Water Reuse Study at the University of California Santa Cruz Campus Author: Tracy A. Clinton, P.E. (Carollo Engineers) US-CA-Santa Cruz Project Background In response to the master plan for higher education, the president of University of California (UC) asked UC campuses to consider enrollment growth. For UC Santa Cruz (UCSC), this request corresponded to a 25 percent increase in student population. Already faced with severe water supply shortages and limited to no possibilities for increases, UCSC decided to increase self-reliance and sustainability of campus water resources, and define measures for utilization of recycled water. These goals were to be achieved while considering challenges such as seasonal population fluctuations of the UCSC campus, city water supply limitations, campus elevation gradients, and the future challenge of UCSC population growth. Although campus water demand was expected to grow from 200 million gallons per year (MGY) (760,000 MCM/yr) in 2009 to 400 MGY (1.5 MCM/yr) in 2020, the city of Santa Cruz had previously reported that there was little to no increase in water supply available to UCSC. In response, the campus began addressing challenges by developing a decision analysis framework to enable the selection and ranking of a range of potential reuse projects that could be implemented both immediately, and in response to future potable water and/or energy reduction requirements. Capacity and Type of Reuse Application Approximately one-half of the allocation of total campus water consumption included non-potable uses (Table 1) that could be offset by using alternate sources (Maddaus, 2007). In addition, roughly 97 MGY (0.37 MCM/yr) could be offset with recycled water, rainwater, graywater, and well water, which are available in sufficient volumes (Table 2). Both the demand and the alternate water supplies have seasonal dependencies that must be considered. For example, water use is highest when classes are in session and lowest during summer and between quarters. The reuse opportunities that UCSC considered were ones that minimize energy 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse consumption, maximize sustainability, and where seasonal and spatial dependence considering varying campus elevations of sources and demands for nonpotable water are aligned. Table 1 Summary of non-potable water demands Volume Required Seasonal Demand (MGY) Dependence Dependent on student Toilet Flushing 6.3 populations 1 Irrigation 29 Dependent on weather Dependent on student Cooling Towers 82 populations and weather 1 Volume for irrigation by the top 10 users; submetered irrigation demand on campus is 40 MGY 2 Includes volume required at new cooling tower location Table 2 Summary of alternate water supplies available for non-potable use Volume Required Seasonal Demand (MGY) Dependence Rainwater 8.3 Dependent on weather Dependent on student Graywater 13.8 populations Dependent on student 1 Recycled 157 populations Not seasonally Well 56.5 dependent 1 Represents entire campus wastewater flow The lower area of campus, which includes administration offices and faculty housing, has an elevation of 426 feet and receives about 30 inches (76 cm) of rain annually. The upper area of campus, with an elevation of 982 feet (300 m) and about 48 inches (122 cm) of annual rainfall, includes residences and academic buildings. The middle area of the campus is open space and agricultural land. Peak rainfall occurs in January with little to no rain in the summer months of June through September. Rainwater is currently collected and systematically conveyed from the campus to minimize erosion. Figure 1 shows the D-35 Appendix D | U.S. Case Studies existing non-potable supplies and demands by general campus location/elevation. Options for replacing potable water demands were identified and grouped with respect to implementability into immediate, nearterm, or long-term projects. Water Quality Standards and Treatment Technology The regulatory requirements defined for reuse of non-potable sources are outlined in Table 3. Project Management Practices A “Model College” was developed as a planning tool. This model considers nonpotable supplies and demands assuming 100 beds (i.e., residential component only). This model can be used by the campus to analyze future proposed reuse projects regarding demands relative to non-potable water supplies, sustainability, and energy use. UCSC now has tools to move aggressively to offset the increased water demand that will accompany its growth. The campus potentially has more supply of non-potable water than demand for it, so factors other than maximizing supply can be figured into project selection. For example, future project selection criteria include cost per gallon of non-potable water, construction cost of specific projects, volume of potable water offset, components of sustainability (mainly environmental impacts), educational value, and ease of operations of the project. Figure 1 Existing non-potable supplies and demands on UC campus The cost of implementing a reuse project is largely driven by the storage volume required for it, thus matching the seasonality of supply and demand (such as using rainwater for toilet flushing instead of irrigation) helps in reducing the cost of reuse projects. Another driver of cost is the proximity of supplies and demands because of energy requirements for pumping, particularly on this campus, which has over 550 ft (168 m) elevation difference between the upper and lower campus areas. 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse Institutional/Cultural Considerations The UC released a Policy on Sustainable Practices in May 2007 which provided guidelines to all the UC campuses to: Incorporate the principles of energy efficiency and sustainability in all capital projects, renovation projects, operations and maintenance within budgetary constraints and programmatic requirements. The current version of the Policy TM Silver certification for new UC requires LEED construction and existing renovations. D-36 Appendix D | U.S. Case Studies Table 3 Requirements for reuse depending on source water Appendix G Graywater Guidelines Source Campus Title 22 Reuse Plumbing Codes Guidelines and Ordinances Possible Reuse Applications Irrigation, Toilet Flushing, HVAC Rainwater X processes 1 Graywater Subsurface Irrigation X X Irrigation, Toilet Flushing, HVAC Additionally Treated X X 2 processes Graywater Irrigation, Toilet Flushing, HVAC Tertiary Treated/Disinfected X X 3 processes Wastewater Irrigation, Toilet Flushing, HVAC Well Water X processes 1 Treated and applied as outlined in the California Greywater Reuse Guidelines - Appendix G, Title 24, Part 5, California Administrative Code. 2 Treated to greater levels than outlined in the California Greywater Reuse Guidelines 3 Treated to levels outlined in the Recycled Water Requirements – Title 22. A campus workshop was held to determine screening criteria for construction and renovations; these criteria were then used to review the proposed projects. Key conclusions from the workshop included establishing a minimum microbial water quality requirement for all non-potable water, comparing the cost per gallon of non-potable to potable sources, developing a “model college” as a planning tool for future projects, and considering the educational value of a project in the project screening. Successes and Lessons Learned The campus study did not recommend which projects should be implemented; rather it provided a decision analysis framework to select and rank projects as triggers occur that require a reduction in use of potable water and/or energy. Project selection is a two-stage process. First, the projects are grouped into “implement,” “maybe implement,” and “currently infeasible.” “Implement” reuse projects are those that are the easiest to execute and that UCSC sees a clear value in implementing right away. The “maybe implement” are projects that merit further discussion. The projects should also be sorted into immediate, near and long-term periods. The second stage involves screening and ranking the projects, such as with a pairwise analysis, based on the screening criteria developed at the beginning of the process. A small subset of possible projects were selected using the Campus Model based on input from USCS staff; six near-term projects were identified (Table 4). A trigger-based approach allows UCSC to implement projects activated by flow triggers based on a demand 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse matrix. This approach considers meeting immediate needs such as droughts, short-term needs when a dormitory is being updated and refurbished, and longterm needs for future planned facilities. The outcome of this project is being monitored by all UC campuses for sustainably meeting growth demands. With the implementation of projects identified on the campus, UCSC has the opportunity to become a model campus for schools and areas in water stressed regions throughout the country. Table 4 Summary of campus reuse projects selected for near-term implementation Project Supply Demand 1. East Parking Lot East Field Irrigation Rainwater Irrigation 2. Porter College Toilet Flushing Rainwater Toilet Flushing 3. Biomedical Sciences Facility Toilet Flushing Rainwater Toilet Flushing 4. Jordan Gulch Middle Fork Cooling Towers Rainwater Cooling Towers 5. Irrigation Recycled Water Irrigation 6. Family Student Housing Landscape Irrigation Graywater Irrigation References Maddaus Water Management and UC Santa Cruz. 2007. UC Santa Cruz Water Efficiency Survey, Draft Report. D-37