- I I ee er -- jOlS . i.i)A T" .w.a. -- TV t JkW-.U- i rn RIQHT BANKING HOUSE BACK OF. HIM , . W " " J safes, W t cent; II s p. .4 pegs Imo't let another day m hr wltbont aeud. it onr ooieiec or "illi itmiiiini." go iiy, . a(tW' yoa lloa't let anuthac boor read tba booklet, bofara yoa call aa a peraaaauy or oea aa aecouat with ua by .......7,. .Mala w ..Mala WO AtTBTIB1w MXnMttXTATm. FOBEXOR Besets! Advsrttolnt A(M7. Xsrki ItIImiu Btui4- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY CF CXEC01 ' IMt KiJwiiml, iw ; lug. Chioag. J bath. ..'..... lir.. Ul 15-ce- nt The-Dai- ly ...... ............. ....... li) ..... ' . I (UI "'"V""i" ........... Jn.l. ' . What atr. rrtul Bxwawtv Baa to Bf.r bbou tha OOaroitT JAJli Portland, Oraf on. Kerr Olaad Manufacturlnt; ComMny. i Oantlamenl Kafarrlnt; to tha ECONOMY FRUIT JAR. wa art) plea sad to aar that wa hnvw boon aollina them for thraa yeara. Tha flrat year wa orderad thraatwenty-fivtroeae tha nocond year tan Brosja thla year our order oa.Ua for and frroaa. . Wa beflava Jar that within a few years they will ba tha only In uaa; flrat, because tha quality of tha Jar far axcela all othara; second, tha jar la aanltary, having a wide mouth, therefore aas- -' . cleaned, llr.The cover la Af aanltary aa the a;iaaa Itself, while tha cover many are made of sine which produoea poison ott other Jars ' when In contact with fruit and vegetable The abaolute certainty of every ECONOMY' JAR aeallnc make It the ideal jar for cannlha; purposes. . Wa bespeak a great future for the ECONOMY JAR. W are very truly TP. DRE88KR a CO, t .' ... . , your. . .. ' , x a Bas' inV Portlaad, Uraoai. Laat rmbllrattoa. lOTTBT). JOTOtAL JUT "raa ba laai am taj at Tha Joarntl filowtaa alacaat . Oa. W. ' WZBB BaDar koiHSTlDAH-- !!. C?CAOO-Paatof- Kawa aaapaay; lTt Bea txxzTTjre BENT J'. Btot. BUtaaatk aa t ta VkSTJLO.-atrcrta. company, ciTT Taa !oy Uawa FaAt B0" i. KTmaauX k NAPOU-Ird atroat. K TOUK CITT BrBtaaoa, rka "naara. Millard Hotal Nawa ataod; MagaatB Ci AH Car- 8TBRICB At Willamette atatlon, Anpiat 14. Joba P. Btreloh. (fed 70 yeare. The deeaaaed learaa a wife and three children, . Mra. -V J i. W. Grnaat of thla city; H. U. Btreleb af Oabkoab, Wlacoaala, and rernle Prlenda and Btrelrh af Portland,' Orrfon. A acuualntancea ara reapect fully larltad to ata'atlmary eonipaay. MO Kaniam roaapanj. tend tha fnaeral aerricea which will ba bald rBALT LAKB CITT Krayoa Hotel Newa atand. aooU-BT- . at PlnleT'a chapel at 1 p. at., Thursday, barrow Bma., 43 Wrat aX"d atrat, Ananat IT. Interment. Rlrerrlew. LOt'lB Pblllp Boadar. alB Lacaat Itraat; ' " oilra atrart. B. T. Jatf. BAN rBANCIBCtt Hojal W. B. Ardlnf. Pala 10BT AID rOVaTBw Uarkat atraat: Kw..Un4 andW ln Butter atraat aa4 Ba'P axrlrk Broa. Oraar. farry balld: LOUT Bnadap erenlnc, Aojrnat t, Jersey roar; Fraorta botal; roatar one nora anarter taaa the otaar; treat aeai ar latr; . Wbratl'y, BMaaabla aawa ataad. an. D. P. atraata. white In her face; ealtsble reward. fur Markat aad Kaaanry Oraod-Naw- a U.' Oiler, .Porty-flra- t ataad i W. aad Ciladatona. , SATTLB Ralnlx fcanka. Botl Brattla Nwa attad. W. Oraaaai LOflf-uVa- ft WAKUIHGTON-Jo- ba af 4A a tha Third National Bank1 of Bt Iinula, made parable to order Central Hawt torn-of Henry W. Plaid; liberal reward. Amerl. TACOMA. WARHINOTOrl nany; Hotal Taooma Newa atand. Tlctorla COLLMBIA BBITI8H TICTDBIA. BTBATBD A brewa cayasa poay, white fare Statloaery coapaay. Book and other white marte; rewara mr recorery. A. W. Lambert, pbooee Bast adl ar Kaat ldlu, WXATSXB BXTOBT. L0T Batarday Aaaaetroc18. 1 diamond scarf return ta tna uake. reward Jin:LTamable Mint abnwera hara fa lira la waatara Waab. Butlar. OreiroB. Inrtoa aad axtrema aortbweatera hrary to nodrratrly aeary rain have aeearrrd bo r, sat with diamonds; LOST Gold matrh Iowa the In Oklahoma. Kanaaa. tha Dakotaa, return to jouraal; tJO reward. laalaalpil ralloy. the loarer lake rectoa. tba tH.to Talley and alor tha Atlaatle anaat froai , Bmtoa ta JarkaoDTllle, kelp wAjrrrn It la ' aaaoa. eoolrr la Moatana, WyoralBC. Mahay wtatara BOTH' WANTED . , HaanaylTanla and waatara New Tork. and allht-l- y First Boy "lluDy tea!' What yer sap-' warmer Calila the 'Interior of aortbara pose Hsrely kid oola' aawP la tbst fornia and la onrthera Kaw Maxlaa. Ceeood Boj "Nafos. 1 ftaaa juat UkS myTha Indtratlona ara fne ehoware thto after, . . self " i aad tanlaht In tha Wlllamatta valley. am "Plrst Boy "That's where you -are oft tt'aahlnatoa aad northera Idaho. It ' will ba trolley. Last month . hli sales- af tbs rmerally fair, .aad., warner la that district sturdsy E renter Poet soared ta tba 10.000 Tkonraday. ' mark and ha la now dlatxlbtitlnf free Ucksta ' to bis best helpers to U snd C fair." fWend Bar "Well. I'U ba bornswoirled. iimJTn'llhi f Raa..ittuA" arsltlsml batfthiU IIPlfiiCHil places, tha bast of all , Is and $10 n K nmak. 9CT Bad Kate Kaeewr. 14. s '; ta tba fair.". 84, aad . Plrat Boy "I bona Bast JTTO and bars Ernest Brans or Phoenix. Artsoas, Joaephlne Hols, W. 'Jimmy ant yaa awxt. Doa't wall . Aeerr.-ilB- . Ir4e-1- . and B. Lealla Breanaa. 14. arbool bef Ids, but learn about free start Wallace Kreratt Clark, M, and Lou T. Pa- - ' and commence Fifty new boy a wanted aoce. at taraoa. M. - Immediately." j it.. J. v. havklx, - Arthur P, Kearoa. BT, and Laura W. XJaaM, SB. . 110 first Ksrloslrs atent. (lacar J. Reynalda or Helena, aver Zl, sad May Dlcklnooa, M. Xtta TAIXTMAN. 11.80; carriage man, 1M; planer Charles M. Kiddle, 28, and t nes M. Olaoa. la. feeder, 88.33; lum her grnders. $8.00 yard-- Horace Or Potter of Seattle, Si, aad Mar nen. mlllbandtl. $2.00' ta 1IW: mlU black. guerite Murray, . smith. $&Of; a swampers, $1.80; 8 axmea, 8 sbeet- 81.J5; a backers. $1.00; fs Iters, On.. Waab- Weddtna Cards. W: O. flmlta Iroa workers, $l.a0;L etbera. tnctoa bldg.. aor. roartb and Washlatoa sta. Ll'MBERMEN'S LABOR BUBBAC, . . B06M Morrlsoa St. mitt tHtr tld I. DI8BASKS of men aacocss rally treated: dlachargra nosltlrely cared la frasa $ ta $ days; ronsulutlea free and etrtcUy eonfMsse tlsl; sand for our symptom blank. X Badlum Third aaj .Medical Inutltnte. Allsky ' bklg Morrlsoa sts.. Portlaad. ALL lbs net II. ta Mr. end Mra. Gilbert of La Center Waahluctoa;- - a soa. aTXATEa. as, mlb. ELPKRLT married night watchman, East Blfttt. mas wants employment as ar at light la bar, , phone ' , WANTED Position ss tnarkla sunply sslcsmas; . competent. 121. " . B-- Anruat 1H, t a HANSEN'S BMPLOTMRNT OPPICB. FOB MEN. Pnons Mala 1US. it. - M M. Second The Edward Holms a I'adertaktaf company, funeral directors and embalmera. , X20 Third street. Phase BOT. . , TWO good lire setldtors; good eomtnwtsoa and sslsry to right parties. 1. B. Johastoa, Ulmr. 604 Waablngtoa st. raaeral wraatha and eat Oowera a apeelalty DO( TOR wsnted In, elaborately furnished office: M. D. , B tS, at Boss City areaoboass. Twenty aaeoad aad tenerous terma to acceptable ' v Beat Morrlooa, opp. ceammry. .care JoumaL ' J. P. Plalay dl fam, fs serai direr tins and embsuBsrs, soraar Third and Madlsoa atraata, OfOeeaf esuaty eoraner. Telepboaa Mala a. . t The rT 8 MORS cabinet maters wsnted. - Portland Spring Bed ruraiuare Co., cor. Klerestb sad - BXAL ISTATt TXABbTZXa. Tltleusrastes A' A Trust Co.- ...7..,.,......,.,. 'l t T .2,00 ..00 ............ tit r,nt lasnranra l" the rm Title eie Casmbrr of ..'. Plsndsrs stn, fa Holladsy 'ot4' bMl Psrk add .1 . TS0 Helm to M. T. Olden, lot 11. block - Mlrlaai . . , ...... ..... .7. "1.000 D. UoodaeU end-wi- fe re A. P, Fleyel, tract 14 and-pe- rt el tract IS, Ma .' renerlcw 1 t 1 William . HIU and wlf ta I. II. llnot!. f lot 10. aad aaet W lot 0, block . Midway Aooei add , m A. W. Lambert, trustee, to Amerlraa Trust A Inrastmeat company, A2 S3 acres section St, township north, rarujs 1 west M. K. Tslaer at at to L. R. Keamana. r . nrba-tban 1.' Hearyl ...T- -a. B. Oroach to i. Parker, totadd4. block an, ft wood . T. B. B llwaod ta H. H. Crouch, same. . mo E. A. Allea and wife te B. B. Ash, lot 18, block 6. Leats . , V Mitchell aad wlf ta 0. N. Header. son at at. Ibt 0. block B. Arleta No. S Park 100 Bcottlwh-America- n Inrestment eoapsny, limited, to U B. Reeesa, lot 18, block ' 81, Willamette , 1.300 BelKbts add I. N. Weodle et aL to U K. Black, ast- B. block Hi. Btephens' add J.000 A. R. Bernard to l" M. Rcbellhoaa, Iota XX, 84, block , Blreratde sdd (so to I. Helm, aaat H lot t, 8. K. We block HO. ('Brothers' add t. t. Roberts et si. ta 8. R. Hoy, par. eel tend beflnnlnt nt nouthwest corner bit d. Murk Id, llanaoa Keeond add.. Baaie to same, lot 4. block Is, Hansoa'a- rso bVeond add O. I'rtereoa and wife to P. A. Darin. Weal M lot 1. " block inC Alblna . Arlets land company to M. Knrlatit. lot . Sii. Mnrk 4. Arleta Park No. T. B. Ntephena to lb. M, Mtepheaa. lot 1, ; , . B. subdlrlah Oat- I. DeUahawtt niaa's l.lttle Homes sdd O. P.. Stephens ta aasse, same , If . . W. Wall t al. ta L. K. Ueckluaer et el., east Iota 1, 8, block Sou, , lloliBriay s sdd 1,029 P. II. Klnb ami wife ta I. Moedu, lota I. 1. SVnrk n. W illamette Mckxhrs sdd 1,1 (W ej . aeiir ana wits to a. a. fttker. acraa aeettea 18, . towasblp i ,000 I eaet ',,., rd. M I. Hleba at s to1, A. s,tkrea 14 mt 4. block do. Bt. Jobas ' p. cmss this BARRETTS Iletectlre School-L- sot term: reduced rates. B70t Washington at. WANTKrwhlmoey aweep. IWI PhuHlers. " maks ersrslm aad WANTED ISO girls shirts;, ina tractions girea to insxnerisaeee. Apply Meastsdtsr Bros., Btsadsrd Psetsry Na. 8, car. Bast Tsylor sad Grand are. BXPERIENCED skirt fitter aad draper, alss . wsnit draper wanted at Nesma Bbirtwaist Co., -- IH TeWb... Addrssa Mrs. II. A. Jialeoju. 2U Blsth. Work to bagia Septembsr 1, WANTED Esperle aced girl, cooking and troll ing, tn rust class prirate ramiiy; wages fJo. U Yamhill St. Pboae Msla MIS. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 H Waahlag. rnoae Atala inn at., car. seven tn. upstuira. XrX Perns la help wsnted. ' WANTED A girl for candy store; must tar city eipsrlruce. Call at 828 Morrtnoa at. TOt'NO girl wanted for light Imesewgrk.' In autre nt 811 West Psrk, Bear Clsy st. A ROOD work. WANTED girl Call Alder at. for dln1ng4tHna Serentk St. XAl Girl for general - aad eksmber , housework, dot "PABTID TO BEST. WANTED Te rent nicely located borne Bear Portland, with 8 or 10 acres, soluble for psnluy ranch: nesr ' rsrllne preferred; state rash rent.-Addr- ess T 48. rare JoumaL WANTED Nesr fslirrouads. entU October IB. tent apace with yard protect lou and newer prlrriegss. tat family. Address B ST, cars SITUATIONS WAJfTBD PXBTALB. ITUAXiuri wsmeej ny re ftneX sreawa ta easlst eraiiy psrx oey ror rmm SB Board. - 830 Pbona Mala 8418. a Yamhill. sad ahatracta ta reel woman with eipeetenea wishes sawhiaa doaraataa A Trust ass. Y'til'N'l witj k ikM. i aaiidlsaj. ComaMrca equipped furnished, with aeery modern conTenlenca,. an direct ear una to exsoeiiioa abopplnf aad boa I seas dlstrlcu; nil .walk to moms, liaht and alrr. Electric and - gas lighted, porcelain hatha. Rates $1 to 81 W . in per oay, ot wu peeeuoe. jerrsrsoa street, aoar 181L. mr '" "7 " money out af ROOMS Msk rCBNISHED your own maaaa.. me nowianu. nrswciaau roomlng-houssnd Wssblngtoa, Twentlsth raa accomodate a tew SOmore foests; bring par sent of their your friends snd rseslsa bill; rates BOe. Tea Bad $1 free hatha, tree rO,aeJdhsg,aaatiam 1,. -tiOtlVUXXXUX)MXX 818 MotTlssa. Tors; aeip rras o smpioyers. ,h0Afilrig!k, Tin 1TB Twelfth St., ess Just opened; eseluelTe rooming as. entirely new: elegant aultes, wita aoi ana coia water. 8ne beds; also slagts reoma; wlU rest a limited number ef rooms now , te permanent people; trsnslsata eoUclte. OTCRENT. Yamhill WABTIIl-raiABCL- journal. WABTEP com roods Hons; houae and furalahlnge Al. WANTED $.100 te $M0 at security for term of yeara. - aress par cent ea Al Ns agsat. Ad- - BXAL XMTATZ. . WB WANT VACANT LOTS. We here money with which te build h aasse na . the Installment plan we can sell reasonably priced, well located lots for this purpose for essh; owners should list their property with as for quirk sales. Hmiitoa at ncobey, Coluav ' bla bUl(.. 365 Wssblngtoa at. , To buy or rent a fares within a dlatanca of Portlssd; stats terms. number of sores, ate. Address B,$0, cars WANT journal. ' - TWO LA ROB coanectlng parlors, dining --room kitchen, rnrnlshea complete; ressoasnis to psrtlee without children; references S ar psssaa door; call attar S P-are se poons stain nova. m. at a. as. a TBB HAMANN, 189 Ri IStfc. enr flart Newly furnished rooma. $1.64 ap; soareuleat Iocs tna. 18 mlsntes wslk te fair groaads; Morrlsoa ear at anlea depot direst te beams. Phase 8410. inn $8 . w,r. n n i m mnr i wwuim mmx per week for two sad $8 for eae. 618 and Tweaty-atth- , st., bet. Twenty-fourt- 84 H h Bssr rucouu. - svrjsnrxsa FOR 8 A LB The - cxarcxs. leading sou fee--1 , uonery aao cigar store;leahascream, swell trsds; only Twentieth Century aanltary soda fountain ta the city; txtsrss all right; agency ' 400 Jeffertoe ,.(-- , XABT BUth ooruat SI9S. ' ' sad "' " :' W. B. Lore, druggist, corner Grand Teaae aad Bast Biirnsldo street. Mchole A Thompson US BasasU atreet, corner Alblna arenua. Jancke Drug eompaay, enraer Bswthora and Urnad sTsaues. W. 0. Osble, druggist, earner Holladsy street, . near sxeal STeous and Larrabee . . .. bridge. , H. . A. Wllaoa, 13$ Grand vesae, asar Bast Msrrlson. B. W. BsU. BBS last Seventh street. Corner Stephens. " , v V . J. Clark.'r KianAJTB.' druggUt. 100$ Worth Caloa SuinrTSiOB. J. B. Worth, pharmacist. 80t Babaeat aTsnae. ; for actuate or raeast lott Street. BKOOmXYV. ' Brooklyp Pharmacy Mllwaukla straeta. company, Powell aad ' 10H Ml ' Bnaslwood Ice cream J a trst-claa- a ana price right; resnoa proposiiioa for selling will sstlsfy pcospecUTS buyer. Ad- dress Tbompeoa A Co., Ins Da Ilea, Or. , , the 11I.S FOB S8IB FtlMB. 1 0 ACRES food soli, IsTsL S acre clearer aad calUTstsd, house, fruit trees, etc., a W . hours' drlre to city on county road;' the " cheapest farm la Oregon; only $1.8601 terms. '. 18 sores aaar city and close te ear 11ns. . splendid sou, house, bam. 4 acres cultU . rated; ewnsr lesrlng dty; meat sell; $1,000. ' One acre bearing fruit trees, new ', bouse, . sear ear Una, school, store, 20 mis- atea tn city; eoly $1,100, $200 duwa, baU $1$ per month. aacs " OBEOON ; AKtttK'IATBD EXCHANGE, 18H Vourth St. Boom Sa. ..... boasse built te rAsr,snd S. , t, told aa the Installment plan; pnese rross J 40) . t $8.0001 ins squltlss la aeraral FOB B ALB 70 acrss, Bt ta cultlrsUoo. I Jouss or sals a will esobange for vacant pasture, 8 orchard; new kouaa; $5 ton bay; price, $2,000; S seres, Aroosa boose' vassal lota for sale at Sesvlew, slss $200 BL'IH H Pig paring business; sooner Kni Bench snd Ttocs I aae Bonsa for rent la will us sold st a bargsln; 1 lot, . secured, $100 buys real estate office WlUlal O. Beet, Holla day Psrk addlUea. house with furulture, $2.0UO; 17 acrss, lis) making big money. $82(1 bays finely equipped 807. the FslUng. cultl ration, crop, 80 cattle, 28 bogs, la Wsshlagtoa restaurant, $700 buys sC horses, wagoa, with farming tools; Brtce. lots. 80x100, bow houae, far Sc. ' SALR Choies homes, large or email; 77 i $0,00. Portland Real Batata Co., BUSVi .Morrhwa FOR asm some oasTerosm yisiuing mrge ree u. .WILKINr REAL ESTATB CO... . '. . ' . BJAeg .;, aeaJA8B . " BeaTsrton. : .... :.-.8' mils west of PortUad. t8S Foarth Bt .'. '. Barass A Cad. GREAT WESTERN LAND IN VESTMENT i COMPANY. good bow bomestssds 8 located; BOME8TXADB 0NI ef the Baset farms la Umatllls esustyl We hare some rood farmsf small acre snd 2 prslrle wheat farms for ssle. A. A. I ioo acre rlrer bottom land, 800 acres Bad .- Tracts close a; caeap nomas; 8 lot closs la; ns vaim, vr. i wheat land, 8 toe awelUngn, barns, sto. Harry, cary soul, box pes, west moo sua p. aad large springs, um fees milch sows. List your property with aa; we caa sell It. FOB SO psr cent ' dowa and S par cent per I creek 40 heifers, 14 besd horsssi rseslpU $50 pad 80S Allsky bldg, cor. Third aad Morrlsoa sta. yoa s noma in any month, I WIU puna day. Pries $38,000; f 10,000 cash, bsUsce part of the city. Address A 88. journal. ea time at S per east, or will take seas A few paj-tlr- s WANTEI with from $100 te property la trade. - T. 'WRhycossba. roost .81.000 to yola aa la a nusufscturlnf rropoal- - HOMESTEADS located; S good horoesteads sow . B Hsmiltoa hllu,- - Portlsaa, awrry, will pay from 28 par eent Miss efpersnarl-tha- t and S prslrle Tarsia ror a a is. a. a. to 80 cent ea the toTsstaMnt; will atand wr. Cary Hotel. Box 844., The Hanea. $8,000 farm asar TsnoonTer, Wsaa. . ror psrUcaJar as .ciosast inTsstigatioa. ores r. u. Roa us, aalesa, or. 'A BARGAIN for 8 Arooa booses sod $1. too 40 seres la Clackamas aounty, 19 lota with and lot, $I.H0O; 4 room sal lea from PortUad! 1$ acre la timothy ALL DIBEARES of msu successfully trasted; liTlng wstsr. fhs erchsrd. $700. Pboae Scott 8315. dlschsrgss poaltlrely cured la from a tn $ ma la Bead Blear vaUsy. tar good Beremi ' . days; esnsnltatloa free aad strictly son- -' PO Modsrn su her ban eottss-e. Slim Cheap. ' 1. dential; ssnd for ear symptom blank. X- to car una, Bne soeatlna, grouBa looxiuu. 'BAND A CO.. '.,.' Badlum Medical Institute, Allsky bldg-- . Third W. P. Towns! ts Co., 184 First et. Room SO, Hamilton bldg, una momsoa sen., ruruaaa. . i I FOR SALE Lot sod building known as the FABM FOB SALE WANTED Married man ta . bey Interest la sx., nesa- sjowi set "waraorr, 10 seres, good baildtn, (0 21-eow dairy aad take charge-- . of asass; Apply swwetea Bala, SBAHttara sc. It sod bailies, sohtndid wstue. wagse f nsrsntsed; big bouse and barn, plenty town, dully snail, 1,000,000 feet et Sal nesr water, goou pisce 1or-- cnicsen, close 10 city. MKTS bnnaa. iaal riorencaw ear. Ninth. ptae saw timber, lota' wood, a surely home) Phone Front S04S sr W $1. care Journal. near Highland school, vernna ear, i,ioo; In the-- most delightful climate eu the Ps4 inquire ea premises. lavaatigate. cue const. Address Bog 11T, WsoO Tills, ihn, FBEB LANDS IB OREGON. FVBTILR eolL pare watsr, dellgbtfal eUawtet $l.Bo NEW modern cotuge 1060 B. Alder; WR bsts - tost nlattsd 180 seres ha - land ef alfalfa, apple Per clsver. vu ; xrees, aad fan Terma mil sissi siruets. ' tracts, it M ens or ue aset Pisces at lane) . Thirty-fiftInformation address the Columbia sVmthsr Bast 8062. ' Phoneneeaisu; ta Multnomah sountyt 11 aillss aaat at Peru irrigation ca., aja) wsrenttsr blk., pertlaad. sand ead lees than I mile from O. W. P, 1 200 FARMS, small tract and torn) bargains oa rlnst there I aa rock or arsveli tba alectrle FARMS, wheat sad tUsber bade, acreage, dty O. W. P. electric line. u. n-- AOdltoa, Lenta. o per acre, ea very easy tars, inee sd ha care-ari . Btl.BCUlt1 !, ItS cbBBCss nnd tnaorsnaa. TOWNBXND. AtAXWELL A CA FOTt BALB nr eachaage. FARM FOB BALB 180 asres, lSOaaltrvstsd n , Bcre li . sew ajoer sx. rs squlrs 1H wiles rrom stosmniis cariias. outbuilding!, . good ewaar, 414 Bslmont. run modem rastdsnce, PARTS IB WANTED For-- ' real estate. b alng water gear roand, S anlles from sltkeo .; cottage with bath aa street aa insurance Busiasaa, well seta- - I POR BALB Neat 1 mile from good or Oerrals, . Woodbor I llsbed, Hi good paying bssts, $000 l banament. 60x100 lot. Bear two cars; terms. school and church. Inquire Tl Fetal ay. Rout , quired. Call lot 8rd St. 1, Woodburu, Or.-.- ' T4P Brooklya at.'. t I A BARGAIN $4,200 will bay tnalsiai esmer MODETUt tract, room cottage near the ear Use 0NB S ssd sns 10-aef a mild " ' evi pniur uai win pax JV per runs aoore small essh payawat, remslsdsr sssss ss rent. from O. W. P. sleetrls Ho and CedSTTllId aii laxea an uamranca. a. sa weini Mk, ststlon; vsry Sue soil, toy level and very '..',' Call 10748 ara at. ea tarsaa are, . ssay ts clear. 82S dowa, bslsnce vsry sasg tersss. Tbsr I nothing beltes ea the mare ;: SBLLWOOD lot. $S dews aad SB a- - aneeth; WANTED Partner la good real eetate office; mu. . aeiiwoo ua. $78 te from ket. T 46, ear eeurnsl. . , . iswssus cnesp price te right party; also want man , , , 1481. Pheae Us lou to work ea the eutsids oa commlssloa. dot 820 ACRES SO meadow. 40 plow toad, S rebe ssst Slorrmoa. eeovjcejeice trait, small rrsits or an klsas, go FOR BALB Lot 11, -- IX 18, block X Arlets esca. auoxess sts is r rosier, lmnrovement. well watered, aallmltad Mb psrk. fisa BARGAIN 840 will hay direct from owner c rsnae. Price 84.000: term. Sea ar ad draa Barton, Oregon. ooging neuse, esntrauy iocs tea. Clearing si uv T.Wlthyoomba, room S, Hamlltea kUu. ParU itb; good furniture, tow rent: lesss. rBoa NBW Arses residence. strictly modern, bathe, f , t l - t ...,-- q bmi ' ttk ... ' Tv, .... rseirte law. 82.DOU csss. 11 1 ACRES, right st Oats stattoa. ea O. W. PV eisctne llae,verygis.eaayuna iraci et aao ttl terms. . If yoa wast a per sere; aa sad B Is rue Ists $1,00 Nsw Blngw; aouseseeping- - rooms) ass siuism amaU tract doa't nstss this. V 44,. Journal. " ea ear. Grand sts. sn busts si. a. rlted. bath, alectrle lights; trasaleeU et, 84, Sbavsr at, NICB double mom. cheap, for 2 ar mars genlle-- . BA LOON I pop. . established . Ba wtth sale; Half Interest for BALB S ream beans . eu as also single rooma, home men. or . ladles; nq, , 1, business, good loos tlou. good trade; ossi ot 1 acre xraia u iss. asm .. iBquirs sua . I unDloru, eoanl aaiu. reason tor sslllof. Address B 40, J. Blsth St. FBONT parlor for geMVsmsa e. renaement whe A FULL 8BT 40 scree ta Hop laad, Jorntnf baaM ef watchmakers' tools, ma t alia 1 1 yoR aale, cheap. Bice A room 1bona, ptaatared. FOR BALB clear, . wisnes room asar las csaiar ciiy. I naiaac eaaliyt small hauest block WsrsrlT and a bop sutflt, for sals. very cheep. field; 8 tinted. TsA Brook ly St., , ',. BTerett et. price $0O 80 Bills from Portlaad. App Smith, cor. Grand areau and Yamhill St. b 62, Souraal. .... housekeeping rooms, bay B NICB fnmlehed I MEW FOR BALB Hots! doing cot tare, mortem, $1,000. Kee Joe window, water la kitchen; rent fid. tog- tlsr 1 13,000 1 SU.S, xnrm mucniaory. u nor cur siocm, sold Price. re Dcant , st once! Naah , ststion at , naanvuie Sb et. croo. rarm for sal eaay terms, or cash. W. G. Back. SOT Falling bldg. Mne. ' Extra good, farm, awry sloe t sity. TBB flLADSTONB S1SH Barter St.. faralahid FOR BALB Rooming bouas of II rooms. lacherry seres I boaas, erchsrd. hi is; aaasr ,nw msasgsmant; pnsee rss- srq. roomers; run permanent 01 sac. limits, natter city aa.miu. bo tha itn ble. FOR 8 A LB Homestead, IwproToroents, $1S0S -, tloa la city, tthM. B8S Fifth st. e acrea goo timoer; csa se mao a gooq nvnnoM heama. ehea Snt sssh. Inaulre L. B TOCRI8T8' Roomlnr R ureas: roams la h borne. Address F. U Chltweod. Caltweod'Or, ' ear. og location, look avsM dry WHEN or Ins ton. aosamoni far Kami slther auatariua parts ef dty. 401 Tenth St.. Phone Msla 4 country, cau oa IB Nona west sat u so . . tarm " hausa, T lots, in the suborns, all la I FOR BALB Oa Colembla rtrer, T0-cMorrmoa st room XII. Ard. easy nsw orchard, noose. IB seres Cstt terma. In rra $1.400, lae fruit, llfflt . CHEAPEST snd best locatsd rooms ta Portland. IF yoa bars soeoey to Invest I sore propost- autre Ella Poster, BteTsnson. Wash. $1 week aad up. Gllmaa, First aad Alder sts. pig returns, aadrsa . A QUARTER block, class In ea esst side, $000, tlon guaranteeing .. Oregon large estate, aa.snutberu . ar real FOR eaay payments. snulg 48, rare Journal. ft are tuit Elegantly famished THIRTEENTH SCHOOL BOOKS boenrht, sold snd' exchanged. 2M srncxa. swuam at vaayxoa. awuennrg, xiv. . rooms tor rent; new, moaeru and oa car line. WANTED Te hay sa tmprovsd chick h Jones' Bonk Store, 201 Alder st. house, quarter block I fruit, Sa Scotia, coilla pnonlee or will tradA SALE pa.ouo. v.au ivi n aru. FOR , a toes. Ad gl ilng Iparticulars, W location,wit ' rooms, act BENT Nicely furnlahed BOOKS bought, sold snd exchanged at tbs FOR jsiepoose svssx euea. 40, cure Jo amah lor cnirsenn. bouse ; rent reasonable. 270 Fourteenth su Old Book store. 22 Yamhill st. LOTS, North Irrlngtnn, $17$ aack; term t t , with eptleu at buying. aooney btu. rent FARM for $200, Isdy et gents. Pnrtner WANTED Inquire with aei salt. TBB CASTLE 872 Wssblngtoa St.; tarnished P. I. RYDER, printer. Second and Wsshlagtoa Genoa rune. man; ornce business; inTcstigsis. Auoreas ' sts. . , Phone Msla 107. Phone Main $88. B 44, Journal. FOR BALB Lot In Be nest Psrk. $180. Apply r ., . ewnsr, st. J kubssii assi oiu. is FURNISHED honsrkeeplcg rooms, bath 'and PABTNER wanted, established business, ! -. FOB SltTewstTnXABBw'L I gss. 264 H 14th St. sBtautva. tea oa car 11 m. houses roB nnunTCBx fob saxx capital rsotiirsa; fuarsntee fiuw per moutn. m BssrhmAT smt. 11,800. tm n. ' Call I Sli Pins st, MRC HOWB'S BULLETIN Good stOTSwuod, POB boat resalts oa orr, reauy to cor a, si j.og set desa andk and FOB BERT FLATS. m )W UBNITCBB,? Bhsl sVmnl. All IS I Uf V VTWL AS S'BUr BP Sr st cut rats; hrnk toy sal IOU1UB. aeJ cord; f T IT7B BUVtUJI, Whether te buy or sell, ring an Main SSSS. FOB SAXX FAXMB. V 4 a, journal. I tore, splendid tor hire: nooses for rents Portland. cheap; lesss; ciprssa la Including ateel and NEW PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. modern. .Bats. $ooai ' 1TB or 12US Bast Drrtstoa st, Phone - union '" ' gas range: riaiaey aoa larraDee. east slow. HOTEL for ssle la a good , ail Plrst st, towa. Willamette llr Inquire swurriDM, soil, moslly BILLIARD AND POOL Ubls tor rSat sr to aJugsuv, or. - "Tl AW ACRElS bench land, flnrt-clss valley, Aklrsssltos-4o- o, Pl'RNITIIKE of 7 room bouse, splendid oondl--. worlds of pea, vine and grasses; t psaturel sale oa aay pay men is. tlen; worth $400, will tske $loU If sold Inv Land lar eoene lerst, seme rolling: well 00LLBMBBB CO CIGAR store, cor. Wssblngtoa street, rent $25, THB BRUNSWICK-BALKmediately; leasing city. A 48, esre Journal. FOB BERT STORXS.' 480 The controls of water. best the watered, aw lairu mf rwuaaa, esse, isrge era as; mroice. rns. x In and eat ef tboussnds of seres of past are ROOM honna for rent, furniture for sale; PART OF STORB, 100 feet, good light. of WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A 00.1 A good 7 --room bouse, water, WB print your asms a SO sailing earns, Is there' land; , , - ... . . doing good business; $ma, part rash. Inquire A.,, offlce. It Front St. Mais wh. , uuu im.i v, umg sis sad style. 25s, 800 kaalosee sarda. U 4. pipei (new li. .in.ti power; boghouse 20x.V); creamery run by watermii. "at 431 Erarett St.. or phone Front 70s. Brown A Schawl. rirat, ror tian. or FOR BENT Storo OiBO. m grocery. a 1 PhosnU FOB SITE BItt. XSTATX. I.uu-Iscale, I rslrbsuks co,, st, MODERN 0 room house, neatly furnlahed; price,. Importing nna aphototared W0VEN-WIRie sot, ssmg IB head of rood milch sows, asversl ad acale: IQIS at OSCS. IO sail pgrriww I , IDTeeTissxs sto.es. hammecka ana same rurnitur. pa heifers snd 1 buH; a borss. faaraeas, a wagons ' Na. T L'nloa arenas, aosth. FOR BENT Brick store, $43 Front St., rsnl I Awning Cts. BT.ilorth First. tent 18 bogs; good msrkst at A buggy; top , and da D. er I A I l j. i.i, i kailooking z. rnons rronr wra. . hem for all prodnets af the farm; also a rryn'WIllsftiett boulevsrd.i oeer city and cottars for sale cheap ar Fl'RNITt'RE young orchard; h. r. u, mail; pnon la tbs LAUNCH for Ml, length 88 feet, is H. P. aae rlrer; scent ear rare, city water:- lot trade for wsaoa asd teats, SAT First. eapacltyl !ne, Mrge esrryiat pries vera houae; a months' school, Bttt grade, H Bills per so esse, month. 'America eaest SIO BC0MS ABB BOARD. cheap. Addrms H at, sure JaamL from pines; fin read ta Portlaad aad ea ., 232 Fslllng bldg., et Eygow. Inrestment road, ralinmd; Line te 8 mile snd Base rlrer property. oa ski, Willamette ststlon, FIRST-CLAS" rooms and board for perms neut 4 gs roa aurr-aova- za. Jersey 44 dsllyl lions BALB One POR cowl stock, dairy or sheep; price $6,000; term sua xo par aioaia; table LOT lOOilOO, Bsst Ftftsenth snd Ash; 1 two-- 1 Inquire ii. U. walls, Abiogtoei , price would ne give ror parr. Cpie, $4fZLDU pop iweek. Astnr hsuss, Tth aad modern 8 room bonse nssr ft. Eighth bid. atory bouee sod nana, a cottsges; rent ror SI'BI l t IIAXB HSALTX VU. $281. Msla sts. Tel. Madison 1 snd Hollsday srssor) f4u per month. J. p. sr per month; best pay la toe city st so.atai. CANART BIRDS FOB BALB Ante N.vs 701 C. of C. . Pboas Mala 180. . Mbsrrkey. Also bouse and lot 00x100, Esst Sixth snd THB Ltndell New. fsmlly hotel, Mnrket. be blankat. $30 X. Lincoln st. . Psoas Bsst . Anksny; price $2,030. W 48, cere of Journal. tween Third an rourta. stesm seat, eiecxne 8437. COUNTY BARGAINS CLARKE hones: bath, baaement' large yard; steeedlogly baths, low porcelain rates. light, A Widow's Sscrltcs HO seres level land. Meade St.; WO. Tysna Klnsell. 60S Com$2,000 ACRES well Improved, all la Sa a, SO seres cleared. ear--' ' 40 FOR SALE $40 motor bike la fine order) dcax mercial block. Phone Msla 2K2. row no rich soli, buildings,I rock Blocks 4 fruit, fair Be TBB IBTINO Elegaat aeeaanaodetlbaa. euetrstloa girsa. Aaorss si, ears journal. sere fenced. 8 houses, bar, stone dairy, line, caa be bought oa very essy tersss; I ai cnaxges: si nine room is con.. eierMUst boons, central lorarlon, family orchard, close to railroad, srbool snd FOR RENT med la ts possession; will tass part ts rsaj Becond-hannection ; prices rlg'ut. Cor. 18th and I re las. d msctmery. CO. ALBEB H. THB only town, $1,700. Price for $2A per month; furniture for asle, Csll small worth ew $3.0tu. waiaie. vail tvi m awira sswmllls, etc. S48 Grand are. Msla 1181 or at 204 Pourteenlh st. another $map so acrea terei isna, excel, tens sts. BOOMS with ' board for aeramaent x bows kits cleared, acres TO and three slashed. acre d lent solL EXCHANGE some eooaing. reasonable; nrst-ciss- e bsi bouee. aH ennrenl. orchard, lar re house cost $478, burn. FOR SALR New neathenae, S rooms) pries, . FOB RENT Modern In Portlsnd for small farm aesr Portland. Sixth st. splendid well wster, thickly settled neighbor- flea Foot Montgomery St. ences. $10. Inqulrs Thursdsy, $ to 4 , m., Call on or sddrrss D. A. Smith. WW na rauw T south. or. St., nooa, St., Cnlrerslty Psrk station, Portland, psriect title, trniy seou. mi Fouth . good sere acres 28 eoll. brrst 40 Seres OFTICX-BOOstBEBT FOB FOB ttl.B W0X8XS ABO OABBtACBB. mm,,, h..S ml, B IX n,llM 4 room cottar et..Ml FURNISHED FOR BALB OR BENT tH acraa. neat bslsnce r . Bib mid, inn (jrand ara FOB--RBfrom dalle aleamhoats. sessua ror s e.e Prlc 1330. boons, sasr the cttyt splenaia car same, oc8 float office rooma sultaMs- - for gooa aatrees, una i run acre, snsa toggea sunorea raiiety inna, of fare; fruit al,b hots tvery gem is i wim vugg oererai Apply lasM rirat St., doctor or (lentlat. FIVE-ROObones, Railroad snd Alblna ST. dress Charles B. Job news, Lsnts, Or. ness, fin soil,. wen locstsa;11 wouia suit, ssceusns ' room S. Charles Hegsle, gons milk $40. Csll 4IT Ahlngtanabldg. Mas. $18 mouth. Csll a North Slsth St. 1M 4.V 1 1 I Jt fS ,Lm1 f FOR SALR Cheep for rash, 4 room cottage. block. Cemmerclsl room In FRONT Be. office barn, nrcharrd. S miles to Vsneoaver. $1,000. A PINE top baggy, horse ssd harness, sesf noose for rent, Arthur street MontsTllla, 4 lots, rruit. serriee, aae gar-deosd-sn- d wssblngtoa sts. Apply at room aix. pise for poul outbuildings, Srst-clss- s Address Jsme 1. , O'Kssas, Christ blk., Front street or phone Front Itaa. $320, for ssls cheap, sr traos nt tot, A. Be fa acker, t4 Waablngtoa at. a scourer, wesa. try. Address B OB, Journal. OFPICB-ROOrent. for cottaga, good FOR RENT Furnlahed nongk bldg. Apply elerator. ADDLE-IIORS- loss ttos. Jbone Inloa 8878., NICB, cleen. well assorted stork ef I BETTER THAN ADVERTISED $8,800 for sals, ar stchsngs to 100 Apply gosler A.Asrtae. dry goods ssal notions In s growing town; good drl cTea on country road. 8 ml lea from A I Columbia rlrer and railroad town; 88 acres iirnkls and Eraratt. this will say yoa to Investigate. A BOOM cottage, T4 Esst Srraath st., cor. Stsrk. Fifth stsbls. AASATX1A. - t under plow, lire watsr, 4no rruit trees,-a-mos- s Raker. 817 Ablngtoa hrog. Phone Kaat aaou. baggy., young. bore, aew hare acrea po BI'RRER-TIRBoas, bara. 80 tone bay, THB J, H. Ptsk Asasylng of nee OeeesJey ; Woodstock tatoes. B scree srtleboks. I'm snd colt, asss; cost $2n, wiu Bell cheep) gslag east. hnnea st Woodlawa, -$8 per moats. mats! HOCSB snd a lots eoemieta aa Crawford, analytical I , esre journal. a bead cattle, plows and all farm tool;' this kit ana part down, bslaace on time; A lmue Mala 483. bar gists. B04S4 Wsaalagtaat at, . cnttsge sin wees tor 2,oo, sail seen. imtt iin xor Felghner, Ivsnbae Btstkm. 40 scree, 1 4 ml lea from town, oa goad AB0BTTX0TS,' MiaCEtLABIOCa. FOB fned. Beer school, level, S scree cnltlTated, 8 JXALIXS. BICTCLX ."' . new 7 acrea cheep: all bard FOR slssbed, 4 room bnuss, new barn, young 'ssle ' ilijsti designed ps il and bulltl plans and terms rn turw'lNn r bj n F. HT JTOR REST West End' market oa corner of part. on SAWMILLS and xnu st bath: orchard; cement bt cheap rinien. a. H. Hsmiltoa. 44r Mix 100. sr ni.soti.1 Sl'OBTIN'd'flOOi ttXPRST l'PAIRlNs.' eatlmstea furnlahed, Ksst plsnders, I block from car I in center of a sisraet sua nerenteemn sts., Tut IICPili"!1'" " Apply tl large sopulatloa. s 2412. Cor bet t st. lure. w, UHH OCOX4 I'boee Wsah. sa., . Arise, msossujisi 8vd AH, Inhm swMauu, Ttttavil F. P. Khan Bi, . ' SALESMEN awsnted for raclaarre agency Bne asderweat snd seamless hosiery; factory te consumer. 810 Cosnmsrclsl blk Handsomely KINO THB Mala BhTPLOTntZBT A0EB0XB. - ' roB Mirr iTrmjriBHda booms.' , wife cooks, wsnt position, hotel nr camp: good rrferencee.' Address B ad, . , i JournsL MAN, Kaacy H. Croaa, Bred On TALLYMAN, 81 JO: MmaMrmsa, $X80 ap: WANTED Lot or bonne aad lot . for cash mlU slier. $1; carriage mas. $8; 06 mil! aad terms and location. Addrsea W 4S . guts years, Ul Ph-atreet: eaaae, cancer of , yardmen. $1 ap: boa factory boya, $1.TB 4 care Journal. ' Burial at Ha leer. Orecoa. stomach. ; ssmsBsea- -. ii i in n snsarsi wblta nine lumber arsaers. gi.To; m BtWM Aaxust II. Prank Hoaa. Bred U years. smbermen'e Labor Bureau. 30oty Mot. tilrth snd Johnaoa streets: eaasai carbolic add WAsTTTD AOUTTB. poison tor taulctde). Burial at poor farm. AND CONTBACTOBB. LOOOERS - TAN DKAK 11. Minnie B. Van Draa. Auust aeeond-haad good AGENTS enginsa, ssll Te Beveral WAITED btgh suitable years, a red 41 S3tt North Bereatoentb street; for logging or hoisting purposes, te be ksd .. gruoo unraeay eiocni new sua complete est caoer. nruasia acta poiaouing laccioeutai). ' BarlBl at Albany. Oreaon. cheap, fit furnished frrr: caah sreeklr: write to . . lor . further Intormatlea 'apply ' to day for choice of territory. Kaetinor, Astoria, Or. Capital City P. SI'KNt KhVAaruat (. John U Bpeacer, aaad uraeey a, , nsiem, iwegOB. boapltal: cause. - 23 years, at Good Kamarltaa good MEN.actons, new rock STATION work! delirium treaseas. Burial at Toppenlsh, rV'aab work, lots af It. side cuts, all winter, eastern WABTElWhtlsXJlXLABIOTrS. Orecoa! free fare. Particulars st R - V ..WlilTTEK August 18. Herbert Wbltten. syed Employment Office,' S8 North Second 14 years, at Trout Lake; canae, ansnot PAINTINO, spraying and whltewsahlng trees, wound la cheat (accidrBtal). Burial at Uf bssemests, barns, docks, stc, dona; largeat WANTED a gash and door men tbst see famillambla caasetary. sprsytng ontttt oa tbs coast. M. O. iar with tbs BBnrblnlng of stock doors ssd Cisollns A Co., $70 Mllwsukls Door Columbia Co., Address Hirer st, , I'boas windows. BITU TOT CEMXTXBT. , Ksst XB1T. Paiallp $10. tT8 lota ta Blnfla jrrarea To boy good second-han- d water ai.oao. The only cemetery la Portland which COMPETENT opera tors, experienced la railroad WANTED Address, stating make and full par. wheel. etslloa work, for la and around Cblcsao; perpetually saalutalne and carea for lota. Pa sxperlcucs. sge , snd ay. pa, , Address stste B ricuwrs. all IB, BtaytoB, B. Markensia, oiatun full la formation apply ta Or. Jsaraal. i Waresatar bmck. elt. W. M. tadd. president. CBOKH n rut Booaav be jrop. BjwTjioga WAWTPV-Ud- Tl AJTS rXXALB Vnrntahad baMsekeenlnt-reoan- s nr wa WANTED Bookkeepers snd stsaographers; gas ranges, placed SOT pupils la IncratlTs positions durlat . beat brick block ea seat aids; bath, etc.! aw transients; ' prlcee modarata. paat year; call or aend for eatslutuei day ar u Logaa 108 ok. yoa. inloa par bit, Blsht: It win BEUMKB-WAXKBBU81NESB .COLUtOB. Aider. Phoaa Unto WAMTKD-eA- t once, a bright, eaerfeiid. ara. S PURNISUED rooms foa bousekeeplnf la flne location; bath, pboae. new rurniiure, w sentsbls msa or worsaa, a good talker, as rooms. 4UL First St., cor. Harrison at. up sa attractlee propoaltloeu lasjalrf take T8S Chamber of Commaroa, B a. as. rOB RENT Purnlahed housekeeping rooms; ase wn of bath; brick pouaiog. SOLICITORS Men or women; permanent eaa- near Miealaatppl nrs. earllBn. ...... puymcnt to bustiers: siperionce anna can ssry. 08 Drkum bldg. Pl'RNISHED aad anfarnlshed hoosekseplng and aleoulna mm from 11 to 82 POT WSek. Tl WANTED A young lady or g snt llrlag at boaas ' Beat Khrrenth. North. to leers oookkeepinf. audreaa uaurge eraser, 118 Second Bt. nicely two Bevsnth. corner CODCH. 441 E. rooms; , faodara. boueekeeptnt rurnlahed beat yard; easy to WAWTKD More money. East Phone 131. ua., snr earn Apply Andrew Aaa Morrison st. . UOI78RKEEPINO rssnaa. rnaaonabl rates ialee-trl-e UghU and phone Included. S01 it Water HELP wanted and sappdad. mals sr fesaele. av u. obakb. buoh wssaingtoa st. Clay 44a, atraat. .'" hopplckers. Address John Myers, rwn urtrn nnrornlBhed housekeeping WANTED , :' for rent. 110 N. 12th st, near Lorrloy St. Aarora. .tiregon. Moots . bouawkeea. TBB LINDA TISTA. Blealy turn ta bed847 S Slfth. lag and single reosns res Bona his. trrrjATioBS wabtxti rni ' Barrlaoa streets. B."W. nllLLBB. V' ' Blxth at., room t, WIIX bay yoa a lot aad build nouses ta salt la an. osrt of the eftr. home. $ 80 cash, $10.00 monthly, gets $ OoO home. 100 cash, 1X60 monthly, gets 18.00 Bsoatbly, gets 1.000 borne. 180 cash, to.oo monthly, gets 1.600 home. SAO essh. 860 ansa. 28.00 .monthly, gets 8.0UO Bos OA moathls. on mmmk sets AOUO SOB IS If ye ara Interested wa ahull ha pleaaed Ss ror plana ana estimsisa asset yea; no eipeass . BVD1V.1 . BUlWinV .rir' ssw. V0A1A la. ' . us ' v.aiWn Bettman a Pkarmscy, Knlendld wtoek farm- - near Bosrburg for up. vgood buainoss; Tame e,uuu; loos, Newlr nntMAx koticb. of malaTBcs autborlaed Malta Toor adeerttae-Best treats. Pablea- - Byerley, duggUt, atreet, corner Tenth. oa east elds, aorta. . sonoxa. vr""1'goods Btoc -- :. - Daaf- - Areaar, Pre. v ' zm rentier la lot at Woodlawa asar Alnsworth are.. Good cor Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, , .Finding Lost Articles, etcv the rate is S cents per line '',. ,V'.,.;',:.' v; .7 each insertion. ' renorated halL Odd ral hmr' bld(., rirat aad Alder eta., Monday (. aeanlnca. aee aauatary, room au. BOB Ma- - - r. Br ' Bt Preston, drurrls, Tweerty-ttlr- d s and Thurmsa streets, Hob foarmacy, , 090 OUssa . Strsst. Corner Twenty-hra- t. A. W. Allen, poar ms slat. BUteeaU aad Marshall streets. Mctommoas Pharmacy, fTlaatseatb sad Washing to etreete. f BOUTS BIDS. ' - .. . " Co.. druggtota, front aad J1 Olbbs streets.. Cbttat Crag company. Pint and Orsut '. . -- B,-- A. t JOURNAL VANT ADS , IMIS. Aaaiiat 80. 1006. '"' will be neelw4 rstea. Fo.,w i agenta. who 1 i la t.eaa tve ....... .y mi bulkltut. Plrat pnhllcatloa, Ancoat t, pr BUY fine T room boesa, well rar- pianea. ems Fwx piano, gooa carpel, raaao heH and hodrilME tneiaUmanta. 11.4A0 buys l r.ni houaa, a ku. oa car Hue; 8;kk) essh. basinca 818 as month. Bl SiUB hnre rime ehloken ranch af B acrSSi lUj miles trorn eouriaouosi iioo orco.. nod snruut. house aad bars. Iota of fruit hte Mr. a ere tract near Leuts. very $750 bays fine aad sightly, no ararel; $S0 sasa, bslaace 1, 8 Tears, a par cant. $1,230 buya 10 acres SH miles from Katie-v Tees aiatioai w lawreo aau m k In cultlratlou houaa, barn, ahoy and cblckas benssj ' fliM atrearo runnuig turoaga putcs. EILU. CHAKLBflON . liulg.. Third and Morrnwa. ' Pboae Weat 581. tmprored, la southern Oregon and ACRKAOB Willamette Talley. for residence property 1m- ; proved or good business property. One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, cash want ad. inserted .will be given, wilhuag,slv ; in either or The Sunday JoitrnaL .,..,....... m Jciirrial.' Err.nch OiTicc3 ,.k ro 81. end "Resources i Over $1,000,000 ' V , PVxia Malat4IK. svBxnuraotf ' 10t Third Street. ft Eft J. 1. COHEN.... Prealdent ysr...$TS0 1 Sunday. with Journal, Tbs. Dslly e.w II.. L. PITTOt'K...... 1 I - n.ii. t..r Heeratary PAOBT.;.;.. asontha. J." Dslly Journal, with Hand ay, U. UUL.THA. Aaalatanl BorreUry los Pally "V 1a JwhI. souttM.......w... mouths. TM Dally JotruL with Sunday. ssooths. ?De bally Journal. . OTIOB. .aw Pally Jos real, with Sunday, 1 snoatB.-Sunday Tk. lt.nr. see weak. dcllTerad. MOTIVB la bennr arren that I. L. H. Taroley ...... k aauiniatrator of ton aetata of Mathilda Juhita. Tbs Katiy. pr week, eVllTored. Sunday e dacaaaao. will la accordance with aa .10 of tUa eoautr court of Multnomah coanty cent.... 1 Tarmi ly Matt. nereuimra made aa tha let day or Auauet, aday.-- I Taar. ..IT Av.us on at priveio Bam ino xoiiwirnin uv The Dally JouriisL with acrlbad' real proiierty, befcmalna to eald JW-v'J'i' ' s Dally Journal, I aseothe. AT8 altaated. lylna; and betim la MnliiHMaah ? ns Pally Journel. with Holiday. t: county, eta to of Oreauaw Tha waat n,0Sll,". !aa Dally Journal. with Sunday, ""aL:;i. ana half af lot three (81 la 'block I ha nail Journal . two In numbered i.tu Ooorh'a tr all e journal, Ths lsny s V to tha city .of JNiatland. The terma addition of eald Dally Jouraal. wllb Bundsy, Boat.. Tbs vw p.... i- -1 1. amma I month. aam to na caan m nana at toe aaie 01 aaw. year "9 Bale cannot eatd tba 1 made That ba after until Journal, ....a Ths Sunday s-51k dajr of September. 180S. and Do tire la ( months. trw. s heiahy aaM (Iron above after data " that Jamai. ly Tha t, fleptamhar f. 1U0S. I wiU nell named, Journal. I ta 11 pa gee na lease. lUuetrated. tba aboro deacrlbad aa preport at prlrata re full atsrket ...S1.B8 aa w tor caan. , . t port. I year. . -- . H. TABPLBT. a, postal hemlttssees should be (uda by draft of Admmkrtrator tha Katate of Mathilda Jnbtra. antra, iiwm order a ad wall uuwauta sre Deeeaeed. Offioa (21 Cumber of Commerce P. U W IBM mwr wwwAWwn rMlterlsl R asatnass ihm. J.1J, y CeUtB. . seoond- Biall ,Jbbf f n 'tic lit LN.-aaW-am- Bylsbecial arranjement with VVadhama ft Kerr Bros. .THE JOURNAL has aecured a laieuantity of their- - si rtoat lr- another tear" ifa'br konlna that Ton will ba "Lucky." Thar la no arb thliia aa Uick." wtlboul Don't .let aaotbat month fa roanortlnc jmaratlf with ' tba rlubt hwkluc of Tertlaad, Oraeoe.- Entered at the naetef8e 'tfuiorUUN through tha sing Is ...tw'tor M per. li . mrlaa! Hi rnNMIDa.fl. 81 .6.0 .thin 1(1 mtlro- - city ball. V cars, lays sery sice. . IVk Bi'iea . aofl. Iin.e e; no laud In tba vicinity o $oai cue Be b- brae than $ beyoud cumparlaoa. acre. It a a . .. ou La at ti.xtk at.; the f l,dnua very choicest rar'. .ra.trult. barrios, roses and t shrubbery; sa garden, with a beau- nom w.n.a. flulelied la elegant tlful etyle: a Tory rheriuiuf home. .. l.Jo Corner lot oa Boot BlfbtA et, I - e fraud, new. strictly Biodara. Ouaea Ann cottaae: eoncrata baas. ment, cetueut wsiks, lmprorsmrnts coat over fl.rdio; tuia Property la twin aois aw s earn flee la oroer to obtain funde. 1760 Klca 5 room cottage. 8 full Iota, choice rruit ana acmes, rioe yardea; rwmouia . Woodlawn. ioar cottars orer fall lot, 1 block Woodlswa. v . TUB DC'f N LAWRBN'CB !C0 . ' 14lMj First Bt. U"ras Many a baalnaaa ma a awaa"io a little of ku auecoaa la tha fart that bt bad tba ' I AL Tfc2nc;.tC:a:ar.l::- -2 1 MABOUAM PIOUSB. B. Cwhih FOB BALB grocery stock: most be sold at once 1 cause, sickness: Brie 81.000. or wlU lavolca. A duress Owast, SOB Harrt-bo- b . 148 H St. I ... ' J iii t nn ai .... - bibt tth k.l t., i 'I ."?JBfcUra. a ' t rslil f t - aT Nui t ssi. $7: 4s 4- --- .