Earn College Credit in High School Kirkwood and AP college courses: Kirkwood’s Dual Enrollment Programs • Designed for a broader spectrum of student. • Credit earned is on a college transcript. • Students earn transferable credit based on classroom grade. • Credit is not dependent on a fee based test. Advanced Placement (AP) • Typically target the gifted. • College credit may or may not be granted. • College credit is granted based on passing summative assessment. Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities College credit for high school students is not limited to the Kirkwood regional centers. Kirkwood continues to partner with area school districts for other concurrent enrollment opportunities within the walls of each high school. Kirkwood’s concurrent enrollment options are accredited by National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP), a national peer-reviewed accrediting body that safeguards the quality of concurrent enrollment options. To earn accreditation from NACEP, Kirkwood was judged on criteria such as instructor preparation and qualifications, curriculum alignment, student services, assessment and evaluation. Regional Center information www.kirkwood.edu/regionalcenters Proof in Numbers According to a recent Iowa State University study that focused on direct from high school students who had earned college credit while still in high school: • 72% of entering students who were Iowa residents already had college credit. • Early college credit students had higher GPAs, better retention, higher graduation rates and changed their majors less than those who did not take college credit in high school. • Early college credit students added minors and second majors more frequently. • The amount of credit didn’t affect success. In other words, one class or 10, any amount of college credit taken in high school better prepared students for future educational success. Kirkwood Community College 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW P.O. Box 2068 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-2068 www.kirkwood.edu/earncredit N R A E E G E L L CO R E DITL C HOO IN C S H HIG Free. H . d l r o w l a e R . n o ands Kirkwood Community College Earn College Credit in High School Free. Hands on. Real world. Find your future. Whether you’ve known what career you’ve wanted since the second grade, or if you’re still trying to decide, taking some college credit classes while you’re still in high school is a good idea. Why? To experience different career fields before you make a life-long decision. Kirkwood talked to industry reps all around our local area, and asked them what skills they wanted to see in new employees. We built these classes around the information they gave us, so you can be confident that what you’re learning applies in the real world So, let’s say you really want to be a doctor someday. You should give our Health Science Career Academy a try, to see if you actually enjoy taking care of patients, or if something with a little less contact would be more your style. College credit options at your high school, a Kirkwood county or regional center, or online! Career Academy classes • Explore specific career fields by taking college classes for a semester or a whole year. • Get a jump start on a degree at Kirkwood or transfer the credit to another college. • Earn industry recognized certifications for immediate employment opportunities. Other college classes • Arts and science classes (general education college requirements) that will apply to an Associate of Arts degree at Kirkwood or transfer to a four year public or private college. • Delivered on site at your high school, or through Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) online or at your Kirkwood county or regional center. All the classes you take at Kirkwood are “dual credit,” which means you get real credit toward your high school diploma AND future college degree! The credits are transferable, too, so if you decide not to come to Kirkwood after high school, the credits are still recognized at other colleges. Many of our academies even lead to recognized industry certifications. Imagine graduating high school with CPR/EMT, nurse aide, pharmacy technician or American Welding Society certificate! Plus, prove to your parents you’re really financially smart: these classes are free to you and your family, as long as you get good grades. How do I get started? It’s super easy. Start with your high school counselor. Tell all your friends! Check us out!