.,'- ... ' .... . ·~I.· .t."" ." -' f' , I THE .DAILY NEWS 9.30 a.m.-Big Six Pro~ra~, 10.00 p.m.·-western HIt . Parade. 10.30 p.m,-Hymns for Everyone, 11.30 a.m,_Reddy" Varieties 've Years' Work But Little Done by Bellini "NORMA,' Charles. Hutton· & Sons 18 PAGES (Price 5 cenls) ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDlAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 Vol,' 62. NQ. 221 PRESENTS aTlllable at . tta'wa, .Provinces Will I)iscuss -Slow Of· Trans-Canada Highway rogress Quebec Will ga I n, Russians Won't Attack?!iH~pe :Chan.ge Its Mind.,' --------~--~~--~~~ ugs ttac ictimUses Hammer Escape To Safety . . 'oJ Graham .Says.. Planners Billv ".,. t erusa d 'e I .I. oron 0 Take No' On e 0 I- Gre,a les I m~~:~~laulliOrities 'J Chances littll. more than one quarter complete after five years' work·. will be discussed at a conference here between federal officials and provincial highway ministers, probably J1~ OTTAWA (CP)-The trans-Canada highway, • I ~~~e~~~a~~mT:le~r~~:. are known to be concerned about slow progress provincial outla)'1 up to a mo' OTrAWA (CP) Th • \ with the 4,6oo·milc, coast·to-coast imum totll or $150,000,000 byD .. _ ere If TORONTO (CP)-They came in cars, buses and \ paved roadway begun In 1950 willi cember, 1956. It was hoped whe. some belief here that the trains They came from little ports on the Great Lakes t~e provinces doing the construe· the agreement was signed that thl Russians won't be in a p o s i · . . . tiOn. The federal treasury fQots highway would be completed br . I h . . Ontar10 manufacturIng towns and even from DetrOIt and·1 half the cost, estimated five years that time. hon to aunc a mal.or al! Montreal. I ago at 'a total of some $300,000,000 The target noW has lone by"tlll attack on North America fOI In thousands they sat on benches: 10 go, Ihe $100,000 financial target: but nr.'IV to to.p that before board. Federal oUida!s admit th. perhaps two years. ! in Ihe walei'fI'Dnt Toronto. Col· I hail been by $15,000: It was highway won't even be nearly h.lf .' . . , . : iseum They sang hymns prayed'l Graham said the extra mone) , J • ': ..' • finished by llie time Ih. agreement Hd.'f~' I~.;~e:pr.eadd Illl~ ~e~:I~g ~s I~' b:l"li~d and listened siiently as I would be used to help cover a· l~alrneh~ hFl'lda y, .IS wl'lhng prov,m· ex~ires'ILES DONE s I IC.:! . 0 JU gc, U I. I.S. e th' ". t ' . w'th burn· later campaign in India and Ihe cia. Ig way minsters suggesting 1,%23 M • • Iby some In a eood posItion 10 . e tn ense ~~ung man I to e Far East an Ottawa meeting in November. Figures up to Au,. 31 this year h judge; Ihat is, wilh access t6 latest mg ey~s . bFceched t em r '1 LIKE iT' LO!llGER : Primary consideration will be reo show 1.223 of the lotal .,580 miles intelligcnce " . m:nk wcnt' forward i lie said regrets il was not of the federal. - pro.vinciall of highway completed to federal At the same lime. those Inclincd! k "D·.·· f Chri,t": possible to continue the Toronto! highway agreement sll(ned In 1949 [ standards. to this beller-Ihnt nus~ia could not 1 to r.~:/ i Ct~:I~~:t I~~ck or 'B'illy' crusade for as long as the 12 i and i."r1udi~g ~II prol'inc.es ~xc~pt, Ontario with 1.412 milts of hiJth· . no.1I' an all.out aIr assault on I • long Toronto' weeks it ran in Britain. It could: Quebec. It ,IS due to expire In De· way to had pavpd tim contment-hastcn to. add that I d 4 _, •. h rI 'Ik d t 11 'have liarl "~n impact in every' ccmber. 19.,~. 1 a29 mlle5. Saskatche"an hail lined nobody knows for surc )usl what I crusa e. ,JJ~ \ \\~ C n V lC I lI'av S oll'erful" J:\,VJn; QllE8EC i 2il of its alloltert 414 miles: AI· the Rus~ians ha\'e al'ailabk in the pl~~f~,rm ~l he an some can· i He ~aia he is e~peciallv dclighted 1 Althou~h not in Ihe agreement. i herla 181 of 2n miles anrl Britisb' \l'a~' }on~.ran~~ bombers. gc s c~N' TOO 'at I'h c' s~Jlport Irani Toronto \ ~ucbec is eX!leClert to .bp. iDl'iled' Columbia 174 of 6?2 miles.. . wh(,mliitary planncrs are. CI;},Dt!.o s ecial sen-ices. 682 An .I'craie of 600 at·:, In the hone Ihe complehon of .allotted S.\SKATOON (CP1-Lt.·Gol'. Sir no I'oung and 6,,0 tcnlled each Friday. morning's i ment .may hare ItS. mIOd. mileages for the pro\'lnces at LeoMrd Cedi Outerbrldl:c' ot New. Tne oC more than 11 vcars old had aho: on ! P.rCllller. DUl)les5\S has dechned I" Aug. ,"ere 136 of 3911 fouocllanc1 i -thc entire uf manpollcr, f ' d' : "For this reason I belie\'e the' sign mainly on the ground the New BrunSWick M of \\'ondcr,ul" duck 'shooting In S'1S' II'np?ns poten· da\'5 lefl to go. I lasting cllccts ;1'i11 prove to he' agreement didn't Prince Edward hland U kat"hewan a Io-day vlsilba.cd In hr"e delree on 350000 . h d ttended the Il Hen grcator than an\' hefore." Fafcguards for prol'lnclal rIghts. of 74 miles. 'flr,t-to this province. . reports of what the thel what -little. spare time Dr. ?nder Ihe constitution llie provo . had .no pal" Sir Leonard's alde.de.camp, H. other side IS up .to. .. • final total to exceed 400,000. Graham had-not enough for a tom control the hlghways. . lng on 115 allotted mlles but H. Winter, said Friday I" a tele- External Affms Minister P.ar· "This crusade has developed rcund of golf. his fa\'oritc game- The !lment. agreement provldes had gradIng of alm?st phone conl'enatlon from Dundurn, son here last month that the Into one of the greatest Ihat we I he worked on the manu5cri1?t of a that 200 mt!es of u:ans.Canada hlghlll',. 20 miles .outh of here that'the DE\',( Distant Early W~rnlng) r~· h e 'e onducted" Dr Gra.1 forthcoming book and on drafts of ted mlleages of the highway WithIn system. I . , . , . dar line In the Canadian Arcttc ave \ I' C '... I . ' I eutenant·gol'ernor has been !ee· will be I e 1'0 . a "fe ham said. "There IS eVidence I artlclesol Ing and shooting at "more "n op ra I n In W el'erywhere of the same driving I In the last week the strain was I than he'd el'er seen In his Iif,e" th I't '\11 a1 o spirit lliat we felt In Greal' Brit· \ 10 tell. He said he was I may since hi. arrival ·.t Dundurn three b s"f bar I 'tlh Rsd aln" looking forward to a rest at home I da~.s aIlO.... . . North CaroI'lOa before sail 'I'ng to .e af ewI "ears ' I ' e ore '\ e ff'e Financially, the. crusade was lin equally successflJ!. three days the. end of .. ., " i e~pe~ted ~xceeded Ith~\,~:.~~II~IVlsStea r~\~I·lnlltYe~s I rep~rts. -------'- laun~h iscovers Home Of' Lieut. Governor • Enjoys Holidav CanadIanS In Saslmtrhe,,~an t ' C' 'l' t' ' Of PH' S,gus . J'e- .' OTIAWA IS Ol'le I~(l tVI FOU11d (CP)-An. elected sciElntist has to," returned re~nants the Yukon after digging up scattered of tould be the oldest known civilization in the Canad;, orth. n ~e Dr. Richard MacNelsh, a r c h a e o . . who directed the excaVition more. 11'111 return next summer !polon Ihe ArcUc coalt near to contmue dlgglnl where. he left off thl! year border. said It wUl.be 'COUl.D TRACE l'ULTURE8 ncb ' . .'ltc-possibly the richest Th II' h Id" h Id 0 north-for many yean to in ~llsh t!I~, \~ncJ~e~~e~hev h~ Gra~a;'; ~onlh ~ute conslru~l, I 0' .\5 ~~I~tIS c1er~~·men. Ital.~ng ~Ia.nnmg c.nancc~.... ~. peopl~ chililre~: m~ht~r~ stral~~) "Work~hop i~ el1j~I'ln~ "absolul~ly com~lrx s~~lp.n~s. in~u5lrial cO~~ijh ~~~:: ~omc dllrin~ tial-I~ int~lligenc~ 'se~I'icesperb~ri~ial~ e~pected I~ hi~ ri~\I'al prol'1lila~ gOI'~rn'1 ~a\'ing ~hanged mlle~;~I pTO\:id~ suff~cienl mile~ a~d E\'an~el1;I1I." Newfo~ndland ~Rld ofth~ Sut~os~ ~~'jl~rt:n:: P~RvC~ ar~:arri!~~s \'!~Ute~~1c1~'~.~~' ~~~ :~ I~~~~ra~g:q~o~:~rsl't~hmSoUu~ltC~ oUNo~~~~~~'~~!alrsMlnisterLe8age sea~on. lite is nm the mouth of the Ing the earl)' cultures lliat lived in rircr. belicI'ed lo.be on one tht roUIC' or pre.historlc mlgra. I of ASiatic races who crossed Issued a stalement terming the f nd mail and who are gen· (on;idereri 10 be the fore. ' . Df prclcnt-day Eskimos and The site was found almost accl. W~h En~la~d ~t ~feetulgS: . U'n,·ty 5t resse d ~one FI00dAd S n GaIes be~inning mea~, ~~ ~10 c~mpleled t~e prol'mcr~ c~nstruct ~J1~t. dllek~ yeT~si' ot~er Manlt~ba Ih~. LashEast ern US land game birds that come Into mMslve attack on North !'mema. " , Target date for completton of the LabouI' The narty will fly back to New. DEW line Is seer~t but the best foundl;ind Oct. 20. lIue~s Is 19~7. It IV.I11 provide somc By. ARTHUR EVERETT Mr. Winter said the visit was un, (c?ur I to NEW YORK '~AP)-A wild and growing gale lashed olflcial and by Invitation o( a anadlan C.!ICS but Its. mal" ob· friend, Brl!. J. A. W. Bennetf, now ject Is .to s}.. nal ~he Umted States : the U.S. easlel'l1 seaboard Friday, roaring north along the army commander In Newfoundland Strategic Air Com~and to head for . Llirril';IIIt' 1;111(' frlllll llil' Caru\ines tow,u'd Ontario. summer by Dr. Mac· and formerly officer commanding Its . •. !pnt. la)'er on layer, were dentally Nelsh, whlie sccurlni the area for Saskatchewan area. . There IS .. here thai Ihr llint and bone Imple· such ·sltes. His 75·year·old Eskimo The p"rty I" st"YI'n" .t Dlln' ~"rn' thc latest RUSSian jet bombers • led him to a loW plateau at > uu flo! . 1110' I tM e \ 1·'lulltl IIt_;· and piecrs of pottery of nine guide a place which had obviously been a military camp and Sir Leo~ard reo .1 "n ~HI'. ~C(l1V ~~ •• ~.y II' r.e TORONTO IC'P)··-Thl' (':m:lllian C'lllh!l'I'SS of 1.:1[,,,1 ,1,,1'111 ,h·ltI~.,1 • ,tIlUf' ,1.1,". Ibill'! (' l'uiturc!. Four are of . I . an Invitation to 10p·WllldUI\ pIa liPS II II h r. \I I , . ' . 1 I I )111'"1 {.,. S' bou l'l'OSSIOg for cen urles. ;;'Isil IA .. Guv. W..1. uf III I.klt lIubully h,· ...· Frill;I\' I:'lhll·d its \f'lh HIHI tllla\ 1I1IlIll:d cOil\'l:'nll On ull <l t.1I )!1',·a.ly It,.t tllW",!.I" 11<'1 I t r h('fore found In the I "We sui dOll'n to r~sl, Bnd lound . (. b" I'" l;1' II " . ,lid, 1".,'1. ,II , •• 111' ;lICJ>. I In n"rlh. ... "I' sl'ttill" rl-Ilt 'I top of a due Illlal·k or tillie: '''AII .,•• I' III'. I . '1' 1,1' bl'lIi' t\llil\', . I .•. ..' I ·I·,.t,·, ,''''." -il'! 11I>'1i (' • \I • lie I" . 11. 'I'he Ittull'lIunl ' had lIu alii I wl'e s no 1111 III' ,- . . II 0111" II 11'" Ihr I>ulllllll. oldesl layer, Ilf Clint poUt'ry Blld n"Y"r she,1 III or" tll"n 'dm:ks alilln t" ."11' A. 11. IJf l.lw'l II \ \, I t. ! p!lIlIl<I«1 Ihc i ";".1. ", 'he I I ... I,., •";1\1"'11 till' 1110"1 "'11"· bOil"."." • , in hlR life < I I tl Hu'."all, I IlIura1 "'1 '. \\ I111'1I II_X I" illf)' IJ) Illfut; .th.l·: •... II",. s'al·,l. berore said. Mr. Winlfr. ., )'>3 f ..I' I"u III-I"' '. , • .. i ' 1"'1' c. ( Iu (I ('1 \.' • e.".... 11111 ifllhe naUunal museum, Lackinll time to bllt Ihe purly W3s gelling Ilf3rly SUllie ,ts II 'Ih. 011 lSI t· . : to I,ub .11 I,ulll' III l",t:. 0 111 8 llr Ii< r"maills uf Ihe oldest ex •. lind. he relurned this yeai' 10 ex. Its ba!! Jimlt each daily. said thai the may hUI'c 1'111111' 000 or II'allt's al.ltI l.al:."I. t ! ' - jII',l 1111:<> ,hul'l uf h"n""'('-. ' . • ' til'ili7;,li"n )'rt fOllnd in north. cava Ie the rind. '[r. \"'Inter ". "Id 'he wOllld dis. a of.or n. ossibly. o. veil pa. ssed sa,d Iw. hup.I.·s all (.'.II .•I.lh.1II " ..., I,m't' . OTT A\V A ('C'P) 'flle /lab !\orth Ana.rica.· BELOW clo':e the'Y ban the party' "\'as lhp Wesl 10 some helds. Iahor eventually 1\111 he unlf.lCd.. III 'lhe palh 01 the slllrm lay'. . ::;-.. . -.' with seienUflc Dr. macNelsh said he could ready to lea;e ' .' But In the meantime. Ihe U.S. "I hopc we'll be able to bnng 11: f. :-lew Ellgland anll met 'l'l'lday asked the Suo rdu\ed el'en to estimate hardly believe It when one o( his . Strategic Air Command is raled other labor bodies in Canada sr' L: where some communities still were: prcme Court' of 'Canada fox fnr at a diggers found .the bottom layer of amonl! officials hcre to he quite a that we can with one voice." rebuilding after I a t August's 1r h I , . will be estimated remains. (our Jeet down in the cut above thc Russian bomber the 74.year.oid Mosher said in hi, death·dealing IlIIrricane floods. : ll. recommenc a. Ion on. w a Min, nr,1 frw months through hard.frozen.-i mafrost and scpa. forcc am! certainlv far ahcad of last II'ol'lIs to the hp .• ' The floor! potential of Ihe new',ll.ction it should take In th' I,.f, nr Ihe radioactil'e rate from Ihe eolher layers by sev. U what RAF Bomber' Command \\'a5 I instrumcnlal in founding in ,Iorm was emplmiled. b)' inyn·. of c()lwicted murderel 111.f. r'fl><on Ii. an element· ex· era! inches of cIa)'. in the Stcond World lVar. 1940. .' . !latrrl home:; In 'lark. ({In· ,. . m'l! In ,II (,11 h()nes, charcoal No human skeletons \\'ere found. COCAGNE. N.B. (CPl _ Nine. When it' comes to militarl' Intel. UNIONS TO .. ',ecticut and the Di*icl of \Vl1bel't Coffin. 'Imll, !iut Dr. MacNeish Is hopeful 01 Annette Leblanc. dallghler Ih:ence. the al'e' better ·The eeL earlier thl' \I'eek l·otc/I· ; . .' biB. "'ere e\'acuated in' The #.rear-':!ld prc!'jleetor Iud B'll h. ""I hp would be sur. turning up sM11e. of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Leblanc. off than, West. Much informa. It,elf oul of existence in a eCL·TV·· , : 'ome seeiDl'; b)' 1 !eh€dulEd Ul be hange!! for if Ih. oldest objects dis. The di!eoveries sholl' ,imilaritle3 Despre Village. N.B, was killed Fri. tion is readily aviiilable to the So. merger to become effectil'e ne"'!, l ! LITTLE WARNING \ Oc!. 21 at Montrea!. Of· wh" h" ,',', fu . .gh " ..,.m I ."il. ....boo, ib 'i'" ,,' ""', . . Th. ,I eom '" boo. " .... Ii, "" "id • ,lor " "",... "'" I "I r '''; of bone-are not where in the north. but to dis. home about 25 miles north 01 I publications whereas Weslern In. president. is scheduled to beer.... : I the. southeast Thursday afternoon, granted by the Quebec RUth.orl· l tn hr nlilH Ihan the objects cOI'eries in Siberia and also Moncton. lelligence experts hal'e· to dig an honorary president of the ne'l in a coJlision of cold WEst!rn air I tib. tt'lm(1 ago in the In .central and eastern Canada and Drh'er of the car. Rev. Noe harder and deeper for military in. Canadian Labor I; : and II' arm souUlern moisture. I It was dIsclosed in the ,order,in' ,till m'k in Alaska which the United Stales. Bou r g ellS, Riehlbucto Village. formation on Russia. His reference to other labol' \ I There was little ad\'ance warning asking for a Supreme Court tI! about 6000 B.C. Some 01 llie potten" he ma" N B told RCMP the ehl'ld dashed That's one reaso Western ml'll bod'l I\'as dl'l'ected mainlv at the I as it mored ncrth at about 20 miles rel'iew that some of the SUprftt1Se I n " to proceed' on 100,000 _ 'member Canadian I per hour.' Court .disagreed wl·th th Dr. 'lar7\ raturned "'Ith be connected '''Ith 'Slberlan arCh'. from .., behind a• tru'ck dlreetly Into tlry 'jllanners hal'en es . . .and P I· .• II. II'ho artlfacll, !lid .eologlcal.cultures 3,000 to 5,000 his palli. llie glummest-for them-estimates CatholicCon(ederation of Labor of I It followed the same path takenllo Sept. 2 deCISion of Mr. undoubtedly many times year. old. No inquest wi11 be held. of Russian capabUities. Quebec, largest c'entrallabor: hurricane just .a~fyear Douglas Abbott refus!ng Coffin I group Inllilrd Canatla whieh has de.. •.••.'.. . ,.' ....••. : by Hazel took 177 lives-SO themagIn appllcatlon to appeal hIS convlctioa "eOOnleOgOI.fcallh.edISmCoovsetrsleigsnei~eCranm'a~rechIn' ~anada." ~ours ~varmng la~t ~.. ('hip~, IliI~ ,I~id Ih~n d~\'Plop lh~ "~'etruUv del'lIn~!1 l'att~rsoll Su'kalch.~lI'an ~Ilvel'nur ~2 I 011.~ I~h·en l'ER~IAliROST ~lac~ei..h, 1'1'~1r~porlers M.. p~css ~ th~ ball~al'~. (~ISUt~·· ~ 11(ll~ III (1'"1' 'Il~l' .amoll~ IIWI·i~I,;.II"I'" 1'1'~"lt~1l1 M"~her ~ u~I"'~ 1I113~. I~ ~r ~. ~1I.tI In~lI~trI31. po.t~lJl1al. ha\'~ ~Oo.UtXI ~I,I"III~~I' th~ ~~" V Sol'le~ bl'ea~t nhl'rt~. 111I1~tal'v ;~~! \0nt~ )'ear~ r~rr~ d!IP~ ~t ~ ~~tm h~usand ~ A~iatic ~I'ess, th~ ~~n· mainl~' rc~che.lI~ th~ Ru!sian~ ".'~.'" ,."k " •'" 0'" Ak ~. t l~ '1· 0n ffO Sir. l'ennsylv:'lIl~. ra~e C~!IJm' ~ N~\\' n~':;ident~ b~ats. b€~~ murd~r ~ c~uncil y. Congl'e~s. . A I F P · pea 5 or rlva cy·. ~ Pr InCe 55 . P-t.s - a' g e Pia' nS· I Wo r Id A.w aI Ma r r I al' ~ con~rcss I\'~~ ~tEllGE ~aid, _· r··-"·w.,.. .:-'.~~--....:..-~,,-. ...'. -. \\'..\.~,' ,e • ... ;; ~peak ~'ear.old r.'i!~ "i"-" ''',. ,to~ ,ool, ". "" M" " "li'"'' "".. ., ~ ••, tl"III~~e lUUIIIII~dMS l,th~I.' 1'011edB By Car t~lIIr!n At c t ·,on,s ,End onven target~. ~om~. belt~f M C~I' so~thern judge~ Ha~el I' I Justl~e ferred acUon on merging, and to I ..•. . ; the Toronto area-and did $1,000.. : to Ihe court.. .' thc approximately 40,000 in indc·' 1.1 1I G 'donBowcs 'of HaJj· i 000,000 oC damage. : ,!'he ordcr.lO·councll said at Olle . pcndent bail brothel'hoods' in the ,r. " 01. .' f h In Cormng, N. Y., ~he Cohocton, pomt: .,. I running trades. . . [~X, Reglona~ ylce,Prc:ld~nt. 0 t e ! ril'cr headed tOIl'.ard flood sta,ge. " ... 'J'h~ chlcf Ju~hce of .Canada Lislening on the platform as. Life Und~r\lrltcrs Ass~c~a.tlon of I ri~ing s~\'en feel 10 20 hours. !"cw. (l~o~. Patrick .KcI·\I'!n) adl'lsed thl lloshcr gf\>e a 30·second \·alcdic·! Canada, IS present!y l'lslllng the York City lI'as, deluged ram. minister lIhnlster Garson) lory to !lOt! delegatcs was Claudc· Newfoundland Branch of the As· .lll>t south OJ ~enel'~, ~. Y.,.3 that he I:ad been requested by: .'. . .Todoin, 42, II'ho will become lop sodation. )!r. Bowes will be ten· i ;;QlIthbound ~cw 'tork CClItral n.lIl., ~ome ,Of. IllS colle~gues to s~ate. to lIy STERLING SL'PPEY m'an in Canadian labor as presi· diircd a dinner hy the local life r0.a d blocked b), n mud thc nnOlsler thn.t If the ap?ltcation " Mr. and .•Tohn Lyeet Wills. I trs saw the princess' car draw I MOTHER IN dent of the. Canadian Labor U d ,'t t' Restaurant Trams were rerouted. : by Wllbcrt CofCin for lea\e to aplI't: p (AP )-P.rincess Mar. Mrs. Wills is a first cousin '01 the slowly up the drive lcadinl to Ibe I A member of the staff at the gress in A!ll'il. Jodoin is president n erll 1'1 ers a, s . '. )IASY EVACUATED . peal 10 the Supremc Court of Can'!lid' an eler Townsend held a princess and one 01 her closes'! \Vlt\s housc. Marquess' home said in· of the Trades and Labor Congress on Saturday at II Inch Washington had more llian fll'c: ada had becn made to Ule!ll ' . , , Friday night in a roo friends. The Clarence House announce. tended to spend the weekend with and,. as such, gets the CLC presi. time lIlr. Will the inches or rain even before Ihe dt)': thcy would have been ineilned. to cOlin try house to FA1UlLlAR AREA ment was the first official state. his mother in Somerset and that dency un d c I' an arrangement local mcmbers on the vanous [cit Ule Cull force of the slorm.' grant lea\'c 0\1 one 01' more of the I,' 01 her cousins-deep in the Binlleld Is in the forest of Wind. ment in 'any way relating to Prin. he 1Y0uid be back Monday after. under Ihe TLC.CCL leaders. pl13ses of the Association's work I than 100 pcrsons had to be points of law raiscd on behal! of .;rt of Windsor In the same area where Mar, cess Margaret's. recent personal noon. . llacDONALD ELECTED. throughout Canada. \ evacuated from flooded homcs in Wilbert Coliin." before Ihey met the princess. garet and .Townsend often were lire .• It. said: . Mrs, Townsend, widow 01 an Before adjourning Friday, the ._. - - - ' --'- thc area around the capital. 1 'U'U SPIlT . the pres. and .publlcsecn riding together after the Sec. "In vielY or the. varied •reports army colonel, lives in a pretty hiJI· CeL gave an acclamation international oflice is tr)'ing to pull, Ileal', seas with abnormal tides, S. AI. d I' hi' un'I >Pntt her prl .. acy. This appeal ood World War when he was which have been published, the cottage in the tiny hamlet of ,fo thc presidency and. alSo returned i the 25,000 Canadian membership: and breakers were reported along; t III as ere th deto pm of .. Royal state. equerry 10 the laic Geol'gc VI.' press secretary to the Queen Is au; CrolVcombe. • Don' MacDonald - the only other1 out of the CCL because of jurisdic· bcachesfrol11 Allantic City, N. J .. , urc or e eS l\tnl no announcement.of Princess Mariarct left Clal'ence thorized to say no announc·c.· "I. cannot what in· clwed full.timc officer-as sec· tionai scraps. Howevel', opponents norlh. Storm flew from! a (or: c Ptlnce;,' plans is "at present" 'House by a scldom .' used gale. ment conccrnlng Prmcess Mal'gar. ten lions arc.' she told reporters rellrry.treasurcr. gunning for $10.000·a· thr Carolinas to Mamc. . clslOn. of . r. . u.s ICC . t' to . . . Queen Elfzabeib remained et's personal futUre is at present there. "If there is an .announce· C:!stomariiy, the top men ha\'e, ycar job dccided in caucuses latc Small craCt were adl'i;ed to scck! ImhcrbcIOahncg u. cr Ihe' rO)'al statement ndr behind.' contemplatcd. ment to be made when Parliamcnt run into oDposition (rom the sprink. \ Thursday night not to opposc him'i shelter fl'om the fury of the open! e ene U)" . .. (Ud an).thlng to dim, Just a few hours earlier, "The Princess Margaret has reasscmbles, then we had' beller ling of Communists in the CCL, MacDonald, Imm Sydney, N.S .. ' sea. ' i COllnsol for Coffin 3Ppcalcd 1.'r. repo.rts that the I send drove away from the home of asked Ih'e press secretary. to ex. wait until that day. Then we shall but Ihis time they walked into l,nolV almost automatically willi \ Justice ruling to the other lor/ wu , wlll. wed the di. his London hosUn his &reen Re. press the hope tbat the 'press and knoll'. office witnout anyone. put liP become the secI·etar)··treaSlJl'er of cinht iuslices. Thev ruled onl)' that 41U1Cd War hcro. Bul It may nault automobile. Word was given public will extend .to Her Royal "Whate\'er either way. against,thcm. the merged CJlngress, under a tacit l\ ilad no jurisdiction to entor, ;omcllhEt the frenzied .pe. out lliat he would £0 the' home of Highness llielr customary courtesy I Ihey will both be very Some opposition had develop· understanding among TLC and .eCL d • .. I tain an appeal on lIlr. Justice Abo Ii! In London's headlines over his molher In Crowcombe, Somer, and cO-operatioa 10 respecting her happy. . ed allainsl MacDonald at ledaers. '. , Clou y wmdy, occaSlOna bolt's decision. . of IDst three days. set, amI this aroused specnlation prlYacy.1t After the events of the last three this' convention from a segmenl of Another member of MacDonaltl's showers. High today 45. Cloudy rllt,h Is to at once Ihal wlluld tell his Townsend, fatlter\of two child. days .many signs.point ·towarrl tbeir, !lOI\'pr!ul Uniled Steel Worker; control'ersial Silby Sunday. '.' Tl I.\'as llil, FIUlil.appeal" from Ihe Royal mol her, mad)'s 'I'owosenll, ren, had been at the l..on. has about 70.000 memlwrs Ual'l'Nt uf nlare N,S.-II':ts SA'I'llft)):\ Y, 'O('1'OHER 15 that (hp ('Igill uthel' whelher Mal'garct would be his don hOOle of the ltIaTl)uess of . If they .wed, Mal'garet also would in Canada-bul it got no SUPPOI't dropped fl'om the .eeL inl Sunrise ........ 6.'19 a.lII. I Chief Justice Kel'wIn, In·)·eV'.old princess and the bride." '. Abergavenny. When he left Ihere find hel'self the of two from the steel leadenhip and' Friday'S elections. The rough·hewn Sunset 515 pm fornled Mr. Garson that thcy would ...R.W group ceplaln Hnwever, of going to his he IQld reporlers he lVas lIolnll Townsend who is 13 and petered OIlt withllut anyone nom· Barrett, 68,. who bas been ., bave' been inclined to hear CoffIn'. (lilt Thursday night II Town.end turned Away for Ihe weekend, but could attends Eton, and HUlo, 9, who at· . inaled afllinn ·him. 111, hu been .Canadian boss of the appeal. , OI"r, Lontion up at th, WiII8 homf'. not !a I' where .. noticed tends another priVAti Ichool. > a member of the District of John ll sal Highm 1 .Sel'cral cnuutsare open III !hi l/pi/,r. Friday nllht dro\'e PRINCESS FOLLOWED his saddle and ndln,.eriIp in the Town.end .\\'15 awarded llie boy•..Unlled Min. Workers, 'Was In an t, Lewis'. UJllon. Ire·was not able . . . 2.20 a.m.· rune-man SU'jlreme Cotlrt aftet a. attl), 10 the Blnfleld Df therealter,BIDfle\d villa" ear. 'H·:aOIlANCB,:,•.,.,I.· ;Imard apolbecluse llie·UMW'. to Ippearit the convention. 7.05 p.m. 1.111.pJD.. review of CoHitI's can • • 1O~ D~:'; ~1\OU5 ~lnl.C I~I\ ~1r~~ ~II t~ ~,' 'a)'m~ Mr~ ~'amily ;~ ~tOdcz~'lm Ilrl.Ptr!lS~£nt ~nncess taIt~n f~n ~i~th tt~I.~ p:'es~ Ih~' ~~n~ilil'e ih~)25 I!.I'~I hli~tll11 Itli~~rrb~.thcr Maraar~1'8Ih,~' 'om. ~iother ~ide llia~ hop~, ,~h's. h~ In~tead mother'~ pla~e, Bh~rt1y ~on· t~' ~os e~enmg, Bowe~ addl'es~. ~ay Pet~r's I: son~-Giles ~,porteu ., trac~ wa~ (.Ju~hce ~ ~[ol'e I l'~ c~nsl'd ~~g ti~ lI~ua pro~c ~/ d~s~gree I~!sue~ \1~·a~Ab~~~t 1n:1~ls~~~/pPOl~ed warni~gs ~lacDonald's WE "TfIER ha~pens th~ m~rTl3ge.-lI'hifh step·Olot~er ~t~)'inll sh~c. ~!osher I Town~ b~' I SO~IERSET Toi~nsend belongin~ fore~l. .~or r,~~~~Plated. w~l'th ~lcDona1d, uni"I\·-I'~leran lIa~·. e~~rutil'e ul1ion·r~idinl! 5~ serihu~ly I a~d trl~)' I thruu~h 'TlIlES'" ., ,t;'w . • Abbo\t'~ ~flel' ap~ar~ntiy lu~lIe~S, I! • . •, ~ I ' • \.1 t' ~~ ,. World~s Easiest Tuning!. World's Easiest Viewing! I ' ~!" ! ,", i I t. ( \ :tt, iI \ .. . ~ ' \~ '~~"~ . , • MODEl 21KU _ fI ...t 21· TV ....1 All 101.,...1. . .elUilvo f........ flttod .. lIh •... "d end ma.aEln. rack. C!'MtN III uln., Itn' Wain",'• ,I. 'tt. • .. Air 'We invite you to see a total1y new kind of TV _Eye.Conditioned from the inside out, for hour after hour of eODlfortable viewing. There'll 11 new, I!tronger Power Panel working unit (not a conventional chassis) for extra power and longer, trouble. free performance. A new Glare·Guard picture unit wilh Aluminar tube and Eye.Shade filter. New Accurashade circuitry for a deeper, more natural picture. Many, many electronic improvements-stemming from Motorola pioneering and research in exacting ~ color TV. Look over these superb new styles:"'the fine wood finishes and decorato~ colors, in slim, trim consoles and table models. And before you decide on any TV, consider this important :Motorola exclusive •• • MOO!L 21KIO _ Hal'ldlolll' 5·Slor 21· contol •• Exchnive. Power 'anti (ot pr.cillon perfOrMO"", Available In glowl". Walnut, ,tain" Mahogllny MODEL 2AC1 - World', finIl11." ce .. ,,,I.... 1t! "u., with all the Motoliia ••clu.I,. 'Iohlrel. CIH'. Ing Mahogany, fiu Walnut and ~Cld.'1'1 ., IIlowln" Irond. MooEt ~1 K.C2 _ Molorola CUlfo", C.,I" •• E,I' Conditioned 21" «InlOl, with Aluminlu<i wu. Ey, Shad. filter Gnd 'xclu~I ..' p~~n·buftcr. IU."t-t~ In Rlght.Up.Tunlng. AYaiiabl, in Wal ... ;I, MI' hagDl'ly and alond. Moon 2~Kl0 - &ID scr"n .'14" MOlcnel~ TV with •• tlusi .... Ey• ..(ondilionlng. 5,..or" I"':~'" cabln.t In hClndlCun. Blond woodgrain 1~~4'~ Walnul. 'f MODEL 21K37' -: N.W' all·melol ceb' .(1 • • ~ 11' pidur.. Kuned tutol (obin,t is f':': .... ,. ~ I. mod.rn Blond-af 11\ brillianl 'ronu. \. ; ::1t : .:1 . '; ' :':. ! Vrr.w. RADIOS , 1·,1 • • I • • MO.,.OROLA .. U".Frant Tuning. ,5·510r power 'an,l. fin' cabl. nell")' ClVClllabl. III Walnu', Mahogany crnd Blond. • MODEL J6CS _ E.. b'..... 11 101.,...1•••und ctm"ntnll tho. ,..tV'1 thl fintl' 11\ radi•• (I uk and ,leclrlco1 ,at"U mob It a wlf,"· aid ,Ivs Inttr'ahltf - at a VI'" pltalDRt , J1l1te. Malto,any, Whit, and RM, PLAcir Life.time Chassis - never sborts, burns out, jars loose or wears out. • Automatic Volume Control":" reduces station fade and smooths out signal vlriation. • Gblden Voice Sound-cuts out unpleasant highs and toO shrill tones. • Motorola.designedoCircuitry - eliminates annoying distortion. • Thermosetting Plastic Cabinets - a new cabinet material with far better resonant characteristics. • Rich colours Molded.ln - won't wear out, fade out or collect dust. MOCH 2IT2S - fl"" 21" lV •• )'Wh.... Righ'• MODEL 2.n3 _ Malorola 2.. '" TV to fit ~tl' ,.t. Shlf sit. <obin.t .nam.U,d In ~.itly bril. ""_. liant bronz•• MODEL 36CO _ Geldan Voice clock radio I N. __ rlchr cltor.r lOund·,y~t.r.'I has sutle-t. '1IClnan' cobln.t. I"·lln. tunl' conl,ol. wake 'flU "'", .In, yeu to sletp, perk coff~. 'urn on . 0' Iff tV, Of ,adlD, aptJUanct, or IIghfi. MahDiony, Whit, Of Turquoise. MODEl 21126 _ hdttet ~,tced ,5·510r 21- TV . E'y.-(ondltiollirll frolorl!, Alurni"itlll:l p:dyr, Tub.. Sturdy ",.tal cablne' .nam.lI,d In moillern Cha"ool and rich Mahogany. • MODn UX _11.100,. cl...., lOund •.,.,... 1 Now HI.PI ~uIII ••to' T... eo.tr.1I N.w twl. Ooldoll Vol .. _kon, 11O,,'''od ",,,. , MODEl J6A-A Mit••f • "dI ...lth Ih. ml,hty O,hf." VC'llc' IPHk.r Gn' rich., ,INr., sound. PLAc1r lIf.tlM Chonll, AlII'..otic Vol.... e..lrol. Now Md.mll •• ·~ ... I. fICIllc V.lv,... C.ntnl, .ntl ftIIGfty othe, I0I011 ..1. Itotu .... HI·I"poct .....1111 <obi".' I. I0I0''''_1, wlt~ vl.lal, Itld lod ..... tlqu. Whlt.lrl •• AlII I. Mry. ." ~': "'Ptf-l"cnont any Itatlon. powerfully, accurat.ly. Motorola ,LAcl, ChonlJ. of COUfS'. Goldl" Voice radio at a v...y pleasont p,lcI. Coloun - Mo· MOTOROLA CANADA l.TD. h.,any, Whit', aftd Gr..n. M9TOIOIA 11 • roglollrd trod....rIc ••• od by MOTOROlA INC., 1. I'" U.llld $t...... d by MOTOROlA CAHADA lTD., I. eo ••ct.• ho,ony, E""1, Whit., lid .nd 0'.... WORLD'S' , nlW Ntw luper-circle prlChlon tunlnl ••,. mod In, '1JptN"OMIftt Cliblnet. ~Ctl."n - M.. ...... .' . MODEL 56H - 'ruh, cablne, add. d,pth and ,lei',"'" to ",undo LA,RGEST EXCLUSI.VE ELECTJlONICS MANUFACTURER '" .~. I 'AGENTS and DISTRIBUTORS ) , BOW~INGBROTHERS,· LIMITED WHOLESALE DIVISION. :" " JOB STREET .. Takes TraHic Course Report Lynx Plentiful .holl! , The I),nx preying on sheep and farm rei-III' Oil the louth coast hll\'c been si, ·.Iuhn·~ with increasing regularity i:ro I la.1 Irll' weeks. Ihr ' ~linister F. W. Rowe said Friday In . that hl~ department is collecting In· "an attempt to assess the total des· , lynx and to suggest remedies. , ' Sergeant Herbert C. Pippy. of the Newfoundland Constabulary. is prcsently taking a course in exam· ination standards 'for car driver licensing offierrs at the Traffic Institute of Northwestern University Evanston, 111. The course is designed to provide I better type of driving on the streets of, North America and a better safety record. ' ,I ST. JOHN'S,' NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 / Cooperative Societies: . ~ Keough Reports On-R·egional Conference Provincial Government First - History iRoclidale Reviewed Air CONFERENCE STRESSES NEED FOR EDUCATION rian Higgins'Bish~pAbraham Leaves ,For Trinity Bay Re-Elected Is ·d t "',"n'. ....,.,,•E,,",,,...... ,.oW B., Lott,.ht, AS Prest en "'d u •• hno Hon. W. J. Keough, Min· ~ter of Fisheries and Co ""th W•• Coo,, ,,' lb. B,," m •••• I.ho, operatives, has received • '" port from Mr. F. H. FromI' ton, Acting Director of CO opera'ive on tht Abraham hal left the city on an. Regional Conference of Co- ,ho E,~en~on, operative Sod'"'' recent!) ' fridRY morning the annual meeting of the New· other ThI.Episcopal 11m. HI. L""ohI, visitation.wm all !C~;lOlilllll Di\'ision of the Air Cadet·League of Canada wa~ Now Hub'" .., ., T"""', in the Officers Mess, Buckmaster's Field. The Chair· Hnrn D.'~ht .b..... Win •• of the Pro\'incial committee, Mr. Brian Higgins, was m""~ .ho "".m." " C,~ .It." " ,II,,, ". in the chair for the meeting. .ve n.~II" "....,"",,'m.It.... h,ld at Tdnity East. m,'" " .. '''- C,,,..,,"0'''~id"'ff ....... TbU .",' ..' , .. wilb' ... tho ,." ,f vision- of the Department, wheD 'f .'" i" D.· Fieldmen groupef\ themselves into Co-o,."ti" ...... Dlpul)' Ma)'or James D. Higgins. - - - - - - - - - - blhlll or the ~Iayor, who Is regional co-opera· Irom S1. John's, welcomed pairs for conferences the purpose ofof promotin. tive societies in various sectiOI\J IU!SI! 10 Ihe city and wished lilm lucrm in Ihelr meeting. "ISITORS Th•••".. " W.I.. C,U". ... " lb. . llr, Getlr~t Will. national presl· .ri ...... , ..... to rid .. PEPPERRELL .rB-C,\' TUNm·BON.V' ..A ~I Ihc Air Cadet League; Mr. .m ", ..'" " .... pi... ,.. M•. B"'" E..,,,II,, .....oe Th........ Tri. Ro!~. ~cneral manager; ,f th. ....... "''''.. In lb. commodore ~1. Costel\o, Air hl" ••"jftllb., ""Id. ""'., ntxt S••week. , wtll .. ""Ib orr:ttr commanding the Maritime whll St. John's with I ... second arlt. visiting ,he Pepperrell AI current reports thaUhe gov. of the IIrst provincial government S. HefCerton from Ec!ilcatloIi to I rom, lelt to right Dr: pottle, WeI· i area. Mr. N,rtb'"''"''' rcport states: .\ir command; Wing commander f1clallce rink. Col.' Boyer in office;, lare, It .beganco-operal1l'e with a aP-d r willt arrive d Monday I " H ernmeDt WIllIOOD na,mepromlnent six years ago. In the above photo; 11111uniCIPai AffalrSI ' Gen resisned; 1 tUI IL: Curtis, Cfl· Attorney Pre i I proprlate I msof an T 1. Seol'iII. Senior Air Cadet ona OD 0 yMr. aft ernoon or a wo ay, v 51. C Newfoundlanders to fill existing. graph are: Back row, Icft to right, IP. Forsey, from Municipal Affairl era, & n 0 ce, mer . Olliccr; Squadron Leader ,. AA.dHI",... wut b. . ._ .. by M.l •. J,,," \'IcaDelel .. In the provincial cabinet, E. S. Spencer, Public Works, still'• to Health, now resigned; and J. sm,nw,," O ..... , .... Flo· ,,"'.," tw, ".bdUring ••, ....the two 5100 b,..... f...... tl t th' S t ,"'d d I points co\'ered w.l!on. J.iaison Officer of the I wal also a G. Ge Isel, U.S.A., presIdent 0 f the " ,. • ance 0 e ena e, now ccease j I . Air Command; rb'lng of I day's list. There "'m .... F'" p ..... edl B.. " ,.. Aoooio """'. wU' .. ,,'-... I, C. Lob.", p ..,i"". W...."" Fl ..... '..., ' C.· litm Xchon and Loggle, and past .,.... Th........ ,..... II" .., .,....OA .!flo". Th. '" tho ........'" tho ,HH I•• m.., E....""" .....ftd' " M,.....".,. F..,. • .....". 111". 1. Tb. of • ... IlIlident or the League. Mr. Dar· G. COI".1 ,. ""H,, H'W, . . . . . It'th ~!ac~iIIiI'rlY were Introduced II...., ' " M. Brownrigg, IIlrs. Waller and pending developments In the programme to luccessful co-cperaWine commandcr W. P. Pleas· MI ....... M.....,. A ....... Of..... u.i"'I, I'" . " ..... Tb......., "". ofu ...... .,,"'. OW.... • .....' " ... . 'f _ I I " .• ,,' •• AII!f Ihe minutes of the last ~I!tlng were read by .ecretary D. IIlr. Norman E. POUD' for on the .pot ~ulball, Ihe nlnp squadrons' In HII will b'e III'" of ho_ .. • ...., ,"~.h" .. ~ II'p. ~llf,lund.land - Rolary, Lions, Roaring LIDns, Kinsmen, dinner parly in the Officer. Club ' . d th I Gander, Random and [ubonUf-ga\'e reports and 11n· lI(ulCOMMITTEE Jlatemenll. REPORT eaat Air Command Bllel. . phub being placed on the import-, n. C..mH........ H"bH,b'" ....... of .......... th. ,""It .Wd•..,. Th. ofl\cl,> ", ... wilt """.,. wllb • ..... " ..om.. ........' ...'It C. ," .. .., ,.. th.,...... " .....en , ••hI by . . . . . . . . . . . . "",.hI.' V• to dale and the lUll' )Iurray, Minister of Provincial Af. have been offered by the ,overn· to Credit Union lavingl Ind bor· ... • ••" ..i" ""PO ... f.". ,,' ",mb.. fM F""I.., fer wi..", " ....... the IS .. " 1M" AI. CO,. . . ,,,,, .N •I, • D.llri.t d ....... . • • •. R•• .... • n malntainin. ..... ,,,10m"", Th•••1. wilt b. ",II'M' to- .... ......... ,... "'...1 ,,' . .• ,means of ,'" ....... and PWC . Dn ue's' 0ffi,cial Visiting Contm Pepperrell .'ok tb,. ""'~"'.'"...... O\l'~ .11"" ~h ,""... ,'Ii' p~i." c>... i",,"i".... ~tlll .or·' .1._, ~ \1 ,.,,' 1."I.~.d,,,~ IS'."" D. 80\"" I AIf,'''' ,,' Mi. ,.. 1",f...,,,·, ,,,,,.ded ,~"tt.. Compto~'s.showf~nlg 'ay ....,..I.~" 1,,1."" * . '* * * * * * ,~~r~rom, .=... _ : ~s~ t:t~:n~ai1able Tr-I n-I t Y'" H'a's' .Viii 5 -I t Fro,m ~:::n:::a::er~e~~;CU~~:~et!: . "."'." .. Trepassey Fair ~ e;~I~Ycoe:.~ ~ ahf:~: ~ ;:;:! Rev'ere' n"'d L' ester' Garland ~~:Eli:::::n::~e~~~;:ia~:e:: 0 d Yeterdav pene s • •... " .. H.' _ ... Mr.' *' ~W·· ....M' "",....." ...,,'"'" ~. '~II" ~l hfl~,t ~ Te.,.,,,, ••"... ,'\ Great Gr'andson Burgeo F· hery Ready F,or Love "",., ~" ••~ "'.... m." ",,~. Strike Ends ,From AStranger crcatin~ ~ Joyce Anth ony Is F 1· r s' t S pea e rk i ..'" "."th. st... ......... .A. bI . 'ho' '~"d"'ed Bi.h., ."'i.' .~••~i" "ti"". H P e'pperre. II Queen ouse ssem Y IlIIplrilon 19M.brisk ReIhis10fall605haslorbeen 11IIquarlrons are showing In. »II when Ihe official count wal lICe a comiderable number of II. mruil, have joined up, but It liium are yet available. tti, r.' ",•• u"'... ,.... r~ndy",.W" """ III! ' . "' '''' ,...... F,,, ......... """d ,,, n",. S.h.""hI,. .. Ih.. ,,,tltI. . . ., .K.I'" 'II'r pril'ate PI'lot's' license and 1.tinl!, Two \\'02 G. Bishop of ;'. " '" d \"02 , _uBI ,ct ott of .'0, 51\ S(IUadrons who were lor Ihe U.S.A. tour, and • ll;',ed Kingdom r' ftspectlvel", had OIibtinding air cad-t • record.0, tbe Clmmiltee reported. Fou d Sl:iOrr !olden: \\'02 T. Reddy. No. 508 Iqu d t... ron; Sgt. R. Hillier, No. 1112 i Cpl. J. Macgillivray, .'0 514 A A new drill and P. T. course . vi~tor ~.i ane 'e,'" ,............''''' "' ,'" "..,,", """9 cam. ~ 1m,,".',,~' •, tlrord_Sgl, D. \\Iajor, No. 508; SCI. D. Simmons, No. 1110; Cpt. prelented her with • key to Pepr, lIowt, No. :m. and Sgt. T. perrell and assisted her In donning her cercmonial train. Sf! CADETS, P.,e I There were H nominees for the Ladles·ln·Waltlnll will play key folel In the rfre Prevention .Week parades at Pepperrell and In St. John's on Saturday morn\ng. ~'Idron; ,.,. N:'~:'~~':'::" S~. nouneed. 'as Ruth Sheppard at 223 Hamilton Avenue, representing the Motor Vehicle Squadron, and Miss Claudia Skeffington of 25 Barnel Road, representlnJl the Branch B,,'. ...to", Exchange. cot by NC..... the-month TISgl. Alfred Holland.. I I title of Mill Fir. Prevention each representing organ zatofonMiss on the Base. Theanlelectlon Fi P ntl n w • made by' a . re reve 0 a panel Cof EfiveCrane judges Maj eonslstlnJl Uaj W of J "Ed • L •d• Th ,d I I • f• th • Brown, Maj. W. L. Jones and Maj. . auWIIer.announced e ec s"" on Lto'Cole judgel .~ worth and Alrman.of·the.month ::r....... , "' , "!cl.I, ,,' th. . ."Id KoclH, both .f ,'" AI. udels selected to ao to Ab. Police Squadron, crowned her and ~~a~~rs a~~ur~~te~~e~a~: A th I th d ght f n and ony MrI. 5 e au er 0 police55 Sgl. John Anthony who reside at 10 Cork Place. Edu. '" If b ' Cn ca op pencer 0 ege, shee hasa beens employed as a 'Secret· P II I M h 1955 ary at epperre ! n'C:e arc, . Ladles.ln.Walting were an. Her p",'. ." 30, and having In his possession B In the C. of E. Mission of Twli. George Garland He "1·51·ted the d' L d Iingate is now on his WI" back scede of the cooksleys at Glen home toand Bath, England.' Cove. Mrs. Cooksley, dllughter of bott Ie of liquor not bought at the i heIress, Ruth Perki ns, an d they Board of Liquor Control ltores,l move to I cottage In the country. ' Garland.wa" ' hl's w"' ,,,"••, " ,ho ,...., ",,' S...".. Ib" b.g;, b poi" The Rev. Lester' Garland . I· the John Bingle" ""'eat.grandson of John Bingley great aunt who with her husband, an d f'me d $30. th e dashing husband bei ng awe· If e' G"'mI, ". 11m•••mb.. ",,,. Cook,I", • Brttl.. A.." heard before ,"w " ,.bI .... ktlt.... Magistrate O'Nelll Bruce Feather dlrecU the Frank llament for this d'·trl-t and first Officer who saw active service In Speaker In the first House of As· the Indian Mutiny, Jived at Glen yesterday morning. Vosper play. • • sembly In 1832, and who carried Cove for several years until their lve)," Harris. ' on a large eommerclal business house was destroved by fire in A!ter tbe' crowning ceremony here about 150 years ago. 1878. ' Bond presented Miss Fire Pre· Nor was he Interested only In vention wlth.1 cheque for $25.00. Fr. Garland'. visit here was of b h U f th CI III Ad I a sentimental nature. It was his what pertained to his own, but on e a 0 e v an v sory flr.t visit to the scene of the ac· other historic spots as well. On Council. Her Ladles·ln·Walting re• f "."' .. fIo ..... lb. S...I" ct.b. • ••0 .. of ht. I"b .... ,,' .. w.. lb..... Hlghllght,ln" the affair wal the kteenlY Interested. He paid a visit Cabot, Cape Bonavist., and 011 • th ld brl-k hou· on the after Tuesday morning he ,went acrosS WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS music .of the Sky Knights under 0 e 0 ~ oe • th.......f" " WO I.... "'" of . . .",,,1 ,,' .....,. th. bo'_ •• hi....•• Miss Fire Prevention and her dened to see It In Its rapidly de- and sawjhe old guns. Pink or white flannelette with con,trast trim; long ~"1'eadct~. ~l!o'.led MI G,,"'. ,_ ~" S~.nl C.,,,,· ~ ~ Co~. ,.It · "'oe'''' '" ".,., Cha¥ded Stea1Jng • ." .... "h' U.,•• G",,,' I.morelbo'and"riodmore..... tho ....0. In legal terms, I b " '''''~~., ~~g No t Allowed Bat I The accond period of govern· ,Gerald Burden was befOrE ed and charged with drunken driv· with Its eonsumnallon In prohlbl. ment control or aovl!rnment mono the' Magistrate's Court or ing, followingd thehfatalthaccident t k on h lion. Prohibition came to CRnada opol1 has been chanalng with the Topsail Roa , w en e rue e as a wartime measure. During the Introduction of the licensing sy.· Friday morning for . was driving collided with a car [Irst world war, both In Canada .Iem. Today anly Prince i!lto the Anglican- Cathedra' driven by Mr. Thomas Collier. who and Great Britain a great deal of Island and New Brunswick are and stealing a vesper lighl was kllled in, the accident, thought was given to the problem without a licensing system. In r ed In the Magistrate's Court yesof drinking. Lloyd George appoint- other wordl, we might, say that and candle valued at terday morning and was remanded ed a Royal Commission In Great the' trend Is blck to the old paths. centS. The. accused was reo for another 8 days. Britain and we In Canada passed We do not speak today of the manded without bail unti' The men arrested for breaking .:.., ..... r ........, • "''' .. peoblblUo, b •• _ .... It . . . .'",. th. . . . Qclober 17th al 10.30.8.m •••• L."_' tha.ndcd un· As!oeiarr for the Intercollegiate Iy first world war thesq parlour 111 a modern counterpart Inspec. tor Kin" obJ' ected t( ttwlloTwueeSedkaS"a,go°fttwober.er r1eSm Altoh on for Study of tbe emergency laws. were rescinded" of the old bar·room. In the pres· eo ' e II 01 problem. and the problem was alven over ent slluatlon \\'e' find that tbe bail'1ls further time is need· A. yount man, who pleaded .Llnton told the aatherlnR to the Provinces. One by one'the problem 15 much greater Ihan It ed to investigate the case, a! guilty to, passing a worthless, !rob lie can dIvide the alcohol provinces discarded prohibition wu' In the period. TIlls is a valuable Memorial windov. cheque With to defra\ld, In the history of Canada a.nd accepted I new concept. gov· true b,ecauseof the opening up of was remanded until Tuesday for l'll lwo general periods. First ernment control. Thil was first communications. the ilevelopment of the Cathedral has als( sentence. Ball was refused because! \orlrrlod that led up to .the Ill'troduced Into the province of of technoklgy. the loS! of moral been broken. of the long police record of the I war and partlydurln. lL 'Quebec and one by one the other See Pa,e'l Patrick Harding, who was arrest· accused. .• Itros~'1 a Itl~ddit!on ~/ ~to It~ t~e breakin~ Edwar~ afte~·the ~ppear· l~ ".m ~ earll~ TEMPERANC~I sleeves .... ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.............. ·.... ·.......... ;·1.45 r .eo. SI~ .boo' Inten~ ,I FLANNELEnl GIRL'S PYJAMAS PYJAMAS In women's sizes. Warm pink or blue flannel. ette. 8utton.u p coat with small collar. Fleecy cotton and rayon blend. Snug fitting cuffs. Colors red, blue, canary• ONLY ONLY I 1.45. I , , ,I'· " L.i ,\11" ' "\) I i: i, ! ~ I \..: L I " I' ~ ': i ', ,;' "I:, Actl~g ISCUSS t ' f d' I I db W J • Ma her, Co-cperaUve F'leIdman a.tached to Headquarters Stafl. •. • F• Ir. . .d ..... h'b't' I I Ions' IS • means 0 f furth er . - " ' "and, ......... , ... troduced led by Fie IIIU .... • Id C IiiIe ....,OUGB,ag' P I ~-.... ~ 'CO·SY BEDTIME WEAR F,,' ••,' Hold Annual Mr' ,Twelve Cents I~ retary of the Canadian Tem. Toronto; On. ..no I IFederation, S drts' I n I. John's and has ad. Ib !ed the annual meeting of r e Newfoundland Temperance rederit!on which was held at Restaurant on Thursday II enlne It 7 o'clock. Mr. Linton, to hll duties al Gen t Secretary of the Canadian ,,~ u~ ~~peral1c.e Federatioh: ~~nce.' ~ -1 " ,0" ...eo c......... """,,,. ,,,I. " • I •• ...... •• Th..... of .~" .., ".., !i woos an .mamesfr.ma young ... on H.', th. c...."n....."m,,'_ on a OPIC or on e y . . port Squad,on w"' "owned Miss Fin p""",tioo at at TeOuly and DHnfield. ..,m, .b". H••,,' " th....'" _m th....... Ch"I.. Pepperrell last eveDing by Base Commander Col G. S hth.. t... ,.. of SI. Ch=h ", .. w lb. A' Am"'", .. m.., ..... .b.... M Bond. ....'" "".th., bo........ p'"'' bo.k ., bi...." •••, with del..... s.pI. .,,11, .m", ,,< " ' i i,:;" . (- ' among and closer eo-operaho coIn a broadcast notice last night,; "Love From A Stranger," the Iloperatives through education Rurgeo Fisheries Limited advised SI. John's Players suspense drama, federation lor Increa5ed regional th'" " .., .. R,m" wilt '0 f" F.Dd sume full·tlme operations this i lorium ncxt Thesday and Wednes· \ 4. History, philosophy and Prin·n morning. i day, may find opening night, ciples of Rochdale co-cperatio The plant was closed down for i tickets sold out today. I were covered by means of the two • a short period due to labour dif· \ Dress rehelfrsals begin tonight. films "Men of Rochdale" and TRINITY (Spedal)-Th. Rev. Lome. G"land was a"""" , - whl'b tim. th. Tb. A",.. cbri.U...... ,b, "Om" T........., .."Iem.... J oy.. to Tdnity during the week. He on Fdday M,,'d ,,' .. "by d.. .. " ,...."1..... Sup. left again on Tuesday. He assisted the Rector on SundaJ Grand Banka wert diverted to! wife, Ruth Perkins-both former· G. methods co-operationRegistrar led by W. other port I. • !lY of the London Theatre Company Dawe,ofthe of Comma~d on' ctob PEPPERRELL AIR FORCE BASE--Mls. Flying Club, and the results Anthony representing the Northeast Air 1 rlillincllve Improvement ! .,...U" ,.......... 11 ",U" ...,ht. , . . . . . . ~ \ "i" _ ••, ••" ft.'''''' " .1 ~ . t t ,!I - The Daily ,News .. , , " , i . . it 1 • ,( .' " In, The News like to have assurance from the Division I of Child Welfare that these conditions are being satisfied in tI)e case of the more than 500 children now lodged at public ~xpense' in foster homes. ' : II By Wayfarer EQUALIZATION NOT justment between one province EQUALITY and another accordIng to need or I What was put before the provo relative wealth. The formula used I inccs by the Prime Minister at tll.e to work out each province's share I recent Domlnlon·Provlnclal Con·, of the samc, all the way through. , It seems tIlat the member for the, ference was a choicc betwcen' two: Primarily the sums are worked fedei'al riding of Bonavista - Twillingate ' methods and one result. Mr. Small· Iout as a percentage of the gross attaches so much importance to the meet- Iwood has called the conference In· ! natio~1 product and a fixed sum ing in St. John's of the Royal Commission I co~clusive although he has since ~ p,e~ head 01 the. population, With on Canada's economv that he intends to IsaId he was satisfied 1V~th It. But I ~ISIng gross nabonal product and t-o' . f tI . " on the tax question. ~Ith the at· Increasing population the pay· ". .:. I b C pi esent or le occaSlon. ,~itude of Mr; St. Laurent what it ,ments go up~ A d~cline in either ' ! It is an important event. In fact, the IS, what was there to conclude? lor both would bring payments , Government has enO'a!Ted the se1'vices of' Merely whether the provinces pre· i down b.ut they ca~not fall below : 1 C ld 1 /"I '" . ' I [erred to get the same amount, a certaIn' IrredUCIble minimum. Member Audit Bureau of Mr. ~a~' 0 en }e~g to prepare Its mam !of revenue [rom a tax renlal agree· ~ But the main point is that eaeh ClrcwaUoQJ submiSSion. And If iliflre has becn a: ment or (rom the imposition of' signatory provinces has Ils shire realistic analysis of Newfoundland's econ- I their own direct taxes, I calculated on exactly the 81m~ DAILY SUBSCRII'TION UTEII. omy, it will be foun.d tIlat it has enough , , • •• , Ibasis, That meal\5 that no special :~~ . Calida ............... 8,00 per IDDum unsure props to ~Ive some cause for All the (Ine talk, of equa!lzntlon ,benefits are conferred upon the , UDi(ed ICIn,dum Irld aU I anxiety. pa/ments was mere w1ndow dress· i have·not provinces, "orel~ count:rlet •.. 112,00 ptr annulD Ing. What was meant by equaliza.\ • • " _~::::::::::::::::-__"'_.:__.:__.,:____ . Mr. Smallwood ~ave an example of tion? Simply that some provinces What many thought would be SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 one of these when he talked to the might get less from Imposing theIr' the case when Mr. St. Laurent {~: Dominion _ Provincial Conference last own taxes thlan by retaining the flh'rat mhenlioned equallzatlon was week. This is an -extract from a Montreal present renta agre?ments. Equal. t. at t e needs of the, poorer prof h' h Izallon means makmg good the vmces would be exammed and ad· Star report 0 IS specc : difference. That and nothing dltional payments ovcr and above .. 'bl t d th 1d "He told conference de1c~atcs that more. \' those produced by the specIal tax · It IS unpossl e 0 rca e co I 8 000 t 10000 N f dl d I ••• rental formuia would be made ~tatistics of the official report on the, ' I d ' ew 1~n a ~rs ~c Just to make it absolutely clear, This would have been an enlight: Division of Child Welfare for 1954 -55; emp ?ye at U.S. ~lltary T ases III t le Ilet us think of It in terms, of; ened policy. It,would have meant wi*otlt wOllderill~ about the tra~ic back- : prov111cc-lftld that If the ~ '.S, e.ver gave, actual figures. New~oundland this ,tha~ additional funds woul~ be ~rolll\ds of the children who have become i lip the b~ses, $20 t,o $30 n111ho11 ~n anlllla~ 1 year will, get $14 mIllion or there· Ial·all.able to build up the ,ecowards of the state. There wcre 557 such: r~v.enue could dl v up and d,sappea~, about! flOm th~ rental arrange· nomles 01 the poorer provmces .Id . tl c . 1 ' . cl 11115 emplovmenl plus the federal puhhc mcn!. By Imposmg her own taxcs. i and make them that much bett~r ('1'IJ r{'n vear . and the C.N. • R. were good'but,S 'I1e mIg . ht CD II cc t no more t h it · uIthe 'd . proy· 'h l.d 111 Ie.'1 d WII cr 'revlcw . ..an, scr\'lce an cus omm m ustrlal' , t ey (I nol mc u e t lOSe m tramln~ i I I. b 'ld d • 'I ; $6 million, So, out 01 the equaliza. I inces, , schools for dclinquents and the infants ; llev (..0 not ,U1 a soun econom~" ,le , lion fund. Ottawa would pay New· I " " • home at Waterford Hall. : noted. fou,ndland. $8 million" No matter In the last analysis. it seems that , TI . d' I· . f d d . I That is nerfcctlv true In fact wcre' whlcb chOlcc the provinces accept. ; whole purpose 01 the conference I1S !Tuarh lans .t' ' Ottawa does not Int en d t0 pay !. . I1p IS oun.. e In an II WOT lcl uneasmess to ' b e 'suddenly al' Iaved' I lias I0 mee t th e d eman dS 0 f Que· . h'" Act Wh IC aut onzes the 5tate to assume 'I d A . t b . . d d I them any more than th~y are get· bec for the right to the assertion the role of parent in the case of children; an menca 0 ecTome economv mm e., i ling now, 10f its own autonomy in its own under a specified age where the natural the effc:ct o~ tIle Newfoundland ~mplo)-I • • " way, Quebec has always had the parents have failed in tIleir parental ment sltuabon might well be serIOus. . Bl~t that is not "4b at the poo~er ,right t? im~ose. Its o~n direct I')bli~ations," . There is another thinl1 that few seem I provinces want, They say, qUIte Itaxes SInce It dl~ not sl,n a tax . h ' I b'':' . rlghtl~·, that federalism should agreement. But It also wants to : Separation from the parent~ may be to rea]Ize, T at. IS t le I~ tu~novcr m mean cquallty of opportunity. make the fuil lax deductible from .. . t Th. PAl1.Y NKWS I. I lDornlna paper eatabUahed III IIIIK, ana publllhid at tbl 1':1.. B'11dina. &3MI' Duckwortb Street. SI. Jobn'l, Newfoundland. bJ RoblrllOrI • ComPlIl1, Limited. r EMBII '0' THB CANADIAN PRBSS TbI Canadian !'rea Is exclullvc.Jy en· Ulled tu th. Ull for repubUcatlon 01 a!l ..... da.patc"b In' till. paper credited to \I IIr to The A"\lclated Pr,u or Reute" ud allO lh. local new. pullillbed therein ,\II Prell lervici and feature anl~JtI ID UI1I paper are COpyript aDd their repro 4uetlon .. ~roblblted. Authurlzed al •.cond ela.. min POll OWel Departmllllt, Ottaw•. -I for a proper home at1nosphere, tIlat they are well fed and well trained. Woe should The Unsure Props • ' .. .,, W d Of The St t ar s ae . 0 b I Ill";, I I I '" i,. AT AY'RE'S BOYS' DEP~ARTMENT : brief. Sometimes it is due to illness in the labour on certam kinds of proJects, par- They contend that the concentra· federal taxes. It was over this that home which prevents the children from ticular]y lo~gin~. It is probable that tlon of great wealth in the cen· last year's controversy grew. Mr . . receiving proper care Sometimes it re- thousands of people would lose an oppor- tral Industrial proYinces should I Abbott was against this concession. : It f th I t ' f' h'ldr b th' tunity to earn seasonal income if those not give their citizens a better But Mr, SI. Laurent was In favour SU S rom e neg ec 0 c 1 en y elr wh 0 ~o JIlto • I. Ioggm~ . camps went WI·th 5tatus an d grea ter socIaI and 01 It. 0 nce Abb0tt wen,t Dup IessII tlle parents. But th e fact is that, whatever ilie th t • t' t t ·th th • b economic opportunltles than those got what he wanted That put ber e 10 who bve ' In the smaller provl.s. In a prIVIleged . . • cause, more th an 500 ch I'ldren are ward s e 'e 1 . ermJlla f' .Ion h d 0 ' 5 ay WI positlon and the of the state and many of them have to be unb It was 11115 e . Tiley point out that much of~he purpose of the conference was to .,laced in foster homes. There were more No appraisal of the present and wealth of the Industrial provi,nces regularize this by allowing other than 300 of these foster homes in 1954-55. future economy of this province can af- Is derived Irom the t~ade they do pro~l~ces to excrcis~ the same op. f d t' th d . I t ' tl wlM! the poorer provinces. They tlon If they so deSlfcd. The fact 'Not too much is said in the Report or 0 19?Ore. e, tln~~rs. m leren In Ie can prove that Ontario and Que. that this would throw the whole about the inspection of these homes and present situabon. And It IS clear ~at we bec get credit In O~tawa·s·. book· domlnion·provincial fiscal arrangethe measure of constant supervisory re- have two problems to solve. One IS how keeping for taxes which are actual: ment Into confusion seemed to be sponsibility that can be maintained by a convert present insecure employment Iy collccte~ from consumers In of antal!. conc~rn compared with Division of the Welfate Departm nt mto permanent employment. The other other provlI1ccs. I the determination of the federal .h d . f . . be~ is how to provide for the substantial an• • • ,government to placate Qucbec for WhlC a mlts rom tame to tune to mg I. . tb k' f Now the present tax rental polilicijl reasons On this point understaffed. l\'lost of the foster parents, nua mCl'case m e WOI' 'mg orcc. Rgre~ments make no allowance for! there was nothi~g at all incon: it is assumed, are persuaded to take in These are not problems to be solved Ithpsc things, There is no ad· I elusive about this conference, children as a source of profit. Most of by hit-or-miss methods. They have to be I ' them t,nay be. kindness itself. Othe.rs may the s\lbi~ct of intensive, comprehensive I be neither kmd nor understandm));. It and pCrslstent study as the basis for sound I ,follows, therefore. that the state as a planning. The facts should go before the 1 ~uar~ian must assume t.he obl.iga.tion of I Cordon. Commissi?n bu~ they must also By W. N. EWER the reunification oC Germany at makm~ s~lre that the chtldren In lts care be considered ~1l lmmedlate and pressing I The fact that all four Foreign present or on the basis of free ele· are happily lodged. Whether. however, problem of 'the Newfound]and Govern- ·1Iflnlsters were In New York (or cllons; this apparently and osten· the Division's staff is physically capable ment. the opening days of the ICSsion slbly because thC,y believe-with oC the U.N. Asscmbly gave op· good reason-that a democratical· of this kiud of supervision over ch;lclren in more tIl an 300 homes may well be ----por!unlty ~or B sort of prelude to Iy reunite~ Germany would doubted the Ill' meetmg In Geneva near the choose to Join N.A.T.O. Ind the " end. of this mouth. The four were western community; and because The duration of a child's stay in able to agree on technical arrange they believe-without good reafoster home is deten.nined bv a number ments and to agree that they son-that this Ylould endanger the It. £ would probabl~' to able to carry safety of the Soviet Union and d f £ f Ih conchitionS in ulell"h' formher on their talks for about three expose It to a renewal of "Ger· actors. o ome atmosp ere ange enoug or t e FOR A LOST CAUSE weeks. man aggression," h better, they can be returned to the care (St. Louis Post·Dlspatch) More Important stlJl is the fact , of their natural narents. But· if this is not It Is perhaps t00 mueh t0 expec t a mac hi ne- thnt But these are fears.factors even though t' I the l\li IthreE t 1\'"Western" II For, •. groundless whlch ossible, they nresumably remain in mad world to heed our appeals In favor of the eMacMillan gn n s and er'l-I\f.r.Pinay-found Du es, l\.r, have to be' respected. So the sec· b P foster homes unti thev have reached an utton against the zipper. The Arkansas musselshell tl I I . I and concern of the Western Pow· rll I sillners may occasion,Uy lew I big button on mi· lemsc ves n practical y com· age w h en t1le state WI no onger pay Ind 5t b bl I d d t i f d plete agu-eement on the proposals era Is to devise some system of • b oard an d th ey must ~o out mto . he I lady's u. rygown pro strictly a y s foroome excep The nRO ar u e· :which they . will put forward at guarantees-some farm 0 f Us eeu· ell" t decoratlon argument th ,world and earn their own )jvin~. And that the lipper create5 the svelte line hal Induced IGene\'a on the twin problems of rity part" which would remove : unless they have formed a close attach- tailors to sew It In wherever the button Is funcllonal, German r~lIIl1ficatlon and Euro· t1lese RussIan fears. : ment with their foster parents, they are We bow to this "anity-but not without warning. ,pean securIty; Ilnd that lIerr Von 'fhe form of the pact which Mr, , I ft ho I ' d · tr . I I' It Is of the pride that goeth b~fore a fall Button' IBrentano the Wf'8t German FOif' Molotov proposed In Berlln In ~ me ess an 111 aglc one mess. were not perfect. Laundries could crack tbem; bui ei,n MInIster. who was also, In February of last year. and which This aspect of tIle welfare problem I:enerally one broken button Wal not tatal. But New York. Is in full accord with Maorshal Bulganln advocated in is not discussed in the Report. Does iliat ZIppers, too. are subject to vicissitudes-more than thcm, Geneva In July, Is unacceptable. mean that it receives no consideration? we like to think of. And when a zipper. Is stuck, or "NO "CUT·AND·DRIED" PLAN That primarily for two reasons. th h ff of! the track or otherwise out of serVIce, there Is First. because it appears to post· , Does e state ave a saw-o point at no companion to take over Its duty. There will have to be further pone German reunification more . which its responsibilities towards its -:0:discussion on the details. And It or less Indeflnitely and to be baswards abruptly ceases? Or is there a goes without sayIng that the de· ed on the acceptance of the con· follow up plan which makes sure that tails. even the mnJor details, are cept of "two Gf'rmanies." Second, those who leave foster homes because ilie' 'elastic and open for adjustment. because it· env!sa~-Indeed de· state no lODger pays their board do not l' Thro'e Is no-cut·and.r\rled plan mands-the liquidation of the fall on evil thnes? , By EARL L. DOUGLASS that will be put to Mr. Molotov N,A.T,O. defence system. Neither In any "take it or Ie aYe U" spIrit. can be accepted, Gennan reunion ;. Oft a statutory basis we are lre~ But the maln·llnes·on which the Is felt to be essential for any '. well advanced in it.e field of chil we _ RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNSEEN Western Powers think that settlements. w ment should be possible aresettle· now stable European f L t P ~. fare. It may be wondered, however,'hEvery trulyI rellgloUi person believe. that Gagreed. od' N.A.T.O,. r. It.e5Iserin the earaOn id If of Canada 811 has1\ put pre, whether the state might not do better to u revea e H mle to man. Those who hold to The), start from thl! premise sent circumstances "not negDtl· the Christian, maintain that God has revealed him· th t th IfI I f G sub sldize to1untary org-anlzat!ons .to take lelf throuft" e reun cat on 0 for ermany ... the Bible. In thue holy books, God'. II aabloulutely essential the able." care 0 f the .,Iacemen t and supervlsIon 0 f • cbaraeter and purpose have been made known to dill f WESTERN PROPOSALS children in foster homes, The tendenc hi. children. . peace, security stab ty re0 • What then can be dom? What Europe. So long an as Germany , in an overwork ed b ureaucracy is to thin But did revelation cease when the last word of mains dIvided the divisions wl11 can be offered In Its placel The j too much in terms of cases •rather than tho Bible' was written? Did God disclose his pur. be tn Itself the cause of tension Western Powers believe that their · human emotions. " pOle. up to that tlme and then cease to do so? No and of potential danger; security proposals would fully. true believer entertains luch a view for minute. Secondly. they hold, as they meet Russian refrs of I united , We are not suggestinp; that this is We all believe that God Is continuing his revelaUon. must hold. that reunion of Ger· Gennany. They propose that, af· the case in Newfoundland. But ilie to everyone of us. The Bible Is God's public rev. many must be broullht about.ln ter simultaneous acceptance of , dan~er exists, And the more tIle work laUon. There Is I social revelation of his purposes a democratic manner by free, all· the prlnclpltr,of the security pact ;.~il,es Up, the greater the likelihod that which He makes throulb the Church. There 11 I German eJections; and that unit, and of the plan for German reo ' · it.. f th h I at d [Invite revelation whleb Be con.tanU, makes to ed Germany must tq as free as unification the various atagel of we importance 0 e psyc 0 ogie an us u individuals, The Spirit of the Lord, II It Is any other sovelelllll state to de- the lecurlty pact .would become emotional needs of wards of the state may- called In the Old Teltament, or the Holy Spirit.. tennlne Its own foreign poliey effective progrellively wltb the · become ,subordinated to the· "hysical It II mOlt often referred to In the New Testamellt, and Its own external relationships. various phases of the plan for · problem of putting them out to board. is God'. wisdom and power opmUnll among men SOVII!T FI!¥S Gennan reunlClcation. Thus w'hen , rIght now dllclollnll that will of God, Int"erpretlnll the operation Is completed, I : .Jttls J paramount obligation of the llis purpose, reveaUnll the depth of that wisdom Every one 01 those theses. it united Gennany will have come ,: state towards its wards, in -foster homes whleh I. set fo~ In the Word of God Itlelf. may be noted hve at !\pe time or Into beIng and. conditional .upon : t6at constant care be taken to make sure ,A public reln.Uoll, a social rtvelatlon, and an an~ther b~en accepted bl the Rus· this event. a European lecurlty : th th· ch I'~ h I d d Individual re~.lltlon-the Bible, the Church, and Hans, ,13ut at the "Summit" meet, : at e i aren are appi ysltu~te an the quiet communion of the spirit of man with the Iing ill Geneva, In July It bec~m~ part with an ,dequate guarantee '~. ~dly treated, ~at.' their foster' P':r~nts Spirit, of God. All this makes up our rtlaUoJiship l>clear that the Soviet leaders are to the Russians will become oper· "~ 1I&ly the hun~er of YOUD* children ,with ~. \IlIIMII. " more thin reluctant to a,ree to alive . CORDUROY WINDBREAKERS MADE FOR WARMTH heavy quilted linings, knitted collars and cuffs. button fronts and in sizes 24·36. REG. 13.50 SAFARI JAC-KETS !O "PrelUde To Ge,neva" " .95 Handsome two·tone Windbreakers with extra ~ length jackels tailored of gabardine with .95 warm quilted linings, .. patch pockets and ";'0 slash pockets, full belt and bullon front. In colours wine and blue, Sizes 24·36. REG, 20.95 a What Others Are Saym"g I Stllength' For To-day ·EXTRA SPECIAL! MEN'S ENGLISH ALL WOOL ANKLE SOCKS In a ,'lIect range of fancy patterns and colours. All sizes, RIG. 1.65 c REG. 2.85 .98 p k PAIR PA]R a ..... .. "Or Major C. W. . Burln·Burgeo), "city last night , tenslve tour of his Major Carter litUe damage res~lltei cane lone In the though there was age at· North HarhllIl Cove, Where roads a destro)'ed and a tDdlish lost. lie expected to again on Tucsday centia Bay section fi"'~h" ..t •• with i traffic 10Q hYe tlhm It EDGEWORTH HOLIDAY Sr.,JOHN'S, N6WTO(INDI. ANA ~~~I~~~N~EW~S~,~~TU_I_D_AY_,_O_CT_0I__ER_l_5_,l_9_55ri____-.___. zway•••_r CADETS ..____________________________----------------~----------------~6------------- ~.r ......... Tempera~ce ~mplete PlaJls ROMANCE KEOUGH IPonslble Government, It Is expect· ed to be completed early next For FonntalD · PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND THE BANKRUPTCY ACT . IN THE MATTER OF THe BANKRUPTCY OF MERCER and GREEN, LIMITED (ConUnued from page I) (Continued from page 1) ontlnued from page 3) Ledwell, who hal'been clolely I .. wben he and his former wlfa were Notice is hereby given that Marcer and Green Limited, Whole(C No. 814 SqUldrOIll(Contlnned from 'pale 3\ soclated with lUeh projectl on the .divorted In 1952. PI . for the illuminated foun· salers and Jobbers. ClarenviIlc, Newfoundland, made an ... signmenton tllc 30th day ot September 1955; and that the ost enthullastlc about the Southern Shore, MBT The~ mURSDAY couple met, Thursday night taln ans which the government Is 1 11\ d Ita value II apparent In imperatives and the growth of ..., u. ,.,taII a first meeting of credilors will be Jleld on the .20th day 01 at Clarence Hpule for-so far as erecting in the grounds' In front I tourst In, nt In the cadets. ten.ion in buman lives. Some may October 1955 at 3:30 o'clock P.M at the office of J. Alex CHIt'tSLt:R .AIRTEMP the '"public knows-the first time In of the Colonial Building have now I Ihr l.pro~:~ER CAMPS IIY that prohibition did not solve BANQUET Winter, Q.C., the otficiol Reeclvcr, at the courthouse, In the GAS OR OIL.fIRt:O cily of SI. John's, in the provinc~ of NeWfoundland. :undred and three cadets' the problem IS. we got rid of It . The conference concluded' 011 more than two years. That meeting been completed by CMIC and work I . fURNACE NoW I set off an explosion of bil type in on the construction Is ex.pected' Daled at St. John's Ihis 1st day of October, 1958. , wd ·s.. u. fll'O h IIImmer campI this but neither Is the present method Id I h' lth b t W. A. CRANE, Trustee elal lht Cr. ••• London newapapers. to begin In the near future Illended t elnwood, N.S" compared solvin, the problem. The alcohol Fr ay n I • w a anque IpOnt Gre I lored by Eurekl Conlumer' Co- ~'Now: The nation wBits"-"Prln· On of several fountains'lo be . P.O. Bolt 571. 295 Water Street. st. Jobn'., Nftd. yllf I h ndred and IIv.nty. problem II stili with us. It II n· operative Socle'" Limited It which cess-Eden to see the Quecn"(Address of Trw;tee) e, . fiilh on. u The committe. re- teresting tod 10 1Irf' lilt )'ear. d th backt ta few . tilyears[the wives of tbe..., members, most of "Eden to aee the Queen on Tues. aet up to mark the IOOth anm· versary IIf the founding of ReI d d that every poulble ef· an rerea e a a emen 0 wbom are membera themlelvel, day," were the headUnes.· toJl\lIIen e d to eDJure thlt the those who alncerely wanted to let I dId Several paperl dug out old pic· f~ entbe percen. mil ta •• of .'deb going rid of prohibition, they said: "It served a dellghtfu meat an .1 a turtl of Margaret and Townsend, EQUIPMENT COMPANY .. Ith b tl I " tea. Attending tbe banquet 15 "Thank you." some Ihowing them together In the plfluJllm ca mp from each Iquad- will do away w 00 egg ng, RAE ! t b th bll d special luests were ev. • . Division or STEERS LTD. As he drove off, newspa~r men erIntained becaul. of the lilt will d 10 I 0 Iway w e n Bennett, Dr. Ind Mrs. Fitzgerald, darl after the wlr. made a wild dash to their cars to cor. Prescott and Bond sts. Queen Elizabeth WIS at lhl· pursue him. But a policeman held 10ft be ml f tbl; pllale of cadet pll" and they laid further that "-. Thol. Rex, Principal of the Dial 4108 st. Jobn'l PART TIME or FUll TIME moral Castle In Scotland, the Duke impo~tance 0 they dId not want to reintroduce I1U tralnl.' h I d th t [ drl k achool at Port Rex ton, Mrs. Rex of Edinburlh WIIS in Denmark, and up his hands and halted the! proces· oell,lm Men required in this town to deliver ~ing Crosby's ANNUAL INSPECTION tela oon an e ype 0 n • and other members of the teaching Prime Minister Eden was at his slon while Townsend made his get· away In the traf1ic. ' . • Commander Pleasanee, ing that was 10 prevalent before staff and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon country cotta Ie in Wiltshire. new men's stretch hose, Iddies' nylon stockings and 'lilt t d all squadronl for prohibition, but let us look at the Andrewi. Mr: Andrew. is Principal All wl\l be in London by Tues· Tempo smallwares to stores and collect money. No CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE who IllIIr~tlOn reported tbat present Icene. Have these Idella of the achool at Trinity East. Mall- day nllht, when Eden is to meet selling require~, you carry a small stock and keep lI\aua drnl n .bo;ed I b1lh .tand. been realized? I am afraid. one ter of ceremonies for the evenlDI with the Queen. They may talk ~. makes the clothes Ill..,.a 0' . hal to lay no. In the United the stores supplied. An investment of $99B is reo lbout Marglret and Townsend. ard of eIliclency, Ind be wa. quite states It was reported ll!t ytar wal veteran co-operatQr and palt NemuNG DEFINrrE quired. Fully guaranteed sales, exchange or re. p)tUId with the IDiPection. by the dlstllllni Industry· that president Reuben Lalte. Some announcement endinll the purchase of unsaleable stock, or all stock if not Th' MaclllIlvray Efficiency lIlegal stills were produc1nl as Durlng the evening toalts to the speculation eould come after this tropb)', a"arded to the best Iquad· much alcoholic beverages as were Queen, the pestll, the ladlel and audience. On the other hand, noth· satisfied. Guaranteed immediate and steady in· New , . address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST. roD In Newfoundland, WII won the legal Itllls We believe this Eureka Consumera Co.operatlve ing definite may be forthcoming come with increases. Write giving your telep'hone 1hlS ,elf by No. &08, "Caribou" to be an exall~ratlon but even If Society were honored. Films were until the opening of Parliament a number, address and two references to JqUidroJl. Three Iquadroni were half of It were true It would In. shown and there were longa and week from TUesday. \lIb. JUnnlng and there wal only dlcate that the problem today Is recitations by· MeurL Brown and When Townsend pushed his way BOX 43 c/o THE DAILY NEWS the crowds surrounding the I diIlerence of 74 polntl of a RO.. far greater than It waa before pro- Fifield, and Fleldman C. Ledwell through entrance to the fashionable London IIbl! 2000 between the first Ind hlbltlon '\ ne of the membera of and Harry Plrsons. Speaker for house where he had stayed Iince ~. No. &89, "Carbonear" Iquad· the Br~cken commission recently the occasion "II r. H. Compton, Wednesday, reporters asked him If raa put on an outatandlnl per- reporting in a minorlt)' opinion Acting Director of Co-operltlve he had a"thlng to say about the foIIIJllet for the flrlt year, and In Winnipeg denounced the beer Extension, who took II his topic reported romance. !«tifed a .• peclal commendation parlourS In very Itrong language. "Co-operatlvI Education, who, how He replied: "I am sorry, I can· /rOil !darilime Air Command. We find that many drinking peo- and why.". Mr. Compton pointed not yet." Policemen c 1 ear e d the way Tribul. was raid to the work of pIe across Canada abbor thla form out that there were many types of through the 2OO·strong crOWd. An AT THE fie llulSell and F/L Butler, wbo of drinking. Thus we I.e that all education and the kind he wlahed old woman patted Townsend oil the wul lorced to reslan becaule of the feeling that was manifest to talk about might be mort apo arm and whispered "Good luck, plusurt or c!\'llIan duties. They against the bar.room in the earlier propriately labelled enlightenment. sir." MT. pven freely of their tim. period il now expresslnll itself However, rel.rdle.. of the type, He smiled to her and quietly said sad tnerl)' for Air Cadet work Igalnlt the beer parlour; in other the procels of education WII I .' sad hal.. contributed wuch to the word., the old l!tuatlon has come procell of creating favourable atidllDeement of AIr Cadell in allvI Igaln. tltudea towards learning which, 10 Sewfoundland, the report laid. Today we find drinking drlvlnll often in adult edUcation especilltiC Runell has consented to join I problem that our forefathera Iy, meant replaclll, wrong and de Eucu\lle Committee. The lPO knew very little about. We have, mistaken imprellions Ind unfav. GOOD SHEATHING AND SUB·fLOOR T. & G. ,ointment or Air Cldet Llalsoll too, increased alcoholism, ona of ourable attitudes often built up II At $70.00 per thousand and up. OUictr F/0 Loille war one of tbe Clnada', major health problems. a result of many years' .Imllar o· 10It imporlant "'enls of the year, but we are just beginning to face perlenceL 1M Ih. chairman reported thlt he up to it Ind to try to do lome- The "who" In the title of the eoBJidered tht r /0 ha. don. an tWill about it. The juvenile de-I topic, referred to who Is to be tullleat job. lInquency altuatlon has railed It. reached by thil co-operative ,du. SHAW STREET ............................. ·........ ·.... ·DIAL B0161 Som. of the .quadrons ,have ugl, head in many of our larger caUon and who ill relPonslble for TOPSAIL ROAD.......................................... DIAL BOll B ,,*0 hampered In their operation. eentera and much of this Is due it. Mtlust of lick of accommodation. to drinking among 'u\llnllea or be- ThOle to be relched, Mr. Compo sept24,sat.tues,Sw 1brou,h tbe co.operation of Army CIUI. young folk have come from ton contended, include,1lrat of all, aulhor1tles tbe problem h.. been broken homes where drinking hll the members, and lecondty, non· JII11110lved, and both Arm, and been I major factor. The task members. The non·members in· lil" personnel In Newfoundland ahead of us il a very lerlous Ind clude potential membera and those lill been mOlt co-operaUVI in challena\ng one. Certain laWI wbo mlabt never join. But, he IltIlnl requests for accommodaz pused in t)le early stages of the polntetJ. out, it waa Important tbat lion for squadronL present era should be revised in those In tWI latter catelory be 119 QUEEN'S ROAD .\t the annual meetinl of the the light of many years of ex· reached in order that hOltillty toTorch singer I\OBERTA CARLIN was the sensation of Air cadet Leasue of Canida, which perlence. Local option should be wards the movement be reduced PASSENGER NOTICES the season at the Crystal Palaea last night. She will Brings to you ladies Ihe most wonderful Remnants In IU allended by the Provincial made a part. of all liquor lawl, to a minimum as a result of proper C!aairmaD, Mr. John Ayr" Ind the rehabilitation of the alcoholics understanding. Youth forml an 1m· S.S. BAR HAVEN SOUTH give another show there to·night and her engagement Wool, Suiting, English Poplin, Multkolours flannelette ct.aifman of the .ponlorlnl com. must receIve ,ubstantlal funds portant part ofothe potential mem·1 COAST SERVICE SAILING at the popular night club runs until Oetcber 24th. and many others. All in smashing prices. liltee, Mr. W. J. HOUle, },[esarL from the lovernment which wm bert Ind .hould be reached not 5 p.m. ROBERTA CARLIN coma to 51. j<::hn's r;ir:!=t from COME AND SEE! 101m Ayre, r. L. Blair, and B. E. enable us to carry out • more through a radical Indoctrination' . 9r1l3,3i the Bradford Roof in Boston; she's a TV slar and played Billins were appointed National adequate program to meet this but through a famlllariution I I Direelors. Increaslnl difficulty, money must method .Imllar in nature to that Dock coastal Wharf 5 p.m., 10· in the motion picture "When the Lights Go On Again". lIr. Geor,e Rou, ,eneral man. be spent on research, education used to Icqualnt our youth with day, Saturday. ~he's a favourite en:er:ciner at' the CHEZ PAREE in II!r, Air {'adet League, reported lin the .chool and at the commun· other social 11Id/or economic 5.5. KYI.I! NOW SAII.ING 5 p.m, Montreal. Also starred in the Broadway Ploy "Girl ltat Ihe slrength of the Air Cldet t, level Is • Decessit,. These moveml!nts. Women, because of I· Crazy". 1.I1Jue Icross the DomInIon Is and man, other thlnlls must be the ever inereaslng role tbey play S,S. Kyle opcratinlC on Southr CHRIS ANDREWS' ORCHESTRA I;." 10 20,000, the highest num. done If we are goinl to, In any In communlt, aUalra, Ind beeause: Labrador service lCOing as fa. hlr lim war day •. The Iquldrcins measure, meet the severe chal· Ihe, usually direct the .pending of ' '!'lorth u Goose ROBERTA CARUN .. TO·NIGHT •• AT THE III loing he aald Ind the lenge that alcohol IS a bcverage the consumer dollar form another fll'om Dock a p.. CRYSTAL PALACE II!race IA better has presented to our society. We very important to b. reach. today, Satur ay. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL OPERATOR i1diealion Ihl.t the cadels are keen: Bre bappy to Itate that lome of ed by any co-operative educational CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S. t: .The genml fear that Air Cadet these things ue being attempted. programme. ' CORNER BROOK SERVICE! fTel1 'Cfk would Interfere with Ichool In a small, way it Is true, In Although other' .gencies may, AND LEWISPORTE.CORNER dirl nnt materialize, Mr. Ross of CanRela s provlnres. The Cana· for the time being, be assisting In BROOK MON,DAY AI~. and ~chool principals report daln Temperanee Federation hal this work, the responslbi!itv for \ Train leavmg St. John s 8.?O till ooY5 in Ihe Air Cadela hne become reactivated and is receiv· education rested with the Move-· p.m. Monday, Oct. 171h, 1955. '1'111 i!Be beller work than before they Ing the ro·operatlon of the church, ment Itsell and thus every unit for the follow ng jointd up. both Catholic and Protestant. In which is a part of that Movement At J.ewlsporte S.S. Springdale 410 WATER STREET TIle election of offlcera for the recent ~ntervl~wa with Cardinal shares In the responllblllty. for points to Corner Broo)<, ~Illn, I" t k I Leger and Cardinal McGulggan At Corner Brook S.S. Northern ASK FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS Brian H: ar 00 p Ice, and Mr. and the primate of the Anglican ENLIGHTENMENT Ranger for points to St. John's. \ AND CATALOGUE WI! re-elected chair· .-. er IUJnS the Newfoundland Com. Church t In Cana da, we were fllven Mr compton luggested that-tne BAY ROUTI iliad grea encouragement and co-oper. • MON DAY \ . aUon. Provincial temperance or. education me bv s or enlightenment m th thmust i Regular 9 a.m. tra IntAg o r en• oct15,18,20,22 ganlzatlons are now active In all co ,ome eana 0 er an n tla Monday. Oct. 17th, will make ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Il' Ml.lor C. W. Carter, M.P.. (t. the ten provlrices with Newfol\nd. In an,. academic lenae. Classroom copnecUo n with M.V. Burin for I.mll-Burgeo), returned to the land and Manitoba receiving sub- type teaching II not the lolutlon. Bay Route Placentia Bay. alJ lUi night following an ex. stantlal grants from thelF reo Meetings, conferences and ban· CONNECTION WEST RUN I !luive tour of his rldlnll. spect!ve governments. This work quets help. Society aponsored can· WEDNESDAY I, IbjOT Carler reported that ver both at the provincial and fed: tests amt, scholarships Ire also Regular 9 8 m trnin to Argen· • ! be litUe damage resulted from hurri eral level, must be encouraged bmetthtohdS WhtlClh mlgtaht t adopled, tin Wednesday; Oct. 19. 1955. wlll IIDe lone in h and expanded u e mos mpor n method 10 make connection with M.V, Burin lhoulh II t e western aectlon We were giad to note r'.·enll far devised Is the discussion group for West Roule l'laccnlia Bay. lere Harbour wa. extensl\'c ) t CONN·ECTION NOTRE DAME lIt 1\ !'\orlh Rnd dam. . I lint although Ihe Swedish".gov.Y In 5I"") Uu) t \I bS, ur k't I Chen mee· ('Ole, where ruad 1 Gal den 1 ernment hud r~\'ised lis laws reo Ings... 11 IK upon these that Ihe BAY SERVICE MONDAY dl.lroH.' I 5 and.stage~ were, 1I1(1\'lng certain restrictions th'lt movement lI1ust b~lId lis fuunda· I u,"\1 train leaving St .John·s u am a quantlt'. .. seelll 10 be • I'on l ro1ed mem ber~ h'IP 8.31/, "p.m. 1\!unday, Oct. 171h. . WI'II!. IOdfish• lo,t ' or saltcl\ : In many uf U5 nllght .. . A ""'II ft. Ino II ." Ineressnn·. they did also enlarge I~ Ihe greatest· assel any loclety l1Iakc connection al Lewisporle '. lUi" f~Ptclcd 10 lea I'e the city ,Iheir er~nts ol money 'to lempe. call have, a well enlightened pub. wilh I\1.V. Clnl'l'llI'i}le !UI' points' r I! I~ on TUC~d?~' 10 I'isit the Pia. : ance organizations rehabilliallo lie will create the atmosphere In Noire Dame Buy sen~lce. ! ~~cchon of his riding.· Iccntrcs, research at the unlversil~ which any co.operatlve will find THIS MODEL _ , and education for schools and the it easiest and most profitable to community. 11 is hoped that In opera Ie. . "\ Canada Ihe fine example revealed - - - - - - - - - - by the Swedish GOI'ernmcnt will bllily In Ih~ workin' out of the \ '\ be followed and enlarllco:\ lipan social problems of our day. With drunkenness on Ihe I~. ========...:.-...-=~=~======::;;;;; iii crra5C, with Ihe nUJnb~r5 of al· MANY BEAUTIFUL MODELS OF coholics becoming larger each YUf, with the deaths on our high· . WIYS exceeding the deathl In world wars 1 and 2 combined, we dare not sit quleseent but must' be Ilert alld progressive. A. a Christian I 1m my brother'. keeper. Wllh 200,000 Ilco: PRICES RANGING hollcs In Canada, with over 1 000 killed on our highways last year. one can literally say ".Ay brother" blood does cry from the ground." NewfoundlDnd can Intlc· RANGING fROM 'h... rans.. hay. btren fully rebuilt at our Ipate an Increasing problem In litk. traffic cop- BUT the yeara ahead because of In· foundry and carrY a new ~ans' guarantee. IIIhyth h.~.lt ,Ip' tlblCdol creased prosperity and the o~en. 21" 17" Ing lUI of communications. Com· DROP I~ munlcatlons bring In the good and bad. Much of tbe evil that come. AND SEE 'HEM TO·DAY Step in la-day and ~ee yoursel[ In Fall's along with the liquor situation AT OUR WEST END STORI . more feminine shue fn.~hiclIs. EVCl'yt\liog's shall Increase on this Island un· . . . btca\lll they IN the lesl a Iteater effort Is made to prellier und morc flattering In Ihe new AT '-Iy tobaccoa wltb 'be patellted . control by law, to enlIghten by 462 WATER ST. GLAMOUR GIRLS. Sec the newest stylc$, "Wnp:Arol&l\d.~: ...... educitlon; uQless (he avetaRe slim heels and important colors! citizen takea a Ireater responsl· Ge' 1_61 tor Wiater < I STEERS MONEY FOR' YOU _ WM. L CRAFE, Tailor BIG ATTRACTION " II: ,.· I'"'1· tl Crystal Palace To-Night •. :J:; Ii ·I ..'1' ' I,' \' 1 CLEARANCE SALE It 'II · \ !! , :. Il .1 i I ,1 .' 1.' \I 'j .:. , '11'· i.· ·;·1 ' CHESTER DAWE LTD. BUY WELL NewfoUhdland Services so~'~ g~~t ~:~I~e ~r[!~W~roO~ Grow Your SPRING Bouquets! ~lron8 attendan~e mu~h I mo~t ,~\ Plant Imported B~~ ~p~ ~~1 ~oastal' grO~P I DUTCH BULBS! NOW! S~RVtCE ~~~:s~~nnectlon II~ Gaze Seeds Company CQ~NECTION FOR ·1 F A I L 'L , __ BARGAINS IN Fr' ,; \ USED,. RANGES h" " ~Ml~~'~ FROM 35~OO-90100 BE FITTED TO FASHION IN FAIRBANKSuMORSE TV 'I EDGEWORTH has it! . HOLIDAY hal it, too! I LTD. TRASK FOUNDRY ,Ii. M"nuf"clulers of Famou. MAID OF AVALON and REGAL RANGE~ ,. i ., I i I· i, I "I' , i 'l" ." :l.. nct.4,5,6.7.B,IJ.t213.l4.15 i~ I~ I ') ! ',I " '\ ;1 .'\ ! ,Dry' Goods, Remnants, Novelties' I i 1:1 ! :: ,I , , , 'j ij i"~ .1 , '\ \ J " " -: , L'I , i· i:,.~ . I , • -' .- ~----~------------------------- . Irst For Saturday. O,tober 15 RI'l'URNID FROM HOLIDAY lOf Jdr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson, II1II Beatrice Day, St. Clare of 79 Pennywell Road. Aytllue, returned. home recently ' by t.c.A. from Columbia, ,South AT GENERAL carollnl, where abe spent some the many friends of Mr. Eric Bur· t1mt visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. ton, of 54 LeMarchant Road, will W;'Robertion (Jenny). After leav. be sorry to hear that he Is a IDg tbere .he visited Boston and patient at the General Hospital severll cltiel on tbe Canadian as, the result of a motor car ac· Mainland. c1d~nt on Tuesda~, October 11th. LEFT YESTERDAY .,)In. Clrmen Mews. Glenrldge Crescent, lelt bere yesterday by T.e.A. to spend ,a holiday at Mon· Utll with her, Iiller·ln·law, Mrs. H. Gardiner, and with Mr. and IIrI. H. Borland at Toronto. ~ "ASTRO·GUIDE" CHIT-CHAT COLUMN , " TH.E DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, OCT08ER 15,1955 '. sian of their 2Dth wedding annl· versary. They were married at the Presentation Convent. Cathedral Square on October 15th, 1930, by the late Rev. Fr. Flynn. COME BACK CLUB An enthusiastic meeting of the d Ire c tor s of the St. John's Come Back Club was held In the Newfoundland Tuberculosis As· soclatlon rooms at the King George V Institute on Tuesday, October 11th, at 6 p.m. The reports of progress were given and general business was discussed. The come: Back Club plans to hold a Hallowe'en dance on Friday, October 28th, at the B.I.S. club rooms. Members and their friends arc urged to make this party an out. standing success. Future plans of the eiub Includebingo R jumble sale and Ralso mammolll aI _ pry. Present-For You and Yours • • . Take it a5 e~sy 3' possible today, making 'no , 50cial~plan5 if you can avoid it. Young ~oplc present problems under current aspects. Be as constructively helpful as you can, but do not give in just to take the easy way out. People of all ages tend to be oversensitive now; tact is your most valuable weapon. Between Us Women , CONGRATULATIONS By RuTH !llILLETT Mr. and Mrs. Colin Pike. Portu· I ' . gal Cove, Road, are receiving the congratulntions of their many friends on the birth of a daugh· ter at the Grace Hospital on Fri· day, ~tober 14th. i SHOW INTEROOIN FRIEND TO Future '••• II will soon be impossible tn find a nickel juke box, but many operators will soft en the ten~ent blow by us;ng long·play records with two tunes (or a dime. Past .•. While poki'ng around in the Coliseum: ruins 191 )'can ago, Edward Gibbon con'cived the idca for his weighty "CtCline and Fall of the Roman Empire" -and it's still selling. The Dey LInder Your Sign l\IAKE 111111 LIKE yOU ARIES 11.,n March 211. April 201 LIBRA IS.pl. 23 t. Oel. 221 It is more human to ask one~elf ARiftuivcneu ,,"'orks uainu )'OU, 10 Allo_ fllenty of time (or I({tinl "'\ert ~al.:e a ~ck Jut today if )'ou wanl 10 you .'ant to ,0. ~afety is ad\ttMl "Why shouldn't so·and·so like Imprul IOll\eone favorabl),. aspetted, 10 abry III relub.tionl. ' me?" than "Why should he?" "ROM WESLEYVILLE . SCORPIO (O,t. 23 10 No •. 221 But the second question is far ,lin. Eille Roberti, and her LEFT FOR OTTAWA TAURUS (Ap,iI21IoMIY 20) Prop!!: blrc )'CU with thtir idlt (.~;r.t).al Don't K rushed. into doin&, Jtlm(lhin~ more realistic and to the point than Mrs. W. S. Bradbury, 2 Rodney: gentl'al aimlcssntu too.),. Bt'!n claupter, MIlS Jean Roberts, ar· .again.t your betttr judgment. Stand up and .pend time alo::.e with boo!.;.s, . the first onc. ror your rilbt. 'lr )'ou'U lost. Jived In the dty yesterday from Street. left here by the express \ People don't like you just be· SAGITTARIUS t,<o •• 23 to DIC, 211 Wesleyville to see Mrs. Roberts' on Thursday for Ottawa, where ' GEMINI (M.y 21 t. Jun. 21) ~auscyou've never given them any f'Criod, requIres special Jlltli'I':'I. tt Sonte ur~tl stems likely, ,uptciillly In. Tbis. shc will visit her son, Mr. Louis I IOn, Mr. RUllell Roberts, Grenfell w1th )'Ollr matt•• You r:1!(d It cMntchon 'YI;ilh )·oung members or fam. !datlons reason not to. That is too negative tlon out lOme problems. ',. Bradbury and friends. She also 1 iti .; -+' ily. Von"t let hutilt1 l\'venue. who Is seriously III It I an attitude to invite friendship. plans to "islt relatives In Mont· I~ Grace Hospital. I' to What if you've never' rude a person, never saidbeen or done CANCER (Juno 1022 what to July 22) h,. IS. CAPRICORN (D.c.by22 ntlafiu to J.n, Itluii1. Lilten (artfully others <;"onflici is dmot(d EDDlNG ANNIVERSARY real before returning home. A LIVE DOLL anrthing against him. never got in Ih,~' may ,be ~,dd'n munin,. whith will hon •. St«, elm 01 .it ••ti,n ~l'tl Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Wadden. 34 Billy Evans, age 31,~ 111011lhs, looks like a real little 11011. Sent in by I, his way, nevcr done anythinll to be .",porlant 10 yo", mlrht &<1 oul .1 band. ' make him not like you. lEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) AQUARIUS [J.n. 20 to F.b, Itl ower Street, celebrated their CARD PARTY IN HOSPITAL • . ~Irs. Guy EI'ans. . That's not enough 10 make you Not aImY ,00<1bttray time toyouconfide ..hen II nOw Double,ch«k ,k .ilh f...... thtr behindInyour blck. IS trronan, and ... misc.alculationJ va thlrty.flfth wedding anniversary on The Macdonald F II . . His many friends will b~ sorry Columbus Day, October 12th. Their Is holding a de o"shlp Club 10 Icarn that Mr. Dermott Due .-,------.--.----,.-,.- .-.-expect him to like you, to want Wo,k .Ione II ",,,ibl.. d",oted. Yo. u. avoid later lOll. tu make a fnend of you, to make VIRGO (Aug. 23 10 S.pt. 2lI PISCES (F.~. "'oM,rch 20) , many friends offer congratulations. Y.W,C.A. club cYoo party a~ ~he I gan enlered St. Cla~c's 'Merc), him feel any warmth You m.yt!J'lt:!l 1.e1 )OU indiun'l ...."dget ...autd.n·t m.k. ofDon'lyou.1<1 ~hlnll!n n'~you~ t<lui.n. Jet th. . • toward you. .Il'ro af Irlc.e· II POSlhyt Ittitdt. , at 8 pm Gam m~ ~I~ elemn~ Hospital yest1!rday for an opera, irllm e rea I ques t Ion IS: What have fully, ~llck c1 ... to hom.. [ .., d... ~ ... lull ..Iall Th CELEBRATION tion a~d . es 0 rrdge, auc, tion. "., ",.' ""."',,, . you done to make him want t o , C 1955. Field [nlerprh... taL :' Thursday evening • social wu canasta will be plnyt'd. VISITING F'RIENDS know you better, to make him want \ !t,eJd It the Knights of Columbus GRAND MASONiCBALL Mr~. John Hennebury arril'erl Ir to be your friend? Let Him Know You Like Him ----'-----------------I'ljoms, St. Clare Avenue. for City Lod f' the cIty last weck from Bonavl5t~ I1!tmbera and lady guests in ecle. and Scottl:~s :onb~~h :he English and is now staying with frirnds al , Have yOIl let him, know that YOll1 , " , Itke and admire him? Have you I W, ~r.tion of Columbus Day. A card Masonic Order s ut on of the 131 Hamilton Avenue. She i~ I gone out of your w~y to do a favor I " . . ~,rty. supper and dance were a Grand l\Iasoni arc combining for 10 l'lsit her husbanrl who i~ , for him? Have you ever said or 1.l JiFl cf the evening's tntertain· at the Old Col C danceUbto be held heI'C a patient at St. Clare'S Mercy lIos· i d?ne anrthing that coul~ m~ke, llUX larV ~ent. A pleasant feature of the I day. October l~~r Ci on Tues· pital. ; hIm feci more pleased II'lth him·; • ,,'Cninl was when one of the past two ea s I. or the pa~t sell? : ,rand knights, Mr. William Ashley wer; d~sc~h~1 Mas:nie balls. which FROM TORONTO Have YOII bothered to find out The regular monthly meeting of congratulated Mr. and Mrs. N. J. years II' n nue for sn many : and remember things about him Wesley United Church Evening ~tl'. and Mrs. Fred Mradus, Cor ,Wlldden on their wedding InDl. and ihe ere outstan~IDI: successes, merly of St. John'~, recently al' : that arc important to him, so that: Auxiliary was held on lIIonday, i when you meet you 1131'0 some·' October 3rd,. at 8 p,m, in Wesley ~:erSlI')', and Mr. Wadden gracious- ward to ~a~ritt~~, IS looking for· rived in the eity on a visit. and ; Ihing to sa)' that iets him know that' House. The Worship Service was }l' replied to the good wlsnes of day I ng IS one on Tues, arc sta),ing with Mrs, Mead us' , in y?ur eyes he is a real person.' conducted by Mrs. Reg, 1IIills, the i tbelr friends. f I even ng an even better af, • a r. Records of Masonic partie~ brother.in·law and s;ster. Mr. and not ,lllst a face anti a name filling' them~ ?f which was "Jesus' Call, . a niche In the world? ' to DISCiples," Mrs. ~!ills opened! ,F,ROM GRAND FALLS In St. John's I:olng back to th~ Mrs. Rollert Cainrs. Jr,. 106 Ducll Those arc the pertinent questions' the sen'ire by repeating General; 'Mr. Ken Goodyear of Grand last century tell of the first Ma, worth Street. Their daughter. Rosalind lIIeadll~, II'ho is '(llrlccn, that come to mind when rou ask Bnl·th's beautiful poem entitl~d lalla arrived In the city on 'Thurs· sonic dance, In Newfoundland wa~ is also visiting here with her par, ~'oul'seIr, "Whl' should he like me" "Others," The guest speaker for, lI~y on business, and Is registered held, at the Old Factory.' Sf. ents. IDstead of "Why shouldn't he?" ' the evening was Rev. J. A. McKim! at the Newfoundland Hotel. John s on January 21$1, 1852, un, . If ~ou could answer ali of those who gave an illustraled lecture on' der the direction of Captain Jen, questIOns satisfactorily, chances' his work amongst the Indians in IN HOSPITAL klns, R.C.N .• Worshipful Masler ENGAGEMENT ~re YOll wouldn't be asking your., Canada. This was \'Cry inspiring ,'His many fricnds will be sorry of SI. John's Lodge. and was The engagcment was rcc~ntly I self "\I'h)' shc,~id he like me?" ! anel informati I'e and a very pro· to learn that William Buckley, patronized by His Honour the Ad, announced of Hilda Bl'aDlI~tactter, ; ,Yoll would JUFt know that he fitable hOUr was spenl. The meetI (h~-rrom, his, ~esponses 10 your. inl( closed with a ,social hour which lI'ar veteran of "C" Company, New. ministrator. duughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josefor ()~\ n genu me hklOg and interest in was greatly enjoyed by all. foundland Regiment; Is at present Brandstaetter of Austria. to AI·: illm. I pltient in the General Ho~pltal. LEFT THURSDAY,. fl'ed ,Spitssbcrger of Otlr-nong.: I Ind wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Waller Lear of Montreal. Austria. Both are now employed: who has been visiting friends and at Eckhardt Knitting Mills at: I RETURNED HOME relath'es at Manuels and St. Brlgus. The wedding will take , Mr. Joseph Johnson, 79 Penny. John'., left here on Thursday by place at the United Church.! well Road, arrived home on Wed. the express to return home. Her Brlgus, on Saturday, October 22nd. 1 FOLLOW THE STRP.\'G BLUEBERRY CAKE aesdly after spending the past five daughter. Miss Millicent Lear, who at 1\ p.m. JUST THREE t ':I' , leave by T.C.A. today here for Mont. Ronnie Downey his third14birthday cake. Se!1 In by )'tin with th e Cana dl an Navy. was on holiday will "GET ACQUAINTED PARTY" v. cup butter re I also lIlrs. ellts n, Downer. MeKay Street. • 1. •':IL 2 eggs "'NGAGEMENT a. Gamma Chapter. Beta Sigma - - -- -'-- - - .--._-.- .---.-, - - - - . - - ,11. • milk , '\ .':'. The engagement was announced Phi held their "Get Acquainted bara Wyatt. guest for the evening 1'i, cups flour ,this week of Mill Hilda Florence WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Party" for prospective members gave an illustrated talk on Hair \ 1 cup sugar , I~ tsp. salt ,Carr Adams, daughter of Mr. Ind Mr. and Mrs. David S. Doody. at the Y.W.C.A. on Monday. Octo' . Styling, Manicures and ." . ::~, Mrs. Harold Adams, Allandale 26 Pennywell Road, are today ber 10th, 1955. During the evening, Beta Sigma Phi present, 1 I Milk 2 tsps. baking powder •Road to M J h receiving the congratulations of suitable games for the occasion, ed to the prospechve members by I 1 tsp. vanilla concluded a delicious sup',I begin B new series broadcasts , the Sororitywith Sisters, The parly Mr, Andreas Barban,ofpianist, willi1 1 cup blueberriel .' ncr served by the Social Commit, ~ Sundar. These 15 minute programs . flour ' tee. \ of the music of Beethoven. Chopin. i 1I1elt butter and pour In a CUP'i Add unbeaten eggs and fill cup A,.NIVERSARY :llozart. Schumann and Schubert I with milk.. Sift flour. sugar, salt' . I Mr. and Mrs, Bourdncy Moore. wili be heard over the regional i I and baking powder together. Adll . The RIGH'!' ~ilhouettp ta~ lUll I : Thimivok, D,C,. will be celebrat, ! network' of the eBC at 1,15 p,m, liquid ant! beat until smooth Inches away! And THIS 11 ttl I ;iDg their wedding anniversary on I for the next seven Sundars. ' I Stir in vanilla, Wash berries and. righ t line-for the woman "hl roIl in flour. Stir into ...batter, I wants to look young. smart. ,It' ! October 16. They were married I Mr. Barban began broadcasting· nt Bell Island in SI. Cyprian's I his piano music' in 1949 over Pour into a greased, floured cake: tractive! T~e off·center buttoalll' Church, 1946, by Rev, D. S. Noel, VONF. The fi~st series lasted over I pan Bake in a moderate oven' of thiS step'ln style 5peJJs Ditter) Mrs. Noel was formerly Miss Mary three years Rnd cunsisted o! over I (350' degrees) 30 ininutes or until I from collar to hemline! . , . done. Pattern 4510: women's SiI~11I, Bennett of Bell. Island. one hundred and seventy separate I 38, 40. 42. 44. 46, 48. 50, Silt" ". broadcasts, Since then he has given' Be 'prepared for rainy days with smart • takes 4~' yards 35·inch fabricj \I .', Iight.weight, waterproof protection. See .our two series of thirty·nine. and two' yard contrast. series of seven broadcasts. i This pattern easy to liS!. lilllpil wide selection of smart styles for the entire Since coming to Newfoundland I to sew, is tested for fit. Has eoot family at moderate prices. in 1947 Mr. Barban has contribut· ; , plete illustrated instructions. cd much to the cultural life of SI. I Here as well IlS in London and, Send THIRTY·FIVE CESTS (. John's with his teaching, which! WOMEN'S GAYLITE Paris' emphasis Is on a black l cents) in coins (~tamp! cannot ~I , , accepted) for thiS paltern. Pili includes classes for children, and l i dress or SUIt. _ plainly SIZE. N A ~I E, ADDREI Styled in sturdy, stretchy latex music appreciation classes for with flat or medium heels. adults. 1 ' -_ _":"';~_._'-:'--:~..J I Fot evening elegance make ~t: STYLE NU~IBER. . ' . ; black velnt, from noW unlli l Send order to ANNE AD Alli .~ $2.50 DIane says that she plan such March, i care of ST. JOHN'S DAlLr ~'E1\'I Ef a nice game with her pet Ivhich' , Pattern Dent. 60 FRO!'o'1' sT1IE sh~ calls "Follow the string".! WEST, . TORONTO, O!'l'T. Jom alI the. num~ered dots to-1 Vogue saVs to highlight the cocl;.! I gether, startmg WIth dot number t 'I h u I,' green satin and to ' for the .aver.,'one d th dot al 0white r n with emerald ' green, It •IS much an en d 109"WI spike <;T, HV'CINTHE. Que. (cp)oo CHILD'S and MISSES' age persO'll ~o give a c~mphment forty·two and you WIll hav.e a piC' I Norman Rlcaiardelli of Needha~, than to receive one graCIously, AI of ber pet. Color wIth • forced landanl hilt GRENABOOTS "Th k you. 1" m glad pamts or crayons . I Brocaded slippers are news. So. .. , •• uc a be lost his "11 . ' . when p Styled by Dominion. d I yOU It IS one Vi ay, of \ th,ing to remember is not to argue' also, are brilliant buckles or om·, ira, a air,craft. He ,,'aI 101 1 Size. D to 13........... .to n on 3 WIth the person giving the com. aments, to drcss them up. !ure: 10 settmg the plane possession. A smllmg Thanlt \ pliment. on a farmer's field but daml" Blick or Brown you" will care of most pe,r. .That is, after all, just dispullng Individuality is the, the aircraft was estimated It BIIeI'13 to .3 ........... WOMEN'S PLASTIC sonal compitments. The maIO hiS .taste. fashion. I $100. -"JIFFY· 800TS" IbII II to 12 ...... ,.... THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ,.,,, ,,Small, medium, large, Jte4 or whIt, . extra large. Biz. 1S to 3,.......:.. I I' .. ,. " .... I' * esley Evenulg So Slimming! il" r~ 't~ Children's Puzzle Today's Recipe ~.; ; ,; ; ; ; ; ; r; ;.~os; ;e; p; ; ; J; ;O; ;hn~s~o~n,~.~o~n~t~he~i~r~m~a~n~Y~fr~ie~n~ds~o~n~th~e~oc~c~a.~w~e~re~PI~a~ye~d~a~f~te~r~w~h~IC~h~M~is~S~B~ar" . I 1. r " , I I I <\ lt thefa InI-I"YIn OutahI YWeath8t ft0otwear ," I' . TI L1 ra Barhan Presents w~s,thenCosmetic~, New RadIO SerIes t. ~, Flower ,C,]larr"-Set Fashion Tips Manners " dMake FrICn s ea~ler eas~ hk~ respon~lng '2.69 '3.19 '2.95 '3.35 MEN'S MUD RUBBERS $2.00 Plaid ...............:.. ~.25 WOMEN'~ CHAT AM SHOE ,RU8BERS ta~e s~ g~od com?~lme~~ tu~e I ~emember, - ';'i',~r~d"y I!!~ t~ ll~ht ~o'" ~ , WOMEN'S IIght.welght S~SHLESS RUBBERS Plain ..... ~ ............ ..a~ num~er your~ b~ Dominion ...~:,$2'OO CHILD'REN'S TEDDY by Chatom Eusy for I children to on. • .. SIzes 3 to 12" ..... Sizes 12V2 to put ,$1.15 3 .. $1.25 , Roses In vivid color -combined ' with a background of your favorite pineapple design! Easy to crochet as a stunning chair •..-or buffet·sct! Pattern 7247: ROSe ehair·set to crochet In "3-D"! Chair·back 11 x15-lnches, armrest 6x8 1h inches ID No. 30 mercerized cotton. Send TWENTY·FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps e:jJI' not be accepted) to ST. JOlIN'S DAILY NEWS, (Household Ar s Dept.) 60 FRONT STRE. WEST TORONTO, ONT. Ptlnt' plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATfERN NUMBER. Order our A LICE BROOKS Needlecraft Catalogue. En joy pages and pages of exciting new des1gns - knitting, crochet. em· i broidery, iron·ons, tal'S and novel· I ties! Send 2S cents for your copy of this wonderful book now. You'll want to ordel' every desisn In It! Scorless In High 7 . 1 0 . Basebalf Poles Dress ( armva n ToGo Up:Today Crane 'Irst Sfad'IUm I·ce.With Big cra~ F Matt Foster" Reg Ash iFootball's Sr., Jr., MVP,: ! I I The Secretary of the football sport and player. . \ league Issues the Mlowing olfi· In Section "B" the bonour 10C! clal release concerning the selec· to IlEG ASH, speedy forwDrd oj tion of the MOST VALUABLE the. CbamploBshlp Guard. team A new 'been secured PLAYER awards for 1955. wblch werit Ibroush the seHor "Ison opened at tions, Ipacemen, Davy crockett., by tbe SI. John's Amateur Base· In the Senior Section o,f tbe without losinl aam e• In addi TIlr.ne"· icc I".t ~,night with sel'en bus drivers, policemen Bnd var b·l\II LeaEue and wark has st art• League the honour, the hillbest lion to hll flile playing, AIh "s~ :hp stall lllm ;;\ relent for tbe lous .other Intercsllnl subjects. ed on tbe erection of the ninety single one that can be obtained by In no small manner responsibll hundrt{1 ~~ .•tt I i: m\'riad cos. The judges chole the followlna foot poles wblch will house the any player goes to MATT F05· for his team'S victory .. he Jel' lire;; l :lrn\\~ Ihe 19S5-56 skat. winners: IIthtins SYltem for night baseTER, popular centre balf of the the section "B" with 11 counter~ :~:r,c; I" Ilf IOIlIC Best costume _ Ann Lynn ball.· Felldians. Foster masterminded In fact, In the game a,alns!. tb" :n, ,(:1;<111. h 'n lement weatber Gooble.· Work on the poles has been the Felldlans to victory In the In· Holy Cron, Ash tallied 4 goah Ot,Pltc t. ~ ; Cpectators as well Most Orlllnil-Keith Leshelna. held up for three weeks awaiting surance Round, and ·Ied the dou· 3 against the C.L.B., and two eacl 113r~~rr"'\{ °th·ronded tbe 5tad. Best Couple _ John Chi.'. and i!1"lsltlon of a crane ca,able of ble blues to second place In tbe against Felldlans and SL Bon'~ arll('lpant, ~ under the Dorothy LeGroW. t pas it·1 on. Il P h b'g pHair s nlInil tb e poIes Ino final standing. He ~as credited A good pl.ye~ and a valuable ell' lUi'll fur I m~nager Lorne WakeLargest Family _ The 'Gillies Tbe bODm hIS been supplied by wllb an assist In the Insurance to his team, Ash ean "ell fer'. jlrt(1I0 n 0 family of four. Cbester Dawe Ltd" and "'ork IS Round, whilst he scored two gOlls proud of his achievement bI ~ r:njudgin~ rhr prize winners were Jlest Historical-Dorothy Barne.. .¥pected to be concluded within in tbe Caribou Round. A good Ing selected IS the MOlt Valullif Ilr, ,nd ~Ir~. James D. Higgins. Oldest Gentlem.n-Mr. Jtod ••rs, a week. all round player, and a keen fool- Player In his .ection. I!' Claudl' J1~Il. Mr. and Mrl. 74. As soon IS tbe lights are up couldn't dig In as Pod res brazen· ball brain, Foster was a tower of Players and fans IlIke will b .. ' d 'I G Olde.st Gent In Costume-Wal, tbey will be tOlted by NewfoundBY JACK HOWLETT Iy twirled tbe same mixture inn: strength to his team In the pivot extending congratulatiOlll to thesr ,;,rdn nulL ,Ir..n " rs. or· I d Ll , n j d h d th I lace Kirkland, 52. an uht .nd Power some lime (In New York for the WorM ing after inning . position and his leadership was two fine playel'll, MATT ~OSTEll d¢n 1'"Mr The u lies a er , next week. says baseball leDguc Series, DAILY NEWS Sports On his belated birtbday cake evidence as the season progressed. and REG ASH on their aeleetlor h'ndl lull with Ihe gala assort· Best Clown-Barry L)·ncll. secretary Joe Wadden. Editor Jack 1I0wlctt, In this Johnny wanted I twenty fourth His selection 10 this honour will of the top Individual 1I0nOlU'l fOI Best Loc,aI Scene - Francis .~,·.cnt ~I hCilulilul and d dunusual Rnd succeeding article,. sets candle-for his change of pace. be hailed by playera and fans their work during the 1.. feD!, e.,\(~minc which para e over Jenkins. fortb his Impressions of the But any series wbich goes Into alike who recognize In him a fine ball leason. tr,e iee HlrI;tCr. behlnd.the.scenes e~cltement the seventh game could go either ('o'lulnr- in the carnil'al repre· Best Animal-Elizabeth Willis. of Brooklyn's IIrs!" world way. These articles are concerned . tl{! d<,('t MS. nnrses. cowboy!, King and Queen - Garry and I .championship baseball win.) , _!n TV t A B II mostly with historys' first twoIld:,n!, hJllet 1I_~~en. ., I a· I nn a. The Dodgers didn't choke up down comeback but you couldn't this time. Even with their backs! get better competition than the to the wall and the' odds makers' i Yankees. supposedly Infallible statistical 1 The Bombers were obviously hurt by the 1055 of Mickey Mantle st. John'. ReIGtta Committee· barrier being spouted from every and the Injury to Hank Bauer St. Bon'l widened·. Ibeir lenlor It 1-0 wbea a eorner kIdI 1IoaDd: held a special meeting last night sports page and television screen, I But the Dodgers were hurt too:' Intercollegiate Football League ed off a PWC fuJlba~ late the It the Stadium .to hear the reo they refused to He down. Don Newcombe complained of a \ lead to four points over Prince nets. port of the sub committee on 1m. The Inspimtional third basins. shoulder Injury In the first game of Wales yesterday Iflernoon at Slane, ICOrtII klJ ..... lOll . of Jackie Robinson and the slug-, III' TilE f:\SADlAS PRESS Tbe Brunlwlck.lalke-Collentler provements to the lakeside. and going into the big .,ne they the Felldlan Grounds .wlth a &0 In the second balf to ,pea ICIriJI& The committee heard plans of ging of Duke Snider showed that I wiih the prospects of rain or at· Company of' Canada, tbrou.b were minus Jackie Robinson and shutout of the Collegians. again .,alnlt bombarded J'rl44le tb, proposed bre t k tabl d the .1955 edition of Dodgers were· :U't .,lOC), gning along the eastern i tbelr local representative Ibe f tb had an ailing centerfielder. In Tbe Blue and Gold, who bave Purchase wbo had hla halldl full I as wor e a cool buncb of guys In a comeIJOtbaIl (rvnl loda~', the snide re- I Cabot Construction Ind Supplies ~~etln~'~ ft~:sa;as ~U~h of t~e back. On tbe basepaths the tan· Duke Snider, whose knee was concluded their I~cond round turnln, leatber allde. 01" lit· Jackie RobluoD !llirk il prom pled that there can ~ Ltd., are tend.rln, a compliment·. taped up pl,y, need only a WID or a tie In rett assisted 011 tb. fourth a en up n. taHzlng Robby helped unnerve the . : most of Ihe team were rlghthand. ht D,' mOl',' mud slinging In Ibe \ ary .dInner and presentation to dlICUSSIon of the merits of tbe Y k Greal ~redit must go 10 Whitey t~eir ~ext game to win Ibe cham- A loft shot Into the conler .. :. 3:g Fonr r::.,hes than the league tbe bowlers. wbo bave rolled "of- steel Ind concrete v~. all-concrete a;:., P d d II! ers, turned out to be a thorn, The Ford and Tommy Byrne for the i plOnshlp. . scramble play .ave Bob Jlarsll.lI 0 nn) 0 res summa up Ie,. hth d ~II indul;.'<l in already thll Sellon. flcial" POSSIBLE. scores to date. construction . Brooklyn feeling wben he was in. I rig an ers got beIt ed wh'llet he great wins they pitched. But even Marshall In~ Slaney both dnll· his second ,oal as IL Boll'. led .~ o'i·l:~!d ,quabbles. . Thc blg~r;t gobs this week were Tbe dlnner wIII take pIa,ee on A sub committee consisting or tcrvlewed a!ter tbe Brooks hnd! lefties won all three Yan~ee in Yankees Stadium the first two ed home a pair of goals II Ibe 5-0. Ton, Manning wu ."arded .• wa dur:n~ a bitter family feud Tuelday, October 18tb, at '.30 Hubert Kelly, Mike Hqwley and pulled out their first win Asked' games, two of them by Whltey were dose. The Yankees had no I:ague leaders took ~he one sided the sixth ,OIl "hen a PWC fuU· ~'~he OilaWa Rougb Riders. The p.m., at the Crystal Palace on th.e Claude Hall was delegated to look If he thought the vaunted Yank. Ford, a real money pitcher. and bullpen, bow ever, and there' was victory. Tony Man~mg and Bob back nudged it over the line with the plans of Mr. Young of jl t th D d I Tommy Byrne an aging artist• a big difference. Their bencb, a Redmond Icored smgle goals IS mannln, elose bJ. ~;":l ha< be!n firings, reslgna- BIY Bulls Road. Mr. Jack Wallace, Into A d rt back t 0 the ees b were 11 d'a nx 0 eDgers, I Boston Red ' Sox centerfielder t'~D-. I wholpsale levy of finiS and Manaller of the Cabot Conltrue' rmco In repo much stronger one than the Dodg. Joe Gatherall rack~d up an easy With stalwart I\IIltelldlJlf ·if t T'b ' d Jimmie Piersall stood up to cheer ers, couldn't do much with Dodg. , S?utoU!. as St. Bo~ 5 scored three Gatherall and etellar fuUbaeking aparade of replacements as fast II tlon Co., will pre.lde and Premier committee on the merits of tbe e"crePt el any no.all We've e~ re abeaten goo. when SnId er came. to bat. Piersall . ~am and trains could bring In Smallwood will lI\alle the official steel breastwork. ball er club that's ers bullpenners like Clem L~bine, ; limes ID each. period. of D. Sinnott and R. McCarth1 tile ~'c ntllly touted imports. presentation. to tbe followlnll Grants of fift1 dollars eacb d I br .d bl sat close to me in the press box Don Bessent, Russ Meyer and . R. Marshall s. sbot from ~be Blue and Gold ha" 1et to .. Mter thr players are Introduced bowlers wbo make the' nucleus of we~e awarded to the local police gorOb c tUI s teh' orye ank are caPda e ~ covering Ibe series for a bean Karl Spooner, for a spell. ?aghteen !ard IlDe opened scorlDg scored against thll 1t11Oa. ng e an ees' goo as'\ town paper. The' Duke stood de·LI rICh other the Riders will trot II' I ann RCMP. benefit . f un dI In all' 0the. caare" NEXT: It takes a long ride ID the fmt half, Bob Redmond Next senior .amel will f ..ture ~t on Ihe !itld to take on tbe. BQw ngs Ha I of Fame: y . . fiant with two strikes on him both Nmtdable II amilton Tiger • Call Alee English, wbo made his po. llreclatlon of their excellent work by subway and some. confusion made it 2-0 when his long drive Prince of Walea and rell4 .ft It ~al a series In which you times when he walloped home r:l hl in Hamilton. It lookl a' If the sible In tbe J.V.B. Tournament, on .,.atta Day, to fInd your right seat but the slipped Ihrough goalie Fred Monday and St. BOil', and Jllaho,p couldn t go by .the books. The ,runs over the forty foot wall In Riders will again be unhorsed. DIck Murpby, who made bll In scintillating performance of Purchase's bands. J. Slane, made Feild on Wednuday aftenltlOi left·handers, which the Dodgers the fourth game BB Brooklyn tied The other hal! of tbe Bill Four tbe Commercial Bowling L'II\I" were sUPPos!ld to murder since· the series 2-2. tbese stars makes your World ,thedulr bring~ together the once Tommy Carroll, who .... de hi. In bere. e ~ 'The Dodgers got off the fioor Series trip worthwblle. t:lalilned, nOli' much Improved Tor. the' Inter Club League, Heber They ~ined Ibree eth.n eo' with Snider as their symbol of ~~:o Argonauts and the top-place Bartlett, who made It In tbe about :u boors prevlous-tack'~ resurgance. Jackie Robinson's Don King from Cleveland BrOWl!f; ~ontrra\ Alouettes at MeGill Sta- Cburcb Services League, AU quarterback Don BaUey from Ptnll boiler work at third base and the d.1m In .Iontreal. Breen. who made It In Ibe City Stale and veteran Canadian end snappy double play combination Lnn; TOP MES AT HOME Commercial League, Bob Redmond, Jobn Welton. of Reese to Gilliam to Hodges In l"c Western Interprovincial who mad•. It In tbe st. Bon's MEN'S LEAGUE threw a stumbling block that the r{l(J!bali ~:ni.on, league·leadlng Ed· Bowling Leallue, and Edward By ?RAHAM TROTTER ~POaT BEPLACEMEN1I S.OG-Mereur, vs. Lineoln. ever-champion Yankees couldn't rn~nronI.;klmos tanKle In Regina Janes who rolled it In the HoI, Canadian Press Staff Writer As replacements Rldera today Zephyr VI. Ford. wipe out. . ~I)' \\(Ih second·plnce sa~katcbe'l Cross Bowling League, 01.TTAWA (CP) !he get·tough flew in centre·linebacker Don Mo~. PI)'lDoutb' VI, Monarch. H~ Rou~hrlders-!ihort SCI en first· These bowlers t. Ib Itb po ICY of the execuh~e of ottawa maw, who was a balf-season len~a. A new Dodger snlrlt manl· . Dodge \'I. Nasb. atnn.m left at home for a rest. ,De er w Rough Rld~rs, who fmed 20 play- tion for Argos in 1953 before de· fested Itself during-the series. l'.lgary Stampeders Dleet Brlusn I ranking bowling Offleills, will be U6-0hlamoblle VI. Cadillac, ~rs ~200 apiece for poor play, fac~s parting to Princeton, N.J .• for the· With Jackie Robinson holler· r~l~mbja l.ions at Vancou'l!r In I the guestl of the BrunlwlckPentlac VI. Vauxhall. Its first ~eld test today at H~mll. ologieal studies; tackle Ed Foucb, Ing that the Yankees were ti! other WIFU game wbleh will Balke·Collender Company, wbe~ COllsul vs. Chevrolet. ton when. the .new - look Rlde~1 who saW same service with lAl~ only human after all and the hm I lar~e bearios on who winds I they will be bonoured. This Is a Buick vs. Meteor. tangle With Tiger·Cats In a Big Angeles Rams after a sbort atqll double play ~omblnatlon pull. ~~ in th. i,'Ralie ceUar. very fine sportlQ, Il"tun on the FouThr footb~1l game. with Toronto earlier Ibis .eIlOn; MIXED LEAGUE Ing the big putout, the L:ons hare pigltt poin!s o~ four. part of this famous Campan" tbe e last time .Ute two teams met, tackle Bob Peviani roald. of th. S.OG-Blue VI. Gold. In Ottawa, Tlger.Cats walloped.' • . ':n, In 13 slarts and With VIctory manufacturers of bowling aile'll Bombers found themselves on Riders 40-0. That snapped the patio ~e~r W!th .New York Glanls before :~ thm last three games could and billiard tables and should be Sliver vs. Wine. the ropes for a change. ence of the executive of the Riders, gOI~g mto the U.S. Army, fro~ ILll ovcrtake Bombers under ccr- a nlgbt whlcb will be long r· Green vs. Wblte. Johnny Padres had a plan. A who were slipping downhill fast which he was recently relelld, a:n CIlcumstances. A loss would. e Pink VI. Purple. grateful starter after having been after col1ege.like spirit had got and Pete BeU~, centre·lInebaelter :!1I'1 them only a mathematical membered by tbole who will al9olS-Amber vs. Brown. bothered by assorted alimenlll them off 10 an encouraging start. from ~an Francisco 4gers. ellnee 01 a tic with Winnipeg, a tend. Yellow vs. Rose. Last weekend the players were Helpmg bead eoacb Chin Ca1d· which made It difficult for him ?,litiaa Stlmpeders already are In. ------Blaek vs. Red .. oit trial. After they were drubbed. well today will be Gen. (ChtlC! to finish a game during bis 9-10 Ridm have won seven of their 35-7 and 43.6 by Montreal Alou. Choo) Roberta, retired Rider half· Cream VI. Orange. season, he had what it takes. u ,.me; lor 14 points, two more ettes, 20 wer~ assessed $200 fines. back wbo was flown In Thursday !.'tIn WinnIpeg Blue Bombers, who Podres mixed 'em up good. A Earlier In tlll ~eason, coach Bill night from Kansas City to htl]! hilt ~la)'ed 13 games and get a fast ball, a curve and then the Swiacki tried th~ ! ame tonic on his p)~g the srap c~used by the Oct. f wmpletc lIeekend rest ibis week. A S OW change of pace more often than bigb.salaried Tt.ronto Argonauts. f:rmg of bac~leld ~Dacb John 14r:(to!,), om Eskimos would give expected. Tbe Yankecs were off but fewer playel S received smal1er ~Ik and the resignation thiI "eek of Ridm a lour·point margin and balance as Padres' slow one tt.!y \10\1:11 need onb' two victories, SCBEDULE-MONDAY, ocr. 11 fines then. The result: Argos were Ime coacb. Tom Mcbugb. Yogi Berra danced over the plate. They 011 Bod," flattened 43.11 by Alouettes In their MeanWhile. club 0 If lela 11 or I I·ic" 'y and a Winnipeg loIS in Beetloa "A" next outing. scotcbed rumors thl I ottawa ml,h' ti! Illt t·'~H games to assure see. 'U5 p.m. HEAVY CUTS . drop out of the Big Four next Ie. cad plarr Alleys 1·2-Welley v. Queen's MONDAY, Oct. J1: SECOND HUNTER KILLED 7.16-Ayres No. 1 V!. U. N. Fac· MONCTON (CP)-New Bruns· Riders .again followed Toronlo's son. But they admitted Rider. ex· IIIPS ~ I:I:T DUTCH:lIES Road•. wick's second huntin~ fatality this txample by cutting players right Plct, to lose ~bout $30,000 on tbl1 tory. A!anR Ihe ra,Wn front, the three· Alleys I1-6-St.· Thomas' (1) VI _ ~easOn occurred Thursday after· and left tllis week in an attempt to year s operations. ~!lm On'Ari" Union presents a CatbedraL . Ayres No.2 N.A.F.C.O. The Holy Cross A.A. Sufthall, noon when Leander Tingley, 65, inject life inlo I dispirited club, rnmin. between the KltchcnerB.OO-Bennett Brewery vs. U, N. 1I'Itcriov flutchmen and Sarnla 1m. 8.30 p,m. Series will continue tomorroW, i was shot through the head while but on a much wider scale. It be· Foundry. PlMal! :n S~rnia. Winless Toronto Alleys 3-4-Gower Street \'s St, TWINNING PROPOSED Sunday, morning at Victoria Park, in the woods at Lower Turtle came so contagious that one player Nfld, Brewery VI. Munn Bllm)' B.~dl lakes a rest. Thomas' (2), and one assistant coacb quit. MONTREAL (C P) - Mayor with one game as follows: ' creek, Albert county. Coroner Vcr· HIGH SINGLES Motors. In the :n:mol\egiate race tbe 9.30 12.00-Bhnisch's Braves vs. Gulli. non Chapman of Hillsboro. N.B., Altogether. five players got the ~athan Pbillips, the advanCl Section B WEDNESDAY, OC. 19: lcd/fco:' T()ronto Varsity tcam Is AUeys ·1·2-5t. Mary's \'s Cocb· ver's Giants. and RCMP investigated. An In· ax, including four American 1m· guard of a delegation of eltr 7ol6-Hlckman's A.A. VI, Standard S. Trickett .. .. .. .. .. 202 ports. Cut }'riday were guard.line· dais from Toronto, arrived here It home ~', ~leGiIl Redmen, witb rane Street. quest will be held. V. Fahey •• I t I t I I .... 246 Mfg. Co, the Blup r.i Toronto the favorites. Aile'll U-X1rk VI' George St. N.S. WINNER to doctor of philiosopby candidates :'ar!cer Diclc Barwegan, first·year Thursday nlibt to a welcome trolD 216 G.E.O. vs, Pepperrell Main· F. Hutchens .. .. .. Q-Jeen, I,:,els and Western Mus· TORONTO (CP) _ E. Grabam to encourage academic researeb import from Baltimore Cplts who Montreal's Ka,or Jean; Dnpeall 204 'VI Carter ••••• tang; men at London In the other Seed.. "I" tenance.. 224 Bligb V of Cambridge, N.S. is in physical aod social scientists. had bee~ Otlawa's co·caPtaln, and Mayor Phillips said he il "vtJ3 ~IUof Ihe schedule, tbe Mustangs US p.m, 9.00-Ayres No. 1 VI. N.A.F.C.O. M. Hamlyn •• •• •• •• • • 225 among eight winners of researcb Mr. Bligb Is studying at McGill centre Roy Smith, a Tennessee mucb In favor" tI. maida, IIJ •ooklng to~ their first wIn. . Alley. 3+-Wuley vs Cochrane U. N. Factory vs. U. N. B. Rendell . . . . . . . . fellowships donated by Union Car. University. man who was In his third leason cities of Toronto la HontnlL 222 The in{er,r,llegiale battling could Street. N. Johnson Foundry. bide Canada Ltd. The fellowships, • p•••. kDg. ab"ut I shuffling of Ihe 830 H. Truscott ,. q •• •• . , 251 'tlndm~,. Varsit" Is leading wltb Alley. 1·2-Geor,e St. vs Gow. FRIDAY, OCT. 21: 203 with a basic value of $12,000, go 7.16-Ayres No. 2 VI. Munn V. Badcock .... foar p~m:,. only two ahead of L. Thi&.tle .. .. .. .. ... 226 Motor•• Qum. )lrGill and Western, as a er Street. M. Howell ........... . 226 • rtlUlt 01 their tie In Montreal last Alleys I1-6-St. Mary'. VI Salva· Bennett Brewery vs. Stand· E. French •• •• •• •• ,. •• 270 R. Crane •• .... .... .... .. . 209 201 Go Young ••••••• .- •• Salurday, ~la\'e one point each. tion Army. e ard Mfg. •• 241 M. Giannou ... ... •• •• .. .. 206 11.30 p.m. R. Joyce t. 9.00-Nfld. Brewery vs. G.E.O, 243 D. Brown "' ... .... •• ... •• 256 Alleys 3"-Queen's Road VI St. Hickman'. A.A. VI, Pepper· L. Cook .. 215 249 J. MeKinlay .. .. .. Tbomas'. L. Trask •• •• •• rell Maintenance. * Robinson ·Tells Bums The Way To Relax r I IDiscuss Regatta Committee Plans Rahn' Football Honour Bowlers For Brestwork I~ Ft;recast For iTn "450" C.ircle Canadian Scene 'With Banquet Bon's Widen Le.d I n Senior College aall st I ,ea!. 1 I. i b 1 . Patnclans IGet Tough P?licy ;Of Rough RIders 'Faces Test Today Bowling League I i C·hureh Semeee Club B ling Commercleal Darts League ---------------------------- ---- Luckv., Strike Bowling League ' !I. H.C.C.A. Softball ,.m. em. t II II •• .. I' II II II .===::.:...------------.-:..------------------ ... II Hoop Leaguers Iro: resulted from yesler. To Meet· Tuesday in the Hlih Schoo St. John'. Amateur Basketball !l3 11\' . I Rimes I rlOlbal! i.eague games wltb two League will bold an oimportant II:1tU In Ihe junior division end· I meeting on Tuesday night at 7.1:1 II tn scoreless deadlocks. at Memorial University to discuss hiliarphtrdson and SI. Michael'S plans for tbe coming season, sec· etiled 0.0 It Ibe Memorial retary Graham Snow ,aid last ta~Undl Ind Holy Cross and Sal· night. ~:I~n Army College fought wltb· A full representation of execu· G I score at the Ayre Athletic th'e and team delegate. are ex· tdro:a_nds.. Both games w~r. play· p.et.ed to mike plans for I pro'II dllnle. posed aeries. A nomination comD mlttee for tbe election of officers CARNIVAL .......... will be appointed at Ibe meeting. I .,!Ss , II Scorless Games 'In Hieb Soccer ., Complete By. J.....R. WILLl~S OUT OUR WAY healin, latisfaction CEftT'AINl.'r' rr'.s POI50t-IIW-·MY &ROTHeR GOT IT Al.I. over:;: OUR WHOl.1: FAMIl.'" ONce! pC)J..)'T YOU \I!Oloh\ItIII"t;WL~ TOUCH A'THIt-JC;-~ET 'THESE OFF MIO 60 RIGHT 1 - - - - - - - . \ UP 10 S5P..:,'"L-_____- I • Guaranleed supply wllIt· "Evergreen Contract" . .~&- ........ • Highe" heet varve ' • 1.l1able supply _ d.llvery (5.50 FUIlNACE OIL phone or write IMPERIAL OIL UMlnD . A.LWAYS LOOK TO IMHRIAL FOR THE BeST • !I , • , . 9___ . 1----------------~--------------~~----------~--------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHIPPING and FINAN.cE , I' I!, .~.--------------------------~----------------------------------------------..- 1500 Yuk.Da 1m ZO.m •• c:orb 1610 Bulola 100 coa.1 COP LATEST STOCK MARKET'. REPORT" n. «:...111••HII~ Pr... ' ..... '500 Inllllm •• S500 BN.IID. 16100 _ . . olt.. 1500 Bueill.. 1000 BIlfI.dllOa 1l1li1. 1000 Bull CIID 000 Bull ,II L , _ ".d Ura 17 11 111'0 UOO, Bulldo, 27000 Alba J:xpl 41 ~I 41 ' 2lOO Bunker Hili , 1170 Allo.. I~~ 161'0 111'0 17000 C.llla.. . . AIIOIII wU 751 5W C.mp Chlb NOD Am Lonltr IS IS 15 111700 CID Mel TGaOICTO CLOSUIO arocll. , UOOO CIID A.I.rll , , MOl A.. eon 305 SOO 3011 171' C...lar ,,: 1_ A. . IlOU,.. 150 131 140 »71 CI.I Pol , 'IIIP Apex 11.. ,12 21 12 500 c.al P .... n 5000 CeDlJ'emlq , : 1200 AU., Y1I 14 15 15 3700 CIII.. II .. _ ".. ' 121~ 1~12 "00 Ch••lervUlI COO A...I .. , ,IS U CIIlb KII'n.d INOO Alii. lIuI II a II !lIOO ~600 CIIlb Elpl 100 Au"'U, m I'~ 1'/' 3600 Chi... 1700 Aum.ehl 2t ,211> ~m lDOO AIIIII.... 1I1~ 111'0 '111, 13000 CII L.r 1317 COb.1I 500 AUlIDr 221 ,2Z3 22l 1Il00 Cpeh \VIII 1DOO AyUl.boII. 101~ 10 IO~ 500 COdy lleeo "41 1.1Ik/1.lt I I I 1500 COin Lako 1000 I ....., " til " 22100 COld.I...... JIOO B.",.. 150 IU 150 PIOO Conl,,11 ••• _ I." war 10 21 21 :noo Conlaunull , ,.;GO B.mnl. llfil 215 2M Il:mO C Bellok••• "~IN BI.. MII.lI .4" r.! 1000 Con C Cad " UOIN B.lkl .5 IP 43 21»'10 C D.nllOn " 2100 . .Ih 110 111 lIS JOG C Dlle ••• rf lOO . .1b A wit 20 20 20 2740 C Fealmo," 100 1l1li B wU 10 50 50 1100 con OUU.. 1'/29 B ~ 122 101 115 550 C GArrow SOD . . .u.... 240 240 210 2000 C GU'f'" _ Btlv.. LodII 112 12 82 1r.!P75 C H.IU.... II 1100 _.... 10 10 10 1000 C.a Ho.e,. 100 lIaUt\Im 125 12! m 2200 C )larbon.r 1.1. GI" 11" 11 _ C Morrl ••• 12!0 1I"eOll 41. 4 41 IMO CO. Smell tooo 1.1a G.. I~ 14 11 6000 CO. N.... ...1 II.roII ' 2l1li 2M 115 4300 Con Nichol tooOO lid"'" JI I. 25 :1330 C Norlhl.nd :lOO BI ••k lin In II! 1 _ Con Orl.e 2100 Blut 1Ieek SIS 200 210 101.9 C lied Poplar I:mO JIobJo 47 41'.; .. 1000 C Sinnornl 13&01 1000vIIl. 13 12 12 10010 Con Sudbur,. 1I~' _Idllllt '1 ~ 33 ~73 c: TIIn"le. 1501"""" In., .00 C.n ....1 lOOIJI .. I.... lin ..., 500 tl5~ C.pper l1JII _ Irlluftd III 1!7 111 12100 Copper COJ'lI UOOO lrout !tnt IT! ISS lSI 87 "I _A.... , 11 14 14 ISDO Can POlk m 5C3 580 6000 C We.1 Pet. I'i) to lfi'l 60) Dol n:o :'11 212 212 IIO'F.uo <,J 110 4U 1503 F.d P,:e (:~ 490 4ao 3" Gtn Pe .., A 2~'j 2~~~ 2:/~ 103 Gr PIIIM Dcy 3:J 310 ::10 8".. J lir Sw~ect G[,~:,' B~') -8:i] Ui 'J3 Gr~d,n 2' ~Il ~o 2l0) HI.h Cml IB~ J4 14'.~ 3000 HIII!wood 92J 900' 90U 1130 110m. 011 8.:1 8:0 alO 153 lIu,k. 8t, . 8 t'l. 3:00 Hy Char' 13 13 13 :'l, :''76 2£.0.' 7)0 Jupaer 40 3! 41 m 114 I'lj 1000 Krof III ~;J 883 88j ~ Merrill r.te 530 .521 521 90 86 90 1Tl02 M:deon us 2".5 ~ 3J 28 28 3600 ~liII Cllr 6JS 6.10 ::13 2J2~O 2000 N.I Pole 16~ 16& 16~ 22151 N BrI.tol 2:!T., 21j 227 100 N B DOln 180 110 18C 22JO New Cas 1811 20 20 ~,J 43 't~ 590) 1' 1 Co.tlnenlal !8 8l 8 2.!:; %!:; 12l, :"'1 N Superior !9 81 92 4:1~1 4'73 475 1100 N C Ojls too B90 193 193 1'0 lao mo Okalta 543 S2" 545 73 n ;~ 633 rae Pel. 6\0 'I~ I'.~ ~, 2~ 30 18)0 Pan We.t ' .I6!' ' 17 11 t.:I 8:1 83 630 r~thli.dcr 102 102 102 211 198 200 3800, Peruy,Olls 2\0 2~O 210 :.11 liJ 1111 n~, Il2923 Pelrol 1.\\\ 13 311 310 3~5 300 Pralr:. OU Z40 225 2'.!S III II'.J 9'/l 7300 Reel Pete 12 1:~" 1~~1I J:r:. 1100 Hoyallle 5SO SOO SID 2.:) :!,jl) 2JtJ 13!0 Sapphlr. no 59 39 218 213 :,:11\ 38H Scurry n"inbnw It 10!' 101i 2,0 :!:l1 2fl) 1700 Sct'ur Frt(' 6, ~ 3'. 31 In l:iOO Sour II 2~ 22 22 j l i'; " . IlOO Soutli V. 0110 230 223 t:! 1 1 1E'.~. 1::'1 13 SOO Spo,... %.'0 :!:m ~'IO I. '1, !'1M Stanwc:11 a,l 82 Il 1!l3 ):'Jl HI 2.;00 TUD$ ('ideal")' 290 215 21><1 ,'i:,d j31 317:! Triad Oil :!'I.I 215 ~&O Ul B~' 9ClOO Un Uis 130 1)0 130 1'.:' 1:1 1000 W•• t '"hl,y 202 1~9 199 Il" 121 230 W Naco n 3,\ 31 ~I 21 1>00 \V ~IH.·O wtl 171 171 171 ~q ,cR 1100 Wllri,h . Ii.' 430 4S~ 23 23 2S0D Yan t:ilnuC'k \3 \3 U ('urb ~3 11.\ 1'.' 18 18 I" lOSO Dalhnmlle Zla :50 270 . -:1 'I no 51 '2 M1.... '000 II.,. I I I a I 14 IS • 14 16 n IS 31 '000 31 23 HI, 131'0 H, :an 210 2U 15 173 15 III; • .0 711 '" 10 .11 10 127 131 71 \20 125 71 120 12 I., 12 ,.2 J2 1m H 71 70 11 73 411 , .. 1'1 11'1 ," 143 10 72 l:!~t U IZ~~ .. m 230 I 66 31 13 12 II 10'4 175 n S70 MI. 1000 D.",o. 500 D. Coor llrowl. Deldon. 38100 Deltl, 150 Dome 3000 Dom A.bOllo. 7500 Donalda !'lIDO Dun. 11300 Dyno 1500 E Amphl 1600 EIII Mol mo F.III SIIII 2.1Il00 EIII Mell 1400 E ..I Smell .530 }:Id.r 1000 EI Sol 1000 Em 01"1,, U1900 F.ur.kl I!It nit nit 8l II!\ I l~ 12\~ 3STOO Eurek. .ar • 3313 l·alea.b'," 4100 Far.dlY 1310 Far""1 Tun, _ }'ed Kirk 300 }·ra....ur 39S1 Frobllhrr .000 Frob deb. I~O O.llwln 72.1 Geeo MI... Il U 263 6t 3,1 II 10 31500 Geneva 5115 01 ••1 V~ 37S ell'l2 me.. Uran 3000 God. L.k. 10.00 Oaldll. 100 Goldere.t 1100 Gold M.D ~OOO Goldh.wk 6SOO Grah Bou. 15800 Grandlna. 100 Grandu. 4300 Ouloh :IS 33 n r.oo Gulf Ltld • 40 .0 .0 III 110 n 330S Gunnar 2.10 Gunna. w\J IW. 13 I~ 79 71 76 "00 Gwl1tlm ,. 18 18 1700 H.rd no<k nooo liar MineraI. '30 42D ~ 83 SO 6.1 ~OO 11... 11 83M nud,,"y SOO 500 SOO 1000 lleath Jl8 25 265 110 lOS 101 10lIl1 lIel" 1110 I. III 118 H 11 321~ 30 31 34 34 3' R3 57 5111 420 .10 ',0 37 561; S7 29 .. :It 3~ 34 31~' POO lII,h 8.11 \ Steamship Movements' " moo COpper 2530 COul.. :ar.a Cu.eo 1m 13~ Il 2'1'0 21 241'0 U U .1 210 110111"."" SIOO 110m. Yk 16~0 110)'1, 310 lIud BI~ 2000 nu ,h r. m 2300 Ind Like 2100 In'plraton 2387 Inl Nlck.1 10 Inl Nlrk,1 rr 3800 tnt nAD\\'lck 21)21 \ ...n R~y 1000 JIt'Dbu~ 4000 .Iock Wall. 2000 Ju. Expl' tOOO Jt:lnfttll 1Il0a Jobul'k. I • 115 II "II 110 II ~I _ " JI I. 191~ 37051 Mm. G.. , 3100 AI"'rm.nl ,.317 Am Ltdue '~3 Bailey Sol A 2635 A.,lo CIID 1100 ADebor 1410 JI.t. 100 Br.lllm•• 300 Brll.lI. 630 C.I and Ed 1100 C 011 Lind. 17213 Cdn Ad 011 700 Cd. AU 011 I!D t: Brit Emp 330 C Comer 1000 C Deealtl 1000 D Ee war 14103 Cdn Dev rttl 410 C Homesl.ad 30100 Cd. 0 (l RoCdn P L Pel. SOO C WIllI;i0. IlO C••• o .t G 7340 Cent Leduc 1300 Chlmberl.,. 100 CII.rlor 011 3TOO (''hem n .. 31 .. 17 20, w. 1I!1 OILS 2S lIS 18 17 19 23 510 Plio 1m II I' 19 rm. 10 I 7. 6.1 I! 1M 101 101 I~i IH, 8\. 23l 2~ 110 610 " 99 UO 610 52 12 5~ AI,; II, 11,i30 30 SO 2t~ 218 210 IZ7 107 123 Z :.:4 ~6 210 200 200 236 813 1M 70 3,".~ mil 33\\ ~1\l 21 27 27 1\4 7'" 1\\ ,.0 1.3 .:'0 92'.\ r.!1~ 51 51 1m. 25 23 al. 60.'1 179 15 611 52 11 ~7 4 II m 300 :!2 30 29 510 22 31 31 MO 9m 51 15\. 23 605 110 "tOO C"..onro 2'1.\0 C EA-I ereot &lGO Con Mle Mle , ,,' ., I 0 47 II 295 22 30 30 ~IO III 150 13n IS 15 18\i lI\i ,II 10',~ 10 IC',' 13 H 15 II 13',; l4 9T !Iil 97 20~ 20\, 20\, U 93 n m ,\~ 9\1 6~'J: 15~~ fI'.l 55 35 33 15 19' . 11 7~1 .2 ~_, m I3l m 13',,, 710 61 Z.\ 2r1 13'" 7SJ 130 .1 2.\ 1'.\ 13' 137 13T 7 72 3 • 11 17! • 19'\ In" Il5 :!.,n I 7:.!~i m :::irl THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES Nov. 30, dIU! Halifax Dee. 2 and 37 37 31 JIll • 1711 17'-, ltV. Lunan loading at Montreal S051011 Dec. 5, Lea'ini 1)05ton 41l 3~''2 39!i: 5131 ll' Ort. 17, for St. oJhn's. Dec. 6 and HaUfax Dec. IC, due ' 20 II 1m 8,5. Wellandoe loadlna at Tor· St. John's Dec. 12. Sailing for 7100 .10\1., 7,1 10 I,; 32 3' 31 6100 Jonsmtth onlo Oct. 20th, Hamilton Oct. 21st, Liverpool, December 13. !lI !I ~ soa KtnvU. ]Ali lj!.~ 18 11 forSt. John'.. Nova Scotia leaving L1"erpool 1000 Kerr Add li lR'; H 1i\ Keyboveon M.V. Dundee loading at' Hamil. Dec. 7. due St Joh"'s Dee 13. 116000 II 67 7 1123 Keym.1 ,. 39 " ~ Kirk I..k. ton Oct. 27th, Toronto Oct. 28th, ,Leaving for Halifax and Boston I) 13 n 4000 Kirk To". 'II t. In . and ,Montreal N,ov. bt, for St. Dec. 14, due HaUfax Dec. 16 and SOO Nrl.U.o 15'!i 1.)'.1 (.i',J )20 Labradnr John s. Boston Dec. 19. Lea~ing "'oston 230 ~1.1 "30 100 Lake I:I.eh ::lIO 211 2RQ ' M.V. Perth loading at Hamilton Dec. 20, due Halifax Dec. 21. Sail 11103 L Dulnult l4 11 14 1000 Lake LID' 523 51~ SI5 Oct. 31st. Toronto Nol'. 2nd, and ing {rom HaUCax tor Ln'erpool 330 Lake Slton :!3',' 23 :)31,~ 1450 L W". Montreal Nov. 11th, for 8t. John's. Dec. 24. :!aD 27. :m 6:10 La LUI S60 300 3~0 140 LamAqu. M.V. Lunan expected to load at . FURNESS RED CROSS 70 70 70 1300 Ltlteh ,I I Hamilton about Nov. 7th, Toronto .·ort Hamilton arriving, SI. 4I'l00 Lt.eouri 3m 35 3S ••50 Ltolndn Nov. 8th, Montreal Nov. 11th for John', Oct. 16th, leaving St. oJhn's :l7S0 12l 121 )22 L L LI. m 7 I',i 316 om... !it. flURNISI John's. k WA Oct. 18th, (Ha Ilfax an d New Yor). 179 175 m .3011 Lorado 33 33 33 RRiN LINI Fort Avalon leaving st. John, ~ Louvlet II! 171 !IS Lfndhurol Nova Scotia due St. John's Oct. N.B., Oct. 15, Haltlax Oct 1.8, due 16m 200 200 20fI 300 M...... 101 ~ sa ulllng for Liverpool Oct. I St. John's Oct. 20, leavJng St. '000 MI.donald 2S 24 2'1\ 8000 M.eli' S2 50 II 18000 M.ek... "N' r dl d I John', Oct. 22 (C.B. and N.Y.) m II! 115 M.cI,ad IW oun an eaving LI\'~rpooJ Fort Hamllto:! leaving New York 3400 23.1 230 21! 1700 M.dHn 17\, IS 11 MI.nel Oct. III, due St. John'. O~L 21. Oct. 21st. leaving Halifax Del. moo 115 213 215 6600 M.l.rli. 2B 2 2 Leavini for HaUfax and Boston 25th, arriving St. John's, Oct 27th, 5SOO M.n...1 Uran )1".1,0 t1~ 18091~ lID, '" Ort. 22, ~ue H&lIfax Det. 24, and leadng St. John', Oct. 29th, (Hall· 2'150 us l~ Mlrlllm. I' • ..1"':',16;. . .... , .."::.", , MOO,Marlln' .. Boston Oct. 27 Leaving HostOD I .) 165 ."156 Ii: 11100 M.Ybru. Oct. 28 and Hallfax Nov. 1, due axFort , Hamilton leavingl ••lIallfU " ," 73\~ 13\~ 731> 13 Molnl).,.. 10 40 10 .. st. John'. November 3. Salllni Nov. 1st, arrlvlng st. John" Noy. I~M"'enl 20 20 20' _ Mom.rm •• Me"lllera Igain Simi da, for Llver901·1. 3rd, leaving SI. John's, Noy.. 5th. , ;JeOO 1:"l~""I~; II10t Me.l~r," 1110 110 II~' Nova Scotia leavlnl LIverpool Fort AI'alon leaving Ne~ York .00 Morrill ' .n.5 3941 4041 MS~ AI.t. Urn Nov. II, due St. John'. Nl·Y. 11. Nov. 3m, Icavlng St. John, I\ov. '13CO ~llnd.m.r ~"4 2Z I :!2 1473 )/Inln. Cnrp ~~~Vl~~ ~or Hal~rax ~nd Bllston 5th, leRving Halifax Nov. elh, ar· 1~2.'n ~IQ 29' 31Q ~lo."l I~I \.10 Iln . • ue Hahfax Nov. 14 and rll'ing St. John's N'," lOt!!, leav· mo Mull! MID I~n 14) 14:10100 NomA frcok B,oalon Nov. 17. Luvlng .,Roslon ing SI. John's Novembcr 12th. 1\ eo an H3l0 Nal F..plor 14" ,Iio lin I~OO N.. L.bl •• Nov. 18,and Halifax Nov. :!2. due. NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS 27 25 Z31\ 3100 Ne. A1,.r 7~ 7n T~ S!. John' Nov. 24. Sallin, l,alD Bedford 11 leaving Halifax oct. 21750 New Athono 30 29 ~ N.. Jlld ~m. dl' for Liverpool. Il1th d St John's Oct. 17th' 2.100 120 100 102 3100 Ne. C.I 101 101 101 Deihl , N.wfoundlaDd leavln,' LIverpool leaving u:t• J~hn's Oct. lS\h. ' ~New 210 201 ~IO' 100 Ne. Dleke. .0 36 38 '!lov. 23, deu st. John' Noy. 29. Selle Isle II leaving Halifax Oct. 11400 N Fortu•• 'II II 27 13000 N Gold,u. Leaviq for Hamil IDd, SostOD Il1th, due St. John's Oct 17th, leav· .550 N HlrrI•••o 33 33 33 61 63 •• lilt N H1rhrld,. IDg St.John's Oct. 18th. , II 22,24 _ 1'1•• 110 ..0 101'J 10 IW, Bedford 11 leavlug HaUfax Oct. 5500 New J.oo. 30 26 ::s 5$00 1'1 K.lo" 22nd,' due st. John's Oct. 24th., 11050 14 13 11 1'1 Lop.m 60 IS57 43000 Newlu.d leaving St. John's Oct. 25th, 9 8 II!> .100 N Mlrlo. 19 111'0 lSI!> Belle tale 11 leaving Halifax OcL 'I10000 N.w -laeultl 23 II 21 .... 1'1 Myl.m.qu. 22ncl. due st. John', Oct. 24th. 2000 II 15 lS~ 5$00 N.wnortll 11 16 IS UOO N.w R.u,.. leaving SI. John', Oct. 25th. 10% 10 10% , 4000 N StIIIt.. 30 28 l1li talO New TIIurll Bedford II leaving HaUfIl Oct. 777 4000 Nib V.lle ~ 150145150 29th. due St. John'. Oct. Ilat, 4300 NlpellQ 10' 10 10 3000 NI'to leaving St. Johu', NoY, 1~ 111'0 50 51 713 N.ra.d. IItW 101\ 20 20 _ N..,.ld CLARKI STIAMFHIP CO. MO 130 63a 1165'Norm,,,1 SheldnICe IIllln, tod.,., 37 :It :10100 Norpox H 11111 12V. Novaport leaYlng Montr..1 Oct SNlO Nor In .. I &:l IS Nudul'III' ".\ .ADJNGS 10 10 10 19, due st. John', Oct. H, ullinl 1flOO SOOO Gbllko " 11111 Illl 111'0 1000 Ollm. TO •• aID Oct. III. 1.1 115 IS, 600 Ok. 1IIn Mtt H ~ It' 0'Le• .,. Sheldrake leavin. Montreal Oct. 1000 IT. JOHN'S 4 4 m 1000 OInnll...1 us 785 113 28th, Irrlvint St. John', No" lat, 11350 Opoml.k. II 21 21 10000 DRnld. ,.OM NlW YORKI leavln"t. John'" Nov. arcl. 48 .:! 44 3000 Ollok. 15 mi I. Novaport leaving Montreal No.: tooo P •• Ell' POrt Ramlltoa .... Ocl. 11 19 U It 2100 P.mour 10 m ".; IItb, arriving St. John'. Nov. 10tb, 2000 rar.m., t.rort Avalon ...... Nov, I 110 100 1011 1000 P.~. leaving st. John'. No\·. 12th, (Ba, 433 43., 43.1 2S Parker Drill PROM IT, JOHN. N.B •• n7 :1'1 37 Roberts). .' ' 2.100 PIYIIIII'.r 120 1211 120 125 Plok crow t'Fo~ Avaloll ...... Oct. 111 n III' II''; Sheldrake leaving Montreal Nov. .700 Pilch Oro 33\~ 33 )3!1 t'rort Avalon ...... Nov. II 73 I'lle" 16th, arrlvlnll St. John'. Nov. 20tb, 1700 I~ 51 55 Pow ROO,. NIl f;l0 '81) 600 Pre.I •• .. RUM HAllFAXI leaving SI. John" Nov. 22nd. 10 11:\5 10 S~ Pn>nlo Uro. flO 260 270 200 Pn>' AIr Novaport leavlnl Montreal 25th, t.Fort Avalon ...... Oct. 18 32 32 32 2000 PIInIY )11 •• due St. John'. Nov. 30th., leaving 15200 Ue 'Chb liS 138 142' Fort Hamilton .... Oct. 25 "0 30S :120 Qu. COP t.Fo~ Avalon •••••. Nov•• 8 St. John's pe,c. 3rd., (Bay Roberti). 11700 Il~ ID'" 10'.~ 2.100 Q . . Lab IS II!. 15 , Sheldrake leavln, Montreal Dec. 2T25 QUI LlI1t l10 110 110' 115 Qui M•• 110 .50 460 3rd., due St. John'. Dec. 'lth. SAILINGS 17'5 QUI M.laI m 176 195 S2000 Qu. Nlekol CONSTANTINE CANADIAN 241\ 2.\4. m; FROM IUS Qu.mo.\ 10 155 156 :rJSO Radian , SERVICES liS 115 115' ST. JOHN"S 555. R.yrock • M.V. Teaswood leaving Toronto VSOO lIt1eoun 17 16 11 ISO 230 :so 300 R •••blt TO CORNU BROOK. Oct 15, Montreal Oct. 19, arrlvlni AII01I1_.r .3 4:.l 43: 1111 Irl 111 17" Rio Palmer St. John', Oct. 24. "Fort Avalon ...... Oct. 22 110 1l1li 11111 8000 Rxl AIh.lt 21Ii:lO 211'J ISOO Roehl : . ,t'Fort Avalon ••• , •. NoY. 12 10 48 .. B200 1Ieekwln llll 2I1'J %1I'J 1000 c:ou : :: TO HALIPAX 71'0 7 7' 11000 RuP1lllunl ,~ .' Fort Hlmllton , ••• Oct. 111 141 Ito 111 1000 San ADI 15 I. 15 1700 Salld ru_ • • Fort Hamilton, ... Oel. 29 Pt. ' 700 8ba....,. For. Hamilton. \ •. Nov. II 123 m m ISOO Sheep en 110 630' 3tO 2647 Sherrltl TO NIW. YORK, 17 '~'i 161, 1000 SI •••• I A. E. HICKMAN CO., LTD. 11 110 115 .0680 &11 Mitior S!I 31 Fort Hamilton .... Del. III I AI. V•• Thoma) and Robert II 500 SI"•• :10 21, 311 5600 &1.d,oo.1 t.Fort Avalon .,.• ; .. Oct. 22 getti"; ready to go flahln!!. 11 11 11 4000 Sle.loy It~.;. l1~i 11 " .. l0rt H..milton .... Nov. 1I ~m SI.ep nook AT 'CROSBIE " CO. LTD. 7:1 71l j3 2A.1OO Sturleon " .1 Fort Avalon ..... Nov. 12 171; 17 11 M.V. Western Explorer bRei· " "00 Sud C••I clrgq. AAO t.7n .\iO Sulll"" 1(3 133 113 tin, ready for lhe herrin. flsliel1. 2100 3«lO Syl.all. :lOll 2!l1 :"0 1&30 Took !lull! I- V...... will c.1I Newfound· Winsor. master Iln liD 140 nOlI Thom Luad ,.Ind Out"lrt, •• Induct ~~ ~l 51 . R.M,C. DOCKY AID 1'351 Tlarl 120 110 1:0 , ment oHtrL 1700 Torbll Flretug 3, and the two 10n,'Un. 13 n 13 S20 'fowa,., •• .Calls Corller Brook afler UI'o 42 U Tra.. II.. el's Samerang, ,nd 8amcrfa,.t, also 2900 221'0 2214 211, 1160 U Mlnln, SI. John's. 170 1145 eso flQO U "'....1•• M.V. Parr. tt Acccpll refrigeration o 0 0 7QO U. IIIoU. STEERS LTD. 735 '/25 725 carICO. :100 Ua XeDO 3 35 33 SSOO U Ma.IAubl. James and Patrick II discharging lDOO Upp C.n lot lot 104 3Hi:n '11 ','INIRAL AOINTI 21~ Venture. a ~argo of fish. o::!.\tt 21 24. 67500 Vleour JOB BROTHERS :Il1O 211,:!95 4100 Vlol.m •• H.".~ & Co~ Ltd. 01,1 2151 Il~ 15 lSI. 730 W.U. Am Tobe M.V. Blue Wave II, 'Is still 2000 W. G. Moo" DI.I SItO 42 II .2 W•• don Pyr t • I 1000 WI" M.lar under repaIrs. 210 110 110 FURNESS WITHY 400 Wlllroy BAINE JOHNSTONS III. 1m 1111 1000 WIII"y & Co.. LTD. ' II • 9 , 1000 \Y1 •• he.t.r Sid and Sam, Is taking freight 31M 33 31 33 W .dwud New York Mon.,u. 21\11 la3 zoo 14011 Wr HI" (or oBnavlsia Bay II II also the H.II'1li It. ~.hn, N. 53 54 II 2000 VII. Lo.d ~ I~ :10, President Brown. 2100 Yk Bear \1 m. t:::, ~", /.a f, r I, f. Ii , ~ t,l '~, " , .! FURNESS ~ Red Cross Line 3. 3people will buy • • Row.. 'WATIm}1tONT PEOPLE' LIKE CANADA SAVINGS BONDS DIRECTORY BECAUSE THE SIMPLE AUTOfl\ATIC PURCHASE PLANS .3 . Ins on ana a ENAB.LE THEM TO OWN A SECURrry THAT CAN BE CASHED --. AT FULL FACE VALUE PLUS GOOD INTEREST ANYTIME. ~~!-rr' ,,;~ 1tI)(,(J. . . ,. . ' ' . ~ \ • .' .' ~~~~~~~~~~==========================================================~' Social • THiE BELL ISLAND N'EWS .' . \\Funeral Of The Many Happy Kiwanis Doings Silver Amiiversary eople In The Ne~s. Late Wm.F. Returns Tbe Bell I~Klwanls'Club' Greetings' met for their. regular weekly '. P I Ilarl' Clreulallol1; Gratton were here during the past P df t LL' B . . I tll L . H 11 W d cv was here I week doing business ror their reo llr. J. ~~iIY ~el~'s rou 00 ' . . Happy blrtbday greeting to Mr. I meeting n e eglOn a ~. Happy anniversary greetlngs to '\ rcgular monthly spective f1rm~. \ Cbarles M. F. Foote, 133 Empire' nesday evening Oct 12, 1st. 'Vlce Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doberty who Personal Religious Corner· Iy CHURCHMA. N - - - - - - - -... ,. 1'1< I Bf CHURCHMAN of ·us forward to I newer and 11101'_ : "tt. i:e was accompanl. Mr. Jobn Cahill bas returned A publfc expression' Avenue, St. Jobn's who celebrated PdreslhdentlJ'1 G: Arhchlbabld OCCUPI(. celebrated their'Silver 'Vedding Whatsoever things are true .• , abundant life. From now on· 'Jet . tlIe G ene I'a I Hos pltal wberc spI'ead sorrow on the death of thl' bis blrthda y October 12. HI's num· ePresident t e c 13Addison r .n tea . . t b 9t'h . Th ey , IT,ones t .•..J us t .... P ·mI'. ' Edwar d (I'om Bownsence who 0Is Anmversary on 0 coer : • . th'Ink the tb'1I1gs we d0 an d tb e t hi ng. b)' hiS ., be has been a patient for some lat! WilHam F. Proudfoot, Ll.B. erouds Ifrlcnds .on the tlhslandtt \ presently attending the O.Q.l\1. maGrrledF bYB Rt·l RtCVd. Mon. i on these thmgs.-PblllIpans 4:8. we speak be acceptable unto God. '. C. D. lis.rnes. curate St., months past. 1115 many friends and deep !ympnthy for the Proud. ten 5 ncere WIS bes. on e a am· Convcntion of Kawanis Inter. . ' . art et at St.' "Keep therefore, Thy God im., For as our thougbt. are-i(/ wlll · paid a busineu trip to 11'111 be glad to Ilear? thdat he 15 foot family W.lS given when the of anot.ber milestone a very I national which is being held at ;lhchaels Best wishes I planted in thy heart, unsoiled and I we be,. • funeral took place Thursday after spe.clal greetmg from !Ilax and M t I (rom tbelr friend.. unperturhed by any tumult or DAILY PKAYEI · Wrdllcsday morning. now very mueh mprove • John s r. !.ush. !IIanager all Miss Betty Lodge made a trip noon from his parents' I Pearl. • wcre welcomed \ impressions. Be not . to; 0 Almi ht God Tho k LII. . . .,,1> 10 SL 'ro","'''' W.b.M . . 1",,,, Too, Boy', .,,' L••" !ruth, I. I'. '''''''''" .... : .. .• lIcd Ih': Thursday. lIlr. and r.I.-h. C. J. Butler reo was by motor hearse and the Many bappy returns of. tbe day Following the luncheon a quiz I In act ... and turn not aSIde from, often t d t b CI II. tCompanlcd by lIlr. C. turned from their 8Jlnual vacatlDn motorcade was extremelY largp to Mr. John H. Bennett wcll programme under I S. .the path to goa!." from ,peelal representative Thursday whith was spent at sbowlng the In ",hlch he known business man who cele· the direction. of Bert Tucker: I.tl . __ ,. -Marcu,s Aurelius Antomnus. ',though'-. "ea from all· our the d D points I hi b was held In the commul!lty. not \ and Bu Com... -n\" Topsail and other on tbe bra t hi s b' thd ay 0 coer t b 16. tool< the form of a Baseball game. I Installations of II new freezing Toda) Is new ... let " us live acceptable to ... II J. [!. Tal rant was a recent local malnlan '. ur ng . 8 a' A second motor hearse banked SpeCIal greetings from all bis one team was the Codgers and I plant In .the Bell Wand Arena Is . of us: can ever re·II\·e It.! Tbee, througb Jesu. Christ fUr . r. to Ihe Capital. sence Mr. ButIel s position as sub- witb beautiful floral trll)utes pre. ,friends on the Island. the otber Lankr.es. Charlie Cohen-: progressing rapidly lind It Is bop· : Time .moves forward. i Lord. t and !\Irs. King collector was looked after by Mr. ceded tbat on which the remains Captained the and Ed·' cd that II sheet of ice will he avail· 1 Yet God IS forgIVIng .uppose you n,;ad 51. Jobn's paid Leonard MacNamara of Her Ma· were borne and which was also die Murphy, the Lankees. D!ck nble to reopen' the ArenA verY bave known sorrow, and per· to the Island Thurs- jesUes Custom3 St. John's. covered. wltb wreaths. Taillon acted umpire. The end possibly by the end of "exf haps disappointments have burt Thr)' "'cre accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Vlncent Kent visit· AttendIng the funeral from out of the game sbowed Codgers lead· week. It Is not Ifnown lit pre5ent deeply. In tbis life It Is expected ind 'Irs. Doyle. ed St. John's Wednesday morning. of town were the following:.. 0}. "arlety concert was staged ing 5 to 4. if. Joe Byrne coming back to that mistakes and trouble will per· CHURCH OF ENGLANa Ilr \Vluiam Earle Son of Mr. \Mrs. William Ezekiel Is doing J. G. Higgins. President of the In SI. Jame's Hali on Sunday There was n'l guest speaker at coach the Bell 'Island hoclrey mit mistake to recur, and only . \Irl. l'hp!le~' ,.:arle We;t, fIne. at the. Grace Hospital. . Law Society; R. A. Par~ons of the evening, October 9th, and was this meeting. Nt.'xt week's speaker! tcams this winter, bowever local the blind refuse to see the lesson Nineteenth Sunday After TrlIl117 ST. 'CYPRIAN'S . ha' Joil'rd the !'Illd. Con· I Mr. and Jack Cohen and law firm of Parsons and Morgan; largely attended. Tbe concert was will be Mr. McLellan. Manager' hockey fans lire .keeping tbeir being taugbt by wbat seems to be Rector, Rev. T. F. Honef.old, · . anrl \(10k up his duties IIfrs. Natllan Cohen were business Arthur Mifflin of Mifflin Ind produced In aid of the Children of of the Newfoundland Transport· fingers crossed. The local team a bumilitating defeat. phon;c Mr. and MrsJohn'll Chr!sWednesday Saunders Mercer; SamlleI Haw klns 0 f Mary of the Mines, The various alion Company. will be without the' services o( You see it's only to a person who curate, Rev. C. D. HayDu•. 1.10 Ihe pA<tHa"'co wcek. o( the Per. visitors to St. a.m., Holy Communion; 11· I.m., J)cvartll1cnl, Dominion returned from St. John's Wednes. Knight, ,Phelan and Hawkins; A. Items were well received by tbe right wingr.r "Hap" MaeDon· can take God at His word, and Sunil Eucharilt; 7 p.m., .l!vealo!IJ Orc Limited paid a brief day afternoon. S. Mercer of legal profession; audience and was voted. buge The Great Ray.mond and bis aId, 11'110 has now moved to the find forgiveness. and take advant· and SermOD. trip to SI. John's Mr. penis' Hannlford went to Judge Loyola Whelan; H.. M. Bat· success. company of magicians continues RCMP Station, St. John's. Late re- age of the new day that makes me ST. MARY" ten, M. P.; Clyde Brown, M.P.P.; PROGRAMME . b ports Indicate that there are two really count. 'John's '''ednesda • 8.30 I.m., . Holf .Communlolll· • v morniog. 'Y Head visiting J rkes 1 Tb e Llttl e Red Sch00I tonight and Monday DIg t..at St.f goo!! hockeyls!s' now employed We should oller tbanks. to AI· tht. Hon. R. F• Sp a , Speaker of . SongS-, t rned St.Mrs. John p.m., Evensong and Sermoll, Regina Wednesday. Carbage re She u Is capital Wedneway doing business the House of Assembly'' .,. A. House, Theresa Nolan', 2, James Hall under the ausplcles o . hospital SI. Michael's .Chureb. with I · contstructlng company, mighty God, for the very fact that. ~n oi~wlde. ~"i:,(ant ~Ir. ~ "i'~';'''.'o"1~land 'obO', resld~nee 11 ",.... Th, mo""". ~at~t: ~x· men~ e~teem. ~s p' Tho","~ C:~.~dale sl~nor Ch~rcb. i ;nw~ea ~uests Cl,,". I~ ,1\""", .. Spo~t wa~ f~aturcd Codg~rs, ~! Ial~e U, ,,; ... '"t':::'~ th~t le~ds lif~'~ o~e VarI"e'.tv Concert. ~i:r I'i~it u~e ~ere ~ I' da~. W~, ~ins con~lnuaU~ ~'ou ~oon, a~fev:~n, e~ll :~d ::;;:rl~~ I~r': ~ Snnday Services t~ • Mr~. ~tar th~ ~hurs. )I~. ~~h at~d CL~' ~t1e~ 0t~ iO~' :tM;!~e: :;::tH~~~.lng much better. Her many There'~ Mrs. Mary Johnson made a bus. the For You This afternoon tbe Ray.mond here who may be trying out for we are alive today. Let us stop to UNITED CHUJtCJf In"si. trip to the Metropolis on e era on e ssoe a on; . . b '11 t th h'l the 10e8.1 team when things get think abont It for a few minutes. ,,"edn' ....da. 'I. Oke; S. L. Sbcppard; J. Rltcey; Song-Ray McLean. S ow WI s age a mammo c I· organized In local bockey circles. We are alive. It Is a new day. Minister, Rev. F. G.Welr.. 11 a.m., Dlylne Worsblp; 1.30 p.III .. Ilrs. ~Ieh'in Bursey and her" ~. A Pile' A IIf Martin' E Dicken Violin and Guitar SeleeUons- dren's matinee at 2:30 p.m. for the · LInda returned to the ' ;aevd. F. G. Well', U.C. Pastor' ," , .' • Ray Crane and P. Keels. youngsters. There Is all the experience 01 tbe Sunday -Scbool; ·7 p.m., Divi: .. during the week • after made a trip to St. John's Wednes- son, Nfld. Light & Power Com· P3st to teach us there ire these Worship. I h lid pany; R. W. Shepherd; F. M. R\lg· Songs-l, Tbe Old Refrain, 2, \ . about us wh' I g a I'er)' enjoynb e 0 ay day. gles; Ernest Adams; Mark Gosse; Love's Old Sweet Song, Mr. E. Ray McLean and Pat Keels. f' d 0 adre hanl:t ous to be !larbour. She was ae- Mr. and Mrs. Geo Basha made Eugene Gosse;. Dr. L. E. Lawton, Russel\. \ Songs-I, Why Don't You Be"0 ollr flen s, an e p us If we b)' her mother Mrs. a trip to tbe capital Wednesday and hundreds of other folk of all Tap Dance-Yvonne Basba. \ieve Me, Rita Boland; 2, On The need t?em, 'let best of 81\ SALVATION Al'tMY with their ·car. classes and creeds, visibly show. Songs-I, Truek Drive Grill; 2, Outgoing Tide. Rita Boland. John Sweeney Manager o( the: there lS Almighty God who Is Sr. Captain Garfield and Mrs. .• r.d Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Neary Ing signs of the ladness which Alrlgbt, Reg Crane, Dave Hann I Songs-Ramona; 2, Among MY. Canadian Legion Bowlirtg Alley's ' to us then our "ery breath· I Hickman, C.O.',. 10.30 •.m., Ope. Sl. John's the. weekend went to the local Mainland wltb tbe death of tbe late William and Tberesa Nolan. \ Souvenirs, B. Walsh. I lod;:y that the alley's: mg. . Air It(eeling; 11 I.m., Holines. hland I'j,iting Clarke! I their car We.lnesday. Proudfoot Sketcll-Libiamo Penclapia. G.. April in Rita i will definelely reopen on Monday .Let make lip nur minds tben I 2 p.m., Sunday School;m• · and )Irs. Peler Mur.·. i\lr.. Lar Hurley was In .St St. Cyprian's AngUcan Cburch. Metcalfe, G. Dwyer, R. McLean. I Krnt; 2. I Speak to the Stars, Rita night Orto.hcr 17th at 7 o·rlork.' With .R prayer Inri our hearls that: p,m., Meeting; 11.111 1I. ., · ' Oll a business "Islt Thurs· was croll'ded 10 capacity for the Songs-The Descrt Song, Har· Kent. '. I Thp Call bowlinJl Rrc Gnrl In Hu 200 nrS! will Open Air Meeting; '7 p.m., !Vlfto llo )11"'. I.1cwc\l;-n Luffman In. day this wf'ck. sen'lce, this baing the first fun. I bour Basha .. _ . Songs-;-l. Litlie .Blos.mm. :z. I'm' experted tn gr! beforr. , Ann m In our rightful i Meeting. Come til wnr.bill John', Thlu;day on a business, !\Ir: Vince Murphy went to SI. eral sen'lce p','er held In tblll I Violin Ind Gullar In the .Jall 1\011'. M. 0 Brlpn. ,the Pllrl of tbls month. mlOn. and lean each Rnd I!\'ery one i to '1'11 ,, be glad to know. Bou,1jn ~lr ~pcnl ~lrs. ~Ir. ~Irrrcr ~trcct.. • I\'~! oc~asloned. .Tolllf~ Song~-l. ~ight5. Yl'o~ne or SelectlOn~-. P~ri5. , . Trlltllin~ :::==_--... .N .ALL.E'f. .' u~ ~ ~ ,II' i ; II . .,. 1.,1: I I I \ I'". :.'i'i'.... I ·;" . • Religious Coriler Ac~nowIc(lgt'lllellt . .. • l :i I . I ,.\: ·) ,:0,. ,i,~,,:. ,: II I~ :.:: !, t 'I . ·:,'r .'1 ,.\ ~ " ' ;1 \:1 1 ,! , j I ; I~ " ••• , .. • i o. INGLAND • \ I . , .' ~ ·~~1~grVoat~ IN FINE SU!TS FOR MEN I ., An entirely. new c:onception of 'richness and· color appeal in fine suits: Here isdistindion ••• character ••• and beauty of appearance. '. 'i:;I.,w £.r~'~~'~· $75,00 and '79,50 . I. ' . [ . J'ROG~E!j P8flJl9 <LottlES Made-to.m~asure slightly higher. Sold exclusively in.St.John's by t~'ston 11('115.20 \ Ii • . ,, • I :1,: 1. 1 :' ,. . !_, " ~ ,{ 'I' I ,ti' ,: :!,I lly .present were his father, Mr. Garbage Collection • 'Il I. .. : iI'! I .: APRO ,:d ,i~. . 1 I .j- L·al·~ ~erv~. "--- Reid Proudfoot hur and Lornl!• and brothers Art· When death intrudes ,itself up";1.' :.,......... n-our-happlpeaa we· all-a'll tread lightly' witb. hush upon our splrlta and a wellbt 'of, grief . In our hearts. To let our tboughls allY, until mixture mounds when run back over past years· Is to urI havt pie (or dessert, and dropped from. ·spoon. store eva· bave our minds flooded w!tllrlcn In)' piC is only as Bood as porated milk In freezing tray of and. happy memories. Many pl.tf). 1(1'5 slart with a lood refrigerator until soft· Ice crustals tblngs .stand out· particularly as rcc:ipr: form around edlle~ll1 to 20 mlns. we recall. His buoyant spirit, his fOR A TWO CRUST PIE beat until stllf: fold In chocolate ready smile, hiS steadfast loyalty II. IUPS ~ilted all·purpose ft our mixture' and vanilla. Turn Into In friendships, his generosity to I tmpoon salt t til good causes and the falthfullness baked pie shell. Refrlgera e un r. up ,:Iorlcn Ing saIt and high quality of his service • bl espoons co Id wa ter set.. To serve, whip heavy cream; to his church. Although he Is "Ia sweeten I little, and pile In cen· gone from our midst we will al· rOR .\ 8" or 9" PIE S'HELL l" d II 11 tn .of pie, spreading ou.t towards ways remembft' him' as one of I : cups sllle a .purpose our I It the cdaes, but not completely nature's gentleman and a citizen I teaspoon sa .. I'I tabl elpoons butter covering 'the filling. To decorate, of the finest type. t sbave on 1 sq; cbocolate making .1 tUP ~lIortcning 'l'be funeral arrangements' were attractive curls on top o( the In l'1ml'ge of Rideuut's Funeral tJbtc~pllmls butler 3 Silt nUlI'- anti ~alt into boWl. cream: ' Home and the fulluwing life 10llg Wilh p~,try hlenti.'r 01' two knives I . •- - . ' I h'lelHb'were the pallbearers:· lit in )h"rh'ning IIntil li~e of ThiS ~ne IS a COIII?lRalton . 0 Me~S1's••'rank 13. &Iuil·cs. lIugh 11111 peas. IIltllll ~a cup of tbis Ill~':ours tbat we parhcularly !Ike p. Connors, Gerald C. 'ru~kel'. Illturr 11'lh watel'; with fork or -Carmel and Bana~a. .Jdsepb Hookey. W. Lloyd LeUre\\', him bi~nd this Into flour unlll BANANA.CARMEI, PIE Albert SqUI1·P.8. ' . lAu&h hold~ lO~elher. Form pastry 1 baked 8" pie shell In the ancient prayer 01 the JIO blil ~nd divide. In. balf for ~,cup cold water church "May be rest In peace and ItO(rust pir. Roll out on llgbt1y 2 egg yolks may 1Ight perpetual shine upon I~md 'lIrf~cc. t'or a one crust ~, cup granulated sugar him." ~! iiI p~;tr)' into B" or II" pan, ~, cup· brown lugar, packed tnmp In attractive· edGe, tben ~. cup all·purpose flour 11th lork prick sides and boitom. 1 cup. boiling water (mIl), Ind deeply. Lct stand In 1 tablcspoon butter rtfri.mt~r for ~ br. before bak· . ~1 teaspoon vanilla extract ill. Pllte in a bot oven. (4~Oo.'). 3 or 4 ripe bananas 1m liter 13 minutes and If bub· ~ cup heavy cream, lin lIe trident prick tbem and For tbe past year· or more a (IDtinue to blk~,.for I further 7 . Mix cold water and 'egg yolks in continuous garbage collection has 10 10 minules or' until ,.olden B3ucepan; sUr in combined Bugars, been carried out in tbe .municl· brown. .. iiour ind salt. Gridually add boll· pallty of Bell'Island by the Wabana Ing wa~er, stirring. briskly. Cook, Town. council. Tbis project ~as stlrrlng,3 to· II minutes, or until proved to be of great· service to No\\' for ou~rts. FI~st one • the menu Is glamorous and smootb and tlilck. Add' butter and residents and. has benefited tbe ~tidoul Royal .Cbocolate Chiffon vanilla; cool II minutes, stlrrlnll area generally. In an effort to.!n· tit: . occasionally. Pour Into baked' pie crease tills lervlceand to make.lt shell. Refrigerate unUl set.. To more efficient the Council would lOYAL CHOCOLATE CHIFFON serve, slice bananas over fllllng; like residents to 'place tbelr garbPIE whip cream and Ipread over all. age, If possible In containers and I baked 9" pie shell In a convenient p; ~e for tile coJ. 1 en~elope unfllvoured·· gela. to pick. It up. .. line . , j' . . ~ cup granulated IUllar . If tbe residents cooperate· In " Itaspoon salt: thla respect It will be possible to 1 egg yolk visit each section of the area every , ·4 cup milk . two weeks. 3 . sq. unsweetened cbocolate I cup undiluted' evapo'rated . milk' The Bell 'Island Branch of Uie litaspoon vanilla e)ltract. Canadian Legion will be holding I pup h~~\'\' crf m I Ladlts' Ni!lhl on !lalllrdny, Oc· I . a. tohfr qQ 'I'hp aHair' ",ill com· . ;~. IIIISWt'PtP'lipl! choeobt ••.. .. \'uU'1I hal.t I I t til P I ·mellre \\,1111 a turkey dlOner at . II11 • n ~ ar I ~ P e ,7 p,m. ,hal·p. . t 1 In tnp day on whlrll )'illl In· . The fommillpe SUPlllying books tn SPr\·~ It •• ~ It l'eqllh'f5 I ,. All ex,st'rvlct'men ftrt' Invited to lIb houlS to set properly. Combine ~ nltelld and may oblaln tickets frum anel magadnes to m'e carden "'iI!ln~, sugar and nIt. In double-I Mr. John Sweeney at tbe club aratefuJly . acknowledges contri· ~ kr top, beat pu yolk; stir In rooms or any m~mQer. or tbe butlcini (rom tbe followlnll: Messrs. ! , Itlrring' unlil chocolate Is I executive. Prices of tickets are T. Godin. A., R. Proudfoot, J: G. I Arcblbald, . C.. A. Moaklfr, B'I ~I;I~:~ RN11ol'e :,ft!lm h,eat; wltb I$1:10 slnele, $2.50. double. Illl!fr"lrr. btat till smoolh. Place, Music 11'111 be supplied by Mc· Glick, C. Cohen,. R. R. Costiaan, Mrs. J. B. Murphy .. Iitralor. aad stir acca.loll· I "eaa'•.Orcbestrl. ~ i .,\, ~~l:' ~to~gst~th:::r:~ theo~~: ----~-------.I Legion Hold' Ladies' Nihhi , 1" , ~Ieeling; Prai~e fnrl!iv~: 1!p.li~t1c ren~w l ! t F. u,cted''Unto t e the ur· lal Honeygold, servl~e. Thecon. hymn~ Hills around do I 11ft Up" and "Jesus. tbe very thougbt of Tbee" were sung·-favouIUes of the deceased. Miss 111. L. Jennings, LRAM presided It the organ. The committal. at tbe cemetery was al· t k .b th R dH I ~('ric, unn~rway HOll~e 1. ~ht "a, a~col1lpanled by her i John's Thun;day on A brle( visit. rhureh. The rector, Reverend T. ~tm~ret. . i ]llmrs. Ying Hong. !\ling Loe d b b 1.lr. Owru Fltlpatrkkd crossed! and Charlie Wing "Islted the capl. to St. Jolll~'s Thurs ay morll' i lal 'Wednesday doing business. Mr. alld Mr!. Joe Ml\1er went llrs, GtOI'~C II. !\ormore tra"el'lto St.. John's Wednesday. They 111)'ward! '1 hursday morning. took along the;1 car. lin. Louis Myler brought lIer Mrs. John Rces Is coming along bOlo back from hospital ncely In a city bospltal and will ahel'noon. be home soon.. salesmen Harry Mr. Joe pYnl).,·lsUed Slo John's Ttd Butler and Ivan Wedn~day. of this week. \I~llal ~ " a~d ~loser ~nnounccd Ii ,: I t~ , r.", 'SUNDAY, SERVICES Oh, FOi~:~rfect (Isaiah xxvi d, Phil. h'. 7.) --------------------------------f'i..,,_h of i:'nola'ld wlll meet after ~chool; 7.30 p.m,. 'Oh! for the peace of • perfect 8. ABurning And A1 BEST LOVED HYMNS Shil1~g Light Lord, for to·morrow Ind its necds "H., was a burnIng and I: • al,n Bis/10P Sheen Writes ' I do not pray; shining light: and Y' wert will· I Keep me, my God, from stain or sin, ing for a s.olIon to rei ole. In his Just for to-day. : light." John 5:35. Let me both dillilently work , And duly pray; ! Concerning John the Baptist Let me be kind in word and deed, lhe Bible has some remarkable Just for t o o d a y . · things to say. Even Jesus said 'hat of al11hese born of woman. Lt be l t d '11 MAKING USE OF DEFECTS \ you are to be a success in Iii• e me S ow 0 0 my WI , : nonc Is g;ocater than he. In the ..... obey: text It Is• sa in that he wall a '!"ny By people arcJ. depressed SHEEN be· mg kind suggest you tobtgin H I Prompt I to rlfi If and charitable e pJust me for 0 sac ce myse , i "burning and a shining Ught." 1 " " of their deficiencies - real: seeking out as many po,sible tooday. 'would be doing no violence to the cause Lt Idl d or I·magl'nary. Because some are to make others happy and e me no wrong or e wor meaning of the text If I should Untblnklnll lay; 'make It read "He was a burning lame or ugly, or ignorant or blind, woman has achieved Set Thou I .eal upon my I'ps • h " they are inclined to give up the in Just tile way her father I , i and therefore a shining IIg t,h struggle of life. In certain cases, men de. d Power IS , mauc " Just for tooday • : l'e wns able t" shine becaul;e e resentment anti-social traits. cen- ID '[I rml't y. sorl'ousness Let me In leason' Lord be gra\'e :lVas williM to burn. It is e v e r , and hate are vomited A def'Ie iency does llf' t ' In season Iray' l' ht against those who are presumed to , produc.e an efficiency in a , . . 'so, Ltt me be faithful to Thy grace, d tlficlal ' In the physical unil·erse. Ig be superior. I but• WI th. an e,ffor t 0 [ t. he \l'il! There is another way of looking coopera tIon WIth G0 d s grief, Just lor tooday. is costly. The sun an ar b Lord, for to.morrow and its needs Iight~ shine berausc they urn, at and utilizing defects and 1m- \ can do so. The wound in the ,I do not pray: Lit t the perfections than being jealous of ~roduces the pear.I The rery In the realm of Intellect. lut keep me, ,uide me, love me. Lord. i those who are thought to be su· Img up to the fact that we Just for to·day. perior. St. Paul perfect gives In theinfirm· clue: imperfection can often S ~I X 1880 made possible at great cost. b Men "power is made urge to develop powersuppi, and ~t. CelebrlUon for Sunday AI world, shine In thcs~ realms ecau~ f . I th SchOol Tea,cheri and'Younll Peo-, a vaboll lJ.rmy I And lead me nearer Thee. .thev burn. The tooth with ,through the cal'ltytreat· can bfe. 'The n.medi.ocre ano er per.!on ' t th ity". eventually become 1 pie: 11 I.m., Holy Communion., The same law obtains n e ".r, -ev. S. J. Davlel, B.A.', .TEMPLE CORPS 10h: for the peHce of a perfect rc",lm of tM Only ment. the strongest tooth In t the con ent WI th h.ImseisIf the WI II neT!! n .. S 'I d Mr E H t hi i h head. Our weakness can become a saint-humility Preac 20411 ,.m., Young People's Church i cr." 8Jor an. I . . U C nson trust 1 • I,the those who arc wl1\lng to Jurn s Sen'ice Presentation of Examlna'll lOJII a,m., Open Air Service., That looks away from all: I fuel and 'lay the price keep our greatest asset or lead to it in of greatness. tinn CerUflcltea' J.a pm., Holy I Sunset Lodge: 11 a.m.. That sees,Thy halld In e\... 1 the IIgbt of re\!glon glowing. The another realm. In the physical 11 is a well·known f,d that Blptlam Ind 8.30 I Mcetinll, "Tho Cure for In great events or amall; Iconsecrated s'lul shines becausl' order, Plutarch tells of a certain famous orators once El nI Pr ~ h IDiscouragement, 2.30 p.m.• Sun, , , . . , If'shness and In even harm· "Laomenes who, in order to cure stammered. Demosthene! P,DI.,,, t.e nFg t asy.r. ,eIC erir- ! day School. Classes for children 'I: That henrs Thy voice a FathCU"s I pleasure consumed on himself of an jJ!ncss of the dia- on his imperfection by of eve .... age' 7 p m Salvation In George Street United Cburch, \ ess, , d lf phragm and in obedience to doc· pebbles in his mouth and s Th• nec or. Ira .rmon nee. ee ti ng on d' uc ted'b y"111 rs MDjor \ " \the altar of sacnflce an se' tors. wcnt in for long distance to the roaring waves of the "The Apo.tle'l· Creed." M ." C voiceSt. John's, "'here he had servedlin , MOUNT PEARL , . Subject.. ,~Ieves , ' are Oh! Directing th~ best: "DA'LE AND "oodland, for theforpeace of a perfect I beI~ved pastor-for six years, Idenial. Things worth haYing comc high, running. Once hardened by these maybe the extra emotional · , GLE." . ,enemies to honest men. A warm" trust the flowcr·banked communion rail \ . would pro~per, we must be exercises, he began to take part that had to be put forth to 8.30 I.m., Holy t.:ommunlon.: spiritual atmosphere and christian " and draped pulpit gave mute evi· If I~C I in the Olympic Games and in the the deficiency also created (C,orporate .for y,0uth); 11 a.m." fellowship 'await ·you at the Tern, ~ A heart wltb Thee at restl dence of the affection and respect willlIlg to pay the pr ceo end became one of the best ath- moving power of the orator. Ita.a.. In which Curtiswhich was .....; J p.m., ClIJld' ren. 5er. pie. held; whUeIratbeFreeman congregation PRAYER lctes on ihe stretch for two states," blind Milton became the poet "!C'j ., p.m,';'OOBvlCenF.'JoEnLgD" CITADEL CORPS filled the lovely edifice composed IouII' Heavenlv Father. I would In was the infirmity that made wrote: "Hail, Holy Light;" , " Major and, Mrs. C.. Hickman ote~ of representatives of church and t d I .way some of tht' power. In modern times, a one- Beethoven, in his Pastoral 1.10 ,.m., SlInday Scnool. 10 a.m., Dlrectol"/ Class; ,10.411 state, men and women from all love 0 r ~c t~i old world It legged man became the best swim· phony, created In music the VJ~~NlA SCHOOL CHAPEL a.m., Prayer Service: 11 a.m., Holl. GOWER STREET walks of life and children from the darkness ~ do~e b Inere;slng mer in Hungary. In America, Glen sounds of birds and nature :Z.t5 p.m., ,Sunday School. ,_ ' ness Meeting. Captain Mutton will Services of worship wlIl be eon. schools, aave further testimony to can only e._ Y nI to Cunningham. who oll,ce had his were denied his hearing. 1aKC ClfRlST CHURCH-QUIDI V1DI give the Bible message; 2.30 p.m., d t d t 11 b th i i ' the love and I!steem which was its light. 1\d t I nAgmen legs burned so severely he was told German poet, Schiller, whOle . 830 uc eF. aE. Vipoad, .a.l1I. yand e~7 m n p.m.. ster, 1 voiced In theof funeral orationUnit. by burn In or-,Forney er 0 SHutchinson. il. • " p.m., Even Inil Prayer. Senior BIbIe CI assd anSun day Rev. the minister Gower Street he wouid nevcr walk again, con- means "squinter," suffered IU ' , ST.. MICHAEL'S School; 8 p.m., Open Air Service; by Rev. John Linton, the ed Church and which echoed that ccntrated on his inlirmity until he •life from inflamed eyes and • •. m.• Holy Communion; Cor. i 7 p.m., Great EvaDltelistic Ser· music under the directlo f Mr. which was In all our hearts to say. ' became a champion mller. In Iin his WlIIlam Tell, describel ,ora•• , for AYPA followed by a: vice. We Invite you to join us in Douglas Osmond, L,R.A.lII. At the For Rev. ~'rancis Vipond spoke of, A~es France. a youth was failing Into scenery he never saw. Communioft Breakfast In the Par. worship. Wednesday at B p.m., morning service the sermon topic him as a loving husband and dear ~ consumption; advised by doctors Durer squinted, but It did not !III Room; 11 I.m., Sung Eucharist; Prayer Service; Friday at 8 p,m" will be "HumaD Nature In Min. father: as a beloved colleague\ God the Rock of Ages, to take up tennis, Lacoste became vent him from becoming I 2.30 p.m., Catecblsm; 6.30 p.m., United Holiness Meeting, (at the Isters" tlie first of a series on Old witty, cheerful, friendly, compan· , Who evermCtl',e hast been, . one of the most famous players artist. EI Greco was Ivenillni ind Sti'mon. Tuesday: Temple). Testament Characters. In the even. lonable; as a minister of the Gos· IWhat time thp tempest rages, in the history of the game. while Leubach had only Or.! ;.aR of St. Lulee the Evangelist DUCKWORTH STREET CORPS ing the guest preacher wll be Rev. ~~r~~~~s~~s ~~~!s~Vr~te~:~~ :::~ Our dwelling place s~rene: Nature seems to provide com- Organic deficiency aloDr dm 1.01., Holy Communion. . Capt. and Mrs. R. W. pond John Linton, Secretlry of the Can the needs of his congregation dear Before Thy first creations. pcnsation for its deficiencies. For! necessarily lead to organic ST. MARY'S 11 a,m., Holines., Meeting. Topic adian Temperance Federation to his beart; while he reminded us, 0 Lord. the same as noW, example, the blind have often a ment, but It can be the 8 a.m., Holy CoiDunlon. (Cor., of sermon, "Workers Togetber"; whose subject will be "A Cry I~ both the se.n and unleen listening REV. DR. IRA CURTIS !To endless generations keen sense of touch or hearing, point of such a deveiopment I'Qrate fomr Youth): 11 a.m.,! 2,30 p.m" Sunday School Ind the Night." The Nursery De- audlente (for the service was i The Everlasting Thou: Ulysses, the most wily of the Success is never ea~!" If "aUIII: II p.m., Children'. Service; Senior. Bible Class, also service at partment will be meetin. dur- broadcast), 01 his unique eontrlbu· I found him returning to the Manse Greeks, is described by Homer as 1 man has success without ellort 11.$0 p.in., Ev6naoag. Major sPath; 6.45 'p.m., Prayer. Ing the mornlnll service lor chll. tion In the field ollearnlnll 's the at three o'clock i,n the "!orning. He. Our ye3l's are like the shadow~ having a weak physique, but he 'I pain and ~acrifice, he can be m lleeting:I 7 p.m"i Great Evanllelisaries three Ind four. Paren'. Superlntend~nt Education outt trY,lng , I r: , f " Tdren h" ... U lted Cb h ofhId I for h fhad been t l toh fmd h dakhome k 1 On sunn·y h\11s that lie; rna de up for II'liS b'J the deve1op- Isome one eI" se IS paymg Ior tJ t c Serv c~ Top C 0 ~rmlon'l It e of cbildren of this age may feel la~t eleven~~ar:cofo~Je, I~~fc~ ~a~ h~sp~oo~lrat wm~dnfght,n~~d, Or grasses In t11e meadO\~s, ment of his mental faculties. A! the Divine Order, the triai! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~__ Sowcr". T c Harvest est va a ar fre~ to leave their children with U next day he went with her in I That blossom but to die. very well·known woman once told 'I crosses we bave in one order • •"ER STREET search of a job she so badly need'; A sleep. a dreaIl'!. a ~ ory the writer: "When I was a little meant to purchasc blc;,ings il \ service will be held at night. Come compe·tent leaders while they at. Itehfte luasnda. in bls debt throuihout t GOl 11 I.m., DMne Worship. Preach. ~dtlwolrshlP with l~s'bTh: I:a~vest tend church. In addition, this is With his passing on Tuesday, Oc. ed. And during recent years, fol·; By strangcr~· quickly told; , girl, my father said to me: "Dear, other. No defeat is final and, er, ••v. E. Vipond. Subject: es va supp~r \\' e e ues- Mlsslo!, Band Sunday for boys and tobcr., 1955,the United Church lowing busy weeks of work in the An unremalning glory I you are not pretty, you will never will be. Such is the lesson of "Hum'n. Nature in Ministers"; ~ day B p.m. Tickets are available. girls up throuih eleven years of of Canada lost one ol its most col· educational office, he. along with: Of thing~ th~t soon arc old. ~ be pretty. ,you are even ugly. If, Cross and the Rcsumc\ion, 2030 p.m., Sunday School, Senior \ age. At 2,30 p.m., III departments ourful and dynam)c spokesmen and others has gone Sunday after Sun.! ----Study'Cla.s and Younll People'i of the Sunday School will meet. Newfoundland one of Its finest clti· day to mini~ter to prisoner~ ma~y; 0 Thou who canst not slumbcr. : 1.1 I 1 lens. It may be ,orne time before of whom will remember hiS Ial~h., 'Vh Iigl t '"rows never pale. , BI .. e ~ III; 7 p.m" Divine Wor- i BETHESDA ASSEMBLY We are permltteO to look upon his Ind trust I" them and the ways In' ose ,I '" I .hlp, Preacher, Rev. John Linton, Ilke lIlain. which he helped them to a ·belter ~ Teach us anght to number '. ' .8criUry 6f th~ Canadian Temper. A. Chesl~ Snow, Pastor: Ehle COCHRAN! STREET As an ordained minister, firat or Ufe and rehabilitation In society. Our years before they fall. : ue. re4eriUon. Subject: "A Cry ,B. Snow, Ass\, Pastor. 11 a.m., A Nursery Class for children 3 the Methodist .and then of the Such was Ira Freeman Curlis. i On us Thy 'TIercy lighten, \ ill tilt NI,ht" :&Iornlna Worship; 3 p.m., SundlY and" years of Ige will be beld United Church, he served paltor- Workmen hailed in the street as On us Thy 1Z00dness rest, 'VESLEY School; 7 p.m., Evangelistic Ser· at Cochrane Street Chureh during ates at Springdale, Bell Island, Bot· he hurried to catch a morning b~S; And let Thy ,pitit brighten I MinIster, Rev. Dr. A. S. Butt; vice: 'Yednesday at B p.m., Young the morning wor.hlp hour every wood, Grand Bank and Comer fellow·travellers always found hIm The hearts Tilyself hast blesscd, ! • " . 011Qilst, Mr. Allin PIt,tman. Ser5 Servlcc; at B P'!D" SUnday, when parenti will be Brook II weU as In St. John's- an entertaining conversationalist; RE\'. FRED SASS, B.A., \\I.Th., I m love With casdul r1r.th, vlCII at Welley on Sunday will be ' Christ 5 Ambassador•• All are we1· able to bring their children and and he left the Impact of his con· and sometimes his associates en·· endeavour During capt TOWD, on the evening rt;umt come taglous personality every wbere he vied him his quickness of wit and Lord. C'l'own our f 3 dIll'IS'th the pastSouth day Africa or two my then tion Sunday the di,cir les 1If.I at 11 o'cl9Ck In the mornlnll and • attend the lervlce. At tbe eleven went. During the yearl of his keenness in debate-while his frank With beauty a~ WI grace, thoughts have drifted away to St. gathered-and Thoma! 1"11 at 7.00 o'cl. In the evening. The: I.st,.,an o'clock service tomorrow, the ministry thouah sometimel fatlgu· ness In expressing his convictions, Till. clothed In hght for ever John's There in that city beside there He was a lonch· man ' I'Ve \ the-restiess sea I had spent many resurrection pCI h~ni , m1D1ater wl11 continue his service .. minister will preach. Parents will ad or IU few realized It', for his and opinl'ons almost embarrassed see Thee face to i J I c e ' . day . of Ihlnons In the mornIng.!)n how present -their cblldren for bap- energy was boundleil and bls will his less outspoken colleagues at A JOY no language measurCll, ' . '' G'"thSI!rnJl' .J.IIII deait with Indlvlduali with. tlsm. The service will be broadcast to work not easy to match. Once, times. But he hated shams, and A fountaIn brimming o·cr. ? I ;as far mg amid thef ohves Id IItmon on Jesus and Zaccheus. At over V.O.W.1\. The Rev. J. It, Me- for enmple, on I scheduled trip while be often disagreed violently A dl n f I , m Istan! flca an strange 0 separated rom a g a tblt tIIdrnlng lervlce. and during 94 GOWER STREET KIm, B.A., minister of .George to vl,slt schools alonll the north with some of us we know he lived I n cp ess o.w 0 P say I felt a loneliness within my panlonship. separaterl beraUl1 th' children'. ItO- hour, a beau. Sunday Service 11 a.m. Subject Street United Cburch will conduct shore of Bonavlsta Bay, be f,ound with malice toward none. Thus do An occand wHlthout .• t t1 hearl. I craved for a glimpse of was a doubter. Thir.k 0: tbe •• of Lesson Sermon, Doctrine of blmself In .._. b bl d to r we remember him. Edwar enery c e,s e I. Signal liill and the Narrows and ness that filled the!e ,:a~er b!ll'l t1Iu1... "pthmll oc later r so'a At the Cit~ H~l1 the day he died , I vi Bowl will be dedi. Atonement. Wednesday meeting at the evening service at leven 0'· 'den-but aUWQdayYor s two the sight of a friendly face. In my when they whispered io one cat.... n 0 nil memory of Doranne clock and will preach the sermon. messalle reacbed us at Greens. Councillor Flt,z?I,bbon spoke of him loneliness I turned to the New other "Christ is ri;rn," [Artlel Wilton. The junior congre; 8 p.m. Free Reading Room Thu1'Jo The Sunday Scbool will meet at. towa:, "Leavln, by Io-nlllbt'. train IS "an Ideal cltlzen, a great New.: IIl1tlnn WlU meet during morning day 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Sunday 2.30 In the afternoon. Both the 'meet me In mission boat at Glover- foundlander and an outstanding I Testament and found to my sur· think of Thomas wan:lt'nng w'nldp.' School for pupils up to th,e age or ladles and the young people's town.' That was typical of the man churcb leader." And so he \I 35, prise that many of the men and hurrying from ali SOulld of COCHRANE STREET 20 years Is hcld at 7 Harvey Road Bible Classes wlll welcome new who could also bend an oar when Like another of those heroes In i How long. 0 Lord? Wilt thou for· women of the Gospel stol"/, were voices. For blm there was no R.v. W. L. Lanlll11e, B.A.. Min. at 11 a.m. members.' an emergency engine breakdown black (If whom Alexander Woolleottl get me forever? lonely people. And the discovery lowshlp that evening. in the Ister; Dr. D. K. Peters, L.T.C.L., left the craft on which be was once' wrote, "one had only t? stop 1 HolV long wilt thou hide thy was a great comfort. ant light of the resurrrclion Ot,anilt ind Cbolr Director. 11 GEORGE STREET journeying drlftlnll helpless out the for a moment to speak, to him. on l face from me? Among the followers of Christ for him there \fas only th~ l.hI., Nunery Cia..; 11 I.m., Morn. The minister for the morning bamy· I the s~eyet ~t I!o on onae sU~adY ~mt·: How long m'tst I bear pain In my there rises before me the disciple liness of doubt. And that 15 ll Wo.""hlp J I C . tl d J h V rd scire e of friends and acqualn· mense up, re ss e, a I ~oul . Thomas and I find in Thomas the of eve"" man who ~o\lbtl •• • un or onllreg. on. ,I service Is the Reveren 0 n ,~ Y tances was as wide as his travels tbere might be a good deal, after 0, . ' ..' , Into StC$ment of Blptism. Broadca~1 B.A., Mr. Vardy was born at which took him not only through. all In this institution called the i And sorrolV In my heat! all the lonelmess of doubt. Thomas IS al· and thinks that the hweD V.O.\y.R.; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School HO)l'ley, Newfoundland. He r.· out the length of his beloved Pro.. huinan race," , day? ways a solitary figure, as doubters the stars is tenantlc;!. sooner and Bible Cliss.s; 7 p.m., Even. VICTORJA HALL celved his Bachelor of Arts Degree vince, but Included trips on church I think we felt that, as we left: How long shall my enemy he ex· very, generall yare. You never later he has a lonely heart. Int WOnhlp, Guest preacher, Rev, 11 a.m., Morning Service.. (The from Mount Allison Un!\'erslty and educational business to the the church and made our way to alted ovcu' me? think of Peter as being much are men who doubt he cause J. A. McXbn, B.A., Mlnlsth of Manse, Portugal Cove Road); 8 and took his seminlar training at Canadian mainland, to Great Bri· the lovefy Mount Pleasant ceme· ' alone-he was too ardent and 1m· are too lonely; there are more G~r,e Street Umted Church.! p.m., Evening Service; Wednesday IPine HI11. He was,. ordained by the tain-and once, on a pU,rimage to tery where ~11 that was mortal of Consfder and answer me, 0 Lord petuous for that. And you never are lonely just because thry , II Pre- him was laId to rest; while the think 0',.1'\" the Lord's Da•v • Attend' at B p.m. General buslneu meet. , Newfoundland Conference In 19M. Palestine. Id t f CHisnf appointment I 1M2 d words quoted by the preacher from my God', . ' of , John as wooing solitude' It takes 'ie bond of faith , tod cltU'Ch. Ing. Since then be has leried on the hise~ea~s I: p~~~~~~ office a:n• Arnold's "Rugby Chapel" kept re', Lighten my eycs. lest I sleep the With hiS so affectionate and sym· u~ Jellow~hip with child An . GEORGE STREET WljIleyvl\1e Charge In tbe Bona· larged the of his Influence peating themselves In our minds: sleep of death: pathetic heart. But Thomas Is al· band, WIth comrade and A~_l Thanl:offering Sundall vista Presbytery. He Is presently and provided blm with added opo "0 strong soul, by what shore ,'Lest mine enemy lay, "I have ways a DoUtary figure, ltanding a Christ. And when faith r.liilllter, Rh. J. A. McKim, B.A. the mlnlstcr of the Pouch Cove portunity to demonstrate bls lifts Tarriest thou now?" prevailed Iwer him;" , little apart from the happy fellow· and doubt lifts up its head. I Choir Director, lIIr SMITH AVENUE EXT. charge. The minister for the even, of administration and his leader· Ad t 1 th'rtk thLest my foes rejoice because I ship; and he Is solitary because he may sUU be heroic in his AlINh' XUlaman. 11 ,.m., Marmnll 10.30 a.m., Lord's Supper: 2.30 InliService-ls the Reverend Wlrren ship Ibility. 0 a so, we I e \' am shaken. is a doubter. "Let us also go tbat but for him, as for Service. Guest p.m., Sunday School; 7 p!n., Go.. langille, B.A. Mr. Langille Is cur· But as his 'association with, and r • ' w c may die with Him" (Jobn 11 murrectlon evening, there II Reverend Vardy, pel Meelln/I. Listen to: The Family rently the minister of Cochrane e'do "Somewhere, surely, afar, But I have trusted In they stead- V. 16) he seems to have been 'hall anguish of the lonely beart B.A. Sul!lK\' God, Abundant st t U Ited Church He WII •• ~"... ,,~In the sounding labour-house vast' fa t love' .' " , Bible Hour":'CJON at 9.30 a.m, ree n • with a tireless seeltlng out of ways Of belnll, is practised Ihat 1\1 sh rt 'hall GIftI,.Jullior COft&rellltlon. A wor· Tuesday it iI p.m., Sctipture Read. called to Cochrane Street from the and means whereby he mlllht minstrength, y ea s rejoice In they , MEDITATION •. ,iulted to cblldren; !nil' Tbursda, at B p.m., Prayer Amherst Charlie In Nova ScoUa Ister to their, needs. Some of us Zealous, beneficient. firm, salvatlon. U Sometimes our eye! ... , ••, Buftday School a~d Bible M~tlnll. Text: ''1 1m the relur. In 19M, Mr. langille 15 a110 a know how throullh the lonll 'lIar. Still thou performest the word I will sing to the Lord, Autumn Wr3I'S our grey old dazzlell by the Iplendour duMr. '7 lVellin' Thank· recUnn, and tbe life; be that be- ,rlduate of MOllnt Allison Ind of depression durlllg bls pastorate Of the Spirit In whom thou dost Because He has dealt bountiful· towns in cloak! of brown and romance of Missions OU..... Guilt ,plaker, lIev.th In me, thougb he were Pine Hill. Thela men have come at George Street United Cllurcb he lively with mI!. red. Round the windows and the that we are blind to the ~ ;~ft LaJll\~le" ~.A.j dead yet .hall he live, John 11,211. to lead the Gearle,' Street peD~e tiled hlm.elf to the limit. Once Prompt, unwearied, as here," doors the turning areepel"ll spread home. The true mlssional'l' II t,m.. 0IItII Welcome. • In In exprellloD ,of thanks to • -sprays of brightly tinted leaves seeks to spread the GO!P!\ "'f' j_ '1'11 . . DOlOlo..... . In patterns rich and bold- rose J esus Chr Ist j ust where hI ."'p lIour. All Opell forum: Pe1'o mlg'ht" God,for. all His benefits. PRAYER V·ERS& .11 JUr MartllI,e. e va' Invocation and Lord's Prayer 0 Lord Jesus, Wbo hast sent and ruoset, flame and amb'er, she happens to be. I mUlt 111 J.iprd'I, ~ II • ay aplri, let us, 0 H"mn No. 2M Thy servants Into all the w[l1'ld. Grant me a vision of harvest ripe ~ h Id Ch· i"lan . ,.t io,ColA ...._"d wo_..... .., t wine and honey·gold. ready to up 0 r .. lite, p . . 0 Pa-toral Prayer help me to remember that Thy Ready for man 0 reap, d t h ,W;.ftD,sses • A harvest of, 10uls,In beathen Stately street anll cobbled al· ar 8 a orne as abro ad and ....... W .. ,,",&<r. Anthem, The Choir commission includes our own """'...... 17th....8 P m W~ lands ley, gable, porch and wall - am consecrated and faithful .--'~ ,..• 1... ,.,.'1, "".. , .., Sit L b darkened land and the people 'U I t' h HIs'" • 8.30 p.m., iou t 0 f I Iee P. churcb and chapel, Inn and WI n Ime s ow me _ "10'", Grou"', r l . ' . a Acr pure esstsn near and known to me who have Wak en ng TIle II Chlb; Tuesday, Oct KlNGDtlM HALL-MORRIS AVE. nnouncemen not found Thee. Make me a Grant me the courage that will castle, cottage, house Bnd hall- feet picture: golden leal'" t,... .... George Street 7.30 pm Public Address Offerlnll f D dl tI klr, r • . , ' The d true missionary in my own circle, not s h gIow WI'th gaY anc' gorgeous sues weathered wal1S. Th'm."5 , . ''''.m., 18th: loy 8cout Troop;' 8 p.m., Board 01 Bible Answer to Modern·Day Llv. Order Of )Vorship To Be Broa cast !'.rayer: 4:2 ca on worthy of the privilege of wit. If 'Thy low clear call ahould hat match the mellowed scene- time has bealltlfled a el Stew......: US p.m.. Younll Peo- In'g: 8.30 p.m" Bible Study, '.'Is the From Weslev United Chu-rch on .nYll1n O. nCllslng for Thee. 0 live Thine come _ better than th~ softer tones of charm pOSlless -when th ! .. ",un Wedne'''a au ., . . . . . Soul Immol'lal'''' ,. • , Thursday at 730 ' w at V \" R P own Life through me for It Is But keep me ever 5.0 near 0 • I ent stones are dot hed In "Ie'. U.1~": Oct. Sundall Evenin" 1. o'clock Sermon t AprII's t ender green . v " ...... Hrayer N 821 ,by Thee alone'that souls are won: Thee \ 0 nee again the glo'"" .• of Octo. tumn's 10vcllneSl '"D p.m., "'olllan'. A'.""'llllon Tu'",. p.m., Theocratic Ministry School, Through Radio Station .0, ' friday, Oct. 21-t.' 0, falis- on this per• (Judges.chapters" . . . . ..)., 8.30 p.m.. Orllan 11 t Prelude W hi Blimn nedictlon .,I: for Thy Kingdom, Amen, IThat I falthfu IIy worr;1 at horne, ber sun1·lIht I leey Tel Ind Sale, Tbl .(Ieora' Street. 'Browftle Pack Senlce Meellnll. Ca 0 ors p e. ~" LlII .... George Street Girl Guide Troop: II trust 8 p.m., Choir Practice. Tie your My 10v'Ing God, In Thu: NJ:W10UNDLAND CATHEDRAL children to, the chu~ch. 1 UnwavCU'lnll faitb, that never a I.m., Hol1 ComV\unlon. "Cor· ST. PAUL S,-BLACKLER AVE. \ doubts· ,. pOnte for AYPA): 10.111 a.m., 11 a.m., Mr. J. G. Barnes; 2,30 Thou ch~ose~l best for me, Mltinl (ll1d)j 11 un., Choral .p.m., Sunday School: 7 p.m" Miss 1 . . luehaiiat. Preacher, The Rev. J. S. Burry.. i Best. though n;v ..Jd .... Child' Ser GROVE S ROAD \ ' planll be all ' ... 11.. j ...... ,.m., ren I • upset;. I vice IU Bible Clall: CMBC; 4.111 3 p.m .. Mr. G. House. Best ' though the way be rough'• ,, ROAD BLACKHEAD ;;m., Hol1Ind IIptlam: .Preacher, p.m., 3 p.m., Mr. J• G. Barnes. Best, tbough Z'Y1lII01II Sermon 1130 ant ' D1Y earthly store be ' • FORT AMHERST IC , Tile Bector, In Tbee I hne enough, W••kdClII SmicCl7 p.m., Mr. J. G. Barnes. , ' , . ,,6111: Mon., Tues. (St. LuIe e sl :IBest, though my health Inll I Day), I'fl. IDd Sat. 7.30 a.m., , y'erl~'l strengtb be gone, I ." 'feary days be mine, 'I Wed. '7.~ I.m., Thurs., 11.30 a.m. I ' •Thou"'" Holy eoJilmUlllOD: Mon., Tues. (st., QUEEN'S ROAD IShut out froin much that others! Luke'. Day), Fri. and Sit. 8 a.m., Minister, Rev. J. A. Goldsmith have ' '" Wed. 7.111 I,ll., Tbun. 1rI I.m. 'I 11 a.m., Divine Worship,' 3 p.m" Not my will, 10rd • but ThIne! EvtnlOlll: Dlily at &.30 p.m., Sunday Church School; 7 p.m" I except rrt. 7030 p.m. Presbytery Christian Education And e\'en thougl' disappointments I ! Church. I If! best for me. • I.m., HoI" Communion. Cor. I, i To wean me flom this chlngln. . FUJ~TON ~vould tha~ Th~ P to" b ' re- , 'I • eek efor ' I, g.iZ~~:~!~ ~;!~~::n~lt~' u~ndrew's 1\ • ISI i, '. I T::;:~O I . I .,... .I ' IA T eb t T Th R rl U e 0 e ev' ~hlng, I F e . D D ra reemam urtls I ' ~~:~ry~~~d ~~~~;~~~hIP :~~ u:~i Co 'Cb~rchl~"'" Subje~,t., Holines~. I· I~e ~ctlon ~piritual. ~tuttmd ~re I' , ~'. N m~lnWe I . ! 1\ I The Rock Of I ,.iO I ;,iled CI,,, rell II eO::: r. ,. PentecostaI ~ A Message For Peop Ie 'I' 1 peopl~ Chr. Fr~day I ~( 1 Sc;ence S. ocwty ~asures, h~~PY y~~ ~ow aw~y ~; SBlo~ Psam 1 13 " F' B . Irst aptlst 'Ch,tJCh I' I OrIU!It,.~ ~O"'rlD' ~, .co~ G I H II ospe a ~011D ha1IIS0~~ehdf.e .~fmPpea0thpllee.,I1'.A~pl' a~swe c~~e' Tbom~ .. A tumn GIory ~ ~ ".&0 a.mce. 'P~ple. row., Eve~one ~ Jeho' h' _ ~ ~.n'~"''''';'. r, 1 V' t...... Chnrch Ra'di . "" Sel'1.T1ces .. T.. . ( , •• M. , , .' '" \ I• • • , I i mgs · Bef re an 1ng PI t efO ore 0 P Potato Rotation I W.~. Black, Agronomist at the ,--------EKpenmcntal Farm reports that Until . comparativel,! recent fertillzer studies indicate highest years, fertiUty (or the potato crop \ economical returns through appli. was supplied by stable manure. caUons of manure, supplemented alone, whicb definitely helped to~' with 5-10.10 commercial, fertilizer. maintain organic matter' in theProduction figures show an aver· soil. However, with tbe Inlroduc· age yield of 367 bushels of po- i tion of commercial fertilizer many' I There are many dwarf ever· utting ulo.. '" .", I' yews.. They do well and are really qulie h~rdy. Tbey retain a rich, deep color during the win· ter, Ire seldom .bothered with in. sects or diseases and arc easily T.ools Away • ~'The ! .'''' "I"" 10 100",,''''' , ...,. ing, but few are as good as the 0 ' . ' ..... ' OTTAWA, Oct. 15-Ever since the days of early seti tlement, the potato crop has played an important ,role in i the -economy of Prince Edward Island. Consequently in· tensive study of potato management is and has been car· I ried on by the Experimental Farm, Canada Department , i of Agriculture at Charlottetown, P.E.I. aintain. ·Your .Plantings Nurseryman Advises ' ' · ns Th· T D ek Ins truet10' OJ' 'Manure ,I:n" .- a e or armers • •• '. 11 "II,wI,. ~... "'W." ,~,I."" eliminated stable manure plication of approximately 10 tons of manure plus 1500 pounds o! ~·10·1O per acre. This is an In· crease of 13 bushels per acre over plots receiving 2500 pounds of fertilizer alone, M . . . . . ., [rO!ll: their fertility program. Tbls could seriously affect .oil productivity as there is a grave danger o[ ex· hausting tbe organic matler ill the ,oU unless manure or veg. ' I In 50me 0tb er torm t'll Ilh a mi Kt ure strong In tisa blapplied e rna terla I zer w elsewhere in the rota· : . 'superphosphate and cottonseed tion. . hile or ten years, and then neglect to care for them a ter blooming bulbs, the better-and mldal growlh t? 10 feet and more, •. . .'. !meal. they a It would Ippear from experi· plant them on their grounds, says the Canadian As. plant them as soon as they .r. The .Hatfield )ew makes an o v a l . . Imolst SOli. ample dratnage Is ne· mental results that a proper COlDf N er\'men rive. 1ft?' growth, It. will reach a beight of I , ' .' , ., ' cessary. My guess Is that they blnatlon of fertilizer and .table.· do' this \ It Is best to lIet your bulbs In six feet. The color of Its leaves I LOW GO\\ thc midget cow, IS !ust the right for thr.ee- \were Improperly planted .and manure Will. maintain loll iertil· Ii I the ground as early as possI'ble is the darkest of all yews, almost year-old Linda Williams o,! rural. Greenvlile. S,C. Madeline, wbo Is overwatered. If soil conditIOns it'! and live larder returnl ,, .il jU;1 'nd I1kc l,hf"" buying g.ivi,n any It nothing Itl0('lI:) IeS so that they will not lie around a bl ack·green. Th'IS plant looks I two years 0 Id , Is th e 0 ifsprmg 0f a 1600-poun d cowan d an 1800·poun, are unfavourable, dig them· up, term. of productioD v ng \ d " • in baas and dry out, which Is one best If kept trimmed to about bull. But she weights only 200 pounds and Is just two feet tall and three Improve the soil replant. • s I/t or drmk. 53)S J. W. StensD flve feet. , ' f e l t long. Owner is R. F. Pitman of Greenville. • • • rreiidfnl 1.1 Association,! Prominent of the reasons many do not bloom. L\_Have always wanted trail· a beautlful piece o[ After. all, the bulbs left In the '. turnllure and not main. A ground after last spring's bloom Cultivation will encourage them In, arbutul In our garden, but '1 'II." '. I w a r b a v e beel! there all summer, to grow, and the soft new growt)! every Ittempt at transplanting Sunflow-r' ' will be more susceptible to win· h f th ods ba failed '" Th ey have formed I root sya. ,Iccordmg to Stennson, the I _ t em rom e wo I • f!sential for healthy the If newly planted lerHolY injury. ever, d0 can II nue to .spray ar ener Wh'!? t I to plants plant "Biting Flies," a motion pic. tern, bulbs just mustas do they are to A-Trailing arbutus is next t 0 Pro thf homc proper y 5 I ture on the vital problem of mos. pop up out of the ground next the roscs to kcep, down both couple of Idle acres impossible to trallsplant, unless lCCording 10 instructions of, qultocs. black flies and tebanlds I black spot and mIldew on the winch we propose to plant to \ one selects thl! Imallest plants Illtal nurseryman. ble as soon If you af. In the devr.lopment of the Cana sprNot ng. evcn the ehr~'santhemums f?11 agc, For b es t ~e,sults ~se f rUit" brees, strawberries and U· Iand takes I larse parcel o[ earth I JMt flbas beell ad lImltln, t1 in faetiw· ... purchase as, POSSl , • dian North. received a prominent can draw "our attentl'on from Captan, a new fungiCide which paragus as a means of Increasing with each plant The soil parcel n owerh prothuc 011 I mIn,," n ..' r commen ded bY IIIe our Income. PI ease supp I Y us rhould be at lust I Ch b• . nt thrm Im,medlatel y keep a'''ard at tllC annual eonventl'on h b " 1'5 "'gl1ly e ' ~ foot across counI rles wereI l • erop m· pll in I coot. mOist place where o! the Biological Photographic As- s a by lawn that 15 begging [or e p' t 'tl I I If' d por an . em ca I ean 'liS' .• ill ,", "Y ,o!. "'yl" 001 ; Am";" I. Mllw". _II "II",. Now I. lb. 11m. I', : ' ,. .. . .., <om,.. .,,'" ."". ",.bo", .. "". D." I, mm I" ",1,,1 nul. dO' Ihr Mr,t thmg Ulat can hap-. kee reccntly. The film was award make a nclY lawn. remake an i ••:: ' H) Is • 10\1· to II pair that arbutus oemands lin aCid" ficuJty of treating tall plants ant to brlore they are set I rd second place among old one or repair the wear and I . f10llerlng shrub that A-Since space and lime 1\'111 peaty soli In A shady. well.draln·llhe cost Df treatment make the '! .round, ,I'I'lms. "ore than 20 films, Includ. tear of summer PI t t /' b Ib 11 I Will solve Ihe problem of why!t nol permit complete Information £d loclltlon, such AS Is found un· Iuse of ehemlcal, ImpradleaJ 1ft' " " I ! • .. an II lP U S nolV so lC~ call to plant under the picture wm f It It I . t tI t b III !OU un"ot plAnt them upon _ _ _ .________.. _ If no major problem exists, grolV root sl/stem. I do\\' It wax vel 0 r 0\ • ;on rll cu UTe, sugges 13 der the Better uy a: eommercial produetloll Df a rtl •• Y or within 24 hours alter. oi natural rainfall. During any the Icast you can do is to ferlil. I " bl' t'll >f I til' t! v, you secure tpc many free- bul· couple of polled planta grown tinly low cuh value crop. TIl, I Id f d h I .1 ! , Tb I ' B \I 's " v i similar in ap ers. In oom I ros Imc Ictlns Issued by the State Col d ' . I ' I th , the way to eep I per 0 0 rout, regu ar anu IIze. c awn 11'111 need cutting ro 'n J e\ s ' •Fquall im . , 't b '. . from lIee , use of resIstant nr thea. I k health\' to "heel" them thorough soaking of the soil at as long as tbe grass continues to pearance to the Hatfield, but, t: / f IS IS ronze'llege DC AgriCulture and • • • onl'! practieal metbod Df redueln. the Tn do this simply \ the roots is necessary If the plant grow. HOII'cvcr give the hedges slightly smaller in its habil oJ; and compact at the office of your local county Q-our. plantings were' rust losses. One neW rust 1'ell.t· I.mall trench. lay the roots Is to remain healthy. their last gl'owlh. Hick's yew is one vI :nl! 'II la b A 1agriculturnl agent. These bul- a failure this year. Someone ant variety bas recently been n· Ind COI'er thn root "Often when plants die in the the bettcr upright' ones, and will i'P If Igo a out a oot and letins are well written and lIlus· said a root disease was to blame leased in Canada, and other ne" toil. l'irxt water them. They colder months of tbe year," Mr. Ing productions by srow about eight feci' tatl, II a a Ig " trated, How can we prevent Its reoCCur· lines are under test. llust· resllt. , .... 0;, •.• , bu. "It " .... thor molt" lb.... brorui bi..",,'" • • • re'''' mt ""'... oppm"""" IImal weeki, until )'OU are have not been watered sufficient. United States, competed [or four color. l\IORE NICKEL RELEASED Q-The foundation planting d' bb g I b ly as mueh seed In inoeulated • ,1",I, d,ring ....,,,,,. ho' ON. "I.... It I. """'" I, ..... i n.. WASHINGTON (AP}-T" ,ill.. ,,,,I,U,g " hYb,1d A-n. ,re=, U :. :', .. """M""'" pi"" Ib, of 1 I'ltering Is extremely 'import. ther montbs, especially dry per. "BIting Flies" was filmed and top, which Is broader tban the i of defence mobilization Thursday Idrons, mountain laUlfels, Japanese root, occurs In acid 10 I an susceptible varieties wa. reduced '.: IItfr plants Ire let In the lods. Moreover, many varieties III script written Charles Beddoe base, thus asking for reason·, ordered another 6,000,000 pounds ipleris, azaleas and hollies has not held In check by keep ngll S one-third to one·balf 'bl Inocula> Water copiously when planf usually set their buds In of tbe Canl\d!!t Department of ably early pruning, 1 of nickel Jive!ted te. industry to I done well this summer despite abundance of l!me In so. 0 tion, In the rust are., resistant ;. setting them out, Ind [or I the lummertime, and lack of Agriculture's Science Service film As tbe end of the ap', a persistent shortage. The frequent watering and feeding. treat the 5011 each sprmg with sunflowers yielded much '1\10re therealter. After the first water as well as fertilizer at that unll, with the cooperation of the pro aches, stop cultivateing roses' r hatd forI' What are their requirements' fresh hydrated llme, 15 than susceptible varieties: In I lI'ater •• often al the loll time may cause them to flower Defence Research Board. The Na.1 and perennials. They need a e defence A-All these plants reqUire' an to each 100 square feet, m xing rust free Irea, the luspectlbll dry, at least once eve less profusely or not at all the tlonal Film Board did tbe sound chance to rest and ripen wood mcn! tocks acid humusy gu-avellr soil en- it thoroughly with the soil Just varietics yielded as much or mor. . or two, unlm there II plenty followIng season." and printing. and foliage, before cold weather. December, n i with manure and fer· \before nlantlnlZ. than the resistant ones. ha\'e hear tb reak whe n homc owne . rsur. P , BY HENRY PREE and effectively pruned. h b t d' th f ' The ,sooner one orders his tu. For height, the form knolvn as plants that avc een nur ure m e nursery f or lip, narcissus. and similar spring capitata makes a p y r a . · tiUl'sel'l'l1lCl1 , ta~us >'~hfn pl~n/ p~::has~r5 bu,in~ -Made!l~e, ~tr, sl~e I, "B.' F1'" Wios d th~ a~preclate 'Y ~nd ~ Q.' mzzmg Th ,e Gd I DAd ust n odu·eli·on ~-Have. IUt~ "d,.", " plant~ ~ale~t ~f(lu~d, i~ ~cientiflc ~ u~c g~O\\lnl: st._ ' '~, outstan~inG ,Id",.....'."9 I, ,~ deTstan~able .'~ o~ novlc~!. a~ w~. f~~e~n'e l~~tt. ~btained f~l1.grOWn sea~on r~lItle ~~li: stock~Je ~nd~eenth~a~~heduled I~;I i~ Nov~m'b,~ov:rnd aterra s th~ rich~d ~ ~Id . 2 x4 2 x5 2 x6 _- FOR ROOFING .. ~ Farm and Household , PLASTIC CEMENT ENGLISH TAR, 55, 40s ROOF COATING, 1·5 gallon tins -- - DISINFECTS - SANITIZES MOULDINGS FARM USES - Disinfecting milk processing equipment, palls, coolers, milking machines, tesl cups, separators, poultry houses, feed rooms, broo'derl, feeders, waterers, etc. Purina Disinfectant solution moke. an excellent flank and udder wash for.dairy animals as It prevents chaping and cracking spread of Infectiou. of teah and udders and helps control , - mastitl•• Y2 in. PANEL BOARD· . Exterior 4 x 9 Y2 In. PA~ElLED Plain and prepainted, 4'x 8 ,. DOOR CASING HOUSEHOLD USES-A natural for disinfecting and deodorizing garbage cans, toilets~ ·diaper pails, bathtubs, .kitchen ond bathroom floors, musty > basements and drains. •INEXPENSIVE-Mix 1 oz. of' Purina Disinfectont with 1~ gallons of water to get' a powerful gum killing deodorizing solution. A gallon of solution MASONITE '.4 in. SEMI.HARD;" x 8 Va tn • .TEMPERED; ,,' x 8· WINDOW STOOL purn PAINT, LIME CEMENT SAND POSTS FENCING TAR BRUSHES NAILS ..:, usei:! properly is harmless to the skin and equipment. "DONNACONA" CORNICE DEODORIZES PURINA disinfectant is a powerful, highly efficient, oderl.", all purpoI, dlsinfecta~t. This product is a deodorant as well a. a germ klller lind when WALLBOARDS " , po~ndS TARREI:> , FELTS, 36 In., 1& ibs. SLATE SURFACE, 18 In., Rid and Green Squar. ECig. FELT MOULDING a~ cost~ only a little over 3 cents. " . AVAILABLE IN 16 oz•. and 128 oz. Bottles LlNSEDD OIL BRICK RAILS THE AT STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD A. E. HICKMAN CO. " , \ ,.sTo JOHN'a, ,. 'PHONE 4131 . " N'W~tJtJN()l. AJItJ~ . I. .' • ~.Id u'~ ¥JUMBO", 36 Ih., 108 square feel ''RUBEROID'', 18 In •• 36 In., 45 and 55 lb •• PLOUGHED and TONGUED 2 'x S ~.Id" PURINA DISINFECTANT AT AYRE'S STORE DEPT. LUMBER DRESSED cabb~ge 'h""'~ ~ . • UI In "'t ,,,' ... ' htmlock~, ,"'1" " ~ 0 ha~ IPP~, g~O\l ellp~lng. sys(~m I I .",,,1 ~. I HI,~cot~ ~cncum I, ~ '. • SIGN Ltd.' • THE DAILY M'agtstrate '· ,.s Court' with full apprecIation of dramatic child. O'Brien worn by IInxlety I bis actions. Tbe cast 11'<1 values. over his tailc fiecret, reveals the I ~ poned to call a witness IrOIll Nothing lurid creeps Into this pitiful steps. of his Involvement Two' young men who were ar. I bank, compelling porlralt of a man drl· with two women, both of whom he rested for drunk and disorderly A housewife, charied witb vcn to bigamy through lonelln~s d~voted to In his own way. conduct and breaking a window in ing a chicken and some and conlllctlni love tdangle told Naturally "The Bigamist" must the Starlliht Cafe were found from Ayre " Sons ~"P"II!l,~_ with compassion, acted to the -hilt pay the penalty for hla act and' guilty in court Th~rsday morning, 'Parade street, pleaded iU11! JOAN FONTAINE, by Joan Ida Lupino, Ed· the climax de,votes Itself to the I They were fihed $50 each or two I the ,charge, a,nd, lVas MONTOOMIRY CLIIIT, EDMUND O'BRIEN, tN 'I mond 0 Bricn, and Edmund \ courtroom IIplsodel wherln the I months' and ordered to pay com· Magistrate 0 Neill iectu}td ANN I IAXTlR, IN ''THE BIGAMIST" Gwenn an~ skillfullY dirc~ted by \wives enco~nte one another ror I pensati~n of $5.33 each, ! woman severely. He asked htt _ 1111155 Lupmo, Hollyw09Q I ,only the first time anq are defense· I A young m'an who obtained a she had any children, Ind " "I CONIIISS" MoUon picture fanl who look In "the Bigamist," which opens: woman director who a real I leas onlookers at the wreckllll of car from the Royal Garage on Sept. she said. "on.", he uked ----.--------------~ for the familiar faee and figure Monday at the Star Thealll'e, a \techniclal poser in this produ~tlon their happiness and contentment. 13th by means of issuing a forged I kind o~ an example she Was of Alfred Hitchcock In bll new theme that could have been treat.\bY being called up01\ to, direct The cl!neluslon is an. Ironic one cheque of $500, pleaded guilty 'and ! her child. HeHII .. CRAZY HORSI" MARILYN MONROE. IN Warner Brol. ploductlon, "I Con. ed with full sensationalism has. herself in some of the film s most as the judge speaks wise words on I was sentenced to spend six months -----Ito! CINlMASeOPI "THI I'IVIN YIAR ITCH" fess," will not be dIsappointed. Instead, been bandIed wltb de·' moving sc~nes. Ithe f01ly of a fundamentally de· I in the Penitentiary. : _ IN CINIMAflCOPI The famous malter of movie .u. Ii c extreme good tastes, and "The~lgamist" Is the latest cent man who has gone wrong , ! LEGION REJECtS UN "Chief Crazy Horse". • , eon.' _ penle will be aeen briefly, but un. ca y, - - cinematic cffort of the Filmak· and whose choice of wife Is not A middle aged man was before I MIAMI, Fla. Ilueror of CUster, , • warrior of The lonl awalled local ,howln, a. the lone, 10114' fig. photograpliY, sel us a camera at ers, Miss Lupino and Collier his when hll emerges from prison, the cDurt for issuing worthless ican LegLOD Thursday deatlllY ' • mlahUest SioUX leader of the film venlon of Geor,e ure walking the width of a broad the foot of the slairway. Hilch· Young's own producing company, but entirely up to the eeclslon of cheques, He pleaded guilty to the resoiution calling for the of all•• , "Chief ariZ)' liard"••• Axelrod's Brolldway .mash com- filght of Iron Italn which led cock, meanwlhle, trudged up the who have been admirably respon· the two women, if, Indeed, either charge, but, in his own defence. Sta.les to. withdraw from • thunderln, motion picture .111 edy, "The Sever. Year Itcb," stilii"I' from Quebec'. lower town to the stairs, a feat not too far removed sible in the past for such sucesses woman will take him blck. said that he had an account at the I Nahons. The legion of hll fabulou. deeds. •• of the rlnc the natlon'l number one box. upper city. from scaling Bunker Hill monu· "Not Wanted," "The Young , "The Bigamist," presented by Canadian Bank of Commerce caura,e he won In blttle••• of his office attraction, Marilyn Monroe The director did bis "personal meni. Lovers." "Outrage," "Hard, Fast Fllmakers Releallng Organlzatioll branch, and not al the main office, ,reatn... in rule. , , his glory In and Tom Ewell, who created the slinllture" Icent without fanfate, From bis cliff position, he got .and Beautiful" and "The Hitch· and filmed for wide screen, should and thought tllere was sufficient Communist love•• , Victor Mature, role of the summer.bachelor hu.. while hl1 main production com. the startlnll sillnal from Don Page. Hiker." All dealt with subject find vast appeal for audiences money to eOI'er cheques, but, was unwilling to go along SUlln Ban, John Lund••• I IUr- band wllh the wandering eye In PInY was making a location move bls first assistant, who found him, matter that could have been lift- \who enjoy provocative story·tell· he had been drlnkmg, he said, and \ Illinois move Thursday for I dill, lWetpln, tbrlll In Cinema. the orlalnll ,toiae play, opens to- and letting up nearby for aetlon self for the moment In the posi· ed straight life. "The Blga· Ing. was not too sure about some of plete break with the UN. Scope, , • with all the fury of the morrow at the Paramount Thea. Involving Montlomery Clift, Anne tion of dlr.ectlni his own boss. mist" !aUs Into this class and, as In IUPPOrt of the four stan are last ,reat Slxou uprl,ln,.•• when tre. Baxter and Kai'! Malden tn the Then, all the camera turned, Hitch with the others, the treatment Is Jane Darwell, Kenneth Tobey. Chtef Craz)' Horse defied an arm· The Charlel K. Feldman.BIIl)' picture openlnl at the Cornwall cock strode the broad width of forthright, doesn't dl!ck Issues Peggy Maley, Lillian Fontaine eel nation and smashed cust~ at Wilder ClnemllSeope production Theatre Monda~, the stairwaY, oullined agalnlt the and is always believable. (mother of Oliva de Haviland and LltU. BI, Horn In the most am· In De Luxe color relealed by Robert Bure, the director of sky. Edmond O'BrIen and Joan Fon· Joan Fontaine) and John Ma!cwell. Inl chapter of the violent Indian Twentietb Cenluri-.FoX, Will dl. "Will yoU do It again, pleose?" taine portray ~ couple who seek Matt Dlnnls, popular nightclub Wan history. , , It.. the Itory of rected by Wlldn from a Icreen. \ Donald M. acBrld. and Carolyn Page called In true directorial to adopt a baby. This Is one of entertainer, appears briefly and to I min who came to might through la written In conjunction with Jones. stylc:" the means by which they hope to advantage, linging his latest orl· reckle. darlnl .•• to ereatnesl ~x!lrod. Player~ cau prominentExterior scenes were filmed in Hitchcock obliged, not once, but retricve a mal1l'iagt! that has be· ',ginal melody, "It Wasn't thE' !~rouab the love of woman. • • In tbe Ictute Include Evelyn' New York City with Mils Mon· twice. Burke was satisfied thcn. come a business relationship. Stars That Thr!1led \\Te." which Chief CralY Horse ,. f!lme~ ~ S P Tufts Robert stra.\ roe and Mr. Ewell before the and Hitchcock came down the! Gwenn as thc adoption agency In· : serves as the love theme of "The where It bappened in the IBlac ayeri onn~omolk~ Mareuerite Ilargcst crowd that eves- watched stairs raster a,ld easier, then hI!: I'cstigator note~ a wariness In i Blal.mbt." Leith Stevens wrote Hilla of nakota... In C nema· uss, scar Vlc'or M~ore ROXine : a film' company work on the had gone up.' :O'Brien's manner as he interviews the music score and George Diska Scope.. prinl by Technlcolor. Chapman,. , , ',city'S streetl. Wherever the cur· Just wllel'e the sccne will ap·; him. In delvinlE into the prospec, I photo,raphed the picture. . vaceouS blonde went durin, the pear In the pkture Is for audio 'th'c parent's \He, he comes across ~ 'filming SD went the' onlookera, ences to gucss, And whatc\'er clse! the awful trutil-O,'Brien is • big. PARIS (AP)-Sel'eral llUndred 'l'1,..IWI.,. : reporters and newl photograph. I may Ill! said about this Hitchcock Ia m i s ! . . : y~ths shoat!ng, "No troops for anti d>Id Ib,ltd!Oll. . ers, maklni it lhe malt diflc:ult Iappcarance it lIas as lhe maestro, The Irail lakes Gwenn to Los North A f .1 c. ~emonstra~edg • af\ll1-tYl~,· job ever encountered by Director:, hirnseJr conC~,sed after a rueful Angles sendlAnI· . , . from San ' FI'ancisco . d wherc d TFhursdh~y rene so lnd~ght len toIgamslt fel'O t·torn Wilder .nd Cameraman MII.lon l~ok back up the stcep stalnl ay. : he ~lIlds O'Drten marnc to I a geria Ind Morocco. At Jeast 62 'Krasner, I hIgh drama. I Luplno and the Cather of her were ,rrested,. Shows To See CAPITOL . STAR CORNWALL Monday Monday Fo~talne, PARAMOUNT f~ced To-day I. I' ftntdl~ ~ mlstakabl~, I ~ ~s "I \' i I ; ,, ! ~rrlng ' 'I ,, \ t~e f~'om ~ I I -\ \1 . -........,. ,.." I I CIN I 1 1. SATURDAY, oetober 15th. , , I ! R.I5-Hospital and nther reporls,10.30-Hymns For Everyone. 8,30-Harvest Festil'al Scrvice- 10.4S-Nell's. All Saints Church, Fox· I1.UlI-Sportscast. trap. t Ll5- WenLern Roundup. ___ 12,00-News, 12,01-Club Time. 12,30-Ncws. 12,35-Club 'fl'me, I h. b .I SU:,\D.\ y~ . octo er 16t _ ._",,_ .__ 1.00-News in a llinule and 7.45-Ntw•. 7,50-Bob Lewis Sbow. II.DO-News. 8,03,-Bob Lewis Show. 8,SO-New •. 8,35:-Bob Lewb Show. 9.DO-Newl, 9,05-Juke Bo· Ral·lew. 0.30-Western ~Hit• Pu,df, I V 0 AR 'l.3D-CBC Newi. 'l.35-Top of the Mornln .. 800-NtWI Ind Weather. i L2.45-Sacred ~Iuslc, Ciosedown. to,OO-News. e:l5-Mullcal Clock. I 1.00-Voice of Prophecy. • • • lO.Ol-},lcet the Artist. 8.0D-Mornina DevoUoD •. 1.30-youth Story Huur, S'lNDAY 0 t b 16 I 10.15-Clsco Kid. D.l5-Programme Preview. t.45-Teenagers. .. • coer t I. 10.45-Western Hit Parade, UD-South of the Border. 2,00-Quiet Hour. 7,li5-Forccast. 11.DO-News I UD-Top. ThIs Week. Also-UP.TO.THE.M1NUTE NEWS 2,30-Request Program, B,OO-Singing Pastor. 11.01-Western Hit P~rad •. lO.OO-MUllcal Marchpall. 830-0ral Roberts, 1130-T T t llu T EVININO BHOWII 'r O'CLOCK-t.OO 3.t5-News. 9.00-Festival of Waltzes, I 12·,OO-NoePwl.wen 'I' ¥ e unes. \ lO.3D-New.. 10.35-Music an a Mellow Note. 3.30-Radlo Kids. 4.00-Unshackled. g:~t:~i:a~ 01 Life. 12.15-Top Twenty·five Tunel. MATINIE I P,M. 11.00-CBC Sportspa,e. 4.30-Manterworks. l.00--Newl.Twenty·five Tunes, 11.3o-Junior Farm Broadcast. 5.00--Sign Off. 10.00-The Old, Old Story, 1.0t-Top 11.45-Sacred Heart program. IO.30-The ,Lidstone Sisters. I 1.15-News. ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT. ' t30-Sports Parade. t1.00-Childrcn's Program. P.M. PINING-ADULTS ............'IJe, CHILDIEN .............ae. 12.DO-HltJ ancl Encora .. ll,ao-Ncws. l.35-Behind the Scenes. 12.3D-Muslc.le , CIDLDIEN 1&e. ! L45-H~'mn Time. 1.4S-Record Shop. MATlNEEs-ADULTS ........... ,&Do lU5-Stu Davis Show. SATURDAY. october 15th. 112.00-Vlslas of Israel. 2.00-Newl.Lewis Show, 1.00-Mld DI, SereDade. ____________ . 12.1S-Bible Talks of the Air. 2.o1-Bob l.8D-Newl and Weather• I 12,3U-NelVs, ".OO-News, U5-Doyle Bulletin. 7.00-Breakfast Club, ! L2.45-Your SlInda), Serenade. 4.05-~laritime r.vourilu, 2.00-CBC Stamp Clull. 7,lo-Ncw.'. ; 1.00-Sports Parade. 4.3S-Rancb Party. "fROINIA MAl'o-DENNI8 MOROAN-DAVID I'ABltAa 2.l5-Sounda Fun. ' 7.30-NelVs. I US-Your Sunday Serenad.. II.OG-News. III "PEAIL OF THE SOUTH PAClnC" - AD\'ENTURE 2.3D-POPS on APproval. 7,55-News. , '~:gt~~~~?y Theatre. Sm-Record Shop. 2.45-Thll Week. 8.00-Breakfast Club t 3"0 " '.OO--News.. . THRILLS - ROMANCE, 300.,..World Church New.. 8,30-:-Hlt of the Day, ,.j - .. cws. 6,01...,Bulletill So,rd. 3:1~pea'ers Choice. i 8,35-Newl. : 3,35-~!usic trom the Theatre. 8,05-Record Shop. 3.SD-Mual~1 MatiD": 8.4o-Namc the Newfoundiander. I 4,00-Thc Lutheran Hour. 6.l5-Sports Parad•. 4.00-Htimlltr Hour. D,OO-The Three Slim, 4.30-Guest Artist. I) 25-Nstional Newl, 4.30-CBC 'News. 5,OO-The Eternal Light. UO-Top Thrh Turie •. \ p.IS-Hymns That Live.' 4.35-Grand Falls Present.. , 9.30-The Big 8 PrDgram. 5,3Q-Supper i;erenade, U5-Johnny N~poleoll. 3.00-Muslcal PrOgramme . 10.00-N~ws, I 6.00-News and Weather. 7,OQ-r\ew,. I\.3D-Childrens Programme. lO.1I1-Keyboarci Capers. 6J5-Granlland Rice. 7.01-Courtshlp .lId Marriaje, 8.00-,.Intermezzl!. LUD-PoP Concert. 6,SO-Music In a Moderll Mood. 7.15-Westerll Virlely. 6.~PrOgr.m· Preview. I 10.55-News, 7.00-Church Service. 7.30-News. 6,45-NEAC Newsreel. U5-Dark Stran.v. U.30-Irish and Hill Billy VarielJ' 8.00-A\'e Maria Hour. 7.00-NeWi and Weather, Program, 8,SO-Bing ('rosby Show. 8.00-New,. 7.15-Nfld. sports RG1lndup. 11.00-Tbe Klddles Program. 9,00-Deaciline for Danger,S,Ol-Musical PlDoralllL 7.30-Mulical Program. L2.0S-Tops in Pops, 9,30-Trans·Atlantic Invitation. 8.16,-Eddy Arnold. U5-Doyle Bullatin. 12.15-Bank of Happinesa., i 9,45-News. UO-Let'l SIDg a HymL B.15-.Arnldale Chorul. ' 12.30-News. 'IO.OO-Obsession.. U5-Journty Into Melody 8.3D-Tbl. 'II m, Stol7. 12.35-Muslcal M e n u . !110,30-All.Star Western Thealre. 9.16,-Comi IllIo the Parlor. 9.00-serenldl for StrIDII. 1.30-New~. 11.00-Sportscast. 9.45-Newl. 9.aD-NoW 1 Ask You. U5-Two for Today. i l1.l5-Club Time. 10.00-Nqll's." 10.OO-Prarle Schooner. 2.00-Matince. I 12,Oo-New5 In a Minut., . 10.Ol-Shlllelaah 8howtlme. lo.35-ImperIBI Eno Hocke, 2.55-News. i 12.,OI-Club Time. IO.30-Barn DaDe" Broadcast. 3.55-Ncws. 12,ao-Ncws. 1l.OO-N.w.. 12.00-ClOle DoWII. 4.DO-Swlng for Saturday. L2,35-Club Time. H.Ol-Barn D,lIct. 4.55--News. 1.00-Ncws in a Minute and 11.SO-Late Nlcht Thealr., lUNDAY, ()ctober 1.tII. 5.0O-Junlor Jamboree. Closedown. 12.00--Newl, ' 5.30-Supper Serenade. 12.01.;...Housep,rty. l,aD-Slgn On. , CllARW K. fELDMAN B.45-Melodles for Meditation B,Oo-News and Weather. 12.3D-Newl. ....,,' PfH" ........ ..,. ....t. B.05-Supper Serenade. , 12.35-lIousepart,. 8.00-Reslonal Weather. 8.05-PrOgramme Summll'1. 7.30-Doyle·s Orchestra. tOO-New.. 'l.45-U~port frum Parliament SATURDAY. Octouer 15th. 1,Ol-lIouicpar!J. D.l~Mallle Music BOL llil!. ---] ,54-New•. B.30-CBC News. 8.00-lIometown Jamboree. 7,Oo-Wake up and Llvt. U5-Prayer. 9,3S-Post Mark U.N. IO.SO-Neighbuurly Newi. 8,30- 'I'h~ tayman's lIour. 7.1O·-News, 2,tlO-QlIteil and SIIn ott. 10 45-MariUme Gardener. 9,Otl-Uig Top Ten, 7.lfi-S:lcrrd Heart Proiram. 7,30- Ne\V~. A.M. SUND~ Y, Odobtr 16tb. 11:00-GeOrge St. United Church. 9.4f>-Ncll's, 12.15-Program lIighlighli. IO,OO-Wcs!l'rn !lit Parade. j 7,35-Bob Lewl. Sltow. 8,OO-Breakfast Varietle .. 12.30-MusICal Program. g,30-News. 12.45-Reglonal Roundupl. 8,3S-Breaklalt VarieU ... l,.l5-Musicale. B.Oo-New.. ' 29th U,S. President 1.30-BBC New •. B.Ot-Voice of Prophee,. 2.00-Harmony Harbour. 9.3D-Famlly Bibl, Hour. 2.29-Domlnlon Time Sianal. lo.oO-New•. I ACROSS DOWN UD-Falk Songs for Youn, IO,Ol-People'. Chur~h. lO.30-~lusic from tbe Shows, : I 29th u.s. 1 Wears out FoUCI. 2.45-Meet iour Weaartherman. i President, 2 Painter 10.45-NIUonal Newi. 3.00-ln His Service. i-G. 3 Harvester 11.DO-News. lJ.oI-Ci)ap~1 for $hulln •• i Hardinl .. Roland (Ib,) 8.3D-CBC Newi. t2,OO--New•. : ., His father WIS ~ Wapiti B.SS-Capitol Report. t2.l5-NatioDal .Dd IDtern~lIoD.I a country _ ~ Cuddlerl •.OO-Relilious period. , New.. , '.SD-World MUlic Fe$tiva\J. 18 Interstice . 7 Drugced 12,30-Song5 for ,ulld". I.DO-Crltlcally Spe,kin,. .. Estel' 01 oleic 8 Mali,eulin. l.DO-Newl. ' Id ~ppellation UD-Nlld ProKram from LondDIL ae 9 Century (ab.) 27 He -In l.aO-New, Roundll'. . U5-Sund.,. Sirena d.. , 15 SI.rna 10 Taetual ' Franclseo U5-S01l~S Fram The Sea, 'l.OO-Slnllng Stm of Tomorow 15 Writing 1nndolent 29 HIJ wife'. 40 Freemason 2,OO-N,WI. UO-CBC Newi. Implement 12 Leases anew name was dborkeeper 2.01"':'Blng Cro,b, $how. 'l.D-Here'. the Weather. 11 Point 19 Organ of ' 32 Depose 43 Cleave 2.30-Summer ShOWCII.. 'r.45-U.N. on the Record. 18 Year between hearlns 3330 (Fr:) 46 Roman DlDlOU I 3.00-Nlw", . 8.~ln Reply. ... t2 and 20 23 Dull finlsb 3f Seesaw 48 Bitter 3.01-5ummer IIhowei.l. U5-Four G.nUemen. 20 Pet;al digit 25 Appease 35 Wand 49 Natural . UO-Newi. 8.ao-sundiy Chorale. :U Compass polnt26 Period of ttme31 Spotted pasllge 4.0l-5uminer ~howCII" B.OO-The' Reaion Why. 22 Youth UO-:-Bllli Gra",III.' Also-UP.TO.THE.MINU'rI NEWS 9.aD-Muslcal Program. 28 Light fOi II.IIO-Ne".. '. to.OD-Concert 'avourlt... 24 Wanderer II.Ol-FamllJ Tbeatre. to.3D-eBC Stage; TIMES OF SHOWS. 27 Cyprlnoid 5.3HoDi' from the Showi. 11.30-CBC National Newi. B,DO-News. luo-Weekend Review and Our 28 fishes ' EVENING: 'r.00 - 8.00 Brythonlc sea 8.15-Supper Serenade. SplIClal Speaker. ' e,30-People Are Funny. god 1:::-+--1-... MATINEE I P.M, 29 Adaltted 'l.OO-N,w•. 7.01-Palaee of Varuties. 30- Vegaa 7.30-New.. , '31 Parmlt ADMISSION PRiCES lOR THIS ENG~GEMENTI 7.45-M.G.M. 'Iheatrl. 32Perfum. lUNDAY, OctDber 18tis. IJ.DO-New.. :3H\ats ' I , Cil1LDiEN............. ,.ae B.OI-M.G.M. Theatrl. 3. Playiila card IVINING-ADULTS ..............1Ie 9.00--N.wi. 40 Rix:ky P,M. 9.0l-Denllli Di, Sh~". l!U9-0rc_n Muilc. pllluclt CHILDUN..·........... ,l5c IlATlNEE15-ADllLTS ........... ,508 ID.45-C1jI~d.rl. tt Cereal grain 9,30-2a".lll. ~.rid.. 11.00.-cocllilne St. Unl~d Church 42 Golfer'1 g.~5-TIIe DolCO Nlw" .. 10.00-NeW.. ' l',1I-~ppe~1 by Mr. 0, E. A. Jef· 43 Btbome 44 Cornl.h town _-1--+-10-+ 10.Ol-FamiUar Fa,ourlt... fre" JI.B.E. . (preflx) to,aD-Best from' Britain. 1UO-Weather Fortcail JIld f ' , . Closedo..wn. ' ' H.OO-Natlon,1 News. 45 Involve 0 _ KELLY-DAN DAILEY-CYJ) rBAllSSE III "~'I, 1l.l5-Scr.-pbook of Melllorie .. II.OO-Tell UI a Story. 47 Nuillfy U5-All Aboard for Adventure. 1l.45--Hontparq. 611 Stuff ALWAYS FAlll WEATHEI"-MUSIC - SONGS - COLOa UG-Church In Action. 81 Volcano'. l2.oO-Nell'~.. ' . mouth I 12.0l-Housepirb'. , '.OO-Muslc ,of the Mllter.. , l2.54-Ntw•. 112 Pithier IN CINEMASCOPI. UO-Haven of Rest Quartet. i 12.S5-Prayer. . ' I. CIllllPound .,.ot-lIlill.llus Service Frolll I ' ctherl : t.OO-Queeil ilid :iijD Ou. W"liy Ullited Cburch. IST~ Also-UP.TO-THE·MINUTE NEWS - NOVELTY TIMES OF SHOWS. I I \. \ I ! EVENING BBOWS: ,. O'CLOCK-t." HATINEE I • .JL • 'r 'I' ,: ! LAST TIMES TO·DAY VOCM N.H. . . . . . . , ! ) "ON TOP OF OLD SMOKEY" ----.---------------------------------- . NEXT ATTRACTION ) ; Also "COMBAT SQUAD" • I I .t , li 1 'H0,. ::\r " NOW PLAYING .1 ; . lUPINO •• •• TO-DAY I THE IDA JOAN FONTAINE ----..:.--------------'--.-------------~ I, , . I' I J MONDAY ! ,! UDlt~d venti~n W~ntsday c~Uld a~~~:~on f~r ~~':c3aboftll ~iege: infilltra~oD, GREATHE *-- STAR I I hlr,~ FIRS . ••• C.J 0 N . VOWR - NEXT ATTRACTION' j " .. MONDAY .."..---------------- .-. - '-".FYOU kNEW WHAT HE KNEW •• WHAT, WOULD YOU DO? The New WARNER BROS, .'' ' 1IIH>1 MONTGOMERY Also-NOVELTY TIMES OF SHOWS, EVENING SHOWS: U5-9.15 MATINEES: IIfONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY- ·tBV,SDAT - FRIDA}' I.SO SATDBDAY I O'CLOCK LAST TIMES TO·DAY II THE PATHFINDER II ' TJlEDAILYNEWS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 HEAVEN IoIELP usl IT~ A AlON5T!1l. • 1!.I5HT OOT OF H!LI. ~ Jaco~y On Bridge FIRST NAME IN WIRELESS !' GREATEST NAME IN RADIO!. THE LAST 'WORD IN T V r DRAW TRUMP TO PROTECT SUIT NoaTH 41082 .,KQJ t 73 . • AQJ96 WIlT ,8743 .,10852 tA864 .7 EAST 45 YAS3 t,QJ 10 92 "'1542 IOUTY ID) 4AKQJS .9H tK5 .KIO! THE GREAT EASTERN OIL CO. PROUDLY PRESENTS FOR North-South vul. 8011111 We. Norih EIII I' Pin 2. Pan 2 .. Pan 3 4 FIlS 4• Pan Pan Pau Openlnl lead-ofl , BY' OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Se"lce !.Iany readers have recently ask· ed the same sort of question In different words: "When do you drlw trumps? What short of reason do you have for not drawing trumps? 'How can you tell one kind of hand from the other?" This question cannot be answer· ed In I single article, but perhaps we can cover it with several hands over the 'next week or two. Let's begin with a "baby" hand. Some players might go wrong with It, but the ehances are that aLI of my readen would play it correct· ly. You reach the correct contract of four Ipades with the South bind, and West opens the sevcn of clubs. How do you mean to play the hand? Your first step Is to count your possible losers. You count no los· m In the black lults, but note th.t you may 10le one heart and two diamond•• You can afford to lo.e tbe.e three tricks, but ydu .tlll cannot quite afford to Ipread your cardl out on tbe table and claim your contract, If you're not careful, West will manage to ruff a elub. To prevent him from doing 50, you must draw WI.t'. trumpi before you cia anything ell'. Can you afford to draw four rounds of trumps Yes, You expect to win at least five spade tricks and five elubs no malter what else happens. Therefor. you take the ten of Jpadel, followed by three more top .pades, thus drawing III of West'l trumps. Thl. leaves you with one trump .tl11ln your hand. Now you run the rut of the club., discarding two diamonds from your hand. This permits you t. avoid the loIS of a diamond trlek. You now knock out the ace of hearts and elaim 12 tricks. Tbe principle of this very slm· pl. lund Is tha~ you draw trumps tD .aleluard your long lide suit. Your object II tn prevent the opponenta from winning any ruIling w Z ><II) ~~ <C!l :r:::J 1-01: I¥U <II) ~Z 0&1 >::! I¥~ 0 liict w l- I¥ w C!l ~~ Z~ ::JJ: IDU 11)11) "':>0Z IDw .... >. ID Engines "'" • A n,w Ilgnal monitor, the control which enablel you to adJust your Itt to thl precise signal I.r.ngth from .very available chai'lliel. • All the other top performance features remain· In thl new Marconl,TV- line-including aluminl. zed picture tube, turret tuner, removable tinted sofety glass, automatic focus, exclusive "tiltlng chassis" designed for easy, convenient' servicing and Marconi's unique "life testing" proces•. • Plul all the unseen production and engineering reflnlments that go Into producing a superior TV-at no greater cost. You will thrill when you see and hear thf neW" 1'56 Ifne of Marconi "life.test"d" TV • • • your C!uurance of trouble·free performance. ~ PRICED FROM s219.00 TO ,s1080.00 ON HIRE PURCHASE After relatively· few hOUri op. eratlon, mlny air-cooled engine. beeome hlrd to atart and perform poorly_ When the eyllnder head fa removed, I beavy depollt Is found In the combustion chamber Ind exhaust valve.. This deposit Is made up of urbon and lead. The carbon comes from both the all and the fuel and the lead comes from the fuel. A series or tests have been made at the E/C· perl mental F~rm, Swift Current, to dtermlne what effect different fueh and oila have on Ihe amounl of deposit formed In lite combustion chamber. The fuels \lsed for these tesls were white traclor gasoline which does not eonlaln lelra-elhyl lead and bronze .asollne which does contain tetra.ethyl lead. Two types of 011 ·were used, one for Im'lce MM and the either for service MS·DG, The following combinations were used: Leaded gllollneand MM all; Leaded gasoline and MS·DG 011; Non· en· lead,d gUolineand MM 011. Nou· a leaded .uollne and MSoDG 011. w -01: After running the en line. unI¥ w. 11-11) der load for 100 hours, It WI! en 11)\ found that . the eombultlon of -0 x .... le,ded gasoline' and 101M oil give OlD I heavy depollt hI' the eombustlon ellamb.r and on the exhaust ~~ valve, while the non·leaded gasoline Ind the MS-DG 011 left the • en~ w combustion cbamber relatively 2ct clean. It was 1110 found that the , , amount of deposit left from the leaded gasoline Ind 101M all WII much ir•• to in en lines run at lI,ht 19ad._ z ~ Convert Ferry' Great Eastern Oil Company~ L'imited SYDNEY CCPJ-The department of tranlport has ealled lenders for convereloll of the SS SeoUl II, the half-century old ferry which carrleJi CNR trains and pasaengers across the Strait of Canso from Yulgl,ve to Point Tupper. Scotia II sailed from Its berth it Mulllrive last May. shortly before flnt rail traffle across the Canso ~auseway. Since Iben It has been berthed at Bor4en, P,E.I. It will underllo conversion and .__~_.:...-!"'_____'!"""........_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;.! refit· fOr service between. !orelin and ~.~ Tormentlne, ~.B. The I " j"; . ,,( J, i!,r . \ .- II F \.; '\ i, I ' :.1 , ~ tI 'I : ~. 1 1 :, ", ~ : .! I: . Fuels. And Oils For Air-Cooled • An extra.dlpendabll circuit which virtually IlImlnat.. Interferinci. I. I . ,, '; i, " 1 I ~ . :,.,1I it! ,I I I,; ',' :I: trlekl. • A nlw development In sound reproduction to givi Improved fidelity to eVln the lowest priced \i 1:, t·; ":';! ::: :~ ,I I :1 , I; : ~;, ,' " I ... ;d· ..... , ... THE DAllY NEWS, SATU~DAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 Guide Tro,ps Hold' Parade .. I,' ' -Hri. Grace Notes , High Se'h I ' Club M'eeting Woman's Column \ I I Th N e ews I Peop e n , .' . . Ca~adian I.egion, 'j' Harbour Grace Board Meet I· Se a edt ••a· e A Library Auxiliary Afternoon T. ea ,, \' .H·r. Grace .1842-1843 JANUARY 11th. I NOVEMBER 1st. Packet boat "Express" parted I Wee~ly Hc~ald, ~onception S. moorings at Portugal Cove. Total Advertiser, ~Irst Issued. Vi.l '. . I st. John, Editor. \ loss. ~ANUARY 25th. ' FEBRUARY-!943 . Meeting at Harbour 'Grace of John lIIunn, lIIember HOUlt ~ persons interested In establishing Assembly. . a steam packet on' the Conception I MARCH 11th. Bay route. I 101 vessels clear for sealli!h~ Two men, one a Parsons from' from St. John's. ~ -' Harbour Grace, driven in a punt I . MAY 23rd. HARBOyR GRAC~The regu'l to sea from Greenspond, rescued Votes ID House of Asse1i'.b!1 lar meetmgs of Har~o~r Gr~ce i by the "Margaret Ann" landed. in .lIIagistrate Harbour Grace Branch of the Canadian' LegIOn' Lisbon. \ Second Magistrate Harbour G~ were resumed on Tuesday I~st FEBRUARY £ 150. All fees to go to treaSIIIJ O~tober 4th, In t~e Memon~l Scottish Society at st. John's, I Goaler, Harbour Grace £90. i Llbr~ry. It was .declded at . this .Kenneth IIIcLea in chair, John i Constables Harbour Grace £l~ meeting that this branch \\ould Stuart, vice president. lor £33 each. £00 votes for S! s~onsor an entertainment to be March 15th. I P~trlck's Fre~ School, Pension ~ given by the great Ray·mond at "Experiment", Pike master, 70 widow of OII.ver St. John £lrIJ, the Academy Hall.on October 19th, Idays from Bristol. Sails, ctc., lost. Vote for Martm Brook Bridge £:11, and 20th. All Legion mcmbers arc: MA.RCH 22nd. MAY 23rd. therefore requested to come on Tenders a.lkcd to supply troops Passed an Act for Establishllltn\ the 17th to prepare for the eyent. at Harbour Grace. of Harbour Grace Grammar SchOol!. JULY 12th. Grant £450, also Grammar SthOOI Regatta at SI. John's. I at Carbonear. / HARBOUR 'GRACE-On Sunday should 'be chosen with regard to last October 9th, Harbour Grace ability and sorvlce to G.od and his 00 . ftsldents Wltit~ed. a parade fellow men. With the singing' of which comblnecfofficers and cadets the National Anthem and the beneof "Beotbic" Corps and Guiders diction, a memorable service of Delays double your trouble: and Guides of lst. and 2ndf Bar. praise and worship concluded. HARBOUR' GRAC~~he first postponing those jobs we dislike doing just doesn't dispose o[ bour Grace 'Companles, a unique Outside the church, Guides and them. By puttinG them off, we are simply storing up trouble for the event In this town. . Cadets reformed and paraded by regular meeting of the High School future. . way of Water Street, LeMarchant Club following the summer va· Letter.wrltlng for Instance-,the ones we procrastinate over-gives AU met at tbelr headquarters at and Harvey Streets, past the Hal' cation, took. place on Thursday, us twice the problem when we sit down to reaIl~' write it. The first 10 a.m. abd 1IIlrched down Water bour Grace Memorial Library ,october Qt~ with a large number paragraph must needs be an excuse for the delay, and there is the Street.to attend· church services, grounds where the salute was taken of members present. difficulty of remembering what must be said. the R. C, detachment of "Beothlc" by Commissioner, Mrs. E. Martin The §cholarshlps awarded by the Thcre are time$ when each of us feels an apology Is due. Given at at the Cathedral;' while thos!! of 'and C. Officer, R. J. Callahan. H. S. Club to the pupil gaining once, it sounds sincere and spontaneous. But, an apology that is pon· the olber. d~nom1natl9ni attended On the parade, many f,vourable highest marks In Grades Xl, X a~d dered debated and delayed usua1ly is so carefully phrased and rehears· matina at St. ~aul'l Churcb, where comments were made,on the smart IX, were announce~ as. f01l0ws:- ed th~t it sounds like a performance rather than the sample admission they were 'welcomed and can· appearance of both .corps "Beathlc" Grade Xl, Rowena Ike, Grade X, of a regretted mistake. . Iralulated ~n their Imart appear· and the Guides. The Cadet' bugle Phyllis Stevenson; Grade IX, Ger·. Training children in good manners should start as soon after birth ance by the rector, Rev. L. A. J. band did much ,to aid the march· aid Dwyer. t a~ possible. Any mother who sees her child developing wayward man· Ludlow. Ing especially as this was the Congratulations are extended to ners has a lot of I)'" habits to break beforc she can start teaching the In I sUrrlng address especially fir;t parade for .Guide companies these pupils. Rowena Pike Is teach· good ones. dlreded to the' cadels and guides, since their orgalllzlng In May last. Ing this year at Upper Island i Those thiL " we delay doing will be a burden lightened, if Rev. Mr, Ludlow took as hIs IUb- A1I did a splendid job and Harbour Cove, while the othrr ~ehola~~hlt ; they arc done ~ ..:e. ject the Parsble of tIie talents, ro- Grace Is pleased to see the Guide winners are cont nu ng e r :' mlndlnl his Hateners that for each movemenl going forward once studies at the High School: I Household Hints: Turn )'our mattresse.s once a week, at least ever, there was a vaeation, and luch more In this town. During: the meeting a gift ea~h two weeks, i£ you wish to have better rest for yourself, and longer life was presented to Mrs. J. C. DaVIS, lor the mattress. who leaves here with her familY,' There's no nced to Iron towels, pressing only flallens the pile. II shortly to take up residence at you hang them up properly to dry-one third over the Iin~-corners their new home at Manuels: and; nd nds will be even. to Mrs. Ernest Simms, who will be a e • moving to Stephenville. , A RECIPE HARBOUR GRACE-Mrs. Harold I The Women's ASloclation of the Dates arc both delicious and nutritious-usu~lly plentiful and not. Trainor an.t daughter Sally May, I United Church here have been ob. too expensive. They may be used in many dainties anil this is one o£ wbo had been spending the sum· IIged to change the date of their ... E· mer with Mrs. Trainor's mother, annual sale of work from Novem· the1'\!: Date Oatmeal Squares ·Mrs. May Garland, Water Street ber to December 7th, and 8th, CtIVltltS 1 Cup chopped dates East, -returned to Toronto on Tues. owing to many olher engagements. 1m, Cup sugar oats 1 CUI ",·ter Cups brown fine rolled "" day. 11.~ Cups flour ':2 Cup brown sugar Miss Brown, R.N., who was HARBOUR GRACE,-The regu· • spending Ii vacation at the rectory lar meeting of R.C.S.C.C. 'Beothic' 'h teaspoon salt 1 tsp. lemon juic~. Mrs. Reginald Knight, St. John's, 85 guest of Rcv. W. H. B. and Mrs. took place at their quarters at ~4 cups shortening "'as the week·end auest of her boncar, was a visitor to Coughi an HaII on Fray, Id . wIth aII 1\1cthod: Measure sugar rolled oals, !lour, ~alt an(1 the shortenin!!. Combmc rister, Mrs. and Dr. W. L. Good· Gill Car St. Paul's rectory here on Sunday. ofllcers present, following band thoroughly until ~ixture is crumbly. Sprea~1 half the. mixture into a win. practice and routine, the cadets greased g.inch square pan and press down firmly. While oven IS heat· Alter their annual summer ,'a· Mr. and lIIrs. Clifford Martin and were given an Interesting talk on it!" I t ation at their Harbour Grace daughter Linda, are spending a New(oundland animals by Mayor ing 400 lemon dcgreesjuice. prepare i: hy \lnlll cOl~ll)JnI~~ (al,C~. er, sugarto and Cookdate for fill' 7 minutcs mlxh.lre IS wa. t.llI.ck. C home, Mr~. R. Hcath and daugh. few da)'sas guests of Mr. Martin's. lit. P. Stapleton. Spread this on top of the oatmeal mixture and toP. With r~mamlDg ter, Mrs. Harvey Murcell len on' father, Mr. Mundcn Martin. Linda It Is expected that a tag day oatmeal. Press lIat with spoon. Brushin!! the tnp With a mIxture 01 Tuesday to return to their home who contracted measles since com· will be held on October 22nd. hot water and 1 cgg yolk will make a fine crllst and eliminate much In Toronto. ins here 15 now making good reo oi the crumbling when sCJllares arc cut. Bake 25 minutes. I "". . Events 'In 'And .Around .. I JULY 17th. Town Council ST: JOHN'S SEASON AT £ti Mond PROfESSOR JUNE 23rd. Marriage of Wm. Donnelly of Rev. George Ellidge, W~!I!l1l Spaniard's Bay, to ISabella, daugh· clergyman at Harbour Gract. HARBOUR GRAC~The Har. ter of late John Fergus. merchant, JULY 4th. bo.ur Grace Town Council has re.'\ Bay Roberts, by Rev. Mr. Powell Thos. Ridley, John ~Iunn, J.. cently completed the widening, of Portugal Cove. L. Pendergast, Peter Brown, DOl ballasting and re.surfacing of SEPTEMBER 2ith. Greene, Wm. Sterling, AI!:. Ash's Lane off Harvey Street, and; Died. at .Harbour Grace, W. G. Mayne to ~e ~ommissioners JUr. plan to continue this thoroughfare' Comer, Editor Mercury, aged 45. i bour Grace Grammar School. through to Water Street which OCTOBER 4th. WANTS TOURIST STUDY will be more convenient 'Ior resi. Emigration to' Newfoundland: .QUEBEC (CP)-Gerard Delal~ dents of that area. from England, 78: from Scotland, director of the Quebec '\ssociatitl Lee's Lane. at the juncture of I 48; from Ireland, 210. Total 336. o£ Hoteliers, appealed Thursdn tl Harvey and Water Streel~ at the I OCTOBER WIt. Mr. bu~inessmen to. support a ilt. west end, is presently being bal. i Scotch Kirk under Rev. I palgn for a prol'lnclal tourist eo~ lasted in preparation for re.sur.: Frazer. mission. He told the proposed eo!l!o facing in the spring.' OCTOBER 180,: " . I mission would do re~earch to !~ The Council is often hampercd i Michael Kearney bUilds eX' l tablish the I'alue and imporhr.:t in its work on imprOVements hy' press" packet. 47 tons, for Mr. I?f the tourist industry in the pro!. Ince.· the tardiness of taxpayers in pay. ~ Drysdale, Harhour Gracc. ment of due taxation. ! __ An effort will shortly he madr: by po,ters, etc., to have a poll and ~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.\ other taxes now outstanding to he paid so that all accounts will he brought up to date. i. Education members fitable AYElnill .. Film VACAR ~ A llrnlt.d prClsp.~ ore PIIClI' ap,l), at Parade St, 17th, between AYRE~ Eli. W. Rogers. SAYS- The Dominion Coronet is mor .. !'lan , covery. .'rlcmlship: Oh. the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of fcrlin~ Amonl! visitors to the capital Life Insurance Policy. It's a 20-:'Cor Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rabbltts, " safe wilh a person; having neither to wei!!h Ihou!(hts nor mc",urc words s a v i nits plan that lIuar antrc~ your last week were Mrs. S. Pcarc~, hut to pour them all out, eharr and grain together, kl1owin~ that a family all the deposits you hal'c madr. Mrs. n. T. Parsons and Mrs. M. Brlgus, and Mr. Hi \'d Mosden, 1 faithful hand will lake and sift them, keep what is worth kecpill~' and, PLUS the face value of the Polic v• st. John'~, paid a brief visit to Parsons. PLUS the divider1ds left with tl;e Harbour Grace on Monday. AC~TI L d' I then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away. •' HARBOUR GR Policy, if you die before 65. Ie a les I -Gcorge Ello\. I Mr. Maxwell Tapp left b)' T.C.A. HARBOUR GRAC~A meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Coe and chll· Auxiliary of the Harbour Gracc 'Phone me for dptails DIAL 2135. on Sunday to return to Harmon Memorial Library held a very sue. \ ' of SI. Catherine's Guild held on dren Helen lind Ch'arles, were Fi~ld. O~eninO' Tuesday, October 4th, was the guests of Mrs. Coe's parents, Mr. cessful and enjoyable afternoon KiWaIll·S Meetl·n~. tea at the Library on Wednesday ~.... t' opening one for the fall and win· Misl Barbara Torravllle, R.N., and,Mrs. H. H. Archibald, during afternoon, October 11th. There was! ter seasons. Several new member~ i St. Jobn's, spent the Thanksgiving' the week-end. T. E. DEWLING a good attendance, and In addition' HARBOUR' GRACE-Thc rcgu. ., were added and the datc of the I Iron,h Man_lit' holiday as auest of Rev. L. A. J. ~1 NEW GOWU ,,_ sr. lCIIHt to dainty teas, a home cooking. lar meeting of Harbour Grace Ki· HARBOUR GRACE-The new annual fall sale of work and meat Miss Mamie Moriarty, St. John's, and Mrs, Ludlow at St. Paul'. wanls took place at Pike's Hotel· United Church manse at Harbour teas was announced for Novem· spent the week-end at the home of staff attracted many patrons. Rectory, The proceeds which amounted to on Tuesday, october 4th, with Grace which replaces the one de· \ber 16th and 17th. her parents, Mr. and IIIrs. P. Mor· a satisfactory sum will be devoted twenty.five members present. and stroyed in thc 1944 fire is to have ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;--;;~..;;~;.;;~;.;;~;.;;~;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;_;;_;;_;,;.O;"-;,;.;.;;.-~;;.;.;.-;';;-;;"-;;,;,;---~I Mr. Fred Parsons of Goodyear larty, Victoria Street. to . certaIn Improvement, to the Mr. Fred Rees o£ Bell Island, as its official opening ceremony on Humber Ltd., Gander, spent the guest of honorary member, Rev. Friday, Octobcr 21st. .:. Mr. aild Mrs. George Parsons, library. week-end at Harboqr Grace. A. J. Ludlow. The moderator of the United St. Joh!)'s, were visitors to Harbour President Alec Moore was in thc l Church presently I'isiting New· Miss Sue Garland, St. John's, Grace for the week·end. .. _ chair and announced that in place I (oundl;nd, Rt. Rev. George Dorey. ~ of Mr. spent lISt week as guest Miss Betty Simmons, St. John'., of B guest speaker, the cluh memo ! B.A., B.D .. D.O., L.I..D., will share and Mrs. John Soper. ~pent the week·end wIth her par· ocrOBER 1~/h. hcrs would visit the "Gil E~nne~". ! in the offici"1 opening li'hich will Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dccker andients, and Mrs. Gordon Sim· ST. PAUL'S CHURCH then berthed at the premises ofl he comlucled by the chairman of two children of Rcd Rocks. were 1mons. Rev. L. A. J. Ludlow, Rector North Eastcrn F!sheri~s Ltd. The I the Carnonear Presbytery, Rcv. W. " '/L recent visitors .to Harbour Grace, 1 '. 8.30 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 members, !ollowmg dmner, went B. Johnson. B.A., B.D. gues~. of Mrs. Rita Cooke. I Mrs. Robcrt Shcppard, .. Corner I a.m., Matins: 2.30 p.m., Sunday I on board the ship and were con Following the opening, an at i Brook, who had been viSIting her I School and Bible Clus: 8.30 p.m., ducted for two hours on a tour of home from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. will Dr. E. O. B. Freeman was . a sister·in·law, Mrs. Allan Davis, Evensong. the very modern Portuguese hos· be held for the general adult pubweek-end guest of his parents, r.lr. Water Street West, returned home ST. PETER'S-HR. GRACE SOUTH pital and supply ship, by a Por· lic at the Manse. and Mrs. E, D. Freeman. on Tuesday. 11 a.m., Holy Eucharist; 3 p.m., \,Ugucse doctor. October 21st, promises to he an Children's Service. While everything. was?f un· cvcntlul day for the Unitcd UNITED CHURCH usual intercst, speCial nollce. was Church congregation here, who Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, MI.. Regll,a Kennedy, a pupil Rev. N. B. Hodder mad: of th~ ~p to the mm~te will then see the realization of SI. John's, wero week·cnd guests, of Llttledale Academy, spent the 11 a.m., Divine Worship: 2.30 hospital faCilitIes. the operating their commendable eHorts taat Harbour Grace of Mr. and Mrs. week-end with her. parents, Mr. p.m., SU}1day Sehool; '1 p.m., 01. room, etc., stalfed by three doc· wards the provision of a splendid E. L. Janes. and Mrs. W. B. Kennedy. vine Worship. tors. residence for their pastor. Rev. N. SOUTHSIDE At the time of the visit, a new.s B. Hodder, and for those who mny Mr. Carmen Mullett left for Port Mr. Angus Cook, adult educa· S p.m., Divine Worship. bulletin was being received dl' follow in the ministry hcre. Work tlon teacher at the Sanatorium, au Port on Monday to resume work . rectly from' Lisbon, and was being on the manse which commenced on with Herring U. N. returned to St. John's on Monday relayed to the Portuguese f~s~!ng June 161h, 1954, was completed in I after spending the week·end with THE FINEST SELECTION OF . Mr. Ell Diamond of Lethbridge the remains of the late Mr. Mich· £Ieet on the Banks. The vlsltln.g December. Rev. Mr. Hodder and i hll family here. group were delighted with their his family moving in on November I was in town last week in the In· ael Cashin, a valued and long time employee of Goodyears at Gander visit, and grateful for the oppor· 21st of that· year. Mrs•. Ernest Cormack, St. John's, terest of his lumber business. ' to his former home at Cape Broyle tunlty of viewing the Gil Eannes recently paid a two day vhit to on this first visit to the port of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Davis, and Miss May 'Paync, SI. John's, for burial. Mr. Cashin had passed they've ever had ••• beautifully designed CARDS to luit 'Iister, Mrs. L. U. Cbafe. I spent the week·endwlth her par· away suddenly while at work In Harbour Grace. Mr. Michael Hayes was chosen ents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Payne. the Gander store on Friday last. every member of the family. Your loved ones •• for friends as delellate to the con(erence of Mrs. Rose Bray visited St. John's i and relatives away from home plus a fine array of Religious Mr. P. Moriarty, St. John's, spent Kiwanians which is taking place on Monday to see her husband who: Mrs. J. Henn~bury, St. John's, TORONTO (CPl' - Evangelist Cards. . .. .. " Is a patient. at the Sanatorium,' vIsited friends at Harbour Grace the week· end with his family at at London, Ontario. Mr. Hayes left by express on Bill~' Graham said Thursday night Harbour Grace. • wbere he is making satisfactory on Sunday. he will tour the Far East with his Tuesda)', October 4th. progreu.: crusadc for Christ early next year. Mr. and ·Mrs. Hubert Nosewor· Mr. WIlliam Tapp of Goodyear The United States evangelist, CHOOSE YOUR CARDS NOW I Mr. and Mn. John Luther, Cal' Humber Stores Ltd., Gander, paid thy, and Mr. Max Noseworthy, St. concluding a three·week crusade in Toronto this week, said he will boneu, were visitors to Harbour a flying visit to Harbour Grace on John's, were guests of Mr. and WHILE THE VARIETY AND QUANTITY Grace on Sunday. Monday. Mr. Tapp had accompanied Mr•• Martin Sheppard on Sunday. HARBOUR GRAC~The pupils leave the U.S. in mid·January and spend three months in India, IS AT ITS BEST, Miss Edith Sheppard was a vlsl· of ~he Presentation Con.vent are Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. bUSIly engaged In practicing for "We are aware that biUer sata· tor to the capital. on Monday. their annual concert, wh,ich is nic opposition wiII await us there," St. CatlIerinc's Guild oct15,17,18 Official e Of U C M lanSe . CH' OOSE YOUR . D].VI'ne SerVI·CeS II' CHRISIMA Mr. GOARD OF S ~~ NOW.! 'TOOTON'S LTD. Offer You • • • CHRISTMAS CARDS Billy Grallam To Tour Far East I Around Town I expected to be ready for next said Graham. . Miss Betty Davis, SI. John's, vis· month. He said the next three days' Ited her parents, Capt. J.' and Mrs. _ contributions at his Toronto eru· Davis, during the week·end. Presently at the premises of sade .will be. ~sed t~ pay ~or a North Eastern Fisheries Ltd., arc travehng hospital, cIlD!c, dlspe~. Miss Betty Hearn, studcnt at . motor vessels Nordeaster sa~y and an al1tom~blle for hiS . ' . ., 'Asmn tour. LUtledale Academy, visited her th e Crusade officials said the Tor· parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nordeliin and Nordellte. ---rT onlo subscriptions campaign have Hearn for the holiday. The hospjtal and supply ship topped the $100,000 'objective by Gil Eannes left port on Thursday $15,000. The moncy will be used to Mrs. E. F. l\Iorlarty who had morning after loading bait lor pay crusade eXpenses in Toronto been visiting Corner Brook and Lisbon. While In por\'" the ,Gil and for follow.up work with con· GranJl Falls, returned home on Eannes was open to visitors on verts. WONDERFUL BUY I d d fl Graham will go to Cambridge Tuesday. Mrs. Moriarty also visited Tuesday an d We nes ay a cr· and Oxford in Britain after his her son. John at St. John's. Box of 28 Cards, . noons. Toronto crusade. Excellent Variety. Mr. . James Noseworthy, St.. . CHICAGO (AP)--Samucl Car· John's was a visitor to hll parents, dinal Stritch has. banned certain Mr. and Mrs. Max Noseworthy, for, $1,00 box "unliturgieal" songs from perfor· mance in Rom a n Caholic the 'Yeek-end. churches in the archdiocese of I Pike's Hotel-Mr. Jack Purdy, SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-Next Chicago. These include the bridal New Waterford, N.S.; M. Maltby. week's scheduled visit of Progreso marches from "Lohengrin" and Toronto; A. F, Burton, City Ser· slve Conservative leader George "A Midsummer Night's Dream," vice, St. John's: L. Sheffield, Kent· Drew to New Brunswick has been eight versions of "Ave Maria," "I vlIle, N.S.; Larry Butler, St. John's: cancelled because of illness at Love You Truly," and "Because." C. R. Williams, New Glasgow, N.S.; Winnipeg, according to informa· 'LONDON (AP)-With 3,000 hor· W. A. G. Stevens, Truro, N.S.; C. tlon received' here by Thomas rifled eircus·goers Jooking on, a M.-Beil, Progressive Conservative DIAL 6331 ' R. Noseworthy, St. John's; flerald' member of Parliament for Saint lion named Caesar clawed and WATER ST. Kavanallb, Robert Reid, Michael John·Albert. serioftsly injured his trainer. Char· FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT WORTHWHILE' Mr. Bell said Mr. Drew still lcs Elleneb. Thursday. Elleneb's BII 'AM1L~ INnRE8TS center about hI. two daughters. In this Lahey, Bell, Island; D. Rosel)berg, assistant, Walter ~{jJde, 'stepped I St. Jphn's; R. A. Clurlco,: G. A hopes to altend the annual pro· pboto, Patricia, tbe eldest, II at the left receiving best wishes from intn the cage and drol'e back the I octtll,18(h) L _______________ ---....;-------~-------lIer daddy on her ninth birthday. Her lilter Julie, 6, i. by her Iide. Halrod, Ted L. Starch,. Argentia, vlilclal PC meetin81in Ftcdcriclon Bilty Smart Circus Iinns. Oct. 29. Marjorie Guzzwell, SI. John's. Her parents were on a !our of Central 'America at the time: - Drew Cancels Visit To N.H. .TOOTON'S' LIMITED Iftd. ___---', , , TIlE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, OClOb.... ". . .•. ~, - NOMA NOTICE ST. JOHN'S T. A. & B. soclm ST. JOHN'S CHAPTER OPENS ITS 1955·5(a SEASON AT THE NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL PROFESSOR GORDON K. GOUNDREY, M.A., will ...,i.w: . . ~( Education is a pet proiect of NOMA and' members are allured an in'trlltlng and pro- Munn. Brown. fitable evening. • ... Film will b. Ihown aft.r the - HOLY NAME SOCIETY Mondav·Oct.17th' . . EDUCATION IN RELATION' TO OFFICE MANAGEMENT WesleYl, Grice. AUCTION p.m~ a~~rt".· 1.30 p.m. 16 Head Choice Butchers' Cattle g; ". '. , CATHEDRAL PArttsH . .t::. The quarterly meeting of the Society will be held Sun· day, October 16th. Holy Communion at 7'.45 Mass. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 3.00 p.m. followed by meeting in Hall, Harvey Road. A large attendance is requested. A, M, PROWSE, Secretary JIu. School. ror employment with the Federal Government at GANDER, NFLD. TYPISTS-To be trained 81 Teletypists. SI!.lry and Allowlnet-Up t. $215 I month, Apply: CIVIL SERVICI COMMISSION OF CANADA , On MONDAY, October 17th, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial University a meeting of the above Association will be held to be add relied by its President, DEAN F. STiLlNG of th.University of Western Ontario, on the aims of th.Association. Persons interested in authorlhip art invited to attend. oelHl,I7 123 Wat.r Stre.t, VACANCIES FOR 'cASHIERS AYRE~S SUPERMARKET LTD. = JVANTED ON A TEMPORARY BASIS BOX 30 c,o TENDERS fOR • COMMERCIAL LAND - W1Il be received by the under· signed until 12 o'clock Noon Manager. N 8T WEDNESDAY, October 26th, '1955, for all or part of that There will be a meeting of all members interested In land comprising 180 feet front· Junior' Hockey after 10 o'clock Mass •. age by a depth of 143.6 feet,locat· ==================== cd on the South Iide of Elizabeth Avenue between portugal Cove Road and Carpaslan Road. Sub· division wher~ necessary will be lub'ect to the .pproval of the prelent owen. Accompanyln, t!,\ch tender must a security oC 10% • k Campalgn . Hea dquarters, of thebetender price dejloslt In the form or Prince of Wa Ies Co II ege, Rln VOGUE GALLERY, Water Street, will remain open all a certified cheque or negotiable Dbmlnlon of Canada Bonds. They are to be lealed and plainly next week to wind up campaign. Will collectors who ~~:egoM'ki~~IAL ~I:~,~ER have n~t turned in .contributians please do so as soon • , DAILY NEWS Farms and detailed Information may be obtained from the under· signed. Thlt offer Is subject to a reserve prIce and highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, A. VIVIAN' Irlnch Mlnlg" CINTRAL MORTGAGE AND' HOUSING. CORPORATION St. John'.. Nfld. • act15,17 ottl5.1i.18 WANTED SBORTHAND -TYPIST' (Female) With knowl.dg. of Bookkeeping. Apply to E. C. BOONE ADVERTISING LTD.' : .WANTED GOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, WATER ST. DIAL 5057 employment. the Feder!!1 Government at with Harbour Grace, ======================= For Newfoundland. CONSTRUCTION IUPIRVISORS 5.lary: $317.50· $350.00 a month The Public libraries Board requires the services of an Apply to: oxperienced short.hand typist Immediately. Salary scal. CIVIL SERVIC! ~21 00·1 00·2100. Apply; stating qualifjc:atlons and .x· COMMISSION OF CANADA 121 Wat.r Streit. ;mi~n:e, to thl It. J,hri'., Ntld. ~HORT-HAND . The regular meeting of the H.C.A.A. will be held Tomorraw, Sunday, at 11 :00 a.m. . . . Business: Election of Hockey Coaches and Basketball nPIST. WANTED Business of this meeting will be the presentption of reports and election of the Board of Governors for I .' 1955.56. Geo.P.French DENTIST , Will be out of town until further notice. ·I W. R. CHANNING, Secretary ! ~ ~; ,. i',...r APARTMENT SITE :1:';\; VOWR I i : I, " '!j I , '1 1<1 i'l o ! I"~ I :j,: " !; 1500' TURKEY TEAS r 'II ·1 : ;i l" ,il!I: .•••• I, AT $1.50 TENDERS FOR <,i! : ; :, 'j • - II ': .. i I,I WILL 8E DELIVERED OCT08ER 3 rIf • I;; I :, . .' i ,I.: :· \I .'. ,'1 II :: : "I '::tl" . . \ .': '.'1 I · r,1 .: "1 TO-Night at' 9 .o'clock S·TADIUM • To Let Admission 50c ,...--- Chi/elren 25c Children under 14 years of age not admitted to Stadium un'less accompanilld by parents. CARD DR. PRACTICE Canadian National Telegraphs NOTICE NOTICE I L. E. LAWTON I HAS RESUMED oct14.21 Notice Is hereby given that LOIS MARGARET' CLOUSTON WILLAR of the City of St. John's in tbe Province of Newfoundland, Married Womall, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present SeS"Sion thereof, or at the next or following or ensuing session thereof. for a Bill of Dlv· orce from herbusband, WILLIAM DONALD WILLAR. of the City of St. John's, In the Province 'of Newfoundland, Salesman, on the ground adultery. Dated at the City of st. John's In the Province of Newfoundland this 13th day of October, A.D.,' Applications are invited for training leading to employ. ment as Repeater Attendants and Equipment Maintain· en with Canadian National Telegraph•• FREE SUITS AND HIGH CASH commissions given to you for lelling all wool made to measure clothes for manu· facturing company wltb long eatablilhed record for great values. Full or. part time. Experience not necessary. Write for large free money making sample ouUIt. Ex· cellent opportunity. Rodney Tailoring Company. Dept. A29, Box 63; Montreal. septl,sat.tlldec31 - aRAD_Atl~; NURSa REQUIRED rrMMaAler'::Bfook NnA.., Musical Instrumentl " .; ': i! .I • Date of Birth, . • Educational Qualifications, . • speciallled Training, if any, :. I . . • If applicant possesses a knowledge of MGrs.I .; Telegraphy, • Experience, If any, particularly In the . Electrical Field. A. C. JERRETI, Superin~endent October 12, 1955. ADVERTls;: IN· DAILY NEWS ~nowledge of Bcislc ~ Canadian National Telegraphs, 239 Water Street, Sf. John'5, Newfoundland Gct13,11l / .' '. i! • Name in full, • If applicant possesses a 'Electrlelty, 1 1\.' be GIBSON GUITARS - HOln.r .. Button Stop Accordeons and Harmonicas. Richmond Saxophones. Boosey Clarlnets,-' Charles Hull,," lit Sons. P.O. .,,100. i . Applications should made by mail or ttl~raph . to the undersigned and must statel Agents Wanted Ind. Light "'o~er Co~, Ltd. , .. Successful applicants, during training period, will be paid an allowance of $135.00 per mon,h. However, the salary scale for these po~ilions ranges from $237.00 to $344.00 per m~nth. D. W. K. DAWE, Solicitor for Ipp'llcant octlll,22,29,novli NOTICE ·i " . 19ft~. I , . ;,:' i: :' I BINGO r Ii.' h " ~ I! ! I. 1 WANTED , p.m. Dr. I... • The annual meeting of the A.A.V. of Canada, New~ loundland Branch, will be held on TUESDAY, October 18th, In the B.l.S. Club Rooms, Queen's Road, at 8.00 J WANTED .• A. A. V. OF CANADA Will lie received by the under· BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW I · signed until 12 o'clock Noon N.S.T. WEDNESDAY, October 26th, 1955, for all or part of that DIAL 4804H - 6979H or 5858 land comprising 901 feet frontage t1 by a depth of 200 feet, located on I ==O=C=3=,1=5========= :::=======as possible I the North side of Elizabeth Ave. ' - _ .; octl5,17 between Downing Street and ==================== Portugal Cove Road. Sub·dlvislon Where necessary wl11 be subject to tbe approval of the present owners. Accompanying each tender (Under auspiCe! Newfoundland Federation of Labour must be a security deposit of 10%· Educational Committee) of the tender price in the form of GAIETY AUD'ITORIUM a certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada Bonds. They are to be sealed and plainly marked as follows: "TENDER FOR APARTMENT SITE". SPECIAL TO·NIGHT: fOUR $100.00 GAMES Forms and detailed Information 30 GAMES CARDS $1.00 may be obtained from the under· signed. This oCler Is subject to a Door Admission 5c reserve price and highest or nny (tel) tender will not neces:;arlly be accepted. for Sal. Wanted A. VIVIAN SATURDAY AFTERNOON ........................... 2- .! p.m. FOR SALE - Two nlW milch Branch Mlnager WANTED-A 2 or 3 Room fur· Cows and Calves. Apply Patrick CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND SATURDAY EVENING .................................. 8·10 p.m. tllshed !lat for a couple. Has Ryan, Torbay, Newtown. HOUSING CORPORATION to be base apP!l'oved. 'Phone SUNDAY EVENING ......................................9-11 p.m. St. Jllhn'., Nfld. 3175. oeU4,15 MONDAY EVENING ...................................9.11 p.m. ocUII,17 To Rent TO R!NT-Furnlshed !littlng room, Imallldtchen wIth hot .. i' DIRECTOR OF PUILIC LIBRARY SERVICES, TO LET_Novemb.r 1st Dwelling water and electric rangette. consisting of four bedrooms, bedroom and use of bath· GOSLING MEMORIAL LIBRARY, ST. JOHN'S dining and sitting rooms, room. Good eentral locality; oe:l~.17 lnrge kitchen, modern bath· alllo base approved. Apply to OFPICI EQUIPMENT room. hot and cold water, own . Box 12 care Daily News Office OPERATORS well and electric pump. oct15,18 Situated at Brigu!, C.B., 51111'YI Up t. $112.50 I month Apply A. S. Pearce, Har· (Depending on quallflcati~ns) bour Grace. oeU5.17 Agents Wanted-Male For Fed~ral Government De· IF WE S'END YOU YOUR OWN fOR THE U.s.A.F. 8RANCH EXCHANGE partments at ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Opportunity SUIT WITHOUT ONE CENT Apply COST TO YOU-will you AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN EN· Frobisher Bay, Labrador, 1 STORE and WARE-. wear and show It to your CIVIL SERViCe rol noW. Mnke money with friends and tan their easy COMMISSION OF CANADA Famllex dealership ful1 or HCUSE MANAGER, mal., at $4800.00 per orders, making a handsome 123 Wat.r Str..t, part time. We offer large profit on each one? Y01l need year. Quallflcationl: knowledg. of r.tall It. John'., Nfld. variety of co!metic. dailY neno experience. 1 show you ce§sltles. farm products, etc. how and supply big woollen marchand MUlt have som. previoul .~ptrl. FAMILEX, Station .,c.. Mon· sample kit free. But· act treal.. oct11,14,15 quick. WlI'ltg us a letter tell· ence runnln, elth.r Imall PX, Shipl StON or Ing all about yourself, Send no money. DepartllUlnt 1070. related experienc•• Insurance Douglas Talloring Co. P.O. Box 398. Montreal. P,Q. ASK. FOR ftlY BROA~ IIll· Interested applica"ts ar. requested to apply purpose Insurance. Fire In· octB,15,22,29. to: " surance premiums noW le~5 than ever. Your property 15 Taxi worth protecllng. W. E. Cald· MR. GILLAM, CENTRAL EXCHANGE BUILDING, well. Insurance Agent, 'Phone 2465, Address Temple Buil.d. mCKEY'S TAXI leavln, Ter,803 Pep,,-"'''' A.F. 8al', or Ing Duckworth St.. St. John s. renceville Wednesdays, st. John's onTltursdayll. connect· FURNiSS WITHY INSUR· NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • SERVICE Ing with· mall boat. Contact ANCE Department offerlnl Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville dependable lnsurance-Autoor dial ~1()"F at St. JOG',. 'uckmdlf.r's Field mobile. Fire. Buralary. Plate. .ep7,lm Glass, Tourist Baggage, oc1l4,3i r Transportation•. Travel Accl· dent, LlablUty. PholTt 2073,..:.. Barber Shop : ROBERT DAWB & SON, Fir. THE CENTRAL BARBER and Automobile Insuranee. SHOP-Fast efficient Ian!· Be lafe. be lure. IlIIure. Tele. tsry sBrVlce. All modern phone 2882. P.O, Bos as BY OCTOI.R 20th, 1955 equipment, five barbera. The Royal Bank Cbambers. St. least possible waiting, 24 New THUE.AND.AoHALf OR FOUR ROOM John's. Gower Street. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. my4.1m Notice I, hereby given that Contlct STAN FOWLER. Re· ,URNISHIP .APARTMENT ANNIE LAMBERT of the CIlY of nouf building, for Fire Auto51. John'. In tile Province of New· mobile and Plnte Glass IlJsur. Venetian Bllndl foundlaJld, Married Woman, wlll anca. ClaiMS prompt17 letU· ,pplY to tbe Parliament of ·Can· ed. 'Pbone GM1-P.0. Bos COMPLETI BLIND ada at the present Session there- _6:.,;.3.:..._ _• _ _ _ _- - ONLY 'PHONE 3181 . Service. Manufacture. Laul\o qt, or at the ne1tt or following or INSURANCE-Bowring Broth.dry Repair Work gullll'anteed. Get14,15,18 .naUlni aedftln theteof, for a Bill Ir Limited Insurance Depart· One day service. Free quotaofDlvor~1I from ber bUlband. ment-Fire. Automobile. Martions. Kearneys Limited, LEVI LAMBERT, of the City of Ine and a)1 Casualty lInu Manufacturers. 454 Water st. .lit. John'.. in the' PravlnC't! of Telephone 3131. . J(ewfountl~nd, b~ at present a 1II__btr 01' the' 0)'.1 Canadilin CONTACT 'A. E. HICKMAN . MilceUan.oul Anned Fauel Ita oned at Wolse· Ca. Ltd. Insurance Agents• . \.urn,. , J,w . It' Barllckl, London, In t'lle Pro· 'Phones 4132·3+5-6 P.0.8. BAVE YOUR CHROME CHAIRS of Ontario. an the ground 084. for your lnsurance rerepaired now. Plastic or Leath· General Duty NY.... ;.qui"'" at .h. W~.m . vlnpe cif "dllitety. . qulrements. erette. Speedy service. 'Phone Dltt!dit th~01t.y of St. John'lO-~EP;';'I';"N-D-A-BL-E-F-IR-B-IN-$-U-R.­ Frink 672lJ.A or call at 24 Mtmorial H~ pltal. S.lary. cdm"""c6i Barter'., 111. aet4,1m In the .Prbvllice of Newfoundland, ANCE-Don't risk your· valu· ptr annum ,"11. Return fatM paid 'toM out- thlir 13th day of octo~r, A.D.. . abies to "save" a few doHan, GET THE FACT.'11 Writ. Int.r· .lllA. Our talr·rate. reliable pollC7 .. national Correspondence lid, N.wfou,.dland fQr on. ytar contl'lct. ·D. W. K DAWI, IIlves Immedlatfl orotectlon. Scbools. Canadian Ltd" 208 .. Illicit.' fer Appllc.nt 'Phone 6921 or write J, J. Apply to· SUPIiRINTENDENT OF NURSiS. ocll' 29 3O,IIOvl • AlIYle St., Sydney. N.S. LaceY. P.O. Bos' ooe. reDUf teUI.lw . . H1ANTED • ., . CARD IMPORTANT NOTICE Competent TYPIST . Apply St. John", Nfhl., Tel.phon. 7778 H.C.A.A. octlll,17 A Iimiled numb.r of vacancies offering .xcelle~t prosp'cts are now oval. lobi.. Experlenc. not .ssential. Please apply to the peRSONAL MANAGER. The ollie. at Parade St. will b. open on Monday morning, Oct. 17th, belween 10 and 12 a.m. fhan a 20-ycar' your R1ade. Policy. ith the The Canadian Authors' .Association .,. WANTED JlI. no. AIl~ lis5i~'ners • TO-NIGHT Music b1 "The Princes Orchestra with Grace Boutilier Vocalist. Cover '1.00 . . . ~('I~. RF<; PV~ T I()~'<: All members eire requested to attend the 8.45 a.m. Mass and receive Holy Communion on To·morrow, Sunday, in observance of the Fr. Mathew Allniversary. T. J. FAGAN, Secretary. . Monday, October '11th 6.30 ' ',. ... . '. • , .'16 MILLEY'S SEAMLESS THE DAilY NEWS, SATURDAY, O~BER . TEAM Alastair Mars ... _........ 2.75. ar. brought to you from . Fri.ndly Ncighborl Civia Soci.1 W.Hare Le.dcn through a 9 to 10'12 a: i Abominable Snowman Adventure Chlnge of resid.nce Pair DtJ, Charles Foley ............. 3.00 : his famous make CAMERA and PROJECTOR Land of the Crested Lion! Is a~ailable at TOOTON'S LTD., where you Ethel Mannin ............. 3.25 .PAPER TO APPEAt FINE WHITE . will alwa'ys find a vast selection of name· and Princess Anne y E a'rgus ho . . ."-. brand CAMERAS and PROJECTORS. Lady Peacock .............. 1.50 . I The Parables of Jesus MRS. CATHERINE FOSTER •• H Superv.smg ost"q· ....rI'II:I!W'"'IIl~_IIII'I'I_.!'I!!'!'I- rIllS II Commando Extraordinary : T.R.H. Prince Charles ~iv.l. of N~weomor. .. rroud of Ralph Izzard ..... ,.......... 2.75. lY.ELCOME WAG!-JN . $1.25 , i Down in The Drink I Ralph Barker ............ 2.50 GREETINGS &: GIFTS .The • Y~u.Can·Be Arctic Submarine . , -... APHOTO • . • IS, 19S5 Joa~.h;m Jeremias ....... 2.75: ARGUS ROME (AP the Middle East the lVlt:U. ..·... • hands report w The Fall of The Sparrow ' N' .. ','B ,. h' Ige a c In 250 . C·3 .............. • Scales of Justice ' MONTREAL, (CP~-Judge Mar· N . M h 2 0 GIFT OUTFIT echal Nanetel Thursday declared galo ars ...............0 ES)'pt's deci~ion to ilIS'III Ihe dismissal last April 20 The Usurpers CommunIst 0( Benoit Gagnon. composing room C I M'I ELASTIC TOP . has made Prcmier employee of Le Dcvoir, .Judge zes ow . I asz ............ 2.00 LONG BLACK : Nasser a hero NaneU imposed a $100 fine on the The Actor . world. Imprimerie Populaire Limited. · It has worked a dan publisher (lr the daily newspaper. Niven BU$ch ................ 3.50 rholOgical change Gagnon was .one of 31 emplohces Jonathan Eagle . ARGUSArab areas. dismissed as a result of a wage Al d l' 4 95 : Bitterness ol'er, dispute between the newspaper exan er amg ......... · JelVS in the Paiestme Gagnon: Was one of 31 emplo~cs, BeWs Landing' , PB·300 deep. Howcver, and Its composing room staff. : leaders bad been members of the International Gerald Warner Brace..4.50: attention from !hc Typograpbical Union \AFL). Le Red Sky at Midnight I 'Automatic Projector toward constructl\'c Devoir announced It will appeal. Roberf F. M'IrvlS• h ....... 3.95·: See TOOTON'S first where you will Mure, such as the · rl~n and Greatcr least bit and pecked out. That big, M • • M . S . find dependable Photographic Mer· 50 · 'Thc arnls deal-and mean.looklng German-Heitzig, I arlorle ornmg tar chandise always on display I has raiS'Cd among Ar~' think his nallle Is- who Is the Herman Wouk ............ 5.75 jJr rCl'engc against night watchnfan or something, a~ain fOCU3SCa was rattling Braun's doorknob. He (0~ . ..... o~ the a flashlight. The next minute, . rather 1!lan "~n;strl~CIl. ..,.. . Vlggo appeared. He had a flash· -. 'RED I:-ISTnUCTORS ~liddle Eastcrn "Never mind. Theres no one light too. He was wearing, one lIith the nersonal on this barge ~ho knows me well could hll'rdly help but notice. fly he 31id almo,t enough to murder me. Except bright red pajamas. He looked THE BOOKSELLERS l~adcrs are opposed Vlggo. And I had 'my eye on like a fire truck. Then BraunDIAL 6331 I'alestine war. WATER ST. 'Phone 3191 . 4425 him. Who do you think It was?" his cabin, on thiS side DC the ship, "Serious Arab is j ust beyond my step·mother's "I don't know." : OlC wuuld gain," rl~ar,le(\ informant I»i II I... W "What an amusing mind! Why and mine is next to her's. Number •• FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT WORTHWHILE! . ~ aren't you looking for that knife· D, In a fact-" MOST PUPILs "DRUNKS" !a;l1~ time. after thc THI STORY: A t"•• ur. suit with Mr. l.ynch," I declaim. thrower?" "Thank you," ORBOST, Australia (Rcuters)- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t : !'Ieir defeat in Pales . it must hal'c an h II Iay "Because I haven't the dlmnest "A detec tive shou Id know t1lese I A Pres byterian minister in this: cru 11I,.n Int .rna on. I m.n e. I ent we sa. ~- - -d "I am con I'd 'The West was not 'I of ml'lt.ry .nd I pr.tty Ilrl him by the heels." That sounded notion where to look," things. 1 was saying, Braun man· fAr~ing hamlet says 30 of the 37 prol'ide arms of th' .Irlldy mak. thlnll' Int.....t. even worse! "An honest ,nswer, Deane. An aged to get hI:; door open from pupi1l5 at the school in a nearby tcacher at the school has to sohcr 1 bin~e" before lessons can begin' of nearby Club Terrace wrr< :n.~ tile amount Egypt 11'3' Inll t. Rob.rt D•• n., Am.rl. Sand stared at me and moved honest lnawer, Since you're not Inside and came wobbling out arc, dru."kards.';' I up the children-aged between 6' on ..Allhough Chant dirl uproar of protest assuming "( ,'.al SJme 300 Comm cln crlmlnolltlst, who Is a. In I pondcrou.s nod. "Mr. Deane, prCllsed then, I'll tell you why into the corridor. You gather ev. Stc\lart Cha.1t claImed the: and 14-arter each "weekcnd I not name the own. thc residents referring to their commun,·.;. and technicians arc t.:~l'Pt along \I'ith the "YAs"" . ~arl wcapon, bought tlCtty. Blrtran d Lynch. ThI COmllany me to my cabin~" . ~'. Apparently the main 5witeh had. • . I'llda. In the vcar" Iw •.d.tlCtIYis .,. to lund Viggo Sand II'R! shaking. Mr. "To tell you that Viggo Is an failed." . '.; \. ill be d~pending on VIIIO S.nd. th. Ylchl own.r. Sand. I preceil'ed , was good and \unmltlgated liar. About Braun," "Or lome'one had pulled it." r.ist, for re~lace:ncn: "FI h . d " • ., J:Iodih' the arms wHo Bul IOm"n. hu lUll thrown ~ca1't!d. re II' en sou tI'e rea y. • •• • ;I Incnts. This ensure,; , \nlf. at Mr. S."d. The trouble was thai in all my: • • • "YOU will soon, Robrrl, hp lit ' A PERFECT COMBINATION .. .... l'ammunist cadrc in • • • lire I had known, 01' el'en known! Llp.Y WYNDAM pe!'red rare. the top of your pl'ofession. Stop' t:I'C arca. IV 0[, only one complete master of I (ully into the surrounding Ilooni. interrupting. About the time Vig· , \.OX'T TAliE BELATEDLY. I leapt to acllon. the difficult art .of knlfe·throw· With accustomed eyes nne could go showed up, l!,,'aUn came out. i )Iol'co\·cr. rC5PO Alter ill I wu the yacht dick. I Inll. That 0'\ ster was Bcr!ram see quite clearly. It was an en. He waS dcadly white. The watch· . flY, Russia has aped round the corner of the cab. Lynch. He lInd learned it, he chanting night. man had to reach out and hold' E~)'pt with her J)~ 'n hOWlln,. The stem deck, not ollce told me, In Marslllcs. He "We were aboul halfway over" him. All this time, you understand l:igher As\\'an dam. a quarter Aswan .urprlslngly, was empty. Taking was convinced that fOO' his needs, .said Lily. "AI Viggo iaid In 'hls I 11'85 peeking with natural girlish bting bact;s un watr Itl rubber-tread step. three .t a it was a perfect. weapon. Like' own burst of honesty It was rat· curiosity through the crack in my 2ad complcnienls t 1mt'o I leapt up the ladder·lIke his peculiar trnde. It was silent,: her stOO'my. The vittorla was. door." tilns in cJntrolling t ~tairway to thp. upper btnlt deck. secret. And almost Impossible to ijumping about like one of those I "Yes?' I urged. , ri~~tion. 'I'hou/lh. up there, there II'C'!'C i8Mociate wllh anyonc so Im·inc·. i absurd ;\[exlean beanl. 1 suppose ''In a minute they bundled: A third SOl"iet m mallY shadows nd places of con. ibly Brllisl1 as hlm~elr. . it was very late It night. Three· Braun back into his c~blt1 and gol • 1m tan~ible. Respol rl'alment. I COlltrlved 10 look ill 111 I To my surprise. Lily Wyndam ,Ish. Anyway. I was sound asleep." Relr Dibble. Dibble, as you may: hint-witho"t delinit, of lhem. Xo one thel'e. In another wa~ sUII 011 deCK. ! "How pretty you must look." rn' may not know, is e\'cr at Vig· : t~at the Rt:ssians ha · i:npression in Arab moment I had c:irelcd 1I1e promen. "A gallant' toair, I must say~": "DOWII, ROl'er," said Lily mat· go's right hand. Reg at least used: · s~ouid anothel' AI' Ide deck, too. and was back where "Who? )Ie?" . ter.of.factly. "I heard someone some gllmmermg of sense and b:'ca!, out lhcv I had sl,al'lcd. I was puffinl, per. "YoU're lIot II paj.r. big as you: running. Someone who stumbled went and fetched the Innocuo~s "\'olunteers" fron! hAP~, just 11Iltle more than nece.. are. I mean YOll and Vlggo. Dart- .with R loud bang against my door. Norwegian, Dr. Lund, Vlggo s p:ol'inces of SOl"ie 1a!'Y. Ing off like that leaving me alone I'The first thing I did, nat1ll1"ally. Royal PhysiCian. Dr. Lund's cab- , e,ina. 'I found no trace of the I.,al\. with a murder at large. I think was to reach out to turn on the In Is just between yours and I' · It was against t"at G V. Int," 1 reported. mbdern men Ire just dlckyl" light by my bed. It didn't go 'on mine. · r.s. tro~lble:shn<ltcr.• What I 11IIy way to talk. "I'm terribly sol1l'Y. I just didn't INothlng happened. So I went to "There was some very hushed c'ntly by Statc "I Ihall, however. at once con. think-" .' the door and opened It just thl! and whispery coming and go~ng i ,"ldy the situation. _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--==========="",;==;..=~;:;;;;;,;;;;.~~;;~;;~ seU while, I suppose, BI'aulI got 111m· I swabbed off and tied up." I reconciling Isracl (To B. Continued) lI'arld f~ce one . Arab stale \\' HURON TOWNSMAN 21 BIRTH . i it:atiI'C. It is 1'"....... -- .. -though lcs; so This exceptionally. lowl'riccd table The Towmman 21 eombine~ b~.llt)' ~~Ii . PIKE-At the Grace Maternity , ARLEN y~us ago-for an\" modern design with the "bett~r 7 II ,\ I ' Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Colin ' model brings you the sparkling perform· . PJblic\y to fa ':or . ar;\'ances. It o!fers superb perform"nrr, Pike (nee Rosaleen Garland). The accent is l n versalility •• , witb ami hlends wrll with a.ny deeor,II" October 14th, a baby girl. smart. sleek styling that compliments ance that's way ahead in its price fiel~. <rheme. The 'I'ownsman IS avallahl. In ----- -- .. -----any deeorativ~ scheme. This exceptional. DEATHS SOFT OR HARD - IN ALL SIZES heautiful wood·grain !inish o[ wain tlt . The smart metal cahinet cnme~ In new, model IS tops 111 performance. In strikina wood·grained walnut. . STAFFORD-Passed peacefully high.gloss wood·grained finish o[ lI'r.lnut. 00 down away at· 2' p.m, Friday, October Also down 14th. 'Thomas J. Stafford, aged 82 years, leaving to mourn a loving FULL CASH PRICE $249.95 wlie,. one ,daughter, Margaret FULL CASH PRICE $299.95 (Mrs. Wm.· Bennett). and one Matching Base $14.95 brother Michael in Bostoll. Fun· Receives Matching Base $19.95 Exira eralat St. Patrick's Church. FULL CASH PRICE $199.95 (Boston papers please copy). DENVER NOSEWORTHY-Fassed fiud· denly at the General Hospital yes· after his heart terday morning. Oct. 14th. Phillis DEVLIN for the second t BROCKTON Isobel. age 21, beloved daughter I of Ralph and Ethel Noseworthy, Hospital and The !U'ace o( fina contemporary Luxuriolls styling plus "DEEP III Fleming St. Leavlnll to mourn their lad Io~s. mother, father. styling .•• plus thrilling pe.r[Qrm· . IMAGE" that'e better 7 ways make lbrC1! sisters, Shirley (Mrs. B. Jar· Sins from W' to 2"-wlth •• ance and exceptional value. You'll. " dine) Pouch Cove and Jean.• SylVia welcome the wonder[ul extras- this your best buy in 21 consoles. at home,. three brothers, Charlie, ncw spot.ilIuminated tuncr dial, The handsome modcrn cabinet is and David. Funeral on 3.point . tone control, phono jack available in rich walnut .. ' I·M·onaay at·2.30 from the residence her uncle Mr. WJ1llam Nose·' and phono switch. This "DEEP worthy 16 Monroe Street. Funeral 'IMAGE" consolt in lustrous woo~· by motor hearse. grain' finish of walnut. down . oetl!!.17 . . In·allaizi. from 2" to 6" GIRLS' School Hose Bobby Socks SOc Pair 49c I: Pair $74. s. MILLEY \LTD. ,. . ~. ~.m.If(·III:lnj •• !!!:!!~~~:' ~ TOOTON'S LIMITED v....... ~wn ~ "habit·~al 1 "~Ionday ~w~~~Brm~~ y~Will~~den~~~~I~~~hm~~~~.th~~M~ts~e~~lf~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .The HAPPY HOME has RCA TV I '--~------~~~------ • (. , " \; f: ! , .: "jL . ;.; RCA I j i ',! ,,' . .. ,' , i> .: TELEVISION IN YOUR HOME EQUIPMENT AT CJON • --------_._-- ------- Copper and Brass Tubing &Pipe ----_. ------ $25: $30.00 Copper &Brass Fittings &Valves Polyethylene Flexible Plastic Pipe flttl~g NO-Co-Rode Drainage Pipe Plain al\d pedorated - $35.00. fitting. with $30.00 down FULL CASH PRICE BOYS' FULL CASH PRICE $299.95 $349.95 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK GYM BOOTS A. H. 'MURRAY & CO. Ltd. MACHINERY DEPARTMENT ST. JOHN'S . and 'SHOES 98c to' 1.49 ·10% Down Payment. .Easy Monthly Terms ' RADIO _ APP.LlANCE - FURNITURE DEPARTMENT WATER STREET, ST, JOHN'S . Del 1a,tli 'PHONE 80021 - STEERS LTD.