___________________________________________________________________________ 2012/SCSC/WKSP4/020 Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) Electrical Energy Efficiency (E3) for ICT Submitted by: TUV Rheinland Aligning Energy Efficiency Regulations for ICT Products: Developing a Strategic Approach Seoul, Korea 18 July 2012 July 18, 2012 IECEE E3 for ICT July 18th, 2012 Mr. Jens Hempel Global Initiatives Energy efficiency / performance Many local and regional activities since 1970-ies - CLASP (Collaborative Labeling & Appliance Standards Program) - IEEJ APERC (ASIA PACIFIC ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE) - ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) Channeling into international standardization - CEN / CENELEC (JWG4 “Energy efficiency and saving calculation”) - IEC / ISO 2 2012-Jul-18 (JPC2 “Energy efficiency and renewable resources”) TÜV Rheinland 1 July 18, 2012 IEC Energy efficiency / performance CAB WG 12 - Energy Efficiency CMC WG2C - Energy Efficiency/ Performance SG 1 - Energy Efficiency and renewable resources 3 2012-Jul-18 SWG 6 - Positioning and promotion of EEE concept TÜV Rheinland IEC Standards towards energy efficiency / performance IEC 62075 – Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Environmentally conscious design (since 2008) IEC 62623 – Desktop and notebook computers - Measurement of energy consumption ti (d (due – end d off 2012) Other activities CEN / CENELEC CEN/CLC TR 16103:2010 - Energy management and Energy efficiency - Glossary of terms prEN 16212 - Energy Efficiency and Savings Calculation, Top-down and Bottomup Methods (due – end of 2012) prEN 16231 – Energy efficiency benchmarking methodology (due – end of 2012) 4 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland 2 July 18, 2012 IEC / IECEE Energy efficiency / performance IEC / IECEE activities MSB (Market Strategy) - released the “Smart Electrification” white paper in September 2011 SMB (Standardization Management) - established the Strategic Group 1 “Energy efficiency and renewable resources” in 2007 CAB (Conformity Assessment) - IECEE pursues E3 (Electrical Energy Efficiency) since 2006 - IECEE CMC WG2C assigned with EE/Performance scheme realization 5 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland IECEE E3 Program Advantages The IECEE E3 Program will deliver the following advantages: - To help the relevant industry to easily access the global market - To avoid duplication of testing and measuring thus optimizing the costs - To partly meet the various regulations whilst waiting a more general harmonization of the E3 requirements - To offer developing economies to adopt the IECEE E3 Program instead of establishing their own Energy Efficiency Programs - To support developing economies to protect their domestic markets from importing inefficient end-products - To give a major contribution to protect the environment Source: IECEE-CMC/1225/INF ”LAUNCHING PLAN IECEE *ENERGY EFFICIENCY E3 PROGRAM” (2011-09-15) 6 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland 3 July 18, 2012 IECEE E3 What does the program cover? A globally standardized approach to testing and verification for electrotechnical devices, based on IEC international standards, will indeed prevent duplication of testing, reduce costs, and support global trade in a timely manner. manner The IECEE E3 program will provide proof of compliance to IEC standards in the field of Energy Efficiency in general and more particular in the field of: - Energy Performance - Energy Consumption - Level of Noise Emission The IECEE E3 Program is a third party Conformity Assessment service, it will … be granted … by a Statement of Test Results. Source: IECEE-CMC/1225/INF ”LAUNCHING PLAN IECEE *ENERGY EFFICIENCY E3 PROGRAM” (2011-09-15) 7 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland IECEE E3 Schematic Process Source: IECEE-CMC/1225/INF ”LAUNCHING PLAN IECEE *ENERGY EFFICIENCY E3 PROGRAM” (2011-09-15) 8 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland 4 July 18, 2012 IECEE E3 How can it help test report transportability? Test report refers to IEC standard (as available) Internationally agreed - Methodology - Values Local schemes / standards of target economies / regions are incorporated - Deviating methods added - Deviating values added 9 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland IECEE E3 Transportability (cont.) Advantages will Help eliminate duplication/multiplication of systems related to economies developing their own performance specification, test methods, compliance and verification procedures. Increase transparency of procedures and processes which in turn could reduce program set-up and verification costs and allow for easier best practice sharing. Allocate often scarce resources to monitoring and enforcement rather than to inventing the program itself. More economies would be able to afford MEPS, which would be beneficial for energy efficiency outcomes overall. Provide reliable selection of safe/efficient products through the IECEE E3 for consumers in smaller economies, where market size would not justify the investment in local testing and verification of products. Set single rules which are more cost-effective for smaller economies, it allows for transportability of third party evaluation, which in turn is more acceptable to industry, because manufacturers know what is expected from them and ensuring a common application of the standards. Non-tariff barriers to trade are avoided. Established, globally accepted performance metrics, specifications and standardized testing methods (developed early on with industry participation) simplify conformity assessment by IECEE Registered Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies. Standardize testing protocols and methods increasing the robustness of test results. They are reproducible, repeatable, understandable and representative. They cross borders more easily, facilitate evaluation and accuracy of assessments and increase the credibility of MEPS programs. Offer to government’s policy a tool box to be used to provide a map for reducing energy consumption in the electrical sector. Source: IECEE-CMC/1225/INF ”LAUNCHING PLAN IECEE *ENERGY EFFICIENCY E3 PROGRAM” (2011-09-15) 10 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland 5 July 18, 2012 Thank you for your attention 11 2012-Jul-18 TÜV Rheinland 6