kin ,," byPet~rC r ~1I)l,\l; "Thel ___ treasurer, Fred Wittler, Plans Mrs. C~~,Schroeder. Hostess 0 ,er rna er, rs. e ty Service Wayt Blu! D~nube"'bY "Aillilt'. Get Of Carr II Aid were completed for the Christ· served·t!alTylog out the Christ· Witte. • BATTERY RECHARGING! lean Lllllaby"by Gla,dys Rich; '.;,.~,,8 Baptist Mis,sionary and mas activities. mas motif. Mrs. Eld Trautwein of Carrol~ GENERATOR and MOTOR REPAIRS of "He Met Her on the,: Stairs", bY, Aid ,30Cll>ty will be 'guest,s Friday , ' ' . - - --Mrs. Mauri?e HO,ffman enter· was in Winside Thursday after all kinds I Savorl Levey; "The' Mttle Shel>' afternoon of the Carroll Baptist Loyal Neighbor. I ~ a l~clock B~h~ noon. , Havo party --herd/l Song", bY W. Watts; AId SOCiety. "Sweethearts" 'by VlCtor'He~bert.' ___' _ The Loyal Neighbor,. club en· Headquarters For Mrs. Raymond Che.'ry lI\tro-l Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Thompson joyed a Ch~'istmas ~rty at the PRESTONE FREZONE ducro Mrs. Felcl" wl)ogavc hum· entertained at dinner Thltrsday Anton Pcte. son hom." M.ss Mar· orous and clever readings Includ· 1 evenIng Guests were Mr and garet Peterson, Mrs. H. C. Han· WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A NEW Wayne, Phone lng, "It's Really'rn,!,," hy Hnns Mrs. Jdhn Ray' and Johnny and' sen and,Mrs. I:!'UTY Hansen were SEWING MACHINE, A NEW $7.70 ELEC. Nebr. ",,110 Christian An,dCl',s, on,; ','K,' I n g' • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tlctgcn. hostc,,""s. A Chl'l"tmas program TRIC mONt. '!3reakfRllt" hf ,A!IMI~ll1ll; "Tl\ja , ___ and several contests were con· Rell", by LoMI t)unsany; ''The MiSR Gundorson duded. An exchange of gifts, was See Our DlspiiiYOfT940-VacuWn Cleaners Man Who Discovered th<> Use of 1 And Olsen Wed also . enJoy<>d. At the busmess Gift Suggestion. _ Plnkers, darners, hemstitchers, elootric Above ad Is good for 60 votes ere a Chair" by Alfred Noyes; "A, MI"", Edna Gunderson, daugh. :',~eC,t1~ O;f,cbcrs elected fo~ SCissors, button hole attachments, etc. "~{~=-----'---- -,,--- ----:----=.::;~'=='==!!j,' Wlfe'rJ Version of National Af· tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunder. e .~ew c u yea. ,a,s follows, fairs and Kl'tlping, a BUd get";I"OI1' and Harold Olsen. Pre,~dent, Mrs. Helman Brocl<· "The Sign of the Cleft Heart" by , f M O O 01 11 man, secretary, Mrs. Harry Han· 11 M N T PH E IIIJ GarrIson'I .",I\n""'lina Johnson", sOfnHo'tl~' ' ,. mall ~~~'d sen; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Peter Holmes Jensen., 4 AI STREE _ _' _ON _ _ _ ___ l' H e"" . It 0 at ng on, were e at' u lone guest, Mrs. by Dunbar, ~OI'th Bound bYI a simple ceremony at the Presby- of Winner So Dak was pre5",nt I - ' - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ----J:rtt-cr--Wt,~Uams; "Notl1fng t~ I iel'inn manse Tu(!~day evening.' Hostesses' ser~ed l~nch: can'Ying Laugh At byE1~~1' A. G1,lest, Rev. W. F. Dierkmg performed out tb,o Chrl,stmas motif 1 "Calf on the LaWn ,by Sam Walt. the ceremony. I . er Foss; "KeepLng bhrtistma~" by I The coup'P- were attended by Mrs. Edwil~Jh-i~~ was hostess ,.van Dyke. Ilho,sister and brother.I~"law of Friday afternoon to the Women's RefmShment,..we~!rs~rv~from the groom, Mr. and MI s. Alv~n Forelgll MISSionary Soci,oty. Mrs.a candle lighted table plesld<>d Pctmnen of Carroll. They WIll Kent .Tackson, Mrs. Etta Perrin over by ;Mrs.T.! S. Hool, and Mrs. make their home III Hartington'j and Mrs. Erwin' Ulrich were We will now allow a fiVe-] minute intermission to walt John HarriillltQn. , --'gUest". Rev. Gerald Rosenberger for people to finish laugh. Mm. E. w.Hhse was chairman, Mrs. Swanson imd charge of the devotional top· [ ing at us . . . . . . . . of the social committee a"5lsted Talks To Aid Ic "The Wonderous Gift". Mrs, by Mrj'l. E. J. Huntemm', Mr:.i. C. Mx's. Alta Swanson gave an in- H. E. Siman was program leader. Hagel, Mrs. }!:ahlbeck, Mrs. terllstlng talk to the Ladies Aid Her subject was "Woman and ERIOUSLY, THOUGH, we don't H. H. Hahn" Mjrs. ':N. A., Hiscox, of Our Redeemer's church at Its \ The Way in Philippine". Christ·, expect you orallybody else _t()_act~ Mrs, Jessie HaJIl, Mrs. C, ,C. Vern- regular meeting Thursday. Mrs. 'illa.~ carols were sung by all in , don, Mrs. C. T, Xngham, Mm. S. J. Swanson Is pre"ldent of the Woo I unison: -Mrs:'""GeorgJJ""LeWli3'"'read'ually buy a manure spreaner [or w;~ii'~iiow you $3..50.!for your old battery on . Ickier and Mrso ,1. W. ,10nes. men's MI"slonary &laiety of the I a Christmas story "Wang Fam·' any other piece of farm machinery] for -'-'-+-' Synod of thtl Midwest. The mem'IIlY Christmas". Mrs. A. H. Carter i the ;purchase of a new Christmas. D.A.B, :M.,: : " i bers ot the aid will have a gave an article, "Common Wealth i, D,A.R. mer"$:!turday at, tho Christmas party Thursday, begin. of l'hliippincs". Mr", G, A. Millel. I OUR REAL THOUGHT was this: home of Mr,9; ,T. Miller. Hostey,scs! nlng with a 1 o'clod, dinner at stadt r('ad it chapt,,\' in Study This year, with low prices and high wer,e Mrs, .T. R,' K,",itll '.!Ind, Miss \ the church pm·lori;. There will b(, bool" Piano (,010, ','star of the Coral $toddard'. Mrs: Ill. Ill. ll'l/:!et·/ a short pr"gl'am and an e"chang. :mast", Mrs. H. E. Siman; solo, I 'taxes on just about everything, ,wocla-an,d-1iIlf,'5:,-D.: S':,~il'l1tl'blll'l Of gifts. if you act promptly , "Luther Cradle Song", Mrs. Ger. 1 we wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea had charge of the CI\.rIstID'" pro- ..•-- - - - - - - "-, --_._- ,-.-,,--,,-------(ThIs liberal ofter Is for 10 days only) to go a "little easy" on the frivolous gram. P.A.R: ,l11iCets again Jan. "13 - -, with Mn!. t. B.: YOUng, , Mrs, I and perishabIe Christmas presents" and Mon~'g<)mery, Ml's.,R. W. L('Y nl1<i 1 Eliminate battery grief this winter ~OW! save the larger purchases for 'things MlflS McNall' ill chal'gC!. that will be needed after Christmas and next spring ~ including some of the FOR YOUR MOTOR'S SAKE DEMANDI better grade farm implements which we sell. I MEN WANTED l I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I PartY: . , 64Y I . « Oclety .". . . S I I I I I W·I_Dte Car Se. . · I - I l:ilra::,rss· I 0 I ! I I FREE {{SUER'S GARAGE I I I w. AManure Sprea'der WAYNE SINGER SHOP 'Ii I .$1 .50 ~':uri I For Christmas • ·OLD Auto BATTERY R.: p, S i GOODRICH Battery: I SINCLAIR 6ffSond Oil GENF,:RAL ELECTRIC RADIOS and APPLIANCES ELEC'l'RIC' WASHERS MIXERS AND, IRONERS "SKELQAS GAS RAN~ES 106 Main St. 'WaYne I We'll be very pleased to show you anything on the floor, even though you don't plan to buy at this time. 0 •• •• McCormick - Deering Farm Implements McCormick - Deering Milking Equipment . Farmall Tractors winter, summer, spring and fall WAYNE SUPER SERVICE C. C. St.lm, Owner -' Phone 70 -ASSOIJIATE DEALERS- Hacbmeier 'Home ApplianceS' O Jones Service Station Victor Service Station lla.berer Service Station Wa.yne Motor Co. PhoneS2 Above ad Is good for l!lO votes.. . Meyer and Bichel I Wayne's Biggest, best and busiest Implement Store ' Good lor 160 votes ! " i..! 1·:1: - .,; WAYNE , II N ews ' Carro ", I IGcttllUU\ as hostes~s~!\ Mrs. Will Delta Dek Bridge club had.in W, E. Back and Mrs. RCfl on evening party at the w. R. Scrlb· the entertainment committee. ner home Thursday evening. 1 Double Valley Farm~r's Union of Mrs. L. F. Perry. : Mrs. Otto Wagner ,and Mrs. El. I,qcal '¥lve an oyster ,,supper at G.L..P. Club T. C. Cunmngham a\ld Mr~. I gin Tucker Wl're loint hostesses the Ray PerdUI' home on Tues. Ji:ntertaiJ1ed, Fm'long were guests. By Mrs. Jolin Gettman HUflband,s of the members day evening. BUfllness meeting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elerson en· --, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morris were follows. ~ _ _ _,,,__,_,_-,." tertained members of the G.L.P. R. R. Club Mr. And Mrs. Geo Haneen went Rev. and Mm. Allen Magill and "guests. A gift exchange was en. E.O.T. club was entertained ment club Wednesday evemog at 500. The .R. R. club m.et with Mrs. to Sioux City Friday and brought baby of Newman G,?ve were In jOyed. Prizes in brldge went to Miss Gladys Fork on Thursday. Carolina, having Mrs. Oscar Liedtke won h.gh George Bornhoft for a social aft· their son, Vernon, home from the Carroll ThUl'llday w,th varlous Mrs. Tom Roberta and W. R. The ladles spent the tltQI! sewing. In :1ctobe~m Wlls"OIW:lI. pri7£ for the women and Walter ernoon Thumday. Lw.cheoll was hospital. He had recovered from frlends. • Sclibner, high and Mr. and Mrs. MIs,s Ruby Scluns was a guest. ninge~th Mers ~et Lerner high for the men. Mrs. served by the hostess. The club an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskill re- H. L. Bredemeyer low score. MI"" Fork served refreshments. G ttman f r. an John Gro,5kurth was awarded low meets in two we,oks with Mrs. I' Mrs. Nick Warth and daughter: turned Tuesday from ExetP-r and Hostesses ,served refr....ohments ~t Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sah. were M"rs. Henryor for the women and M. V. Craw- Whorlow. visited with relativP-,5 in Omaha Seward where they visited the small tables, each table centered In Norfolk on Saturday of entertainment and GMr: with a m1nature Christmas tree. ford for the men. Mrs. M. V. --- -. II seve:"l days the past week re- W. R. ,Wimmer family M Miss Edith Sahs and'puplls in served light rejrre',s1unl!l~ts Crawford received the-traveling Guests At turmng -Tuesday. Gaskill s grandmother, rs. as We.Fu Bridge club members eI Pri7£. The club meets again next Birthday Party Dr. and Lloyd Texlcy went to kl11 at Seward. ~ I were entertained at a 1 o'clock Dlst. 18 present a Ch~tma:s pro- I~' MIl! La Tuesday even.ing with Mr. and Guests Monday evening of last Omaha Thursday and brought Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jp-nsen luncheon by Mrs. (#!o. Owen. on gram to thP- public on Dec. 14 at i Mr/' • vern Mrs. Ot3car Liedtke. weel' in the Frank Larsen home t;.awrence Tmuey home from the drove to Plainview Sunday to FrIday. 18 p. m. 'sen and '!r-,!l"I,""IIWJ.,'m"'I"'~. --In honor of Lillian Larsen'" birth·lliOSPital. I brlng their daughter Jeanette A fair sized crowd attended Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hennessy Sioux City P.E.O. Meets day w.ore: Dorrean Lindgren, Mrs. Mary Drake of O'Neill is I home. She had spent h~r Than~. the pancake supper sPOll/lored by are Improved and up about the I services for the With Mrs. Welcb Meta Strate, Lucile Schroeder, viSiting hP-l' ,sister, Mrs. August I giving vacation with er gran . the men of the M. E. church on house. on Wednesday. The P.E.O. met with Mrs. A. A. Ruth Rubeck, Verna Anderson Behrend. She leave,s for Californ'l parent", Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thul'llday evening. Mips Susan LQw> has been 1111 remembered as thPWelch Tuesday afternoon with and Delores Brueckner. M!ss ia from here. Nell,sen. I Central Social ClrcJP- met with with Influenza, but Is uble to be the late _ ......... ,." Mrs. Clarence Wright assisting. Anderson, Miss RubP-c~ and M.<,\, A large numbP-r from Carroll Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scribner Mrs. Elhadt Pos IshU on Thurs. up again. WaYne RP-v W F Most gave an interest· I Brueckner won prizes -in cards. and community attended the and son, Charles, were In Winside d f ed h dl H Knitting club met with Mrs. IatlvP-s ~ Ing . tan, . The ho,stess served' Ice cream and cake were served. farm bureau program at WaYne Sunday with their daughter, Miss baydsDr ~over be s M nne~ us· Tom Roberts on TuP-sday. The horn ChalCO and M.,uam..tpl:.l,!j!!.. _~~. luncheon.' The club meet., again I --last Friday, Margaret. IA:ln Mf:; ho,stes. served. The club has a December 19, with Mrs. O. R. U·Bld·Um Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman, . Miss Eulalie Brugger of Win· French were gl~ts. After roll, Chtistmas parly at the H. L. Carl Frederlckson of Fort RobBowen and Mrs. V. A. Senter as Mrs. L. F. Good entertain,ed U· Mr. and Mrs. George Wacker and sldP- and John Brugger, jr., of call and business meeting con· I' Bredemeyer home on Dec. 19'1'lnson came FrIday for a .~-day hosmsses. Dr. Honey will talk on Bid·Um membem and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hollls William, Wayne spent Wednesday evening tests 111 which Mrs. w. E. 'Back with a gift exohallge. I ' . furlough. He will spend most at "Christmas in England". Chrlst· George Berres, jr., Tuesday at went to Laurel, Montana on I In the Supt. A. H. Jensen home. Iand Mrs. Henry Kieper received Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graef and It with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. mas baskets will be fllled at the / dessert·b,·idge. Mr~. W. A. Emery Tuesday to atmnd the funeral of I Lester and Walter Wacker prizes were enjoyed Next follow. daughter of Winside \Ul'e visit· I E Frederlck,son meeting. and Mrs. BP-rres won prizes. The a nephew of !"Irs. Wacker's and, wP-re In Rosalie Sunday with I ed a gift exchange. gift of $2.150 ing Mr. and Mrs. Dalt~J'lIOer C. • . Wltitams club meets again tn two weeks Mrs. Hoffman s. . frlendl3. ,was sent this week to the Christ. on Tuer,day even\l)g. Waldo Mr. and Mrs. Ward I Dr. Stuart with Mrs. W. A. Wollenhaupt. . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Honey were j" Ml'Il. Ed Trautwein went to i Ian Home at Council Bluffs and en Bruggers werethll on Mon'retU1'l1ed Nov. 29 trorrl-a v\~lt at Is Aid Speaker ---m Valentine on business Wedne,s-. Winside Tuesday to meet Mis. $2.50 to Father Flanigan's Home day evening. PaYlltte, Ida. " Dr. Richard Stuart gave a Faculty Club day.. 'Catherine Williams of Norfolk, at Boystown af'! Chrlstma,s gifts. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Davis, Evechalk talk on facial expl'e,°"lons' Has party Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Kest.or· who visited at her home until/I Next mooting will be an evenIng and Billy Jim, and Mr. and Mrs. rett and Cleo Mae were Sunday at the Presbytelian LadiP-s Aid A Dr. I. Q. program furnished :~s °jo~~I~~~f':;"'':::.d o~t;,o~o:~~: Thursday. party at the John Gettman home Will WIlI!Jfer of Laure~ were In dinner guoslfl in the country at Wednesday afternoon. He con· entertainment for the f a c u l t y ' . . F. J. Mack will be home from with covered dish dinner. Mrs. SI01l'XCIty ThUl'llday. I 0 and I I I I I I ---- Jl :r ~~e a~d I I I D~= I servic¥. A I I I I :! I ~ed.~~nga*~~~~~ _ _ party ~_d~=~~:~~=~m~ah~a~thP-~~~~re~~~irt~~o~f~~n~~~~~~o~hin~G~e~ti~m~an~-~a~n~d~iMirs~.~B~liailnie~I~'~rliei~i~h~e~re~~~~n~~~~~d~W~O~r~d~th~~~~~h~n~J~O~~~'~h~o~m~.~~~iji and Santa C.laus. annual Christmas Tuesday' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. BredP-mey. - - - - - Abe Lmco~n com~llttee In charge of the Ievening In Terrace Hall. Each program mcluded Mrs. C. H. Flsn· member brought a toy to be dis· er. Mrs. C. M. Craven, Mrs. A. B. I trlbuted by the Y.M.C.A. and Y. Carhart, Mrs. F. G: Dale and W.C.A. in Chlistmas baskets. A Mrs. Raymond Schremer. xylophone 1S0lo was played by Ruth Montgom.ery, accompanied Merry Sixteen, by Annafloy Jone,5. The club H-12 Clubs Entertained! meets again on Febr. 13 with Mrs. Members of the Merry Sixteen Mary F. Blinton as chairman. er and Mrs. Walter Bredemeyer were busln.._s visitors In Sioux City ThIll'S<lay. Carroll Woman's club have a Chrh,tmas .party.at the home of Mrs. W. R. Sclibner on DP-c. 14. Mrs. Levi Roberts, Mrs_ Hans Rethwisch, Mrs. M. ,. Swihart and Mrs. Charles Whitney on the Tne Take A Tip From and H·12 clubs were entertained program committee and Mrs. Thursday evening at the home of. Cheerio Club Leo CoUin~, Mrs. Emma Eddie, Mr. and IVlrn. Albert Jahn,son.1 Cheerto club members and Mrs. Mrs. H. L. Bredcmey~r and Mrs. Mr. ~nd, Mrs. Bel'l1a~d ~v.reyer were i Herbert Perry, Miss Alic.e Larson ILeonard J ..Ink c?mpl'lse the respeCIal guests. PrJze~; in cards I and Mrs. Ella Holmes were en. frer3hment commlttee. went to Mr. B:nd Mrs. John Brug. tertained at the home of Mrs.' Mrs. E. L. Pearson entertained gel', Mrs. ~aul ~eplin: lVII'S. Ber· Emil Lueders Thursday after. I the fresh~,~.n class, also their nard Meyel, Mr~. Otto Olson, R. noon. Th,~ club voted to give sponsor, \1155 Fern Carlson, at SANTA 1 iChristmas ba,skets. Luncheon was C. Hahlbeck and John Kay. -.---- I the high ~chool at a party for served by the hostess. Gifts will her tWIn dau,ghters,. Iva and 1na, Our Redeemer S be exchanged at the next meet· Ion their birthday Friday evenIng. Aid Meets i ing at the hom~ of Mrs. Robert Games were pl~yed and lunch Mrs. Ed Bahe. Mr,'3. Howard Johnson, Dec. 21. closed the evenmg. Kahler. Mn'. Anna Soehi:1,~r and I Mn3. Don Brink and Donna Rae Mrs. W. F. Most were llOstesses ! .. -.-=.-=-to Our Redeelller'!; AiOi'Soclety :lOameo Club spent Th"pl<sgiving."!ld tt;e weekend with relatives at Rosahe Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Alta I lis Entertained "=--",==< and Lyons Sunday. Mr. SWRnson of Bloomfie.Id,. president Mrs. "y. A. Emery entertaine~ and H~nry Harr:nier ;-vent. there, of the Women's MISt"3lO11ary So- members of the Cameo club Frt- Mr. Brink to bnng hIS WIfe and ciety of the lVIidw0st Synod, day afternoon. Guests were Mrs. dau'ghter home. Mr. Harmier APoke. Luncheon was served by J. M. Strahan and Mr,'5. Willits went to drive Mr. and Mrs. James the hos.tcs~•..,.s. The nexl: meeting Noakes. Mrs. J. R. Johnson was Brinl{ of Rosalie to California wfn be January 4. . high score winner and Mrs. H. where they spend the winter. !Addison won second. The club 1 Mrs. Earl Garvin of Dixon King's Daughters : meets again in two weeks for a ,o;;pent the week with her sister, Are Guests ' dinner party at the home of Mrs. 'I Mrs. Perry Johnt30n. King·s Daughter,s were gUf>sts L. F. Perry. Mrs. J. R . .Jo1rnson Woman's Home Missionary Soof the Wakefield chul'eh Thurs· and Mrs. E. O. Stratton a~ on cil~ty met with Mrs. A. H. Jensen day. Srpcial mnsic was providro the committee with Mn'. PC'rry. Ion Thursday. Mrs. Perry Johnson 1 I CHRISTMAS CITY ~ Four Big Free Pro· grams. ~ Bright Lights ~ Gorgeous Windows ~ Wondedands 0 f Toys. ~ Immense Stocks tel' Low, Country Prices © Acti vity every~ where i by MI'f'. H. D. Griffin. Mrs. G~lf. lIed the lesson on Christmas. fin also had chargoc of t.he study. Anniversary Celebrated 1 Group singing of Chrl,stmaa ~ar· uHow We Got. Onr Bible". The Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Roberts 30th ols was enjoyed. A book reVlew Wakefield King's DrlUght-e-rs wedding anniversary was cele- followed. . , brated at the Rebekahs covered I Mrs. H. H. Honey was in Way· I dish luncheon to which the Odd- ne on Thursday. Bible Circle . fellows were invited Friday eve-I The Rebekah Lodge had a spec:Mrs. ~rtrude Boyle entertain· ning. Mrs. Stella Chichester, Mrs. ; lal m.eeting Friday evening to served a two course luncheon. cd the Bible Circle Tuesday. MIGS Charlotte Ziegler was I.oader .. The. club meets again next Tuesday with Mrs. Emil Lueders. Alice Chance and Mrs. Ella Smith I' check m new members. in charge of the arrangeMrs. Will Shu!elt spent Frlday ments. The Rebekahs will meet. with her slsmr, Mrs. John Gasagain Dec. 22. kill. WI'Te - Dr. L. F. PerFY, dentist. Phone 88. • Mrs. Herbert Reuter entertain· member~ ~:r..,;t: Wednes· G.Q.C. Club dish birthday party. Acme Club Acme club membe:rr:;, Mrs. R. J. Kingston, Mrs. C .. R. Fisher. Dr. D. Griffin and Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Dierking were entertained Mon· day evening by Mrs. T. S. Hook. Dr. Griffin gave a lesson on kod· ak photogoraphy. lVirs. .Iennie Schrumpf and Mrs. Eph Becken+ hauer a,':5sisted in serving. The club meets again next Monday with Mm. V. A. Sentel'. Hannony Club Harmony club memr.-:f!' v,Iere entertained at the home of Mr". Clarence Sorensen Wednesday at I a Christmas party. Gift ('xchan~e and luncheon followed a program 1 by children. ! FOR THE BABY Elect Officers High Chair .- Nursery Chair Taylor Tot Officers elected in the Royal Neig-hbor lod!!/> Tuesday evening at the hall. are: Oracle. Fanchon Banister; recorder. Florence RogElma Baker. vice recf'iV,S-T, oracle. Ruby Mallory; chancellor, Lucrecia Jeffrey; past oracle. Harriet McNutt; mar,shal, Phyllis Caauwe; a 13 s i sl'~a n t marshal, Chrissy Dunn; Brown; inr~r Dawson; manager, Pearl Martin: Pear}. Dennis; 'flag bearer, Mae Fast"",. Special auditor will be Jane I I Ray H. Surber Furniture sentir\<:>l, Sue,' ou.ter:;'l1tine\' Grace musician. , ,?' j'dAGAZINE RACKS Ii'NDTABLES OCCASIONAL TABLES COFFEE TABLES WHAT-NOT SHELVES n.nRRORS nARD TABLES fmWING BASKETS TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS VENETIAN BLINDS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS and RO,CKERS STUDIO COUCH BREAKFAST SET LIVING ROOM SUITE DINING ROOM SUITE BED ROOM SUITE CONGOLEUM RUG Royal Neighbors el'S; _ IIIIIIIUIII Mrs. Will Roe entertaIned rT¥!'mbel'S of G.Q.C. club at a covered H. ~ !IIII11I1I11F or Christmasllllllllllll day afternoon. T. B. Heckert. Dr. and Mrs. ;. FUR.NITURE Marl·Octo ed Mari-Octo "d Barnett ':i"li'IIIL"" "II 'I'" Wayne Phone 289J ~d Jessie Latnber,son "",iIt be the i.n- stalling officer. . I Above ad is good' for 140 votes. You and yo-ur Family Are Invited To Christmas Program Wednesday; Dec. 13-WOW Oshkosh Entertainers, headed by Lyle DeMos. In program of music and fun at CITY AUDITORIUM. Begins atZp.DL Four Big Free Christmas Programs Arranged for You and Your Family WAYNE - THE CHRISTMAS CITY - ex~ends a cordia~ in--=--_ . vitation to you and your fami1ly to come here whenever pOSSible. Sunday, Dec, 17"THE MESSIAH" famous Oratorlo at CITY AUDITOR- JUM. Tuesday, Dec. 19Big Santa Claus parade. Saturday, Dec. 23-C~~~ progrnru which will Include many fea- S~I tures which will appeal to children. and Here you'll find twinkling lights and gorgeous decorations the Christmas spirit I ever~here STORES ARE CRAMMED WITH BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE. ATTRACTIVE DISPLAy, WINDOWS BECKON YOUR ATTENTION. YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WILL ENJOY THE TRIP THROUGH WAYNE'S STORES-. YOU'LL FIND WAYNE MERCHANTS HAVE EVERY GI_F.,,=T--.-'4il1"'-'-+= YOU'LL NEED, IMM:ENSE STOCKS OF NEW ~YJ.""~V·.D..t:l...... DISE AT PRICES WHICH;MAKE THEM GREAT VALUE'SI REMEMBER THE DATES OF THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS- December 13, 17, 19 and 23 [Above events sponsor· ed by Wayne Men's Club or Kiwanis Club,] . Wayne Ments Club I' " I! l . '[;~!il;:;_'::I': YC'~Ir,jf!II:", .', "'·""""",·I".".·I:':'II':;11 :! iililll:I!I': ,j'.:!iic,:\;:[,;,!.;?:.:;I:~!li:' "" .' :':i:!~~:: 'p.!" '.'1,:: I!Uii ,1,Il:!, i, :' , ',' 'r ,.1, i :.., .. 1" ~·AYN'E- ·If J!!!W8 I '111,llilll!I'11 II': Tuesday, necember 12, 1 9 , 1 , "1[' ''t'Y'; No one seems to care - to go It I' Is admitted by everyjlDe ~t I back to·the old !og-rolllng meth· the -automobile manufiJ.Ct~rs ods by which congress arranged make cars many tim. \IS g1)od and re-shuffled tariff schedUles. than fonnerly manufact11f'ed, jIlld Another theory is known as 1 i>ell many times more value 10r "reciprocity", but that scheme far less money than 20 yefl,l'S 1'18'0• •'never was used to any: extent. And except for the ~t that The older theory that date,s motor taxes haVil been m~lie than back to the daY!' of Lincoln was 1 % bllllon dollars a 11jla.r" for based on "the difference in the I several years the national debt cost of productiorCilt home and I would now be nearer .60, bUllon abroad". Senator Vandenberg 'f~v'l dollars than In the "early lortics" ors such a policy. The ,senator In. of billions today. . slsts that only non·competitlve If It Is a fact that the tarmer,s commodities should be permitted, and the consumers pay tile tax.e.. to enjoy tariff benefits In the I then the Injustices of cOlltinll,\ng United States.' to' tax a '!lecbanlcal article .U$ed Hull's low·tariff treatle.s will. for transportation the same way most Ilk.ely be l3aved by both Uquor and tobacco are assessed kinds of democrats in congress. must have become a national racket In which car-owner,' are S ta Un Menaoo r g unjustly p<mallzed. ThIrty million There is one problem Washlng. car ownell'l In the United States ton cannot kill, says the United. are the principal victims-not the Stl\tes News, and that is the star· automobile manufacturers. ling menace. Every evening, around twilight, thousands of the I blrd13 . wheel around the down· town plinths and mullions,,1 screeching out the knell of part., . "EARS THAT I lEAR NOT", I I Entered as second class matter Irf Ip84 at the post ~fflee at Wayne. Nebraska, under the !let of Ma~ch 3, 1879.. ".. ,....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 .- SUQscrlptjon Rates. One Year ____.,-,;--.,'::==-$1.50 Six Months ___ . ____________ .76. The Wayne News Advocates 1. . Fonnatton of a Wayne civic organization with a paid secretary which will /lave as its sole objective the Improve- I ment and growth of Wayne; an organization throul!h which all buslne.ss firms and professional men may umte their efforts. ' 2. ExpaDt3ion of Wayne's trade tt0rrttory. 3. Co·operation between WSTC and Wayne for their mutual benefit. 4 lmpl'oy.ed tl'anspertation facilities including all·weath· er roads· throughout this section of the state. . 5. Extension of U10 soil and water conservatIOn worle I I throughout Wayne and adjacent counti.,:~s. 6. Improvement of educational facilitie,.s and standards in both rural and t.own school", Wayiie;-Forward! ----~--.--. -------- 1 T"",.,,·.,,',:,:1&i. RuraISh I C 00 Briefs ~'iie~~!~i:.ld-e~~f~:mp~~~~ The move to organize a Chamber of Commerce, wluch WIll serve \ smudge pots, dead owls and tiu'! . as a centrall21L~1 agency to unite tl'" efforts and energy of all local I.fire hose have been futile. And so I Pupils of District '5 have a new citizens in promoting activitiC/; which will contribute to Wayne's have Roman candles, ahd so have 1 phonograph with record13 of growth, progress and prosperity, is making rapid progres,s. WPA workers d~.!iul/3ed as Christmas carols and a new soeTed Hook, who was elected temporary chairman to handie the ,scarecrows. T/l,e starlingS are 'cer ball. ; organization movement, should be commended on Jl,1e committee· just crazy about all of these -_-dimen he ,.,locted to get the movement underway. Their character things. To the officials working The box social of Dlst. 1) and past contributions to the city's progre", are such that they arc under the eaves of the Treasury brought a profit of $25 which IS a,ssured of the conWlence of the "ntire community. building, the national debt teaser to be spent on a school room flag, fad.,s in comparoon. a thennometer, a wall clock and As this is being written, present plans ate to launch the mem· /l,ership drive this weelt. a camp"ign which will reveal whether or SoakIng car.Owners .Wlth Taxes some play equipment. not there is",ufflci~nt financial support to lnake posslbl2 the sue-The early opinion about a n . _ __ ces,sful operatioll of such an organization. We believe that th",re automobile was that it was a lux. i Eleanor Ann Hansen's farm will be an excellent respollse and that th,o committee members, who ury that conformed to Webster's was chosen bE¥3t when the third are giving liberally of their valuable time at the busiest season of def'mition of something that re'l and. fourth grades 75 dethe year, will receive the only l'I3ward they arc seeking - complepresents "material abundance". corated their sand table with tion of an organizathm which will accomplish the important object.· Those old "horseless.carriag~3" fanns and farm eqnipment. lves unanim01.1)3ly approved by nearly a hUlldred busines,s and pro· cost their owners from 2 to 51 ___ f"sslonal men at a meetillg Monday of last week. thou,sand dollars apiece 25 or 30 A Christmas program is plan. Th.e enthusiasm demonstrated In the preliminary stcps toward years ago. No wonder they were I ned for Dlst. 16, tn be given a the fonnatlon of such all organization argues well for 11$ succem, called "rich men's carriages". week before Christmas. Even the /l,est Chambers nt. Commerce do not accomplish miracleS .. The motor vehicle has been aC'1 _ __ e nor can' their objectives be realized In a day, a montll or, In some ed persons today work In mdUl3' cepted by all the public as a nee· A game of ten pins was purcases, even a year. But thoy do off",r the framework on which to tries devedlofped ~h' the ta\~~1 ~ emity for over 20 years. Never· cha/3ed with fair money for Dlst. build and, like any other civie organization, their returns in beneyears, an rom ~. s IS c theless it is third on the federal\70 !its to both their Indlvldua'l membem as such and the city a,s a fact the entertainment demon: I excise list, and only alcoholic' _ __ whole-will bl!! mea,sured largely by the amount of Intelligent effort . strated the claim that unemploy bevera~s and tobacco pay more Dlst. 3 ~. planning a Christmas contributed Individually and collectivefy. ment. can, be solved through I"luxury taxE\S". Liquor and·lo- program to be given Dec. 15. There Will be some who will decUlie to join because the organ· • scientIfic research. bacco have not changed their lzatlon will not be fonned or function -exactly as they believe would The Nation's Leading It". But evidently he thinks that Natlnnal Health I place In the tax picture and the Pupils of Dlst. 15 who had per. be. best; that Is always true. Yet, If everyone waited until all his Letter b'" J. E. Jones,. Mr. Roosevelt is not going to run. It appears likely that t/l,e bill percentage of taxes levied upon fect attendance records the first personal vlewswerlJ MOpt-ed before joining forces with hi,s f e l l o w . l Your- c01TellpOndent in Washing· introduced by Senator Wagner i them Is understandable. The three months are Betty .Baier, buslneE,.. and professional men for the benefit of the community, Washington, D. C. ton verifle,s the 'rising opinion providing a national health pro-Iautom.obile is a g.e.nnina necessit..y ; Esther Temme, Dorothy Ann which Is home to all of us, little could be accomplished. . that McNutt is grOwing in favor gram will become an important for the great majority of people: Young, Caroline Temme, Donna Wa~ has fllade excellent progress without a Chamber of Com· IUlIgbts Of The Road among the democrats and that he i.s.sue in congr€l3s this Winter. and it ~eems time that our. law·tFay-young and Denn!.S G.reunke. merca durtng the past few yeaf/!. We would not discount in any W""hlngton, D. C. - Time was will go to the next),e!l10cxatic _ JLPNposeS. .aplendments..to.the.-makers-'-sllOutu· ~recogniZe-tIia't _ __ way the many contribUtions to the City's advancement ma'!e by Its when no more popular "'!itlllls COnvenffon as one of Social Security Act "to provide fact and pry it. loose from tha Pupils of Dlst. 31- who have leading citizens' arid organlZatiollil;such as thJLY\'aYI1"..Men's-.elul> 'C9Irld-be-nmtletnanaVitrolic as- the' strongest possibilitlEi3 in the tor the- general welfare by en· tax.cla"", ideas that control liquor, perfect attendance records for and Auxiliary. Indl· sault upon t/l,e tru,ck driver, often entire field. .' abllng the several ,states to make and tobacco. You can't drink an I November are Caroline Brum. vidually- and collectively, they have ~rved this city w<illc. It is these ref-erred to most disparagtngly However the facts as they ap. more adequate provlsions for automobile, or sr:;~~~l:!~",a c~ mond, LeRoJL...ll"!,,er, .....9Jl.~_ very men, who have contri~uted most to. Wayne's pr0g'lm in the .as a ."h;I!l."",a-ytllall". A!'!""'ently y'may all tum Byer and . , ention-and-e6ft-.---or"takett with y . _ Barner, Alice Mae Brummond, -p'ast,.wlioareJeadlng till! campaign ror an ~rgamzatlOl'i Whl<lIrthert:neoasl,s ior suell critICIsm collapse, like a pack of cards, In trot of disease, maternal and tall lounge, or saloon. 'Leonard Janke, Lyle Krueger, believe will conhibut-e even more to the city 5 future. . been largely removed In recent a few wlleks. We are just trying child health services, construction G line formerly free of tax.'1 Doro Schuetz, Everett Schuetz, When you are requested to jOin, remember that th.e man OI years, lIB witnessed by popular, to let you know the present trend and maintenance of needed hOl3- es ~s~he ~ervice station, ~3 now Mvin Wagner :j.Ild Leona Wagner. men, who urge to do so, are performing an entirely unselfl/3h servo reaction to the "unfair maligning of vent.s pltals and healt~ centers, care of; taxed as high as 7 cents a gallon. _._ _ . e 1Ds~ In Th Makin the sick, dlsablhty insurance and \ I me states The automobile I AIl fair displays, exceptmg Ice on the behalf of the future of Wayne. You may have good and of truckem" the_ other day by sufficient mason for not slglling as a member; that is entlrely.!or Secretary of the Interior Harold ry e g training of personnel". .nd SOt has;"t between 6 and, wood and metal work and cary. you· to decide and the' organIZation must be formed on a voluntary E. Ickes, who even expressed a The flfty·second annual lecture It will be remembered that a ~n '-!'~II ry en ~t work where only' irrg:>, will be mounted on boards basis to have any hope for I'lIccesSful operation. But, the least we desire to drive an annoured tank course of the National Geograph· committ,.,e appolpted by Presl. nu on m I yed In horse. this year according to Supt. F. B. owe those who arc >ltterilpting to organize the Wayne Forward down the highway in open war· Ic Sock>ty 1/3 an important activity dent Roosevelt framed a program 1 million were emp 0 'Decker. 'Teachers are urged to movement iI3 careful (!onslderatlon of what they have to offer and fare. in Washington, inasmuch as more to "coordinate health and wei· and·buggy industrie~. That 1/3 cer· get their supply of mOUIiting a gel)ulnQ expression of appreCiation for their efforts In Its Behalf. Numel'Ous have been the spon· than .4,000 persons purchase sea· fare activities", and submltte<l a talnly a big item In Increased boards as soon as possible from It Is b'ue that Wayne has much to offer which cannot be found taneous prote"l" again,st this son tIckets and gather every~. report to the PreSident, who ap- employment. But th~s no reason Mr. Decker'S office. Rural/3chools in towns of similar size. Fowl.liowns, regal'die.ss of their population, blast, as gleaned from editOrials, ~ay evening to share the pnVl· proved it in a message to con· why American motorists should are allowed from two to ten nave as fino a college as tile Wayne State Teaohers college. Wayne',.. Letters to the E<litor, and neW\3' .,'ges of their ~rganlzatlon pro-l gress la"t January... be Called on to pay 1 out of all cards and town schools are limit. 'bu~lness flnllll W01-'ld 'be a cl'edlt to a town of twice Its si.,,; it has paper columnists. H,.,re are two gram,s, which ~e Society .. d,:s, There is. n? opposition to ~e tax-doH=-thatare oollected.- ed-to 70• .a trade territory far greater and generally more prO/iperous than typical examples: . cnbes in Its lite.rature 86 H,s- -generaJ-princlples, and tile SPInt the average. The farmers In this seotion of the "tate are more pro"I'm not a truck driver and r tory in the makmg, places of I of plans to Improve public health, gresslve \:ha.Il the vast majority and Wayne has the good will of have no connection with the peace In a disturbed world, the I but the expansion of federal con. the families living In· this and neighboring counties. All these are trucking industry. All I can say onward march of exploration, i trol over the ,states and their reasons why a: Chilmber nf COlrunerce should /l,e organized here; It is, I wish half the plea,sure-car ~clence, and ne:ly discovered I human problems; ~l,-!s disablIity already ha,sa finn baj3ls on which It cOllld bulld and Wayne should drivers were as courteous, cau'l secrets of nature. . ,insurance, and trammg of per. begin telling tho rest <>[ tile state more ab9ut what it has' to offer. tions and correct in their driving Only lantern slides were avaIl· Isonnel, has many honest foes. Certainly its advantages have never been adequately publicized and as the average truck driver. Be. able to Illustrate the Socletts I The American Medical. Assocla. While 'It may 'be' true that you cannot build a town, a home or a lIeva me, It's a rar" truclt driver lectures In the beginning more I tion oppos,o,s the extensIOn of the future on ballyhoo alone, -It-is an obvious ,faot that If you are con· that el<coed I3pecd limits, gyps than half a century ago. But to·, federal theory in the. states, and tented to recline in an easy chair with a ""If satisfied feeling o[ SliP' traffic lights or dfives on the day natural color motion picture,s believes that the baSIC theory of -eriorlty the world wlIl move along and let you rest and decay there. wrong side of the road". and photographs, and ,sound ef·, Federal central,~tlon and co~. . We may not all agree with everything the Chamber. of Com· "As a car driver I I~arned that fects, are projected through up· trol Is lIlagical. The Wagner bIll merCe proPOPe,\l to,do; many of Its efforts wlIl be wasted and some the trucker wa,s the one man on to-the-mlnute equipment. propC¥3es to transfer health and • LeI us install a modem AUTOMATIS GAS objectives ma~r Mver be attained. B"t, if other towns with much the road I could d-epend upon. I In the opening event, this sea· I Industry from a health fu~?tion BURNER in .your furnace. We can do II quick· Ie to offer Ulan Wayne have found such organizations valuable, could count on him to stop If I son, Dr. Matthew W. Stlrlmg told I to the Labor ?epartment. deis every ,reason to /l,eUevtllthat If we likewise unite our Indi· were In trOUble at night; to pull of his expedition for the Geo' clares ti,,, preSident of the ;:.S. ly, wlihoul inconvenience'lo you. EnJoy qus vidual eflorts for community benefit, we will reap even greawr me out of a snowbank or a mud graphic Soc~ety. and. th.e Smith· sociatlon. and he protests on e heal lor Ihe resl 01 Ihe winler. There are sliD returns ...... -.--- - - - - --- -. -- - hole, Ollt of--tI1o>-d1tch_ol'-'11lLOf _soman Instl.!.utlon.m~.the 1I-"'L~I"0\lndthat_!hefed-eraI health months oh:old wealher-aheatL plenlT oniliie-any of the troubles that beset explored Mayan -setUemerus OIl plan "has been evolved on the Oh..lstm'''· Lights a man trying. to make mileage MexiCO, and "how the expedition concept that both death and slcl<· 10 TRY OUT GAS HEAT. .~ .... . h h k discovered the New World's old· ness rates In the United States Everythlll!t but the sptingIike weath.er Is contributing to f'~ I ::: ;,~.::~~ ~~e Itr;:~~~l'::; est dated work of ~". are excessive: Spending a Vatlt "History In the Making" in tMi' sum of money under federal sup. Chrl,stmS/-l spirit al'OundWa'yne these days. The men who d,,::oral elt lights to him' he held me back the buslnesii d.lstl.'\ct IUd an exoellent job. W.\h~dd rea6,~.n 0 ~ sf whol1 p.a.sSing:.vas dangerous and Beco.nd lecture of the National ervislon will not reduce sickne,ss -'elevel1 of our neighboring towns the past wee an w; e t'~ t~ gav" the 'go ahead' when all' wa" iGeographic dealt importantly and mo.-ality rates, according to them are a1s~ _aUrlilCtlvely decorated, Wayne appears 0 ea .e- clea~. < with mattem of science and the association's challange. I'UI'ade. . I "M b I 'k chemistry and good old Generalj Perhaps the Indictments of Only a ~paratlv"ly few homes, however, are decorated here. . y, est w sh"s and than s <I Motors was drafted to show his. doctors and theil' ""soelation by You'U be lurpr\Jed 10 know If the city dads who fllrDish the electrical power, had offered a million to the trucker",; they t it thl'IIled th -.- ____ -t our-Department of Justice under how economical a qa. burner few prizes for they would have been regular fellows and a York and- S:n charges of op.erating mon'opolies -pmbably-1'e('laived thl!h"award .fl)m1s back with intel'I'I,t ill tho fDlm true s~urce of comfort to,?'e man World', Fairs. Constitution Hall was deeply re,sented throughout ls. For as UtUe as SOc a month of larger 'elelltrlclty bills 'and at the same time hnd a "core of homes on the, roael, a.t night. H~ knows in Wa,shlngton was filled with a, the country. Fortunately the gov. a : e ; 01 you CaD RENT A BURNER beautifully decorated. WhU()- It.'lc; too tat/! now for such a plan to be that. ~appen to capacity audienCe that witnEJ3Sed ernment lost their cases in the adopted, it might be we1l considered before the next Yult1tldc sea- hJm, t 1CI0 5 a g, generous, the recent attraction of the Fair courts. and ase it until cold weather son arrives. We have Se,9:n It succcspfully sponsored b~ l?rivat: po~. good.na~l1rC'~ but eminently cap- that showed "Modern Wond~rs of Wh,'.~n you visit ~lew Orleans Is gone. You mak., DO dad er companies in othCl' cities, whil'h attracted adnllrmg vlsitOlS nhlo ch,tp lurnbling along in a Science" In car~ring out the pro- you wil1 behold a new building . 'J' • h' th Id . big cab eithor ahead of or be· liC;>D about buying II I1DUl f!'Om a large area, .. . h" d h' A d if t 0 hi do s gram Mr. Ernest L. Foss fned that outs mes aU e 0 ones m --_. ,"_0._.,. ".- _ .. _-._"-In 1m. 1 n • "n r Itl ~ ~ eggs in a pan ov~r a cold stove. cmtliness and'" size. It's Huey spring. Decide thenl U f,lU With lej!lS thall two wtWks rer/llllning until Christmas, th? Yuhr CO~l<:', so a so WI he p, n t. e . He mad" music ride light beams, Long',s, "charity hospital" and it tide "hoppIng season Is well underway. This yem', Wayn;:, nll'lchants f~l m of ~h~; Knight of UIC Road, and produced light without heat. cost millions of dollars. It is .open. wanl tho burner cempy&d we repoIt that· shoppers aI'O coming fronl a grea~cr distance than In t ~ b~C e t f ~'l 11 R€'search laboratory equipment to the peo~le of Jhe entir.,:, state will· do It WlTHOI1T COST . :the past. This obvious expansion Of Wayne',~ trade territor:y lessens . ~n mos ~ ...u~ea~)l ~ r~~b. identical to that used at the! of Louisiana. When the patients OR OBLIGATION the blow of the.c.. 1'.0.P faUur.13 this year. If and when the r~tns come s~~m~a~ ~~rtesle;. ~.~al Y. . WorM's Fairs W3,'9 set up on the I die they get. fre,-e b'll:rial in a gorto thll, sect! .. .0.0.. 0•. f Nebra.ska, this city W.III be i,:, a poSition to go. ~h~ i.ruc~ ~b~,. r~:n ;"~ee::.~; Platfonn for the perfo~ce geous "charity cemetery". Boys .. _ forward raPIdlY.· '. with hearts as blg·as the vehicles' which Included an expenment who want to study m~dicIne.· . ". ",,'~----i---·· 0 tlll'!y guide, men willing to stoplthat by the wave. of a hand educatro at the . expense of the I I oLD~st. I NatlonaI Ind ' . ust· rles· WeekIy ReVleW · I ___ attona:l -.~irclub;-the-Ktw.rnil'~glon i I I IT ISN'T TOO LATE TO TRY GAS HEAT! I I I t;e~ l I liil!; RENT A BURNER .. the best~~!:at:ed,-hOll,-e!l..thl!!'year, ha~e t~;N~~ n:::t wr ~--'---lw~ ~'.~'!!lt'.,El· ·.··!. ~!' s' a ' ~ .·d·"'. .llors ay··· ~~:~~~s:o I I I I I 1:\rh~~i\;l~~"J o~ e~;~,ngh~I~\~~I~~c~: ~~u~n~: o~P~!~:!I~!a~~~h~~et;:;ld::tl~:ve::~; r1:S dO magnetic fields that had been I and decorated·scene of Long:>. , N tt set up An explanation was made I stands out as a warning that " " ..... : '''I ' " .., . ' nc-evelt, Garner And Me u of ho~ sand Is made into spun should be thoroughly Investig- Along thij'I'~a~I'lwottd ~nts. a strange 'and tnatallzlng odor f Tf :!~~i~~~e~e~:~tsc!~ ~! glass and how it is eventually ated befoT,,? the federal govern. mingles with the' ",mell of· llattle - believed to bI'l a censon varnish- d~ubtedlY have t~e nomination of manufactured .into the finest ment is given the go-sign to take Ing the truth- San Francisco Ch~nlcle. his party. If Mr. Garner Insists I gla,.s dress good" from which lover all the re~ponsibilitles WhiCij - .•-.---,,---on remaining a candidate he l,s party gowns can be made to,' the Wagner bIll would bestow. When It' comd.. t() racil1$: news n\lW, the gov~rnment definitely sure to be confronted with the clothe beautiful women, or artis. TarItf Theories '",.as[ (N.C.) Dally News. tllat Is too old even tic draperies to adorn the most The Hull £arlIf are belh' I , ' , tlile.~q8\~~ ,~~.:,-. G~Il,SM~P Ih an . I I fa~t h~ h h I ',;,~ [. "" " WIi; sli~.·n.I.:~~.lia."po."lit1c~l life be ~ sweet one? All politicians th' ge~~fema~~: I no~ b~t tt:ea~es ~1I':e'h,~d;;' ~u:~ ----l/4 th = go mod ern · WI ~ _ • PE0 PLES NAT URAL GAS ,C()" ........"""'......~~~~~ ~ .. Dod Christian fastidious homes The material, ing (mbjacted to cnticl,Sll1s, and :ntitled t '11 burn an extreme!:!,: an attemJ:t have a finger In·t!i,e pie.--Greensboro (Ga.) Herald·Journal. respect of his countrymen. high degree of tempe~ture W1l1la~~ xperlmentaJ period' ?"I " . . , rD&ul Me-Mutt: says that if Mr. me-lt th.e glass. .:m . e e "'~~+i'b'~iOW' l.. 'h~' and he wI1l, not 1110"", a sal'e". "'"", R~1t rIrIIi3 ''then I am out of NInety per <,eDt of the employ· wends. ~• _ _ _ _~_-_-.;;.-""""""""!" , , 'n, {,:~!~(.".iil~~t~~~4~~~~;j~Ii~![~:I;:~illll~,,101!i';'.::;:j;i,i.i+;ILl"i:il:;Jii;ii·~i"i;~if;\ip,:,:\1I;,L;;';i'i;',j,Jt~~.i:;;,',">.",~",~"""."",,,;;,,,,:,,,,~,",",,,,,,;,,,";,.~i."",~." •.,_"","".,~"""".",",,<,",,"",,.;;.,"",", .. ,l;;":,:;~""'."'~., ,,".,.J,,~, . . " .... , ."':' II' I it ;J-.Io. Leo Willie ________ .--------aepry. Jr., work ____________ _ H, Bruggeman, Road Bridge work ______________ _ Henry Walker, Road & Bridge work ______________.- ~n~ :~~~';1'wo~~p~~~--:~~~'--~~~~:-~~~~----- Oliver Ftelchert, Grading, Erecting snow 'fence & Bridge work _______________________ : __ ----------L. C. ,&' G. A. :MJttelstadt Hdwe., Pos~< Lbr., Cui· vert _________________ .,_____________________________ Defeat Sioux Falls, Rob,ert Johnson, Blacksmith work __________________ Lose To Augustana A(hnlnl.trn~lve F;"pense Fund: • . In Initial Contests Twlla Bergt, Writing, Old Age, Child Welfare & ,Milwaukee, .Blind A,sslstance warrants· Nov. ____,_'____________ 7.60 After dividin~' their first two Wayne Teachers Unemployment Relief l<lmd: 4366 games of the season, both on for· To Clash Dec. 22 Wayne Hospital, Room & Cal'c of poor for Nov .• ___ 30,pO 4367 elgn court,s, the Wayne State ---------427.4 Mavis A. Baker, Salary ." Asst. in FSA office 4368 Teachers college cager.·will open Proceeds from the Milwaulkee The Luther League wlll meet Nov. 20 • Dec, '2, Incl. ______________________________ 30.'00 :~~~ the home baf3ketball schedUle Teachers.Wayne Teacllers basket. Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Marcella 4275 W. P. Canning, Mileage t9 WPA Projects _________ 5.65 Tuesday night against the Neb· ba'II game to be held at t"- C,'ty and Nelda Brudlgan and Rodella 4 276 Harold L. Dotson, Mileage, on Commodities --------7.75 3 18.00 14437721 raska Wesleyan quintet. The AuditOrium, December 22, ,~ will go Gramberg wlll be social leaders. 4277 H orner R oss, R 0 It e f f or N ov. --~------------------- 1000 game is scheduled for 8 o'clock to thefl'ltional In.stitute to fight Tho Episcopal' church will be the 4278 Fritts Grocery, Groc. for poor Sept 15 to Oct. 27 ---- 12:00 4373 at the college gynl. Infantile Paralysis. topic for study. Eacll member Is 4279 Fletcher's Grocery, Groc. for poor Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 -0 The local quintet llo£ed out the aslr,od to bring a gift and wrap' 4280 Fullerton Lbr. Co., Coal for poor ------------------ 111.4 4374 SIO?x Falls..c~,e'¢l "in an extra The setup for the game wlll be I' ping paper for the Tabitha Home. 4281 Wayne Grain & Coal Co., Fuel for poor -----------7.00 4375 penod game, 31' to 3D, at Sioux t>lmllar to that used at the Way· 4282 Theobald Lumo"r Co., Fuel for poor ---------------10.75 4376 . 'd e f 00tba II game. 4283 D 1', W a Iter BeII th ae, k P l'O. f scrvIces f Or poor ------ 8" 35.00 Falls la,st Thursday night. It was ne-M ormngSl FOR SALE 00 a hard fought game throughout Tickets will be sold to the mel' 4284 Gaebler & Neely, Burial of poor ------------------u. with the teams tied at the end of cllants, 50 for $1.00, These tickets 500 bushels of corn. Call Harry 4285 Sellon'S Machine Shop, Repair work ________________ 52.20 C I rid Ph d C i a o00 4377 the e:.i. siring are to them, be passed anyone e- Bressller, one oe· 4287 4286 Interstate & Supply Co., Repair,s -------ra r<!gular period. tim"" The forcing WSTC anteam, The totickets along lidge 121·9. oe ge. 1t2·34ad Jay Drake,Machinery Foreman on WPA 12 days __ .. _____ ~_____ 12'.~g' 4378 which boa/3ts only two regulars, •• • 4268 Fitch Grocery, Sacks for Commodities _____ c________ 1. 4379 I !~~:~~i::~i' f~ayr';;~1 thc:~~:ns~~r In I' COmmISSIOnerS' ProceedIngs Drop Second Game However, on the fOIlOwin g COUNTY BOARD night, the fast Augustana college Wayre, Nebraska team walked away with a 37 to December 5, 1939 '25 victory over the local college Board met a,s per adjournment. All members present.. team, whlcll was unable to hit Minutes of meeting held November 21, 1939, read and al>' the f3,st pace achieved' In the, proved. Sioux Falls game. 1 The funds of the county and its numerons sub-dlvlslons of Coach Jim Monison Is beIng which the county through its county treasurer is custodian, are forced this year to develop an found to be depOt,i(ed in the banks of the county at the close of almost 8!ltirely new team "Ince busine,ss fbI' November 1939, as follows: (This does not include the only two regu\ar players on the funds invested in liberty bonds 01' the funda on\hand in the office 1938·39 squad are baclt, Ahern of tbe county treasurer.) and Whitmore. He has some good U. S. National Bank, Omaha ________ $54,065.85 material, however, and bel!ev",s State National Bank, WaY)le ________ 46,373.97 that while the boys may not hit First National Bank, Wayne ______ .. 28,030.80 their stride In the early gam"", Winside State Bank, Wlnsld,e ______ 11,229.90 they will !:oil among the contend· The following clai""3 are on motion audited and allowed and ers for basketball honors In mid· warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds as herein shown. warrant,<; to be ready and available SATURDAY, December 16, 1939. seaf3on. Play Hastings Here General Fund, The strength of the Nebraska No. NalIl/l What for Amount Wesleyan team Is unknown at 4238 Twila Bergt, Assisting in Co. Clerk's office Nov, present but they are ,scheduled 21 . Dec. 4 ___________________________ ._____________ $ 20,40 to meet Augustana the night be· 4239 Carroll News, Supplies for Co. Treas, $6.40, Co. fore they Invade the local cam· Clerk $15.00, Printing Proceedings $6.74, total ______ pus, which should provide some 4240 L, W. Needham, Co, Clerk, Cash advan""d for lI ~~;:n;~. their r"Jta~~eele~-c~~-T;;;~:-E_;;;;:;;;-;d~;~~~d-f~;-c;.-clk com p a I' a t I v e 14241 The second home game of the~ 14242 State Journal Printing Co., Supplies' Co, Treas, ---year will be Thursd"ay. night 4243 J.'J. Steel", Co. Treas" Pq3tage . Nov...~o,_-.• ----_---when the Wildcats clash with the 4244-K . B Prtnting Co., 'Supplies . Clerk of Dist, Court __ ~~a~P~;e!eto I~:e~ fo;;~. MAtO~n·~odnB~~eq~~ 1'4249 N;;O·~V~s $~jj~;le~tB~~~.!~~ ~~i~~~'er_;~~~J~il~;~i~~;~--~. college. __ ___ _ .4255 BeSIdes the members of the I football squad, the fathers, men 14256 members of the faculty and reo presentatives of the press were 4257 present. I Following the three·cour,se ban· 4258 quet a f3hort program was carried out with Coach Chet A. Carkoski 4259 as toastmaster, Supt, H. S. Pack· wood and Rev. O. M, Orcutt I spoke. Several reels of moving pictures of games at Wayn~ and 4260 4261 1 -----------------------1:.--- II .:=: 4270 ~~~:~ ~e~~~:i~ ;~:~ngJ-;:;,~ti~g-;~~;-f;;~.;:-&-----· 4.8Q ::~ ~Isirl~~~ ~ork 5:131 Bridge work -----------------------c--------------19.00 4271 L. C, & G. A, Mittelstadt Hdwe, PostrJ, Lbr". Culverts 8.97 4272 'Robert JOimson, Blacksmith work __ ~~~~~ ___ ~=~~~~::~ 4266 Henry Asmus Jr" ________ _ 12.80 4392 Vernon Behmer, Road work " ______________________ _ 47.60 4393 Victor J. Perske, Road work c ____________________ _ 49.70 Rejected VIaIm&: 5,22 4306 The Co" 011 _____________________ 4007 Gee, Gabler, Repairs -----~------------------------62.52 4308 Chicago Lumber Co., Hdwe" Post,s, Lbr., Cement, Sand "--------------------------------------------- 29.16 LaId Over C1alma: 35,20 The following claims are on flle w!lII the county been passed on or allowed at this time: 23.47 General Fund: 32,75 67.50 I !i~~ 24,30 .. Fr-ank . .......................... '" ~en, COR1-ll=l-if;s-i-ooer __ . . __ . seFVie,e -$-'72JiOT- Mileage !I5.50 Nov, __ .. __________ . ___________ .____ Frank Erxleben, Long distance calls $5. post· age 77c, Express advanced 30c, total ____ ._________ M. 1. Swihart, Commissioner ""rvice $70, Mileage $15 . Nov. . ------ .. ---------------------------Wm. J, Misfeldt, Commicoioner services $65, Mile· age $12,25 . Nov. _______________ .___________________ NebI', Institution for Feeble Minded, Carl> from 12·1,,38 to 12·1,39 for Ber( Burress $13.98, Lulu May Lawrence $17.98, Shirley N. Smith $16,77, Delores May Stamm $11.78, Bonnie June Wax $13.89, total ____ .. _________________________________ Omaha PIinting Co" 1939 & 1940 Road Laws ______ Winside Tribune. Printing Proceedings 115.94, Misc!. Printing $3.82, total ____ .... _______________ .. Bridge li'uDd 88.0e '4267 4268 6.07 !316 4317' 85,00 4318 ,1319 77.25 20.~ , 11.20 8.8() :~~~~!~~I~~ ~~~~:.e~~:~ Roa:~ragging Dtst. No 3-Misfeldt i~:i~ 890 4233 for$57.84 for $52.0Cf ",e','", ''''''-'''''''!'.c'!.u''-4i• Unemployment ReHel Fund: 4395 for $30.00 4396 $120.76 GeneroJ RAlIId Fwld: Comm, Dlst. No. '2-Bwlhart 9.00 4234 for $45.91 Road D1st. Fund: 12.00 ~ Road Dist. No. 68 40.00 2818 for $10.20 , 2.40 Whereupon Board adjourned to D~cember 11, 1939, at 2 o'clockp. m~ 2.40 , L . W. Needham, Cle"!' • _~ ___, .-===~====:::~::::;;::========:;=~=:;:::: P rof eSSlon · a I an d B · ess D·lreet ory USIIl H. Bruggeman. Road & Bridge work ______________ 6,00 " '\ Henry Walker, Road & Bridge work --------------1.80 Otto Grad, Repairs ----------.--------------------2,l\} Wheeler Lumb,or, Btidge and Supply Co., Hardware 8.351 Willard Fletcher, Road work ----------------------23'910 0 Ernest F, Pfeil, Hoad work ------------------------, Uoad DI.t. Pund: . Road Dist. No. 15 4320 Village of Winside, Road Fund ____________________ 700,00 The follow'mg Ieadlnt: professional IU1d business men of Wayne appreciate your po.tronage and II.J:e Road Dist. No, 19 competent and well oqulpped to serve YOlL The 4321 Ray D. CrQl3s, Road worl, ________________________ __ 4.80 74.40 4322 Russell Beckman; Road work ____________________ __ lous types of services offered o.ro llsted In o.IphabeU1,00 cal order tor your convenle:noe. 6.20 4323 Elmer B. Lyons, Road work ______________________ __ 5.60 4324 Henry Arp, Road work _____________ . ______ . ______ _ 13,50 <, 19,76 Road Dlst, No. 20 COMMERCIAL PRIN'fING4325 lWrman Thun, Road work ________________________ _ 18,40 Gordon Bard, Bridge work ________________________ 2.40 4326 . John Grier, Road work ___________________________ _ 16,00 DR.G. To HESS' . - - _ _ _ _ 43<27 .. Wilbur -Hefti, Road work _________________________ _ 9.60 Printing or All Kinds At 4328 Albert C. Sah,3, Road work ______ .. __ ...... ________ _ 19,20 PhYSician and SurgeOn 4329 Henry Haase, Road work ______ .. _________________ _ 9,61) Reasonable Rates Road Dlst. No. 24 Eye. Examined For Glassetl 4330 Jas, Stephens, Road work _________________ .. ____ .. _ 10.40 Road Dlst. No. 26 WAYNE NEWS 4331 Dave Rees, Cleantng CUlverts _--"___________________ _ 1.50 4332 Franklin he..?s, Cleaning culverts, Putting up snow fence _______________________________________ _ 5.30 DENTISTS4333 Ernest Junek, Cleaning culverts, Putting up 3,30 DR. R. W, C.ASPER 4334 __ ---MARTIN L. RINGER 2.80 4335 Sam Re,os, Putting up snow fence ____ .. ___ .. ____ .. 2.10 Writes Every KInd of Dentist 1 4336 Ed Moore, Putting up snow fence _______ ... ____ ... 1.20 Insurance -Ph"nesRoad Dlst, No. 27 House·309J 4337 IDdoff Erickrmn, Road work _______________________ _ 3,60 Office-32M Except LIfe. Special lItte1ltlOD Hundreds Of Thousands Of Times 4338 Harry Samuelson, Road work ______________ .. __ .... 12.95 to PARM and AUTOMOBILE 4339 Alec Eddie, Road work _________________________ 11._ 6,80 Each Year Dr. Miles Nervine Insurance 5340 Grant 'I'ietgen, Road work _______________________ __ 6,30 . Makes Good 4341 Norman Clark, Road work ________ .. _____________ .. 6.40 Po.rm LoIUlll DR. L. B. YOUNG . Real Estate Road Dlst. No, 29 When you are wakeful, jumpy, 4342 Lee Sellon, Road work _____________ ~ _______________ '" 24.35 Dental Surgeon :'estless, when you suffer from NerIJ3,90 4343 Jam{~s Barg.stadt, Road work ____________________ ~_ Phone S07W OPTOMETRIST2,10 aus h'rit'2uility, Nervous Headache, 4344 Henry Rohde, Putting up snow fence ______________ _ Road Dist. No. 30 ;;:-reeplessness, or Excitability, give 4346 Hennan Stamm, Removing tubes _________________ _ 6.0\! 4346 ' Silas Newman, Removing & Cleaning tubes ____ .. __ DR. MILES NERVINE 9.60 IIOSPITALS PHYSICIANSDR. J. T. GILLESPIE 4347 Everett Nowman, Removing & Cleaning tubes ____ _ 27.45 OPTOMETRIST a chance to make good for YOU. Guy & Earl Anderson, Road work . ________ . ______ __ 4348 46.05 Eye Examination -:- Tro.lnlni . BENTHACK Don't wait until nerves have kept mo.••es Prescribed 2,00 HOSPITAL you awake two or three nights, 4349 Lester Martin, RO:t~0~S~._~0~3~____ . ___________ _ Ahern Bulldlng Roy Bargstadt, Road work _______________________ _ 1.20 until you" are restless, jumpy and 4350 Donald Bell, Road work ___________________________ _ Wayne, Neb.-PRone 305-J 320 LIncoln 1.20 cranky. Get a bottle of Dr. Miles 4351 Fred Bar.stadt. Road work ________________________ .. 4352 17.60 Phone: 20 Nervine the next time you pass a 4353 George Ehh~r.s, Road work _____ :. . ___________________ "" 4.40 ! - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' drug store, Keep it handy'.. You 4354 Ernest Eckman, Road work ______________________ __ SHOE REPAIRS2.40 never know when you or some 4355 Otto Kleensang, Road work ______________________ __ 3.60 HOSPITALS PHYSICIANSmember of your family will need it. 4356 Hallf3 Asmus, Flllingin bridgl' ________________ .. ____ _ 4,40 Road Dist. No, 33 ELECTRIC' 1,73 4357 Chlcago Lbr. Co" Wlre ___________________________ __ WAYNE At YOtlT DTtlg StoTe: SHOE SHOP Road Dist. No. 34 Small Bottle 25t HOSPITAL 4271 L. <:). & G. A. Mittelstadt Hdwe, POdts, Lbr., Cui· Large Bottle $1.00 Factory methOtis of sb~, vert. _________________________________ -; ___________ _ Phone 61 2.46 918 MaIn 4358 Raynwnd Boock, Road work ______________________ _ 11.20 ~~I; 4359' E. H. Summers, Road work ______ ~ _____________ _ 2.80 NERVINE -ma/uu;wod ARMAND T-IISCOX a. ,.:. . . :. I j v_ ~ES WAYNE, H.~. ";;Iso~~~ive~ V!or:~~-=====::::=============== L' t '.' & R d k & C'"-h'd • u her Brlo,S'e .... oa .. wor " ______________ as a v.. for call Bard, to Wayne ' __________________ ~_'" ' . '"1'Roo, ~•.. il,·.·Dls.t. N,'D. '47 '" , Melvin Larson, . rk .-~--------------------, Fred Ka,Y".'ROa,·, .D-~I.-s.t-.--N-.o--.i-9----------c----: """ '. ." .... ~ Albert Kal, Road' WOrk ____________________________ _ 4380 Xobert Kal, Roadi,')YO(k. 12.60 44 3812 Elmer Kal, Road :work --. _________________• ______ _ 4248 City of Wayne, Light at Co. Garage 7·17 to 11·17 ---Herbert Kal, .Road work __________________________: 4254 Carhart Lumber Co" Snow fence -----------------2.46 4383 Fred W. Hurd, Road work ~ _______________________ _ 4289 Wes. Hansen, Erecting snow fence & Culvert work -9.60 4384 DeLoyd Meyer, Road work ____________ c__________ _ 4290 Albert Hoskinson, Erecting snow fence & Cui· " Road Dlllt.No. 113 vert work ---~-----------------------------------.7.20 4385 Wm. Peters, Road work ___________________________ _ 4291 Henry Peters, Operating-fresno & repairing shed ' 20.80 4386 Wm. Wieland, Road work _________________________ _ and machll1j!ry ____________________________________ Road Dlst. No. 114 4292 Leon Hansen, Operating grader & repairing -------c 18.00 4271 . L. C. & G. A. Mittelstadt Hdwe., Posts, Lbr., Culvert13 2.50 4293 Henruin' A,ssenhelmer, Operating tractor & repairing 22.00 Road Dlst. No. l1li 4294 Sorensen Radiator & Welding Shop, Repair work --9.95 4270 Oliver Reichert, Grading, Erecting snow fence, • Road Dist. No. 2-Bw\hart Bridge work ____________ ----_____________________ _ 9.6lI Fullerton Lumber Co., Lumber, Post", Nails, Cement 116.30 4387 William Spllttgerher, Road work __________________ _ 4285 Sellon's Machine Shop, Repair work ---------------- 60.00 438Il Jims Mikkelsen, Road .work _______________________ _ lUll 2'0.10 . 4295 Emil Tletgen, Operating tractor -------------------- 33.60 4689 Carl Pfeiffer, Road work __________ -------________ _ 11.90 4296 T"d Winterstein, Operating grader ------___________ 34.80 Road Dlat. No 611 4297 Millard M. Hurlbert, Driving truck ---------------2.70 4308 SanChICdag_O__L_U_m_be __ r_C__o_.,_H __d_w __e_,_p __os __t~,__L.b_r_._,_Ce ___m_e_n__t,_.__ 11.150" 4:198 Edwal Roberts, Driving dump truck, work o n . Co. Shed & Putting up snow fence ----------------6.00 4265 Willie Suehl, Road & Bridge work __________________ 16.40 4299 Ed Kenny, Putting up snow fence ----------c- -----2.40 Roatl Dlst. No. 07 4300 Tom Bowers, Putting up Snow fence --------------2.40 4271 L. C. & O. A. Mltttestadt Hdwe., Post,., Lbr., Cui. 4301 Art Lage, Putting up snow fenCl!, driving truck, verts _____________________________________________ 'i 2.7~ & work on Shed _____________________ L____________ 18.60 Road DIs!.. No. 69 '!': 4002 H. E. Lage, Repairing Co, Shed -------------------- 2~:~ 4271 L. C. & G. A. Mittelstadt Hdwe., POIlts, Lbr., Cui. 4303 Nebr. Culvert & Pipe Co., Bat. due ---------------Vl!rts.... _, . '.,. 4304 W. R. Scribner, Insurance on Co. Machine Shed _____ 10.75 ------------.R.;;;d-Di;t~N~~6i.----------------Road Dlst. No.3-Misfeldt 4390 Frank L. Krueger, Road work ~ _________________ 6.80 4269 E. H, Molgaard, Repair work, Erecting ,snow 22.40 4391 Hugo Fisher, Road work _______________ ~ ______ ~_ Conoco Service Station, Gasollne & 011 -------------4250 L. W. McNatt Hdwe" Supplies for Court House Lonnie Henegar, Orerating Patrol --------------d--Coach James Morrison of the, $3,37, Repairs for fUl'nace at Jail $72,83, total ___ ___ 76,W 4311 LesUe Swinney, Operating Patrol & Work at She __ college was the principal speaker' 4251 J, J, Steele, Co. Trea~., Freight advanced for 4312 Theobald Lumber Co" Pc"ts & Wire _____________-:._ at the banquet of the Hartington Co. Janitor . _____ . ______ . ___ ._____________ ________ .50 Road Drag~ng Dlst. No.2-Swihart high ,school football squad Tues· 425Q Sioux Sanitary Supply Co" ~upp1ies for Co, Janitor 30.50 4272 Robert Johnson, Blacksmith work --________________ day evening. He told of ,30me of 4253 J. N. E;inung, Sand·Gravel for repair of Court· 4313 Glen Jl'nklns, Operating Motor Patrol No, 12 _______ his experiences while in North house walks ____ , __ -. _ ' . _________ .. ______ 37.77 4314 John Gathje, Dtivlng dump trucks ----------------Dakota and also at the Wayne 14254 Carhart Lumber Co., Cement at Courthouse ________ ,41.65 4315 Harry Ferris, Driving dump trucks ---------------U1 ---r-------.------•••• , Heral~nting I(;hGl~4~2~92L.!L~e~~0~n::H:.ajn~seJn~,~0~pe;r~a~ti~'n~g;g~ra~d~e~rh!&:R~e~pa~l~ri~n;g~-~-~-ri~-~-~--1~!g~:~~OfTih~e.;~:~:~cl~a~lm~w:as:o~nj.mo~~tI~o~n~r~e~je~c~;ted~:~.~.'lu~~~:~'CorpoQrTlir11 ~~~c~ini~n6~,-toiai'--~~~:~~~~~.c~~~:.~-~~~~_-_~~. -; 4293 Herman Assenhelmer, Operating tractor & Repal ng $8,00 for the reason that wa,' unauthorized. Hastings team here. As Ho,stings 4245 Wayne Proceedings $16.89, SOt'::; be a "merly contested 4246 University Publishing Co., Supplies. Co. Supt, ______ one, 4247 Hammond & Stephe"" Co" Supplies for Co. Supt. . ------used for school exhibit at Co, Fair __________________ Coach 4248 City of W<>yne, Light at Courthouse 1().16 to "Sl'mtIIQ i 5,~ Roa~e~~ N~~~ben . . Road Ray Perdue, Road work --,._~'---.,--- __.---__.---...-._. Will Back,. Road :work ,,' . Cecil Hensely, ROild work - ____ .---,----------------. '''' Elhardt Posplshll. Road work , Road DIst.,No.43 " Byron C. Ruth, R,oad work ~ ___________ - _________ ~ Fr'!J1k Ruth, Roaq work ____ .----------.----------.,. , Road D~st. No. 44 ,'" Allen Ande!pon, ~oad work ___ •• -.-------------_. Alfred Sievers, Road work -------~-------~-~-----1 Carl Sievers, Road work -------------------------. Jake J~h~on, RRd~d WO~k------~-----------------. James u er, oa R~~rDltit".-N".;.-iii----------------h k Carl Blc Hammer, el, Road Road wor work ----------------"----------Willard, ______ " _____________ _ John. H. Luscheri, Road & Bridge work ____________ _ Roaa Dlst. No.•6 Ch I PI C I rt k I ~__::-~=-=-=-==============:: INSURAN~ ~~;;,e~e~n~~tt,-p~tti~g-~p-;~~~-f~~~~-====~ ~ ·1 '1"'·'II'·f:'IIIL:~r;;ll·I;~!~ 1.",'11."',:,,~_L_ll:l~-:1 l31i,.lil~fiw,:-'-flf~~~ .'. I. Ii NE"W'S carol. "0 CorW. All Ye FalthfJI"; I cun-ed' th() mar'rlah' of' their :Mr\!. ,Carl call to worship; Irivocatlon;' a I daughter. Miss Ella and Mr. Fred Kant.' Mrs.· Christmas carol. "Joy to the Damine. son of Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Wrri. FlCIJr, MI'Il. F. . ~ '", "" ~ World"; ·the Chrlstma, scripture Damme from south"of Wayne. Mrs. Pauline'Rehmus 'and 'are pl'espil:i~g, 'cool let/3onj a Christmas anthem;"tTJ'le'se young-people _are,", m~t_Anha. Koll. " , -&y ChQstilr Walters and sta~.away from Christmas prayer; Chri,tmc,; car· Ifavorably ·known In 'this ¥lcinity I .-,-. -'"'''='''7'''''--'-''''':'-'.pC E t . A Or ' whil() cooling off. aI, "Hark! tlit! Herald Angels: and they are. to mmain'resident.' Mrs. Glen Swartz of' CaPl'oh W ayne ounty X enslon gent 7. K('ep YOl1r feel ary. Sing"; Christmas offering::herc~settlingontheWm.Damme underwent a major operation in 8. Have diseasNi tonsils, a<!.o· Chrbtmas anthem; Christmas i'farm. four miles south 'of Wayne. a local hospitaJ' Frlday' evening. '39 Wheat l'r\>Ill!ctl~n Costs During the holiday season, th" noids, 01' bad teeth removed. message; Christma(; carol, "It I Mm. C. H. Hendrickson and LI>:GAL PUBLICA~IONS'- of December. 1939, an!l It cost nearl):' t/ll'e~ times as volume of mail increase., around I 9; See a dod,?r if you, keep on Came Upon the Mid~ig1!t Clear"; s?n, Ma:cwelJ, weI'", visitors at NO'f~CE TO CREDITORS' , Iimitqd, for paym~nt much 1p produ~'" a bu"hel of )l00 pel' cellt. Therefore, leU",rs,; takmg cold In spIte of tailing care baptism,' and rece!,tion of memo SIOUX .City the last of the w~ek. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, lone fea.r from said " wheat this year in Cass county. cards or package,' should be i of yourmlr. bel'S; o~gan musIC; ChriS~S r,~turmng home Sunday e;,emng. WAYNE.COUNTY. .ss.: DecelOber•. 1939. ~nthe Iowa bOrde/', 11" It did in' mailed .at least a week or t,oIl carol, "Slient ;t"t~t. Holy Night; Mr. and Mrs. F. M.'Grifflth and In the Matter of the Est.ate or. . i, Witne,", my han4 and, Perkins county. ,0\1, F)(' 'b9rder of, days before Cl!ristmas in or~el' Membership Drive prayer of'dedlcatlon; tenediction; Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Savidge ann David E. JaIr.~s. Deceased. 'of said Cp)lnty CQurt,': ,~tb. : 9010rado. recordS ,'ll1lained by W. 'I to assure prompt delivery. I For Wayne C. of C. the "ecessional Christmas carol. son, left Sunday evening to visit Creditors of said estate are day of December. 1939. , I W. H.euermann pf the. Univer.sity All parcels must be ,·.ocurely I Bein ... f!. La.u.nch-ed T.o.day "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". a daughter and ,sIster In Wyom· hereby nofif~ that I ~Il sit at, J. M,..Chen::r. of Nebraska Ind,cat~. packed and wrapped. Use ,;trong ___ " ....._ .... ____ ............ __.___ i " • .. Ing. and after a short stay In the County Court Room in Way· I (Seal) County ~~~& Heuennanri. an e?<tenslon eco'l p<Iper and heavy twine. <continuea Ifrom Page 1) The Saint s Return. will ~e that sta~e will go on to s?uthem De. in said County on the 27th (Publish Dec. 12 19 26 nomist at the Collllge of Ag~lcul. Addresses !,hould be comple!f.' presentl><! by the young people" Califomla, to "pend the wmter In • • • , ture. fOUlld that 1939 jlfebl'aska, with house number. and name of The activities of the organiza. foru,;, Christmas eve. Dec. 24 at the land of s)lDsltine and flowers. wheat production costs ranged' street, postofflce box, or rural Uon will be limited to those whlen 10 0 clock at u,r.e ~byterlan from a low of 27 cents 1'1"1' bUSh.: route. number plainly wrltt,on in serve its pUl'poee and in its act. church. An offenng Will be taken elan j3Ummer.faliow in Perkins' ink. The address should be writ· fiviUes it will be non·partlsan, non. for the Intemational A~soci~tlon county ~9 a. high of, 78 cents per " ten only on one side of the pack· I(,ectional and non.sectarian. for Refugees. Everyone IS inVited. e bushel In Cass county. These e,stl· , age with the retum In tm, upP""'j All Residents Invited ,The cast· of characters Includ",~ Check all ads In this paper. Total the votes Hsted below mates are based on enterprise' left corner. If a tag Is used. the All residents of Wayne and sur. Lar~yu,a WhItmore. Pat Hensley. the ads and fill in below. Send the coupon to the conf,est cost records kept by a large Dum· addreE(; and return. should, all3o, !'ounding territory shall Ice eligi.' Marjorie Hook. Betty HawkJlns, 'OOmmlttee. Wayne News. this week. H you pin a 8ubset:l~ bel" of Individual Wheat growers., be written on the wrapper for I' ble for membership and all busi. Witmer Ellis. . . Coryell. ean . 'tlon to The News this coupOn before sending it In,.yOur Similarly. t(ital production' use If tag I. lost. A copy of the ness men and. wofesslonal men MInes. Ray . John votes win be,' costs per acre up to harvest time address should be enclosed inside who receive fees for tbelr seri:o Ington' and ~lr!l.~e~:~~,,~~~~!· '''I[):rj~aiiiZi'Uiiljjji~'iiiCh met ·:'--·:·-~· -=t::.-~varlt!d from 60 cllDm per seeded 1 the parcel. , iC€13 will be urged to join. 'I Kalal1ls t andd ta d1-tof votes in this isslle •_______ _ acre for non·tallow wheat In Do not mall Christmas greeting I Present plJ.DS are for the Ellis s cos ume an 8 ge .,. Cheyenne county to $3.38 per cards In red. green or other darll' . Chamber of Comn;..,rce to have a or. . this coupon, d~~ i, ,seeded acre In t'louglas county., colored envelopes or In very small' representative form of govern· led' 0 evel)lDS', the FaCulty club had all!i~!tJ~;:';''~''.~,"~"~--_~~-_._. ,_V(.telS. Average yi(:!lds l'an~ trom 1S·.8 envelope$. . ' ment and be governed by' a MI'Il. Anna Hattlg jo n ur their Christmas party and there the ~. bushels per harvested acre on Written inatter In the nature of board of directors of flfteen Redeemer's church last week. wa,s social daclng In the gymnas· non·fallow ground in Cheyennelpel'(;lonal correspondence cannotlmombers representative of the --.-ium. Wednesday. the Y.M.C.A.,· , county to 19.1 busliels per aero be enclosed In parcels. A letter different' businesses and profes. There will be choir practice at; and Y.W.C.A.• and the Newman on summer·falIow land in Perk· ~placed in an envelope addressed II sions to be elected for a term of The Church of Christ FrIday eve· I club met. On Thursday, a m\lj3ie Ins county. , to correspond with the address on two years, one.half being "Iected ning at 7 o·clock. The young recital Was presented' and the In Perkins county, th4, total the pareel and fully prepaid at (!ach year and no director to be people's choir will be In charge I Katz club and Lutheran club met. cost per harvested 'acre or sum· I the first'Class rate. may be tied re·elected to office until a year of Edwin Carstensen. '. FrIday, the Commercial club met mer fallow wheat was $3.50. Thft< or attachlJd to the outside of a het'! "lapsed from his llrevlons and the Men About Town had figur() IneludQS man labor, power. pac.kage.. regular term. The directors will An overflowing erowd enjoyed their dance. Saturday. the dra· equipment, "eed and harvesting. Airmail: may be used for elect their Officers, appoint the the eantata "Christ is Come" at mattcs class preEented two plays. ':Orr'n·oll'f.allow in Perilins count.y,1 speed. For immediate delivery. various committees, and coordi· Our Redecmel13 Lutheran churcn'l Monday, KME, Orpheo, Sigma the total cost per acre harvested mail should be regll3terro or In· nate the activiti"s of the organ· Sunday evening. The church was Tau Delta and F.T.A. met. awrayl'd $2.46; the yield aver· sured. i.allon. lighted only by candle. at each Tonight WSTC plays basket. aged 11.8 bushels POI' acre; anI! Many errors can be eliminated Members' Rights window. on the organ and on the ball with Wesleyan here. There the cost per bushel averaged 31 and much time saved if these Esch member will have the altar. Evergreens and flowers I will also be games in th", cali," . simple rules are followed in ad· l'iAl'ht to propose 01' object to a were used for d.ocoration.. thenium and social dancing in the . cents. Averlfy" flg-tIros for otho .. coun· dressing and sending mail. If specific activity and each com· The choir members who Ilang haJJ". Wednesday. the Y.M.C.A., tiC" include: Cheyenne·Summer· grl,etlngs and gifts arc sent mittce will submit its pl'ogram in the cantata had a party after and Y.W.C.A. meet and Howard fallow, cost P~I' harV('f;tecl acI'f', Icarly thif{ will not only make it for thp fiRea1 Yf'8.I' to the board the services in the church par- Pierce Davis will speak in the $3.61; avet'at!,~ yield, 12.2 bushels; certain that they are rccci~cd be- of dircctorg for approval or modi- lars. Memb,'~rs of their families auditorium. Thursday, Hastings c08t per bW:>hcl, 44, cf'l11,s. Non· fore Christmas day.. but wlll be a fication. TIl(' organization will aR- also attended. Rev. W. :B'. Most and W.S.T.C. play basketball fanow, cost per harvosted acrn, groat aid to YOU!' postal PCl'vice: Imme the responsibilities of the and Mrs. M. Ringer, organi(3t, I here. Friday evening, there willi . $2,65; yield, '5.8 bushcb; cost per and to postal employes and v".. ious community entcl'pl'i;'Cs were presented with gifts. be a Christmas dance. Saturoay I bushel, 68 cents. enable them to spend the Christ. : coming within the purpose and --~-----evening Pile hall has its formal. ,Fillmol"C'·Cost Pf'l' hnl'vr:..;t:e(i mns holiday with their families. : seope of if I,)rganization. On the 17th, the Chri.,c;tmas Mr'ss· acre, $4.10; yield, 12.8 hnf~hc1s; HeaUh Rules I fkol'08 oi hlls1n0 is and Pl'o[cs, iah will be presented at 8 p. cost per bushel, 40 <:cntR, SannelColds tnl\{~ morC' doHars amI: Simlal men, who were unablo. to I Monday evening, the I.R.C., M.M. _<:ll'tCo~t....r,~!'~ __!!~~~Bt~~l ~'!-·91 $4- .. ~~!~_?~t_?tl a pcrfmn's po~kct in: ntt,',t1fl 11)(' mcrting ,last wcpl<, ., K., Lambda Delta Lambda and [ .73:. yield, 14.0 bl1~hf'lt-:; COAt. prl' lone yea!' than any othCI' s1c:lml'S-:;. I have-tndfcatcd -that--thi\Y wi1l.-;inin. ~ ... i Savoir vi.vre will meet. . bushel. 57 c~~nts, Casf.;:Cost pCl'i They. arr l'cspon~ib}(' for a great· ! and ('o-op(~rnj c in r~v~l'y way P05~ , I ___ _ harve~ted acre; $4.41; yield. 9.4: 01' loss of Ume from school and I sible with the propO{led Chamber . . Evan BinkiOl'<ir,ident of the I b\1~hels; cost Wr bushel, 78 cents.! work than any other sl~gle caU"e, I of Commerce. A~I WllJ r,o urged to .W. A. Hiscox we'.'t to SI?~X local Vambda ~ta-La_. --:As 'l'cpotfeiLtbe co"t~' nC1'e aceording to M1HS ~d Nt'l· i participate and It Is believed that City S~nday. mor~'ng to' JOl~ cha tel' of the Wa e colle ere. !r~~!~ldpd no l~nrl Ch(ll~ges; hut I son, Extcns~on HOme ~~C'·I{;HnIC1('I1tTl~n---be-pfHse.::l to Mrs HISCOX In ~~Slt therc fOl. cei.!d a reward Of~5.00 in ~ ~on1an4 Ch. arges were Inelrtded in thl! ment S. peclahrt at the UUlve.rsIt y ca. rry on the work .. f~r.. _a. .t least th. e d.ay, They vetui'iiecI .. ne --sunday! t.est sponsored by the national CQfjts···pel~···busl:l.(~l,.... sincQ .. alJ (losts i of Nrp'.!"Rska, CollegE' of Agncul· a two year rorlOd, WhICh wl.H i)(' cvemng, I scj-:.nc fraternit Lambda Delta ~eha1!ged ·j:o..tb<>--ttmant's-sllal'e ture. required to determirl.~ tr.o full .Mr~. Mary Brittaitl, who ha~ ~b~. The ~e v4Jich he of the l\umber of bushels pro.] Miss Nelson suggests the fol· v~lu{' of the organizailon to the been spen-ding the past two submitted in the contest last duced. Varlatlon(. In per·acre I lowing health rul{'s for avoiding cIty and Its members. month,' with her daughter at spring is called a "Report of cost," and yields arll responsible, cold,., . , ,Minneapolis, returned home Sat· Some 0 rig I n a I Experimental'l ~~s~~t variations In cost per 1. Observe good health rules: CHURC~ ~OTF..s urday evening. .' : Work on Liesegang Rings". R.o I OUR brakes stop your wheels • I by sleeping eight hours, if pos.l. The public i~ mVlted to attend I Mrs. Walter Miller, who has' peifornied his experiments under but it's the tires that actually '~rlstmalJ Matllng SnggeRtlons sib},~, exercfflJng out of dO'Ol'S in the Presbytcl,an church candle· I been spending a month visiting. the ,supervision of Mir1s Louise stop your car. That's why, for quick· Early Christmas shopping I~, the sunshine 'every day and ~Irinl<. light service to be h{,ld Sunday, relativ"s at Hancock, Mrnn., re·, Wendt. est, non·skid stops on wet roads, you apparently ~ing practiced t.hlS, lng at least six glasscs of wat,<'I" H;ternoon, December 17, at !i turned horne Friday morning'll ,. ~. need a tire that makes a dry track yea,' by an Increasing number of dally and eating nourlshln'g () clock. The church chair under, Her mother, Mrs. E. M. Collins. . , for the rubber to grip_ And that's Wayne county f'l.I)'1l11ea. In order foods ' t h e direction of Prof. Russel An.. I accompanied her. and will remain. EIght memb?rs of the St. Paul s exactly what this new Goodrich Sil~ to make ,_ure thatgreetlngs and . ,derson, accompanied at tb.o pipe Ifor an extended visit ,l,utheran Ladles Aid society el)' gifts wlll be l'()celvcd betore 2. Stay away from people who organ by Prof. Albert G. Carlson, Wednesday D,1!cember 3 1919 i joyed a . 'Galloping Tea' at the verto"vn with the amaSBgLife-Saver Christmas day. have colds. ,wlll promnt songs. at the home' of the bride:s par:; home of Mrs. Frank Dangberg Tread docs. Its never·ending spiral bars act like a battery of windshield County A'gent Walters this 3. Wear sensibl!' c1othln g The order of the ""rvice is: ! ents, Mr. and Mrll. John Suehl, I Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dang· wipers~sweep the W.3.ter right and week-reeeived a number of use~ Wear enc;>ugh clothes to be com· Prelude; pl'oces~ional Chl'i:;tmas seven mn~ south of _Winside.. oc·' berg served lunch. Guests were ful suggq;tlons on Christmas [fortable. It is better .to put on ... ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ left~force it out through deep drainage grooves-and stop you maUlllgs. They Wj;rc obtaln.ed extra wean; when gomg out of i quicker safer than you've ever from postal qfflcj~ls by WIIIl <loot's than to wear heavy under.' stopped b::fore. Mary Itunnalls, ~~jm!Jlon home wear all the time. : , . management . speclallilt at the 4. Wash your hands often.al.! University of Nebtaslta. COlIege, ways before eating. Brush your of Agriculture, I teeth and bathe frequently .. in summer, should 'frel;h.·of ,,"ourse one , in'a'dircctdrafl. We'eh,IV, F.:::ar,n. Rev.· aw" " ,"'" " _. -------.-.,----,.. I I I I --;----.-___ I I TOTAL VOTE BOX HI"ghll" dhts Of College News I i l\Ion:,III . . . · . ·. . ·. . :·. . :. . . I I ---'-'"- . ________.__ I .~! I I I NEW TIRE SWEEP$ WET ROADS SO DRY YC'~ CAN LIGHT A I I I wiIl.1 f2jJ'!t'i 2'0 r I MATCH ON ITS TRACK! I I Y ear.s;1.1: Ago Ii I I m'l Y ! I ·l I I Gift When In Wayne for the • See lor yourself why thous;nds of motorists call this new Si1ver~ town the safest thing on wheels_ And remember, you get this life~ saving skid protection~pluB the famous Golden Ply blow-out protection~al1lJ.t no extr:l cost! For safety tomorrow get Silvertowns today, Christmas Programs give your car a giftl "FIRESTONE Tires and Batteries Winter Auto Accessories OX, The lubricating Motor Fuel WGRfJl WHILE! • Diamond 760 Motor Oil • Greases Of All Kinds MOBEATTHE ! I • The lint 2·way Safety Tube .' • • ,;,ew blow-out protection. new protection ~aga&nSt "flabl" due to spikes, nails. etc. Equip your car DOW with "the tube that never leta you down."' GOODRICH SEAL-O"MATICS WAYNE NEWS ,),ear's'Subscription at Special Christmas Rate of ,1.00 10,000 7k 1IfJ'I Goodrich" Rt.n al_ S,cJzool Voles for each subscripti?n and Extra Bonus of 50,000 Votes for fire. un-SAVER TRfAO .. , •• GOlDEN PlY BlOW-OUT PROTECTIOII Your THE BEST OOSTS NO, YOU CAN HAMMER NAtLS INTO THIS TU8EANDITPO£SlfT60FJ.IITI [Thisl(1'f.\t ~i1~ii\1 contest subscrilltion difer ends Satull'day, Dec, 16.3 Act Now SAFETY Silverto\Vll WAYNE surER SERVICE . c. c. SthU, 0wDer. . . -ASSOCIATE .. l'bclDe 70 D'£ALEIIS- Victor Service Station Jones Seryjce Sta~~'1n Ha.berer Servic;e Sta.tion Wa.yne Motor po. (tIiIB: Ad Good For 800 V_> . I .