Hazardous Location Services Testing, Certification and Training for Hazardous Locations Our commitment to meeting our clients’ needs and expectations is expressed in our proposition: Valued Quality. Delivered. To us it is a shared ideal that inspires and drives us. To you it is our promise that the unparalleled quality of our skills and services will deliver real and relevant value to your processes, products and brands. 03 04 05 05 06 06 Testing and Certification Site Safety Services CompEx Training Intertek Academy Related Services Contact 01 intertek.com Your partner in a changing world FAST: Our challenge is to get your products to market faster and safer! We offer an industry busting 2 week pick up time to get your products into test with minimal delay. SPECIALIST: You need to work with a company that has the size, flexibility and credentials to provide you with everything you need in one seamless project. Intertek is here to partner with you from design to final certification. We share our expertise with you to deliver your product to the markets you require, on time and in budget, to train your people and to make your hazardous locations safer. GLOBAL: Our Global Hazardous Locations solution has helped many product manufacturers understand the requirements needed to meet customer or market specifications. We have numerous test and assessment locations world-wide and a large and experienced team with over 50 dedicated Hazardous Locations staff. We are one of the very few providers that can offer Global Access to all hazardous locations markets, including our unique GMAP services (Global Market Access Program) and full CE and performance testing services. Intertek has one of the largest dedicated teams of test and certification engineers in the USA and Europe. We react quickly, quote competitively and deliver the highest levels of service available. 02 intertek.com Testing and Certification Intertek certify products for compliance with IECEX, the European Union’s ATEX Directive, the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the U.S. and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) in Canada. Some of the standards we test to include those of CENELEC, CEN, IEC, MIL Specs and North America and Canada Standards. We offer the Ex Mark and the CE Mark to show compliance with EU requirements for Explosive Atmosphere regulations. Conducting IECEx certification in parallel offers global access for countries outside of North America and Europe. In addition, when your product complies with North American product safety standards, it is eligible to bear our ETL Listed Mark that is fully accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) across North America and Canada. Intertek is also a recognised test laboratory for USCG. Intertek is one of only a handful of Notified Bodies that can offer the full scope of ATEX Certification, from large electrical machines to non-electrical approval for Zone 0. We offer: • ATEX Notified Body for product testing, assessment, inspection and certification for all equipment (electrical and non-electrical), Safety Systems, Components and Protective Devices Intertek also offer full CE Marking testing and assessment at our in house accredited laboratories, minimising time and cost to market. • Our knowledge of CENELEC, CEN, IEC, MIL Specs and North American standards is second to none • We are the Accepted Certification Body and Ex Testing Laboratory within the International IECEx Certification Scheme, which facilitates international trade by eliminating the need for multiple national certifications • cETLus Listings, Intertek’s certification marks, which are accepted by Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) throughout North America and Canada, are available based on local testing • Intertek’s Global Market Access information is constantly being updated through our network of laboratories in over 100 countries. Claim your free poster detailing product marking and protection zones for products used in Explosive Atmospheres and Hazardous Locations: hazloc@intertek.com • UKAS Accredited ATEX Certificates Typica l ATEX and IEC Ex Ma rking 0359 [*ATE X on ly] • IECEx Certificates of Conformity II 2 G D Ex *Com plies *Spec with Europe Markin ific g Directi an Explos for *Envir ve onmen Protec ion *Equip t tion ment *Notif Categ ied Body Numb ory *Equip er ment Group • Quality Assurance Notification (ATEX Quality Modules) QAN M2 other areas) other areas) other areas) II (all II (all 1 2 3 Zonin g De finitio ns Gas IEC 60079-1 0-1 IEC 60079-1 0-2 20 21 22 Ma sphere d IIC Type Protec of tion Group T4 G b Tempe Class rature (and/o (T1-T6) r T135°C ) Equipm Protec ent tion Level IP Prote ction Level 0 Required Prote Perfo ction rmance Very High & Oper Mb • Two ation Meth Faults, ane & Rema energ Dust in ised and a Gas, Vapo High functionin • Sever ur, Mist, e norm g b al oper Dust Gas, Vapo De-energ Very High ation ise in ur, Mist, c exp. atm. , • Two Dust Gas, Vapo Faults High ur, Mist, • One Dust Fault Low • Norm al oper ation Meth ane & Defin itions A place is contin in which an ually presen explosive atmos t phere A place is likely in which an explos to occur occasi in norma ive atmos onally phere l opera tion A place is not in which an likely to explos ive but if it does occur in norma atmosphere only occurs l opera for short tion, period s Dust 2 3G Gb Db Gc Protec 3D tion Dc Concep Type of Prote ts [AT ction EX and Electrica Symb IECEx ol Typical l equi ] pment Gene IEC EPL Typical Prote cted again bodie st solid s great er than 2.5mm diameter tools, (e.g. wires) 2.5 Prote cted again bodie st solid s great er than 1.0mm diameter thin tools (e.g. and fine wire) 1.0 0,1,2 suitab le for Zones 20,21 suitab ,22 le for Zones Equip. 1,2 suitab le for Zones Equip. 21,22 suitab le for Zone 2 Equip. suitab le for Zone 22 NEC ® Class I, Divisio n 1, Gro ups A& B 5 Prote cted (no harm against dust Dust Prooful deposit) f NEC ® Second Figure Prote ction Test IP again st Liqui ds Comm ent No Prote ction 0 1 Prote cted again vertic st ally of wate falling drop r (cond s ensat ion) 2 15° 3 30° Prote cted of wate against drop r s 15° from falling up the vertic to al Prote cted sprayed against wate the verticup to 60° from r al 4 Prote cted splashing against all direc water from tions 5 505 Prote 6 cted again jets of Comp st Hazard Class letely wate Area prote Class directions r from again Zone Classif cted all st dusts ication Tight - Dust IEC (Inte Tempe ral requ for gase Zone(s) IEC rature 6 Publicatio rnational ireme Stand s, vapo Class Gas nts Electrotec ard n 6052 urs and Prote Group Prote Basic hnica cted again 9: Class Hazard ction Optic mists conce l Comm Area powe ificat al Radia for speci Provided pt of (G) Class Classif rful jets st ission by Enclo ion of prote tion Protec ication ) 0,1,2 from Op pr ction Degr tion Tempe the basis fying the sures all direc of water Conce IEC 6007 provides ees of enclo rature Gb pt tions sures the enclo of the degr Op sh 9-0 Increased Code Class Appro 1,2 of equip a system ved to ee of Ga US Standa IEC 6007 of mech sure. IEC 7 prote 1M Op is ment Type ‘n’ safety 150mm 0,1,2 6052 rds Gas Group ction 9-28 on anica (non-spar Ga provi IEC 6007 explo Prote l dama 9 does not Type sions cted again 0,1,2 king) of Prote 9-28 Flamepro Inherently ge of specify ded by e for exam , or cond effects IEC 6007 ction degrees equip USA Gb safe prote of temp st the shutd 9-28 ple by itions such Type ‘n’ of ment nA NEC ® 1,2 fung imme own , orary as 500 cted condensat risk of us, or (enclosed moisture Gc rsion IEC 6007 by vermin. in wate ion), NEC ® Increased break 2 9-7 Quartz/san d Area r corrosive(produced 505 ) IEC 6007 Cana No arcs, Classificat Gb d filled da Non-Incen Safety 8 Prote vapours, 9-15 nC spark Existing ion 1,2 cted Intrin s Enclo dive NA Gc sic safet IEC 6007 Code continuou against the sure IP54 or hot surfa m Flamepro Zone y 2 9-1 Intrin New ces. Division q Area or bette s effec 1, 2 sic safet IEC 6007 imme Basic Contain Classificat of 2 Gb ts of AEx e r rsion Explo Concept y 9-15 Zone Intrin in ion 1,2 sionp havin sic safet 2 ia Topic the flamethe explosion, of NA NA roof Prote IEC 6007 g regar water AEx n Code Powd y Ga ction quench d to Zone Zone specific er Filled 9-5 Division Pressurise ib Division 0,1,2 1, 2 1, 2 Area conditions Quen 1,2 Gb 2 IEC 6007 AEx d Ex e Classificat ch the Pressurise d Zone ic NA 1,2 NA No arcs, 9-11 flame 2 ion - Gase NA Gc IEC 6007 NA Ex n Area Intrin Zone Pressurise d Classificat s, Vapo sic Safet hot surfasparks, or Zone 2 1, 2 9-11 Division Limit px 1, 2 urs and d IEC 6007 AEx q Division y the ion - Comb ces 1,2 Gb Ex d Electrical Mists surface energy of 9-11 1,2 Zone Type ‘n’ IEC Stand py NA 1,2 ustible NA Contain Equip temperatu sparks (sealin Gb ard 0,1,2 NA IEC 6007 NA Dusts Pressu ment g & herme and Zone the Type ‘n’ pz Electrical AEx rized Insta res 1,2 explo 9-2 1, Zone IEC 2 Ex ia Divisi (restricted tic sealin llation 60079-10Gc 1, 2 IEC 6007 Encapsula (Purged) Equip q flame sion, preve g) on 1,2 breath AEx ib ment Division 1 2 9-2 Encapsula nC Electrical ing) Inspection propagati nt Zone IEC 6007 IEC 6007 Oil Imme tion 1,2 Zone Keep Gc 0,1,2 NA Equip the flamm 9-10-2 on and main 9-2 Encapsula tion nR rsion NA 1, 2 ment Ex ia Limit 2 Zone Material Repair AEx p able gas tenan the spark Gc Note: IEC 6007 IEC 6007 1, 2 Zone Division Encapsula tion ce NEC ® and Over Character Ex ib energ Division out 9-14 2 9-15 Article ma 2 Zone 1, 2 AEx y and haul tion istics for IEC 6007 501.1 1,2 Zone m Ga IEC 6007 permi temperatu 1, 2 9-15 gas and Keep Oil imme mb ts the NA 1, 2 0,1,2 AEx o 9-17 use of the flamm res Ex p vapour rsion Gb IEC 6007 Zone zone-r Division IEC 6007 mc classificati able gas ated equipm 1,2 9-18 2 Zone 1, 2 Ex m Exclu Electrica 9-19 Gc IEC 6007 out on ent in de 1, 2 l equi Class 2 9-18 IEC 6007 o I Divisio ignition gas from Ex o pment IEC 6007 Keep n 2 locatio 9-20-1 Gb sources the flamm for com 9-18 ns. 1,2 Enclo Substance bustible able gas IEC 6007 sure out : dusts 9-6 (D) ta Keep the flamm Any Gas Da tb able gas Hazard Db Flow out Start Acety chart Intrin 20,21 tc Class: in accord with lene NEC 500: sic safet ,22 IEC IEC 60079Dc ance y 60079-31 NEC 505: 14 Ed Hydrogen Stand ia 4.0 Lowe ard Yes Da Exposure r rugged protection ib The electric Ethylene for dusts Uppe tight is area Limit: al concep Db one of enclo zoned? Encapsula 20,21 , ic the ts Exposure r No Group sure For Gasesfollowing will be ,22 IEC Propane Dc A tion types: Limit: Similar 60079-11 Increas and Vapou IIC ma ed safety to Purge rs Group Class and Pressur relaxation t, but with (Ex e) I Meth 2.3 % B Da Use non-ce ane (mini isation mb some IIC Type s if rtified (Ex p) compre For Combun (Ex n) intrin Group ng) Db Pressurise ssion 100 % sically circuit inside Comb Potecti C stible mc 20,21 4% glands cable safe on by ustible d is ,22 EC IIB equipm is enclosu Dusts Dc Notes: Metal Group ent re (Ex 60079-18 77 % No t) Comb Dusts concep EX d D 2.3 % All cable Prote t? ustible ction IIA Non-Elec protect glands should Db pD by Carb Grou incen ion enca Ex e and onaceous 21,22 mainta pD 36 % Ex d enclosuconcep trical Comb 1.7 % psulation dive parts No t of the in the Ex n ustible equipme Ex e enclosu res should Dusts Yes enclosu Dc of Dusts (Flour, Group re, e.g. General use res IEC 6124 Ex nR nt 11 % not in 22 Grain 4.4 % E enclosu should use Ex d glands Ex p 1-4 Ex nA, , Woo Group Prote res Yes To EX Class nC enclosuuse Ex e Ex e glands ction d, Plasti Comb E Grou d Ex glands II t enclosu by press Glands res pF selecto cable 17 % ustible cs, Chem or F enclo must Ex p enclosures use use Ex e glands r chart sure urisation Fibres the require meet Ex e glands icals) or non-ce res the and Flying Flow ments of of IEC Glands gland 0,1,2 Group restricted mainta rtified. Ingress 60079can be to s ined. 0 require comply with G flame Protect certified lnterna enclo 20,21 merjs the proof ion to sure of of IEC Class ,22 EN 1346 mainta tionaI (ingres be enclo 60079- Clause 9 III 3-1 ined by s) protect sure accorda 14 and in glands, fr Low pote ion manufa nce sealing the correct use of can be cturers with washer ntial energ barrier equipm s or thread d docum 2,22 Construct ent entatio sealant y Max. EN 1346 n Relies ional 1,2,21 Surfa 3-2 on safety ,22 EN ce Temp matched tight seals, 13463-3 eratu re close joints Control c enclo NEC ® 450º C and toug ly sures of igniti 500 CEC ® Note 0,1,2, (842ºF) to 1: h on sourc breat areas Cables used hing of restrict the shall be 20,21 300º C for es conditi ,22 EN 1346 approp fixed wiring NEC ® the enclo (572ºF) ons 3-5 b 505 Ignition in hazard A) Sheath in service riate for T1 sure Pressurisa the ambien . ous Cables ed 280º 0,1,2, hazards or elastomwith thermo shall From Flow t C (536º IEC - Grou good tion cable chart eliminated eric materia plastic, be: engin compa F) 20,21 T2 in accord with selecto gland p II T1 thermo ct, eering IEC 60079,22 EN 1346 r chart 260º C ance any shall have extrude l. They shall -setting 3-6 methods by Control 14:200 (500ºF) B) Minera be non-hy be circular d beddin 8 p T2A equip g and groscop l , T2 insulat C) T1 Special detec fillers, 230º C ic ed metal 1,2 Liquid if t malfu ment fitted Ensure (446ºF) sheath glands e.g. flat cable EN 6007 imme Note T2B cable ed e.g. to nctions with approp 2: Interna 21,22 rsion type is accorda 9-2 pyro’s T2 Enclo or equipm 215º C in l sources riate cable EN 6124 sure require nce with the ent temper of ignition (419ºF) operat ments T2C 600791-4 pressurise is purged ion which atures include 14. Refer of IEC contain k 200º C and can cause occurri sparks to note ng in enclosu ing termin sources d to preve (392ºF) 0,1,2, 1 re is not als only ignition. An normal T2D nt igniti from of ignition or an regard 180º C indirec enclosure arisin 20,21 on ed as Does Yes g ,22 EN 1346 an interna t entry Enclo (356ºF) this enclosu sure uses 3-8 T3 l source contain re 165º C preve liquid nt source an interna (329ºF) No Yes to Does of ignition l T3A the atmosphecontact with T3 See note hazard ? 160º C explo ous re 2 Group gas require (320ºF) sive No T3B IIC appara T3 135º C tus? Environme (275ºF) T3C I nt Use a 120º C Gases, Yes Use a flamep suitable (248ºF) Locat barrier Vapo roof cable T4 Is the ion gland gland and Coal urs of installaarea 100º C IIA with a sealing tion of (212ºF) Dust No Yes Is the ring zone T4A Coal Minin 1? T4 Typical volume free 85º C IIB (e.g. compre g Substance enclosu of the (185ºF) Gases, No re T5 Note: glands) ssion than 2 greater Vapo T4 For Group IIC dm3? Meth and Mists urs I (CENE ane (Fire Surface T6 LEC/IE T5 C) applic damp and othe IIIA ) ations r Meth , electri locations ane, Prop T6 cal appar T5 IIIB atus has ane etc. fixed Comb tempe Ethylene ustible T6 IIIC rature limits Hydrogen Dusts Surface i.e., 150º , Acety C and and othe 450ºC. lene etc. Equipm r locations Comb Catego ent of Groups ustible Autono ries M 1 I & II flying and mous s Protect 1 and Non-cond Person ive System hazard s working uctive s ous areas in to be Equipm Conductiv compe have EC type ent tent 1 Equip Examin Catego of Groups e ation ment I & II ries M Annex 2 and Categ III 2 ATEX ory No 94/9/EC and Equipm e.g. Operat ent of Technic Yes Interna ors al Catego Group II DSEAR combu l Person No Cat 1 ry 3 ? stion Awaren /ATEX engine Gas, Vapo ess or electric Produc No Zone for operatcourse tion equipm al EC type of Use QA Annex or urs, & Cat 2 e.g. Manag ent Examin (Bespo ors Interna Produc Mist IV ement ation Yes ke) Annex Verifica t Zone produc l control of Applica III tion 0, 1 & tion Annex Cat 3 tion Design Founda Annex Interna Note: Notes 2 V course VIII and ers Unless Course tion produc l control of 1 The Ex12 Zone Dust the explos latest Yes Ex F tion Annex Design skill sets editions 1&2 ion protec ers required of IEC 60079-14 Project VIII work and/or Zone in explosive for Electro-Te Engine tion risk and 20, 21 a) Responsib atmosphe er Mainte Zone chnical IEC 60079-17 and Confor assessm persons & 22 nance / b) Designer le Persons res as: identify 2 mity who may ent states type Annex to the Engine or s (Refer c) Zone carry er 2 If the Operatives to flow out otherw Practio VI Produc 21 & 22 chart) candidate (Refer to Commu ise. knowledg t Ex01-Ex ners course is unsure flow chart) No Annex QA nicate offered e to undertak whether 04 Gases a technic VII they Zone e the assessmethe option and docum CompEx possess al of undertak 22 Ex01R- Vapours indicate nt route. entatio assessme sufficient OR Successfu Ex04R ing T4 I, 0, AE x ia IIC T4 Protec tion Concep ts [No rth Am erica] Usefu l Sta ndard s Cable Gland Select ion Cha rt Temper ature Classi ficati on EX d Select ion Cha rt Group s [AT EX and IECEx ] ATEX Catego ries v Zones of Us e Explo sive Atmosp heres Traini ng Cou rses Confor mity Asses sment Proced ures n to Notifie d Body a Equipm ent of and Autono Groups I & II mous System Protective s Europ e +44 124 United Kin gdom hazloc 4 882590 @inter tek.co m Unit verifica Annex tion IX Publishe d: July Being able to test ATEX, CE and IECEx and certify at the same time is always the fastest and least expensive compliance route... Prote cted again bodie st solid s great er than 12.5m m finger) diameter (e.g. 4 Typica l NEC ® Marki 500 ng Equip. Equip. Gas Gro ups [No rth Am erica] Fast Compliance Comm ent No Prote ction Prote cted again bodie st solid s great er than 50mm diam accidental eter (e.g. the hand contact with ) 50 12.5 3 Categ ory Protection Typical Levels Zone 1G Suitability Ga Equip. 1D suitab le for Da Zones 2G 2D Intern ation al Pro First Figur tectio e Prote n IEC ction again Test 60529 st Solid s 1 Equip Protecment Cat ego tion Levels ries & ATEX Equip ment Dust 0 1 2 • Design Reviews - Consultancy and pre compliance evaluations M1 I (Min es firedamp)with II (all • Quality Assurance Registration (IECEx QA Module) QAR • ATEX Technical file review and lodging Explos Protec ion tion Equip ment Group Equip [ATEX ment Group Equip ment and IEC I (Min Categ es Ex] ory EPL firedamp)with Atmo Gases Vapour s Refresh and Ex05 er Combu & Ex06 Ex07an stible Dusts d Ex08 Fuel Filling Station (Grang emouth Outside only) about of UK ask our CompE mobile x rig Opera tives (Techni cians) Yes Electric al / Instrum entatio n 2013 Ameri cas Co +1 607 rtland icente 753 6711 r@intert ek.com Underp Compe inning tency 2&3 No Yes Underp inning Compe tency achieve d Electric al / Instrum entatio n Candid learnin ate Preg assessm and self ent 2&3 the pre-learnnts they technical course. that the candidate l completio will lntertek.The pre-learn n of this ing and self-be is This does ing and suitable to 3 A candidate material not cover self-asses attend the would course could sment any practical prior route CompEx 4 Coursesas an introduct to attending is unique skills. ion to to training can be undertak Ex01-Ex0 the 6 complete en at basics of explosive conditioncentres, or either an 5 Pre-learn s, please on the clients our atmosphe Ex F request site - Chester or ing material additiona this is Grangem res. currently l informatsubject to outh certain in progress. ion. Yes Mecha nical Practiti oners course Ex11 Mecha nical Mecha nical Candid learnin ate Preg and self assessm ent 5 Europ e +39 04 Italy 32 info.etls- 653411 italy@ intertek. com Yes Underp inning Compe tency achieve d 04 intertek.com Site Safety Services Intertek is a leading expert in DSEAR and ATEX 137 compliance and explosion risk reduction with unique services and skills. • Area Classification and DSEAR (ATEX) Risk Assessment Our global blue-chip client base use Intertek’s expertise to implement, train and verify that risk is reduced to acceptable levels and adequately managed thereafter. We provide: • Assistance in the design, supply and installation of safety and mitigation systems • High level consultancy including writing specifications for suppliers and users • Design control and management of hazardous area projects • Equipment and Plant Inspections • Full support, service levels agreements and ATEX 137 / DSEAR Compliance 05 intertek.com Training CompEx Intertek Academy Intertek is an ATEX Notified Body, DSEAR/ATEX 137 implementation specialist and CompEx Training Centre. We have the largest set of CompEx Training facilities in the UK and have a satellite training facility in Sasolburg South Africa. In addition to our CompEx courses Intertek offer training for a wide range of applications; from Product Safety, CE marking and help with the latest Directives, to practical knowledge for PUWER machinery safety applications. Intertek also offers a global training solution with the CompEx mobile facility, designed for our customers outside the UK, we bring the training to you.. Our experts participate in international committees for standardization and thus possess the latest industry information and knowledge. Through our training programs, we can give you the tools to control your processes and activities, and give you insight into both current and future product requirements. CompEx is a recognised qualification for ATEX and IEC electrical installation and inspection. It consists of practical training and assessment in a realistic working environment and is rapidly becoming a required qualification worldwide. We take great pride in the enthusiasm and knowledge of our trainers who can draw from practical experience at all times to keep the courses interesting, relevant and practical. For a full list of our courses, further information, course calendar and booking forms see: www.intertek.com/training/UK Hazard UK Tra ous Locatio ining Pr ns ogram me 20 13 Comp Our courses will help you to create the right conditions to increase your profitability, strengthen your brand and become more competitive. Using Intertek experts and technical managers, we offer: • Open courses - a variety of scheduled subject specific training courses • Customized training - tailored to specific customer requirements Machi nery Sa UK Se minar fety, PUW & Train ER ing Pr ogram m e 2013 Electr ical & El UK Se minar ectronic Pr & Train oducts ing Pr ogram me 20 13 Ex Co In addition to theoretical training, Intertek is the only ATEX Notified Body to also be a licensed CompEx Training Centre. Through our mobile training rigs we can offer a truly global solution to your training needs. The right skills enable systematic and measurable improvements to your business so that you can shorten lead times and reduce costs without compromise to regulation conformity. urses Related Services Intertek has full EMC Test facilities, through one of the largest network of global EMC laboratories. We also have significant experience in solving EMC problems and EMC site/assembly assessment. Safety testing for LVD, IEC 61010 and Electrical Safety of Machines, as well as Machinery Directive. In addition to the ATEX, IECEx, ETL and CE Certification of equipment, Intertek can certify assemblies and production lines against CE Directives or PUWER. For more information please contact us: Americas Intertek Cortland +1 607 753 6711 icenter@intertek.com Europe Intertek United Kingdom t: +44 1244 882590 Intertek Italy t: +39 043 265341 Intertek France t: +33 146 741510 hazloc@intertek.com www.intertek.com/hazloc When products or assemblies are compliant, Intertek can certify your Quality Systems to the necessary levels (for example, ISO9001:2000, IECEx QAR and ATEX QAN) as well as offering the full range of environmental product and management systems services to meet the latest directives.