CITY OF LOVELAND, COLORADO FOR FIBERGLASS ENCLOSURES 2007 8 December 2006 INVITATION TO BID The City of Loveland, Colorado will receive sealed bids for Fiberglass Enclosures 2007. Bids must be received by the City Clerk’s Office, Loveland Civic Center, 500 East Third Street, Loveland, CO 80537 on or before 2:00 p.m. on the date set for bid opening. Bid Opening: 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 11 January 2007 City Council Chambers Loveland Civic Center 500 East Third Street Loveland, CO 80537 Specifications and bid documents will be available after 12:00 p.m. on 8 December 2006 at Bid Net. For additional information, please contact Steve Johnson, Water And Power at (970) 962-3545. The City Clerk’s Office will receive, date, and time stamp all bids. No bids will be considered which have not been received by the deadline set forth above, as determined by the City Clerk. The City is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the City’s internal mail delivery system, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder. Following bid opening, bids will be posted by company name and bid amount on Bid Net. The award will be posted at the same Internet address once available. ***If you no longer wish to be included on our bid list for this type of commodity, please note on the enclosed “Statement of No Bid” and return. Your company name will be removed from this bid list.*** The City of Loveland does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in the provision of services. For disabled persons needing reasonable accommodations to attend or participate in a City service, program, or activity, call (970) 9622000 or TDD #(970) 962-2620 (hearing impaired only) as far in advance as possible. Disabled access is available at the southeast side of the Civic Center Annex building, garden-level entrance. STATEMENT OF NO BID Please complete this form and return with your NO BID response. Bid Name: Bid Opening: Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 11 January 2007 Specifications are too tight. Please explain. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Specifications are unclear. Please explain. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ We are unable to meet specifications. Insufficient time to respond to the Invitation to Bid. Our schedule would not permit us to perform within the required time. We are unable to meet insurance requirements. We do not offer this commodity. Would you like to remain on our bidders list for this commodity? Yes No Further remarks/comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Supplier’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Representative’s Name: _____________________________ Title: ______________________ Representative’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 GENERAL These instructions apply to the preparation of bids for materials and/or equipment (“Supplies”) for the City of Loveland, Colorado (“City”). 2.0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.1 Contract Documents. The following documents as indicated by an “X” constitute the Contract Documents for this project. By submitting a bid, the bidder certifies and represents that the bidder has been furnished with all the Contract Documents, is familiar with them, and intends to be bound by them. Furnished with Bid Packet: Bid Label Invitation to Bid Statement of No Bid Instructions to Bidders Bid Form General Conditions Special Conditions Technical Specifications Other: Insert description of other documents Contract 2.2 3.0 Interpretations, Modifications, and Addenda. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to advise the City prior to the bid opening date of conflicting requirements or missing information which requires clarification. The bidder must inquire into any apparent inconsistencies, or any matter seeming to require explanation or interpretation, at least seventy-two (72) hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the time set for the bid opening. The bidder submitting the request is responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or modification of the Contract Documents will be made only by addendum mailed, faxed, or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The City is not responsible for any other interpretations or modifications of the Contract Documents. All addenda shall become part of the Contract Documents and shall be acknowledged and dated on the bid form. BID 3.1 Preparation. Each bidder must submit an original bid on the form bound herewith. No other bid form will be considered by the City. The bidder shall sign the bid form appropriately prior to submitting the bid for consideration. The bid may be rejected if it shows any omissions, alterations of the form, additions not called for, conditional bid, or any irregularities of any kind. Entries on the bid form shall be typed using dark black ribbon or legibly written in dark ink. All prices shall be stated in words and figures except where the forms provide for figures only. In case of a discrepancy between the unit price and the extended price, the unit price shall prevail. Similarly, a standard unit of measure is to be used for bid purposes. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 3.2 Bidder Qualifications. No bid shall be accepted from, and no contract will be awarded to, any person, firm, or corporation that is in arrears to the City. If requested, bidders shall be required to submit satisfactory evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular materials and/or equipment bid upon and that they have the necessary financial resources to provide the proposed materials and/or equipment called for as described in the attached Technical Specifications. 3.3 Confidential Information. Pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-12-201 et seq. (“Act”), all information contained in any bid or proposal is subject to public disclosure unless it meets one of the exceptions set forth in the Act. To avoid disclosure of trade secrets, privileged information, or confidential commercial, financial, geological, or geophysical data (“Confidential Information”), the bidder must clearly mark all Confidential Information as such and provide a written, detailed justification with its bid or proposal of the protected nature of the Confidential Information under Colorado law. This justification must address, at a minimum, the specific competitive harm that may result from any disclosure, the intrinsic value of the Confidential Information to the bidder, and any safeguards the bidder uses to protect the Confidential Information from disclosure. By submitting a bid, the bidder agrees to hold the City harmless from any claim arising from the release of Confidential Information not clearly marked as such by the bidder or lacking written, detailed justification supported by Colorado law. 3.4 Not an All or None Bid. This shall not be considered an all or none bid; the City reserves the right to select the lowest qualified bid on each individual item set forth on the bid form. If you choose to bid on an all or none basis, you must so indicate on the bid form. 3.5 Specification Deviations (Exceptions) by the Bidder. Any deviation from the Technical Specifications included herein must be noted in detail and submitted in writing on the bid form. Completed specifications must be attached for any substitutions offered or when amplifications are desirable or necessary. The absence of the specification deviation statement on the bid form and accompanying specifications will hold the bidder strictly accountable to the specifications as written herein. Failure to submit the specification deviation statement, if applicable, shall be grounds for rejection of the item when offered for delivery. If specifications are submitted with the bid, the bidder’s name should be clearly shown on each document. 3.6 Brochures. Bids shall include adequate brochures, latest printed specifications, and advertising literature describing the product offered in such fashion as to permit ready comparison with the City’s specifications on an item-by-item basis where applicable. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 3.7 Terms of Payment. Prices must be based upon payment in thirty (30) days. Cash discounts must be stated on the bid form. In all cases, cash discounts will be calculated from the date of the invoice or the date of acceptance of the materials and/or supplies, whichever is later. Checks will be mailed to the Supplier at the invoice address noted on the bid form. 3.8 Procurement Card Use. The City uses commercially-issued credit cards (VISA cards). Bidders must accept VISA cards for purchases made under the contract. Bidders cannot offer a separate pricing structure or charge an additional fee for credit card purchases. 3.9 Delivery Time. The delivery time, as stated in the bid, shall be the time required to deliver the complete item(s) from the date of the notice of contract award. Where multiple items appear on a bid request, the bidder shall, unless otherwise stated by the City, show delivery time for each item separately. If only a single delivery time is shown, it will be assumed to mean all items included in the bid can and will be delivered on or before the time stated assuming that the time between the bid opening and the pacing of the order, does not exceed the number of days so stipulated. The right is reserved to reject any bid in which the delivery time indicated is considered sufficient to delay the operational needs for which the commodity/service is intended. 3.10 Freight. The Supplier shall be responsible for all freight charges applicable under the Contract. All freight charges must be included in the bid price(s), rather than listed as a separate line item. 3.11 FOB Destination. All items shipped under the Contract shall be FOB destination. The Supplier shall be liable for any and all losses or damages to the items until accepted by the City at the point of destination, at which time title to the items shall pass to the City. Such acceptance and passage of title shall be subject to the City’s inspection of the equipment as set forth herein. 3.12 Return Policy. Please specify bidder’s return policies of the manufacturer represented. If possible, bidders should send a copy of the manufacturers’ policies with their response to the bid for the City’s files. 3.13 Credit. If a bidder places any dollar limitations for credit extended on a purchase order, the City will consider such limitations in the evaluation of the bids. Any credit limits without justification may the City to disqualify the bid. Additionally, the City will not complete credit applications. 3.14 Taxes. The City of Loveland is exempt from federal, state, city, and county sales/excise taxes. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 3.15 Signatures and Submittal. All bids shall be submitted in writing and signed by the bidder and his/her authorized agent and must include the bidder’s address and telephone number. Each bidder shall sign the bid with the bidder’s usual signature and shall give the bidder’s full business address. Bids by partnerships shall be signed with the partnership name followed by the signature and designation of one of the partners or other authorized representative. A complete list of partners shall be included with the bid. Bids by a corporation shall be signed in the official corporate name of the corporation, followed by the signature and designation of the president, secretary, or other person authorized to bind the corporation, and shall display the corporate seal. The names of all persons signing should also be typed or printed below the signature. Bidding corporations shall designate the state in which they are incorporated, the address of their principal office, and the name and address of their agent for service of process. A bid by a person who adds the word president, secretary, agent, or other designation without disclosing the principal will be rejected. The bidder’s name stated on the bid shall be the exact legal name of the firm. Faxed bids are not acceptable. All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City of Loveland using the bid label supplied with the bid packet, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope with the bidder’s name and the name of the project. 3.16 4.0 Withdrawal/Amendments. Bids may be withdrawn, altered, and resubmitted at any time before the time set for opening the bids. Bids may not be withdrawn, altered, or resubmitted for a period of thirty (30) days thereafter, and the bid of the lowest and second lowest responsible bidders may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days thereafter, or until execution of the Contract by the lowest responsible bidder, whichever occurs earliest. Bids, amendments thereto, and withdrawal requests received after the time advertised for bid opening will be void, regardless of when they were mailed. BID OPENING 4.1 Receipt by City. The City Clerk’s office will receive, date, and time stamp all bids. No bids will be considered that have not been received by the City Clerk by the deadline set forth on the Invitation to Bid, as determined by the clock located in the City Clerk’s Office. The City is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the internal mail delivery system of the City, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder. 4.2 Bid Opening. Bids received by the City Clerk will be read aloud at a public place as determined by the Purchasing Office on the bid opening date. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 4.3 5.0 Bid Results. Bid results will not be given over the telephone. Following bid opening, bids will be posted by company name and bid amount on the, the award will be posted at the same Internet address once available. AWARD 5.1 Basis of Award. Contract award may be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting the Technical Specifications. The following is a partial list of the criteria that may be used to evaluate bids: • • • • • • • Price; Superior quality and adherence to specifications; Maintenance and/or service; Delivery and/or completion time(s); Guarantees and warranties; Company’s reputation and financial status; and Past experience and cost with same or similar equipment or service. Other criteria that may be used to evaluate bids may be set forth in the Special Conditions. 5.2 Acceptance and Rejection of Bids. The City reserves the right to accept any and all bids or parts thereof; to reject any and all bids; and to waive irregularities and informalities. Bids received after the time specified for bid opening will be returned unopened. The City reserves the right to inspect the bidders’ facilities prior to contract award and to negotiate optional items with the successful bidder(s). 5.3 Tie Bids. In case of ties, the City reserves the right to make the award based on the factors previously outlined under “Basis of Award” above. 5.4 Contract Award. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the bid opening, the City will accept one of the bids or will act in accordance with “Basis of Award” above. The acceptance of the bid will be by written notice of contract award mailed or delivered to the bidder’s office designated in the bid. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.0 CONTRACT MODIFICATION No Contract modification shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by authorized agents of the City and the Supplier. 2.0 PRICING Pricing, including discounts, set forth in the bid shall remain in effect during the term of the Contract. 3.0 CONTRACT TERM The term of the Contract shall be one (1) year from the date of execution. The Contract may be renewed for up to three (3) additional twelve (12) month periods upon written agreement of the City and the Supplier. 4.0 WARRANTIES The Supplier warrants that all materials and equipment supplied under the Contract shall conform with applicable drawings, specifications, samples, and/or other descriptions given to the City, and that they shall be free from defects. Without limitation of any rights which the City may have by reason of any breach of warranty, goods which are not as warranted may be returned at the Supplier’s sole expense within a reasonable time after delivery, either for credit or replacement as the City may direct. 5.0 SHIPMENTS 5.1 Delivery Schedules. Deliveries made by the means selected by your company should be scheduled between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Deliveries will not be accepted on City holidays. The successful bidder shall give twenty-four (24) hours’ notice before delivery of shipment. Such notice shall be made via telephone to the Project Manager, leave message on the voice mail if there is no direct answer. 5.2 Late Delivery. Notice of a late delivery should be made no more than twentyfour (24) hours prior to the ordinarily scheduled time. The City reserves the right to use primary and secondary suppliers, and may award contracts in that manner. Additionally, the City reserves the right to cancel the primary supplier’s contract (if price or delivery problems occur), and replace it with a contract which is in the best interest of the City. 5.3 If a manufacturer, manufacturer’s Failure to Meet Quoted Delivery. representative, or manufacturer’s distributor fails to meet quoted delivery, that company may be debarred from consideration for award of contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years. 5.4 Shorts and Overages. Negotiated shorts and overages are not acceptable unless specifically allowed on the Bid Schedule, or approval of the City prior to shipment being made. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 5.5 Over Shipments. Material shipped in excess of quantity ordered may be returned at supplier’s expense. If the supplier does not arrange for disposal within sixty (60) days after notice, the item(s) may be added to City inventory with no charge to the City, or disposed of at the City’s discretion. 6.0 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE The City shall inspect the equipment within a reasonable time after delivery has been made by the Supplier. The City shall not be deemed to have accepted the equipment until it has inspected the equipment and has found the equipment acceptable in its sole discretion and has indicated its acceptance in writing. 7.0 TESTING The City may require testing to satisfy itself of compliance with the Contract. This testing may be performed by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the City. All initial test costs for tests required by the City shall be paid by the City unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents. All re-tests on account of failed tests shall be paid by the Supplier. 8.0 REJECTED EQUIPMENT The Supplier, upon written notice from the City, shall take back all equipment rejected by the City as defective, unsound, improper, or in any way failing to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Supplier shall, at the Supplier’s sole expense, promptly replace rejected equipment with substitute equipment satisfactory to the City. 9.0 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 9.1 For Default. If the Supplier fails to provide the equipment or services required under the Contract, or if the Contract is assigned without the written consent of the City, or if the Supplier is named in proceedings in bankruptcy or for reorganization, or if a general assignment of assets is made for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver is appointed for the Supplier or any of the Supplier’s property, or if at any time the City certifies that the performance under the Contract is being unnecessarily delayed by the Supplier, the Supplier is violating any of the conditions of the Contract, or the Supplier is executing the same in bad faith or otherwise not in accordance with the terms of said Contract, or if, in the sole judgment of the City, the equipment or services provided by the Supplier under the Contract are defective, deficient, or fail to perform in a satisfactory manner, then the City may serve written notice upon the Supplier of the City’s intention to terminate this Contract. Unless within five (5) days after the serving of such notice a satisfactory arrangement is made for continuance, this Contract shall terminate at 12:01 a.m. on the sixth (6th) calendar day following service of said notice. Any termination for default which shall be determined to be improper or unwarranted in any respect shall be deemed to be a termination for convenience as provided in “For Convenience,” below. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 9.2 For Convenience. The performance of work under the Contract may be terminated by the City in accordance with this Paragraph in whole or from timeto-time in part whenever the City shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the City. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Supplier of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the Contract is terminated and the date upon when such termination becomes effective. Upon termination for convenience, the City shall pay the Supplier for all equipment and services received by the City as of the termination date. 10.0 ASSIGNMENT The Supplier shall not assign the Contract or any monies due under it without the City’s prior written consent. Any assignment or attempt at assignment made without such written consent shall be void. 11.0 PATENT GUARANTEE The Supplier shall, with respect to any device or composition of the Supplier’s design or standard manufacture, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, officers and agents, from costs and damage as finally determined by any court of competent jurisdiction for infringement of any United Sates Letters Patent, by reason of the sale of normal use of such device or composition, provided that the Supplier is promptly notified of all such actual or potential infringement suits and is given an opportunity to participate in the defense there of by the City. 12.0 RELEASE OF LIABILITY Acceptance by the Supplier of the last payment shall be a release to the City and every officer and agent thereof from all claims and liability hereunder for anything done or furnished for or relating to the Contract and the equipment and services provided thereunder or for any act or neglect of the City or of any person relating to the Contract and the equipment and services provided thereunder. 13.0 NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS Neither the inspection by the City or any of its officials, employees, or agents, nor any order by the City for payment of money, or any payment for, or acceptance of, the whole or any part of the equipment or services by the City, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the City or its employees, shall operate as a waiver of any provision of the Contract, or of any power reserved to the City therein, or any right to damages provided therein, nor shall any waiver of any breach in the Contract be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 14.0 LAWS AND REGULATIONS All applicable federal, state, city, and county laws, regulations, ordinances, and licenses shall apply to the Contract and are incorporated herein by reference. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 15.0 APPROPRIATION To the extent the Contract constitutes a multiple fiscal year debt or financial obligation of the City, it shall be subject to annual appropriation pursuant to the City of Loveland Municipal Charter Section 11-6 and Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution. The City shall have no obligation to continue the Contract in any fiscal year in which no such appropriation is made. 16.0 COOPERATIVE BIDDING Other governmental agencies may be extended the opportunity to purchase under the Contract with the agreement of the Supplier and the City. The City will coordinate all such purchase requests. 18.0 INDEMNITY The Supplier hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, loss, costs, charges, penalties, obligations, expenses, attorney’s fees, litigation, judgments, damages, claims, and demands of any kind whatsoever in connection with, arising out of, or by any reason of any violation of the Contract or of any law, ordinance, or regulation by the Supplier, the Supplier’s agents, employees, servants, or business invitees, or by reason of any injury or damage however occurring to any person or persons whomever (including the Supplier, the Supplier’s agents, employees, servants, or business invitees) or to property of any kind whatsoever and to whomever belonging (including the Supplier, the Supplier’s agents, employees, servants, or business invitees), or from any cause or causes whatsoever arising out of the Supplier’s negligence. Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 UNIT-PRICE BID FORM FIBERGLASS ENCLOSURES 2007 City Stock # Brief Description See Table Estimated Yearly Usage 237-352 Underground Enclosures (Vault) 30"x48"x36" Polymer concrete frame and cover W/ fiber reinforced plastic base. 237.29 1&2 figure 3 10 ea (Y) (N) 237-243 Underground Enclosures (Handhole) 13"x24"x18" Polymer concrete frame and cover W/ fiber reinforced plastic base 237.29 1&2 figure 2 300 ea (Y) (N) 237-350 Underground Enclosures (Handhole) 17"x 30"x 18" Polymer concrete frame and cover W/ fiber reinforced base. 237.29 1&2 figure 2 150 ea (Y) (N) 237-289 Underground Enclosures (Handhole Extension) for 17"x30"x18" handhole 3" Polymer concrete lift frame. 237.30 1&2 figure 1 50ea (Y) (N) 237-299 Underground Enclosures (Handhole Extension) for 17"x30"x18" handhole 3" Polymer concrete lift frame. 237.30 1&2 figure 1 50 ea (Y) (N) 6 108-348 Underground Enclosures (transformer box pad) 37" x 43"x 24" Compression molded or blown fiberglass. 25 ea (Y) (N) 7 115-058 Single Phase Sectionalizing Cabinet with 1- 4 position module. 3 ea (Y) (N) 8 115-065 Three Phase Sectionalizing Cabinet ( Top only ) with 3 - 4 position modules. 3 ea (Y) (N) 9 115-064 Three Phase Sectionalizing Cabinet ( bottom only ) 3 ea (Y) (N) 10 237-252 Secondary Pedestals 108.3 1 figure 1 115.4 1&2 figure 2 115.4 1&2 figure 1 115.4 1&2 figure 1 237.31 1&2 figure 1 10 ea (Y) (N) Item # 1 2 3 4 5 Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 Lead Time Price Stocked Item (Y) (N) Manufacture Name and Cat # 11 January 2007 Is this an all or none bid? ______________________________________________________________________________ Please state your terms of payment and any discounts you might offer: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please state return policy (may attach manufacturer’s policy): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please note any exceptions you take to this bid, e.g., minimum quantity requirements: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ BIDDER’S INFORMATION: Company Name: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _______________________ Fax Number: ________________________ The bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addendum Nos. specifications. (Insert number of each addendum received.) , , , , , , to these Name and Title of Authorized Company Representative: ______________________________________________ Name (Please print) ______________________________ Title ______________________________________________ Signature Dated this ______ Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 day of _______________________________, 200___. 11 January 2007 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1.0 PROJECT MANAGER The Project Manager is Steve Johnson and can be reached at (970) 962-3545. All post-award notices, letters, submittals, and other communications directed to the City shall be addressed and mailed or delivered to: Steve Johnson City of Loveland Water And Power 200 North Wilson Loveland, CO 80537 2.0 BASIS OF AWARD In addition to the criteria set forth in the Instructions to Bidders at paragraph 5.1, the following criteria may be used to evaluate bids: Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fiberglass Enclosures 2007 11 January 2007 108.3 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 108 – TRANSFORMERS SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER BOX PAD Application: Single phase pad-mounted transformer foundation with 350 kcmil secondaries. Description: Fiberglass box pad 37” X 43” X 24” deep. Figure 1 – Single-Phase Transformer Box Pad Table 1 - Approved Manufacturers Stock No. 108-00348 Manufacturer Electrimold Nordic Fiberglass Highline Date: 3-22-04 Revision: 11-22-06 Catalog No. EFBT-374324-1221-406 CBP-37-43-24C HL374324-1221T Specification 108.3 Page 1 of 1 4 115.4 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 115 – SWITCHES AND SWITCHGEAR SECTIONALIZING CABINETS Application: 200 amp junction points. Description: Fiberglass construction with UV inhibitor. Cabinets shall meet the applicable enclosure security requirements of ANSI C57.12.28. The color shall be Munsell notation 7GY 3.29/1.5. Three phase cabinets shall come equipped with 3 each 4 position 200 amp 15 kv loadbreak junction modules mounted in the unit with appropriate covers over the bushings. Single phase cabinets shall come equipped with 1 each 4 position 200 amp 15kv loadbreak junction module mounted in the unit with appropriate covers over the bushings. The modules shall be manufactured by Cooper Power Systems or Elastimold. Table 1 – Description Description Single Phase Three Phase, groundsleeve only Three Phase, top only Stock No. 115-00058 115-00064 115-00065 Figure 1 – Three Phase Date: 04-12-04 Revision: Specification 115.4 Page 1 of 2 12 237.29 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 237 – UNDERGROUND DEVICES SECONDARY HAND HOLES Application: Connecting secondary and service cables. Description: Fiberglass base with polymer concrete ring and cover. Fiberglass must have a UV inhibitor. Covers shall have an H-10 rating and shall be fastened by 2 pentahead stainless steel bolts. The cover logo shall be ELECTRIC. Comply with Western Underground 3.6. Table 1 - Description Description Street Light Small Residential Large Residential Commercial Size 12” x 17” x 12” deep 13” x 24” x18” deep 17” x 30” x 18” deep 30” x 48” x 36” deep Stock No. 237-00242 237-00243 237-00350 237-00352 Figure 1 – Street Light Hand Hole Figure 2 – Residential Hand Hole Date: 11-21-06 Revision Specification 237.29 Page 1 of 2 43 237.29 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 237 – UNDERGROUND DEVICES Figure 3 – Commercial Hand Hole Table 2 - Approved Manufacturers Stock No. 237-00242 237-00243 237-00350 237-00352 Manufacturer Armorcast Carson Armorcast Carson CDR Systems Highline Armorcast CDR Systems Carson Highline Armorcast CDR Systems Date: 11-21-06 Revision Catalog No. 6001639/6001642 B-112AGH A6001946AX18 G1324-18 PA13-1324-18 CHA1324185E1 A6001640AX18 PA10-1730-18 G1730-18 CHA1730185E1 A6001430AX36B PA10-3048-36B Specification 237.29 Page 2 of 2 44 115.4 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 115 – SWITCHES AND SWITCHGEAR Figure 2 – Single Phase Table 2 – Approved Manufacturers Stock Number 115-00058 115-00064 115-00065 Manufacturer Catalog Number Nordic Fiberglass Highline Nordic Fiberglass Highline Nordic Fiberglass Highline ND-135-MG-102A-4152-W1A FSC3341GA415 ND-2315-MG-105A-4152-W3B-B FGS672326AA ND-2315-MG-105A-4152-W3B-T FSC6722GA415 Date: 04-12-04 Revision: 04-03-06 Specification 115.4 Page 2 of 2 13 237.30 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 237 – UNDERGROUND DEVICES SECONDARY HAND HOLE EXTENSION RISERS Application: Raising existing hand holes to new grade. Description: Polymer concrete ring to fit all manufacturers’ boxes. Table 1 - Description Description Small residential Large residential Size 13” x 24” x3” deep 17” x 30” x 3” deep Stock No. 237-00298 237-00299 Figure 1 – Riser Extension Table 2 - Approved Manufacturers Stock No. 237-00298 237-00299 Manufacturer Amorcast Armorcast Date: 11-21-06 Revision Catalog No. A6001946PCEX3 A6001640PCEX3 Specification 237.30 Page 1 of 1 45 237.31 City of Loveland Colorado Material Specification 237 – UNDERGROUND DEVICES SECONDARY PEDESTALS Application: Above ground termination and junctions. Description: Compression molded fiberglass with UV inhibitor; color bay green. Logo is ELECTRIC. All hardware shall be stainless steel bolts with silicon bronze or brass nuts. The locking mechanism shall include an equipment-locking hasp and a hex head bolt. Table 1 - Description Description Secondary Pedestal Stock No. 237-00252 Figure 1 – Secondary Pedestal Table 2 - Approved Manufacturers Stock No. 237-00252 Manufacturer Nordic Highline Date: 06-03-04 Revision 04-03-06 Add Highline Catalog No. PRMC-150 FSP140931AA Specification 237.31 Page 1 of 1 46